Satisfaction Guaranteed free porn video

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"Satisfaction Guaranteed" I looked around the office as I waited. The large Grandfather clock along the wall clicked loudly even in the thickly carpeted room marking the seconds as they ticked by, the sound of time passing echoed past the elegant walnut bookshelves lined with richly bound books and past the elegant furniture and room appointments all the way to the heavy green velvet curtains that framed a large glass window. I studied the view impressed by the clinic's large estate and the towering oak trees that dotted the property making the place look like an ivy league college campus but the place was quiet. It had been a sanatorium back a hundred years ago or so, but was now evidently an upscale think tank or hospital of sorts that now catered to the well to do. I looked at my watch once again then wondered just why I was here. I started having second thoughts and was just mulling the idea over in my head to leave and forget the whole affair when the large wooden door swung open and doctor Ernest Hammond entered. He said nothing at first but appeared busy as he approached the desk with his clipboard. He stopped at a table near the fireplace and took out a pipe and loaded it as he looked over the paperwork. He lit the pipe and took a couple puffs then with the smell of the richly scented tobacco trailing him he finally arrived at his desk and took his seat. I watched as he puffed his pipe and continued looking over his paperwork which by now I could tell was his file on me. He looked like an elderly college professor in his tweed coat as he handled his pipe. Finally, he set the papers aside and put the pipe in a nearby cut crystal ashtray. "Mr. Reed! So nice to meet you at last," He said as he stood up at his desk and offered a handshake. I shook his hand then took my seat once again in one of the heavy leather chairs facing the desk. "I thought you might have had second thoughts, many do, but it's good to see you have made up your mind and decided to give us a chance." He said as he took his seat and glanced once again at the paperwork. "So, a lifelong cross dresser hummm!?" He said as a matter of fact. The words shocked me hearing them spoken with such a casual tone and directly at me. "I guess, yes," I stammered an answer as I sat up in the seat and cleared my throat at the same time. I started to have second thoughts once again and started to get up. "Now, nothing to be embarrassed about Mr. Reed, nothing at all!" He said. "Everything you have told me is held in the strictest confidence and once our business dealings are concluded, your file will be entirely destroyed with no record and no evidence to show you were ever here. After all that's why you decided to trust us isn't it? And after all your previous visits here we are at the final one. I realize this last step must seem a bit unnerving, mysterious even, but rest assured everything has been taken care of." He said as he then began the lecture that finished outlining the entire procedure. He was a doctor alright, he had a Ph.D. in Physics or some other technical science as well as medicine. I was still wondering why I was here but there wasn't any wondering, not really because the offer I had stumbled across was simply too good to pass by. I began thinking back to the first time I had learned about Dr. Hammond. It was an obscure site on the internet, one of those dusty, rarely visited corners of the web often found right next to the mystic potions and crazy offers that most people usually pass right by if they ever get that deep into the web links. But still the page and the description of what the good doctor could do begged further investigation. I read everything I could then sent for the packet of information which not only reinforced the offer from the web page but set out everything in great detail. It was the fulfillment of a pure fantasy. And although the whole plan outlined was very scientific and bordered on science fiction it was one that was guaranteed as well as foolproof. Then for the first time I noticed the price. Thirty-thousand-dollars! $30 grand for a one month fantasy that would make the real Fantasy Island about as exciting as a shoe shine by comparison. I had the money. After inheriting a large share from my family I started a software business that nearly ran itself. And now that everything was rolling right along I decided to take some time to indulge in the interest of mine that had haunted me from childhood. I read the brochure once again then made my first phone call to the good Dr. Hammond. A first meeting was quickly scheduled. I arrived for the first time at the clinic where I filled out endless questionnaires that seemed very personal but was told that for the program to work perfectly I must hold back nothing and be truthful in filling out the questions and in writing a short essay of my interests. I also provided the required financial information and once it was proven I could indeed pay for such a procedure we continued on and scheduled more meetings. I had chosen cross dressing as my fantasy as I had always wondered what it would have been like to have lived as an adult during the very early 1950's. I loved the simpler times of course but mostly loved the women's fashions of that era. That hyper-feminine look that women back then all used to have as they went about their daily lives, where seeing petticoats, swirling dresses and seamed stockings above black patent leather stiletto heels was the rule of the day as the ladies did their marketing, attended ladies functions or visited the beauty parlor. This wasn't a sex change though, far from it. I was to live this complete experience for 30 days, an entire month. And afterwards nobody would be the wiser as to this little indulgence. I was assured that I would be taking my hobby and fetish to the ultimate limit of experience. What did the doctor have in mind? Was it some kind of video game / role play immersion or was it a form of hypnosis? Not being lettered in the sciences I never really understood the specifics but the thought of living the fantasy just for a short while was very intriguing, and as the doctor reassured me the results and my satisfaction were guaranteed or my money back! The next step was to show the doctor if I was up to the challenge. In private suite of rooms at the clinic I began dressing in my chosen fashion complete with makeup and the whole works. Since no one had an inkling about my very private little hobby it was a bit unnerving mincing and swishing in front of Dr. Hammond but he didn't seem shaken at seeing a man in a dress, not at all. He studied and made notes on the makeup, the clothes and how I moved around the room in them and how I gestured making notes on how feminine I was and how good I was at the illusion I was trying to portray. In looking over the questionnaire he said he wished I was better at doing my own hair but went on to say that most women in those days usually went to the beauty parlor so the upkeep was minimal and that I would catch on in no time at all. He scribbled a few more notes and after seeming satisfied he ended the scheduled meeting and sent me off to change clothes. Back in the office on this, the final meeting, I watched as doctor Hammond finalized the paperwork. He then took my file, got up from his desk then moved around it ready to start the final process. "Everything checks out, shall we get things underway Mr. Reed?" He said as he ushered me out of the office. We walked for quite a ways through the large estate until we passed through a security gate and continued down the hallway until finally, he led me into a mid sized room. It was quiet, secluded and upscale like the rest of the place but it seemed strange. I noticed the standard hospital bed as doctor Hammond handed me a white hospital gown and told me to enter the adjoining bathroom to change. I thought it a bit strange but did as he asked. I quickly changed then reentered the room where the he was already busy wheeling in the machinery and monitors in addition to the large unit that was behind the bed. I watched as he began activating the machines. "We're all set Mr. Reed!" He said as he motioned for me to get up on the bed. I moved slowly towards the bed as my thoughts abounded but finally sat down and then laid out on the bed as doctor Hammond pulled the covers up to my waist. He began hooking up the adhesive patched electrodes to my forehead then hooked up other instruments to monitor my system and then placed a pulse monitor on the index finger of my left hand. I watched as he wheeled the IV over then realized this wasn't a video game. I became apprehensive then figured it must be some form of hypnosis or something. That's it I thought. I would have my 30 day fantasy play out in only an hour or two and then be home in time for supper. "Relax now, we've done all sorts of fantasies dozens of times and have never had any complaints. Just relax and go with it and you are going to be amazed Mr. Reed," he said as he inserted the needle and started the IV drip. A few moments later while he was adjusting the machinery I began to feel groggy as I watched the IV drip and then flow down the tube into my arm. As the whir and clacking of the machinery continued I began to see the machine's colored lights and then things started getting fuzzy and blurry and my speech slurred as I trailed off mumbling. "See you soon, in 30 days Mr. Reed" doctor Hammond said as he moved about the room checking the instruments and monitors, then suddenly, everything went black! He was very professional and serious in his preparations of me for this little adventure. I wished I had asked what all the equipment was for though. I was familiar with a lot of it but had never seen some of the equipment in the room before, any room for that matter. I remembered the whirring and the colored lights blinking then remembered how there wouldn't be a problem and how he'd done this dozens of times before and how, after all, it was guaranteed. I tried wondering how my fantasy would start and what it would entail to be worth thirty thousand dollars but soon found myself in a dreamless void. I wasn't out long. I awoke in my hospital bed alone in the room and noticed the sunlight streaming in through the curtains. I felt strange and groggy but was waking up quickly no worse for the wear then became angry that doctor Hammond wasn't around. He hadn't lived up to his promise! I started to get up and after tossing the covers aside I swung my legs over the bed then noticed that my toenails were now painted a bright red! Just then a nurse entered the room with a tray. I heard her gasp as she dropped the metal tray to the floor. "I...I'll get the doctor, you just wait here!" She said with excitement as she ran out of the room. I started getting up ready to go in search of doctor Hammond then looked down to see I was wearing a ladies pink nylon nightgown! It was one of those old fashioned kind brimming with chiffon and lace trim. I then noticed a matching robe hanging in the closet! I looked at the drapes on the windows. They weren't the same drapes as I had seen before, not only that the windows were different now, and I was in a different room too! I got out of bed and didn't bother to put on the pink bedroom slippers that were sitting beside the bed then walked across the cold tile floor to look out the window. My head started to spin as soon as I saw the street and parking lot filled with cars from the 1930's and 1940's and a few from the 1950's! Then at nearly the same time I felt my head and realized I now had a full, luxurious head of hair and when I moved I noticed to my shock that I had heavy, pendulous women's breasts! I gave them a gentle squeeze and gasped to learn they were indeed real. I watched as they swung and jiggled under the sheer pink nylon fabric and noticed the nipples protruding through the fabric as well! Then the door to the room swung open and two doctors and a nurse quickly entered. "Mrs. Daniels!" I heard one of the doctors gasp as did the others in the room at seeing me on my feet. The doctor quickly moved me back to the bed and had me lay down once again. As everyone began their amazed chatter he then began looking me over with a stethoscope and a little flashlight he shined in my eyes. I became uneasy at all the attention then gasped unexpectedly when I saw the little calendar on the night stand that said May. I knew it was August but that's not what bothered me it was the year. The little period calendar said it was May, May of 1952! I didn't bother to ask what day it was as the doctors and nurses began lining up in the room to look in on me. I became dizzy and felt disjointed as if I was having an out of body experience then remembered doctor Hammond told me it was foolproof and guaranteed. I wondered how he was making this happen and then began to wonder as the day went along if I would be experiencing the 30 days in real time! The afternoon went like a whirlwind and I was told that I had made an amazing recovery! I learned I had been in a coma for a week and a half after an auto accident. I didn't have any cuts or bruises or broken limbs but was told I had suffered a trauma, a mild head injury that had knocked me unconscious. I had met family members and my "husband" but couldn't seem to remember any familiar faces or names. I had to be told I was Mrs. Joan Daniels because I had no memory of that either! Of course I didn't know anything, I was Mr. Reed! It was now clear to the attending staff that I was suffering from amnesia! They decided to keep me for another few days for observation. I wanted the adventure to end, immediately! But in reality it was the perfect plan. I didn't know what doctor Hammond had done to me but here I was now in the body of a very attractive woman aged 24. After reading the papers and looking outside once again at the vintage cars and the pedestrians all in perfect 1950's attire I thought of that Ph. D in physics that the good doctor Hammond had then realized that he must have had a way to control time! This wasn't a game, not at all! It wasn't a fantasy, it was totally real! I had no memory of this place or any Joan Daniels or any friends and especially any husband! But it was because I wasn't a young woman, I was a 50 year old man named Hunter Reed! But still a bit confused with all the runaway thoughts I realized this had to be an elaborate form of hypnosis, had to be. Now forced into a predicament that doctor Hammond never really elaborated on only to say it would be an "amazing experience" and that it was "guaranteed" I thought it best not to mention who I really was. In my current state I doubt anyone would have listened anyway. And there wasn't anything I could do to change anything. I realized I would just have to let the 30 day time frame play itself out! I did have my fantasy although it was a bit more complete than I ever could have imagined. I took the next three days at the hospital for observation and then showing no real injury except my apparent lack of memories it was decided that it would be best to have me taken home where I could "regain" my memory. The doctors were sure I would make a full recovery. I was now Joan Daniels, an attractive young woman. And for the next 26 days I would have my fill of playing the part to the hilt! On the morning I was to be discharged I entered the bathroom and started with a shower. It took a while to get the blades into the old fashioned safety razor but I soon had it working and in no time had my body shaved hairless and smooth. I used the floral soap that was there and relaxed as the warm water cascaded down my now very feminine form. I then toweled off in amazement to see I was Mrs. Joan Daniels! I opened my suitcase to see it filled with women's wear that appeared vintage but was new! It was strange to start dressing in this strange place especially since I had only done this in secret before but I realized that since I was now a woman, anything from the suitcase I put on would look totally normal. And in remembering my feminine display I put on for the good doctor Hammond I realized that all I had to do was act the part and with a little luck I could pull it off! I started with the white, lace trimmed garter belt and found an unopened box of fully fashioned sheer garter hose in a brownish gray taupe color. I pulled them carefully up and marveled at the feel and the sheen as I worked them tight up my smooth shaven legs and hooked them to the garters. I then put on a pair of satin panties with a floral applique at the front complete with lace trimmed leg openings and a little pink bow at the waist! I then fumbled with the matching brassiere but got the hooks clipped and after managing to fit my swinging breasts into the cups it felt exciting to feel them encased in the gleaming satin and for the first time feel the support of a real brassiere! I didn't waste any time in putting on the tailored white nylon full slip. It fit like it was made for me as it slithered down across all my newfound curves. I finished by zipping up the long zipper at the side then took one of the dresses off the hanger that was in the closet. It was a shiny rayon and taffeta outfit all done up in a dark blue with a lace trimmed neckline and a full length zipper in the back. I stepped into the dress and after some struggling soon had it zipped all the way up. I was just sitting on the chair and putting on my black, patent leather heels when the nurse walked in startling me! "Oh Mrs. Daniels! My, don't you look lovely today?" She said as the door closed behind her and entered the room looking me over. I smiled a bit nervously as I spritzed myself with a floral perfume then got up to comb out my shoulder length hair and noticed the nurse looking at me a little funny. I felt like a man in a dress and began to panic but soon realized as she pointed at my legs. "Your seams are a bit crooked dear" She said as she studied me. I swished my skirt and slip up then adjusted the stockings I was wearing not having realized that they even had seams! But soon they were straight and I was smoothing my dress back down. "Let me help you with your hair dear," she said as she had me sit. She began combing and spraying hair spray until my hair was coiffed and stiff in a feminine style proper for a lady of the time. I found a pearl necklace in my purse and began putting it on as well as the pearl earrings I found but had trouble with them because I noticed they were for pierced ears! Then I realized that my ears were indeed pierced! Satisfaction guaranteed I thought with a slight smile as I pushed the posts through the holes in my ear lobes. I tried doing my makeup and was doing alright but was a bit nervous as the nurse came back and bobby pinned the hat to my hairdo that matched my purse and outfit. "Let me help you with that makeup," she said as she began applying foundation and powder to my face then started on my eyes and did my lips in a glossy red that matched my fingernails and toenails! She went on to tell me that I would be recovering in no time and to relax and that my memory would return quick as a wink and telling me how happy she was for me that I was going home today. After finishing my makeup I put everything back into the purse and put on a long, satin lined gray wool car coat while she left and then returned with a wheel chair to take me out to the car where "Richard" was waiting. I got into the wheel chair and as the nurse wheeled me along and the staff said goodbye as we left I realized that "Richard" was my "husband!" I wasn't very excited about having a husband but knew I still had over three weeks left to play out and that being on my own with no choice I had to see it through! It was a strange sensation as I felt the cool evening air swirl around my shaved nyloned legs as the nurse wheeled me out of the front door of the hospital. There was a man there I now knew as my husband standing with his 1950's suit complete with fedora hat as he greeted me with a smile. He immediately came over and helped me out of the chair and after we said goodbye to the nurse she returned to the hospital. I put on the pair of white cotton gloves I found in the purse then gathered the purse putting the strap over my right forearm. After checking my hat Richard offered his arm to escort me to the waiting car. "We're so glad to have you back darling!" He said with excitement. "I know you don't know a lot of things but it'll all come back to you, you'll see," he said as we started for the car. I then knew I would have to do a lot of concentrating to get up to speed because I didn't even know where I lived! Then the sensation of what I was wearing caught up with me! I could hear the click-click-click of the stiletto heels on the pavement as we walked along. I could feel my mincing steps and my wiggling hips that along with the evening breeze caused my skirts to swish and swirl! I could feel my breasts jiggling in the satin brassiere and feel the tension of the straps as they held them prominently out and I could feel the garter straps pulling tight on my legs and feel the sheer, glossy nylon whispering as my thighs and calves grazed past one another as I walked! And all the while the feminine floral scent of the perfume I was wearing followed me like a cloud. It was working! My fantasy was becoming fully realized! Passers by tipped their hats and offered greetings as Richard walked me to the car never knowing I was in reality a man named Hunter Reed! It was flawless because I was now a woman, a real woman in every detail dressed totally now in the 1950's feminine finery I could only dream about before. Richard opened the passenger door of the 1950 Lincoln Continental and I took my seat. I held my full skirted dress as I swished onto the upholstered seat. He closed the door then as he moved to the drivers door I heard the rayon and taffeta swish again as I smoothed my skirt. I felt the familiar rush of excitement and would have gotten hard but not now, not with a trim little slit nestled in those tight satin panties! I then set my purse beside me then waited for the ride home. I knew I was a stay at home housewife, but I couldn't help wondering what kind of place I lived in and what kind of life I led. The ride lasted an hour or so and soon we were driving through the upscale suburbs of the 1950's. Things were very different from the future I had remembered, but all my memories were intact. I decided to put them aside as best I could so I could more easily start taking on the role of Joan Daniels. Ruth and her husband Earl were already there to greet us. I had learned during my stay at the hospital that she was our neighbor and evidently my best friend! Richard helped me inside with my bags while I found the main closet and took off my car coat and hung it up. The place was very nice, upscale and in a very nice suburb. Richard was some type of engineer while Earl was in sales, Ruth, like I, was a typical stay at home wife. After the excitement died down Richard decided to go next door to have a drink with Earl to let us "ladies" get reacquainted. I offered to make coffee and went into the kitchen. It didn't take Ruth long to see I didn't know my way around so she offered to make the coffee instead and told me to sit and relax. She brought the coffee over mincing on her heels and in her house dress then took her seat. I could hear her nylons zip as she crossed her legs and the sound excited me as it always had! We spent the next two hours with her "filling" me in on things and I concentrated to learn and remember all I could as we had our "girls" talk. Soon it was getting late and as Richard returned Ruth left for next door with a cheerful smile and a wave saying she'd return to look in on me in the morning. I managed to find the master bedroom and marveled at the closet full of dresses and gowns of all types. There were a few pair of pants that zipped up the back but they looked like they rarely got any use. I also noticed the carpeted closet floor lined with high heeled shoes and noticed several luxurious nylon chiffon nightgowns on satin hangers near the center of the closet. The shelves were filled with hosiery boxes, hat boxes, and even a couple of wigs on stands that were wrapped in plastic ready to go. The vanity off to the side was well ordered and filled with all sorts of makeup. There was a jewel box on the dresser filled with necklaces and earrings and the drawers of the dressers were chock full of lingerie. Nylon and satin panties, full and half slips, waist cinchers, merry widows, brasseries and girdles overflowed from each of their drawers! It was amazing. I was just slipping into a nightgown and robe and stepping into the pink satin high heeled marabou slippers when Richard came in and started getting ready for bed himself. I went to the kitchen to get a drink then returned to see he was already in bed. It was a bit strange but I slid out of my pink, nylon chiffon robe and took my place in the large king sized bed then pulled up the covers. Richard told me how nice it was to have me back and asked me how I was feeling. After I said "just fine" he gave me a peck on the cheek then rolled over to get some sleep. I was very tired as well and after shutting off the little light under the lace trimmed lamp shade that sat on the night stand I soon curled up and fell asleep as well. I could feel the nightgown I was wearing swish as I awoke and stretched my arms to wake up. "Don't bother about breakfast today honey I ?ll grab something on the way to work," Richard said as he rushed around the room putting on his shirt and tie, "you just relax and take it easy for a few days. The office number is on the pad by the phone along with Ruth's and the doctor's if you have any problems. She should be over later to look in on you," he said as he quickly put on his suit coat then came over and gave me another kiss on the cheek. "See you tonight!" He said as he took his briefcase and left the room. A few moments after hearing the kitchen door shut I heard the garage door then heard the car driving off as Richard drove to work. I got up to make some breakfast and managed to find my way around the kitchen then made some coffee and began exploring the house. There were four bedrooms upstairs. One was the master bedroom, another some type of sewing room, but in trying to look into the other two I found them locked which I thought was a bit strange. I found the morning paper on the front steps outside and back at the kitchen table read through the news of May 12th, 1952 then began looking around from the kitchen. No microwave, no toaster oven and only a rotary dial phone on the wall. The living room wasn't much better off. No cell phones no computers no VCR's or DVD's and only a 15 inch B&W television with rabbit ears to watch a mere three channels along with a large radio and a phonograph that only had a few Sinatra and show-tune musical records stacked nearby. I began thinking how rich I could be in a few years by loading up on IBM stock, then buying Apple in the 70's then cashing that in to invest in Microsoft and watch that stock split, climb, double and then split again! The Beatles were out there in Liverpool somewhere, playing stickball or something, but even they didn't know they existed yet! The red scare was on and the moon landing was now nearly two decades into the future! But it didn't matter really, I only had another three weeks or so here to go and then I'd be Mr. Reed once again. I got back into character and began living the moment. I rummaged the house scanning every picture album and reading every note and letter I could find on my current "life." Ruth filled me in and I was a quick study and after a few days I was finally getting the hang of the place. I was Joan Daniels, a 24 year old housewife, very fit, very attractive and after being taken shopping by Ruth found I had a Diner's Club card tucked into the pocket book inside my purse. That was a marvel, shopping. Going into expensive dress and lingerie shops totally dressed like a woman and the only looks I got aside from the friendly greetings from other women were from envious men who watched as I wiggled and swished about in my dress and heels from store to store putting packages in the car before visiting yet another store. Trying on high heeled shoes, lingerie and dresses in the 1950's was pure class! I couldn't imagine the total range of feminine doo-dads and accouterments and the total array of both lingerie and outerwear that awaited me at the swish of a charge card. And those sheer garter hose that I could never find? Well they now filled the racks and lined the shelves in every size and shade imaginable in every upscale lingerie shop now! It was another treat to visit a real beauty salon to have my hair and nails done. When I left my hair was curled high and tight in a classic feminine hairdo! I was hungry when I got home and after finding the refrigerator well stocked decided to cook a dinner. Maybe Richard would enjoy a home cooked meal and it was something to do as well. He was pleased to see me setting the table when he got home and little by little things started falling into place. I had managed to memorize things bit by bit. Where I lived, the local layout, what Richard liked to eat and who my closest friends were thanks to Ruth. I was getting by and as time went on nobody seemed to notice. Richard wouldn't tell me why those two bedrooms were locked and said he'd fill me in when the time was right and that if I kept getting my "memory" back as quickly as I had been everything would be straightened out and back to normal in no time. I wondered about this a bit but decided to go along. Three days later I got a shock to find I was getting my period! I managed to find what I needed in the medicine chest and it took a while to figure things out but in being a total woman now I figured it was part of the bargain. Another week passed and then yet another. I only had another week to play the part of Joan Daniels! It was different wearing nightgowns to bed every night and dresses every day complete with seamed hose and high heels. I ran the gamut of waist cinchers, girdles, long line bras and tried on everything in the closets and dressers. With constant practice I was now a whiz at doing my own hair and makeup and the look along with my hyper-feminine clothing was now flawless. I even began baking cookies for the ladies aid chapter I had been enrolled in and had just gotten back into the swing of things. But just when things were rolling along I learned, after Richard had decided I could handle it, just what was in those two extra bedrooms. The night before he had taken me in and showed me. I learned I was a mother! I looked through my little boy Marshall's room and my little girl Penney's room. I learned that Marshall was 6 and Penny was 4 ?! I also learned that my sister Doris would be bringing them home soon after taking care of them while I recuperated! It was starting to get a bit much. I looked at the calendar then realized with relief that I only had a few days to go and I would soon be out of here! "Mommy" acted differently according to both children but I kept up the ruse until I met their expectations and after learning from them I passed without notice. Marshall was a handful but I managed to keep him in line but Penny was reserved and quiet. I often gave them bottles of Coke and Twinkies for treats after Marshall got back from school in the afternoon. After walking him back from the bus stop at the end of the block I would usually turn on the television and find their favorite cartoon show on one of the three channels we had. I was now totally immersed in the housewife roll. I didn't like the fact I had kids because of the extra work but did the best I could. I noticed Richard was a bit more playful at night too now but not wanting to get all that "real," I managed to have "a headache" to keep him at bay. I then noticed that by the end of the weekend my little fantasy would finally be over and I would be back to being my old self. It had been an amazing ride, a feminine overdose. I loved the primping and the pampering involved in the high maintenance look of a woman in the 1950's and would remember for a long time to come the sensation of mincing on high heels and a full skirted dress and how slippery the glossy nylon hose felt and how the perfume that always surrounded me smelled. It had been quite a fantasy and I decided that if anyone ever wondered about doctor Hammond's program and asked me discretely I would be able to give a glowing report. After all the money and the strange situation I was placed into I realized that after all, it was "Satisfaction Guaranteed." My interests had now been fully satiated! Another day passed and then another until finally I awoke one morning to hear Richard's voice. "Just toast eggs and coffee today dear. And oh, stop by and pick up my shirts at the laundry today after you take Penny to her dance class would you?" I agreed, then got up and put on my lacy nylon robe and slippers. Richard was out the door while I was still getting Marshall ready for school. Although I was getting more to do as a housewife I figured it was still manageable. After getting Marshall to the bus stop and then cleaning the dishes up I got Penny ready and took her to ballet class. I then found the cleaners and picked up Richard's shirts. "My that's a lovely dress. Is that a new necklace?" The lady at the cleaners asked when she saw me. After a bit of small talk I got the package of shirts and paid the bill. "Take care now Mrs. Daniels" she said with a smile as I left. Mrs. Daniels! I stopped at a gas station for gas and waited while the attendant checked the air, oil, water and filled the tank. I couldn't believe gas was only 27 cents a gallon. I saw a pop machine in the shop then took my purse and decided to grab a bottle of Coke. The men working on the cars slowed their work as they watched me mince into the shop clicking on the high heels and watched as I looked through my purse for a dime to buy a soda. I rummaged through my pocked book in my purse and noticed I didn't hear any wrenches turning anymore. I dropped the dime into the pop machine then as I opened the door I heard a quiet wolf whistle aimed in my direction! I could feel my face flush under the makeup as I wiggled my hips teetering on my high heels as I yanked the bottle out of the machine and shut the door. I glanced back to see several of the men ogling me as they smiled. I returned a flushed smile feeling like a piece of meat or more like a lamb amongst the lions but kept my composure. I took a long swig of Coke then gasped to taste how strong it was like it was in the old days. I then noticed the calendar and after counting the days noticed I had now been here for 34 days! I could feel my knees grow weak. I started feeling a bit dizzy. I put the unfinished bottle in the rack then stumbled away on my heels as I heard a couple of the men in the shop chuckle "stop back anytime sweetie" they said as I minced away nylons zipping, skirt swishing. It wasn't the just the whistles that flustered me like they were thinking, it was the calendar! Something was wrong! I was supposed to be going back? I was 4 days overdue but because I had been so busy with the kids and because Richard was giving me more and more duties getting me back up to speed as a full time housewife and with me running out of excuses as to his amorous advances I guess it had slipped my mind! I must have been lying there at the clinic for all this time wasting away while being plugged into doctor Hammond's machine! I was now worried that something might be wrong. I made it home and finished the day by having to cuddle with Richard on the couch after dinner and after the kids were in bed. Although he spent most of the night groping me with his boner tenting his slacks I managed to keep him at bay once again. Then two more days went by and then another week! By that weekend I was exhausted. I was used to the high heels and the dresses of course but now wearing all that feminine attire all the time had somehow started to desensitize me. I found myself just getting dressed every day and soon it had become second nature. But I still had to go through the motions with my hair and makeup and I learned I had other duties as well like sewing and making clothes as well as working with three ladies clubs and charities. With all I was now doing in addition to my duties at home I realized that being a stay at home housewife was tougher than I had thought. That night I beat Richard to bed and quickly went to sleep. But it was an uneasy sleep. I heard a loud click then smelled the sharp odor of an ammonia capsule being held under my nose! "Mr. Reed!? Mr. Reed!" I heard the voice of doctor Hammond say as the bright lights of the room forced my eyes into a blurry squint. I felt him lightly slap my face as I coughed the last of the ammonia capsule away. I tried raising my arms in protest but found I couldn't! I was back in the clinic hospital room in bed but was now securely strapped down! "Wha... what's going on!?" I coughed and sputtered. "Just relax Mr. Reed we've got you, you're back," said the voice as my eyes began to focus to see him standing over me at the bedside. "It's over, it's over!" I exclaimed as I returned to reality. I was right! It had been a chemical and electronic ride into a past that was fiction, it was all purely a hypnotic state that my mind was put into. I was impressed at the result! "Don't you worry Mr. Reed, that thirty thousand dollars you paid me has been put back and credited to your account, you don't owe me a thing," he said as he looked me over. "What are you talking about? The job was done to my satisfaction and I expect to pay what we agreed upon, don't be foolish!" I said as I tried to get up and out of the bed. But I found I was still strapped at the waist, the wrists, elbows and ankles! "What's going on, the fantasies over, let me up. I'm a satisfied customer just like you said and now I am ready to get back to my life. Come on, unstrap these things," I said as I waited for results that didn't come. Doctor Hammond paused a moment then continued. "I am sorry, Mr. Reed but I'm afraid there's been a bit of a glitch, a bit of a problem." He said solemnly. "What are you talking about, everything went fine and the game is over. I'm ready to leave now so lets go huh?" I said as he started to continue his explanation. "Your money has been returned," he said. "Fuck the money doc, let me out of here. What are these straps for? Why am I strapped down like this?" I said as I twisted and pulled as I struggled at the fleece lined leather straps. He could tell I was becoming angry and upset. I watched as he returned to the IV setup and started the drip flowing into my veins once again. As I calmed down and quit struggling he continued. "Those straps aren't for you Mr. Reed, they're for Mrs. Daniels!" The shock didn't hit me all at once and even though I was being slowly sedated things began coming clear. The "therapy" that doctor Hammond had invented wasn't any mind trip or hypnosis or paranormal experience or anything else for that matter because, it was REAL!! "What do you mean you strapped me down for Mrs. Daniels?" I questioned further. "I strapped her down as soon as I got her back here!" He said. "She has been occupying your body, a swap if you will, for the past month. When she didn't show up for the transference after the 30 day period to switch the both of you back I called her immediately. She almost didn't come in but finally relented when I tricked her by telling her that there might be some residual effects of the treatment that could prove fatal if she didn't come in for a check up. The only way I could make the switch was to tie her down so she couldn't escape with your body Mr. Reed!" My mind reeled as I struggled to think. "Let me go and just leave her where she is, she's back where she belongs and is powerless to do anything about it, you're the doctor aren't you?" I said satisfied with my solution. "It isn't that simple Mr. Reed" he continued. "What I failed to tell you is that I have the ability to manipulate time, but this has never happened before. I just didn't see it coming. I searched the decades pairing up people I could have switch places. I your case you wanted to experience what it would be like being a woman in the 1950's. Mrs. Daniels on the other hand was interested in the future and getting out of the house and in being a man for a time to see how the other half lived just as you wanted. But I am afraid I will have to send you back!" He said to my horror. "But why?" I asked. Hammond isn't my real name, and as with all my other clients everything is confidential but somehow while Mrs. Daniels was ?you' she managed to get into my history and find out everything about me. Where I am from, where I grew up, where I went to school and where I used to work before coming here. I tried to reason and asked what difference it could possibly make then wondered about blackmail but since all the clients records and files were destroyed all she had was her own case and I knew no one would ever believe her. But then..." doctor Hammond continued. "She's back in 1952 now just like she should be but once I strapped her down and she realized I was going to send her back for good she told me about her research on me. She told me if I didn't bring her back and soon, she was going to hunt me down and kill me!" He feverishly exclaimed. "Are you out of your mind!?" I said as I began to struggle once again ordering him to release me. "Think about it Mr. Reed. I'm not afraid of her threats here in the present, I'm an old man now but back then? In 1952 I was a sophomore in college! And what's worse she knows exactly where to find me! She could find me and for the most part, erase me from time! And once she is caught for the crime if she ever is she will simply claim amnesia. Then within a few months or even a few years she will have been freed without any real punishment! The only way to stop this crime is to stop it before it can happen. I am sorry Mr. Reed. I am sure you will learn to adapt to your new life while Mrs. Daniels takes your place here and continues on as Mr. Reed!" I began to struggle again as he increased the IV drip and started wrenching at the straps as I heard the machinery start to click and whir once again as he prepared to send me back to live out the rest of my days as Mrs. Richard Daniels! The sedative made me groggy and soon the sound of the machinery began to fade and everything went black once again. I floated once again in that state of limbo then started coming around not knowing where I was. I could hear moaning then realized it was Richard! I didn't know what was happening. I felt strange, my waist was tight and I could smell a heavy perfume I wasn't used to and then suddenly I found myself awake! I was groggy and blinked to focus my eyes as my head began to clear. Then I knew what that moaning sound was all about, it was Richard! By the glow of the lamp on my little night stand I was jolted back to Joan's bedroom in 1952! I noticed shiny nyloned legs in the air, with black, 6 inch stiletto ankle strap heels twitching in the air. The nylons gleamed and shone in the light. I then noticed the legs were my legs and the tightly gartered nylons were attached to the garters of a rigidly cinched, heavily boned gleaming black satin corset that was now tight around my waist. Richard was on top holding my legs high and wide as he pistoned into me with his large throbbing hard on! His gasps and moans came with almost every stroke as he thrust in and out of my tight vagina causing me to squirm on the satin sheets! "Relax baby, since Ruth came over early and got the kids we have all Saturday morning to have our fun!" I gasped slack jawed and squirmed breathlessly on the bed as he worked, his words echoed in my ears. "Yeah baby, that's it give it to daddy! You know how long it's been, mmmmmmm yesssssss!" He gasped. "And all dolled up just the way I like! Yesssss, that's right baby, that's right, nice and tight, mmmmmmm nice and tight! My little queen! Uuunnnggghhhh!" I glanced over into the full length mirror and saw that I was wearing the long blonde wig I had seen in the closet but had never worn. Besides the heels, the nylons and the corset I was now wearing a tight black satin demi-shelf brassiere which mounded my large breasts and held them up with engorged nipples jutting out. The look was finished with a layered black nylon chiffon gown that was now open in front to expose my cinched waist, my wide womanly hips and my breasts that jiggled with every thrust. I had never had sex as a woman before and Richard mistook my vacant stare at the ceiling as my being the blissful, dutiful wife performing her wifely duties. But my thoughts were elsewhere. Did Mrs. Daniels get all dolled up to give her husband a going away present or since she knew about me now was this experience meant to teach me a lesson or to give me a glimpse of my future!? It didn't matter now because I was here to stay and it was to say the least an unnerving thought. Richard continued humping in ecstacy as his large, vein engorged member stretched my vaginal lips tight. He began to shiver and shudder at the sensation and soon couldn't hold back any longer. I felt him grow even harder and longer inside me and gave a pained feminine moan when he pushed in all the way and held his throbbing erection tight. I then watched as he leaned back and groaned as I felt him start twitching violently inside of me. He seemed to come forever and I realized that for the past month I had passed on all of his advances. Apparently he was now getting what he wanted. Now satisfied he collapsed on top of me breathless. He then kneaded my breasts and teased at my nipples with his teeth nibbling them then kissed me deeply on the mouth forcing his tongue inside and smearing my gloss red lipstick. And when he finally stopped and just lay there in the moment I could feel his sperm oozing out of me! Even though I had stepped in half way through the ordeal that Joan had started I was exhausted. Richard finally pulled out. I watched as his glistening manhood dangled between his legs in front of his large dangling ball sack containing his now drained testicles as it still twitched but soon became flaccid in the afterglow of lust and the cool room air. He got out of bed and headed for the shower while I tried to compose myself. I lay there, legs still spread taking in all the breath the tightly cinched corset would allow I continued to feel the flow of Richard's sperm running down my legs and pooling on my black gown and the sheets. Finally, with my nylons whistling on the satin sheets I was able to gather the voluminous nightgown up and get out of the bed. I cleaned myself up and then cleaned the sheets with few Kleenex's then after stepping into the pair of black satin panties I found on the floor beside the bed I noticed myself in the mirror. My heels were way too high, as was my hair. My fingernails were augmented by long glamour length nails and painted a glossy red like my lips and my makeup was way overdone complete with long false eyelashes. I had on a three strand pearl necklace and large chandelier earrings as well and with the corset, the shiny black seamed hose and the nightgown I truly looked like a fantasy vamp. As Richard exited the bathroom I went in to take a hot bath with the heels causing my hips to display an exaggerated wiggle and the open layered nightgown to flow with me in a very seductive fashion. "Better change out of that get up honey before Ruth brings the kids back," he said as he watched me walk. "You plan on cooking that roast dinner for tonight?" He asked. I didn't know one was in the refrigerator but I said yes just the same. "Good," he said as he started to dress in his casual weekend attire "After I get back from the golf club I always love a good home cooked meal. You're quiet the little lady Joan darling, I'm lucky to have you," he said as he finished dressing then after giving me a hug and a peck on the cheek he was off for his morning round of golf. I poured a hot bubble bath and soaked for an hour nearly falling asleep more than once until I heard Ruth holler from the kitchen "Joan! I brought the kids back!" She said and then offered to watch them while I finished my bath. The days started rolling by once again only this time I knew I was in for the long haul. There would be no more 30 day countdowns! Richard kept up in the romance department and although I didn't find men sexually attractive in the least I managed to do my wifely duty and keep the family together and happy. The only difference now was that I decided to make Richard wear a condom at all times. I didn't want to feel that wetness of his running down my legs anymore. He wasn't happy but I got my way and time went on. I didn't think much about missing my period. After all I had only gone through it only once and it had slipped my mind all together. But after a few more weeks I started getting morning sickness but passed it off as indigestion. But really, I knew what it was. It wasn't long afterwards that my dresses and brassieres didn't fit right and I noticed that I was gaining weight. I remembered my sudden return to 1952, then remembered Richards last groaning gasp as he spent his load into me then remembered the feeling of his sperm as he filled my vagina full while the excess trickled out and ran down my legs to pool on my nightgown. He had done his job alright, given the little "woman" Mrs. Richard Daniels a good and successful fucking. And now she was pregnant! I was beside myself but Richard had always wanted another child and was excited about it and after all what was I so worried about? This would be "my" third child after all! Ruth was excited and couldn't understand my apprehension. I kept silent as usual because I was officially Joan now, Mrs. Richard Daniels. I'd make it through the pregnancy and the breast feedings and the diapers and the long nights that were sure to add to my duties. And as the years passed and I watched my family grow and then begin to move away I watched the Beatles phenomena all over again as well as the space race and the rise of computers. By the mid 1980's Richard was just starting his retirement and was a bit perplexed and a little more than angry that his "loopy" wife would blow most of his retirement savings just to buy that Microsoft stock. When it started as a penny stock people knew nothing about it including Richard. But since I was stuck I decided to use my original business savvy and really make a difference that with in fifteen years would be worth billions! I had learned to live as Joan Daniels and hadn't worn pants in years. I got used to the dresses and the skirts and blouses and the high heels but the outfits mellowed overtime which I knew would happen. It wasn't as exciting from a fetish point as it had been originally but I lived with all the changes. Mr. Reed would be out there somewhere now and Doctor Hammond would be well into his practice. I thought of showing up on that fateful day years later early in the 21st century and just blowing them both away with my Smith & Wesson .44 magnum and using that "amnesia" gag but by then it would be too late I would be in my mid 70's and the game as they say would be nearly over. Although I stayed looking the part of the "babe," since I was now stuck where I was I decided to cultivate a few of the passions from my years as the original Mr. Reed all to Richard's and the kids astonishment. I had gone from a man in his 50's to a woman in her mid 20's and although Mrs. Daniels had gotten married at a very early age I didn't plan on not having any fun. The clothing part was a done deal for me now, the fetish had become fashion and wasn't a thrill anymore. But the folks at the skeet and gun club were more than taken aback when I started shooting 12 gauge and winning most of the skeet events I entered. And to all the snickers there wasn't a man out there that could shoot as well in a dress and heels! Things went the same at the golf club where although I couldn't drive the ball as far as I used to it was still more than enough to be competitive even against Richard and most other men. And after a little practice my work with a pool stick in the 19th hole lounge and snack bar wasn't lacking either. The folks got used to me as that far-out-chick and the whispering blue haired ladies were sure I was a dyke but in my "babe" looks and with me always attracting the attention of men that idea didn't take long to go out the window. So, I got by, and things went along just fine. Did I tell Richard what was going to happen when Microsoft hit its peak? Fuck no! Let him wait like all the rest and let him complain and whine about me blowing our retirement nest egg. He learned to live with the occasional sports and the guns but he never understood why I liked looking at brochures of luxury homes and luxury yachts! I figured it wouldn't be long until he finally did though! And what about the real Mrs. Daniels and the goings on with doctor Hammond? No, they didn't get the Smith & Wesson treatment I had fantasized about but I did managed to get the last laugh. I was in my late 70's and enjoying my retirement with Richard on our yacht anchored on the French Riviera after making the trip to Europe on our private jet. It happened over breakfast while I was browsing the internet and reading the morning papers. It seemed that as time caught up with me and went beyond the time doctor Hammond had sent me back as Mrs. Daniels for the last time he couldn't live with himself and he ended it all. Unfortunate as to him worrying about the retribution that never came from me. And Mrs. Daniels, or Mr. Hunter Reed? Well, seems she wasn't nearly the manager I was. After she assumed my identity and took over my company she managed to run it into the ground within two years. Gotta be a record there. She ended up penniless and alone as Mr. Reed. And with all the negative notoriety that followed "him" he spent most of his days as a run down middle aged man feeding pigeons in the park! All in all a bit of cosmic justice with "satisfaction guaranteed," just the same either way I guess.

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The GameChapter 2

As Tammy had hurried into the apartment building she had been too concerned with her groceries and the approaching storm to notice the two strangers at the end of the block. The American was blonde, big and burley weighing in at well over two hundred pounds. The man who spoke with a middle european accent was shorter, wiry, his coal black hair, hooked nose and wire rim glasses reinforcing the fact that he was in control. "Do we handle this the usual way?" asked the American. "Yes," was...

2 years ago
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How my virginity was sold

Last time I told you how having got a part time job in a car salesroom to fund going to college during 1979 and that my boss Steve, tried to have sex with me in his car but I stopped him just before he penetrated me by me jerking him off. It was a close run thing but my virginity remained intact. You may recall that he paid me £20.00p to keep my mouth shut about the incident. As I also mentioned my family was not well off and that going to college was going to be a financial struggle for me but...

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VacationChapter 7

Day Seven - Sunday Oh my goodness. This was one of most erotic feeling there could be. I woke up feeling Kathy's wet oily pussy sliding up and down my long cock. Kathy still had her back to me but was rocking her hips forcing me in and out. My left hand was around her holding an ample breast while feeling the sensations of our coupling. Kathy whispered, "Steve, I'm coming, oh yeah I'm coming again." As her pussy clamped down hard on my cock deep inside of her, I let go of all the...

1 year ago
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JENNY‘S SECRET – PART 2 - LihuaA few days after her evening with Nickie, Jenny was back at the factory and went outside as usual for a smoke during her break. It was raining and she ran to a small shed next to the door leading out of the kitchen. The shed was used to store canned goods and anything the rats couldn’t eat. It was of course locked but there was a covered porch which one could use to get out of the rain. Jenny stood smoking and watching the rain when she spotted the Asian girl who...

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My Aunts Tired Smelly Feet

When I was a kid, I often caught myself staring at my mom’s feet. They were quite large and very tired looking. Unfortunately, that was it. I never had the courage or guts to make an attempt to touch them or sniff them. After all, it was my mom…..that would be a little too awkward for me. The fact that I would sometimes jack off to my mom’s feet at night made me feel very guilty and dirty. That is where my aunt comes into the story. My dad’s brother, my uncle, got married when I was 14 years...

2 years ago
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Kangalaal Pesum Kaama Pen

Vanakam enathu peyar Rajesh vayathu 26 naan pudhuvaiyai sernthavan. Parpatharku azhagaga sexyga irupen niraiya pengalum auntygalum ennai ooka muyarchi seivaargal. Nan innum oru penudanum sex vaithathu illai athanal eppozhuthum yaraiyavathu vaaipu kidaithal oklaama endru ninaithu irupen Appadi oru naal enathu nanban veli naatil irunthu pdone seithaan ennai oru agencyku senru train ticket book seiumaaru kettan. Naanum sari naan sendru book seigiren endru sonnen, naanum enathu innoru nanbanum angu...

2 years ago
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Vegas Ch 01

I have long wanted to write a storyline that is different to anything else that has been published on this site. This is it. Although the central theme of the publication is poker, I have constructed the story so that it also works for those who have no interest in that subject and who wish to skip those sections. I believe your understanding will be the poorer for it, but that is your choice. A number of the situations have been inspired by some of the small band of authors whose work I...

4 years ago
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The TGI Chronicles Part 1 Too LateChapter 9

Monday and Tuesday I was away seeing clients. I stayed away on the Monday night, after all there was nothing to go home for. I stayed away on the Tuesday night as well, but that was a little more unplanned. I had phoned Greg Dickens of ITP, with the intention of meeting him and beginning to build some relationship with him which I thought was vital to the project. I reminded him that he had intended to buy me lunch, how about it now? His idea was that he would buy me dinner, but only if I...

1 year ago
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Good girls Conversion

"Will I finally get the job? Will all my hard work finally pay off?" You look at your watch as the butterflies get worse. Your boss has been very hard on you and you wonder if you have stood out from the other interns. After all, college is almost over and this is your chance to make it. You adjust your skirt as you put your hands back on your lap. "Mr. Richards will see you now." the cute secretary says. You nod as you head towards the door. You know you wont be a secretary. You are going...

3 years ago
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Denise Femboy

Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...

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Voyeur At The River With A Large Cock

When I was seventeen and a new freshman in college, I played trumpet in the band. The band had to practice beginning in July to be ready for the fall game schedule at the school.At the time I had a boyfriend he was nineteen and a junior— he played the drums — he used to drive us to the school's field for early morning practice, he always asked me to give him a hand job on our way to the fields.“No!” I told him every time he asked. “I’m a good church-going girl. How dare you ask me to do such a...

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Return to Cockington 6

My brunette curvy wife veronica, my blonde haired teen daughter Milly and myself, strolled along the road heading into the centre of the village that evening all dressed up for a night out.My wife wore a tight black dress that showed off her thick white thighs and plump cleavage, and my daughter wore her prom night dress, a pretty green number that made her look just like a princess, or so we said at the time.As we approached the local pub I asked Veronica once more "Are you sure about...

2 years ago
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A different Way Kapitel 1 Erwachen

Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin 'Janoko'. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen sind nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seitever?ffentlicht werden. ©2008 - 2011 Janoko ---------- A different Way Kapitel 1: Erwachen Es war ein Morgen wie jeder andere auch, der Wecker klingelte um halb Sieben und meine Wenigkeit tastete schlaftrunken nach ...

4 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 40 Katiersquos Teenage Gang Bang

Katherine Jackson stood near the living room as she looked at the five teenagers as they stared back at her. Their jaws hung open and their eyes stared at her in unbridled lust. Her face felt flushed and she felt dizzy. She was naked except for the Kansas City Chiefs t-shirt that barely covered her molten crotch. “Tomm...” she choked, “Tommy can I talk to you?” She slowly backed down the hallway until she darted into the teenager’s room. Katie heard whispers among the boys but couldn’t...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Samantha Hayes Alex De La Flor Scary Movie Night

Alex De La Flor is relaxing on her bed, watching a scary movie on her laptop and enjoying a bowl of popcorn. She is so captivated by what’s on the screen that she doesn’t see someone lurking in the background of her room. Samantha Hayes, wearing a sexy nurse costume, appears in the doorway and moves to the bed, startling Alex. Samantha remarks that Alex is so boring and that they should be out partying! Samantha is all dressed up with nowhere to go because she was stood up. Now...

2 years ago
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Hypnosis with bad consequences

When Sara was a child she had severe sleeping troubles. Her parents tried everything to get her well. Nothing seemed to work so in a last desperate attempt they decided to let her try hypnosis. Sara went to see a hypnotist with a very good reputation. His treatment idea was simple. Under hypnosis he gave her a keyword that her parents could use for her to be totally obedient. The idea was that they would use it when it was time to go to sleep, and Sara’s mind would have no chance not to accept...

Mind Control
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Popping Stephanies Cherry

Popping Stephanie's Cherry It happened when I got a text from Stephanie that Vanessa her mom my ex girlfriend had to go pick up her brother as he got in trouble in school and she was running late. I replied "to late I am almost at their house". "She is going to be there awhile it will be just you and me then" Stephanie replies. "Okay I don't mind waiting plus we have never talked before it would be fun to get to know you since your mom and I are bf and gf "I replied. "Yeah I guess it would be...

2 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 22 Off to Work We Go

Gary's Golf Outing Chapter 22 - It's Off to Work We Go Gabrielle's ass was sore when she woke up on Saturday morning. The all- night fucking by her wife, Kay felt good while it was happening but the strap-on penis had taken its toll. She gingerly walked to the bathroom and stepped into the shower. The warm sudsy water felt good so she was reluctant to finish. She tenderly patted herself dry and was very careful with her anal area. She found some ointment in the medicine chest...

3 years ago
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My Toy

Happy for me to use you for my pleasure, knowing that whatever pleasure I take I will give back to you fourfold. You willing to submit to my desires, eager to please, as your whole existence revolves around me. I am the piece which make you complete. You stand there in front of me, I see the look of longing in your eyes, a hunger, a need, a lust, you need me more than anything else. Nothing else matters, except me. I pull you towards me, my strong arms pressing you against my chest as our eyes...

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finishing while her mom was on the bed with us

This is another true story with my ex girlfriend from previous story. By this point in our relationship we were having sex as often as possible like most other 15 year olds. One night when I was over Jane's house and were watching aladin in her room with the lights out we started fooling around under the covers like always first sliding my hand under her shirt to play with her perky B size tits that were still developing and then slowly down her smooth flat belly until my fingers began to work...

1 year ago
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If you’ve got Clips 4 Sale, you’ve already got my attention. I’m assuming, of course, that those clips are something I can whack off to. Here at ThePornDude, I don’t have much use for non-masturbatory cinema, nor do my legions of horny visitors. So if you’re stopping by to read my review of Clips4Sale, it’s because you’re curious what kind of smut they’re peddling and whether or not it’s worth the cash they’re asking. Have you got some time on your hands? Because the site’s big and varied. And...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Lust on the Beach Part 3

The sun was shining as Lori held out her hand, extending the invitation again for Tracie to join her and Lexie. Tracie blushed and shook her head no, but Lori smiled invitingly and somehow managed to coax the timid brunette into the hot tub. ‘Tracie, this is my dearest childhood friend Lexie,’ Lori said, almost purring as the words rolled off her tongue as smoothly as silk. “Lex, this is Tracie, my wonderful new neighbor. She’s lived here about a month or so,” Lori explained. Tracie smiled...

2 years ago
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Freaky February Part Three

I sat on my bed and said, "Mom, we have to talk about how we deal with this. Daddy jacked off into my mouth and I don't know how to react to things that you probably do all the time." She sat up then, gave me a hug, which was strange since I was naked and she was only wearing bra and panties. I listened to my voice say "Jennifer honey, I don't know what to tell you. It's probably not fair to you, but watching you and Bill last night was the hottest thing I have ever watched...and I have...

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One Night in April Part 3

The next few weeks were challenging to say the least. Keeping our affair a secret while expressing animosity in public was trying for both of us. It got so bad that when we finally did have moments to ourselves we'd cry in each others arms. Things became especially challenging when Brad's Mother invited me to their Timeshare in the Hamptons for a Month. We'd be on the shore soaking up sun and i'd see April in her bathing suit and want desperately to fuck her. We'd quietly slip away and make out...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 166

"So what did you want from me," The Brit asked. "God don't make it sound like I'm asking for a kidney," I said with a laugh. "Alright what can I do for you," he asked. "I bought a rifle and a scope. I was hoping I could get you to mate them and zero the scope in for thirty yards or so." I said. "You have to know where you want it Silvie. The parallax view will cause it to be off at any other range." he said. "Make it thirty-five yards then and I will guesstimate the rest,"...

2 years ago
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Larry Tutors DaughterChapter 2

In her room Laura stripped naked and looked at her magnificent body. Yes, very sexy, indeed... especially my breasts... big, round and firm. How forward they bulge out... hardly any sag for breasts of that size. No wonder Papa keeps looking at my chest so often. How nicely his arms rubbed them last night. The new attire consisted of four items: bra, panty, blouse and pants. She wore the bra. In spite of the measurements she gave, it merely consisted of two small cups. Each cup covered only...

1 year ago
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Jennifer White 1900 176000

If there are any parents out there right now, let me hit you with a piece of useful information. While there are no porn classes in high school, there is an equivalent. It's a mixture of two after-school activities that give bitches the tools they need to become pro cock smiths.The Fast Track to Fap StardomThese activities are cheerleading and theater. Cheerleading gives ladies a taste of being stared at and objectified by horny men. High school theater gives bitches the overconfidence to think...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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I had begun serving on the neighborhood board to be sure things were done correctly. I had a lot of money invested in my house, and even though I was single, I wanted to be sure it kept its value. The board oversaw all the maintenance and improvements to community property; collected the homeowner dues; made sure everyone obeyed the covenants; and checked that new houses were built to our code restrictions. We also promoted social events and neighborhood parties. It seemed like a lot...

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The Accidental SpyChapter 8 Cheaper in the OffSeason

I watched the lights of Naples recede in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief to be shut of the place. When I saw that city all I could think of was the blood spilled for stupid revenge and honor and the tears in the women's eyes as they followed the hearses down the cobblestone streets. It seemed like every time I came close to the place something bad happened to me. I had been shot, stabbed, robbed, and had my heart broken and not at the same time. My enemies might be gone to their...

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Boss wife

I came in the house through the garage door. I was early, about a day early. I was just about to call out, announcing my arrival home, when I heard a sound that caused me to pause. I had been out of town on business but the offers made were unacceptable and I didn’t need that kind of business anyway. They said their position was absolutely non-negotiable, but in the two days of meetings they had changed their position so many times it was apparent the whole deal was a wash. So I returned to my...

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We Never Break A Promise Part 1

We Never Break A Promise By Warm Hearted Synopsis: (This is my first story for FM, or really anywhere. It is the introduction story for a new universe.) Eric Jones was an orphan that grew up friendless and unloved in the foster system . Eric was always a misfit in school and he wanted a new start. But Eric did not know how new it would be. There are two major things I have learned in my life, the first is, things never go like you plan and the second is, magic is real....

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Return Encounter

When Naomi Hatara graduated from high school, she wanted to attend the University of Maryland at College Park, but her parents were urgent about getting her to discontinue the relationship with her high-school boyfriend. It may be that they felt the hulking Robert Hairston represented too great a threat to her virginity and her marriage prospects to a good Japanese boy. Her parents, if so, did not realize that her chances on the latter were not great — and they probably never guessed that she...

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Taking Whats HisHour Two

Love you, Master. Glad I could help craft Your dream… He had given her a few minutes of respite, long enough for Him to draw a bath for her. She was curled up on the bed, her eyes following Him hungrily. He hadn’t released her from her space, from that warm, white place where she was utterly and completely His. She wanted His touch, His hands all over her skin, pinching and stroking everywhere. She shifted, arching against the crumpled, still-warm sheets, aching for release. She stretches, her...

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