Legally Binding, Ch. 3 free porn video

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It was already somewhat crowded and I had to wait a while to be seated, so I entertained myself by programming my number into the speed-dial on Nadine’s phone, then setting it so that the picture I’d just taken of her would pop up every time I called – I thought that would make a nice surprise for her later.

After I was seated and had ordered I decided to let Nadine know I hadn’t forgotten her. I hit my number on her speed-dial, let my phone vibrate in her panties for a few rings then disconnected. I kept her phone open on the table beside me while I dined and hit the redial button whenever I happened to think of it, sometimes just letting it ring once, other times letting it continue until my voice-mail kicked in before hanging up.

When I’d finished I got my dessert and some hot tea to go, and headed back across the square. It was twilight by then and lights were beginning to come on. There were no lights on in Nadine’s office, of course, but if you stood in the right place and knew what you were looking for you might be able to see the dim outline of her desk, or at least the top part of it, through the window – and a softer shape lying across it.

While standing there I took out her phone and dialed my number one more time…and was rewarded with a small twitch in the shadow above me. I disconnected the call and put her phone back in my pocket, then headed back into the building and up the stairs.

Nadine grunted with alarm when I opened the door, then must have realized that it had to be me and fell silent, though she kept her head up and watched me as I crossed the darkened office and switched on a small desk lamp, which highlighted her in silhouette as she lay there. I sat down opposite her for a moment, looking her over.

She actually seemed in pretty good shape: her eyes seemed a little crazed and her hair was disheveled and her make-up a little smeared around her eyes and mouth but she seemed alert and focused, if highly strung, for which I could hardly blame her, considering everything that had been happening. I balanced my tea on top of the container with my dessert and with my free hand stroked her hair back into place, telling her quietly that she was being a very good girl and that I was proud of her. I gently pushed her head back down, indicating that she should relax again, then rose from my seat and walked behind the desk.

“This tea is still very hot – you’ll want to stay completely still,” I said, placing the styrofoam cup on the natural plateau at the base of her spine, just below the waistband of her panties. The books beneath her hips made it almost perfectly level. She made a slightly panicked “Nnh!’ sound when she first felt the heat from the bottom of the cup, but subsided when she found it was bearable.

I pulled her desk chair into place behind her and sat down. This gave me an eye-level view of her very shapely behind, and even in the soft light from the desk lamp I could easily tell that the crotch of her panties was now sopping wet. And when I pulled it aside to retrieve my phone I discovered that it had nearly disappeared into her pussy. It made a noticeable slurping sound when I removed it, and Nadine moaned, but managed to keep still, even though her legs were trembling from being spread so wide for so long, and from resting her weight on her toes so much. I pulled the fabric of her panties back over her cheeks and used it to wipe off my phone before returning it to my pocket.

I opened the container with my dessert, a luscious slice of blueberry pie, and took my time enjoying it, pausing now and then to lift the cup from her behind for a sip of tea and then returning it. To keep Nadine entertained I would sometimes take the plastic fork I was using to eat with and slowly, very slowly, drag the pointed tines up one leg or the other, from her ankle to the edge of her panties.

Sometimes I would use a very light touch, other times enough pressure to leave parallel rows of tiny red welts. And always the next stroke would be closer to the inside of her thighs. Nadine would moan and shiver when I did this – more than once she came close to upsetting the cup of tea, which became less stable as I drank more and the level went down.

Fortunately I had finished my tea and put the cup aside when I finished my cake and began dragging the points of the fork directly along her pussy lips - which by now were clearly visible through the soaked crotch of her panties – because she began to jerk and twitch and cry out uncontrollably. And it only got worse when I reversed the fork and began using the handle to stroke her clitoris. She was babbling through her gag and pushing up from her toes, trying to raise her hips away from the fork, even though she knew it was impossible.

I was very slow and methodical, using delicate strokes and touches to bring her into higher and higher levels of arousal, until she was literally screaming through her gag and thrashing against her bonds. Little by little I brought her to the very razor’s edge of what I was sure would be an overwhelming orgasm…

And stopped.

If anything, her screaming and thrashing became louder and more intense when I took the fork away and left her with no means to reach her climax. I walked around to the front to observe. Her glasses were on the floor again – no surprise there. I gave up and put them in her purse, along with her cellphone and keys. And when I leaned down, took her chin in my hand and raised her face to mine, her eyes were completely glazed over as if she’d been drugged, her make-up was running down her face, and her hair was hanging around it in sweaty strings. She stared right through me.

There was a small private bathroom adjacent to her office, so I lowered her head again and let go while I went in and brought her a glass of water. She drank eagerly when I raised her head again, gently pulling the panties from her mouth and holding the glass to her lips. I could see the consciousness returning to her eyes as I dipped a part of her panties in the remaining water and used them to wipe her face clean of make-up and tears. Then I removed the hair clip from the back of her head – it wasn’t holding much of anything by then anyway – and ran my fingers lightly through her hair, trying to restore it to some kind of order, then continued stroking her forehead and temples with my fingertips.

Eventually I saw her take a slow, deep breath, then let it out in a long sigh. It seemed to be a sigh of relaxation, or even contentment, rather than frustration, and her eyes, when they found mine again, were peaceful. There was a feeling of affection between us right then - I could feel it in the way we looked at each other in that long silent moment.

Nadine looked surprised when I crouched down and released one of her wrists and then the other from their bindings; so surprised, in fact, that she continued to lie there as I rose from my seat and went around to untie her ankles, though stiff muscles from having lain there for so long might have been partly to blame. In fact, I had to take her by the shoulders to help her rise to her feet. As soon as she was able to stand properly I tugged her skirt back down and smoothed it into place, then walked her around the desk and eased her down onto the client chair I’d been sitting in. I took a couple of steps back and leaned against her desk. Nadine said nothing, only watched me and waited.

“I said earlier that you needed time to think things over,” I began, “…and you’ve certainly had that – though admittedly you’ve also had a few distractions.” Nadine smiled a little at this, though she still looked kind of shaky. I went on, “What happened yesterday scared you, even though it was what you wanted – or thought you did. Afterwards, you decided you weren’t the sort of person who did that sort of thing, so it couldn’t really have happened.” Nadine started to speak, but I held up my hand for her to wait until I was finished.

“You came to work today determined to be the opposite of who you’d been the day before - and you succeeded for a while. But then suddenly you found yourself having a much deeper, longer and much more intense experience of submission than the previous one. I didn’t give you any choice about it because I knew you would say no, out of fear.

“Well, now that experience is over. And the choice is yours, Nadine: if you want, you can go back to trying to be that person you were pretending to be when I walked in here. Say the word, and I’ll walk out of here and never bother you again – and you have my promise that no one else will ever hear one word about what happened between us.

“Or you can choose to be who you really are – and I don’t mind telling you that what you’ve experienced so far is only the beginning.”

I held out my hands, palms up. “Tell me what you want, Nadine.”

And I waited.

Nadine blinked up at me several times then slowly looked around the room for a moment as if dazed, then back up at me. Her voice, when she spoke, was fragile and more than slightly hoarse: “Where are my glasses?”

“I put them in your purse. They kept falling off.”

“Oh.” She nodded. “All right.”

Nadine slowly stood, grimacing a little with stiffness. She bent slightly to straighten and smooth her skirt again, then placed one hand on her chair for balance, lifting one foot then the other from the floor while she peeled off the tattered remains of her pantyhose, which she balled up and threw into the wastebasket next to her desk. She reached under her jacket to tuck in her blouse and make it look presentable, with the exception of a button that had gone missing. Then she tugged on the lapels of her jacket to resettle it on her shoulders and pulled down the sleeves into their proper place. She reached up with both hands to do a better job of restoring order to her hair than I had been able to do.

And during this entire time she didn’t look at me. Not once.

When everything was in place she started to walk behind the desk, presumably in search of her shoes. But then suddenly she stopped, turned back towards me and fell to her knees. After a moment she reached out and put her arms around my legs. After another moment she allowed her head to rest against my thigh, letting her legs slip out from under her so she could snuggle closer.

She didn’t look up at me, and she spoke very softly, as if talking to herself. “I wasn’t afraid yesterday, not at first. Not while you were there. It was… After you left, I suddenly felt so lonely, there in the restaurant. I wanted you to come back and sit with me and talk to me about…everything that we’d…”

She trailed off for a moment, then continued. “…And I knew I should go back to work, but I kept sitting there and all I could think about was you, and I kept going over and over the things you did and said, and the things you made me do, and I kept getting more and more…ohhhh, god….

“…And suddenly I just… I wanted to run out to my car, or back to the office, or even just to the restroom there in the restaurant, but I couldn’t wait! I put my head down on my arm, reached under my skirt and…f-fingered myself - gave myself an orgasm, right there at the table. I was terrified someone would come out of the kitchen and catch me, but I couldn’t stop.”

Nadine looked up at me then. “I’m sorry, I know you told me not to but I couldn’t…” She looked away again. “Afterwards, when I was finally able to stand up, I started to leave – but then I realized that there was a huge wet stain on the back of my skirt and I couldn’t go out like that so I went to the restroom. And when I took off my skirt I had to remember all over again that you had my panties, and why you had them, and there I was standing in this dirty little restroom, naked from the waist down and trying to rinse this nasty stain out of my skirt with wet paper towels and dry it out with the hot-air blower so I could go back to being a lawyer with a nice office and lots of clients and I suddenly felt...” Her voice became pinched and nearly inaudible as she finished in a whisper, “…so ashamed.”

I felt her shoulders shake against me as she began to cry. I reached down to stroke her hair and tried to reassure her. “Well, that’s not so sur-“

“No, you don’t understand!’ She turned her face up to me again so quickly that she shook my hand off. She took it in one of hers and laid it against her cheek, which was already wet with her tears. Her eyes seemed to plead with me as she went on. ‘That wasn’t the bad part. The bad part was when I realized that…it was turning me on again.” She nodded her head jerkily for emphasis then looked down.

“All of it: the fact that I was in there half-naked because I’d masturbated out in the restaurant and stained my skirt; the fact that I’d masturbated because I couldn’t stop thinking about everything we’d done; the fact that I’d been made to feel like a dirty little slut and that I’d willingly participated in the process…and especially the fact that I felt so thoroughly humiliated by it all, so ashamed of myself. For some reason, that was making me get wet all over again.”

She glanced up at me then down again. “I wanted to go right back out to that booth again just as I was, with no skirt or panties. I wanted you standing there…telling me to spread my legs again and ordering me to masturbate for you. I wanted… I wanted… Oh god, I wanted…” She broke down and sobbed, letting go of my hand and clutching my legs for support as she leaned against me.

I resumed stroking her hair, making little soothing noises and telling her it was all right. Eventually she got herself mostly under control again, and looked up at me, tears still streaming down her face. “That’s when I got scared,” she said, sniffling. I reached over and plucked another tissue from the package and handed it to her. She wiped her face and nose and, holding the crumpled tissue in her fist, went on, “And that’s why…” she indicated the now-rumpled conservative outfit she was wearing. “I was trying to…”

“I know,” I said softly, still stroking her hair. “I know.”

“And I thought it was working, and that everything was going to go back to normal somehow. Then you came in…” She looked away again, and her breath got short as she remembered. “I was trying so hard to stay in control. I was going to have you sit down and we were going to discuss everything calmly, like friends. So when you started…tying me to the desk I was terrified. I thought you were really angry and you were going to hurt me, especially when you pushed those…my panties into my mouth and started tearing off my pantyhose. I was sure you were going to rape me.

“But then, after you…after you s-spanked me, and came around and sat down and talked to me, and explained everything to me and made sure I was all right, I suddenly started to feel…safe.” Nadine looked up at me with a small wondering smile on her face. “That it didn’t matter what was going to happen next. That I could just…let go, because you had taken charge of me. And even though it was really uncomfortable and…and humiliating, being tied to the desk like that, it felt…right, somehow.

“Even when you left me there and went out, I still felt that everything was all right - that I was…being taken care of, even though you weren’t there. And not just because you’d left your phone…in my panties. Though I really, really liked that when you kept calling, ‘cause it meant you really were thinking about me, as you said – and it felt so good, too. I was just there because that’s where you wanted me, and that was enough.

“And then when you came back, I was so happy…and when you started, you know, teasing me and…and stroking me and…taking away all of my self-control and making me…scream like that…”

Nadine shook her head slowly, her eyes wide at the memory of it. “I was completely at your mercy…and I loved it. I loved not knowing when or if you were ever going to stop, whether you were going to let me…come or not. I loved knowing that you could do whatever you wanted with me and there was not a single thing I could do about it.”

Her expression grew troubled. “Oh god, I don’t know who I am anymore. What I am.”

She held onto me more tightly and looked up at me with anxious, searching eyes. After a moment I reached down and slowly drew Nadine to her feet and wrapped my arms around her waist, drawing her to me. She embraced me as well, and rested her head on my shoulder. I held her for a long time like that.

Then I reached up and took her by the shoulders, pulling her just far enough away so that we could look into each other’s eyes again. I smiled at her and said gently, “All right, Nadine, since you don’t know who or what you are anymore, I’m going to tell you.”

I cupped her face in my hands and looked deeply into her eyes. “From now on, who you are and what you are is:



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Ties That Bind

While going through the junk in the garage that didn’t make it into the house on the last move, I came across a couple of items that I had completely forgotten about. They sparked my imagination. I found two restraints, one that would fasten you to the ceiling, binding your hands and the second would fasten to your ankles, keeping your legs spread wide apart. Both conjured very favorable images in my head. As the days went by, I couldn’t seem to let go of this fantasy. I was certain that you’d...

3 years ago
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Winters BladeChapter 12 Bind

Emmeline felt the terrible creature staring at her, its seething contempt coiling and slithering across her soul. Death itself had surely come for her. Her heart kicked in her chest like desperate prey. The beast's thick chiseled arm rose from its side, its skin like rippling stone armor, a three-fingered hand clenching into a fist the size of a man's head. And then something that began like distant rolling thunder gathered and swelled and surrounded, at once carnivorous growl and...

4 years ago
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Legal Illegal Girl

On her birthday weekend, I finally decided to drive out to meet her and take her to Disneyland. It was quite a long drive. When I got there the neighborhood was pretty sketchy, but as soon as I parked in front of her home, she came running out and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me relentlessly. She was in a cute thin little sundress and as we kiss my hands familiarized themselves with her body. It did not feel like she was wearing anything under her dress which when she finally...

1 year ago
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Legal Issues Ch 07

Early morning sunlight streamed through Lynn'scurtains. The young woman woke slowly, still smiling from her dream. She felt unreasonably happy, as if she were a small child tucked into bed by loving parents after a full day of play. An empty chair stood beside her bed and, next to the chair was a small table. Atop the table was a plate full of vegetables and a bowl full of mixed greens. Lynn's stomach rumbled loudly and she remembered she hadn't eaten anything the day before. But, worse was her...

2 years ago
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Legal Issues Ch 05

Lynn woke slowly, her mind clawing its way out of anear-drunken haze. Her body tugged at her, calling attention to different parts that ached or itched or hurt. She sat up, blinking through gummy eyes while smacking her lips. Sharp pain lanced through both of her breasts when she moved. She looked down at her swollen breasts and suddenly adrenaline crashed through her, lifting the fog from her brain. "Muuh!" Lynn cried out in a sudden deep-throated panic. It wasn't her breasts that alarmed her;...

3 years ago
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Legal brothel

When I was in my early 20's, I got a chance to travel cross country working as a mover. The money I earned sucked but I got to see all kinds of new shit, partied and had a blast. One of the cool things I saw was one of the few legal brothels in Nevada.At the time I was sexually in my prime, and I had a smoking hot petite girlfriend at home. I usually only played with skinny chicks if I could help it. When I walked into that little hole in the wall, I immediately thought it wasn't for me. The...

3 years ago
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Legal Aid

A fantasy inspired by a beautiful friendI needed some legal advice as one does on occasion, so I made an appointment to see a lawyer recommended to me by one of my friends.It was a late afternoon appointment on a glorious sunny day; I wore my most fashionable full length summer dress hoping it made me look smart and sensible, I didn’t want my lawyer thinking I was some sort of slut!My lawyer introduced herself as Pam and showed me into her office. As I made myself comfortable I could hear her...

2 years ago
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Legal Rewards

Chapter 1 "With that, Your Honor, the prosecution rests." The District Attorney, Mr.Hammonds, took his seat. Our eyes met briefly, and I gave a slight nod as if to acknowledge that he was indeed a worthy opponent. If the case had not been of such magnitude, I am sure he would have been insulted by my gesture - after all, he was a twenty-year veteran of courtroom trials. I was a kid starting out as far as comparisions were concerned, but neither of us felt complacent about our strengths....

1 year ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 10 The Ties That Bind

James awoke to three courtesy taps on the door followed by a key-card lock releasing. The door opened and two men entered. James pulled himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the upright portion of the hospital style bed he'd spent the night in. There were some pieces of medical equipment to his right and left that had been used to check his condition when he first arrived, but the room didn't look like it belonged in a hospital otherwise. There were chairs, couches and tables...

3 years ago
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Silken Ties That Bind

by Sinturian I met Louise at a business seminar social function; one of those affairs where few people knew one another, and conversations just started with total strangers. She was an attractive blonde with a nice figure and seemed fairly intelligent. She told me she was 25 and never married and I revealed to her that I was 45 and twice divorced; it didn’t seem to bother her. As the evening wore on and things were becoming dull, I asked if she would like to join me for a drink and she...

3 years ago
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Ties that bind

I was a single man my entire life. Sure i had my flings now and then. But I wasn't anyone particularly boring. I worked as a computer guru, building and fixing various electronics. Even opened my own shop by 40. Now I am 42, and have just got off the phone with a girl named Erika.

2 years ago
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Ties That Bind

[ For a shift in perspective, here's a hopefully interesting, and yes, titillating scenario; for those so inclined towards the 'daddy', 'dominant/submissive', 'tease and denial' orientation. ]Kyle had texted Richard, the older man who lived several blocks away, to see if he might 'drop by' as the code was, and he was excited when the came back, moments later, that he certainly could! So, slipping out the back door of his parents house, he made his way to the back gate of the back yard where...

3 years ago
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Ties That Bind

Marcus Avilius looked up from the scroll he was deciphering when the woman walked into the room. It was tedious work pulling the hidden messages from the benign looking scrolls, and the fact that the messages were routine status reports made it all the more droll. He probably should have taken a break hours ago, but duty pushed him to finish the work. He certainly did not need the distraction that the woman would likely cause. The woman walked to him without a word. With a knowing smile, her...

3 years ago
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Ties that bind

The day was long. Aunt Kim came for a visit. I was taken my her from first sight. “ mother may I..’ that aunt with the spellbound lips. Hips of cream. She affectionately called me ‘her treasure ‘ and I secretly loved it. I wondered...after making pleasent chit chat. We sat on the coach. I felt her breast press gently against me. As she hugged me close. Her blouse undid and her breasts glowed. Pressed to my back. ‘Hi’ She asked.. teasingly. Her hand gently slid up my skirt .her finger riding...

4 years ago
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My daughter Amber was five years old when her mother left me. I sent cards and gifts and paid my c***d support, but I didn't see Amber for the next f******n years. So when my nineteen year old daughter, my only c***d, asked if she could move in with her stepmother and myself, I couldn't deny her. She still looked like an innocent girl, and I was still imagining she was the five year old I remembered her as.Months went by and Amber seemed to settle into life in our city, far away from the mother...

4 years ago
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Thais That Bind

Sirinya Kanoknateesawat and Mary Sims were lying in bed, reading. They were a couple in transition - they had gotten married 10 years before as Bob and Mary Smith, a perfectly unremarkable couple, but 3 months ago, everything had changed. Mary had transformed Bob into a beautiful Asian woman named Sirinya as punishment for his wandering eye, and had accidentally discovered her own homosexuality in the process. They both decided that they liked Bob more as a woman, so the transition...

1 year ago
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Bayonettas Abuse Chapter 9 The Ties That Bind

*knock knock knock* James awoke to three courtesy taps on the door followed by a key-card lock releasing. The door opened and two men entered. James pulled himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the upright portion of the hospital style bed he'd spent the night in. There were some pieces of medical equipment to his right and left that had been used to check his condition when he first arrived, but the room didn't look like it belonged in a hospital otherwise. There were...

2 years ago
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Double Bind

Chapter 1Lauren snuggled into a large beanbag chair in the corner of her dorm room, with her white Macbook perched on her lap. She grabbed a magazine off her desk and put it under the laptop to insulate her legs from its hot underside. Even still, the temperature of her legs and thighs was slowly rising as the computer continued to heat. She was about half way through her first year of college, and had been lucky enough to be given a room to herself, which adjoined a common room shared by three...

3 years ago
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The Ties That Bind

Jacie Leffords sat on the rug with her coloring book and whiled away the hours while her daddy sat behind his desk working. It was always chilly in his office, but it had been better since he came in one Saturday to put in the rug. She didn’t mind wearing her sweater, as long as it wasn’t the scratchy wool one she got from Grandma. Ever since Mom went to be in heaven, Daddy worked for Grandpa. Jacie missed all the dogs he used to work with, but he said that he needed a job with better...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 11 The Ties that Bind

Our morning of post-coital bliss was disrupted. We’d planned on the Gordons and Prices coming for lunch, but not on my daughter arriving with the surprise announcement that she was engaged. Trust Betts to make everything about her. My head was absolutely spinning and I wanted time to lie in the arms of my lovers and just absorb what we had done. Lovers. I had made love to a woman. I was in love with a woman. And my husband, of course. I had lain next to them and guided my husband’s penis...

3 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of TheseChapter 6 June Ties That Bind

In a parallel universe, anything is possible. A world might exist where you're the president, a prize-winning journalist, a loud-mouthed radio host, or maybe just a homeless bum. An ideal you might even exist, a you that never had any regrets, made all the right choices, and walked through life with a song on your lips. It's an appealing fantasy for those who are sure there are worlds other than these, and that a better place can be found in amongst their number. Jahn had bookshelves full...

4 years ago
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Bayonettas AbuseChapter 10 The Ties That Bind

knock knock knock James awoke to three courtesy taps on the door followed by a key-card lock releasing. The door opened and two men entered. James pulled himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the upright portion of the hospital style bed he’d spent the night in. There were some pieces of medical equipment to his right and left that had been used to check his condition when he first arrived, but the room didn’t look like it belonged in a hospital otherwise. There were chairs,...

3 years ago
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Legal Luse

Incest was the part of my marriage vows I was not aware of, nor was my wife Pam. We were always kind of kinky, right from the first day we met. Hey, no big deal. Our hot little imaginations used to come up with some great ones to try. We met at a frat party while we were both attending the University of Wyoming in Laramie. They have a much better law school, if you are interested in Law, that is much better than the Big Three with all their Networking. Anyway I had to go piss and there were...

2 years ago
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Legal Tender

younger. It was around 11:30pm summer time, Bryon and I were swimming all day, Bryon mentioned he was tired and was going to turn in early. I didn't mind much cause that would give me a chance to watch some late night porn. Nobody was home and all of Bryon's family were big time drinkers and normally stayed at the bar till well past 1:00am, so I had plenty of time to find a good porn on cable and jack-off. I jumped into the recliner with the remote in one hand and my...

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Legal Intrigue Part One

This story is a collaboration between the talented Milik Redman and myself. I am happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to write with him. Philippe gazed at the leather bound documents with a trepidation he had not felt before. Oh, Mon Dieu! What am I doing? he thought to himself. He was usually a man of intellect and analytical certainty. The growing conflict between an action he knew to be wrong and the equally irresistible impulse to do just that had set his heart and mind into...

3 years ago
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Legal Intrigue Part Two

It was my privilege to write this story with the talented Milik Redman. It is the second part of a story of a judge and a Crown Prosecutor who face an ethical issue in the context of a precedent making trial. Their choices will have lasting impact on their lives and careers. Philippe Rannou took a deep breath before opening the door to his court. An unfamiliar turmoil had unsettled him and the dispassionate calm he usually felt before hearing a case was gone. It was a personal conflict. The...

2 years ago
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Legal Briefs Chapter 2

I put my arms around her and held her as she kissed me. Our kiss deepened and became more urgent. I felt her lips part, and my tongue went in search of her. My hands slid down as if drawn here by her tight, firm ass, and I cupped her cheeks in my hands; squeezing them, testing them. Rebecca moaned into my mouth and, without breaking the kiss, she moved around in front of me, hiked up her dress, and straddled my legs, sitting down onto my lap. I am certain that when Rebecca settled herself on my...

1 year ago
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Legal Briefs Chapter 1

My name is Thomas Fears, the lead attorney for Fears and Associates, a small, but rapidly growing law firm in Dallas Texas. We handle mostly civil cases - you know someone wanting a divorce, custody cases, accidents where no one was killed, that sort of thing. But every so often we get something of a more serious - and more profitable - nature. Such was the case one sunny April day when Rebecca Wallace came to see me. I was in my office dealing with the mountains of paperwork my occupation...

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Legal Issues Ch 06

Lynn sat in her car. She'd worn a large t-shirt over a bra that didn't at all fit properly, even at the furthest clasp. She wore her black yoga pants and the fabric stretched over her ass. Her tail rasped slowly over the wide elastic band around the waist as it moved. She'd tried to hide the tail in the pants but it hurt to have it bunched up. She couldn't pull them up high because of her udder. A baseball cap she'd received from a previous client hid her ears and her face from casual view. Her...

1 year ago
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Legal Issues Ch 04

Outside of Lynn's apartment, the world was alive and buzzingwith activity. The young woman hummed a happy tune as she walked down mostly empty sidewalks. A strong, steady wind rippled banners and flags around her while keeping the sun from being too overwhelming. Not a single cloud covered the electric blue sky. Lynn felt her loose hair flutter in the wind and she tsk'ed at herself for not putting it up. The wind brought with it the scent of the nearby lake. Lynn made her way to the water,...


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