Beaver Tales Pt 01
- 4 years ago
- 35
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There was a time when the masturbatory needs of lonely, horny men could be met, in the form of PEEP SHOWS. For about twenty-five cents per minute, a horny fellow could peer at a small screen and watch a naked girl playing with her pussy while he pulled his pecker. The video machines, were usually tucked into dark curtained alcoves, inside of "Adult" coin arcades for relative privacy.
The "action" continued on the screen for him to watch for as long as his quarters held out. If he had enough loose change, he could scrutinize the model's faux orgasm repeatedly until he had a real climax of his own.
Those short films were known as "BEAVER LOOPS"... for obvious reasons. Funny thing too, that any girl he selected to assist him with his masturbation, young, old pretty or not... each woman took exactly twelve minutes to have a "BIG O" for his titillation with her finger or a toy in her middle! After that, the loop would start over.
In some establishments paper towels were provided along with overflowing wastebaskets in the booths. The idea being to reduce the amount of male goo accumulating on the floor. After all, how appetizing or arousing could it be to jerk off while someone else's sticky semen clung to the soles of one's shoes?
Initially the "loops" were culled from existing very old B&W porn films until customers demanded better and more graphic material. Thus began a brief era of a new, very busy pornographic industry!
There was a wealth of females available to model for the burgeoning "beaver loop" business. (Look at today's Internet porn for proof of that!) Each woman had her own reasons for participating, not the least of which was quick cash. They were remunerated as soon as they pulled their fingers and toys out of their pussies and got dressed. The ladies need not be 'pretty'... who in Hell was looking at that end of her anyway?
How do I know about this small niche in the porn arena? For about two and a half years, I was an integral part of it! I had been a so called "glamour photographer" at the time. I specialized in photographing naked women for the men's nudie magazines as well as for art and advertising purposes. My work was good enough to make some major sales both here and ABROAD. (No that's not a pun! Well, O.K. maybe it is.)
Yet, it was tough sledding... the competition was ferocious. Even with a good photo sales agent fronting for me, I always needed more cash flow.
When I was at my lowest ebb a lucky break arrived, none too soon. A good friend was a product rep for a major film supplier. (In fairness, NO not the familiar yellow box of film!) HE could set me up as a beaver loop producer. He would see to it that an anonymous person would deliver a case of sixteen-millimeter raw film reels to my door as needed. I would never know who the courier was nor would I know who my client was either. Stan had some amazing and fortuitous connections in the under belly of the movie industry!
All I would need was a good supply of willing uninhibited girls, old enough to sign model releases, and to rent a good quality sixteen-millimeter movie camera. (Plus the ability to stage what my silent benefactor needed.)
The case of unexposed film would be delivered gratis... my expenses would be the model fees and the per diem rental of the camera.
When the case of film had been exposed it would be picked up, another unexposed case dropped off, an 'envelope' would be handed over to me.
I sat with Stan and we figured the potential finances. I could enhance my income nicely! On a handshake, I was in business. Well, almost in business... I needed a reliable stable of uninhibited women to film. No junkies or winos need apply!!
Without female masturbators my aspirations would go nowhere FAST! I picked up the phone and began polling all the women that had ever posed nude for my still cameras. By nightfall I had, a baker's dozen lined up or at least curious enough to stop in.
Not surprisingly more than a few said, "NOPE CAN'T DO THAT!" Fortunately, enough of them jumped at the chance to get the project moving.
One of the naughty ladies that dropped by my studio out of curiosity, informed me that she was ready for her debut RIGHT THEN! I hadn't rented a movie camera yet so she opted to give me a demo, a rehearsal of sorts, just for FUN.
"Crazy Jean the SEX machine" was a friend and well-known high priced call girl. She had a reputation for screwing every photographer for whom she had ever posed nude. (Except for me, so far!) To be able to rattle off the names of the lens-men that she had seduced and fucked was a point of honor for her! Jean had nailed some far bigger fish than me with her gorgeous twat!
According to her, she had even screwed a notable gay photographer as well! (I had to believe her because I personally watched her fuck two VERY gay men in Palm Beach during a male porn movie shoot! It took her awhile to get them UP but she DID bang the pair of them... together! That was not in the script... Jean was bored and decided to make "things" livelier!) Crazy Jean was as delightfully "crazy" as a fox! She thought it great fun to make the two of them hard and "coming" in her talented twat!
She was obviously good at her profession, having learned from no less than Xaviera Hollander! Jean performed in many hard-core flicks for the sheer Hell of it! She didn't need the money. Hers was a VERY busy profitable BEAVER!
I on the other hand had a reputation for being a "STRAIGHT ARROW". The models all knew that I kept my dick in my pants and my hands to myself. I was "safe" to work for.
The reason being, as all serious girlie photographers will attest, one doesn't FUCK with your profits and stay in business. Was I tempted? Shit yes! If I didn't develop a decent hard-on while working with a nude model... the chemistry wasn't right and the pictures could be shit canned! There must be a healthy degree of sexual tension between the girl and whoever is directing and photographing her. It has to show in the results. To those ladies reading this; if you have ever posed for home porn for and with your men... you know what I'm referring to don't you?
If the shoot does not produce a need to yank your crank after the girl leaves... the guys buying the magazines aren't going to want to look at her and masturbate either! (THAT horny effort being the sole reason why those mags exist in the first place! If you didn't know that you may be perusing the wrong web site!)
All but a very few of the models appreciated the stiff cock they saw in my pants. It added to the erotic ambiance and their ability to perform. As long as I didn't whip it out and chase them around the studio with it, they seemed to enjoy being friendly cock teasers. (That IS a part of being an exhibitionist... enjoying the horny, delicious torment they provided.) The more active the teasing, the better the pics will be!
Some of the tantalizing women such as Jean had loftier goals concerning me. THUS, BEGINS THE CRUX OF THIS ESSAY! They had no desire to be SAFE!
All were street and man savvy and could see the boner that they had provided. No sense in wearing my shirttails out to hide the damned thing... they knew why the tails were out... all because of their TAILS!
In some cases when a particularly graphic shoot was done, the girl would make a comment on exiting. To wit; "Have FUN with THAT!" or a similar crack, alluding to my ill concealed stiff dick!
They knew that I would have the 'solution' to my hard problem, in hand very soon!
This time with Jean was to turn out differently! I loaded the still cameras while she got ready for her masturbation 'rehearsal'. No sense in letting her efforts go to waste. At least there would be some good stills and transparencies to sell.
On the seamless backdrop paper, Jean struck a pose and peeled to the buff a frame at a time. She projected her best, "Come Fuck Me" expressions.
Despite having extremely petite chest ornamentations, what she had was adorable. (As was every other inch of her sleek naked skin.) I had photographed several hundred nude women by then... Jean's figure and erotic demeanor was among the best! Blonde tresses and blonde beaver bush as well.
Less than ten minutes into her, performance and I had the requisite erection for the job and for her edification. She always watched for it and its arrival spurred her onward. She continued with her visual teasing by playing with her tiny cute orbs teasing her nipples to peak hardness and worked her way down. Jean's eye contact vacillated between flirting with and making love to the camera lens and my crotch.
The shutter clicked and the strobes flashed while she eased down and reclined on the backdrop. Stretched out invitingly, her middle finger went straight for her pussy. She gave me a dozen poses of finger fucking her desirable well-used, (often rented) slit to film.
With her wacky, raunchy sense of humor, Jean in the midst of diddling herself exclaimed, "One thing about my business... I never have to replenish the INVENTORY!" She continued masturbating while I unsuccessfully tried to keep a straight face. Damn, she was right, I had never thought of it that way! I asked if she ever had to go in for a 'RETREAD'? At that she laughed, "Nope, haven't been able to wear IT out yet! Wanna try?" (Hint, hint!)
Within a couple of minutes Jean became more serious... "I'm going for the GOLD!" Obviously, she was masturbating for real. She had something up her non-existent sleeve!
Her eyes caressed the camera lens while she did the same between her pretty legs. She was teasing and pleasing the camera in the same way that I visualized she did with her horny, well-heeled customers. However, for this pictorial she was working at PLEASING herself for the best results on film as well.
Jean saw the wet spot anointing my trouser front and smiled wickedly. "Keep it UP Ron" she said, "I have a present for THAT after I 'COME'!
'I'll be go to Hell' I thought, 'she really is going to have an orgasm this time!' I know that call girls rarely have genuine orgasms with clients... but then I was a friend not a client. She was letting her professional guard down in front of me.
When Jean did begin to climax with her finger in her attractive twat, I nearly did the same in my pants. Her orgasm was inspirational to say the least! Just watching her writhe and finger fuck while her nipples elevated to even more amazing height what can I say? Those were some ultra erotic photos!
Just looking at her with her finger buried between her pussy lips to the knuckle I thought to myself, 'Wow girl, I'd love to fuck you if there was a way around my stupid ethics!' I thought that I had said that to myself. Crazy Jean responded with, "Well, its about damned time Ron!" I had been unconsciously thinking aloud!
She spread her legs and said, "Get over here and PUT IT IN!"
That brought me up short! 'No Hon' can't do that... you know why'.
Shrewd Minx that she was, Jean shot back, finger still in place... "O.K., lets compromise, I want copies of these pictures... I'll pay for them... how about a blowjob down payment?"
Before I could answer, she scooted over and had her hand on my wet spot. Hoo- boy, my turn to go for the gold! She had me! In another moment, she had my pants down and off, my hard-on in her talented mouth!
All I could say was, 'Oh Jeeziz girl, no wonder you drive a Mercedes!' She didn't earn the big bucks for nothing. By the time she had given me more than a lick and a promise Jean said, "I got a little extra to spend today... I'm gonna increase the photo deposit, how's about a FRITO-LAY... STICK IT IN HERE!"
She pulled me down and if a woman can rape a man, she did it! She stuck her snatch in my face and ordered, "EAT ME first, FUCK me second!"
STRAWBERRY, her pussy tasted of strawberry... she had douched with the fruity flavoring knowing she'd 'GET' me today!
'Uh OH doll, your clit is getting hard', I joked with her. "All the better to tease you with", she said without missing a slurp. If you have ever heard a girl talking with a cock deep in her throat, it is both funny and arousing. (Particularly if it's mine!)
I ate while she sucked and then she swapped ends. There is nothing quite as sexciting as the anticipation of fucking a very insistent woman! Her entire body was as hot as a stovetop to my touch!
She had me kneel between her legs and asked, "Hey Mr. Photographer peeping Tom... wanna watch for a few more minutes first?" I had been watching through the SLR lens... getting to see more of her self-pleasuring didn't hurt my feelings one bit!
Before I could respond, Jean held her pretty twat wide open with two fingers and began arousing her clit again with the other hand. Talk about "Pretty in PINK"! From my voyeuristic mind set sex are both a spectator and a participator sport. I could hardly wait to be IN the PINK myself... her PINK pussy!
That this 'professional' woman had achieved one orgasm and was teasing herself towards another seemed nothing short of marvelous. I just had to do something to HELP besides gawk at her. Crazy Jean allowed me to begin kissing every inch of her while she fiddled with her ignition switch! Hookers seldom allow kissing on the mouth or even above their tits,... she made an eager exception and returned my 'Frenching' like a demented vacuum cleaner!
I tasted her entire body, nose to toes. I lingered and ran my tongue in and around her sexy belly button until she grabbed my erection and pulled it to her twat! She cried "UNCLE" in a manner of speaking. I had found one of her erogenous zones in the center of her tummy!
"C'mon, PUT IT IN... FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ME... NOW!" Jean was accustomed to men banging her for their pleasure only. To really get her jollies from someone she liked Jean needed to have her adorable pussy pounded.
I did my damnedest to comply... even though I had wanted to give her a slow and sensuous pussy poking. (I had wanted this SEXperience to last forever.) If I had gone this far beyond my "ethical boundaries", I wanted to relish every bit of her for as long as possible!
For me the better part of enjoying the erotic response to her ongoing masturbation and fucking, would be to feel her having a climax with my cock IN her! I POUNDED! Sometimes one has to make tough choices for helping a friend.
Jean did not disappoint me, or herself! Holy frijoles, what an orgasm that was from her! Here I was, a mere mortal man servicing a professional pussy to a fair-thee-well! What her orgasmic twat did to and for my slippery cock while she was 'coming' was almost TOO PORNOGRAPHIC for words!
The woman was not overly noisy when she 'came'... she seemed to divert her vocal energy and enthusiasm into her body movements. At one point, she lifted her sexy legs up and began pedaling an unseen aerial bicycle to the rhythm of the cock slamming her cunt. The inside of her vagina had to be one hundred thirty degrees in the shade and rising!
She finished by planting her feet firmly on the floor and hammering back at me with her pelvis when the bike ride was over. I lasted about ten seconds longer than she did and then flooded that desirable pussy of hers with everything that she could extract from my pulsing erection!
Oddly, at that point Jean began counting quietly, "... eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve." Then, like the self-appointed sex therapist that she was, Jean announced, "Did you know that a healthy cock twitches twelve times when it 'comes'? Each throb represents a spurt of semen trying to get out. Didn't know that huh? Count 'em next time you jerk off!" The goofy delightful girl had been keeping track of my spasms with her pussy as the abacus, ticking off my responses to her ripe sexuality. Before she got up from the back drop Jean pivoted her body and pussy towards the camera and had me finish the roll of film in extreme close up. She bore down with her pussy muscles and expelled my 'come' a dribble and a gob at a time. I could hardly believe, that I of all people had been allowed to put that stuff IN HER in the first place!
Damned if she wasn't right on the money about her count down... for fun, I jerked off in her honor in the dark room while watching her blow-ups appear in the developer. Truth be told, her photos were so arousing that I produced fourteen throbs in succession that time! She thought that was "way cool" when I told her.
Right after we had fucked for the FIRST time Jean asked if when she 'came' in for her movie debut if there was a way that we could bang like this... and film it?
The idea of getting laid by me and be able to watch it in movie form later turned UP her thermostat! I'm not hung like a horse nor am I anything special to look at so why that idea twitched her clit is beyond me. (She had famous movie actors amongst her clients... one particularly good looking matinee idol had signed his photo for her, "I love ya Jean, always yours BOO-BOO!!") You figure who he was! I aint tellin'. The point being that she could have ANY guy she wanted.
She kept a sixteen-millimeter movie projector in her penthouse bedroom and showed her clients some of the porn flicks in which she had already appeared. Great turn on stuff when dollars and cents are involved. (Get 'em Hot, Get 'em OFF and get 'em OUT is how call girls make their money.)
A film of US with lots of cock IN pussy close ups would be for her personal private pleasure. Jean masturbated alone to get most of her orgasms... not surprisingly she did not have a steady FUCK that she liked or could rely upon. Most men were too intimidated to get emotionally close to her. Pity, because she really was a nice kid as well as a great (spectacular) lay!
She did 'come' back and helped produce some high quality beaver loops with honest to Pete orgasms. No I did not FUCK her on film... but off camera... well what do you think? I may have had my ethics but I'm not overly stoopid were she was concerned. I ask you, how does one turn down someone with whom you have already been raunchy and intimate? Besides, Jean was just too entertaining and too much of a warm cuddly puppy once she wrapped her sexy bare body around me to resist.
Not all of our fucking was of the rowdy variety. At times when Jean was down hearted and off her stride for some reason, our sex was softer and sensuous. She was not unlike any other woman when it 'came' to needing reassurance that she was lovable... as well as some client's easy if expensive piece of ass! Jean, wherever you are, you were a doll and a damned good friend! I have had more than a few masturbatory celebrations over the years while thinking about YOU!
During my stint as a beaver loop producer, there were some other notable lapses in my ethical code. (Not many but enough to tell you about.)
One such 'came' in the form of an OLDER nude model. The film courier at one point asked if I could include some films of, "chubby girls, some ethnic types and maybe one or two over the hill broads"!
You must understand that this fellow in his expensive suit and silk tie was NOT making a polite REQUEST! I didn't ask what 'that bulge' was under his arm.
Dutifully I phoned a woman that had posed nude for me a number of times even though she was pushing fifty. Kate had a great body with well-enhanced tits. As store bought knockers went hers were SEXtremely well done!
She had been a legit photo and runway model for years and she was not ready to give up the game while she still had most of her looks and figure. She had spent the money to have breast augmentation to be able to move into the nude arena. Besides, her husband thought the new firm tits were a blast to play with! Kate was a MARRIED WOMAN and as such, I had passed over her phone number when I began polling girls for HELP with my porn avocation.
What the Hell, I'd give her a call. Some of the nude stills she had posed for were only a notch less raunchy than the beaver loops required anyway. In fact, she designed those poses for her to take home with which tease her old man... definitely NOT FOR SALE! All she could do would be to say, "NO".
Kate was more curious than I had expected and showed up the following day at the beginning of a beaver loop session with a somewhat homely but strangely very sexy model. The girl in front of the camera with a hand full of her pussy had claimed to be a groupie of Andy Warhol. The woman masturbating was also overtly AC/DC and having attractive Kate on hand and observing, turned the lass into a raging orgasm machine! Damned good loop! Whew!
After the self-pleasuring girl had left, Kate sat with me and said that she could do that even better, IF... could she,... "use my office phone first?"
I faintly over heard some excited intimate chatter on Kate's part. She returned with the verdict... Kate's husband had given her the green light, in spades. The only thing that he asked of me via Kate was, "Could they have a personal copy of the finished film?" I knew that if I asked Stan to arrange it through my mysterious benefactor, copies would be available.
Kate always wore loose clothing before shoots. She knew that elastic panty or bra marks were a no-no when every inch of a woman's naked skin was to be the photographic subject. Kate didn't need a bra in any event... her support was internal thanks to a talented surgeon!
Kate stripped and helped me move an antique settee onto the seamless backdrop. That would be her altar to the Gods of solo orgasms!
'Oh man, what a tempting target you are bent over like that!' I teased her. She had taken a second to fluff a pillow and was giving me a damned fine view.
Let me explain that Kate and I had a ritual we used during our photo sessions. She knew from long experience that a good photo model also had to be an intuitive actress. She has to be able to emote and convey a complete message in one photo whereas a movie actress has the advantage of sound, time and motion with which to tell a story.
Kate was a method actress of sorts. She 'lived' her role of horny masturbator for the still cameras. We used bedroom repartee between us to create the sexual tension needed for her to play off. I would tell her 'how gorgeous' she was and that 'I envied her husband's access to her pretty blonde 'box'. She enjoyed hearing how I thought that 'her pretty tits could give a hard-on to brass money... ' and so it went.
Kate would let on that she'd definitely consider letting me "have" some of her if she ever got divorced. As things heated up she asked a few times, "Is that a tripod in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Poor Mae West, Kate had made a dreadful but funny and apt pun from the late sex-pot luminary's immortal words! Kate gave me a very stiff and drippy "tri-pod" every time!
The chatter between us went from light to overtly sexual as needed. 'Oh God girl you are so GOOD, I want YOU!' was usually rejoined with... "Your making me HOT, ooh, I want to FUCK!" This brand of blatant utterance was generally kept in abeyance until we knew whether she was going to have a real orgasm in front of the camera. Sometimes she could and other times not. The dirty talk on occasion gave just enough impetus to push her buttons and push her libido over the edge! Either way she looked more than alluring in her finished photos. The fact that I really DID WANT HER wasn't wasted on either of us. It just wasn't something that we dared to do.
Kate would take her finished prints home for private erotic teasing and foreplay. The unashamedly risqué negatives were kept on file separate from her other nudes.
ALL of what she would "DO" today before the movie camera would be geared towards helping her husband and other men have orgasms while she had one of her own! No cutesy cheesecake... this would be pure self-induced porn with a little vocal HELP from a friend!
With the rented Bolex, running Kate made love to her breasts and fingered herself. She pulled the finger out, tasted it, gave it a short blowjob, and then let it fuck her again. I kept up the banter and told her that I bet her 'finger tasted soooo sexy'... I'd like to taste the SOURCE of her pleasure myself if it were possible. 'Wouldn't she like that, IF we could?'
She said that the idea of THAT really got to her BUT... somehow she had just lost her momentum. She needed to start again with more erotic stimulus. I shut the camera off.
'What kind of stimulation?' I could offer her an off camera 'Helping hand' until she was running on all cylinders again though we had never gone beyond horny talk to this point.
We both agreed that my finger IN her would help but was best if we didn't. I did not wish to cuckold her husband, not even with my finger. Kate was surprisingly shy when she asked IF I would give her, "some VISUAL assistance". 'Like what? Its O.K. Tell me what will work? What do you NEED?'
"Would you let me look at your erection while I do this? Take it out for me? I get off watching men masturbating in movies and my husband playing with his... I think it will work."
'Anything for a friend and for the sake of art' I said unzipping and liberating what she had asked for. My shirttails were partially in the way until I peeled that off and tossed it aside. The bedroom trash talk began again, 'What do you think, does this help Hon?'
"Yes, play with IT for me, let me see ALL of it!" Oh what the fuck... I dropped my pants so she could see all the goodies. I massaged my nuts and stroked the erection she had provided. (Jerk it off now or after she left, machs nix aus... though NOW was more SEXciting!)
In turn, she reinserted her finger and got back to 'work'. I let her engine heat up to the RED line before resuming the filming. I let go of myself long enough to zoom in on the wanton dreamy look appearing in Kate's blue eyes and then on down to her spread and busy pink pussy.
Any reason to beat my meat because of her was raison d'être for me. That she was there and absorbing it rather than out the door and gone as I always had done was thrilling. To be masturbating along with her was a near religious experience! Pushing fifty or not... shit, she was a sexy beauty and had me hard as Hell!
Kate had a spectacular BIG 'O' and finished it bathed in perspiration about fifteen seconds before the film ran out. It is too bad that those damned 'beaver loops' did not include sound!
Now what? I still had an unrequited boner to deal with. Kate asked me to "come" stand by her on the settee and finish myself. She scootched over to the edge, her body touching my legs and began softly handling my balls. 'Oh Kate, we shouldn't DO this! I really want to FUCK YOU Hon' this is getting dicey... ' Kate spread her legs hesitantly and said, "I know... but so do I... maybe just once?"
Fortunately I had been playing with myself to a point where I was too close to even get my dick into the woman let alone be able to fuck her nicely. I told her that she 'didn't want to DO that'... we'd both feel too guilty afterwards and then my dick began squirting all over her!
It was bad enough that she had her hand around my nuts and began softly but firmly squeezing while I "came"! With each spurt, she grasped a little tighter! Kate knew how to do that without the first hint of pain... I envied the lucky man that shared her bed! Ooh shit, what an arousing touch she had!
Kate closed her legs and said, "Thanks for not letting us get carried away!"
When her copy of the pussy film was dropped off, I elected to deliver it to her house when her husband was home. We felt that a short hiatus before resuming any new beaver loops would help keep us on the straight and narrow. It seemed best that we not be alone together for a few weeks until we got our heads screwed on tight enough to not SCREW each other!
Later that night Kate phoned me at home. She informed me that they had watched the film TWICE and that she was right in the MIDDLE of being royally fucked. I could hear her husband pounding him-self silly between those gorgeous legs, moaning and groaning. That she was telling me about it while it occurred turned them on all the more! It sure turned me on as well.
'Kate, what in Hell are you doing calling me at... ?' I was going to finish with, 'this indelicate time?' She cut me off with, "Oooh, gotta go and gotta COME now too! I'll call ya tomorrow!" Panting in my ear, she was gone.
She did call back and told me that she just HAD to let me know how great the short masturbation film was for them and that they wanted her to make more. She phoned during their fucking just to emphasize how much it turned them on! I told her that I had to fuck my fist afterwards and 'thanks a lot!'
Kate said, "Oh, I'll bet that LOOKED sexy!" The next two beaver loops with her involved both of us naked UP front to create the ambiance she wanted. The last time together things got a little OUT of my HAND and INTO HER!
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Group SexGluteal Cleft What exactly is a gluteal cleft? Well it is the gluteus maximus muscles above the location of the anus. A number of slang terms exist for the gluteal cleft, such as “Buttcrack”, “Builder's Bum” and “Plumber's Crack.” Well my fourteen-year-old daughter is the queen of gluteal cleft. I even call her “GC” which coincidentally are her initials too. Gloria Carol is very pretty, very busty for her age, and way too sexy. She is a few pounds overweight but it only enhances...
A few hours later Leanna woke up. She sat up in bed quickly and looked around, realizing it hadn’t been a dream, she was home. ‘Feeling better?’ Leanna turned her head and saw her father sitting in a chair next to her bed. ‘Yes,’ she said quietly. ‘I feel much better.’ ‘Good. Mom’s got dinner ready, are you hungry?’ Consulting her stomach she found herself ravenous. Nodding to her father she got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. There she found her mother and brothers...
*NOTE* I wrote this for a very good friend as a present. When me and my brother, Alex, were little we had done everything together. Our mother even bathed us together. We spent every moment we could together. Alex thought me how to ride a bike and helped me with school work since he was 3years older than me. Our dad had run off with another woman one day, so our mom had to work a lot to pay the bills. This left us alone a lot first with a babysitter then when we got older, mom trusted Alex to...
Gina and I had been having our clandestine affair for just over six months, spending as much time together as possible without arousing suspicion, generally a couple of hours snatched here and there. Although not perfect, in our circumstances it was all we could sensibly manage and Gina was happy with the arrangement and the sex was as good as ever. Gina would always be in just stockings and heeled shoes and within five minutes of me walking into her house, her lips would be wrapped around my...
100% fiction! Hi all. This is Ronnie from Birmingham UK. I am 25 years old, medium built, 5feet and 7 inches tall. Today I am narrating you the incident which happened with me few months back. I met with this woman on a chat room. She was 37 years old and from West-Bromwich. I don’t really know about ladies figures but she had massive boobs and feet and 2 inches tall and had 2 kids. We started chatting to each other through a chat room. She introduced herself as Rohini. We normally chatted for...
EroticJust over 12 months ago I split up with my girlfriend of 5 years. She knew about my crossdressing but she didn’t know that I met Men behind her back. When she moved out I decided to buy myself a few wigs and some slutty female clothes and I started to dress up on my own and practice doing my own make up. After a few weeks I found myself constantly thinking about dressing feminine and sucking cock. I even started looking at couples as they walked through the town centre and imagined myself...
When you think about the name ‘beauty angels,’ what is the first thing that you think about? Could it be a bunch of fucking angels flying into heaven, then getting their fuck on as soon as they land at those pearly gates? But that leads me to another question: do you want to see human/bird hybrids really fucking one another? Since angels are supposed to have giant pterodactyl wings according to ancient text.But fortunately, that is not the kind of content that you will find on the site that I...
Premium Female Masturbation Porn SitesThe sunlight streamed in through Rosie Lancaster's bedroom window. She sat up in her bed, rubbing the back of her head, and stretched. "and the summer holidays begin!" she exclaims, punching the air with joy. "no college, no homework, and loads of free time to do whatever I please." Swinging her legs out of bed, she got to her feet. She was dressed in a loose-fitting tank top and short shorts. Pulling the curtains back, Rosiesquinted and groaned. "too bright!" she cried, closing them again. She...
Fetish“Tell me, Seeker. What gives you the right to kill one of the Beoghra?” the Most high hissed as Crnnch stood before the Council of Archimandrites, flanked by two Saltigues. “My duty is to seek out and deal with threats to the regime. Inquisitor Folar was clearly a threat in his excessive zeal in killing any Yr’ch that showed competence,” Crnnch replied carefully. “A threat?” “He killed the Adept who came up with the armoured ground vehicle concept. He killed the Adept who realised our...
My netpar bahot sestory padha phir mujhe bhi khiyal aaya my bhi apni eak sache story aapse shear karon main Maddy chandigarh ka hon aur mere mamma ki ac mecanik eak Showroom hai bha par bahut se mechanic hai main apne holidays me bha gya hoea tha meri umar 19 saal hai agar aapko mere story pasand aaye to mujhe mail zaror karen mera id Eak dafa Main ac thek karne mechanic k sath eak ghar gaya beal bajane par eak bahothe khobsorat aunty darwaja khola maine bataya main ac thek karne aaya hon...
“Go through it again,” I snapped. “Dammit, Bill,” Martinez fired back angrily, “we’ve been through it over and over again. It’s fucking 1 AM. I’m exhausted. Going through it one more time tonight isn’t going to help us catch this asshole any sooner.” “I didn’t ask you, Martinez,” I said, my voice steady, my stare fixed, my eyebrows twitching. The muscles in my neck strained, and I looked like a gorilla about to attack. “Go through it again.” Right after my conversation with Jude, my phone...
SRU: Teachers Pet By Morpheus Gordon Teller quickly made sure his teacher Ms. Parker wasn't looking, then threw a ball of paper several chairs up, catching Sara Brecker alongside the head. Sara turned around, glaring to see who did it, while Gordon looked away and tried to look as innocent as all the other 9 year olds in the class. "Someone hit me," Sara whined to Ms. Parker. "And I think it was Gordy." Ms. Parker let out an exasperated sigh and looked at Gordon, warning him, "Don't...
Fried steak. Every time he woke up, his senses were overwhelmed with the smell of fried steak. "Lights on." The sudden yet expected blinding light made him groan and roll over. He missed the old fluorescent light bulbs, the low hum and significantly dimmer light compared to the new LED lights in his room. But the station commander wanted everything to be modernized, so his old lights were taken down and incinerated, the new standard for garbage disposal on the decade old space station. "One cup...
Beautiful Kira Stone looks through the pictures to find the one that would look perfect for the glass photo frame while waiting for her boyfriend to get out of the shower. Finally, she finds the one she loves most of all and is about to search for the perfect spot for it but her lad stops her from doing so. He hugs and kisses his gorgeous girlfriend and lures her right into their warm and comfy bed. Sure, Kira Stone forgets about the pictures and the photo frame and focuses on the dude’s hard...
xmoviesforyouA boisterous crowd of eight, sexy, young ladies entered the elevator I was riding down to the lobby in. They were all in their mid-twenties, dressed in skin tight, little black dresses, and black stilettos. They were obviously eager to kick off a night of drinking and dancing. One young lady was dressed noticeably different than the others. Her skin tight, little dress had black and white vertical stripes. I chuckled to myself when I saw the plastic ball and chain around her left ankle. A...
SeductionAwaking with a start from his dozing sleep, Leon Brooks looked around to see that Virginia was not there beside him in the lounge chair; neither was she in the water. Damn! She took off! He got up and walked away from the pool area, thinking that he would check their room first. Seeing the cocktail waitress, he signaled her to him and inquired whether she had seen his wife leave the pool. The green-eyed, red-haired waitress thought a moment. "She's blonde, right? Oh, yeah, I remember, she...
The Players Introduced The house, such as it remains, is now quite far from the reach of any but the most determined. Those who made it their home are now dispersed throughout the world. Should you meet them, in bars or restaurants, or even walking down the streets of their new suburban climes, they will invariably deny the events I am about to relate. You may find all of us discussed here, sometimes living together, sometimes living apart. But you will not find them under the names I have...
FantasyRebecca fumes as she stalks back to Fred’s office. Never has she been so furious with her husband. Sure, she was angry when she found out about his office affair, and sure she was even angrier about the events that followed—but this, his fraternizing with her co-workers just takes the cake. By the time she reaches the door Beth has already slipped inside. She left the door open a crack, just enough for Rebecca to be able to peer in before entering. And she does. Words escape through the...
The trio lay cuddled up together comfortably in bed. John and Alyssa were both greatly relieved that Calara had taken their surprising revelation so well. “There is one thing though...” Calara said tentatively after a few moments. “What is it Calara?” John asked, his voice tinged with concern. “I still haven’t seen the bridge yet! I’m not going to be much good as a Tactical Officer if you don’t let me out of the bedroom” she said, grinning impishly. Alyssa’s musical laughter was joined by...
Three Steps By Bryony Marsh There is a device. It's not actually a 'machine', but more of a user interface. It operates on a quantum level, where information is undetermined and multiple possibilities can exist simultaneously. In ancient times, it would have been described as 'magic'. This user interface takes the form of a strip of material, rather like a tape. It has one blue edge, and one pink. It does just one thing: it serves as a doorway into an alternate universe, where...
I thought I would never see her again. Actually I hoped I would never see her again but there she was, standing in a crowd of about 100 people for an accountants’ convention. Even though she had her back to me, there was no doubt in my mind that it was her. She was dressed to the ninth, in a knee-long, sleeveless and open-back black dress, her full dark brown hair cascading off her shoulders, her feet clad in some 3-cm high stiletto heeled pumps. She was in deep conversation with a group of two...
Hi friends mera nam salu hai aur me navsari dist ke ek bilimora gauv se hu. meri age 23 he aur me muslim hu. me bachpan se hi sex ka deewana hu koi bhi ladki mujse chudwana chahti hoto muje jarur mail kare mera Email ID he . bat usdin ki he jab me share market me jata tha Aur uske uper hi ek computer class chalta tha waha pe ek seema naam ki ladki jo 19 years sayad hogi wo bhi waha pe basic sikhne ati thi aur me roj use dekh ke smile deta aur wobhi muje roj dekh kar smile deti. Kuch dino tak...
What broke me from this state of ecstasy was the fact, the room sounded noisy with moaning, chatting, and the fact I heard another girl screaming out “Fuck Me.” It made me open my eyes, and t tried to get my focus back. I looked around then up. I didn’t know the person I was sucking off. I quickly spat his cock out of my mouth, as drool run down my chin. Then I looked at who was fucking me, I didn’t know them either. He was clutching my breasts as he fucked me. I positioning my ankles to kick...
By: Loverboy_rajiv Hi, dear reader I m Rajiv Chowdhury I am a Bengali guy of 22 going to be 23 next month. I am quite new in this site. I believe every incest stories of this site because I know everyone cherished a dream to fuck his/her relatives and close ones. Well, I m 5 10 feet, fair complexion, energetic young guy. I am going to write the incident how I fucked my sister. This is not a story. This is my real experience. This is my first submission. So, Guys and ladies please send comments...
IncestHello everyone, My name is Piyush and I am from Pune. I like working to satisfy ladies. I am a huge fan of ISS. I seriously don’t know why the government has banned this website. However, let me tell you about my self. I am an average built guy of age 24, and dick size 6 inches. I used to read a lot of stories on ISS and masturbate and my record of masturbation is 13 times a day. Let’s jump to the story. This story is about how I got to fulfill most of my fantasies with my friend. Her name is...
Aimee's Makeovers Part Two By Jena Corso Edited By Waking up the next morning in each others arms was fantastic. "Did you have a good night's sleep, honey?" Aimee said as she kissed his cheek. "Is it morning already? Damn I'm exhausted, but yes it was a lot of fun" Said Tony. "Why are we getting up so early?" "I want to squeeze in everything I can with you this weekend," she said as she rubbed his back gently. "I know you have some things you wanted to do, and so did I,...
Emily's Story I was standing in the office of my new high school. I had switched in the middle of the year, and the consular was setting up my new schedule. My guidance worker, a tall older woman, softly typed on her keyboard and bit her lip in thought. "Hmm. We have a problem," she sighed. "What?" "See, you need an elective credit, yet it says here that you haven't taken any woodshop class." "Yeah, I know. At my old school we didn't have shop. Everybody just took home...
As the night progressed, and drinks were consumed, I noticed my cousin nearing the pass out stage of drinking. We returned him to the tent, which we were all going to share. We layed him down and he was out cold. I started to get hot, knowing it was just me and Cameron. We talked about 15 minutes before he put his hand on my thigh, slowly moving it towards my pussy. After kissing and him feeling my boobs for awhile we moved in the tent, where my cousin was sleeping. With My passed out cousin...
What an unbelievable weekend with Gwen and Sabrina. I'm almost 70 and am now taking a couple sick days from teaching so my aching body can recover. I had forgotten how many ways passionate bodies can contort but I am now paying for that lapse.I awoke Sunday mid morning alone in bed. I was sore. Sore in places I had not been sore in a long while and it felt really good. I could hear the two of them moving around in the other room getting a hearty brunch ready. As I lay slowly wakening I took in...
The light metallic scraping and clinking of the tip of my sword against the ground was the only noise audible in the chamber as I strode toward the robed figure. The chamber was oval shaped, about 75′ long and maybe 60′ wide, built of stone. In fact, it really resembled more of a dungeon. On either side of the chamber was a wide doorway large enough to fit 3 people through, blocked by a wrought iron gate on each. The roof had long ago caved in, leaving an open top for the light to come...
Whitney Wright leads her girlfriend, Eliza Ibarra, to her bed and they sit down. The girlfriends sit closely together and are familiar and comfortable with each other, unafraid of showing affection. Whitney tells Eliza that she’s glad that Eliza decided to help her with today’s livestream for her online audience. It’s been awhile since she’s done an actual livestream for her massage channel and her audience is getting antsy. Eliza tries to shrug it off like it’s...
xmoviesforyouThe name is Craig Johnstown. I’m a six-foot-tall, good-looking young black man living in the small rural town of Hawking, Oregon. The story that I am about to tell you concerns a certain dark period in my life. I call it the Dark Side. It doesn’t matter if you’re a good person with strong morals and principles, you can only be pushed so far before you start fighting back. When good guys fight back, they fight dirty. Don’t mess with them or stand in their way. This is something the wicked men...
Kara, my best friend, and I had been best friends for years, but it was nly just recently that I had started to have feelings for her that weren’t normal. She was blonde, beautiful, tanned, blue- eyed. An all – American gal. Whereas I, I was an average half African black girl with long black hair. Kara was driving us to her Uncle’s cabin in the woods for a two day weekend holiday. I kept glancing over at her chest that was spilling out of her red, sleeveless sport vest. I felt an odd,...
Hi friends, this is Manoj again from Delhi. How u all, fucking well i think. This story is provided from a reader of incest stories, i have also met her and i said i wanted to fuck her, but she said that she is only for her brother. She narrated this story to me and i am presenting this to you peoples. And i am sure u all will like it. Story of Priyanka starts and protagonist is she only. Hi this is Priyanka, my age is 26 now and my brother is 24, his name is Sumit. Apart from that, there is...
'excuse me sir customs you have been chosen for a random bag search ' i say 'are you on your own ''uh no i'm with my wife and stepdaughter''ok this shouldn't take long please could you all step in here''but isn't that the custom checkpoint over there ?''look sir don't be difficult this is the precustom check ''uh ok 'he steps into the room which is bare apart from a table inside there are 2 guys wearing uniforms'names please ?''i'm steve this is my wife sandy and june''please put your bags on...
Taking my whore for a walkBefore we start, I should give a little explanation. I am a thirty two year old male who is very dominant. I have had several slaves over the last few years but sadly, none have lasted due to my personal dominating style. I am not into whips and chains, or candle wax and handcuffs. I find that those things are rather dull. I like to be a little more creative. I like to take a more hands-on approach. Mostly though, I like to put my slave into humiliating situations and...
Mai 8by 3 ka lund aap sabhi ko ek interesting kahani sunana ja raha hu ye hai mere aur mere chachi ke bich ki sex ki mai delhi me padhai karta hu .Mai waha apne family ke saat rahta hu,mai ek baar apne chachi(aunty) ke saath jo ki ranchi me rahti hai patna jaa raha tha bus se.Mai aur me sex ki devi bus pe sleeper pe the .Thandi ki din the isleye windows band the. Raat ka safar tha aur thand adik hone ke karan mai to apne legs ko mor kar soya hua tha .Jaise aap asabhi ko pata hai bihar jharkand...
IF WE STAYED in the position we were in much longer, Kate and I would effectively be glued together by dried come. That had a certain appeal to it, but I didn’t relish eventually ripping ourselves away from each other so I let her slide off my lap to settle between Melody and me. I wrapped my arm around Lissa, pulling her close. I kissed her and licked Kate’s juices from her face as she absently petted me. After two such powerful orgasms in such a short period of time, it would be a while...
It was late morning and the sun had finally inched its way in through the soft curtains at the window. Jennifer lay snuggled close to her pillows not wanting to move or even open her eyes. It was Sunday and this was her day to sleep in. She rolled over on her back and ran a hand down her silky negligee. She felt so cozy in bed she wanted it to last. Stretching her arms over her head she took a strand of her hair and played with the end of it. It was so smooth against her face. Closing her eyes...
I sat in Atticus’s office three days after my shoot with Dirk McKinley. At first I was very hesitant when my manager brought up the idea of shooting with Dirk. However, he assured me that accepting would help get my name out there and lead to many more opportunities. It did take some convincing, but reluctantly I agreed to it. “Comfortable, Jenna?” He joked, knowing that I truly couldn’t sit down the day after the shoot. “Oh, you’re funny, mister,” I said playfully. “So they got the editing...
Saturday was moving day so Megan and I didn't even consider running. After a continental breakfast of orange juice, cereal, toast and coffee, we set off in different cars. Charlie and Debra went to the hardware store for cleaning supplies. Megan and I were to stop by the landlord's house to pick up the key and open the house up. As I took Main Street to River, I kept noticing Megan leaning over to check the odometer. "It's a mile from my apartment to River Road and about another half...
Introduction: Alice and her friend Sydney get kidnapped and raped by horses and men. Chapter 1 Alices point of view I am at school waiting for my friend Sydney. She should have been out here 20 minutes ago. She is probably having sex or giving a blow job with some man- whore. Then I see it. A slight movement in the trees. And my world goes black. I awaken tied to a bed laying on my back naked and my pussy wide open. There is a strap around my waist holding me this way, a strap on my...
In the morning -- well, day watch, since morning or afternoon was more or less irrelevant on Rhea or in space -- Tom took a couple of minutes to get organized and found Tania had coffee replicated when he got up. They didn't discuss the displacement of the previous evening; a bunk was a bunk to Tom, and the sexual interlude made the whole thing more than worthwhile. Tom was beginning to see the benefit of having a more or less permanent female companion, although he wasn't ready to make...
Tina's turn: Ummm, yeah. Alan's heinie. Think about it. I'm standing in the middle of a parking lot in, as he says it, Armpit, Louisiana (which is actually a nice little town) and we're surrounded by cops and onlookers and I'm looking at this guy standing there in handcuffs. He just rescued me, and I'm thinking 'nice heinie'. I was. And I was not only thinking it, but I was surprised that I was thinking it. I guess the stress of the situation and my period and I was tired, all those...
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Twelve: The Harem's Naughty Audience By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirty-Four: Evening Camp Zanyia – Southern Forest Road, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I glanced at the forest's edge that started fifty feet from the road. An owl's hoot drifted out of the dark trees. Twilight beset the world. My tail swished. The last time we were in those woods, we all almost...
Nina and I have been married for 15 years now and have raised a family and lead fairly normal lives. Our sex lives have also followed a normal course, with us being at it like rabbits in the early days, through to almost no sex at all for a time,Right now we are going through a second wind with our sex lives. Neither of us are getting any younger and age and comfortable living have left their mark for both of us. That said, we are comfortable with who we are. Sex has been fun lately, with...
This is my first story on Indian sex stories. The incident which I am going to share is about my aunt (uncle’s wife). My uncle’s house is near to my house. They have 2 kids. My aunt is of age 38yrs and her stats are 34-32-38. Although every detail of this story is true but the names for privacy purpose. We stay in Mumbai metropolitan region Before I start with the story I would request all readers to pardon me if my grammar is wrong. Let’s start with the story. Have some patience as it’s long...
IncestSusan was in the kitchen pouring a mug of coffee, decked out in the white sundress of the day before, her pert body startlingly obvious through the shear material. Her eyes were red, she moved slowly, but had a secretive smile on her face that told plenty.I poured a cup of the steaming brew and sat at the table across from her while she filled me in on the events I'd missed.They had dosed off for several hours after I left the carriage house, waking eventually to the sound of rain on the roof...
Drake and I have been neighbors since we were born. I'm 9 months older than Drake. He and I have only talked in the hallways at school every once in a while and the one class we have together. One night, I received a text from him asking if I wanted to go to a movie with him. I have always had a crush on him, so of course I said yes. Drake picked me up in his brand new car. He knocked on the door and escorted me to the passenger's side of his car. Once at the door of his car, he opened it. I...
Straight SexOne morning when I got up for work I felt that something different. But I didnt know what.I realized I had been standing out of the apartment, locking the door behind me. I ran down the steps and jumped into my car. As I drove to my work place. When I got to my room I looked around for an empty seat spying one I sat down, just as the i came in. I felt that someone was watching me, but couldnt find who it was . But to my surprise I spotted Jason, one of the hottestman in the work place. Everyone...
GayThe Adventures of Karen - Part 57 – Education - 2 'Stop!' Greta made a decision. 'Stay there and wait while I make a few adjustmentsfor our victim, she looks a little uncomfortable, don't you think?' Greta turnedand looked at Karen. Karen was wary, wondering if this was a trick question, intended to provokean excuse for more torments at some stage. 'Well, yes, I suppose it could bea little uncomfortable, but, I do believe she could get used to it after atime.' Karen congratulated herself on her...