Courtship By ProxyChapter 2: Cammy free porn video

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“It’s a pleasure to be traveling with you Cammy,” replied Kyle.

He didn’t think twice about her knowing his name. Between luggage tags, airline ticket jackets, and any number of identifiers that might be visible to the casual observer, it was not surprising that a stranger would know his name.

“I’m sorry,” Cammy said. “I think you misunderstood me. I am not merely your traveling companion; I am your companion for the day. When we arrive in San Jose, your rental car reservation will have been canceled. I will transport you to your meeting with Ellison Lawrence, and accompany you through your lunch meeting. We will be seated together on your 4 p.m. return flight to Orange County, and hopefully, by the time we land, you will have a clear picture of what awaits you over the next several weeks.”

Kyle stared at the woman next to him for several seconds before responding, “Who are you?”

Cammy smiled warmly at Kyle and replied, “My name is Cammy, short for Cameron, Bellinger. I am a member or a Sisterhood, or sorority if you like, and I am honored to be the first of your companions.”

“Why would I need, or for that matter want a companion?” asked Kyle.

Cammy tried to explain, “One of our Sisters has developed an interest in you, Kyle. I am here as her proxy to express this interest, explain her plans, and report back to her with my assessment of you as a potential companion for her.”

The pre-flight announcements over the intercom system delayed Kyle’s response. Once the cabin was quiet again, he spoke to Cammy, “You can thank your ‘Sister’ for her interest, but I’m not available for a relationship right now, especially a blind date with some stranger with a ‘nice personality’, or however you choose to describe her.”

Cammy didn’t hesitate in her response, “Kyle, we all know that you are more than available. You have never had a relationship with a woman that has lasted longer than two weeks, and while that concerns us, our Sister’s interest is piqued by this very fact. Furthermore, while my Sister does, in fact, have a nice personality, she also has physical attributes that few men would reject.”

Kyle snorted but didn’t otherwise respond.

“Kyle, me and all other companions that you may meet in the near future will speak to you as our Sister would. We will not lie to you or deceive you, so here is the truth; a beautiful woman, who you know, is deeply in love with you but is just as deeply afraid of being hurt by you. Myself and her other Sisters will spend time with you as her proxy. Kyle, we will test you, teach you, tempt you and treat you as if you were with our Sister herself.”

They were airborne for thirty minutes before Kyle spoke again, “How does this ‘Sister’ know me? This sounds like some sort of stalker nightmare, or a sequel to ‘Fatal Attraction’ at the very least. I think I’ll respectfully decline your offer.”

“Have you ever had a broken heart Kyle?” asked Cammy.

Kyle had a sudden vision of Karen Mayes rejecting him as a friend, but dismissed that experience as not meeting the criteria for what Cammy was asking. “No, I can’t say that I have.”

“How does a person reach the age of 28 without having at least one broken heart? You should write a book documenting your secret Kyle.”

“I’ll consider it,” said Kyle. “But my past relationships aside, the idea of getting to know a woman through ‘clones’, ‘proxies’, or ‘companions’ isn’t something that interests me. I’m sorry.”

Cammy smiled at him, “Kyle, you already know each other. The purpose of this adventure is to see if you could trust each other enough to really love one other. Are you willing to say here and now that you won’t trust a woman who professes her love for you and is only asking for you to provide her a safe haven for expressing that love so that you have a chance to discover if you have similar feelings for her?”

“Unilateral trust doesn’t seem to be a good foundation for a relationship,” Kyle said. “She wants me to trust her plan to have her ‘Sisters’ evaluate me, but she doesn’t trust me enough to face me herself.”

“Kyle, you have valid concerns, and I can assure you that you are not the first to voice them. Relationships are seldom a clean fifty-fifty split. One party generally has to shoulder a larger percentage of the responsibility at times than the other, and in this case, you will require greater patience and trust in order for the both of you to have a chance. My ‘Sister’ is taking a chance here too. You have admitted that your own history of relationships has been one of non-commitment and always temporary, yet you make no excuses for this. Is her insecurity so much of a deal-breaker for you?”

Kyle thought about Cammy’s comments and then said, “You say I know her, right? I am going to assume she is not married, so that will help me narrow down the potential candidates...”

“Do you think trying to determine her identity will help you accept her fears?” asked Cammy.

“It would be one less unknown for me to deal with,” said Kyle.

“I can appreciate that Kyle,” said Cammy, “but you need to consider how her anonymity has allowed her to present herself to you in the first place. You risk losing a woman who loves you for the sake of gratifying your curiosity too early. We’re going to be landing soon, and you have to be focused on your work for the next few hours. Think about things when you have a chance, and we’ll pick this up again on our return flight.”

Cammy’s words were prophetic as the Captain announced over the intercom their final approach into San Jose and the flight attendants began preparing the cabin for landing. Kyle noticed the tattoo on Cammy’s left leg for the first time as she uncrossed her legs and brought her seatback forward.

It was placed just above the outside of her left ankle and showed a detailed picture of a dolphin, although Kyle knew the correct term for this animal was a Porpoise. He had seen a similar tattoo somewhere, but he couldn’t remember where. The image made him think of the television show “Flipper”, which in turn made him think back to...

After getting permission from Karen Mayes’ mom and aunt, Kyle had bought her a kitten for her 17th birthday. It was a silver Russian Blue, and it had the most amazing tendency to make squealing noises like it was trying to talk to you. In the two days that Kyle kept the kitten at his house before giving it to Karen, he was entranced by the way the kitten would stare into his eyes and squeal or squeak as if it was genuinely trying to communicate with him. The kitten was a virtual chatterbox anytime it could find a person sitting still enough for it to try communicating with.

Karen appeared to be making a concerted effort to avoid Kyle on the day of her birthday, so he finally gave the kitten to her mom and asked that she tell Karen that he wished her a happy birthday. It wasn’t until the following Monday that Karen approached Kyle and said, “Thank you for Flipper.”

“Who’s ‘Flipper’?” asked Kyle.

“That little chatterbox of a kitten you gave me,” said Karen. “He reminds me of that dolphin from the TV show who would start chattering as soon as his head broke the water, so I named the kitten ‘Flipper’.”

Before Kyle could respond, Karen had turned and walked away.

Kyle regained his focus as the plane arrived at the gate and the ‘Fasten Seatbelt’ sign was turned off. As he stood so that Cammy could move into the aisle, he noticed for the first time just how truly beautiful she was. She looked to be about five foot eight inches, with blonde hair that reached just to the bottom of her shoulders, worn in a barrette in the back. She had green eyes, wore glasses that hinted of naughty librarian fantasies, and even through the conservative business suit, he saw a body intended for swimsuit pictorials.

As he collected his briefcase, Kyle said, “It’s been a pleasure, Cammy. Maybe we can meet up again sometime on another flight.”

Cammy smiled and said, “It looks like my first lesson with you will be explaining exactly what the word ‘companion’ means. Kyle, right now it may seem more like a punishment to you than the pleasure we intended it to be, but I will be with you for the rest of the day. You have no means of getting to your scheduled lunch meeting on time other than the transportation that I will provide for us. Ellison Lawrence is already expecting me to accompany you as an associate. I will be a fly on the wall observing you and evaluating your professional presence.”

“And what if I don’t want my professional presence evaluated by someone who should not be knowledgeable about the topics being discussed?” asked Kyle.

“Do you believe that your work and what it means to you wouldn’t be of interest to the woman who loves you?” Cammy asked.

“It might be,” accepted Kyle. “But that wouldn’t lead me to have her attend business meetings with me.”

“Even if she had something constructive to contribute?” asked Cammy. “Or simply wanted to see you in action to admire your skills?”

“That is where trust between two people plays such a vital role in a relationship,” said Kyle. “I should be able to trust my companion to accept what I chose to tell her about my work, and she should be able to trust me to share with her all that I was able to share.”

“How would you define ‘trust’, Kyle?”

They began deplaning and the walk out of the airport terminal was too noisy for their conversation to continue. Cammy took Kyle’s hand as they walked towards the baggage claim where the limo drivers were waiting with signs identifying their charges. Her hand was warm and Kyle was surprised at how natural her hand felt in his. Cammy saw a driver holding a sign with her name and led Kyle to him.

“I’m Ms. Bellinger,” Cammy announced as they reached the driver.

“Do you have any bags to claim?” asked the driver.

“No, we’re just in town for a short meeting and we have everything with us,” she replied.

“Okay,” the driver said. “Please follow me.”

He led them to the limo parking area and opened the door for them to enter the car. Cammy entered first and slid across the back seat to allow Kyle to follow behind her. She took Kyle’s left hand into her right as they settled into the seat and the car exited the airport.

The intimacy of her touch was again accepted by Kyle as he asked her, “Does the driver know where to take us, and if so, I’d like to know how you knew where to tell him we were headed.”

Cammy squeezed her hand in his and said, “No, he doesn’t know where to take us. Would you please do the honor of directing him before we exit the airport?”

Kyle spoke to the driver and asked, “Do you know where the Spaghetti Warehouse is in downtown San Jose?”

The driver looked at Kyle in the rearview mirror and said, “Yes sir. I can have you there in ten minutes.”

Kyle returned his attention to Cammy and continued their conversation from the plane, “To answer your question about ‘trust’, I believe it is defined by honesty between people. The more proactive the honesty, the better, but I accept that people just starting out in a relationship or just getting to know one another may find themselves reacting to questions until they feel comfortable with the other person and can take a more proactive approach. As bizarre as this whole trip has been so far, I will honestly tell you Cammy that I feel surprisingly comfortable with you, even though we just met. I think a lot of that is due to your openness about your agenda, and your tolerance of my skepticism about it. I’m not willing to buy into the whole ‘proxy’ concept, but I am willing to; no, I am interested in spending more time with you to discuss it. I would be honored to have you join me at my lunch meeting.”

Cammy leaned over and kissed Kyle on the cheek, “I’ll be a perfect companion for you, Kyle. I promise.”

As his thumb caressed the back of Cammy’s hand he asked, “Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Personal about me or personal about my Sister?”

“You,” said Kyle.

Cammy caressed Kyle’s hand back as she said, “As long as my response doesn’t reflect upon my Sister, then I will answer anything you ask me.”

“I was just curious about the tattoo on your ankle and if there was any significance to it. I think I’ve seen one like it before on someone else so I was just seeking enlightenment,” he said.

“I’m not surprised by your question Kyle,” she replied. “You probably have seen the same tattoo before, and I hope you see it a great deal more in the future. It is a tattoo shared by every one of my Sisters; sort of like our own sorority pin.”

“Okay,” Kyle said, “but why a Porpoise?”

“Bubbles suggested it, and everyone agreed. By the way, that’s what my Sister is called by her friends; ‘Bubbles’.”

Kyle chuckled, “Now I’ve got to know why you all call her ‘Bubbles’.”

Cammy smiled back at him, “It was before I met her, but I can assure you that it has nothing to do with any of her physical attributes. Can I ask you a personal question now?”

“Sure,” said Kyle.

Cammy squeezed his hand and asked, “You felt it too, didn’t you?”

Kyle suspected that he knew what Cammy was referring to, but how could the absence of feeling something translate into feeling so much more? He simply nodded to her and let her continue.

“We fit Kyle. That’s what we both felt. There was no trial and error, no fumbling or awkward positioning of our fingers; our hands just melted together as naturally as if they were made for each other. Can we try something else?”

Without answering, Kyle turned his head to face hers and their lips met in a tentative kiss. As he and he now knew Cammy suspected, their movements and joining of lips were of two people who seemed to know exactly where the other was going to be, and their actions aligned them perfectly. The kiss was not very passionate and didn’t last but a second, but it was the most sensuous kiss that Kyle had ever experienced.

As they pulled apart, Cammy gasped and Kyle simply said, “Wow!”

“I’m not as surprised as you appear to be,” said Cammy, “but I came into this day more aware of the bond that my Sister told me she always knew was there between the two of you.”

Kyle shook his head as he replied, “How can some alleged bond between me and your Sister have anything to do with what you and I experience on a physical level?”

Cammy smiled and said, “Kyle, I know it’s hard for you to comprehend, but on so many levels, me and my Sisters are so in-synch that we really do feel, express, and experience the emotions of one another sometimes. Trust me when I tell you that Bubbles felt what I felt, and you felt her through me. Do you want to get to know me better, Kyle?”

“You or your Sister?” he asked.

“That’s my point, Kyle. As far as today is concerned, we’re one and the same. However, after today, it will be her through a different companion for you. It would be easiest for you if, starting now, you just pretended I was my Sister and showed me what you would show her to demonstrate your interest.”

As she spoke these words, the car pulled into the parking lot for the restaurant. The driver opened the door for Cammy and helped her out, with Kyle following behind her.

“I’ll find a place to park the car and be waiting here for you,” the driver told them.

Kyle and Cammy thanked him, and then joined hands and walked into the restaurant to find Ellison Lawrence waiting for them.

As Cammy had predicted, Ellison Lawrence had been expecting her to join him and Kyle for lunch. She had been introduced as an associate, acting as a legal consultant specializing in corporate security policies.

When it came time to order their meals, Cammy squeezed Kyle’s hand and asked, “If you order a pasta dish for us to share, I’ll order us a salad to share. Would you like that?”

Kyle told her, “I would actually like that very much. Do you have a preference for a pasta dish?”

“It is so sweet of you to ask,” she cooed. “I would prefer something baked, like lasagna or baked ziti. I love the crusty cheese that results from baking those dishes. What about you and the salad? Anything you won’t like in it?”

Kyle had never been as intimate in the ordering of a meal in his life, and he was looking forward to the results of this first experience. He found himself wishing that the two of them were alone instead of in a professional business setting.

“Excellent point on the baked dishes, lasagna sounds perfect. And as far as the salad goes, get whatever you want on it and I’ll pick out anything that doesn’t agree with me,” he told her. He then addressed Ellison, “Sorry Ellison, but it looks like you’ll get to make all your own decisions and be forced to deal with the leftovers.”

Ellison chuckled and said, “That’s why I suggested this place. I relish having leftovers from here. Usually, when I bring out-of-town guests here, I also get their leftovers, but you two obviously saw through my plan and have foiled it.”

Cammy giggled girlishly and said, “Oops”. Kyle just laughed.

As they ate their lunch, Ellison and Kyle reviewed the progress of the proposal being prepared for QWERTY Solutions by Brandt Consulting, with Kyle mentioning that a Project Manager should be calling to introduce himself to Ellison by the end of the week. Once a Project Manager was in place, Kyle’s participation would be minimal, but he would always be available to Ellison for any questions, concerns or issues that might arise beyond the scope of the Project Manager’s ability to address.

“There is an additional concern we have related to our overall IT policy,” Ellison said, “and I wanted to bounce it off you to get your suggestions.”

“Sure,” said Kyle.

“The executive board believes we need to have a formal policy on social media,” said Ellison, “and I tend to agree with them.”

Squeezing Kyle’s hand to get his attention, Cammy said, “Do you mind if I answer that for Ellison?”

Cammy had been silent through almost all the business discussions between Kyle and Ellison, so he was surprised that she offered to field a question now. Extremely interested not only in her response but also in her presentation of it, he said, “Please do.”

She smiled at him and turned to face Ellison, “You and your executive board are correct. Without a documented policy on social media, you run the risk of seriously damaging your corporate brand, presenting an inconsistent and ineffective social media presence, and leaving yourselves liable in any number of work-related discrimination or harassment categories. While it would be easy to formulate a strict, enforceable policy that provides legal protection for QWERTY Solutions, from what I know of your organization, you pride yourselves on the work culture your employees have and your brand has received significant recognition for the quality of life you promote for your entire corporate family.”

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Daddy sat at the large desk in his study. He read business reports every night before going to bed. His dress shop had done very well, even though he and Little One were their best customer, today. SalesLady had been very kind and helpful to Little One. Daddy made a note on his report to be very generous to her. Daddy closed the folder and put it in the drawer. In the drawer was an empty silver frame. No pictures, thought Daddy. I must have photographs made of Little One. Maybe not photographs,...

4 years ago
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The Find Book 3Chapter 37

“Sir, I don’t really care for this man, but he has done nothing but follow orders of an Admiral on your staff! He would have no reason to question dropping Seals on an Island! I’m not sure he even knew what this mission was. Your Admiral Wyatt is dirty! He is feeding information to companies via a Mid-west Senator! Now I have already took one of your boats this week due to the same problem! I’m running out of space to put docks! “Your CIA and NSA is turning your Homeland into a joke! Also...

3 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 40

Cal was too startled to say anything, which was probably fortunate. Jolie eventually reached the bed, where she stopped, giving a perfect imitation of a horror movie zombie. Her head turned back and forth mechanically as she repeatedly scanned her mother's exposed body. Far, far from being an innocent, Jolie was still stunned by whatever she had seen. Jolie's confusion gave Cal time to recover from his shock. "How long have you been watching?" he asked, assuming that his cousin would not...

2 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsEpilogue Like the End of a Story Being the End of the Story

Sword Kellie lopped off the rapist's foot. The second rapist looked up fast enough to see the Left Tower's staff being flicked at his chest. One hundred pounds of steel flung by a Tower's augmented strength ... OUCH! "I think you killed him," I told the Left Tower. He kicked the first rapist out of his way. Slapping the second rapist, the Left Tower shook his head at me. The sixteen year old girl they'd been about to rape crawled away from us. She ended up too close to a jail cell...

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Henrys First Time Part One

Hi, my name is Henry. I was a freshman at university when I first had sex with a man. I've known I was gay since the age of sixteen, but I didn't exactly attend a gay-friendly high school. Well, given that I went to high school in the late 1980s, I guess there weren't many gay-friendly high schools, but Catholic school in rural Ontario was particularly dire. I mean, when you have your fucking TEACHERS telling you that AIDS is god's punishment for homosexuality, there's really very little to...

Gay Male
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The older Lady

I was on a break from my marriage, deeply depressed and living in a bedsit. Life wasn't great. I allowed myself to be consumed by things to distract me from the reality of life. I started fantasising about my landlady I knew. She had a few miles on the clock, but the more I saw her the more I wanted to see of her. I would regularly get asked by her to perform some menial tasks. I was of the opinion that she was getting her jolly's from watching me stretch and lift things for her. It made me...

1 year ago
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Sex with tall woman

100% fiction! Hi all. This is Ronnie from Birmingham UK. I am 25 years old, medium built, 5feet and 7 inches tall. Today I am narrating you the incident which happened with me few months back. I met with this woman on a chat room. She was 37 years old and from West-Bromwich. I don’t really know about ladies figures but she had massive boobs and feet and 2 inches tall and had 2 kids. We started chatting to each other through a chat room. She introduced herself as Rohini. We normally chatted for...

2 years ago
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Want to see pissing Japanese girls at Piss Japan TV? I have just renovated my bathroom last month. New shiny tiles, new shower cabin with a radio in it and a massager that my girl uses when I'm not around (I know what she's up to), elegant swan faucets, fancy soap holders, you know, the whole nine but the second I saw that toilet on the +18 warning page on I kind of figured that maybe, just maybe I've bought a god damn wrong toilet bowl! Damnit! I knew I shouldn't have trusted...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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As dusk settled over the house, there was a curious calm in the air. He’d been waiting for her for what felt like hours, and the more time that passed, the less intensely the rage pulsed within him. This, in itself, was an irritation. When he first realized, earlier in the day, that she’d lied about being at work (something he’d only discovered because he dropped in to take her to lunch and, since she wasn’t answering her cell, he figured he’d surprise her), he was immediately confused. But it...

2 years ago
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Rons Journal 03B

Author’s note: My uncle Ron died recently. While sifting through his files, I found journal folders marked MY STORY, writings about his life. I have edited these accounts and will post them when I can. These stories include bisexuality, incest, interracial and mature and group sex, etc. All sexual activity depicted here involves persons at least 18 years old. This is a somewhat standalone story, but I highly recommend that you read all other chapters anyway. ******************** 6A: San Diego...

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The AfterParty

‘Okay, it’s time for all of you to move your sorry asses out of my flat,’ I yell at the stumbling drunken party goers who are gathered in my hallway. Each one of them is loudly shouting at each other and gesturing wildly, I am fearful for the safety of my ornaments that decorate the windowsill to the left of the doorway as Brad flings his arms around whilst describing a talking chicken. I roll my eyes whilst trying to subtly push all four of them into the night air. ‘Aw, c’mon Luce, don’t...

2 years ago
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Big Juan

Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria Summer, 1982:I went on holiday with my mom and stepfather, I thought I was being very grown up at the time, but I realise now I was just 'acting out'.My folks spent a lot of time at the bar, and a lot of time reading on sunloungers. I didn't want to spend time with themanyway, so I was happy there were some teens to hang out with. One of the barmen was willing to slip some alcohol into our non-alcoholic cocktails, Coca Colas etc. This was before the days of All...

3 years ago
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My futarani sister part 1

"Likes to be alone my ass!"I started in a irritated tone. "She never leaves her room!" "Maybe you should go check on her, I mean you are her sister after all." Tiffany tried her best to make Hope change the subject. Personally Tiffany wasn't a fan of leaving her room either but it was her parents that made her. "You kidding she keeps the door locked. Do you think I am that stupid not to try that?!" I became angry on her comment. "Well why don't you just hide in there until she...

3 years ago
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Sex in the Graveyard0

I often visited cemeteries when I was younger. I found them to be very peaceful places where I could meditate and think things over. I used to do this on and off about twice a week sometimes during the day and other times at night. It was amazing the things one could see in graveyards. People continuously talking to the dead or sometimes they might pinch flowers from other tombs to put them on their own dearly departed ones’. Other times people might appear in the cemetery completely drunk, and...

4 years ago
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I Turn Out White Bois Blacken

Proceed ONLY if you want to hear about Me, and other Black men, putting "straight" white boys into female roles, and fucking them like bitches. That is what I do, and is what I am about!!! Both here, and in my private life. If you continue, you are going to read about how "straight" upstanding suburban white boys, find themselves naked, exposed, fondled, feminized, and fucked ...savagely by REAL MEN... BLACK MEN!!! Again. if this is NOT something you can stand, you should stop reading, because...

2 years ago
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Copyright 2005 Jeremy Mills was getting ready for bed. He set the security bolt and latch, the little bar that allows you to open the door only a couple of inches and prevents anyone from entering the room. He brushed his teeth, relieved himself and removed his clothes. Turning off the lights he settled into the ubiquitous hotel recliner for meditation which he had been practicing for ten years. Recently he discovered he had the ability to bi-locate, where his spirit or conscience self left...

3 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 9

Tuesday, July 26. J.J. lets out a deep groan of pleasure as Allison’s lips kiss the base of his stiffened shaft. Just like last week, J.J. is seated on her sofa, with the nerdy wife on her knees between his open legs, steadily massaging his sperm swollen nut pouch with her hand as she works his love wand with her mouth. She is giving up her lunch hour, having hurried home from work to suck off her teen stud. “Does that feel good?” she asks, looking deep into the stud’s eyes through her sexy...

4 years ago
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Neck Deep Ch03

With a wince Brittany raised a hand to shield her half-lidded eyes from the piercing white light bleeding in through their blinds, relaxing for a few moments before leaning up onto her elbows, glancing around curiously, the duvet held modestly around her not insubstantial bust, presenting an impressive line of her deep cleavage. As her vision adjusted to the sudden brightness of the intruding morning light, what she saw coming into focus beside her in bed made her smile, a soft contented sigh...

2 years ago
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Veronica ColemanChapter 8

Veronica was sitting in the car, driven by Hector Price, going to Sir Timothy's club, this was a more enlightened men's club that did allow women to enter, although they could only be in certain rooms at certain times! But Veronica still had to be escorted by a guide through the rooms of the club — heaven forefend that she might try to speak to another member or even (gasp) to sit in a leather-backed chair! Veronica was amused by the way many of the club members refused to look up as her...

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My Aunt Caught Me With My Teenage Cousin

Hey there, amazing readers. Thank you for all the support and love you shower on my stories. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this one too. This story is the continuation of my previous story, ““. If you haven’t read it already, please do to ensure you understand the flow of the story. To give a short intro about me: I am a 21-year-old guy with a slim body, 5’11” height and surprisingly an 8-inch cut cock with a huge pink mushroom head. About my cousin Anamika, she had a typical teenager body...

4 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part one

While of average height and looks I was pretty tanned and toned due to an active outdoors lifestyle. These stories are true and not embellished * but names have been changed as I still know some of the subjects 40 years later … *This story is only partly true … I have just taken things a lot further than what actually happened by adding a fair bit of fantasy. Mother and Daughter part one Now that I’m getting on a bit and nearing retiring age things are not normally all that...

2 years ago
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The Theatre

They had arrived at an opportune moment – no one was at the box office and the lobby appeared to be empty. “Two for theater two please,” her husband said to the cashier, who took their $13 dollars and handed over the two small green stubs that were their tickets to this adventure. She was getting nervous now, though they had done this before; she always got nervous – and excited. Their luck held as they strolled arm in arm through the empty lobby. The absence of an entourage, she hoped, would...

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Mark of ControlChapter 4

When the door bell rang it woke Susan up. Mark never seen to naked women move so fast in his life. Mark laughed out loud as he yelled at the door. "Just a minute!" He was getting dressed because even though he had this power he certainly did not want to answer the door naked. After he was completely dressed he went to answer the door. When he opened the door the first word that came to his mind was 'beauty'. There was a girl about his age standing there. She had short black hair except...

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Swimming for love

It’s not unusual by any means, we’re the typical american couple. The stresses of a new baby and work have left us with little time for each other. We welcomed a child into this world, a wonderful Symbol of our love that we couldn’t possibly adore anymore. Unfortunately, new babies require a lot of time and energy, leaving parents exhausted. This had happened to us. We had gone from fucking like rabbits daily, to not having any for over two months.  Of course I required the first few weeks...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 1

A Second Chance: 1 The Assistant Director of the Second Chance Unit of the Bureau of Reclamation, a branch of Nine Lives Institute, a governmental front for a black ops section, was sitting at his desk reviewing the 3D of the latest “difficulty.” ‘This isn’t right. Who screwed up? He was supposed to be twelve, not seventeen in a week. It was the Sergeant ... something in the gas. Where’s the paperwork on this one?’ He reached out to the home of his executive secretary, contacted her...

4 years ago
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My House Owner8217s Sexy Daughter

Hi ISS readers I am Raj. Based on my previous stories, I got so many responses from girls, house wives from Pune. Few are contacted me and satisfy from me, here I am coming back with my new true incident. I am Working in Pune in MNC Company. I am bachelor. That’s why I’m living with sharing basis room at one of the bungalow in Pune. My house owner is old lady. She is having 2 children. One is boy and one is girl. Girl is around 18 years old. Her name is Priyanka. First time I see that girl when...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 15

The alarm clock fought its way through my unconsciousness, and I rolled over to slap the snooze button and silence it. Then I rolled over a little more and started to push myself into a sitting position so I could start the day. Halfway to a sitting position, I decided it was probably cold and damp outside, because my back was killing me. Many people with dwarfism develop back problems in childhood, as I did. I ultimately had a large part of my spine fused, but my doctor fused a little bit...

2 years ago
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MommysGirl Paige Owens Crystal Taylor Booty Caller Unknown

Crystal Taylor has a brand new cellphone and is secretly putting in a number for a potential booty call when her cute stepdaughter, Paige Owens, distracts her. Crystal is so flustered by how complicated organizing her new contacts is that when Paige offers to put in her own number, Crystal lets her. Unfortunately, little do they know, Paige accidentally puts her number under Crystal’s booty call’s contact info! Later that day, once she’s alone, Crystal sends a flirty text to...

4 years ago
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Candys break up lll

All her fantasies wear about to come true. Sticking her tongue out Beth ran her tongue up each side of Candys vagina. The burning between her legs turned to flames as she tasted an other woman for the first time. Candy pressed on the back of Beth's head as she pushed her tongue into her. Beth could feel her own juices building as she lapped up Candys sweet nectar. That's it, Candy moaned. As she instructed her, Candy pulled at her nipples. Closing her eyes she felt her orgasm building deep...

2 years ago
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Fierce female warriors ravage the coast and enslave men

Two smiling Vikings hauled the squirming man to the gunnels, grasping his upper arms and bending him on the rail. His mistress examined the scars on his thighs and found that he had been serving her for eight moons. She grinned at him as he begged in a language she did not understand, drew her fish gutting knife from her belt, grasped his scotum, pulled it down and cut off his testicles cleanly and then rammed them into his screaming mouth. “Well done, Greta,” said one of the two...

3 years ago
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Fuck Boy Extraordinaire part one

Everyone gets laid in college. That was the solace that me and my group of nerdy friends took as it became more and more apparent that we would be leaving high school with our virginities intact. Once you get to college there's a chance for a new start, no one knows who you are. We messed up our chances of getting laid in high school back in middle school at the eighth-grade dance. How were we supposed to know that playing Pokémon cards the entire dance would label us nerds the rest of our...

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Unusual Love Story With My Maid Simran

This unusual love story happened recently during the lockdown. I live with my parents in a detached home. Just after the strict lockdown was lifted, we hired a maid to do daily chores. Her name was Simran. She was a 46-year-old brown-skinned, chubby woman. She was not sexually attractive. I did not care about her as I was occasionally getting sex from a neighborhood aunty. Simran started working at our home, and she would spend more time near me. I figured out that she was into me. She would...

4 years ago
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My mother my lover p21

So um little warning, this part of my uh tale? I guess tale is right word, um is a little darker. Sorry but it’s true, not too dark just, I was going through many emotions the day after. I awoke the morning after feeling like I had slept for days. At first the night before with my mother felt like a dream, that was until I vastly became aware of my nakedness. I grinded my teeth as I do when I am trying to hide how nervous I am, so I guess I was trying to hide it from myself? After though...

2 years ago
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dirty jo

i was in my local pub a couple of weeks ago having a swift half on my dinner break,this woman walked in long black coat light brown hair just past her shoulders but what caught my eye were her legs black fishnet's black stilettos she walked over to the bar and ordered a glass of wine . i have a bit of a thing for nice underwear and just wondered to my self are they stockings ,she sat by the table by the door and as she sat down her coat fell slightly open a i had a glimpse at what she had on...

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