Hartstein (A Hartstein Story)Chapter 6 free porn video

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Illustrated version available on request – The Author

Celia’s Story

Celia sat cross-legged and covered her pussy with a towel so as not to distract her listeners from the story she was about to tell. Joanna followed suit although not sitting cross-legged, she simply sat demurely, or as demurely as one can while nude and neither Jim nor Paul could see her privates without becoming very obvious about it.

Celia cleared her throat and began: “I grew up as a shy, submissive, quiet girl who dutifully studied piano and violin and math, just like my Mom and Dad wanted. But I had a terrible secret, dark side -- I loved to get off. Ever since I hit puberty I’d get off as much as I could. I felt so guilty about it, so never told anyone. I used to hide in my room for hours doing it, then started using the internet to get off -- chat rooms, free pictures, whatever. It made me feel dirty and worthless, like I was broken, but I couldn’t stop it.

I was three months from my eighteenth birthday when I discovered my mother was cheating on my Dad, a long distance truck driver.

I honestly didn’t know what to do? I mean, at that point I loved them both. What the fuck, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Only it wasn’t.

When my mother realized that I knew about her adultery, and that I wasn’t about to do anything about it--we’d had one of those soap opera mother-daughter talks--she made no secret about it and started bringing him over to spend the night when dad was on the road.

This went on for several months. I turned eighteen and several days later I had a late night visitor. He raped me. That’s it. There was no grey area--I did not flirt with, or provide him with any reason to take what he wasn’t supposed too, but he did. And I kept my mouth shut.

That might have been the worst thing I could do. But hey, I was young and naive. To be perfectly honest with you, at some point during the sex, I got into it with him. Maybe somewhere in the middle of it all I realized that there had to be a reason why my mother was fucking him. And she was fucking him: In the car--I could smell her every time I got in it. On the kitchen table--and no, I didn’t smell it there, I saw them rutting away after clearing off the dinner dishes when I was supposed to be studying; on the couch where I had watched TV, but not anymore. Then too, I’d seen his cock up close, and he was hung—not like a fucking horse, but damn near it. And first timer or not, he filled me to the max, and I got off, despite not wanting him in me.

Afterward I thought about what had happened. Of course I did, that even sounds dumber that I thought it did. I didn’t tell my mother--who knew whose side she’d take? I didn’t go to my school advisor, or pastor, or the police.

I kept it to myself, but I didn’t let that son-of-a-bitch get anywhere near me again.

Maybe a month went by and I got this itch, you know?” Celia gestured at Joanna, who nodded understandingly.

“The itch you get when you’re horny?” Paul asked.

“That’s the one!” Celia quickly agreed. “I wanted to get it scratched, really scratched, but wasn’t sure just how to go about it. I mean, the guys in school were mostly dorks. Not really, but from my perspective at the time they were. I mean, they knew less than I did about sex, so how was that going to help me. Oh, I know, there had to be a couple of guys that might have done the job, but the ones with experience were pretty much taken by the class beauties, of which I was not a member.”

“Well I think you’re gorgeous baby,” Jim said with a warm smile.

“You’ve got my vote on good looks too,” Paul added.

“If you think you’re not a ten, you’re crazy, Joanna said last, making it a complete agreement on Celia’s looks.

“Ooooh, now you’ll all be thinking I was fishing for compliments ... but thank you all anyway!”

“Anyways ... there I was looking for Mr. Right Now, an experienced guy who’d show me how it’s done; a guy with a reasonably big dick--I couldn’t get cock size out of my mind, you know?”

“You still can’t,” Jim said teasing her as only a lover can.

“Hmmmm, guess who’s cut off for the next two weeks?” Celia said with a grin.

“Ooooh!” Joanna said mischievously.

“Weren’t you going off to college?” Paul asked out of curiosity.

“Yeah, and that posed another problem. I needed to do this before I left, or so I thought. I didn’t want to be wandering around campus as horny as I was. I’d probably have jumped some poor freshman’s bones and gotten expelled.”

“All right, all ready! What the hell did you do?” Jim barked, obviously dying to hear what happened.

Celia laughed and said, “What everyone was doing of course. I went on the Internet and met Moria.

“I found her--or she found me--I forget which way it went, but I had only been searching for about an hour or so before for ‘an experienced, hung stud who wants to fuck a young pussy, ‘ before we connected.

“Okay, long story, short: Moria was a pregnant twenty-something. As horny as I was it was easy to trust her at her word--which was that she was looking for an eighteen or nineteen year old to screw her husband’s brains out because she couldn’t--blowjobs weren’t doing the trick for them and she didn’t want him to find someone to screw simply because he might be tempted to leave their marriage and the unborn baby. So she wanted to find someone who would screw him, but not become overly attached to him. Someone like me, who was going off to, or perhaps already attending college and just wanted a fuck-buddy for a couple weeks.

“It took all of twenty-four hours to make the deal. That Saturday night I told my parents I had a sleep-over at a girlfriend’s house (having already sworn her to secrecy under pain of death, or worse).”

Paul and Jim tried to stifle their mirth at this sordid tale, but Joanna appeared transfixed by it.

“By the way, Moria was half-way through her seventh month, and huge! She was a pretty red-headed Irish colleen, whose breasts were humongous in that she was carrying twins in her womb.

“So she told me that I was looking at about two months plus of being screwed by her husband, Phil as she needed some time following the birthing to recover enough for sexual activity.

“What I didn’t know was that there was a stipulation I had yet to hear from Moria--She would be present when her husband—Phil--and I did the deed. Had I not been so fucking horny it might have been a deal breaker.

“We agreed on a place to meet (Moria’s idea, not mine) and I dressed like I thought a slut for hire might: skin-tight jeans and form-fitting sweater hugging my boobs. I saw Phil’s eyes pop with more than the usual interest men, or rather, boys generally showed in me.

I had already seen pictures of both Phil and Moria in the nude so my interest in them lay in other areas for the moment. Moria had thought things out and so we didn’t rush off and fuck our brains out, but got to know one another by spending the afternoon at a festival with the usual rides, games and in general family fun. And it was mostly fun as far as I was concerned. As for any apprehensions, well I was eighteen, what did I know anyway?

What a threesome we made--me and the big bellied soon-to-be momma waddling along behind her husband and me. Moria insisted that Phil and I ride all the fast rides--roller coaster, whip-the whip, those spinning tops that make you sick to your stomach, even the small “lover’s ride” through a make-shift tunnel. Moria, of course, couldn’t do any of those rides; she just stood around the railings, waiting for us to have our fun.

It put me alone with Phil in fun situations, and we were mostly laughing our asses off, and trying not to puke. But his wife had her reasons for getting us together like that; it sure brought down any barriers that might have been in the way of what would happen later.

By the end of the last few rides, I was holding his hand, or walking arm-in-arm with him, with Moria a step or two behind us. I’m sure passersby thought of us as mother, father and daughter.

I should mention the Tunnel of Love ride. We must have passed by it several times during the afternoon. My guess is Moria was saving it for last, and it was.

As we disappeared from the afternoon sky into a barely-lit tunnel, Phil had his arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the forehead as we were enveloped in the darkness. I think he missed my mouth, but I found his and we settled into a long kiss that lasted until the light at the end of the tunnel appeared.

I whispered, “You’re a good kisser,” just as we burst back into the bright daylight and Moria’s beaming smile.

Phil returned the compliment, “You,” he said hoarsely, “are the hottest fuckin’ woman I’ve held hands with, ever--including my wife--a walkin’ wet dream, that’s what you are!”

“I still think Moria heard him, but the smile never left her face. As for me, I was ready to cum then and there. There was no way I wasn’t going home with them.”

Meanwhile, Moria wanted to eat everything in sight, so between the rides, we were feeding the monster, so to speak. Cotton candy, a “funnel cake,” candy apple, even sausage with peppers. She didn’t finish any of those things; she just had a hunger for each of them, but ended up pitching each item after just a few bites. I had a diet soda, and I had water, it didn’t cool my sexual appetite one iota.

Moria sidled up to me and in a lowered voice told me her husband seemed to like my ass.

I recall blushing with embarrassment at her comment and trying to deny it, but he was still checking my butt out and so I couldn’t do anything but laugh along with Moria.

As we headed back to the car in the crowded parking lot, moving at Moria’s pace, I found myself hugging Phil’s arm and pressing my boob against him. I was already wondering how big his dick was, and if he was going to eat me out. I should have known Moria would want in on that action as well--then again, I was still a naive horny bitch in heat and couldn’t have cared less.

Our strange little threesome proceeded to our ultimate destination -- their marital apartment, about twenty minutes away. Phil drove and Moria and I sat in the back--with Moria doing her best to put me at ease for what was to follow.

Once we got to their place, the large-bellied Moria nestled into her favorite chair in the living room; a padded, reclining chair that with the footrest extended was a perfect spot for her deformed figure. Her round belly stuck out and up and her back hurt from all the walking she’d done at the festival.

Phil told me that his wife would need about an hour or so to recover. It was Moria who told me--after sending Phil off to get us some refreshments--I would be providing her with some entertainment while she rested.

Suddenly I had reservations about what I had done. But Moria just kept talking to me about nothing in particular and gradually managed to calm me down.

Phil returned and joined me on the sofa. “So,” Moria said, addressing both of us, you want to learn about sex from an experienced man.”

I nodded, unable to speak at the moment.

Moria went on: “I think, maybe, you wanna go ahead, want to see what you can learn?”

“I was mortified and terribly excited at the same time. I knew a response was expected of me and mumbled, “Ummm, sure, I guess.”

“Well, tell him what you told me--why you’re here?”

“Looking back, I guess they’d rehearsed a few lines and this was one of them. Did I have a choice?

“Ummm, so like, I’m going to college next year? And I wanna be, like, you know, pretty good at stuff...” I paused and grinned inanely at Moria, letting the word ‘stuff’ hang in the air for a long moment. “Umm, Moria said you’d wanna help me out, you know ... have some fun, showing me what’s what?”

“We can do that,” Moria said with a wry grin from her reclining chair. She turned to her husband, “Phil darling, let’s show her what’s what!”

Phil who was sitting next to me, stood up.

“Phil, for christ’sakes, kiss her, will ya?”

He put his arm around me and hugged me to him. I remember laughing, but it was really my nerves not anything funny. He kissed me but our lips hardly touched.

“C’mon you two, you can do better than that!” Moria said disapprovingly.

I took the initiative and kissed him sending my tongue into his mouth. It turned into a pretty good French kiss after all, and Moria started to applaud, saying, “I knew you had it in you!”

“By the next kiss we were making out like we’d been dating for ages.

“Moria kept up a running commentary, saying stuff like: ‘That’s it, baby, let him fuck your mouth with his tongue, and you do the same to him!’”

“She just sat there, simmering in her lusty juices, watching her husband and me making out. But, eventually, Moria decided it was time to move on.

“So Phil,” she called out, “is she a good kisser?”

“She’s awesome,” he replied, “The college boys will love her.”

“I liked hearing that and began trying to put my pelvis into his hardon. With Phil that was easier said than done.”

Phil’s hands slid up my silky thighs to caress my ass as our mouths met once more in a passionate kiss. Slowly he slid his hands up my back, eliciting a low moan from me, and I began to grind my hips back and forth in his lap. He brought his hands around and cupped a full breast in each hand, instinctively being gentle with them. I didn’t understand why. I preferred that he rough them up. I realized a while later that Moria being pregnant had tender breasts and he was reacting to her state and not mine. It was all right with me, after all, what the fuck did I know?

I almost lost my mind when he kissed my neck and throat. Believe it or not, it was another first for me. He raised my sweater up, exposing my bra and kissed his way down my chest, he made small circular motions with his palms lightly pressed against my lacy bra and under it, my excited, obdurate nipples. I arched my back to create more pressure against his caressing palms and let my fingers twine into his hair and pulled him against the nearest yearning breast. It was soon obvious to me that Phil had been this route before most likely with Moria for he deftly unclasped my bra and tossed it away to the side and freed my girls and gave one a powerful squeeze that sent a tingle right to my twat. Then he began kissing and licking every inch of my ample tits. But he was careful to avoid any contact with my aching nipples ensuring that his tongue remained just outside the dark boundaries of my pebbled areolas.

Still the pleasure evoked was incredible. I pulled on his hair and he responded by lightly flicking my left nipple with that talented tongue. I was stunned at the sudden shock of pleasure that rocketed from the nipple to my clit.

I must have moaned. I know I moaned, and off to the side I heard Moria cackling with perverted pleasure. “Give her another taste, baby! Show her how you play with my titties!”

He began to lightly swirl his tongue around my now distended nipple, gradually increasing his pace and pressure. My rate of breathing increased along with it.

He played switch a tit with them--something that my man, Jim here likes to do as well--until finally picking one to settle onto. Oh boy! I grabbed the back of his neck and held him in place until the waves of pure pleasure ebbed.

“Harder, Phil!” Moria called out as she squeezed her own breasts. “Bite them ... suck harder!”

He did and I saw stars.

He cupped my free breast and gave it a hard squeeze. More stars.

He kept biting and sucking and pinched the other nipple.

“Oh fuck yeah,” I yelled the rapture all but overwhelming me.

And then, Moria moaned and told Phil she’d begun lactating and he left me and my girls hanging. I looked down and saw his saliva trickling down my cleavage toward my stomach and moaned at the loss, but I was still captivated by what was happening just a few feet away.

Phil was kneeling by the recliner and Moria was holding a swollen breast offering it to him. I saw driblets of milk or some substance that looked like milk squirt from the nipple and hit Phil’s cheek before he captured it and began to suck on her teat.

A short time later, Moria beckoned me over and I too got to sample her milk. As the first dribble of warm fluid flowed across my tongue, I was able to determine it tasted sweet, which surprised me. It also had a slightly salty albeit not unpleasant after taste.

Now Phil was working the right breast while I had the left. I sucked hard while squeezing it firmly and was rewarded by another slight trickle, which I greedily lapped from the nipple.

It took Phil and me a moment to realize that all this feeding had put Moria into frenzy. She was gasping for breath, eyes closed and head thrown back.

She snapped out of it a second later to tell us ‘not to stop--keep doing it--oh gawd, baby I think ... I think I’m ... oh fuckkk, I’m gonna cum!’

Phil just stared at his wife. I knew that being that close she’d appreciate any help I could give her getting over the top and returned to sucking and squeezing that tit of hers.

Moria’s hands lifted and placing them behind her head she ran them through her silky hair then arched her back and humped the air in front of her as Phil finally emulated what I was doing and renewed his sucking too.

With a loud shriek, Moria went over the edge and came. It was an orgasm that masturbation could never have achieved. It was the orgasm that can only come from someone whose whole being is focused on making their lover’s experience pleasure of the highest magnitude.

I was never prouder of myself for being partly responsible in getting her there.

Several minutes passed while Moria luxuriated in her orgasmic stupor, and then she returned to reality and cursed. “Phil, what the fuck just happened?”

“You came big time, baby,” he said.

“Oh my gawd, Phil,” she said giggling, “I’ve never came like that before. Shit, you didn’t even touch my pussy. My tits, just my tits? Holy shit!”

Moria rested for a minute or so and then turned her attention back to me. “Okay, Celia you still wanna know how to turn this guy on?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said. I’d been horny ever since I got to their place. I was steaming by this time.

“Start taking those clothes off!” Moria said in a commanding tone. “Show him that hot little body!”

“It seemed to be a big leap, going from an erotic kiss to stripping nude--but, I wasn’t going to stop at this point. And so, embarrassed as I’ve ever been I stripped, sneakers and socks first, sweater and bra next. I recall swaying my hips as I shimmied out of my too tight jeans and then threw my panties at him, hitting him in the face. To my surprise he left them there for a long moment, and then held them to his nose sniffing them!

“Moria was impressed with my tits; I remember she muttered, ‘Damn but you have hot tits--what size are you?’”

I giggled, suddenly proud of my body. “Thirty-four-C,” I answered.

“Some rack, huh, Moria?” Phil laughed.

“Lucky you, Phil, so do something with them!”

I didn’t realize it then but she was micromanaging each and every step of my seduction.

“Well, I was there for sexual instruction so...”

Moria moaned and I realized that she was as excited as her husband. I wondered if that was going to be a problem, but decided it didn’t matter as I was there to lean as much as possible and that meant girl on girl might be on the curriculum as well as straight fucking.

“Do you wanna stop? I mean are you nervous? Or do you want to make my husband so hard he’ll probably cum in his pants?”

“Umm,” I playfully gasped, “that, the last one.” Moria cackled, “So kneel down and lean over those pillows.”

I did, knowing the view I was giving them of my pussy.

“Some snatch, huh, Phil?” Moria said in a voice dripping with lust.

“Yeah,” he replied, “and that ass is something else too!”

“I guess all you kids shave these days, huh?” Moria said tonelessly.”

I felt I owed her an answer and said, “I keep it trimmed down there, you know, so I can wear a bikini, but my mother would wonder if I actually shaved it like some of my friends do.”

Moria scowled from her chair. “Baby, you got a great body, you just need to keep it neat and you don’t need to shave it.”

To my surprise, Moria got up from the chair--not without some difficulty--and came to stand next to me and Phil. “Celia, you come with me--Phil, baby, stay there, we’ll be back.”

She waddled into their bathroom and I meekly followed. When we returned to the living room I was wrapped in a body-sized white towel. “Okay, show him,” Moria giggled as she sat back down in the recliner.

I let the towel fall to the floor as she had told me too. Phil’s jaw fell. I was surprised by that, I mean what did he think we were doing in the bathroom?

“Men, who can figure them out?”

“Anyway, as instructed by you know who, I presented him with my hairless crotch and glistening coochie. For added effect I parted my knees slightly and leaned backward, accentuating my tits as well as the pink of my cooch for his inspection.

“Oh fuck,” he muttered, “You’re sooo fuckin’ hot! Honey, she’s--she’s incredibly sexy!”

So fuckin’ hot -- your body is incredible, so sexy.”

Moria giggled. “Like, her, Phil?” She let him admire my nude body for about a minute, even having me spin around to show him my small tight butt again, before she told me what to do next. “Now, here’s how you turn on a man when you’re nude--get on the floor, lean back, let him watch you finger your pussy--go ahead, baby, do it.”

“Well it was a strange request and I was somewhat timid about jilling off in front of an audience, but Moria’s shrill shout got me going. I slumped to the carpet and leaned against an arm chair across from the sofa. I spread my legs putting my freshly shaved coochie on display again. The first time I’d shown it off it was fun, but this time it was embarrassing.

“DO IT!” Moria shouted, and I began--pushing a stiffened finger inside to wet it, and then rubbing it around my clit.

It took me a moment to realize that I was about as wet as I’d ever been. Of course I was performing a very private act in front of two strangers and that added greatly to my excited state. I should mention that Moria helped me out here by hiking up her skirt and pulling her panties to one side and fingering herself.

“How many fingers can you jam in there?” Moria asked me.

“One,” I replied dumbly. I had never even thought of trying more.

“One?” Moria gasped. “Jesus, girl, watch this!” Her labia were darkened and distended, both from her pregnancy and her arousal. They hung just slightly apart, yet closed too tight for me so see the entrance to her vagina. Her mound was smoother than mine, and I assumed she also had it waxed as no razor cuts that close. She straightened up all too soon and turned back toward me. This time I saw the swollen nub of her clit, peaking out of its hood as if begging attention. A second later I saw her shove four fingers into her cooch--it was awesome! It was unfuckinbelievable!”

“I tried two--nope, it just wouldn’t work--or so I thought.”

““Uhhh I’m too tight, Moria. I can’t get another one in there!” I said despairingly.

“I should tell you guys this...” Celia said, looking at her husband and Paul, and seemingly avoiding Joanna. I became entranced with the squishy sounds coming from Moria’s pussy as she continued shoving those fingers in and out. I realized for the first time that it was possible that she could, if she wanted to, get her whole hand in there and that was something I’d never considered possible!”

“All right, all right, we have Phil all hot and bothered now,” Moria said. “Help him get that cock out!”

I was only too happy to quit my public masturbation and crawled over to him and was unbuckling his belt while he fished his dick out and I got my first look at him, or should I say, it.

‘It’ was thick and long--possibly seven or more inches, and until Paul came along it was the biggest I’d ever seen-- although through word of mouth among the girls I’d heard of other whoppers--but this was the first and as such it was very impressive.

“That--that won’t fit inside me, Moria!” I gasped in alarm but still reached out to take him in hand.

“Of course it will!” she said assuredly.

“He’s the reason you can get all those fingers in there!’ I protested and for a moment had her speechless.

Moria recovered soon enough and laughed in my face. “You think his dick stretched me like this?”

I could only nod my head in agreement.

“No--no--no!” she replied. “I’ve worked all sorts of toys in there. Normally I’m quite the slut-- a horny slut at that. The bigger the better; I mean Phil’s dick is nice. It does the job for me. He knows how to hit the right spots, but my guess is you haven’t any idea what I’m talking about so we might as well show you.

“I’ll tell you all this,” Celia said to the three listening to her story, “I could smell Moria. I could smell her excitement and to a lesser extent I could also smell Phil’s--I was that attuned to the situation.”

She licked her thick lips, in fact, gazing longingly at Paul’s erection.

Celia forced herself to return to her tale and said, “Moria told me ‘You have to tell a man you like his penis; that it’s nice and big. With Phil it won’t matter, it is big, but most men aren’t anywhere close to that size so you need to stroke their egos as well as their cock to keep them happy.’

So I tried her advice on Phil, forgetting that he had heard her as well as me. “Ohhh, I just love your big cock, Phil!”

Only to have Moria snicker, ‘You love it that much why not suck it?’

I wrapped my hand around it, not all of it, but enough, and then leaned forward and pumped it while licking his bulbous head. I didn’t really need instructions in sucking cock. Moria remained next to me, intent on my every move and kept up a running commentary, but I was into it anyway and was licking and sucking with gusto and taking great pains not to let my teeth scrape his delicate prize.

Hearing Phil’s happy moans told me all I needed to know, and soon enough Moria shut up and let me do my thing.

I took my time with it, not sucking to hard or too fast, backing off and laying kisses along the length of him and allowing him to cool off a little and prolonging the entire event for both our enjoyment.

“Yeah, just like that!” he croaked, telling me in those words that he was almost there.

Moria reinforced that thought by adding: “Yeah, you go girl! Get it sloppy wet. Spit on it, then suck him hard!”

Phil took my head in both hands and I began bobbing and moaning as I sucked away.

“Ohhh, fuck,” Phil moaned.

“Now stop, Celia! Make him go down on you!”

I was so surprised at this command that I let him fall from my mouth. Phil heard his wife too, and picked me up and laid me out on the sofa and spread my legs--and went down on me!

The next thing I knew I was in heaven, grunting and humping my pussy into his face as fast as I could. Oh God, I’d never had my clit sucked and I nearly went through the roof when he did it.

Off to one side I heard Moria snicker, “Good isn’t he? I have him do me every other night. I couldn’t take it on a daily basis.”

Moria waited until Phil gave me at least two monstrous cums then told him to flip me over and fuck me.

And he did. Only it wasn’t your normal fuck. Moria had promised me she’d teach me about sex. What I didn’t understand was she meant all at once!

Phil understood through, and well ... normally a couple begins in one position, holds it for a time, perhaps the entire fuck, but after Phil worked his dick into me, and I mean it took some work on his part, and I wasn’t helping much because I was screaming that it hurt because it sure as hell did hurt.

When he had about two plus inches in me I was begging him to stop. He would have, but Moria wouldn’t let him.

“She can take a lot more, Phil. Now damn it, give it to her!”

So he kept going, staring at my jiggling tits as he pounded away. Of course as he wedged it deeper, I lubricated more and things got easier all around.

Moria wormed her way onto the bed with us and became our cheerleader, keeping up a running commentary, saying things like: “That’s it, tell him how you love it! Make some fucking noise! Don’t you just love that fat cock of his?”

I was wondering if we’d all gone crazy, and then all of a sudden I felt soooo good. I was going to cum again. That was good. Moria was playing with my tits and licking my ear. Phil’s cock was moving in and out more freely, and that certainly felt good. Even Moria’s grating voice urging Phil to fill the wannabe slut with his load felt good.

And suddenly it was me drowning her out, screaming: ““Yes! Yes! I love it! Fuck me! Oooh, fuck--fuckkk me!”

But Moria intervened and stopped us. I was incredulous. “I was gonna cum!” I cried.

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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 9 Friends in the City

It only happened because of what was said at the party a month before. Paul had joined a group of four women and the subject of bondage came up. “Have you tried it?” Marti had asked. After some less than adroit verbal fencing he had replied, “I think it depends on the woman. Some would never do it, some put up with it for their partner, and some are really into it.” “But what about you?” the one called Callie asked with arched eyebrows. “Okay,” Paul said raising his voice for the first...

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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 12 Jaded

The following afternoon while working on his new novel, Paul paused and took out the card that his former roomies girlfriend, Jade had given him the previous night. It was a plain embossed business card with her name and number on it and nothing else. But it was her words that kept coming back to him. “I’ve heard things about you. Good things. I’d like it if you called that number. This Tuesday works for me, say around seven.” He smiled and slipped the card into his wallet, got up and as he...

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Hartstein Ch 01

By Paris Waterman An X – Rated Novel Illustrated version available on request Paul Hartstein winced as the icy wind blew the swirling snow into his face and wished he’d thought to bring a scarf with him as he vainly tried to deflect some of the snow from his face and eyes. He bent his 6’4′ feverish frame into the stiff winter wind whipping down Danbury’s Main Street. It was the coldest January in forty-seven years and he never doubted it, but he did regret not having taken his car to the...

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Hartstein Ch 05

Sexual Reminisces With everyone trying to recover from the avalanche of sex that the four had launched, Jim went to the kitchen and without asking, made everyone a much stronger drink, double shots of tequila for the girls and double scotches for the guys. Celia, nude except for a Tee top she’d thrown on after her watching Paul fuck her friend, and occasional lover, Joanna. Both men remained nude, while Joanna had a towel draped across her lower extremities. It wasn’t long before a second...

4 years ago
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Hartstein Ch 04

Chapter 4 Illustrated version available on request to Author Intrusion Results in Foursome Fusion Paul caught the last train back to Danbury that night and on arriving home went right to work on his novel. During the train ride he had worked through a knotty problem that had prevented him from moving forward. Now sitting at his PC, he was amazed at the clarity with which he saw the problem’s solution. He finally went to sleep and dreamed restlessly about Carol and their sexual romps. He woke...

3 years ago
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Hartstein Ch 03

Paris Waterman Illustrated version available on request to Author Chapter 3 They hailed a passing cab at the busiest time of the afternoon. And to Paul’s amazement one pulled to the curb immediately. It wasn’t until they were inside the cab that he realized the cabby had spied Carol and stopped for her, and not him. Turning to Carol, he said, ‘I can already see the benefits of traveling with you.’ Carol laughed, gave the driver her address and took hold of Paul’s rapidly rising cock. ...

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New Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This picks up where Hartstein ends , it’s a year later, and Paul is working with the editors on the finalization of his novel. Carol is no longer the leading editor working with Paul and it seemed that each day brought someone new into play as the many details of finalizing a novel before publication begin to overwhelm him. But he was buoyed by the fact that he now had a publication date and his world was spinning faster and faster with each passing day. The work and its many ramifications...

2 years ago
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Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This Continues the Hartstein Saga. Paul met several women at a party and has begun fucking them, one by one. It only happened because of what was said at the party a month before. Paul had joined a group of four women and the subject of bondage came up. “Have you tried it?” Marti had asked. After some less than adroit verbal fencing he had replied, “I think it depends on the woman. Some would never do it, some put up with it for their partner, and some are really into it.” “But what about...

1 year ago
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Incident at Cafe Orlin a Hartstein Story

The next few days flew by as far as Paul was concerned. On the one hand, he wanted to arrange another get together with Nadine, but was stuck on just who to bring into their little game playing. On the other hand, that morning Carol had called to tell him that Regal Publishing was ready to market his novel--that he would be expected to appear on the Today Show that Friday and Oprah on Tuesday and that he needed to come in to Regal’s offices that afternoon to cram for both shows--meaning the...

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Little Slut

Introduction: It was a gloomy day outside as I was driving to see my boyfriend, Samuel. It had been almost a week since we had last been together and I was horny. This story is by Stephanie from http://sns-sex-escapades.blogspot.ca/ I am Samuel from the same website. -Please do not be afraid to post constructive comments, especially when it comes to formatting. Little Slut It was a gloomy day outside as I was driving to see my boyfriend, Samuel. It had been almost a week since we had last...

1 year ago
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Doctoral Discipline

Doctoral DisciplineChapter 1:?Miss McLean... Miss Mclean... MISS McLEAN??Huh, what... oh sorry Professor Matthews??Did you enjoy your nap Miss McLean?? asked Professor Matthews with a smirk on his face.?I’m really sorry Sir, it won’t happen again? I said as I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. Ugh, still 30 minutes of class left. ...The bell rang and I leaned over to pack up my books. As I was placing my books in my bag I felt and hand rest firmly on my shoulder. ?Miss McLean, I would like...

1 year ago
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Mi primer Trio con mi esposa

Todo comenzó hace 2 años , Yo era una persona muy celosa con mi esposa regularmente peleabamos mucho tanto yo como ella nos celabamos demasiado , ya no era lo mismo como cuando fuimos novios con el tiempo ella pensó que la engañaba ( claro jamas me atrevi hacerlo por la razon que la AMO). Claro como todo hombre nos pueden gustar otras mujeres mas sin embargo un dia , me dijo es que tu me engañas sin dudarlo dos veces le mencione que no! , fue cuando le dije mira eh visto mujeres y realmente me...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Phoebe Cougar really loves fucking E451

– 56 years old Cougar – Loves younger men and has a few boy toys – Loves to travel,party and fuck – This freak was discovered out at a beach bar – She was out looking for a gang bang – Super kinky woman loves hard anal – Took anal like a seasoned pornstar – She has a long kinky bucket list for sex acts – An exhibitionist walks around her house naked – Loves sucking cock, goes to town on the balls – Jerked me off till I nutted in her mouth – Very fun cougar, will definitely bring her back

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 494

The Prison Planet ... Morales took the little flag down and handed the envelope to Jasmine. “Looks like the General sent you a message.” “Yeah? Well, it will have to wait a minute,” she said as she grabbed the envelope and hurried to her secluded place to do her morning business. Back inside a few minutes later, Morales built the main fire back up as Jasmine started a cook fire. A few minutes later, the coffee pot was on and perking merrily away. “Ummm, I love that sound,” she said,...

1 year ago
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Secrets Of The FamilyChapter 4

This evening I decided to let it be random on who I got. I could try to push Jessica to push Jake so I could fuck some of the other pretty girls I saw in camp but I didn't want to get on Jake's bad side either. He was my "dad" after all. Sort of. Okay, he was the sperm donor. He was my immediate biological male ancestor. I didn't want to annoy him. Yet. Beyond that reason, I thought it might be fun to see who I randomly got. It would make tonight an adventure. A different kind of...

3 years ago
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On the Road Again Flint MurdockChapter 7 Love Hate

Autry went off on marshal business and I returned to the Lenoir. Hoss was staying on our floor, and he and Cayuse and I walked down to the meeting room on two. I explained what Riles had overheard. And the telegram that Autry had just sent. Both men listened without interruption. Hoss nodded. I said, “Here’s what we’re going to do, starting tonight.” This time both of them nodded. It was a small change in tactics, just a minor adjustment. And it was unlikely to actually pan out. But it was...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ho Magar Aisi Ho

Bhabi Ho Magar Aisi Ho By: A. W. Chohan Hello, I hope all are well out there. I am sorry but I am NOT going to tell you who is Ejaz (the main character in this story) or how he came in contact with me and what made him come clean to me telling me of this incident with his brother’s wife and you should also concentrate on reading the story and not on the small details. I am sure you would like reading this story if you like reading erotica specially the real life sex stories instead of fictions....

4 years ago
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Cafe FunPart 2

Andreea and her boyfriend, Steve, had just left a café where they had just had some fun. She had given him a great blowjob, and he had made her come like never before while there were five men there. They had not been able to see them, but they had both known that the men knew what they had done. Steve wanted to go to the gym now, and she told him that she would go to their apartment and sleep. So they parted ways. Now she was thinking about the five men in the café, especially the one whom...

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Lost FoundChapter 85

My first period class the morning after the first round draft was pure chaos. John Waters sat in the back, smiling and observing while I tried to get the kids to focus on our review of the Swiss republican system of government. Instead of a discussion about the cantons and how they were governed I got questions about Denver, the Broncos and what my future held. "People! Stop!" I finally said in exasperation. "I know you're interested in my draft status. I will give you five minutes to...

2 years ago
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“MOTHER!” She was on a roll, so Sarah kept going, “Sorry Claire, but the truth is the truth. Most girls your age are getting ready to go to high school and plan to sleep with every boy they meet, until they find the one to bring home to Mom and Dad. You, however—hit the mother lode; he’s cute, he’s smart, he treats you like he’s known you for a dozen years, but it’s been barely over a year and a half, from when you first met.” “I know I didn’t originally understand what was going on with...

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Cheating Sexual Desires Chapter 3

It's been six months since Derek caught Gabby cheating on him. For the first four months, he stayed at Tom's guest house. When Derek finally went home, he found a note from Gabby, but he didn't bother reading it and just tossed it in the trash. He had the engineer in his Condo, change his locks just in case she showed up. Derek was trying his best to move on. He spent the majority of his time at the club working with Tom on an expansion.It was Friday morning, Tom and Derek just completed the...

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Urlaub im club

Matthias hatte ein Reisebüro und betrachtete hocherfreut das junge Pärchen das gerade sein Geschäft betreten hatte. Das heißt er betrachtete die Frau, ‬denn die war genau sein Geschmack.Und ganz sicher auch der Geschmack seines Freundes Mohammed der eine Hotelanlage in Tunesien betrieb.Lange gelockte dunkelblonde Haare und blaue Augen, ‬solche Frauen wurden in Tunesien begehrt,aber eben nicht nur dort. Die beiden schauten sich Prospekte an. Sie ein trug ein kurzes Sommerkleid das ihre schönen...

4 years ago
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Supporting Mum

The pandemic lock-down has been going for a few weeks now. We adapt, butsome find it more difficult than others. My 68 year old Mum lives alone, but insheltered housing, so there are lots of people she can chat to, living in thesame complex. That being said, I still talk to her once a day, just to make sureshe’s ok. Although she only lives 20 minutes drive away from me, we bothagreed, reluctantly, that we should observe the current no-contact ruling.Mum’s had a few minor health issues as she’s...

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My Aunt Seduced Me

Hi, all, I am Karthik and this is an incident that happened 6 years ago and how I started to ramp my aunt. This is my first sex story and all girls/aunties/grannies anyone is free to write to me at Let me first tell you about me, I am a 23-year-old software engineer now staying in Bangalore. I am 5ft 8” with an athletic physic with a 6.5” big but fat cock matching my skin color. The heroine of my life my pinni (my mom’s SIL ) as I call her was 41 when this first incident took place. She is...

2 years ago
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 5

Family John’s Mother’s ancestry line: 11th Great Grandfather was King James 1st/6th of England, Scotland, France and Ireland. John’s Father’s line: 32nd Great Grandfather Emperor Charlemagne by way of his daughter Rotrud then son, grandson and great-grandsons to the surname established as Taillefer in France. This held until about 1150 AD when parts of the family moved with William of Normandy to England in 1066 and changed their name to Taylor in Kent about 100 years later. The family...

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Arnaud en voyage dAffaire Tokyo

Chapitre 1 - Arriv?e ? l'hotel Arnaud arriva ? l'hotel en fin de soir?e, ?puis? de sa journ?e. Il entra dans l'hotel puis se pr?senta devant le receptioniste. "Bonjour Monsieur. C'est un tr?s un grand honneur de vous accueillir dans cet hotel de Tokyo. Sachez que tout le personnel de l'hotel est la pour rendre votre s?jour au Japon le plus agr?able possible. Nous vous avons reserv? la chambre 47, j'esp?re que que vous l'appr?cierez. Bon s?jour ? Tokyo Monsieur.." "Tres bien mon brave. " dit Arnaud en regardant ...

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The porn dealer

As everyone knows, its very easy to get hold of porn nowadays. On your laptop, phone or tablet its only a couple of clicks away. But it wasn’t always like that. Before the wonderful age of computer porn people relied on videos. Do people actually remember videos now? Anyway I digress! Craig had worked for Royal Mail as a postman for two years sorting packages on the night shift. Just passed his twentieth birthday, he had moved into his own furnished apartment six months previously. He would...

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The Convention 20xx

Saturday April 21st - 2:30 AM As I sit here writing this, people are still shifting. Friday was spent altering con goers. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed some of them as they were but it is still more fun to alter them. First, thing I did after getting my stuff into the room was to break into the neighboring room. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. It wasn't exactly the neighboring room and I didn't exactly break in. It was my friend's room. My friends James and Bob are sharing the room two...

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My fantasy about my wife and young black friend

It is my birthday so I invite a young black friend out to our house on the lake for some boating and a cookout. I am 66 and my wife is 59 and still very attractive, sexy, professional person. have erectile dysfunction and hinted to my friend that my wife still needs it. He is 26 and had seen him in the restroom and knew he was hung like a horse and I only have 4" when it used to get hard.He comes over in the early afternoon and I see a spark in both their eyes as I introduce them and they give...

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Sexy Stewardess on a Hot Flight Part One

After arriving in Los Angeles, I became a tranny call boy to support myself. Working for an agency, I was sent to perform sex on many older rich men. Being a hot twenty year-old tranny slut with fresh meat in my panties, I instantly became one of the more popular call boys in the agency. Some men even took me out on dates for dinner then back their places or motel rooms for lots of sexy blow jobs and good fucking. I loved my work. I was especially satisfied by a handsome stud pilot who flew me...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 43 Papa Ki Pari Ya Fir Nanhi Shaitaan

Narrated by Swati Hi friends, mein Swati. Kaafi din ho gaye aaplogo ko apni kahini suna kar. Pichle baar episode 23 me apni zubani bataayi thi ki pichle raat mein kayse apne papa ke saat kaamukta bhari khel khel kar unka dimaag kharab kar rahi thi. Chaliye ab aage batatai hoon ki agle din kya hua. Agle din late se uthi, kareeb 12 baje ke aas paas, time dekh ke sochi ki bhala maa uthaayi kayse nahi mujhe, har din to 10 baje se hi darwaza khatkhatake thodna shuru kar deti hai wo, aaj kya hua? Uth...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Storm for Little Miss VirginChapter 2

Little Miss Virgin was really pissed off because her very best friend Tiffany had broken their date yet again. She was beginning to think that the pretty girl with the sweetest tasting pussy to tickle her taste buds might be seeing some other girl. The thought of her taking up with some cock hound was absolutely unthinkable. In all honesty, she had to admit that the thought of a stiff cock pushing inside her had been in her dreams a lot lately. She had the hots for Mr. Nick who lived on the...

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Work With Perks

A few years ago I had a job which came with lots of invitations to swanky dinners and parties. I was expected to go and network on behalf of our company and I was usually happy to have the night out, the great food, wine and on a good night, interesting company. One December I arrived at yet another work-related Christmas party, my seventh in two weeks when I was really just craving a night at home. As usual I’d come to the party alone, so I took a glass of champagne and looked for an...

Straight Sex
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A Quick History of FM

A Quick History of FM By Ellie Dauber Sung To: "Those Were The Days" Once upon a time on FictionMania, Mindy ran a contest, just for fun. At the time, we also had a "pinger," Which is something that should not be done. Chorus: Those were the days, my friends. Who knew they'd ever end. We'd trade insults forever and a day. Politeness we eschewed. We thought we'd never lose. Till our insults drove our Mindy away. One contestant knew about the "pinger;" Used that knowledge in...

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The Pleasure Grid

My teachers always said I would get into real trouble one day. Naturally, I didn't listen and landed in a big heap of trouble. What started as a prank became way more serious--like, robbing a convenience store serious. Nola and Clay ran the moment they heard the Enforcers' sirens. They didn't bother getting me. I was in the backroom, counting the store's hidden stash and deaf to the sirens. Five Enforcers barged through the door, and I had no escape. Laws against robbery and pretty much any...

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My Sexual Journey part1

Story of a college guy seducing his sexy classmate Cumonmesus. The seduction progresses through video calls, body parts flashing and finally reaches sex. Hi! I am Yash and in this story, I will be describing mysexual journey which involves many kinky kinds of stuff and hot girls. This oneis a series of imaginary stories of one of my xhamster friend " Cumonmesus", so please make sure to read and enjoy and leaveyour feedback on my mail account or hangouts, [email protected]. First, I will...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 851

As we get older we sometimes begin to doubt our ability to make a difference in the world. It is at these times that our hopes are boosted by the remarkable achievements of other seniors who have found the courage to take on challenges that would make many of us wither. Harold Schlumberg is such a person. QUOTE FROM HAROLD: “I’ve often been asked, ‘ ... What do you old folks do now that you’re retired?’ Well, I stay active and happy. I’m fortunate to have a chemical engineering background...

2 years ago
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Yoga and Sex

Him: I’ve been going to yoga class for a while now. I enjoy it, it’s a nice way to finish a weightlifting session: plus there are some great views in that class. There’s this one girl I had a bit of a thing with a while ago. Her name was Rowanna but I never found that out until after we’d had sex. She’s most of reason I joined the class, I used to leave the gym at about eight, right as she would go into the studio. I’d faff around tying my shoelace or looking for something in my bag as long as...

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The Misstress experience

I had ear the word before of course but never tought of my cofee serving mature women to be oneShe had been working at ger coffee shop on the corner of the Campus since everShe had some very hot curves and i woud daydream ,siping at my cofee looking at her serving cofee her nice tits bouncing aroundi wasnt sure what was about her the night she came at my table , her tits right in my face asking me if i like to come here and watch her tits nervously looking up at the mature lady her tits press...

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Nora Was Right

"What a night!" Mike said sitting back and stretching his legs out from her couch. Darlene looked over at him as he relaxed for a moment. She knew what was coming next and wasn't looking forward to the usual ending of an evening. She stifled her mild annoyance, knowing he wouldn't get it. He was just about to make some half-kidding innuendo, self-deprecating comment, hug her shoulder and then get up and head back to his apartment.No! she thought to herself, their apartment! She didn't...

4 years ago
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She Waited in her Bedroom

She lay on her back listening to herself breath as she waited for him. Her hard nipples were pressed against the red silk nightie that he asked her to wear, and the black lace trim offered a nice contrast to her milky white skin. She was wet in anticipation of his arrival and could feel the moisture on her outer lips. She grazed her fingertips across her nipple and thought back to thirty minutes prior...It was 7:30am on Saturday morning and she lay in bed absorbing the relaxing feeling of not...

2 years ago
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Lovemaking And Ass Fucking

By: AWC Janice and Nelson had been going steady for over 5 years and they had been living together all this time. Being youthful ages of hardly 20, their sex life had been very active. They had been working in the same office also. Lately, there had been a boost and the employer had been asking them to put extra time every week. This extra time spent at work, the bills had been usual and normal but they both felt they needed some time for themselves to talk about their lives and make sure...

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Master Pc In The Hands Of Children

I had snuck into my father's den and turned on his computer, I wasn't supposed to but he was away for a couple of days and so I was on my own. The screen came on and I waited for it to boot up. Why was I doing this? Well I had heard him on the telephone talking to someone about a new program he downloaded, he said it was the best ever and allowed him to do things that he'd never thought about before, it made me angry that he could play around and not allow me to join in, but I'll show...

1 year ago
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Bullet Part 2 A Cry In The NightChapter 9

It didn't take long for reality to return after the super show Kim and Soon Lee put on. When the pair had oozed onto the floor, our group had moved into a circle around the two lovers. Like a shining London streetlight in a fog, the air around them glowed. Reality arrived when everyone heard again a very faint plea to me: "Help me Will. Please." I did the same as before and returned, "Who are you? "Where are you?" getting the same reply ... nothing. Everything with my Spirit Caller...

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The Things I do Story 20

At 24 years old I was starting to think that I needed to do something to change my life. I was addicted to sex, I knew that but I didnt want to give it up. The feeling of a stranger lying on top of me, pinning me down with his weight as he slid his hard cock into my wet cunt was a feeling I couldnt get enough of. And then, that final feeling of hot fluid flowing into me as they took their pleasure from my young slim body was like drug. But saying that, I did want to stop working at the...

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Lockdown Friends

It was Friday afternoon. I had been thinking for the last few days about the pandemic going on around the world, and decided it was time to seriously think about quarantining in my apartment to play it safe. I called a friend of mine, Jay, and told him what I was going to do. It seemed that Jay had the same idea. I had been to Jays unit before, and knew it was quite small. I asked Jay if he would like to join me in my apartment as it was much bigger, and I knew he was always jealous of my spa....

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Fancy FrancieChapter 4

“Come. Let’s go to your house and get some clothes and stuff. Enough for a couple days, anyway. We’ll get more later.” We got there, and she threw a bunch of stuff in a bag that had handles. I saw her pull out about two handfuls, maybe four sets, of lingerie. Looked like matching bra and panty sets. Yippee, she was going to try to entice us. Yes! That showed a bit of initiative. Progress. She threw in a couple pairs of short shorts like the burgundy ones she had. LEGS! She also brought the...

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Making an exhibitionist

Making an exhibitionistThis is for thrill seekers, people who are risky, or want-to-be exhibitionist. Who’s up for the challenge?Preparation: You wake up to a nice sunny day you get in the shower clean and shave to your own satisfaction, maybe leave nicely trimmed bush, maybe shave it clean, maybe landing strip, get creative and feel sexy. Apply body lotion and walk around your room naked and get comfortable in your own skin.What to Wear: pick out nice sexy bra, something lite and thin (you...

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It was late Friday night and I was hot, tired, relaxed and horny as hell. I had just finished an aerobics workout and an hour on the gym equipment. I was standing under the shower letting the warm water wash away the rest of the weeks problems. I thought I was alone in the gym except for the old maintenance man that locked up at 11 p.m. so I was surprised when I heard in noise in the locker room outside. Through the door I could see that it was one of the aerobics instructors. I think that...

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AddictionChapter 8

The Dragon's Lair was a private club in the heart of the city. The upstairs providing dining and a bar while the downstairs could be reserved for any activity the members might desire. Tonight, as was the usual Tuesday night case case, the downstairs held a large circular, felt covered poker table and six comfortable padded chairs. A small bar stood off to the side. Big Daddy Donnally and his game were always welcome because the stakes were high and he paid well for the privacy afforded by...

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With a flick of her hair

She was wearing a black pencil skirt. I was wearing a black pencil skirt too, and I couldn’t help commenting. That’s how it started. That kind of innocuous comment you give to a friend of a friend. Her pale blue eyes shone in the lights of the club as I complemented her. Unlike me, she was heavily made up and dressed all in black. Her low-cut top left a decent view of her C cup breasts. She had these incredible lashes that brought out her blue eyes even more. I had lost my friends in the club...

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Horny and a Chance of Showers

It was summer, school was out, and my stepmother's younger sister, Susan, was visiting us for a few weeks, so I was sitting in the family room playing a computer game when she came out to see why her little boy, Nathan, two years old, was crying in his daybed across the room. I was trying to ignore the crying as I really didn't feel comfortable around babies, well, most thirteen-year old boys probably are the same way, and was relieved when I heard her come in. "What's wrong, Nathan,...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Riley Reyes Blonde Wife Fucks My Friend

My blonde slut wife Riley Reyes is so horny and wants to have the experience of being fucked by a friend while husband watches, so she is ready to have hardcore sex straight open. She shows up wearing sensual blue lingerie and is open to doing everything, Riley starts with a deep throat blowjob licking his balls and then she is penetrated by this lucky guy while posing in doggy style position to receive his hard rock dick in her hot and wet pussy. After having sex in all positions she receives...

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Wishful Thinking

WISHFUL THINKING This story is a bit of pure "self-indulgence"; I just wish it were true! I must remind readers that the story is pure fiction and any reference to real-life people or events is entirely intentional and totally ironic! I have also reintroduced characters from another story. "Wishful Thinking" can be read as a "stand-alone" story, but previous knowledge of "Flat Mates" would probably be helpful. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx My name is Caroline Walker and I am a...

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