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Satisfaction Guaranteed By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Tim, I just got a phone call from Kelsey and she may have a job for you," stated Sean Clarke as he entered the kitchen. His roommate, Tim Howe, glanced up from the stove. "Really, what is it?" Sean reached in the fridge for a beer. "No idea, but she said that it was just a one night deal, but you could bring in a couple of hundred," he replied as he opened the bottle of Moosehead. Tim nodded. He could really use the money as he had been unemployed for over six months. He couldn't even pay rent to Sean any more. His savings were gone and he had to sell his car. In exchange for payment, Tim agreed to do all the housework and cooking. Thankfully Sean was very cool about it. They had been roommates for nearly a year ever since Tim answered an ad online. At the time Tim had just graduated from college and was working for a finance company. Sean was in his mid-thirties and was a senior manager at a local pharmaceutical company. "I better call her," Tim said. Sean shook his head. "No need, she's coming you have enough for three?" "Sure," replied Tim. "It's just spaghetti and meat sauce." " the way, it smells great," said Sean as he walked out of the kitchen. Tim smiled to himself. He wondered what the job was, but considering his financial situation he knew that he couldn't be too choosey. Sean entered his bedroom, set down his beer and picked up his phone and dialed Kelsey's number. "Well?" she asked. Kelsey Black had been friends with Sean for over twenty years. For the past three years she ran the city's top art gallery. "He sounds interested," replied Sean as he changed out of his suit. "Cool, I'll be over shortly," she replied. Chapter 2 Over dinner Kelsey described the job. "The gallery is having a special one-night show and the artist's manager is requiring a very special theme," she stated. Tim just listened as he ate. He had been to several of Kelsey's events at her art gallery. They usually attracted a very upscale and rich crowd. The artists she worked with were often on the cutting edge of modern art. "Basically you'll spend the evening serving drinks," she continued. Tim cocked his head. He had worked as a waiter a few times, and he had even done catered events, but he had never made two hundred dollars. "What's the catch?" he asked. Kelsey smiled. "The catch is that the artist wants the servers to be dressed in black leather mini dresses, fishnet stockings, and high heel boots, and to have a sexy S&M look...she also wants all the waitresses to be men." Tim stared back in silence. "It fits her art style. Now, I already have three others...and I need one more. You'll look great Tim, you'll make a very hot girl," stated Kelsey. "And all I'll have to do is serve drinks, right?" asked Tim cautiously. Kelsey laughed. "Of course. Look, you have a great personality and I know you'll fun with this. Plus you'll make some good money for one night's work. You'll make two hundred just for working and there's a very good possibility that you'll make a good tip on top of that." Tim rubbed his chin as he thought about the offer. It was a strange offer, but he really needed the money. "When is it?" he asked. "Friday night. I'll come by and pick you up so we can get you ready," she said. Tim looked over at Sean. "Promise me you won't give me any grief over this." Sean put up his hands. "No worries. Hey for the money she's talking about I would consider doing it." Kelsey laughed. "Sure, just what I need, a six-two, two hundred pound waitress." "No harm in asking," replied Sean with a grin. "Tim, I'll need to get your measurements before I leave tonight," said Kelsey. "Okay," he replied. "Don't worry, by the time we're done with you, you'll look great," she said. Chapter 3 On Friday afternoon, Tim went into the bathroom and applied the hair removal cream that Kelsey had given him over his body. Fifteen minutes later he entered the shower and washed it off. The sensation of having a smooth hairless body was quite interesting thought Tim as he ran his hand over his body. He examined himself in the mirror and wondered what he would look like when Kelsey was done with him. Even though he was twenty-three, he was still very thin. Additionally he was a bit conscious about his height, or lack of height. He was barely five- seven. He got carded all the time whenever he went out drinking as no one thought he looked over eighteen. The first thing he was going to do when he got paid was to get a haircut. It had been months since he could afford one and his shaggy brown hair was now shoulder length. He dressed casually in jeans and a black t-shirt as Kelsey had recommended. She picked him mid-afternoon and they headed into town. "I think you're so lucky to live out here," she stated. "It must be nice to not have any neighbors." Sean had inherited a midsized house from his uncle. It was located on a large parcel of land that had once been a farm. The next closest house was a quarter mile away. "It's nice. Although I wish I still had my car, it's too far to walk into town," he replied. "I'm sorry that you had to sell it," said Kelsey. He shrugged his shoulders. "The recession can't last forever. I was fortunate that Sean needed a roommate. I just wish I could pay him actual rent." "I know he appreciates everything that you do around the house," said Kelsey. Tim nodded. "So where are we going?" "To the salon next-door to my gallery," she replied. "They'll do your hair, nails and makeup." "Hair? Why can't I wear a wig?" he asked. "Ugh! Wigs are horrible, trust me, you'll be more comfortable with your own hair. When this is over they'll style it back," she said. Tim nodded. "Hey, think of the money you'll be earning," she said. "Don't worry, I have been," he replied. Chapter 4 Kelsey brought Tim in the back of the salon. One of the women who worked at the salon met them and escorted them into a private room. Her name was Stacy and she was very perky and pleasant. Kelsey explained that Stacy was one of the best hair stylists in the city. Tim looked at the large breasted woman. Her hair was black with streaks of magenta running though it. Surprisingly, it worked for her, thought Tim. "I see what you mean, Kelsey, I can do wonders with him...or should I say her!" she stated as she inspected him. Tim laughed slightly at the joke. "Don't get me wrong, but you have the neutral sort of physique," she continued. "So what do you want to be called? Tim isn't very feminine." "How about Tiffany?" suggested Kelsey. She then turned and looked at Tim. "I've been trying to think of a good name for you ever since you agreed to do this. Also, the best way to get into the feeling of this is to think of yourself as female." "Sure, why not," replied Tim/Tiffany. "That's great to hear Tiffany. You're going to be a stunning woman by the time Stacy is done with you." "So Tiffany, do you want me to turn you into a sexy woman?" asked Stacy. "The sexier she makes you, the more money you'll make tonight," interjected Kelsey. "Okay since you put it that way," replied Tiffany. "Good girl! That's the spirit!" stated Stacy. "Okay, have a seat and we'll get started." Over the next hour Tiffany couldn't believe the transformation that was occurring before her eyes. Her hair was now dyed jet black and was styled into what Stacy called a pageboy cut. Her eyebrows were also dyed black and had been shaped so they were thin and arched. The effect was amazing and even without makeup she looked very feminine. Stacy then applied acrylic tips to each of Tiffany's nails. Tiffany watched in fascination as Stacy then shaped each nail and applied several coats of dark red polish. She then did Tiffany's toe nails. "Isn't this a bit extreme for one night?" asked Tiffany. "You don't want to lose a nail," said Stacy. "Now, as they dry I'll do your makeup. Kelsey said that they want an extreme look so I will be applying heavy eyeliner and dark colored eye shadow. For lipstick I will use a dark merlot wine." As Stacy applied the makeup, Tiffany noticed a strong aroma and she mentioned it. "I know, the smell will fade, but the makeup won't. It will stay on until you remove it later on tonight. Actually it can last several days before it starts to fade. This way you don't have to worry about how you look," she explained. "I'll give you the makeup remover cream to take home with you." "What about my hair and nails?" "Just stop by tomorrow and I'll fix you up," said Stacy. "You can come in the back like you did this afternoon." Tiffany nodded. "Okay, just lie back and let the makeup set...I'll go get your outfit ready for you." Chapter 5 Tiffany looked at herself in the full-length mirror. She had to admit that she looked fantastic. The black leather dress she was wearing was tight and had a built in push-up bra. It created the effect that Tiffany had real breasts. She had fishnet stockings on and open toed high heels. "The artist changed her mind about boots and went with four inch open toe pumps. I think you definitely have the legs for them," said Stacy. "It's a good thing I did your toenails." "I just hope that I don't fall down on my face," said Tiffany. "You'll get used to them," said Stacy. "Now let me finish your outfit." "What am I missing?" asked Tiffany. Stacy slipped several rings on Tiffany's fingers and several matching bracelets. Next she put large hoop earrings on Tiffany. "I think that it's great that you have pierced ears...I hate clip-on earrings. But I do have one clip-on for you," said Stacy. "For my ears?" Stacy shook her head. "Nope, your nose. It's a small hoop that will make it look like you have a nose ring." Tiffany looked at the ring. It did look very real and she had to reach up and touch it just to make sure that it wasn't so. "Here's the last touch," said Stacy as she slipped a leather collar around Tiffany's neck. "There, you look hot now!" Kelsey arrived a few minutes later and nodded approvingly. "I knew you'd look great," she stated. "I notice that you get to dress a little more conservative," said Tiffany. Kelsey was dressed in a simple but elegant black dress. "I know, I'd rather be in the dress you're wearing...I love leather," she replied. "Okay, you ready to go to work?" Tiffany nodded. "Thanks for getting me ready, Stacy." "It was my pleasure," she replied. Chapter 6 To Tiffany's surprise the night flew by. She was kept busy passing out glasses of champagne to the many guests who were crowded into the gallery. She did have time to look at the painting on display. They were very dark images of people in acts of sexual bondage. The prices of the paintings were very expensive but that didn't stop people from buying them. Two of the paintings had price tags of ten thousand dollars a piece and they both sold. The guests were all very nice, although a few were too nice she thought as several made propositions to her. Near the end of the night, Tiffany's feet were killing her and she began to wonder if she could make it through the rest of the night. Thankfully Kelsey appeared to notice and she motioned for Tiffany to follow her. "Here, take this," stated Kelsey as she handed Tiffany a pill. "What is it?" asked Tiffany as she looked at the pill. "I'm not into drugs." "Mild pain killer, trust me you'll thank me later," said Kelsey as she handed Tiffany a glass of champagne. "You're doing a great job." "Thanks," replied Tiffany. She took the pill and went back to work. Within a few minutes she began to feel better and she was able to work the rest of the night. When the show was over, Kelsey walked over to Tiffany who was sipping water from a bottle. "The others will clean up, I'll give you a ride home," she said. "Are you sure?" asked Tiffany as she watched the others working. Kelsey nodded. "Benefit of knowing the owner." They walked out together into the cool evening air to Kelsey's car. Once inside the car, Kelsey handed Tiffany a thick envelope. "You earned this tonight," she stated. "It's over six hundred dollars." "Really?" asked Tiffany. Kelsey nodded. "Oh, how are your feet?" "Still sore," replied Tiffany. Kelsey handed her another pill. "This should help." Tiffany took the pill and downed with a swig of water. "Thanks," she replied. Chapter 7 Kelsey pulled into Sean's driveway. "I have to head back to the gallery. I'll stop by tomorrow and take you back to the salon," she said. "Okay," replied Tiffany as she grabbed her things. "Thanks for tonight, it was fun." Kelsey smiled back. "Take care." She watched Tiffany walk towards the house. "The fun is just about to start my dear." When she walked into the house she was immediately greeted by Sean. "How'd it go?" he asked from the living room. Tiffany was surprised to see that Sean was still up as it was almost midnight. "Good," she replied as she walked into the living room and saw him sitting on the couch watching TV. Sean turned and his eyes opened wide. "Wow! You look fantastic," he exclaimed. "Thanks," she replied. "I'm heading to bed." "Wait, have a seat and tell me about it first," he said as he patted the cushion next to him. Tiffany did as he asked and she sat down next to him. "You want something to drink? To take the edge off?" he asked. She felt a little buzzed by the pills and shook her head. "Come on, this is some really nice red wine," he said as he got up. A minute later he returned and poured her a glass of wine. "There you go," he said. Tiffany took the glass and smiled back. "Thanks." "So what did they call you tonight?" he asked. She took a sip of the wine and swallowed it. "Tiffany," she replied with a smile. He was right, the wine was good. "Nice name, very fitting," he replied. "So tell me about your night, Tiffany." As she told him about the event, she drank more of her wine. "I always suspected that you would look good as a woman," said Sean. "I just didn't know that you would look so sexy." Sean's words sunk in slowly and it took her a moment to realize that he had slid closer to her on the couch. Before she could reply, he slipped his arm around her shoulders. "What...what are you doing?" she asked nervously. Without replying he pulled her close and began to kiss her. She struggled to pull away, but he was too strong and he wouldn't let her go. His tongue pressed between her lips and entered her mouth. The more she struggled, the more it seemed to excite him. Tiffany was confused by what was happening. Did Sean really think she was a girl? And what was even more bewildering was that she was becoming aroused by what was happening. Sean let her go for a moment and then began to kiss her again. Tiffany was now struggling with her own emotions. It was so confusing; she was actually starting to enjoy what was happening. "There, wasn't that nice?" he asked her softly. Tiffany nodded nervously. "This time, kiss me me what a sexy woman you are," he stated. Sean leaned forward and began to kiss her. To her surprise Tiffany kissed Sean back passionately. Sean immediately noticed the change in her demeanor. "Yes, give in to your true feelings; accept what is happening to you. You're my girl tonight Tiffany...accept this and enjoy it," he whispered. All Tiffany could do was nod back. It was so bizarre. Yes, she was buzzed by the wine and the pain pills, but she knew what she was doing. A part of her that she had never acknowledged was taking over. "You're too pretty...too sexy to be a're a woman now....right?" Tiffany nodded. "No, my sweet, say it, tell me you're a woman," he ordered. "I'm your woman," she replied softly. "And you want me to make love to," he said. "Yes, please, make love to me," she replied. She wondered what to do next. As if Sean could read her mind, he pushed her limits and he moved one of her hands so that it was pressed against his cock. "Rub it," he whispered in between kisses. Tiffany obeyed and was soon rubbing his cock through his jeans. Sean didn't let up; he knew that to make this work he couldn't give her a chance to think about what was happening. He reached down and unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He wrapped Tiffany's hand around it and guided her hand to stroke him. "Yes, babe, that feels so good," he moaned in her ear. Tiffany couldn't believe what was happening; yet at the same time she couldn't stop. Sean decided to go for broke and he whispered into Tiffany's ear. "Tiffany, please use your me what a good girl you are," he ordered. Tiffany hesitated and tried to hold back, but Sean continued his pleading. To Tiffany it was like a dream, she slipped down and began to kiss and lick Sean's erect cock. "That's right, babe, take it all," he encouraged. "It's okay, babe, I love you....this is the right thing to me that you love me too." Her resistance gone, Tiffany took Sean's cock completely into her mouth. As she pleasured him, Sean encouraged her and told her how much he loved her. This was just the first step in her transformation and he didn't want to make any mistakes. After he came, he comforted her and told her how much he loved and cherished her. "Come with me," he stated. Sean then stood up, took Tiffany by the hand and without another word he led her back to his bedroom. Chapter 8 When Tiffany woke up the next morning, it took her a few moments to realize that she was in Sean's bed and that she had spent the night having sex with him. She sat up in bed and saw that Sean was slipping on a robe over his nude body. "Take your time, dear," he said. "I'll be out in the kitchen." Tiffany ran her fingers through her hair and nodded. She watched him walk away. She got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and as she waited for the water to heat up she stared at her naked body. She was slightly surprised, that even naked she looked very feminine and she wondered if she could go back to being Tim. A strange thought entered her mind and she wondered what she would look like with large breasts. She ran her nails across her nipples and smiled. When she stepped into the shower, the hot water hitting her body felt wonderful. She was sore from having sex with Sean, but it was a pleasant sort of discomfort and she felt very relaxed. She wasn't that shocked by what had happened as she had struggled with her bisexuality her entire life. However, this was the first time that she had broken down and given into her desires. It felt rather liberating. The sex with Sean had been wonderful...even better than she had thought it would be. What bothered her now was what would happen next. Was this a one time event or just the start of a new life? When she got of the shower she noticed that her makeup was still on...and that it looked as good as it had when Stacy had applied it. She then remembered that Stacy said that she would need a special makeup remover. She realized that the makeup remover was in her bag, which was out in the living room. She decided that she would get it later. She also found that her new hairstyle was easy to take care of and it only took a little work with a brush. When she walked back into the bedroom she saw that the bed was made. There was a black lace teddy and matching robe lying on the bed. Tiffany stared at the clothes for a moment. So, it would continue she thought as she put them on. Sean was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee when she walked in. He looked up and smiled. "Very nice," he stated. "You look lovely, Tiffany." "Thank you," she replied as she poured herself a cup of coffee and then sat down next to him. "We need to talk." "Of course," he replied as he sipped his coffee. "I'll be blunt; I want you as my woman." "Your woman?" asked Tiffany. Sean nodded as he took another sip of his coffee. "Yes. I don't want a slave...or a maid. I want a lover, I want a wife...I want you." Tiffany's jaw dropped slightly. "Over the past months you've proven that you are an excellent cook and housekeeper, Tiffany, but I want more than that. In the past few months I have noticed you have many feminine traits, I have also noticed your submissive nature...both traits I find very desirable." Tiffany just nodded. "In many ways you've been my wife these past few months. You've kept our home clean, you're an excellent cook...and last night you proved to be an excellent lover," he continued. "I've been looking for the right opportunity to get you dressed...thankfully Kelsey came through for me." "You could have forced me," said Tiffany. Sean shook his head. "That's true, but I don't want a slave. When I saw how quickly you accepted Kelsey's offer, I knew that I had an opening." "And the pills and wine?" "Those were just to relax were never out of control. I didn't force you to do anything last night did I?" Tiffany shook her head. "Be honest enjoyed last night, didn't you?" She nodded. "There's nothing wrong with that. I am a dominant lover...I'm not into bondage or any of that stuff, I just love being in control. You are submissive, you desire control, but you are not passive either...just the type of lover I desire." "But I'm not a woman," she said. "You're the type of woman that I desire. I will shape and change you physically to match the woman that exists inside you," he continued. "I will take care of you and protect you." Tiffany let out a long breath. "Why didn't you just ask me?" "Not my way; I needed to see how you would react while you were feminized," he replied. "I wasn't disappointed. You are a wonderful lover." Tiffany didn't reply. "You can't hide your true nature, Tiffany. Last night we both saw the real you," he continued. Tiffany got up and refilled both their coffee mugs. "See, you did that without being asked," stated Sean. "It was a normal reaction for you...and you know it." Tiffany nodded as she sat down. "So what happens now?" she asked. "I would love for you to be my live-in girl friend. With Kelsey's help we will shape you into a lovely woman. Eventually I hope you'll be my would be Mrs. Sean Clarke." Tiffany gulped. "Do you mean physical changes too?" Sean nodded. "Of course. Our European branch had developed a very unique hormone. It was originally designed for women recovering from cancer, but it failed in tests. It was discovered that it was very effective for male to female transsexuals. It causes rapid physical changes like breast development. It also has some interesting effects on sexual activity." "What do you mean?" "While you won't be able to get erections, you will still be able to achieve orgasm," he stated. "In fact, studies have shown that your sex drive will actually increase." Tiffany took another sip of her coffee. "And I would stay here." "Yes, you can have your own bedroom, but I hope you accept my offer and share mine. You won't be a prisoner. I want you to have a life. I have talked to a lawyer friend and she will process all the necessary paperwork to provide you with a complete identity. Additionally I will buy you a car so you can get around. If you want to work, that is fine, but I would like you to work in a traditional feminine job. I have grown quite fond of you as a person Tiffany...and now I am ready to fall in love with you as my woman." Tiffany didn't reply as she absorbed Sean's words. "And is this the way you want to me to look?" she asked. "Not that I don't find you very sexy, I prefer a more mainstream look," he replied. "I am partial to redheads." "And you really find me desirable?" she asked. He nodded. "Yes, I have been fantasizing about feminizing you for some time now. In fact, you could say that I started your house wife training several months ago." "I don't understand," she replied. "When you first lost your job you initially agreed to cook and do basic chores around the house right?" Tiffany nodded. "With each passing week I added more chores to your list; you accepted these without protest and you completed all tasks perfectly." Tiffany realized that he was right. In addition to doing all the cleaning and cooking, she also did the laundry for both of them. "I also know that you have no one in your life. Your parents are divorced and too self centered to care about you. The only friends you have around here are ones that I introduced you to. They are open-minded and will accept you as a woman," he continued. "You seemed to have thought of everything," she replied. "I have done what is necessary to get you and keep you as my woman," he replied softly. "But you could have your pick of're handsome, have it all," she stated. "I want you...I desire fact I would love to make love to you right here, right now." Tiffany could see his erection through his robe. Instead of being shocked, she felt her own state of arousal come to life. "Or if you prefer you can give me oral..." he continued. "I love both...and you are excellent at oral." Tiffany knew that her next action would change her life forever. There were numerous reasons for her to get up and leave...but where would she go? She then thought about the previous night's sex and how good it had felt. Next she realized that he was offering her everything she could desire in life. Yes, she would have to give up her masculinity...but it suddenly seemed like a good trade-off. Without a word she got up from her chair and knelt down in front of Sean. He smiled as he opened up his robe. "I am pleased that you have decided to be my girl. Take my cock Tiffany, it's all yours my love," he stated. Tiffany didn't reply as she leaned forward to take his cock into her mouth. Chapter 9 Afterwards she went into her bedroom and found that much had changed. The room had been given a makeover and was now softer and more feminine. The plain green comforter that had been on her bed had been replaced by one with a floral design. The sheets were now pink. When she opened the drawers of her dresser she found that all her male clothing was missing and had been replaced with women's clothes. There were bras, panties, and other items of lingerie. All her outerwear had also been replaced. When she opened her closet she found it full of dresses, blouses, and skirts. There must have been two dozen pairs of shoes, ranging from boots to high heels. There were two pair of running shoes, but like everything else they were also feminine. She found that Sean had also been busy in her bathroom. All of the cosmetics were now feminine. She found that she now had a large supply of makeup too. Remembering the makeup that Stacy had applied she was retrieved the special remover and applied it per the instructions. While it removed much of the makeup, there was still a trace of color on her lips and the eyeliner while softer, was still visible, even after two applications. She hoped it would fade with time. She sat down on the bed and thought about what Sean was offering. He had obviously spent a lot of time, effort, and money in putting this all together. And as she thought about it, he hadn't forced her to do anything. In fact, she had enjoyed the sex with him. It felt so if it was the way it was supposed to be. Tiffany scratched her head as she debated her fate. In many ways, he was offering her something that she had wanted her whole life...a stable secure life with someone who loved her. And as for the part where she would have to be his woman....that wasn't so bad either. In many ways it made having sex with him easier. She stood up and walked out of her bedroom to tell him that she wanted to be his woman. Chapter 10 Tiffany watched as Sean set up the IV rack and placed a plastic bottle on it. "The good thing is that we'll only have to do this once," he stated as he adjusted the tubing that ran from the bottle to the needle. "This first dose of the hormone solution serves to prep your body. Starting tomorrow you'll take pills with your breakfast." He wanted to get her started on hormones as quickly as possible. He didn't want to risk her changing her mind. He knew that he had taken a huge risk when he put this plan into action. If Tiffany had resisted his life would have become very complicated. "How quickly will I see changes?" she asked. "Within the week you'll notice that your nipples are getting larger and at the same time becoming more sensitive. Your skin will feel softer too. Additionally you'll notice that your emotions will become... looser," he explained. "You'll have noticeable breasts within three to four weeks." "And this is safe?" she asked. Sean nodded. "It's recommended that you increase your daily dose of vitamins and also your calorie intake as you will be burning a lot of energy. I have it all written down for you." "Where did you learn to do IVs?" she asked. "I served in the Navy as a corpsman for four years," he replied. Now, lie down on the bed, my dear and we'll get started." Tiffany did as he ordered. She would have preferred to wait before taking this big step, but Sean said that she would only regret not starting sooner. She noticed that he knew her very well and he also knew what buttons to push to get her to act. "Okay, just relax," said Sean. "This will take an hour or so." Tiffany nodded. Chapter 11 "Good morning Sean," greeted his boss Darren Rusk. "Please have a seat." Sean stepped into his boss's office. "Thank you," replied Sean as he took a seat. Darren closed the door of his office and then sat down across from Sean. "So, how's it going?" asked Darren as he poured two glasses of Scotch. "Everything is happening according to schedule," replied Sean. "Does she suspect the truth?" he asked as he handed Sean one of the glasses. "No, she has no idea. Thank you," replied Sean as he took the glass. "Here's to your new wife!" toasted Darren. "Thank you," replied Sean as he took a sip of the Scotch. The warm liquid felt wonderful going down. It was also a sign that he had arrived. "Well, now that she's receiving the serum won't matter if she does," replied Darren with a grin. "You should notice the mental changes first." "I have, she's already very sexual and obedient," replied Sean. "Well, our kind need a lover like that," stated Darren. "It's such a pleasure to come home to a clean orderly home and be greeted by a beautiful submissive wife." Sean nodded. "I just wish we could find a way to change the drug so that it could be used on a wider range of people," continued Darren. "If we could we would make millions. Imagine the market for it." Sean nodded again. The drug had been initially developed for hormone replacement but tests uncovered unique side effects in a very small population of users. It both increased their sexual drive and at the same time made submissive and obedient. However, the percentage of women who were affected this way was very small. It was discovered that when it was used on men it worked on a slightly larger percentage of the population. Over time the corporation discovered the specific traits for subjects to be transformed. It didn't matter if the subject was initially bisexual or even transgendered as the drug's strong feminization effects changed them. The corporation found that the treatments also worked better if the subject was given low levels of the drug over several months. There would be no physical changes, but mentally the subject would become more susceptible to control. Gradually, the person could be molded with very specific traits, depending on what was desired. "I believe that the process we used with Tiffany will be the model for future use," stated Darren. "Do you think that she ever suspected that her layoff and unemployment wasn't just due to the economy?" Sean shook his head. "No not at all." Darren had arranged for Tim to be laid off and had effectively blocked him from receiving any job applications "Keeping her isolated and away from others also seemed to speed up stage one," stated Darren. "I agree. The only other person that she has had contact with is Kelsey and she's on our payroll," replied Sean. "I also was able to slip the serum in her food without her noticing...that was the hardest part of the preparation phase." "It's a complicated procedure...but the results are worth it. The market for rich and powerful men who want a 'perfect wife and lover' is huge," said Darren. "As long as they don't mind their wife starting off as a man," added Sean. Darren nodded. "That's true, but nearly half of clients so far have turned down the offer of SRS for their wives. They seem to like the fact that their wife has a miniscule penis." Within a month the subject would have a very feminine body. Their penis would shrink down to less than an inch, but it would stay very sensitive. The transformed male could easily achieve orgasm. Many of the clients liked it to an enlarged clit. The clients also seemed to prefer oral and anal sex. "Of course we'll provide SRS for Tiffany if you want it," said Darren. "Did you do it for Jessica?" asked Sean referring to Darren's wife. Darren shook his head. "No, I let her keep it. I even got it pierced... it looks great and it seems to get her off even easier. It also seems to enhance her submissive nature." "Can you recommend a place to get it done?" Darren nodded. "Certainly. We have a few... arrangements that I'm positive will fill your needs. I'm pleased that you are now fully on the team Sean. We'll take care of all the paperwork to give Tiffany a complete background so she can legally be your wife." "Thank you," replied Sean. "Of course, now that you've taken this step...the sky's the limit as far as your career goes," added Darren. The company carefully screened all upper management and insisted that they take a transformed wife. "The market for this is going to be huge especially overseas," continued Darren. "We're all going to be very wealthy." "I just have one question...what about children?" asked Sean. Darren got up and refilled their glasses. "When you're ready to start a family let us know. We'll find an appropriate surrogate to give birth to your children. " "And do the subjects make good mothers?" asked Sean. Darren nodded. "Superb mothers. But don't rush into anything...enjoy your time with Tiffany first." "Oh, I will," replied Sean with a sly grin. Chapter 12 Tiffany inspected her body following her shower. Her breasts seemed to be growing larger every day. It had been over a month since she became Sean's woman and her breasts were now up to a C?cup. Additionally her waist was smaller and her hips larger. Next she ran her finely manicured nails over her clitty ring. She liked to think of it as her engagement ring as it was a symbol of her submission to Sean. Her hair was now dyed dark red and was styled in a sexy layered look. Sean had picked out the color personally. She had no regrets regarding her decision to be transformed. In fact, she found that it was difficult to imagine life any other way. Her entire life now revolved around Sean and he controlled all aspects of her life. They had sex every morning before he left for work and as soon as he came home. During the day, she performed her chores without complaint. Her main break occurred during her daily workouts. She couldn't imagine life any other way. Unnoticed by her, Sean had slowly modified her mentally so that she now thought of herself as always wanting to be woman. Sean had also erased any traces of Tim in their home. To the rest of the world Tim Howe recently moved to California. All of Tim's male clothes were gone and Tim's old bedroom was now a guest room. Tiffany now shared the same bedroom as her future husband Sean. In fact, she even had a hard time remembering what it was like to be a was almost like a dream. Chapter 13 "That was a wonderful dinner, Tiffany," complimented Richard Sizemore. "I told you she was an excellent chef," stated Sean. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," replied Tiffany sweetly. "I'm always happy to cook for one of Sean's friends." It had been six months since Tiffany's rebirth. Her small pierced clitty was the only reminder that she had once been a male. Tonight she was dressed in a skintight dress that looked as if it had been painted on her shapely body. The dress showed off the cleavage of her large breasts. She didn't mind as she liked showing off her body. "Tiffany, Richard and I need to discuss some business, it will only take thirty minutes," said Sean. Tiffany smiled back. "I understand, I'll have dessert and coffee ready when you're done." Richard Sizemore was in his late forties and was an executive for a major international financial company. He had been divorced for nearly five years. Sean led Richard to his office, which was located down the hall from the master bedroom. "Please have a seat," offered Sean. Richard sat down across from Sean. "As you can see, the process is everything we promised," stated Sean. "I can't believe she used to be a man," replied Richard. Sean smiled back. "Here, look at these." Sean called up a photo file on his computer. It showed the week by week physical transformation of Tim into Tiffany. "As you can see, Tiffany really used to be a man," stated Sean. "And this all happened in less than a year?" asked Richard as he examined the photos. "The preparation period lasted several months," replied Sean. "She started the full strength serum less than six months ago. She was up to a C-cup in a month and DD in two months." "Amazing," replied Richard. "And she thought of herself as a normal male before she was started on this drug?" "Yes," replied Sean. "I was able to change her mentally as well as physically into the perfect little house wife you see today." "And how is the sex?" "Better than we advertize," replied Sean with a grin. "In fact, she's better than a real woman as she has no limits." Richard nodded. "It's rather expense." "Yes, but it's worth it. Powerful men need a perfect trophy wife. One that will not complain when you work late, one that doesn't mind being a house wife, one that keeps her body in shape, one that loves you, one that won't misbehave and hurt your career... and most importantly one who loves having sex with you," explained Sean. "She will be programmed so that she is one hundred percent loyal to you and you only." "Any regrets?" asked Richard. "Only that I didn't have her sooner," replied Sean. "Oh, and I do love her. I couldn't ask for anything more in a wife." Richard nodded. "We provide assistance throughout the entire process. Additionally we will provide your new wife with a new identity," continued Sean as he continued his sales pitch. Richard looked at the nude photos of Tiffany. "With the exception of her cock...I would never know she was a man," he stated. "She thinks of it as her clit. It's less than an inch when hard and very thin. The ring is a nice decoration and aids in her achieving orgasm," interjected Sean. "Richard, you can go overseas and get a submissive foreign woman to be your wife...but there's no guarantee that she will stay or act as you want. With our process we can provide you with the woman of your dreams." Richard nodded as he studied the photos. "We did a screen of the person you suggested...he passed with flying colors, both mentally and physically," continued Sean. "He also fits the criteria concerning his personal life." "Okay, you got a deal," said Richard as a big smile appeared on his face. "Just one question, how will you handle his disappearance?" "We've conducted a complete background check on him and we discovered that he likes to go hiking and camping by himself. We'll abduct him and make it look like he got lost." "And the preparation stage; how will you accomplish that?" asked Richard. "We can take care of that for you if you like for a small additional cost. The preparation stage involves a colorless and tasteless liquid. We'll ensure that it gets into his morning orange juice," replied Sean. "How do you know that he drinks orange juice?" "We've been in his apartment and inspected everything there," replied Sean. Richard laughed. "You really do think of everything." Sean smiled back. "We want our customers to be one hundred percent satisfied." "And are you satisfied?" "Very much so, she's a wonderful wife," replied Sean. "And any regrets about what was done to her?" "No. She's much better off now and will be taken care of for the rest of her life. She doesn't have a worry in the world," replied Sean. "What about the change in her identity?" Sean shrugged his shoulders. "I doubt she even remembers who she used to be. And let's face it; men like us don't rise to the top worrying about what others think." Richard laughed. "How true!" He then extended his hand and Sean shook it. "You have a deal, Sean. When can we start?" "We'll work out the details tomorrow in our office, and we can start your future wife on the serum the following day," said Sean. He then looked at his watch. "Well, we better get downstairs and see what the little woman prepared for dessert." Conclusion On the way back from dinner with Sean and Tiffany, Richard thought about what he had seen that evening. He pressed one of the radio buttons which ran a program that checked his car for electronic bugging devices. Next he pulled off the road and pressed a button on his dash which released a hidden cell phone. The phone was specially encrypted so that its signal couldn't be traced or bugged. It came with a Bluetooth attachment, which he put in his ear. As he pulled back on the road Richard pressed the 7 key and it dialed a programmed number. "Yes?" asked a female voice on the other end. It belonged to Richard's boss. "I'm in," replied Richard. "Give me the details." Richard described the events of the evening. "It's even worse than we thought," stated Richard. "Sean's wife Tiffany has been totally transformed into a submissive sex slave." "Well, at least no one else will suffer her fate," said the woman. "Thank you for infiltrating their organization. It has taken us three years, but we finally got them." "I only wish that I could be there when our teams strike," said Richard. The woman laughed. It was probably the first time that he had heard her express amusement. "So do I, Richard, so do I, however I cannot afford risk losing you, you're too good of an undercover operative," she replied. "We will have to be content in the knowledge that this abomination of a business will soon be extinct." "What will happen to the victims, like Tiffany?" "They will be taken care of...they always are," said the woman with a touch of sadness in her voice. "I will be in contact with you soon; I have another mission that is perfect for you." "I'm looking forward to it," replied Richard. "Good night and thank you," she stated. **** A day later Richard picked up a newspaper as he waiting for his flight. The main article concerned a massive fatal fire at Rusk Pharmaceutics. The fire department was still investigating the cause of the fire which destroyed the entire plant. The article stated that among those killed in the blaze were the CEO Darren Rusk and several other senior board members. Richard read the names and noted that all of the deceased had transformed wives. Of course what was missing from the article was that all the men were dead just before the fire was started by the strike team. It was unlikely that the coroner would detect the poison that had killed them. There would also be no mention that computer files containing information on additional labs had been seized. As Richard boarded his flight he suspected that these businesses would soon met a quick and deadly demise. He took his seat in first class and wondered what would be his next mission. **** A week later Tiffany sat silently in the lawyer's office as Sean's will was read to her. She was the sole heir to his estate. She was stunned when she was told the value of his estate. "You're a very fortunate young woman, Tiffany. As an executive of Rusk Pharmaceutics, Sean had a million dollar life insurance policy," stated the lawyer. "I had no idea," she replied. "I know his death was a shock, but at least he left you well off," continued the lawyer. "Thank you," she replied. As she drove home from the lawyer's office she thought about what she would do next. Since Sean's death she felt as if she was coming out of a fog. She suspected that Sean had somehow manipulated her into becoming a woman, but she wasn't quite sure how. Her memory of the past months was very hazy. She knew one thing; she would sell the house and move out of the area. She also would find a doctor and find out what exactly was done to her body, just as soon as she came back from a long and restful vacation. The End

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Jane Wilde sneaks in after curfew and takes off her heeled shoes to be quiet so that she won’t get caught by her stepfamily. But as she sneaks down the hallway towards her room, she’s distracted by light coming from her stepsister (Jessie Saint)’s room. She’s about to sneak on by, since the last thing she wants is for them BOTH to be caught by their stepmom (Helena Locke), when she hears voices. Jane peeks through the door and is confused as she sees Jessie and Helena...

3 years ago
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The Piano Teachers Pussy

I had played the violin for a few years (an extremely painful experience for all concerned), the tuba for 2 (see above re pain) and the guitar (somewhat better, but Eric Clapton I was NOT). As a last resort my parents suggested I try the piano. I resisted, but they were adamant so I reluctantly agreed. They looked around for a teacher in our area and found a few. They called around and the first two only taught on weekends. Mom and Dad wanted it done during the week. The next one they...

2 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 2

Lady Rawlings looked down at the tableau of girls before her. Her maid lay naked on the floor her legs spread wide. Between them sat Veronica her hand laid on the back of the girls knee. Diane was sat to the side gently stroking the shoulders of the exhausted innocent. 'Help her on to the settee beside me. ' Lady Rawlings said softly to her daughter. The girls got up slowly, helping Wendy to the couch. 'Lay her head on my lap, that's the way.' Diane's mother said as they helped the...

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How I became a GURL Part III Fulfilling the

Now that I was fully versed in being a gurl, I needed to know if I could turn a man on in person, not just looking through a glory hole. I wanted to have a man treat me totally like a woman, take me to a hotel and make love to me, completely as a woman.But where to find the guy?The answer was a chat line. I got an account as a girl -- I signed on as Jennifer, explained what I was and what I was looking for. As you can tell my voice is very fem (listen to my voice into or watch my vid it you...

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 12

Xi Pegasi Near Mining Station One August 8, 2057 The explosive charge detonated, sending chunks of rock and ice in all directions from the cliff face. They sped outward until they encountered the tough fabric dome stretched over the mining area. A dozen robotic scoops rolled on their attitude thrusters as one; their optics and small radars picking out the nearest targets. The car-sized collectors would catch the smaller rocks, and push the larger ones, then take them to the hopper at the top...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 16 How the Free Saxons Leave Rome and Return to German Lands

By the end of their second week in Rome, Thorben and Katherine, with fifty of their men, met with the emissaries of their prisoners' families outside the city walls and received the ransom payment. Shortly after, under strong protection, the prisoners were guided out of the city and into the care of their families. In spite of the hefty ransom, more than one of the released prisoners expressed their gratitude to their captors, for they were all released without hurt and the women and girls...

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best dayy

I hear my phone go off. Not really caring who it is i look at the phone and i see thats its my best friend Paige. I havent talked to her all day. She wants to make planes this weekend. Im cool with that. I text her sure and then i go back to laying on the bed. I wish alex would call me or text me. By the way, Alex is a kid that i like. I dont think hee likes me. Ive only been talking to him for a couple of days and i can us together for a long time. My phone gose off again. I...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Noemie Bilas Sex While You Study

The petite chocolate treat Noemie Bilas is trying to study for an upcoming exam. Her boyfriend usually lets her do her thing, but today he came out of work horny as fuck. All he wanted to do was pound her tight brown pussy. Noemie is too much of a nerd though and refuses to take a break. Her boyfriend then gets the perfect idea. She is already studying in a hot doggystyle position, so maybe he can fuck her while she studies? The first point of ion had Noemie feeling good, but getting an orgasm...

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The Cat Burglar

It was all going so well that I should have known something was wrong. But I had done my due diligence and cased the joint for weeks. I knew where the cameras were, the patrol routes of the guards, and what kinds of locks were used on the doors. I got confident and I got caught, but not by the police. Jail time would have been so much easier. They let you out of jail, eventually, in most cases. I don't know if I'll ever be free again. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 28 Naughty Fairy Spying

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Forest of Lhes, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My rose-quartz fingers spread apart Kora’s pink petals. I licked my lips, staring at the flood of Sven’s cum, her brother’s cum, pouring out of her pussy. A surge of taboo lust shot through me at the incestuous mixing of their fluids. I leaned my proxy forward, my soul inhabiting the statue like my real body, and licked. My stone tongue slid through her hot folds....

2 years ago
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My best friends sister

This story starts on a normal saturday morning I woke up had a wash and got dressed, I decided to go have a quick work out at the local gym I grabbed my iPod and gym bag and left the house. The gym was about a ten minuet walk away I put my music on and went off to the gym.I spent about an hour at the gym, I went in to the locker room and had a shower and got back dressed, I left the gym checked my phone I had two missed calls and three text messages I read the messages first all asking me to go...

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The Legend of Dick Touch

Dexter wondered in amazement at the the multitude of people he saw as he accompanied Betti Bodacious through the airport. He was feeling overwhelmed at all he had seen and experienced in the last couple of days. He wasn’t sure if this possible new life would work for him or not. “Hey Look!” yelled a young man across the concourse at LAX, “It’s Betti Bodacious!” Several folks watched and gawked as Betti strutted her sexy walk through the airport. The pleased half smile on her face displayed...

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HUMMER I am on my way home from visiting my aunt and uncle. I am short of cash and stop at the bank. I use the ATM and take out $100. Getting into my F150, Toby Keith is singing on my AM radio. He is a favorite of mine but if I'm going to listen to Toby, it's not on AM radio. I switch to my USB drive and select his album. "I Love This Bar" comes on. I crack my front windows an inch or two, turn up the volume and sit there listening. A cute 40 year old woman comes out of the bank and walks to...

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My Wifes Admission That She Had Cheated On Me

My wife and I had been married for over twenty years. Our marriage was great until one day she dropped a bombshell on me. My wife is in her upper forties and is very attractive for her age. Her body doesn’t show her age at all as her tits are fantastic and her ass is gorgeous. I would think most men would fuck her in a heartbeat if they had the chance. She is a great mom and works very hard at her job. She mainly works with men and has been hit on several times at work. I think it is great...

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Vacation MILF

Background: After winning a bet with a demon in a dream, you are able to mind control whoever you please. "We're going to see the park", your mom says to you before leaving the hotel room with your dad. You pretend that you're asleep until they leave the hotel. When you're sure that they are gone, you spring up out of bed and call...

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Mom And Son In Poverty Share One Bedroom Apartment Part 1

1.The room had been listed online as a "studio apartment", which called to mind the sleek minimalists spaces of college students and starving artists. My mom and I knew that an apartment in rural Nebraska wouldn't be anything special.But even with tempered expectations, marketing the place as a pre-furnished studio apartment did sugarcoat the sale more than we had realized. It was a motel room that had been converted into a functional but not quite comfortable living space.Still, it would work...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 46

"She finally got ya!" Sam said with a grin. He slapped me on the back and handed me a cold Sprite "Man, she's been after you since after Elissa died. She is horny as hell for you. Why don't you put her out of her misery? She's 18 and knows her own mind. Hell, I'd be proud if it was you that got her. Ever since 8th grade she's had her eye on you. I'm not certain, but she may even be saving herself for you. She only goes out in groups and doesn't keep a "Steady" boy. Says it's not...

1 year ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 5

I almost ran to my bedroom and stripped down. Got my robe on and went to the bathroom. Got a nice hot shower and went back to my room, I slipped on some shorts and a t- shirt. Then I went to talk with the parents for a while before dinner. I told them I was doing well in school, and have become pretty popular since I was a cheerleader. They warned me about boys, but I told them not to worry, I wasn't going to be with any boys for a while. If they only knew what I was going to be doing, for...

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Busty Girl Banged On Dental Chair

Hello everyone. I have been following Indian sex stories since 4 years. I am sai name changed obviously and I am from Hyderabad aged 23 years . I look lean with athletic body of height 5’10 and weight 68kgs.I am cool looking guy with 6″In uncircumcised dick and I am very fond of big tits and round asses.By profession I am a doctor.The story I am narrating is about a girl named ashreya. I was doing my internship,its was in the month of February 2016,after completing college and was going back to...

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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 4

It was Christmas morning and the Gryffindor dorm was empty except for Ginny and Ron Weasely, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Harry always stayed at Hogwarts because he and the Dursley’s, the Muggle f*mily he lived with, both preferred it that way. Ron and Hermione usually stayed to keep him company and this year, at Hermione's suggestion, so had Ginny. This year the girls had some special "presents" planned for the boys. As the boys came down the steps into the common room they saw both...

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The Stars Align

I didn't know how I could be so lucky. All of my life I have dreamed of what it was like to be a woman. To wear dresses and makeup, to go out on fancy dates with rich men, to feel sexy and powerful. My name is Martin, and I'm not religious, nor superstitious, but it really seemed as if the stars or planets had aligned in my favor. ------ A few weeks before I was at a Korean mall buying clothes and other odds and ends, when I stumbled upon a section of the mall I had never...

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