Jack Finds the Golden Necklace
- 4 years ago
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Tina's turn:
Ummm, yeah. Alan's heinie. Think about it. I'm standing in the middle of a parking lot in, as he says it, Armpit, Louisiana (which is actually a nice little town) and we're surrounded by cops and onlookers and I'm looking at this guy standing there in handcuffs. He just rescued me, and I'm thinking 'nice heinie'. I was. And I was not only thinking it, but I was surprised that I was thinking it. I guess the stress of the situation and my period and I was tired, all those things kind of messed with my reasoning.
And since that day in August we've been together, even though the first few weeks we weren't, as Susan says 'TOGETHER together'. He gave me a place to stay while I got my stuff together. Part of the stuff I got together was him.
Today we're going to Susan's house.
Susan played a big part in me and Alan being together. She's a catalyst. In chemistry class, a catalyst is a substance that accelerates a reaction without itself being changed. That's Susan.
After I went with Alan to Tennessee we set up his trailer (now it's OUR trailer) in an RV park and we got me set up to go back to school. I met Susan. We had advanced placement classes together. She's smart. And cute. Some people might say she's a little plump, but there are thousands of women who'd see Susan and wish they were shaped like her. But she was nice and friendly and I was the new girl in school so we kind of started talking. Next thing I knew she was having a little get-together at her house for friends. She had a boyfriend and there were a couple of other couples and this guy from my science class who was kind of cute and acting interested in me.
I remember when I told Alan that I wanted to go to the thing. He tried to hide his feelings but it was like a cloud passed over his face.
I went. I found out a lot of things. First, I found out that Susan was a) trusted by her parents and b) more than a little naïve. And that Jeff Jamison thought I was gonna be easy. It wasn't the first time that I had to fight a guy off, but I think it was ol' Jeffy's most enthusiastic introduction to the word 'NO' that he'd experienced up to this point in life. He was curled up moaning on the floor when I left.
Susan caught hell from her folks when they started finding out about what happened that evening, and Susan caught hell from me for not giving me a real idea of what was going on, but I found out that she was basically snookered. Remember? I said she was naïve. I forgave Susan because I really think that she was remorseful, way more than she needed to be since a lot of that wasn't HER fault.
I went home that night and I was really irate. I walked into the trailer and there was Alan. He listened. He gave me a shoulder to cry on. Fixed me hot chocolate. Watched a movie with me. And he went to bed. I guess he went to sleep that night. I didn't. I laid there for hours. I thought about things I learned from Grandma. I thought about things I learned from Mom. I put all those things together and I looked up the dark hall of that trailer and what I knew about THIS guy who'd shown himself completely honorable and I remembered the look on his face when I told him I wanted to go to Susan's.
Something inside me that night told me that Alan was The One. I understood that he might not KNOW he was The One, and I took a great big risk when I crawled into his bed that night. I was right, though.
Since then, it's been quite a ride. It was fun learning about each other. We started out sharing classical music. The guy's smart and he loves to talk about everything and we can sit there and carry on a conversation. Then I learned he can fly. We bought a plane. And flew to Louisiana to get married when we found out he could go to jail in Tennessee for messing with a seventeen year old girl.
But Susan: now she's my best friend at school, and she's part of my life, and she's getting married to one of Alan's friends and co-workers. And she's my adopted sister.
There's another adopted sister who just astounds people on so many levels, and that's Cindy.
How do you meet Cindy? Oh, you go off for a weekend, flying to take in a Bach concert, and you walk into a hotel and Alan KNOWS the guy checking in. That's Dan Richards. And he's got this cute little redheaded girl just standing there and he introduces her as his wife. That's Cindy. Fourteen. Genius. Graduating from high school. And a riot to talk with.
That's my bunch here. One of these days I'll tell you about the rest of my family, my stepdaughter, Terri, who's at least three phone calls a week and a really neat kid, and my in-laws back in Louisiana.
But right now we're in Alan's truck following Dan and Cindy who're in my car, and they're following Susan and Jason in his truck, and we're on the way to Susan's house. Susan's dad is barbecuing ribs and we're all getting together this evening. Tomorrow we girls, including Susan's mom, are going to Nashville to shop. Susan needs a wedding dress.
I might buy a few things, but living in our tiny little trailer is kind of a proscription against getting a lot of things and I have a couple of nice dresses that Alan says look really good on me, so I'm set. Thank goodness Susan's not going for one of those full-blown 'princess for a day' weddings with matching bridesmaid's outfits. And I don't think I'm NEARLY as relieved as her dad is.
Susan sounds kind of flighty sometimes, and honestly, there was a good amount of naïve to her, but she thinks things through and she and Jason had the whole wedding thing figured out before they broke the news to her mom and dad. When we get to Susan's house, she charged right in the front door hollering "Mom! Dad! We're here!"
Mizz Kathy showed up almost immediately. Susan introduced Cindy and Dan. Dan got a handshake. Cindy got a hug. Dan tells me Cindy used to be almost afraid of her own shadow. I can't believe that, because ever since I met Cindy, she's confident and has a presence. Poise. Cindy.
We went through the house and sat on the patio. All our guys were gathered around the barbecue pit with Mister Mike. Us females sat under the awning. I knew that Mizz Kathy was interested in Cindy.
She came right out and told Cindy that she was the youngest married woman she knew.
"I'm the youngest married woman I know," Cindy said. "Did Susan tell you about what kind of life I was having before I got married?"
"She mentioned some of it," Mizz Kathy said.
Cindy wasn't rude or dramatic, but she told Mizz Kathy a LOT of what I knew. You need to understand that one of the reasons I feel so kin to Cindy is that we sort of share that whole 'crappy mom' story. Cindy wasn't too graphic. I knew the whole story. She and I had talked a lot about it, trying to understand why we were the way we were. Susan hadn't heard the whole story, or even as much as Cindy was telling. Both Susan and her mom were almost astounded while Cindy was talking about her life before Dan.
"But then I got Dan." Cindy said, with that smile.
Mizz Kathy hugged her, almost crying. "I shoulda took Tina and Susan's word for it, baby," she said. Then Mizz Kathy started asking questions about Cindy's high school experience and there was room for me and Susan to jump into the conversation. We, Susan and I, already heard a lot of this, but Cindy was retelling it for Mizz Kathy. We had a lot of fun. I could tell Mizz Kathy was enjoying talking to us. I wonder what my life would've been like with a mom like Mizz Kathy, one that saw her daughter as somebody to love and care for instead of an obstacle.
I try not to think about that too much, and when I do, Alan gets a lot of vicious hugging. We've talked about it. He understands, I think, as much as anyone can who hasn't lived through it. Cindy understands even more.
Finally it was time to eat. Finally. Mister Mike TORTURED us with the smoke from those ribs. The meal was memorable, partly due to the food. Mister Mike's ribs were trophy winners in barbecue cook-offs and this in Tennessee where they're nutty about cooking ribs. Mizz Kathy had done some wonderful things with baked beans and coleslaw and garlic bread and there were pies for dessert.
Having a terrific meal with friends and family is a wonderful thing. We all chatted and laughed and carried on. I watched my two sisters. Susan really did glow. Her blue eyes twinkled, her laughter, her smile, all that told me that Jason was a fortunate guy.
What I thought was interesting was that this didn't sound like parents and kids talking. Susan's parents actually talked to us like we were mature. I could easily see that with me and Susan, but it was a little unnerving with Cindy, but Cindy acted like she's used to it. I don't know if it goes with her being married or her being just really smart or most likely, both.
Cindy and Mizz Kathy. You know, I was worried? Susan told me of some of the conversations she'd had with Mizz Kathy when word got out that I was married to Alan because of the differences in our ages, and with Cindy and Dan, it was an even bigger distance. But Cindy and Mizz Kathy were chatting like two old friends. Cindy was explaining to Mizz Kathy her entry into the social studies fair back in Alabama. Cindy was proud. She'd competed as a middle school student in an event that was almost ALL high school students and had taken second place.
I joined the conversation. "I can only imagine who beat out Cindy."
"I want to read her presentation," Mizz Kathy said.
I'll send you a copy," Cindy said. "I had a lot of fun writing it. I talked with Dan and Tina and Susan and did a lot of research about the family and church and welfare and education. It's interesting."
"Sounds like it," Mizz Kathy said. "I was going to major in social work in college, but I switched to business." She nodded in Mister Mike's direction. "Thought he needed all the help he could get!"
"I can understand that. Look at 'im," I said. Mister Mike was waving a rib as he expounded on something to Dan and Alan and Jason.
"It's up to us to civilize 'em," Mizz Kathy said.
I didn't argue with her. Mizz Kathy's nice. But I never saw my Alan as needing civilizing. He's educated and decent and mature and level-headed. Of course, he DOES have some sides to 'im that lay below the surface. When I saw him handle those guys that night in the parking lot, I was thinking, "This is the guy that's soooo gentle with me?" And he carries a pistol almost everywhere. Says it's his responsibility to protect himself and ME. And he's done that. So I don't think I want him any more civilized.
Anyway, Mizz Kathy's comment was meant to be funny, so I smirked. I know some of the guys at school could definitely use civilizing and I doubted the capability of a lot of those girls to perform that task. Maybe Mister Mike might've needed a touch, you know, when he told us about running a motorcycle into a truck door. But I just couldn't see it applying too much to my Alan. Or maybe Dan or Jason. Of course, Mister Mike seems like a really good dad. All you have to do is listen to Susan talk about him. I'm sad that I really don't have a frame of reference. I never had a dad around, or any guy that Mom brought home that I wanted to call 'Dad'.
It's funny how certain situations make me think about our life together, me and Alan, and about my own life and why I am the way I am. I've thought about the 'dad' thing and I can see where a psychiatrist might say that has something to do with me being so unbelievably attracted to Alan. A pseudo-father figure, perhaps. The first time I put that train of thought together, it bothered me, but you know what? If what I have for Alan is 'abnormal', I don't WANT 'normal'. I know too many 'normal' couples and they can only wish they have what I have with Alan.
When Cindy was writing her thesis for her social studies project, we talked a long time about it. I explained what I was thinking and she said she had some of the same questions. She decided to do a little research, but then she said she talked to Dan about it and she's like me: who gets to say what 'normal' is, and if it's a disease, did we want to be cured?
Alan couldn't WAIT for me to explain to 'im why I called him my infection when he got home. I talked to Cindy after school the next day. She giggled. "Dan's my tumor," she laughed. Things like that make me feel like Cindy is really kin to me. That's not to say that I don't love Susan like a sister too, but there's just too much parallel with Cindy for that to be 'normal' either.
There was one other girl who I shared this sort of stuff with back in Louisiana at the last school it went to before I dropped out. We sort of lost touch. I even emailed her when we got settled in here in Tennessee and she didn't answer back. That's been months ago. Made me start wondering.
"Tina, where in the world ARE you?" Susan asked.
"Right here," I said. "A thought crossed my mind."
"Oh, nothing ... Just kinda got caught up in being here in the middle of friends and family."
Cindy giggled. "It's ALL family, you know. Me an' you an' Susan are sisters. That makes my Dan and Susan's Jason (Susan smiled so cute when she heard 'Susan's Jason) your brothers-in-law. And Mizz Kathy and Mister Mike your parents."
"Parents?" Mizz Kathy asked.
"Sure," Cindy explained. "Your sister's mom and dad are YOUR parents too, aren't they?"
Mizz Kathy thought for a second. "Yes. I see your point, Cindy."
"Thank you, Mom," Cindy said, and she stood, walked around the table, and gave Mizz Kathy a hug.
At first, Mizz Kathy was kind of puzzled-looking, but then she smiled and tugged Cindy in for a return hug and said, "Mike, you need to come here."
"Yes, dear," he said, shuffling over, feigning submissive posture.
"Mike, Cindy informs me that their acquisition of each other as sisters has made us parents of them all."
"Great! Just what I need. MORE daughters." He laughed. He turned and said over his shoulder, "Dan! Alan! I'm now your father-in-law! I expect gifts! And I don't have the foggiest idea of how it happened but Kathy says it's so."
"Cindy!" Kathy laughed.
"Figures!" Dan said. "Dad! Can I borrow the truck?"
"Don't push it, son," Mister Mike laughed.
That's what I love about my new life: Friends and family. And it's really a blur, because when you get right down to it, the ONLY real family is Alan. And then there's my in-laws and a step-daughter, and those always count as family, but then there's Cindy and Susan and who they bring and it's rather nebulous as to where 'friends' end and 'family' begins and I love it.
It was all that: laughing, carrying on, enjoying conversation and food. Nobody upset, nobody drunk, nobody mad, and at the end of the evening we all went our separate ways after a round of hugs and goodbyes in the driveway.
We left with plans to meet for breakfast in the morning. Then we girls (and Mizz Kathy, but she's a girl, isn't she?) were going to head off to Nashville on my first shopping expedition that DIDN'T have Alan alongside me.
In the truck with the love of my life. I love the bench seat of his truck. I can buckle in right next to him. That's where I was as we drove back to the park.
"Good time, huh, babe?" I asked him.
"Sure was. Mike did some GOOD ribs!"
"Uh-huh! I think Cindy over-indulged. She was goin' after 'em."
"Yeah! Dan says they ride bikes and walk and things to stay active. She's not much bigger than when we first met 'er."
"I think she's getting taller. She's so short compared to Dan, though."
"Like a little doll, though."
I knew that Alan thought she was a cutie. We all did. And despite her being only fourteen, she didn't hang back in conversation. She and I talked about that too. She said she used to be shy and uncertain. Said her husband was what helped her bloom. I told her that I could understand that. I wasn't exactly shy, just never did see myself as particularly special. Grandma didn't see much of that before she started getting sick, before she passed away, and Mom never saw me as much more than an obstacle.
Alan sees me as his best friend and his love and he just encourages me to use the talents and abilities I have. And I watch him and talk to him about how he works and what he thinks and I want to be like that.
Right now I want to get him home and showered and shaved and naked.
Oh yeah. Sex. Actually, with me and my Alan, it's NOT just sex. It's part of our life, our connection on so many levels, and I remember that first night when I crawled in HIS bed, it was what I wanted, but it was not some animal lust, because if THAT was what I wanted, I could've had it with any of a number of guys, starting with Jeff Jamison the night I went to Susan's for the first time.
It just didn't seem right, like something I wanted to ever do, with any guy, not until I met Alan. And when I finally understood that I LOVED Alan, then it was something we were MADE to do.
I mean, I KNEW about sex. Mom wasn't particularly careful about who she did or where she did 'im, and I have ears, so I heard HER. And I listen to the conversations at school, too, and I pay attention, and for that matter, I can READ, so I knew about sex. And until something just clicked about me and Alan, it just wasn't THERE for me.
Then along came Alan. Two of us. Silly people who just bumped together in such an odd circumstance, and then stayed in that silly little trailer acting like there wasn't anything between us. Like HE didn't want to admit it because he was so much older than me, and I didn't want to admit it either and I guess part of it was the age thing and part of it was that I thought he really did just want to be nice and he didn't see me as anything but an unfortunate teenager.
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Steve wasn't sure if he should proceed directly to Johnny's room, so he checked the common room to see if Lucy was there. She wasn't, but Anna and Laura were. Steve stopped briefly to talk to them. "I noticed you were pretty harsh with Karen, Anna," Steve said. "I take it you're among the many people she's insulted and offended over the last few days?" "Yes she is," Laura interjected, "and she's been damn good about keeping quiet about it until now. I'd love to slap that...
I had searched online for months to find a friendly like-minded group of people that I could communicate with & share my special desires. I really thought I had found them & signed up to several dating type agencies that offered me the perfect match. They then sent me non-stop emails from people that matched me only to find they were not interested or simply didn’t reply. But this web site that I had found seemed to be different, according to the information it was run by two real girls...
Hi guys. I am back with the next episode. You can read the last story on the above url. So lets get back with the story. After the first sex encounter between me and mihir we started our long affair. He used to come to pay a visit to me whenever we had time. But then I got afraid that neighbors may doubt. So I had told him to start giving my daughter tuition and this will give him a reason of coming to my home. My home’s backyard opens to society garden which is always deserted and we have a...
IncestNobody goes to law school unless they have a chip on their shoulder. It's different for everyone, but it's true. Maybe they have something to prove to their parents, or to their friends. Maybe they feel insecure about their earning potential. I just wanted the degree. I grew up poor. Real poor. My single mother pushed education as hard as she could for my twin brother and me. She worked afternoons and nights and did what she could for us. I never doubted how much she cared. I was smart,...
Being submissive has never been a chore or a burden for me. I have always found that pleasing other people comes naturally to me and I do find it satisfying. This is probably what led me into the submissive lifestyle and I don’t mind that one bit. Having a dom to continually please and serve brings me joy and helps me relax from the stresses of my own life. Pleasing Jack was what I looked forward to most every evening, even if it wasn’t sexual. I always looked forward to his rewarding smiles...
BDSM„Schau mal her, ob das hier was Schlimmes ist?“ Ich sehe von meiner Urlaubslektüre auf und bin überrascht, dass meine Schwester Antje splitternackt vor mir steht. Antje ist für ihre achtzehn Jahre bereits sehr gut entwickelt. „Es tut mir hier weh!“ sagt Antje und zeigt auf die Innenseite ihres linken Oberschenkels. Damit ich es auch richtig sehen kann, stellt sie das Bein auf das Bett. Meine Augen werden rund und groß, weil ich geradewegs ins Paradies hineinsehe. Die blonden Löckchen in Antjes...
Sam and Jill pt 2By Way2BdgStorycodes: m+/f+; plastic; orgy; wraps; bound; bagged; xPlastic OrgyA year has passed, and now there are four crazy couples in our neighborhood. I am Tim and my wife Jill, Sam and her husband John, Susan and her husband Jerry, and Tom with his wife the dominatrix Jenny.We do thing as we planned or spontaneously. Sam and Jenny who often provoke it, just what was happening tonight. I was sleeping when I heard men voices. I opened my eyes and saw three hooded men on my...
A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android. All characters are over the age of 19. Thanks to Darksage for editing, once again. — The cool, plastic countertop did little to cool Sophie’s flushed body as she cried out in ecstasy. Her red flushed bosom pushed onto the cold surface along with the side of her face, her arms haphazardly strewn across it in disregard. Her left leg was kicked up, the sole of her foot pressed against the surface of the countertop, opening her pussy lips wide...
Part 3: The Secret Origin of the Troubleshooter. It feels like my life is about to go through a replay, and it wasnt all that much fun the first time. Last time I started to write down how I became what I am now, and got as far as me and Carl working for a company called Pitchriver in the MIddle East. And as I type this, I'm in a private plane headed back to the middle east with Carl at my side. The reason why I stopped where I did was Carl came into the room, and decided I needed...
My wife, Niki, is still an extremely ugly woman at forty-four. She’s actually slimmer now then when I married her in 1973. Enzos Niki goes to the gym four days a week but only does so to keep toned. Fortunately, she’s able to eat whatever she wants and not gain a pound. Several of the male instructors at the gym have been trying to get into her panties but only one has had any luck. If only they knew what a slut she was, the other two wouldn’t take no for an answer. Three of...
I would be animalistic with the way I kissed him. It would be passionate. Our tongues would be dancing as fluidly and sensually as it can happen. I’d bite his lower lip and run my tongue across it. He would grab me and throw me against the wall. His hands would be all over me. His hands were even sexy to me. Big and strong. Grabbing me all over; squeezing my boobs and roaming all over my ass. I’d be moaning quietly, biting my lip and holding back the scream of pleasure that was building...
Mr. Moore fell to his knees and and straddled her face. Clenching her slightly sore asshole, she stared at the man’s swollen cock. His prick was reddened and throbbing as it neared her lips. A trickle of cum seeped from his cocktip. Sylvia opened her mouth and felt the hot hardness of his phallus pushing into her mouth. She swabbed the cum from his prickhead and began sucking. The tantalizing flavor of cum flashed over her tastebuds. Wanting more, she rolled her tongue around his cock knob...
I thought Mom would buck up and come out of the funk she'd plunged into when Sandy left, but she became more and more depressed. Dad busied himself tending the faithful in his flock and was essentially oblivious to Mom's deteriorating mental condition, mostly because Mom put up a happy front when he was around. A good Mormon wife's main job is supporting her husband's reverent works and being a superlative homemaker and mother. The church was patriarchal in its structure. Only men could...
As usual, based on real events in my life. As I placed my infant daughter in her crib, I could hear the sound of water rushing through the plumbing. I smiled. Celia, my wife, was finally getting that shower she’d needed, wanted, for three days. Caring for a small baby was time-consuming, of that there was no doubt. She was suffering a little post-partum depression, a good hot bath should ease some of that tension, I hoped. Soon enough, the water stopped running. I waited a couple more...
I followed Grace in to the kitchen where Momma had piled the table with a Christmas dinner big enough to feed a small army. The entire house smelled mouth watering with a blend of spices, sweets, and baked ham. Papa Charles sat at one end of the table, with his mug of Irish coffee. I’m surprised he stuck around but glad he did. Momma sat beside him, looking like a sexy Christmas elf in a new house gown. I took my seat with Grace on my left and Momma to my right. Our eleven year old son, David...
Chapter I. It had been a tough couple of years and Bill was relieved when he found a tenant for the upper floor of his duplex. This was the final step in the rebuilding of his life after the divorce. On his own for the first time after 22 years of marriage, he had decided to make a new start. A new city, a new job, and the restoration of the duplex had provided a complete and welcome break with the past. He was pleased with the new tenants. Lisa was a single mom in her late thirties and a...
TabooI was on my way home from work when my husband, Luke, called. “Hey, babe.” “Hi dear, oh, I’ve had such a hard day at work.” “Oh honey, what happened?” “Boss expects me to have these reports in by Thursday. Says I’ll get laid off if I can’t get it done.” “Oh don’t worry about it honey, I’m sure you can finish it. Take care.” “Alright, love you babe.” “Love you too. Bye” “Bye.” After I hung up I crafted a plan in my head of how I was going to make him feel better when he got home. As I...
How Can I Please Me…. I loved it when my bf would rub my little rosebud…. And oh when he would stick his thumb in my ass… oh wow!When he would use his hard cock, it was uncomfortable and somewhat painful…. At the very least it was not the enjoyable act that I hoped for. So what to do about it?I went to my local adult store. That was a fun shopping trip. My imagination was going crazy in there. How I wished that my bf could be there with me so we could shop together. But he wasn’t so I...
It was my first day of a full-time two week block of army reserves at theMilford Falls barracks and I didn't wanna be there. During a break afterour first dinner I was sitting in the quad with five other reservists, allfirst year and all but two of us had obviously taken on more than webargained for, in between bitchin' about the mornings orientation manoeuvrewe got to talking about why we joined up in the first place. It was themoney, pure and simple we wanted the money. Some fuck wit whose...
Thanks to everyone for reading this series and for providing feedback. This is the final chapter in the series. * Benjamin awoke with a sharp pain pulsing in his temple. One glass of wine should not have given me a hangover. I must be getting old. Footsteps on the stairs sounded like a pile driver. Benjamin turned towards the bottom of the staircase to see who was approaching, but he could not get a good view of it from the living room couch. As he climbed off the couch, he noticed the...
Nancy, Shela and Sally had been friends since College. Nancy was the serious student, she was studying to be a programmer. Most evenings she would spend in the dorm studying. Her grades were excellent. She became very depressed one semester when she got a B in ancient history, one of those mandatory courses that had nothing to do with programming.Shela, was studying to be a grade school teacher. Shela was more of a normal student she studied hard during the week but liked to party on the...
ExhibitionismYou come in every morning as you always do. Bringing me my coffee, and saying hi. Always looking outstanding. Sitting close to me as if tempting me to do as I please. Laying back just a little so I can admire the slit in the bottom of your skirt. Touching your leg, and running my hand up under your skirt. Letting my thumb caress the top of your opening while I never look up from my desk. Trying to break your speech while you fill me in on the days plans. You never says a word, or complains in...
Group SexThe new school year starts well with us all looking forward to what we’ll learn. Then the remaining football team members start to express their displeasure at losing an important part of their team which they’re having trouble to replace. It seems without the four dead idiots they won’t be able to win any games because the school has no replacements who’re interested in being on the team. The players lose a lot more status in the student body and they get angry about that too. Some are dumb...
The moment I entered the compartment, Reddy excused himself and went out. I made sure that Reddy, the perfect stranger, was out of sight. Then I closed the compartment door again and turned back. I saw my beautiful wife Kavita standing right behind me. As I turned back, she hugged me tightly. I could clearly feel that she was feeling guilty. I held her cheeks with both my hands kissed her forehead. “It’s alright, you don’t have to feel guilty. I made you do it. You don’t have to continue if you...
“Nothing planned why?” “I was going to organise a rehearsal with the new band members.” She wrapped her long dark hair in a towel and began towelling herself off. “Who has joined?” She asked. “Mick and Ben are still in.” I said as she smiled. Mick and Ben both had had the pleasure of my wife’s body before. We even made a video of the two of them double teaming her after a party one night. “And two new blokes Stan and Dan.” “And what are they like?” She asked. “They play...
This story was written some years ago when land line telephones were still the norm and cell phones were a novelty. "Reach out and touch someone. . .The next best thing to being there yourself." Elisabeth and Seth joked about these slogans the telephone company used. "Those words certainly 'ring' true for us!" Liz once said during one of their long distance phone dates. Even when they lived only a mile from each other, they enjoyed making love over the phone in between their regular nights to...
VoyeurGran and Her Boysby Jena121© This story has quite a lead up to explain the circumstances. Please read through the story and you will be rewarded. I have lived with my Gran since my parents were killed in a plane crash when I was just 15 years old. I was now in my late 30's with a son of my own and back living with Gran. She has made it so easy for me. She gave me all the love that a person could give. I was only away from her home for about 3 years when I got married, but that only lasted for...
IncestThe Castellan didn't come to get us until early that evening. We had heard Master Fiacha arrive sometime earlier, and had changed clothes to meet him. I had donned the fancy Master Wizard's robe that I had gotten from Eogham's apartment. Sunshine wore the green dress from there also, but not the jewelry this time. I had lowered the wards at the entrance from the stairwell before the Castellan arrived, as there was no need to alert them to just how powerful I was -- yet. "Master Fiacha...
My name is Lee. I moved to Dallas, Texas last year to take a great job at a big corporate accounting firm. Computer operations supervisor. Everything was going fine and then I started getting very home sick. Dallas is great but, when your disabled and in a wheelchair it can be very hard trying to find a lady to go out with. There is a lot of big strong cowboy types. A lady really has to be special to go out with a disabled person, in a wheelchair and both legs amputated. I was going nuts,...
Jolene walked confidently into the pizzeria that Sasha worked in. She smoothed down her sleek tight red thigh length dress; the dress was low-cut showing off her cleavage with a single red rose pinned on the left side of her chest. She looked around the small restaurant as a waitress came forward to seat her. As Jolene took her seat she smiled inwardly as she thought about how neither of her men knew she was in Britain, they both thought she was still in China. She ordered a large glass of...