Politics Of ControlChapter 3 free porn video

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Finally, she pulled back, her lips wet and shiny with her saliva and my pre-come. Her eyes were afire with fresh lust as she sat up and kissed me deeply. I could taste myself on her lips, and no matter how much I might have wanted to come in her mouth, I knew that her pussy would be much more enjoyable, for both of us.

Kate continued to stroke my erection as I looked for my jeans. She saw me looking around and nodded towards the door to the laundry room.

"It's over there," she said.

I followed her eyes and spotted her purse. I quickly realized that she'd mistaken the object of my search.

"Why don't you get it for me?" she asked softly, sensuously.

I stepped away from her, reluctantly, and picked up her purse. "I was actually looking for my jeans," I said sheepishly as I returned to her. I spotted them where I'd kicked them, under the table, and bent to retrieve them as well.

When I stood up, holding both her purse and my jeans, she arched her eyebrows.

"Oh?" she asked archly, clearly teasing me.

I nodded and reached into my pocket, feeling for the foil packets I'd stuffed there earlier. When my hand emerged, holding the pair of condoms, Kate smirked. She reached into her purse and withdrew a string of three condoms. With the one we'd already used, that made four. She was, to put it mildly, loaded for bear.

"Four?" I asked, as calmly as I could.

"I knew you'd be... ahem... up to the task."


She nodded insouciantly and smirked. "But I'm glad you brought more."

I looked at her with a strangled expression and she giggled.

"But we can only use one at a time," she said mischievously.

She tore one of her foil packets loose, opened it, and removed the strawberry-flavored condom. She grasped my member and simply rolled the condom onto me, smiling wickedly the whole time. I stepped between her legs and kissed her. When I moved forward, she gripped my shaft almost painfully.

"Go slowly. I'm still very sensitive. Besides," she said with a lustful grin, "I want this to last a long, long time."

I nodded and felt her position my erection at the opening of her pussy. I pushed forward slowly and she gasped as the head parted her labia. When my penis was properly nestled between her lips, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close. I eased my hips forward and slid into her. She shuddered and bit my shoulder, but moaned for me to continue.

My cock isn't much longer than average, but it is pretty thick, and she trembled as it spread her open. When I finally filled her completely, she sighed and wrapped her legs around my hips.

Her body quivered and her breathing came in shallow, staccato bursts through her nose. She clutched me tightly and I felt her pussy spasming around my girth.

"Oh, God," she breathed. "You feel so good inside me."

She was still breathing in short, quavering bursts, and holding me motionless with her arms and legs. I clenched my own PC muscle, to show her that she wasn't the only one with good control, and my cock swelled within her. She gasped and whimpered into my ear, her nails digging into my shoulders deliciously. I clenched again and she shuddered against me.

"Take me to bed," she said weakly.



I wrapped my arms around her and held her by the ass, lifting her easily. I turned away from the laundry room and headed into what appeared to be the living room. I wandered towards where the front door should be, and soon found the stairs. With each step, her body jostled slightly, and my cock throbbed within her. Once on the second floor, I easily spotted the master bedroom at the back of the house. I spared little attention for the decor, instead focusing on the king-sized bed that dominated one corner of the large room.

Without setting her down, I eased onto the bed on my knees and moved towards the headboard. When I reached the center of the bed, I gently set her down. She maintained her tight grip on my neck, and pulled me down after her as she lay back. I kissed her deeply when we settled, and she arched her back against me. Her legs were still locked behind my back and her nipples were hard points poking into my chest, but I was more than content to stay where I was.

When we broke the kiss, she smiled at me drunkenly. I smiled in return and began kissing the line of her jaw, working towards her delicate ear. She arched her back again and gasped when I brushed my lips against her earlobe and then kissed the hollow of her neck.

I began thrusting into her slowly and she loosened her legs to let me move. I held myself off her with my elbows and her breathing grew shallow and trembling as I moved inside her. She nibbled along the muscle of my shoulder, whimpering and gasping as my erection spread her open and then withdrew. I kept my pace deliberately slow, not wanting to over-stimulate her.

Unlike our first coupling, this one was long and slow and tender. Kate looked into my eyes as I slowly pumped my hips and built both of us towards our climaxes. When her pussy started grasping and clutching at my cock, I slowed down and buried myself within her. She pressed her face against my shoulder and quivered with pent-up desire. I slowly withdrew from her molten pussy and then sank back into her. She moaned as the crown of my cock raked across the sensitive folds of her labia.

We fucked like that for a long time. The condom desensitized me a little, but I'd already come twice, and that prolonged things for me more than anything else. I took my time, enjoying her body, and her reactions. But I also took care to pay close attention to her, to make sure she was enjoying herself, and that I wasn't hurting her. She pulled me close and buried her face against my neck.

"I want to come with you," she whispered.

I nodded against her and she relaxed her grip on my neck.

I pumped into her slowly, feeling her reactions. I wanted to slam into her, to bury myself in her depths and release the floodgates. But I didn't. Instead, I watched the mounting flush on her neck and chest, felt her pussy spasm around my shaft as she neared her orgasm. When she locked her legs around my back and began thrusting against me, I increased my pace and let some of my control slip.

Kate looked into my eyes and I felt her hips pump up into mine. In a moment, her pussy gripped me firmly and she started to contract around me. I tried to hold back as long as I could, but I was too far gone. I closed my eyes and saw stars, arching my back and burying my cock as deep as it would go, grinding my hips against her as I did.

Finally, blissfully, I lost control. My cock swelled inside the sheath of her pussy and I felt a surge of semen burst from deep within me. When I swelled and pumped the first spurt into the condom, Kate joined me in orgasm, writhing against me deliciously as she rode the waves of her own climax.

I lost myself in the pleasures I was experiencing, and the feel of her body against me, experiencing her own pleasures. I don't know how long we came together, but when I finally opened my eyes, I looked down to find Kate crying quietly.

She opened her eyes and looked at me, and I quickly realized they were tears of happiness. The panic that had clutched my heart relaxed, and I kissed her cheeks, which were wet and salty from her tears. She wrapped her legs tighter about my hips and held me still. I crossed my arms beneath her back and hugged her to my chest.

"I think I like doing things your way," she said in a tired, completely satisfied voice.

"Good," I whispered in her ear. I kissed her ear lightly and she clutched me tighter still.

Later, after we'd each taken a trip to the bathroom to clean up a little, we snuggled under her thick comforter. Kate melted into my arms and sighed contentedly. I pressed my face to her hair and inhaled her scent, wrapping my arms tighter about her and pulling her close. We were both dead tired from our exertions and easily fell asleep together, spoon-fashion.

Some time later, I awoke and looked around, mildly disoriented. It had been almost three months since I'd slept with anyone, and I guess I was a little out of practice. I looked at the clock, 3:47 a.m., and pushed the covers down a little to cool off.

Kate felt me stir and wiggled her ass against me. I thought she must have reacted automatically, so I tried to go back to sleep. When she reached up and pulled my hand to her breast, I realized that she was awake too. I felt her breathing shift and her nipple hardened in my palm.

"It's been awhile since I slept with someone," she said softly, duplicating my thoughts from a few moments before.

"Me too."

"I didn't realize how much I missed it."

"Mmm, me too," I said, and pulled her to me.

She wriggled against me again, and despite our earlier marathon session, I felt my penis rising to the occasion. Kate felt it as well, and pressed her delectable ass against me. Her legs parted slightly and the tip of my erection slipped between them, rubbing against the baby-smooth skin of her labia.

"Are you still too sensitive?" I asked softly.

She shook her head.

"Are you okay with this?"

She moaned quietly. "Oooooh, yesssss."

I began to slowly thrust my hips back and forth, rubbing her pussy with my crown and shaft. I reached around with my left hand and ran it down her silky stomach. When my fingertips traced over her mons, she gasped and pressed against me harder still. I ran my middle finger over her slit and felt the moisture of her building arousal.

"Damn," she said softly.

"What is it?"

"All my condoms were in my purse."

"We can stop," I said. Stopping was the last thing I wanted to do, but I offered anyway. I guess it was the gentlemanly thing to do.

"Oh, nooooo."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she said breathlessly, her arousal clearly evident. "I want to feel you inside me."

I kissed her on the shoulder and pulled the sheet back, trying to keep her covered as I did. "I'll be right back," I said.

Despite the fact that I'd been hot only a few minutes before, her bedroom was shockingly cold. My erection quickly shrank as I padded down the stairs. In the kitchen, I fumbled for the light. Once I found it, I quickly located my used condom from earlier. I picked it up, wrapped it in a few paper towels, and disposed of it in her trash compactor.

When I rounded the counter, I began looking for any of our unused condoms. I quickly spotted hers, the packs still connected, sitting on the breakfast table. I scooped them both up, turned out the lights, and walked slowly back towards the stairs as my eyes adjusted to the darkness again.

I pulled one package loose and slid into bed next to a very warm, very horny Kate. She hissed as my cold skin touched her, but bravely rolled towards me and draped herself over my body. She felt for the condom and took it from my fingers. She ripped the foil package open with her teeth, grinned impishly at me, and disappeared under the covers.

I knew what to expect, but it was still a shock when she captured the tip of my flaccid penis with her lips. She sucked my entire dick into her mouth and began to slowly work my swelling length with her lips and tongue. It took longer than usual, but I soon hardened in her mouth. She removed her lips from my member and then quickly replaced them. Although I didn't feel a thing out of the ordinary, I knew she'd just rolled the condom over my straining erection.

Kate climbed back up my torso and settled herself atop my hips, grinding her pussy against my shaft. I ran my hands up her flanks, feeling the smooth skin and firm muscles of her hips and back. With a soft moan, she reached between us, caught up my cock, and settled onto it.

I tweaked her nipples as she rode me slowly, setting a moderate pace and rubbing her clit against the base of my shaft every third or fourth stroke. She began to pant and rotate her hips after several delicious minutes, and I ran my hands down her back to cup her ass cheeks.

When she came, it was soft and fast, and she bent forward, burying her face against me. She bit my shoulder softly as her climax peaked, and then cried out, balling her fists against my chest. After little more than 15 seconds, her orgasm subsided and she looked at me happily. I couldn't resist, and lifted my head to kiss her tenderly. She responded against me, and began to move her hips in small circles, massaging me with her tight pussy. In no time, I was filling the condom, while Kate squirmed and shuddered in a mini-climax of her own.

We fell asleep like that: her resting on my chest, and my penis slowly shrinking, still within her.

At 5:30 a.m., her alarm went off. Kate reached up automatically, and either hit the Snooze button or turned off the alarm. It didn't really matter to me; all that I cared about was the fact that the God-awful air raid siren had ceased its infernal wailing. It took me a moment to realize where I was, but when Kate snuggled against me, I quickly (and pleasantly) remembered. She lazily ran her hand through my sparse chest hair and took a deep, yawning breath. We lay there quietly for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence.

"When's the last time you were tested?" she asked, breaking the silence.

I mentally scratched my head and wondered what she was talking about. I finally drew a blank. "Huh?"

"When's the last time you were tested? For STDs and HIV?" she asked, clarifying.

I thought back. It had been more than a year, since before I'd started dating Charlotte. Since Charlotte, there hadn't been a woman in my life, and there had been no need to get tested. "It's been awhile," I said softly, yawning.

Kate yawned as well, and then snuggled closer. "Good. Me too. We need to get tested."

Alarm bells started going off in my head. I frantically thought back through the past 12 hours. Yes, I thought to myself, I was positive that I'd used a condom every time I'd penetrated her. Except in the bathroom at the Jazz Club, but that wasn't really penetration. But still...

Kate felt me tense up, and must have sense the reason. "It's nothing like that," she said soothingly. "I want to feel you come inside me. I don't want to have to fumble for a condom every time I want to have sex with you."

"And what makes you think I'm going to be around long enough to get tested?" I asked, throwing her words from the night before right back at her, albeit with a teasing tone.

She lifted herself on one elbow, the covers slipping from her shoulder and exposing one pear-shaped breast. She looked at me seriously, and I quickly got serious as well. "You'll be around until I'm done with you," she said.

I looked at her incredulously until she suddenly grinned. My arm was still wrapped around her, so I pulled her to me and kissed her, hard and deep. She pulled back, still grinning, but a little breathless, and beginning to flush with the first signs of desire.

"Seriously," I said. "Is this thing between us just about sex?" I knew what I wanted, but I couldn't tell her that. Not yet.

"I don't know," she said soberly. "I don't know what it is, yet. But I know that I like it. Is that good enough?"

I looked at her for a moment and let the silence draw out. My eyes searched hers for any hint of her true feelings. Finally, I nodded. "That's good enough. For now."

She kissed me again, tenderly, and rested her head on my shoulder, returning her fingers to my chest.

"I want breakfast in bed," she said softly.

"Oh? What can I fix you?"

"Nothing." She put her hand on my chest and lifted herself onto an elbow. "Just enjoy."

She pushed the covers back and crawled between my legs. When she discovered that my shriveled manhood was still safely encased in our early-morning condom, she giggled and pulled it off me. I reached for the box of Kleenex on her nightstand, pulled out several tissues, and handed them to her. She wadded the red latex in the tissues and handed the wad back to me so I could set it back on the nightstand.

With another giggle, she sucked my still damp penis into her mouth and nursed it to an erection. She curled up between my legs and I laced my fingers behind my head to relax and enjoy her talented mouth. It took me awhile, but Kate didn't complain. In fact, she seemed to enjoy herself, taking her time and sucking me all the way into the back of her throat. When I came, she hummed happily and swallowed it all.

When she finally released me, she crawled back up my body and settled gently atop me, her legs splayed to either side of my hips. I cupped her ass again and kissed her, tasting myself on her lips. She moaned against me and then broke the kiss.

"Mmm," she said, her eyes closed in delight. When she opened them, they sparkled, deep blue and utterly beautiful. "Let's shower. I have to be at the hospital by seven o'clock."

"What time do you get off?" I asked.

"As soon as I see you again," she said, teasing me.

I smiled and she giggled.

She got serious. "I should be done by five, but in reality, it'll probably be closer to seven."

"Do you want to meet for dinner?"

She shook her head. "Bring something here. Something Italian."

"I can do that."

"And then, I want to open a bottle of wine, build a fire, and fuck you silly in front of it," she said, practically purring.

"I think I can do that as well."

"Mmm hmm. I know you can do that," she said with a coy grin.

I nodded.

"Let's get in the shower then, I can't wait to soap you up and rub myself against you."

With that, she hopped up and pulled me after her, both of us grinning like teenagers.

The shower was enjoyable but brief. Afterward, I had to go downstairs to retrieve all of my clothes. When I came back upstairs, Kate was drying her hair, in the nude. I dumped my clothes on the floor and came up behind her, wrapping my arms around her and cupping her breasts. She leaned back against me, but kept drying her hair. When she was done, she twisted it up and clipped it on top of her head.

That gave me the opportunity to kiss her long, sensuous neck, which I eagerly did. When she pressed her ass against me, I felt the stirrings of another erection, but neither of us had time for anything more. She had to get to the hospital, and I needed to call Moscow. They were eight hours ahead of Eastern Time, and I needed to talk to the team lead before everyone took their Christmas vacation. So I did nothing more than grind my semi-hard dick against her ass. She sighed once, deeply, and closed her eyes as I held her.

While I put on my clothes from the night before, Kate picked out a matching bra and panty set. I chuckled as she slid the sky blue bikini-style panties over her long legs.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Nothing, really."

She looked at me, clearly unconvinced.

"I've just never seen you in panties, that's all," I said.

"I wear them most of the time."


"You don't think I go around commando all the time, do you?" she asked, semi-incredulously.

"Well, now that you mention it, no. But I guess I was hoping..."

She smiled and walked towards me as I stood outside the bathroom, clad in only my jeans.

"That first time, at the Club, was just for fun," she said, although she used the real name of the restaurant. "I don't know why I flashed you."

"I'm glad you did," I said.

"Mmm, me too."

She stepped closer and I could feel the heat of her body.

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I detest Family Politics. It’s like living in a soap opera that you can’t escape. But there are times when the pressures of the family can have some benefits if you look at it right. Madeline is the matriarch of my wife’s family. The old bird is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and a little more rich than William Randolph Hearst. She kept the purse strings pulled tight, dangling them over the heads of her children from the time they were born and always threatening to remove them from...

2 years ago
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Political Maneuvers

I detest Family Politics. It's like living in a soap opera that you can't escape. But there are times when the pressures of the family can have some benefits if you look at it right.Madeline is the matriarch of my wife's family. The old bird is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and a little more rich than William Randolph Hearst. She kept the purse strings pulled tight, dangling them over the heads of her children from the time they were born and always threatening to remove them from her...

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Political Journalist

In her job she has to wear certain clothes – white blouse and black skirt mid thigh together with black heels. So everyday I'm dressed exactly like that. Her company's office is in the very heart of New York but she is living on the outskirts of the city because She likes fresher air than it is in the centre. She has a car – BMW in colour of champagne in which she drives to her job everyday. One cloudy Friday morning she woke up and did her usual morning things – went to shower, ate...

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Political Affiliation

Thanks to the knee doctor for editing assistance. It was lunchtime on Friday at the Peanut Bar. The Idiots Club meets here, once a week to share our miseries. The membership is not very impressive, just four middle age guys with one thing in common: our wives are each cheating on us. Bradley Cook, Ray Timmons, Karl Marshall, and myself, John Terrell, all went to high school together. We all married our high school sweethearts, and we all remained friends these past twenty years. Between the...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 2

“You wish?” she said, as I saw a smile come to her face for the first time since this thing started. “Since you’ve left ‘shitforbrains, ‘ are you keeping his name or what?” I asked. She laughed so hard at my moniker for her ex, she had to pull over. “Yeah, for now – it’s a lot of trouble changing your name back, so I guess I’m Elizabeth Mendenhall for the short term. Thanks again for coming to get me, Ken – I owe you one!” “More than one, I think, sis!” I said. Back in Springfield, it...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 3

“What did you just say?” Liz asked. “I asked you to marry me, that’s what?” I said, cumming inside her at that exact moment. “So, you think you can sink that bad boy inside me and just ask me to marry you?” “That’s called deflection, answer the question, Elizabeth?” I followed up. “Oh, god yes – I’ve loved you for so long, I couldn’t be happier even if I was filled to the brim with my brothers cum!” she said. “You are filled to the brim!” I said. “Couldn’t be happier – wanna go again,...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 4

It was at the next meeting; Jeff Graham’s true colors appeared. The semi-rotund, self-effacing likeable guy became a mean-spirited person. “So, Jeff we got the list of things we’re dealing with, what do you want to talk about first?” I asked. “First, David – You can get off your soap-box about reducing taxes, and giving a raise to the police and teachers. We don’t have the money to give any raises unless we up the city sales tax by at least 25%?” Jeff said. “My wife Elizabeth, looked over...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 5

The next morning, I went off to work at one of my consulting firms. My cell rang. “Hey honey, what’s up?” It was Liz. “You know that I gave you back all of those city ledgers a while back?” “Yeah, so?” “Well, I took pictures of the pages before I gave them back to you?” she said, sounding worried. “And?” “I found something really odd, when you come home later; I’ll explain it all OK?” she said confidently. “I love you!” I said. “I love you more, Davey!” she said sounding...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 6

I went to one of my consultants for the day and the next couple of weeks went by without too much consternation. About a month later, at our day-before meeting, I brought up a new subject to Jeff. “Jennie Lee tells me that you are her Uncle!” I disclosed. “Yeah, I am – So what?” he responded curtly. “Whoa there, Jeff, I’m just trying to get to know you a little better, you don’t have to cut my head off?” I replied. “Sorry, David – Daniel, her father was a real SOB, including slapping her...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 7

We met Jeff and his wife, Mary, who looked suspiciously like an older version of Jennie Lee, except a brunette, at the Sizzler Restaurant. During the course of the dinner, Lizzie accidentally knocked Mary’s plastic tumbler off the table, necessitating a new one. As surreptitiously as possible, Liz grabbed the tumbler, and placed it into her oversized purse. I’ve had her take that purse with us before to restaurants, so we could fill it with the bread you get, to save some money at home. That...

4 years ago
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Pretty Liars Pants on FireChapter 3

“Let’s get one thing straight young lady, while I’m certainly not your mother and, Aria you’re the adult-child, although you may think of me as your nemesis, I am your father’s girlfriend and what you did to me was reprehensible. It’s my duty to discipline you in the way your father seems to not be able to his precious darling. Well I am not in danger of getting a swelled heart, but I’m going to give you a swelled butt. Of course if I spanked your mature butt with my hand I would get the...

3 years ago
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Renting a Room Ch 04

Ch. 4 A Call from Washington The next several days were busy at the lab and at the house, where Arthur and his crew were demolishing and replacing seventy-five year old utilities at a great rate. It turned out that Arthur also could deal with the wall problem, when they discovered it was not load bearing, and a deftly inserted glulam beam easily carried the ceiling sheetrock. Aimee and Adrienne were in their element, supervising the cleaning and painting of the large room that had been...

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Tinas Boyfriend

My best friend growing up was Tina, anyone who has read my stories already knows that but if you haven’t, now you know. Her first love was Mark. Mark was also the first guy I was interested in, mainly because Tina was. It wasn’t like I wanted to do what you are about to read, but I wanted what Tina wanted. Here is that story.I woke up Saturday morning and trudged my way into the kitchen to get some juice. Not expecting anyone to be home since my Mom was over at some guys house the night before,...

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Aversion Therapy

"Aversion Therapy" A near silent "mmff" could be heard from Tim as he began to stir. Madge excitedly pulled the white clothesline ropes causing them to whirl through the pulleys affixed to the sturdy eyebolts in the ceiling. Once the ropes were pulled tight and cinched off Tim dangled three feet off the floor as the spider web of ropes held him suspended. She gathered the gleaming white satin wedding dress she had put him in then tied it up and out of the way so Tim could get a good...

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Audreys Funeral

Three months after Steve and I had double fucked Audrey and three weeks after she’d died her funeral was held, Grandma wanted to go and asked me if I’d take her, obviously I said I would. We attended the service and then was asked back to the wake at a local public house. After being there for twenty minutes or so Grandma had to go but I was asked if I wanted to stay.I took Grandma to her shop and then went back to the pub, getting myself a drink this lady came to talk to me. “Are you *****”...

1 year ago
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An Office Party Ill never forget

I’ve worked for a large insurance firm for twelve years.I`m their top salesman, every year -salesman of the year. Am I cocky… you bet.I`m the best salesman, and everyone in the office is lucky to have me there. Now the ladies there always look so fine, and I get my share of skirt with most of them. Oh sure, they catch me once and awhile dating three or four of them at the same time.They`re females, they` re lucky that I` m willing to spend some money on them so I can get what I want….sex,and...

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Life Of A Common Girl 8211 Part III

The game played by Rekha and Rahul to tempt me really excited me. I didn’t notice but found some changes in Rekha after she came home on top of that to their plus point in seducing me we were continuously harassed by the builder who was telling us to pay the amount at the earliest so he can shift us to new place and start the construction work. One Saturday evening Feb 2004 Rekha received a call from someone and she said, Nahi yeh sab galat hai, aisa ku and all that stuff and I asked her what...

3 years ago
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Ramesh Has Sex With Mom Mausi 5

Hello dear friends, this is Ramesh kumar Pawar i am sharing real true story of my own sex experience.i have already shared with you the sex experience which i had with my mom,sisters and mausi(mothers younger sister).in my previous story i explained how my mausi got pregnent by me and given a birth to one child(mausi husband had some medical problem).now i am again sharing the second pregnency experience of my mausi. The marriage of my sister was fixed and my mom called my mausi to our home...

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We meet online , we chat a bit after a few weeks of chatting and texting we decide to meet and have some intimacy .. we agree to meet at a public place a starbucks or tim hortons… we both get a drink. And we drink it in silence as we drink we smile and look at each thinking “are we really going to do this”… I am thinking it has been so long since I have felt loved …. We finish our drinks and get up you lead so I follow you to your car we get in and you drive to a hotel. We get a room the sound...

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TeamSkeetClassics Gianna Dior My Mischievous Stepdaughter

Gianna Dior fans are sure to remember this classic scene co-starring Marcus London. This video first premiered on Team Skeet on April 4th, 2019, and was an instant hit. This video is such a fan favorite that we’ve decided to use it as the newest episode of the Team Skeet Classic series. Gianna Dior is giving her mother a ton of strife, so she drops her off with her old stepdad, Marcus London, for the weekend. Now that Gianna is a full-grown woman, she knows how to get what she wants and is...

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How I Met My Master Ch 01

Author’s note: This story is a little ‘spinoffy’ from ‘My Best Friend Blaine,’ but I don’t think you need to read that before this for it to make sense. Just know that our main character and her friend Blaine have both been sexually/romantically involved with Mark and each other. But on another note, this story is a deviation from the one’s I’ve done already. It’s going to be multi-chapter, not ‘slam-bam’ like my other ones, so if that happens to be what you’re in the mood for, I apologize....

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Accidents Happen Chapter 2

“What’s so funny?” I asked.She couldn’t meet my gaze.  Though, who could blame her?  There was fire in my eyes.  I’ve never felt so intense in my life.  All my feeling of doubt crept in slowly, so slowly it seemed like the seconds were hours not years.“Last night wasn’t an accident,” she said so quietly I thought I was dreaming her response.  I held my breath as long as I could, then took a couple of deep breaths.  When she spoke again, her voice was strong and confident.  “Last night was not...

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PervMom Britney Amber Model MILF Behavior

We almost got caught by my dad last time we were fucking in my room, so this time we are trying to be a little bit more discreet. I meet my stepmom in her room for a secret fuck sesh. She looks so damned sexy in her red lingerie that she wants to show off some more. She models for me and I get harder than Abe Lincolns face on Mount Rushmore. Pretty soon I am flat on my back in bed and she is riding me again. She thinks I have been such a good boy that she does not even mind when I cum right in...

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Exchange student

Deciding to make the most of your college experience, you opted to study abroad in Korea for a semester. While there, you were housed in the dormitory with an array of other international students. Often you would go out clubbing, drinking, partying, etc. with all the other international students and, in general, have a good time. They were a fun group. With a curfew on the dorms, the group would often decide to stay in rather than be out for the night, so parties happened quite frequently in...

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Naukrani Ki Beti Meri Rani 8211 Part 2

Usi din rat ko main Rama aunty ke bare mein soch raha tha, unka phone aaya. Woh boli, “Chhote sahib aap Renu se baat karna chahte the na? Main use phone deti hun.” Unhone phone Renu ko de diya, Renu ne halki awaj se bola, “Hello.” Main – Hello Renu kya tum akeli ho? Renu phone le ke ghar ke bahar chali gayi. Renu – Han sahib abhi main akeli hun. Main – Tuhmari maa ne humare bare mein sab kaha hai na? Renu – Ji sahib. Main – To tumhe shadi se aitraj to nahi? Renu – Nahi. Main – Tuhmara koi boy...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 10

Aina: 5:51 AM, day 217 of 1406 H.E. (Hopewell Era), thirteen minutes before sunrise, morning after the Red Bird Festival Earth: Thursday, 10:00 AM, October 22, 2009 Eastern Standard and Central Daylight Savings Times Mark awoke first, the screeching of the migratory birds finally pulling him from his dream. He blinked his eyes open, and then he smiled at the sight of naked Anuhea sleeping in his arms. They had just married the previous evening, and had spent two hours afterwards hiking...

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The First Time I Ever Had Sex

Tonight it finally happened, I lost my virginity. I thought it was going to be a much bigger deal than it was. I mean it hurt a little, but not what anyone I have ever talked to about it said. I mean I expected to cry through the whole thing, but it really turned out wonderful, I enjoined the last part quite a bit. Well you know how I have been secretly dating Trevor (trev) because mommy says I can't date someone his age. Is 5 years really so much? So what if he is 19, I am 14. I'll be 15 in...

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Cobra 2

In the last chapter, after a virus had turned almost every woman in the planet into part animal hybrids, we followed the story of Sandra and Marcus when her changes start. We followed them throughout the five days in which she changed from human to a twenty two feet long cape cobra hybrid, the first of that kind ever documented. She had fangs and had a strong venom. After some shopping, she was able to protect her husband from her venom and also to process it on her new venom...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 15 Plaything

About mid-morning, well after Sister Lucia had said in solitude the morning offices of Matins, Lauds, Prime and Terce, a servant came to her room and indicated that she was to go with her. Again they passed along the corridors and she was led into Monsignor Flavin's study. Standing before his desk, she felt quite ill at ease, not thinking it was her place to initiate the conversation, but unsure of what he might say to her. After what felt like an age, he finally stood up, walked round the...

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Mothers lingerie

I rose from the bed knowing we were alone, his Father had an early flight. As I soaked in the tub my thoughts were of Michael, my son and lover as well. The last few days have been rather idle but today has just begun. I began to wonder what my Son must be thinking. He's aware his father is already gone and his thoughts must be enticing. Over the last few days his Father was home our secret was again, well hidden. My suitable attire didn't alter his thoughts, his memory served him...

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Rithika Enjoys With Her Son

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy, a student, living in Mangalore and Bangalore, Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS. Thank you guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> Rithika woke up and sighed. Last...

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Daddys Problem

Daddy has this problem. He drinks a lot sometimes. I have a problem,too. I've always wanted to touch his dick. I don't know why, but since Iwas about 7 or so I've watched to touch it. I've been able to check it outsometimes, like when he comes out of the shower, or we change together atthe pool. As I've gotten older (I'm 10 now) I've also wondered what itmight taste like. I've looked up stuff on the Internet, and it's only madewe want to do it more. In fact, just last night I was looking for...

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It all started about a month ago when I got a phone call from an old boyfriend of mine that was now living in Florida. Dan is very muscular and teaches weight lifting in his own gym. Dan is a very tall man and besides being very muscular, he is very well endowed and is black.I dated Dan a couple years ago and I had to stop seeing him because things were getting too serous to continue. Dan moved to Florida a few months after we broke up our relationship. You see. My husband allows me to date...

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SuperSister 8 Cheer Cheer For Old Smallville

Super-Sister #8: Cheer, Cheer for Old Smallville By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" September...


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