Coming OutChapter 9 free porn video

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Three months later...

“Welcome to all of you, who have come to share in this important moment in the lives of Sarah and David. I ask you to join together in celebrating, acknowledging, and honoring this day and the vows that they will be making. By your presence, you witness and affirm the truth of their love and commitment to each other,” the rabbi welcomed the congregation to witness our nuptials in the synagogue.

“Do you, David, take Sarah to be your wife, promising to cherish and protect her, whether in good fortune or in adversity, and to seek together with her a life hallowed by the faith of Israel?” the rabbi inquired of me, though clearly still worried about what to expect from this goy marrying a young Jewish lady.

“I do,” I beamed.

I was more than happy to marry Sarah in her tradition since I no longer had a house of worship in mine that I trusted. I had firmly decided never to attend that church while Pastor Myers was the shepherd of that flock. Everything about that man disgusted me, the prig, bully, and hypocrite that he was.

“Do you, Sarah, take David to be your husband, promising to cherish and protect him, whether in good fortune or in adversity, and to seek together with him a life hallowed by the faith of Israel?”” Rabbi Morton Schulman asked my blushing bride as she prepared to take my ex’s place as my wife.

“I do,” Sarah choked back tears as she answered.

“Please exchange the rings now, as a token of your love and commitment to each other,” the rabbi now encouraged us.

“With this ring, I thee wed and take thee to wife, certain that all I have and am are thine,” I told Sarah as she wept a little more and I placed the wedding band on her ring finger.

“With this ring, I thee wed and take thee to husband, certain that all I have and am are thine,” Sarah replied as she put the ring on my own hand.

“And now by the power vested in me by the State of Ohio, it is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may seal this declaration with a kiss. I am so pleased to present the newlyweds,” the rabbi informed us as Sarah leaned in closer for a deep and passionate kiss.

Sure, we had carried out Sarah’s threat and married as quickly as we could arrange it after my divorce went through. Well, that was my ex’s doing now, wasn’t it? She had served me with divorce papers, through none other than Sarah, and now I had married the process server. It was a good thing that she hadn’t attended, of course, given that she likely would have disturbed the wedding. Then again, she was probably bent over and taking it balls deep from Pastor Myers, I thought with a smirk. The man really was a pig. I wondered how much his wife knew about their extramarital affair.

Sarah’s mother was still a bit wary of this significantly older man who had taken her daughter to wife, of course. Then again, at least I had married her daughter instead of just shacking up with her, and so any children we had would be Jewish by their mother’s tradition. At least I had honored her customs and faith, even to the point of breaking the wedding glass.

“Mazel tov!” the whole congregation shouted after the glass broke under my foot.

“So, now I have a son-in-law pretty damn close to my age. That will take some getting used to, to put it rather mildly,” Sarah’s mother, Rachel, commented as she embraced me in spite of her misgivings.

I wasn’t sure if Sarah’s instincts were really correct about her mother until the embrace lingered a bit more than expected. We tried to break free, or rather I did, until Sarah walked toward us and clasped us in a group hug, to which Curtis and Stephanie rushed to add themselves. Rachel suddenly broke down for some reason, but held onto me tightly.

For a forty-three year old woman, Rachel Weiss was in very good shape and I could tell that she had taken great care of herself until recently. It was the divorce that had disturbed her healthy routine and caused her to pay less attention to wellness than in the past. She wanted so badly to get over Howard, but it was very tough on her. She was a lovely lady, no doubt of that. She just needed to cut loose of some of the taboos that held her back. I had no trouble with her religion, just with the traditional morals that seemed so backward of late.

I lightly touched her face and then led the way as the group parted to let us through. I took my new mother-in-law along with my wife, son, and daughter to the reception nearby, where everyone was eager to greet us. They were a little surprised to see Sarah’s mother so close to us, of course. Sarah and I greeted everyone very warmly, including many whom I never met, but I touched Rachel’s hand discreetly as she kept the tears out of her eyes with my handkerchief.

It was perhaps a little strange, as was the way that I kept my family near as we dug into the food and drink at the refreshment table. All that anyone seemed to think was that I was very kind to my bride’s mom, who had recently been through such a traumatic divorce. It actually scored me some brownie points with many in the congregation at Beth Judah, the synagogue that Rachel and Sarah had always attended for Sabbath and high holy days.

“You are a very sweet man, you know. Not that many would be so nice to a mother-in-law of a young bride that he only met months ago. Sorry, that came across wrong. It’s just that not so many guys that I ever knew married someone so much younger and the stereotype is always, well, you know. Not as nice as you clearly seem to be. Certainly not so kind,” a middle-aged woman who bore some resemblance to Sarah and Rachel told me.

“Thank you, anyway, Aunt Miriam! Trust me, David is an amazing guy, as you can see,” Sarah told her auntie, who quickly embraced her niece and her sister in turn.

“And these must be your children ... all fully grown and everything! Such a handsome young man and a delightful young lady, I can see! Such sweet, lovely faces, too!” Miriam waxed a lot more charming as she recovered from her social faux pas.

“They are. These are my twins. My son, Curtis, and my daughter, Stephanie. I’m very proud of both of them! Do you have any kids?” I asked her.

“Oh, Aunt Miriam has a brood! My cousins, Richard, Robert, Esther, Mordechai, Naomi, Eve, Ruth, and Boaz. Eight brats! I kid you not! You saw them at the wedding!” Sarah rattled off their names with pride.

“That’s my sister! One fertile Myrtle! I just have my Sarah, but she is very precious to me!” Rachel smiled as she kissed me lightly on the cheek, “and you have clearly seen her value, so I have to applaud your excellent taste!”

“Like mother, like daughter, I can see!” I flattered Rachel, making her blush a bit.

“As long as it’s not like father, anyway,” Miriam snorted.

“Now, sis, it’s not polite to speak poorly of Sarah’s father. At least not to her face,” Rachel made an attempt to lighten the mood with a joke.

“It’s okay. There’s a reason that I’m a Weiss ... sorry, was a Weiss, not a Dell. Now I’m a Morgan, of course. Sarah Weiss Morgan. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? He’s a great guy, my David. Truly wonderful! And I adore his children!” Sarah added.

“Your children now, you know. Well, stepchildren, even if they are almost your age!” Rachel reminded her.

“Well, we couldn’t ask for a better stepmom, trust me. And we will be very good to her, I swear!” Curtis reassured his step-grandmother.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, bro!” Stephanie agreed, “we already love Sarah, very much!”

“Wow, that’s truly impressive! But if anyone could pull that off, it’s our Sarah! Most stepmothers, particularly so young, don’t get that kind of warm welcome, do they?” Miriam shrewdly replied.

Just then, the photographers wanted to take pictures of Sarah and me, Sarah and Rachel, Sarah, Rachel and me, the twins and me, Sarah and the twins, Sarah, the twins, and me, and of course, Sarah, Rachel, the twins, and me. In other words, a full family portrait on that one, well, minus Howard. Then again, he was persona non grata with his ex-wife and daughter, let alone with me.

Then, of course, it was time for the toasts, which were given by several family members, even my best man, Curtis, though he couldn’t actually drink any wine. Yeah, my twin son was my best man, even if he had to give his toast with sparkling grape juice. A couple of other groomsmen gave their toasts, one of them Sarah’s cousin Richard, the other one being Dr. Clive Halsey, a soft-spoken fellow from New Hampshire, who taught postwar (that’s post Civil War) American history in my department. To tell the truth, he sorta reminded me of President Jed Bartlet from the West Wing in some ways. Before you ask, Stephanie was one of the bridesmaids, even if not the maid of honor (that spot was already earmarked by Sarah’s cousin Esther).

Then, of course, we cut the wedding cake, Sarah and I, and she made a point of licking the frosting off my lips after feeding me my piece. I gladly returned the favor, which only made some folks blush and others laugh. Some even said things like “awww” and “oooh,” perhaps because it seemed so mushy. It was a splendid cake, of course, with a nice minty icing and a groom with a beard (because I had one). Frankly, the bride on the cake looked young enough to be the groom’s daughter, which was perhaps the point. It might have even been a joke.

Several hours passed, involving even more photographs, a decent, if kosher lunch, a lot of mints and nuts, and a bit of dancing, including a very romantic slow dance between Sarah and me to the strains of Billy Joel’s “Just The Way You Are.” Many well-wishes later, of course, we led a still very emotional Rachel out of the building and I took the five of us to Shoney’s, of all places. I just hoped that they had food that two kosher Jews (okay, really only one, because Sarah was only kosher half of the time of late) could eat. As it turned out, though, I needn’t have worried.

“I hope that I picked well. I’m still not sure what restaurants serve acceptable fare to someone on a kosher diet. I mean, well, how do I put this?” I stammered a little, but Rachel put me at ease.

“To be perfectly frank, my dear boy, I don’t always keep as kosher as I really should, given my upbringing and how I brought Sarah up. Sure, the kitchen was kosher as we raised her, but well, Howard hated that way of life and it was one of many things that drove us apart. I won’t lie. I feared the same thing for Sarah, but it appears that she is just naughty enough to keep her goy husband, unlike me.

“Still, Howard corrupted me in some ways, getting me to try some things that I hid from my parents in turn. Miriam would never understand, so I never told her, but I picked up a taste for some treif. Not all treif, but some treif. I just never let it into the house. There were other things, of course. Not all of them religious, either. Howard frankly just couldn’t bend at all, though I tried to please him when I could. I wasn’t perfect, though. I picked my share of fights. Still, it hurts. It hurts a lot,” Rachel confessed while we perused the menu.

“Thank you ... for trusting me with your secrets, Rachel. Have you gone back to Weiss or are you still Rachel Dell? Or should I call you something else?” I wondered.

“Call me ‘Mom.’ I’m your mother-in-law now. Even if we are almost the same age. And no, I haven’t gone back to Weiss. That was Sarah’s thing. Her way of sticking it to her old man. She’s likely to remain angry at him for how he treated me. She’s very fierce in defending me, you know. And for now, I believe that I will be bad and have the clam chowder. One of the treif foods that did appeal to me,” Rachel smiled as she made her decision and walked to the soup and salad bar.

“What a woman, your mother! Are you sure about ... you know?” I asked Sarah, who nodded firmly.

“Hell, yeah! She deserves the best ... and that is you. It’s just meant to be. Now, I don’t know how we’re going to seduce her, but we are damn well going to seduce my mother!” Sarah winked at my twins as she said that.

“We?” I asked.

“Yes, we. The four of us can do this. Together. Working as a team. By the time that we’re done, she’ll putty in our hands. And she’ll be in our bed. Unless you want to hoard her for yourself, that is,” Sarah licked her lips impishly.

“Oh, no, I’m more than happy to share my good fortune. I just hadn’t expected such ... a forward-thinking proposal. I suppose that I should have, though. You are a wildcat when you wish to be,” I told her with a fiery kiss.

“I’m a ginger. What do you expect?” Sarah told me while slipping me a lot of tongue.

She was still in her bridal gown and well, it was pretty obvious that we were newlyweds, so no one thought too much of us making out like bandits. I reached my right hand under the table and began playing with her ass through her gown. My left hand stroked her crotch for a little bit before we broke off the kiss and rose to go to the soup and salad bar. Curtis and Stephanie had already left by now to grab their soups or salads, so we were the stragglers.

“Minestrone?” Sarah suggested.

“Sounds good. The same for you?” I asked her.

“Sure, why not?” she winked at me as we filled our bowls and headed back to the table.

Not surprisingly, we almost ran into Rachel as we headed back. She laughed nervously as we walked toward the table and I saw the shape of her hips as well as the outline of her ass. The woman was quite attractive as mothers-in-law went. She certainly beat my ex’s mother hands down in that department, which was no shock given that Rachel was closer to my ex’s age herself.

“So, you’ve had a good look at what Sarah will be when she’s my age. Not scared off, I hope,” Rachel joked awkwardly.

“Definitely not! I had other thoughts come to mind, most of them rather perverted,” I winked at her.

I halfway expected Rachel to recoil in horror or gasp or whatever, but instead, she blushed and fanned herself as if very hot. Sarah laughed and the twins joined her in that mirth, causing the mood to lighten more than a little. Sarah then planted a very wet kiss on my lips again as Curtis and Stephanie pointed at us and laughed.

“Dad, you stud!” Curtis teased me, only half in jest, of course.

“Yeah, Dad, Sarah, get a room!” Stephanie snickered.

“Might need a room for three!” Rachel stunned us with that joke, “at least at the rate that he keeps charming the pants off me!”

“Wow, Mom!” Sarah nearly spewed out her iced tea, “just leave something for me, since I’m the bride!”

“Oh, stop!” I teasingly slapped my bride’s bottom.

Rachel’s left eyebrow raised a little when she saw that and especially after Sarah blushed. It was pretty clear that we were very frisky with each other and that Rachel was more than a little aroused. She more than confirmed that by squirming in her seat and biting her lower lip as she watched us together. Curtis and Stephanie tried not to be too obvious about their own highly stimulated condition, but Sarah and I both picked up on it, even if Rachel didn’t.

We continued eating the appetizer for a while and everyone teased each other in the process. Sarah in particular cracked a number of jokes about bedroom activities, just to push the envelope and test her mother’s response. Instead of acting outraged, Rachel played along and the twins needled us about the possibilities. The real acid test was when Sarah went for broke with her best risque joke of all.

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Welcoming a new member

Like most couples, we have always used fantasies as part of our foreplay ritual. Some of our thoughts and dreams leading to some really intense sex. However as a couple we had never built up the courage to fulfill any of our fantasies. Our most regular fantasy consisted of the two of us with another couple, Sal my wife ending up in bed with the other woman while I watched, and finally getting to fuck her after she had orgasmed with the woman and the other man had cum inside her. The thoughts of...

2 years ago
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Welcoming Janet to the the Club

John slowly walked toward the study; I could see his hands rubbing at his thighs as he neared the door. He does that when he is upset or pissed about something. John turned toward Gina and I just before he opened the door, he gave us both a little wink before he entered. I watched as John knocked at the door and slowly opened it. However he closed it again and stood outside the door so I figured his aunt was busy or something. Gina was walking me into the main room where we mingled with...

3 years ago
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Welcoming Janet to the the Club

Introduction: Chapter 28 Fun at the party as I go to my first swing party where I am the guest of honor I last left you at a party that Johns aunt DeRonda was throwing. Johns aunt was waiting for him in the study as he had some explaining to do to her. Mostly about what happened after the game Saturday, he had told a rather large group of people outside the locker room that he was not going to play football any more. John had gotten upset with the crowd because someone had pushed me to the...

2 years ago
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Overcoming a Fear of Heights

Angelica and I were both in Atlanta for our jobs, and when I found out she was there I asked her if she wanted to join me for drinks that evening. Angelica and I had unexpectedly hooked up a few weeks ago at her place and I hadn’t see her since then, so I thought it’d be great to get together. That day at her house was incredibly hot, so I wanted to see her again for sure.We went for drinks downtown and had a great time talking. She made me laugh, and we had a lot more in common than I...

Quickie Sex
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Overcoming Aversion

Robert's wife hates cum. She is highly sexed and adores to play and suck and fuck his cock all hours and all places. She is also particularly good at blow jobs - no one, but no one, sucks cock as thrillingly as her. The only problem is, she detests the taste and texture of cum so never, ever - no exceptions - takes it all the way by mouth or hand. When she senses he's about to come, she sits astride him or drags him between her legs and takes his explosion inside her pussy. It is highly...

4 years ago
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Overcoming ObstaclesChapter 2 A Businessman Kidnapped

September 21, 1989-09 Howie Markels walked back and forth in front of the hotel cooling off after his morning jog. He’d only done about four miles, but that was more to get loosened up for the day, than a real workout. That had been eight laps around the block on which the hotel was located. Only a few people had been out and about, although it was still more than one might have expected for right after sunrise. Still, bakers, coffee shops, and other businesses that catered to the early...

2 years ago
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Overcoming ObstaclesChapter 3 A Day In The Life Of A Captive

September 25, 1989 Howie stumbled along trying to work out the date. He knew he had been taken on the twenty-first and had spent that day in the van. That night, the hood had been replaced by a blindfold. They had held a flashlight right up to his eyes when making the change from hood to blindfold. He hadn’t been able to see his captors. The next day would have been the twenty-second. He had spent a miserable day walking, getting pushed along, tripping, falling, and getting pulled back to...

3 years ago
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Overcoming ObstaclesChapter 4 Rescue

September 26, 1989 John Long Badger had been sleeping about as well as a man suffering from a very bad case of gas could sleep ... which was to say, not very well. He bolted upright when he heard the first gunshot. He was frantically looking around the shack to see what was happening when all hell broke loose outside. The gunshots were coming so fast and furious that it wasn’t possible to count. He wasn’t the only one looking around with terror. “That new guy is gone.” “There are two...

1 year ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 2 More Than Meets The Eye

The next day things seemed a bit better in the office. It wasn't as if some dramatic changes occurred suddenly and the office was this bright, cheerful place, but Beth was clearly making an effort to control herself. When I saw her in the morning she smiled and said hello to me and when she saw other people that we worked with she said hello in a way that seemed less forced and maybe even without the hostility that she seemed to be carrying around before our talk. I actually saw her talking...

3 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 3 Coming to a head

I lay awake that night staring at the ceiling trying to sort out my feelings about Beth and what I should do. If her father was correct, she had feelings for me other than friendship and if I was honest with myself I knew that I felt more for her that just being friends as well. Let's face it: She's beautiful and now that I got to know her she was fun to be with and we had a lot of common interests. I knew that I had to do something because I had started thinking about her all the time....

4 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 4 Exploring the possibilities

Beth and I left the office quickly. We were both anxious to get away from the smirking faces, whispers and giggles that were going around our department. We walked side by side through the halls and waited for an elevator in silence. We gave each other nervous glances and small smiles of anticipation until we heard the ding of the elevator announcing its arrival on our floor. We walked in and quickly pressed the button to go down to the garage level where we could get into our cars. As the...

4 years ago
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Overcoming the BitchChapter 5 Reality Sets In

In the months that followed that first date, things were great between Beth and me. We had fun whenever we were together and more importantly, we learned to love the quirky little things about each other that make you who you are. For me to love Beth I had to not only love the smart and beautiful woman that I thought she was at the beginning, but I also had to embrace the fact that, yes, sometimes she was a bitch. I have to admit that there are times when her bitchiness did grate on me and I...

4 years ago
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Homecoming 2 Dreams are Made of3

Carlota almost choked on her tea when she heard the question. Having child had always plagued her mind but she wasn’t so sure she was ready, Conor always kept saying he was but stayed supportive to her when she said she wasn’t, but she could also feel his frustration of being married for two years now and still have no child to love and cherish. Carlota took a deep breath, “We’re still in the planning stage, mama, I don’t want to go and head in first without making sure we can fully support the...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Chapters 12

My name is Gus Snead, you may have heard of me recently in the news. I am the man whose name has been sullied about by ignorance and hatemongers who do not understand the nature of who and what I am. I am 34 years old, live in Illinois (let’s just say Chicago for sake of simplicity); I was a former teacher who has changed the entire state of a school. I have been chased out of the district by fools who do not understand my desire to mark my territory (like I said ignorance and hatemongering)...

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Homecoming Chapter 3

“Why Can’t I” The urge to mate and to expand my territory had subsided after my second session with Carolyn. I also noticed that it was quickly reaching the end of the school day and that I could not stay here overnight, not if I wanted to continue my plan. I was able to focus and gain enough composure to get tell Carolyn to drive to my apartment. I think she was able to read my mind because she started to regain some of her poise as well, I believe she understood what was at stake and...

1 year ago
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The early morning summer rain washed away my tears as I sat naked in a lotus position on top of a cliff overlooking Eros Valley a few hundred meters below. I allowed myself to feel sorry for myself. Two years ago, on Christmas Day my ex-husband left with his affair of three years, never to return. After the divorce I threw myself into yoga practice and even went on an eighteen month retreat at an ashram in India. I found peace through meditation and yoga, but not Enlightenment.In all this time...

2 years ago
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Homecoming part 3 4

1. this was originally a set of emails sent to a friend serving in iraq. 2. place yourself in the character danny's place as you read all of it. as we sit on the couch watching tv, my head laying under your chin, you have one hand wrapped around me, cupping a tit. the other is stroking my hair. we're at peace, resting from the fun of the day and its after 11. we watch the news and while its on, i let my hand slide slowly down your chest, feeling every ripple and knowing im so...

1 year ago
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Homecoming surprise

All day and throughout his journey home he'd been looking forward to this moment. It wasn't often he was able to surprise his wife but having tied up the final paperwork on the new contact earlier than expected, he'd decided to make the journey home today instead of leaving it til his usual Friday. Besides, he'd long grown tired of living in hotel rooms and it would be fun to surprise his wife. Yet for some strange reason, five minutes ago when he'd switched off the cars engine, he...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 10

Props to Techsan for the editing job. Techsan, I am in awe of your patience and skills. Once again, I have to say that although Lt. Col. Vandervoort and his shattered ankle are entirely real, Daniel is pure fiction. For those of you who have stuck by this story, I thank you profusely for reading it and voting. For those of you just discovering this story, I’d ask you to read all the chapters and vote, vote, vote. Thanks again one and all. Chapter 10 Ste-Mere-Eglise, France, June 6, 1944 ...

4 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 09

Once again, I want to thank Techsan for his patience and editing skills. Thanks one and all for keeping up with the story…and voting. Now the disclaimer: Although Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort is a real live person in history, this story is pure fiction and only borrows the name for accuracy of the historical facts surrounding the fictional story…and for dramatic effect. Hope you enjoy. And vote…vote…vote! Chapter 9 Ste-Mere-Eglise, France, June 6, 1944 The twenty-seven year-old Lt. Col....

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Homecoming Ch 02

Chapter 2: Tomorrow’s Path I will never for the life of me understand the simple pleasure a woman finds in shopping. Or the seemingly unnecessary consideration of such trivial things as price or practicality. That morning, we went shopping with Mary’s credit card, and aside from valiantly attempting to hide my shock at the prices she paid, I was fairly preoccupied with the knowledge that I now knew what a Ken doll felt like. I was dressed, undressed and redressed so quickly that I barely had...

1 year ago
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Homecoming Ch 07

Again, I want to give a shout out to Techsan for the exemplary editing job. Thanks one and all for all of the great comments, and, thanks for reading my story. Readers, please keep up with the comments. They encourage me to get on with the next chapter. They also let me know if I’m going in the right direction. That’s not to say that I am going to give everyone what they want — LOL! But hopefully I can give you a little of what you need…as promised. Cheers and thanks again. Chapter 7 Thanks...

4 years ago
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Homecoming meal

Jenny stood at the station waiting for the train, her life had felt so empty these last three weeks spending each night alone and then she heard the train pull into the station. As the passengers disembarked she eagerly searched the throng of people looking for Cassie and there at the back was her beloved Cassie and her heart skipped a beat. Cassie was wearing the dress that Jenny loved, a short flowery summer dress she had bought her when they first met four months ago. She herself was wearing...

2 years ago
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Homecoming surprise

Introduction: He expected to surprise his wife. It did not go quite as planned It was dark outside as he headed up the garden path. Alex climbed the few steps which lead onto the patio and made his way across towards window where what little light there was, filtered through from the lounge to leave its dulled glow on the wet patio paving. All day and throughout his journey home hed been looking forward to this moment. It wasnt often he was able to surprise his wife but having tied up the...

2 years ago
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Homecoming Meal Ch2

Cassie and Jenny almost ran home, both of them still highly aroused after their steamy encounter in the restaurant. ‘I can’t believe you gave that waitress your phone number, suppose she phones?’ Cassie remarked as they neared their house. ‘Did you see how turned on we made her, I bet she will finish work, go home and finger herself thinking about us.’ Jenny replied, adding ‘Besides if she did join us it would be fun!’ and with that she turned down the path that lead to the front door. As soon...

3 years ago
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The lit windows looked golden and inviting as my rig rumbled toward the little house at the end of the street. The place wasn’t much to look at and the neighborhood had seen better days. But fresh paint and flower boxes dripping with blue pansies made it feel cheerful and homey. Colleen’s eyes flitted anxiously over my shoulder when she opened the door. “I told you never to come here without calling first,” she hissed. She stepped past me to peer east and west. “My husband is due back any...

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2005 It was a hot, gritty night. The kind you experience only on the high desert. The long, flat highway rolled-out ahead as would a path through a mountain meadow. Except that here the peaks were rising towers of mist, the valley, sand, wind-blown off the desert floor across which the blue/gray Navy hearse was forced to crawl at snail-speed. A cloud enshrouded full moon did little to help either, unless you’re one of those strange souls for whom the spooky factor gets high marks. Under normal...

2 years ago
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Homecoming from the Sandbox

Hello there, my name is Brian and I just got back from a 10 month deployment overseas. 10 months is a long time to go without seeing any friends or family let me tell you. It is also a long time to go without fucking. Due to the rules of our deployment zone, there was absolutely no sex allowed. That and the lack of available women made sure that everyone slept alone at night. Of course I am no wuss so I used Skype and phone sex as often as I could. Phone sex, Skype, and even porn were not...

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