Rindr Online: Chapter Two free porn video

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Chapter Two

Rebecca now stood up against a tree, leaning on it with one arm to steady her still shaky legs as thick and hot minotaur cum still dribble out of her abused and sore pussy. The three players who had happened up on her, who called themselves the welcoming committee, stood a few feet away in the bright sunlight and watched her with gentle and concerned expressions. Eryis, the tall, buxom, and beautiful blonde High Elf seemed to be their leader and had told the other two, the imposing and scarred Markum and the lithe and feminine Bellis to give Becca some breathing room to calm down a little.

Simply calming down wasn't all that easy though, and after several minutes Becca couldn't entirely relax her sore and aching body nor could she slow her erratic breathing and heartbeat. Eryis seemed to quickly pick up on this though and now she moved closer, the soft and flowery scent of her perfume wafting over Rebecca's sense of smell and actually helping a little bit before the woman had even spoken.

“Just take a deep breath, Adeli. It's okay. You're okay,” the taller woman said with a kind and gentle voice. “It's a game. Remember that.”

“It sure as hell didn't feel like a game...” Rebecca grunted, her legs still wobbling under her. She quickly looked up though and confirmed that Eryis was right, and that this was a game. She had a health and mana bar at the top left of her vision and right below those was a little icon for her Recently Raped debuff only had a few seconds left on it.

“I know, but it is. Once your debuff goes away you'll feel a little better,” she replied at the exact moment the thing vanished. Instantly Eryis was proven right when strength flooded back into Rebecca's body and she was once more able to stand under her own weight. Not only that, but her panting and heart rate slowed a little bit as well and, while not entirely calmed down, she could think a lot more clearly. “There, see. Better right?”

“Y... yeah,” Becca was forced to answer, and this seemed to tickle both Markum and Bellis because they chuckled softly behind Eryis' back.

Ignoring them Eryis smiled and nodded, her eyes gleaming in the brilliant sunlight and her chest heaving hypnotically as she breathed. “Go ahead and take stock of yourself. You'll find that even your body is perfectly normal again. Well except for the cum covering your naughty bits and legs.”

Rebecca did as was suggested and looked down at her hips while running her hands over her body. She was still covered in saliva that hadn't dried yet and there was sticky jizz all over her, but other than that her body seemed fine. In fact it was back to how it had been before she had been brutally fucked by a massive minotaur. Even her pussy, which should have been broken and busted beyond recognition, was once more tight, with her lips covering her wet opening. There wasn't even any blood present from when she had lost her virginity.

“How is that possible?” she found herself asking, shaking the gooey cum off of her hands in disgust.

“It's a game,” Markus parroted what Eryis had said only moments before, a big grin on his face. The woman next to him smiled also, but she quickly opened her player menu and then summoned a fluffy white towel out of thin air and then handed it to Eryis, who nodded and then turned back to Becca.

“Yes, it is a game. Think about it for a second. If a dick as big as the one you just encountered had gone inside you in real life you wouldn't be able to get up and walk around, would you? And it breaking into your womb and distending your stomach as much as it did probably would have killed you, right? Here, take this and clean that gunk off of you,” the blonde woman with elf ears explained and handed the towel to Rebecca, who quickly took it began to clean her naked body off. “What you just experienced was a teaser of what sadistic servers can be like. It's a kind of initiation.”

“Hell of a welcome to the game, huh?” Bellis commented in a slightly rough way that ran counter to her demure presence. “The game designers are pricks.”

“You can say that again,” Rebecca sighed as she finished wiping the last of the thick cum from between her legs. The entire time she had rubbed the soft fabric against her nether region she had expected to feel pain of some sort from her brutal rape, but instead it only seemed to tickle her senses and feel slightly good.

“It's even worse than that,” Eryis added, taking back the towel from her and then putting it into her inventory with quick hand motions. “What happens in that cave has no lasting effects on your character once you get out of it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your virginity, which every female character starts off with, was restored the moment your debuff wore off. So the next time you get defeated you will feel the pain of losing it all over again.”

Rebecca blinked in disbelief at the busty woman before her, but the serious look on her face and the way she titled her head to the side left no room for error. She was dead serious about her virginity being restored in the game, and that knowledge sent a pang of foreboding through Becca's simulated body. Having to lose her virginity three times in her life did not sound like a good time. Hell, losing it the first time to some idiot teenage boy back in high school who shoved it into her pussy without making sure she was wet or ready was already bad enough.

Becca quickly shook that memory and the thought of once more being a virgin from her head and instead focused on the three people in front of her. Now that she had calmed down a little bit she took her first real look at them and sized them up. They all seemed to be fairly high level players with the kind of armour and weapons they wore and carried. The leader of the little group, the buxom High Elf woman named Eryis even wore expensive shiny jewelry around her neck and a few of her fingers.

A group of strong players like them out here tending to a new player made no sense.

“Thanks for... you know, making sure I was okay and everything. Don't let me hold you guys up if you are in the middle of a quest though,” Becca finally said after sizing them up, and now they all chuckled at her like what she said was funny. “Wh... what?”

“We're here for you,” Markum smiled with a shake of his large head in a slightly feminine way that had Rebecca a little confused.

“I did say we were the welcoming committee, didn't I?” Eryis asked and her friends nodded at the same time. “We're a guild who likes to help new players out.”

“You knew I was going to be coming out of the cave?” Becca asked and the blonde before her nodded, her giants breasts bouncing with the action and forcing Becca's eyes to linger on them longer than what was considered a mere glance. “How?”

“Through the menu. There's a player tracker tab next to the friends list that you can use to see who is in the same region as you. We keep an eye on this zone for new names to pop up and then we come out here to meet them once they finish the first dungeon. It's usually hit or miss though, so consider yourself lucky that we happened to spot your name and get here right after you managed to get out,” the waif like Bellis answered for the group at large.

“We're here to help you in any way we can. Is this your first time playing Rindr?” Eryis asks next and Becca nodded slowly. “I thought as much. If you want we can get you presentable and take you to civilization. We're even willing to help you out more if you want as well. Getting used to and playing on this kind of a server takes a while and we all remember what it was like the first time we got in game. We just want to make sure you know what to expect and that you are ready to face what lies out in the wilderness. So, what do you say?”

This wasn't much of a decision for Becca to make, and all she had to really do was open up her friends list and see that Kara was still in the middle of a defeat scene for her to quickly nod and accept the offer theses people had presented. Any help when you were just getting started in a new game was a major advantage, and that was something that Rebecca knew well.

“That would be awesome. Thanks.”

“Great. Now you better take these before we get going,” the tall blonde smiled and quickly pulled out a set of clothing from her character menu, handing them to Becca. “A lot of the smaller towns and villages, and a few of the bigger cities allow public nudity and that kind of stuff in the streets, but I'm guessing that you would rather be clothed right now. Oh, and I bet you want that collar off too, don't you? I've got a key that will unlock it.”

Rebecca nodded with appreciation at the gesture and the fact that Eryis was right about her wanting to be clothed, and she quickly pulled the articles over her nude and still slightly trembling body. She had been given a plain white tunic that had laces on the v-neck so it could be closed shut, and a pair of black pants that hugged her curves and ass nicely. They weren't elegant or expensive, but they would do and they also had an edge of sexiness. That mostly could have been from the fact that she was currently not wearing any underwear though and she was a little thankful that she hadn't been given a skirt to wear instead.

With that taken care of she then held the key in her hand and then brought it up to the heavy metal collar that was stuck around her neck. The thing not only weighed down on her body but her mind as well, as every time she moved she could feel it on her, clamped around her neck like she was nothing more than an object. It was pretty demeaning and she wanted it off quickly. All she had to do to get that was to tap the key against the back of the collar where the lock was and then suddenly both items burst into pixels and disappeared back into the game code, allowing Rebecca to sigh in relief.

“Thank you. How far to the city?” she then asked but Eryis shook her head and instead grabbed a rolled up scroll from her inventory and held it out to her.

“One thing to keep in mind in Rindr is that not all towns or cities are safe. Some of them, mostly the smaller settlements furthest away from the capitals, will randomly get attacked by monster hordes. If you're in one during an attack you're pretty much guaranteed to get defeated. Only raid groups stand a chance at fighting back. The closest place to us right now happens to be one of those smaller villages, so we're going to avoid it. Also, remember when Bellis said that the game designers were pricks? Well here's more proof: the zone we are in, the one you start in on sadistic servers, is a level thirty zone. For a new character that pretty much means instant rape when you come across any kind of monster. So instead we are going to bring you to one of the bigger cities in the real starting zone. It's safe and the creatures only get to level five there.”

“And this scroll will bring me there?” Becca asked for clarification as she held the scroll in front of her, finding that a little text box popped up to tell her what it was called and how much it was worth if she wanted to sell it.

“You betcha,” Bellis chuckled, once more coming off as less feminine than what her appearance was. “Just open it up to activate the spell on it. It will teleport you to the city center. We'll be right behind you.”

The lithe and small chested woman nodded, her long ears bobbing slightly in place of her breasts, and now Rebecca once more looked down at the item she held in her hands. Truth be told she was a little hesitant to open the scroll like these people were suggesting. It had always been a rule of thumb in MMO games that you shouldn't trust a person, especially one you just met, because they might be trying to screw you over or just trolling you in general. Especially when it came to a game like Rindr Online, where your ass was literally on the line should you make a mistake.

However, despite knowing that she shouldn't really trust them, she didn't see that she had all that much of a choice when it came right down to it. Even if they weren't telling the truth and she wasn't stuck in the middle of a zone with high level monsters, the fact was that she was still stuck in the middle of nowhere with simple cloth clothing and no weapon. She wouldn't make it very far on her own if she turned down their offer of help.

Besides, there was also the fact that she had checked, rechecked, and then checked a third time to make sure that players couldn't rape each other unless it was consensual on both sides; and even Kara had confirmed that only earlier. So even if they were having a laugh at her expense by sending her somewhere dangerous, they themselves couldn't actually physically take advantage of her unless she wanted them to. Which she didn't.

With that in mind Becca pulled the scroll open with a flourish as the game's animation adjuster took over for just a moment, giving her actions a sort of regal appearance rather than just her straight up pulling it open in a mundane or boring way. The instant the scroll was unfurled a bright flash of bluish-purple enveloped her body and she was sucked deep into it. A split second later, barely enough time for her eyes to pick out the dizzying display of the magical spell she had been forced into, her feet touched ground softly once more and sunlight filled her vision as the noise of a busy street rushed at her suddenly sensitive ears.

Eyes blinking, Rebecca slowly peered out at her surroundings and found that she was now standing in the middle of a busy looking city street. The cobbled stone street lead in four different directions around her, lined on the sides by two to three story stone structures with glass windows and tiled roofs. Some of the buildings had ornate signs just above their doors that showed that they were shops. There were even a few smaller one man stalls set up at random intervals in the spaces between some of the buildings, NPCs standing behind them as they tried to hock their items in a manner that almost made them look like real people, and not digitally rendered bits of code within Rebecca's brain.

A moment later, as Becca looked down another street and watched the NPC activity, three soft pops broke through the dull murmuring the game had in the city to give it a lived in feeling. The three people who had been helping her out appeared in a flash of purple and blue just behind her, and now Becca turned to them and smiled as all her fears of being trolled had died out the moment she realized that she was actually sent to a safe looking city just like they had promised her.

“Thanks for not dropping me in the middle of some dragon's nest,” she half laughed as she turned to the three of them.

“Oh no, we would never,” Eryis laughed back, but her two friends behind her seemed to think differently; Bellis chuckled dryly once and shook her head while Markum sighed, rolled his eyes, and looked away. “Listen you two,” Eryis quickly rounded on them, holding a finger up as her voice suddenly got a little more heated, “that was deserved, and you both know it! What I meant right now is that we would never do something like that to a new player!”

“What happened?” Rebecca found herself asking, but Eryis quickly turned back to her and shrugged her shoulders, putting on a face that said she didn't want to discuss it at all anymore.

“Anyways, now that we're here let's give you a quick tour and show you all the places you need to know about,” she brushed off and then started to walk down the road right ahead of her, forcing Becca and her own friends to quickly follow after her.

For the first few minutes, as they traversed the wide and busy feeling streets, brushing past NPC's left and right, they travelled in silence. Rebecca took in everything there was to see, finding a few armour and weapon vendors and even a place where she could buy potions. However never once did Eryis point these out, and whenever Becca looked back at the other two people following along behind her they just shook their heads and then nodded forward. It wasn't until they had walked for a good five minutes and had come out to another square full of activity that Eryis slowed down and began to speak, explaining where they actually were.

“This is the Mellox city, capital of the human country and the starting zone for new players. It's also the third largest city currently in the game, and as such most players tend to stick to one little section that's near the front gates; that way they don't have to walk ten minutes or more just to get out into the area around the city for quests,” she explained like an actual tour guide, pointing down another, wider, street off to their left that lead towards a massive gate that stood open. “Everything you could possibly need can be found within three or four streets away from the gate. There's even an inn if you don't have your own player house, and a premium store where you can buy cosmetic items and toys with real money.”

“Toys?” Rebecca found herself asking as they passed an armour shop, the display in the window showcasing some expensive looking armour that gleamed as the sunlight twinkled off of it. “You're not talking about vanity items, are you?”

“This is an adult game, remember?” her guide laughed and now came to a stop to face her, a few unknown players walking past as they eyed the group up with impure thoughts lingering in their eyes. “As you appear to already know, given that you're playing a race that can only be unlocked by paying for it, this game offers a cash shop that let's you buy various items or unlocks. It's actually pretty impressive the list of things you can buy, ranging from special and very sexy clothes and costumes, sex toys, different races, and even a ton of body mods. It's all stuff you can't get anywhere else but at the shop, so if you don't mind paying money for stuff inside a game then you should check it out.”

“Body mods?” Becca picked out the one thing that had her slightly lost. She could understand all the other things that were being sold, but she really had no idea what Eryis meant when she said 'body mods'.

“Oh, you don't know about body mods?” Markum asked in surprise and Rebecca nodded, even more confused now. “They're probably the best things you can buy at the shop. They basically let you change your body in certain ways, both unnoticeable and overtly noticeable.”

“So it's like being able to do the character customization again?”

“No, no... well... yeah, sort of I guess, actually. You can change your hair colour and style, body shape, and even sex through body mods if you really wanted; but it's much more than that,” Bellis answered the question Becca had just asked first. “You can also remove or even add a penis and also select the type of penis you want, you can adjust your bust size or even get tits if you don't already have them, you can get animal ears and tails, and so much more. And that's just on the outside. You can pretty much change every little thing about your body. Look, that player is pretty much a walking example of what I mean,” she then said and pointed towards a large building that was labelled as an Inn just as a player walked out through the doors.

Focusing on the feminine form Rebecca was a little shocked by what she found. All of the races that Rebecca had been able to choose from when creating her character had been distinctly human in nature, even the demon race she currently was, with the purple skin. The fact was that they all had human skin, human legs, and human arms. However the only thing this player had in common with humans was the fact that she was walking upright.

Her entire body was covered in short and fine looking red fur, with a big bushy red fox tail sticking out just above her rather soft and round ass. Her legs were like that of a fox as well, bending in that distinctly animal way that looked a little unnatural for someone walking on two legs instead of four. Even her head and face was that of an animals, with large fox ears crowing it and a long snout with a big and wet looking nose on the end of it. She did however have human looking breasts that were covered by a short breastplate that looked more like a bikini top more than anything else. However on her open chest several more nipples were visible as well; sticking out a little from her fur and erect like she was excited.

Then again she probably was pretty excited, as she was showing off her nipples and most of her body to anyone who looked. So that was probably the exact reason why her nipples were erect and hard.

“The game caters to a lot, and I mean a lot of different fetishes; including the furry community. In fact you can also buy items that are not entirely physically visible. You can buy pills that make you lactate, or change the type of your milk or even the taste and texture of it. There's also items that do that for your cum, both male and female. Markum's tastes like vanilla,” Bellis explained further and now the large man actually blushed, nudging his smaller friend and shaking his head in an embarrassed manner. “Oh don't give me that, babe. You know I am all for this whole role reversal thing, but I really cannot get behind having the real taste of cum on my tongue. I'm not like you in real life.”

“Wait... what?” Rebecca stammered slightly, hearing something that threw her for even more of a loop. This was one weird day for her.

“Oh, that's right, you don't know,” Bellis now smiled as the tall man next to her turned even redder and looked down at the stone street at his feet. “Markum and I switched genders for the game. Outside of it I'm a guy and he is a woman. We're married actually. We switched sexes in game to feel what the other experiences in real life. To be honest I didn't think I would like it, but it's pretty intense, the female orgasm.”

“O... oh,” was all Rebecca could thing to say to the girl/man's explanation.

“Don't worry, you don't have to give us your real gender if you don't want to,” Eryis tried to alleviate the tension, thinking that was why Becca was flustered. “We won't ask for it. If you want to tell us at any point we won't stop you, but it's not that important. In this game the illusion you are presented with is pretty important to most players, so they like to keep things in game.”

“No, that's not what I was worried about,” Rebecca tilted her head to the side and then took a deep breath, trying to get herself centred again. “I was just a little surprised by everything. Sorry about that. And yeah, I figured as much when it came to real life genders. But, to be honest, I'm not really in this game to get it on with other players, so it doesn't matter so much to me. If you guys don't mind knowing then I don't mind telling.”

“By all means then. The three of us have been playing together for about a year and a half now so we already know each others real genders,” Bellis smiled.

“Fair enough. I'm a woman then.”

“Same here,” Eryis added with a small smile. “But I think that's enough about our real lives, don't you agree? We're in a game after all. If we wanted real life we wouldn't be playing this. Anyways, where were we? Oh, right, the cash shop. As Bellis just explained you can pretty much do anything with body mods should you want, so if you've got the money then go nuts. It's your character and your body after all. That's not all they sell though. If you're sick of wearing fantasy style clothes or want something skimpier than what the game offers, then you can buy cool stuff from the shop as well. Despite this being a game that is based around sex and nudity, you'd be surprised how little the clothes you can get from drops actually reveal.”

“They just do it that way so people keep paying them money though,” Markum grunted and now that Becca knew that he was actually a woman she could hear a little bit of that in the way he/she spoke. “It's actually pretty genius if you think about it. Same with the toys too, sadly.”


“Yeah. You can get toys as random drops from certain enemies or from chests, but they are pretty much crap,” he answered, rolling his eyes in a very feminine way that had a laugh hissing off of Becca's lips. “If you want the really good stuff, like ones that vibrate or do extra little things through magic, you've gotta pay for it with money. It's not all that bad though. The toys are really, really good; so you kind of don't mind shelling out some real money for them. Take the one I just bought for example. I am sure it is going to be well worth the real money.”

“You... you bought a new one?” the real life husband/female character asked and suddenly her eyes flew open in surprise and apprehension. “Please tell me it's not like that last one. I don't want to go through that again!”

All Markum did was laugh at his lover's plea and that got her expression to become even more distressed. Whatever those two had planned for when they were alone in the game had suddenly been changed, and it seemed like only one of them was happy about it.

“Right, well ignore the two love birds. Let's get back to the tour, shall we. I'll take you to the main quest hub in the city so you know where you can get some experience and gold from,” Eryis chuckled and then lead the way once more, this time a little slower, so as to give Rebecca more time to read all the signs and figure out where all the shops were.

They passed numerous item shops that catered to everything she could possibly need, each one selling to a different financial crowd; from the wealthy to the poor it seemed. Passing by one last shop, this one dealing with magic tomes that players needed for casting the various spells in the game, they came to a large secondary street that led towards the front wall of the city where a single large building stood, connected directly to the wall at the back of the structure.

Judging by all the flags and banners present along the street and on the large stone building itself it seemed like this place was somewhere official. Maybe even somewhere important. There was even a large and boisterous crowd out front of the building as well, cheering and jeering loudly at something that Becca couldn't see. Her companions however seemed to know what was going on though, and now they slowed a bit but still continued to near the building and whatever event was going on just in front of it.

“Uh oh, looks like someone got caught again,” Markum sighed as they got to the very back of the large crowd, which Rebecca quickly realized was entirely full of players.

“What's going on?” she asked and it was Eryis who answered her question.

“Someone got caught doing something illegal,” she said and now she began to push through the crowd of players, ushering Rebecca and the others to follow with a wave of her hand. “There's a crime mechanic in this game and you can get arrested if you steal from any of the NPC vendors in a city or town and get caught. Depending on what you tried to steal and if you have a record or an active bounty, you can get locked up in jail for up to two hours real time. At the end of your sentence you'll be brought out in front of the jail and then... well, this happens.”

At the exact moment Eryis stopped talking the spectacle came into view for the first time as they got to the front of the crowd and all Rebecca could do was gasp in surprise. In front of the building and a little off to the side of the main entrance was what appeared to be a set of old wooden stocks, where a criminal would be force to bend over and put their head and hands into holes before getting locked into position. At this very moment there was a young looking woman stuck in the very middle stock, her raven black hair falling over and obscuring her face as it hung in shame while the crowd booed and cheered all at the same time.

Two guards in gleaming full plate silver armour stood ten feet on either side of her, their large and sharp looking pikes in their hands. They were obviously AI and their intelligence package didn't seem all that impressive, as they were just standing rooted to the spot and staring blankly at the crowd of people who were currently yelling like they were at some kind of concert. In fact, the NPC guards didn't seem to care what was going on around them or what might be happening to their charge, because three rather bold players had moved closer to the woman in the stocks and were currently masturbating in her direction, their hands slowly moving over their human like cocks as pre-cum dribbled from their tips unhindered.

“Are they allowed to do that?” Rebecca asked her guide, actual concern for the girl bubbling in her chest. There was nothing she could to do stop the men's actions in her situation.

“Yep, they are,” Eryis answered with a slight smile, pulling her eyes away from the scene to take a good and hard look at Rebecca's face. “As long as they don't physically touch or manipulate another player they can do whatever they want. It's a form of griefing in this game, and the guys doing it right now are probably just horny idiots who don't want to put any actual work into the game to get their rocks off. Just look at what they are wearing. No armour, no weapon, not even any upgrades or mods. They are just generic characters that they probably made on a sadistic server so they can get free shows like this.”

“That's stupid. They should upgrade the guards AI to stop this kind of thing.”

“They won't,” Bellis joined the conversation now, standing right off to Rebecca's left and so close that their shoulders were touching. “This punishment is something that only happens on this server difficulty, and it's designed to be like this. So if you ever plan on levelling up your theft skill then I would do it outside of the major cities and towns. That is unless you want something like this to happen.”

“Uh no, I'm good...”

The group of three friends all chuckled at Rebecca's reply, and now Eryis begins to slowly turn towards the actual building they are standing in front of to head inside. However before she can even take one step forward the sound of commotion from the back of the gathered group of players got her attention, and she now turned back to see what's going on, her eyebrows rising on her forehead and her eyes going a little wide a second later.

“What the hell is Amma doing here?” she suddenly asks and now both Markum and Bellis turned to see who she was talking about. Not that they needed to, as a few seconds later a very tall, very muscular woman dressed in thick gold plate armour and carrying a massive two handed sword on her back broke through the front of the crowd with her powerful strides, and came right up to the three men who were still jerking off to the woman in the stocks.

“Get out of here you little pussy’s! Go suck each other off in the bushes like the pansy's you really are!” she growled loudly at them, her voice a little masculine and rough.

The three men all seem to chuckle at the command and one of them even begins to turn and get ready to probably tell the nearly seven foot tall woman off, but as soon as his eyes fall on her large and toned body they bulge in their sockets and his mouth quickly shuts. He doesn't even say another word as some kind of terror seems to grip him and he quickly hits the other two on the shoulders and then runs off, leaving what appear to be his friends to quickly follow his lead when they look back to see what's going on.

In a matter of seconds the perverts are gone and now only the amazon of a woman stands in front of the black haired girl who is bent over with her eyes on the ground.

“Who is that?” Becca asks.

“Amma the Amazon,” Eryis answers in a serious tone, no longer looking to head into the building she had brought Rebecca to. “She's the number one ranked PVPer on the server. In fact she's so good that I haven't seen her lose yet since she transferred into the server about five months back.”

“I wonder what's she's doing here though. I figured she'd be hanging around Nel city for the tournament that starts soon,” Bellis added.

It didn't take long for Bellis to get an answer to her question, as the powerful looking woman with her long orange hair stalked closer to the small and fragile looking girl by comparison. She stopped only two feet in front of the girls head, which was barely at her waists height, and then cocked her own head to the side as she regarded her with the crowd having grown quiet at her back.

“Well, well, well, if it isn't Malli. Long time no see, meat,” Amma barked and the girl, who appeared to be named Malli, flinched at the words. “What's it been, two weeks since I beat your ass in a duel? Yeah, that's right, two weeks. Two weeks since I kicked your useless tight ass in three hits and then you claimed you were at the limit for your dive timer and logged off without even giving me my prize! That was a pretty ballsy move, bitch! What was even more ballsy was you avoiding me since then! But look at you now. You couldn't avoid me even if you wanted! So what do you say? Are you finally going to give me my prize, or are you going to go back on your word like the little cunt you are?!”

The crowd gathered in front of the stocks began to grow excited as they watched this large behemoth of a woman talk to the smaller and meeker looking girl trapped in a precarious position. Even Rebecca's companions seemed to grow a little restless as they stood there and watched on.

“Looks like Amma's going to give everyone a free show,” Bellis commented, her voice slightly surprised sounding as her eyes were glued on the scene before her.

“Can't she just say no?” Becca found herself asking, wondering how Bellis could possibly know what the outcome was going to be already.

“Amma doesn't need to ask for permission; not if they had an official duel with the stakes recorded,” Eryis explained with a whisper. “If the fight was official, which it is because that's all Amma does, then there is no escaping the punishment if you lose. Unless you log out and never log back in. All Amma has to do is find the person she had a duel with. Once she does she can take whatever was put on the line, which in this case it would be this player's ass.”

“So she's just asking to make a show of it?”

“Yep. Which is a real treat,” Markum grunted in reply. “Amma only ever really duels in the arena, and she almost never claims her prize in public. In fact I've only ever seen her do that once. But this girl... well she must have really pissed her off. Amma wants to humiliate her completely.”

“Are... are we going to watch?” Becca now asked, noticing that no one had made a move to leave yet.

“We don't have to if you really don't want to,” Eryis said, giving her an out if she wanted it, “but I think it would be a good lesson for you. On this server there are real consequences to your actions, and right now you're about to see what might happen if you're not careful. Also, if you're planning on fighting in the arena, then you need to see what kind of a monster you are up against. Amma is a beast, and the quicker you learn that the better off you are.”

Rebecca remained silent. A part of her wanted to stay and watch what was about to happen, and that part was growing with each second she stood there. She had never really been the type of person who would hang around and watch a live sex show like this, but with this kind of a world and all the possibilities it held, she couldn't help but want to see this.

“What? You not going to say anything?” Amma asked with a loud and dry laugh, her eyes lit with a bit of sadistic glee. She took another step towards the raven haired girl and put a large and veiny hand on top of her head, closing her fingers around it hard enough to make the girl groan in pain; proving what Eryis had just told her. “Fine, don't talk. I'm still going to take you. I was just hoping that you might want to apologize to me before I did, because in a moment you're going to wish you did.”

Amma released her grip on the girls skull and slowly began to walk around her, making sure to give her a large and hard smack right across her pale cheek as she went. When Amma reached the girl's rear end, with her ass up in the air and on full display to anyone who happened to be behind her, the large woman stopped and titled her head to the side as the creepy smile on her face grew in size. She seemed to stare at her ass for a second longer than most people would, and then she pulled her right hand back and brought it down on the other girls ass hard enough to make her yelp in pain and surprise.

“I've been looking forward to this for a while, you know?” Amma chuckled, her hand now rubbing the spot she had just smacked.

Amma pressed a single finger into the girl's backside, over top of the dark leather armour that she was wearing. As soon as the Amazon pulled her finger back the armour disappeared, probably being put back into the girls bags, and now she was totally naked and still stuck in the stocks. Her pale skin shined slightly in the sunlight and Amma ran her hand over it, causing the girl to shiver in either anticipation or fear. Becca couldn't figure out which one it was.

Probably deciding that she didn't want to waste any time, Amma quickly took off her own armour and now stood directly behind her prey just as nude. However even though they were both nude there was still a very stark contrast between them, and now Rebecca looked Amma up and down with all of her attention. The powerfully well built woman had dark tanned skin and every inch of her was covered in thick ropes of muscle that bulged with every little movement. Even her abs stood out and caught Becca's eyes. They were so muscular and so defined that it looked like if someone were to try and stab her with a knife or a sword that her abs would break the blade in half. You would probably break your hand and shatter your arm if you tried to punch them.

Amma was easily the most intimidating player that Rebecca had seen in any game before, and even standing a dozen or so feet away from her she couldn't help but be nervous. However what really made her the most intimidating and what really had her standing out was the large, bulbous, and heavy looking cock that was currently swinging between her legs. The thing was only just starting to get hard but was already about ten inches long, and as thick as the largest dildo that Becca had ever tried inserting in herself. However it wasn't just the massive size that made it amazing, as the shape was what really threw her for a loop.

The head of the massive dick was shaped much like the one that Rebecca had chosen for her own, with a large flared tip that resembled that of a horse. However, unlike a horse, it appeared that Amma had done some further modifications to it and it was covered in thick veins and large bumps that would definitely stimulate her lover in ways that no normal dick could ever hope to achieve. The shape of it pointed out that it was for pleasure, however the sheer size of it said that it was for punishment. And it was that duality that now had Rebecca's own legs growing weak and her tender pussy lips getting slick with excitement.

“Alright, my little slut, shall we begin?” Amma now asked, never actually expecting an answer. She had already begun before she had even finished speaking, and now she held her massive and still inflating club by the base and was rubbing it up and down the poor girls slit, which was sadly hidden from the view of all those watching. “You know, if you had just accepted your fate right after you had lost I would have been nice and let you enjoy this. I would have loved you and petted you and broken your will softly. But no, you had to be a cunt about it. Oh, but don't get the wrong idea; I'm still going to break you. But it won't be nice and you won't enjoy it in the beginning. But by the end, when your pussy is stuffed full of my thick and hot cum and twitching as it tries to close, you will be begging me for more.”

“Fuck you!” the girl suddenly barked in response to her oppressors taunt, speaking for the first time. Her voice was full of anger towards Amma, but it was also breathy from the stimulation on her sensitive nether regions.

“That's the spirit! Let's see how long you can keep that fire burning before I break you completely and add you to my harem! Open wide!”

With one massive thrust of her powerfully muscled hips Amma penetrated the girl all the way to the hilt in an instant. The sound of the large woman's hips smacking against the smaller girls thighs and ass cheeks reverberated through the crowd a second before the girl let louse a loud, frightened, and pained scream at what what had just happened. Her head lifted in response and her eyes were wide open, her irises rolling towards the back of her head until all that you could see was the white bits. Even her mouth was held open as her scream died in her throat and now saliva began to drip from her bottom lip and over her chin, covering it in a sticky clear mess.

“That's a good girl! Scream out for me! Let me hear your voice!” Amma laughed sadistically, her cock still buried deep into the girls pussy. “Let me hear more of your pain!”

Now Amma pulled her hips back quickly, the head of her monster cock most likely acting like a plunger and threatening to pull the girls pussy inside out, and then slammed it back home. This time the girl was unable to cry out and her head now fell forward, her hair once more obscuring the look on her face. However this did not stop Amma even a little bit, and now that she didn't get what she wanted from her victim she began to grow even more cruel.

She pounded the girl relentlessly, her massive cock lifting the girl's feet off the ground with each thrust. Each time she pulled it out, making sure just to keep the very tip inside the warm and most likely loosening hole, she would slap the girls ass as hard and as violently as she could. And, even though this was just a game, the pain sensors that fed into a person's sense caused the barely conscious girl to meekly grunt as her ass began to turn red from the savage beating it was receiving.

Amma continued to brutally fuck the poor girl who was at her mercy for several minutes. The wet sound of her cock sliding in and out of her pussy filled the crowded square and every one watched in amazement. More than a few of the voyeurs had begun to pleasure themselves, not even caring that there were other people around them. And it wasn't just the low level players or those who looked like they were only on this game for a free show either. No, there were more than a few adventurers in good looking gear stroking their cocks or had their hands down their pants rubbing their clits.

In fact Rebecca had to urge to play with herself as well, but she restrained herself. It was hard though, and as she forcefully kept her hands pinned to her sides and tried to take her mind off her moistening pussy that was engorging with blood and her hard nipples that pressed into the fabric of her clothes uncomfortably, she couldn't help but shake as adrenaline coursed through her body.

The girl being reamed directly in front of her was also shaking, but for a completely different reason. Her hands, which had been tightly balled first up until this moment, suddenly flew open and all the joints in her fingers seemed to seize up in the same moment that her entire body tensed and she let out a guttural groan that sent a spasm from Rebecca's brain directly to her clit.

“Oh, what's this? Did you just cum, you piece of shit?” Amma asked loudly and with a bark, savagely slapping the girls naked back this time. “Did you just fucking cum?! Who the hell said you were allowed to orgasm! This is supposed to be a punishment, remember? You're supposed to hate this!”

“P... p... please... stop...” the girl moaned in response, her voice hoarse and barely above a whisper. “No... no more. I can't... I can't take much more... of this...”

“Stop? Did you just ask me to stop?! I don't think so!” Amma laughed in response to the girl's plight, pushing her still rock hard and massive cock all the way into her again.

In that exact moment, as soon as their skin slapped together and the girl cried out in anguish and pleasure, there was a loud beep from the stocks holding her in place and suddenly the top portion lifted off, freeing the girl. But, despite being released from the stocks, she was still held in place by Amma's powerful and large hands and the massive horse club shoved so deep inside her that the flared head was probably nestled snugly in her womb.

“Talk about perfect timing. I can't get a good rhythm going with you in this position! Up we go!” Amma grabbed the girl by the hair now and lifted her limp body up until her chest was against her back, with her large and hard looking tits acting like pillows on either side of the girls head. “There we go! That's much better! Now I'm really going to break you. Oh, and don't worry about cumming. The more you cum the quicker you break. So cum as much as you want until I fill your belly with my seed and make you look like the pregnant slut you should be!”

Now the girl was on full display to those who were watching her, and what a display it was. She was so slender and so petite that with Amma's cock buried deep into her pussy as it was Rebecca could make out the outline of the bugle in her stomach. And, once Amma let go of the girls hair and grabbed at both her thighs and pulled them up and out a little, effectively making her spread eagle, she could see it even more. In fact it was so erotic that she momentarily forgot herself and began to rub at her soaking pussy above her clothes.

“Hang on tight my little whore!”

Amma now used the girls legs to lift her up and off her cock, the flared horse tip falling out with a sound like that of a suction cup as thick precum and the girl's own juices began to flow out of her gaping hole. A split second later the Amazon thrust up at the same time she pulled down on the girls legs, impaling her with a force that brought back memories of the minotaur that Rebecca had recently been raped by. And much like that large and brutish monster, this woman also had no care for her fuck toy's well being and she pounded into her with a fervour that could never be replicated outside in the real world.

Over and over again the warrior woman pounded her monster sized cock into the once tight hole of her prize, and over and over again Rebecca rubbed her hidden pussy lips. She kept in time with the show that was going on, and every time the Amazon bottomed out inside her toy, Rebecca would move her now slick finger over her clit and moan softly. It was the most stimulating thing to happen to her that day, and that was really saying something considering the brutal raping she had been subject to only earlier. Still, being in a crowd full of other people playing with themselves and watching a behemoth of a woman claim a small woman's pussy and womb for her own was over powering.

The girl who was being ravaged seemed to have lost all sense of reason as she was bounced up and down on the massive invader between her legs, her small and perky breasts leaping with the effort. Her mouth was open and there was a slightly goofy grin at the edges of her lips, her eyes were glazed over as she was completely overcome with pleasure, and her body was almost constantly convulsing from what Becca could only assume was the longest orgasm in the history of humankind. Minutes passed by, filled with the savage grunting and cursing of Amma, and still the girl came until it seemed like she was about to pass out. And then, in that moment, just as her eyes began to close and her body grew even limper, Amma finished her off completely.

“Fuck me! I haven't had a pussy this good in a long time! Take all of my cum! Don't you dare let even a single drop if it fall out of your womb, slut!” Amma growled loudly, her own body tensing a second later.

With one final thrust that was so powerful and so savage that it was surprising the girl wasn't split in two, Amma unloaded her seed deep into her womb. She groaned, growled, and moaned all at the same time as her cock seemed to expand inside the poor girls stretched pussy, and soon the outline of it began to disappear as her stomach deformed and bugled slightly with all that was being stuffed into it. Amma's orgasm was a long one as well, lasting close to a full minute, and during that time she continued to pump thick and hot cum deep into her victims cunt until it looked like she could hold no more.

“Fuck that was good!” the Amazon declared, her body relaxing. She quickly and unceremoniously pulled her still rock hard cock from her abused hole, and surprisingly no cum leaked out even though it was gaping wide open. “I am so putting you in my harem. But for that I need to break you even harder, so you'll never want to leave me. But we will do that at my place, where I have all my nice restraints and toys for you. Would you like that? Hmm? Would you like me to tie you up and wear you like a cock sleeve all day?”

The girl, still being held up and pressed into Amma's chest, rolled her head from side to side; as if she was trying to lift it but didn't have the strength. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, mimicking the way her pussy was convulsing like it was trying to drag the cock back into it. She did finally manage to speak a few second later, but it was only a single word and it could barely be heard in the crowd. Thankfully Rebecca was at the very front of the crowd for it.

“Y... yes.”

“Good little slut. As a prize I'm going to stick it in your ass next. Now come on, let's go. We have a long day of fun ahead of us!”

Amma suddenly dropped the girl onto the ground roughly, causing her to cry out in pain and surprise as she landed on her red and angry looking ass. Then the large woman grabbed her by the hair and dragged her off, through the crowd, and down the street, both of them still naked. One with a massive erection that could only be described as a deadly weapon, and a broken girl with a belly visibly filled with semen.

With their entertainment suddenly gone the crowd quickly began to disperse, leaving behind a small mess of cum and wet spots on the ground from all the masturbation that had taken place. It only took thirty seconds for Rebecca and her group to be the only ones still standing there, and Rebecca was stuck in a strange position that she was quickly realizing was a bit embarrassing. Her hand was still between her legs but she had stopped playing with herself the moment that Amma had cum. She had been moments from her own orgasm and her body twitched with the fact that she had cut herself short, her pussy aching and her nipples straining against the thin material pressing down on them. She had just been so mesmerized by what she was being shown that she had frozen, and now she regretted it. She needed to cum so badly that it hurt, both mentally and physically.

“Well, that was interesting,” Bellis commented, her voice a little rough and her cheeks flushed red. “Any... anyways, where were we?”

“Right! We were showing Adeli around and giving her a rundown on everything!” Eryis quickly answered, her own face a little flushed. “Let's get back to that, shall we? We'll show you where to pick up most of your quests in the city and then get you some gear. Sound good?”

“Ye... yeah, sounds good...” Rebecca replied lamely, her mind still going over watching that large and masculine cock being drilled into that tight and wet pussy so savagely. She was nearly dead to the rest of the world and Eryis and her friends could have led her into a trap without her noticing. Thankfully they were too nice for that, and instead they did just as they said they would; they helped her get set up and ready to start questing and levelling.


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Banging A Hot Punjabi Cam Girl Online

Hello, everyone. This is Yash from Punjab. I am a regular reader of ISS. Today, let me share my sex chat and video call experience with a hot cam girl I met online. Well, to tell about myself, I am a businessman (small time) and I live alone. So, I have no commitments. Sometimes, if I have enough time, I would visit my favorite call girl and have a good time with her. But I am not getting the mood nowadays. I don’t want to spend too much time with the girl. Too hectic. It may sound like fun at...

4 years ago
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Hotel Ki Online Receptionist Ko Asli Sex Ka Maja Dia Hun 8211 Part 1

Hotel ki online receptionist ko asli sex ka maja dia hun Hi iss readers, am basa here am a big fan of iss, regular reader and all most read all the story here, i hope ill do more sex experience through iss in future, i like and believe most story and little was fake also, ok leave it come to point, i want to submit my story in Hindi because Hindi is sexy compare to English. Mai iss may 2nd story submit karta hun aur first story ka first part submit kiya hun aur 2nd part be bahut jald submit...

2 years ago
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SAO Sex Art Online

I was obsessed, I had to get one of the 10,000 copies of Sword Art Online. I hadn't gotten into the beta and it really disappointed me. First off let me introduce myself. My name is Dai, I'm 24 years old and I've been a bit of a gamer my whole life. Somehow I've been extremely lucky and was recently left with billions from my grandfather who had an international company that sold a lot of kettle corn (weird I know). I live comfortably now thanks to him but unfortunately alone. Even...

4 years ago
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I had always been a Bhabhi boy and will always remain the same.After all being bhabhi boy helps in more ways than one.As a starter I always had the pleasure of dozing off with bhabhi cuddling me after collage and whenever i woke up I had a hard on, I had the liberty of moving my hands inside bhabhi shirt and innocently caressing her and I had the pleasure of having my first jerking off with my bhabhi as the tool of my hard on.So all in all you can say I had always a deep desire of getting my...

1 year ago
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Online Free Chat

OnlineFreeChat has one of the most generic names I’ve seen slapped on an adult site lately, but sometimes those bland keyword search titles make for internet gold. The fact that these guys have been around since 2007 says something, but does it speak to the strength of their platform or did they just pick a good name? They get half a million visitors a month, so I was hoping it was the former, but I wouldn’t know for sure until I lubed up and tried it out for myself.Despite the SFW domain name...

Sex Chat Sites
1 year ago
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Son finds real mom online

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always been a momma's boy and will always remain the same.Afterall being momma's boy helps in more ways than one.As a starter I always had the pleasure of dozing off with mom cuddling me after school and whenever i woke up I had a hard on, I had the liberty of moving my hands inside moms shirt and innocently carresing her and I had the pleasure of having my first jerking off with my mom as the tool of my hard on.So all in all you can say I had...

1 year ago
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Online Chat Room to Real sex First Experience with a Housewife

This story is about my first real life experience, how I met the first female of my life in an online chat room, which paved way into real meetings and my first sexual experience Hello. I am Deepak and these are my experiences in life. I thought of narrating the same for our mutual pleasure. I will be talking of my real life sex experiences. I will not take the real names of any of my partners and will neither reveal the same. So please don't ask me the same. But, I am looking forward to hear...

4 years ago
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KAW Online Dating Can Be Hell

This is a work of fiction. It involves a Japanese woman who decides to meet a "Man" she first met online. This story contains sex and humour. It is not serious and I hope it makes you smile;) Have a wonderful day! JadeM Online Dating Can Be Hell! My name is Chiaka Kurigawa. I am a 27 year old professional woman who has always put her job ahead of relationships. To say that I am lonely would be an understatement. I have no one to blame but myself I have never made time to try and...

3 years ago
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Online Christmas Wishes

The tree was glittering with lights. Her stocking was hung on the mantle. A crackling fire danced in the fireplace. A CD full of Christmas tunes filled the room with holiday cheer. To anyone looking in the window, it would’ve appeared as if the occupant was in a festive mood. That is, unless they knew the occupant. Tess sat in front of her computer, alone again on Christmas Eve and talking to others who were suffering from the same problem. Far away from family and few friends aside from...

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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Two online friends meet for drinks

This is a story of when an online friend, Ashley, came to visit me in my hometown. Well really she was in town for work, but she made it a priority to make time for me one evening. My family was out of town for a bit of R&R and I had a golf tournament. Ashley and I are both married and dedicated to our vows, so we won't physically cheat. But neither of us were getting any passion or sensuality in the sexual department with our spouses and it can be depressing and frustrating. Ashley and I love...

2 years ago
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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn't...

2 years ago
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I found heaven online

I began playing online games quite by accident. I was checking for messages on Facebook when a friend invited me to play a game. It began quite innocently. After more than twenty years spent married to the same guy I thought my sex life had pretty much been bludgeoned to death by life. Just coping with repressing the urges was becoming troublesome and finding an outlet, difficult. I began making short comments in the online chats of the MMORGs I played, in response to the flirting that others...

Love Stories
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Met her online

I was online checking to see if i could find a Mistress that was looking for a sissy slave, well a few days later i got a e-mail from a lady said she was looking for a new boy bitch an over the next 4 or 5 months she knew all my little secrets, she mailed me a locking cock cage that a note said put it on an lock it i did without thinking thats when i noticed that the key was missing , i sent her a e-mail asking her where the key was , she said that i didn't need the key ..... wow only met her...

2 years ago
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The Married Woman I Met Online

I Had Sex With a Married WomanThe Married Woman I Met OnlineI have been attracted to and dated older women my entire adult life. Recently however I have been meeting a lot of married women online. Initially I stopped pursuing them after learning they’re married, but a rather persistent housewife I met online named Keri, persuaded me into meeting up with her for happy hour one afternoon.Since we lived in the same general area, we agreed to meet up at a bar across town so as to not run into any...

3 years ago
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College Guy Fucks Sexy Girl Online On Cam

Hello, friends. I am Vishal Kannan. I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Recently I read a story about a cam girl in Delhi Sex Chat from this site. First, I thought it was some person’s mere luck and it would not favor all the people. But I too felt lonely like the guy who had narrated the story. Coming from a normal and orthodox background, I wanted to explore things on my own. I didn’t want to feel embarrassed in front of all my friends asking about the sex and how to make a girl happy. Things do...

2 years ago
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My First Online Dating And Mating

Hi all readers,   Thanks for appreciating my stories and contacting me with your friendship and feedback. I really value your time and your friendship. I guess friendship is the neediest thing we bottoms need in our indian society.   For the new readers please check my earlier stories: 1) on my brother’s wedding; me and my partner had our suhagraat too 2) get together with my first partner   A brief introduction again:   I am aman living in canada for last couple of years but originally from...

Gay Male
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Memorable Day With Online Friend

Hello guys Sundar again with another experience. It was sunny morning I was enjoying my coffee, jobless jack I was at that time and was so desperate in getting a job. Finally I cleared an interview and was resting in room preparing to join after a month. Had my breakfast and joined the online chat rooms for fun which we need generally I don’t like to chat with that funky useless gals in chat rooms who are of no use, I always feel interested married gals can contact me  at-on After chitchatting...

2 years ago
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Online Date

On meeting him she’d been surprised what a hunk he was! But then having taken her to his make-shift camp in the spinney, he’d taken the scarf from around his neck causing her heart to thump in fear. “Turn around.” he’d ordered. He moved behind her and placed the scarf over her eyes, blindfolding her. She could see light but nothing more. He took her shoulders turning her back to face him. Her mind ran wild, trying to figure how she’d got herself into this precarious position. After all she...

1 year ago
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Akiba Online

AkibaOnline! There are many ways one could describe Neo-Otaku community, what the fuck they are all about, but I shall go with the basic description just so everyone understands me. Now, here I am talking about akiba-online.com, a forum site where otakus from all over the globe are welcome to talk about the naughty shit that makes their dick hard; what else did you fucking expect?Now, while I think that most of you know what the hell Otaku means, I am still here to describe it for those who...

Porn Forums
3 years ago
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Online Love

Chapter 1 Jim had been dating a woman from a city a little over 2 hours from him. They met in an online chat room that was on the biggest online service back then. For two years they dated on and off, but it was mostly for the sex. Although they were both fond of one another and enjoyed what they did together, neither of them felt the need to move to eithers area and take the relationship to the next level. Terri, his lover, had all of her family there, and Jim had his where he was from...

3 years ago
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An Online Friend From The USA Visits London Part 2

With my tongue, I began to explore Tracey’s pussy and her thighs. I felt I knew what to do, what she would like. We had been online friends for a while now and our steamy highly erotic chats via Lush Stories had given us both a release.It was as if my tongue knew where to go. I began with long slow licks along the length of Tracey’s pussy. When I felt her respond I stepped up the action. I parted her outer lips with my fingers and drove my tongue into her pink flesh. With the flat part of my...

4 years ago
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Online Dating1

I was a decent looking man, not extremely strong or macho but fit enough for an active life, I kept myself clean, my light brown hair managed as long as it didn't get too long in which case it became ridiculously curly and out of control. So I didn't have much trouble with women but I was content with being without those complications for now. My friends however felt differently. One morning I was going through my emails as I do every morning and there I saw something new. There was...

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Online Dating0

I was a decent looking man, not extremely strong or macho but fit enough for an active life, I kept myself clean, my light brown hair managed as long as it didn't get too long in which case it became ridiculously curly and out of control. So I didn't have much trouble with women but I was content with being without those complications for now. My friends however felt differently. One morning I was going through my emails as I do every morning and there I saw something new. There was an...

2 years ago
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Online Dating Gone Awry

I awoke very groggy and not recognizing my surroundings. The last thing I could remember was the blonde silhouette entering the room. I couldn’t move. I was secured to some kind of table completely nude. All of my limbs tied down. The room was totally silent. I was still unable to move with any real strength. I must have been drugged, but why? **************************************** Let me give a short description of myself and some background. I’m a white male in my late twenties. I...

3 years ago
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Online Fun

-Oh yeah, definitely I love it! Better than young guys who don’t know what they are doing, and besides your not that old- -Well I’m twenty two and your fourteen babe! I mean this online stuff is okay…but…- -But what? Come on…plz baby? I’m asking you…my parents are gone tonight until next week, how about a little preview of what you could get…- On the screen an image of this girl appeared. Shoulder length brown hair in a pony tail. She was standing up in front of a mirror standing spread...

4 years ago
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An online meeting becomes a fantasy come true

She grabbed a cigarette out of her pack and lit up as she started checking through emails and missed IM’s. All of a sudden a friend she had met through an online forum popped up. They lived in the same town but had never met in person; they just chatted and talked about whatever happened to come up. Daren said good morning and they chatted for a while, and then he asked what she was doing that night. She told him she had no plans but needed to get out of the house. He asked if she would like to...

3 years ago
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Online Fun

Introduction: This is a Fiction story. This is a story of pure fiction: Repeat THIS NEVER HAPPENED -So youve been with older people before sweetie?- -Oh yeah, definitely I love it! Better than young guys who dont know what they are doing, and besides your not that old- -Well Im twenty two and your fourteen babe! I mean this online stuff is okay&hellip,but&hellip,- -But what? Come on&hellip,plz baby? Im asking you&hellip,my parents are gone tonight until next week, how about a little preview of...

3 years ago
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I found heaven online

I began playing online games quite by accident. I was checking for messages on Facebook when a friend invited me to play a game. It began quite innocently. After more than twenty years spent married to the same guy I thought my sex life had pretty much been bludgeoned to death by life. Just coping with repressing the urges was becoming troublesome and finding an outlet, difficult. I began making short comments in the online chats of the MMORGs I played, in response to the flirting that others...

3 years ago
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Online Bottom Hookup

ONLINE BOTTOMSixty five year old, super thick, hung and always horny Lester was scanning the personal adds in his favourite adult gay hook up site on his computer. He described himself as an older hung Top Daddy who liked young or skinny smooth all over twinky type guys with a hungry arse for Daddies.All members had to be 18 plus and a smooth young guys profile attracted him with photos on it of his cute, round bubble butt. His large cock began to enlarge in his underpants as he looked at the...

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