Hartstein (A Hartstein Story)Chapter 5 free porn video

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With everyone trying to recover from the avalanche of sex that the four had launched, Jim went to the kitchen and without asking, made everyone a much stronger drink, double shots of tequila for the girls and double scotches for the guys.

Celia, nude except for a Tee top she’d thrown on after her watching Paul fuck her friend, and occasional lover, Joanna. Both men remained nude, while Joanna had a towel draped across her lower extremities.

It wasn’t long before a second round was needed, and Paul got up to do the honors. As he poured the liquor into a fresh set of glasses, he asked the others, “What do we do next? I mean, I’m all for another session...” he pointed to his semi-flaccid penis and added, “but my friend, and yours...” he grinned and nodded at Joanna, “appear to be in need of a brief respite.”

Jim stood up and flipped his penis with two fingers and said, “My guy’s not dead, but he sure needs a transfusion of sorts ... I wonder, Joanna could you give me an energy transfusion?”

Everyone laughed, and as Paul brought the drinks back to the others, Joanna sank down to her knees, ready to comply with Jim’s request.

“Hey, hey,” Paul chirped, not revealing any rancor at Jim for asked Joanna for a blowjob. “Don’t make the poor girl waste all that sucking power on your limp dick. Let’s do something creative.”

“Like what?” Celia asked, showing interest.

“Mmmm, yeah,” Joanna said from her kneeling position.

“Well, we could all use some ... refresher time, so what if we entertained one another with how we had our first introductions to sex?”

“Ewe!” Celia gasped. “First times suck!”

“Oh now you’ve gone and spoiled the ending of your story!” Paul chided, obviously kidding her. Everyone, Celia included laughed at his quick response.

Paul waited a moment and then said, “What I meant was we tell about our initial sexual experiences. If the first time was a bummer, skip it and go to that really good first time. If we appear entertained by your story, keep going until you feel you have to stop.

Celia jumped in saying: “You mean like telling something that the others may not know about?”

“Yeah, that’s the idea,” Paul answered.

“Well then,” Celia said, “Me and my college roomie used to go down on each other, pretending Jim had just come in us.”

Jim nearly spat out his drink as the words left her mouth because that was not at all where he thought the conversation was going.

“Can you say that again?” Paul asked, leaning in closer. Celia’s blush was slight, but obvious, and he wondered if she had meant to say it out loud.”And for the record, who’s the ‘we’ you refer too?”

Celia brightened at the question, and quickly replied, “That would have been Jacqueline. Remember her guys? I don’t think Joanna ever met her. She left school during sophomore year. Preggers, you know?”

“I didn’t know...” Jim said.

“I never met her, at least I don’t recall having met her,” Paul said.

Celia was quick to pick up on her husband’s weak reply. “You didn’t know? Could you have been the one to knock her up?”

“Umm, Paul interjected, “This is going off track, guys.”

“I just want to know if Jim here, knocked up my roomie,” Celia was pissed, or appeared so.

Taking a deep breath, Jim answered his wife’s accusation. “No, I certainly didn’t knock her up. The closest thing to sex I ever had with her was bumping into her tits by accident when coming out of your bathroom one time. I didn’t know she was coming in at the same time I was going out.”

“I know,” Celia said with a smug smile. I just wanted to bust your balls, baby!”

“CELIA!” Jim yelled in exasperation. Joanna and Paul clutched each other while they laughed at the trick Celia had pulled on her husband.

“Is there any story here, Celia, or are you busting all our humps?” Paul inquired.

“Oh, yeah, sorry guys ... Jacqueline and I wanted Jim, you know, we girls fantasize. Anyway, we took turns, wondering what it would be like if we hooked up with you.”

“Now you tell me you were all hot for me!” Jim laughed and both women joined him.

“I used to make stories up, just to tease her ... I’d tell her I heard you getting it on with some girl a door or two down the hall, or that we’d just finished a quickie in the alley down the street. Jackie wanted to hear this shit ... can you believe it? I mean, I’m making it up as I go along and she knows what I’m doing, but still get’s hotter than a two dollar pistol from my telling her a piece of fiction.”

“People relate to fiction,” Paul said matter-of-factly, “I should know, I make a living at it.”

“Don’t I know it?” Celia said giddily. I mean like, I’d stumble into the room and tell her it had happened. Then I’d push her down onto my bed, my hand in her hair as she begged to hear more. By the time I felt her mouth on my thigh she was practically cumming and I was right behind her. She dove in, eating my pussy like she was crazy. ‘I can taste him’ she’d moan, fucking me with her tongue. ‘I can taste his cum inside you.’”

Paul leaned back and took a drink, wondering if he had been that clueless in school or on reconsidering the decent number of girls he’d had in college, perhaps it was the present day that he was being foolish.

“I wish you had told me, honey,” Jim finally said, kissing Celia’s fingers. “I mean, I might have been able to help.”

“It was just a fantasy, baby,” she said with a shrug. “Besides, it was the only way I could get her to go down on me. Sometimes you have to be creative.”

And that set the tone for the next forty-seven minutes.

Joanna broke her silence at that point to say, “Well I’m ready to fess up about my first time, or should I say times?”

“Tell us anyway you want too, Joanna.” Paul said softly, having noticed her hand clenching the towel on her lap.

“I guess everything started when I was in high school. Back then my ass and legs were already shapely, although my chest had barely started developing. My girl friends and I were coming home from a movie. It had started to rain and we didn’t want to walk, so we called Cynthia’s dad and he rescued us and picked us up in front of the theatre. In recent months I’d often caught him checking me out the sneaky way men, especially fathers do, which always creeped me out. Anyway, I wound up in the front seat sitting next to him. Cynthia and my other two girl friends were in the back. Why Cynthia wasn’t up front has always puzzled me, and I wondered if she and her father planed it that way.”

“Why would you say that?” Celia asked.

“Let me tell the story, please, Celia, okay?”

“Yeah ... sorry.”

“It was late and while the drive wasn’t all that long, we girls all lived a distance apart. That’s another reason why I wondered why I was sitting up front. Well, I didn’t have all that long to wonder about it.

We were all starting to fall asleep. Suddenly I felt Cynthia’s dad’s hand on my leg.” Joanna raised an eyebrow as she spoke her next words. “Of course, being smart ass high school girls, we just had to wear the shortest skirts possible. By that I mean, the max our parents would allow.

“So there I was looking down at his hand moving from my knee to the upper portion of my thigh. I coughed once to see if that would get him to take his hand off, but he pretended like nothing was happening.

I really was at a loss as what to do. I mean, had it been a high school senior, I’d have smacked the hand away. I was embarrassed, worse I didn’t want my girlfriends to wake up with me fighting Cynthia’s dad off. So I stayed silent.

Then his hand was under my skirt. As short as it was he wasn’t too far away from pay dirt, you know?”

I tried to stop him, but two things happened. One, he was stronger than me. Two, he lost control of the car and nearly wrecked it; but managed to gain control and just kept driving. His hand never left my thigh. I figured he’d rather kill us all than take his fuckin’ hand away, so I gave in.

“So there he was, hand between my legs. I tried to hold them together but, again, there wasn’t much I could do without waking everyone up. So I decided to just endure it, because I knew we’d be home soon.

He started rubbing my pussy through my panties. I felt helpless to stop him. It was humiliating. I felt even more humiliated when I started feeling pleasure from what he was doing to me.

Oh the bastard did quite the job on my clit. He knew what he was doing, He rubbed it and he tweaked it, had me wetter than I get in the shower. I had to bite my lip to stop from moaning,

and then my orgasm hit me. I couldn’t help moaning, but it was through clenched teeth and the radio was on, so my girlfriends didn’t wake up.

But I gotta tell ya, it was the most intense and pleasurable orgasm I had ever had. It lasted forever. My whole body shook, and I felt like a flood of pleasure flowed from my toes to the tips of my fingers.

And Cynthia’s dad knew it.

Later that year I lost my virginity. Yeah ... the fucking Prom, doesn’t everyone? He was a hunky college guy I’d just started dating. I suppose you want to know how he rated in the Richter Scale orgasm-wise ... so let’s just say it was okay. It didn’t hurt, but I didn’t get off either. Still, I was happy to no longer be a virgin.

“Just two more ... shall we say, incidents and I’m done. So ... in my school you had to get at least a C+ average in all your classes, or you couldn’t play sports. During my senior year I failed the mid-term math exam, and I was about to be kicked off the cheerleading squad. I felt like my life was ruined. I begged the math teacher, Mr. Jorgenson, to let me re-take the exam. He agreed, but he said I first had to take extra lessons after school, or else I’d probably just fail it again.

Now Sigmund the shrink might take issue with what follows; but what did I know at eighteen, anyway? Well, I knew how to tease guys and I impishly decided to tease Mr. Jorgenson during the after school study sessions.

Sooo, first day, first session, I wore a snug turtleneck that showed off my little girl apples, the mandatory short skirt, white tights and flats. Typical attire for the average teenage slut, right?”

I purposely fidgeted in my seat, crossing and re-crossing my legs and letting my skirt inch up my thighs. Mr. Jorgenson sat at his desk and quizzed me, all the while ogling my legs.

The next day I intentionally dressed like a school girl, knowing older men like Mr. Jorgenson liked that. I’d seen a recent copy of Hustler and followed the starlet’s dress to a T. Well I wore undies, she didn’t, but you see where I’m going with this, right?

There I was short pleated skirt, starched tailored blouse, knee high socks and saddle shoes. I had to endure my friend’s comments, “Saddle shoes? Ugh, where’d you find them?”

But it was worth it. The whole time I felt Mr. Jorgenson’s eyes on me. When I spoke he didn’t look at my face. Instead he looked at my mouth, like he was imagining what it would be like to kiss me, or feel my lips around his you-know-what.

It went on like this for three days. I have to admit, teasing him turned me on. It was thrilling to have this type power over him. Every night I played with myself to an incredible orgasm.

I came down to Earth on Friday when I re-took the test, but only got a C-. I was devastated, and knew I’d be kicked out of cheerleading. I was near tears when I felt Mr. Jorgenson’s hand on my arm. His eyes were on my chest. “I know cheerleading is important to you,” he said. “There might be something you can do to raise your grade ... if you can keep a secret.”

I felt his hand on my back, tracing along my bra strap. “I won’t do that,” I said warily. Teasing was one thing, but I wasn’t going to prostitute myself.

“No, no, not that,” he said hurriedly.

“Then -- what do you want?”

He looked nervous. Looking back, I know he planned all of this from the start, but he knew how much trouble he’d be in if he got caught.

“Do you swear you’ll never tell anyone?” he said. He tried to sound domineering, but I sensed his uneasiness. “If you say anything, I’ll deny it all and get you expelled. Getting kicked out of cheerleading will be the least of your worries.”

I nodded. I didn’t know what to expect, but his nervousness made me feel more confident, despite his threats.

“Take off your shoes,” he demanded.

“What?” looking bewildered.

“Please,” he practically pleaded, abruptly losing his domineering demeanor.

I stepped out of my flats. He ogled my feet, and then his eyes moved up my legs. “Turn around and walk to the wall, and then walk back slowly.”

I did as he asked. It was weird, but harmless. The entire time his eyes hungrily ogled my legs and feet.

“So beautiful,” he said longingly. “Now pull up your skirt.”

He saw the alarm on my face and quickly added, “I won’t touch you! I just want to look!”

He hadn’t touched me – other than briefly rubbing my back – and I could always scream or run away. The door was closed, but not locked. So I felt safe. I lowered my hands and raised my skirt.

“Please, more, and slowly,” he begged, when I stopped just below my panties.

I couldn’t believe the change in Mr. Jorgenson. Just moments ago he had been the dominating teacher. Now he was practically groveling at my feet. I couldn’t believe how much power I had over him. It aroused me. “Do you promise to give me an A?” I asked, wanting to test my new found power. “Not just for this test, but for the rest of the year?”

“Yes!” he agreed immediately. “Now, please, just raise your skirt, I want to see...”

I raised my skirt to my waist. My white tights weren’t quite opaque, so he could see through to my lacy bikini panties.

“Are you a virgin?” he asked, the words almost catching in his dry throat.

“No,” I answered truthfully. I wasn’t very experienced – having only done it once – but didn’t say that.

He moaned, like my confession had given him physical pleasure. He fumbled at his zipper, and took out his penis. It was hard, and he started whacking off, not taking his eyes off my crotch. The knowledge that I caused such a reaction in him made me flush with arousal. So when he asked -- “Can I touch you, just a little?” – I nodded my head. I wanted him touching me in a big way.

He covered my mound with his hand. “You’re so wet,” he said, and I knew it was true. I moaned when he rubbed me, desperately wanting the pleasure and release of my rapidly approaching orgasm.

Suddenly our roles were reversed again, with him having the upper hand. He rubbed me harder and faster, and I clung to him for support. He probably felt my breath against his chest as I panted into his shirt.

He knew I needed release, and that gave him confidence. “I knew you weren’t a virgin,” he hissed into my ear. “You’ve been teasing me on purpose, haven’t you?”

“Yeah,” I moaned. At that moment I would’ve said anything to keep him rubbing me, although in this case my admission was the truth.

He grunted, satisfied. “I knew it! You’re a dirty teasing slut, a cock teaser, admit it!”

Surprisingly, I found his taunting a real turn on. Instinctively I began playing along. “You’re right, I like to tease; it turns me on!”

He stopped playing with himself, and with that free hand, he groped my small breasts. “A slut, that’s what you are, and you fuck them after you tease them, don’t you slut, don’t you?” he sneered, rubbing my nipples through my blouse and bra.

Mr. Jorgenson’s rough handling of my pussy and breasts was too much for me and I came, shuddering through an almost violent orgasm. I collapsed into his chest, and he immediately began humping me. Wearing panties and tights, there wasn’t a chance he could penetrate me, which is good because I’m not sure I’d have the will to stop him. But he didn’t seem to care. In fact, he seemed to savor the feel of my wool tights against his penis. Within moments he grunted, and then I felt a warm wetness spreading over my tights.

“Oh, wow, that was soooo hot, Joanna,” Celia cooed.

“Damn right!” Jim agreed.

Paul shook his head, “This is turning out much better than I thought it would.”

“I’m not quite finished,” Joanna said with a wry smile.

“Continue on,” Paul said gallantly waving her on.

“Anyway, I graduated without letting Mr. Jorgenson go any further than he had ... although there were some days and nights I would have welcomed his cock, you know?

“But this is the part I’ve never, ever even hinted at to anyone that wasn’t there at the time. I can’t believe I’m going to tell you guys about it now!”

“C’mon, Jo, you’ve got me salivating,” Jim said. His erection had returned and was pointed at the ceiling. Joanna caught sight of it and licked her lips, but decided she had to finish the story.

Joanna took a deep breath, noticing that her chest was still a favorite object of attention of everyone in the room and felt a twinge of pleasure in her vagina.

Then she began. “Okay, of all things I was asked to house sit for Cynthia’s family. Her Dad of all people! I was to live there for a month while they went to Alaska as a reward for Cynthia’s graduating high school.

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A carpenter needs a brush to make it well screwed, and not to brush thinking that this should be so. Mine decided to do something at home without my knowledge and so called carpenter to povimieňal okná.To would be ok but she called the biggest bitch of okolia.Ten pussy when he felt right at home alone she just smiled zaliečal.Keď started it extends the legs she initially resisted but he was becoming stronger and she watered. "No, no, no .... let's go to the bedroom next to" povedala.Vtedy, it...

2 years ago
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Wife in soft bondage and domination

Well, me and my girlfriend Johanna have just gotten married! What we did on our wedding night will come later but now to what happened yesterday.I had had a rough week at work and on saturday morning Johanna came home and saw that once again I was in a bad mood so she decided to cheer me up.-Mike?-What is it Johanna?And as I looked up I saw her hold out a pair of handcuffs and the leather nackcuff she usually wore when she was the submissive one. Her clothing was a white t-shirt and a black...

1 year ago
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DONNAI Seduced my best friends mom

Alison and I used to visit each other’s houses on alternate weekends during school time, mainly as we were best friends, we were also having sex with each other. On this particular Saturday I made my way up to her house and knocked on the door, her mum Annette, answered and let me in. “Hi Donna, she’s not back from swimming yet but you can wait if that’s OK” I nodded, and we walked into the kitchen. “Coffee” she asked and I said, “Yes please”.With a mug of coffee in my hand I went and sat on...

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Lucky Star

Born Under A Lucky Star By Stefanie Flowers Despite an unfortunate start in life, I believed that I had been born under a lucky star. Right now it's light was obscured by heavy clouds but at some time in the future the sky would clear, it's light fill the sky and good fortune would come to me. That thought was all that kept me going during the darkest days of my very troublesome childhood. Having paid my dues as a child I was sure to benefit from good luck and fortune for the rest...

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Wandering Ch 04

This is the fourth in a series about the journey of newly divorced Lee Stephenson and his voyage of rediscovery. The time has come to reassess the inexplicable events of the past six days. I am, as always, grateful to ErikThread for his editing assistance and advice. Any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility. Chapter 4: Beth I sat in my car in the parking lot of the convenience store for quite a while. I had long since finished the wretched coffee that they offered and I was lost...

1 year ago
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Maid in Oaxaca Mexico 3

MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO - 3 By Monica Graz CHAPTER 8 I had an uneasy sleep during my first night at the new apartment. I felt quite lonely lying on my small single bed at the tiny maid's room. I was terribly missing Pat; I would have loved to share the bed with her in the master bedroom but she had decided differently and at the moment she was the boss. I was of course dead tired and my body was aching from the manual labor but my mind was busy trying to absorb the novelty of...

3 years ago
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Stranger On A Bench 3

The golden sun lights up the sky. A new day is raising its head to view the fleeting moments of its existence.On a bench, in a park, a young man sits engrossed in the object held in his hands. With his shoulders hunched, his lower legs are drawn back hard against the seat. On any other day, he would be in bed wrapped up with his partner. Her slender body usually pressed against him, rousing him slowly to a sensuous awareness. When she was horny, he would feel her hands upon his body. She gently...

1 year ago
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The BlemsChapter 9

With that Ray vanished streaking toward the Chorton home world, what has gone wrong now he thought as he neared the planet at incredible speed. Appearing near Miahally's home Ray was expecting...

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Feminized by a Black Thug

I had been with my girlfriend since college. Somehow despite being a buxom blond she didn't mind my less than average size member or my slight slim stature, we're almost the same size. We were taking a big step now that we'd graduated, we decided to move in together. My girlfriend, Katy's parents gave her their condo in the north side of Chicago. The place was incredible. 2 bedrooms, a view of the lake, and a balcony, and a sophisticated security system complete with cameras. I hadn't found a...

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The Dress Shop

CHAPTER ONE BETH "Aw. Don't worry Rich. It doesn't matter." It had happened again. I'd been seeing Beth for a whole year. And we'd been trying to have sex for a month. In all that time we'd not once actually managed. Beth is so understanding. And beautiful. "Seriously babe. Please don't worry about it. I have to get to work anyway. Important meeting today." Beth smiled sympathetically as she spoke. I just looked embarrassed again, glowing red. There was nothing more I could...

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Banner YearChapter 41

Early Monday morning at his workout was Cal's first chance for some deep thought. Of course, there had been idle time on Sunday, but by dint of long habit, it was while exercising that he did his best concentration. The dominant thing on his mind was what his mother had done the night before. Even before he had gone to sleep, he had decided that he was not upset by it. Oh, it had been embarrassing at first, but her words and her expression had conveyed her true feelings - love and...

2 years ago
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She replied quickly, without wasting any time, “No, I don’t feel like. Why don’t we sit in the classroom and talk?” I was more than happy to do that. But I did not have any bad intentions; I was just being a good friend to the college’s hottest chick. We had been friends since college started and we hit it off pretty well, however I never had the balls to ask her out and she never took any initiative from her side as well. She was going out with Eric since 2 months now and they had a good...

3 years ago
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Love can be in plain sight 4

“Do you not want me to sleep with you just yet?” I asked. “No, it's not that, we'd definitely be at boyfriend and girlfriend status then, are we sure we wanna move to that already?” Ray asked. He had a good point, but I loved him and I wanted it. “Well, maybe it's a little fast, but I think once you find that person, why wait?” I asked. “You mean you wanna be with me?” Ray asked. “Yes, so why wait? We know we love each other and are gonna start sleeping together sooner or...

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Halloween at Gamma House

It's Halloween night and there's a big party at the Gamma Beta Phi sorority house. The Gamma girls are known for their parties and the sex that occurs at them. It was 9:00 and all the guests were gathered around a raised platform in the middle of the main room. On the platform were a couple mattresses, some chairs, a large box full of sex toys, and Lynne DuPont, the president of the Gamma sorority. Lynne wore a sexy witch costume and held a microphone in her hand as she addressed her...

4 years ago
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my first time thinking of men i became a sissy c

Growing up I always enjoyed dressing up in my mom’s and sister’s clothes. I never saw my fascination with dressing as anything weird, and as a matter of fact I was never attracted to men or thought about men while I dressed. To me, I found dressing as just something fun and not to mention it always gave me a sense of feeling sexy – even at a young age. The thought of men never crossed my mind until I was in my teens, and when I finally did think of men it happened abruptly. During the summer of...

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Petite Problems

All of my blog entries and stories are based on real events. Names, dates and locations have been changed for privacy. I hadn't done any escort work for a while and I was having a bit of dry spell. I had just joined Facebook. I was slow on the uptake as far as social media is concerned. Why would I want people to know what I had for breakfast? It wasn't long after setting up my profile I started getting requests from old friends and family. On request stood out because the message attached said...

3 years ago
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Maine Mere Madam Ko Choda

Hi mera naam Yuvraj hai. Main aaj aapko mere life ka ek incidance batane ja raha hu jo ki real hai. Pehle main mere bare main aap logo ko bata du. Main nasik k ek private college main b. Tech kar raha hu. Regular jim jane k karan main kafi tagada aur majboot hu. Ab main mere hasina k bare main aap logo ko bata du jo ki meri madam hai aur meri appartment main meri flat k saamne rehti hai. Uska naam Amruta hai. Wo dikhne main madhuri dixit jaisi hai. Wo hamesha sari pehanti hai. Wo shadi shuda...

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Reveal by Charlee White Meticulously measuring each step, I glide onto the pool deck above pink, ankle strap stilettos. The open toes tastefully frame the subdued red nail polish that I have chosen. To the exclusion of all other thought, I focus my attention on the task of infusing every gentle sway of my slender hips with a sexy confidence that hides my relative inexperience walking in heels. As a twenty-three year old boy dressed as a girl, I carefully temper my moves to...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 27

“Ah, Mr. Russell,” he said, extending his hand. “It’s good to see you up and recovered. How are you feeling?” I looked at his hand, but knew I’d never met this man. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” “No, I suppose not directly. My name is Dr. Collins. I treated you when you were brought in a few weeks ago,” he said with a smile. “You gave us quite a scare, but it looks like you’re out of the woods.” I fished in my pocket and took out my phone, turning away and snapping a picture of myself and...

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My Affair With A Sexy MILF

I parked our car. It was a very good star hotel They were actually waiting for us. They both dressed decently well but aunt wore a super fine dress. She was wearing a black skirt type of dress which was covering till her thighs. The upper part of the dress was struggling to cover her big breasts. Her bra impressions were visible and the part of upper boobs were popped out from her bra. They were clearly visible. Though she did not wear any heels, she was really tall. She really had a long legs...

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When worlds collide the training of John

Arrival John came to he felt fuzzy, he remembered fragments from the night before, a white light, falling, just some terrible dream. His head felt like it was swelling like bad popcorn and cracking out of this skull. "Hay you,hay you", John heard a man's voice. This wasn't his bed he realised. "Huh?" "What's your name?" "John, John Evans" "My name is Richard Shuttleworth. Look we haven't got much time. I know it sounds strange but you've fallen through a rift in space time...

2 years ago
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My Parents and Me part 2

This is a work of fiction.. sorryMy dad came up beside my mother and turns my face to kiss him too. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up like when I was 5 and with my legs wrapped around his body he lead me over to their bed. Before he set me down he placed me back on the floor and he started to undress me. He pulled my shirt over my head and reached behind to unhook my bra exposing my perky maturing breasts. Next came my pants "these will be easy your pants are already...

2 years ago
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Had this Dream About You

I’ve had this dream about you more than once … it’s something I want to do to you … with you … more like I need to do it – as if I can do this to you then it will satisfy the core of my being.Every time I have this fantasy, it’s in Washington because it begins with a flashback to that moment when I flew over Mt. Rainier and I could feel my breath catch in my chest. I wonder if that was my body’s way of saying something as significant as Mt. Rainier was about to happen in my life …We agree to...

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Trans Angels is “home of the best TS porn online”. A relatively new site that started in mid-2017, Trans Angels is all about them chicks…with dicks. The site features top-rated models like Chanel Santini and Domino Presley all in various scenes you can watch from the site.Content is somewhat limited at 117 scenes, but the site is updated very regularly with 2-3 scenes added per week. A lot of these scenes are entertaining porn skits such as “Chauffeur Her”, where the Chauffeur fucks the shit...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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When Mistakes Happen Chapter 4

Rachel Coe, the thirty-ish-year-old Headmistress at the sixth-form College had been pensive since she had been caned earlier in the day by Marsha Summers, her secretary. The reason wasn't so much that her bottom still stung but more that she had been given a punishment letter that meant she had to be spanked after College and have the letter signed and taken back to College in the morning. The failure to do that would result in another six strokes of the cane.Rachel Coe lived alone and although...

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How I Became A Gigolo In Chennai

Hi to all readers. I am a regular reader of ISS and thought to put my story here today. This story is about how I became a gigolo in Chennai and started providing services to girls and ladies on a daily basis. Without wasting further time let me introduce the 2 characters of this story. I am Raj from Rajasthan. I am basically a Jain boy bought up in Chennai. I am little on the heavier side and have a penis of size 5 inch long and 3 inches in diameter. (I’ll not brag like others who quote they...

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SwapChapter 19

If you look up naïve in the dictionary, you'll see my picture. At the police station, I was placed under arrest before I could press charges against Tremont for assaulting his step-daughter. While a detective wearing a three-piece suit manhandled me into leaning against a wall with my hands and with my legs spread, another detective crudely frisked me for weapons and cuffed me. Shelly protested, but she was ignored. My dad looked like he was about to explode, so told him to calm down, that...

4 years ago
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In a Quiet Corner of the Galley Waiting for the Coffee to Perk

My first time? Oh God, let's see. I was twelve, just twelve. It was early summer. Piano lessons. I had been taking piano lessons since I was six. First from fat Mrs. Bessemer, but then, because everyone said I was getting so good, Mr. Trombley. It was a drive to get to Mr. Trombley's. He and his wife lived in a big house clear on the other side of town, so my mom had to drive me over there. Every Thursday afternoon, four o'clock. One hour. My mom told me it wasn't that much of a hardship...

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Korean Girl gets extra credit

I'm a professor at a California university in the Economics department. It was finals week lastsemester and I had just finished grading the tests for my class. I had maybe an hour and a half to turnthe grades in to the Dean's office for input into the school's records the next day.A knocking at my door caught my attention. "Come in." I said. In walked a meek-looking young Asiangirl, about 5'1", black hair cut neatly at the shoulders. She was slim, maybe 100-105 lbs., wearing aloose-fitting...

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Sisters Wet PantiesChapter 12

It was the next afternoon. And Kay Wagner was nakedly bent over a kitchen chair while her father, also very naked, prepared to fuck her in the ass. "Gotta get my cock nice and wet," Mark said, easing behind his young daughter so that his cock-head throbbed against the lips of her quivering pussy. "We need to make my prick nice and slick so it'll slide right up your ass." His hips jerked forward, slamming every inch of his huge cock into the girl's cunt. She groaned as he wrenched back...

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Deanna And Summer Find Each Other

Deanna and Summer had both attended high school together, and their friendship had its ?roller-coaster? aspect. They were a true contrast, these girls. Deanna had long, wavy brown hair and blue eyes. She had an elegance to her that Summer didn?t quite possess. Summer was a classic blonde, who shared her eye color with Deanna, but little else in appearance. She had a bit of a tan, unlike her best friend. She was not quite as intellectual as her friend, either, though not the typical blonde...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 117

Freda, the city clerk, wasn't very happy about having to fill in for the city manager, and she had tried to put off what she could until the new one arrived, hopefully in the next month. Still there was business to take care of, and sometimes it couldn't be put off. Since Kutzley had left, back at the end of November, Jack Musgrave had been dealing with most of the items to be done with the sewer system, and she let him have all of the mail unopened that looked like it might have something...

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I Fucked My Sexy Aunt 8211 Part V

Hello to all my dear friends of Iss my name is raj n I am from Mumbai. I’m 19yrs old n m studying in college I am a regular reader of this site n i enjoy all stories here specially the incest and aunties, bhabhies n threesome stories a lot n also group stories too n I just love this all So before starting my story I want to tell u guys pls comment on my story whether u like or not like on so that I can know how to improve my next story better n I am not a writer so there may be grammatical...


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