Hartstein Ch. 01 free porn video

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By Paris Waterman

An X – Rated Novel

Illustrated version available on request

Paul Hartstein winced as the icy wind blew the swirling snow into his face and wished he’d thought to bring a scarf with him as he vainly tried to deflect some of the snow from his face and eyes.

He bent his 6’4′ feverish frame into the stiff winter wind whipping down Danbury’s Main Street. It was the coldest January in forty-seven years and he never doubted it, but he did regret not having taken his car to the pharmacy, but on reflection, it had been awfully low on gas and he didn’t have the money to pick-up his prescription and put gas in the fifteen-year-old Dodge Charger.

Paul had graduated from the University of Connecticut with honors, had edited the University newspaper and played linebacker on the varsity football team for three years before a knee injury sidelined him his senior year.

Now 26, he was half finished with his first novel. His first work, a novella about a girl on a train had been submitted to several publishers after his former English professor urged him to do so, but as with most first offerings, it wasn’t well received. Rejection slip after rejection slip arrived with almost no comment on the work itself.

If Paul’s count was correct, only one publisher had yet to respond, and they may have just thrown his novella away and not bothered with the rejection slip. He was getting desperate, not having eaten in a day or so, and with very little money to his name.

Yet he felt his latest work was far superior to the novella, and was confident it would be picked up when finished, if he could last that long.

He turned right onto White Street, into an even stiffer wind. His one room apartment was still one block east when he smelled the aroma of food coming from the Mexican restaurant a half block away. He realized how hungry he was, and it occurred to him that Jim and Celia Masters, old and true friends from college, lived just two doors down from where he stood.


Inside the Master’s home, Celia munched at a frozen Milky Way while watching an old video of herself and her husband they had made about two years earlier. In it, Celia was lying nude on their bed, on her back and with both legs pulled just past her head.

Jim, her husband, was alternating between licking her ass and her pussy and driving her crazy with pleasure.

Celia stared at the screen, breathing faster than normal as her arousal sent sensations of warmth and excitement spreading outward from her pubis. The ensuing wetness slowly moistened the tiny thong she had on under her jeans. Previous viewings of the same video had produced similar results, and Celia knew that in due course, this thong would soon be soaked through too.

A faint Mona Lisa smile played across her face as she recalled the tumultuous orgasm Jim had given her the day they made the video. The smile widened as she recalled without shame about the number of men she’d passed earlier that very day at the Danbury Mall and how shocked they’d be if they knew what she was doing now. Her fingertips furtively crept across her sternum to caress the contours of her breasts. She giggled on spying the goose bumps popping up on her areolas, took note of a hair now sprouting up there that required clipping and flicked at the nearest nipple until it began to harden.

Pleased with herself, Celia twisted both her nipples. A soft, pleasured moan left her throat and the dimples surrounding them played against her fingertips as she lightly tweaked them.

Another somewhat louder involuntary moan followed as Celia felt the juices begin seeping from her cunt, coating her labia and making the lips slick and ready for a cock, finger, or vibrator. The liquid continued seeping from her as she stared unblinking at the screen as her husband sent his cock into her, filling her with his thickness.

Celia ached for the real thing. Jim wouldn’t be home until four or so. With all the snow he had no work to go to and so he was off drinking beer and playing pool with his friends.

Celia couldn’t wait any longer, closing her eyes, she imagined a man–-any man—there with her, holding her close and running his hands over her body. Oh, yeah … play with my boobs, my knockers, my tata’s. What else does Jim call ’em? Kahunas and my twins, Fred and Ginger.

Celia looked at her beautiful melons in the mirror, hefting them up to show them off even better.

Shit, my areolas are so big–-I remember the other girls in junior high looking at them with envy and awe as if they were special because of their size, and I guess they are. My titties … my pleasure domes! With that, she began slapping each of her boobs until the nipples stood up to her satisfaction. Fuck! I’m one hot bitch.

Opening her eyes, Celia noted the video had reached the point where she was cupping her husband’s balls with one hand and feeding his cock into her mouth with the other. She moaned recalling the moment then shut her eyes to blot out reality and give in to her imagination, preferring the imaginary man to her husband in a reprised role.

The imaginary stranger teased her back with long fingers, ran his hand along her hip, and suddenly she was aware of the urgency with which his cock was pressing against her thigh.

‘Okay–-okay, now for some real fun!’ she crowed to the empty room, and spreading her legs pried her thong up so that it wouldn’t interfere and set her fingers to roaming over her hairy twat as the first droplets of juice ebbed from her vag.

Celia shoved a pillow between her legs, making it do for her imaginary man, and molded herself to him. With eyes clamped shut, she imagined his fingers slipping under her thong and into her wetness. Not satisfied with that, she rolled over onto her back, parted her thighs and welcomed his imaginary cock into her.

In actuality, Celia’s clit had just emerged from its hiding place and she began to rub it, sending a vivid sensation from the delicate nerve endings coursing throughout her body. Her breath was more rapid than before, and her body began to lose itself to her lust.

Oh yeah–-oh yeah–-fuckin’ right! Right–-right–-right there baby! Just you and me, baby–-just you and me!



Her body was undulating sensually as her other hand explored other areas of her body–- thighs, belly, breasts.

With a reluctant groan, Celia took the finger from her slippery cunt and brought it to her mouth and started sucking. As the taste of her cunt registered in her brain she shuddered with delight and had a little orgasm.

Moments later she was pumping three fingers in and out of her wet twat, thumbing her clit, and gnawing at the fingers on her other hand to keep from crying out too loudly. For she was certain the occupants of the adjoining apartment had come home earlier because of the snow.

Celia felt a huge cum coming on and flopped backward landing spread-eagled, and covered in sweat, her hair in disarray, and panting heavily, caught sight of herself in the mirror adjacent to the bed.

Christ, I never looked sexier!

‘More … I need more!’ she croaked, and bending over from the waist while keeping her legs straight but slightly apart, Celia rummaged around her lingerie drawer, found what she was looking for and gasped, ‘Gotcha!’

She held the pink cock-shaped dildo she called Big Jim aloft then layback and smiled. Then with due deliberation, she teased herself by rubbing the pink cock up and down her pussy, then around her clit.

A minute or so passed before the first moan left her mouth. Slowly she eased the large toy into her cunt while using her other hand to rub lightly over her clit.

‘Oh yes, oh yes,’ she gasped knowing her climax was close.

Suddenly it’s on her!

‘Oh fuckkk… oh fuckkk…’ a mantra that went on for over a minute as wave after wave consumed her. Tom, Tom.’ Kath continues on for over a minute as a second wave consumes her, and then the room went silent.

That was the moment the front doorbell rang and catapulted her into action.


Perhaps it was because he needed to talk with another person, or possibly the fact that his teeth were chattering as his fever balked at being out in the sub-zero temperature that made Paul ring the bell to the entrance to the Victorian home that served as a trio of apartments for young couples.

He waited about a minute before ringing the bell a second time. He was about to ring it again when the door opened. Celia stood there, wearing one of Jim’s old flannel shirts and a pair of tattered jeans, but no shoes or slippers.

Paul noted her flushed face and that she had dyed her hair blonde since he’d last seen her, and a moment later, that she had cut it short.

The startled expression she’d had on opening the door vanished as she smiled and said, ‘Well, look what the cat dragged in! C’mon in! Jesus, get inside here before I freeze to death!’

Paul opened his arms, and Celia threw herself against him, hugging him tightly as they stumbled into the middle of her very high ceilinged living room.

Disengaging herself from his arms, she gave him a pecking kiss on the lips and laughingly chirped, ‘Jesus, man, you’re shivering like crazy! Brandy–-you need a brandy.’

She hurried across the room to a bookcase containing three bottles of liquor on the top shelf, but noted that her jeans were not fully buttoned and deftly buttoned the top button before plucking a half full bottle of Hennessy off the shelf and made a dance-like move that would have pleased her old teacher immensely, whirling around and in one continuous motion grabbed two Brandy snifters off a side table and poured them both generous amounts of the coppery looking liquor before sitting down beside him on the couch.

‘Good Health,’ Celia said, and took a generous swallow.

‘Thanks,’ Paul said taking a small sip, shivering as the 80 proof brandy warmed his belly.

‘Why have you been such a stranger, Paul? You know Jim and I love you, so what the fuck?’

‘I … I’ve been working on my novel,’ he said hoping that would suffice.

‘You’re always working on a novel. Is it the same one, um, about that girl on the train?’

‘No, I finished that one,’ he said so lamely Celia couldn’t hide her dismayed expression and quickly tried to cover her mistake by asking an ever worse question. ‘So you got it published?

‘Well …’ He took another sip of brandy and this time enjoyed the fire it lit in his belly as it spread through his system. ‘Um, I do have a publisher looking at it. Favorable comments, but …’

‘No money, huh?’ Celia said sadly.

‘Yeah, no dinero.’

‘When did you eat last, Paul?’

He waved the question off as if it was of no consequence, but she was quick to overrule it.

‘When Paul?’

He didn’t answer her because he couldn’t recall. ‘Um, maybe a doughnut yesterday, I’m not sure.’

Celia put her hand on the small of his back and guided him into her kitchen and had him sit down at the small metal topped table. ‘You like scrambled eggs?’

‘Yeah, of course.’


‘Mmmm, haven’t tasted sausage in a while, Ceil.’

‘Good, I made too much this morning. Can you handle four links?’

‘Yes, I think so. And thanks, I really appreciate it.’

‘You can come by anytime you run low on cash, Paulie. You know we love you. It’s not charity, you know. Some day you’ll be rich and famous and you can take Jim and me on a trip to Puerto Rico, or some other island paradise.’

Paul nodded as Celia placed the plate of scrambled eggs in front of him, then handed him a knife and fork.

He quickly put away the scrambled eggs while the sausage sizzled in the frying pan, and she scrambled two more eggs for good measure.

When Celia thought the sausages and eggs were ready to eat, she brought them to Paul along with two slices of buttered toast.

She smiled contentedly watching him eat the impromptu meal, and poured him a cup of coffee, adding a shot of brandy to it.

Wiping some egg off his mouth, Paul smiled, stood up, and said, ‘I really appreciate you letting me thaw out and especially for the food. It hit the spot believe me. But Ceil, I’d better be on my way, or I’ll fall asleep on you, Jim may not appreciate finding me here.’

‘Are you kidding? Jim will be delighted to see you. He’s always talking about the fun we had back in college.

Paul wondered if she meant the time they had a threesome together, and while he was wondering, Celia ushered him into the bedroom. The bed was unmade, sheets still rumpled from the couple’s slumber of the night before.

‘Sit, I’ll get you a blanket. I can see you’re still cold. Just sit there. I’ll be right back.’

He gave her a shy look but sat down on the end of the bed. When Celia took a step toward joining him, he quickly said: ‘Can I use the …you know?’

The facilities?

Sure, take your time.’

Paul walked unsteadily to the bathroom and stood over the toilet, unzipped his jeans, took his penis out and began urinating. As the golden fluid streamed from his bladder, he glanced around the room. His training as a writer allowed him to see much more than the ordinary person might, and he took in the pantyhose with a hole in the right toe draped over the shower rod, and the frayed brassiere coiled up and lying over the drain in the tub.

Christ, they’re almost as bad off as I am. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of her. They probably needed the food themselves, he thought.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Celia walked in on him. He wasn’t shocked, or even surprised.

‘Still the neat freak I see,’ he said with a smile while gesturing at the pantyhose hanging from the shower rod.

She laughed, ‘Yeah, anal as hell, that’s me,’ she said and laughed again. ‘Be sure to shake that thing. Don’t want any pee stains on my glamorous sheets.’ Celia was obviously uncaring that she’d come in and caught him with shaking his dick.

They both laughed as Paul tucked his penis back into his shorts and zipped up. He did note Celia’s eyes lingering on his groin for a beat longer than she should have and he realized it had been four long months since he had lain with a woman.

‘You smoke?’ she inquired, holding a package of unfiltered Camels out to him.

‘No, I quit a while back, couldn’t afford them.’

‘Great way to quit cold turkey,’ Celia laughed. ‘Go on, take a couple. Jim’s bringing a carton back with him, if that is he can get the Brink’s armored car to deliver them.’

Paul calmly tucked himself away and smiled at Celia. ‘I guess you mean the high cost of cigarettes today. I haven’t had occasion to buy any for a while so I’ve kinda lost touch.’

Celia turned away and left the bathroom. Paul followed her into the bedroom and sat down in the exact spot he’d been in before.

She decided not to beat around the bush and asked, ‘So how badly off are you, Paul?’

‘No worse than usual. I would have passed by, but it’s so damn cold out and I thought I saw the curtain in your window move. I … I didn’t want you to think I was deliberately avoiding you guys.’

‘Are you really still writing, Paul?’

‘Yes, of course I am. Some day …’

‘I know, and when that day comes you’re taking Jim and me to the fanciest restaurant in town, or, maybe in New York City!’

It was her second reference to his taking them out when he struck it big as a writer. He didn’t mind and made a silent promise to do just that if and when. He looked into her eyes and said aloud, ‘It’s a deal, Ceil,’ then realizing that he was
using her old nickname.

Celia grinned at him and placed a hand on his thigh. ‘You’re too generous, Paul, much too generous.’

Recalling a time or two several years earlier, Paul returned the favor, feeling her strong muscles through her skin-tight jeans as he leaned in closer.

‘How’d you know to come by just now? She asked in a husky brandy laden voice.

‘I’m an alien. I sense these things, Ceil,’ then he leaned in and kissed her under her ear.

Celia shivered and laughed. ‘Oh shit, Paul, you know what that does to me!’


‘C’mon Paul! I mean it. Jim will be back any minute!’

Paul knew her well enough to know she was lying. He also knew that in all likelihood, Jim wouldn’t mind finding them in his rumpled bed. In fact, Jim would probably shed his clothing and hop into bed with them, filling whichever orifice Celia didn’t have occupied at the time.

Paul had always been good with women, and no longer freezing with the cold, he reverted to form and casually grabbed the back of Celia’s neck sending a delightful shiver that caused instant goosebumps to skin-surf her entire body.

‘Damn you!’ she bawled, but her shoulders were already scrunching in delight.

In the back of her mind Celia was thinking: Is Paulie my imaginary guy come to life? Jim hasn’t done that in ages. Is it too much to hope for? Hasn’t held my hair–-mmmm, yeah like that!

Christ, how did he know to do that? Yes …tight … oh, yes! Right at the root where the hairline meets the nape of my neck… please-please-please, pull it, but gently, gently, gently.

‘Ohhh, yes, Paulie, baby, just like THAT! And hold it, hold it, HOLD IT!

‘AHHHHHH, now please … pull it again, ahhh, sooo good. Soooo fuckin’ good!’

Paul did just that.


Celia’s heels and toes slowly and desperately peeled off the floor. A moment later her brain was teeming with urgency, craving, lust and … hope. The shiver returned only to begin a new journey on the outer edge of her thigh then creeped serenely down the length of her leg leaving Celia in a state of flux. At which point Paul began opening the buttons on her flannel shirt and with the shirt peeled away, undid her bra and sent it fluttering to the floor.

With a moan that sounded like a growl to Celia, Paul cupped both her breasts in his hands, Celia came to her senses and mewed, ‘What am I going to do with you?’

‘Fuck me?’ Paul laughed. A second later, the shirt was gone and they were done talking. He kissed her chin, recalling the tiny dimple on its left side, and then her neck. At this point her hands were busy undoing his jeans while her breasts rested against his bare skin in a kind of celebration of their rekindling an old relationship.

With his jeans off and crumpled at the foot of the bed, Celia tore at the rest of their clothes, peeling her skin-tight jeans off with alacrity, and then almost tore his shirt off before wrapping her arms and legs around his naked body for the first time in at least four years.

Paul groaned happily and made his way down her body until her legs opened around his neck, and she cried out when his mouth found her.

‘Wait–-wait,’ she shouted. And jumped from the bed, took two steps to a nearby dresser, found a box of condoms and ripped one open and returning to the bed, carefully placed it over his rampant cock.

Paul almost as quickly, positioned her so that he could go down on her, and did so.

‘Oh fuck, I forgot how good you are at that,’ she purred happily.

As he licked and sucked and fingered Celia, Paul remembered something he’d written in a journal and shared with her and Jim that last time.

‘Marriage is like an ice cream cone. When exposed to the heat, it gets drippy and sticky unless its participants are very diligent about licking the sides, keeping it even all the way around, ensuring the mound on top of the cone doesn’t topple over onto the scorching sidewalk. This was why even the best marriages occasionally required help in holding the melting rate at bay.’

He decided to try a few things he’d thought about on Celia and without any warning began slowly dragging his tongue toward her throbbing clit, exulting in knowing she was already trembling from the heady sensations his tongue was causing.

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The Bet Prologue The envelope was unexciting. At first glance, the plain white exterior looked like it might be from the bank, or a sales company. Most likely it was just a bill, demanding money as such things do. On a closer inspection, however, the multitude of stamps on the front would reveal that this envelope had flown across the Atlantic from England. It definitely wasn’t a bill. The young woman who picked it up from the mailbox casually flicked her hair out of her eyes as she glanced at...

3 years ago
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Another Gloryhole True Story

She calls "sharks" those guys that get too close or just stand there like she isn't alive. They do shoo like flies when I tell them to get lost. But it sometimes ruins the mood. So lesson ...just be cool.The damn sharks again were out to ruin our planned fun. I actually eventhought, these guys didn't look so bad tonight. I was looking forwardto seeing how many would be sliding through the hole. But I have neverunderstood why they have to appear so desperate. You would think,they'd know by...

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Agrave fitness session with Abbie

- Hi Abbie!- Hi Flynn, she answered me with her hot lovely smile :)- Ok, so it's time for your weekly fitness session, hope you're excited!I actually knew she was because she was already in her sport's outfit when she opened the door... It was skin-tight, I loved it ;)We started the workouts with the warrior 3 pose and I maintained Abbie's pelvis to help her... It's started to make me really hard because let's be honest, this girl is so fucking hot!Suddenly she complained about a pain in her...

2 years ago
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The Womanless Beauty Pageant Part 9 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 9 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second is...

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Chastity by TheVariableXChapter 1: My lifeChapter Codes: M+/f, f-self, enema, exhibition, incest,  spanking,   teen, chastity belt, HighSchool, consensual, Bondage, BDSM, humiliation, Rated R, My name is Alexandra and today is my first day in the 11th grade.  I am naked and wet.  My small wrists are tied to the metal bed frame above my head and a homemade spreader bar above my knees forces me to keep my hairless legs spread wide open.  As usual I am also wearing a simple black blindfold and my...

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Daddy and His Girl Cows

Daddy and His Girl CowsChapter 1For weeks, the cow sluts in the barn have been excited. Daddy has been working on a new pump to use with our milkers, and it seems like it has taken forever! But finally, Daddy says he's ready to show us what he's made, and that he's going to demonstrate it to some of the other daddies who have, or want to own, milk sluts. Daddy says if we do really well, and are extra-good bitches, he might even pick one of us to do a milking demonstration at the State...

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The Ruler

Abused by your family because you are the only man in the house after your father left. Bullied at school because you are labelled as a loser. Life can get any worse than this. After a hard day of being abused and bullied. You rest your head onto your matress with no bed frame because your mother thought it'll be wasteful to use money for someone like you. As sleep begins to take you, you suddenly awoken at a lush plain. You look around to see a woman sitting under a tree drinking tea. You...

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Tom and Morgan Growing Together Pt 2

I edited and rewrote some lines in this story. This story was written to see if there are genres that I can write that I have no experience in, and make it real enough for people to enjoy. I was surprised at how well people received my story. Thank you in advance for reading my work. Tom ((((((((((At the End of part 1))))))))))) When we last left Tom and Morgan, after the death of her mom and a drunken interaction with her Daddy, they were both having fantasies about each other. Morgan was...

2 years ago
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Getting to Third BaseChapter 5

Our next home game didn't relieve my slump, even though I borrowed a fat bat from the kid outfielder, Cary Zane, and used it through all five at-bats. I did get a base on balls, though -- and I noticed that when I held up on a swing, the first-base umpire held out both hands in the "safe" gesture -- meaning I'd successfully avoided a "strike" call. That, alone, gave me some encouragement. Enough, at least, to try it again the next night. I went two for five -- a single and a smash...

4 years ago
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The Wilkerson InstituteChapter 3 Wednesday

I awoke to a warm, comfy, lived-together feeling that told me I wasn’t alone. Or maybe it was the arm draped over my waist. But why? I rolled towards the center of the bed and slowly raised a single bleary eyelid. I was right. I wasn’t alone. I should have been a detective. It was a she, a brunette with a young face. She was propped up on one elbow, facing me. Something from last night bubbled to the surface. Muttering softly, I murmured “You’re ... you’re...” “Mary,” she said brightly....

3 years ago
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Me and My ZapperChapter 9

It took over three months for the sale to finish, and for us to refit the hotel; it was sold to us at a knocked-down price because it needed extensive renovation, but Maisie came up with enough friends and tradesmen to help us without denting our budget too badly, and although she never told me what she did, I could make a very educated guess that their wives and girlfriends paid our bill for us. We agreed that the secret of the zappers would stay a secret and so whatever Maisie did do, I'm...

1 year ago
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When Tim was just a teen his dad taught him that a woman was his own free pussy. He told him "Be sure you control that woman. She knows to fuck when you want and where you want and how you want. Choose a big titted bitch and brag to your friends how good the sex is. The men in our family are well hung and we need to use these cocks to keep our women in control. Keep them naked with their legs spread wide for us. Get big tits and a wet cunt and you will be very happy forever. I had to train your...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 9

 CHAPTER 20Kyle had settled into his new job as gym supremo with no difficulty at all; it was as if he was purpose-made to run the place. He saw no reason to deprive himself of what might be considered be a perk of the position in the form of testing out job applicants in much the same way as Sten had done with him. His promotion had left one trainer team, one man down and one of his first jobs was to find a replacement for himself, which he did with considerable vigour and – it has to be added...

Gay Male
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Riding Mr Parker

Steve Parker had been teaching school for 7 years. His job teaching English as James Polk High school was not too bad, it paid enough for his lifestyle, the benefits were good, and he was looking forward to an early retirement at age 52. At 29 years old the fact that the best part of his life was thinking about retirement in 23 more years never seemed to strike him as odd. Steve was six feet tall, dark haired handsome and in good shape. Some of the young male teachers had problems with girl’s...

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Birthday at the Nudist Resort Part One

My best friend and I have known each other almost from birth. We share the same birthday and today, we both turn eighteen. We had always given each other presents, but this year, seeing that we were both turning the big one-eight, we decided to give ourselves something special together. We thought about treating ourselves to something like a nice dinner together or giving each other cash so we could separately get what we wanted. However, Brit did some research on the net. Seems she has a wild...

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The Notes Part Four

I watched her out of the corner of my eye. My hand in my pocket with the feel of her damp, cum soaked panties scrunched in my palm. I watched as she opened the envelope. She read my words. I thought about what those words meant. I was going to fuck her. I was going to make her body feel things she didn’t know possible and all whilst I looked her firmly in the eyes. There would be no need for a blindfold this time. The time for that game was over. I could finally release the weeks of pent up...

Straight Sex
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Ballad Of Brian OFinneran

I am not a great man. I have never aimed to create a cure for a disease, to write the great novel, or ever wanted to solve the mysteries of the universe. I’m a simple man much like that of my father and his father before him. When I was 17, I met this beautiful red haired lass. Her name was Maureen, she and I went to school together. Her family lived in the city while mine lived and worked in the fields. My father owned a small farm that he had spent his life building to put food on the table...

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The Ring of ControlChapter 16

I was awakened by the most delicious feeling of wet warmth encompassing my swollen member. I noticed a luscious hair pie looking at me and so I dug in with the hunger of a starving man. All too soon, it was all over ... me drained of sperm, yet with a bellyful of the nectar of the gods. We were enjoying the afterglow of our lovemaking, when we were rudely interrupted by the alarm. I got out of bed on wobbly legs, and shut the alarm off on my way to the commode to empty my near-to-bursting...

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First Orgasm

I had been masterbating for a couple of months rather unsuccessfully. Meaning I would play around down below but would always stop before the big "O". Fear held me back. I can't really explain it other than that.I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm. My panties were moist from the dream I was having. It involved Peter from school and my vision of him undressing me and covering my body with kisses. When he finally stopped between my legs is when I abruptly awoke with my pillow trapped between my...

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Taking Dzjinna To A Party

I walked around the girl standing firm on her silver stilettos. I admired her endless legs and high, tight ass... her bare, painted tits and silver hooded skull. Her pale soft throat was encased in leather. "Something's missing", I whispered under my breath. "Arnold will be waiting for us in the limousine, but something's missing..." I circled her again on my precarious heels. The soft tip of my riding crop caressed her body... kissing the aching nipples. They pointed dark and silvery...

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Hot Sex With Milf Met Online

Hi, my name is Karthik from Hyderabad. I am a regular iss reader and thought of sharing my indian sex experiences here but due to the busy schedule was unable to upload one. I would like to share my recent new experience with a 40 years old lady whom I met online. You can send me your comments at It’s my first story and real one happened yesterday please comment if any at I had few sexual encounters in my life and this one is so far the best. I was born and brought up in Hyderabad and stayed...

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Taking The Next Step Noraj69 And Frogprince

In the earlier story of Nora and Cal (Nora69 and Frogprince Date), they met for the first time when Cal was sent to Pittsburgh for his work. They met on as noraj69 and frogprince, emailed, cybered, exchanged photos and got to know each other very well. Cal lived in San Francisco CA and worked as a mid level executive for a steel fabricating and distribution company. He retired but was called back to make a trip to Pittsburgh where Nora lived. They met, dated and spent a wonderful lust filled...

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Fuck fest at brother in laws home

Hi reader’s. I’m ash a 28 male from pune. My personality is athelete and i am a married person. I have i 8 inches long and 2 inches thick rod for naughty ladies. This is my fantasy not a real incident. If any lady in pune want ot share bed with me can contact me at all the things will be kept confidential. Assured. Let us start the story. My bhabhi’s name is rekha and she lives in pune. Her figure is 38d-32-38. She had two childs. I’m really fond of her boobs. She always wears low cut blouse...

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My Sweet Manipuri Wife

By : Ritwik Hello friends,this is Ritwik back in great ISS after a considerable gap. Sorry about it. To begin with, you are aware I am married to a manipuri girl,Sharon. I want to submit yet another steaming sexual story to you all.As I said earlier,I am in flying profession and was quite busy.Yesterday,I was rostered on a flight and reached airport.On getting into cockpit and doing routine checks came across a system failure and the flight subsequently cancelled. It was 11 pm and I was heading...

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Topless Punch Line Part 1

TeriBy noon, the sky is a clean slate in a color movie stars, myopic or not, would want to tint their contacts. Beyond the shore break's pearly grin, Dawn and I are frolicking like seals between gentle sapphire swells and a young summer sun that blazes without a care in the world.I'm squinting against the sequinned glare when a tug at my hip whirls me around. Mischief glitters with ebony brilliance from my new friend's eyes. The water has slickened her blondeness mermaid-dark and glistens on...

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My Next Door Hot Neighbour Sana

I am Rahul, I was moving into an apartment when I got a job in Hyderabad, I was getting moved into my apartment on the second floor. On the way, very cute woman came out of the apartment below mine. She was tall, thin, long hair, brown eyes, pretty smile, with huge boobs wearing jeans and a Redshirt. I said Hello to her, she responded, we introduced ourselves, her name was Sana. She had been living in the complex for about a year and gave a general idea about the apartment, after that she left...

4 years ago
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Searching for Love Ch 1011

IMPORTANT NOTICE: I MENTION A CHARACTER BEING DARK SKINNED, THAT DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLLY MEAN AFRICAN AMERICAN … I say this because while I am caucasian, I tan very easily and in the summer time, get very, very dark. Ashira CHAPTER TEN Danny looked around at his surroundings and struggled against his bindings. He knew he was near water because he could hear waves crashing on the beach and he could smell the salt in the air and hear the gulls calling. His head was throbbing and Danny groaned...

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 2 First Impressions

The whole day had become a disaster. It started the moment she tried to log on to her computer at work. Rachel was locked out. Harold had used her computer to access a customer's records and used his administrator's over ride. Then he neglected to log back off. He shut down the computer instead. Of course, he tried to blame Rachel. She missed her lunch break because the trainee who was supposed to relieve her forgot, or so he said. The twenty year old had tried to date Rachel and she...

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Planet Utopia

Humans decided to spread across the galaxy and colonize other worlds, one such world the colonists call Utopia. A beautiful tropical planet, Utopia is in the center of the other colonies and earth. The people of utopia have evolved to be perfect, the only place they can grow hair is the head but some are capable of growing pubic hair and some men can grow chest hair. The Utopians take special vitamins which allow the men to stay hard after orgasam and are always ready to go again immediately...

1 year ago
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Reach Out For The Sunrise Ch 05

REACH OUT FOR THE SUNRISE By Sadie Rose Bermingham & Bellora Quinn © 2010 Happy New Year, dear readers. We’ve had a little break, but rest assured we’ve been busy writing in spite of the brief hiatus in the publication of this story. What are we to do with our traumatic lovers? Both denying the one thing that will bring them happiness. Only time will tell. Read on… (PS>, the usual warnings apply, boys fucking boys, lots of angst and a little bit of bondage. If you don’t like it, don’t...

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Fingered Four Girls But Still A Virgin

Hi guys. It’s my first story . And its not fucking fake. You can call me #anal_king . I came to Rajasthan when I was in 9th. Before that I was in Assam and I have fingered 3 girls there. But since I was in 7 & 8 I was afraid to fuck them as my friends said they would get pregnant and all :p Then I got to know that all of it is just bullshit . Then I met her. Riya (name changed) At first I used to touch her boobs and ass. When she came to meet my sister . She got an awesome body. But normal...

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Sophie Anderson 2400 358000

Sophie Anderson was born in Bristol, England, on November 23rd, 1987. Not much is known about her young life other than she became sexually active early. After graduating high school, she frequented local pubs where she would exchange blow jobs for drinks and drugs. This is one classy lady. Certainly, the type you bring home to mom.Behind Every Great Man...Admittedly, I've received more than my fair share of bar bathroom blowers, and as a gentleman, I always buy them a drink afterward. It's...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Petronellas Choice

Petronella's Choice by Bryony Two finely-dressed women were taking tea, in an opulent sitting room. Althought both were in their late 40s, they were undeniably attractive, and of athletic build. A maid stood nearby, demonstrating a near-perfect submissive pose. The Mistress of the house fussed over the tea ritual, while her visitor regarded the maid, and not for the first time she shook her head in wonderment. "I still can't believe that's actually Lord Mandrake." "I can...

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Second ChanceChapter 18

Penny came back with a seriously sad look on her face. “Mrs. Waters is ... well ... she ... Mrs. Waters is being briefed by a host of security experts, federal law enforcement officials and some other, less governmental types about the attempt on your life today. There seems to be a lot of concern about just how determined the people responsible for all this, might be when it comes to making sure you don’t survive long enough to testify. The FBI wants to move you to a more secluded...

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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 4 Fish

Unlike Froggy and me, Trish McGovern moved out on her own as soon as she came back home from college. She lives, with three other girls, in a top floor apartment on the Country Club Plaza. Ritzy. It’s the Robert Louise Stevenson building and handy to a variety of bars and eateries. I overheard Auntie Pru talking with Trish’s mother, yclept Megan, “At least yours is an adult.” I later puzzled it out. Froggy and I continued to live at home. Odd definition of maturity — defenestrating oneself...

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Rosetta Chapter 8

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 8 David did not like what he was seeing. He was able to use the pin he had given Rose as a homing beacon, making it easier to shift his awareness to her vicinity whenever he wanted to and wherever she was. Unless she was in a suppression field. And she was about to be in a suppression field for a long time. While she was meeting with the other negotiators, and speaking to them in a language he didn't understand, David gave them...

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