Courtship By ProxyChapter 5: Bubbles free porn video

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Looking at his watch to check the time, Kyle realized that he had not adjusted it yet for the time zone changes. Quickly changing the hours, he saw that it was already 6:45 pm. He decided to get unpacked and settled before his dinner was due to arrive.

Placing clothes in drawers and the closet, Kyle reflected on his jubilation in finally hearing from Bubbles. No woman had ever intrigued him, stimulated him, or so fully amazed him with her efforts to have a relationship with him, and he had thought he had lost her.

Would he finally see her? She had said she would be his companion for the next three days – a schedule that coincided precisely with his trip to Washington, DC this week. While he appreciated the way she always seemed to surprise him, he wished that he had known of her plans so that he would have had an opportunity to plan something for her as well.

Kyle had just finished arranging toiletry items in the bathroom when he heard a knock on the room door. He quickly went to the door and opened it without checking who was there. A young man stood there holding a picnic basket.

“Kyle Mason?” he asked.

“That’s me,” Kyle replied.

“Then this must be for you.” He handed Kyle the basket. “Just hold onto the basket and dishes and I’ll pick them up from you when I deliver your breakfast. Have a good night.” He turned and retreated down the hall to the elevators.

Kyle carried the basket to the table in the room and opened it. Inside was a Tupperware bowl, what appeared to be a sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil, a spoon, napkin, and two bottles of his favorite beer. He opened the Tupperware and smelled the tomato soup inside. Feeling the aluminum foil, he saw that the sandwich inside was still quite warm. He unwrapped it and found a perfectly browned grilled cheese sandwich. He checked his watch. 7:04pm. He relocated the room phone so that it was sitting on the table with his meal, opened one of the beers and waited.

Less than a minute later, the phone rang. Kyle answered it before the first ring ended and said, “I thought I had lost you.”

“Oh god Kyle, why would you ever think that?”

“Well your proxies have tended to just disappear on me without even saying goodbye, and after the weekend that Tara and I shared, I thought that maybe you couldn’t accept what we did together,” he told her.

“I’m sorry Kyle,” she said. “You need to understand that you have an effect on my proxies almost as significant as you have had on me. It is so hard to leave you at all, if I expected them to say goodbye to you and look into your eyes as they left your life, I could never forgive myself.”

“A note or something would have been nice,” he said.

“I understand Kyle, and I’ll try to do better. Now, why would you think that I couldn’t accept what you and Tara shared? I’ve told you, Kyle, Tara was me when she was with you. What you shared you shared with me, and it has taken me these last three weeks to recover from the experience.”

“One day I really hope to comprehend this proxy power thing that you and your sisters have,” he said.

“Trust me, Kyle, one day soon I’ll make sure you comprehend everything perfectly. So, are you ready to eat dinner with me?”

“You’re here?” Kyle said as he prepared to run to the door and open it for her.

“I’m not at the hotel Kyle, but I’m close. I will be close enough to you over the next few days to make sure that you are completely taken care of.”

“You don’t think I can take care of myself?” he teased her.

“I’m sure you can. I can just do it better, and I will. Let’s talk while we eat so your soup and sandwich don’t get cold.”

Kyle picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup. It was still quite warm and delicious. He held the phone in his left hand as he took another spoon of soup with his right hand. “How did you manage to get this meal made and delivered? This isn’t typical restaurant fare.”

“Simple,” she said. “I cooked it and paid a college boy to deliver to you. I will fix all your meals for you while you are here, and while I won’t be with you physically, we will share every meal just as we are this one.”

“You must live pretty close to the hotel for the food to arrive as warm as it was.”

“Why do you think I had your reservation switched? Those seven miles could make a difference in whether your meals were edible by the time you received them. You don’t mind, do you?”

“I assume you’re asking if I minded you switching my reservation, and the answer is ‘no’,” he said. “This hotel is better and more conveniently suited for my agenda this week. I was admitting to myself when I arrived that had I know where this one was, it would have been my first choice. Knowing that it’s closer to you is an added benefit.”

“How’s your soup?” she asked.

“Perfect,” he said. “It amazes me how much you know about me. A grilled cheese sandwich and bowl of tomato soup has always been one of my favorites, ever since I was a kid.”

“This was actually on the menu for that Sunday night at your apartment, but other things took priority if I remember right,” she giggled.

“I have no regrets about missing a few meals that weekend. I would forego this meal right now to be able to spend the time with you in person.”

She sighed, “Oh I would too Kyle, and I think we’re getting close to that happening, I really do. I know that you love me Kyle, and you’re close to knowing it too aren’t you?”

“I’ll admit that I’ve known it for weeks,” he said, “and I’ll tell you right now that I love you. Unfortunately, I still haven’t come to terms with the cloud hanging over me, and I don’t want to risk ‘us’ until there is some sort of closure there. I’m sure that Tara related our conversation to you about...”

“Karen Mayes,” she interrupted.

“That’s the cloud,” he confirmed.

“I know Karen Mayes,” she said, “and I know what she believes you did to her life. I knew all about it before I decided to announce my love for you and it didn’t deter me. Nothing will deter me where you are concerned Kyle. I will never let Karen Mayes or your memories of her stand between you and me. I will never let her hurt you again.”

“I’m not concerned with her hurting me, Bubbles. I’m concerned about me hurting you. I honestly don’t know what I did to Karen, but whatever it was, it turned a sweet girl who I thought cared deeply for me into someone who held me in such contempt that I have never been able to forget it. I would rather walk away from you right now than risk doing the same thing to you. If you know Karen, and you know what I did to her, please tell me.”

“In the first place Kyle, I will prove that my love for you is stronger than your fear. I won’t let you walk away from me over this or anything else, so get that notion out of your head right now. Secondly, you did nothing wrong with Karen Mayes. It was always her, not you or anything you did. I told you weeks ago that I was ‘broken’ Kyle, and that is why I couldn’t just come directly to you and profess my love as I think we both would have preferred. I had to come to terms with a lot of emotions in my life, some involving you, but most involving other people. I was scared, insecure, and even ashamed of my weakness towards you, so I have had to resort to the use of proxies to help me prove myself to you. You couldn’t fix me Kyle, and you can’t fix Karen Mayes. Please don’t try.”

“Okay,” he said. “I don’t want to talk about Karen Mayes anymore. So, do you think there is any chance that I will see you this week?”

“I hope so, but it may not be until after you return to California.”

“But I thought you were in the area of the hotel?” he said in confusion.

“Kyle, I could walk to you right now and my shoes would hardly get dirty, that’s how close I am, but I don’t think I’ll be ready to see you until later in the week, which means that if I have to come to you in California, that is what I’ll do.”

“I hate not being able to plan things for you; for us, like you can. I want to be able to send you flowers, text you with mushy words of endearment, or call just to hear your digitally altered voice. How would you feel if you were in my shoes?”

“I would be miserable, but I’m moving as fast as I can to end your misery; our misery. We share that too Kyle.”

“I know we do,” he said.

“There is another reason why I want us to spend time together on the phone this week,” she said. “Once we’re together for good, I want you to know that I will still take care of you wherever your travels take you or how far you are from me. So, to that end, would you like to watch a movie with me?”

“Explain the process,” he said.

“At the bottom of the basket you received there should be a USB clip drive.”

He looked through the basket and found the drive. “Got it.”

“Good,’ she said. “There are five movies on that drive. Why don’t you put it in your laptop and tell me which one you want to share with me tonight?”

He booted his laptop and opened the files on the drive. The movie titles listed were, “Air Force One”, “Amanda”, “Chasing Liberty”, “National Treasure”, “Notting Hill”, and “Serendipity”.

“Okay,” he said, “I only know some of these titles.”

“That’s fine,” she told him. “Do you have an interest in watching one with me tonight?”

“I am assuming the process is that we will both start the movie on our computers at the same time and watch it together, while apart.”

“That’s the gist of the idea,” she confirmed. “However, all the movies provided come with an added little feature just for you and me...”

“An added feature?” he asked.

“I think so,” she giggled. “All these movies are clothing optional for the audience. I’ve already opted for lying here in my bed naked with the laptop next to me, but you can do what you want.”

“This would work better if we were both on cell phones so we could put the phones on speaker. Can you arrange that?” he asked.

“Of course,” she said. “You hurry up and make your clothing choice and I’ll call you right back on your cell phone.” She hung up before he could respond.

His cell phone rang within seconds.

“I am so sorry Kyle!” she said. “I never wanted to end a phone call with you without telling you that I love you, but you got me so excited that I was anxious to switch phones and neglected my own rule. I’m sorry. I love you.”

“As far as I’m concerned, this is just a continuation of the same call, so you get a pass this time. Now I’m going to put you on speaker as I get undress and my laptop situated on the bed. Do you have a preference as far as the movies go?”

“You pick,” she said.

“Okay, how about ‘Notting Hill? I haven’t seen that one in a long time and it is a nice light-hearted comedy that I would like to share with you.”

“Good choice,” she said. “I’ll get queued up on my end, so let me know when you’re ready there.”

A few minutes later, he told her he was ready. They both launched the movie at the same time and waited for the opening song to start.

“That is my favorite Elvis Costello song,” Kyle said.

“What song is that,” she asked in response.

“The opening song of the movie. ‘She’. Haven’t you ever listened to it?”

“Shhh, let me listen.”

She May be the face I can’t forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay

She May be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day
May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell
Who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one’s allowed to see them when they cry

She May be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I’ll remember till the day I die
May be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I’m alive
The one I’ll care for through the rough in ready years
I’ll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I’ve got to be
The meaning of my life is

SheShe, oh she

As soon as the song ended, she said, “Hit pause.”

He paused with her and waited.

“That song was by Elvis Costello?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “I have the MP3 version that I could e-mail to you if I ever had your e-mail address.”

“I would love to have it, so just hold it for me until I see you next. Hit play.”

He hit play to restart the movie.

“Hello?” Kyle answered the phone in a very groggy voice.

“Good morning sweetheart. I know that it’s only 4:00 am by your internal clock, but you’re here now, so it’s time to rise and shine. Your breakfast will be at your door in a few minutes, so if you’re still clothing-optional, get prepared. I’ll call you back in a few minutes so we can chat over breakfast. I love you, Kyle.”

Kyle looked at the phone and smiled. He would gladly sacrifice sleep for the opportunity to have her voice – even digitally altered – be the first thing he heard each morning. As if on cue, there was a knock at his door. He pulled on the gym shorts that he had left at the foot of the bed and answered the door.

“Hey,” said the same young man from the night before. “Here’s your coffee and breakfast. Do you have the other basket ready to go?”

“Oh yeah,” said Kyle. “Let me get it for you.” He went to the table and retrieved the picnic basket. While returning to the door he had a thought. He handed the basket to the delivery boy who simply turned and walked away.

Kyle set his new delivery on the table and examined the contents. There was a carafe of what smelled like Hazelnut coffee and two piping hot raisin muffins fresh from the oven. His cell phone rang.

“You’re going to spoil me,” he said on answering.

“You have no idea how much I am going to spoil you, Kyle. You will never, and I mean never doubt my love and devotion to you. Will you share your breakfast with me?”

“With pleasure. Let me put you on speaker so I can pour some coffee.”

“Is your breakfast okay?” she asked.

“Perfect,” Kyle said, “I was never a big breakfast person, so this is an ideal setup for me. I can eat one of the muffins now with a cup of coffee, and save the other one for later in the morning when I usually get a hankering for something to eat.”

“I remember that about you,” she said. “You know what I have been craving all morning?”

“No, what?”

“I have been craving a chance to kiss that dimple on your butt.”

He chuckled. Tara had refused to accept that the indentation on his left butt cheek was a scar from when he had been shot in Iraq. She insisted that it was just a dimple.

“You mean you want to kiss my boo-boo?” he teased.

“Please don’t say that Kyle. You don’t know how close to a total breakdown I was when I heard about you being shot. I’m sure the innkeeper in Landstuhl will never forget the crazy American woman who was a guest there the entire time that you were in the hospital at Ramstein Air Force Base.”

“You were there?” Kyle asked. “Did you come to see me?”

“I visited you every day, Kyle. I had to see for myself that you were going to be okay.”

“How come I never knew?” he asked.

“I only visited late at night when I knew that you would be asleep, except for a couple of times when I came into your room dressed as one of your nurses, wearing a surgical mask, but I think you were asleep those times too. I was so scared of losing you, but I was more frightened of my love for you even then.”

“Wow,” said Kyle. “I guess you really do like me.”

She laughed, and to Kyle, it sounded like she may have expelled some coffee through her nose.

Between coughs, she said, “Maybe a little, but don’t let it go to your head.”

“So how long have you known me?” he asked her.

“I wish I could put a chronological figure on it that would clarify things for you, but you need to realize that while I may have been alive, I never really existed except for the times when you have been in my life, Kyle. I have known you all my life because I have no life without you.”

“Who do you work for? I mean, what kind of work do you do?”

“Let’s just say that in a round-about way, I work for your uncle.”

“Would you like to meet him? How about having dinner with him tonight?” Kyle asked.

“Are you serious?” she said.

“Sure,” Kyle told her. “He always wants me to stop by while I’m in town so I could arrange for us to have dinner with him.”

“Maybe some other time,” she said. “I would need a little more prep time before having dinner at the White House with the President, even if he is your uncle.”

“Okay, just remember that you have a standing invitation.”

“I’ll remember. So, what does your day look like? A lot of meetings?”

“I only have one real meeting confirmed. I have left some time this afternoon in case I can get a meeting scheduled with an individual at the NSA I have been trying to get some face time with. If that falls through, I may head over to Langley to visit with the Science and Technology department heads.”

“So, what time can I plan for having your dinner delivered?”

“Are you planning to share a movie with me again tonight afterward?” he asked.

“Either a movie or phone sex. We’ll wait and see how things progress.”

“In that case, let’s eat early. How about 6:30 pm?”

She giggled, “Clothing optional dinner at 6:30 pm coming up.”

“The nanotechnology we have been developing in my department is derived from research I began as part of my doctoral thesis in college,” the presenter said to her audience.

“Since we are dealing at a cellular level, and with anatomical terminology that does little to describe the underlying objectives of the program, I ask you all to please take a moment and look at the illustrations currently on the screen before you.”

“You will see a robotic arm at one of our nation’s auto assembly plants. This particular robotic arm is tasked with taking a bundle of electrical wire, gathering them together into a tight bundle, and then cinching them to produce a wiring harness that will allow for their more efficient placement within the assembled vehicle. Note that none of the wires are damaged in this process, and in most cases, the combined relative strength of the adjoining wires have made the completed harness much stronger than the sum of the individual wires would be if routed separately. If the robot released the gathered wires prior to the cinch being applied, they would return to their normal state.”

“Now imagine that instead of wires, a miniature version of a similar robot was injected into the human body and programmed to seek out specific muscles and either clamp down to compress this muscle, or separate the muscle resulting in its expansion. In essence, that is what our program is about.”

The presenter paused as the anticipated mumbling and chatter began within her audience. She turned off the projected images and gave her audience a minute before reclaiming their attention.

Smiling she said, “My hearing isn’t that good, but I’m sure I heard several among you asking the same questions; ‘Why?’ and ‘What does this have to do with our nation’s intelligence-gathering capabilities.’ Perhaps I can show you with another little demonstration.”

She stood facing fully in front of her audience, brushed the few strands of hair hanging onto her forehead back and then pressed a button on the remote control held in her other hand. Her audience gasped in shock as a horrendous scar gash began to appear at her hairline above her right eye, and then continued down over her eyelid, across her nose, and finally ended at her jawbone below her left ear. Her once beautiful face was now a disfigured and terrifying sight for her audience to behold. Many of them looked away, unable to fathom the damaged beauty before their eyes.

She began walking around the room, allowing any member of the audience who chose to do so the opportunity to examine her face close-up. When their examinations were complete, she returned to the front of the room, pressed the remote once more, and allowed her audience to watch her face as it was restored to its original beauty.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, that is just one example of how nano muscle manipulation could be used for Radical Appearance Modification of our assets in the field, disguise confidential informants to keep them safe, or any other number of valuable uses.”

She pressed a button on the remote once more and her next words were spoken in a deep Baritone voice that would have made James Earl Jones proud, “We have already developed nanorobots specific to arrector pill muscles, which are the involuntary muscles in our skin that cause goosebumps; skeletal muscles, which are the voluntary muscles used primarily for body movement; and smooth muscles, such as those in most body organs like the bladder or uterus.”

She pressed the remote again and her voice returned to normal, “Obviously we can use the nano muscle manipulation to alter voices as you just witnessed, we can also induce an involuntary limp that would fool an orthopedic surgeon, and at the risk of offending anyone or providing false hope, depending on the circumstances, the nano muscle manipulation technology could be used to increase female breast or male organ dimensions.”

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My First Encounter 8211 The Broken Bubble

Hi guys. I am ashwath. This is my first story on iss. I am regular reader of iss and now would like to share my stories. These are the 2 biggest things that have happened in my life so far. Describing me: I am 22 yrs old. I am 5.8 ft tall fair complexion. Girls say I am cute. I have a 7” tool with good girth. This story happened to me 6 months back. It is about my friend prajna. We met in pu college. At that time we were nothing but hi bye friends nothing more. after pu we both joined...

2 years ago
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Janette Joins Our Bubble

I drop the groceries on the mud-room floor, take off my mask, and wash my hands in the laundry basin. I feel gross. I'm leaning over the sink lost in silent reverie when Maia says hi the first time.Cough "HI."I jump, startled, and turn around to greet my wife of six months. As soon as I see her, all the angst fades and I smile. She's wearing a short, bright yellow T-shirt dress that complements her smooth caramel skin and contrasts her short black hair. She's barefoot, and I notice her freshly...

1 year ago
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Double Bubble

I was walking back to my office after a late night meeting at the courthouse, when I paused in front of the window of a Laundromat. I could see a light from a small office in the back and a young lady reading a book. Then as I looked at the reflection of a tall man with a grey beard, my thought flowed back to 1967 when I was a young law student. It was an unusually hot Saturday morning in May as I pushed my way through the side door of the Laundromat. After dealing all week with the Law...

3 years ago
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The Lady Who Picked Me Up Part One of the Bubbl

The Scott Chronicles, is the sexual conquests of a young boy up until age twenty. Depending on his age, is what the size of his gift will be at that time. By fifteen, his penis has grown to an eleven inch long, six inch thick monster! So getting girls is what he does best. Scott is also bi, he did a lot of d**gs as a teenager, and has a thing for romance... As well as a dark side and a passion for music. All of these things will be recurring themes, read from his actual diary. The time-line...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 43 Boy in the Bubble

April 14, 2019 Hello Everyone, Today was much more interesting than I intended it to be. My family went to a Renaissance Fair and I promptly locked my keys in the car. I was distracted as my wife and I were discussing the legality of where I was parking. So as they went and enjoyed the fair I was attempting to get into my car. First, I called my insurance company as I have a road side assistance policy. No dice, as they reimburse you later and I had eleven dollars in my pocket. Next, I...

3 years ago
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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 7 Bubbly

Ms. Sloane, in her attempt to extracticate me from what Trish McGovern was telling her friends was, “Engaged to be engaged,” was doing what Peggy and Pru did when soliciting new business for BB. They do extensive research. Study the history and background and backdrop, that sort of thing, of the company they’re after. The company and the industry. Auntie Pru often disappears behind a closed office door for a week or two, sometimes longer. She and my mother work with the Creative Director and...

3 years ago
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Uncle Ash Part 3

One morning, Ashton awoke to the feeling of someone sitting on his waist. He already knew who it was before he even opened his eyes. Lori still had her own bed but often times he would drag her to his and she would pass out after being roughly fucked and end up spending the whole night in his bed. “What’s going on, sweetheart?” he asked while putting his hands on her hips and sliding her back and forth on his waist, rubbing the crotch of her panties against the bulge of his pajama pants. She...

3 years ago
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Sex with Unsatisfied indian lady

Hi Readers, I am Nazoo khan, 28 years old, From karachi. I am a regular reader of ISS, and found that the strories published in it are nice. I like to share my experiences in sex with you. Most of my experiences were lesbian,with sexy young girls and experience healthy womens. My first lesbian experience in 14 years with my widow Aunty.I had a few experiences with one guy and few shemales also. Here I’m narrating one of my lesbian experiences.As said above, most of my experiences are with sexy...

3 years ago
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Pygmalion RevisitedIron Alchemy

I like the heat. Not the mosquito-ridden heat of a humid Minnesota summer. Not the dead dry heat of the Mojave. Not the figurative heat of scholastic demands. Not the adrenalin-inducing heat of walking the beams a hundred feet above the ground. I know heat. I like the heat of the forge. The heat of iron lying on the anvil awaiting the hammer's kiss. The heat of a welding torch in gloved hands running a smooth bead down an undetectable join. I like the heat that makes sweat run down my...

2 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 9

"I'm surprised you're here..." Marcus observed, when Tony disappeared, ostensibly to do some homework. "Yeah, me too... I sort of arranged this yesterday with Elspeth, and then... well, last night didn't really come into thinking until I'd already started round." "OK... now I'm lost." "Elspeth asked if she could have the room to herself for the night." "Is she ill?" "No, she wants to spend it with Briana..." "Oh, so she doesn't want it to herself..." "You know what...

4 years ago
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Dana Takes on the Basketball TeamChapter 3 Back to the Office

Dana drove straight to the office. When she walked in, she reeked of sex. There were wet spots on the back of her skirt where cum had leaked out while she drove. Her top was slightly loose, but silky. It draped across her breasts and nipples making it clear that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. There was a stain over her left tit that made it look like she had been nursing and sprung a leak. I made her stand in my office while we called Jim to discuss the contract. Cum was running down...

2 years ago
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Rosie Kowalskis Introduction to Sex A Toby Wakefield Story

The summer of 1954 presented me with the most preposterous sexual adventure that any teenager—any man of any age for that matter—could hope to experience. Sometimes I pinched myself to remind myself that I was awake I’ve never told anyone about my involvement with Kathy and Rosie, not even my closest friends. They were two girls who were a slice of my “coming of age” which was a lot more than most boys going through puberty ever experienced. My involvement with Kathy and then Rosie could be...

4 years ago
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When my husband calls me his slut or cunt it makes my pussy wet

I wasn’t always this way. It all started about three months ago when I lost a bet. My husband had some men over for a night of poker. I didn’t have money to go out that night, and so I decided to play. Harry wouldn’t give me any chips to play with, so I “traded” for them, basically flirting with the guys and getting them drinks and stuff so they would give me chips to play with. I started drinking too much, which always makes me horny, and my husband didn’t...

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When i was s*******n, I had a friend at college.Who's family lived in Spain. I had never been to Spain before and he invited me to go and stay there for a couple of weeks. His parents had recently separated so it was just my friend, his older sister and his mother, who was in her fifties. I was attracted to her immediately and we got on really well.The first morning of my stay i took a shower and noticed that there was a laundry basket in the bathroom. I adore the smell of pussy. And i Could...

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Full sawppong

Me in my wife and 2 friends of our okay for a while we been in the swinging couple thing and we really didnt know who to do this with.Been on sites and still is on sites okay so we meet up with a couple one weeking we sat around talking and drinking after we went back to our from meeting for dinner.We all want it to do this but they were afaid to speak up.So i siad lets play a game of strip poker in parnerts men vs women still drinking now as were playing were losing the men woman just bearly...

4 years ago
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Hot Gym Story Locker Room

You can call me a pervert if you like, I don’t care. I work in a gym and being surrounded by so many seriously hot guys makes you do stuff. I’ve worked there for five years now, it was my first job out of school and it pays pretty well. I’m head of maintenance, but that’s not hard to be when you only have a staff of three cleaners. It’s my job to make sure everything is working, everything’s clean and tidy. I’m the first one in and the last one out. For the first year I used to find any...

1 year ago
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Alice In WonderlandChapter 3

The next morning, a parade of people showed up at our cave. Every one of the people from the neighboring cave was there to see the new weapon and, hopefully, to see the smoke come from my head. The children were most interested in that! There were 5 men, 4 women, and 4 children in the group. The oldest man in the bunch must have been over 30 years old and was their shaman. I wasn't quite sure why, but I felt an immediate dislike for him. He seemed a bit too sly and shifty for my taste. I...

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The Scandalous Stewardess

"The Scandalous Stewardess"Chapter 2 It was six o'clock. The sun was brilliant but low in the Decembersky as Trish and Randy settled down in the big bed in the attractivebungalow which Trish had rented at French Leave. They had bothundressed immediately, Trish still eager for the loving only her brothercould give her. Her climax in the MG had only made her more eager forlove making, and she hungered for the youth's trim, sun-tanned body, forhis young mouth and his mammoth cock. She never grew...

3 years ago
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Sex With Kunal

My name is Aditi Sharma and I am from Delhi India and I am newly starting sharing my personal life on this site.I am 25 years and married heaving two small kids,I got married when I was 21 years.My husband lives out of India (Singapore) and comes home once in a month or more for a week or 10 days.He runs his business in Singapore and I stay here in India because of my father in law who is old in his 60’s and dont want to leave India,I dont have my mother in law.So at my home I live with my...

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Wishes Granted Inc Case Two

Wishes Granted Inc-Case Two By Micah Distel "Kevin! How many times have I told you to quit sneaking in my room?" "I don't know. How many?" "That is not the point! Everyday, I come from cheerleader practice and find you in my room looking for my diary. What am I to do with you? I know, I'll just tell mom when she comes home from work. With a little twist to it." "You don't scare me. She won't do anything. I'm the good kid. Remember?" "Oh we'll...

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Caught out watching porn

"So you like this type of thing?" he asked, tipping his head towards the screen "A little..." I replied, a shiver running through me "...well a lot, It's nice to appreciate a sexy woman" I replied "But, does it, you know, get you excited?" He questioned with a gleam in his eyes "Well, it does if I'm sitting here thinking about having that woman in front of me, her body to touch and play with, but I have to be feeling kinky" "Like now?" he asked looking straight at me...

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08 TogetherChapter 27

Present – Liz and Bernie – At Leadville airport When we exit the C130 which brought us to the Leadville airport, I turn my phone back on and notice fifteen missed calls. I check the name on the caller ID and blurt, "Shit!" Bernie asks, "What's wrong Liz?" I answer, "The cat must be out of the bag because I have fifteen missed phone calls from Jens." I take a deep breath to get ready to call her back when my phone rings and scares the heck out of me. I look at the display and yes...

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my mom

Eram intr-o seara, tarziu, ma uitam la un film erotic. Eram singura in camera si ma uitam la o scena in care se futeau 2, intr-una din pozitiile mele preferate, adica pe canapea, si ea peste, infipta in pula lui si miscandu-se in ritmul pe care il vrea ea, el o tine de fund si ii priveste sanii mari cum i se misca in fata...Bineinteles ca privind asa o scena, am avut o senzatie, si bineinteles ca mi-am scos afara sanii, ca sa pot sa mii ating mai bine... Stateam in pat si in timp ce mii frecam,...

1 year ago
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Full Night Service At Just 10k Sir

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, First, being a noobie author here, let me introduce myself. You can call me Jaime(name changed), and I’m 24 years old, a Kochi based software professional. I have been a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories ever since I got my first 2G mobile connection. I always wanted to write a sex story for Indian Sex Stories but I was determined that I will write only real life experiences here. So I was waiting for something to happen all these years until now....

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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Alaska Part Two

Chapter one:The Flight  Amanda had leaned on her husband Rodger for almost the entire duration of the flight. Every so often, she would look up at him, and in her heart, she knew he was still the only man she had ever loved. He made her life worth living. In her mind, she believed she had done the right thing. After all, she had saved her husband from being mauled by a bear, right? Or even worse, left out overnight to freeze to death. She began to actually feel proud of herself for doing these...

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Neighbours daughter

This is a short story that happened about 5 years ago when I was in my 50th year. My friend and neighbour had organised a party in his garden so wife and I duly went along on a fine spring day to be met by his young daughter who was fifteen and offered us nibbles and led us to the bar area. She looked very good in cropped top and some of the tightest leotard pants I had ever seen so that when she walked towards you outlined a lovely cameltoe, the rear view was quite something too.The afternoon...

4 years ago
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Love Me til Dawn Chapters 8 9

Chapter 8. Alice’s reflective thoughts.Meeting George and having her join us that evening placed a different twist to all that was happening. I did not mind her being there, but I was hoping that Lorraine would be all mine.George began to grow on me as that evening went by. I warmed to her outgoing personality and the way she seemed to understand the relationship between Lorraine and I. And at the same time I could not help feeling as if Lorraine was manipulating something between the three of...

1 year ago
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Karlas Curiosity 2 Victoria Helps Out

Vicky: “He-Hello? Oh Hi Karla…It’s kind of early isn’t it? Noon? Yeah I guess I could be there. Okay Bye.” Vicky looked at her clock it was almost 4am. She put her head in hands as she tried to completely wake up and process the call. Why was Karla calling her so early? It couldn’t be an emergency or anything bad because Karla sounded okay. Still though, she had never called that early in the morning before. After a few more minutes of thinking, Karla set her alarm for 10am and went back...

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A Cuckold By Choice

It was New Year's Eve last year when I first became a cuckold, a willing cuckold I should mention.Katie and I had been married twenty one years, all of them good.We had two children a boy and a girl who now had spouses of their own and we’d both decided to further our sexual explorations, somewhat.Over the years of our marriage we’d often enjoyed our fantasies and even acted some of them out, but one recurring fantasy of us both that we’d never acted out was for Katie to take a lover, a black...

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The first of many1

A little about me, I'm just your average white boy, 6 foot tall with long brown hair that reaches my shoulders and dark brown eyes that almost look black. Cream white skin and an average body, not too toned but not flabby. I sport an average 6 inch cut member and have only played with my hole using my fingers so im still pretty tight, but to the story at hand. My friend John's parents were going to be out of town for the weekend and he wanted to throw a huge party. As his best friend i...

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Remembering My Senior Prom

— My senior prom is memorable in lots of ways, most memorable to me is the blowjob. I'd rented a limo and got a room at the Hilton for our after party. I had some money for this as I'd been doing a little work for local businesses. Installing accounting and office systems, things like that. Though the thing which paid best was the tech support once I'd installed the system. So I could afford to turn up to Jasmine's in a stretch limo. Her dad opened the door, "Good evening Mr...

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Gullivers Planet 3 Little Girl Blew Part 2

Tales from Gulliver's Planet: Little Girl Blew Part II By [email protected] # # # Engral had his hand on Alex's lower back and was both escorting him and giving him little pushes as they walked. He would've complained about the manhandling, but he didn't want to insult the man, especially when he might Alex's only help. Still, the quick stepping caused extra bounces in his breasts which made him cross his arms over them to reign them in, which had him sashaying his...

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A Lusty Teacher 2

I walked past Mrs Peters a few times today and i could tell she wanted me as much as I wanted her. She normally eats her lunch in the canteen so I went to sit next to her but was pushed away by my mates that also like Mrs Peters, if only they knew. After my friends had barged their way past I was forced to sit opposite her which I didn't mind as I could stare into her eyes. As soon as I sat down I felt a foot rubbing up my leg, naturally thinking it was Katy (Mrs Peters) I sat there and...

4 years ago
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Christmas Star

CHRISTMAS STAR BY PAUL G. JUTRAS "Today's the day." Carl James called to his twin sister, Jennifer. Both of there are just over five feet tall. Both have the same blonde hair and blue eyes. While Jenn was a supernautral freak, Carl was into math and science. "Love the gangly snowflake earrings." Jen replied. "Let's go downstairs." It was almost seven. Jennifer and Carl had gotten dress early. Now they were joining their parents in preparing for the family christmas...

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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 1

So, I never had a thing for my mom until I found her videos buried in a box of old papers in the attic. I was cleaning it out for my parents when I found a DVD marked "Janie's Vids". I figured it was something from her c***dhood or some family movies. I was the only one home. When I took a break from the attic work, I made some food and put the DVD in my laptop. The sandwich about fell out of my hand when the first video started to play. It was my mom, must have been from the 70s when she was...

1 year ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 61 Of Course Theyrsquore Drinking Shiner

From the man-made lake behind the imposing home, the sounds of the raucous party were easy to hear even before exiting the minivan. “I guess we came to the right place,” Tim snickered. George smiled and motioned for help retrieving their purchases as well as the overnight bags from the rear hatch. “Welcome, friends, welcome!” Jose, Uncle Justin’s right-hand man, approached the two, who looked shocked to see the man they had just left a few minutes earlier. “Hang on. You didn’t pass us....

3 years ago
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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 9

“Do you remember when Barb and Jerry came to visit?” “Why did you bring up their visit,” said Kari with mock anger. “I don’t think I have ever been so embarrassed as I was went they showed up.” “But you had been seen naked by other people, both those you know and don’t know, in public and in the house,” said Kevin. “After you got over the initial embarrassment, you never seemed to be embarrassed if someone saw you naked.” “Barb and Jerry seeing me naked really didn’t bother me,” said Kari....

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