Hartstein (A Hartstein Story)Chapter 2 free porn video

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Paul was deep in thought as he reread the last two pages over again. It was ten after eleven on a Tuesday morning. He had been writing since six, and had two pages that were almost right to his way of thinking, when he heard the mailman approaching his front door, and then saw the letter drop from the mail slot onto the wooden floor.

A letter not a bill? I don’t usually get letters ... and it’s too thin to be another rejection slip. He put it out of his mind and finished reading his work for the fourth time, made two minor changes in the dialogue and prepared to resume typing, but couldn’t concentrate as thoughts of the previous day with Celia and Jim kept coming back to him.

Did Jim suspect anything? The room had fairly reeked of sex. How many beers had he had? Had Celia given anything away after he’d left? Could he return to their place without a confrontation?

These and other questions pried at him, forcing him to get up from his PC and pick up the letter still lying on the floor by the front and only door to his tiny apartment. Cursing under his breath, Paul bent down and picked up the solitary piece of mail and glanced at the sender’s name: Carol Cobillard, Regal Publishing, New York, NY.

He felt his knees go weak and he stumbled back to his chair and sat down hard. Good news ... this had to be good news, he told himself and carefully opened the letter.

Dear Mr. Hartstein:

Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Editing Agent for Regal Publishing. I have just reread your work--Woman on the 7:10 to Brewster and found it to be extremely interesting. I will be candid with you. It is not our policy to publish a first time author offering us a novella. The truth is they do not as a rule, sell well—period. However I am interested in reading any novel you may have, either finished or in progress, so long as there is a chapter or two completed.

As a show off good faith I have enclosed a check in the amount of a $500.00 retainer toward the future publication of Woman on the 7:10 to Brewster which should sell reasonably well after you have established a reputation through your subsequent work.

Toward that end, I would like to meet you for lunch on Tuesday, the 7th of February if that is acceptable to you. Please bring a sampling of your current work with you and I will read it during lunch. Call me on 201-555-1346 to confirm or set a different date. Sincerely yours, Carol Cobillard

It would be difficult to describe the sudden rush of elation that ran through Paul on reading the letter. He wanted to call everyone he knew, but had no phone. He wanted to scream the news out the window but it was nailed shut. And so he did what he could do under the emotional stress he was under--he slowly sank down t the floor and began to cry.

He was happy, perhaps for the first time in quite a while. With each tear rolling down his cheeks he felt the pressure of possible failure as a writer falling away. He took a deep breath, stopped crying and wiped his eyes then got to his feet and returned to his PC and began working anew, this time with a more meaningful purpose, and before long had another thee pages--nearly perfect pages, and he finished another page before calling a halt and making himself something to eat.

He was famished and ate twice as much as normally would. He counted his money and found that aside from the next week’s rent, he had ten dollars and thirty seven cents to his name.

Paul reread the letter, and sat back down at his PC and finished the chapter. All in all he’d knocked out sixteen pages before quitting for the day and going out to the local diner and having their blue-plate special—meatloaf, mashed potatoes and carrots for dinner.

The Gaby Brasserie Française proudly dominated the entrance of the Sofitel New York on 44 W. 45th St. (Fifth & Sixth Avenues to those unfamiliar with New York City.) Its façade gleamed in the dappled sunlight, emerging with gothic splendor from behind the trees fronting the building.

As Paul approached he saw how impressive the building really was the structure grand and stately and defiantly Victorian in its architecture. A flight of stone steps led her up to the front door of the hotel, and he passed through into the dark, wood paneled interior.
The décor inside was plush and exquisitely refined. Carol Cobillard obviously liked the finer things in life. He hoped that she would be just as much to his liking.

Once inside the restaurant, Paul slipped out of his coat, passed it to a porter standing there silently waiting patiently for him to remove it and adjusted his tie. Although this was a lunchtime engagement, he still felt out of place wearing his only suit, although it was dark blue, it had seen better days. In fact, his school had bought it for him to wear to an award dinner for which he had been nominated. He had finished third in the voting, but still had the suit all these years later.

He asked the Maître D if Ms. Cobillard had arrived, and was told “No, not as yet, would Monsieur prefer to wait in the lounge, or perhaps he would rather wait at the table?”

Worried about paying a small ransom for a drink at the bar—which he didn’t have—Paul opted for the table, and was taken there without any further comment by the Maître D.

Carol Cobillard was on time. Paul watched as a slim brunette with almost no breasts at all paused by the Maître D’s station and was directed to Paul’s table. He tried to keep his eyes on her face for she was extraordinarily attractive, young and full of life, and clearly aware of the sexual power of her presence. He saw that she was possessed of magnificent legs accentuated by a long slit in her skirt that showed them off.

Paul’s writing skills had taught him to take note of people with a view toward describing them in his notes for possible use in his writing. In that regard he also made a point to take in her figure, B in the breast department, but he was partial to small, pert breasts, A+ on her ass, and face.

Paul rose to greet her as she approached his table.

Jesus H. Christ, Carol thought, he’s a fuckin’ God! She smiled, partly for his benefit, partly to ensure the lust for him that was racing to her belly and lower didn’t show on her face.

Sometimes I just lose it. The civilized part of me switches off and the hindbrain takes over. This man had a hotline to my ovaries. My whole body was screaming Fuck him Fuck him now. Take his seed. We need it.

She slowed approach to assess the man she was lunching with and who she hoped would prove to be her ticket to a promotion if he proved to be the bestselling author she thought he might become.

Mmmm, good looking, she thought, seems calm enough considering the stakes, and OH, is he really that big? This is going to be more than a business lunch if he’s interested n me.

Paul stood up to greet her and it occurred to him that he had given her two of the higher grades possible in grading a woman.

“Mr. Hartman, it’s a pleasure to meet you at last,” Carol said in a sexy undertone.

“It’s Hartstein, Paul said in a kindly voice, many people mistook the pronunciation of his last name and he didn’t mind, especially when such an attractive woman made the mistake.

“Oh--I’m terribly sorry. I knew that but...”

“Forget it, please sit down,” He said and waited for her to do so before retaking his seat.

I’m acting like a silly teenager, she thought. The first time this happened to me I was nineteen and on my way home for Christmas. I picked up the wrong bag at the bus station, went to return the bag and found that the guy who owned it had taken mine and gone to his hotel. I was pissed. It meant I’d miss my bus and probably Mom’s painstakingly authentic Christmas dinner.

A fleeting smile crossed Carol’s face as she recalled the event in question. Nineteen years old and I stormed up to the guy’s hotel room and pounded on the door. I wouldn’t dare do it again, not with all the crazies out there, but it seems like it was decades ago and it was only eight years ago—an eternity really.

He’d just showered. I think it was the way his thick black hair curled on his neck that did it. He was in his early twenties, tall, dark and handsome. Once our eyes met the rest was inevitable; not to mention the six-inch schlong he was waving in my face some two minutes after we’d met.

Carol brought herself back to the moment on hearing Paul speaking to her.

“It’s my pleasure to meet you, Ms. Cobillard. Really, it is. Please, sit down. Should I order wine?” he asked, and mentally kicked himself for playing host when she was obviously the hostess at the table.

“That would be very kind of you, but please call me Carol.”

They waited silently while the waiter took his order for a mid-priced wine, complemented his choice and walked away. Carol took over from there.

“First of all, let me give you your check.” That said, she leaned forward, reached into her tiny purse and took out a check and handed it to him.

As he accepted the check, Carol thought, the meal was an obligation that could not be avoided, but if he revealed one iota of sexual interest I was going to jump his bones. Besides the son-of-a-bitch could write! Stay professional, you sex-crazed cow! Carol warned herself, but she continued appraising him--His shoulders were broad and his back was hard and lean. And he’s sooo fuckin’ tall; with hair I can twist my hands in without hurting him! Oh, Jesus save me! His sweat smells so nice; I love that smell.

Paul had told himself he wouldn’t look at the check when it was given to him, but couldn’t resist; telling himself it was the first money he’d ever received for his writing.

He caught the quick smile the crossed Carol’s face as he read the amount--five thousand dollars and no cents typed across the face of the check before placing it carefully in the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

“Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me,” he said as his eyes filled with tears of appreciation.

“Oh, but I do,” Carol replied as a second waiter placed menus in front of them. “Um, I’m sorry, but I have to get you to sign for the check. It’s only a receipt, so there’s no need for a lawyer or agent.”

“Oh, well I have neither one.”

“Please let me explain the intricacies of the publishing game,” Carol said with a serious expression. “When a publisher accepts your book, you will generally receive money for it prior to publication. This upfront money is called the advance. In today’s world it’s common for the advance to be paid in two or more parts. A portion is paid on execution, which means after the author has signed the contract and sent it in to the publisher for co-signing. The publisher returns a copy of the executed contract with the first check to the author. Sometimes, the first check follows the contract four to six weeks later.”

“But then ... what... ?” Paul began only to be interrupted by Carol.

“We gave you the $500 as more of a good will gesture than any offer to publish the novella. Oh, if this manuscript becomes a successful novel, then we’ll get the novella into print as soon as possible. In the meantime we want your signature on a contract. I have one here,” she pointed at her briefcase. I can assure you it’s the standard contract. You needn’t fear signing it without a lawyer or agent looking at it first.

“It’s your money, Paul, even if we fail to sell a single copy of the published book.”

“Wow, I didn’t know...”

“Yes, well usually the advance is earned back through book sales before you receive more money. It’s basically an interest-free loan to you ... well, that isn’t quite true. The advance is the author’s guaranteed payment for their time writing the book. For example, without the advance, you’re taking a risk that your time could be for no payment. I should add that a high advance means that the publisher is taking more risk than you are. But either way, the writer, the publisher, or both are betting that the book will go on to make a profit.”

“What about royalties?” Paul asked.

“Good question, Paul. Authors generally receive a percentage of sales, called royalties, according to the terms of their contract with the publisher. A while back the royalty was based on a percentage of the book’s cover price, these days it is more commonly calculated as a percentage of the publisher’s net receipts.

“Whichever way it is calculated, after enough copies have sold to pay back your advance to the publisher you’ll then begin to receive additional money as royalties.

“Anyway, we issue statements every six months along with a check for any amount owed to the author. I would add that like the IRS we’ll hold back a portion of your payment as a hedge against returns. The amount withheld should be specified on the statement, and it is usually released to the author within 1, 2, or 3 reporting periods. This will continue indefinitely, or at least until the publisher keeps your book in print, so that you would continue to earn additional money in the form of royalties for years to come.”

“Let me ask a dumb question, Carol.”

“Paul, there is no such thing as a dumb question.”

“I’d argue the point, but I know what you mean. In any case my question is how are royalties actually determined?”

Carol laughed and answered quickly. “Let’s say a book is listed at $25.00. If your contract says you get 10% royalties off list, then you will get $2.50 per book. If you are getting 10% of net profits, then you’d get around $1.25 per book. Currently I believe most publishers are offering net royalties. Additionally, you will likely get a higher royalty rate for eBooks, plus you may be offered a higher royalty rate as your sales of the book increase. You should ask for both.”

Paul did the math and responded with: “So I’ve got this $5000 advance--with, umm, 10% royalties or net profit, and if my book is listed at $25.00 I’d need to sell about 4000 copies to break even.”

“That’s right, Paul, but sadly, the amount of your advance will not come close to covering the amount of time it will take you to write the book. Let’s assume that you spend just 10 hours a week on writing your book, and that it takes you a total of 8 months to finish it. That’s 320 hours you have invested in writing this book. So you get this $5,000 advance that means your hourly rate for writing the book is $15.63.”

“Scared yet?”

“What constitutes a best seller?”

“Ouch! How do I answer that?” Carol said looking him directly in the eye. Those lists vary widely, mostly because of the method used to calculate sales. Independent lists use the sales numbers provided by independently owned, and I mean non-chain bookstores. On the other hand, the New York Times list includes both wholesale and retail sales from a variety of sources. A book that sells well in gift shops and grocery stores may hit a New York Times list without ever appearing on an Indie list. USA Today has only one list, not hardcover/paperback, so that relative sales among these categories can be ascertained.

“Now the dominant on-line retailer, Amazon.com is different, so much so that it’s best seller listing is at time quite dubious.”

“Really, how so?” Paul asked.

“Wholesale sales figures are not factored into Amazon’s calculations. Numerous Web sites offer advice for authors about a temporary method to boost their book higher on Amazon’s list using carefully timed buying campaigns that take advantage of the frequent adjustments to rankings. Some authors have used this to create a number of #1 bestsellers, albeit very briefly--perhaps only a day or two. But this sales spike allow the author to tout their book as an Amazon.com top 100 seller in marketing materials even though the book’s sales are relatively low. Eventually book buyers may begin to recognize the relative differences among lists and settle upon which lists they will consult to determine their purchases.

“Another factor affecting a book’s position on the lists might be its weight and price. The Amazon.com list tends to favor hardcover, more expensive books, where the shipping charge is a smaller percentage of the overall purchase price or even free, and which tend to be more deeply discounted than paperbacks. Inexpensive mass market paperbacks tend to do better on the New York Times list than on Amazon’s. Indie and Publishers Weekly separate mass market paperbacks onto their own list.

“And as if that weren’t enough, category structure can also affect the positioning of a book in other ways. A book that might be buried on the Indie hardcover fiction list could be positioned very well on the New York Times hardcover advice list or the Publishers Weekly religion hardcover list.”

“So, Paul, just when do you find time to support yourself and nurse your novel through to completion? If you already have a full-time job, then your nights and weekends are probably going to disappear for a few months. If you work part-time you have a bit more flexibility, but not that much.”

“I’m not working at anything but the novel,” he said with a depreciating laugh and at the same time tried to peek into her blouse for a furtive glimpse of her breasts.

Of course, Carol saw the peek, most woman are looking for it, in truth, it is important to them that a man do so, for it lifts the woman’s spirits and solidifies their self-confidence.

Pretending not to notice his glance, Carol inquired, “By the way, did you bring a copy of your current novel?”

Paul leaned down and retrieved the manuscript that lay on the floor next to his right foot and handed it to her. “It’s not finished, and it’s only a draft...”

“I realize that, and I’ll treat it accordingly. I just want to get a feel for what you’re capable of. After all, I think your novella is first rate work. But as I said in my letter, novellas are difficult sales, unless the author has a solid reputation.”

“Well I can summarize it...” Paul said, causing Carol to look at him and not the manuscript.

“Please do,” she said.

“It. um, takes place in 1947 ... um; actually there are two reasons for that. One my protagonist, Ray, wants to write the great American novel, just like every other GI back from the war. He thinks he’s found the answer in a murder that took place in Los Angeles earlier that year. I’m guessing you’ve heard of the Black Dahlia murder case?”

Carol nodded her head, who hadn’t?

“Okay, enroute to the west coast, Roswell, New Mexico, to be precise. Ray encounters an Alien. Actually, he saves him from the United States Army and as a reward the alien offers him the story of a lifetime.”

Paul stopped talking and stared at Carol’s face.

“What? What is it?” She asked.

“Your eyes ... are they really that blue? I mean, are you wearing contacts?”

Carol laughed and sheepishly admitted that her eyes were really blue, but that she was a natural blonde and happened to be wearing a wig.

“Really?” Paul said not sure if she was putting him on. Carol cleared matters up by adding, “I was having a bad hair day and while I won’t go into it, I happen to have several different wigs that I wear from time to time.”

“To change your general appearance?”

“Yes. In my business I often find myself not wanting to be noticed and so I adapt a kind of disguise to help me blend into the scenery”

“You’d never blend into the scenery as far as I’m concerned,” he said with a disarming grin that sent a hot flash through Carol’s nervous system.

“Thank you, but...” she motioned at the manuscript, “could you continue, please?”

“Um, yeah; so the alien tells Roy about this guy named Bill. It takes us back to the origins, or almost the origins of baseball. Bill also found himself with the alien and strangely enough, also saved him. In return the alien offered Bill the opportunity to play baseball as long as he liked. He would manage this by morphing his body into that of any subject he wanted, be it baseball or President of the United States.”

“That’s enough, Paul; let me read what you’ve got here. I’m a fast reader...”

The wine steward arrived at that moment, and went through the usual process of opening the wine, pouring some into Paul’s glass and waiting silently while Paul sniffed the cork and sampled the wine and finally pronounced it perfectly acceptable.

The steward poring half a glass for each set the bottle down, and did an exquisite about-face before marching off.

“Please order for me, Paul. Once I’m into your work I won’t hear the waiter. I’ll have the escargots and onion soup.”

Paul nodded and turned his attention to the menu. The waiter appeared at their table and without disturbing Carol; Paul ordered for her and added the Atlantic salmon wrapped in pepper bacon with spinach sauce and quinoa and vegetable julienne for himself. The waiter clicked his heels and left.

Paul took advantage of Carol’s concentrating on his manuscript to study her further. She was, by all means, attractive, possibly beautiful, in that her facial features were similar to those of the young models featured on the more popular woman’s magazines.

Her nipples could be made out through the sheer material of her pale green blouse, and he was now positive that her breasts were smallish, like those of a pre-pubescent girl’s. After a moment’s reflection, he decided that her lack of fully developed breasts didn’t matter at all. The rest of her body was what he liked to call, prime.

For a few minutes he held his breath as Carol turned page after page, speed reading his work.

Paul worried that she was merely skimming the material and not reading it for its structure and content. Then he saw the concentration readily apparent on her face and began to relax. Looking around the restaurant, he noticed a pretty young thing, tall, blonde and succulent, no older than 19 or 20, flirting with a somewhat older businessman. She looked so good Paul could almost taste her.

Carol noticed him ogling the pretty young thing at the next table and put the manuscript down moments before their food arrived. After the waiter left, she fiddled with her blouse, certain that Paul’s eyes were still on the girl and then leaned forward over the table, and then whispered to him, diverting his attention from the pretty girl to her chest.

Paul turned and his gaze suddenly fell into her suddenly half opened blouse and the nipple that seemed exposed for his benefit alone. He felt himself growing hard. He had lusted after the young girl with the businessman while Carol was reading; and now he found himself looking at Carol’s right nipple, fully visible to him from her current position at the table.

He knew it was deliberate on her part, perhaps a preamble to negotiating a price for his half-finished novel, or ... was she like several other women he’d known, who insatiably curious, had insisted on reading one or more of his sexually explicit passages only to be followed with a furious fuck that ended with both satiated and wanting more.

“So?” He said eyes fixed on the errant nipple.

“It’s very, very good. And hot! I mean that scene with ... I should say those two scenes with Belva...”

“I tried to take the reader back to the forties,” Paul said with a tight smile, forcing himself to meet her eyes.

“Just how tall are you, Paul?” she asked, deliberately throwing him off balance.

His darted to the exposed nipple again, before returning to hers again. This was a significant change in direction. Was she going to proposition him?

“I’m 6’4” and weigh about 220 pounds. I played some football in college, hurt a knee and that ended that.”

“No, it didn’t. You became a writer sooner than later. And I mean you became a writer.” She held the manuscript up in the air. “This proves it.”

“You really like it?”

“I love it!” she said and shifted her frame slightly so that her blouse concealed the supposedly errant nipple from his eyes. Carol smiled to herself secure in the knowledge that his attention would be on her chest for the next few minutes hoping for another peek at her nipple. Fuck those big titted women, a girl with next to nothing on her chest can work miracles if she has any idea of how a man thinks.

Carl chose that moment to pretend she had just noticed their food on the table. “I’m sure you’ll find the food here wonderful,” she said with a lewd smile.

Paul found that he was starving and missed the meaning behind her smile as he devoted himself to eating the most sumptuous meal of his life. Carol picked at her meal, obviously preoccupied with something else. But her eyes kept returning to Paul’s face.

“The novel...” Carol said, putting her fork down, and dabbing at her mouth with a napkin.

“Yes?” Paul said expectantly.

“There’s a level of intensity in it, an unrestrained erotic urgency that reminds me of Henry Miller.”

“Wow ... thanks. That’s quite a compliment.”

“Would you mind if I reread a passage or two?”

“No, I’m honored to hear you say that.”

Her words were intoxicating. They were surrounded by other diners on all sides, with waiters passing here and there, the laughter and ordinary conversation and clinking glasses set a sensual mood as she opened the manuscript and found the scene with Roy and Belva in her apartment. Paul watched her blue eyes scanning the pages. Moments later she had churned through the pages until reaching the part with Bill and Ina Claire in loft of the barn.

While Carol ignored her meal and the rest of the dining room, Paul turned his attention to the young girl and her companion, hoping to catch her eye in a flirtation that occasionally

resulted in his bedding the lady at some point in the future. He imagined her dropping her number off as she passed by his table on her way out--only to discover the couple had already left the restaurant. He deduced that they’d left together. Paul had no problem imaging what they would be doing as soon as they reached his hotel room...

He returned his attention to Carol, noting the flush in her cheeks and that her breathing was certainly more rapid that it had been earlier. He wet his lips and studied her more intently, saw a tremble in her fingers as she flicked page after page. For the first time Paul allowed himself to believe his book might just have found its publisher.


Paul’s next conscious thought was: Did I just see what I thought I did?

He forced himself to be still and quiet as he watched Carol unhurriedly shifting in her seat.

Is she? He failed to complete the thought as a new one formed in his mind. Her hands are on the table holding the manuscript--but those wriggling movements indicate she’s busy under the table--doing what? If she’s crossing and uncrossing those long legs of hers she must be squeezing, squeezing--she had to be masturbating!

Paul was well aware that a woman could bring themselves to orgasm virtually unnoticed by anyone not paying the strictest attention by crossing and uncrossing their legs repeatedly, and in the process, squeezing their pussies and getting off without attracting notice.

He kept his gaze on her, feeling his own arousal surge between his thighs, as she turned pages. For the first time he realized that he could possess this woman if he could find a suitable place for a quick fuck. The hotel was out of the question. He had almost no money, and couldn’t ask her to pay, although stranger things had happened when he was with a woman in heat.

He detected a slight shudder then moments later Carol closed the manuscript and smiled at him. “So what title do you have in mind for this opus?”

“I like The Storytellers. I made it plural because as it moves forward there are two people telling their stories--Roy and Bill.”

Carol nodded her agreement, and said, “I think my boss will publish this when it’s finished. It needs some of work, of course, but that’s the case with all first and many second novels.”

“I don’t mind that part at all,” Paul replied; wondering if she’d gotten herself off, or if he was going to have a chance to finish the job for her.

“Oh I know differently. You’ll hate some of the changes; after all, it is your baby.” Still talking, Carol tilted a shoulder allowing the blouse to fall open again, revealing roughly three-quarters of her right breast. Small tits are such a special benefit in that you can show them off to a special person without anyone else the wiser, she thought and laughed to herself adding, Men are sooo gullible.

Paul’s eyes widened as he saw her exposed nipple and most of her breast.

Carol continued it was a spiel she’d perfected in her years as an editor. “You won’t like most of the changes and will argue vehemently to keep it intact. All authors feel essentially the same way about their babies, as I call them. But you’ll eventually give in, and you might even persuade the editors to leave parts alone if you negotiate with them. I didn’t tell you that, by the way. I never said any such thing.”

Same as Hartstein (A Hartstein Story)
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Hartstein Ch 03

Paris Waterman Illustrated version available on request to Author Chapter 3 They hailed a passing cab at the busiest time of the afternoon. And to Paul’s amazement one pulled to the curb immediately. It wasn’t until they were inside the cab that he realized the cabby had spied Carol and stopped for her, and not him. Turning to Carol, he said, ‘I can already see the benefits of traveling with you.’ Carol laughed, gave the driver her address and took hold of Paul’s rapidly rising cock. ...

3 years ago
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New Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This picks up where Hartstein ends , it’s a year later, and Paul is working with the editors on the finalization of his novel. Carol is no longer the leading editor working with Paul and it seemed that each day brought someone new into play as the many details of finalizing a novel before publication begin to overwhelm him. But he was buoyed by the fact that he now had a publication date and his world was spinning faster and faster with each passing day. The work and its many ramifications...

2 years ago
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Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This Continues the Hartstein Saga. Paul met several women at a party and has begun fucking them, one by one. It only happened because of what was said at the party a month before. Paul had joined a group of four women and the subject of bondage came up. “Have you tried it?” Marti had asked. After some less than adroit verbal fencing he had replied, “I think it depends on the woman. Some would never do it, some put up with it for their partner, and some are really into it.” “But what about...

1 year ago
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Incident at Cafe Orlin a Hartstein Story

The next few days flew by as far as Paul was concerned. On the one hand, he wanted to arrange another get together with Nadine, but was stuck on just who to bring into their little game playing. On the other hand, that morning Carol had called to tell him that Regal Publishing was ready to market his novel--that he would be expected to appear on the Today Show that Friday and Oprah on Tuesday and that he needed to come in to Regal’s offices that afternoon to cram for both shows--meaning the...

2 years ago
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Truth Or Dare The Family Reunion Chapter One

Janie bounced into her twin brothers room as he packed his clothes.  Plopping down on the bed she smiled at him threw a couple of socks at him to get his attention. He threw them back without looking up.“What the fuck does a girl have to do to get your attention?” Janie asked.Jamie kept packing his clothes and without looking at his sister said, “You have to be naked around here. Are you packed already?The twins had always been close and very competitive. They weren’t shy around each other....

3 years ago
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My Unwanted Transition 2

First month at work.My first week at work was rough but not as bad as I thought it would have been. I felt like everyone that looked at me knew about my gender switch. It was quite the opposite though. Most people just saw me as a girl working the register like on any other day. I was still getting used to this life myself and each day posed a new challenge, yet seemed to get easier. I know that sounds weird.While ringing up customers, my mind focused on that and pretty much nothing else. I did...

3 years ago
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Fun With Sleeping Straight Friend

This is a true sex story that I recently had when I had gone to meet my friend in Pune. I am basically from Bangalore and it was an amazing experience. Before we get on with the encounter, I will describe myself and my friend to you. I am now 26 years old and my friend is about 21 years old. About me, I am 6ft tall, very fair, smooth and athletically built with blue eyes and brown hair. My friend, on the other hand, is slightly tanned, about 5’11 in height, skinny muscular guy broad shoulders...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Whos the boss

It was like my eyes had been opened for the first time. I don’t know why I didn’t realise it before, but I wanted him. It was wrong. We were both married but I knew that I had to have him, no matter what. He was my boss. He was gorgeous, funny, sexy with the most amazing colour eyes that are so hard to describe, but they’re captivating and intense. I knew that he wanted me too. He always had a reason to come and talk to me, would email me over the slightest thing, and I caught him once staring...

3 years ago
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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 5 Wednesday Afternoon

I found in my diary a meeting with Charlie for the afternoon. I felt that it would be ideal if Carol came too as this was a form of handover of his roles and responsibilities so we headed off to the main building. As Charlie didn’t have a PA these days, Carol and I walked straight into Charlie’s office. I enquired how he’d been getting on – he commented that his retirement plans had been coming together and his wife was getting very excited about spending time together and she even had a...

4 years ago
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Winning the Lottery

I am counting the days until I win the lottery. Any day now, I will hit the lottery. ‘What’s the number? Does anyone know what the lottery number was last night?’ I’ve been playing the same loser lottery number now for more than 25 years, ever since the stupid thing started. Over the years, I’ve won a few dozen free bets, I won $10.00 a few times, and, once, I one $100.00. I deduced from my losing percentage in lottery winnings that I am not lucky in that regard. My luck, thankfully, comes in...

3 years ago
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The Casimir Effect The Cause

Dressed in her tight fitting regulation underwear, he handed Astrid a bottle of EZ-Wake. She looked dazed, her eyelids still a bit heavy. “Thanks, are we there? I can hear the energy banks discharging.” He fought hard not to blurt it out there and then. He wasn’t going to risk putting himself on a court martial for endangering the ship. Feigning his best smile, it wasn’t enough to convince Astrid. She might have been in Cryo for three weeks, but she wasn’t stupid. “Jamie? What is it? Don’t pull...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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I do Greedy Girl for the first time

Ian had taken me to a few swingers clubs and to be honest I didn't like most of them, dirty seedy joints with smelly old men. We had gone with some friends to one in Wolverhampton UK, it was split over 2 floors and was ok. We had shared the sauna and pool, looked around the playrooms and watched a couple of couples playing, and I was happy with just my towel wrapped round my waist, my breasts on show till we walked downstairs and I saw someone I knew from work. I freaked and told Ian we had to...

2 years ago
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The Boarding School Years

YOU NEVER GET A SECOND CHANCE, TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION... The cocksure troubled teen, Justin Barker, was taken to his bunkroom in the boarding school by a senior student. "Okay, well... welcome to your bunkroom. You will get to meet the rest of the group later..." Justin looked around the bunkroom. It had 4 army-style bunk beds and some lockers. At the foot of each double bed, there were 2 lockable footlockers. Peter continued: "You must know that this institution has some stringent rules,...

1 year ago
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One evening, I was home alone. My wife had gone out with her friends and I did not want to go with her. So I stayed home and watched some TV. After a couple of hours, I started up my laptop to check my email. Nothing in my inbox, so I decided to check out some porn site. I had seen this site a couple of times when I had browsed the web. It was a site where white women fucked big black cocks. I had often thought about how it would be to see my beautiful wife stuffed with a huge black cock. My...

1 year ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 15

January as always was busy, very busy. Hours were long and everyone was worked hard. There was little time for entertainment, though they managed to get to the Plough on Wednesday nights which was a necessary relief of tension. Aidan heard nothing from Julie, though he was so busy he hardly thought about her at all. While the rest of the staff had Saturdays and Sundays off, Vicky and Aidan worked all day Saturdays. On Sundays he slept and relaxed, though he would often go for a walk, telling...

2 years ago
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Tennis Team TroubleChapter 3

The next day I hadn't even begun to miss my two sexy teenagers when Katie turned up at my doorstep. I shouldn't have been surprised, though it was hardly an hour since her sister had departed for the ocean. I wasted no time getting her inside and stripping her naked. With Sabrina and Missy around, I felt compelled to use Katie as harshly as they did. But she was so fucking beautiful. I had been longing to explore other avenues with her. Now, I lay her on my bed and examined and toyed with...

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Theres Something About My Sons Girlfriends 2

As my wife returned inside to ask her son and his girlfriend if they wanted to join us for a casual dinner at a nearby restaurant, I couldn't clear my mind of the delicious mental image of the young teenage girl. The way she wiggled her bottom seductively as she walked away from me, and then turned to glance back and caught me adjusting my cock as it stiffened under my shorts, drove me insane. I got up, stretched myself and picked up my tools, intent on heading inside for a hot shower. I looked...

3 years ago
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Sissy Slut For mistress

"Wake up" she slaped my face with her satin glove.opening my eyes its darrk theres a bright light shining at me i try to raise my hand to my eyes and relise im bound. sitting on a lether hump my wrist and ancles are bound together. thats when i felt something in my ass. it felt big it was deep and i could barely move with it in me.i tried to speak but my mouth was gaged with a ballgag." its time for your training" she ran her hands all over me. the satin felt so sensual against my skin.I tried...

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Tim And Abbie 28 Sunday Morning

Sunday morning shines brightly again. In Phoebe’s big bed, she and Les wake together, smiling stupidly at each other.  How two people act when first with someone new.  There is just this inner happiness that can’t be contained. A real tell that something extraordinary happened. This morning, there is all the time in the world and a perfect time to explore each other more and see where things lead.Phoebe has Les on her back as she is straddling her hips.  Their cunts are rubbing against each...

1 year ago
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Mom Daughter Night Ch 2

I was still catching my breath lying between her spread legs with my cock going soft inside of her pussy. She still had her legs wrapped around me and I could feel her pussy twitching around my cock. "You came, right?" I inquired. I didn't really know because of the intensity of my orgasm. She took my right hand from under her shoulder and put it down under her ass. The sheets were soaking. "What do you think?" she asked. I laid down on top of her. I could feel my stomach rubbing in the cum...

2 years ago
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A summer in the castle Pt 1

Six months ago she never would have thought she would find herself in a place like this, not in a million years. As Miranda lay in a large ber with three other naked women she relived her path to this place where she now found herself. It was early spring,she was sipping coffee in a sidewalk cafe. She noticed him enter, an older man mid fifties she would have thought. Well dressed, exspenive suit looked like he had never done a hard days work in his life. There was something about him, an air...

2 years ago
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Secret Sex in the Stacks

One look at the library floor plan by the door told Reese it would take a while to find what he was looking for. He didn’t have much patience with the Dewey decimal system. By the nearest stack, a young woman in a long skirt and a tight t-shirt stood next to a cart of books. She pushed a volume into its appropriate spot and then selected another from the cart, pushing up her glasses and tucking her hair behind her ear at the same time. Reese smiled to himself and started towards her. “Hey...

1 year ago
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Never Been Eaten

It is just another hot day in Texas. I am chilling by the pool, trying to avoid the heat but to no avail. Carlton, my loving boyfriend, is in the kitchen mixing some cocktails for us. He knows exactly what I like. When he finally comes out, he's topless. His brown skin looking so sexy and his rock-hard abs are just killing me. He brings the drinks over to the deck chairs and I tell him he looks gorgeous. He smiles and tells me I'm the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his entire life. I...

Oral Sex
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Surprise Visitor

I am sitting alone in my apartment, Nothing on Television tonight, so the tv is turned off. The clock radio in my bedroom is playing, so I can barely hear it at the desk where Im sitting. I just finished checking my emails, and writing one to you. Was hoping you would be online so I could talk for a while with you. I always miss you when Im not talking to you. Im just shutting down my computer when I hear a knock on my door. Im in just a t-shirt and undies, so I had to just peak out the...

1 year ago
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Red Part IV Lauren lets out the secret

Lauren’s wisdom tooth was killing her. It hadn’t been so bad when she awoke that morning but it was throbbing now. Her big sister, Sara, had brought her to start her first year at the university in Central Virginia just two week earlier. She was on a full ride, having been a star Volleyball middle blocker all through high school. At just a smidgen under 6 feet, her legs went on forever. Sara was 5’10” and they’d both gotten their height from their parents. Her mom, Grace, of Scottish descent...

3 years ago
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Lauren GisalChapter 21

Thursday 13th August Nikki and Lauren discussed the idea of Lauren returning to Marlene’s for another session of photos. Nikki said she thought it sounded like fun, especially since Lauren had clearly enjoyed herself so much. She was also happy to go along with the story of Lauren staying at her house for the night - something that was not uncommon and therefore was unlikely to be discovered. Both girls knew that sometime Lauren would have to do the same for her, and that’s what friends were...

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PornWorld Verona Sky CockCraving Socialite Verona Sky DPd by Two Black Brothers

Its the weekend and Verona Sky, a cock-craving socialite, is hanging out at a pair of rap music producers mansion in Spain. The brothers allow her to hang around the house, drink cocktails, chill out, and swim in the pool as long as she fucks them whenever they want. Both parties love the arrangement. After waking up with one of the brothers and sucking his cock, Verona who absolutely never gets tired of sucking cock takes a short break and enjoys some time outside under the sun, before she...

1 year ago
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The Good Dr Roberts

It started when my wife Kate’s very best friend Sonia came round to see us to tell us that she and her partner Alan had been to see an ‘alternative’ sex therapist. Alan is not the most dynamic of men so I wasn’t amazed at the news and I knew that Sonia would not be able to resist giving Kate all the details later and that Kate would tell me. There was much innuendo and giggling from Sonia and repeated recommendations that we should go and see this Dr Roberts. “Tony, it’s taken our sex life to a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Her Double Dong

On craigslist looking for a guy to meet in my wooded area. Got a response from a guy who wants to suck and fuck, but wants to bring his wife, who wants to watch us together. I thought that could be fun. We meet and the wife has a beach carry bag, not bad looking and good size tits, the guy mid 40's, they both looked clean. I bring them back to my secluded area and I said to his wife Sue, what are you going to be doing and what's in the bag.Sue said I have some toys & lube and I am going to...

3 years ago
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Alley fuck

I’ve out enjoying a night on the town. Good club with very loud music. I’ve been enjoying a few drinks, chatting up a few gorgeous women, a few random kisses in the corner, got a few phone numbers. I notice this woman across the dance floor, long legs, tight ass and great tits, maybe 36D. My cock beginning to get hard just looking at her in her very Revealing outfit, huge heels, tiny skirt that barley covers her ass and a nice strappy top, not sure whether there’s a bra, that can barely...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Holi With Mom

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing great and will enjoy this story of with my mom. You can call me Hunter, and I’m 22 years old. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 46 years old. Her figure is 36-34-38. She’s a school teacher by profession and a single mom. As we know that during this lockdown, everything was closed, schools, colleges, malls. And during this Holi festival, after seeing the number of corona cases, our society decided not to host Holi and everyone should only play in their...

2 years ago
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Life Change for Mom and I pt2

It took about five minutes to reach the edge of town to the open highway, that would take us thirty minutes to reach the next town south of us, and on the drive, I had mom turn and put her feet up on the seat by the passanger door with her knees bent and open as I pulled up beside a big truck, then I slowed to the same speed as the truck was going and reached down and started fingering mom's pussy, where the truck driver was able to look over down at us and see the action, going on beside...

2 years ago
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Cleaning Girl

Cleaning girl By meeah soo 1. The key rattled in the lock. I sat there, petrified, staring at my door. Unbelievably, it started to slowly open and I tried to shout a warning but it was too late. The pretty young Hindu girl who cleaned our offices put her hand to her mouth and her dark eyes flashed with embarrassment and surprise. "Oh I'm so sorry," she giggled, "ooh, very sorry!" I tried to explain, to excuse myself, something. But what could I...

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The Friday Night Event

The Friday Night EventBy DBarclay© 2007 had been a bad year for me. I had divorced my bastard of a husband moved away from his area to another part of Aus, rented a nice home, found a good job and life was now settling down and at 45 I even managed to get myself in shape, and on the odd occasion managed to get myself laid. One Friday evening I arrived home from work, relaxed for a while, and decided a walk down to the local club for a drink or two might be a nice end to the week after dinner....

2 years ago
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Forbidden Desires Part 8

Ted Merriam had arrived at Miss Hashitani’s house about a half-hour after Susan Ramsey’s arrival, and had entered through the open door the girl had left unlocked. Rather than reveal himself right away, he had decided to watch the proceedings for awhile without being seen. He had quietly observed Miss Hashitani’s patient instruction of Susan in the art of cocksucking, and seen the young girl suck young David Drake to a powerful, spurting climax in her mouth. He had to admit, Kimiko was...

3 years ago
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Awakening the sexual deviant inside

Until the beginning of this summer, I was a virgin. I had planned on having sex with my boyfriend the night we graduated, but I found out that he was fucking my best friend for who knows how long, so I backed out, and he broke up with me. So I figure I am better off anyways. Remember I said I was nerdy? That is true, but I am also a closet smut reader. I love reading sex stories, and the raunchier, the better. The things that get me off might make others squirm. My taste is not vanilla, nor is...

3 years ago
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Killer BsChapter 5

The early part of the week was kind of a drag because we stayed home for all of the time we were not in school—no movies, no visits to the burger stand, no goofing around with friends. Well, maybe “drag” was not the best way to describe what happened. Dad began to show us a lot of things we didn’t know about self defense. We discovered that the Krav Maga that we had learned was only the tip of the iceberg in what one well trained person could do to another person. Sometimes the practice was...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel April Olsen April Olsen Knows Best Sc 4 DAP

Gorgeous, tattooed sex star April Olsen had never stuffed two dicks up her ass at the same time, but she was eager to try it. Director Jonni Darkko and veteran XXX studs Mick Blue and John Strong mentor her in her first double-anal adventure! The badass beauty teases in arousing porn-wear. John and Mick grope April as she sits on their laps. April strokes their boners and kisses them. The fellas warm up her rectum with a large toy. Before long, their big cocks simultaneously drill her pussy and...

3 years ago
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SpaceChapter 4

"They were both here quite a bit and so was Betty. We had to sneak Patricia in and she held your hand for hours." "What did my girlfriend say about that?" "Betty wants us to let Patricia have some of your time but to pull her off so she can perform the things a girlfriend does." I must of looked frightened because she broke up laughing. "I meant kissing but I see there may be more now." "I followed your rules. There was no reason to get you angry at us." "I guess there is a...

3 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 34

The day after the troop banquet I got an e-mail from Zack Hayes. It said that Mrs. Paterno had been rushed to the hospital last night. Zack didn't have much information. He suggested I should send Mrs. Paterno a get well card. Zack said I could send the card to him since he didn't know the room number of her hospital room. I got the card later in the afternoon and mailed it to Zack Hayes. A small article on the back page of Monday evening's paper indicated that Mrs. Paterno was in the...

4 years ago
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Charlenes Roommate

Charlene was dressed like a high-school girl, and a prudish one at that - white blouse buttoned up to her neck and tucked into a pleated gray skirt that came down almost to her knees. Not that the skirt length made much difference with her legs being totally covered by white stockings.Tommy wasn’t even sure he wanted to admit knowing her. And such a shame too, he thought. Charlene was a pretty girl – not too short and not too tall, petite, but shapely, blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Like Mother Like DaughterChapter 3

"I really appreciate you watching the boys, Mom," Elaine said as she put her lipstick on in front of the dresser mirror. "You know I love doing it," Sandra said as she leaned against the doorframe. "So is Derrick going to be at the picnic?" Elaine turned to her mother and saw her raised eyebrows. "I suppose so," she answered non-committal and turned back to the mirror. Sandra smiled at her daughter. "I bet he is. Otherwise you wouldn't be so particular with your dress and...

1 year ago
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Dementia Part 1

Chapter 1: the new girl I was on the bus watching the houses whip by. It was the as any other day at high school. My mind was other places. Thinking about music, fame, and boys just like most girls in their sophomore year of high school think about. The bus slowed and I snapped out of my dazed reverie and looked up. The bus turned onto a different street. There must be a new student I thought and went back to gazing out the window. The bus stopped outside a small dark house. I looked up to see...

2 years ago
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Almost Super Natural 2

Chapter 2 of Almost super natural This story takes place in a world that was inspired by Super Natural, but it does not take place in that world. The dates and times are mostly for me, to help me keep the story's time line straight. Hope you enjoy, and feel free to leave positive comments in a review. August 24th, 2014, Saturday at 1300 PST Doug leaned back against the head board of his hotel room bed. He was still not use to this. Being in a teen-age girl's body, and on...

2 years ago
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433 life at Mallow Manor 1

433 [cc 58] life at Mallow ManorA story of life in a Wiltshire countryside manor house, during the pre ww2 period, [a continuation of the story; Taking Monty`s cherry]. We take up the story a few months after Fathers departure to America, Hodges, the butler, having plucked up enough courage to ask Bessy, the cook to become his regular sleeping partner, Maycroft, having retired, to the gate cottage while still acting as advisor to the young and rather inexperienced, master Monty, who now runs...

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Welcome to australia, international Jetsetters! A sunburned country of sweeping plains! All our writers here at CHYOO Travel XXXpress have journeyed this mighty country extensively, and have done our best to provide you with the best spots to camp, fresh off the bush telegraph! For those of you who want to be in the middle of no-where, we suggest The Great Australian Byte. If tropics are more your thing, exotic Trion Island is a remote Great Barrier Reef Island that you can have all to...

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Initiation Nightmare Part 5

Initiation Nightmare... Part 5 by Silvy Richards As the days followed one another, Paul was forced to submit to countless different forms humiliation. Lisa was relentless with her drive to push his limits, and never tired in seeing his face blush up almost to the point of explosion. On day three, she had sent him to school dressed completely as a bridesmaid, with all the fancy matching bridal lingerie underneath. With everything made of either silk or...

3 years ago
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She looks so beautiful Part 5

Tuesday afternoon, Bill and I took lunch together at a local cafe. We had not talked after our encounter on Sunday, and Bill seemed a little nervous at first. Once I started discussing how hot it was to watch him play with my wife, he relaxed. I did not mention that my wife knew it was him, and he assumed he had been able to slip his protected cock into her while she thought it was me. The next topic was, of course, Shirley. Bill said he had everything ready for the evening.. “Come by this...

1 year ago
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Breeding Mom

100% fiction! My name is Jeff and I live in a rural area of Arizona with my 53 year old mom. She breeds wolf hybreds for a living and we have a small inheritance from my dad. Dad died six years ago in a plane crash. Mom had me when she was 37, and told me she thought she was to old to have a baby so her and dad were very happy when I came along. Mom is cute for her age with long brownish gray hair, big boobs and a perfectly round bubble butt. She wears granny glasses that stay slid down to the...


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