Legally Binding
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Thorne had died peacefully two weeks ago. The industrialist, famous county wide
for his timber business had been 85. Much revered and respected he had an
extended family but only one son, who buy the will of God was at present in the
best sanatorium money could buy. It was the day of the will reading and the
group of interested parties sat a little shocked in the office of W Grimbald;
the deceased long serving friend and lawyer. Grimbald, a man in his 70s himself
looked up over his glasses.
"There is no mistake. I'm afraid these were his last instructions. All
possessions and monies apart from his real estate to be donated to his son's
The group held their breath. The family estate a baroque mansion and sculpted
gardens paid for in the boom years of the twenties had graced the cover of many
a style magazine. It was worth millions in today's prices. After a pause he
"Mr Thorne's estate is to be retained so that one day if his son is cured,
he will have somewhere to return to."
As nieces and distant cousins sighed and shrugged their shoulders one family
member's eyes lit up. Sat at the front in an inappropriate blue plunge neck
dress was Michelle, the sexy wife of Bartholomew's only son.
Michelle took a deep breath her chest rising in front of the old spectacled
man. The man ignored the distraction, clearing his throat then continuing.
"There are a few private matters between myself and my client's daughter
in law. Therefore if you may all excuse us now, thank you so much."
As the party left there were a few bitter glances and shaking of heads.
Michelle had married into the family five years ago. She had been twenty-five,
twenty years the sons junior. At that time he had already begun to show
symptoms of delusion, however the family firmly believed she had driven him
over the edge. Accusations of affairs and deceit abounded, but he had been
committed to the asylum long before any divorce proceedings could take place.
Once the door finally closed shut Grimbald looked up at Michelle. She was
stunning. A natural blonde with sculpted shoulder length hair she had many
features to admire. A high cheek boned face with long lashed eyes. Pouting lips
colored a light aqua marine blue to match her dress. She was curvaceous her
large hipped ass hiding the small seat she sat on, her long legs crossed. But
Michelle knew her best asset was her firm, silicone breast; 38 inch possibly
more. They nestled in her v-neck fabric pinned by an expensive and sturdy lace
She opened her mouth to speak, but looked a little surprised when Grimbald
raised his hand.
"Wait Mrs Thorne, I've something to show you."
The old lawyer opened a drawer removing a paper bag with videocassettes in.
Michelle sat a little nervous, was she about to see the fruits of some private
eye paid to spy on her?
The video recording began. It was Bartholomew, her dead father-in-law staring
at her.
"Hello my dear," he began not showing any emotion. "The will and
testament has probably been a shock to most people but not you. I'm sure you've
been advised that you could make a claim in relation to my son and his
responsibilities to his wife."
He said wife with a sarcastic twist looking straight out from the screen.
"Even now you could appeal my wishes, but take my word it would be a long
hard fight."
He coughed, and then continued. "So I've decided to cut you a deal you
little witch. My property is to be signed over to you providing you meet my
demands. The paperwork is in front of you; it's all legal and above
board." He grunted in a little pain. "Let's make it clear I've never
liked you and all that money I spent on having you followed and never proved
anything. But I know you very well, believe me."
The lawyer sat impassively. Michelle a little agitated but fully in control of
her expression. She gave a mock look of surprise her lips sensually parting
ever so slightly in a silent gasp. She thought back. "No wonder your
little spy never told you anything."
The investigator hired by him had made a catastrophic blunder early on and she
had caught and confronted him. It turned out to be his lucky day. Michelle
continued her clandestine meetings and once a month she let the PI fuck her
brains out in a seedy motel somewhere. He'd been a fat old bastard somewhat
like her crazy husband, but every month he got a pay-cheque and the attentions
of the curvaceous Michelle; and she got foil her father in laws little games.
She shifted on her seat a little uncomfortable remembering the PI's obsession
for spunking on her shins and feet.
"Pity his heart gave way," her thoughts quipped; remembering how
she'd left him stone dead in that motel room just a few months past.
The video continued breaking her dirty memories.
"So here it is. My friend and confidant Mr Grimbald will require you to
follow my instruction to the letter. By tomorrow morning if you have, my estate
will be yours."
Grimbald pushed the contract in front of her beautiful blue eyes. The video
rapped up his message. "Take a good look and make a decision. Act like the
whore I know you are or fuck off and find the best legal team you can
afford." The screen went dead as Michelle glanced at the contract.
"Accept to perform lewd acts on demand. Permission granted to executor,
waver of right to prosecute or in any way imply sexual assault?"
As she read aloud the list seemed endless.
"W Grimbald as executor of contract!"
She finally came to the key part. On completion she would be made legal
guardian of her husband's future home. She looked up, the man's glasses misting
a little with perspiration. She dropped her hand to her side in disbelief at
what she'd read.
"But this is... it's disgusting. Obscene, no I..." The Lawyer
remained impassive collecting his things into a neat pile.
"Very well Miss I expected as much, therefore all estate assets are now
frozen until appeal. I expect it to take years regarding the argument will
surround your husbands mental state."
Michelle blurted out slightly louder than she wanted to. She collected her
composure embarrassed but determined to keep a level head. There was a long
pause and then she continued her blue eyes burning into the wizened old man.
"Very well, where do I sign?"
Once the ink had dried the lawyer searched for the next tape marked no 2.
And once again she saw her father in laws face.
"As I expected you dirty bitch. I have to admit I'm a little envious of my
friend here. There's no doubt what my son saw in you." Michelle looked
sheepish eyed at the lawyer. The deceased man continued. "Grimbald has the
details of when and where. But first we require a little demonstration of faith
from you. I suppose your wearing some tight sluttish number. Well this is what
I want you to do..."
The tape finally went dead. Michelle was blushing from the instructions, her
knees tight together. "She couldn't; not here in the office surely
not?" Grimbald had locked the door and sat down.
She looked over her shoulder then nervously began to pull down her dress
straps. The dress fell away from her bust collecting in her lap. She was pale
but perfect skinned her hot melons rising and falling in the black lace bra.
The video had been quite clear.
"Release your big tits from that rag you call a dress and cup them
together. Push them real tight together make sure your fucking nipple nuts
point straight out, and lean forward towards the desk. Grimbald will explain
the rest"
The room was getting hot as Michelle slowly undid her bra. Her chest sprang
forward as the cups fell away the silicone domes indeed pointing out at slight
angles towards the far corners of the room. Her nailed long fingers cupped
herself beneath the bulges, squeezing them together pushing forward obediently.
She was a little nervous. She'd always been in control, now this was a new
experience. As she saw the awe struck face of Grimbald she decided she still
had the edge.
He opened a letter marked tape one and read it out.
"Suck on her nipples. Use your teeth to nip and pull. Grope her flesh feel
the weight of each dome in your hand." The lawyer looked up at her wide-eyed
face. "Lick the skin, they must shine with spittle. Each nipple must be
erect and of satisfactory arousal before you finish. Then..." He paused
closing the letter," hmm well I think we are clear so far."
He stood and leaned over the table his hands replacing Michelle's on the sides
of her tits cupping them tightly. Michelle gripped the edge of the desk pushing
her shoulders and chest forward.
"Ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"
His grip was a strong deliberate grope, rotating the domes twisting her
flawless skin.
She grunted nails biting the desk her eyes looking straight at the slightly
embarrassed man. Her own face was blushing the old mans tongue rough and sweaty
on her tits. First he spat then rubbed her skin, her nipples turning a darker
pink with the damp. There was a knock at the door, Michelle trying to pull back
embarrassed. He ignored it his bespectacled face lapping at the fat nipples. He
bit each twisting them like huge doorknobs, sucking hard, long slurping noises
of satisfied tasting echoing around the room. The person knocking gave up.
Michelle looked down at her squeezed puppies, Grimbald pushing the nipples
close together to get both almost in his mouth at the same time.
"Ugggggg!" She bit her painted lip, her back arching at the tugging.
"Uggh ahh that's a bit ugghhh!" The lawyer paused.
"The instructions were quite specific." He gripped a fat nipple with
his lips and teeth tugging it out, stretching it an inch or so, Michelle
moaning. "Oohhhhhhhhh ugh!" The nipple sprang back the flesh
hardening. He repeated the action with the other sucking longer, Michelle
having to almost tug the tit from his mouth before he pulled her dial size teat
from her breast. "Awwwwwww fuck that hurt!"
The lawyer was finally satisfied with his work. Michelle's breasts had hardened
even more the nipples aroused their rims fat and darkened. Her flesh was wet
with his spit and growing perspiration, the afternoon light glistening on the
prize assets.
He opened the letter again. "Are you sure you wish to continue?" He
asked. She glared back frustrated by his games. "Do you think I'd let an
old bastard like you do this for nothing, get on with it!" He sighed as if
he had no choice in the matter. "Very well, I will finish the letter. As I
was saying, should be of satisfactory arousal before you finish. Then bind her
nipples together with the wire supplied. Tie them tightly so they bulge pull
the wire so the nipples almost touch forcing a very deep hot cleavage."
He produced the wire moving quickly to her side. She lifted her hand to stop
him but he slapped it down. "No games, you must obey or you will not
honour the contract."
The wire wound round one nipple and he pulled it tight. "Awwwwwwww fuck,
oh, oh uggggggggggg!" She raised her hand to the swollen point as his
hands twisted the wire around her other erect end. "Aggggggg
shiiiitttttttt!" With both wound up he pulled the thread and the boson
closed the nipples burning as the moved closer and closer together.
"Awwwwwwwwnooo no more, enough! Awwwwww!"
They were two inches apart her melons squeeze together to form a deep dark
crevice. She groaned and wriggled on the chair. She tried to lean further back
but that only stretched her chest making her wince.
"Ohhhhhhh God; get on with it please!"
The lawyer stood back as Michelle s fingers touched the steel thread securely
clasping her hard nuts. "That is the first task completed well done."
She tried to unravel the cord but it was rigid. "Leave your tits entwined
and put your dress back on." He ordered. He looked at the bulging nipples
and added. "I'd leave your bra here; it'll be more comfortable for
you." Michelle suddenly realized he wasn't going to remove her binds.
"Here?" She coughed in horror. She continued to pull at the cord but
it was to tightly knotted.
"It'll need some clippers to remove, there's a pair waiting at the
Mansion." Grimbald said as he wiped his steamed up glasses.
She groaned in embarrassment and discomfort. "You fuck, I... I'll."
He picked up the contract and put it into his wall safe. "Yes it would be
embarrassing if you screamed or tried to say I forced you. But you signed the
waver. I'd never practice as a lawyer again, but I'm an old man. The document
would exonerate but disgrace me. You on the other hand would forfeit your
inheritance. Please call out it will make my dead friend very happy. It would
be all the papers; you know the public love a scandal."
She bit her lip in pain easing the dress back over her melons. Slowly and
gingerly she stood the clamped tits rising like in a crazy wonder bra.
He finished the instructions on the first letter. "Pull the nipples
together so they form a very hot cleavage. Make her redress, don't remove the
clamps. She must be in discomfort her heavy sacks tugging down as she stands
the nipples burning with the steel grip." He admired her as she stood
awkwardly her hands not daring to touch her own sore tips.
"Now Michelle we'll take the tapes and letters and drive up to the old
Michelle sat rigid in the old German car as it bumped along the uneven hillside
road. The car had no air con and Michelle s body was soaking wet, stuck to her
blue dress, the humidity over ninety percent. She bit her lip at each gravel
bump her nipples aching from the wire bind almost numb by now. Grimbald wiped
his brow, his rimmed glasses glinting in the bright afternoon light. He looked
over from time to time his eyes tracing down to her slowly rising and falling
bosom. He could see the squeezed nipples pressing against the blue material Michelle's
painted face taut as she tried to control the discomfort. He'd met the young
woman on many occasions. She was always so confident, oozing charisma and
attitude. He felt his body stirring thinking of the embarrassment she was
enduring today.
She didn't look back at him, instead watched the imposing structure that was
the Thorne's family home get closer and closer. As they past through the
wrought iron gates the huge columned building towered above them. The car
pulled up to the wide stepped entrance Grimbald getting out first to open
Michelle's door. Mrs Thorne eased her long legs out standing with a little
difficulty. Her tits were now definitely numb and she was thankful they had
finally arrived.
Immediately, Spence the families mid aged butler had appeared at the door
standing to attention. He didn't make any comment just nodded as Grimbald told
him he needed some pliers, adding, "nice to see you Mrs Thorne," as
he hurried inside.
In the hall he returned with the pliers in hand. Michelle snatched them from
him suddenly feeling less intimidated. "I'll take those." She said
walking to the curved staircase. "I'll do this myself!" Grimbald
didn't answer as Spence unfazed called up to her." I've prepared your
normal room madam. Diner will be in an hour."
Michelle didn't reply as she marched down the corridor to her sumptuous guest
bedroom. Once in the exquisitely draped room she began to carefully unravel her
nipples from the steel cord. She yelped and cussed until finally her bust
sprang back straight, her ends swollen and tender. She looked around the room.
She hadn't been here for over a year; Bartholomew banning her soon after his
son, her husband had gone completely ga-ga.
She looked in the wardrobe. There were still a few dresses she had never had
chance to collect hanging up. She smiled. Grimbald had looked unsure in the
car. Maybe if she'd have cried a little he'd probably have given up. She'd seen
how he'd looked at her; he was a man wasn't he? And she knew how to handle men.
All she had to do were play the dead fuckers silly games and Grimbald would
give her everything she wanted. "Maybe she should have just blown him in
the car? Ah well too late now." She mused to herself.
Just after five Michelle descended the staircase like a movie star at a
premiere. She had a long split silver dress with matching silver heels. Her
hair was tied up in a bun, individual ringlets hanging down to frame her face.
She'd chosen a seductive pink lipstick her pale face giving her an angelic
innocent look. Her bust was feeling a lot better her nipples relieved by
continuously applying ice cubes for nearly all the last hour.
Grimbald stood up from the long dinning table to greet his beautiful guest. She
sat, Spence pouring some wine before serving their food. The old lawyer was
tapping his fingers nervously, Michelle smiling at him. They ate almost in
silence Michelle watching him closely. He was out of his depth she was almost
certain. As their food was cleared and they were left alone she decided to
apply a little more pressure.
"I'm sure this is very unusual for you. Abusing women! Women who have no
other choice." She said in a matter of fact way, her blue eyes looking
straight into his. Grimbald saw the sarcasm in her voice, but controlled his
"Indeed it is Miss. Shall we proceed?"
At that point Spence reappeared and announce the person entering the room
behind him.
"Miss Claudia is here sir."
"Miss Claudia?" Michelle's eyes widened in surprise; "who?"
She turned towards the heel clipping noise. Across the room a tall olive
skinned figure approached. She had long dark hair and a slim athletic figure.
Her brown dress was tight and elegant accentuating two admirably firm tits.
Michelle gave her the once up and down. She was probably in her late thirties
with too much makeup and swayed her hips almost theatrically.
Grimbald gave the new guest a kiss on the hand offering her a seat between him
and Michelle.
"May I introduce Claudia. This is your late father in-laws close
The woman said hello with a South American accent, her eyes like dark pools.
Michelle instantly thought of claims on her money, and she couldn't help
blurting out what she felt. "Close friend, yeah I bet she was. No
Brazilian whore going to get her claws into what's rightfully mine." The
woman just smiled serenely.
Near by was a TV that had earlier been wheeled into the ornate dinning room;
looking out of place among all the baroque furniture. The set suddenly came to
life the second video from the deceased beginning to play.
"So you're going through with the deal."
It was the face of Bartholomew again." Good. I've seen you dine here many
times flashing you're eyelids cooing to my friend and generally slutting
around. So I'd like you to live the fantasy you regularly created." He
paused." I see you've now met the other guest. Claudia was a loving friend
and confident of mine in my last year. So don't waste you're time playing miss
innocent with her, she knows all about you in gory detail." The older
woman smiled knowingly.
"Oh and just in case you're thinking about your deal. Claudia's has
already been amply taken care of. She's here tonight as a favour to me, nothing
else." He blew a kiss in recognition to the brunette sat near by; then the
video when black.
Grimbald produced the second envelope taking out the letter. He scanned it once
then read it aloud. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Spence
approaching carrying a sliver platter tray. Her eyes caught sight of what he
had on the tray. He'd held it low and resting at the edge was his exposed cock
and balls hooked out of his zippered pants.
Michelle heard the words read out by Grimbald.
"While remaining seated, service the butler. Bring his cock to stiffness,
paying special attention to his balls and helmet rim. I've given orders for him
not to wash it in the last couple of days. So be sure to clean the build up
from under his foreskin with you're tongue."
Michelle gave a grunt of disgust. Grimbald continued. "Claudia will make
sure you perform it to my satisfaction." The lawyer finished and sat back
in his chair. Claudia had stood up and come to her side; Spence now standing
directly next to her his limp cock presented on the tray.
The blonde felt her cheeks turning red again as her hands reached up to squeeze
the man's cock. He grunted in delight as she pulled his foreskin down exposing
his greasy underside of his cock head. Her nails scraped along his veined flesh
within seconds she could grip like a handle, his cock sprouting to erection the
butler looking down in awe, silent apart from appreciative grunts. "Mg ug,
ug, ugggg!"
His cock was now hard pointing towards her face and she smelt his unwashed
flesh her fingers sticky to his foreskin build up. Claudia nodded in approval
coaxing Michelle's head onto the tip.
"Yes that's it Miss open up ahhh!"
Michelle's lips enveloped his tip, Claudia gently pushing more of her head onto
it. She coughed, her mouth tightening on his skin pushing the flesh back. He
tasted disgusting, filthy and hot, his eye hole caressed by her tongue. She
began to suck, slowly and steadily. Claudia reminded her to knead his balls and
she felt his cock twitch and buck in her throat. He was grunting over and over
her high cheek boned mouth trying to draw the life from him.
Claudia gripped her blonde mane pulling her from his dick. "Uggh!"
"Show me how to clean!" She snapped like a dominatrix gripping the
foreskin herself tugging it back so Michelle could lick under the rim.
She began to lick the build up her pink lips glistening with spittle. The
butler gently rocked forward trying to pump into her mouth. Claudia nodded in
agreement pushing Michelle's mouth deep down onto him. She baulked and gagged
his cock almost choking her.
"Suck, suck more, more." Claudia was directing like an expert making
sure Michelle swallowed as much as possible, angling her mouth so it bulged
against her cheeks. Mrs Thorne was coughing and struggling in her seat her own
hands pushing against the man's hairy pelvis.
Claudia wasn't satisfied snapping at the butler, "fuck her harder in the
mouth! Harder!" He immediately began to thrust gripping her head with his
own hands his cock appearing and disappearing from her lips drenched in
Michelle's mouth was aching her tongue rammed back the head nudging her tonsils.
The man had some staying power, her jaw feeling like it would lock.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh, oh, oh, ahhh!" he was nearing climax his face red
with pleasure, Michelle with perverse relief.
She now had both hands desperately gripping the tablecloth trying to steady
herself. Her long heeled legs splayed out at angles as she sat giving her more
balance. Claudia sensing the butler was about to spurt gripped the man's cock
tightly by the base pulling it from the Michelle's mouth. Her other hand
gripped Michelle's hair at the bun making her tilt her sculpted nose and wet
lips skyward.
The man's spunk hole began erupting Claudia squeezing at the base controlling
his ejaculation.
"Ohhhhhh uggggkkkkkkkk!"
The semen spat up against Michelle's eye socket the second wad filling her
nostrils the third smearing her fat luscious lips dribbling onto her chin.
"Ugghhhhhh nnnnnnnnn!!!" Spence was finding it unbearable his cock
electric the head sore against her slimy pale cheek. The Brazilian woman slapped
the bruised cock against Michelle's face smearing the come, the noise of
slapping flesh making the scene even more debauched.
Finally she release both; Spence almost collapsing, Michelle coughing and
spitting trying to wipe the come from her eye socket flicking big wads of semen
onto the table cloth.
"Ugh fuck ugh you bitch cough! Cough!"
Claudia picked up a napkin and spat on it. She knelt to begin wiping the spunk
from the woman's face.
"Get the fuck off me!" Michelle hissed grabbing the napkin doing it
Grimbald had remained seated sipping his wine all this time.
"Please don't blame Claudia. After all she is here as a favour. Remember
why you are?"
Spence had sheepishly sulked away and Grimbald decided dinner was over.
"We shall now retire to the drawing room. Claudia has a little surprise
for you in there." And with that he stood and led the way.
A massive ornate fireplace dominated the living room but thankfully in this
sticky summer heat it remained unlit. In front were two expensive settees. The
lawyer sat on one asking Michelle to sit on the other facing him. Claudia also
sat next to her, in fact a little too close. Michelle tried to shy away but
Claudia put her talon hand on the woman's knees moving it up under the slit in
her silver dress. Between both settees there was a gold table, on it standing
upright a thick neon pink vibrator.
Grimbald had more instruction still to read on his paper.
"Michelle is to strip and allow Claudia to penetrate her with the
vibrator. She must obey Claudia to the full. Make sure the bitch comes."
He coughed, a little embarrassed by the blunt message.
Claudia began to slowly peel Michelle's dress straps down over her shoulders.
She was made to stand and her dress fell down between her heeled ankles.
Grimbald gave a silent gasp; dressed in matching white stockings, briefs and
bra she was amazing. Her legs seemed to go on forever, calves stretched in the
high heels. Her hips were rounded and her washboard tummy enhanced the size and
fullness of her perfect tits. With her hair up her long neck gave an impression
of having been stretched like she was elastic.
Claudia hands reach round to the tops of the woman's panties, drawing them
down. Michelle tentively stepped out of them, her light blonde pussy matching
her pale complexion.
The brunette whore eased her back down onto the settee hands spreading her
thighs. Michelle gave an embarrassed moan as her legs opened her pussy, slit
visible to the watching Grimbald. Claudia began to stroke gently up and down
her lips while her other hand reached for the shocking pink vibrator. She
picked it up putting it straight in her own mouth then pushing it towards
Michelle's. She backed away before opening her lips her own spit smearing on
the pointed round tip.
Claudia slowly pressed the tip against Michelle tight hole. The thing was
quietly buzzing and she circled her entrance to tease the nerve ending before
beginning to enter her.
"Oohh mmmmmmmmmmmm!" Michelle groaned the woman making sure she kept
her perfect pins wide and in an exposed position. She groaned again looking at
the lawyer.
The vibrator was inside her now and she arched her back.
"Ooohhhh nnnnnn is this what you want Mr Grimbald?" She cooed like a
schoolgirl playing the lawyer at his own game. But he remained impassive taking
his glasses off to clean them before calmly replying." Very good Michelle,
open your legs wider so I can see your lips gripping around the shaft."
The Brazilian woman was indeed an expert, the tip nudging deep against her insides
making Michelle grip the furniture fabric and then the probing woman's
"Aww shit ohhhhhhh fuck uh, uh, uhhhhhhhh!" Michelle bit her lip
putting her hand across her face. "Awwwwww uh, uh, uhhhh oh shiitttttt.
Aw. Aw ah, no, no, ooooohhhhhhh!"
"Make her lift her legs!" Grimbald ordered.
Claudia took hold of Michelle's legs one at a time lifting them at the knees,
raising them up until her shoes pointed to the ceiling. The blonde wrapped her
arms around under her knees pulling her legs to her bust. Now her ass face
Grimbald and Claudia re inserted the buzzing tip back into her clenched pussy
slit. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"
Claudia buried the rubber cock almost to the hilt Michelle gasping as the hard
rod forced against her bent canal. "Awwwwww Jeez that's sooooo deep!"
She couldn't hold this position for long her heels finally returning to the
floor legs thighs so wide her pelvis raised up pointing towards Grimbald. The
vibrator was working its spell Claudia's expert fingers also pressing onto the
woman's hardening clit.
Oh god, oh god I'm, I'm coooooo aaahhhh, ahhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" She
jerked her body forward, her bra covered tits bouncing, her heels stamping on
the floor. Around the humming stick her juices seeped from her hole, Claudia
twisting the stick like she was trying to dig a tunnel up the young woman.
"Awwwwwwww ukkkkkkk!!" Michelle nails clawed on the woman's leg and
she could take no more almost spitting the vibrator from her sodden pussy.
"Jezzzz shit, shit, stop stop ugggggggg!"
Michelle was panting heavily her thighs aching from been stretched so wide so
long. Claudia was stripping from her dress revealing she had no bra on. She
curled on the settee next to the panting blonde; unfastening Michelle bra
straps allowing her large tits to be revealed. The brunette caressed a sore
nipple with her nails; then bent down to gently kiss the tip. She lifted
Michelle hand placing it on her own solid silicone tits. Michelle finger
touched the nipple the breast, feeling remarkably like her own.
Claudia smiled in satisfaction kissing her gently on her pink fat lips.
"We're going to fuck now honey." She said sweetly. "It's going
to be alright just do what you're told." Michelle drew away from her kiss,
her pussy was hot the woman having aroused her fully. But something wasn't
Grimbald suddenly spoke making her jump in surprise. "Oh I almost
forgot." He said chirpily, "Claudia sweetheart show her what your
surprise is."
The tall long haired brunette slipped her legs to the floor and unhooked her
panties. As the brief came away a narrow banana shaped cock sprang upright
nestling against her wax bikini line. Michelle screamed; her mind confused with
heaving tits and pink solid cock. Claudia's hands suddenly gripped her wrists
the elegant she male pushing her hips between Michelle thighs.
Grimbald finished the passage on the second note. "Make sure the bitch
comes. Then Claudia is to fuck up her hard and mercilessly."
Michelle's face was a picture. She sucked her cheeks in, her lashed eyes wide
as if she was about to be stabbed with a horrendous implement. Her thighs were
fully apart the shaven bare cock been angled towards her dripping slit. She
looked at Grimbald desperately gritting her teeth as Claudia forcefully entered
her. "Uggggggg!"
The tall she male gripped Michelle's wrists pushing them over her head her
breasts thrusting out, at the same time she began pumping up her. "Ugh,
ugh, ugh ugggggg!" Michelle couldn't help but grunt, the hard bent rod
rubbing her insides thrusting deeper than the vibrator had.
Claudia pushed her hard tit ends against the woman's mouth telling her to suck.
Michelle's lips wet and puffed only wiped across the nipple refusing to obey.
Grimbald watched from his chair. Michelle was been eased down the settee her
left leg hooked on the backrest ridge heels and suspenders still on. Claudia
was naked also apart from her black high heels. And she too now had both feet
off the floor climbing between Michelle's legs, looking weird with the long
hair, silicone tits and her blurring hairless cock.
"Awwwwww ugggggh ah, ah, ah." Michelle was writhing laid back on the
seat. She gasped as Claudia drilled into her at the same time rubbing their
hard tits together. Claudia's face was elegant but now looked somewhat perverse
as she now realized this was a strange man not a beautiful woman. She could
hear her pussy slop at the thrusts in and out and for the first time she
realized she was no longer in control; her mind amazed. "This had been her
father in laws special intimate friend? Jesus! She would have never
thought..." The blonde groaned as Claudia rubbed her cock end deep inside
her, the she male's eyes ablaze with enjoyment.
"Ohhhhh you dirty bitch aggggg hu, hu, hu get on the floor on your hands
and knees." Groaned Claudia hair now matted to her sweating face.
Michelle obeyed dropping on all fours in front of Grimbald.
She gave a huge grunt as Claudia mounted her from behind her long nailed
fingers gripping into the blonde tight waist. The bare cock rammed up her again
the waxed pelvis of the she male smacking against Michelle's firm fleshy butt.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh!"
Grimbald looked shocked more than aroused his face frozen as he looked into
Michelle's eyes. Suddenly he was snapped out of it.
"Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" A long howl of ecstasy emitted from Claudia
as her cock pumped its load into the tight hole.
Michelle felt disgusted, she whined teeth gritted as she felt her insides awash
with this weird mans spunk, her waist stinging from his gentle nailed grip. She
sighed as the cock fell from her a few seconds later the indignity finally
As Claudia dressed and wiped her brow Michelle curled on the floor virtually
naked. She was sniffling, her eyes welling up. She'd decided it was time to
turn on the tears. Grimbald picked up her dress stuttering a little with
"M... m... miss. P... please, there no need for that. Please remember you
agreed to this."
Michelle felt his attitude softening and took advantage. She looked up at him
with her angelic eyes mouth quivering.
"Mr Grimbald please; how much more of this awfulness is there?"
Grimbald gulped he had three tapes and messages left.
"A few more hours." He said sheepishly then cringed as she burst out
"Oh god no! No more please its so embarrassing." Claudia gave a
disgusted scoff shaking her head before bidding farewell.
"Thank you Miss Claudia," replied Grimbald kissing her hand,
"and good night."
Michelle heard the bitches' heels leave the room before she turned up the heat
on the old lawyer.
"There's no need for any more." She sobbed sitting up her firm bust
exposed and magnificent. "Bartholomew's dead he wouldn't know would
Grimbald shook his head at her suggestion. She ignored his rejection and
continued. But this time with more steel in her voice.
"Listen Grimbald! He's dead you're not." She stood up naked in front
of him. "What does the next envelope say?" Grimbald didn't need to
open it to answer.
"We have to go down town and you have to fuck some ugly drunk in a
Michelle gave a sarcastic laugh startling the old man.
"Fuck! Is that it? Fuck a guy in a bar! Jesus, how original." She put
her hand on her hip looking seductively at him. "I've fucked many men in
bars in my time." She said proudly. "No, I don't think we will."
She then added.
Grimbald was about to re explained the idea of a legal contract when she
interrupted him. She reached for the envelopes in his hand gently tugging them
from his grip. She tossed them onto the cold fire place.
"Why don't we just come to an arrangement between ourselves?" He eyes
widened as she moved closer to him. "Yes, I am a tramp. Yes I can be a
dirty bitch. What does all this prove? What do you think Bartholomew would be
doing if he were here? Getting weirdoes and servants to fuck me? Or doing it
Grimbald gulped. She had him. She started the schoolgirl act again.
"You've been so polite, so nice to me. I know you're only obeying his
She took her dress from his hands adding," I'm going to my room now and if
you want to see how much of a dirty bitch I can be for my inheritance I suggest
you follow in a few minutes."
Grimbald's glasses were misting up in the warm room. She'd already turned to
head for the stairs. He fumbled in his pocket for a match. As Michelle reached
the top of the stairs she looked back at the glowing fireplace Grimbald knelt
at the hearth watching the flames do their work on the discarded envelopes. She
smiled knowing she was back in control.
By the time Grimbald entered her room she was already in the bathtub. He moved
nervously to the tiled side room. The leggy blonde was soaking herself in a
small amount of water, allowing her fantastic glistening body to be admired in
all its detail.
She beckoned for him to enter with a seductive curled finger.
She theatrically soaked a long leg then trailed across tummy and tits.
"I've mixed the water with oil." She cooed giving him a wink.
"It makes me so slippery and shiny don't you think?"
Grimbald legs nearly buckled.
He knelt next to the bath his hands wanting to touch. She pulled his wrists
until he cupped her tits. She looked into his eyes. "Shall we begin?"
Michelle turned around in the slippery bath until she was knelt holding onto
the rear end of the bath rim, her ass pointing towards him. "Massage my
butt." She said waving the plump glistening cheeks at him. His hand began
to grope the flesh the oil and water making her skin difficult to hold.
"Oh Miss you're lovely." He gasped feeling her ass in his hands. She
in turn gave satisfied grunts looking back at him. "Use your
fingers," She whispered.
He looked confused. "Fingers?"
She nodded to her own round rear. "Hmm fingers yes, put them up my ass."
pressed two nervous fingers against her rim. The oil had trickled between her
ass crack lubricating her rear hole, and Michelle gritted her teeth as his
digits pressed home. "Nnnnnnnnn!" His two fingers pushed up her to
the knuckle. The old man could feel her hot muscles gripping; like he was
pushing his finger between two squeezed balloons. He tried to bend them and
Michelle gave another grunt her head still looking seductively back over her
shoulder. He pressed in more firmly. The flesh yielded a little until his
fingers became frustrated they could travel no further. "Oh Michelle do you
like that? You feel so tight and hot." The blonde tart didn't answer,
instead just gave another sensuous groan.
He slowly withdrew his fingers, her sphincter popping closed again. But only
for a second of relief, as he then tried with three fingers.
"Uggggggg, ohhhhhhhhhh Mr Gimbald!" She yelped, gripping the bath rim
He twisted his fingers around her rim gently widening it.
"Michelle I want to do something I've always fantasized about." He
said nervously, still flexing the buried fingers." I've seen you in tight
ass hugging dresses so many times. You have such an amazing rear." Michele
didn't answer knowing this to be so true.
He began to remove his fingers again, using his other hand to smear above her
ass crack with oil from the bathtub, the juice trickling down over her hole.
He pressed back onto her rim, this time Michelle jerking forward giving another
little yelp, her nails biting the enamel. He had formed his hand, four finger
and thumb into a conical shape, pressing the point hard against her hole. He
continued to explain.
"I once saw a film with a woman taking a hand all the way up her
ass." He pressed harder Michelle biting her lip in pain.
"I've always wondered what it would take to for someone to let that happen
to them. I've always wanted to have my hand inside your fat perfect rear; to be
able to feel inside you and see the reaction in your eyes."
Michelle groaned then nodded and gave him a seductive stare.
"I've told you. What ever it takes to make you happy with me.
Uggggggg!" Encouraged Grimbald began to push harder. Michelle making
squealing and gasping sounds.
His hand wouldn't go; the blonde's tight ass had stretched until the fingers
were buried just below the knuckle but then she began to scream her body unable
to take any more.
"Uggggggggg. Stop, stop Grimbald! Uggggggghhhhh!" It felt like he was
ripping her open his hard fingers like daggers in her rear.
He took a deep breath his confidence building. He reached for the bell pulley
to summon the butler. Michele was still groaning and bucking when Spence
arrived. Grimbald was still gently pressing, unsuccessfully; while his other
hand kneaded her ass.
The butler didn't bat an eye lid at the sight. Michelle with greased tits
hanging down as she knelt doggie in the tub, the old fuck with his hand half
way in her ass.
"Spence," the lawyer said in frustration. "I need some help
Efficient as ever the butler searched around for a bit that she could take in
her mouth. He used a wooden tooth brush handle.
"Here bite on this." He said, pushing it rudely into her mouth. He
then placed both his cold hands on her ass cheeks, pulling them apart.
"There you are sir, try now."
Michelle groaned and shook, the man pressing painfully hard.
She wriggled and pulled away spitting the bit from her mouth.
"Ugh fuck it won't go ugggggg Jez!" She was angry now this bastard
not getting the point. She tried to knell up and gave a shocked yelp as the
butler pushed her back down. He gripped under her, his hand holding her tits
tightly the other arm pressing onto her shoulder blades. This wasn't sexual,
but instead a hard pinning embrace.
Grimbald took his queue, her wobbling fleshy ass bouncing as she tried to break
"Agggggggggggggggggg nnnnnnooooooo ohhhhhhhhhhhh!"
He pressed the oil cone hand into her again. At the point where the resistance
had been too great he took a gulp and pressed on. She screamed, making him
cringe, but he still pressed on.
The hand felt like it was tearing her apart. But at the last second, her flesh
about to split she felt her rim grip over his knuckles.
"Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The sphincter was closing around his wrist,
his fist inside her.
"Oooohhhhhh Goddddd!" It felt like she was sitting on a flag pole.
Grimbald had done it. His hand was inside her tight rubbery void. He tried to
open his fingers but her muscles forced them to remain in the aching cone
She groaned, the sensation of a hand in her ass disgusting yet it had a
perverse pleasure." This man had his hand up her beautiful proud
ass." She looked up at the ornate ceiling of the master bathroom.
"Just one evening," she told herself, "one evening for all
Grimbald began to pump back and forth, an inch or so each thrust.
"Ohhhh God that feels so firm!" Michelle moaned, now back into her
The butler was stood back watching in delight the bulge in his trousers
"Ah, ah, ah!" She grunted as Grimbald explored inside her; still not
quite believing where his hand was. Her rim was red and taut; her cheeks
bulging around his lucky wrist the gel foaming at the point were it passed her
rim. He had his hand inside this beautiful arrogant bitch. Each movement made
her flinch and buck, his pumping motion increasing.
"Ugggggggggg!" She felt like she had an animal burrowing up inside
her, digging deeper and deeper.
The old lawyer felt under her, teasing a nipple then massaging the whole hot
wet melon. She stared at his face her lips quivering seeing his eyes widen as
he flexed his hand seeing her eyes widen in filling sensation.
Grimbald nodded and the butler unzipped his pants.
For the second time that evening she began to suck the butler's dick. It was
difficult for as she bobbed forward onto the eager member, her ass wanted to do
differently jolting and shaking from the slowly increasing anal fist fuck. She
coughed and spluttered the hard cock banging against the back of her throat;
the forward ass thrusts making her almost swallow the butlers cock to the base
each time.
Her clit tingled so much from internal pressure, and now the hot cock between
her lips the butler already groaning. Spittle dripped from her lips as she
sucked and devoured the man's meat. Both men were humiliating her with dirty
talk arousing her more and more.
"Yean suck it you dirty bitch, that's it ahhh."
"Ride it Michelle ride my hand! Oh god that's deep any second now I'm
going to be able to grip that cock stuffed down your throat."
Michelle gargled in sensual fright." It felt like it!"
She spat the cock from her mouth gasping, gripping the shaft with her greased
"Ugggggggg ohhhhhhh my clit! Quicker," she said reaching under
herself, her fingers opening her slit showing the flowering bud, I'm
She pressed onto her own clit with a nail, Grimbald pumping back and forth;
long thrusts his hand always wrist deep inside her. She couldn't stop Spence
stuffing his cock back in her mouth and she choked as she came.
Her pussy was electric, her ass muscles flexing trying to pump the hand from
her. She jerked and shook the orgasm sweeping over her. Her ass continued to
spasm and Grimbald felt his hand been shit out of her. He pulled it back slowly
easing it around her sore rim a scream of pain and ecstasy from Michelle.
"Eieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Plop! The hand was out, her anus spluttering
in relief.
The old man was panting and aching from been on his knees so long. The butler
still waving his cock at the blonde's mouth, as she also panted, orgasm
subsiding totaly exhausted.
"Oooohhhhhhh fuck!" Michelle groaned pushing the hairy pelvis of the
butler away. I need a..."
"No time for a rest." Grimbald said commandingly, "to the bed
The butler roughly lifted Michelle and frog marched to her luxurious room,
four-poster bed and all. She was still glistening in oil her magnificent tits
hard, nipples erect from the devastating orgasm. The butler looked ridiculous
dressed in black his hard hot cock pointing straight out, bouncing as he
walked. Grimbald was stripping, his old frame dry and winkled his own cock
looking long and hard.
The butler threw her onto the bed and began to disrobe. Grimbald was now naked.
He looked like a fucking alien his skin grey his skeletal frame showing through
his ancient skin; and that hard erect cock looking too big for his scrawny hips
and waist.
"The contract is there on the table," he said his eyes now lustful no
longer detached and professional. "Once we've finished having you I'll
sign his estate over to you." Michelle brushed her hair from her face and
opened her mouth as if to speak. Then she paused, looked at the contract and
nodded in agreement. Grimbald nodded back.
"Good, now let's fuck."
The men started by first eating Michelle out. She lay on her back long legs
open and bent pushing her calves up by her tiptoes. This raised her pussy mound
allowing Grimbald and the butler to lick and sucked her clit and hole like two
hungry dogs fighting over the same bowl of food. Eventual Grimbald won getting
his mouth fully over her hole, sucking for dear life. Spence went down on her
tit's biting and sucking all the while making her jerk his impressively
resilient cock.
Grimbald could wait no longer and he climbed on top of her sliding his cock up
her twat.
She felt so hot and surprisingly tight. Michelle hooked her legs around him
jerking up taking the old cock deep inside. She was hot and horny." Why
fight it!" Spence pushed his cock back into her mouth and she blew him as
he towered over her head. Grimbald had his hand all over her tits and waist
kissing her neck watching closely as her pink lips savoured the butler's cock.
Then they swapped, Spence taking her doggie his cock at last ramming up inside
her. He groaned with relief thrusting hard, making her ass tremble and tits
swing. Grimbald finally had his cock between her arrogant lips. The night was
going incredibly well, his hand up her ass, now his cock in her pussy and
Michelle felt like a rag doll. The butler was like a steam train; his hands
holding her waist painfully tight thrusting into her with vengeance. She
wondered how many dinner parties he imagined this scene at. All the times he
had bent down near her exposed cleavage to serve wine; when she had bid him
goodnight in a seductive way; when she had been in riding jompers...
"Uggggggggg!" He was coming!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yesssss, yesssssssssss that's it you bitch
The butler emptied into her as he pounded from the rear. Michelle coughed on
the mouth buried cock. Her pussy was frothing, full of jism. "Jezzzzz he's
fucking been storing it up!" She thought as his spent cock slopped from
her soaking pussy.
Grimbald pulled his cock from her mouth rolling her onto her side. He curled
behind her gripping her tits like handle bars pushing his groin against her
"Now to bugger you!" He shouted trying to provoke a response.
Michelle arched her back, her tits thrust out onto his gripping paws and grit
her teeth.
Grimbald convulsed in pleasure his hard bent cock darting up where his hand had
been earlier. The muscles once again gripped tightly and he groaned in delight
knowing he was fucking hard up this stunning woman's ass.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!"
He was an animal now. His years deserting him, as he pushed his frail body
against the sculpted perfect rear of Michelle.
"Uggg, yes, yes you bitch ohhhhh ugggghhhhh!" He was also nearing an
ultimate climax.
"Yes, yes yes uhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He came pulling her tits back hard
trying to force his balls and body up her rear.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" Michelle squealed like a stuck pig feeling him flood
her sore anal route, the filthy fuck almost over.
He slipped from her, pushing the beauty away from him in contempt.
"You're nothing," he panted as he knelt up. "A filthy whore just
like Bartholomew said."
She didn't reply just rolled onto her back her hands feeling for her own sore
ass. Grimbald got up and reached for the contract. Michelle pulled the covers
over her bosom suddenly finding some modesty. The butler had begun to dress and
now only Grimbald remain openly naked his cock hanging limp.
"Hmmmmm that's it," he said jotting his signature onto the paper.
"Bartholomew's estate is handed over to you for safe keeping until a time
when his son may be deemed fit to return."
Michelle smiled in satisfaction. She knew that to be never.
The ravished blonde took hold of the contract laughing in delight.
"Grimbald, you're all fucking heart. See yourself out boys." She
cooed rubbing her sweaty long pins together curling up in the big bed.
"Well," she thought," might as well get used to the
Grimbald nodded politely and quickly dressed. As the two men left he gave her a
curt smile. "I really did enjoy my hand up your ass Mrs Thorne." He
said with a wicked glint in his eye.
Michelle gave him an angry but victorious glare back.
"Like I said Mr Grimbald, see yourself out."
Michelle work early that morning to find Spence had also seen himself out.
She'd assumed he would have come with the estate. But never mind she'd find a
new butler, probably Spanish with a tight ass. It was more of a surprise when
the kitchen staff didn't appear to be at work either. After all they'd cooked
the evening meal hadn't they? A little frustrated she made her own breakfast
with the few items in the poorly stocked kitchen larder. And then decided that
if they were all this incompetent she was better off without them.
Suddenly she heard the main door open and voices. She got off her seat and
walked slowly across to the main reception hall. Her ass was aching this
morning and she knew full well why, so she didn't hurry.
The suited men were a little surprised to see the bath robed blonde standing in
front of him.
"Can I help you?" One said in a surprised tone, then looked at his
well-dressed colleague.
The next few minutes were confusing to say the least, for both parties. The
woman kept saying it was her house. This they knew not to be true. After all
they were in charge of liquidating this asset along with most of Bartholomew
Thorne's possessions. The woman was so aggressive and no matter what they said
she just kept screaming and stamping her feet.
The men from the bank were patient. This would take some time to straighten
out. But never mind, it was all above board. The Thorne business was near
bankrupt and the bank had been very fair. They'd even allowed his servant
cottage in the mansion grounds to remain in the family just so his son might
one day have somewhere to return to. It was a bit run down but with a little
effort it would be a good home.
They'd guessed by now this despairing blonde beauty in front of them was Mrs
Thorne But they couldn't understand why she was looking so pale. After all, the
cottage was hers. And as Mr Grimbald had informed them that morning she was now
the sole recipient of all Bartholomew Thorne's remaining estate.
Thorne had died peacefully two weeks ago. The industrialist, famous county wide
for his timber business had been 85. Much revered and respected he had an
extended family but only one son, who buy the will of God was at present in the
best sanatorium money could buy. It was the day of the will reading and the
group of interested parties sat a little shocked in the office of W Grimbald;
the deceased long serving friend and lawyer. Grimbald, a man in his 70s himself
looked up over his glasses.
"There is no mistake. I'm afraid these were his last instructions. All
possessions and monies apart from his real estate to be donated to his son's
The group held their breath. The family estate a baroque mansion and sculpted
gardens paid for in the boom years of the twenties had graced the cover of many
a style magazine. It was worth millions in today's prices. After a pause he
"Mr Thorne's estate is to be retained so that one day if his son is cured,
he will have somewhere to return to."
As nieces and distant cousins sighed and shrugged their shoulders one family
member's eyes lit up. Sat at the front in an inappropriate blue plunge neck
dress was Michelle, the sexy wife of Bartholomew's only son.
Michelle took a deep breath her chest rising in front of the old spectacled
man. The man ignored the distraction, clearing his throat then continuing.
"There are a few private matters between myself and my client's daughter
in law. Therefore if you may all excuse us now, thank you so much."
As the party left there were a few bitter glances and shaking of heads.
Michelle had married into the family five years ago. She had been twenty-five,
twenty years the sons junior. At that time he had already begun to show
symptoms of delusion, however the family firmly believed she had driven him
over the edge. Accusations of affairs and deceit abounded, but he had been
committed to the asylum long before any divorce proceedings could take place.
Once the door finally closed shut Grimbald looked up at Michelle. She was
stunning. A natural blonde with sculpted shoulder length hair she had many
features to admire. A high cheek boned face with long lashed eyes. Pouting lips
colored a light aqua marine blue to match her dress. She was curvaceous her
large hipped ass hiding the small seat she sat on, her long legs crossed. But
Michelle knew her best asset was her firm, silicone breast; 38 inch possibly
more. They nestled in her v-neck fabric pinned by an expensive and sturdy lace
She opened her mouth to speak, but looked a little surprised when Grimbald
raised his hand.
"Wait Mrs Thorne, I've something to show you."
The old lawyer opened a drawer removing a paper bag with videocassettes in.
Michelle sat a little nervous, was she about to see the fruits of some private
eye paid to spy on her?
The video recording began. It was Bartholomew, her dead father-in-law staring
at her.
"Hello my dear," he began not showing any emotion. "The will and
testament has probably been a shock to most people but not you. I'm sure you've
been advised that you could make a claim in relation to my son and his
responsibilities to his wife."
He said wife with a sarcastic twist looking straight out from the screen.
"Even now you could appeal my wishes, but take my word it would be a long
hard fight."
He coughed, and then continued. "So I've decided to cut you a deal you
little witch. My property is to be signed over to you providing you meet my
demands. The paperwork is in front of you; it's all legal and above
board." He grunted in a little pain. "Let's make it clear I've never
liked you and all that money I spent on having you followed and never proved
anything. But I know you very well, believe me."
The lawyer sat impassively. Michelle a little agitated but fully in control of
her expression. She gave a mock look of surprise her lips sensually parting
ever so slightly in a silent gasp. She thought back. "No wonder your
little spy never told you anything."
The investigator hired by him had made a catastrophic blunder early on and she
had caught and confronted him. It turned out to be his lucky day. Michelle
continued her clandestine meetings and once a month she let the PI fuck her
brains out in a seedy motel somewhere. He'd been a fat old bastard somewhat
like her crazy husband, but every month he got a pay-cheque and the attentions
of the curvaceous Michelle; and she got foil her father in laws little games.
She shifted on her seat a little uncomfortable remembering the PI's obsession
for spunking on her shins and feet.
"Pity his heart gave way," her thoughts quipped; remembering how
she'd left him stone dead in that motel room just a few months past.
The video continued breaking her dirty memories.
"So here it is. My friend and confidant Mr Grimbald will require you to
follow my instruction to the letter. By tomorrow morning if you have, my estate
will be yours."
Grimbald pushed the contract in front of her beautiful blue eyes. The video
rapped up his message. "Take a good look and make a decision. Act like the
whore I know you are or fuck off and find the best legal team you can
afford." The screen went dead as Michelle glanced at the contract.
"Accept to perform lewd acts on demand. Permission granted to executor,
waver of right to prosecute or in any way imply sexual assault?"
As she read aloud the list seemed endless.
"W Grimbald as executor of contract!"
She finally came to the key part. On completion she would be made legal
guardian of her husband's future home. She looked up, the man's glasses misting
a little with perspiration. She dropped her hand to her side in disbelief at
what she'd read.
"But this is... it's disgusting. Obscene, no I..." The Lawyer
remained impassive collecting his things into a neat pile.
"Very well Miss I expected as much, therefore all estate assets are now
frozen until appeal. I expect it to take years regarding the argument will
surround your husbands mental state."
Michelle blurted out slightly louder than she wanted to. She collected her
composure embarrassed but determined to keep a level head. There was a long
pause and then she continued her blue eyes burning into the wizened old man.
"Very well, where do I sign?"
Once the ink had dried the lawyer searched for the next tape marked no 2.
And once again she saw her father in laws face.
"As I expected you dirty bitch. I have to admit I'm a little envious of my
friend here. There's no doubt what my son saw in you." Michelle looked
sheepish eyed at the lawyer. The deceased man continued. "Grimbald has the
details of when and where. But first we require a little demonstration of faith
from you. I suppose your wearing some tight sluttish number. Well this is what
I want you to do..."
The tape finally went dead. Michelle was blushing from the instructions, her
knees tight together. "She couldn't; not here in the office surely
not?" Grimbald had locked the door and sat down.
She looked over her shoulder then nervously began to pull down her dress
straps. The dress fell away from her bust collecting in her lap. She was pale
but perfect skinned her hot melons rising and falling in the black lace bra.
The video had been quite clear.
"Release your big tits from that rag you call a dress and cup them
together. Push them real tight together make sure your fucking nipple nuts
point straight out, and lean forward towards the desk. Grimbald will explain
the rest"
The room was getting hot as Michelle slowly undid her bra. Her chest sprang
forward as the cups fell away the silicone domes indeed pointing out at slight
angles towards the far corners of the room. Her nailed long fingers cupped
herself beneath the bulges, squeezing them together pushing forward obediently.
She was a little nervous. She'd always been in control, now this was a new
experience. As she saw the awe struck face of Grimbald she decided she still
had the edge.
He opened a letter marked tape one and read it out.
"Suck on her nipples. Use your teeth to nip and pull. Grope her flesh feel
the weight of each dome in your hand." The lawyer looked up at her wide-eyed
face. "Lick the skin, they must shine with spittle. Each nipple must be
erect and of satisfactory arousal before you finish. Then..." He paused
closing the letter," hmm well I think we are clear so far."
He stood and leaned over the table his hands replacing Michelle's on the sides
of her tits cupping them tightly. Michelle gripped the edge of the desk pushing
her shoulders and chest forward.
"Ah, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"
His grip was a strong deliberate grope, rotating the domes twisting her
flawless skin.
She grunted nails biting the desk her eyes looking straight at the slightly
embarrassed man. Her own face was blushing the old mans tongue rough and sweaty
on her tits. First he spat then rubbed her skin, her nipples turning a darker
pink with the damp. There was a knock at the door, Michelle trying to pull back
embarrassed. He ignored it his bespectacled face lapping at the fat nipples. He
bit each twisting them like huge doorknobs, sucking hard, long slurping noises
of satisfied tasting echoing around the room. The person knocking gave up.
Michelle looked down at her squeezed puppies, Grimbald pushing the nipples
close together to get both almost in his mouth at the same time.
"Ugggggg!" She bit her painted lip, her back arching at the tugging.
"Uggh ahh that's a bit ugghhh!" The lawyer paused.
"The instructions were quite specific." He gripped a fat nipple with
his lips and teeth tugging it out, stretching it an inch or so, Michelle
moaning. "Oohhhhhhhhh ugh!" The nipple sprang back the flesh
hardening. He repeated the action with the other sucking longer, Michelle
having to almost tug the tit from his mouth before he pulled her dial size teat
from her breast. "Awwwwwww fuck that hurt!"
The lawyer was finally satisfied with his work. Michelle's breasts had hardened
even more the nipples aroused their rims fat and darkened. Her flesh was wet
with his spit and growing perspiration, the afternoon light glistening on the
prize assets.
He opened the letter again. "Are you sure you wish to continue?" He
asked. She glared back frustrated by his games. "Do you think I'd let an
old bastard like you do this for nothing, get on with it!" He sighed as if
he had no choice in the matter. "Very well, I will finish the letter. As I
was saying, should be of satisfactory arousal before you finish. Then bind her
nipples together with the wire supplied. Tie them tightly so they bulge pull
the wire so the nipples almost touch forcing a very deep hot cleavage."
He produced the wire moving quickly to her side. She lifted her hand to stop
him but he slapped it down. "No games, you must obey or you will not
honour the contract."
The wire wound round one nipple and he pulled it tight. "Awwwwwwww fuck,
oh, oh uggggggggggg!" She raised her hand to the swollen point as his
hands twisted the wire around her other erect end. "Aggggggg
shiiiitttttttt!" With both wound up he pulled the thread and the boson
closed the nipples burning as the moved closer and closer together.
"Awwwwwwwwnooo no more, enough! Awwwwww!"
They were two inches apart her melons squeeze together to form a deep dark
crevice. She groaned and wriggled on the chair. She tried to lean further back
but that only stretched her chest making her wince.
"Ohhhhhhh God; get on with it please!"
The lawyer stood back as Michelle s fingers touched the steel thread securely
clasping her hard nuts. "That is the first task completed well done."
She tried to unravel the cord but it was rigid. "Leave your tits entwined
and put your dress back on." He ordered. He looked at the bulging nipples
and added. "I'd leave your bra here; it'll be more comfortable for
you." Michelle suddenly realized he wasn't going to remove her binds.
"Here?" She coughed in horror. She continued to pull at the cord but
it was to tightly knotted.
"It'll need some clippers to remove, there's a pair waiting at the
Mansion." Grimbald said as he wiped his steamed up glasses.
She groaned in embarrassment and discomfort. "You fuck, I... I'll."
He picked up the contract and put it into his wall safe. "Yes it would be
embarrassing if you screamed or tried to say I forced you. But you signed the
waver. I'd never practice as a lawyer again, but I'm an old man. The document
would exonerate but disgrace me. You on the other hand would forfeit your
inheritance. Please call out it will make my dead friend very happy. It would
be all the papers; you know the public love a scandal."
She bit her lip in pain easing the dress back over her melons. Slowly and
gingerly she stood the clamped tits rising like in a crazy wonder bra.
He finished the instructions on the first letter. "Pull the nipples
together so they form a very hot cleavage. Make her redress, don't remove the
clamps. She must be in discomfort her heavy sacks tugging down as she stands
the nipples burning with the steel grip." He admired her as she stood
awkwardly her hands not daring to touch her own sore tips.
"Now Michelle we'll take the tapes and letters and drive up to the old
Michelle sat rigid in the old German car as it bumped along the uneven hillside
road. The car had no air con and Michelle s body was soaking wet, stuck to her
blue dress, the humidity over ninety percent. She bit her lip at each gravel
bump her nipples aching from the wire bind almost numb by now. Grimbald wiped
his brow, his rimmed glasses glinting in the bright afternoon light. He looked
over from time to time his eyes tracing down to her slowly rising and falling
bosom. He could see the squeezed nipples pressing against the blue material Michelle's
painted face taut as she tried to control the discomfort. He'd met the young
woman on many occasions. She was always so confident, oozing charisma and
attitude. He felt his body stirring thinking of the embarrassment she was
enduring today.
She didn't look back at him, instead watched the imposing structure that was
the Thorne's family home get closer and closer. As they past through the
wrought iron gates the huge columned building towered above them. The car
pulled up to the wide stepped entrance Grimbald getting out first to open
Michelle's door. Mrs Thorne eased her long legs out standing with a little
difficulty. Her tits were now definitely numb and she was thankful they had
finally arrived.
Immediately, Spence the families mid aged butler had appeared at the door
standing to attention. He didn't make any comment just nodded as Grimbald told
him he needed some pliers, adding, "nice to see you Mrs Thorne," as
he hurried inside.
In the hall he returned with the pliers in hand. Michelle snatched them from
him suddenly feeling less intimidated. "I'll take those." She said
walking to the curved staircase. "I'll do this myself!" Grimbald
didn't answer as Spence unfazed called up to her." I've prepared your
normal room madam. Diner will be in an hour."
Michelle didn't reply as she marched down the corridor to her sumptuous guest
bedroom. Once in the exquisitely draped room she began to carefully unravel her
nipples from the steel cord. She yelped and cussed until finally her bust
sprang back straight, her ends swollen and tender. She looked around the room.
She hadn't been here for over a year; Bartholomew banning her soon after his
son, her husband had gone completely ga-ga.
She looked in the wardrobe. There were still a few dresses she had never had
chance to collect hanging up. She smiled. Grimbald had looked unsure in the
car. Maybe if she'd have cried a little he'd probably have given up. She'd seen
how he'd looked at her; he was a man wasn't he? And she knew how to handle men.
All she had to do were play the dead fuckers silly games and Grimbald would
give her everything she wanted. "Maybe she should have just blown him in
the car? Ah well too late now." She mused to herself.
Just after five Michelle descended the staircase like a movie star at a
premiere. She had a long split silver dress with matching silver heels. Her
hair was tied up in a bun, individual ringlets hanging down to frame her face.
She'd chosen a seductive pink lipstick her pale face giving her an angelic
innocent look. Her bust was feeling a lot better her nipples relieved by
continuously applying ice cubes for nearly all the last hour.
Grimbald stood up from the long dinning table to greet his beautiful guest. She
sat, Spence pouring some wine before serving their food. The old lawyer was
tapping his fingers nervously, Michelle smiling at him. They ate almost in
silence Michelle watching him closely. He was out of his depth she was almost
certain. As their food was cleared and they were left alone she decided to
apply a little more pressure.
"I'm sure this is very unusual for you. Abusing women! Women who have no
other choice." She said in a matter of fact way, her blue eyes looking
straight into his. Grimbald saw the sarcasm in her voice, but controlled his
"Indeed it is Miss. Shall we proceed?"
At that point Spence reappeared and announce the person entering the room
behind him.
"Miss Claudia is here sir."
"Miss Claudia?" Michelle's eyes widened in surprise; "who?"
She turned towards the heel clipping noise. Across the room a tall olive
skinned figure approached. She had long dark hair and a slim athletic figure.
Her brown dress was tight and elegant accentuating two admirably firm tits.
Michelle gave her the once up and down. She was probably in her late thirties
with too much makeup and swayed her hips almost theatrically.
Grimbald gave the new guest a kiss on the hand offering her a seat between him
and Michelle.
"May I introduce Claudia. This is your late father in-laws close
The woman said hello with a South American accent, her eyes like dark pools.
Michelle instantly thought of claims on her money, and she couldn't help
blurting out what she felt. "Close friend, yeah I bet she was. No
Brazilian whore going to get her claws into what's rightfully mine." The
woman just smiled serenely.
Near by was a TV that had earlier been wheeled into the ornate dinning room;
looking out of place among all the baroque furniture. The set suddenly came to
life the second video from the deceased beginning to play.
"So you're going through with the deal."
It was the face of Bartholomew again." Good. I've seen you dine here many
times flashing you're eyelids cooing to my friend and generally slutting
around. So I'd like you to live the fantasy you regularly created." He
paused." I see you've now met the other guest. Claudia was a loving friend
and confident of mine in my last year. So don't waste you're time playing miss
innocent with her, she knows all about you in gory detail." The older
woman smiled knowingly.
"Oh and just in case you're thinking about your deal. Claudia's has
already been amply taken care of. She's here tonight as a favour to me, nothing
else." He blew a kiss in recognition to the brunette sat near by; then the
video when black.
Grimbald produced the second envelope taking out the letter. He scanned it once
then read it aloud. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Spence
approaching carrying a sliver platter tray. Her eyes caught sight of what he
had on the tray. He'd held it low and resting at the edge was his exposed cock
and balls hooked out of his zippered pants.
Michelle heard the words read out by Grimbald.
"While remaining seated, service the butler. Bring his cock to stiffness,
paying special attention to his balls and helmet rim. I've given orders for him
not to wash it in the last couple of days. So be sure to clean the build up
from under his foreskin with you're tongue."
Michelle gave a grunt of disgust. Grimbald continued. "Claudia will make
sure you perform it to my satisfaction." The lawyer finished and sat back
in his chair. Claudia had stood up and come to her side; Spence now standing
directly next to her his limp cock presented on the tray.
The blonde felt her cheeks turning red again as her hands reached up to squeeze
the man's cock. He grunted in delight as she pulled his foreskin down exposing
his greasy underside of his cock head. Her nails scraped along his veined flesh
within seconds she could grip like a handle, his cock sprouting to erection the
butler looking down in awe, silent apart from appreciative grunts. "Mg ug,
ug, ugggg!"
His cock was now hard pointing towards her face and she smelt his unwashed
flesh her fingers sticky to his foreskin build up. Claudia nodded in approval
coaxing Michelle's head onto the tip.
"Yes that's it Miss open up ahhh!"
Michelle's lips enveloped his tip, Claudia gently pushing more of her head onto
it. She coughed, her mouth tightening on his skin pushing the flesh back. He
tasted disgusting, filthy and hot, his eye hole caressed by her tongue. She
began to suck, slowly and steadily. Claudia reminded her to knead his balls and
she felt his cock twitch and buck in her throat. He was grunting over and over
her high cheek boned mouth trying to draw the life from him.
Claudia gripped her blonde mane pulling her from his dick. "Uggh!"
"Show me how to clean!" She snapped like a dominatrix gripping the
foreskin herself tugging it back so Michelle could lick under the rim.
She began to lick the build up her pink lips glistening with spittle. The
butler gently rocked forward trying to pump into her mouth. Claudia nodded in
agreement pushing Michelle's mouth deep down onto him. She baulked and gagged
his cock almost choking her.
"Suck, suck more, more." Claudia was directing like an expert making
sure Michelle swallowed as much as possible, angling her mouth so it bulged
against her cheeks. Mrs Thorne was coughing and struggling in her seat her own
hands pushing against the man's hairy pelvis.
Claudia wasn't satisfied snapping at the butler, "fuck her harder in the
mouth! Harder!" He immediately began to thrust gripping her head with his
own hands his cock appearing and disappearing from her lips drenched in
Michelle's mouth was aching her tongue rammed back the head nudging her tonsils.
The man had some staying power, her jaw feeling like it would lock.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh, oh, oh, ahhh!" he was nearing climax his face red
with pleasure, Michelle with perverse relief.
She now had both hands desperately gripping the tablecloth trying to steady
herself. Her long heeled legs splayed out at angles as she sat giving her more
balance. Claudia sensing the butler was about to spurt gripped the man's cock
tightly by the base pulling it from the Michelle's mouth. Her other hand
gripped Michelle's hair at the bun making her tilt her sculpted nose and wet
lips skyward.
The man's spunk hole began erupting Claudia squeezing at the base controlling
his ejaculation.
"Ohhhhhh uggggkkkkkkkk!"
The semen spat up against Michelle's eye socket the second wad filling her
nostrils the third smearing her fat luscious lips dribbling onto her chin.
"Ugghhhhhh nnnnnnnnn!!!" Spence was finding it unbearable his cock
electric the head sore against her slimy pale cheek. The Brazilian woman slapped
the bruised cock against Michelle's face smearing the come, the noise of
slapping flesh making the scene even more debauched.
Finally she release both; Spence almost collapsing, Michelle coughing and
spitting trying to wipe the come from her eye socket flicking big wads of semen
onto the table cloth.
"Ugh fuck ugh you bitch cough! Cough!"
Claudia picked up a napkin and spat on it. She knelt to begin wiping the spunk
from the woman's face.
"Get the fuck off me!" Michelle hissed grabbing the napkin doing it
Grimbald had remained seated sipping his wine all this time.
"Please don't blame Claudia. After all she is here as a favour. Remember
why you are?"
Spence had sheepishly sulked away and Grimbald decided dinner was over.
"We shall now retire to the drawing room. Claudia has a little surprise
for you in there." And with that he stood and led the way.
A massive ornate fireplace dominated the living room but thankfully in this
sticky summer heat it remained unlit. In front were two expensive settees. The
lawyer sat on one asking Michelle to sit on the other facing him. Claudia also
sat next to her, in fact a little too close. Michelle tried to shy away but
Claudia put her talon hand on the woman's knees moving it up under the slit in
her silver dress. Between both settees there was a gold table, on it standing
upright a thick neon pink vibrator.
Grimbald had more instruction still to read on his paper.
"Michelle is to strip and allow Claudia to penetrate her with the
vibrator. She must obey Claudia to the full. Make sure the bitch comes."
He coughed, a little embarrassed by the blunt message.
Claudia began to slowly peel Michelle's dress straps down over her shoulders.
She was made to stand and her dress fell down between her heeled ankles.
Grimbald gave a silent gasp; dressed in matching white stockings, briefs and
bra she was amazing. Her legs seemed to go on forever, calves stretched in the
high heels. Her hips were rounded and her washboard tummy enhanced the size and
fullness of her perfect tits. With her hair up her long neck gave an impression
of having been stretched like she was elastic.
Claudia hands reach round to the tops of the woman's panties, drawing them
down. Michelle tentively stepped out of them, her light blonde pussy matching
her pale complexion.
The brunette whore eased her back down onto the settee hands spreading her
thighs. Michelle gave an embarrassed moan as her legs opened her pussy, slit
visible to the watching Grimbald. Claudia began to stroke gently up and down
her lips while her other hand reached for the shocking pink vibrator. She
picked it up putting it straight in her own mouth then pushing it towards
Michelle's. She backed away before opening her lips her own spit smearing on
the pointed round tip.
Claudia slowly pressed the tip against Michelle tight hole. The thing was
quietly buzzing and she circled her entrance to tease the nerve ending before
beginning to enter her.
"Oohh mmmmmmmmmmmm!" Michelle groaned the woman making sure she kept
her perfect pins wide and in an exposed position. She groaned again looking at
the lawyer.
The vibrator was inside her now and she arched her back.
"Ooohhhh nnnnnn is this what you want Mr Grimbald?" She cooed like a
schoolgirl playing the lawyer at his own game. But he remained impassive taking
his glasses off to clean them before calmly replying." Very good Michelle,
open your legs wider so I can see your lips gripping around the shaft."
The Brazilian woman was indeed an expert, the tip nudging deep against her insides
making Michelle grip the furniture fabric and then the probing woman's
"Aww shit ohhhhhhh fuck uh, uh, uhhhhhhhh!" Michelle bit her lip
putting her hand across her face. "Awwwwww uh, uh, uhhhh oh shiitttttt.
Aw. Aw ah, no, no, ooooohhhhhhh!"
"Make her lift her legs!" Grimbald ordered.
Claudia took hold of Michelle's legs one at a time lifting them at the knees,
raising them up until her shoes pointed to the ceiling. The blonde wrapped her
arms around under her knees pulling her legs to her bust. Now her ass face
Grimbald and Claudia re inserted the buzzing tip back into her clenched pussy
slit. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"
Claudia buried the rubber cock almost to the hilt Michelle gasping as the hard
rod forced against her bent canal. "Awwwwww Jeez that's sooooo deep!"
She couldn't hold this position for long her heels finally returning to the
floor legs thighs so wide her pelvis raised up pointing towards Grimbald. The
vibrator was working its spell Claudia's expert fingers also pressing onto the
woman's hardening clit.
Oh god, oh god I'm, I'm coooooo aaahhhh, ahhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" She
jerked her body forward, her bra covered tits bouncing, her heels stamping on
the floor. Around the humming stick her juices seeped from her hole, Claudia
twisting the stick like she was trying to dig a tunnel up the young woman.
"Awwwwwwww ukkkkkkk!!" Michelle nails clawed on the woman's leg and
she could take no more almost spitting the vibrator from her sodden pussy.
"Jezzzz shit, shit, stop stop ugggggggg!"
Michelle was panting heavily her thighs aching from been stretched so wide so
long. Claudia was stripping from her dress revealing she had no bra on. She
curled on the settee next to the panting blonde; unfastening Michelle bra
straps allowing her large tits to be revealed. The brunette caressed a sore
nipple with her nails; then bent down to gently kiss the tip. She lifted
Michelle hand placing it on her own solid silicone tits. Michelle finger
touched the nipple the breast, feeling remarkably like her own.
Claudia smiled in satisfaction kissing her gently on her pink fat lips.
"We're going to fuck now honey." She said sweetly. "It's going
to be alright just do what you're told." Michelle drew away from her kiss,
her pussy was hot the woman having aroused her fully. But something wasn't
Grimbald suddenly spoke making her jump in surprise. "Oh I almost
forgot." He said chirpily, "Claudia sweetheart show her what your
surprise is."
The tall long haired brunette slipped her legs to the floor and unhooked her
panties. As the brief came away a narrow banana shaped cock sprang upright
nestling against her wax bikini line. Michelle screamed; her mind confused with
heaving tits and pink solid cock. Claudia's hands suddenly gripped her wrists
the elegant she male pushing her hips between Michelle thighs.
Grimbald finished the passage on the second note. "Make sure the bitch
comes. Then Claudia is to fuck up her hard and mercilessly."
Michelle's face was a picture. She sucked her cheeks in, her lashed eyes wide
as if she was about to be stabbed with a horrendous implement. Her thighs were
fully apart the shaven bare cock been angled towards her dripping slit. She
looked at Grimbald desperately gritting her teeth as Claudia forcefully entered
her. "Uggggggg!"
The tall she male gripped Michelle's wrists pushing them over her head her
breasts thrusting out, at the same time she began pumping up her. "Ugh,
ugh, ugh ugggggg!" Michelle couldn't help but grunt, the hard bent rod
rubbing her insides thrusting deeper than the vibrator had.
Claudia pushed her hard tit ends against the woman's mouth telling her to suck.
Michelle's lips wet and puffed only wiped across the nipple refusing to obey.
Grimbald watched from his chair. Michelle was been eased down the settee her
left leg hooked on the backrest ridge heels and suspenders still on. Claudia
was naked also apart from her black high heels. And she too now had both feet
off the floor climbing between Michelle's legs, looking weird with the long
hair, silicone tits and her blurring hairless cock.
"Awwwwww ugggggh ah, ah, ah." Michelle was writhing laid back on the
seat. She gasped as Claudia drilled into her at the same time rubbing their
hard tits together. Claudia's face was elegant but now looked somewhat perverse
as she now realized this was a strange man not a beautiful woman. She could
hear her pussy slop at the thrusts in and out and for the first time she
realized she was no longer in control; her mind amazed. "This had been her
father in laws special intimate friend? Jesus! She would have never
thought..." The blonde groaned as Claudia rubbed her cock end deep inside
her, the she male's eyes ablaze with enjoyment.
"Ohhhhh you dirty bitch aggggg hu, hu, hu get on the floor on your hands
and knees." Groaned Claudia hair now matted to her sweating face.
Michelle obeyed dropping on all fours in front of Grimbald.
She gave a huge grunt as Claudia mounted her from behind her long nailed
fingers gripping into the blonde tight waist. The bare cock rammed up her again
the waxed pelvis of the she male smacking against Michelle's firm fleshy butt.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh!"
Grimbald looked shocked more than aroused his face frozen as he looked into
Michelle's eyes. Suddenly he was snapped out of it.
"Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" A long howl of ecstasy emitted from Claudia
as her cock pumped its load into the tight hole.
Michelle felt disgusted, she whined teeth gritted as she felt her insides awash
with this weird mans spunk, her waist stinging from his gentle nailed grip. She
sighed as the cock fell from her a few seconds later the indignity finally
As Claudia dressed and wiped her brow Michelle curled on the floor virtually
naked. She was sniffling, her eyes welling up. She'd decided it was time to
turn on the tears. Grimbald picked up her dress stuttering a little with
"M... m... miss. P... please, there no need for that. Please remember you
agreed to this."
Michelle felt his attitude softening and took advantage. She looked up at him
with her angelic eyes mouth quivering.
"Mr Grimbald please; how much more of this awfulness is there?"
Grimbald gulped he had three tapes and messages left.
"A few more hours." He said sheepishly then cringed as she burst out
"Oh god no! No more please its so embarrassing." Claudia gave a
disgusted scoff shaking her head before bidding farewell.
"Thank you Miss Claudia," replied Grimbald kissing her hand,
"and good night."
Michelle heard the bitches' heels leave the room before she turned up the heat
on the old lawyer.
"There's no need for any more." She sobbed sitting up her firm bust
exposed and magnificent. "Bartholomew's dead he wouldn't know would
Grimbald shook his head at her suggestion. She ignored his rejection and
continued. But this time with more steel in her voice.
"Listen Grimbald! He's dead you're not." She stood up naked in front
of him. "What does the next envelope say?" Grimbald didn't need to
open it to answer.
"We have to go down town and you have to fuck some ugly drunk in a
Michelle gave a sarcastic laugh startling the old man.
"Fuck! Is that it? Fuck a guy in a bar! Jesus, how original." She put
her hand on her hip looking seductively at him. "I've fucked many men in
bars in my time." She said proudly. "No, I don't think we will."
She then added.
Grimbald was about to re explained the idea of a legal contract when she
interrupted him. She reached for the envelopes in his hand gently tugging them
from his grip. She tossed them onto the cold fire place.
"Why don't we just come to an arrangement between ourselves?" He eyes
widened as she moved closer to him. "Yes, I am a tramp. Yes I can be a
dirty bitch. What does all this prove? What do you think Bartholomew would be
doing if he were here? Getting weirdoes and servants to fuck me? Or doing it
Grimbald gulped. She had him. She started the schoolgirl act again.
"You've been so polite, so nice to me. I know you're only obeying his
She took her dress from his hands adding," I'm going to my room now and if
you want to see how much of a dirty bitch I can be for my inheritance I suggest
you follow in a few minutes."
Grimbald's glasses were misting up in the warm room. She'd already turned to
head for the stairs. He fumbled in his pocket for a match. As Michelle reached
the top of the stairs she looked back at the glowing fireplace Grimbald knelt
at the hearth watching the flames do their work on the discarded envelopes. She
smiled knowing she was back in control.
By the time Grimbald entered her room she was already in the bathtub. He moved
nervously to the tiled side room. The leggy blonde was soaking herself in a
small amount of water, allowing her fantastic glistening body to be admired in
all its detail.
She beckoned for him to enter with a seductive curled finger.
She theatrically soaked a long leg then trailed across tummy and tits.
"I've mixed the water with oil." She cooed giving him a wink.
"It makes me so slippery and shiny don't you think?"
Grimbald legs nearly buckled.
He knelt next to the bath his hands wanting to touch. She pulled his wrists
until he cupped her tits. She looked into his eyes. "Shall we begin?"
Michelle turned around in the slippery bath until she was knelt holding onto
the rear end of the bath rim, her ass pointing towards him. "Massage my
butt." She said waving the plump glistening cheeks at him. His hand began
to grope the flesh the oil and water making her skin difficult to hold.
"Oh Miss you're lovely." He gasped feeling her ass in his hands. She
in turn gave satisfied grunts looking back at him. "Use your
fingers," She whispered.
looked confused. "Fingers?"
nodded to her own round rear. "Hmm fingers yes, put them up my ass."
pressed two nervous fingers against her rim. The oil had trickled between her
ass crack lubricating her rear hole, and Michelle gritted her teeth as his
digits pressed home. "Nnnnnnnnn!" His two fingers pushed up her to
the knuckle. The old man could feel her hot muscles gripping; like he was
pushing his finger between two squeezed balloons. He tried to bend them and
Michelle gave another grunt her head still looking seductively back over her
shoulder. He pressed in more firmly. The flesh yielded a little until his
fingers became frustrated they could travel no further. "Oh Michelle do you
like that? You feel so tight and hot." The blonde tart didn't answer,
instead just gave another sensuous groan.
He slowly withdrew his fingers, her sphincter popping closed again. But only
for a second of relief, as he then tried with three fingers.
"Uggggggg, ohhhhhhhhhh Mr Gimbald!" She yelped, gripping the bath rim
He twisted his fingers around her rim gently widening it.
"Michelle I want to do something I've always fantasized about." He
said nervously, still flexing the buried fingers." I've seen you in tight
ass hugging dresses so many times. You have such an amazing rear." Michele
didn't answer knowing this to be so true.
He began to remove his fingers again, using his other hand to smear above her
ass crack with oil from the bathtub, the juice trickling down over her hole.
He pressed back onto her rim, this time Michelle jerking forward giving another
little yelp, her nails biting the enamel. He had formed his hand, four finger
and thumb into a conical shape, pressing the point hard against her hole. He
continued to explain.
"I once saw a film with a woman taking a hand all the way up her
ass." He pressed harder Michelle biting her lip in pain.
"I've always wondered what it would take to for someone to let that happen
to them. I've always wanted to have my hand inside your fat perfect rear; to be
able to feel inside you and see the reaction in your eyes."
Michelle groaned then nodded and gave him a seductive stare.
"I've told you. What ever it takes to make you happy with me.
Uggggggg!" Encouraged Grimbald began to push harder. Michelle making
squealing and gasping sounds.
His hand wouldn't go; the blonde's tight ass had stretched until the fingers
were buried just below the knuckle but then she began to scream her body unable
to take any more.
"Uggggggggg. Stop, stop Grimbald! Uggggggghhhhh!" It felt like he was
ripping her open his hard fingers like daggers in her rear.
He took a deep breath his confidence building. He reached for the bell pulley
to summon the butler. Michele was still groaning and bucking when Spence
arrived. Grimbald was still gently pressing, unsuccessfully; while his other
hand kneaded her ass.
The butler didn't bat an eye lid at the sight. Michelle with greased tits
hanging down as she knelt doggie in the tub, the old fuck with his hand half
way in her ass.
"Spence," the lawyer said in frustration. "I need some help
Efficient as ever the butler searched around for a bit that she could take in
her mouth. He used a wooden tooth brush handle.
"Here bite on this." He said, pushing it rudely into her mouth. He
then placed both his cold hands on her ass cheeks, pulling them apart.
"There you are sir, try now."
Michelle groaned and shook, the man pressing painfully hard.
She wriggled and pulled away spitting the bit from her mouth.
"Ugh fuck it won't go ugggggg Jez!" She was angry now this bastard
not getting the point. She tried to knell up and gave a shocked yelp as the
butler pushed her back down. He gripped under her, his hand holding her tits
tightly the other arm pressing onto her shoulder blades. This wasn't sexual,
but instead a hard pinning embrace.
Grimbald took his queue, her wobbling fleshy ass bouncing as she tried to break
"Agggggggggggggggggg nnnnnnooooooo ohhhhhhhhhhhh!"
He pressed the oil cone hand into her again. At the point where the resistance
had been too great he took a gulp and pressed on. She screamed, making him
cringe, but he still pressed on.
The hand felt like it was tearing her apart. But at the last second, her flesh
about to split she felt her rim grip over his knuckles.
"Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The sphincter was closing around his wrist,
his fist inside her.
"Oooohhhhhh Goddddd!" It felt like she was sitting on a flag pole.
Grimbald had done it. His hand was inside her tight rubbery void. He tried to
open his fingers but her muscles forced them to remain in the aching cone
She groaned, the sensation of a hand in her ass disgusting yet it had a
perverse pleasure." This man had his hand up her beautiful proud
ass." She looked up at the ornate ceiling of the master bathroom.
"Just one evening," she told herself, "one evening for all
Grimbald began to pump back and forth, an inch or so each thrust.
"Ohhhh God that feels so firm!" Michelle moaned, now back into her
The butler was stood back watching in delight the bulge in his trousers
"Ah, ah, ah!" She grunted as Grimbald explored inside her; still not
quite believing where his hand was. Her rim was red and taut; her cheeks
bulging around his lucky wrist the gel foaming at the point were it passed her
rim. He had his hand inside this beautiful arrogant bitch. Each movement made
her flinch and buck, his pumping motion increasing.
"Ugggggggggg!" She felt like she had an animal burrowing up inside
her, digging deeper and deeper.
The old lawyer felt under her, teasing a nipple then massaging the whole hot
wet melon. She stared at his face her lips quivering seeing his eyes widen as
he flexed his hand seeing her eyes widen in filling sensation.
Grimbald nodded and the butler unzipped his pants.
For the second time that evening she began to suck the butler's dick. It was
difficult for as she bobbed forward onto the eager member, her ass wanted to do
differently jolting and shaking from the slowly increasing anal fist fuck. She
coughed and spluttered the hard cock banging against the back of her throat;
the forward ass thrusts making her almost swallow the butlers cock to the base
each time.
Her clit tingled so much from internal pressure, and now the hot cock between
her lips the butler already groaning. Spittle dripped from her lips as she
sucked and devoured the man's meat. Both men were humiliating her with dirty
talk arousing her more and more.
"Yean suck it you dirty bitch, that's it ahhh."
"Ride it Michelle ride my hand! Oh god that's deep any second now I'm
going to be able to grip that cock stuffed down your throat."
Michelle gargled in sensual fright." It felt like it!"
She spat the cock from her mouth gasping, gripping the shaft with her greased
"Ugggggggg ohhhhhhh my clit! Quicker," she said reaching under
herself, her fingers opening her slit showing the flowering bud, I'm
She pressed onto her own clit with a nail, Grimbald pumping back and forth;
long thrusts his hand always wrist deep inside her. She couldn't stop Spence
stuffing his cock back in her mouth and she choked as she came.
Her pussy was electric, her ass muscles flexing trying to pump the hand from
her. She jerked and shook the orgasm sweeping over her. Her ass continued to
spasm and Grimbald felt his hand been shit out of her. He pulled it back slowly
easing it around her sore rim a scream of pain and ecstasy from Michelle.
"Eieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Plop! The hand was out, her anus spluttering
in relief.
The old man was panting and aching from been on his knees so long. The butler
still waving his cock at the blonde's mouth, as she also panted, orgasm
subsiding totaly exhausted.
"Oooohhhhhhh fuck!" Michelle groaned pushing the hairy pelvis of the
butler away. I need a..."
"No time for a rest." Grimbald said commandingly, "to the bed
The butler roughly lifted Michelle and frog marched to her luxurious room,
four-poster bed and all. She was still glistening in oil her magnificent tits
hard, nipples erect from the devastating orgasm. The butler looked ridiculous
dressed in black his hard hot cock pointing straight out, bouncing as he
walked. Grimbald was stripping, his old frame dry and winkled his own cock
looking long and hard.
The butler threw her onto the bed and began to disrobe. Grimbald was now naked.
He looked like a fucking alien his skin grey his skeletal frame showing through
his ancient skin; and that hard erect cock looking too big for his scrawny hips
and waist.
"The contract is there on the table," he said his eyes now lustful no
longer detached and professional. "Once we've finished having you I'll
sign his estate over to you." Michelle brushed her hair from her face and
opened her mouth as if to speak. Then she paused, looked at the contract and
nodded in agreement. Grimbald nodded back.
"Good, now let's fuck."
The men started by first eating Michelle out. She lay on her back long legs
open and bent pushing her calves up by her tiptoes. This raised her pussy mound
allowing Grimbald and the butler to lick and sucked her clit and hole like two
hungry dogs fighting over the same bowl of food. Eventual Grimbald won getting
his mouth fully over her hole, sucking for dear life. Spence went down on her
tit's biting and sucking all the while making her jerk his impressively
resilient cock.
Grimbald could wait no longer and he climbed on top of her sliding his cock up
her twat.
She felt so hot and surprisingly tight. Michelle hooked her legs around him
jerking up taking the old cock deep inside. She was hot and horny." Why
fight it!" Spence pushed his cock back into her mouth and she blew him as
he towered over her head. Grimbald had his hand all over her tits and waist
kissing her neck watching closely as her pink lips savoured the butler's cock.
Then they swapped, Spence taking her doggie his cock at last ramming up inside
her. He groaned with relief thrusting hard, making her ass tremble and tits
swing. Grimbald finally had his cock between her arrogant lips. The night was
going incredibly well, his hand up her ass, now his cock in her pussy and
Michelle felt like a rag doll. The butler was like a steam train; his hands
holding her waist painfully tight thrusting into her with vengeance. She
wondered how many dinner parties he imagined this scene at. All the times he
had bent down near her exposed cleavage to serve wine; when she had bid him
goodnight in a seductive way; when she had been in riding jompers...
"Uggggggggg!" He was coming!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yesssss, yesssssssssss that's it you bitch
The butler emptied into her as he pounded from the rear. Michelle coughed on
the mouth buried cock. Her pussy was frothing, full of jism. "Jezzzzz he's
fucking been storing it up!" She thought as his spent cock slopped from
her soaking pussy.
Grimbald pulled his cock from her mouth rolling her onto her side. He curled
behind her gripping her tits like handle bars pushing his groin against her
"Now to bugger you!" He shouted trying to provoke a response.
Michelle arched her back, her tits thrust out onto his gripping paws and grit
her teeth.
Grimbald convulsed in pleasure his hard bent cock darting up where his hand had
been earlier. The muscles once again gripped tightly and he groaned in delight
knowing he was fucking hard up this stunning woman's ass.
"Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!"
He was an animal now. His years deserting him, as he pushed his frail body
against the sculpted perfect rear of Michelle.
"Uggg, yes, yes you bitch ohhhhh ugggghhhhh!" He was also nearing an
ultimate climax.
"Yes, yes yes uhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He came pulling her tits back hard
trying to force his balls and body up her rear.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" Michelle squealed like a stuck pig feeling him flood
her sore anal route, the filthy fuck almost over.
He slipped from her, pushing the beauty away from him in contempt.
"You're nothing," he panted as he knelt up. "A filthy whore just
like Bartholomew said."
She didn't reply just rolled onto her back her hands feeling for her own sore
ass. Grimbald got up and reached for the contract. Michelle pulled the covers
over her bosom suddenly finding some modesty. The butler had begun to dress and
now only Grimbald remain openly naked his cock hanging limp.
"Hmmmmm that's it," he said jotting his signature onto the paper.
"Bartholomew's estate is handed over to you for safe keeping until a time
when his son may be deemed fit to return."
Michelle smiled in satisfaction. She knew that to be never.
The ravished blonde took hold of the contract laughing in delight.
"Grimbald, you're all fucking heart. See yourself out boys." She
cooed rubbing her sweaty long pins together curling up in the big bed.
"Well," she thought," might as well get used to the
Grimbald nodded politely and quickly dressed. As the two men left he gave her a
curt smile. "I really did enjoy my hand up your ass Mrs Thorne." He
said with a wicked glint in his eye.
Michelle gave him an angry but victorious glare back.
"Like I said Mr Grimbald, see yourself out."
Michelle work early that morning to find Spence had also seen himself out.
She'd assumed he would have come with the estate. But never mind she'd find a
new butler, probably Spanish with a tight ass. It was more of a surprise when
the kitchen staff didn't appear to be at work either. After all they'd cooked
the evening meal hadn't they? A little frustrated she made her own breakfast
with the few items in the poorly stocked kitchen larder. And then decided that
if they were all this incompetent she was better off without them.
Suddenly she heard the main door open and voices. She got off her seat and
walked slowly across to the main reception hall. Her ass was aching this
morning and she knew full well why, so she didn't hurry.
The suited men were a little surprised to see the bath robed blonde standing in
front of him.
"Can I help you?" One said in a surprised tone, then looked at his
well-dressed colleague.
The next few minutes were confusing to say the least, for both parties. The
woman kept saying it was her house. This they knew not to be true. After all
they were in charge of liquidating this asset along with most of Bartholomew
Thorne's possessions. The woman was so aggressive and no matter what they said
she just kept screaming and stamping her feet.
The men from the bank were patient. This would take some time to straighten
out. But never mind, it was all above board. The Thorne business was near
bankrupt and the bank had been very fair. They'd even allowed his servant
cottage in the mansion grounds to remain in the family just so his son might
one day have somewhere to return to. It was a bit run down but with a little
effort it would be a good home.
They'd guessed by now this despairing blonde beauty in front of them was Mrs
Thorne But they couldn't understand why she was looking so pale. After all, the
cottage was hers. And as Mr Grimbald had informed them that morning she was now
the sole recipient of all Bartholomew Thorne's remaining estate.
Legally Bound By: Cindy Renee' Anderson [email protected] Part 1 - The Date It had been a long time since I had a chance to dress in full female drag and I was desperately looking forward to a few well deserved days off. The last few weeks had been extremely busy at work and I needed some relaxation and fun. I had met another man named Steve using the local personals on the internet. I answered his ad that said he was...
Legally Bound By Carmenica Diaz Synopsis Henry always enjoyed the high life, even though it meant living beyond hismean and his addictions of gambling, drinking and womanising didn't help matters. Devlin Butterworth, a sophisticated criminal accumulated Henry's debts anddemanded payment, making it clear what the consequences would be for failure. Exhausting all avenues and with time running out, Henry reluctantly visitshis estranged wife, Virginia who is a very successful legal...
Anna had a lot to learn. One thing was my ability to have sex many, many times in a day. After she helped with the IV, she noticed my tent. There was some blushing involved but then she chose to help relieve me before helping me with the clothes Yvonne and Chloe had bought for me. The fire had destroyed all of our possessions. Well, the stuff we brought. I had been transported to the hospital devoid of clothing and had nothing to wear. Fortunately we were in Charleston and there was no end...
I had never felt so awake to all of my senses, or taken such pleasure in them. The droning of cicadas and the rustling of the nearby trees was music, the smells of the warm asphalt with a hint of gasoline and the very taste of the air were gifts to me. And my skin, Sir! In my on-going state of arousal every stray breeze was an intimate caress, every step a reminder of the wetness between my legs. It felt as though an orgasm was just moments away – and yet would never actually arrive. It...
I’m writing this as You have instructed me to do, in longhand on a legal pad. I am in my office on the morning after You took me as Your possession. I’m dressed as You ordered, Sir. I really do resemble “a sexless librarian” - except for the fact that I’m writing this on all fours behind my desk, with my skirt up over my hips and my pantyhose halfway down my thighs. My head is down, my ass is in the air and the panties You so graciously inscribed for me are on full display, as You ordered....
I turned, as quietly as possible so as not to disturb You. I just wanted to look at You, Sir, and maybe after a while wake You with a kiss. But You weren’t there, Sir. Tossing the covers aside (and blushing a deep red at the sight of the lengths of rope still attached to the bed) I got to my feet. You weren’t in the bathroom, which was a good thing because I had urgent need of it. Still naked, I padded on bare feet out to the stairs, thinking You might be making breakfast for us. I...
“Either swear a magically binding oath to become my loyal ... pet, or become my afternoon snack.” My foxkin’s shoulders slumped, and she raised a hand to her neck, and said, “Like a slave collar?” I shrugged. I didn’t know how they worked, so I couldn’t answer her question. Oaths sworn on my name are naturally binding, and I explained that to her. Instead of confusing her, I let her think I had the [Oathbinding] ability. There is power in names. As an eternal, like the greater fey and true...
She moved through the woods silently. The scent of a single human filled her nostrils, her blood lust building within her. Easy prey, she thought to herself. She lamented the fact that despite having two species to pick from, no one male or female was worthy of her.She was an immortal creature, a union of Wolf and Human. She wasn’t pure by any means; there had been plenty that had provided distraction and pleasure. But that’s all they were, distractions. None could ever be lasting. She craved...
SupernaturalThere were two things I learned about Master PC. One, the program was like any other computer language. It would take your entries and interpret them literally, which explained the graphical interface that allowed a non-programmer to use it as well. If I didn't know the proper term to use, it would try to interpret what I wanted and execute that. It took me several tries before I gave up and used the graphical interface to make my hair green again just to look over the code. I found out that...
I caught up to Ginny in the parking lot. She was standing next to her parent's car, crying softly in the darkness. I walked up to her and pulled her into me, wrapping my arms around her. "Ginny, please don't cry!" I whispered. You're moving away, and I'll never see you again!" she sobbed. "No!" I said. "I'm sure that's not what Mom meant!" "Well what did she mean then?" she blubbered into my neck. "I don't know!" I said, "Mom caught Dad and I both by surprise just like...
Then one day coincidence brought us both to the same Thai place for a late lunch. Very late, actually, as the serving area was about to close for the afternoon and there were only a few people still eating. So naturally we chose to eat together, seating ourselves in the closest booth, which was in the back corner. We sat facing each other and made the usual small talk between people whose connection is long but not particularly deep: recent activities, mutual friends and acquaintances, etc....
Nadine and I had known each other slightly for years, our paths occasionally crossing in the smallish community we live in. Not friends, really – just a casual conversation once in a while when we happened to meet. And maybe just the slightest spark of something else, a hint of possibility not even tacitly acknowledged.Then one day coincidence brought us both to the same Thai place for a late lunch. Very late, actually, as the serving area was about to close for the afternoon and there were...
BDSMIt was only a five-story building, not far from the restaurant where we’d eaten the day before, and already mostly deserted this late on a Friday afternoon. I checked the directory on the wall for her office number. As I climbed the stairs to the third floor a few people in business attire hurried past me in the opposite direction, eager to get their weekends started, but all was silence when I reached her floor… Except for a raised and somewhat strident voice coming from behind her office...
It was already somewhat crowded and I had to wait a while to be seated, so I entertained myself by programming my number into the speed-dial on Nadine’s phone, then setting it so that the picture I’d just taken of her would pop up every time I called – I thought that would make a nice surprise for her later. After I was seated and had ordered I decided to let Nadine know I hadn’t forgotten her. I hit my number on her speed-dial, let my phone vibrate in her panties for a few rings then...
“Is that what you want?” I said softly into her ear. “Yes. Ohhhh…yes!” She kissed my cheek, my jaw, my neck, and held me even more tightly. I waited until her first enthusiasm had been expressed, then gently disengaged myself. I gave her a long warm kiss, gently removed her tears with light strokes of my thumbs, then took her by the hand and led her over to the client chair, which I pushed back until it was nearly at the window, and stood her in front of it. I went back and fetched the...
“Ohhh..” she breathed, realizing what I’d meant, and leaned forward to seize the end of my belt in her teeth. She worried it like a dog, literally growling with frustration as she worked the braided leather out of its confining loop and then jerked on it, throwing her head back, until the belt came free of the buckle. With a grunt of triumph she grabbed the buckle with her mouth and tugged, pulling it part-way out, dropping it and seizing it again closer to the first loop, pulling again,...
Here I was after being led, in nothing but my panties and at the end of an improvised leash, for block after block through the streets of my town by a man who had simply taken possession of me. And here was that man, calmly unlocking the door of a pleasant-looking two-story house, pale yellow with dark green trim, which seemed as though it could have belonged to anyone. And it occurred to me, with something of a shock, Sir, that most people who know You probably do consider You to be a more...
But at last I was completely wrung out, burrowed into your shoulder with my arms around Your neck as I subsided and became quiet, interrupted only by an occasional sniffle. You held one more tissue to my nose, which I snuffled into, then tossed it into the wastebasket before gently easing me up so You could look into my eyes. “My little girl has had a very long and eventful day,” You said quietly. “Maybe enough for one day. I should take you home, I think, and give you some t--” “Please...
When You removed Your belt and once more looped it around my neck, it felt like coming home. I couldn’t help myself; I smiled happily up at You and breathed, “Thank You, Sir.” I was prepared for You to urge me to my feet again, to lead me wherever You wanted to go. But when You gently tugged me forward onto my hands and knees I astonished myself by groaning with arousal, unbelievable so soon after my overwhelming orgasm. Why do I love it so much when You treat me like Your possession and...
To be honest, Sir, I don't remember a lot of it; by that time I was in some kind of trance, wanting nothing more than to do whatever You told me to do in the hope of pleasing You. I do remember my mouth and jaw working for several moments without a single sound coming forth while you continued to stare into my eyes. Finally I managed a sort of hoarse whisper: "Pleeeeease..." You gave me the barest nod of encouragement as Your fingertip continued to circle and stroke my clitoris, now...
The day was flawless. The skies were a clear azure blue, the trees a bright spring green, and the cherry, plum and peach blossoms peaked in shades of pink and white on schedule as if they too were all following Mai's instructions to the letter. As I knew nothing about wedding planning, I let Mai and Ryou make all the arrangements - from the date and time of the event, to the favors and gifts given to the guests. Komo River Okiyo more than justified my investment in the school; they provided...
It was probably the strangest promotion ever. My mother has a great job as a corporate lawyer. She works for Tantus Technologies in their acquisitions department.When they acquired a smaller company which made sex toys, the Board of Directors decided to continue the manufacturing of the adult products, because they were highly profitable.However, none of the high powered attorneys wanted anything to do with the sex toys department because they were afraid it would stain their reputations (no...
This story is a collaboration between the talented Milik Redman and myself. I am happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to write with him. Philippe gazed at the leather bound documents with a trepidation he had not felt before. Oh, Mon Dieu! What am I doing? he thought to himself. He was usually a man of intellect and analytical certainty. The growing conflict between an action he knew to be wrong and the equally irresistible impulse to do just that had set his heart and mind into an...
Love StoriesReddit Legal Teens, aka r/LegalTeens! Teenage girls. To paraphrase the immortal words of Matthew McConaughey, I get older but they stay the same age. When you combine this perpetual youth with the fact that they’re uneducated, unintelligent, and lack life experience, teenagers have made themselves a porn goldmine.They’ve got tight bodies, uninhibited minds, and so little care for the future that they’ll willingly plaster their nudes all over the internet for future teachers, employers, and...
Reddit NSFW ListConfessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl: Ties that Bind I’m a Lawyer. I’m very busy on most days, so when my roommate Nicole suggests I go on a blind date with her friend, I use work as an excuse. ‘You’re always working, I’m sure whatever it is can wait. Its just one night, Danielle,’ Nicole says in my ear as I’m sitting at my desk on the phone. ‘I don’t have time for a blind date, Nicole,’ I reply ‘Make time, fake a sick day, have a day for Danielle once in your life. You’re gonna lose your...
While going through the junk in the garage that didn’t make it into the house on the last move, I came across a couple of items that I had completely forgotten about. They sparked my imagination. I found two restraints, one that would fasten you to the ceiling, binding your hands and the second would fasten to your ankles, keeping your legs spread wide apart. Both conjured very favorable images in my head. As the days went by, I couldn’t seem to let go of this fantasy. I was certain that...
Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl: Ties that Bind I'm a Lawyer. I'm very busy on most days, so when my roommate Nicole suggests I go on a blind date with her friend, I use work as an excuse. "You're always working; I'm sure whatever it is can wait. Its just one night, Danielle," Nicole says in my ear as I'm sitting at my desk on the phone. "I don't have time for a blind date, Nicole," I reply "Make time, fake a sick day; have a day for Danielle once in your life. You're gonna lose your naughty...
Straight SexTies That Bind A story in one scene Brenda groaned to herself on waking up, finding that the now-too-familiar ache in her left hip had returned sometime during the night, joining the leaden pulses of pain from her spine. Since the automobile accident that had injured her and killed her best friend, Brenda had been forced to give up her independent lifestyle, hoping that given time her body would recover and she'd at least be free of the pain. The doctors had said that was possible;...
While going through the junk in the garage that didn’t make it into the house on the last move, I came across a couple of items that I had completely forgotten about. They sparked my imagination. I found two restraints, one that would fasten you to the ceiling, binding your hands and the second would fasten to your ankles, keeping your legs spread wide apart. Both conjured very favorable images in my head. As the days went by, I couldn’t seem to let go of this fantasy. I was certain that you’d...
BDSMEmmeline felt the terrible creature staring at her, its seething contempt coiling and slithering across her soul. Death itself had surely come for her. Her heart kicked in her chest like desperate prey. The beast's thick chiseled arm rose from its side, its skin like rippling stone armor, a three-fingered hand clenching into a fist the size of a man's head. And then something that began like distant rolling thunder gathered and swelled and surrounded, at once carnivorous growl and...
On her birthday weekend, I finally decided to drive out to meet her and take her to Disneyland. It was quite a long drive. When I got there the neighborhood was pretty sketchy, but as soon as I parked in front of her home, she came running out and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me relentlessly. She was in a cute thin little sundress and as we kiss my hands familiarized themselves with her body. It did not feel like she was wearing anything under her dress which when she finally...
Early morning sunlight streamed through Lynn'scurtains. The young woman woke slowly, still smiling from her dream. She felt unreasonably happy, as if she were a small child tucked into bed by loving parents after a full day of play. An empty chair stood beside her bed and, next to the chair was a small table. Atop the table was a plate full of vegetables and a bowl full of mixed greens. Lynn's stomach rumbled loudly and she remembered she hadn't eaten anything the day before. But, worse was her...
SupernaturalLynn woke slowly, her mind clawing its way out of anear-drunken haze. Her body tugged at her, calling attention to different parts that ached or itched or hurt. She sat up, blinking through gummy eyes while smacking her lips. Sharp pain lanced through both of her breasts when she moved. She looked down at her swollen breasts and suddenly adrenaline crashed through her, lifting the fog from her brain. "Muuh!" Lynn cried out in a sudden deep-throated panic. It wasn't her breasts that alarmed her;...
SupernaturalWhen I was in my early 20's, I got a chance to travel cross country working as a mover. The money I earned sucked but I got to see all kinds of new shit, partied and had a blast. One of the cool things I saw was one of the few legal brothels in Nevada.At the time I was sexually in my prime, and I had a smoking hot petite girlfriend at home. I usually only played with skinny chicks if I could help it. When I walked into that little hole in the wall, I immediately thought it wasn't for me. The...
A fantasy inspired by a beautiful friendI needed some legal advice as one does on occasion, so I made an appointment to see a lawyer recommended to me by one of my friends.It was a late afternoon appointment on a glorious sunny day; I wore my most fashionable full length summer dress hoping it made me look smart and sensible, I didn’t want my lawyer thinking I was some sort of slut!My lawyer introduced herself as Pam and showed me into her office. As I made myself comfortable I could hear her...
Chapter 1 "With that, Your Honor, the prosecution rests." The District Attorney, Mr.Hammonds, took his seat. Our eyes met briefly, and I gave a slight nod as if to acknowledge that he was indeed a worthy opponent. If the case had not been of such magnitude, I am sure he would have been insulted by my gesture - after all, he was a twenty-year veteran of courtroom trials. I was a kid starting out as far as comparisions were concerned, but neither of us felt complacent about our strengths....
James awoke to three courtesy taps on the door followed by a key-card lock releasing. The door opened and two men entered. James pulled himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the upright portion of the hospital style bed he'd spent the night in. There were some pieces of medical equipment to his right and left that had been used to check his condition when he first arrived, but the room didn't look like it belonged in a hospital otherwise. There were chairs, couches and tables...
by Sinturian I met Louise at a business seminar social function; one of those affairs where few people knew one another, and conversations just started with total strangers. She was an attractive blonde with a nice figure and seemed fairly intelligent. She told me she was 25 and never married and I revealed to her that I was 45 and twice divorced; it didn’t seem to bother her. As the evening wore on and things were becoming dull, I asked if she would like to join me for a drink and she...
I was a single man my entire life. Sure i had my flings now and then. But I wasn't anyone particularly boring. I worked as a computer guru, building and fixing various electronics. Even opened my own shop by 40. Now I am 42, and have just got off the phone with a girl named Erika.
Incest[ For a shift in perspective, here's a hopefully interesting, and yes, titillating scenario; for those so inclined towards the 'daddy', 'dominant/submissive', 'tease and denial' orientation. ]Kyle had texted Richard, the older man who lived several blocks away, to see if he might 'drop by' as the code was, and he was excited when the came back, moments later, that he certainly could! So, slipping out the back door of his parents house, he made his way to the back gate of the back yard where...
Marcus Avilius looked up from the scroll he was deciphering when the woman walked into the room. It was tedious work pulling the hidden messages from the benign looking scrolls, and the fact that the messages were routine status reports made it all the more droll. He probably should have taken a break hours ago, but duty pushed him to finish the work. He certainly did not need the distraction that the woman would likely cause. The woman walked to him without a word. With a knowing smile, her...
HistoricalThe day was long. Aunt Kim came for a visit. I was taken my her from first sight. “ mother may I..’ that aunt with the spellbound lips. Hips of cream. She affectionately called me ‘her treasure ‘ and I secretly loved it. I wondered...after making pleasent chit chat. We sat on the coach. I felt her breast press gently against me. As she hugged me close. Her blouse undid and her breasts glowed. Pressed to my back. ‘Hi’ She asked.. teasingly. Her hand gently slid up my skirt .her finger riding...
My daughter Amber was five years old when her mother left me. I sent cards and gifts and paid my c***d support, but I didn't see Amber for the next f******n years. So when my nineteen year old daughter, my only c***d, asked if she could move in with her stepmother and myself, I couldn't deny her. She still looked like an innocent girl, and I was still imagining she was the five year old I remembered her as.Months went by and Amber seemed to settle into life in our city, far away from the mother...
Sirinya Kanoknateesawat and Mary Sims were lying in bed, reading. They were a couple in transition - they had gotten married 10 years before as Bob and Mary Smith, a perfectly unremarkable couple, but 3 months ago, everything had changed. Mary had transformed Bob into a beautiful Asian woman named Sirinya as punishment for his wandering eye, and had accidentally discovered her own homosexuality in the process. They both decided that they liked Bob more as a woman, so the transition...
*knock knock knock* James awoke to three courtesy taps on the door followed by a key-card lock releasing. The door opened and two men entered. James pulled himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the upright portion of the hospital style bed he'd spent the night in. There were some pieces of medical equipment to his right and left that had been used to check his condition when he first arrived, but the room didn't look like it belonged in a hospital otherwise. There were...
Chapter 1Lauren snuggled into a large beanbag chair in the corner of her dorm room, with her white Macbook perched on her lap. She grabbed a magazine off her desk and put it under the laptop to insulate her legs from its hot underside. Even still, the temperature of her legs and thighs was slowly rising as the computer continued to heat. She was about half way through her first year of college, and had been lucky enough to be given a room to herself, which adjoined a common room shared by three...
Jacie Leffords sat on the rug with her coloring book and whiled away the hours while her daddy sat behind his desk working. It was always chilly in his office, but it had been better since he came in one Saturday to put in the rug. She didn’t mind wearing her sweater, as long as it wasn’t the scratchy wool one she got from Grandma. Ever since Mom went to be in heaven, Daddy worked for Grandpa. Jacie missed all the dogs he used to work with, but he said that he needed a job with better...
Our morning of post-coital bliss was disrupted. We’d planned on the Gordons and Prices coming for lunch, but not on my daughter arriving with the surprise announcement that she was engaged. Trust Betts to make everything about her. My head was absolutely spinning and I wanted time to lie in the arms of my lovers and just absorb what we had done. Lovers. I had made love to a woman. I was in love with a woman. And my husband, of course. I had lain next to them and guided my husband’s penis...
In a parallel universe, anything is possible. A world might exist where you're the president, a prize-winning journalist, a loud-mouthed radio host, or maybe just a homeless bum. An ideal you might even exist, a you that never had any regrets, made all the right choices, and walked through life with a song on your lips. It's an appealing fantasy for those who are sure there are worlds other than these, and that a better place can be found in amongst their number. Jahn had bookshelves full...
knock knock knock James awoke to three courtesy taps on the door followed by a key-card lock releasing. The door opened and two men entered. James pulled himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the upright portion of the hospital style bed he’d spent the night in. There were some pieces of medical equipment to his right and left that had been used to check his condition when he first arrived, but the room didn’t look like it belonged in a hospital otherwise. There were chairs,...
Incest was the part of my marriage vows I was not aware of, nor was my wife Pam. We were always kind of kinky, right from the first day we met. Hey, no big deal. Our hot little imaginations used to come up with some great ones to try. We met at a frat party while we were both attending the University of Wyoming in Laramie. They have a much better law school, if you are interested in Law, that is much better than the Big Three with all their Networking. Anyway I had to go piss and there were...
younger. It was around 11:30pm summer time, Bryon and I were swimming all day, Bryon mentioned he was tired and was going to turn in early. I didn't mind much cause that would give me a chance to watch some late night porn. Nobody was home and all of Bryon's family were big time drinkers and normally stayed at the bar till well past 1:00am, so I had plenty of time to find a good porn on cable and jack-off. I jumped into the recliner with the remote in one hand and my...
This story is a collaboration between the talented Milik Redman and myself. I am happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to write with him. Philippe gazed at the leather bound documents with a trepidation he had not felt before. Oh, Mon Dieu! What am I doing? he thought to himself. He was usually a man of intellect and analytical certainty. The growing conflict between an action he knew to be wrong and the equally irresistible impulse to do just that had set his heart and mind into...
It was my privilege to write this story with the talented Milik Redman. It is the second part of a story of a judge and a Crown Prosecutor who face an ethical issue in the context of a precedent making trial. Their choices will have lasting impact on their lives and careers. Philippe Rannou took a deep breath before opening the door to his court. An unfamiliar turmoil had unsettled him and the dispassionate calm he usually felt before hearing a case was gone. It was a personal conflict. The...
I put my arms around her and held her as she kissed me. Our kiss deepened and became more urgent. I felt her lips part, and my tongue went in search of her. My hands slid down as if drawn here by her tight, firm ass, and I cupped her cheeks in my hands; squeezing them, testing them. Rebecca moaned into my mouth and, without breaking the kiss, she moved around in front of me, hiked up her dress, and straddled my legs, sitting down onto my lap. I am certain that when Rebecca settled herself on my...
MILFMy name is Thomas Fears, the lead attorney for Fears and Associates, a small, but rapidly growing law firm in Dallas Texas. We handle mostly civil cases - you know someone wanting a divorce, custody cases, accidents where no one was killed, that sort of thing. But every so often we get something of a more serious - and more profitable - nature. Such was the case one sunny April day when Rebecca Wallace came to see me. I was in my office dealing with the mountains of paperwork my occupation...
MILFLynn sat in her car. She'd worn a large t-shirt over a bra that didn't at all fit properly, even at the furthest clasp. She wore her black yoga pants and the fabric stretched over her ass. Her tail rasped slowly over the wide elastic band around the waist as it moved. She'd tried to hide the tail in the pants but it hurt to have it bunched up. She couldn't pull them up high because of her udder. A baseball cap she'd received from a previous client hid her ears and her face from casual view. Her...
SupernaturalOutside of Lynn's apartment, the world was alive and buzzingwith activity. The young woman hummed a happy tune as she walked down mostly empty sidewalks. A strong, steady wind rippled banners and flags around her while keeping the sun from being too overwhelming. Not a single cloud covered the electric blue sky. Lynn felt her loose hair flutter in the wind and she tsk'ed at herself for not putting it up. The wind brought with it the scent of the nearby lake. Lynn made her way to the water,...