Culture Shock Ch. 01 free porn video

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AUTHOR’S NOTE:   Welcome to my final erotic work, 'Culture Shock'.   By way of introduction, I’d like to explain that this long story was written to fill a niche that is largely unexplored in ‘real’ BDSM erotica, and that is, ‘How does a submissive actually get from online to real life in the world of D/s and BDSM? What kinds of things have to happen? What questions need to be asked and answered?’  


My hope is that you will better understand the journey after reading this story.


This is not a stroke story, nor is it filled with ‘scenes’ or moments of piqued sexuality.   It is not faultless and I’m sure I’ve left things out that some wags will bring to my attention.   It is a character study; an in-depth look at what it is like for ONE young woman to discover the nuances of D/s and BDSM, and the challenges she faces on the road to her self-actualisation.   Ultimately, if you are waiting with held breath for the arrival of ‘the weekend’, you will be disappointed.  


The story focuses on the process rather than the result, highlighting Elaine’s journey up to the moment when she is finally alone with the man she has chosen as her Dominant.   That is where the story ends, leaving you, the reader, to imagine what happens next.   Some will find an ending like this incredibly frustrating for many reasons, not the least of which is the desire to know what became of them.   That is why I am telling you now.   What happens at the end of this story, in my humble opinion, is the mystery best left unsolved…


Chapter 01


“What’s this?” Elaine asked.  


She had been planning another night in. Typically her roommates were on her case about not going out with them, but she rarely felt like it and tonight was no exception. The prospect of study, surfing the net or watching a late movie alone was more alluring than alcohol, crowds and sweat.  


“Um, just something we thought you might need.” Kendra and Chelsea giggled to each other, apparently trying not to burst out laughing.


Elaine stood aghast, paralysed and blushing crimson as the crumpled wrapping paper floated to the floor. Her roommates elbowed each other then apologised haughtily, explaining that their gift was intended to shame Elaine out of the apartment.


Almost rendered speechless, from somewhere Elaine forced a good-natured laugh before managing to wish the girls a good night and quietly locking the door. Her knees were shaking so badly she had to sit down.


Along with a dose of humiliation and thumping adrenaline, her roommates had kindly presented Elaine with a vibrator. Although it appeared to have been given in jest, she had never felt more embarrassed than when she stood with her mouth open and her cheeks burning, an empty box in one hand and a sex toy in the other.


Turning it over in her hands at the kitchen table, she checked it out. It was nice and smooth and had a simple on/off switch and three different speeds. She’d always wanted one. But it was a purchase she doubted she’d ever have had the courage to make.   The realisation that she now actually owned a vibrator made her tummy flip. After making her way to her bedroom, she slipped it into her bedside drawer and tried to forget about it, dutifully turning to her studies as planned.


Before long it was late and she went to bed, sleeping fitfully.


Three days of denial followed and her roommates teased her at every opportunity. They latched onto the admission that she ‘hadn’t tried it yet,‘ and took great delight in asking whether she’d christened it.


Elaine wanted to sample the mythical ecstasy a vibrator was said to give, but she was afraid. She’d never used anything but her fingers, and even then it was rarely.


Kendra and Chelsea had insisted it felt ‘unbelievable,’ and Elaine didn’t doubt it. The problem was more complex than simple pleasure.   She’d heard people could become addicted to vibrators or they could turn into sex maniacs. The latter, of course, she knew to be ridiculous.   Elaine was a smart, centred girl; one who knew where she was going…


But being ‘out of control’ was one of her greatest fears. It was the one thing she really didn’t like about the whole sex business. When she had an orgasm, she had to grit her teeth and concentrate very hard, just to maintain her composure. If she slipped at all her body would buck around uncontrollably and she’d say all kinds of things she didn’t mean. Lately, when she just… needed it, she’d taken to pressing her face into her pillow or biting down on it.


Even if her roommates were asleep, masturbating while they were at home was out of the question. There was no way she was going to risk waking anyone. She’d heard of girls described as ‘screamers’, and they were often called ‘sluts’ in the same breath. Her father had left her mother for one of them. She didn’t want to be one of them. She wasn’t one of them. She was a good girl. That’s what her mother always said.


“You’re a good girl, Elaine.”


Meaning, ‘I never caught you masturbating and I’m pretty sure you still have your virginity.’


She was right too. Until Elaine had arrived at college, she’d rarely masturbated, and certainly never to orgasm. The two dates she’d endured in high school had been unmitigated disasters. Her mother had chaperoned the first one, even going so far as to tell the young man not to put his arm around Elaine’s shoulder.


The second date occurred soon after Elaine’s seventeenth birthday, when she confidently insisted on a date alone with a boy. Everything was going perfectly until he touched her thigh in the darkened movie theatre.   For a full minute she turned to stone, unable to move as her date shockingly fondled her bare skin with growing boldness.   Aroused from her momentary paralysis, she fled the theatre, freaked out by her physical response.   From that moment, she shied away from boys for fear of sexual contact.


But that was okay.   She liked being thought of as untouchable.   Like her mom said, she was a good girl.


At college she’d grown up somewhat. She’d allowed herself to discover the mind-boggling pleasures her fingers could give, even though the experience itself was frightening.   She would never forget the first time she’d had an orgasm. Until she’d left home, she’d never had the nerve to keep going and find out what it felt like.   Once she knew, she was hooked.


Overcome with guilt at her almost constant need, Elaine became convinced she had a medical condition. After reading some articles online and books she’d found in the college library, she discovered she was not abnormal. Just rare.   She was, as the books described, simply ‘highly sexed’.


Somewhat reassured, over the following months Elaine trained herself to remain quiet and to rein in the passion her fingers seemed able to induce. Unfortunately, orgasms thus procured were relatively unsatisfactory, often leaving her even more desperate for release. And so, as became her regular routine, she would wait until her roommates went out before ultimately finding herself biting down on her pillow and screaming her head off.


Having a vibrator sitting in her bedside drawer was a double-edged sword.   She had trouble enough maintaining control.   Yet she wanted to know.


Eventually both opportunity and curiosity got the better of her. Fortified with a couple of glasses of Merlot, the next time Elaine’s roommates went out, she turned off the lights, stripped naked, and slipped between the clean sheets on her bed. For the next three hours she had come and come and come. Zeroing in on her final climax, the damned batteries ran out


In a blind fit of frustration with her fingers a blur on her numb clitoris, Elaine had hesitated, moaned, then jammed the vibrator full length into herself. The pain of ‘becoming a woman’ had ignited her best orgasm ever, so strong it floored her, leaving her bucking and gasping for air.


Almost an hour later she’d woken, sprawled on the floor beside her bed and wondering if she’d somehow knocked herself unconscious.


Elaine spent the next few days avoiding her roommates and putting off buying new batteries. She was shaken by the intensity of her experience and again worried that there was something wrong with her.


Over a quiet Sunday dinner a week later, Elaine admitted to her roommates that she had tried the vibrator. For once, Kendra and Chelsea put aside their teasing, and they sat and drank wine, talking about all kinds of things long into the night.


Though Elaine hadn’t admitted to breaking her hymen, after talking to Kendra and Chelsea, she realised her experience wasn’t all that unusual. Both girls described their first times with a vibrator as mind-blowing and wanting to do it again and again. They said the intensity was caused by the newness of the experience and would be less so in the future.   It made sense.


She went out the very next day and bought more batteries. Stuff it, she thought as she bounded down to the local supermarket with renewed enthusiasm. It wasn’t until she’d asked for two long-life batteries that she considered how she looked. Suddenly she wondered whether the sales girl also had a vibrator and recognised the batteries she was buying. Before she knew it, she could feel the heat in her cheeks and her nipples stiffening.


Wonderful, she’d thought.   Now I even LOOK guilty.


Her pussy was wet all the way home.   Just thinking about it made it worse.


She could hardly wait to try the vibrator again, but that wasn’t why she was excited.   Elaine already knew that if she blushed from even mild embarrassment, her pussy would moisten. After that, she felt like she was in a perilous, yet intoxicatingly vicious circle.   Elaine feared her weakness might be taken advantage of or used against her by her future lovers. She really didn’t know how someone might react.   She hoped they never found out.






Every time she needed to buy batteries, Elaine’s tummy flipped and she’d start getting nervous. Going through a set almost every session, once she established a routine, she needed to buy quite a few. She couldn’t shake the idea that whoever she bought them from knew exactly what she was doing with them.  


In order to appear less obvious, she started buying other unnecessary items as camouflage or going to different stores so no one would recognise her as ‘that girl who goes through so many batteries she must be masturbating’.


She felt her cheeks warming as she made herself a coffee.


Over the last five weeks, she’d used the vibrator almost every chance she’d had. A week ago she’d promised herself she’d avoid using it for seven days, just to prove she wasn’t addicted and still had some self-control. A week was a long time and it hadn’t been easy. The seventh day had been and gone and Elaine had to wait until the eighth for some time alone.


That night was tonight.


A month earlier, soon after her first vibrator induced orgasms, Elaine had discovered a free website on the Internet containing literally thousands of erotic stories. Their effect on her had been staggering. Some of the stories had turned her on tremendously and she loved that feeling. There were so many and the choices had been endless. It seemed as though every sex act and every fantasy ever conceived had been covered. Flushed with passion while reading, she had caught herself rubbing her thighs together many, many times.


After only rudimentary investigation, Elaine had found the part of the site where the best stories were listed, and she’d read and read, beginning with Romance and First Time and moving on to Erotic Couplings then Loving Wives.


Whenever she had a moment she would read an erotic story, loving how it made her feel. The more debauched the story, the more memorable it had been. Some of the stories in Exhibitionism and Voyeurism had her on edge for days, and some of the offerings from the Group Sex and Mind Control categories had been unforgettable. Daydreaming of a random scenario during lectures or at work had become a regular occurrence.


She loved the stories and if they were well written, she could become completely immersed in them.


One day it occurred to her that the stories she enjoyed were becoming more and more ‘extreme’, particularly in language, and she wondered about it. She rationalised that it was ‘merely fantasy’ and her sensibilities were changing. It was far less confronting to ‘read the words’ than have them spoken to her. That only happened in her dreams. And she couldn’t control her dreams, so that was okay. And anyway, if she didn’t like a story, she could simply choose another one.


Elaine liked the Internet.   Her favourite things about it were the safety and the anonymity. To be able to disappear into the ether was extremely comforting. She could turn on and turn off on a whim, and she felt like she was in control of her admittedly solitary sexual life. Being ‘into’ erotic stories was okay. Her anonymity was assured. No one would be any the wiser.


For now, it would have to do.


Besides, she’d found some stories to be quite educational. One story in the Exhibitionism category prompted her to dance naked in front of the mirror in the bathroom after a shower. To her surprise she realised it turned her on to watch herself. Sometimes when she got out of the shower she would turn sideways and watch intently as she caressed a nipple and watched it grow. She had ‘pencil eraser’ type nipples and they never ceased to amaze her. They were very sensitive and her nipples hardened regularly, embarrassing her and demanding a thick bra.


If the truth were told, she quite liked her breasts. In bed she could caress them for twenty minutes and barely notice the time passing. Seeing the reflection of herself plucking and twisting her nipples in the mirror was almost like watching someone else perform for her. Either that or watching herself perform.


Whichever it was, it turned her on. She knew if she ever did dance for a lover, he would be happy with how she looked. Her breasts were full, round and smooth and she often wondered what they were doing on her slim, five-foot-five frame. They were perhaps slightly out of proportion and had embarrassed her when she was younger, but nowadays she covered them with loose fitting clothing and sweatshirts. She was pretty sure no one had any idea whether she had a nice body or not.


Of course, during her ‘No Vibe’ week, she still had to masturbate. She’d grown quite fond of playing with her body, and not doing it was completely out of the question. The two nights that she was alone, she’d read lots of amazing stories, then later fingered herself to a few unsatisfying orgasms. Whenever she denied herself something, like if she swore off chocolate, the one thing she couldn’t get off her mind was chocolate.


By the end of the week, she was seething with the need to feel that buzzing toy taking her over the edge.


Elaine enjoyed her time alone in the apartment. Sometimes she contemplated stripping down to her underwear or even getting naked, just for fun, but she’d never done it. She didn’t have the nerve. What if her roommates came home and caught her? It would have been worse than when they’d given her the vibrator, and she would have just died. So instead, she’d get a little dressed up, and occasionally leave out the underwear. The idea of being braless or panty-less was way more exciting than being naked. It felt wicked and naughty. Besides, she’d begun playing with her body while in front of the computer, and less layers meant easier access.


It was Friday and her horrible week was up. Braving the humiliating task of buying batteries, Elaine had bought extra, just in case. When she arrived back home, it crossed her mind that she had no reason not to use her vibrator right away. Her roommates had left a note saying they’d be out for hours, and Elaine was already hot from thinking about tonight all through her classes. Still, there was an element of delicious torture in holding off for a while. With the whole night ahead of her, for the next hour or so she was happy to stew in her own juices.


There was something about having hard nipples and a squishy pussy that appealed to Elaine on some animal level. Intellectually, it was a bit of a quandary.   She felt ‘horny’ and ‘attractive’, as though each went hand in hand. She thought she was prettier, more desirable, and more sensual if her body was aroused. She just felt good. It was as simple as that. She liked the feeling.


Only just last week, on a whim and desiring some human contact, Elaine had registered a nickname and entered the chat room that was within the erotic stories site. She’d chosen the name Naughtygirl and was immediately bombarded with all kinds of disgusting proposals. Finding it a bit confronting, she’d wondered if all the girls were treated the same way.


Just to escape, she’d tried clicking on a sub-room. It was a Hot Tub room and she’d been disappointed. An argument had been going on and if there was a hot tub, she’d seen no evidence of it. She tried changing rooms and went into a Family Role-play room that was filled with daddies and daughters and uncles and nieces. Someone had immediately accosted her, telling her to, “Call me Daddy and suck my cock!” Elaine had been shocked and backed out of the chat rooms without replying.


She’d sat back for a moment and thought about what had happened. Reminding herself that she was on an adult site, consisting of what were generally considered to be ‘pornographic’ stories, she wondered if she was being a bit prudish. She shouldn’t really have expected manners or good behaviour, should she?


Thinking about some of the words different men had used ‘right to her face’ made Elaine blush. Of course, she’d known she was safe, no matter what anyone had said to her. She’d been at home in front of the computer, and that freed her to be, or accept, anything she chose, as long as she kept any personal details private.   It had been kind of exciting.   She just had to be prepared for it.


Since then she’d visited the chat rooms every other day. She’d even started to think that chatting online was made for her. If she ignored the dickheads, it was fun and she found it all very new and exciting.


Elaine made up a whole ‘persona’ for Naughtygirl, becoming a free and slutty waitress, slightly air-headed, who worked in New York and was being regularly ‘fucked’ by her floor manager. She decided Naughtygirl always said ‘fucked’ and never said ‘made love’. The ideas she came up with turned her on. Naughtygirl shaved her pussy, and Naughtygirl never wore panties.


Elaine felt safe and separate and was smart enough to make something up if any probing questions were asked. Naughtygirl could also say ‘no’ when guys asked for her email or her phone number, and she found it easy to refuse dates and meetings.


Elaine’s vocabulary quickly expanded to include such words and ‘dick’ and ‘cock’ and ‘pussy’. She rarely even thought to say those words, but typing them made her shiver with arousal. Still, when describing ‘herself’, words such as ‘slut’ or ‘whore’ were completely out of the question. She liked to think of Naughtygirl as either ‘sensual’ or ‘taken advantage of’, but never a ‘slut’. And she really didn’t like the word ‘cunt’ in any kind of conversation. She certainly wasn’t going to type it, and as soon as someone called her pussy a ‘cunt’, the mood would be spoiled and she’d just click out of the room.


On a couple of occasions she’d wondered if the frank language was one of the reasons she kept returning. Talking to men in ways she never could in real life was appealing. She found some of the conversations made her very wet, and she’d taken to sitting on a folded towel. Naughtygirl ‘sucked cock’ and was ‘fucked hard’, and Elaine learned that it wasn’t only in stories than men liked to fuck women in the ass. Of course, she let the men think she was actually doing these things with all kinds of ‘big fat dildos’, but in fact the most she did was lightly stroke her wet, seething pussy. But she didn’t mind.


For once she could be anything. Do anything. She could role-play for fun or pleasure, turning guys on and watching them type out their orgasms. She could pretend to suck them and fuck them. The possibilities seemed endless and it was all very safe. No one asked her if she was really like the persona she projected on-line. They rarely asked probing questions with their hard cocks in their hands.


About an hour ago a guy had messaged her as soon as she’d logged on. It was a man she had spoken to before and he liked playing with Naughtygirl. He started telling her she was in a nightclub with him and he was toying with her and telling her to do all kinds of crazy things. Elaine had just giggled and shook her head and typed back, “Oh yeah, baby!” The guy was very imaginative and she’d sat back and typed ‘Mmmmm, Mmmmmm,” at all the appropriate moments while he spun his erotic tale. When he finally, ‘shot his load deep in her ass, right there in the nightclub, ‘ she was pretty worked up. She’d been imagining herself reaching orgasm at that moment in the crowded bar and typed back, “Oh God, yes! I’m cumminggggg!!!”


After waiting the appropriate amount of time to ‘recover’, she hitched up her skirt and gently stroked her pussy, finding herself to be absolutely soaked and coating her fingers with her juices immediately.


It was very exciting to read the messages he was sending her, telling her to ‘finger her pussy harder’ and ‘suck her fingers clean’. She couldn’t wait to get to bed. She glanced at the time and decided to go and play with her vibrator really soon.


She didn’t want to seem ungrateful, so she thanked her cyber-partner and told him she thought he was really good and hoped they could play again. The guy started asking her questions wanting to know all about her and requested a picture so he could imagine her. This was a question she’d deflected a few times already.


The two pictures of herself on the computer Elaine didn’t like. One had been taken down by the shore last year and showed her long dark hair blowing gently out behind her as she stood on the sand. Unfortunately she had been in a bikini and she wasn’t showing that photo to anyone in the chat rooms.


The other was more recent; a close up of her with a girlfriend from home, tongues poking out, showing off her newly acquired shaggy ‘bob-style’ haircut. She thought it was a good picture to share with her family, but it was too goofy for Naughtygirl. She’d scanned them and e-mailed them to her cousin who wanted to see her new look.


But instead of showing them to Eight Inch Adonis, she told him she had to go. He asked her when she might be on again and started telling her when he would return so she could synchronise. By now Elaine was starting to feel awkward and just told him, ‘Soon!’ and clicked off.


“Mmmmm, such fun,” she said to herself happily, switching off the computer and leaving her fantasy world behind. Standing, she smoothed her skirt over her hips and straightened the hem, then headed to the bathroom to wash her hands.


She shook her head at herself, smiling at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Thinking it over, she was amazed at the kinds of feelings she was experiencing. Who would have guessed that ‘Elaine the Homebody’ was Naughtygirl, the girl who sucked and fucked and took dildos up her ass? Elaine knew she should have been out having fun with her roommates or at least studying, instead of playing with herself in front of the computer and goofing off. Or jacking off. Or jilling off, or whatever it was called.


“Fingering my cunt!” she said aloud, giggling. Her hand flew to her mouth and she stared wide-eyed at the mirror in shock. She whispered, “I just said ‘cunt’,” and giggled again.


What is happening to me? she wondered.


It was just so... wicked! And so unlike her! Elaine had carefully cultivated an aloofness that was utterly transparent to her roommates, but worked well when keeping strangers at arms length. She avoided going out unless it was either absolutely necessary, or to somewhere she thought was ‘her kind of scene’. Like a library, coffee shop, or a small party and, on the odd occasion when she couldn’t get out of it, to the dance club in the city.


In real life, Elaine’s manner was naturally defensive and few men had the self-confidence to approach her in the first place. Conversely, she told herself she didn’t like the pushy type. On top of that, she ‘didn’t want to meet the wrong kind of guy’.   And yet, she wanted to be swept off her feet. She was intelligent enough to recognise the irony.   She felt like she was wound into a tight ball of inaction, and didn’t know how to break free.


The highlight of her female-to-male sex-life had been a drunken, after-hours grope in the supply closet at the office where she worked part-time. The job itself was a mindless mail-sorting one, but the hours were good and it did have its benefits. The supply closet incident alone had been enough to give Elaine masturbation material for half a year.


She sighed deeply and frowned at her reflection while she dried her hands.


Pushing her melancholy thoughts to the back of her mind, Elaine returned to her room, reminding herself that she had fresh batteries and a couple of hours before her roommates returned.   Nothing was going to dampen her mood when she’d been waiting all week! As she slipped off her robe and lay on her bed, she blushed as she recalled the guy in the chat room ordering her around. She couldn’t believe she almost sucked her juices from her fingers! She giggled. She couldn’t even remember his name.


“I’m such a slut,” she said aloud, shaking her head. She swallowed as she retrieved her plastic toy and reached for the lamp switch. Her excitement mounted.   She chose to leave it on.   Then she had a crazy thought. She grabbed her small pocketbook mirror from her bag on the floor.


How dirty would it be to watch myself while masturbating?


She threw back the sheet and felt a rush of arousal spread over her body as she held the small mirror to reflect exactly what she was doing.




Goosebumps broke out on her arms and thighs and her nipples pulsed. She’d never looked at herself like that before. It was strange. It was almost like watching someone else. The thatch of fine dark hair on her pussy grew naturally into a cute little Mohawk, and the lips were almost hairless and tucked in. She had taken to shaving the strays around her pussy a few years ago and it was framed nicely in the reflection of the mirror in her hand.


She draped her other hand gently over her lips and drew up her fingers, lightly grazing over the warm, soft flesh. Tingles rolled over her skin and her eyes glazed in a fixed stare. Spreading her first and second fingers, she drew apart her outer lips and gasped at how pink and oily the inner lips appeared. Drawing up her feet, she bent her knees and watched in fascination as her pussy flowered open. With her legs at a ninety-degree angle, Elaine could see the wet inner lips nestled between the more pale puffy outer lips. She couldn’t think how to describe it. It was kind of pretty, but well... she wasn’t sure. It was just fascinating.


She grabbed the spare pillow and arranged it between her legs so she could lean the small mirror up against it. Folding over her other pillow, she leaned back against it, happy with the result. She smiled wickedly.


NOW I’ll finger my cunt!


As soon as she had the sinful thought, she blushed and reached for her pussy with both hands. Again she parted her lips, this time drawing a deep breath as she spread her knees even wider. A pearl of wetness appeared at the base of her pussy.


That’s my hole, she thought. My cunt.


In the mirror she guided her shaking index finger down to the bead of moisture and drew it slowly up between her lips, groaning at the sight and feel. With knees widespread and her buttocks clenched, her nether lips parted wetly, showing the glistening hot pink flesh within.


Mesmerised by the sight, Elaine slowly caressed her fingertip up and down, back and forth between her lips, feeling herself becoming feverish, her skin crawling with voyeuristic pleasure. She arched her ass upward, spreading herself more lewdly as she pushed her finger slowly into the hot velvety tunnel of her pussy. Releasing her now slick outer lips, her left hand reached up to her chest, grasping her nipple and pinching it firmly, just the way she liked.   She groaned, wishing she had a larger mirror so she could see all of herself. The thought evaporated and her mouth gaped as she added a second finger and slid them both all the way in.


“Ohhh, Goddd...” she moaned, her eyes rolling back into her head.


Without her maidenhead, she loved the feeling. She was sliding the fingers over her slick flesh and into herself, stimulating clitoris and vagina simultaneously. Thick honey flowed and a large drip was headed down between the cheeks of her ass. She shivered, watching as each pump of her fingers added a little more moisture to the downward trail.


Finally she could stand it no longer and reached for her vibrator. Turning her head she realised barely ten minutes had passed. She almost laughed, thinking it was going to be a long night. Hurriedly turning it to the highest setting, the toy leapt to life in her hands and she shuddered in anticipation.


Elaine got comfortable and slid two fingers back into her pussy, hovering the toy over her clit. As she drew her fingers up and out, she spread them, opening her inner lips widely and unhooding her sensitive little pea. She trembled throughout her body as she watched the toy descend agonisingly slowly toward its target. It seemed like the air crackled around her ears as the vibrator and her little pink bud met. Elaine convulsed, her hips rising off the bed as she fought to draw back the toy. Again and again she tortured herself, touching and withdrawing, building higher and higher.


With knees so wide they were almost touching the bed, she fingered herself quickly, holding the toy to her clit. She gritted her teeth as the pleasure grew and blossomed across her skin, her inner muscles tightening and fluttering in approach to orgasm. She recognised it and tried to stop, oblivion seconds away. With a mighty effort she pulled the toy away and slowed her fingers, careful not to touch her clit. Her body shuddered and she squirmed in protest, moaning hotly.   Elaine knew she was right on the edge. Her body shook with need.   She was going insane and wanted it so bad. She needed to be free. She needed to cum and cum hard.


Twisting her head, she bit into the corner of her pillow before turning her eyes back to the incredible sight of herself skewered on her fingers. She straightened the slender digits and started pumping them hard. Her back arched and her body caught fire!   The vibrator crashed back into her clit, forcing grunts and squeals out of her mouth and into the soft pillow. She was trying not to cum, revelling in every last excruciating second before release.   Her ass was high off the bed, effectively tightening her pussy and tripling the pleasure.


Unable to stop herself, her orgasm burst free, sweeping her away into unconsciousness.


The last thing she remembered before her eyes rolled back into her head, was the incredible sight of her convulsing pussy, squirting juices right at the mirror and her own anguished voice, muffled by the pillow, crying out, “Fucking my cunt! Fucking my cunt!”


She woke up the next morning with a start, wondering what happened. Looking around, she breathed more easily, noticing nothing out of place. Throwing back the bed sheet and remembering little, she was surprised to see she’d even gone to the trouble of putting her panties back on. She pulled open her bedside drawer, finding her mirror and vibrator. She swallowed, thinking the toy had blood on it. She didn’t remember fucking it, and certainly not hard enough to hurt herself. She took it out, her breath catching in her chest.


In sultry red lipstick, someone had left a kiss right on her toy.

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Culture Shock Ch 14

Elaine touched up her lipstick and went to the toilet again. She’d eaten little and her stomach warred against her. When she returned, she slid twenty bucks and her front door key into her pocket and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, taking a deep breath. Her heart was thumping and she couldn’t stop trembling. Her reflection stared back at her. I don’t know if I can do this.   The faces of her roommates appeared at her door. “What’s taking so long?” asked Kendra.   “You’re going...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 08

“And I mean it,” said Gary. “I don’t want to hear any more self-deprecating remarks, okay? Things like, ‘I can’t do it, ‘ or ‘I’m not good enough, ‘ or ‘I’m not pretty.’ They’re all out, got it?” Elaine blinked. “Yes, Sir,” she typed back quickly. She waited for him to respond, sensing he was gathering his thoughts. It gave her a moment to make a decision. She’d walk taller after tonight. She almost giggled as she wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She tried to relax while she waited.   He...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 15

“I still can’t believe he was so cute,” said Kendra. “’Cute’ is so not how I’d describe him,” said Chelsea. “He wasn’t a boy, he was a man.”   “You guys,” Elaine said, shaking her head. She was enjoying the banter more than she thought she would. She hadn’t been able to talk about much on the walk home, and even now a couple of hours later, the whole thing seemed a blur. The three of them had demolished Chelsea’s delicious risotto in silence, and were sitting around the kitchen table, sipping...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 05

Awkward seconds passed as Elaine waited, unsure of what MasterServant might say. Though she was expecting his reply, she jumped when the private message box popped up on her screen. “Welcome to the BDSM room,” he typed innocently.   “Thank you,” Elaine replied, her hands shaking.   “I should tell you acquiescent suggested I speak with you.”   “Why would she do that?”   “She’s probably matchmaking.”   Elaine swallowed. “Oh.”   “I’m just teasing. I’d say she’s looking out for you, making...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 03

Chapter 03   Elaine enjoyed being kurious. She could be true to herself.   That’s what she liked most.   The shy, mild-mannered virgin was much closer to her heart than the loud, slutty Naughtygirl. Whereas Naughtygirl ‘took it up the ass with glee’, kurious was more interested in actually getting to know people.   She decided to ‘retire’ Naughtygirl. She didn’t think she’d be missed, despite the attentions of Eight Inch Adonis and others.   She was right.   No one ever asked about her.  ...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 02

Chapter 02 Sitting on the side of her bed, Elaine looked at the vibrator and her mind raced. If she cleaned off the lipstick, whoever kissed it would know she’d seen it. Would they check? If she left it how it was, could she pretend she hadn’t seen it?   She quickly put it back in the drawer and shoved it closed, accidentally making a banging noise. She hushed the errant drawer, making herself blush. The walls of the small three-bedroom apartment were paper thin, and she hoped neither of her...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 23 final

Elaine watched as Gary refolded the contract and slipped it into his jacket pocket.   She’d confirmed it was the same one, signed it, and barely said a prayer before it was gone.   The ink wasn’t even dry.   She shivered.     Gary turned to her and slowly smiled.   “I should say something profound, shouldn’t I?”   Elaine nodded.   “Y… Yes.”   “In a minute.”   Reaching behind her head, he slid his fingers into her silky hair and said, “I want to kiss you first.”     Elaine’s scalp prickled....

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 07

Elaine’s mail sorting job didn’t require a ‘uniform’ as such, but she had a standard set of clothes she wore, both to keep things simple and because competing with others in the fashion stakes wasn’t her thing. Thankfully it was a pants and blouse set, and her bra was clean after washing it the day before. The pants were black, as usual, and a little low on the hips, but they were loose and comfortable, almost flared. The blouse was a reasonably stylish white ‘business shirt’ cut, which could...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 04

Chapter 04   Leaving the store, Elaine stepped off the kerb and blinked in surprise. With the added length in her stride as she stepped down from the gutter to cross the road, the seam down the middle of her jeans parted her labia, pressing more firmly against her clit. She hoped she wouldn’t chafe. Shorter steps lessened the pressure, but lengthened the walk. She rued the couple of extra pounds on her ass left over from last winter. Her jeans felt like a hand holding her crotch. Combined...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 11

Elaine was suddenly attacked by a severe case of hyperventilation. Her heart rate skyrocketed and her chest tightened, making her fight for air. I just wanted to know ‘hypothetically’, not ‘actually’! her mind screamed as she typed desperately. “I’m sorry! That’s not what I meant!” A second later, Gary messaged her back. “Let’s pause for a moment.”   Sitting back in her chair, Elaine closed her eyes as smaller and smaller butterflies attacked her stomach. The grip on her chest slowly...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 12

After booting up the Internet and logging on to Messenger, Elaine was notified of two new messages in her email box. She knew one was from herself. She’d emailed a whole host of links she’d unearthed after Googling the names ‘Gloria Brame’ and ‘Jay Wiseman’ on the library’s computer earlier in the day. They were the authors that had set Gary on his path. Between classes she’d had a bit of spare time and the library seemed to be the logical and safest place to go. At the time she hadn’t been so...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 21

Elaine trotted to the bathroom, her anxiety mounting.   Quickly she used the toilet, cleaned thoroughly and washed her hands and her new plug.   Her excitement was evident in the reflection above the sink.   Her nipples were so hard.   She couldn’t believe she was going to do this now.   Looking at her watch, Elaine noted she was down to twenty-five minutes.   She had second thoughts. Maybe I shouldn’t do this…   What if someone comes home?   She sighed and dried everything off.   In two...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 13

Despite the late night, the next morning Elaine felt energised and bounced out of bed in a good mood. A long hot shower was in order, and she indulged herself. Emerging with wet hair, a smile, and wrapped in a soft towel, Elaine made coffee while her roommates slept. She hadn’t even heard them come in, and it didn’t bother her one bit. She felt like she was walking on air! What’s wrong with me? she wondered, giggling quietly. Carrying her coffee to the lounge room, she postponed getting...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 16

When Elaine woke the next morning, she was shocked. Her bed sheet was wound around one of her ankles and she was sprawled sideways across her bed, completely naked. She was laying in a wet patch the size of Kansas and she ached all over. She made herself a promise. Never again would she challenge herself to ‘see how many times she could cum’. After four or five she’d lost count and could only estimate that it was the sixth or seventh that had knocked her into unconsciousness. Sitting up, she...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock Ch 10

12.06 A.M.. Elaine’s teeth were brushed, skin moisturised, ready for sleep. Kneeling tall on her bed in the dark, she’d opened the sliding window widely. With her elbows resting on the windowsill, she smelled the fresh air. A warm breeze caressed her face, billowing the gauzy curtains. Street lamps and house lights dotted the hills that rolled into the distance and Elaine stared. Her room was on the opposite side to the quadrangle and looked away from the city. Until then Elaine had wished she...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock Ch 06

For a moment Elaine wondered where the disappointment was coming from. Maybe she was just annoyed with herself. She was usually meticulously punctual. But it wasn’t like she’d promised to meet him. It had just been a ‘maybe’. Shaking her head, she had a new appreciation for the term ‘wasted’.   Who am I kidding? she wondered. The guy could be a nut. Simone said he wasn’t but who was Simone? Maybe HE was ‘Simone’. Surely no one was that devious. She had to admit it was possible. Elaine...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 22

Woodenly Elaine made her way up the stairs.   She held the railing, steadying herself.   Her legs were like jelly and she had to stop a couple of times.   Despite the feeling of taking one step forward, two steps back, she was wiping her feet on the mat and sliding her key into the front door in less than a minute.   I wish I could stop thinking.    Maybe I could take a nap…   Inside the apartment Elaine was somewhat surprised.   Her roommates were on speed!   Or at least that’s how it...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 20

Dated this day, the 5 th of May, 2006   For the purpose of providing a framework over which both parties have equal control, this contract informally binds the signatories below to its contents.   Either party may ‘opt out’ of this agreement at any time.   ‘Opting out’ may be defined as ceasing to observe this contract in any way.   It is binding only insofar as it is accepted to be.     Gary Paul Duke (known in this contract as ‘the Dominant’), hereby offers Elaine Milanovic (known in this...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 09

It was still dark. And silent.   It felt like about four A.M. Elaine was lying on her stomach. She couldn’t see the alarm clock, but she didn’t want to know the time. One hand was between her legs, but it wasn’t moving. It was… reassuring. She wasn’t really aware of it. Remembering the fleeting images she’d dreamed, she put them together in her mind. Gary had picked her up after college. He was waiting for her, leaning on some nondescript sports car.   He’d embraced her and she’d melted. His...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 2323

Elaine watched as Gary refolded the contract and slipped it into his jacket pocket. She shivered. The ink was barely dry. She hadn't had time to say a prayer before it was gone. Gary turned to her and slowly smiled. "I should say something profound, shouldn't I?"Elaine nodded. "Y... Yes.""In a minute." Reaching behind her head, he slid his fingers into her silky hair and said, "I want to kiss you first." Elaine's scalp prickled. Her eyes closed, a shudder running through her body. Gary's grip...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 2223

Woodenly Elaine made her way up the stairs. She held the railing, steadying herself. Her legs were like jelly and she had to stop a couple of times. Despite the feeling of taking one step forward, two steps back, she was wiping her feet on the mat and sliding her key into the front door in less than a minute. I wish I could stop thinking. Maybe I could take a nap...Inside the apartment Elaine was somewhat surprised. Her roommates were on speed! Or at least that's how it seemed. Before Elaine...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 2023

Dated this day, the 5th of May, 2006For the purpose of providing a framework over which both parties have equal control, this contract informally binds the signatories below to its contents. Either party may 'opt out' of this agreement at any time. 'Opting out' may be defined as ceasing to observe this contract in any way. It is binding only insofar as it is accepted to be. Gary Paul Duke (known in this contract as 'the Dominant'), hereby offers Elaine Milanovic (known in this contract as 'the...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 1923

Climbing the stairs to her apartment, Elaine was tired but in a good mood. Snippets of her conversations with Leah and Gary had kept her smiling all day. It wasn't until she'd arrived on the landing outside her front door that she was jolted by the memory of her roommate's kiss. What was that about? Elaine wasn't sure, but she thought Kendra had kissed her because of 'stress' and 'high emotion'. Then again, maybe Kendra had always been attracted to Elaine, and her teasing sarcastic manner was a...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock 1823

Elaine grabbed Kendra's arm before they entered the clinic. She looked around before hissing, "I thought we were going to see an Ob-Gyn..."Kendra shook Elaine's grip. "I've seen an Ob-Gyn. This is the doctor. You know, The Doctor. I'm getting rid of it. Jeez, Elaine. What did you think I needed? My hand held in the waiting room?"Elaine's eyes narrowed. "You could've just been honest.""This is my decision. I don't need anyone else telling me what to do.""Jesus, Kendra. I agree with you. It's...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock 1723

Elaine was trying to concentrate on finishing her breakfast but it wasn't easy. It was Monday, she was ready for work with a half hour to spare, and was busy eating her toasted muesli while Kendra and Chelsea chatted about the guys they met the night before.Elaine wasn't really listening. Thoughts were running through her mind. Thoughts of seeing Gary and of what he might do to her, or make her do. They were the same thoughts that had occurred to her when she'd woken up before her alarm that...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 1623

When Elaine woke the next morning, she was shocked. Her bed sheet was wound around one of her ankles and she was sprawled sideways across her bed, completely naked. She was laying in a wet patch the size of Kansas and she ached all over. She made herself a promise.Never again would she challenge herself to 'see how many times she could cum'. After four or five she'd lost count and could only estimate that it was the sixth or seventh that had knocked her into u*********sness. Sitting up, she...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 1523

"I still can't believe he was so cute," said Kendra."'Cute' is so not how I'd describe him," said Chelsea. "He wasn't a boy, he was a man.""You guys," Elaine said, shaking her head. She was enjoying the banter more than she thought she would. She hadn't been able to talk about much on the walk home, and even now a couple of hours later, the whole thing seemed a blur. The three of them had demolished Chelsea's delicious risotto in silence, and were sitting around the kitchen table, sipping...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 1423

Elaine touched up her lipstick and went to the toilet again. She'd eaten little and her stomach warred against her. When she returned, she slid twenty bucks and her front door key into her pocket and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, taking a deep breath. Her heart was thumping and she couldn't stop trembling. Her reflection stared back at her.I don't know if I can do this.The faces of her roommates appeared at her door. "What's taking so long?" asked Kendra."You're going to be...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 1323

Despite the late night, the next morning Elaine felt energised and bounced out of bed in a good mood. A long hot shower was in order, and she indulged herself. Emerging with wet hair, a smile, and wrapped in a soft towel, Elaine made coffee while her roommates slept. She hadn't even heard them come in, and it didn't bother her one bit. She felt like she was walking on air!What's wrong with me? she wondered, giggling quietly. Carrying her coffee to the lounge room, she postponed getting dressed,...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock 1223

After booting up the Internet and logging on to Messenger, Elaine was notified of two new messages in her email box.She knew one was from herself. She'd emailed a whole host of links she'd unearthed after Googling the names 'Gloria Brame' and 'Jay Wiseman' on the library's computer earlier in the day. They were the authors that had set Gary on his path. Between classes she'd had a bit of spare time and the library seemed to be the logical and safest place to go. At the time she hadn't been so...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock 1123

Elaine was suddenly attacked by a severe case of hyperventilation. Her heart rate skyrocketed and her chest tightened, making her fight for air. I just wanted to know 'hypothetically', not 'actually'! her mind screamed as she typed desperately. "I'm sorry! That's not what I meant!"A second later, Gary messaged her back. "Let's pause for a moment."Sitting back in her chair, Elaine closed her eyes as smaller and smaller butterflies attacked her stomach. The grip on her chest slowly loosened, and...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock 1023

12.06 A.M.. Elaine's teeth were brushed, skin moisturised, ready for sleep. Kneeling tall on her bed in the dark, she'd opened the sliding window widely. With her elbows resting on the windowsill, she smelled the fresh air. A warm breeze caressed her face, billowing the gauzy curtains.Street lamps and house lights dotted the hills that rolled into the distance and Elaine stared. Her room was on the opposite side to the quadrangle and looked away from the city. Until then Elaine had wished she...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 923

It was still dark. And silent. It felt like about four A.M. Elaine was lying on her stomach. She couldn't see the alarm clock, but she didn't want to know the time. One hand was between her legs, but it wasn't moving. It was... reassuring. She wasn't really aware of it. Remembering the fleeting images she'd dreamed, she put them together in her mind. Gary had picked her up after college. He was waiting for her, leaning on some nondescript sports car. He'd embraced her and she'd melted. His...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 823

"And I mean it," said Gary. "I don't want to hear any more self-deprecating remarks, okay? Things like, 'I can't do it, ' or 'I'm not good enough, ' or 'I'm not pretty.' They're all out, got it?"Elaine blinked. "Yes, Sir," she typed back quickly. She waited for him to respond, sensing he was gathering his thoughts. It gave her a moment to make a decision. She'd walk taller after tonight. She almost giggled as she wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She tried to relax while she waited.He used...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 723

Elaine's mail sorting job didn't require a 'uniform' as such, but she had a standard set of clothes she wore, both to keep things simple and because competing with others in the fashion stakes wasn't her thing. Thankfully it was a pants and blouse set, and her bra was clean after washing it the day before. The pants were black, as usual, and a little low on the hips, but they were loose and comfortable, almost flared. The blouse was a reasonably stylish white 'business shirt' cut, which could...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 623

For a moment Elaine wondered where the disappointment was coming from. Maybe she was just annoyed with herself. She was usually meticulously punctual. But it wasn't like she'd promised to meet him. It had just been a 'maybe'. Shaking her head, she had a new appreciation for the term 'wasted'.Who am I k**ding? she wondered. The guy could be a nut. Simone said he wasn't but who was Simone? Maybe HE was 'Simone'. Surely no one was that devious. She had to admit it was possible. Elaine decided she...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock 523

Awkward seconds passed as Elaine waited, unsure of what MasterServant might say. Though she was expecting his reply, she jumped when the private message box popped up on her screen."Welcome to the BDSM room," he typed innocently."Thank you," Elaine replied, her hands shaking."I should tell you acquiescent suggested I speak with you.""Why would she do that?""She's probably matchmaking."Elaine swallowed. "Oh.""I'm just teasing. I'd say she's looking out for you, making sure you get good...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 423

Leaving the store, Elaine stepped off the kerb and blinked in surprise. With the added length in her stride as she stepped down from the gutter to cross the road, the seam down the middle of her jeans parted her labia, pressing more firmly against her clit. She hoped she wouldn't chafe. Shorter steps lessened the pressure, but lengthened the walk. She rued the couple of extra pounds on her ass left over from last winter. Her jeans felt like a hand holding her crotch. Combined with the rhythmic...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 323

Elaine enjoyed being kurious. She could be true to herself. That's what she liked most. The shy, mild-mannered virgin was much closer to her heart than the loud, slutty Naughtygirl. Whereas Naughtygirl 'took it up the ass with glee', kurious was more interested in actually getting to know people.She decided to 'retire' Naughtygirl. She didn't think she'd be missed, despite the attentions of Eight Inch Adonis and others. She was right. No one ever asked about her. Being right didn't make Elaine...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock 223

Sitting on the side of her bed, Elaine looked at the vibrator and her mind raced. If she cleaned off the lipstick, whoever kissed it would know she'd seen it. Would they check? If she left it how it was, could she pretend she hadn't seen it?She quickly put it back in the drawer and shoved it closed, accidentally making a banging noise. She hushed the errant drawer, making herself blush. The walls of the small three-bedroom apartment were paper thin, and she hoped neither of her roommates...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 123

"What's this?" Elaine asked. She had been planning another night in. Typically her roommates were on her case about not going out with them, but she rarely felt like it and tonight was no exception. The prospect of study, surfing the net or watching a late movie alone was more alluring than alcohol, crowds and sweat. "Um, just something we thought you might need." Kendra and Chelsea giggled to each other, apparently trying not to burst out laughing. Elaine stood aghast, paralysed and blushing...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 22

Woodenly Elaine made her way up the stairs.   She held the railing, steadying herself.   Her legs were like jelly and she had to stop a couple of times.   Despite the feeling of taking one step forward, two steps back, she was wiping her feet on the mat and sliding her key into the front door in less than a minute.   I wish I could stop thinking.    Maybe I could take a nap…   Inside the apartment Elaine was somewhat surprised.   Her roommates were on speed!   Or at least that’s how it...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 23 final

Elaine watched as Gary refolded the contract and slipped it into his jacket pocket.   She’d confirmed it was the same one, signed it, and barely said a prayer before it was gone.   The ink wasn’t even dry.   She shivered.     Gary turned to her and slowly smiled.   “I should say something profound, shouldn’t I?”   Elaine nodded.   “Y… Yes.”   “In a minute.”   Reaching behind her head, he slid his fingers into her silky hair and said, “I...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 20

Dated this day, the 5 th of May, 2006   For the purpose of providing a framework over which both parties have equal control, this contract informally binds the signatories below to its contents.   Either party may ‘opt out’ of this agreement at any time.   ‘Opting out’ may be defined as ceasing to observe this contract in any way.   It is binding only insofar as it is accepted to be.     Gary Paul Duke (known in this contract as ‘the Dominant’), hereby offers Elaine Milanovic (known in this...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 19

Climbing the stairs to her apartment, Elaine was tired but in a good mood.   Snippets of her conversations with Leah and Gary had kept her smiling all day.   It wasn’t until she’d arrived on the landing outside her front door that she was jolted by the memory of her roommate’s kiss.   What was that about?     Elaine wasn’t sure, but she thought Kendra had kissed her because of ‘stress’ and ‘high emotion’.   Then again, maybe Kendra had always been attracted to Elaine, and her teasing...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 18

Elaine grabbed Kendra’s arm before they entered the clinic. She looked around before hissing, “I thought we were going to see an Ob-Gyn...” Kendra shook Elaine’s grip. “I’ve seen an Ob-Gyn. This is the doctor. You know, The Doctor. I’m getting rid of it. Jeez, Elaine. What did you think I needed? My hand held in the waiting room?”   Elaine’s eyes narrowed. “You could’ve just been honest.”   “This is my decision. I don’t need anyone else telling me what to do.”   “Jesus, Kendra. I agree...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock Ch 16

When Elaine woke the next morning, she was shocked. Her bed sheet was wound around one of her ankles and she was sprawled sideways across her bed, completely naked. She was laying in a wet patch the size of Kansas and she ached all over. She made herself a promise. Never again would she challenge herself to ‘see how many times she could cum’. After four or five she’d lost count and could only estimate that it was the sixth or seventh that had knocked her into unconsciousness. Sitting up, she...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock Ch 17

Elaine was trying to concentrate on finishing her breakfast but it wasn’t easy. It was Monday, she was ready for work with a half hour to spare, and was busy eating her toasted muesli while Kendra and Chelsea chatted about the guys they met the night before. Elaine wasn’t really listening. Thoughts were running through her mind. Thoughts of seeing Gary and of what he might do to her, or make her do. They were the same thoughts that had occurred to her when she’d woken up before her alarm that...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 13

Despite the late night, the next morning Elaine felt energised and bounced out of bed in a good mood. A long hot shower was in order, and she indulged herself. Emerging with wet hair, a smile, and wrapped in a soft towel, Elaine made coffee while her roommates slept. She hadn’t even heard them come in, and it didn’t bother her one bit. She felt like she was walking on air! What’s wrong with me? she wondered, giggling quietly. Carrying her coffee to the lounge room, she postponed getting...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 09

It was still dark. And silent.   It felt like about four A.M. Elaine was lying on her stomach. She couldn’t see the alarm clock, but she didn’t want to know the time. One hand was between her legs, but it wasn’t moving. It was... reassuring. She wasn’t really aware of it. Remembering the fleeting images she’d dreamed, she put them together in her mind. Gary had picked her up after college. He was waiting for her, leaning on some nondescript sports car.   He’d embraced her and she’d melted....

1 year ago
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Culture Shock Ch 08

“And I mean it,” said Gary. “I don’t want to hear any more self-deprecating remarks, okay? Things like, ‘I can’t do it, ‘ or ‘I’m not good enough, ‘ or ‘I’m not pretty.’ They’re all out, got it?” Elaine blinked. “Yes, Sir,” she typed back quickly. She waited for him to respond, sensing he was gathering his thoughts. It gave her a moment to make a decision. She’d walk taller after tonight. She almost giggled as she wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She tried to relax while she waited.   He...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 07

Elaine’s mail sorting job didn’t require a ‘uniform’ as such, but she had a standard set of clothes she wore, both to keep things simple and because competing with others in the fashion stakes wasn’t her thing. Thankfully it was a pants and blouse set, and her bra was clean after washing it the day before. The pants were black, as usual, and a little low on the hips, but they were loose and comfortable, almost flared. The blouse was a reasonably stylish white ‘business shirt’ cut, which could...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 14

Elaine touched up her lipstick and went to the toilet again. She’d eaten little and her stomach warred against her. When she returned, she slid twenty bucks and her front door key into her pocket and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, taking a deep breath. Her heart was thumping and she couldn’t stop trembling. Her reflection stared back at her. I don’t know if I can do this.   The faces of her roommates appeared at her door. “What’s taking so long?” asked Kendra.   “You’re...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock Ch 15

“I still can’t believe he was so cute,” said Kendra. “’Cute’ is so not how I’d describe him,” said Chelsea. “He wasn’t a boy, he was a man.”   “You guys,” Elaine said, shaking her head. She was enjoying the banter more than she thought she would. She hadn’t been able to talk about much on the walk home, and even now a couple of hours later, the whole thing seemed a blur. The three of them had demolished Chelsea’s delicious risotto in silence, and were sitting around the kitchen table,...


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