A Legal Beaver - Chapter 2 free porn video

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A Legal Beaver Chapter 2 By Stefanie Flowers Previously Brett, my persona was now that of a female, Britney. Dressed in boys clothes, I am seated on a plane as it lands in Paris. I am going to a work assignment that will earn me a scholarship for college. Only weeks ago I had been a teenage boy on the cusp of becoming a man. Now I am a female about to be trained as a model. It was a strange set of circumstances that had led me here to train as a model when all I wanted was to be a lawyer. My sponsors had chosen this work assignment to prepare me for college; to take away my shyness and build confidence. It would either do that or break me. The way I am dressed tells everyone that I am a lesbian so luckily no men tried to hit upon me as I made my way from England to France. A cab from D'Orly airport took me to my new abode for the next year; a flat in the Paris suburbs which I was to share with three other girls. When I say girls, that was true but I had been informed earlier that one was transgender. I could never tell which one of the three was her. I'm not sure what I was, a temporary transgender or boy masquerading as girl. All were part of the same program that I had signed up for. We were to be trained as models for a famous Paris fashion house. All of the other girls were French. I spoke not a word of their language. Well maybe a qui or non, but that was as far as it went! On entering the flat and seeing the other girls I had no time to be shy. I heard them scream, "Oh, mon Dieu! Etes-vous Britney?" "Oui," I replied trying to capture the same excitement that they were exhibiting towards me. Screaming, they all came over and hugged me to death. They introduced themselves as Michelle, Bridget and Francoise. Apparently not at all bashful they asked me, "Etes-vous un irsbian?" I didn't need to know French to get their meaning. "Non, non non!" I quickly denied. "Je suppose que je suis un peu un Tom Boy." "Quelle honte! Alors vous avez besoin d'aide," was Bridget's response. I was soon taken under their wings and converted into every man's sexual wet dream. They taught me how to do my make up, helped me shop for sexy stylish lingerie and clothing and how to act unashamedly female. We went out to beauty salons, clothing stores, restaurants and nightclubs. I don't know how but they had taught me, without understanding a word of French, how to behave and dress as a stylish, sophisticated, sexy woman of Paris. All in the matter of a month. I was grateful for soon we had to report to the fashion house for our training as models. I was new to being a woman and they had helped me to quickly leave my old self behind. Several evenings a week I had to attend conversational French classes. The lessons helped and I developed a genuine Parisian accent but the girls proved to be my best teachers. In the local bars and clubs I learnt how to fend off pushy males and how to flirt with the ones I fancied. Fancied? Did I really say that? It was true. I was learning how to be an attractive young woman and play the nightclub scene. The girls didn't give me a chance to be my usual shy self. It was not long before I just loved dancing in skimpy sexy clothes, unashamedly showing off my curvaceous body to the ogling males. Somehow it all felt so natural being a girl. Maybe it was the hormones that my female body generated. Still I couldn't let the girls in on my secret. My male will power and dignity was seriously weakening. Oh how I wanted to find out what it felt to be like a real woman, to have a rigid penis thrusting into my wet dripping vagina. Janet had warned me not to get pregnant for I would be stuck as a woman forever, but she hadn't told me how strong the sexual urges would become. But what harm would it do? I just needed to be careful. I had already felt my breasts massaged by male hands. I had exchanged French kisses with probing tongues and felt female juices secreted in my loins in expectation of what my body demanded. This was my chance to experience life from the other side. At the back of my mind I still kept questioning why I was doing this. I told myself that it was not for long. My college would be fully paid for just by being female for a few months. A few months. That was a lie. It was more like two years. Could I, Brett, ever recover from this experience? My everyday wear was now frilly satin lingerie, short mini skirts and tight blouses displaying my very ample cleavage. I had gotten used to wearing tight fitting thongs, platforms bra's and the highest of high heels. There were so many exciting changes to feel and experience. Then it came time to report for fashion school. First came the catwalk. Our manager and trainer, Madam Sylvie, taught us how to sway our hips in a sexy walk with one foot placed directly in front of the other. Soon I could sashay my way down the walkway with the best of them. A classic model pose with one hand on my waist, the other hand held limply to display flashing rings and bracelets. At the end, we learned to pause on display, purse our lips into the hint of a smile, and then casually pirouette to return back down the catwalk. It was a sophisticated tease show without the stripping. The fashion house was well pleased with our work. I had worn gorgeous long flowing evening gowns, short tight sexy skirts and hot pants and then my favorite of all. My body actually tremored a bit as I wore the billowing, petticoated wedding gown all in white satin with a built in tight fitting corset. It had a long flowing train that trailed behind me. I could hardly see anything with my face obscured by the diaphanous veil covering my head. Perched on high stiletto heels I had to walk very carefully so as not the trip over the volumes of satin and lace. It was just like being in a real wedding as I walked down the catwalk taking steps in time to the wedding march. Two young girls dressed as bridesmaids helped to manage the long trailing folds of satin and lace. That was not all, for we spent many hours being coached in fashion, applying make-up and projecting confidence and self esteem. I had never felt so alive or so beautiful. Men stopped and turned just to devour the sight of me. It made me feel so mature, so powerful. After some big fashion shoots were published we gained some public exposure. Famous enough to be in Vogue as part of an article on upcoming young fashion models. My face was there for everyone to see. Not on the front page but certainly some notoriety from being exposed to the fashion public. All in the space of less than a year. Derek came to visit for a long weekend. Of course, he couldn't keep away now knowing what my flat mates looked like. I guess he too read Vogue, or Mum had shown him the photos. My girl friends took good care of Derek and saw that he experienced the whole Paris scene close up, lucky guy. He even came and watched some of our shows. He took like a fish to water enjoying every minute of female attention. When it was time to leave he hugged and kissed me on the cheek and then whispered in my ear, "This is what you are meant to be. Don't waste your life by being Brett again." I was both shocked and touched at the same time. He didn't mind having me as a sister and just wanted me to be happy. Was it that obvious how much I was enjoying myself? Funny, up until then I had been totally immersed in my new role as a female, but now he had reminded me Brett. Now I wondered if I had gone too far. Was I losing who I truly am or had I found the real me? Well it didn't take long after he left before I put aside all thoughts of Brett. I was soon back to being the vivacious Britney. Not yet having had intercourse I felt that it was now time for me to experience the whole deal. But I didn't want just any male. I wanted one I had feelings for and one who truly cared about me. So I took my time until Mr. Right came along. His name was Antoine, a student at the Ecole d'economie de Paris. We met at a disco and he introduced himself by running his hands up my leg into my dripping wet panties. We started going out regularly. That meant a lot of nights together in bed making passionate love. Even though he used a condom, I was ultra careful and made sure to always take my pill. He was getting very serious about our relationship and wanted me to meet his parents but I told him that marriage was out of the question. I really cared for him but a long term relationship was out of the question for I was going on to college to become a lawyer. He was devastated and broke off our relationship. My first break up. I could tell that I did not really love him for it didn't hurt that much but I did miss the regular sex. Work continued at the fashion house and we were to do a shoot on lingerie. This took a bit of getting used to for I was half naked while photographers got in real close to get the ideal shot. They coached me into taking the right pose, how to hold just the perfect expression. I was pouting and smiling with the best of them. The first shoot was all vintage lingerie; long line bullet and cone shaped bra's, waist cinching panties, tap pants, girdles and corsalettes. Despite my misgivings it all turned out quite tasteful. Soon my scantily dressed body was on bill boards everywhere and I couldn't go anywhere without someone recognized me as that lingerie girl. What I loved most were the seamed nylon stockings held up by sexy garters. Having worn nylons how could I ever go back to pantyhose! I just love the silky feel of my legs as they rubbed together. As we came near to the end of our assignment we were asked to model lingerie at special showings arranged for parties and private gatherings. Being naive I thought these would be for women interested in buying something hot to titillate their husbands. We girls were dressed in the skimpy, silky and mostly transparent lingerie at the fashion house. Then, covered in silk robes, we were piled into the back of a van for transportation to the show. We arrived at the back door of a large mansion; not quite Versailles but you get the picture. There our robes were taken away and we told to go out, mingle and show off the lingerie. Non of this would have been strange except for the assembly of guests. They were all men! Madame Sylvie said, "Ne prenez pas les filles effray?es! Ils sont inoffensifs. Vous avez juste besoin de sourire et de faire une conversation polie. Au pire, vous aurez un mamelon pinc? ou une main caressant sur vos fesses." Bye now I understood French perfectly. Don't take fright girls! They are harmless. You just need to smile and make polite conversation. At worse you'll get a nipple pinched or a caressing hand on your butt. And so we did as we were told. Dressed as we were with no money and no transportation home what else could we do. We mingled with the men, drinking Champagne and trying not to feel conspicuous. We smiled and flirted with them, pretending to let them take a close look and feel the quality of our lingerie. The men took every opportunity to fondle us and yes, I suffered many a pinch and the caress of wandering hands. It was creepy and I couldn't wait for it to end. On loading us back into the van, Madame Sylvie said, "Bien jou? Mesdames. L?, ce n'?tait pas trop mal? La prochaine fois que vous les filles pouvez gagner de l'argent suppl?mentaire si vous voulez. Certains des hommes veulent mieux te conna?tre, si tu vois ce que je veux dire. I won't translate what she said. Her meaning was obvious even to those who don't speak French. Things were going way too far. Was she a real Madam and were we expected to become her whores? Thank god, it was nearing the end of my assignment and not a moment too soon. I was losing myself as Britney. I loved the new me and most of her life, all except for Madam Sylvie's none to discrete prodding to become more than just models. As scheduled, after exactly a year Janet came to assess my progress and get review comments from Madam Sylvie. "So how are you doing Britney?" she asked as an opener. "Great," I replied. "I've gained so much confidence and love being a model. I love my flat mates too. They've helped me out so much; they're like sisters to me." "How about external relationships," she then said cutting to the point. "Well, I have a boyfriend. I'm not a virgin anymore but I've manage not to get pregnant!" I replied. "I knew that once you came out of your shell it would prove difficult not to have sexual relations" she replied. Always blunt and to the point she said, "So where exactly are you? Do you want to return to being Brett? Do you want to go on and become a lawyer or do you want to stay here as a model?" That was the crux of my problem. I was so confused. I wanted all of those options. All except for Madam Sylvie's unwelcome prodding to entertain men. I told Janet about the problem with her. Janet just laughed saying that if I so desired, I could stay on and make lots of money, more than any lawyer. Shocked, I didn't know how to respond. Obviously Madam Sylvie's activities were not unknown to her. "Britney, this assignment is now over. You passed with flying colors. Now you have to chose where we go from here. So what's it to be?" she persisted. My thoughts were all confused by what my family wanted, my ambition to be a lawyer, my sex life with Antoine, and yes, my new life as a woman. How was I supposed to be able to decide just like that. Janet, getting impatient, decided to help me along in the decision making. "You've done very well Britney. I understand that all of these new experiences might be overwhelming your senses, but it's time to reach a decision. Do you want to be a lawyer or not?" That was the crux of it and I realized that my ambitions had not changed. So I replied, "I want to be a lawyer, but please, can you tell me something?" "Well, what is it Britney?" "When you interviewed me I know that you had my erroneous application and I was wrong not to correct things, but did you really think that I was a girl? Did I really come across as a Tom Boy?" "Of course not Britney. I did not know what to think. You were obviously a boy but you had submitted an application as a girl. I thought that you might be transgender but too shy to tell me." "But what about when I called to correct the mistake?" "Well, it was too late by then. We only had the girl assignments available and I was still not sure if you wanted to be a girl or not. In any event, it was the only option available to you so I offered you the opportunity to see life from the other side. I must say, you haven't let me down Britney." Ok, well that explained what had been bugging me. I hadn't been outwardly gay and it was only my brothers practical joke that had initiated my change of life. Soon I was back at home, only now un-mistakenly as a girl. Mom was over the moon. She had her daughter Britney, not son Derek, living at home with her. I enjoyed going out with her shopping for girly clothes, getting a hair do and a facial at the salon. It made her so happy. Derek still remembered his trip to Paris and wanted me to go back to being a model. Dad! Well who knew what he thought but he treated me as his daughter. Of all things he now called me 'Kitten'. It all felt so strange. Living in my old bedroom not as Brett but Britney. Mum and Dad took to making things more easy for me by re- decorating the room into a girly retreat. Pink walls and lacy pastel drapes. A large canopy bed and a make-up table to boot! It only made things worse for here, in this house, I couldn't forget the past or truly embrace my future. Fortunately it was not long before my next assignment was to start as Janet's para legal secretary.

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A brief history of my wife8217s busy beaver

My twenty two year old wife Patti gets real horny mid cycle. She has an IUD and knows when her egg is dropping. She has a strong urge to get fertilized so she really wants sperm injections then, although they always seem to be welcome! The IUD keeps her from full pregnancy but her desires have gotten us into some horny situations. We have been married for two years but fucking off and on for seven. We lived in the same neighborhood growing up. One day a buddy of mine in tenth grade asked me if...

3 years ago
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Beaver Hunt

Thinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one for that special someone in your life. My husband's birthday is next week and I still haven't found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time second to sex is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to hunt. I...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 66 Fresh Wisconsin Beaver

June 13, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “So what are you going to do?” Kara asked as she, Jessica, and I snuggled in bed on Tuesday night. We’d made love and very soon we’d have to walk Jessica to work. “About Melissa?” “And Jillian. And Marcia.” “Marcia is simple, if you mean being with her. She’s sixteen AND a member of the dojo, so that’s a non-starter. And, just to put a true end to it, the age of consent in a situation where the older person is a teacher or some kind of authority figure is...

4 years ago
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To Trap a Different BeaverChapter 1

For Jacques "Jack" Delacroix, his divorce from Sabrina had taken a strange turn. Her recent affair with a punk named Omar, who convinced her that he would be a sponsor, had followed the typical path of the "hot wife, wimp" lifestyle. Her problem was that Jack wouldn't wear a cuckold's horns, and in fact filed for divorce. He refused to let her sway him with the prospect of being part of Omar's harem. He was a proud man of French-Canadian and Huron stock, and he wouldn't submit to such...

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To Trap a Different BeaverChapter 2

"Alright, while the team scans everyone, I'll summarize your new circumstances. Volunteers and concubines, your old lives are gone forever. You are now soldiers and slaves, in that pecking order. Don't kid yourselves. Slavery under any other name is still bondage. My ancestors fought for slavery, among other things, so I know what it is. The Southerner in me takes some pleasure in being a slaveholding Confederate like my forefathers, though thankfully this is based on merit instead of...

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To Trap a Different BeaverChapter 4

"So, what exactly happened with Pamela and you? Rumors are buzzing around the ship, but I want to know straight from the source," Consuela asked Jack, not that it mattered much. She expected to get along with him pretty well, whatever his reply. It was an hour before supper the same night, and most of the exhausted concubines had been napping all afternoon. "Oh, she decided that she wanted to be an unofficial co-sponsor with us. How does that sound, babe? Any plans for tonight, by the...

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To Trap a Different BeaverChapter 5

"Oh, Dios mio!" Consuela exclaimed while Loretta fucked her pussy. Of course, she didn't have much of a chance to talk. Loretta's tongue circled hers repeatedly, allowing the former principal to experience the transwoman's mouth as well as her dick. She loved the tranny's body, and was very glad for the chance to bed her. She could certainly see what Jack saw in Ms. Andersen. She especially loved playing with Loretta's prostate while the ex-teacher screwed her to near...

1 year ago
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Beaver Hunt

Thinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one for that special someone in your life. My husband’s birthday is next week and I still haven’t found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time second to sex is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to hunt. I...

Group Sex
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Legal Illegal Girl

On her birthday weekend, I finally decided to drive out to meet her and take her to Disneyland. It was quite a long drive. When I got there the neighborhood was pretty sketchy, but as soon as I parked in front of her home, she came running out and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me relentlessly. She was in a cute thin little sundress and as we kiss my hands familiarized themselves with her body. It did not feel like she was wearing anything under her dress which when she finally...

2 years ago
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Legal Issues Ch 07

Early morning sunlight streamed through Lynn'scurtains. The young woman woke slowly, still smiling from her dream. She felt unreasonably happy, as if she were a small child tucked into bed by loving parents after a full day of play. An empty chair stood beside her bed and, next to the chair was a small table. Atop the table was a plate full of vegetables and a bowl full of mixed greens. Lynn's stomach rumbled loudly and she remembered she hadn't eaten anything the day before. But, worse was her...

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Legal Issues Ch 05

Lynn woke slowly, her mind clawing its way out of anear-drunken haze. Her body tugged at her, calling attention to different parts that ached or itched or hurt. She sat up, blinking through gummy eyes while smacking her lips. Sharp pain lanced through both of her breasts when she moved. She looked down at her swollen breasts and suddenly adrenaline crashed through her, lifting the fog from her brain. "Muuh!" Lynn cried out in a sudden deep-throated panic. It wasn't her breasts that alarmed her;...

3 years ago
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Legal brothel

When I was in my early 20's, I got a chance to travel cross country working as a mover. The money I earned sucked but I got to see all kinds of new shit, partied and had a blast. One of the cool things I saw was one of the few legal brothels in Nevada.At the time I was sexually in my prime, and I had a smoking hot petite girlfriend at home. I usually only played with skinny chicks if I could help it. When I walked into that little hole in the wall, I immediately thought it wasn't for me. The...

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Legal Aid

A fantasy inspired by a beautiful friendI needed some legal advice as one does on occasion, so I made an appointment to see a lawyer recommended to me by one of my friends.It was a late afternoon appointment on a glorious sunny day; I wore my most fashionable full length summer dress hoping it made me look smart and sensible, I didn’t want my lawyer thinking I was some sort of slut!My lawyer introduced herself as Pam and showed me into her office. As I made myself comfortable I could hear her...

4 years ago
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Legally Bound

Legally Bound By: Cindy Renee' Anderson [email protected] Part 1 - The Date It had been a long time since I had a chance to dress in full female drag and I was desperately looking forward to a few well deserved days off. The last few weeks had been extremely busy at work and I needed some relaxation and fun. I had met another man named Steve using the local personals on the internet. I answered his ad that said he was...

4 years ago
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Legally Bound

Legally Bound By Carmenica Diaz Synopsis Henry always enjoyed the high life, even though it meant living beyond hismean and his addictions of gambling, drinking and womanising didn't help matters. Devlin Butterworth, a sophisticated criminal accumulated Henry's debts anddemanded payment, making it clear what the consequences would be for failure. Exhausting all avenues and with time running out, Henry reluctantly visitshis estranged wife, Virginia who is a very successful legal...

3 years ago
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Legalised Slavery

Tracey looked out of the air plane window and wondered what awaited her on the ground below.They were approaching the imaginatively named Zonga International Airport, in the capital city of Zonga in the country of Zonga. Why choose different names when one will do thought Tracey wryly.Not that many people had heard of Zonga up until two years ago, with good reason, it was a backward little country on the eastern side of Africa with one capital city which was also it's only port, and not much...

2 years ago
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Legaly BindingChapter 2

Michelle sat rigid in the old German car as it bumped along the uneven hillside road. The car had no air con and Michelle s body was soaking wet, stuck to her blue dress, the humidity over ninety percent. She bit her lip at each gravel bump her nipples aching from the wire bind almost numb by now. Grimbald wiped his brow, his rimmed glasses glinting in the bright afternoon light. He looked over from time to time his eyes tracing down to her slowly rising and falling bosom. He could see the...

4 years ago
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Legaly BindingChapter 3

Michelle's face was a picture. She sucked her cheeks in, her lashed eyes wide as if she was about to be stabbed with a horrendous implement. Her thighs were fully apart the shaven bare cock been angled towards her dripping slit. She looked at Grimbald desperately gritting her teeth as Claudia forcefully entered her. Uggggggg!" The tall she male gripped Michelle's wrists pushing them over her head her breasts thrusting out, at the same time she began pumping up her. "Ugh, ugh, ugh...

2 years ago
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Legaly BindingChapter 4

Grimbald pressed two nervous fingers against her rim. The oil had trickled between her ass crack lubricating her rear hole, and Michelle gritted her teeth as his digits pressed home. "Nnnnnnnnn!" His two fingers pushed up her to the knuckle. The old man could feel her hot muscles gripping; like he was pushing his finger between two squeezed balloons. He tried to bend them and Michelle gave another grunt her head still looking seductively back over her shoulder. He pressed in more...

2 years ago
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Legal Porno? Hey, pal. You looking for totally legit double penetration movies? How about fully aboveboard airtight orgies? I also know where to find some licit squirting flicks and lawful anal gaping films. You look like a real upstanding citizen, so I can tell you only want to see teens getting stretched out by multiple dongs in filthy porno movies that are completely within the law. Leave the other stuff to the hooligans with their switchblade knives, curse words, and tattoos. What you’re...

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Illegals ehh Part 2

Please see Illegals Ehh! For situation. I really had to think about whom I wanted and what I wanted. With Malli being the only one to allow vaginal intercourse I thought I had better keep that for another day. Ashmi was a girl about 18 with what looked like a fit body even though she seemed to be wearing a dull sari type garment, I presumed in an attempt to make me not want her. No such luck. She was a light brown colour with the traditional dark hair, dark eyebrows, and most probably, dark...

Erotic Fiction
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Illegals ehh

Note : This story is completely fictional! Prologue: I myself am a criminal with my fingers in many pies, mainly because I am a ruthless, sadistic prick, and that’s to people on my good side. My enemies and clients fear me but still need what I have – money and connections. ‘Amed the Tailor’ was no exception. He owed me money and I was going to collect one way or another. Amed knew this and right there in front of me in my car he went and had a heart attack – turns out fear CAN kill! This left...

Erotic Fiction
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Legal Rewards

Chapter 1 "With that, Your Honor, the prosecution rests." The District Attorney, Mr.Hammonds, took his seat. Our eyes met briefly, and I gave a slight nod as if to acknowledge that he was indeed a worthy opponent. If the case had not been of such magnitude, I am sure he would have been insulted by my gesture - after all, he was a twenty-year veteran of courtroom trials. I was a kid starting out as far as comparisions were concerned, but neither of us felt complacent about our strengths....

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Paralegal Paralysis

Paralegal Paralysis by Fidget Oh no, not again, Bill thought to himself, as Kara winked at him and pulled her blouse dangerously low, showing off her generous cleavage. Kara was a paralegal in his firm. He had known for months that she had a crush on him, but nothing he did seemed to discourage her pursuit. He had been careful never to give even the appearance of returning her affections, and remained strictly professional no matter how much she threw herself at him. It wasn't that she...

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Legally Binding

"There is no mistake. I'm afraid these were his last instructions. All possessions and monies apart from his real estate to be donated to his son's asylum." The group held their breath. The family estate a baroque mansion and sculpted gardens paid for in the boom years of the twenties had graced the cover of many a style magazine. It was worth millions in today's prices. After a pause he continued. "Mr Thorne's estate is to be retained so that one day if his son is cured, he...

4 years ago
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Legally Binding

Introduction: widowed rich bitch will go to any lengths to gain her inheritance Bartholomew Thorne had died peacefully two weeks ago. The industrialist, famous county wide for his timber business had been 85. Much revered and respected he had an extended family but only one son, who buy the will of God was at present in the best sanatorium money could buy. It was the day of the will reading and the group of interested parties sat a little shocked in the office of W Grimbald, the deceased long...

4 years ago
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Legally Binding

Bartholomew Thorne had died peacefully two weeks ago Bartholomew Thorne had died peacefully two weeks ago. The industrialist, famous county wide for his timber business had been 85. Much revered and respected he had an extended family but only one son, who buy the will of God was at present in the best sanatorium money could buy. It was the day of the will reading and the group of interested parties sat a little shocked in the office of W Grimbald; the deceased long serving friend and...

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