Hartstein Ch. 02 free porn video

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Illustrated version of this chapter available on request

Paul was deep in thought as he reread the last two pages over again. It was ten after eleven on a Tuesday morning. He had been writing since six, and had two pages that were almost right to his way of thinking, when he heard the mailman approaching his front door, and then saw the letter drop from the mail slot onto the wooden floor.

A letter not a bill? I don’t usually get letters … and it’s too thin to be another rejection slip. He put it out of his mind and finished reading his work for the fourth time, made two minor changes in the dialogue and prepared to resume typing, but couldn’t concentrate as thoughts of the previous day with Celia and Jim kept coming back to him.

Did Jim suspect anything? The room had fairly reeked of sex. How many beers had he had? Had Celia given anything away after he’d left? Could he return to their place without a confrontation?

These and other questions pried at him, forcing him to get up from his PC and pick up the letter still lying on the floor by the front and only door to his tiny apartment. Cursing under his breath, Paul bent down and picked up the solitary piece of mail and glanced at the sender’s name: Carol Cobillard, Regal Publishing, New York, NY.

He felt his knees go weak and he stumbled back to his chair and sat down hard. Good news … this had to be good news, he told himself and carefully opened the letter.

Dear Mr. Hartstein:

Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Editing Agent for Regal Publishing. I have just reread your work–Woman on the 7:10 to Brewster and found it to be extremely interesting. I will be candid with you. It is not our policy to publish a first time author offering us a novella. The truth is they do not as a rule, sell well—period. However I am interested in reading any novel you may have, either finished or in progress, so long as there is a chapter or two completed.

As a show off good faith I have enclosed a check in the amount of a $500.00 retainer toward the future publication of Woman on the 7:10 to Brewster which should sell reasonably well after you have established a reputation through your subsequent work.

Toward that end, I would like to meet you for lunch on Tuesday, the 7th of February if that is acceptable to you. Please bring a sampling of your current work with you and I will read it during lunch. Call me on xxx-xxx-xxxx to confirm or set a different date.

Sincerely yours, Carol Cobillard

It would be difficult to describe the sudden rush of elation that ran through Paul on reading the letter. He wanted to call everyone he knew, but had no phone. He wanted to scream the news out the window but it was nailed shut. And so he did what he could do under the emotional stress he was under–he slowly sank down t the floor and began to cry.

He was happy, perhaps for the first time in quite a while. With each tear rolling down his cheeks he felt the pressure of possible failure as a writer falling away. He took a deep breath, stopped crying and wiped his eyes then got to his feet and returned to his PC and began working anew, this time with a more meaningful purpose, and before long had another thee pages–nearly perfect pages, and he finished another page before calling a halt and making himself something to eat.

He was famished and ate twice as much as normally would. He counted his money and found that aside from the next week’s rent, he had ten dollars and thirty seven cents to his name.

Paul reread the letter, and sat back down at his PC and finished the chapter. All in all he’d knocked out sixteen pages before quitting for the day and going out to the local diner and having their blue-plate special—meatloaf, mashed potatoes and carrots for dinner.


The Gaby Brasserie Française proudly dominated the entrance of the Sofitel New York on 44 W. 45th St. (Fifth & Sixth Avenues to those unfamiliar with New York City.) Its façade gleamed in the dappled sunlight, emerging with gothic splendor from behind the trees fronting the building.

As Paul approached he saw how impressive the building really was the structure grand and stately and defiantly Victorian in its architecture. A flight of stone steps led her up to the front door of the hotel, and he passed through into the dark, wood paneled interior.

The décor inside was plush and exquisitely refined. Carol Cobillard obviously liked the finer things in life. He hoped that she would be just as much to his liking.

Once inside the restaurant, Paul slipped out of his coat, passed it to a porter standing there silently waiting patiently for him to remove it and adjusted his tie. Although this was a lunchtime engagement, he still felt out of place wearing his only suit, although it was dark blue, it had seen better days. In fact, his school had bought it for him to wear to an award dinner for which he had been nominated. He had finished third in the voting, but still had the suit all these years later.

He asked the Maître D if Ms. Cobillard had arrived, and was told ‘No, not as yet, would Monsieur prefer to wait in the lounge, or perhaps he would rather wait at the table?’

Worried about paying a small ransom for a drink at the bar—which he didn’t have—Paul opted for the table, and was taken there without any further comment by the Maître D.

Carol Cobillard was on time. Paul watched as a slim brunette with almost no breasts at all paused by the Maître D’s station and was directed to Paul’s table. He tried to keep his eyes on her face for she was extraordinarily attractive, young and full of life, and clearly aware of the sexual power of her presence. He saw that she was possessed of magnificent legs accentuated by a long slit in her skirt that showed them off.

Paul’s writing skills had taught him to take note of people with a view toward describing them in his notes for possible use in his writing. In that regard he also made a point to take in her figure, B in the breast department, but he was partial to small, pert breasts, A+ on her ass, and face.

Paul rose to greet her as she approached his table.

Jesus H. Christ, Carol thought, he’s a fuckin’ God! She smiled, partly for his benefit, partly to ensure the lust for him that was racing to her belly and lower didn’t show on her face.

Sometimes I just lose it. The civilized part of me switches off and the hindbrain takes over. This man had a hotline to my ovaries. My whole body was screaming Fuck him Fuck him now. Take his seed. We need it.


She slowed approach to assess the man she was lunching with and who she hoped would prove to be her ticket to a promotion if he proved to be the bestselling author she thought he might become.

Mmmm, good looking, she thought, seems calm enough considering the stakes, and OH, is he really that big? This is going to be more than a business lunch if he’s interested n me.

Paul stood up to greet her and it occurred to him that he had given her two of the higher grades possible in grading a woman.

‘Mr. Hartman, it’s a pleasure to meet you at last,’ Carol said in a sexy undertone.

‘It’s Hartstein, Paul said in a kindly voice, many people mistook the pronunciation of his last name and he didn’t mind, especially when such an attractive woman made the mistake.

‘Oh–I’m terribly sorry. I knew that but …’

‘Forget it, please sit down,’ He said and waited for her to do so before retaking his seat.


I’m acting like a silly teenager, she thought. The first time this happened to me I was nineteen and on my way home for Christmas. I picked up the wrong bag at the bus station, went to return the bag and found that the guy who owned it had taken mine and gone to his hotel. I was pissed. It meant I’d miss my
bus and probably Mom’s painstakingly authentic Christmas dinner.

A fleeting smile crossed Carol’s face as she recalled the event in question. Nineteen years old and I stormed up to the guy’s hotel room and pounded on the door. I wouldn’t dare do it again, not with all the crazies out there, but it seems like it was decades ago and it was only eight years ago—an eternity really.

He’d just showered. I think it was the way his thick black hair curled on his neck that did it. He was in his early twenties, tall, dark and handsome. Once our eyes met the rest was inevitable, not to mention the six-inch schlong he was waving in my face some two minutes after we’d met.

Carol brought herself back to the moment on hearing Paul speaking to her.

‘It’s my pleasure to meet you, Ms. Cobillard. Really, it is. Please, sit down. Should I order wine?’ he asked, and mentally kicked himself for playing host when she was obviously the hostess at the table.

‘That would be very kind of you, but please call me Carol.’

They waited silently while the waiter took his order for a mid-priced wine, complemented his choice and walked away. Carol took over from there.

‘First of all, let me give you your check.’ That said, she leaned forward, reached into her tiny purse and took out a check and handed it to him.

As he accepted the check, Carol thought, the meal was an obligation that could not be avoided, but if he revealed one iota of sexual interest I was going to jump his bones. Besides the son-of-a-bitch could write! Stay professional, you sex-crazed cow! Carol warned herself, but she continued appraising him–His shoulders were broad and his back was hard and lean. And he’s sooo fuckin’ tall, with hair I can twist my hands in without hurting him!

Oh, Jesus save me! His sweat smells so nice, I love that smell.

Paul had told himself he wouldn’t look at the check when it was given to him, but couldn’t resist, telling himself it was the first money he’d ever received for his writing.

He caught the quick smile the crossed Carol’s face as he read the amount–five thousand dollars and no cents typed across the face of the check before placing it carefully in the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

‘Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me,’ he said as his eyes filled with tears of appreciation.

‘Oh, but I do,’ Carol replied as a second waiter placed menus in front of them. ‘Um, I’m sorry, but I have to get you to sign for the check. It’s only a receipt, so there’s no need for a lawyer or agent.’

‘Oh, well I have neither one.’

‘Please let me explain the intricacies of the publishing game,’ Carol said with a serious expression. ‘When a publisher accepts your book, you will generally receive money for it prior to publication. This upfront money is called the advance. In today’s world it’s common for the advance to be paid in two or more parts. A portion is paid on execution, which means after the author has signed the contract and sent it in to the publisher for co-signing. The publisher returns a copy of the executed contract with the first check to the author. Sometimes, the first check follows the contract four to six weeks later.’

‘But then what …?’ Paul began only to be interrupted by Carol.

‘We gave you the $500 as more of a good will gesture than any offer to publish the novella. Oh, if this manuscript becomes a successful novel, then we’ll get the novella into print as soon as possible. In the meantime we want your signature on a contract. I have one here,’ she pointed at her briefcase. I can assure you it’s the standard contract. You needn’t fear signing it without a lawyer or agent looking at it first.

‘It’s your money, Paul, even if we fail to sell a single copy of the published book.’

‘Wow, I didn’t know …’

‘Yes, well usually the advance is earned back through book sales before you receive more money. It’s basically an interest-free loan to you … well, that isn’t quite true. The advance is the author’s guaranteed payment for their time writing the book.

For example, without the advance, you’re taking a risk that your time could be for no payment. I should add that a high advance means that the publisher is taking more risk than you are. But either way, the writer, the publisher, or both are betting that the book will go on to make a profit.’

‘What about royalties?’ Paul asked.

‘Good question, Paul. Authors generally receive a percentage of sales, called royalties, according to the terms of their contract with the publisher. A while back the royalty was based on a percentage of the book’s cover price, these days it is more commonly calculated as a percentage of the publisher’s net receipts.

‘Whichever way it is calculated, after enough copies have sold to pay back your advance to the publisher you’ll then begin to receive additional money as royalties.

‘Anyway, we issue statements every six months along with a check for any amount owed to the author.

I would add that like the IRS we’ll hold back a portion of your payment as a hedge against returns. The amount withheld should be specified on the statement, and it is usually released to the author within 1, 2, or 3 reporting periods. This will continue indefinitely, or at least until the publisher keeps your book in print, so that you would continue to earn additional money in the form of royalties for years to come.’

‘Let me ask a dumb question, Carol.’

‘Paul, there is no such thing as a dumb question.’

‘I’d argue the point, but I know what you mean. In any case my question is how are royalties actually determined?’

Carol laughed and answered quickly. ‘Let’s say a book is listed at $25.00. If your contract says you get 10% royalties off list, then you will get $2.50 per book. If you are getting 10% of net profits, then you’d get around $1.25 per book.

Currently I believe most publishers are offering net royalties. Additionally, you will likely get a higher royalty rate for eBooks, plus you may be offered a higher royalty rate as your sales of the book increase. You should ask for both.’

Paul did the math and responded with: ‘So I’ve got this $5000 advance–with, umm, 10% royalties or net profit, and if my book is listed at $25.00 I’d need to sell about 4000 copies to break even.’

‘That’s right, Paul, but sadly, the amount of your advance will not come close to covering the amount of time it will take you to write the book. Let’s assume that you spend just 10 hours a week on writing your book, and that it takes you a total of 8 months to finish it. That’s 320 hours you have invested in writing this book. So you get this $5,000 advance that means your hourly rate for writing the book is $15.63.’

‘Scared yet?’

‘What constitutes a best seller?’

‘Ouch! How do I answer that?’ Carol said looking him directly in the eye. Those lists vary widely, mostly because of the method used to calculate sales. Independent lists use the sales numbers provided by independently owned, and I mean non-chain bookstores. On the other hand, the New York Times list includes both wholesale and retail sales from a variety of sources. A book that sells well in gift shops and grocery stores may hit a New York Times list without ever appearing on an Indie list.

USA Today has only one list, not hardcover/paperback, so that relative sales among these categories can be ascertained.

‘Now the dominant on-line retailer, Amazon.com is different, so much so that it’s best seller listing is at time quite dubious.’

‘Really, how so?’ Paul asked.

‘Wholesale sales figures are not factored into Amazon’s calculations. Numerous Web sites offer advice for authors about a temporary method to boost their book higher on Amazon’s list using carefully timed buying campaigns that take advantage of the frequent adjustments to rankings.

Some authors have used this to create a number
of #1 bestsellers, albeit very briefly–perhaps only a day or two. But this sales spike allow the author to tout their book as an Amazon.com top 100 seller in marketing materials even though the book’s sales are relatively low. Eventually book buyers may begin to recognize the relative differences among lists and settle upon which lists they will consult to determine their purchases.

‘Another factor affecting a book’s position on the lists might be its weight and price. The Amazon.com list tends to favor hardcover, more expensive books, where the shipping charge is a smaller percentage of the overall purchase price or even free, and which tend to be more deeply discounted than paperbacks. Inexpensive mass market paperbacks tend to do better on the New York Times list than on Amazon’s. Indie and Publishers Weekly separate mass market paperbacks onto their own list.

‘And as if that weren’t enough, category structure can also affect the positioning of a book in other ways. A book that might be buried on the Indie hardcover fiction list could be positioned very well on the New York Times hardcover advice list or the Publishers Weekly religion hardcover list.’

‘So, Paul, just when do you find time to support yourself and nurse your novel through to completion? If you already have a full-time job, then your nights and weekends are probably going to disappear for a few months. If you work part-time you have a bit more flexibility, but not that much.’

‘I’m not working at anything but the novel,’ he said with a depreciating laugh and at the same time tried to peek into her blouse for a furtive glimpse of her breasts.

Of course, Carol saw the peek, most woman are looking for it, in truth, it is important to them that a man do so, for it lifts the woman’s spirits and solidifies their self-confidence.

Pretending not to notice his glance, Carol inquired, ‘By the way, did you bring a copy of your current novel?’

Paul leaned down and retrieved the manuscript that lay on the floor next to his right foot and handed it to her. ‘It’s not finished, and it’s only a draft…’

‘I realize that, and I’ll treat it accordingly. I just want to get a feel for what you’re capable of. After all, I think your novella is first rate work. But as I said in my letter, novellas are difficult sales, unless the author has a solid reputation.’

‘Well I can summarize it …’ Paul said, causing Carol to look at him and not the manuscript.

‘Please do,’ she said.

‘It. um, takes place in 1947… um, actually there are two reasons for that. One my protagonist, Ray, wants to write the great American novel, just like every other GI back from the war. He thinks he’s found the answer in a murder that took place in Los Angeles earlier that year. I’m guessing you’ve heard of the Black Dahlia murder case?’

Carol nodded her head, who hadn’t?

‘Okay, enroute to the west coast, Roswell, New Mexico, to be precise. Ray encounters an Alien. Actually, he saves him from the United States Army and as a reward the alien offers him the story of a lifetime. ‘

Paul stopped talking and stared at Carol’s face.

‘What? What is it?’ She asked.

‘Your eyes … are they really that blue? I mean, are you wearing contacts?’

Carol laughed and sheepishly admitted that her eyes were really blue, but that she was a natural blonde and happened to be wearing a wig.

‘Really?’ Paul said not sure if she was putting him on. Carol cleared matters up by adding, ‘I was having a bad hair day and while I won’t go into it, I happen to have several different wigs that I wear from time to time.’

‘To change your general appearance?’

‘Yes. In my business I often find myself not wanting to be noticed and so I adapt a kind of disguise to help me blend into the scenery’

‘You’d never blend into the scenery as far as I’m concerned,’ he said with a disarming grin that sent a hot flash through Carol’s nervous system.

‘Thank you, but …’ she motioned at the manuscript, ‘could you continue, please?’

‘Um, yeah, so the alien tells Roy about this guy named Bill. It takes us back to the origins, or almost the origins of baseball. Bill also found himself with the alien and strangely enough, also saved him. In return the alien offered Bill the opportunity to play baseball as long as he liked. He would manage this by morphing his body into that of any subject he wanted, be it baseball or President of the United States.’

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You sigh, hands covering your face as you sit on the cold bed, unable to sleep after the nightmares. You've done too many things - too many terrible, unforgivable things to deserve to live on. Flashes of women, men, families, strangers, friends, your parents... they're all looking at you now, sad, angry, afraid of you. You break down and finally let it out, the tears flow as you fall to the floor, unable to stand the visions of everyone you've killed... everyone you've maimed... everyone you've...

1 year ago
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The Outlaw and the Innkeepers Daughter

Author’s Note: This story was written at the suggestion of a medieval re-enactor friend who served as the template for the main character. She has recently passed away and this story is now dedicated to her memory. Goodbye Artemas Innkeeper of the Inn of the Drunken Hare, March 5, 2008. * The two forest outlaws watched nervously from the edge of Barnesdale Woods. Well concealed, they took their time to assure themselves that no one along the Nottingham road would see them approach the old...

2 years ago
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Awakening My Trans Nature Eleventh Experience Po

It was 9 a.m. and reality was, yet again, being the iceberg to my fantasies. The landlady/concierge/Mistress buzzed me on the intercom and said I was to come down and she had a parcel for me to deliver to Shona. I pointed out I had a meeting with the personal tutor in the afternoon but might be able to do it in the morning. Come down she said with finality and ended the conversation. In her office she gestured me to 2 bags “that bag contains items for Shona and the other bag is what I want you...

2 years ago
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Robbis Story part 3

Robbi'Story Part 3 I woke up the next morning to Missy smiling at me. "wake up sssleepy head" she lisped. Missy pulled down the covers and removed my sleeping booties and gloves that protected me from stabbing myself with my long nails. I threw my legs over the side of the bed to put on my slippers or as I was informed they are called mules which seemed a silly name to me but what mattered was the difficulty of walking in 3" heels. We made our way into the bathroom Missy being my...

1 year ago
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Maddie Exposed

When Maddie woke up it was completely dark out. It had to be well after midnight, there were no sounds except for the snores of her roommate. She looked over blearily at her phone and almost exclaimed in shock, she had gotten well over a hundred Instagram notifications since she had last checked her phone. She opened her phone to look and what she saw made her start to tear up and cry. She had several messages from an anonymous account. She had never seen the account before in her life, but...

3 years ago
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Unfaithful Again Fiction

Almost five years later and I am still the unfaithful slut that I knew I had to be in order to make boredom exciting and filled with sexual anticipation once again. I was considering another engineered gang bang using the lingerie party as an excuse for my “spontaneous orgy” right there on my fluffy white carpeted basement sound-proofed room. I knew we could do almost anything we wanted without disturbing the neighbors because the noise would be hidden from the outside allowing us to be as...

2 years ago
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PJ and Xiu

Freshman college coed apartment. “KC what do you mean you need a driver for spring break?” There are times that I really hate my twin sister. This is one of them. She wants me to drive her and a few friends to Las Vegas. “PJ you need to loosen up. You've had your head in a book since you were six years old.” Together we say, “How is it that we are twins?” We stare at each other for the longest time. Her cell phone rings. We continue staring. On the sixth ring KC breaks her stare and answers the...

College Sex
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Wet and messy

Wet and messy.It was a gorgeous warm and sunny day, Sally had decided that she needed to take a break from her long journey and so she pulled into a picnic area just off the main road. She got out of the car and walked towards one of the picnic tables. It was good to feel the gentle breeze on her legs and she could feel the hem of her dress moving in the breeze. Although it was a warm day Sally was wearing stockings as it always made her feel just that little bit more sexy and her summer dress...

2 years ago
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Jock McLeish becomes a trans woman

A man neatly dressed in dinner jacket, white open neck shirt and a neat black kilt walked in. “Wee Jock McLeish as I live and breathe,” Andy Cameron suddenly announced as he looked up from his whiskey, “Whit ye daein here in Glasgie, and in a kult?” Jock swiftly replied “Ah Andy man, uts nae a kult uts a skirt, uts nae tartan see.” “Eh?” Andy queried, he turned to the girl he was drinking with. “Eh Morag, Wee Jock here is wearin a skirt.” “Its a Kilt you twat,” Morag explained. “No...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Partner Padose Ki Gujarati Aunty 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, me fir se vapis aa gaya mera dusara incedent lekar.Mene mere first part me bataya tha k kese mene padose ki unty ke sath sex kiya. Us raat k bad hum dono fir se sex karana chahte the pr koi mauka nahi mil raha tha hame, hum phone pr hi bat karate rehate the. Mera lund pyasa ho raha tha unty ki chut me jane k liye or same situation unty ki b thi , unki b chut mere lund ko leme k liye bechen ho rahi thi. Ek din hamari upar vale ne sun li, hamare flat valone ek tour ka program rakha k...

1 year ago
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Boodigo.com is a search engine that helps users cut the chase and go straight to the thick of the action when it comes to searching for adult entertainment material online. The site adopts a no-nonsense approach when it comes to finding you high-quality material in unbelievably high speeds and even better, blocks any results that looks threatening or remotely spammy.Whether you care to admit it or not, searching for porn online can be a pain in the ass. Sometimes it’s a long fucking process of...

Porn Search Engines
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The Seer of Popotla

I was stunned. What I was hearing was making this day the worst day I had yet lived. As I stood there, behind her, listening to her arranging her liaison—with another man—for sex, I was sick at heart. Still, I was in control; that was something, damn little, but something. I didn't lose it. I'd gotten home early from my job at Crowley Software. The boss and company owner, Harris Crowley, had given us all the rest of the day off because of the successful completion of the project. Done in...

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Shalini Mishra The Ultimate Surrender

Dressed in that yellow attire she looked as the goddess of love or better if she is called an Apsara. “Apsara”, yes that word suits her most as she was wearing the same dress and was also having the same role today. A light yellow netted brassiere wrapping her 42 sized breasts. The back strap of her brassiere was strained, finding hard to hold those big fleshy melons and of course they were also desperate to be free today. Its tube shaped shoulder-straps were digging in the soft flesh of her...

2 years ago
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Seduced Chhaya With A Dart Game 8211 Pt 2 The Striptease

Hello Readers, I live in Pune and am writing this story. This is in continuation of my previous story ‘Seduced Chhaya With A Dart Game’ on how we started with the dart game. Continuing this story from there. If you haven’t read the first one I would suggest to please read the first one to get the background. So our game started and after 6-7 rounds I won the match. Now it was Chhaya’s turn to remove one of her cloth. She was wearing a shrug which she started removing it. I told her to stop. I...

3 years ago
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Why Momma Was Wrong About Women

Men, if you have problems with your woman in relationships, if they walk all over you, if you are always asking yourself after they left you, what you did wrong, after all you treated them good, just like Momma told you to, well I got news for you: Your Momma lied to you. All your early years you probably heard from your Dad to suck it up, stop being a wimp, be a man, don't cry, etc. Meanwhile you heard from your Momma that it was okay to cry, to let it all out, that it was okay to be...

2 years ago
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My Mother and sister on the Swing

My Mother and sister on the SwingI’ve been living at my mothers house over a week now and we are like newly weds fucking each other when we want, she says she has never had as much sex in one week, in her whole life. When she is working, she keeps showing me clips or photos off the internet of new things to try. Today she wants the rest of her fanny shaven smooth, we put the swing in to her bedroom yesterday with two big mirrors over the dressing table. We are now up in the bedroom and she has...

2 years ago
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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane 8211 Part 2

Aap sab ne meri pahli story padhi hogi.Aap sab ko pasand aayi hogi.Jin logo ne nahi padhi hogi please wo iska pahla part padh le.Aap ko story samh aa jayegi.Ab mein jyada waqt na lete hue story par aata hoon. Azaz mummy ke lips chus raha tha or niche legging ke upar se chut par hath pher raha tha.Mummy kafi excited ho rakhi thi.suddenly ghar ki doorbell baji to dono alag ho gaye or azaz ne gate khola.Tab tk mummy ne apne aap ko theek kar liya tha. Aise hi 3-4 din nikal gaye becaz hum sab ghar...

1 year ago
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Lesbian sex with my 52 year old boss Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

This happened four years back when I joined a new office. I was 26 years old at that time with fresh mind and body but inclined toward lesbian sex. My boss cum manager there was Betty. She was a 52-year-old lady with a little chubby body and a figure of 38D-38-36. She was a very strict lady, and I have often seen her shouting at other colleagues. But she was a little soft in the approach towards me. During my initial days at the office, I had only a few interactions with her, but after a couple...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 105

The security guard saw a host of cars arriving at the Daystar lot just minutes after his shift started. He watched as one beautiful woman after another piled out and he wondered what they were shooting this evening. Whatever it might be, he was glad his job included a free membership to three sites – if he was interested. He might be switching his choices depending on what this was all about. He checked his clipboard and saw a single notation from the man who worked inside during the day:...

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Turn the Tables

  I thought my life was fairly normal. My name is Katherine and I am 25 and have been married for 4 years. My husband Jimmy works in video production and makes a decent salary. I work part time in retail. We live in a modest house and from all outward signs are a normal couple. When we first were married our sex life was good. We had sex like I expect most couples our age do. After our first anniversary things started to change subtly. Jimmy got more adventurous in bed. He was always wanting...

3 years ago
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A Train Ride to LoveChapter 11

(All in a Dream) By the time the ambulance arrived, Sarah had regained consciousness, and was curled up in Sam's arms; sobbing quietly, still dazed and confused. The paramedic checked her over and surmised that she had concussion; and just to be on the safe side he wanted to take her back to the hospital and get her skull x-rayed. The police had arrived before the ambulance, and after a brief statement from Maggie as the co tenant, had taken the boy into custody. They were informed that a...

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BreedersChapter 12

"Tamarack," Carolyn enunciated as clearly as possible for the ticket agent. "Tamarack, West Virginia. It's just a little place, just below Charlestown about twenty or thirty miles." The ticket agent ran a stubby finger down the list of stops on his bus schedule, flipped over the page and ran down a second line of numbers. "Oh yeah, here it is. Tamarack, West Virginia. Well, if you take the next bus - that's at 7:30 tomorrow morning - you will get in there about 4:30 tomorrow...

2 years ago
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What would you do for love? Would you sacrifice that very God-given breath you cherish so much, yet are unaware of when you draw it? Would you kill for love? So many do. Would you die for love? So many have died in the name of love. Tender love, so hard to come by, so hard to keep, so fleeting. Even those in love for a lifetime know love's too short. Love can be gone in a heartbeat. Like all loves, Della and Ron's was the extreme love. They loved each other unyieldingly. They had respect and...

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Letter To Her Husband

Dear Sir, I am sending you this report so that you will know things about your wife that it is unlikely that she has told you. The year was 1993. It had been a boring summer for Bonnie Birdsall, your wife to be. Her high school boy friend had joined the Coast Guard, so would be away for a couple years. Her mother had her baby sit her younger brother, Monday through Friday, which gets old in a hurry if you would rather be with your friends or working at McDonald's. August twenty third was...

4 years ago
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151 Reasons

There's a common misconception that the female of our species is illogical. Taken at the macro, day-to-day level that may appear the case, but over time they are actually the most logical creatures on Earth. With logic comes predictability. And if the output is predictable, the input can be manipulated to deliver any response desired. And do I have desires. Take the barista over there for example. The rakish, pretty redhead, hair tied back in a bun. The one who flashes me a dimply smile when...

2 years ago
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My Adventures Mom and Me Part 3

I'm sorry for the wait of the third part I know you all have been waiting I have just been very busy lately here goes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it was the morning after a saw mom cum all over the dildo she was using, I walked downstairs to get some breakfast and mom was sat at the table on the phone to dad, they were talking about how his time...

1 year ago
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Spread Wide SecretaryChapter 5

Veronica worked diligently at her new job, tending to the files and typing up dull business letters as they came across her desk. She'd done well in high school in her typing class. In fact, except for PE, that was about all she'd done really well in. Now that minor skill was paying off for her. She felt more alive than ever before. She wasn't sure if it was the fact that she'd actually escaped her bonds at home and flown out into the real world or if it was the excitingly sexual...

3 years ago
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Two SistersChapter 7 Second String

For a moment Sue lay there kind of in a stupor, the slimy oozings still extruding from her now empty vagina. Alice leaned over to look at her. She smiled seeing her laying there, her flawless breasts still heaving, and a near- gratified look on her lovely flushed face. As a matter of fact, Sue's entire body was blushing a deep glowing pink. "Did you like it, Sue?" "Yah, I've forgotten the beginning, and the end, thank goodness. That wasn't too great. Don't men have any consideration...

1 year ago
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Best Jav Porn? What does it take to be the best? I guess it depends entirely on what you want to be the best at. I’m pretty well-established on the Internet as the world’s best porn reviewer, and that’s based on my impeccable style, wit, and my encyclopedic knowledge of the ins and outs of hardcore fuck movies: big dick goes in, girlcum squirts out. Elsewhere in the world of porn, people try to claim best status just by putting it in their name. BestJAVporn is one of the newest on this...

Asian Porn Sites
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Smugglers Pass

There were just two of them in that cabin, a man and a woman.  They gave me shelter for the night when I was on my way to the Smuggler’s Pass.Asking questions was not safe in that land torn by the war for years and none were asked.  The woman was very young. She looked innocent and beautiful with blond hair and eyes blue and deep like lakes.  She glanced at me a few times and blushed slightly when realized that I spotted her attention. The man was much older than her, but I hardly remember him...

Straight Sex
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Hentai Bedta! Are you feeling frisky for some sexy hentai games and manga? The website HentaiBedta.net has that and much more in its massive repository which is impossible to look through by anyone human. Yeah, not even two sentences into the review and I start talking about how huge this website is and how much content it has, and that speaks volumes. Like the volumes and volumes of hentai porn, games, and manga that you’ll find on this website. Jeez, I seriously can’t get over how much of it...

Free Sex Games
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Martys Massage

by lingusMarty's MassageI had a problem. Not a big problem but a problem nonetheless. Itwould turn into a big problem if I didn't come up with somethingsoon. My wife Marty's birthday was just ten days away and I didn'thave the foggiest idea of what to get for her. What made mattersworse was that Marty absolutely refused to give me any hints.A few years ago Marty and I stopped telling each other what wewanted for our birthdays because we were getting in a rut. We bothalways seemed to ask for the...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day pt 1

Eliza was tall, around 5'8", and about average in weight; neither fat nor thin. Her white skin was just a bit sun kissed; and she had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She weighed about 150, with small breasts that just barely filled b cups. Despite her small breasts she was shapely yet proportionate. She had a small waist which led to curvy hips and long legs, and she had a nice butt, which many people would consider 'big.' Her boyfriend, Bryan, was around 6'0". He had a lean, muscular...

4 years ago
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And The Dog Made ThreeChapter 8

Jennifer yearned to eat out Tracy's spunk-flooded cunt, and Tracy knew it. The raven-haired girl lay back, her legs spread open invitingly. Jennifer finished sucking the succulent cream from the Great Dane's tasty prick, then pulled her mouth off him and turned to Tracy. The two naughty and adventurous teenagers exchanged a meaningful glance, both more than ready for the next exotic experience they would share on this eventful day. Jennifer placed her hands on Tracy's knees and, for a...

3 years ago
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Fantasies Came Real With Kanan Bhabhi Part VI

Welcome all my readers to the 6th part of my story with my Kanan bhabhi, as all of you know last episode I managed to have a partial fuck with my kanan bhabhi when I slipped her some sleeping pill and had great fun. So coming back from that incident, few days went away and we didn’t get any chance to get close and personal. I was dying to get close with her, I knew that she was also but the situation never allowed us to do so. I wanted to repeat the fuck with her again but someone or other was...


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