Guido s High Note
- 4 years ago
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After they parted, he was bothered by their whole encounter, finding it deeply disturbing. He had to face the fact that somewhere deep down inside, he was still in love with Joanie; the old connection between them hadn’t died out completely. He was worried about her and desperately wanted to help, afraid she could do something foolish. That was his mind set when he went home.
That night in bed he tossed and turned restlessly, sleeping only in brief disjointed periods. He couldn’t get Joanie and her dilemma out of his mind. He tried to tell himself that it really wasn’t his problem, she had brought it on by herself and it was up to her to deal with it. But he knew it wasn’t all that simple, he really did owe Joanie something. She had been a stabilizing influence on him when they first met.
For the first two years after he’d gotten out of the army he’d been drifting, not caring about anything other than having a good time. It wasn’t an unusual thing for young men back from Viet Nam in those days, perhaps it was even to be expected, but there is no telling how long he would have continued that way if Joanie hadn’t entered his life. It was because of her he began to settle down and take life seriously again. Without her he might never had taken steady employment and continued bouncing from job to job, quitting whenever the mood struck him. He’d seen plenty of guys like that, ones that never broke out of the post war malaise, and he was glad he wasn’t one of them. He knew he owed her something and he couldn’t forget it.
By morning he had an idea, he knew it wasn’t an ideal solution, but it was the best he could come up with. He thought about it at work the next day and made up his mind. He knew before he could talk to Joanie about it he had to talk to Connie. He wasn’t sure how he was going to explain it to her, but he knew he had to.
That evening he knocked on her door and waited nervously. It occurred to him as he stood there that he was often nervous when he called on her. This time was different, now he had reason to be uneasy, unlike the other times when it had been a mere matter of waning self-confidence. Connie answered the door warmly with a receptive smile.
“Mike, hi, come on in. I tried calling you last night, but you didn’t answer.”
“No, I was out, had dinner with my ex then stopped off for a couple of drinks afterwards.”
“Oh, Joanie, how’s she doing?”
“She’s got problems; she’s managed to get herself pregnant.”
“Well, you don’t exactly get yourself pregnant, somebody has to help you along,” she remarked jokingly.
“Well, somebody helped her along about three months ago.”
“Good for her, I hope you gave her my congratulations.”
“No, no congratulations, it seems the father has flown the coop, so to speak. She’s at a loss as what to do about it.”
“Can’t she take legal action; sue for child support or something?”
“Probably, but she won’t. You have to understand, she fears scandal the way other people fear cancer or the plague. Avoid it at all cost. Remember when I told you our divorce ended amicably? That was because she didn’t want anyone to know she’d been cheating. That would have been a double embarrassment; first the infidelity itself, then being stupid enough to get caught. This is sort of the same thing”
“That doesn’t leave her many options, does it?”
“No, it doesn’t. I thought about it all last night, and the only thing I came up with was the simple fact we have to get married.”
“Very noble of you, I’m sure,” there was a definite look of incredulity on her face. Then she turned and started towards the kitchen area.
“Ah, what did you expect, Connie?” she said aloud to herself. “You sure can pick ‘em, reach for a rose and get stuck with a prick. You’ll never learn.”
Shocked, Mike watched as she walked away shaking her head. Then he realized she’d misunderstood him, he hadn’t explained it properly.
“Connie, wait, wait, you don’t understand. I wasn’t talking about marrying the prom queen; I meant us, you and me.”
She stopped and turned to look at him angrily, he could actually physically feel her mistrust. Perhaps it was tinged with a bit of hate.
“OK, what, pray tell, does her little problem have to do with me marrying you?”
“Don’t you see? You once told me that you’d wanted kids, but couldn’t have any. Well in about six months there’s going to be a new born child who’s going to need parents. We could be those parents. Joanie’s parents moved out to Scottsdale, Arizona a couple of months ago to retire. She goes out there, has the baby, comes back, and leaves it with us. She could even tell her folks she’s the, what do you call them ... surrogate mother. She can play the giving self-sacrificing little martyr; we get each other, and a child. Everybody’s happy.”
“Thought that one up all by yourself, did you?”
Mike stood there wordlessly and nodded his head. He remembered how he’d put off talking marriage to her, fearful she’d feel rushed and react badly. Now he recognized he had rushed her and his worse qualms were being realized. He’d bungled it badly and knew it, but didn’t have a clue how to fix it. Finally he ended his silence in a very chastened sounding voice.
“It seemed like a good idea.”
She walked over and stood beside him. He felt her hand on his back.
“Michael, you can’t plan other people’s lives. You should have talked to me before including me in your half-baked schemes. Now I suggest you leave me alone to think about this before I say something we’ll both regret, understand?”
Again Mike nodded his head. He felt like an awkward child who’d just been reproached by a favorite teacher, not sure how to react.
“Ah, you want me to leave then?”
“Yes, that would be best. I’ll get ahold of you after I’ve calmed down and thought this thing out. In the meantime, you’ll have to leave,” her voice had softened, but remained determined and the hand on his back pressing him towards the door was firm.
Once out in the hallway, he bewilderedly turned and watched her door close. He stood there looking like a man who’d been hit with a brick and didn’t know where it had come from. He simply couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. In his mind he’d merely made a suggestion, if she thought it was a bad idea all she had to do was say so and that would have been the end of it all. He saw no reason for her to have gone off the handle like this.
He returned to his own apartment and sat down by the phone, expecting a call that was not forthcoming. He had hoped that in the time it took him to walk across the parking lot Connie would have calmed down and called him telling him to come back over, that he’d done nothing wrong, but the phone didn’t ring at all that night. Exhausted from the previous night’s restlessness, he went to bed confused and disappointed. Once again he didn’t know where he stood with her. To lose her now, when everything had seemed to be going so well was more than he could accept.
When he went to Herring’s the next morning he still hadn’t heard from her. Disturbed, he had difficulty concentrating on anything else at work. Finally he went up the stairs to see Donna. He really didn’t want to bother her with anymore of his problems, but there was nobody else that he felt he could talk to about Connie.
“Hi, Kid, how are you?” he asked when he entered her office.
“I’m good Daddy, what’s up?”
“I was just wondering if I could buy you lunch today, maybe over at the diner?”
“Sure, why not? What’s the occasion, something special?”
“No, I just need to talk to someone, if you don’t mind. If you’d rather not, that’s OK too.”
“No, no, Daddy, I don’t mind at all. I take it we’re not talking about work then.”
“No, it seems I did something wrong regarding Connie and now she’s kind of pissed off.”
“Uh-oh, Daddy, what did you do?”
“It’s a long story; I’ll explain it all at lunch.”
“OK,” she responded, “let me know when you’re ready to go.”
At noon he and Donna drove to a local diner. Seating themselves in a booth, he told her the whole story, interrupted only when the waitress came for their order. When he finished, she sat there quietly looking at him for a few moments before speaking.
“Wow,” she finally said, “where do we start? First, before we talk about what you did, let’s talk about what you’re going to do. You’re going to go to that phone booth outside and call her. Then you’re going to apologize and tell her how disturbed you are about what happened.”
“I can’t right now, she’ll be at work. I couldn’t bother her there.”
“OK, then don’t, but do it when you get home then. Mike, you have this way about you, a kind of stoicism that comes in handy in certain situations, but not this one. The poor woman probably has no idea what you’re thinking or even if you care for that matter.”
“I’ll call her tonight,” he promised.
“Good. Now, from what you said it sounds like you just sprang this idea of yours on her out of the blue, gave it to her as an accomplished fact. Mike, you can’t do that, it’s a life changing decision, you should have talked it over with her first, get her opinion on the matter.”
“But, that’s what I was doing. It wasn’t a done deal, she could have said no. I haven’t even talked to Joanie about it yet; she might not go alone with it. I was just trying to explain an idea to her.”
“Did Connie know that?” Donna shook her head in mock exasperation, “Men, what are we supposed to do with you? Understand, this isn’t like you deciding that we’re going to eat at the diner, that’s not important. What you were proposing was a life altering decision made in order to help your ex-wife. Why should she change her life so you can be a hero?”
“When you put it that way, it sounds kind of bad,” he admitted, “but that’s not the way I meant it.”
“But it’s the way it sounded. I have to admit, I’d have reacted the same as she did.”
They stopped talking when the waitress came with their order. They continued talking between bits of their food.
“Well, is this unrepairable?” Mike asked.
“No,” she shook her head, “not at all, she may be already over it by now, but Mike, it’s important that you let her know you care about her; her feelings, her pride, and her opinions.”
“I do care about all those things.”
“Yes, but it’s important that she knows that.” She looked at him and exhaled sharply. “You have this habit of acting unconcerned about things. It’s a fine defensive tactic, but it leaves people baffled. You don’t want to confuse this woman. If she starts feeling neglected she’s liable to walk. You don’t want that, do you?”
“You know I don’t.”
“Yes,” she replied, “I do. That’s why you’ve got to learn to communicate. I don’t think she’s like Joanie. Joanie didn’t want to be bothered with all the details and left it up to you. When she wanted something, she knew how to manipulate you to get you to do it. Connie seems to be her own woman, she can stand on her own and I doubt she wants to play the doting little girlfriend. Learn that or you’ll lose her.”
Mike sat back dumbfounded. Once again he was amazed at the wisdom of this young woman. He knew she was right, right on every count. Her insight was remarkable, she hardly knew Connie but she saw the whole problem. Once more she’d helped him through a crisis.
“How did you get so wise at so young an age?” he asked.
“I don’t know that I am.”
“Yes, you are. This isn’t the first time you’ve helped me out.”
“You mean the night you found out about Joanie?”
“Yeah, you knew what to say then, too. I’ve never forgotten that, you know.”
“I’m glad I could be there for you, it’s what friends are for.”
“Yes,” he acknowledged, “and you’ve been a better friend than I had a right to expect. I hope you know how much I’ve appreciated all this.”
“Think nothing of it. But speaking as your friend, what you have to do is, when you get home tonight mend whatever fences need mending with this woman. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t.”
As he sat there he wondered if she even understood how much she had done for him in the last year, the steadying impact she had on him. He would never forget the night he had spent in her arms; it had been more than just a drunken one night stand. She had willingly offered herself to him, had absorbed all his frustrations and disappointments with no motive other than to calm him down and prevent him from doing something stupid.
Last summer she had been the one who had told him just how much of an effect Connie was having on him and encouraged him to pursue her. Then there was today; thanks to her he understood just exactly what he’d done wrong. While the situation probably would have self-corrected itself, he would have made the same mistake or a similar once again if she hadn’t explained it to him. He had no idea how he’d earned such loyalty from her, but he was glad that he had.
Mike knew she was right. He was anxious to get home, willing to do whatever it took restore things with Connie back to where they had been, to get down on bended knees and beg her to understand what he had meant. He was willing to do whatever it would take to make things up with her. It was on his mind all afternoon after they’d returned to Herring’s. He fought the urge to call Connie at work, fearing he’d anger her. Besides, he figured any apology or explanation would best be delivered face to face.
He left work at five o’clock and drove home, or to the apartment complex to be accurate, since he didn’t go to his own apartment. He headed straight for Connie’s. Knocking on her door, he waited, trying to get his thoughts in order. Finally the door opened.
“Mike, come on in. I was wondering if you’d be around tonight.”
He was relieved to see she seemed to be in a pleasant mood. As he walked in, he thought this might be easier than he’d expected.
“Look, Connie, about last night, I’m sorry, I don’t think I explained it right.”
“Let’s sit down first,” she interrupted, pointing to the couch.
“All right,” he agreed, then continued, “but when I told you about my idea, that’s all it was, an idea. I wasn’t trying to imply you had to go along with it and I certainly didn’t mean we should get married and adopt a baby just to do my ex a favor. It simply seemed like a good deal for everybody all the way around. I hadn’t even mentioned it to Joanie. I meant for us to talk about it, that’s all. If you said no, that would have been the end of it. Believe me, the last thing I wanted was to make you mad at me. I feel terrible about that.”
“Yes,” she said, “I don’t feel great about it either. Once I gave it some thought, I decided I might have over reacted. Let’s pretend it never happened, shall we?”
“It’s fine with me, as long as you know I wasn’t trying to force or trick you into anything. You do know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, yes I do. Actually, I kind of figured that out on my own, but I’m glad to hear you say it.”
“I don’t think I can explain just how bad I felt when you told me to leave. Good God, Connie, I hope you never do that again, no matter how badly I piss you off. Slap me, kick me, drop an anvil on my foot, do whatever it takes, I don’t care, but don’t throw me out, please don’t.”
With a look of saddened sympathy on her face, Connie reached out and put her hand on his cheek. She slowly shook her head. Mike smiled to himself, noting she’d made no promise. He wondered if he would ever completely understand her, perhaps he wasn’t supposed to. Of course, maybe no one person can ever completely understand another one. It’s a part of what keeps life interesting.
“I thought a lot about what you said last night,” she said, “about getting married and adopting the baby. Let me say this, I’d be glad to marry you anywhere, anytime you’d like, I think we were headed there anyway. But I think adopting your ex-wife’s baby is a very bad idea. Does that take marriage off the table?”
“No, not at all, I’d marry you today, tonight if we could, kind of like in those old movies where the couple wakes up the Justice of the Peace in the middle of the night. Like you said, we’ve been headed in that direction right along. It’s not like I only wanted to marry you so we could adopt the child. This is far from the most romantic proposal you could have gotten, but it is the most honest. If you’ll have me, start making plans.”
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SolsticeThe sun, weak and pale, was sinking slowly through gathering clouds to the waiting earth. It cast a faint rose color over the black bare branches of the forest that stood waiting just beyond the edge of the village. Already she could hear the excited laughter of the gathered members of her clan. Suddenly a break in the clouds shot a brilliant shaft of light straight where she stood. A path! A sign? No. She smiled as she remembered solstices long ago. She was young. She was beautiful....
OutdoorMy name is Latha. I was wife of a millionaire. He married me at an age of 49. But I was 23. He was a widower. I trapped him and married. I was his steno. I married him for his wealth. After our marriage, I came to know that he can’t fuck me. I was very much disappointed. As every woman want sex life. I lost my sex life for wealth. My husband had a son, Rajesh who was very mischievous. I caught him so many times peeping into our room. He was now 18. I lost my sex life from 4 years. Now I was 27...
Introduction: Lila sets a trap for her rapist. Will he take the bait? Lila felt numb. In place of a burning rage there was now a cold, icy hatred. Adam had dropped her off at her house and schmoozed her parents like nothing had happened! Then again, she had done the same. She was already planning again, and she didnt want them to know about it. She persuaded Adam to pick her up a morning after pill. After telling him how much more fun their honeymoon would be if she wasnt pregnant in a sultry...
Reading some of your feedback addressed to me and to Nicole I saw one reader asking if she had done anything with her father or brother, if she had one. More as a bit of fun than anything serious I wrote this fictional story. She indeed has an older brother but she had yet to confirm or deny any involvement with either. So don't consider this story as in any way a true one. Hopefully she will send me some more true stories of her adventures and I will be writing them up for your pleasure....
He let them chew on their anger while he went to find Bella. She hadn't gone that far and he found her sitting on a log. She wasn't crying any longer, but her eyes were red. "Did you tell them?" she asked. "Yes." More tears leaked from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. "You were right," he said. "It's in the past now. They'll realize that, sooner or later." She sniffed and wiped her cheeks. "Their life has been so hard. I had hoped that at least that part could be kept from...
Betrayed By Carol Collins Chapter 1 Thursday: My name is Dr. Steven R. Parker, MD. I'm thirty years old, six foot three inches tall, have black hair, blue eyes, an athletic build and I have been said to be somewhat handsome. I am also a medical doctor specializing in finding a cure for Muscular Dystrophy. Last year, I married a wonderful woman whom I love very much. I met Laura in college while attending med school at the state university. She was...
Introduction: a sister discovers her brothers voyeurism of her The following story picks up from the end of the edited /reposted Part 1. Thanks to everyone for the feedback for improving my writing-please continue to do so. This part of the story is more about my getting discovered and how we dealt with it, leading to our closer relationship. To get Beths help in writing all this, I promised to include this painful, funny, but less sexy part of the tale so we dont seem like mindless,...
Eliana awoke precisely at sunrise, the first rays of the local morning shining into her eyes from her bedroom's eastern windows. She glanced at the clock, 8:58 PM. "Ah," she thought to herself. "It's one thing to have the dry geographic knowledge, to know that Judah's cathedral has its solar noon 8:25 hours earlier than the capital's. It's another matter entirely to expect a date change three hours after sunrise! I wonder if phrases like tomorrow and later today might have different...
"Oh Daddy, your words, they're so beautiful, thank you," I whispered, and then added, "You're the only man I'll ever love," while pressing myself urgently into him as my lips hungrily sought his, wanting him now to recognize the new me, wanting him to feel as I, wanting him to grasp that we were destined to be joined in every way. I could feel a shiver of excitement tremor through his body as our tongues met and explored and couldn't help but feel the sudden hardening, lengthening, against my...
IncestIt was a sweltering hot day, and Phil walked through the parking lot of the mall, he fixed his sights firmly on the fine tight-assed woman walking just a few yards ahead of him. He watched her hips swaying from side to side as she struggled to keep control of the 6 or 7 bags she was carrying, when suddenly one bag burst open, the contents spilling all over the ground. "Oh shit!!", the woman cried angrily. Ever the gentleman, Vito helped her out, and after picking up the fallen...
This is a (mostly true) story I wrote for my lady Reb in February 2017*****The love of my life Reb and I have been together for what seems a life time, and we are still so much in love with each other. We just can't get enough time with each other, 24/7 isn't too much for us. We truly are one of the most perfect couples in the world. We live in a middle class apartment building in the country, we are in our 30s, and we make love or fuck several times each day, every single day. Like I said, we...
Chapter 1 After college I meet up with Debbie, and we started to date again. Within a year we got married. She had a degree in finance, and mine was in accounting and computer programing. We both got good jobs with the same major bank in Detroit. We had two children a boy and a girl, and things seemed to be going very well for us. Debbie and I both worked for the same bank, but in different departments. She ended up getting a rather large promotion, and a job transfer to Orlando Florida. They...
Barley-legal, blonde, and a total babe, Chanel Grey loves to hike. She loves the wilderness. And get this…it makes her horny. So much so, she’s found her “spot” on a secluded trail, where Chanel gets naked and masturbates without a care in the world! Even if it means getting caught by other hikers! Of course this is why Chanel brought her two “fuck buddies” on the trail, and of course her “jerk off spot” is now her “blowjob spot” and...
xmoviesforyouMy name is shiraz,28,working in a MNC in Bangalore.My native is Mangalore and i got married 3 years ago to this beautiful angel called “Shifa khan”-a shy muslim girl from a well-to-do family brought up in a conservative atmosphere.Sometimes i feel the restrictions imposed on her during her teenage years is the reason for her becoming a bad girl after marriage.In my previous story i had described how shifa who was all of 23 at the time of our honeymoon had been fondled by Sundar,an ugly cab...
Hi, this is Amanda, Mandy to my friends. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the 16-year-old waitress from Jean: Chapter 4, and this is my story, enjoy!! When I arrived home, I opened the door and saw that my parents were out, leaving my 14-year-old sister Lizzy home alone: ‘Boy, some parenting.’ I thought to myself. As soon as I put my purse down on the end table, I heard loud moans coming from my bedroom, so, I sneakily walked up the stairs, cracked open my bedroom door and saw my...
Dear friends I am a daily reader of ISS.This story is my true life story happened few years back.I was 17 & my cousion (father’s sisters daughter) was 16,she had come from punjab for my sisters marriage.As she was in mumbai I took all my cousions for a sight visit of mumbai.during the visit we happened to play for sometime in the garden,& this sister of mine Anu put a challange to all of us she the winner would get what ever he want,I re conformied with her she said yes.Then I won the challange...
IncestWe decided on Hawaii for a honeymoon; I’ve always wanted to go but never have been there, and of course neither has Hugo. It was going to be Hugo’s first time flying, and I went to some trouble to prepare him for it. But he’s seen plenty of airplanes in the air, and he went on-line to look up how they work—he’s got reasonably adroit at using the computer and surfing the Internet—and he seemed pretty comfortable with the idea when the time came. Airport security annoyed him a little,...
“You said I had six hours!” “I lied, Nichols.” It was unmistakeably the voice of Montague, the captain of the pirate vessel that had hailed them earlier. “I don’t know why you’re shocked, or what difference it makes. Maintain course while we approach and dock. And I remind you, this ship is armed.” Rhys cut the transmission and turned to Cait, anger written across his face. The sensor screen had pulled up a profile of the Erebus: it was a sleek vessel, not dissimilar in design to the...
Raintree had just about anything you could want. The planet had been settled for well over two centuries. They had a 'Class A' space dock, with all the facilities that went with it. In other words, it was the perfect place for me to be. It had access to the Inter-Galactic stock exchange, which was also important. As a member in good standing in the League of Planets, Raintree had access to courts and awards institutions, of various governments. My find was actually worth money. A LOT of...
One night I was designing some toys with my computer so that I could print them with the 3D printer that I ‘borrowed’ from work. I could hear my neighbors fighting in a loud argument. By the sounds of it, it was over money. I knew that my neighbors, Erica and her boyfriend Scott, were having a hard time. After about fifteen minutes the argument subsided and I got back to designing my toys. The next day, after work I was at the store getting some things for dinner when I noticed Erica in line a...
LesbianCe jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...
Accidental Heroine Steam room "Ugh! Ugh! Ughhhhhhh!" I turned away from the steroid using weight lifter. I hated these guys that had more muscles than brains and felt making crude sounds as they pumped iron would give them more strength. At six feet two and 225 pounds I was lean and very strong, able to bench press close to 250 pounds with little difficulty. I worked out at the gym regularly and kept myself fit, but I was not like the guy in the corner now flexing in front of the...
Mera naam Manisha hai. Main Pune ki rahne wali hoon. Mera rang gora, badan slim, baal ek dam kaale aur bahut lambe aur aankhe bhoori hain. Meri shadi 6 mahine pahle 18 saal ki umar mein Dipak ke sath huyi hai. Dipak bhi 20 saal ka hai. Dipak ek dam dubla patla aur bahut hi kamzor hai. Dipak ka ek Friend Hi Rahul jo unse umar mein 5 saal Bada hai. Wo ek dam hattha kattha hai aur uska badan ek dam gatheela hai. Wo dikhane mein handsome hai.Rhul hamara famili friend hai wo hamare samne hai rah ta...
A little bit about Cindy. She has never been married, 5' 11" with blonde hair. She has a nice body too, but in my opinion not as nice as Jenn's. She at the time was 35 with sandy blonde hair. Jenn thought it would be good if we meet before going away. Both of them were in yoga pants and t-top shirts, although Jenn didn't have a bra on. She was excited because her nipples were big and rock hard. Jenn said that Cindy didn't have a lot of time as she had to go somewhere in...
Copyright 2001 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...
Monday October 31 As Duke and I were going out to jog, we found Precious waiting for us by the door. I knew something was up when Duke gave her a complete puppy-scan (sniffed her all over), and she didn’t bloody his nose. “You not feeling well?” I asked her as I squatted down to check what might be wrong. Yep. We were having kittens today. Gently picking Precious up, I took her to Duke’s crate. Brit had brought over her blanket, which I assumed was washable, and put it in his kennel. Duke...