A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 12
- 2 years ago
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A week before final exams, I handed in the completed patent application. Reference was made to one mirror at the back to bounce more of the laser light back into the system. Other gases including that from a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher were entered. These were expensive to fill but the school board or Mr Flaherty let me have one. I had even skipped school to work on the 'special project'.
North Shore Signs donated some neon that allowed me to cover that particular gas. Helium was not as readily obtainable as in my time but the school again got me some.
The carbon dioxide allowed me to explain more about population inversion and the probable use of nitrogen, water vapour and neon. I basically stuck enough data in that I was covered when other gases and the various combinations to allow the gas being excited to be brought to a ground state.
The previous Sunday, I went to Angela's home with Jane, Paige and my sisters. The brother's looked sullen but cheered up dramatically when they saw Susan and Maggie. I sat between Paige and Angela but I had seated the rest of the women as a gentleman. We talked quite a bit and encouraged the girls to do their share. The boys wanted to talk too so they could say how good they were. They had too much of the macho and the girls knew about the boys from Angela. They were still ladies though and that was what counted.
Jane must have been taking notes. She acted very much the lady herself and brought out Angela's mother whenever she could even if it was to discuss recipes.
When we parted for the night, Paige went to her home. Jane subtly reminded me that she missed out a lot to go with us. I slept the night with her and we both had an orgasm.
On the Monday after the laser demonstration, Susan wanted the same thing as Paige. She had used the dildo on her butt and partially broke her hymen but I was her first man. She was almost as responsive as Paige.
Tuesday was Maggie but only after Paige came over for some loving of her own. Maggie loved our lovemaking and I loved her. She tried to get as high as her sister or Paige but we had to work on it more. She didn't mind this in the least.
The high schools had tests earlier and I was busy doing last minute chores to ensure that the girls got as good marks as they could get. The hypnosis helped a lot and they seemed to absorb the information easier. Post hypnotic suggestions should help too and the girls agreed to try them.
One of the song companies sent me a letter offering me a hundred dollars for each of the four songs. I sent them a reply that I was thinking of getting a competitor to promote my sisters as they sang the songs. I couched the reason as four hundred dollars was much too low a figure and I could make many times more farming the songs out myself.
My own finals came and I went through each of the tests very quickly then checked them over. Mr Collins allowed me to go then. I spent my time in the school library waiting for Paige and reading. She was usually very happy to see me, and part was because the tests seemed so easy to her now. The day finally came when all the examinations were over and grade eight was behind me.
I think the situation was very bitter/sweet. I loved school before. It was a safe place for me even if I was small. I had hated leaving and going to a scary high school with my sisters. Now I had friends but they were the teachers that I would leave behind. The other students were just children with all their faults. They would be going with me for better or worse. Quitting school was the best answer but that was an impossibility when the body I had was just only twelve.
All of my girls had done extremely well in their marks. Some had been barely passing but now were at least at the respectable level. Employment opportunities were limited in the Bay. Girls of all sizes and ages came to my girls looking for a chance to earn some money. Susan and Jennifer were given some direction and they started to develop some of the other businesses. One of my rules was that no girl went alone to a job. They were always in at least pairs but I liked threes better.
House cleaning was hated by the girls but being paid for it by strangers was different. Flower gardening worked very well when Angela took over. She had a flare for symmetry and design. I was sure that she could be an artist to if she only tried. She now worked with her clients and guided those girls that liked working with plants.
Boys were hired too. These were given uniforms too and the clothing showed some style and a bit of muscle or at least skin. The boys were far from beefy but the girls liked to look at them. Our prices were higher than what a single boy would get. We guaranteed the work though. Safety was stressed. Steel-toed shoes were a must and a special crew used any chemicals. The chemicals I really hated, for what they did to the environment.
Mr Chile assisted me by putting in print how some matron or other kept an immaculate property with no harmful chemicals. She was praised for using her hands to remove weeds. This helped one of my lawn care businesses. Chemical companies didn't even see us but they were all spouting how chemicals were beneficial for everybody. The same was said about nuclear power and how cheap it would be.
The carwash was our biggest moneymaker but got a lot of hassles from the conservative element. I was forced to amalgamate all the companies the girls worked at, and then apply for a business permit as well as registering as a legal entity. A nearby service station signed a contract with me. The carwash was doing very well and I think it brought increased business to the operator.
He was hassled now, but my lawyer told him that he had nothing to fear from anybody but me.
About mid July, I was awakened by a knocking at our door. I left Maggie's bed and went downstairs. Our door was locked but most homes never did this. Jennifer was in tears and I hurried her into the kitchen.
When I turned on the light I saw bruises and a ripped dress.
"What happened Honey?"
"He — he — tried to — do — it again."
"Your father?"
"Did he put those bruises on you?"
I got a head nod.
"Did he rape you?"
A head shake this time.
"Honey, now's the time to deal with this. I'm surprised you are not pregnant yet. You can't go back. I'll make sure you're safe."
"But my dad's a cop. I'll never get away from him."
"I know his job Honey and I know how to make this work. Will you trust me?"
"What are you going to do?"
"There is an organization called Children's Aid. They have been around here talking to us a bit. They don't think Jane is a fit mother. She does a good job when she doesn't have to hold the world off. In your case, it would be a bad idea to live with us."
Jennifer's eyes got big and she was ready to cry more. "Wait Honey. I knew this long ago and made some plans. I talked to Paige's parents. They're not rich but the government will give them some money to take care of you. We will be just next door to help you."
She cried more but she did agree that this was the best time to sever her ties with her family. I woke up Jane and my sisters. They all clustered around Jennifer for any support they could give.
I phoned next door and Jack sleepily picked up the phone.
"Dad, Jennifer is over here. She was beaten and her clothes are ripped. She has decided to leave."
It took a moment for him to think of all the details. "Ok, I will get up Nora and Paige."
In a few moments two more women clustered around Jennifer. We didn't fit in Jack's car very well but we made it to the police station. Jennifer swore out a complaint against her father. The sergeant found out who her father was and tried to sidetrack us. I made suggestions to Jennifer to frustrate him. He tried to separate her but two irate women could not be budged.
Mr Mason had appraised me of what to do and what rights Jennifer and I had. I used them pointedly and asked the sergeant if he was skirting the law.
Children's Aid was not as proficient as later years for nobody was on call. We made a trip to the hospital. It was late by the time Jennifer was looked at. Jennifer demanded a copy of the report and here we found ourselves blocked. I quoted the appropriate section of the law verbatim and was given a copy.
Jennifer couldn't sleep but a social worker did come around ten and talked to her in private then to some of us. Jennifer had to be urged to ask questions. She found out that it looked that she was now free of her family.
I asked, "Will Jennifer be allowed to go get her clothes?"
The woman said, "She can if she wants."
"I assume you'll be going to talk to the family. Would you also be there to assess Jennifer's father? From what she told me he is very violent."
The woman didn't like this and before she could wiggle out I said, "Jennifer has no clothes except those on her back. She has to go to school in September and she needs warm clothing for winter. Surely you want to find out how irrational the man is for your report. If you feel a danger to yourself then ask the police to intervene. The police may stick together but that's done in the shadows. You are doing this officially."
The father was still drunk and missed a shift at work. Finding his friends there to investigate the beatings was bad but nothing was mentioned about the rapes. Jennifer got all her property. Some of her possessions were broken and thrown out on the lawn. The father had to be carted off but I didn't think he would be thrown in jail. More likely just taken for a drive until he could cool off or dried out.
The mother was crying too and I just saw her as a beaten woman.
In a week, Jennifer had settled in. She lived with Susan and Maggie mainly. She did have a bed in what used to be the sewing room at Paige's house.
The father had a small fine but was back at work. Our carwash was well patrolled now and any infraction was jumped on. Mr Mason took care of this and advised the girls on what to do.
Things looked good for Jennifer and for my extended family, but not for me.
Two days after Jennifer came to us and looking for a place to stay I received an odd telephone phone call. It was almost eleven o'clock and I was about ready to go to bed.
A woman's cultured voice said, "Hello Mr Congdon. My name is Sandra Harrison. I hope I'm not going to disturb you greatly but I came by some disquieting information."
"What's that Mrs Harrison?"
"We seem to have a mutual enemy."
"I can think of only one man that could be, but I think of him as more unstable than a real enemy.
"Then we are talking about the same man. My daughter has the misfortune to work for this man in his office. His power and dynamic bearing swayed her. To be short; they became lovers. I hope I'm not upsetting you too much by my being frank."
"That's fine Mrs Harrison. It's a Human condition that is unavoidable. Please continue."
"I saw the liaison as detrimental to my daughter. Mr Goldbalm doesn't like to thwarted as you must know so he attacked me through my friends, my place of employment and even worse, through my daughter."
The woman paused and I heard her sniffle. "Excuse me Mr Congdon but the wounds still hurt." She paused to regain her thoughts. "This was last year. My daughter has seen that Goldbalm has many other women to see to him. Their relationship has thankfully cooled. Mr Goldbalm's fixation with you had grown though. He has been banned from going near you but he has some devious plans bent on making you do as he commands."
"What are they?"
"My daughter has heard Goldbalm rant and rave about you. His rumblings were recorded on paper and she listed them on three separate sheets. I'm currently in your city. Would you like to come over and take the papers? Perhaps the most disquieting parts can be listed and if there are just a few my daughter may be able to goad Goldbalm into revealing a bit more."
This sounded very interesting. I didn't really think that Goldbalm would leave me alone even with a court order. I was very curious about the contents of those pages. "I would love to see what plans he has for me."
"I'm leaving early in the morning. I have a small business to run and I can't be away too long."
"I can come now."
"I think that's best." She gave me the room number and the name of the motel. The city was not large and I knew of the place. It was one of the best ones in the city.
Jane was told of the call and where I was going. She was worried about me but it was something that I had to do. Fifteen minutes later I was at the motel and parked my bike in the back beside a transformer vault.
I climbed the steps and knocked on 116 and a regal looking woman came to the door. "Hello, you must be Jeff. Please come in."
I stepped in and saw an expensive dress draped across the bed. Three suitcases were lined up against the far wall.
"Thanks Mrs Harrison."
The woman pointed a long thin arm with some expensive jewellery. "I put the sheets my daughter prepared on the dresser. Please take a look."
I picked them up and looked at the ideas in point form. Goldbalm's name was not mentioned but it was not necessary. Some of the allegations were very disquieting to me. A few listed a love affair with my mother and my sisters but then listed a great many others by name. It looked like he was thinking of pushing all the possible buttons. Most were contradictory but they were just points.
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After this hot night , Judy didn´t know what to do with herself . Somehow she felt ashamed of having Sex with her nephew . So it was her wish for me to leave her alone for quite some time . She threw out of her room . Early in the morning I got up . Still fully aware of what happened the day before . I should ´ve felt satisfied , since my dream became reality . But instead I craved for more , because I got to taste from the forbidden fruit . Judy´s Body embodified all my desires and lusts ....
Dawn crawled after her Mistress into the kitchen to the bowls sitting on the floor. “Eat up slut; it might be awhile before you eat again.” She dropped her head down to the bowl of kibbles and started to eat. It was dry and tasteless especially after sitting out all night. After finishing all the food she moved over to the water dish and drank her fill. For the first time in what seemed like days her belly was full, she looked up at her Mistress and said “Thank you for the food Mistress.”...
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xmoviesforyour u still interested really wasn't bad experience just not what planned or expected we showed up for 1 bbc 10 inch pic showed got 2 his house and started 2 get friendly him and her only saw him at first but after he got us naked me 2 jerk off fluff him and eat her as she was on her knees sucking him waiting 4 the 10 inches he sent never got past a very thick uncut 7 inches next thing 5 of his friends come out of nowhere I saw first she was so busy slurping his creamy foreskin first time I ever...
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I am gay.I'm actually not just 'gay' - I'm a faggot sissy whore.Yesterday I went to this group thing and I turned out to be the group's slut - took three large cocks up my man vagina and got a whole fill.It all started nicely and softly, with the first guy rubbing my dick while fingering my pussy, then taking up one of those double-headed dildos and inserting it deeper and deeper inside my fag's ass.The thing about double-headed dildos is that they are meant to be used by two horny sluts and...
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IncestChapter Two Rebecca now stood up against a tree, leaning on it with one arm to steady her still shaky legs as thick and hot minotaur cum still dribble out of her abused and sore pussy. The three players who had happened up on her, who called themselves the welcoming committee, stood a few feet away in the bright sunlight and watched her with gentle and concerned expressions. Eryis, the tall, buxom, and beautiful blonde High Elf seemed to be their leader and had told the other...
I wish to thank my editor, JP. Without his close supervision and eye for detail, this story would not have been possible! The Passage By Anon Allsop Chapter 1 The year is 1654. As a Fifteen-year old English boy, standing on the sun-bleached deck of the Endbreeze, life could get no better than this. From under the shadows of her gently rippling sail, I scanned the coastline of Boston Town. This young colony would become my new home, continuing an adventure that began for me...
He walked by again and I catch my breath quietly. He is so handsome, not the tallest boy on the block, but dark skinned and a smile that would make any female melt before him. He was…my boss’s son, Fouad. I began working with him around 3 months ago when his parents saw my exceptional work ethic which molded perfectly with their son’s. “I wish we molded together” I am 19 and he is 24. We both love sports and work hard to keep lean athletic bodies. I never threw myself at him, or fought for a...
Please give me the support of your vote. * Ginny takes Jerry home to Boston At 7:45 pm Ginny proceeded to walk down Clarendon Street from the YWCA to Newbury Street in the heart of the Back Bay of Boston. Even though Boston was a big city, the city felt small. She walked half the length of Clarendon Street nearly from the South End to three blocks within the Charles River. Within sight of the Western Hotel and the Copley Square library on her left, she walked by the Copley Square Hotel and...
MY BROTHERS PUNISHMENT by Unknown My brother and I were very young when I had the experience of seeing a neighbors daughters dress washed and hanging out on the line to dry. Having no sisters and getting to the age where I was curious about girls and the strange collection of clothing they wore how they did their hair and in general goofiness, I confided to my brother that it might be fun to play dress-up with it. We would both share playing house as I did with many of my...
Hello friends! Mera naam Aaditya hai. Main abhi IIT Delhi se engineering kar raha hu aur sath hi UPSC ki bhi taiyari kar raha hun. Main hamesha ISS se kahani padhta tha. Isiliye apni kahani bhi share kar raha hu taki aaplog maze le sako. Ye kahani pichle mahine ki hai jab main apni girlfriend ke sath Nepal ghumne gaya tha. Girlfriend ki chudai ki kahani kabhi aur bataunga. Kyuki jyada interesting bat ye hui ki us trip pe mujhe do Nepali ladkiyo ko chodne ka mauka mila. Meri girlfriend, Prachi...
I got up and started my day. I found her lime green bikini and tossed on her as she was waking up. “You’ll wear that today and your black heels.” I left the room and sat at the dining room table and drank my coffee. It was Saturday and I had some chores to do. I washed our vehicles and cut the grass. As I was pushing the lawn mower in the front yard. Our neighbors Greg and Lisa with their daughter came outside to get in their car. I waved like nothing was wrong and Lisa waved back. Greg...
Hello iss readers, this is my second story. In this story I am going to narrate how my girlfriend of long time was fucked by my friend. I had joined college two weeks ago and I had already become good friends with the only boy in class. There were also six girls in my class. One day we were playing uno in class when and were discussing about our bfs and gfs. I showed a photo of my girl to everyone and suddenly my friend remarked that “could I fuck your girl”. We were shocked. I said shut up and...
This chapter does not contain any preteen sexual interaction. if you want some read my next chapter Chapt-1.1- My first instincts My name is Luke. I discovered this site a few months ago and since then I have fell in love with it. Anyways my sexual adventures began when I was 8 years old. When I used to take a bath my mom used to soap and wash me. As my line of vision was way below her cus I would be sitting in a tub I could see under her summer dress/gown . As she wore no panties I could...
Eigentlich wollte ich an diesem sonnigen Nachmittag nur ein bisschen durch die Stadt spazieren und nun stand ich in diesem kleinen Antiquitäten und Krimskramsladen. Obwohl ich den Laden bisher noch nie gesehen hatte sah es darin aus als würde es ihn schon ewig geben. Überall stapelten sich Moebelstuecke, die Regale an den Wänden waren voll mit Büchern, Kerzenleuchter, Statuen und lauter Kleinkram. Windspiele in alle Variationen hingen von der Decke herab und die Beleuchtung verdiente ihren...
I had always desired over her. When I was younger, I would lie in bed at night listening to my father fuck her in their room, adjacent to mine. I would stroke one off to her moaning, as I imagined myself in my father's position, ramming her cunt hard. They would fuck almost every night, and sometimes for over an hour, however I would cum immediately to my mother's passionate pants and moans. I knew even touching her with intent would never happen, it was taboo, and I'm sure she wouldn't ever...
IncestI wanted to surprise my lover with a full body massage. I got to his home an hour before he was to arrive. I went up to his bedroom and lit a few candles. One of the candles had a vanilla scent, which made the room smell good and inviting. I brought out the massage oil that I picked up from one of those stores exclusively for body lotions and sprays. This oil’s scent was more masculine, and I knew that he would like that. I went back downstairs and started to place the cards at strategic...
Straight SexCarcassonne, Chapter Four – To Hell and Back © Bad Hobbit Rodrigo arose early the next morning, and made straight for the battlements. Less than ten minutes later, he returned, breathless. ‘Don Carlos,’ he called, urgently to me as he burst in through the bedroom door, ‘the signal!’ We had passed the night before we arrived in Carcassonne at a small, rather humble auberge in the foothills of the mountains, which stood atop a cliff with an impressive view of the citadel. From there, the road...
Mera naam hai Sujay. Mai Pune shehar ka rehna wala hun. Meri umr 26 saal hai aur main ek bachelor hun. Meri story mere uss moment ki hai jab maine pehli baar kisi ladki ko uski naajuk parts par touch kiya tha. So imagine you first time while reading the story. Main koshish karunga ki aapko aapke first time ki yaad dilau. Mene story ko parts (headings) me divide kiya hai jo ise aur interesting banati hai. To meri story kuch iss tarah hai. Story Background: Meri umr karib 20 hogi. Darasal mera...
I met Robert thru a mutual friend Carol. At her parties Robert and me usually would find each other and have a good time. We talked about everything. He knew about my husband working for a months away from the house from Carol. Robert came straight out asking me if I needed company. I knew what he was asking. We started out meeting at coffee shops and then to small diners. Then I suggested he stop by my house. So eventually he did stop by the house when my husband was working. He normally...
Cameron arrived at the arena about half an hour before the opening tip-off and he was greeted by his panicking teammates and the furious coaching staff. They were furious because he had missed the press conferences and practices that could’ve given the team that edge they needed to win, but they found it relatively easy to forgive him seeing as he was their franchise player and all-star. He went to the locker room and started his pre-game routine, which he did religiously. The rest of the Los...
Love Stories"Ahh, I am SO excited about this!" Krystie squeaked as the plane started to taxi down the runway at London's vast Heathrow airport. "Never been to America before?" Viks asked. "Nope!" Krystie giggled. "Never even been outside Europe before, and even then it was only for the other launches, heh." "Didn't get much of a chance to honeymoon thanks to 'other considerations'," Mikey, Krystie's husband, chuckled as he tried to calm the squirming fifteen-month-old child in his lap. "And...
*Within the locker room, sex was the only language spoken. Ryan stood at the entrance to the showers, watching the effects of the Device’s power on the teen girls inside. Breasts, slickened with soap and hot water, slid against each other. Hardened nipples met their counterparts in each girl. Flat bellies stroked against each other as above lips and tongues melted in soft embraces. And the smell, the musky smell of weeping pussy mixed with the shower sprays as delicate feminine fingers...
I am very very thankful to ISS for publishing my stories and giving me always guide line and rectifying all my faults. Thank you ISS I am not a mobile engineer and neither the thoughts in me are real, may be real or may become real in future but my reader should excuse me if they think I am giving bluff.We three friends after graduating in mobile technology got jobs in foreign in the same company. Myself Honey 22 Yrs. Age with 34B-24-34 figure,height 5ft 4 inch most introvert type. My friend...