A Man Going Through A Nasty Divorce Decides To Teach His Bitchy Wife A Lesson In Life free porn video

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Daren Hughes watched is wife through the slits of the
mini blinds from his darkened office. She was berating
his voluptuous secretary for not having her papers

“Mrs. Hughes, please just come into the Notary’s office
for the sign off,” the younger woman said. “You can
leave your purse here.” Mrs. Hughes slammed down the
coat and purse with impatience and followed the woman.

He watched her bottom move under the too short white
knit skirt. What an ass! Although in the midst of a
bitter divorce after nearly 20 years of marriage, it
still turned him on. He smiled.

In those brief moments, Daren Hughes lifted his wife’s
wallet from her purse and removed her driver’s license,
registration, credit cards and money, before replacing
it. She came back and left the office in a huff.

He watched her from the second story window as she
walked across the parking lot, slid her size 18 frame
into the Lincoln Town Car and squeal away. She was
under the assumption that the divorce papers HAD to be
delivered that night, and of course her husband was out
of town.

She was really pissed! It was a 70 mile drive to HIS

Daren Hughes came out of his hiding place, thanked his
secretary for a job well done, and then cleared his
calendar of all pending defense cases for the next
week. He freed many a mobster in his time, and nothing
crucial was on the near horizon. He left.

Diane Hughes had the Town Car pushing 80 miles per
hour, when, per the directions given her, exited at
Willow Road. From expressway to two lane black top. She
missed her turn off and had to back up. She guided the
big car down the winding gravel road for miles,
snapping off protruding branches in her haste.

Through the rear view mirror, she saw the red and blue
lights flashing through the haze of dust she had

“SHIT!” Diane Hughes screamed out loud, and tried to
pull over as best she could, scraping the car’s side
against the under brush.

She watched the Blazer doors open and two uniformed
troopers exit. Smokey Bear Hats, mirrored sun glasses,
and off course the swagger. She pushed the button and
lowered the driver window.

“Where’s the fire?” the trooper asked, leaning into the

‘What a dumb fuck!’ she thought and proceeded to charm
her way out of the situation with a myriad of excuses.

“Drivers license and registration, ma’am,” he replied

‘Son of a bitch! They were gone!’ the thought raced in
her brain as she frantically searched her purse. Again,
the plethora of excuses.

“Step out of the car ma’am!” he ordered, stepping back
and placing his hand on the butt of his gun. The door
swung open and Diane Hughes pivoted to exit, giving the
trooper a nice shot of some nice looking legs.

“Lean over the hood of the car ma’am,” he ordered.

“I will do not such thing! What is this all about?!”
she screamed at the two of them.

With not too much effort, the trooper twisted her arms
behind her and slammed her down on the hood of the car.

“The plates on this car were reported stolen,” he
stated, as he cuffed her hands behind her back. “You
will have to come along with us.” he added, and without
warning reached under her skirt and gave her crotch and
bottom several probing and hard squeezes!

“HOW DARE YOU!” she hissed and kicked at the trooper.

“That’s assault and resisting arrest ma’am,” and with
practiced skill, led her to the Blazer. Locking her
securely in the back, the two troopers drove off. Diane
Hughes screamed indignities at the pair, threatening
law suits from her powerful husband.

The Blazer meandered its way down the twisting road and
stopped at a remote industrial warehouse type building.

“Temporary Highway Traffic Control,” the trooper
explained to Diane Hughes as he lead he into the
building and to the desk of a uniformed woman.

“Speeding, no license, registration, assault, and
resisting arrest,” he told the woman.

“THIS IS RIDICULOUS!” Diane screamed as the big trooper
pushed her forward indicating to follow the woman.

Three free standing and adjacent barred cells were in
the back.

There were bars on all four sides as well as over the
top. Diane Hughes was uncuffed and placed in the middle
cell. The trooper left. Diane fumed and glared at the
female officer. The black name tag read “M. BAKER”.

“Take your clothes off,” Baker ordered. “Unless you
want me to call for help,” she added, observing Diane
Hughes’ opened mouth shocked expression.

“Oh, please…” Diane started, with genuine distress.

“Look, I know its embarrassing, but it has to be done,
and I really don’t want to call for assistance. These
guys will tear the clothes off you and you’ll have
nothing to wear when you go home. You do want to go
home don’t you?” Baker reasoned.

“Yes… yes I do,” Diane replied much more subdued.

“Good. Then lets get this over with,” Baker replied,
and Diane started removing her clothes! The two
“troopers” watched from through the one way glass.

As each article of clothing was removed, Diane had to
hand it through the bars to Officer Baker. The troopers
rubbed their crotches as Diane Hughes soon stood in
just her white bra and panties. A big woman with huge
breasts, an ample belly, and full wide hips tapering to
rather slender legs.

“Everything ma’am,” Baker directed. Inwardly smiling at
Diane’s red faced embarrassment.

Diane Hughes slipped off her remaining two garments and
handed them to Baker. She stood stark naked and utterly

“Face me and lift your breasts by the nipples, please,”
Baker ordered.

Diane Hughes could not believe this was happening as
she grabbed hold of her own nipples and lifted the
cantaloupe sized breasts.

“Higher! Lift them higher,” Baker commanded.

‘OH MY GAWD!’ Diane groaned in her mind and lifted her
breasts much higher while tightening the grip on her

“Good,” Baker replied as Diane released her breasts.

“Open your legs wide and pull open your pussy lips,”
Baker now ordered.

Diane was frozen in shock! “Hurry up Mrs. Hughes, you
don’t want me to call in any help do you?” Baker stated
and asked.

“Oh no, no don’t call anyone!” Diane pleaded, and she
spread her legs and reached down between her legs. She
closed her eyes as she reached into her own vagina and
pulled open her lips!

“A little more,” Baker ordered. Diane almost fainting
from humiliation, but took a better grip and spread her
sex lips as wide as she could.

“Keep them held open and squat up and down five times.”

Diane squatted with her lips held open, opening herself
more lewdly than she could possibly imagine.

“You’re doing fine, Mrs. Hughes,” Baker smiled. “Now
hands on your head and stand on your right leg and

Diane started hoping, conspicuously conscious of how
her breasts were bouncing, and the flesh of her body

“Now the left foot,” Baker directed, actually amazed
that the woman was actually following her directions
without protest.

“Good, very good ma’am,” Baker said. “Now turn please.”

Diane turned her back to Baker. Baker’s eyes wandered
over the big full behind.

“Bend over and pull apart your bottom cheeks,” Baker
gleefully ordered.

Again, Diane swallowed what little pride she had left
and bent over. Then reaching back pulled open her
bottom as wide as she could, hoping to get this over
with as soon as possible!

She could feel Baker’s eyes boring a hole into her
exposed anus!

“Ok Mrs. Hughes, put your hands through the bars now,”
Baker directed.

Diane complied, somewhat relieved at being freed from
the humiliating positions. Her heart pounded as Baker
cuffed her wrists outside the cell!

Baker entered the cell and pulled Diane by the hips
while directing her to bend forward. Diane felt herself
guided into an “L” shaped position, with her arms
outstretched and hands cuffed to the bars, the huge
melons of her breasts hanging down.

Baker pinched Diane’s thighs apart and then to her
horror felt her slipping a lubricated finger into her

“Just relax, Mrs. Hughes,” Baker chided, while sliding
her finger, then two, deeper and deeper up Diane’s ass!

She probed and teased the anal canal, rotating and
stretching the sensitive membrane. With her other hand,
she used her gel covered fingers to coax apart the
rubbery folds of Diane’s sex! She slid them up and down
the fat lips, paying particular attention to the hiding
clitoris. Little by little she teased the small organ
from its hooded sheath, until it throbbed with
tumescence. She smiled at Diane’s little gasps.

Baker used her fingers and wrists to pull back on Diane
and stretch her arms out taut as she fingered the
sensitive orifices simultaneously. She had Diane
swooning with her torturous manipulations, and watched
her start to shake and quiver.

“You OK, Mrs. Hughes?” Baker asked as she used her
fingers expertly, sliding and twisting around the
sensitive insides, paying particular attention to the
now engorged clit. She flicked and rubbed it

“Yess…” came a somewhat throaty reply.

After a few more well placed strokes and probes, Diane
Hughes was in the throws of orgasm. Baker continued her
probes, driving her fingers deep into the helpless

When Diane resumed a more rhythmic, Baker gave her a
hard slap to her bottom.

“Don’t be embarrassed, dear,” Baker stated, “this
sometimes happens during these exams.”

Diane said nothing. Baker tossed her an article of
clothing and left the cell.

Diane unfolded the cloth. A clean but very worn
hospital gown! She slipped her arms into the sleeves
and reached around the back for the ties. There was
only one at the center of her back. The gown was much
too small, the material in back not even coming close
to closing. Almost her entire bottom remained exposed!
She quickly did the best she could and sat down on the
cot, trying to pull the hem down and keep some
semblance of modesty.

Baker, followed by the two troopers and another man
entered the room and approached the cell.

“Stand up Mrs. Hughes,” Baker said, “This is Judge
Parker. Diane stood up in the cell then exited as the
door was opened and she was motioned out by the
trooper. She stood in front of the Judge, the troopers
behind her, and Baker to her side holding her arm. She
could hear the troopers whispering at her exposed bare

“Mrs. Hughes,” the Judge addressed her, “the stolen
plates on your car has been an error, but the speeding,
assault and resisting arrest charges remain. Is there
anything else from you people?” he addressed the

“Well, Judge,” Baker interjected, “Mrs. Hughes did cum
all over my fingers during the body cavity search.”

Diane looked at Baker with mouth agape in shocked

“Did she now?” the Judge chided.

“Yes sir,” moaning and groaning all over the place,
Baker smiled, as the troopers snickered.

“Well, there really is no statute against that, and I
see no reason for additional punishment. Just write it
up in the record.” The Judge stated.

“Mrs. Hughes for your speeding violation, you will
receive six swats of the paddle on your bare bottom,
and an additional four each for the assault and
resisting charges. Fourteen in all. Prepare the
prisoner.” the Judge directed.

CAN’T BEAT ME!” Diane Hughes screamed as the troopers
and Baker grabbed her by the arms, dragging her to
another room.

In the center of the room was an almost new gymnasium
pommel horse, its legs extended to there maximum.

Baker reached into the neck of Diane’s gown and pulled
it from her in one motion.

“OH PLEASE!” Diane screamed trying to cover her

The big troopers placed her face down over the horse,
her belly resting on the top of the hard leather. While
one held her legs, the other grabbed her hands and
secured them to the metal legs. Then the same to her
legs, spreading them almost four feet.

Her feet were completely off the ground and she
squirmed to try and see behind her.

“Proceed with the warm up,” the Judge directed, and the
two troopers started a hand slapping of the large
spread ass before them. Lightly at first, them with
considerably more authority.

Diane shrieked with shame and indignation as the hands
bounced off her bountiful bum, thighs, and one or two
slap right between the legs!

screamed as she saw her soon to be ex-husband come into
the room. “THEY’RE BEATING ME TO DEATH!” she screamed

“I am sorry darling, but I just got the call and came
straight from the airport,” he lied, and advanced to
his wife. He stroked her fleshy bottom and squeezed it
a little.


“Oh, just looking,” he replied like a window shopper,
“It’s been a while since I had a good look. Still
sensitive back here?” he added and asked as he slid his
index finger into her anus!

“DAREN STOP IT! GODDAMN YOU!” Diane screamed as her
husbands finger buried itself to the knuckle.

He pulled out his finger with an audible “plop” to the
amusement of the others.

“I am afraid this court is out of my jurisdiction, but
if you don’t mind, I should like to observe,” Daren
Hughes stated.

“Of course, counselor,” the Judge stated, “always
willing to help a colleague. Proceed with the

“DAREN! YOU CAN’T MEAN THIS! YOU…” Diane’s plea was
interrupted by the splat of the paddle on her bottom.

SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! three in quick succession had her
howling like some injured animal. The large bottom
shook and jiggled like so much jello as the trooper
laid on another two swats.

“WAIT!” the Judge exclaimed, “who is maintaining the

The troopers and Baker looked at each other then the
judge and shrugged their shoulders.

“Very well, start again from the beginning,” the judge

Diane, who had a few brief moments to compose herself,
now screamed in alarm. “NO! I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE!”

The Judge stepped behind Diane and started to knead the
cheeks in two hands, pulling them in opposite
directions and parting them. He insinuated his fingers
in between and teased the little hole.

Then slid his fingers to her sex and pinched and

Diane squirmed under the lewd manipulations, especially
when he touched her overly sensitive inflamed clitoris.

“Everything seems to be in fine working order, madam,”
he addressed Diane, “proceed from the beginning.”

SPLAT! the paddle cracked over the fleshy center, then
several more blows on the top and lower portions. A
deadly accurate blow to the rounded tender underside
sent Diane into some type of fit, and the trooper
stopped as the judge raised his hand.

“Proceed,” he directed as the mild convulsion subsided.

Over and over the paddle mercilessly cracked into her
big backside sending searing stings of pain into her
brain. Diane screamed and writhed in agony, begging,
pleading, and promising anything for the paddling to
stop. When 10 blows were delivered, the Judge stopped
the proceedings.

“I have found it beneficial in the past that the
punishment be interrupted that the subject absorb what
has happened and what will be continue shortly. Please,
gentlemen, join in me in my quarters for a bit of
refreshment. Officer Baker will see to the prisoner.”
he stated and walked from the room, followed by Daren
and the two troopers.

Baker, now alone with the woman again, walked behind
her and squatted down. She gazed at the blistering red
bottom then touched it. Diane, in her stupored state,
uttered a soft moan.

“Only four more strokes to go,” Baker stated, “and I’ll
be they will be really hard ones. You know what the
Judge will do when I tell him you tried to bribe me
into helping you escape?” Baker added as she started to
pinch Diane’s sex lips.

Diane cringed and remained silent.

“He will probably triple your punishment, .maybe even
give you ten days on the Women’s Work Farm.” she
continued as she slipped her fingers into Diane’s sex

“I know the Warden there. She likes big tits like
these,” Baker chided as she went from Diane’s sex to
her hanging breasts, and started to knead and pinch
them. She pulled and twisted on the nipples, rubbing
the large nubs to erection. She took a firm grip on the
nipples and stared to shake them.

Diane shut her eyes and remained silent, hoping that
this cruel woman would tire of her sport. She gave the
tits some final shakes and pinches and went back around
to Diane’s upturned and very vulnerable ass. Baker
started to goose the exposed anus, smiling as Diane
jumped every time she poked at the tiny anal pucker.

SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Baker started to slap the
bare bottom with a staccato type rhythm. “NO! PLEASE NO
MORE! I CAN’T STAND IT!” Diane screamed.

Just then the men walked back into the room. “What goes
on here,” the Judge asked.

“She was being verbally abusive, Your Honor,” Baker

“Well, in that case, Officer Baker, you can administer
the final four strokes,” the judge directed.

Baker picked up the paddle and with a full swing aimed
at the direct center of the big bottom. With all her
force the paddle landed with a sickening splat. Diane’s
mouth opened in a wordless shriek. Three more times the
paddle struck the same exact spot, the last delivered
with particular forcefulness.

“There now, Mrs. Hughes, all done,” the Judge chided.
“I hereby declare this case closed. Take your wife
home, Counselor.”

And the Judge, Baker, and the Troopers left.

It had cost Daren Hughes the price of a luxury car to
set it all up. But worth every penny of it. He looked
at the blistering red bottom.

“Ready to go home, dear?” he smiled.

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Wet Dreams Bitchy Behavior Lust Love

P.S. With this story, I begin my 5th year posting tales on XNXX … Wet Dreams; Bitchy Behavior; Lust & Love … (Part one) Wet Dreams Sometimes I just get so aggravated at being a girl. Damnit, guys don’t have to have periods and fool with all the messy feminine hygiene stuff! They don’t have to have babies either. They can pee just about anywhere they please and do it without even having to squat down. Then there are all those insensitive sayings like; “men don’t make...

3 years ago
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My Bitchyhot Niece Denise

My Bitchy-hot Niece Denise Femdom Fiction by James Pendergrass - (www.cafeboudoir.com) 2008It was meant to be a simple month-long visit while I got my life together.  Thanks to some horrible managerial maneuvers by my banker employer (sub prime loans, etc) I was out of a job two weeks past my 30th birthday.  I wasn’t the type of save money for a rainy day and within two months I had serious cash problems.  No longer could I afford my Manhattan luxury apartment.  I needed help.  Mom and Dad...

2 years ago
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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 5 Peru Teachers teach Teachers

(Fm, romance) (edited) Six months had gone by in a flash for 17-year-old Jennie, her 34-year-old husband Mike, and her mom Karen as they worked in the village school in Peru that Sandy, Randy, and her parents had built and taught at. Each day, Mike, Jennie, and Sandy would teach at the school. Mike taught math and sports with the kids while Jennie and Sandy taught English, History and social courses, with marriage and relationship courses, mixed with sex education for the older girls. Mike...

3 years ago
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Teaching my daughter a valuable lesson

While driving home, I saw that the weather outside was nice, so I planned to take a jog through my neighborhood when I got home. Plus, I had a new sexy jogging outfit that I was sure was going to turn a lot of heads. I made it home at exactly 1:00 PM. Exactly two and a half hours before my daughter Erica would be arriving home from school. As I stood in front of my full-length mirror, checking out the way my new pink and white outfit hugged my slim/thick 6', 190 lbs, 38-D's, and 48-inch...

1 year ago
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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 18 Teach her a Lesson

I suppose it’s only normal that you take on the English accent to which you are most often exposed. In my case it started when BBC 1 and 2 were made available on the Dutch cable network. I loved almost every show they put on and that shaped my theretofore rather unremarkable Dutsj Ekssent. Well, Lexy grew up watching shows and films like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Beverly Hills 90210, Clueless, The Twilight Saga and related TV trash. Not every character on those shows speaks Valley Girl, but...

3 years ago
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Aman8217s wife her friend

Hi! Pabby is here with very sexy hot group sex story for u people. If any one wants to contact me plz mail me at pabby_ra2yahoo.com. My friends Aman and Boby and myself had left the pub early. Well, we hadn’t left, as such.. Having consumed a considerable quantity of beer, we were politely asked to leave by the. manager.. . “No problem guys,” slurred Aman, “We can go back to my place, I got some beer in the. fridge. Patty (he calls her Patty her actual name is Prity) will most likely be in bed...

3 years ago
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Lessons from Duddy Lesson two

Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me.https://xhamster.com/stories/lessons-from-duddy-9745876It was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...

1 year ago
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Futa Naked In School 04 Teachers Taboo Futa Pet Chapter 1 Johanas Shocking Futa Lesson

Chapter One: Johana's Shocking Futa Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Johana Jordan's Week, Monday The entire student body of Rogers College thundered with applause as the MVP from last Saturday's championship football game led off her rewards. Tanisha Read, a Black futa, gripped the leashes that lead to a futa named Charisma and her little sister, a cutie named Krysten. It was the Monday morning assembly. Normally, it was the Program assembly, but there was a special...

2 years ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Three

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Author's Foreword: This is a unauthorized "part two" to Tiffani Andrews' excellent The Lesson Plan Part One: Endless Summer (http://fictionmania.tv/stories/readtextstory.html?storyID =1431653814505060881). The characters, the setting and the setup were so wonderful, I felt inspired to continue in my own way. Thanks to Tiffani for setting the scene so well. I hope you don't mind. Wednesday: Shakespeare for beginners Chapter...

3 years ago
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Shy Wife gets Nasty in a Adult Theater

moving from Utah to Las Vegas opened up a whole new world and wild adventures for my wife and i. coming from a real small town my Valerie was very shy and timid when it came to sex. it took some talking just to get her to watch porn with me, so i knew getting her to go to a adult theater was going to be tough. don`t get me wrong our sex life was great and she was nasty as hell but only in our bedroom. hell i was open minded and ready and willing to try new things. so i did not give up i keep i...

1 year ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Five

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Friday: After-school Activities Chapter 22 I have a spring in my step and a bounce in my stride as I go into school the next morning. The soft curls of my long hair jump and twist around my face in rhythm with the wiggle of my hips and the increasingly familiar jiggles of my body. Today's dress swishes around my ankles, with a loose flare at the skirt and a tight-fitting top, long sleeves and a keyhole back fastening. It's light blue...

3 years ago
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Teaching Lesson To Sonali

Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...

3 years ago
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Raman8217s wife

i am roshan from Chennai, am running own business, we have only 8 staffs in our office, to take care of the office in my absence I have taken one experienced person his name is Raman H aged 42yrs, he is well verced in our business field, he is married and they have a kid aged abt 7yrs who is studying in banglore with her parents, i have not met his wife vijila, but I have spoke to her over phone becz she used to call me if Raman is late to reach home.. Raman have a habit of drinking daily on...

2 years ago
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Samanthas Sex LessonChapter 4 Samantha Learns More

Samantha backed into her bedroom watching Aaron follow her. His eyes were glued to her boobs and hard cock pointed straight at her. When she reached her bed, the teen flopped into it calling out, "Get in here with me, and teach me more about what boys want to do to sexy girls like me!" "Ugh! I don't think that's a good idea, but let me show you something any guy who sees those gorgeous tits of yours is going to want to do." Aaron leaned over Samantha on her bed and took her swelling...

3 years ago
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Teaching a lesson

Her friends gathered around and started giggling. Who knew what she was up to this time? Andrea was one of the more popular girls in her year, and for the past couple of years she realised all too well how she could use it to get her way. The boys loved her, much to the chagrin of the other girls. Teachers loved her too. They fantasised about her. Among each other they talked about things that would get them kicked out of school and possibly even robbed of their jobs for life. Andrea liked...

2 years ago
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Wifes tennis lesson

I was cleaning out our front hall closet one weekend while my wife was out shopping. As I was moving stuff out, I came across my wife's tennis bag. When I placed it on the ground outside of the closet, it tipped over on the floor, and the loose tennis balls fell out. I rounded them up and was preparing to put them back, when I noticed a videotape in the bag. I pulled it out to see what it was but there was no label on it. My wife Alyson is an avid tennis player at out local club. She plays in a...

3 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jared Teaches a Lesson Part 2

High-school teacher Sylvia Steele is still reeling from her near-seduction by ex-student Jared Morgan. She's vowed not to return to his apartment so he can indulge his wicked teacher fantasy. But some temptations are just too damn hard to resist... Sylvia applied the finishing touches around six thirty on Monday evening. Gold stud earrings, a touch of mascara and pale-red lipstick. Her locks were twirled into a chignon and secured with a wooden pin; the ponytail-look reminded her too much of...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Teaching cock teasing stepdaughter a lesson

“Your Stepdaughter is such a cock tease”.I’m not sure what emboldened me to say these words to my work colleague about his daughter, Sara, who must have been 18 years old, I guess. They were true, she had been flirting with me constantly when I had visited Joe over the last few weeks to work on a project together. However, I would not usually comment on it, and if the shoe had been on the other foot I may have punched his lights out.Joe just laughed and agreed with me.“I try and tell her about...

1 year ago
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Discovering My Nasty Wife

The TurnaroundChapter 1I am successful in businessman, and married to a wonderful wife. We are both very much in love, and always been very close, but somehow there was always something missing.Like many men, I had always had a fantasy of watching my wife making love with another man. I know most people think of that type guy as a weak, but I would be considered anything but a whimp. I'd be thought of as masculine and I am a strong contender in the business arena. I've just always been...

2 years ago
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Wife Nitya Turns Into Nasty

Hi ISS readers this is Ram, and this story is about my wife Nitya whom I thought to be a sexy sensitive homely lady and how she turned out to be Fucking nasty sex hungry female, whore I have ever met in my life. I got married a year ago and my marriage was an arranged marriage. My wife Nitya, 22 years was from very traditional family just like mine. She was hot and sexy standing 5’6 and she was fair in complexion and had a great physique. She had busty boobs, slim and lean waist and nice sexy...

3 years ago
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Bitchy stepmom

[Guys this is just a story i thought of.Although its a story i am going to use a first person scenario.Witness how a 17 year old guys fucks his step mom again and again for years]My name is Stephen.I am a 17 year old normal guy.Everything's normal about me but 2 things aren't the first thing is that i am 6'3'' which many wud say is a normal height and the second thing is i am a virgin.Yes i havent fucked anyone, what's unbelievable is the fact that i have masturbated only twice once when i was...

3 years ago
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Getting BitchyChapter 3

My dick was aching, though Goddess Janelle had removed the cock cage. Still, as I gazed up at Her, lewdly spread above my naked body, shoving the big green gel vibrator in and out of Her dripping cunt, my "pitiful, midget pecker" remained rigid and straining with lust. (Now here is one of those weirdnesses of my kink. I know perfectly well that I have a nice, average-sized cock. 5-and-a-half inches and pleasingly thick, it is nothing to be ashamed of. But I do love to be shamed and...

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Mother teaches her first lesson

Over the next week Jerry spent many nights thinking of his mother. Things were getting tougher in school. He was feeling more and more left out. John was still moving from girl to girl while he couldn't even get a first date. He attempted talking to Sherry one day when he saw her having her lunch alone under a tree. He went over to her and made up a story. Said he had lost the days assignment for a class they had in common. "Sure Jerry, I have it right here in my notebook," she said. He sat...

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Teacher gives 18yearold student a lesson

I read the official note again on the way to my fourth period teacher’s classroom: ‘Come by room 106 for a special lesson. This is for your greater knowledge only.’ I was not sure what this had to do with me, I thought maybe it was a subject for my next extra-credit project. Whatever the case, I walked into the classroom with the usual friendly greeting: a shave-and-a-haircut knock. He turned around at his desk and looked at me. ‘Well, I’m glad you could come by.’ I nodded. ‘I got this...

3 years ago
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Teacher gives 18yearold student a lesson

I read the official note again on the way to my fourth period teacher's classroom: "Come by room 106 for a special lesson. This is for your greater knowledge only." I was not sure what this had to do with me; I thought maybe it was a subject for my next extra-credit project. Whatever the case, I walked into the classroom with the usual friendly greeting: a shave-and-a-haircut knock.He turned around at his desk and looked at me. "Well, I'm glad you could come by." I nodded. "I got this note in...

4 years ago
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Please Teach Me About Halloween Lesson 3

There was a box on the table. It was addressed to him. Jin eyed it suspiciously, wondering what Kigumi was up to this time. After a particularly brutal set of midterms, during which Kigumi had insisted studies take precedence over sex, Jin came home from his last exam hoping for some fun. Kigumi's apartment next door to his appeared empty however. Yuki had left on a job some time back and was not expecting to return till later next month, but Kigumi herself was usually home by now....

3 years ago
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Milkman Milks My Wife

This is a story of how my innocent wife got fucked by the milkman. My name is Ajith and my wife is Ramya. We have a 10 month old baby named Rakesh. Ramya is a very conservative lady. She prefferes t wear saree even though she used to wear salwars. She is 36 and I am 38. After she gave birth to the child we came to know that she wasn’t able to produce enough milk for the baby. Doctors said that it was because of her age that she wasn’t able to produce enough milk. But she also said that there...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One

Introduction: Batwoman goes in search of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, only to find her fill-in, Holly Robinson. It was all going so well. A simple looting of a rich persons home of a few baubles, and what not. Yep, everything was going so well until she found herself blacking out from something hitting her. She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. Where am I? she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. ouuuhhh…...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One

She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. "Where am I?" she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. "ouuuhhh..." she groaned in pain. "As to the where, you're in an adult toy factory. As for the why, because I saw you and decided you might be the one person that can give me what I want." Stepping from behind the hanging woman, Batwoman let the fingers of her left hand trace Holly's right thigh...

1 year ago
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With My Bhabhis While My Wife Was Pregnant

Hi all, this is ilrumjack here again. This is an episode that happened with two of my bhabhi’s while my wife was pregnant with my first child. As is the practice, we were having a baby shower function on the seventh month of my wife’s pregnancy. We were having the child after 4 years of my marriage. The function was being held at my parent’s place as the whole thing was being organized by my mom. Since both, I and my wife were working we had taken a day off for this function. Being a...

2 years ago
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Teachers Lesson

The boy’s remark had caused a titter in the classroom and she could not let it go unchallenged. First she re-buttoned her blouse, causing another titter, then, looking directly at Erik, she asked, “What did you say?” Erik looked a little abashed, then, realizing that he was the center of attention, regained his aplomb. “I said, ‘Look at that set.’” His cool response might have warned her to leave it there. Although he was only 17, Erik had the physique of an adult. His muscular body had earned...

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Teaching Her a Lesson

I was sitting at my desk getting ready for the next class like I usually do on my break. Except for the last couple weeks my mind has been wandering off to her. She’s petite, slim with a perfect hour glass figure. Her breasts aren’t huge, but they aren’t small either, they’re exactly proportionate to her curvy figure. She has a smile that could steal your breath away, and her green eyes that could light up a whole city were a perfect contrast to her tanned skin and candy apple red hair. Not...

College Sex
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Teacher gives pupil an extracurricular lesson

Bill, aka Mr Brown the Maths teacher, meets Suzy at her mum’s house for some naughty role play but gets the surprise of his life. Suzy then makes Bill an offer he can’t refuse. I’ve not posted for a while. You might want to first read Chapter 1 - ‘Let the Sunshine In’ posted 3 months ago.The next day Suzy came into my office to tell me that her mum was jetting off on holiday for 2 weeks on the coming Monday. ‘Are you still up for meeting at my mum’s place Bill’?‘Definitely I’ve thought about...

2 years ago
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Shy Wife gets Nasty in a Adult Theater my version

Moving from Vimmerby to Gothenburg opened up a whole new world and wild adventures for my husband and i. Coming from a real small town i was very shy and timid when it came to sex. It took some talking just to get me to watch porn with him, so he knew getting me to go to a adult theater was going to be tough. Don`t get me wrong our sex life was great and he was nasty as hell but only in our bedroom. Hell i was open minded and ready and willing to try new things. So i he did not give up talking...

2 years ago
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Teaching the whore a lesson

You immediately feel that something isn't right. You try to kiss me but I turn away. "What's wrong?" you ask. "What's wrong? Seriously? I know what you did!". I am replying furiously. "I don't know what you walk about?!" you say with a puzzled look. "I know that you fucked your ex. Did you really think you'll get away with it?" I snap. "I'm sorry" you say avoiding eye contact with me. "Please, please don't leave me" you beg. I laugh. "No. What i will do is teach you a lesson!" I move closer to...

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