Devlin's StoryChapter 26 free porn video

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Krissi's idea of shopping started at Devlin's closet. "Have to see what we have," she said. "What we can throw out, and what we're replacing?"

"Throw out?" Devlin tried to block Krissi's access to her closet. "Nobody said anything about throwing away any of my clothes."

"Have you looked at your things?" Connie said from her desk. "Your wardrobe can do with some purging."

"It's all good stuff," Devlin said as Krissi began looking at things. "I don't have anything old or unfashionable in there."

"No, you just have things like this." Krissi pulled out a long skirt. "Stand up, girl, let's take a look." She held the skirt up to Devlin's waist; the hem was several inches below the knee.

Connie shook her head. "It's either too long, or not long enough, and from the cut it's too long."

"I got that last year so I--"

"You got that so you wouldn't offend Jeff's mother. I remember you saying that."

"Goodwill," Krissi said, throwing the skirt on the bed. "Devlin, you've got great legs. You should be showing them off, not hiding them, especially if you want to hook a hottie."

"'Hook a hottie'?"

"Last I looked you were in the market for a boyfriend, and if you're going to compete against all the other girls out there you'd better use all the ammunition you've got."

"Leave her tops and blouses alone," Connie said. "She already does a good job of showing off her bosom, though if you ask me she could do with a few more low-cut things."

"I'd catch cold!"

Connie laughed. "I'd freeze if I tried wearing anything low-cut because there isn't anything to show off. You, on the other hand..."

"She has a point," Krissi said. She hauled two more skirts and a dress out of the closet and tossed them on the bed. "More Goodwill. The Women's Shelter here in town will love getting these." She pulled out a dress Devlin had worn to Emma's. It was very short and low-cut with a slit up the side to the hips. "This, on the other hand... um, I think this is a keeper."

"Let me see," Connie said. She whistled. "I don't think you'd want to wear that to a dance. You'd need a baseball bat to keep the boys away."

"Not if you wore it as a top over some slacks," Krissi said. She put the dress back in the closet. "You'd have to wear something under it, of course, but you'd have the boys following you around with their tongues hanging out."

A few more items joined the pile on the bed. "Why don't you bundle those up in a sack or something," Krissi told Connie. "It's time to take this girl shopping."

"Gals shouldn't be allowed to go through other gals' closets," Devlin said as they waited for the elevator. "It's just not right."

"There are times it has to be done," Krissi said. "Tell you what: you can go through my closet, too. Okay?"

Devlin thought about that. Krissi had some hippie/grandmotherly dresses that could certainly go to charity. "Fair enough," she said at last.

"We need to get you a couple of skirts, and maybe a dress," Krissi said as they left the dorm. She glanced to her right and then took Devlin's elbow and steered her to the left. Connie glanced in that same direction and dropped back a step and edged up on Devlin's right side.

Devlin started to turn her head. "Don't," Krissi murmured. "Jeff's over there."

"Ah." Devlin picked up the pace slightly and kept her head firmly to the left.

"Devlin!" She heard Jeff's voice behind her. "Devlin, wait."

She kept focused straight ahead. She could hear his footsteps and the pleading in his voice. She knew if she looked back, or hesitated, she'd have to go through the whole break-up with him all over again.

He followed them downtown, staying only a few feet behind. Krissi, after a glance over her shoulder, smiled as she steered them into an intimate apparel shop.

"I can get better things than they have here," Devlin muttered as she looked around.

"Yeah, but Jeff won't follow us in here." Krissi picked a green teddy off the rack and held it out at arms length. "What do you think?"

"Wrong color for you," Devlin said at once. "You might get away with a red one, or the always popular black, but--"

"Not for me, silly, you."

"I already have a teddy, though not in that color."

Krissi rolled her eyes and glanced at Connie. "We need to talk some sense into her. She's being practical all of a sudden."

"It'd be like me ignoring a new pair of shoes," Connie said. "Um, it might look good on me."

"It'd be a little loose on top," Devlin said.

"True, but the color would go with my eyes."

Krissi laughed. "Girl, if you wear this I can almost guarantee you they wouldn't be looking at your eyes."

"I don't know when I'd where it."

"When the time occurs you'll wish you had it, so why not get it now against a future need?"

Connie seemed dubious, but after a little more prodding she gave in. Devlin, meanwhile, had moved on to the rack of thongs.

"What do you think?" she asked, holding one up. She could see Jeff out of the corner of her eye, and held the thong up a little higher so he could see it.

"It covers too much," Krissi said at once. She looked at Devlin's face. "Or not enough. Maybe they have one that's just a little less skimpy."

"I thought thongs were only supposed to cover the essentials," Connie said. "Anything else is a bikini or something like that."

By the time they left the shop they'd each purchased a pair of thongs, Krissi had looked at bras, but Devlin stopped her. "I can get you something better and that fits perfectly for a lot less money."

"Okay, but I had to look."

"Not while I'm around."

After two more shops Devlin had added a pair of miniskirts to her collection. She had tried on several blouses, resolutely putting them all back. "Because I have to get them tailored," she said. "Dresses, too; skirts I don't."

"Then we should get you a couple more skirts," Connie said. "Spring is coming, and you want to dress for it."

"Let's look at swimsuits instead," Krissi said as they left the store, She pointed at a Baskins & Robbins just down the street. "How about a break, instead. We can split an ice cream sundae three ways."

Connie giggled. "More people ought to break up on our floor. I love eating ice cream."

Krissi quizzed Connie about her classes and the guys she'd met, easily deflecting any questions Connie had for her. After the sundae Krissi led them cross town to Victoria's Secret.

"I thought they only carried underwear," Krissi said. "Then I saw their last catalogue. If we can't find the right suit for you in here, Devlin, it doesn't exist."

Devlin looked at the first bikini Krissi handed her. "I can wear the bottoms," she said, "but the top is way too small. It'd fit Connie, not me."

"Where we're going on Spring Break you won't need the top," Krissi said.

Connie looked interested. "Sounds fun. Where are you going?"

"A place I know in the Florida Keys," Krissi said. She handed the bikini to Connie. "What do you think?"

Connie held it up against her. "Maybe."

Krissi smiled and selected a white string bikini. "Try this. It's your color, Devlin."

"Not much to it."

"That's the idea. You wear a size Small panty, don't you?"

Devlin checked the label. "I think their 'Small' is a bit smaller than the size 'Small' that I wear."

"That's why I like string bikinis," Krissi said. She put it against Devlin's hips. "Hmm, you may have to shave some down there."

Devlin checked to make sure Connie was far enough away, and then lowered her voice. "You're determined to get me to shave everything off, aren't you."

Krissi shrugged. "I think it's sexy, and I'll even offer to shave you myself."

"I don't know."

"You don't have to worry about what Jeff will think," Krissi said, ticking a point off on her fingers. "And the guys at Emma's will love it. Nobody else has to know."


Krissi walked over to one of the other racks. "Of course then you could wear this." She held up a light blue thong bottom that would barely cover a girl's pussy. "Wear this and go topless."

"To all intents and purposes I'd be naked."

Krissi nodded. "We'll need a bucket of SPF 50 for each of us. Wouldn't want to get certain places sunburned, now, would we."

"I cringe just at the thought." Devlin took the light blue thong and went back and selected a dark red bikini like she'd first seen. She added the appropriate halters and a red wrap to go with the red bikini. She looked a while longer, and picked out a couple of things she could wear to parties at Emma's and Cindy's.

"I'm ready," she finally said. "How about you guys?"

Connie was carrying a black bikini, while Krissi had a dark green thong and a peignoir "... for Steve," she murmured at Devlin's unspoken question.

Connie wanted to see what the swimsuits looked like, so they trooped back to Krissi's place. Devlin decided not to show off her new garter belt and stockings, and the matching push-up bra. Her green thong remained in the bag, too. Instead she changed into the red bikini.

"If that doesn't get guy's pulses racing, nothing will," Connie said. "There's less to that than I thought."

"The essentials are covered," Krissi said as Devlin turned around.

"I have this wrap for it, too," Devlin said. She tied it around her hips. "Suitable beachwear for all social occasions."

Krissi shrugged. "Sort of. Some places you can wear that but go topless and nobody would say a thing. Other places, say most beaches in Florida, you'd get a lot of objections from the local church groups. After all, going nude is a sin, don't you know?"

"What do they do about South Beach?" Connie asked. "My sister was down there last fall and said there were a lot of girls lying around topless."

"A lot of Europeans flock to South Beach," Krissi said. "In Florida, the only thing that can make the church groups back down is the Chamber of Commerce. You don't want anything interrupting the flow of tourist dollars."

"I never saw what the big deal was," Connie said. "Of course I don't have as much to show off as Devlin, maybe that's part of it."

"Few people have as much as I do," Devlin said. "Let's see what you bought."

Connie's bikini fit like it had been painted on. She'd also bought a pair of nylons, but merely held those up for people to see. "Nothing too spectacular."

"Nice bikini, though," Krissi said. "Do you have any plans for Spring Break?"

"I'm going to be staying with my folks in Peoria. I don't have enough money to go somewhere exotic like South Padre Island." She sighed. "I'd like to, though, just once."

"Well, maybe next year." Krissi opened the refrigerator. "I'd offer you a snack or something, but I don't have much."

Devlin picked up her clothes and headed for the bathroom. "We really should be getting back to the dorm. That Economics paper won't write itself."

"And I have an English Lit paper I have to get started on," Connie said.

When Devlin came back into the living room she had an exasperated look on her face. "I had to use one of your tampons," she told Krissi. "I hope you don't mind. My little friend showed up early."

"It's probably the stress from breaking up with Jeff," Krissi said. "Oh well, better an early period than no period at all. I always keep that in mind."

"I went through a pregnancy scare a few months ago," Devlin said. "I know what you mean."

"That happened to me my freshman year," Krissi said with a nod. "I was sure I was pregnant." She grimaced. "Stress. I was erratic most of my first semester."

"Were you active?"

"No, not really. Still, there'd been this one time, and I couldn't remember if I'd had my period or not. That taught me to make sure I did. I think that's important if you're going to go to the parties we go to."

"It is how you make babies," Devlin said softly.

Connie emerged from the bedroom with her coat on. "Ready to brave the chill?" she asked Devlin.

"If we have to." She wrapped her muffler around her neck. "I'm getting awfully tired of snow. I can't wait for the weather to warm up."

"You and me both, you and me both."

On Saturday morning she drove to Toluca. Her mother was packing, and she'd agreed to help as she could. When she pulled up there was a moving van in the driveway and a team of men were moving back and forth from the front door, filling the van.

Inside the house it was controlled chaos. There were boxes everywhere and some of the larger pieces of furniture were already gone. She found her mother in the kitchen, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper.

"I thought you'd be helping?" she said after they hugged.

"They've just down the downstairs," her mother said. "As soon as I finish this cup I was going to start on the bedroom." She sighed. "That'll be harder."

"Want me to do it?"

"No, it's just..." Her mother sighed again. "It'll be hard leaving this place, it was a dream your father and I had, but there comes a time..." She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.

Devlin gave her mother a hug out of sympathy. "I'll start on my room," she said at last.

There were a lot of things in her room she had put aside, intending to get back to later. Part of it was that she didn't have the storage space in the dorm; part of it was just procrastination. But today was the day she'd have to sort through everything. She grabbed several boxes and took them up to her room.

Most of the things were easy to pack: posters, stuffed animals, bedding, clothes she hadn't taken to college, and the books she'd read when she was younger. She sorted through everything--most of the books and clothes could go to Good Will; the other personal things--most of those went in the trash; she didn't have any use for two-year old conditioner or shampoo. Shoes--she didn't remember owning so many different shoes. She laughed to herself; she had quite a collection in the closet in her dorm room. Some of the shoes were marked for Good Will.

Deep in her closet, behind the shoe rack, she found her diary from her first two years of high school. Along with it was a small locked box. She held them for a bit, and then stuffed them in the box she was taking back to the University. If she remembered right, this was something she didn't want her mother to know about.

She'd gone downstairs to get a cup of coffee when her mother came breezing through with her coat on.

"I should be done upstairs in another hour," Devlin said. "Where are you going?"

"Doctor's appointment," her mother said. "The only day Dr. Wagner could see me was today. On Sunday he's leaving for a two-week cruise in the Caribbean."

"Lucky dog." Devlin took a sip of her coffee--she'd forgotten her mother made it much stronger than the University. "I wish I was going on a cruise. Oh, that reminds me, a friend and I are going to some place in the Florida Keys for Spring Break."

Her mother smiled. "You'll have to let me know if it's like they show on TV: 10 days of drinking and partying."

"And boys in bathing suits," Devlin added. "Don't forget that. That's very important."

"That's right, you told me you and Jeff had broken up. How are you taking it?"

"Much better than a couple of days ago. Jeff's still trying to see me, though. He calls at least once a day, and I've seen him waiting for me outside some of my classes."

"Guys are like that."

"That's what all my girlfriends have said. Alexa, she lives across the hall from me, she said guys go through a denial stage that lasts at least a couple of weeks, maybe more."

"And you? Are you through with it all? Sometimes you can get regrets."

Devlin laughed. "My friends took me out. We ate chocolate ice cream and then they got me drunk. I was in pretty bad shape the next morning, but I was pretty much over the hump by then. I've been careful not to see him. I don't want to open any wounds I've closed."

Her mother glanced at the clock above the stove. "Let's talk about this after I get home. I shouldn't be long, I've been feeling a little 'off' these last couple of weeks. I've been putting in a lot of hours lately at work, and I think I'm just a little run down."

After her mother left Devlin checked the movers' progress. They were sitting in the living room eating sandwiches. The basement and the first floor were nearly empty, and the garage nearly so. The only thing left on the main floor was the kitchen.

"We're ready to start on the upstairs," the foreman said. He eyed Devlin speculatively, his eyes lingering on her chest. "Just give us the word and we can get going on that."

"Don't touch the master bedroom," Devlin said. "Pretty much everything else is ready to go." She turned to go, conscious as never before of their eyes. She'd worn her usual Saturday wear: tight jeans and her ISU hooded sweatshirt. If she'd worn her turtleneck sweater--she'd considered doing just that this morning--it would have taken a crowbar to remove their eyes from her boobs.

She carried the things she was taking back to Bloomington down to her car. The last box held her clothes. She paused in the garage and took out the little lock box. After making sure she was alone she opened it.

She sorted through the contents: several Polaroid's and two used condoms. The pictures were of her and Butch; they were naked, and in two of them Butch was showing off his erection. The ones of her were just as explicit, including one of her on her back with her legs open so the camera could see her sex. They'd taken these pictures just a few days before Butch's family moved to St. Louis. She'd wanted to give him something to remember her by.

The condoms... these were the condoms they'd used the first time they'd had sex. Butch had cum three times that afternoon, once with her jacking him off the way they had been doing it, the other two times with the condoms. She'd known they were going to do it, she just hadn't told him. She'd figured that if he knew he'd barely be able to get his pants down before he came, and she wanted more than that.

That afternoon, when she was dressing after P.E., she had put on this really sexy pair of panties. They were black and thin, and so small they really showed everything. Nobody else could see them, of course, but the thought that she had them on gave her a warm feeling, especially between her legs.

She'd gone to the bathroom just before getting on the bus; no surprise, the crotch of her panties were soaked. When she got home she pulled them off before running to the backyard. As she ran down the stairs into the backyard she could feel the breeze swirl up under her skirt; her sex felt cool and hot at the same time, and that was exciting.

Butch had let himself in through the gate that separated their two yards. He was of average height with a nice chest, a cute butt, and blonde curly hair that he wore in a crew-cut so the other guys wouldn't make fun of him. Today he was wearing jeans and a polo shirt.

She did as she always did: she dropped to her knees on the blanket she'd brought, unzipped his pants and took out his cock. As she played with it he shed the rest of his clothes. She undressed herself--he had helped her once and actually torn her bra in his eagerness to get it off; now she only let him help when she was wearing something simple like a tube top.

His cock seemed pretty good-sized, and she jacked him as he stiffened out. She played with his balls with one hand while her other moved rhythmically up and down. When he closed his eyes she began running her hand over her breasts and down between her legs. She had brought him to this hard-on, and she was going to make him cum. She liked that idea.

He began moving back and forth, pushing against her hand. When his head went back a little she redoubled her efforts. She could sense how close he was, and she positioned herself directly in front of him.

The head of his cock turned a dark red and got all shiny. He groaned and seemed to sop breathing. A moment later he came, spraying his stuff across her face and breasts. As he ran down she eased up on him, giving him a few more strokes before finally letting his cock drop. Then she lay back, her legs open.

After a few deep breaths Butch lay down beside her. His fingers ran across her legs and tummy, finally settling in against her sex. Lately he'd been pushing his fingers into her, but not today. He circled her clit, finally zeroing in on that little bud. He pressed harder and his fingers moved faster.

Devlin ran her hands over her breasts, playing with her nipples. They were slick with his cum, and she had heard a regular coating of cum would make them grow larger. She liked the warm feeling in her middle, and when she squeezed her nipples it was like bolts of heat shot from her breasts all the way into her sex.

When she moaned in appreciation Butch's hand went into overdrive. She felt the rising sense of urgency, and pushed up into his hand. Her whole body was tensing as she rose. When it was too much she gave a soft cry; her legs clamped shut as her entire body tried to squeeze and then released in one wave after another of incredible pleasure.

When she caught her breath, when she regained enough of her senses that she could trust herself to speak, she glanced at her skirt. "Got a surprise for you. Look in the pocket of my skirt."

Same as Devlin's Story
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Authors Note: If you are reading this story you should realize that there are EROTIC stories here that contain graphic sex. If you don’t want to read about it then leave this site IMMEDIATELY. Please don’t email me to tell me that you are offended by what I have written. If you don’t like it don’t read it! FOR THE REST OF YOU… thank you for your wonderful comments and feedback. Please continue to let me know what you think and remember… if you send me your email address I will respond to all...

3 years ago
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Baggy Knickers

Inspired by a newspaper article about an old lady spotted in delicato in her own garden. I heard an anguished yelp alongside a footpath. The wooded area surrounding the ancient but seemingly occupied old house was pretty dense, so I couldn’t see anything immediately. Initially not knowing the area, I had been surprised to see a brand new white, Smart car up against a building through some once ornate closed gates. I had carried on following the way marked signs indicating my log distance hike...

3 years ago
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Her first Swallow

Kay and I had planned to meet one afternoon up in the mountains. I had told my wife that I was going fishing. I don’t know what she told her husband. I pulled up next to her car on a side road and got in the backseat with her. We started kissing and immediately I started feeling her braless tits. She had a button up shirt on so as we kissed I buttoned it and started rolling her hard nipples between my fingers. After a few minutes I leaned over and started sucking first one then the other nipple...

1 year ago
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ForbiddenChapter 2

Solitude provides a venue for thinking, and that's what I was doing lying on my bed with my hands clasped behind my head. I had shoved two pillows under my naked ass -- my skirt was still bunched up at my waist. I figured I could iron it in the morning. My feet were flat on the mattress with my knees up. I stared at the shadowy ceiling. The only light in the room seeped under my bedroom door from the hall. I lay there hoping my son's sperm swimming inside me would find an egg. But then...

1 year ago
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my arabhijab wife nadia with my friend ricky

Hai its my real story .i am Spencer 32 year from Albany ,newyork , I am working in real estate company,i am white ,my wife is arab name nadia from saudi arabia she is 25 year, we married 1 year ago,she is a beautiful hijab ,we are happily married couples, 6 months before I got financial crisis it was a huge amount my friend ricky help out of this problams he is rich financer own office, he is not married ,he is like play boy good lucking ,funny, most of time spending with girls, girls like him,...

2 years ago
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Episode 13 8211 The Risky Encounter

It was a fresh and sunny morning. Reddy’s Gym was buzzing with a lot of people, and he too was busy in assisting them, showing them some exercises, sharing tips etc. He is normally very charged up and excited every morning, and ever since he had been having this affair with Kiran, he looks more fresh and energetic. At the other hand, Kiran and Gautam were heading for the gym too. Kiran was quite tensed and nervous. During these days in her husband’s absence, she had gone quite far with Reddy...

1 year ago
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Second time

About 6 weeks ago (at the time of writing this) I had my first experience of wanking naked with another man. Gary, a work colleague of my wife's, watched me wanking for a while then joined in. It was one of the most sexually exciting things I've done and we said it was something we'd love to do again and tonight we did. As before the wife and I were at Gary's house after a night out drinking and chatting. After about an hour Lisa said she was going to bed, we said goodnight to her and carried...

1 year ago
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I am a Teenage Boy

I look back on my life and wonder how I ever made it to become an adult instead of just drying up and blowing away. That is the part before I turned 15 then it was a whole new life. My name is Jason, But the name I answered to from first grade on was, 'Hey Little Guy.' even back then I had a secret. There was one part of me that wasn't little. No one, other than my Mother, knew. I began to hide it from her as well. I never let anyone see me nude. I wore Jockey shorts and would bend...

2 years ago
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KINK 101

The structure of this story will be a bit eclectic. The KINK department offers several classes, each addressing a different topic, and I'm planning to write up ~1 semester of each class. If you want a specific kink, you can skip to the class for that kink. If you want a narrative structure, you can follow the classes sequentially. There will be reoccurring students and references to other classes, but if you're just here for the porn (which is entirely respectable) then you shouldn't miss out...

1 year ago
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Blackburn Ladies part 1

Once upon a time I worked in Lancashire and had a job which allowed me to move between several sites. I was able to loose myself when I felt the need as each location would assume I was at one of the others. In fact I was normally visiting one of the local working girls.Now I had in the past had affairs, but these had ended badly when I had failed to leave my wife and young k**s. All in all I hated breaking these ladies hearts and felt bad about it, so decided that I would be better off taking...

3 years ago
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The Best Valentine in the World

I saw her sitting on the bench near the boat ramp. She was watching the shore birds feed in the shallow water. She was quite lovely and caught my attention right away. I backed my boat down the ramp and launched it. Being by my self it meant that I had to back down until the boat was just about to float off. Then I put my truck in park with the parking brake on. I got out and climbed up the ladder on the trailer and on to the deck of my small pontoon boat. I started the motor and let it run a...

4 years ago
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It was fall in that country to which I'd traveled. I'd been there for almost a year, slowly fitting in and being accepted by the residents of the small home in which I'd chosen to live and work. I enjoyed my status as resident foreigner. No one had ever stayed as a visitor as long as me and I was treated to the best wine and invited to the smallest of gatherings. The people of that place enjoyed life and I had enjoyed more than one encounter with the vibrant and willing ladies of the...

2 years ago
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Fantaria is a large blue planet, filled with all kinds of creatures: the dragons of the mountains, the monsters in the dark forests of each country, and many more. Take an adventure dear reader through several mystic and wonderous lands! From the deserts of Savagia, to the lush forests of the Teracotan empire, to the vast dungeons of bandits and Lords in the White nations! Be many different characters and races: from dark elves and orks, to Humans and giant tentacled beasts! All ready to take...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch4

Introduction: We define our relationship. I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 4 Hey Kaylee, hold the end of this so I can measure. I put the tape measure up and checked the numbers twice. OK, Im gonna need 31 and 3/4 inches cut off this one. You got it! Kaylee took the 2×4...

4 years ago
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UniversityChapter 45

Mum phoned from some restaurant. Apparently she'd spoken with Sarah and appeased in some sense. But more importantly, dad had decided to take to post at the Australian Museum and Rachel's dad was moving to CSIRO headquarters in Canberra. I told her to wish everyone happiness in their big moves. When I got off, I had to report fully to Rachel. "And so the fuss about Sarah is shoved aside?" "Seemingly. Do you know Tennyson's 'Departure'?" "You're joking." "It ends: 'Across...

3 years ago
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Dating Site

I don't get out enough, not to see friends anyway. I live in a New England city other than Boston, in fact it happens to not be in Massachusetts. It's large enough that it has public transportation, which is helpful since I never got a license. Most of my friends don't have their licenses either. I guess that's why we hang out so rarely. It's the beginning of July, I'm on vacation from college. I haven't seen this circle of friends since winter break. We go out drinking only two of my...

3 years ago
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Keeper Ch 05

January 1 ~~~~~~~~~ ~3.01 pm~ ‘Friends with Benefits’. Blue had never given that phrase much thought before, but now it kept popping into her head. It was painfully obvious she wasn’t much good at relationships- Jackson had pronounced her unfit anyway, in a variety of ways and a lot of not very flattering phrases, before he decided he wanted her back, and ha ha, that wasn’t likely to happen in a million lifetimes- but the longer she spent time with John the more she wanted. Wanted more....

2 years ago
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Me Myself and Them

I must have gotten my love of fashion from my mother. She wrote a style column for a women’s health monthly, and took home free copies of couture magazines with beguiling names like Crash, Oyster and Purple. As an idle sixteen-year-old I spent hours going through them, cutting out pictures to tape into my fashion “idea book.”I hoped to be a runway model myself, one day, and I had every reason to think I’d have a shot at it. First, I was pretty, with strong cheekbones and wide-set eyes. Also, my...

1 year ago
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High School Bully

I had always been a little afraid of Tony Fox. He was a mountain of a kid -- as big and as quiet but not nearly as dumb. Though he was in my Advanced Algebra class, he didn't look the type. A football player of some sort, Tony had a look about him that said, "My mom let me dress myself today." He would have been an easy target to pick on if he didn't stand well over six feet tall and have arms the size of my thighs. As it was, I tried to stay clear of him. Despite my typical stance of...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Christmas Slave 2

I hear Donna shouting for me at 10 o’clock. I crawl into the bedroom on my hands and knees, I find Donna lying on the bed with Sarah’s head buried in her pussy. Sarah looks up when I enter, she has a huge grin on her face and then returns to licking Donna’s pussy.‘We are getting hungry, so go and bring us some breakfast,’ says Donna.I return with bacon sandwiches and cups of teas. They sit up in bed to eat.‘Get up on the end of the bed and finger yourself,’ says Sarah. “I want to watch you...

4 years ago
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A not so silent night 1

Introduction: When my girlfriend asked for a favor, little did I know that it would be an experience to remember Christmas was just around the corner and for the first time in at least four years I was on time with my shopping. This year I managed to get a whole three weeks off from work, bliss and joy would surely follow. My beloved girlfriend Maria had arranged it at her work to be free as well for two weeks so we could spend some real quality time. You better believe that I was looking...

1 year ago
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The first cock I deep throated

"Come here" he says, barely more than a whisper. He's sitting in the chair next to his bed. I obey him because I am compelled to follow his implicit instructions. There is no forcing of the issue, not from day one. I give in to him because I want to, or more importantly, because I need to. Need... is a strong emotion.I walk to where he is sitting in the dark. My heart is already beating wildly in my chest. I don't fear the unknown with him. Trust is another strong emotion."Kneel" he tells me. I...

1 year ago
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Misty Chapter 4 Lindas well hung

„I've been bad,“ states Linda. „I deserve to be punished.“„What are you doing here?“ gasps Dalene.„I guess we have more in common than we thought,“ the blonde smiles.„Quiet both of you!“ Marion snaps. „So,“ she adds, directing her words at Linda, „you've been bad, have you? Face the other members and tell them what you've done.“„I-I can't tell you what I've done,“ stammers Linda, as she faces the crowd. „I'm too ashamed.“„Tell us!“ screams an excited man in the audience.„We want to know,“...

3 years ago
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Old School Erotica with a GILF

I was on backpage, trying to find myself a good time. You know how that site is, people spamming ads so as to get themselves laid etc. It wasnt long before i came across a post, one by a GILF (Dee) at that. It looked pretty simple, which was what made me click on it. And so the usual happened where i got her contact (PM me if you want it) paid the damage and got the ball rolling. Written below is exactly how everything penned out that one night, and gosh did I wish i could meet her in person...

2 years ago
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Stranded DaddiesChapter 3

Back in the motel room, the girls asked for their father's shirts, and disappeared into the bathroom. When they came out, the men both stifled groans. Dave's T shirt came to Cindy's mid thighs. It was pulled down tightly, and her modest breasts pushed her immodest nipples through the cloth so much that it looked like the cloth might tear from the strain. They were so erect that they'd already stretched the fabric, and it hugged the sides of them, making them look eminently...

3 years ago
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Daddy Watches Me Part Three Fucking in the Shower

"Oh Ella, you are so beautiful as the water makes your body glisten," daddy said as he closed the shower door behind him. The hot stream began to fall over his naked body, running down the hairs on his chest until it dripped off the head of his limp penis. "Daddy, you look so handsome as the water flows over your manhood," I said and smiled as I moved closer to him and put my hands on his hard chest. I felt his round nipples with my fingertips. Immediately they began to pucker and become rigid....

2 years ago
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Caught Wanking

Caught Wanking My name is Tom and even at the age of sixteen I used to go on holidays with my parents. I guess I saw places of interest that I would not normally have seen, and I have stayed in some places that were cramped to say the least. We used to stay in what are called bed and breakfast places. They are considered people’s houses where they let out one or more rooms to the general public. We stayed in one that was letting out about six rooms. We occupied one of them, and it was a little...

1 year ago
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21st birthday party Part 5

It took some time for Carina Tam to recover from the gang bang on the yacht, hurting in every part of her lovely body. The actress was bruised from head to toe, and her pussy and ass were very sore from so much cock. She couldn't put on a bra because of her bitten nipples and had to wear loose fitting frocks. Taking on 18 yearsung studs had been hard enough, but being handed over to the crew afterwards was a nightmare. The rough sailors had brutally worked off their lust on her body. It wasen't...

3 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 31 Dark Intent

Calix opened his eyes, the soft hum of the sleep-trainer fading. He twisted up to a sitting position slightly annoyed. He’d been excited when he’d seen the ‘Faster Than Light’ topic but it wasn’t what he’d hoped. There were interesting parts, but it didn’t touch on the FTL theory or any details on how the Confederacy vessels effected FTL. The training had given hints and snippets but no hard data. He felt like he had been promised a steak dinner and someone had ground it into hamburger. It...

2 years ago
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My sex life with my parents

My mother and father had always enjoyed sex together in their bed with me in with them from as long as I can remember. They had no inhibitions about what they did together with me watching or involved. If my father was having sex with my mother I would be on his back – ‘riding the horse’ as he rode my mother. I often sat on his chest as my mother had sex with him in the dominant position as well and he would kiss my lady lips as they were called. It wasn’t until I was about 4 or 5 as I...

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My Husbands Mistake

MY HUSBAND?S MISTAKE (found on: husband Jim and I have been married for 11 years, we married straight out of high school at a young age, he was 19 and I was 18. He had enlisted in the military rather than going to college. It was while in the service that Jim became interested in pornographic material. He was especially interested in interracial pictures and movies. A week would not go by with out him bringing home some new material for us to watch. I found the material to...

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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 24 Aafi8217s Hot Office Sex

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. It was morning. Amy was sleeping on top of me. Her head was resting on my abs. I was sleeping like a baby. Amy was the first to wake up. Amy: Hmmm, Dad (God! I fell asleep on...

1 year ago
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The CircleChapter 15 Graduation Party Gets Sexy

Sandy was more relaxed the day of the party than she'd been doing all the prep work leading up the big day. She explained it was like directing a play, because on the big day when you opened all you had to do was sit back and watch it all unfold and pray it went well. There were so many things going on simultaneously, you'd drive yourself crazy trying to be next to all of them. She did buzz around with a couple of her magical checklists, often reminding a server of this, or tweaking...

2 years ago
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My wife came home at 400 in the morning

My wife came home the other night at 4:00 in the morning. She brought her date in for a nightcap I guess. I think she did it to make me suffer a little more. I had fallen asleep, and thought I heard something downstairs. I crept down the stairs in the dark, and heard them whispering. They didn't hear me, besides I could tell they were wasted, so I hid in the shadows. I don't think that they had had sex yet, by the way they were acting and talking. I heard some kissing and soft moans, and peeked...

1 year ago
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Sonia Gods and more

“Zeus, Apollo, Athena.” “That’s because we are them.” “That couldn’t be” you replied. “Do you think a mortal could have a cock as big as his? Or a better tasting cum?” she teased. She was right about the size of his cock but Sonia had never tasted anyone else’s cum. He was much bigger than a normal human in every aspect. Everyone had always talked about how handsome Apollo was and how he looked better than Hercules if not stronger. She was speechless. She didn’t know what to believe....

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 5 Elvish Heat

Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement of the fight against the monster morphed into pure lust. I moaned into her kiss. I had forgotten about everything. The tentacle,...

2 years ago
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Taking the Risk Ch 09

This is a slow, romantic build to eventual hot sex in later chapters, between two lovers who find each other. Character based the story is about people who care and want to give pleasure to each other, in all aspects of their lives. If you like romantic stories please enjoy, and please feedback as the ending is not yet written! Just like in real life. * The week had gone by in such a blur, each night Misha had come round, either taking her and Jace out for supper, or coming over to eat, with...

3 years ago
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First night at the cabin

It was late as she arrived. The cab driver waved as he drove off leaving her on the porch of this simple cottage. It was a long tiring trip first he dropped her off at the subway station with a kiss and a swat at her butt, she took that into the city to Grand Central Station where she caught the passenger train north along the Hudson river and then finding a cab all while carrying her baggage. She was happy to be here although a little nervous, she also missed him and wished he didn’t have...

2 years ago
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A Horny CowpokeChapter 2

Andy didn't get back to camp until late. He had missed the regular supper, so he had to heat up some beans and biscuits on his own, at least the coffee was still warm. His father asked, "How come ya ta be so late gittin' in, son? We ain't gone far enough ta start runnin' inta trouble, yet." "It weren't no big deal, Pa. I came across a farm what had a fire started in their hay shed, an' I stopped ta he'p. Then the wife washed up my shirt fer me, soz the hay fines wouldn't itch so...

3 years ago
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My buddys flirtatious young girlfriend

Many years ago, when I was about 20, I had a friend who started bringing his young new girlfriend to parties. She was kinda trampy, from a different school (wrong side of the tracks) but was funny, pretty and sexy... in that “wouldn’t take her home to meet my mother” kind of way. I recall after meeting her a few times, the three of us were sitting together on a couch at a party, drinking, joking around and telling stories, and I noticed she kept staring at my crotch. Suddenly, right in front...

4 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 43

I'm woken by the sound of giggling, and I open my eyes to find the blindfold removed and Lucille standing over me. "Oh my Angel you are such a sissy! Look at the size of that sticky patch! Your outfit must have made you the horniest sissy boi ever... now let's get you ready for work. Mistress wants to see you right away!" I moan in embarrassment and relief, at least it's only Lucille who will see me dressed like this... and that damming sticky patch. And the frilly yellow sissy dress...

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