Bird and the Blonde
- 3 years ago
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Jamie was keen to hook up with the Ambassador, Sir David Manning as quickly as possible after his coronation. The sooner the diplomatic efforts to release the expats began the better. He brought the helicopter in to land at Skibo and mentally stopped himself from rushing through the shut down procedures. Once he had completed what he had to do, he jumped down onto Skibo's rapidly growing lawns and joined his sister and Debbie and Christine. Stuart had remained at Dreghorn to review how training was progressing.
Jamie eyed his sister and the two girls as they walked towards the hotel's entrance. He had allowed both Debbie and Christine to perform oral sex on him during the day and the values that his parents had instilled in him meant that he now felt something deeper towards them. His brain had to rationalise the acts by creating a sense of being closer to the girls. Such an intimate act had to mean some kind of bond, his mind now decided after the events. Unconsciously he drew Debbie and Christine closer to his side as he walked and Laura tried to hide her little smile of triumph.
Jamie left the girls to look out something for dinner and took himself upstairs to check his messages. Both e-mail accounts were swamped with messages, the US and Canadian messages all much the same - Go Jamie!! - and the UK ones giving a better idea of what was happening across the country. It seemed the actions of the day had played well with the viewing audience and if anything the strength of feeling behind what Jamie was doing had grown.
Jamie clicked on the little square to minimise his e-mail accounts and brought up the link to the web cam site that connected him to Sir David Manning. He clicked on the link and waited while he was connected. When the screen logged on to the camera he saw another 'suit' sitting behind Sir David's desk.
"Hi, I wanted to speak to Sir David," he said.
He saw the suit snap himself upright at the sound of Jamie's voice and turn toward the camera.
"Ah, I'm sorry your Grace, the ambassador isn't here right now. He's gone to the State Department and asked that you be told he will be available at 22:00 your time. That's in just over two hours."
"Thanks you," said Jamie, "I'll be here then."
He clicked to exit the site and began to go through some of his e-mail. There was another message from the teenager who had infiltrated the terrorist set up at Herriot-Watt University on the western outskirts of Edinburgh. Jamie could sense the enthusiasm and urgency in the boy's message to him, the real nervous energy that must be coursing through the boy's blood.
I didn't get to see it myself but the camp here is buzzing with news that the SIS web site showed Scotland choosing you as our new King. Fucking far out man! My wee heart is beating nineteen to the dozen, we've got a King and I'm in here plotting the downfall of the wankers who are trying to subdue our country. What do I call you now? Is it your majesty or something? LOL.
The teenagers here are ripe for overthrowing the terrorists and today's events have if anything brought them closer to the edge. I'm sure the terrorists know the mood in the camp, it's almost tangible, at fever pitch. If I don't do something soon to lead these people it will surely just boil over itself. They really are that worked up already and your coronation has caught the imagination. There is a feeling that they're missing out on events, on what Scotland is doing and they want to be part of things. I'm not joking when I say Herriot-Watt is ready to explode at any minute. What do you want me to do?
Jamie looked at the words. Ian Sinclair - or 'Sinky' - was a brave 'man' to have volunteered to go into the lion's den and now the teenager was telling him that it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep a lid on the growing fervour of the survivors in the camp he had been taken to. Something would need to be done soon to orchestrate events before the survivors went off half-cocked and were slaughtered by the terrorists.
He pondered on his new status as the King of Scots and knew it was up to him to show leadership. What did it mean to be the King? Now there was a question. He knew he would have to set an example to others, but beyond that he was determined to be as much himself as possible. Jamie glanced at the clock in the bottom right corner of his computer screen and saw it was time to try and hook up with Sir David once more.
This time the crusty old diplomat's face stared back at him from the screen and Jamie greeted him.
"Good evening Sir David, how are you? I'm guessing you must have watched today's proceedings on my web site," Jamie said.
"Indeed your Grace, very impressive if I may say so. It hadn't occurred to me to do that, but a better record of events and demonstration that everything was done properly you couldn't ask for. If you will bear with me a moment, I'd like to hook up with Anthony Carry, the High Commissioner in Ottawa and Sir John Sawyers the Ambassador to the UN in New York. I think we all need to discuss our next steps."
Jamie watched a technician enter the shot at Sid David's elbow and he hit a few keys on a keyboard that was out of sight. His computer screen suddenly split to show his own head and that of Sir David, but now two other heads appeared as well.
"Good evening your Grace. May I be allowed to congratulate you on your elevation today? A remarkable moment in Scotland's history indeed and I found your words quite uplifting to say the least. But where are my manners, let me introduce myself. I'm John Sawyers, formerly the British Ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations."
Jamie took in the well-groomed brown hair, cut with a parting on the left side of the man's head. The eyes that gazed at him were steely blue and Jamie imagined he would be formidable opponent across a negotiating table.
"Good evening Sir John, it's a pleasure to meet you, despite the circumstances," Jamie replied.
The other head showed a man with receding hair and a high forehead. His brown hair was going grey at the sides and he wore an avuncular smile.
"And let me congratulate you too, your Grace. I'm Anthony Carry and until recently I was the British High Commissioner in Canada."
"Pleased to make sure acquaintance Mr Cary," Jamie acknowledged
"We all know each other of old your Grace. So, now we're all together and the introductions are over, we can share our news and decide what to do next. As inspiring as your selection and coronation were, unfortunately it hasn't had the impact that I hoped," Sir David said.
"What do you mean?" Jamie asked.
"As soon as I saw your coronation I made my way to the State Department to try and turn up the heat on the administration. They refused to see me and had a minor official tell me that things hadn't changed, I have no standing with them," said Sir David.
"But that's stupid. Are they denying what happened today? Are they refusing to acknowledge that I am now King and Head of State?" Jamie asked.
"Yes, they seemed to think it was just a bunch of kids play acting, you know, pulling some kind of stunt," the Ambassador replied.
"What else can we do to get them to accept me?" Jamie asked.
"Before we come to that I'd like to hear from Anthony how things are going in Ottawa," Sir David said.
"Not as bleak as things seem to be with our American cousins, David. The Canadian government is at least talking to me, but they still believe it's best to have a ban on all foreign travel. One problem is accreditation. The government here hasn't said that they don't recognise you your Grace, but they haven't come out and said they do either.
"Prime Minister Harper seems sympathetic, or at least he's making all the right noises. Of course, given public opinion and the real strength of feeling on this issue here, he would be a fool not to make the right noises. His popularity is taking a knock as it is, he's sliding in the polls and you know how that tends to affect politicians," said Anthony Cary.
"Thank you Anthony. I think we need to regularise our positions somewhat. The US and Canadian governments can justifiably question our positions as things stand. Your Grace, would it be possible for you to officially appoint us and do so live on your web site? At least then we would have a little more legitimacy," Sir David said.
"Of course I can Sir David. But what are the chances that the US President will pay any more attention to that than my coronation?" Jamie asked.
"A good question your Grace, but I have some ideas I think we can use to help here. I believe what President Bush is doing is illegal, tantamount to kidnapping indeed. And I intend that we challenge him legally.
"Tomorrow I'd like you to publicly declare Scotland as independent once more. The Act of Settlement of 1701 prevents you from taking up the throne of the United Kingdom, as it settles the monarchy on the descendants of James the I and VI. What you can do however, is claim the throne of the entire United Kingdom by force. I believe you said today that you planned on heading South to free survivors in England and Wales as well. So be it, claim the lands at the same time. After you declare your royal intentions to make Scotland independent, you also need to appoint us as your representatives.
"John, I'd like you to register his Grace's position with the United Nations and force them to accept it. I believe our legal position on this is watertight and once the UN look into that and confirm today's events are perfectly legitimate, then the President will find it much more difficult to ignore us.
"On behalf of the expatriates here in the US, and the HMS Vengeance I will exercise their rights under the First Amendment to lodge a petition against the administration's policies at the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. I plan to call a press conference on the steps of the E Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse on Constitution Avenue, to tell America what their President is doing and how we are fighting back. As you say Anthony, the way to hurt politicians is to shake their popularity. I'd like to see President Bush's face when he finds out what I've done," said Sir David.
"Wouldn't my laying claim to the rest of the United Kingdom be seen as an act of war?" Jamie asked.
"In normal circumstances, yes. But I'm sure that if you free the other survivors they won't see it that way and you will be accepted without challenge. It will require an Act of the Westminster Parliament to confirm you though and that will need enough people over eighteen years of age to hold an election. At least your claim will keep the US and Canadian governments guessing. Remember, the late Queen and her heirs are or were hereditary monarchs of Canada and other commonwealth countries and that will be causing them a constitutional headache right now," said Sir David.
"I don't know about them, but this is all making my head swim. Are you sure we're doing the right thing here, Sir David?" Jamie questioned.
"I can't think of another way forward your Grace. I know it's confusing, but just leave all the diplomatic mumbo jumbo up to us. You carry on doing what you're doing. Oh, and one other thing your Grace. I hate to ask this, but if there is a safe way of getting some footage of the terrorists onto your web site, something that would help make all of this more real for the ordinary people here, that might help turn the heat up too."
"I think I might have something that will work," replied Jamie.
"Anthony, you need to keep us abreast of any changes in the government's position in Canada. It might be worthwhile to forewarn the Prime Minister about his Grace's planned statement tomorrow. Knowing about it in advance will help with your bona fides too," said the Ambassador.
The discussion wound down and they agreed to conference again at the same time the next evening.
President Bush was clearly not impressed with what he was watching. One of his aides had burned the images from the 'Surviving in Scotland' web site onto disc and he was seeing it for the first time. He now had a face for the teenager who he had been sending messages to. He listened to the speech the boy made and harumphed at the simplistic messages.
"Who does this boy think he is? Winston Churchill? William Wallace?"
The President turned to his White House Chief of Staff, Joshua D. Bolton.
"Who does he think he's kidding with this act? No one could be stupid enough to believe that a bunch of kids could select a monarch just like that. If he's the King of Scots, I'm a horse's ass!" said President Bush.
The Chief of Staff coughed nervously.
"Actually Mr President, the Attorney General and his people believe what happened today might well be legal. Apparently there are a number of precedents for the Scots appointing their own King. So far we haven't been able to pick any holes in what he's done sir."
"For crying out loud! If it's that easy, why haven't they been doing it before now?" President Bush asked.
"That's what I'm saying Mr President, they have done, numerous times in fact. It just hasn't happened for six or seven hundred years that's all. I'm sure this other matter is related sir. We are receiving repeated representations from Sir David Manning to meet with the State Department. He was the British Ambassador Mr President," Joshua said.
Bird Protection************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I wasn’t paying attention to the announcements just before the coffee break. I...
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Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction. After Chapter 4, I was biting at trying to get this next chapter done. So many things in focus and hiding in the background for this story - I got on a roll and put this chapter together. Hope you enjoy! As always, interested in your thoughts. Keep going or wrap this one up in a nice pretty bow and move on? Thank You!!! XOXO Rachel... March 10th 5:12 AM I had managed to catch ten minutes of sleep on the way to the...
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"With Henrietta's testimony we can get an indictment but I don't think we'll convict then of more than a misdemeanor." Cheryl Mahoney was outlining the legal situation to Lieutenant Flett, Detective Dick Durham and Officer Louise Marker as Flett reviewed their progress in going after Deacon Robert Ramsay and George Smart on prostitution related charges. "But dammit Cheryl! We have voice and video tapes and they were all legal. Those two bastards are pimps, just as much as the flashy...
On Friday, Helena decided to attend the legal practice that Mrs Romano had used to administer her property portfolio. She rang the practice requesting to speak to one of the partners secretaries. The receptionist was very off putting and explained that they would ring her back at their convenience. Helena stood her ground saying, forget the secretary get a partner NOW or you will loose the total Romano business. The girl put Helena on hold for over 8 minutes. When a partner did answer in a...
Reddit Legal Teens, aka r/LegalTeens! Teenage girls. To paraphrase the immortal words of Matthew McConaughey, I get older but they stay the same age. When you combine this perpetual youth with the fact that they’re uneducated, unintelligent, and lack life experience, teenagers have made themselves a porn goldmine.They’ve got tight bodies, uninhibited minds, and so little care for the future that they’ll willingly plaster their nudes all over the internet for future teachers, employers, and...
Reddit NSFW ListMumtaz stood at the entrance of Bay Pride mall, staring into the abyss of the uncountable number of people moving around like ants. She could stop this right now. She could turn around and walk back. But something twitched inside her, a potential soulmate, maybe a man who could satisfy her wet dreams. Mumtaz stood frozen. Maybe he would be the storm in her dry desert. A month back, Mumtaz Khan was sitting in her office, glancing through the case files she neatly racked in her cupboard after...
Jamie was dog tired by the time he landed the Lynx back at Skibo. Once more the three girls waited in the reception area to welcome him back. Laura seemed far more at ease this time when Debbie and Christine hugged and kissed him passionately. Her position with Jamie was assured, of that she had no doubt and now she just smiled at the antics of the other two girls. The girls had waited for him before eating again and he joined them to wolf down some instant mash and tinned burgers. He...
At the Faslane naval base, Jamie was scratching his head as he tried to weigh up the pros and cons of a new situation. The skills audit at Fort William had turned up seven teenagers who claimed to be fairly experienced with large pleasure boats. Each had had a father who was nuts about boats (and other large boy's toys) and the teenagers had spent a fair amount of time learning how to pilot and navigate the craft. When Jamie had asked Stuart where the skilled teenagers were, he had been...
New Year's Even 1999-2000 I attended a party with a college friend of mine and his younger cousin. I was 22 at the time. My friend was a couple of years older than me, but his cousin was five years younger. His cousin brought along two gals with him from his high school class. One was his girlfriend (or someone he was 'seeing'). The other was her single friend, Tiffany. So I'm a 22 year old college grad and Tiffany is a 17 year old high school student. In my state, 17 is the age of...
Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction. Thank You for reading my story! I especially enjoy hearing your thoughts, criticism, and ideas. If there's contact information I always try to reply personally. I LOVE this site!!! March 9th, 4:56 AM Getting my bag checked-in was the easiest thing I'd done this morning. Just an hour before I was struggling with my hair, my makeup, and on top of these setbacks - I hated the shoes I was wearing with my Braxton...
A Legal Beaver Chapter 4 By Stefanie Flowers The story so far: Brett is a 17 year old desperate to go to college and become a lawyer. He has no money but is offered a fully paid scholarship provided he completes its pre-college work assignments. The assignments are carefully structured to help build social skills, instill personal confidence and offer experience in the chosen field of study. Unfortunately, through his brothers meddling and his own stupidity, his application...
Like always, he was on my doorstep, smiling, wearing just a pair of basketball shorts, sweat glistening on his exposed chest. “ Hey Mr. Hunt!” he exclaimed. “ Is Josh home?” “ Call me Mike.” I told him again. “ Yes, he’s here, go on upstairs.” He ran by me and up to the second floor. I could smell him as he jolted by and the smell made me hard. I pushed the thought from my mind and closed the door. I yelled up to them that I would be in the garage if they needed me. “OK” came the...
"Barely legal..." "But dressed to impress all the same..." "Cool outfit." Yeah, right. Most families spend July 4 slouched around the barbecue pitpassing wind. Mine spend it sprawled around a photo album, passing comment, and while I can't say I've ever contributed much to the conversation... I've certainly never brought one of my own albums along for inspection... it's hard not to get sucked into the occasion. Especially when cousin Margie is around, with half your own teenaged years in...
A Legal Beaver Chapter 2 By Stefanie Flowers Previously Brett, my persona was now that of a female, Britney. Dressed in boys clothes, I am seated on a plane as it lands in Paris. I am going to a work assignment that will earn me a scholarship for college. Only weeks ago I had been a teenage boy on the cusp of becoming a man. Now I am a female about to be trained as a model. It was a strange...
A Legal Beaver Chapter 8 By Stefanie Flowers Getting to see Janet and Sir Benjamin was not as easy as I had anticipated. Since both had disappeared together on some international junket our confrontation would have to be put on hold for a while. They were attending conferences and giving talks to promote recent medical advances in gender reassignment. No kidding, they were probably touting about their new procedure to change a persons gender by removing or donating Y chromosomes. I...
Sherrie Finds Legal Loopholes By Eve Adorer Chapter 1 ? The Liberal Lawyer My name is Sherrie Nathan. I am a lawyer; a criminal lawyer; a defence lawyerand, yes, I have heard all the jokes about the similarity of the sound of myname with another far better known but, in his case, entirely fictional Americandefence lawyer. I am thirty now. The story I have to tell you, the story all my friends askme to tell over and over, is about what happened to me when I was just twenty-fiveand a complete...
It was maybe two weeks later when I got a phone call. I didn’t recognise the number when it rang but I answered it anyway. “Hello Roger” the guy said “this is Alfred Chalmers. Remember me?” “Yes Alfred” I said. “Well” he continued “I know you like parties and I am having one. Are you interested?” I was very surprised “how did you get my number?” I asked. “Oh I have my spies” he said laughing “I have been thinking about you and wondered if you would be interested in MY party”. “Well I guess so”...