Homecoming Ch. 10 free porn video

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Props to Techsan for the editing job. Techsan, I am in awe of your patience and skills. Once again, I have to say that although Lt. Col. Vandervoort and his shattered ankle are entirely real, Daniel is pure fiction.

For those of you who have stuck by this story, I thank you profusely for reading it and voting. For those of you just discovering this story, I’d ask you to read all the chapters and vote, vote, vote.

Thanks again one and all.

Chapter 10

Ste-Mere-Eglise, France, June 6, 1944

A life for a life: that had been the bargain Madame Renault had struck with God in the wee hours of the morning on D Day. She’d save the young soldier’s life, not just because he’d saved hers, but because she truly believed that in doing so, the life of her own daughter — a soldier with the French Resistance — would be spared.

Even in the face of reality, the lifeless body of her dead husband which had been removed from the kitchen floor and placed reverently in the small sitting room, the farmwoman was convinced that her Claire would return home to her. She’d made a bargain with God. She’d kept her end of it.

Notwithstanding the fact that saving the wounded soldier’s life was a means to an end, Madame Renault’s maternal instinct would not let her rest until she’d witnessed the medic deftly tending to her charge. She wouldn’t be satisfied with anything less that saving the Lieutenant’s leg. He’d probably walk with a limp, but there was no reason why he wouldn’t be able to walk on his own two limbs.

The farmwoman had patched many similar injuries with the skill of a field surgeon. Surely a trained medic could do the job just as well. She hovered over the medic, a Corporal barely out of his teens, barking out instructions to him in English sprinkled with French.

‘Non, non…vous dois…you must take that off carefully…he’s been bleeding,’ Madame Renault instructed pointing to the dark crimson bed sheets beneath the man she now knew as 1st Lieutenant Daniel Carven — they’d finally made their introductions upon her return.

‘Yes, ma’m…I think I can handle it from here,’ the besieged Corporal looked to his commanding officer, desperate for a respite from his assistant’s overzealous attention to his newest patient.

Since the start of this day, the Corporal had seen quite a few fractures…and worse. Significant blood-loss notwithstanding, the Lieutenant was in pretty good shape. The first aid administered by the animated Frenchwoman had saved his life and probably saved his leg.

Lt. Colonel Vandervoort looked on at the spectacle with guarded amusement. Clearly this farmwoman had the training of a seasoned senior medic and was frustrated that she had to leave her patient in the hands of some young, albeit qualified, kid. Hiding an appreciative grin in light of the circumstances, Vandervoort cleared his throat before speaking sternly to the Corporal.

‘Corporal Gaffs,’ the Lt. Colonel gently admonished, ‘this good woman risked her own life to save one of ours…and she’s done a damn fine job of it from what I can see.’

Again, the Lt. Colonel looked down grudgingly at his own make-shift splint and then to the seemingly professional job on 1st Lieutenant Carven’s leg — a work of art performed by the Madame of the house.

‘If I were you, I’d take advantage of having an extremely able assistant and listen to what she has to say. After all, the town isn’t completely secured yet and I imagine you’re going to have more patients than you can handle within the next few hours.’

The commander grimaced at this admission. He knew that taking the town was one thing but holding it long enough to keep the Germans from barreling through in aid of their comrades on the beaches and precluding the Allied Forces from securing a deep-water port in Cherbourg was quite another. Without this port, the Allies would be severely hampered in bringing in badly needed reinforcements. The town had to be held at all costs.

So far, however, the liberation of Ste-Mere-Eglise, the first French town to hold that distinction on this day, had been a surprising success in light of everything that had gone wrong already. Thanks in good part to the efforts of the French Resistance whose job it had been to destroy all lines of communication, the Germans’ ability to adequately spread the alarm as the invasion was underway had been severely handicapped.

However, another related matter hung unsettlingly in the commander’s mind. Vandervoort frowned when he’d heard a stoic Lieutenant Carven introduce himself to his Florence Nightingale only a few moments before. He’d overheard the robust woman give her family name as she enthusiastically pumped Carven’s hand, relieved to finally formally introduce herself to her guardian angel. The name, her name, sounded familiar.

Stepping up to the demanding woman who had now taken to forcibly removing the flustered Corporal’s medical supplies from his hands in order to pantomime exactly what he needed to do in order to save Carven’s leg, Vandervoort touched Madame Renault’s arm to get her attention.

‘Excuze-moi. Comment vous appelez-vous? Renault…Madame Louisa Renault?’ the Lt. Colonel struggled with the language.

‘Oui… Je m’appelle Louisa Renault. I am called Louisa Renault. Why do you ask?’ the woman’s eyes widened with what Vandervoort understandably perceived was apprehension.

The commander reached into his pocket to retrieve something before responding. His face was unreadable.

‘There’s something I need to tell you about your daughter…votre fille, Claire Renault,’ the imposing Lt. Colonel’s eyes softened as he addressed the mother who’d already lost a great deal this day.

At the sound of her child’s name, Madame Renault’s heart leapt. But her side of the bargain with God had been kept…had it not?


Raleigh, North Carolina— July 4, 1941

A goddess of moonbeams and velvet midnight sky — Lula stood before Jordan at the water’s edge. The soft, deliciously smooth curves of her naked body were on display for his eyes alone. What had he done to deserve this gift? More importantly, would he accept it?

Jordan was at a crossroads — accept his childhood sweetheart’s offer at his own peril or behave like the gentleman his father and mother had always raised him to be and spare them both awkward regret. Staring at the embodiment of beauty before him, Jordan knew what his choice would be. He was only a man. He was only made of flesh and blood after all.

‘Jordan, come on…what are you waiting for? You’ve always been a sissy about cold water,’ Lula teased, her arms outstretched toward him

She seductively beckoned him to follow her, like the Sirens in Homer’s Odyssey, those mythical beguilers of mariners whose beauty and melodic voices led men to their watery doom. Even though it was Lula who was calling him into the water and not a temptress of mist and fantasy, like those ancient mariners, Jordan knew his fate had been sealed from the moment she’d suggested they steal away to go skinny dipping.

They weren’t kids anymore, Lula was well aware of the affection Jordan had for her. He’d been unable to think of little else but her since their kiss under the oak tree.

Sensing his hesitation, Lula turned away from him and plunged into the water. She swam far out to where she knew she could plant her feet on a sandbar, the water reached the bottom of her lip, but she didn’t have to tread water.

She’d done this in order to allow the water to recover some of the modesty that she’d relinquished. She’d guessed that her reluctant swimming partner would feel more comfortable if he couldn’t see all of her. The strategy had worked.

Jordan gasped when Lula’s flawless form disappeared beneath the shimmering, inky waves. He’d not had enough time to drink in the vision her body had afforded his eyes. The sight
of her standing in front of him a few seconds earlier was like a drug to him — an addictive stimulant.

His body responded before his mind could tell him to think things through. He’d nearly broken his neck in an effort to shed his own clothes and join her in the cool, bracing waters.

Contrary to Justine’s earlier tales, Lula was decidedly inexperienced. Her first sexual encounter with a man was still fresh in her memory. Her evening with Daniel had opened the door to her desire for an intimate relationship with someone for whom she cared deeply. If that someone could not be Daniel, she would have to love someone else.

As much as she thought she wanted this, she’d been ill-prepared for the sight of Jordan, gloriously nude and strolling unabashedly into the water to join her. She could not pull her eyes away from the sight of masculinity personified and, from what she could make out from her sandbar, aroused.

As he approached the water’s edge, Jordan could sense that Lula was staring, however, with her back to the moon, Lula’s face was hidden in silken shadows. From her vantage point, Lula had the advantage of being the spectator in a moonlit theater with the shoreline serving as the stage.

Every emotion on Jordan’s face was as naked for the world to see as his own perfectly chiseled form. Watching the portrait of masculine beauty enter the water and swim towards her, Lula felt a tinge of guilt tugging at her heart.

Was this what she’d been waiting for? Was he what she’d been waiting for? Lula knew that soon, the answers to those questions would be irrelevant. She’d invited him to take her, he’d accepted the invitation.

She couldn’t blame her desire on the peach wine even though it had served as liquid courage to motivate her to make the first move on Jordan. She couldn’t even blame Daniel’s open hostility and indifference towards her, Daniel had been trying hard not to be such an ass lately and had made quite a show of his affections for Justine — the new woman in his life. Lula could only look to her own emotions and needs if she needed to blame anything for this impetuous behavior.

If kissing Jordan under the oak tree had revealed anything to her, it revealed that Daniel wasn’t the only man who could arouse sensual stirrings in her. She couldn’t deny that her feelings for Daniel were still very deep, every lustful look he stole at Justine was like a knife in her heart. She couldn’t deny that she’d hoped that Daniel would be her first, but it was clear to her now that such fantasies were madness — Daniel didn’t want her in that way and he was convinced that it was wrong.

How could she enjoy being with Daniel if it only served to fill him with bitterness and regret?

Jordan had created a stirring in her that was different from the stirring that Daniel had created — different, but not altogether less erotic or strong. Daniel’s flame burned hot, wanton and reckless, Jordan’s burned steady, temperate and strong. Both men were desirable, only one was obtainable.

Jordan was safe passion. Jordan was a rock. Lula was through beating her head against a wall.

In a few seconds, Jordan would be upon her. Lula swallowed a small lump in her throat in anticipation of the inevitable. She shivered and lightly chattered her teeth as she tread water, it was not the chill of the pond that had pricked her skin with goose bumps.

The consummate athlete, Jordan had caught up with Lula in just a few effortless strokes. He stood to his full height, his feet touching the bottom and the water just a few inches below his chin. Slipping a strong arm around Lu’s waist, he supported Lu and pulled her to him until her lips were just a breath away from his.

His hand rested on the curve of her lower back, the length of their bodies pressed against each other. She felt good against him — every inch of the woman she had become molded to his frame. He could feel her heart pounding inside her chest, he could hear the soft wisps of breath escaping her lungs — shallow puffs of air quickening in rhythm with her heartbeat. She was clearly aroused.

His own enthusiasm pressed sure and strong between them, his intentions made obvious by the physical manifestation of his arousal, an arousal that not even the icy waters could belay. Every fiber of his being wanted to dive into her gentle embrace, to cling to her and inside her and never let her go. He thought his heart would burst with need.

‘Lu, darlin’,’ Jordan’s voice could hardly contain his want even though he was careful to speak softly and slowly, ‘I’m not sure I want to stop whatever is happening here tonight, but I will if you’re not ready. We don’t have to do anything more than swim.’

Touched by his display of self-control, Lula took his face in her hands in response, ‘Jordan, if I didn’t want to be here with you now, I wouldn’t. I promise you, I know what I want tonight — right here, right now.’

As if to emphasize her point, Lula wrapped her legs around Jordan’s powerful frame and squeezed her thighs together. The carnal man in Jordan leapt in response. Impossibly, the erection that pressed against their bellies stiffened still.

More surprisingly, Lu was fascinated and intrigued by this response and reached down between them to touch the thick, smooth member. What her eyes could not see beneath the water’s surface, her hand comprehended as beautiful.

She’d made the right choice. Jordan was the man to whom she was meant to give herself. She was sure of it. Jordan loved her beyond measure and she truly loved him.

But did she love him enough to forget another set of steel-gray eyes that had pierced her soul every night for the past four nights in her dreams?

Jordan could make her happy, as she could him.

But would she be as happy as she could have been with Daniel?

Overcome by lust, Lula shook off these troubling doubts. There was no reason, not one, for her to consider abandoning her attentive paramour for a man who obviously didn’t want anything to do with her in that way. She could make Jordan happy. She would make him happy.

Besides, she was horny as hell — a fact that the practical side of her refused to let her forget.

Apparently, Jordan’s own need was as pressing as hers. Lula could barely catch her breath when Jordan pulled her into a lingering kiss, deeper and more intense than the first one they’d shared under the majestic old oak. She had no intention of reasoning away the emotions behind this kiss.

Instead, she responded in kind, her soft tongue urgently insisting on entrance into his mouth. Jordan was happy to oblige. He could not deny his Lula anything she desired — more’s the better if the object of that desire was him.

As their kiss deepened, the tentative battle being waged by their tongues took on a life of its own. Jordan’s strong, capable hands held the face of his beloved as he willed their souls to meld through that one powerful kiss. The kiss was the beginning of the end for both of them. The kiss was the end of their innocent childhood relationship, it signaled the beginning of Lula’s introduction to the tenderness that could be shared between two souls.

Her brief time with Daniel had introduced her to passion. This moment with Jordan had introduced her to the tenderness that was lovemaking. No guilt, no fear of rejection — just the fulfillment of intimate desires unfettered from anxiety and shame.

Lula wanted all these things — love, passion, desire. She wanted them as any normal woman wants to be adored and loved. She wanted what Justine appeared to have in Daniel — contentment.

Jordan pulled away from Lula and the kiss so that he could steal a glimpse of the beauty he’d had the unbelievably good fortune to claim as his own. The sadness he detected hanging between them like the delicate strands of a spider’s web was discounted as Lula’s reluctance to give up her last bastion of childhood security –
– her friendship with Jordan.

He’d make sure she knew that no matter what happened this night, he’d always be her friend. He’d never stop loving her. He simply didn’t know how to stop loving her, he wasn’t quite sure he wanted to learn such a cruel trick anyway.

‘Lula sweetheart, I am never gonna make you do something you don’t want to do. You’ll always be ‘My Lula’ no matter what happens tonight or twenty years from tonight. I will always love you,’ he promised through a gaze drunk with lust but tempered with adoration.

Lula shivered involuntarily before raising her eyes to meet his with her confident reply, ‘Jordan, if I’d thought otherwise, the world would probably cease to turn. I trust you. I care for you. I want you and I want to make you happy.’

The fact that Lula was unable to declare her undying love for him was not lost on Jordan. However, he reasoned with himself that he’d loved her all his life — Lula was just getting used to the idea of loving him the same way he loved her, she was unfamiliar with the intimacy that they were about to share. He’d make sure he didn’t mislay the trust she’d given him. As if to seal this promise to her, Jordan pulled Lula into another intimate embrace.

As he held his precious intended, he allowed his large, calloused hands to caress the smooth, liquid planes of Lula’s back. His left hand came to the apex of the firm, sculpted flesh of her ass before pulling her nearer into his own hard form. Lula mewled with satisfaction in response and tightened the embrace her thighs held around his waist.

They held each other in the cool July waters of the pond, each was captivated by the moment, ravenously devouring the other’s lips in voracious desperation to release the coils of tension and desire squeezing their hearts.

This was only the second time Lula had let a man touch her so intimately and the feeling of Jordan’s flesh against hers had made her realize that she didn’t want this time to be her last. Jordan was euphoric with the sweet anticipation of consuming all of Lula and losing himself in exploration of her. In that moment, there was no one else, there was nothing else, but them.

Jordan had waited a lifetime to feel the smooth, taut flesh of Lula’s belly against his naked flesh. He’d dreamt of running his fingers through her copper-tinted coils and tasting parts of her that were hidden from the eyes of her other admirers.

He’d come so far since taking that wooden bat to the head, courtesy of the eight-year old imp the woman in his arms had once been.

Now, on this night, Jordan would consummate his promise of undying love to her. He would claim her and make her his, he’d turn the lie he’d told his admiring comrades into the truth. He’d make Lula Corning ‘Big Jordan’s’ girl.

Lula wanted nothing more than to lose herself in Jordan’s massive arms. She wanted and needed to taste his full, firm blossom of his lips, she wanted her tongue to taunt and lick the smooth flesh of his sculpted onyx chest. She wanted to consume him as much as she knew Jordan needed to consume her.

As if capable of reading each other’s minds, the newly formed couple, lost in the Eros of that seemingly endless July evening, began their insatiable exploration of each other. Lula placed both of her hands on either side of Jordan’s face and pulled him into another kiss — this one almost punishing in its force.

Jordan responded in kind, his tongue once again demanding entrance to the tender trap of her sweet mouth. The hand that had so lovingly caressed the valleys just above Lula’s derrière slipped lower to the soft folds of her clit where Jordan began gently stroking the supple, swollen petals of her entrance.

The sensation of Jordan’s deft manipulation of her delicate womanhood forced Lula to throw her head back and emit a feral moan, her nails dug into the stone-carved flesh of Jordan’s back as she fought to maintain a hold on reality. The familiar warmth between her thighs spread like a wildfire to her lower belly where it continued to feed itself — stoking the pyres of a desire she’d wanted to release since the moment she’d invited Jordan to go swimming with her.

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How my girlfriend turned me gay Part IV

Several minutes passed. We lay there quietly, letting our breathing return to normal. “God, that was hot,” Steve said. “Oh, yes.” “You know what I need? A shower and some breakfast.” “Sounds good to me.” I gave his dick a friendly tug, slid out from under the covers and went into the bathroom. When the water was running hot I got in and started soaping myself. In a minute Steve climbed in, and we spent the next 15 minutes vigorously washing each other. I massaged his muscles from...

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GloryHole Victoria Voxxx 07222019

Victoria is a total maniac! She’s a kleptomaniac AND a nymphomaniac! She wants all the cock and all the cum. Seems like she gets off on stealing her porn as well. When our store clerk catches her trying to pocket a couple dvd’s, he explains to her that she can watch this stuff for free in the viewing booths. Nice guy…instead of calling the cops…he gives her just what she wanted, 2 big cocks! She sucks those random meat sticks with some serious head game. But sucking them...

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Card Night

Sunny and I were getting ready to go down the street to our friend’s house for card night. It was the third Friday and we always met once a month at one or another’s house for cards, drinking and conversation. I opened a bottle of Chardonnay and we each had a couple of glasses while we got ready to go. It was hot on this July night, and Sunny had already showered and was wearing only a smile while doing her makeup at the mirror in the bathroom. I had just stepped out of the shower and was...

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Dot the conclusion

I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to my great grandfather. You have already perused the first four sections of the missive; here is the conclusion. I felt it might hold special interest for you. By now we know that the consumptive young girl known as Dorothea died sometime around 1850 and was replaced by a street urchin, Dick Osgood, who had become her friend and, through a tortuous series of events, had also become her...

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Photographer For My Tiktok Queen Sister 8211 Part 2

Hey friends, this is Abhishek again. After a few days, I got a call from Rahul sir. He told me that he was very happy with the photos and he wished to continue. He asked me to collect the payment from his office. I went to the office. As usual, bizarre things were going on – like a naked couple was doing a photo shoot. I talked with one of the models there. I came to know it was a B-grade studio that makes hot web-series with Indian models. I went inside and was handed my check which was of Rs...

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MILFSugarBabes Brandi Love 26018

Times are tough. That’s why I’m meeting Jordan on my lunch break. My husband’s out of work, so I have to meet whenever I can. We’re barely making ends meet, and I can’t even afford to get my nails done anymore. But Jordan’s going to change all that. I’ll be happy to pleasure him anyway I can, and I’m happy that he can help me in return. And I’ve brought some sexy lingerie to make this first time unforgettable for him. I don’t want to...

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Mrs Cavendish

Preface: I apologise for posting a second unfinished story here (the other being 'Model') but this is another story that I made good progress with and then due to pressure of work have had to stop temporarily. If you like this, or Model please let me know - it will help me decide which one to finish first (or even to start another one). Mrs Cavendish by Paula Hanson (email: [email protected]) Prologue I left school that hot summer three years ago. I was only sixteen at...

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My Vacation with Gabika 5

Chapter 5.I seek consolation in the arms of Anne-Marie and get both her and her friend!I looked again at the sleeping Gabika and went to the next room. Mellow music was sounding from the Anne-Marie's MP3 player. She was reclining on her desk trying to write a post card to Pedro. She was kneeling on the wooden chair, her elbows supporting her heavy chest and her hand moving the pen swiftly on the card. The good thing was that she was as usual only dressed in her white, easy to remove baggy...

1 year ago
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Moms lesbian experience

100% fiction! Bob has been my best friend since forever. We used to hang out all the time and talk about all sorts stuff. One evening, me bob and his girlfriend Christine, were talking at a bar…one thing led to another and we ended up talking about my sexy hot beautiful she was even at this age!! Things kept getting dirtier and we were pretty drunk. And somehow we agreed on the fact that if I manage to get bob and Christine fuck my mom I’d be allowed to make out with Christine whenever. And we...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 14

Felix did indeed call the following morning. Lauren had forgotten and must have sounded particularly dense when she answered the phone. They exchanged pleasantries before she invited him for twelve thirty. He reminded her that he knew the place and would be on time. And, yes, he did eat everything. Emma was more excited than Lauren, fussing around the house looking for a tablecloth for the kitchen and serviettes that were hidden deep in the spare room. It was only later, just before lunch,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 212 Im The Man

Did she just let out an evil-sounding cackle? When the servant’s elevator dinged, I never expected to see three of the burliest, though quite pretty and very well stacked, women come out of the elevator. Behind them were three quiet little girls I already knew were orphans rescued by the staff at some point. One girl had a cart full of cleaning supplies, one with various electric cleaning tools, and the third with a cart covered by a black cloth. I went to each boy to hit a specific spot on...

2 years ago
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BOB`s side When I first met Gina I liked what I saw short bubbly blonde with big tits , we went to her local pub , and like all true gentlemen I treated to lunch , and what surprised me but pleased me as well was her willingness to drink a pint with me , I thought to myself , play it cool boy you`re going to do well with this one. I have over the years had many conquests it`s not just getting in her knickers its managing to change the woman`s preconceived notions, ( I`m a good...

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Conflicted First Time Cock Sucker Ch 02

For three days I had avoided him and told myself that I was such an idiot to let myself get talked into sucking his cock; that was how I felt most of the time, although there were other times I found myself getting turned on when I thought about his hard cock in my mouth. Still, I kept telling myself that I wasn't turned on by his cock and I wasn't going to every do that again.At eighteen I had established my independence from my strict – and sometimes cruel father – and I wasn't going to get...

4 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 1 of 6

In the unreachable void, beyond the limits of space and time, lies the Unbuilt City, which exists without ever having been made. Unconfined by the cramped boundaries of infinity, eternal towers rise beside crystal lakes. A galaxy of stars could not power one of those towers, yet their lights blaze with unimaginable fury. The unseen residents know fear. Beings far mightier than even their impossible city can bear move among them. Five genies, each one capable of making and razing a...

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Sex With My Beautiful Queen

Hi, girls and aunties even divorced women can also contact me. Don’t worry about the privacy I give 100% security. The whole story happened when I was in my be 1st year I was 18 yrs and the beauty of the story queen 18 yrs with 38-28-36 hourglass, fit and very fair..Like her nipples and pussy completed my BE(Mech). I’m 22 now, well physic because I play tennis every day and even good stamina too. I’m fair in complexion. My dick size is of 7″ long and 2.5″ in diameter. Coming to the sex story:...

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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 15

Bill’s turn: Flying is a sidebar right now. In a matter of months since I stepped onto the 3Sigma merry-go-round, it keeps spinning faster and faster. Still, though, it IS a merry-go-round, and is, therefore, by definition, ‘FUN’. “It’s fun,” I told Maddie as she brought me a Fed-Ex document envelope. “This one’s eight million dollars. We’ll make two after we buy and install.” She smiled. “Dad says a lot of things’re fun when they’re showing seven figures.” I smiled. “Even more fun when...

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Learning CurvesChapter 57

Hailey paced around the deck wishing Phil was back. The others had grown increasingly drunk and boisterous. Even the usually reticent Katelyn was talking loudly and growing increasingly coarse. Hailey decided since Phil wasn’t here to babysit them it was her responsibility. She sipped ginger ale while the others imbibed a mixture of cocktails that seemed to have more and more alcohol each time. She regretted not getting Phil’s keycard before he’d left. She could go down and be waiting for...

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The White Guilt PimpChapter 22

Jamal offered his hand to her and helped her back up. Kimberly still had a hard time to get up in her 5 inch heels. She took the couple of steps back to the bed with her left hand in his right. God he loved white sluts in high heels. As she took a step, her ass twitched. He playfully slapped it. “Daddeee” she squealed! She lay back on the bed with her head on a pillow, spread her legs as wide as she could, began playing with her pussy and started saying “Please Daddy, please fuck me with...

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Orgy FamilyStyleChapter 5

Pam remained confused. Bob seemed distant after their lovemaking. She told Chuck not to phone, said she needed time to think. She gave up all plans for finding her own apartment. Maggie criticized everything she tried to do and the blonde became more depressed than ever. One day she decided she had to talk to Bob again. If he was angry at her, she wanted to talk about it. If he felt guilty because they'd committed incest, she wanted a chance to convince him that what they did was good and...

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Found an xhamster girl at the store

I was about to hit a friend’s party last weekend. He had just moved to a new part of the city and was having a few of us come by. I stopped off at the store in his neighborhood to grab some chips and beers when I saw her. I was fairly certain it was her. I’d seen her enough on xhamster, first on her boyfriends page, then her own. A young redhead named Sarah. The eyes, the hair, the smile - it had to be her. I followed her around the store a couple of aisles, just to be sure. I eventually...

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Slut wife dont tell her husband part 2

Please read "slut wife but don't tell her husband before reading this. Any and all comments are greatly appreciated. I love getting your ideas for further parts of the story too. Sarahs husband was called into his bosses office and asked if Sarah had a job, the answer was no, he earnt enough for her to stay home. Then he was asked if she had ever done any secretarial work, the answer was yes, she used to be a secretary. The boss then asked him If he thought Sarah would like to become 1 of...

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Sex Du JourChapter 25

Whilst in Stian's office... It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out...

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Ch12 Honey Caught with Pool Guy

Chapter 1 – Honey gets six weeks worth of cum in a day My boyfriend, Paul has been away for six weeks, consulting on an oil platform off the coast of Africa so I’m happy to get his e-mail instructing me to pick him up at Tampa International Airport this afternoon at 1400 hours. It’s not that he expects me to be celibate while he’s away, nor have I been, but I know that when he arrives, his big dangling ball sack will be pre-loaded with about a quart of cum under pressure, his amazing,...

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THE MOTORCYCLE COP AND THE HOT ROD By Jim DiamondI sat quietly in the car, wondering what in hell to do — I couldn't afford a ticket, but he had me dead to rights; my '32 Ford street rod was doing 65 in a 45 mph zone. I couldn't help it. When I hear that blower whine and the dual pipes roaring, I can't keep my foot off the gas. Next thing I knew, I had a cycle cop on my tail, lights flashing, and when I pulled over, I knew he wasn't going to ask me to buy tickets to the policemen's ball.I...

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Something about her

Heres my first post, hopefully one of many. Written primarily for my own account but if others find my mental and physical encounters enjoyable, so be it. Ive never been very good with diaries, however considering how sexually entertaining my life has become I dont think Ill have a problem keeping up with my memoir.Last Saturday night my sweets and I made our way to a friends house for an after hour birthday booze fest. All the normal gang was there consisting mainly of men and as usual myself....

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More Office Shenanigans

[Author's note: This is a continuation of another story (linked below). The plot isn't complicated by any means, but it might make more sense if you read the other one first] The week following our romp in Colleen's office was an interesting one. Aside from some sly looks between Katie and I, and the occasional quiet reference to that evening, not much came of it right away. Colleen was more or less her normal self, albeit a tad "softer" towards Katie and I. Actually, come to think of it, she...

Group Sex
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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 30

Late Christmas Eve “Oh, fuck ... damn it!” Kate Walsh exclaimed as I pounded her very hard from behind, knowing that my spunk would damn her forever. “You want this, don’t you?” I taunted the actress, enjoying how wet and juicy she was right then. “Oh, God, yes!” Kate confessed. “I don’t think that God has anything to do with this, not even the new one, Michael,” I teased her as she creamed herself on my prick and whimpered for more. Kate moaned very loudly as I came inside her...

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Snow Day

I was having a rough start to my day. The snow was coming down hard and fast but I finally made it to my second job at the hotel. Dee was meeting me after he got out of work and we were bunkering down in a hotel room. I couldn’t wait to see him. To have his hands on me, and his strong arms wrapped around my body. God he has a presence about him that just makes me melt and soaks my panties before he’s even in the room. Dee and I have been dating for a few months and he found out almost...

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I loved my dad

This is something I have only shared with one person in my real life. It is liberating and exciting to share my story here with some who may enjoy reading it.I became bi in 1976 the Bi-centennial year. It was the summer of that year that I fell off my bike and broke my arm.I had a pretty large cast on my arm, I couldn't get the cast wet so my mom suggested my dad shower with me to wash me wash and make sure my cast didn't get wet. I was pretty modest at the time but didn't think much about it...

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Mother Daughter Feast 1 of 12

Starting shortly after our daughter turned 15, my husband and I started taking four weekend "business trips" a year, confident that our daughter, Anna, could take care of herself while we are gone. After each trip, I take the video that I record out of the camera and place it in a hidden compartment that only me and my husband know about. Our 20th such trip is scheduled to end two days before we go on a family vacation to celebrate Anna's 20th birthday. Little did I know the profound...

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They Came For Your Anus Act I

In the town of Badonkadonk there lived a man called Chuck Johnson. Chuck was just an average guy. He was twenty one years old and still lived with his parents. He had an older brother, Lance, who’d recently come out as gay and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He also believed he lived in the most boring place on Earth. But Chuck and the rest of the inhabitants of Badonkadonk were about to become embroiled in one of the most amazing events in Earth history! But first our story starts with...

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Knocked UP

We just moved in our new house in Connecticut. My husband and I loved it, 5 acres with a pool and sauna. The house was in the middle of the land and the houses were spaced so there was privacy. Our dream. My high school friend Kathy was just down the road, Kathy was a bit of a slut in her youth. Kathy and I were together all the time, shopping, etc. We were both trying to get pregnant her husband’s sperm count was low and my hubby’s job requires that he travel…. a lot. Sucks big time, but it...

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Sanjana My Hot And Sexy Aunt 8211 Part 2

Please read the first part of this story to enjoy this one. Sanjana aunty: What have you done, Abhi? I didn’t mean it this way. Me: Sorry, aunty. I just did it in heat of the moment. She seemed disturbed a bit and also looked drowsy. She stood up and said, “I am going to sleep. So you also go back to your room and sleep. We will talk about this tomorrow. ” Fear and tension consumed me. I thought I will not be able to sleep that night. I drank a little more and went to sleep in my room. By the...


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