Homecoming Ch. 09 free porn video

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Once again, I want to thank Techsan for his patience and editing skills. Thanks one and all for keeping up with the story…and voting.

Now the disclaimer: Although Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort is a real live person in history, this story is pure fiction and only borrows the name for accuracy of the historical facts surrounding the fictional story…and for dramatic effect.

Hope you enjoy. And vote…vote…vote!

Chapter 9

Ste-Mere-Eglise, France, June 6, 1944

The twenty-seven year-old Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort stood in the doorway of the cottage’s bedroom, his weight resting on a make-shift cane. The American officer stared in fascination at the slightly younger soldier before him.

Both of their legs were shattered, the Lt. Colonel eyed with envy the expert bandaging job the farm woman, Madame Renault, had done on Daniel’s leg. With any luck, the soldier wouldn’t lose his limb.

However, what fascinated Vandervoort even more was the look of concentration on the young man’s ashen face. The soldier was suffering from a great deal of blood loss from look of his leg and the bloody remnants of bed linens underneath him. It appeared to the officer that the soldier was literally willing himself to stay awake and not succumb to the draining weakness visited on him by his injuries.

By some miracle, the Madame Renault had found Vandervoort as he was making his way to the town with the rag-tag group of straggling soldiers he’d found along the way. The able-bodied woman seemed relatively stoic but urgent as she described the incident at her home and demanded that the commanding officer follow her back to the house in order to help the young Lieutenant.

Out of concern for the woman’s safety and in light of the heartbreaking loss of her husband, Vandervoort had commanded that the woman wait outside. He wanted to check to make sure that the cottage was still safe.

He’d expected to see the bodies of the two German soldiers and the farm woman’s husband lying on the kitchen flood. However, seeing it with his own eyes and then observing the state of the solider responsible for such heroism instilled in the commander a sense of awe.

The meaning of this day and the sacrifice of these men made his heart swell with pride. This kid would live through today, the Lt. Colonel would see to it personally.

With this resolve, Vandervoort softly cleared his throat before speaking.

‘Son, you’ve done quite a job here on your own,’ the officer’s admiration was evident in his tone.

Unperturbed by the sudden interruption, Daniel turned to the Lt. Colonel. With weak and watery eyes, he smiled and replied to his superior.

‘With all due respect, Sir, what took you so long?’


Raleigh, North Carolina— July 1, 1941

Lula and Jordan could do nothing more than stare on in horrified amazement at Daniel’s approach. Both Lu and Jordan had witnessed the young man’s legendary anger. But this was different.

Daniel was infuriated to the point of madness. Neither could imagine what could have possibly brought on this dark fury. Jordan instinctively stepped in front of Lula in order to protect her from Daniel’s blistering wrath — a move that jolted Lula into action.

‘Daniel,’ Lula sputtered as she tried to place herself between Jordan and the steamroller of fury that was barreling down on them, ‘…it’s not Jordan’s fault he came here to…’

Daniel didn’t let her finish.

‘Do you know how long we’ve been looking for your ass?’ Daniel fumed.

‘I’ll tell you how long…three fucking hours!’

Both Jordan and Lula gawked in surprise. Where had this anger come from?

Lula had a good idea that he was transferring again, but wasn’t in the mood to engage in another fight to the death. She was simply too tired to worry about Daniel and his new girlfriend.

Jordan on the other hand was having none of Daniel’s misplaced rage. Jordan had always ‘known his place’ except when it came to Lula. When it came to protecting her, all bets were off.

‘Just a minute, Daniel,’ Jordan’s baritone timbre carried over the fray.

‘I know you’re mad at her for running off, but that gives you no cause to speak to her like that.’

‘And you,’ Daniel growled, cutting off Jordan, ‘I come down here looking for her and here you are encouraging her to slack off. And what the hell was that kiss about?’

Suddenly, skin-color had factored out of this exchange and Lula realized that she had two alpha dogs on her hands.

‘Just who the hell does Casanova think he is?’ Lula wondered as she cut her eyes incredulously at Daniel.

‘Okay, Daniel, I have no problem with you being upset about having to look for Lula, but what we were doing down here was none of your goddamn business.’ Jordan bellowed taking a step closer to Daniel who himself seemed eager to jump at his long-time friend.

‘Oh, it’s my goddamn business when I have to clean up after Lu’s messes and hunt her down to make sure dogs like you aren’t feeling her up,’ Daniel countered pointing a finger in Jordan’s chest.

What the hell has gotten into these two boys?

Lula had never seen them act this way with each other. She was incredulous that Daniel had the nerve to act like she was acting inappropriately after what he’d done with her and what she’d guessed had happened between him and Justine.

Just who the hell does he think he is? In an instant, the two male adversaries were not the only ones whose temper was flaring.

‘Okay, you two, just what the HELL is going on here?’ Lula screamed over the two would-be combatants.

‘Daniel, you and I have already had this goddamn discussion, so I suggest that you shut the hell up unless you want to rehash it all here in the open in front of Jordan,’ Lula ground out between gritted teeth, every muscle in her body tingling from adrenaline.

Daniel snapped his mouth shut at that sobering threat.

‘Jordan, I appreciate your efforts, but I don’t need rescuing from this jackass,’ she jerked a thumb at Daniel who was about to respond to the insult before being stopped dead in his tracks by a train-stopping, icy glare.

Lu silently dared him to utter another word. They’d have it out in private, but she wouldn’t tolerate Daniel attacking Jordan just because his dick was in a constant state of flux. Moreover, she was petrified at the thought of these two goliaths tearing at each other over her.

Over her? When the hell had she become a femme fatale?

Although Daniel was slightly leaner than Jordan, both young men were evenly matched physically. Jordan didn’t lose his temper often, but when he did, folks gave him a wide berth.

Conversely, Daniel was notorious for his temper. She’d remembered the bloody knuckles and black eyes he’d bring home as gifts to his mother whenever he’d decided to beat some poor slob into a pulp for some perceived slight. Those bloody knuckles and black eyes had lasted about a year. Thereafter, he was the one giving them away. He’d been sent to military school for his trouble.

Between the two of them a fight would be cataclysmic, and, Lula wanted to stop this before it even got started. She’d never have the strength to pull them apart if they ever decided to test each other’s mettle. They’d kill each other.

Jordan’s body visibly tensed at Daniel’s challenging stance. He wanted to hit something — Daniel’s smug face preferably — but anything would do at this point.

He didn’t like the way the jerk had talked to Lula or his implications about what they’d been doing when he’d interrupted them. However, more irritatingly, he was decidedly unhappy about being interrupted and Lula’s attempts to minimize their kiss.

‘You know, if you aren’t going to apologize to Lula for basically treating her like she’s some kind of lazy tramp, maybe I’m the
one to teach you some manners.’ Jordan rounded, his anger reaching critical levels.

‘Oh, well, you’re welcome to try…let’s go,’ Daniel taunted as he crooked his finger in Jordan’s direction, challenging him to step up and take a beating.

‘Oh, the hell you will,’ Lula interrupted, clearly reaching the point of critical mass herself.

She raised her voice in order to get both men’s undivided attention, ‘Neither of you two are going to do anything…do I make myself clear? Lift one finger and I swear to God I’ll tell both our mothers, and your father, Jordan. You do not want my mother on your ass…trust me!’

Lula finished her threat by seizing the courage, or insanity, to step in between the two men. Neither man wanted to take the risk of hurting Lula or incurring the wrath of Caroline.

An uneasy détente had been reached without bloodshed. However, it was a silent procession formed by the unhappy three as they marched back up the path to the house.

Daniel’s brooding silence was palpable as he struggled to clear his dark thoughts with each step he took back to the house. Lula, incensed at the possessive behavior of the two men, one of which had absolutely no claim to her whatsoever, gritted her teeth and dug her nails deep into her palms in an effort stay calm. Jordan, in all his dark and imposing glory, brought up the rear.

The striking black man was determined to finish whatever Daniel started and madder than hell that Lula had stopped him from ‘teaching’ Daniel some manners. White man or not, Daniel had no reason to talk to Lula like she was a disobedient dog, and, in truth, Jordan had been shocked at Daniel’s viciousness.

He’d never believed Emma’s son capable of haughtiness or cruelty until today. Jordan was determined to make sure that none of it was visited on Lula while he was with her.

Back at the house, the three made half-hearted attempts to hide their contempt for their respective tormentors. The tension was so thick that Jordan didn’t even need to make up an excuse for Lula’s unexplained absence.

Both Caroline and Emma were simply relieved that all three of them had made it back to the house without killing each other by the looks each of them were giving the other. Try as they might, in the presence of the two intimidating matriarchs, the trio’s unpleasant mood was impossible to hide, especially when Lula realized that Justine was still a plague among them.

There was going to be a full table for dinner, Lula grimaced. Both Justine and Jordan had been invited to stay for dinner and neither had dared miss the opportunity to spend time with the respective object of their affections.

Jordan had stopped by so that he could visit Lula and ask to be her escort to the July Fourth shindig at the Carven home. It was an invitation Caroline was happy to accept on her daughter’s behalf.

Justine, who had wasted away the better part of the afternoon helping Emma with various chores around the house in preparation for the July fete, used the lateness of the day as an excuse to call her father and let him know that Daniel would be dropping her off at the house after dinner. No, ‘Papa Farewell’ wasn’t to wait up for her — she’d be along directly.

As both Justine and Lula set a formal table, each trying to be polite and avoid the other, Lula realized that this was the third meal in a row that she wasn’t going to be enjoying. She silently prayed that nothing ‘eventful’ would happen that would cause yet another ‘incident’ during mealtime.

Daniel eyed the two young ladies as he tried to ignore Jordan’s glowering stare. He cursed under his breath, angrier at himself and his short temper than Jordan.

He’d witnessed the intimate and otherwise innocent moment between the two and had begun to burn with irrational jealousy — a jealousy that had fueled the confrontation with Lula and Jordan. Instead of simply waiting for the awkward moment to pass, like an ass he’d used Lula’s perceived laziness as an excuse to confront the two.

A true gentleman, Jordan had defended his damsel in distress, an action that served only to further fill Daniel with more irrational jealousy and rage. He hated himself for letting those feelings overtake him.

Although he was well aware that he was being fickle and a hypocrite, he couldn’t help himself for wanting to rip Jordan to shreds for touching her. Lula wasn’t supposed to kiss Jordan. She was meant to kiss…some other man. Her sweet lips belonged to…some other man.

‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ Daniel muttered to himself as he continued to watch Justine and Lula attempting to get along for the first time in a long time.

‘I made my choice…I’m with Justine now. So why can’t I just let this be? What the hell am I doing?’

Shaking his head, Daniel resolved to sit down to another unpleasant meal and somehow apologize to Jordan and Lula for his behavior. He knew he owed Lula a hell of a lot of apologies for unrevealed sins he’d committed against her.

Watching Jordan take what he’d so frivolously thrown away made him sick inside. Realizing that he’d slept with Justine just to prove some ridiculous point to himself was even worse.

Whatever Justine was, she didn’t deserve to be used as a place marker. Jordan didn’t deserve to be threatened for taking care of the woman he was too much of a coward to claim for himself. Most of all, Lula didn’t deserve to be jerked around by the capricious whims of an immature ass who didn’t have the backbone to simply face the sour truth.

The man in Daniel knew he owned all three of them — even his new faux girlfriend, Justine — an apology. The boy in him didn’t want to believe that he owed anyone anything.

but that was his demon to wrestle…wasn’t it?

He’d apologize, he’d apologize to Lula and Jordan with as much sincerity as his male pride would allow. He’d make it up to Justine somehow. He’d made his choice, even if it was the wrong one.

He was so tired of making bad choices.


Raleigh, North Carolina— July 4, 1941

As always, the Carven Fourth of July celebration was a success, even with the dark thunderclouds between Lula and Daniel — post-apology. Somehow both had managed to stay out of each other’s way for the previous four days after the initial forty-eight hours of bickering.

Sometime between the horrific confrontation at the tree house and the party, Lula had managed to find a beau in Jordan. Worse still, Lula had done the impossible. She’d blossomed even more than he’d ever imagined was possible.

Somehow the confrontation had made her more poised, mature and distant. And as a further turn of the knife, Lula now regarded Daniel’s presence with marked disinterest.

For two straight days after their last confrontation, Lula had straightened up her act and taken on the responsibility of assisting the elder matriarchs of the Carven household. She’d gladly taken the responsibility of doing all of the ‘heavy lifting’— cleaning, dusting, weeding the garden, trimming the rose bushes and cooking.

Neither Emma nor Caroline would dare trust any caterers to adequately attend to the affair. All of the pies, custards, side-dishes and smoked-meats were prepared on the premises.

Daniel had been put in charge of barbecuing and smoking the meat. However, Lula, who had miraculously set aside her disappointment and anger with Daniel, insisted on seasoning everything and assisting him with making sure that the meats were cooked to perfection.

During the entire time she was with Daniel, she’d limited her conversations with him to strained cordial small-talk. The freeze-out was driving him crazy. Lula pretended not to notice, eventually she didn’t have to pretend.

Apology notwithstanding, she’d gotten the message loud and clear. Daniel had moved on and so should she.

Daniel’s date to the party, Jus
tine Farewell, performed her duties as hostess-elect as if her future depended on it. At least in Justine’s mind, it did.

Floating from one guest to another, making sure to exchange pleasantries even with the colored ‘guests’ who’d been invited to the gala, Justine had become the center of attention. Everyone who’d had the good fortune to encounter her courteous demeanor patted Daniel on the back and congratulated him on a fine catch.

‘Congratulations, young man,’ one tipsy reveler blustered with conspiratorial glee as he grabbed a reluctant and irritated Daniel by the hand and pumped vigorously, ‘You’ve managed to land yourself the prize filly of Wake County. Looks, brains, money, charm and experienced: what more could a fella ask for in a woman?’

Daniel shrugged off the back-handed compliment with more than mild annoyance. He understood how these parties ended on the Fourth — everyone eventually had a little too much to drink and everyone inevitably said something they’d wished they’d never said.

He watched with mild interest as Justine ‘worked’ the crowd. She shook hands when presented with the raw paws of older gentlemen with lecherous eyes. She laughed appropriately, concealing a distinct discomfort, when confronted with awkward, inappropriate jokes from red-faced drunkards who insisted on telling her dirty jokes because, ‘she was just the type to appreciate them.’

As much of an effort as Justine made that day to dispel her reputation as a ‘tarnished angel,’ there weren’t many men who were buying the ‘new respectable’ Justine Farewell. It was not for lack of trying on the heiress’ part.

Daniel actually felt sorry for her, especially because he intended to tell her that he wasn’t quite sure he’d be able to give her what she wanted. Over the past few days, it seemed that Justine expected him, a ring and respectability in that order.

It had been less than a week and her desperation to change her status from Justine Farewell to the future ‘Mrs. Daniel Carven’ was palpable. Her over exaggerated graciousness with everyone who insisted on commenting on the ‘handsome couple’ bordered on pathetic.

Given the stock from whence she came: a wealthy dysfunctional family with a distant cold mother, an overbearing alcoholic stepfather and an irresponsible brother, Daniel couldn’t blame her for wanting out of that glass menagerie. Especially on days like today.

At least once he’d spied his date in a corner with her inebriated stepfather, who in fact had come to the party drunk, if truth be told. She looked decidedly uncomfortable, almost embarrassed in his presence.

Any other observer who didn’t know the relationship between stepfather and daughter would have been uncomfortable. The main reason for this discomfort was that ‘Papa Farewell’s’ hands had a nasty habit of wandering. His rough paws would routinely find their way to Justine’s arm, or her leg, or her back only to linger seconds longer than they should.

Daniel frowned at the spectacle and almost interrupted the two but was himself interrupted by another invitee. Another appreciative, inebriated guest had insisted on pumping Daniel’s hand and congratulating him for snaring such a fine woman. When he’d turned back to find Justine, she was headed back over to his side, her unflappable smile concealing something unquestionably disconcerting.

He was about to question his escort about the awkward moment when he noticed Justine’s attention was turned back in the direction of her father. The red-faced man was now approaching Lula with a look in his eye that Daniel decided he definitely didn’t like.

Apparently, he and Justine were of the same mind. Before he could excuse himself to the cool blonde, she’d already left his side walking purposefully over to the two and calling out Lula’s name. Daniel detected a bit of panic distorting her usual lilting tone.

‘Oh, Lula…darling, there you are. You have simply got to come over here and talk to Mrs. Horace,’ Justine called out as she waived to get Lula’s attention.

‘She insists that I made those marvelous peach pies…I’m happy to take the credit, sugar, but I don’t know the first thing about cooking. Would you mind giving this sweet woman the recipe? She’s right over there.’

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Pakathu Veetu Aunty Udan Semayana Sex

Hi friends, indru kama kathaiyil en pakathu veetirku puthithaaga kudi vantha aunty udan eppadi ellam sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vishal vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan oru kama veri piditha paiyan eppozhuthu entha pen kidaikum antha pennai nandraaga ookalam endru kathukondu irunthen. Naan salem gramathil vasithu varugiren, thinamum kama kathai padipen. En sunniayi adithu adithu athai 8” varai perithaaga valarthu vaithu...

3 years ago
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The StormChapter 26

“Alone at last. Shall we go and ‘relax’?” Jennifer asked and I laughed. “What kind of relaxation did you have in mind?” I asked. “Well, I’m pretty stressed. Maybe some kind of massage would help. Could you do your special massage – you know the one with that special tool you have.” I laughed, picked Jennifer up in my arms and carried her into the bedroom where I sat her on our bed. Jennifer started to take her clothes off but I stopped her and took on that task myself. I reached down and...

4 years ago
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Passing GlancesChapter 3

Gabe drove Sarah home, again walking her to the door and kissing her for several long minutes. His hands learning the curve of her ass, hips and breasts. His fingers rubbed her nipples and he grinned against her neck when she arched her back, pressing her tightened buds closer to his palms. "I'm going," he told her. She giggled. "You've said that several times in the last five minutes." "I know," he whispered and squeezed her firm ass cheeks. "Mmm... that feels nice," she told...

1 year ago
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My daughter friend Black femdom

Ok it’s gonna be my first story writed in english, it’s my 2nd language and i’m not used to writed long story or text in english so we’ll see how it works. I Hope you love it i’ll probably write some more if you give me good comments.- Chapter 1 : My daughter friends –My name was Mollie i was 40 years old and looked in perfect shape with a cute little bubblebutt. I Had big boobs still looking great i loved to show them teasing people. At 40, you really loved seeing eyes on you when my daughter...

3 years ago
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Between the Bridesmaid

I have a brother named James. My parents were and are a couple of sick individuals. James' wedding was the family event of the season and I was stuck in a tuxedo to play usher. Mary first caught my eye at the rehearsal dinner. She had sparkling green eyes, a cute button nose on a lightly freckled face, a wonderful smile, long shapely legs and a slim sexy body. She was the bride's older sister and a bridesmaid. Though we were paired up to walk down the aisle, she was way out of my league. I'd...

3 years ago
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How I Had Sex With My First Love

Hello guys thanks for your precious appreciation and comment for my previous experience. I will not call it story because it’s not a story it’s my real experience which i had shared with you guys. For new readers if you interested in my previous experience can read my experience “How I Met My First Love”. Well going forward in this i am going to share my experience of my life which i cannot forget it’s still as fresh as a blossom flower. I hope all readers who are non virgin still remember...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Jade Preesleyy Dick Y Dinero

Raul was on the hunt! What for? The caliente little Jade Preesleyy. They saw her modeling profile and had to give her a try out. They found her working her usual shift at the flower shop, and offered her an audition. She follows them back to the house then asks them the 100 euro question… Is this for porno? Of course! She was considering it when she saw the cash, but as soon as Raul whipped out his fat chorizo Jade new she was getting the better end of the dick, oops better end of the...

2 years ago
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Breaking Monica Ch 03

All similarities to anyone are pure coincidence. We are all adults here. Enjoy the latest but maybe read the first ones first. ***** Mr. Tim Jones was nearly livid. Pacing the bank floor and pausing to glare out the front door. Just about furious. Checking his watch every minute or so and getting more and more worked up. It had been a morning already. First someone broke into his car the night before. Those bastards took his stereo, his laptop, everything in the glove box, and even took...

3 years ago
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Hide In The Sun

The sun was high now, hot, and the hide concealed in the thorn bushes, despite its reflective coating, was hot, too. Very hot. Jan studied her companion from the corner of her eye, feeling the sweat trickling down between her breasts. He must have felt her eyes upon him, because he turned, that damned half-smile on his face again. Arrogant oaf! ‘Will we see them again?’ she said. ‘I still have two rolls of film I’d like to use.’ ‘There’s a very good chance, but it will be late afternoon, most...

3 years ago
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Mera Intazaar Khatam Howa

Its inform to u all that, names change hen is story men, mera b, kion k men kisi ka be raz fash nahe karta! Hi, mera nam Tallal hy meri age 23 hay, mery jism men hal chal hony lagti hey, jab koi sexy aunti, married larki, ya virgin meri nazrung ke samny ati hy, men Pakistan interior area sindh sy hun, aj kal Karachi job search ker raha hun, mujhy ek shaks key yad bohat sata rahe hy, rat k 12 bajy hen, socha kion nay ap readers sy share karun Yeh jo story men share karny ja raha hun who ek sachi...

4 years ago
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Fucked by the College Jock

Most of the student chicks wore trousers, but not in my secretary class; we wore skirts and looked smarter. Shoes not trainers, we were smart and professional and considered ourselves a cliche above the others. The jokes were great too "does the secretary training include missionary?" "Do you have to bend over the desk?" well, not yet! I had sucked of two boys in my tutor group round the back, and would suck-off some more to fill my slut mouth with milky cum, for me to drink. The...

3 years ago
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Typical Morning for a Slut

One of my sweet readers asked what i wear when in write my stories— Mostly it’s nothing exciting..whatever i happened to be wearing…at computer on the desk. But when i’m expecting a real serious xhamster session i spice it up — i think you’ll like it. i use a big over-stuffed chair in the den and put the notebook computer on a tray-table, sort of like a TV dinner table, that i can pull up close for comfortable viewing and typing. To save the upholstery i sit on a big bath towel folded over...

2 years ago
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Older White Sarahyoung Black Personal Trainer You Do the Math

When my husband gave me a fitness club membership for my birthday I thought he was trying to give me a hint about my weight or condition although he swore it was only because he knew how much I loved working out. At 42 my curvy hips and big boobs were still turning heads and being a petite woman with long reddish hair and bright green eyes I have had more than my share of unwanted advances. I knew I'd have to fight off the loser's at the fitness club but decided to go anyway to make my...

2 years ago
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What One Night With My Husbands Ex Wife Can Lead To

I drove straight home, and got dressed in the car. I pulled up, went inside, and crawled into bed. I usually slept naked, but my clothes remained on. Kirsten super glued herself to my mind. I never had a huge emotional sexual and guilty mix before. After a couple minutes, I heard my phone ring. I thought it would be Jack, but her name appeared on the caller ID. There was hesitation to answer it, but I knew if I didn't, she would just call again. "Yes?" I answered. "Do you hate me?" she...

1 year ago
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Pulled Over

Kristen hurried to her car, worried that she would be late once again. She got in, slammed the door shut and turned on the engine in one smooth motion and raced off. "Damn!" she thought "the light's gonna change." She pressed her foot to the gas hoping she could make it and breezed through the intersection. A block later her stomach sank when she saw the lights behind her flash. Sighing she straightened her skirt and hair while the officer walked up to her car. "Good morning Ma'am, did you know...

She Males
4 years ago
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Saturday Night Capture Role Play

The Role-play Begins……..I quietly entered the house ski mask on cuffs and blind fold on and in hand, ready to capture a milf. She was laying in the bed with her iPad. I came up behind her put my arm around her neck and mouth then I told her “don’t move, don’t scream and the k*ds and baby will be ok” her muffled screams stop and she nodded her head yes. I cuffed her hands, blindfolded her then dragged her out of bed. Wearing only a long tee-shirt that covered her Panties I pulled off the ski...

1 year ago
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Your Dominant GF

You've gone on a few dates with Madeline and you're already smitten with her. She's your dream girl: tall with long black hair, tatoos down each arm and piercings in her nose and lip. She looks like your stereotypical punk girl, but she's been very sweet and kind every time you hang out. Now you've been on more than a few dates with her and you've become a little more intimate and a lot more comfortable with each other. A few werks into your relationship, she invites you over to hang out and...

4 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 39

In fact my mystery visitor comes when I'm not really asleep, and I head the door move and see the crack of light before they shut the door, followed by a muffled giggle of amusement. It goes dark as she shuts the door, and I feel her weight as she sits beside me, and I accept the blind fold she straps over my eyes, and welcome the blessed relief as she unfastens my shoes and pulls them off my feet. Then I'm helped onto my feet and my arms released, and she pulls off the maid's dress......

1 year ago
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The Idea 9

The Idea 9. : How it all began. It all started with a crazy idea. Sat in a public bar, Mick and I were simply bouncing ideas off each other for possible ideal jobs. He turned to me and said “the best job in the world has to be filming those porno stars” to which I replied “No… The best job in the world would be filming everyday housewives and their dirty little fantasies” He almost instantly agreed. We both looked at each other and simultaneously said “could we!” So one week later we had...

Erotic Fiction
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aruban adventure for my milf hot wife

while enjoying one of many trips to Aruba, my wife and I found ourselves at my friends condo with only one other person in the pool area. It was a young man in his early teens and he was very cute. My wife commented on how adorable he was. she got extremely horny and I began rubbing her back and shoulders with oil as she watched this k** play in the pool. she caught his eye and smiled at him several times and he finally overcame any shyness and walked over to say hi.We exchanged some small talk...

1 year ago
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Changing My Grade

Ms. Kelly Arnold, at the front of the class, was looking at her senior students. Her eyes rested on Katie, a gorgeous blonde hair girl with a small waist. She was wearing a very short mini-skirt that rose higher than mid-thigh when sitting down and a lacy tank-top that flaunted her huge tits. She was perfect. Her reputation as a whore preceded her and Ms. Arnold knew all the boys worshipped her. As the bell rang, the students began filing out of the classroom. Before Katie left, Ms. Arnold...

She Males
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Best Served Cold Chapter 11 Return to the Excelsior

It was Linda's idea that the three of us go out together now and then. We'd travel a few hours to nearby cities on some weekends where there were new restaurants to discover, art galleries to visit, and outdoor festivals where she could show complete strangers how much she loved the company of her two men. I'm sure there were times when some might have tried to guess which of us was her lover after she put her hands on us, alternating her attention between us. I often wondered what they thought...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Dream Christmas

Tristin felt his warm, strong hands moving up her thighs, gently pushing them apart. She let them go, keeping her eyes closed as he continued to kiss his way up her right calf. His smooth skin was felt as he raised the other leg hooking her knee over his shoulder. He continued his slow decent, and Tristin found herself moving her hips, pulsing with anticipation. Still not wanting to wake up fully and ruin the moment. He took her leg off and began placing wet kisses up the other thigh to the...

2 years ago
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Off Chance

It was a reception for Evan Hunter; the newly arrived American Ambassador and it was being held at the Ukrainian Embassy in Kiev. As the American Naval Attaché I was one of the distinguished invitees and had spent the last hour drinking and greeting fellow embassy staffers. Our new ambassador had just arrived that morning via an American Airlines flight from Washington, D.C., and no one had really met him yet, much less his family. Bedecked in my Dinner Dress Whites (a military tuxedo for you...

1 year ago
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Cherrys New Shoes

Cherry Adams was a wiry attractive redhead who needed a new pair of shoes. She owned over three hundred and fifty pairs, a mere pittance according to her. However, she was missing a pair that matched the color red of the new dress her boyfriend insisted she buy. “Cherry, you have red shoes,” he informed her as she slipped on her coat. She sashayed over to her rich, older lover and bent over so she could display her very ample bosom to his appreciative eyes. “Baby,” she cooed. “That red dress...

1 year ago
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Africa Take Two

January 13th 2007 marked a life changing stage in my life, it was the first day of my three month, self induced nightmare. Well, that is what some people would call going to live up a mountain, 40km from a hospital, in an area that has no electricity or running water. I called it my Gap Year Placement. Having already spent two weeks in the area I thought I would be pretty prepared for whatever lay ahead of me, but as BA047 started to taxi out I looked back at Terminal Four and thought ‘What on...

1 year ago
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My Madam

This story had happened when I was 18yrs old. My parents were settled in a village 40km from Ernakulam. There were no good colleges near by our village. So I had to go to Ernakulam for my college. It was difficult for me to go all the way to college from my home everyday and also my parents didn’t have enough money to admit me in the hostel. So the only option left was to stay with one of my distant relative Shobha who was living in Ernakulam. She readily agreed to this option because she was...

2 years ago
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All in the Family 3

We had an aunt who was my mom’s younger sister who was scheduled to visit us for two weeks. She was very attractive with a killer body and not really all that much older than us kids. Shortly after her arrival she came down stairs from her bedroom and found Bob and me watching tv. I hadn’t even noticed because it was so commonplace in our household, but Bob had unzipped his pants, pulled them down and had his cock out. It was hard as a rock and he was lazily stroking it back and forth. I guess...

4 years ago
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Know Thy Own Self

Where do I begin? Does it begin the day I was introduced to Beth? No it would have to be before that because it is important for the reader to understand, as best I can present it, what I brought to the table in that first meeting and into our relationship. It will also be important for me to convey to you the baggage that Beth brought to the marriage. I will begin with me. At the age of 17, very unsophisticated and uneducated, I dropped out of school and joined the Navy. I was very...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex with Cousin

I was desperately looking for a day to fuck this hottie! And then came that fine day when I was to fulfill my fantasy. I was visiting her and she was alone in her house... For about an hour, we were just talking in general and then she asked me for snacks! I said yes to bhel poori(an Indian snack) and she went to the kitchen to prepare it.. I followed her and got a nice view of that well rounded ass when she was bent over on the kitchen counter... My dick immediately stood up to full...

3 years ago
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Inappropriate FatherDaughter TeamRape Story

Inappr opriate Father+Sister Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a girl seduces her father into a heavy kinky relationship, then convinces him to rape and torture his other daughter with her.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction between fantasy and real...

3 years ago
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Life With AlphaPreface

Summary: A modern day, fairly real-world story where the creator of an intelligent computer uses technology to bring multiple fantasy women to life, using anime, cartoons and comic books as his source material. Disclaimer: The fictional characters used and mentioned throughout the story belong to their respective creators and/or corporate owners, not to me. That some aspects of the characters may be altered in a few specific ways as explained within the plot of the story does not alter any...

4 years ago
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The White GhostChapter 3

Several people had seen Joe's clash with the two thugs and began to laugh when the parson took off. Uh-oh, that could mean a lot of trouble for a lot of people. He was certain not to forget who had laughed at him. Shit, what could go wrong next? Joe wandered around some more, getting familiar with the layout of the town, though, by edict, it was not allowed to be called that. Only those places specifically chartered by the hierarchy could be called a town; otherwise, they were just...

2 years ago
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Six Cunts and Pne Ass In One Day True Story

Readers might know from my earlier story “Hashmat ki Shamat” that Hashmat was my first extra marital sexual encounter. On one such occasion when I had gone abroad and came back to Karachi for a week after a yearlong stay in USA, I started to trace all those bitches that I used to screw in Karachi. On top of the list was Hashmat (who had also helped me screw almost a dozen other pussies) and I somehow managed to get her new telephone number. She was thrilled upon my return and we fixed a meeting...

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