Geologist free porn video

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Growing up I was totally fascinated by geology. Rock formations etcetera fascinated me beyond belief. This would seem quite normal for most guys, but for a gay man it was like being like a fish out of water, and at university, I stuck out like a sore thumb. With seventy-five per cent of the geology students being robust males and the other quarter no-nonsense females, my diminutive stature and persona made me look like a visitor from the drama department. On our campus the geology mob had the reputation of being the most dishevelled individuals. I was no fashion aficionado, but compared to the rest of the bunch, including the females, I looked like a Parisian runway model.

I had come out to my parents when I was sixteen-years-old and never hid my sexual orientation after that. I certainly wasn’t an overbearing ‘loud and proud’ individual, however, I had decided to take the bull by the horns and let people see me for who I was. This, initially, caused a few problems for me at college with the ‘different is another word for wrong’ brigade, nonetheless, after a few months things pretty much settled down. As mentioned, small framed as I was, I suppose common sense prevailed and the guys realized that I was no threat to them.

As geology students we had to spend two to four nights in the field every eight weeks or so. This encompassed roughing it and living in tents. By our first outing, three guys and three girls in our group of twenty had started dating. Naturally, they were very happy to share tents. The other two girls, whom most suspected were lesbians, also shared a tent. The remaining twelve guys, therefore, had to pick a partner to share a tent with. As you would imagine, I was the last guy that anyone wanted to partner with. Fortunately for me, however, Declan came to my rescue.

The rescue, nevertheless, came at a price. Of all the geology guys, Declan was the most slovenly. Declan was a large and aloof individual who always exuded a very strong manly odour. He also had slightly smelly feet. The foot smell wasn’t totally disgusting but fairly strong. It wasn’t that he didn’t shower, but he certainly did not use deodorants or colognes. Declan was not the best looking guy in the group but he had an interesting face. It reminded me of Picasso’s famous rose period painting done in nineteen-twenty-three, of the seated harlequin. Their facial resemblance was astonishing.

Goofy and clumsy as he was, Declan was one of the brightest students. His parents were palaeontologists, which gave him a head start over the rest of us. The rough lifestyle suited him and he thrived on our outings in the field.

On our first excursion, I therefore had to get used to my pungent tent mate. It was a two-day outing and apprehensive as I was, by the second evening I had acclimatized to the heady smell in our tent. To be honest, adapting to the aroma was made easier for me when I got to see Declan naked. He had a beautiful hairy body and his smelly feet were a lot better looking than they smelled. Most of all, Declan had one of the most impressive uncut knobs I had ever seen. Strangely, Declan also seemed very much more comfortable in my company than with all of the other students.

Upon our return to the residence at college, I was placed in a rather difficult position. The guy sharing with Declan, and my roommate, suggested that we swap rooms. Declan’s roommate was eager to rid himself of odorous Declan, and my roommate was happy to get rid of the sodomite. Declan and the other two guys were very keen, and thus I felt forced into the arrangement.

During our field trip, Declan and I had become very friendly. We found that we had a lot in common and chatted endlessly. Like myself, he was also an art lover and our taste in literature was also very similar. Having shared a tent with him for two nights I had also become less offended by his odours. Although I was sure that Declan was straight, I had begun to find him very sexy. The one thing that I had also noticed about Declan was that he seemed to be less affected by my sexual orientation than all the other guys. In fact, it didn’t seem to bother him at all.

Most Friday and Saturday evenings the geology group would visit a local bar for a few drinks. The word ‘few’ might be an understatement because many of them ended up rather pissed. I have always believed that some people are born with an alcohol deficiency gene, and I was one of those. At best would have a beer, one of those with the word ‘light’ following the brand name, after which I would switch to mineral water. If I had two beers I would begin to slur, after three I began to wobble, and after a fourth I would have to visit the toilet to call for Ruth in the big white telephone.

The week after I started sharing a room with Declan we visited the bar on Saturday night. I had my one beer as normal but Declan had quite a few more than that. He wasn’t drunk by the time we got back to our room, but well on the way. After I got into bed Declan stood around naked while chatting with me.

Out of the blue, he suddenly asked, “When you head hits the pillow at night you fall asleep immediately… Don’t you ever wank?”

“Sure I do,” I answered shyly, without elaborating.

“I always wank when you’re asleep,” Declan informed me. After a pause he continued, “As you’ve seen, I’m not a great hit with the ladies and so far I haven’t got lucky.”

“I’m sure you’ll get laid at some point,” I replied, uncomfortably.

As we communicated Declan moved ever closer to me. The next thing that I observed was that his cock was definitely hardening.

As I looked up into his edgy horny eyes he asked, “Would you like to blow me, Toby?”

“That’ll be a very bad idea,” I replied.

“Why?” he inquired.

“Declan, you are straight and not thinking too clearly. Tomorrow you are going to be remorseful and then we are going to be uncomfortable in one another’s company,” I answered.

“No we won’t… I mean, I won’t,” he answered.

Declan now took hold of my head with his left hand and pushed his knob up against my lips. I kept my teeth clenched shut as he began to smear his foreskin against my lips.

“Toby, please open up for me,” he pleaded.

My head was firmly anchored in his huge left hand as his right hand kept smearing his foreskin across my lips.

“Please Toby, please open up for me. Nobody has ever wanted to blow me,” he begged. I was not surprised by this revelation, given the heady odour emanating from his dick.

“Let me in, Toby, please… fucking let me in,” he implored.

As I relented and opened, Declan began to slide his cock into my mouth.

“Jesus, fuck me, this is so fucking hot,” Declan exalted.

As his hips began to move his cock in and out of my mouth, Declan started convulsively gasping and the jabbering incoherent sounds. Within a minute he began to shoot his load into my mouth and down my throat. Some men have a rather pleasant tasting cum; regrettably, Declan was not one of these guys. His jizz had a strong acid taste and to make matter worse, there was plenty of it.

I couldn’t say that what had just happened was the best oral encounter I had ever had. It had all happened very quickly, and the aroma and taste had not been memorable.

As Declan lay on his bed afterward, still intoning his thanks, I felt like getting up and going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I decided against it, however, not wanting to offend him. Perplexed and concerned, I fell asleep after that.

The following morning as I awoke Declan was standing next to my bed with a hard-on. As I looked up at him he smiled awkwardly and said, “You see… no remorse.”

Before I knew what was happening he was astride me with his legs pinning my arms to my sides, and then leaning against the wall behind my headboard with his left hand, his right hand steered his knob toward my mouth. When Declan began feeding me his dick he did so very slowly at first, building up to a steady penetrating rhythm. Again he commenced muttering his delighted approval as he conquered my throat further and further. I was now also fully getting to ‘enjoy’ the virile fragrance of his pubic hair. Declan’s approach was totally unhurried on this occasion and the skull-fucking was awesome.

Oddly, all the smells that were enveloping us were now beginning to excite me enormously, and I wondered if I was becoming desensitized or whether I was turning into a skank hound. Two days before, when I had bumped into Declan’s former roommate he asked me how I was coping in the pong cave. I simply shrugged noncommittally. He then went on to say that when they had first arrived at college, Declan only showered every second or third day, which drove him crazy. In conclusion and with a laugh, he mentioned that Declan had always moaned about the fact that the girls at college avoided him.

I was really enjoying my early morning throat thumping from Declan and simply allowed him to dictate his own pace. Once he had comprehensively invaded my throat he commenced a metronomic thrusting, which was accompanied by a fantastic vocal array of lustful sounds. Our unification was the most pleasing blowjob that I had ever given anyone. As Declan’s momentum and vocalization began to escalate I prepared myself for the bitter snack that was soon to follow. When he unloaded, however, I found that the taste seemed less troublesome than the previous evening. Declan was very highly sexed and became extremely demanding thereafter. My mouth had now effectively been totally annexed by him.

When I headed off to the shower Declan elected not to do so. Our room was already humming with masculinity and I wondered how it would smell by that evening. Unlike all the other students who frequently visited one another’s rooms, nobody ever visited our room.

After breakfast we got on with our homework. What I also witnessed, henceforth, was that Declan now stopped wearing clothing and always walked around naked in our room.

When we returned to the room after lunch I once more found myself on the bed being skull-fucked in the same fashion as that morning. In fact, this exact scene would be repeated three to four times per day from then on. Declan would simply stand before me with a hard-on and ask me to get on the bed when he wanted to fuck my face. Declan was a creature of habit and I had become aware that his routines were very important to him.

During one of our conversations, when he told me how pleased he was that we were sharing a room, he raised the topic of his body odour. He told me that his former roommate had driven him crazy with his constant moaning about his stink and asked if it was irksome to me as well. By now I had become comfortable with his aromas and told him that it didn’t bother me at all. I further went on to admit that his essence had become like a sexual signal to me. The look of satisfaction on his face was awesome. Smiling, he told me that his life had become perfect with me as his roommate, and therefore, he couldn’t give a shit what other people thought of him.

Much as I was enjoying our sex life, by the end of the first week, I had become a little frustrated. The problem was that there simply was no affection. We never fondled, hugged, or kissed one another. He had also never requested to have anal sex with me. I made a decision to confront him on this matter that Saturday.

As Declan stood before me with a hard-on, his sign for me to get on the bed for a face fucking, I said, “Would you mind if I take a rain check?”

Declan looked totally bewildered at my response. I decided to take the bull by the horns and say what had been on my mind for a few days.

“May I ask you a very personal question?” I asked. Declan nodded uneasily.

“Do you have Asperger’s syndrome?”

Declan looked flushed and his eyes began to dart about.

“Yes,” he whispered, “But a very mild version.”

I placed my hand on his shoulder and told him that his secret was safe with me and that it wasn’t a problem for me at all. Furthermore, I went on to explain that the entire lack of affection state of affairs that was troubling me.

“What must I do… tell me what you want me to do?” Declan stammered.

“Just put your arms around me and hold me,” I informed him.

Gingerly, Declan moved forward and enfolded me in his arms. After placing my right ear against his chest I commenced rubbing his shoulders with my hands. I was very happy when I felt his hands start to caress my back. After a short while, he asked, “Must I kiss you?”

“Yes,” I replied.

The first kiss was very brief, but then a slightly longer one followed. Next, as he moved his head in once more I opened my mouth for him. Initially, his tongue apprehensive explored my mouth but after that the floodgates opened as his tongue began to lash about inside my mouth, with his right hand firmly cupping the back of my head. Shortly, we were on the bed with him on top of me. It was clear by then that he had taken to kissing in a big way. With my legs curled around his hips, Declan began to grind his cock into my body.

When he eventually raised his head he excitedly asked, “Do you want me to fuck you now?”

“Yes,” I replied.

As Declan lifted his body up I pulled my legs back for him. “Spit on your middle finger and finger my hole,” I advised him.

Declan pushed his finger in a little quicker than I would’ve liked, but the discomfort was worth it. After working my manhole for a short time, he eagerly asked, “Must I fuck you now?”

“Yes. Put some spit on your knob, but please take it easy with the big cock of yours,” I replied.

When Declan put his dick-head on my pucker he was practically hyperventilating, and I was afraid that his entry would be hectic. Fortunately, however, he took it easy. I cannot say that there was no discomfort, but shortly, the pleasure was overwhelming. What amazed me most was the eye contact that he maintained with me. As Declan commenced escalating his thrusting I began to tug on my knob. In preceding week I had come up short when it came to ejaculation. All my encounters had been one-way traffic with Declan. At last, I was now also an equal participant.

As he really began thumping his dick into me I had my first fulfilling release. Not far behind, Declan unloaded amid a cacophony of gratification. After he slumped onto me we lay still for a couple of minutes as I caressed his back.

“Jesus, Toby, why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?” he asked.

“I didn’t want to mess with your routine,” I uttered, with a laugh.

Also laughing he said, “Well, now I have a new routine, because I’m going to fuck you a lot.”

“You can fuck me anytime you like,” I replied.

“Yeah, you belong to me now,” Declan informed me.

After a few more minutes he said, “I’m going to fuck you again.”

“You can fuck me in any way you wish and at any time you like,” I replied.

Our next session was far more prolonged. What pleased me even further was that he continually moved his torso up and down as he frequently kissed me. Finally, we were making love. Later, we ejaculated together once more.

From the following day our relationship changed considerably. I was constantly hugged, caressed, and kissed. As sexual repertoire expanded gratifyingly, Declan also became a huge fan of the sixty-nine position.

When I bravely introduced yet another dynamic our bedroom antics by licking his armpits, I thought that Declan was about to have a heart attack. I wasn’t sure if I would eventually get to lick his feet, but having become a funk bunny I knew that eventuality wasn’t too far off.

The one thing that was for sure, however, was that college was really agreeing with me.

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I love sharing my gorgeous wife, Tina, with friends and strangers as much as she loves sex with the men she fucks every day and night. Tina's lush body is a man magnet and she always dresses to reveal, never to conceal. She often allows me the privilege of selecting her outfits for her dates.I and some of her lovers have purchased a huge collection of slutty clothes and clubwear for her. She wants her attire to make a statement that's perfectly clear to every man who sees her. The message is...

4 years ago
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You Only Live TwiceChapter 6

"Lizzie, will you PLEASE sit up straight and take a look around! This is the fourth time that I've passed this house!" She shook her head, the movement causing my dick to jiggle in her mouth. "Lizzie... " She removed her mouth and gave the base a squeeze. "I'm sure that you can follow directions, Josh." "I'm following your directions perfectly." "Then what's the problem?" She tongued the head, causing it to jerk involuntarily. "The problem is that your directions are...

3 years ago
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Special Delivery Kim and Mary Pt 2

Mary talked Kim into it. Since their play session with the dong they’d experimented with each other a little more. Fingering each other and trying oral. Kim and Mary were sitting in the living room when the doorbell rang. Mary jumped up and ran to the door.She opened it and there stood a hunk of a man. Dark chin length hair with light colored eyes. He had broad shoulders and thickly shaped biceps that strained the UPS uniform shirt he wore.“Hey, I gotta package here for a Mary.” The deep timbre...

First Time
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Turn about is fair play

I was dating this girl and at the time, neither of us had much experience with anal sex. I wanted desperately to try it with her because she had the most incredible ass! I told her as much and she thought she was being cute when she said, "Only if I can do you first." Well, I wish I could have captured the look on her face when I said yes. It didn't take long for her to realize I was serious and she decided to go through with it.She didn't bother to strip, I think she thought I might change my...

First Time
4 years ago
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A Story About the Body Ch 02

What I needed was sex. It had taken until today for me to realize just how long it had been since I had last had sex. My last relationship had ended over eight months ago, and there hadn’t been any time for anyone to fill the gaps between now and then. For the most part I was fine with it. My body had needs, but I was mostly able to satisfy myself when the urge came. But today was different. It wasn’t the urge for release that I craved, it was the complete and utter need for sex, loud, rough,...

1 year ago
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Blame it on James Brown Part 2 of 2

They held each other for a time, her head on his shoulder and his arm around her. Dixie had gotten some sleep after she’d left the radio station, but she was already spent. Daniel was exhausted and nodded off. Dixie eased herself out of the bed, put on her robe and went to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. Her man could sleep, and whenever he awoke his meal would be ready.----When Daniel awoke it was after eleven. Dixie was gone, but left him a note. It said that she’d gone to church and...

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Robs RevengeChapter 3

Over the next two days I revisited the houses I was interested in and finally decided on a three bedroom ranch with an attached three car garage, an in-ground swimming pool and a hot tub. I put a hundred-fifty thousand down on it which just about knocked the socks off of the real estate agent. I had already arranged for the bank where I had my accounts to finance the house I picked and I figured that we would close in thirty days or so. Samantha's mother told me that she didn't want any of...

1 year ago
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HobyBuchanon Kitty Cam Kitty Cam8217s First Rough Sex Scene

Kitty Cam is a porn newcomer and has never gotten it rough. She came to see the Face Fucking King for her first time. I walk up and spit on her and put my cock down her throat and slap her face. I fuck her face rough and she’s gagging spit everywhere. I finger her tight little fuck hole then pound it hard from behind and slap her ass. I turn her around and pound her tight fuck box and slap her and spit on her. I have her bend over and suck my cock and spread her pussy and asshole open....

2 years ago
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Twist of the knife ch 10 Part Une

Fall 2016. It looks like I could touch the beam of moonlight angling across my room as I watch the tiny dust particles floating through it. I just heard town clock tower chime three times, but I’m not tired yet. I'm afraid this part will be hard for me, but I'm sure my doctors would say I'm making progress if I can talk about it, we'll see. Although, it has been really nice reminiscing! Here's the rest of my story. ###After our relaxing Sunday, Lori went to aerobics Monday, and she even...

1 year ago
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The Protector Red RageChapter 6

It had taken nearly five hours to get everything resolved with the police so they could go to the hospital to pick up Anna. Each hostage had to give a statement and was checked by the paramedics. Jonas gave his statement first then walked to the police line to speak to a reporter before the Captain knew what he was doing. The reporter recognized Jonas from the news feed as the negotiator that went after the hostages so was eager to get an interview. "Officer, what happened in there?" the...

3 years ago
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The Stag Party Part 2

The Stag Party – Part 2Fitz pulled me roughly across the lounge and into one of the bedrooms, the buckle on his belt digging into my neck. He pushed me up against a wall and ordered me to stay there, legs apart with my hands on my head. He removed the belt, doubled it up and slapped my bare arse three times with it then made his way over to a large wardrobe. I winced more in shock than pain which made him chuckle “I bought a nice new ball gag recently” he said “You’re going to be the first to...

2 years ago
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The New Student Chapter 2

The new Student - Chapter 2 After a discussion between my mum and Mr Tonge, it was decided that the best thing I could do would be to go home as discreetly as possible. We would try and find out what was going on from there while Mr Tonge would check all school records to see exactly what had changed. We got to mum's car, a silver fiesta that she mainly used to get to work and back in and I climbed in the front passenger seat as I normally would, immediately realising that I would...

2 years ago
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fucking a friend

it was late at night and i got a call from my friend becky. "hey i'm sorry to wake you but i need someone to talk to" she said over the phone sounding sad. "its ok whats wrong?" i asked her wanting to be there for her no matter what it was. she was a short 5'5 thick light skinned girl with a nice body or at least to me it was nice. she had short dark hair and nice thick lips. we had been friends for years and would talk about things when ever we needed it. "my boyfriend just left me for a black...

3 years ago
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The Loving Family

Allison’s father finally said that he had seen enough. He stopped rubbing his very hard cock, he had been sitting in the corner jacking off, and told Milo to move. He leaned down and whispered into Allison’s ear. “Baby, I know that I gave you a choice over who would be the first inside your ass but Milo is never gonna be able to do this.” “Can I get you ready for him first? I won’t cum in your ass, I’ll let him be the first to do that.” Allison took a deep breath and nodded yes....

3 years ago
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A Nudge to the Gray Matter Ch 01

Just so you know, this tale involves women being tricked into giving blowjobs and having sex. Just because our hero is a perverted guy doesn’t mean he is heartless. Thus nobody gets pregnant and there are no STDs to be passed around. Enjoy, just don’t believe. * I guess the first time I thought it was on August 2 of this past year. I was studying out by our pool when my mom came out to swim and sun bathe for a while. When I glanced over at her as she dropped her huge towel from around her...

4 years ago
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Futas Wild PassionChapter 7 Futarsquos Naughty Study Session

I felt like a million bucks as I walked through the school, trailed by my little sister. Allie and I had just had a naughty time in the bathroom. Of course, right before that, I had a naughty time with my new girlfriend Wendy. I had deflowered her while Allie lurked in the stall next to us, masturbating to the sounds of our love-making. My sister was my secret lover. My incestuous delight. We couldn’t let anyone know, so when Wendy confessed her love for me and wanted to be my girlfriend, I...

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The Interview

A few hours later. You find yourself in a room with 2 chairs, A dim light bulb, And a table. You look around and also see two women standing across the room in front of the door. "Ah. He's awake." The scientist looking woman says. "Cmon doc. Let's get this over with." The guard says to her. "Right." She pulls out a recording device places it on the table, With it whirring to life. And she takes a folder from the guard. "So let me clear some things up. We are the people from the SCP...

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The Chronicles of the Panty Raider

This story begins in the Underground Academy. It is in these halls, carved deep within the mountains, that one of the Evil Queen's last remaining threats works to maintain its traditions. This is the order of the Fetish Magi. These eldritch mystics are each linked to a subject of power, their "fetish," which they can expend to channel potent magics. Professor Yiantra, as beautiful as she is wise, possesses a fetish in clocks that gives her an unmatched command over temporal matters. Headmaster...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal New Neighbours Part One

"See honey," Emily said as she pushed open the door to their new home and guided her husband inside. "Isn't this going to be great?" Roger gasped as he took in the spacious living room. "Oh my goodness," he cried, his eyes going wide. "Look at how big it is." Emily nodded as she gently caressed her swollen belly. She had just gotten a promotion at her firm which included a massive bump in her paycheck, that meant that they could finally move out of their tiny apartment in the city...

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Scrimshaw and His Sister

[My thanks to for all the delightfully dirty Victorian sexual slang.] It was a dark and stormy night upon the blasted moors of Nether Scrotum as detective Scrimshaw and his sister, Amygdyla, who swore that she had never known a man in the biblical sense, meandered from one tussock of sawgrass to another in pursuit of clues to the whereabouts of one Calcium, a local grain merchant, pickpocket, and orphanage embezzler. They had followed Calcium’s footsteps through...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Stories 4 Red or The Temp Tempted

By Zen Mackie The last thing Jack had said to her before he left was, “Red is a good a color for you.” Lin had puzzled over this remark, and the ironic smile that had accompanied it, for the entire subway ride home. Because she hadn’t been wearing anything red at the time. Or so she’d thought. It wasn’t until much later, when she was undressing for bed, that she realized what he’d meant: Her panties. Oh God. Lin Kanazawa didn’t think of herself as...

3 years ago
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New Girl on the Block

New Girl on the Block Janet L. Stickney [email protected] In the past I had very privately dabbled in dressing in my mothers clothes, then gone out as a girl on several special occasions, like Halloween, so it's not like I have no idea what's required, but what they told me I was going to do was unbelievable! My name is Greg, I'm 15 now, your average kid, I guess. I'm 5'7" tall and weigh about 140, with brown hair and green eyes. I'm an average student, although I'm not...

2 years ago
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Sexy SisterInLaw And Rainy Encounter

Hi guys, this is Rahul, and I am back with recent encounter. I am very thankful for the responses I received for . Happy that people like my story. This is about the recent encounter with my favorite and cute my sister-in-law Sruthi. It all started with a marriage function of my relative. Let’s move to the story folks. It was my distance relative’s marriage function and it was a must that someone from my family should attend it. As my wife had left with the kid, everyone decided it should be...

2 years ago
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Mother and Daughter delighting the masturbating n

In the great scheme of things, we all like to offer something for others to admire and comment on. We need to be noticed and bask in the glow of their praises, in something we did to please, as I did the day our neighbor masturbated behind his semi closed curtains, exposing himself to me when I looked, and smiled.As you can imagine it is yet another encounter, carefully documented in my online, password protected, dairy of a schoolgirl growing up.It was on a Saturday morning and I was assigned...

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GenerationsChapter 40 The Bridal Shower

“Grandpa, grandpa! We’re having a party!” Frank Boscow looked down at his granddaughter. Holly had just opened the door for his wife and Frank had entered after her, his arms filled with shopping bags full of groceries. Shirley had also been carrying a full load of groceries when she had come in, but she had quickly sidestepped the little girl to dump the bags in the kitchen. “Yes, I know. It’s your mother’s bridal shower.” Holly looked up at him curiously, her head tilted to the side....

2 years ago
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Amy and Jake part II

Introduction: Jake continues his assault on Amy Jake loved the feeling of Amys pussy. He wanted to stay in her longer but he could feel his cum oozing out of her. Jake grabbed Amys right arm and dragged her to the bed. Amy staggered and sputtered a quiet plea. Please sir, you got what you wanted, please just leave. I wont call the cops, just leave, please. Jake grunted, Shut the fuck up, as he pushed Amy onto the bed. Jake ripped her too tight evening gown to shreds. Amy lay on the bed,...

3 years ago
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Across the lake part 3

Continued from Chapter 2 As I watched Bill taillights disappear I wondered if I did the right things, should I have done something more (or less), asked him to stay? Here I was all nervous again but now for different and opposite reasons. I teared slightly as I stood on the front patio still in my wig, makeup and nightgown. Then my belly grumbled and I knew the bathroom was too far. I threw up all over the flower garden and then ran for the bathroom before it hit again. I threw off...

3 years ago
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Another Covid19 Lockdown Story

We find the stunning sixteen-year-old Tammi King lying on her bed amid a tangle of soft cotton sheets that smelled of perfume and sex with her eyes closed. As she slowly descended from her orgasmic high she ran her hands down the front of her firm and tanned body in an effort to take inventory.Her white cotton blouse had been ripped open and the few remaining buttons were held on by threads, but that's what she had hoped for. Her fingers and sensitive breasts could feel that the cups of her...


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