Hartstein (A Hartstein Story)Chapter 7 free porn video

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The Roomate

Although he didn’t know it at the time that was the last time he would see Joanna.

Three weeks later, Paul had finished a rough draft of his novel and took the train from Danbury into Manhattan to meet Carol for lunch.

On this occasion, Carol went without the black wig having had her blonde hair styled for the occasion. Under the London Fog raincoat she wore a dark blue business outfit, jacket and skirt with a white blouse. This time the blouse was fully buttoned and Paul took it as a sign that she meant business and not a mix of business and pleasure.

Carol read his manuscript, nodding as she quickly read his work. For his part, Paul winced every time she turned a page thinking that she might have missed an important paragraph or even a short, but vital sentence. But Carol was an editor and a highly skilled one at that, and she missed nothing, even memorizing several major changes that she would mention to him after they finished eating.

Moreover she managed to quell her lust for his touch throughout, committing herself to his novel and putting the sordid sex she had in mind for them out of her mind for almost the full duration of their lunch.

Paul couldn’t bring himself to eat a bit worrying that she’d find some glaring error or worse that the entire novel was amateurish and not worth the money they’d already given him. It wasn’t until Carol closed the manuscript and took a large gulp of her wine that she broke the prevailing silence at their table.

“Well, Daddy, you’ve really got something here,” she murmured softly, using her pet name for her client and lover.

Paul recognized the change immediately and smiled. “Do I?”

“Yes, indeed you do!” Carol said and waved to a passing waiter who quickly arranged for their drinks to be refilled.

“I’ve already praised this novel to Jubal ... he’s the publisher and Operating Officer and he’s told me that if you continue to produce more chapters like the earlier ones we’ll have a big seller on our hands.”

Paul’s expression didn’t change. Carol felt she needed to explain herself better and said: ““Well, Paul ... what I’ve just read is even better than the first few chapters. My guess is that after Jubal reads it--and he will—Hollywood will come calling.”

“What?” Paul gasped.

Smiling fiendishly at him, Carol nodded and repeated herself, “Hollywood will come calling--in the sense that they smell a best seller and want an option on it for the movie rights. You’re going to need an agent, Paul.”

They finished their drinks and Carol picked up the check and gave the waiter her credit card.

“Want to come up to my place, Daddy? I have a nice surprise for you.”

“I love surprises, Carol, but haven’t you surprised me enough for one day?”

“Oh, do you have other plans? No ... don’t answer that, Daddy. You’ll love this ... umm, surprise. Now come on, be a good boy for your little girl,” she purred and took him by the hand as they left the restaurant.

He hadn’t been laid since that memorable night at the Master’s with Celia, Jim and Joanna, and he was ready for sexual action, although he had thought he’d try his luck with the attractive bartender at Café Orlin named Terry.

But he was also a proponent of the old adage, ‘a bird in hand is worth two in the bush, ‘ especially with the kinky Carol and her quirky ideas, and so he went along with her ‘surprise.’

He was quiet as they entered her building, only suggesting once they were inside that they try the stairs.

Carol laughed and chided him, saying: “Can’t wait to get inside huh?”

His hand squeezed her ass, causing her to laugh raucously. “Not here, Daddy! If someone sees us I could be evicted.”

Her concern seemed genuine to him so he gave her derriere a light slap and followed her to the elevator.

He was quiet in the elevator and Carol felt a need to remind him of her ‘surprise, ‘ “Don’t forget I have a surprise for you,” she said and giggled nervously.

Paul already expected the surprise to be one of her roommates waiting for them, possibly already naked and on the bed, but said nothing about it.

The last time he had been in her apartment it was in a pristine condition and he knew that she and her roommates had just cleaned it. At the time he had wondered if she had planned on bringing him home with her.

But we hadn’t met previously, he thought, so it was possible the place had been cleaned for the other roomies date and he had shown up unannounced and ruined that girl’s night.

He decided then and there to be nice to whoever was waiting and not leave anyone with hard feelings.

“A penny for your thoughts?” Carol chirped after glancing at the bedroom door.

“I’m thinking about hard feelings,” he replied.

That surprised her, “Hard feelings?” she repeated.

“Well ... I’m feeling hard anyway, Carol, and he pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly on the mouth, barely making contact.

“Oooooohh,” Carol sighed, taken aback by the gentleness of his kiss.

He kissed her again, this time softer yet, but only on her lower lip. Carol’s knees buckled. It was the most sensual kiss she’d ever received and he knew it. Holding her up until she regained strength in her legs, Paul kissed her again, this time flush on the mouth and finding it open sent his tongue in to trace over her teeth and gums.

Her hand drifted downward and groped along his upper thigh until locating his erection then she moaned as she grasped his manhood.

“Slow down,” he whispered. “There’s a surprise here, or on the way isn’t there?”

“Ooooh ... yeah ... I almost forgot.”

“Bullshit, you did forget,” he said, taking full control of her as he had the last time they were in the apartment.

She leaned forward and kissed him softly on his lips, and he returned the kiss.

“Let’s take our time, we have all night,” he said and began working her blouse out of her skirt.

Her blond hair had been tugged asunder and filled with static electricity when he had dragged her silken blouse over her head without opening all the buttons. Light from a nearby lamp near the door created a halo around her face. She was braless and her nipples were hardened pebbles, her breasts ghostly white circles proving that she had frequented a tanning salon during the wintery New York months.

Carol’s hand returned to his hardon. “You’re ready, Daddy,” and holding fast to his erection, she led him into what he assumed to be her bedroom and gently steered him to the bed.

Paul sat down and allowed her to push him backward so that he lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling as she straddled his waist and bent over to kiss him again. This time it was her hands lifting up his shirt, and he allowed her to remove it. Now stripped to the waist she attacked his nipples with her mouth and teeth, gently nibbling on them, pleased by the soft groans she received from him. Keeping his mind focused on his nipples she took one of his wrists in her hand and brought it up over his head so that his hands were hanging off over the end of the bed. Working quickly she attached it to a restraint already installed to the top of the frame, and a few seconds later both wrists were bound.

“What are you doing?” he asked, although he had a good idea of what was coming.

“I promised you a surprise didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did,” he said softly, letting her think she had him worried.

“Okay then, just do as I say and you’ll have a good time. Don’t do as I say and you won’t. Got it? I’m in charge, and don’t you forget it,” she snarled at him.

It was all Paul could do to keep from laughing at her. Carol was no Dom; if anything she

was a sub and had proven it when he had spanked her and she began calling him Daddy the last time they were together.

She had also called him by that endearment several times that afternoon confirming his suspicions. He went along with her and watched as she left him to rummage around in the closet being careful to shield whatever it was she found from his view.

She turned to look at him and he saw her eyes shiny with arousal as she stood up, still hiding whatever it was from him and made her way into the bathroom. “I won’t be long, Paul, and I promise you’ll like what you see when I get back there.”

“I’ve always said the best things in life are well worth the wait, Carol. No problem on this end.”

They both laughed at that and Paul lay back and waited knowing full well it would be worth the wait.

Five minutes later Carol emerged a different person. Now standing in the room with him was a bitch goddess in heat. Her stockings appeared to be made of some acrylic material, or a shiny vinyl attached by garters to a leather-like corset that went from her upper thighs to covering her chest. Then there was a black collar and the long black leather gloves that ended just below the elbow.

His eyes also took in the riding crop and he hoped she didn’t decide to use it on him to any extent. She was also holding additional clamps that he thought might be used for his feet, although they appeared more suitable for a person’s hands or wrists.

“Oh, Carol ... this is a surprise!” he said, meaning every word.

Carol went to work on him, removing his slacks and underwear. Then holding his cock with her fingertips she raked her nails up and down its length until it reached full size.

“Very nice,” she purred, and began a slow knee-walk up his body until her crotch hovered over his face. He could smell her excitement through the leather panties before she popped some snaps at the crotch and lowered her pussy to his mouth.

“Lick it good,” she said in a wickedly husky voice, “and if you make me cum, maybe I’ll return the favor.”

He attacked her pussy with his lips and tongue, his task made a bit awkward by the restraints on his wrists. Carol began to thrash lightly against his head, small mutterings and moans escaping past her lacquered lips.

All too soon her mutterings turned to moans and ‘Oh Gods, ‘ as he concentrated on her clit, sucking, nipping and licking.

Carol’s upper body shook. Her aroused nipples were outlined against the thin leathery material covering her chest.

“DO ME DADDY!” she screamed, her voice already hoarse with lust. Then, unable to keep herself upright, she fell forward, her hands flat against the wall in front of her to hold herself off of him.

“You’re fuckin’ unbelievable!” she gasped s her breath slowly returned.

She lifted herself off his face and collapsed on the mattress next to him.

“Are you gonna release me now?”

“Maybe soon,” she said still panting, but with a smile on her lips. She gently took his cock with her fingers and began teasing him anew with her nails.

Paul heard a door squeak as it opened and knew his ‘surprise’ had arrived.

“Carol? You home? You’ll never guess who I saw tonight ... Carol?”

“Who was it, Sarah?” Carol answered calmly from the bedroom through the half-opened door.

“That fucking creep, Gavin. He tried hitting on me a ... gain...”

Sarah Mannix froze in the doorway on seeing her roommate geared up in her dominatrix outfit. On the bed next to her was a guy she’d never seen before, sporting the longest and thickest erection she’d ever laid eyes on.

Sarah lowered her eyes respectfully. “Oh ... I’m so sorry, Carol, I’ll shut the door behind me,” she said reverently as she was already in awe of him.

“No--no Sarah. I’d love for you to join us,” Carol said.

“You mean it?” Sarah said her excitement already apparent on her face.

“Of course, but you have to get yourself properly prepared for him. Do you understand?”

“I think I do...” Sarah said as she began to unbutton her blouse.

“No Sarah ... the special outfit ... you know, add a few other things, if you want, but fix yourself that way if you want to join us.”

“Okay ... yeah, I get it! Okay, I’ll be right back!”

“Now we’re in for some fun,” Carol said slyly to the handsome man she had cuffed to the bedposts.

“She seems a nice surprise. Thank you Carol.”

“You’re more than welcome, Paul.”

“Not calling me Daddy now?” he said trying to sound aggrieved.

“I didn’t say you could talk!” she barked, but the manner in which her hand languidly traced patterns on his muscular chest told him she was only playing with him.

“Show me your tits, Carol,” he said, putting a plea into his voice.

“These little things?” she said, covering her breasts with both hands.

“Yes, those lovely little things. They really are lovely you know.”

“Sarah’s got big boobs, Daddy. Wait and see.” Her subservient tone had returned.

The door to the bedroom opened and Sarah reentered wearing a halter over her breasts and a Turkish towel wrapped around her hips.

It took Paul a long second before he realized she was also wearing black dress gloves that ended just above her elbows.

“Sarah, just lose the top, will you?” Carol said, obviously put out that Sarah had covered her breasts after she had told Paul how lovely they were.

She turned to Paul and asked, “Want your cock sucked, Paul?”

He didn’t answer her for he was staring at Sarah, taking her in as it were: Her dark hair framed a blemish-free face with crisp angles to the cheekbones and a point to the chin. She had an understated tan and beneath the swell of her breasts, her body narrowed to a taut, flat stomach unsullied by the ripple of muscles. Then it swelled again to the smooth curves of her hips, enveloped by the towel so that he could not see her legs, although he knew they were near perfect in and of themselves.

Sarah adroitly divested herself of the make-shift bra, letting it fall to the floor, then stood tall and erect, her arms held slightly behind her, unmoving but for the gentle rise and fall of her chest and a slight flare to her nostrils. But he was completely captivated by her areolas and the nipples centered in them.

“That would be nice, Carol,” he finally replied so drolly that Carol burst out laughing.

She turned back to Sarah and found her still standing in place. “Sarah ... did you not hear him? He wants his cock sucked!”

“Yes, yes, you wanted me to suck him...”

Paul was impressed with her breasts, thinking them C-cups at the very least. His penis jerked as he allowed himself to think how tasty they would be if and when he got to sample them. Carol has nice pert tits, he thought, but those are bodacious


His cock twitched again.

“Well I haven’t introduced the two of you, please forgive my carelessness. Paul, this is Sarah, my in-house cocksucker,” she said as if reeling off Sarah’s college degrees. Then she turned to Sarah who was already shivering.

“Doesn’t he have the loveliest cock you’ve ever seen?”

“I haven’t seen that many, Carol, but yes, it is certainly a lovely one. I especially like its size, both width and girth. Do you really think it will fit in my mouth? I have a rather smallish mouth you know.”

“I’m certain it will fit, Sarah. Now come pose for us in front of the mirrors, like the good girl you are,” Carol said commandingly.

Sarah obliged her, evidently finding it humorous for she began smiling and retained the smile for the next few minutes.

Paul thought he heard Sarah giggle, but couldn’t be sure; his pulse was beating in his ears, his eyes fixed on her breasts as they jiggled when she moved toward him.

“Hello, Sarah,” Paul said from the bed where he lay with wrists cuffed to the bedposts. “Come have at my cock. It won’t bite you, I assure you.”

Carol tried to stifle her laughter as Sarah climbed up on the bed and moved between Paul’s legs. But all she did was stare down at him.

Carol, frustrated by Sarah’s seeming incompetence, took the other girl by one ear and steered her to his twitching phallus. Jarred from her somnolent state, Sarah darted down and engulfed the entire head of his cock.

Paul groaned and strained against the shackles restraining his wrists for he wanted nothing more than to touch this marvelous looking woman who was fellating him.

“That’s right baby. Suck him,” Carol cooed. “Suck him hard. Suck him good. Yeah. He’s got a nice cock, doesn’t he, baby?”

Sarah nodded then came off his cock, leaving a long string of saliva hanging between it and her mouth. “Yes ... he’s really tasty. I doubt I can take all of him, but I’ll certainly try.”

Carol reached down and took hold of his testicles. “Should I squeeze them or just tickle them ... hmmmm?”

“I’d prefer you tickle them, if I have a say in it,” he said calmly.

“Okay ... Daddy ... tickle it is,” and she ran her long fingernails lightly over his balls while Sarah took him back into her hot little mouth and swirled her tiny tongue over his cockhead.

“He’s going to come down your slutty throat, and you’re gonna swallow it all. You’ll do that, won’t you, Sarah? You’ll swallow all of his man cream for me, won’t you?”

Sarah nodded again as even more of him filled her throat. But then she gagged--twice.

“C’mon slut,” Carol snarled, “he’s big, but not that big!”

“Yes, Mistress ... I can do it! I can do it!”

Paul stifled a laugh as he was reminded of a favorite childhood book—The Little Train That Could and related it to Sarah’s effort to deep throat him. He decided to help her out.

“Sarah, if you don’t mind a little suggestion?”

“Oh, yes ... anything!”

“Tilt your head slightly to the right.”

She did so.

“Mmmm, a little less ... Yes ... that’s about it. Now just a little more ... NOW HOLD IT THERE!”

“Like this?”

“Exactly like that. Now try it. Go slowly but hold that angle. It should alleviate most of the gagging and provide you with a clearer passage to taking me down.”

“Oh, thank you ... its Paul, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s Paul.” He said and smiled at her. She smiled back and opened her mouth, forming a rather wide ‘O’ and enveloped his cock.

Then other than a few ‘gluck--gluck’ sounds, Sarah managed quite well.

Carol was so pleased with this development that she leaned over Paul and kissed him, mashing her mouth into his, and then her hot little tongue surged into his mouth.

Her torrid kisses lasted a minute or two and then she turned her attention back to Sarah, who was massaging his cock with both gloved hands.

“What a novel idea! How does that feel, Daddy?”

“Mmmm, wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!” he replied.

Almost ignoring him, Carol addressed Sarah, saying: “He’ll cum soon. Don’t miss a drop. Oh yeah, your nose buried in his pubes looks so nasty. You’re doing so well, darling ... swallow it all when he cums, or I’ll punish you.”

Having told Sarah what she wanted, Carol suddenly began to scratch at her own crotch. Suddenly there was a puzzled expression on her face.

“What the fuck?” she said, and scratched even harder.

Paul still secured to the bedpost, watched, his first thought being that she was masturbating either for herself or for him or even both of them. But then on further observation he noted that there seemed to be an distinct lack of erotic play to her itch, and then speculated that the leather outfit was the root cause of her itching.

It was, and Carol was quick to act once she’d come to the same conclusion Paul had.

“Fuck it all!” she roared.

Sarah’s head was bobbing up and down his knob and jerking him off with those velvety long-sleeved gloves, but stopped abruptly on hearing Carol swear.

Carol tore the leather ensemble from her body and tossed it to the floor in the corner of the bedroom. “Fucking Internet garbage!” she swore and stood next to Paul and Sarah wearing only a garter belt, black stockings and four inch heels.

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We agreed not to tell anyone how we met. Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemed mismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy than the one at home. It was craigslist. Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her fun and erotic emails that grabbed my attention. Dawn: ‘I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?’ Me: ‘On a first date? Only if you eat all your vegetables. lol.’ The first time we met we had...

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Sunday Services

Harry Andersen couldn't understand why his mother tells him every Sunday that she doesn't need a ride to church on Sundays into the city. He even offered to take her because he goes to the same church. She doesn't have a car. There was no big deal. She told him that the minister comes by every Sunday afternoon to give her cummioun. Harry spent a couple of hours thinking why she would do this to him for the fourth time in a month. He wanted to know what was so important to receive commiun at...

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Desire By Design

You're leaving work about fifteen minutes behind everyone else. Stuck on the phone, you missed the mass exodus to the parking garage. You hate walking though the structure in the dark by yourself. Even though nothing has ever happened here, you still don't feel safe. The dim lighting and confusing echoes make you nervous. Walking quickly with your head up, you clutch your keys tightly in your hand.You are within touching distance of your car when I strike.I grab you from behind, pulling you off...

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15 ndash Maire Fucks Steve for Liam to Watch

15 – Maire Fucks Steve for Liam to WatchWeeks later, one Friday evening after I returned from the shop, we were enjoying our “Happy Hour” cocktails when Liam spoke up. “You know, we haven’t done our special little thing for some time.” At first, I wasn’t sure what he was referring to. “You know, where you have sex with another man while I watch.”“Oh, honey. You are silly. You do keep me satisfied, you know”, I perhaps exaggerated, “but whatever makes you happy.” Secretly, I was jumping up and...

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Getting Married

Let’s start with some information about me. I am a thirty-something divorced woman. Some call me beautiful, others don’t. I have rich chestnut hair and piercing green eyes. I am not considered thin, and some may even call me fat. I think my curves are perfect. I spend quite a bit of time in the gym and am resolved that this is my body. Love it or hate it. After my divorce, I tried online dating. I could regale you with the horror stories, but I did meet a few good guys. One of those good guys...

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HogTied Jane Wilde Learning The Ropes

Jane is pretty new to bondage so The Pope is determined to give her the experience of a lifetime with hardcore BDSM, intense corporal punishment and endless, screaming orgasms. He eases her into every situation as if it were the first time but he does not spare the rod so to speak. The bondage renders her helpless as he slowly begins to work on her body. First he slaps, spanks and squeezes every part of her and makes her cum with the vibrator several times. Then he introduces the flogger and...

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A grey cloudy and rainy day

Sunday morning was still cloudy and raining.I was looking the back yard through the window; sitting at the living room and sipping a good cup of black coffee.My sweet Ana had been taking a shower and when she came out of the bathroom, she asked me if I wanted some company.Then she got a chair and sat down, crossing her long toned legs.She was wearing just a white tank top and cotton panties. I saw her nice nipples were hard as rocks. I could see her dark areolas through the thin white cotton...

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Water RightsChapter 2

It was early the following morning when I stood outside the main corral having myself a little conversation with Humberto. I had already discussed some of my worries about Franklin Lyons with my main Mexican hand, telling him that it appeared to me that there might be trouble heading our way. To my way of thinking, it wasn't a question about whether Lyons would make an attempt to get water for his herd. The only question I had was whether he'd decide to pay for that watering, or he'd try...

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My Perfect Life Part Four

I showered and dressed before I went downstairs. I wore a short, blue jean skirt, pink cotton vest with a sexy white thong. Kevin asked me not to wear a bra, I didn't need much persuasion. I was conscious of my nipples already pushing the thin fabric of my vest out as I walked to the kitchen. My husband was chatting with our guest at the dining table."Wow, don't you look sexy this morning!" Phillip said as I walked into the kitchen, "Come give me a kiss."I looked at my husband who was smiling,...

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Nothing Natural

It all seemed so natural at the time but of course there was nothing natural about me thrusting between my sister's thighs. Near enough to reach out and touch was my best friend Neil who was doing the same thing but between his sister's thighs. To make it all the more complicated, my sister was Neil girlfriend and Neil's sister was mine. The four of us went to the hay loft for a bit of peace an quiet on this rainy day and of course we ended up kissing and cuddling up to our girlfriends....

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My SisterInLaw Runs

My Sister-In-Law Runs I am a twenty-five year old male and my wife is twenty-two. However, my wife has the most beautiful eighteen-year-old sister that you ever wanted to see. Desiree is tall, slender, and has a ponytail that hangs halfway down her back. She graduated from high school in May and was hired right away as a fashion model for one of those rich stores where someone else tries on the clothes for you so that you can see if you like it or not. Just because everything looks...

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Mami Chi Jawani

Namaste Mitranno I’m chodurock from Navi Mumbai any girl or aunt want to have fun with me pls mail me at Tar mi aata majhya story kade valto, Majhya mamich naav aahe Narmada name changed ji unchila height jara jastach aahe agadi tichya navrya mhanje majhya mama pekshahi pan tila paahile tar agadi napunsak Mansachahi lund ubha hoil tichi figure aahe 38:42:46 pan ti sadi madhe evadi madak diste ki vicharu naka haaaye tiche stan (Ball) evade bhannat aahet na ki basss aani mahatavacha mhanje ti...

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Horniest Woman In The Galaxy

"Gamora (Daughter of Thanos), is ruler of her father's army after his death. She now is a big threat and is dangerous to the galaxy..but....she doesn't want to kill or hurt anyone....it's something else.." Gamora sits on her throne bored, waiting for something exciting to happen...so she decides to change that after looking at an old machine she used.. Gamora drops her pants and slides off her panties, putting a vibrator between her legs and closing her legs. The vibrator turns on and she soon...

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Ecstasy In The Blue Mountains

As Fran slept, her hair falling across her face, Geoff splashed water on his face before he walked out onto the balcony. The beach was empty in the early morning light, the sun only beginning to glitter on the water which stretched out before him.He turned back into the bedroom, lowered himself onto a chair, and began doing triceps lifts. After three sets of ten, he moved to ab crunches. On vacation, the regimen would be relaxed, though he would run in the late afternoon and then lift weights...

Group Sex
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Becoming Sarah Part 10

I couldn't answer the question with the ball gag between my lips, so I just nodded and hoped that this may be a more playful form of bondage than I had been used to at the facility. Now gagged, blindfolded and wearing cuffs, I reached out to try and touch Matt, but couldn't feel anyone. Instead I felt the weight of someone on the bed behind me, and my hair being brushed aside, followed by a collar being slipped around my neck. It was large, weighty, and was fastened tightly which is when I...

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When I was younger and still in the USAF wife Sarah and I often spiced up our SD life with telling about our private fantasies and often had great enjoy,ent acting them out. Ever since Sarah spotted a muscular black sergeant n the commissary one day with an erection tented down to his knees she,d dreamed about what it would be like first to try to take it all in her mouth as she loved to suck cocks and carried on usually in my company, but not always though from the early parts of our marriage...

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MyPervyFamily Reyna Delacruz You8217re Not Taking Advantage of Me8230

My dad just got married again and my new stepsister Reyna is incredible! I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop thinking about her. We kinda fooled around after a party one night, but I had to stop it because it was just wrong… she’s my stepsister! Ever since then I can feel her eyes on me whenever we’re around eachother. She is so hot, and I can feel myself being weak – so I do my best to just leave and not give in. I guess she clued-in because she wanted to talk and...

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Poker WifeChapter 4

Lisa drove to the address, that was on the paper that Megan had given her earlier that day. She didn't really get too nervous, until she was sitting in the car outside of her destination. "This is it, time to go see who's in there and what they want with me." she thought to herself. After looking at the house number, to make sure that it was the correct address, she made her way to the door and rang the bell. "Hi, I'm Lisa. Brian my husband said to come over here to spend the weekend...

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Kim and Alex Ch 2

Comments and messages are appreciated. Love to hear what direction you'd like this story to go. Enjoy!Kim didn’t know what to say, she was still recovering from one of the most amazing orgasms of her young life. Without thinking she sat in the passenger seat and buckled up.“No, no, no, whenever you ride with me, you sit right here.” Alex pointed at the space next to him. Kim obediently unbuckled and moved over. “Much better, I forgive you this time, but don’t let it happen again, or else I’m...

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Depraved Wife

She was a loving and caring mother, in every sense of the word. A real selfless women, who would anything for the happiness of her family; a family she had dreamt of all her life, coming from a broken household full of abuse. Her husband was completely smitten with her, a dutiful husband who spoilt her rotten with lavish gifts. He afforded all this toiling away in his family accountancy firm; the work had robbed him of his time, and taken something away from himself - he no longer knew that...

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Girls Gone WildChapter 18

Bev-o picked up his camera and sauntered over to the opposite side of the bed from Barely. "Ready, action, roll -'em!" Barely said and the two girls embraced under the hot lights and then entered into a long, tongue filled kiss. After the kiss ended, Sheila twisted around and took Hailey's toe into her mouth and began to suck on it. Bev-o's camera roamed Hailey's lush body as it lay on the bed. Later it was clear to the most casual viewer that her nails were chipped, and her eyes...

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The Weekend Chapter 10

Please read previous chapters to get the whole story. Hope you enjoy.Chapter 10I saw Scott starting to wank himself off, I did the same, looking at two gorgeous women then I’m not surprised either of us wanted to do that. As we did, both Carrie and Laura knelt down in front of us, Carrie in front of me and Laura in front of Scott.Carrie soon had my manhood deep in her mouth, Laura did the same to Scott. I had no idea how I was controlling myself. I asked Scott if they enjoyed sex, he said they...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 55

"Governor! How nice to hear from you again. That bag of diamonds set me up with a new house, a car, and some cash invested for the future; and my experience with you has got me a consultant post with the university. If I can do anything for you, fire away!" "Terence, We are looking at another new planet that has a huge amount of forests covering the land. The Personalia have taken samples for us of all the tree species, so we need appropriate experts to examine these samples and tell us...

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caught stealing part 2

'fatty put 3 fingers up your arse keep fucking hard and fast pull those fingers almost out then shove them all the way back in as fast as you can''ginger did you like the taste of fattys arse on your finger ?''no miss''you licked her cunt juice from your hand and tasted her arse on your finger which was nicer ?''her cunt juice miss''so you like the taste of cunt then ginger so that makes you a ginger queer , what are you ''i'm a ginger queer miss''good girl kneel between fattys legs and lick...

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Released Desire

It was late in the afternoon. All the students had left the school and the teachers left half an hour after them. Only Ms. Palmer and her student Allen were still in the building, in her classroom….alone. Last week he openly admitted his feelings for his teacher. He fell in love with his fourth year English teacher, a well educated, beautiful, and sexy specimen of a woman. Auburn hair that bobbed to her shoulders, 34C breasts that were cupped by a lacy black bra that he could see through her...

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TeenPies Anna Mae Creampie Eviction Intercourse

Pretty nympho Anna Mae refuses to take any shit from her obnoxious roommate. The guy is always on her back, but Anna knows it is just because he has a secret crush on her. But when it comes to rent, the guy has no mercy. When it comes time to pay her way, Anna is short, so she offers her roommate another form of payment. She lays out on the bed and presents her plump ass in lacy pink lingerie. The stingy guy cannot say no to such a sweet deal, so he whips out his dick and shoves it inside Annas...

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The Kings Tempory Slave

The King's Temporary Slave Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF Rom Spank If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-storynow. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Copyright 2004

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A Rainy Day

It was a cold, wet and dreary day, as Rain awoke alone in the big house. She would have liked to just roll over, pull up the sheets and go back to sleep, but she moved herself to get ready for the day with a hot shower. As she got dressed, she contemplated what to do and nothing inspired her. She resolved herself to having a boring day. Neva, her mother was shopping, her live-in boyfriend, Peter, was at work, her sister, Mercedes, was away on a trip.She faintly heard the doorbell ring, but...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 12

The valet fetched the Cadillac, and left it where the taxis lined up despite the business of a Friday evening. Joe tipped him well for the generous inconvenience. It took a good fifteen minutes before the rest of the group joined them. Manhattan Joe thought would be one place he would never mind waiting. The city never stopped thrilling him. People bustling. Even at night. World famous and breathtaking towers of concrete and steel looming nearby. Wrapping his arms around Moe from behind, he...

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The FootlockerChapter 3

Elsa and I sat down in the living room one Saturday morning to discuss our upcoming trip to Switzerland. She had decided that it was time for me to learn more about the background of the financial empire I would be inheriting. According to Elsa, Hans was the key to my understanding how they started their financial empires. “By the time the war started in September of 1939, Hans was a Hauptsturmführer in the Waffen-SS, which was equivalent of a Captain in the German Army. Adolf Hitler tasked...

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TV for a WeekConclusion

I gasped and backed toward Clarisse for protection--but what I got was a cruel sting as she brought the back of her hand down smartly across my naked rump! "Oh! Ouch!" I squealed. "Clari! What is this?" "This," she smiled triumphantly, "is the joke I've been working an all week. You! You're the butt of this joke--and I do mean butt!" She pushed me down into a kitchen chair as the blonde approached us gloatingly. "Clari, I don't understand!" My head was spinning. "Where's Sylvia?...

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The wrong kind of threesome Part 1

I could feel the dried cum from residue sperm on my boxers as I thought back to the previous night’s mischief. My flaccid penis began to grow once more... until the bulge became quite uncomfortable: I rearranged myself as I sat dreamily in my office chair. But no position would work! My throbbing shaft was rubbing painfully against the cotton and I was sure the material could not stretch any further!I quickly looked around the office. Jen was out at a meeting and was not meant to be back for a...

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Me And My Jessy Teacher

Hi Readers.. I am here to share my experience with my School Teacher, Jessy 59 yrs now. We still have a strong romantic and sexual relation. For me she isn’t just a sexual object, but everything for me. Myself Syam 27 yrs now living in Kerala. Jessy was my school teacher whom I fucked at the age of 56. So far we are continuing our relation and we found ourself to be great partners. Her family consists of Husband, Son and Daughter both married and abroad with their family. It started when I met...

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Wife Became A Slut

I am a working wife of an engineer. We were a newly married couple. We often fuck twice a day, morning and night. So I look more beautiful day to day. My office workers stare at me while I am walking in a saree as my whole body will shake while I walk. I am very active at sex but my husband was a stud and don’t understand my feelings. He was a very hard working person and I am a clerk and I will do my work very lazily as I am working because to say that I am earning and so I am very active in...

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