Scenes from a Marriage
- 4 years ago
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Marisol had always been transparent with Phil. Only one thing in her life had she concealed besides her whereabouts, and it was the most important. In Chicago she let her pregnancy progress as she worked as a maid at a large mansion overlooking Lake Michigan. Her employers, a gentleman in his early fifties, handsome and blond with a developing belly on his medium sized frame, of British heritage, and his second wife, a green eyed, mocha skinned beauty in her mid thirties with black and white parentage, treated her respectfully despite her condition.
The couple and their children, a second generation from the man who had two sons in their twenties, one conceiving a granddaughter, provided her with warmth and intelligence, letting her participate in lively discussions at dinner when she shyly added an opinion early on, surprising the family. She never felt so at home.
She met Julio, a mechanic at the garage her employers used to maintain their three cars, when she brought the cars in for oil changes. The man, a rugged face from bare fisted boxing in the Mexican ghetto protecting gang turf, studied her like a big cat his defenseless prey. For Marisol, speaking Spanish with the man provided relief from continuous English. Though uneducated, he possessed street smarts. She let him talk and encouraged his battle stories. Perhaps it was his brutal presence or the surprisingly unrestrained smile which attracted her. The brutishness she found dangerously sexy. In a place beyond the porous screen of consciousness, she wished punishment, a hard rape-like fucking for misplaced love and heartbreak she caused her only true love. And her present circumstances in a loving and accepting family did anything but punish. She had it too good.
During one visit, noticing the bulge divulging the growing embryo and knowing she had no wedding band, Julio asked her, "Who's the father?"
"Nobody," she replied, rubbing her belly.
"That's impossible," smirked Julio.
"Nobody in my life anymore."
"He needs a father."
Marisol asked wryly, "Are you applying?"
"What if I were?"
Stunned at his seriousness, Marisol sighed. "I have plans for the child."
"You mean adoption?"
"I have a sister. She accepted it. She can provide riches."
"I could love the tyke like my own."
Marisol shook her head. "I want what's best."
"Because I'm not good enough?"
"Do you own a mansion in Westchester County in New York and a big apartment in New York City?"
Julio grumbled. His glance contained frightening heat. It didn't scare her. She deserved it. "This owner, is he a white guy?" Marisol nodded. "Your son should be raised by his mother."
"You know it's a son?"
"A son is better. I can tell he'll be a big baby."
"I'm sure he will. The father's a big man. Not like the owner, I mean large."
"You like large men?" asked the swarthy man only a couple inches taller than Marisol. "I'm large where it counts."
She watched his hand rub his groin and laughed. The laughter made him angry. "No Julio, I believe you. It's just..." She didn't want to say what made her laugh: his crudity. He seemed too defensive as it was. She could tell him she never met anyone like him and liked that. She could tell him it turned her on for some reason. Instead she leaned into him and rubbed him where he rubbed and whispered, "I'm sure you'd fill me up real good. I bet you'd fuck me hard like I like it."
He pushed her away and slapped her face hard. "Puta!" he grumbled. If they hadn't been out behind the garage, Julio would have been fired on the spot. He looked around to be sure no one saw. He looked at her and saw the redness. "Shit."
Rubbing her sore cheek, Marisol whispered, "If they notice, I'll say I got clumsy and tripped. But you're right, Julio. I am a puta. And I want your cock. I'll be your whore. I won't even have another john."
Studying her, he swallowed. He'd had his fair share of girlfriends. They never looked as good as Marisol and they didn't have the kind of intelligence she had. He loved their little conversations and the way she seemed to hang on his every word without any pretense. "I can keep her in line," he thought to himself. "She'd love me and want to keep the child."
Out loud he asked, "You really want to fuck me?" She nodded. "You'd have to marry me first." She nodded. Suddenly he felt like a lesser man. Despite being a maid to some fancy couple and their family, she had a bearing to her that made her seem somehow refined, of a far higher class than he could ever even sniff at, let alone join. "Are you sure?"
"If you are."
"Look at me. I'm a fucking grease monkey. I'm covered in grease proposing to a princess."
"I have Thursday off," she hinted.
"Uhm." It took him a few seconds, but he figured it out. "I'll pick you up at six. It won't be anything like the car you brought in," referring to the family's year old Cadillac.
"I don't care about the car, Julio. I only care who drives it."
It took two and a half years, but Phil finally found Marisol. Phil pleaded with Luisa's owner to help again in hiring a PI, but Luisa wouldn't allow it. It saddened Luisa, but her sister's only request to her had been never to allow Phil to find her. They argued on the phone. Luisa knew her sister lost a large piece of her soul when she lost Phil. She could hear the loss in her sister's voice. She could see also how much Phil suffered, and she loved Phil like ... a brother, or at least a brother-in-law.
His inquiries into hiring a private investigator, using the one Luisa's owner had used to find Oona's daughter for instance, frustrated him. Even a less expensive detective agency presented figures beyond his means. It appeared to be a needle in a haystack sort of investigation and would take too long. His parents, probably his mother more than his dad, restricted his allowance after the affair had been discovered so that he had barely enough to eat and pay for gas. Jobs available to him never could accumulate the funds needed. So he saved what he could.
Ironically it only took a week once he had the retainer paid. "I found her," said the woman over the phone.
"Already!" shouted Phil.
"You're forgiven," chuckled Sandy, the exotic dancer turned PI.
"Tell me."
"Patience, young man. You still owe me."
A shock of fear struck his heart. "How much?" he asked tremulously.
Sandy chuckled. "Not to worry. You can take it in trade."
"What?" he shouted.
"You do that again and I'll never tell you."
"I thought I'd..."
"That was an advance, lover. Am I that unappealing?"
"Are you kidding? You're like what kids fantasize about masturbating to Playboy. You could find anybody..."
"Not anyone like you my handsome bear. I like you and I love your big cock."
Phil shook his head and smiled. The subject of her love hardened. "Okay."
"Great. I can't wait. I'm still in Chicago so..."
"Is that where she is?"
"Yes. No more info until..."
"Meet me at the club tomorrow night at 2 am. Come early. I'll inspire you."
"Just looking at you would inspire any man," said Phil.
"Thanks. I wish it was true."
Phil had contacted her husband Mike on the advice of a teacher of private investigation, a night school course which would have taken too long to gain him a license in the business.
The tall lanky Jewish man in his mid thirties who taught the class recommended Mike after Phil told him his frustration. "He's semi-retired, but has an amazing success rate in tracking down missing persons. His partner's even better. They're very reasonable and," the instructor winked, "I think Sandy will like you."
Puzzled by the lascivious wink, he learned its reason.
Abel Investigations, housed in a small office in a marginal neighborhood, lacked confidence building in their success. "You look disappointed," said Mike Abel, a short, round man in his late forties with a tough looking bulldog face, a mix of Irish and Jewish, that somehow showed charm, especially when he smiled. The handshake ended and Phil shrugged. "Unfortunately the PI business isn't the most lucrative, especially us independents. We do alright though."
"Myron suggested you do better than alright."
"Yes Mr. Phillips, we do."
After sitting in the padded office chair Mike gestured to, he started explaining his predicament.
"Wait," said Mike. "Do you mind if I record this? My partner's not here, and she'll want to hear it."
"Of course not."
Phil began again, handing him a photo of his love at the end. Nodding and smiling, Mike said, "She's beautiful. Sandy will love this. She's a sucker for romance. Oops." Mike shut off the tape. "I think I'll let her hear that," he smiled.
"So you'll take it?"
Phil placed the envelope stuffed with 15 hundred dollar bills. Mike slipped a contract with carbon copies into his old Burroughs typewriter and typed out Phil's personal information in the appropriate spots. Once finished, he handed it to Phil. Phil read the contract carefully, his rudimentary classes in pre-law providing a little insight, causing a couple phrases to jump out and make him uncomfortable, but he signed it. Mike ripped off a copy, handing it to him. He also handed back three of the hundred dollar bills Phil had given him.
"What's this for?" Phil asked, confused.
"Have you been to the Foxy Lady?"
"Uhm, once. Why?"
"Good. You know where it is. Go there tonight after midnight. Take these hundreds and give them to a hot blonde named Shanda. Not all at once. Ask her for a private dance. Tell her Mike sent you."
"So who recommended us?" muttered Sandy, her delicious tight round ass covered in a g-string pressing down onto Phil's lap, her tight little breasts with quarter inch cylindrical pink nipples sliding across Phil's mouth.
"Myron," Phil replied, his thickness lifting against her pussy which rubbed.
Sandy chuckled seductively. Her sensuous brown eyes glittered in the dark private booth. "Mmm, Myron. Long and narrow, just like him."
"His cock, silly," whispered Sandy, her breath against his ear heating Phil even more. "Yours feels like you, tall and thick," she muttered excitedly.
"How big?"
"Eight inches I think. Maybe three inches in circumference."
"A goddamn bat," she warbled, rubbing hard against it. She kept at it until he came. "Oh god!" she moaned as if she had cum too. She had. The dampness of his pants had not just been from him. She rested her forehead against his. "Too good. Tonight's going to be fun." Her golden eyes stared into his blue eyes. "Pay me a hundred. Change a hundred at the bar. In fact, buy me a diet coke. Then come sit with me. We'll talk." She stuffed her breasts in a lacy black bra and her hips in matching panties and a gold miniskirt, not quite concealing her butt. Putting on her three inch heels, raising her height to about six feet, still half a foot shorter than him, she hugged him. He hugged hard back. Both felt good in the hug.
"I met Mike here about 10 years ago," Sandy explained over the loud music as they sat and sipped. They had talked about Phil for several minutes and Phil wanted to know about her. "He was a regular."
"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"
"You look great."
"Thanks. Dancing helps. And plenty of liquid protein." She grinned seductively and pinched his penis. "Just kidding, sort of. No I work out and eat carefully and keep the sun from my skin."
"You really are beautiful."
"Yes. Isn't it lucky," the beauty smiled. "It's an Ingrid Bergman quote. She's my favorite actress."
"You have a similar shape. I mean your overall face. And your eyes. Only the other features, your nose and mouth are more delicate." He touched each one as he mentioned them. She didn't mind, in fact leaning into the touch like a cat.
"You're sweet."
"I like you too."
Her eyes shimmered happily. She kissed the side of his mouth. "Now I gotta dance. Throw me the twenties one at a time. You get to evaluate all of me." She kissed him again and strutted off, Phil watching the twitch of her butt.
"Hi Phil, I'm Lana," said the black woman sitting herself in Sandy's seat. "Shanda has a treat for you. Me too, actually." Phil's eyes travelled over the svelte body of the young woman. A little bustier, her figure otherwise resembled Sandy's. Her face was lean. It reminded him a little of Marisol's only with smaller and happier eyes.
During Sandy's amazing dance, graceful, athletic and sexy, Lana caressed Phil's shoulder with her breasts, her hand rubbing at his penis which soon revived. As ordered, Phil flung individual twenties onto the stage. Each time Sandy focused on him. The more she revealed, the more she exposed to him and rubbed against him. She removed the g-string and showed him her pussy and ass, making the pussy move with remarkable ability. Then she leaned across him and kissed Lana. Lana removed her bra and they played with each other's breasts. The audience loved the bit, tossing dollars and fives onto the stage. When Sandy offered her pussy to Lana, Lana licked. Much more dollars flew onto the stage. Sandy caressed her breasts and held Lana to her cunt. It seemed like she came. She didn't.
Rising to great applause, sliding her cunt an inch from Phil's face in the process, she gathered the money and her clothes and walked sensuously off.
"Hey Phil," said Lana. He turned to her. She kissed him. He tasted Sandy's nectar. "Delicious, hunh?" Phil could only nod. Lana giggled and strutted off. Phil watched her ass sway.
"Delicious," he murmured to himself, licking his lips.
During the second private dance, Sandy told Phil the rest of her story. Her teasing kept him hard but not orgasmic. "I was Mike's favorite, and he was mine. We'd come back here and mostly talk. He told me about the business. I lapped up every story. I wanted in. One night he came in drunk. He told me Velda left."
"Yeah, like Mike Hammer. Her name's really Shirley, but he liked calling her Velda. Actually there had been a few Veldas. He couldn't keep his naughty paws off them. They either split right away or became his lovers. But of course that creates problems too. Velda, Shirley found some guy she wanted not to cheat on, so she quit. Mike even promised he'd keep his paws off, but they both knew that wouldn't last. Anyway, I volunteered, except I told him I wanted to be an investigator too. He asked if I ever slept with a customer. I never had.
"The next time he came in, he proposed to me right here in this booth. He gave me this cute ring," she showed him the 1 carat diamond solitaire, "and promised to hire me. I asked if he wanted me to quit. He said I probably made a lot more dancing. He's right, although we've been doing pretty good.
"I had a boyfriend then, but it of course ended. He was a bouncer at another club and had a dick ... like yours. Maybe not quite as impressive. He was a dick though. I stayed with him for the dick. I trained him to use it to get me off instead of just for his own stupid pleasure. It took awhile.
"Things were great. Mike's the best in the business, and he's just as good of a teacher. I'm as good as him. But his dick is..." She showed about five or so inches with her hands, like the fish that got away. "Don't get me wrong, he knows how to use it. But I like getting well stuffed, you know? I made do for about six years. Then he got some chest pains and went on medication and getting him hard became a challenge. I'd get bitchy after not getting any for weeks. Finally he suggested bringing men in the bedroom. I could tell he was reluctant, so I told him I wouldn't cheat on him. He said he'd be there, so it wouldn't be cheating. Tell you the truth, I really wanted to get fucked by a big hard cock, so it didn't take much to convince me.
"Trouble was, I didn't want to bring clients home. It would be like prostitution. So I seduced friends, fellow PIs."
"Yeah. He had a nice dick. A little on the thin side, but nice. But that proved inadequate a resource. We didn't want the guys to be too regular, like maybe a month or two of occasional fucks. So I decided to include clients from the PI business. We had to be careful. Clients, especially ones with spouses or children disappearing, are pretty distraught. We didn't want a spouse feeling guilty of cheating on top of everything else, you know? And they had to be men we both could stand being with, especially me. In other words, well endowed and nice."
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Love Stories"You'll have to bear with me, Lisa. At any one moment my thoughts are as clear to me, and sometimes as chilling, as the water in the lake. And I can drift away without the slightest warning. I don't have long now and I don't know how long it will take me to tell you what I need to tell you. I need to tell you, but please stay with me until I have finished."Lisa choked back tears and, holding Elizabeth's hand in hers, gently stroked the side of her face. "I'm not going anywhere," she said, "take...
Love StoriesElizabeth awoke to the sound of quiet conversation. Her oldest friend, Lisa, was sitting by her bed talking to Bernard. Seeing her stir, Bernard went to the kitchen and returned with lunch for the three of them. Lentil and sausage soup, only mildly spiced to accommodate Elizabeth, and a very light and fruity pinot noir. He cleared the dishes when they had eaten and left Elizabeth and Lisa to themselves. Lisa took Elizabeth's hand and kissed her forehead. Then she kissed her on the mouth. She...
BisexualInfidelity causes trouble. Monday nightIn their rooms at the other end of the hall the c***dren were both asleep. Matt and Lynn sat side by side in bed, propped up against their pillows. He was reading a book on the Civil War, she was editing a marketing report.With a tiny sigh, Matt closed his book and rolled sideways to gaze at his wife. He had always loved the way the tip of her tongue protruded just a bit from between her lips when she was concentrating. Pen poised above the paper, she...
I walk into your house, as I’ve done for so long. But today I have another purpose. I call for you, but get no answer. As I make my way through the house, I hear the shower. I walk into the bathroom and notice that you are facing away from me in the shower. After all this time, I finally see your naked ass. I‘ve always fantasized about it. It is so nice and round. I instantly become aroused, knowing that today is the day that I taste you. You turn around and notice me. You jump back in surprise...
EroticHe seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...
To the reader, below is a short chronicle of my actual reports back to my Mistress after experiencing several different BDSM scenes. I willingly placed myself in Her hands and She had full control in the activity. These are TRUE accounts. Enjoy and maybe you will, someday, be as lucky. holly M'Lady, I am not sure how You would like to be addressed, Again let me thank You for the intensity of experience. That has added a great deal of dimension to my thoughts and dreams. In...
This is a description of a filmed scene I would like have liked to see, but that nobody ever produced (or never produced with all these elements I like). I'll write this in the present simple, somewhat like a movie script. This thing will be pure porn-logic just like basically every hardcore movie out there, don't expect a realistic plot! I hope you enjoy it!So... We are at night, inside a bar located on the outskirts of a major town. It's a pretty modest place, where truckers and bikers stop...
I cannot believe what is happening – I am face down, laid across my teacher’s desk with my stomach and chest flat on its top and my ass sticking out over the edge. My grey school-uniform skirt has been pulled up and is crumpled around my middle, and my white cotton panties are lying discarded on the floor nearby – I am completely naked from my waist down to the tops of my white knee-high socks. My feet are spread about three feet apart, and there you are – my teacher! – kneeling between...
There is no mercy in the American night. Uncle Gregory used to drink a lot and oftentimes he’d talk a good deal when he drank and he was that singer of the honky tonks and bars and road houses. His life was where lonely men puked up lost souls in the carnage and vapor and steam and the neon of another shattered series of nonchalant and broken encounters of consciousness. He meandered through the wastelands, like some carnivorous dragon, bellowing and harping great lashes of fire and might,...
This is the serenade of lunacy. I’d like to welcome all guests, hope you will all be comfortable for the trip. When I was a kid in Tidioute we had a circus come to town. It was one of those old circuses, with the sexy 14 year old trapeze girls and battered elephants too dumb with beatings to mind the crowd much. There was a vacant lot in the center of town, where the old folks home stands now, and not much ever transpired there, save a few events, one of which was the circus and the other was...
Aaaaaahhh! Dear God, I’ve never had a three-iron used like this before! My knees buckle and I almost collapse, as you relentlessly push its long shaft even further into me, and its ribbed plastic grip rasps along the walls of my vagina. This was so unexpected: I’m bewildered, and don’t know what to do – but now my body is taking over, responding to your mouth and hands and (aaahh, fuck!) what you are doing between my legs, and my hips are bucking in time with your urgent forceful...
I’m sending little darting glances over to where you are, on the other side of the bar – hoping to catch your attention, to attract your interest. And why not? You are just my type: a tall, slender, leggy blonde, with your profile displaying an enticing curve of breasts – they look firm and perky, a nice handful but not too large. Your hair is neatly styled, you are smartly turned out for a night on the town – you have that indefinable chic. You carry yourself really well, with...
There is no ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hanging on the door of your hotel room, so I knock – not too hard – and when you call out ‘Yes?’, I reply ‘It’s the chambermaid’, and you tell me to come in. I am a little tentative about this, because I am still quite new at this job – I am only a couple months over sixteen years of age, working in this smart hotel in my seaside home town as a vacation job in the school summer holidays. The law is you have to be over sixteen for this sort of employment...
Oh, heavens, I knew I shouldn’t have taken this short cut! Ironically, I did so in order to avoid exactly this kind of trouble. I am walking on my own along this back street, past some small factories and occasional houses, and it is quite deserted – or it was, until a few seconds ago. I had just come level with the entrance of a side-turning, an alley wide enough for a delivery truck to go down, when you stepped out of it to confront me. There are two other girls with you, looking...
I will admit, I was annoyed when you came into view. A few days ago, I found this secluded hollow in the sand dunes, about 100 yards back from the beach, and until that moment I had had it entirely to myself. I am on a family holiday here for two weeks and, although the beach is not busy, I was looking for somewhere quiet, away from the boisterous play of my two younger brothers, aged eleven and nine. After all, I’m quite grown up, my sixteenth birthday was a month ago, and I want a...
I have a crush on you. I have had such a crush on you for the last month, from when you started giving me these personal coaching sessions. I love tennis, I have a natural talent for it, and I’ve been playing it since I was six years old. Now, eight and a half years later, I am getting pretty good and beginning to win the local junior tournaments ... and my heart is set on making it onto the professional women’s circuit and, who knows, maybe some day I will lift the trophy at one of the...
WARNING: this story includes woman-to-woman coercion, violence, rape and murder, with an inter-racial theme of black-on-white dominance. It is entirely fantasy, and is not meant to suggest that anyone behaves like this in reality. IF THESE THEMES ARE LIKELY TO OFFEND YOU, PLEASE READ NO FURTHER. You frighten me. You frighten me from the moment I first see you, as the guard shoves me from behind and I stumble forwards into the prison cell. The guard is like you, a muscular and...
Oh!! Oh, gosh! Ms Carter! I didn’t know you were like this, that you wanted me like this, when you asked me to stay on late at the office tonight and help you with some work, just the two of us alone here in the building. You took me by surprise, when you pushed me backwards against your office wall, seizing my arms just below the shoulders and kissing me so firmly – when my lips parted in shock, your tongue thrust inside and licked all around my mouth. I feel shaky, my stomach is...
Ancient and threadbare carpet tiles have rubbed my knees reddened raw, held as I am in this position of abject submission. Scattered about my offered form lays the accumulated flotsam and jetsam of my half formed life, an existence that in the last 24 hours has had the fine strung cobwebs and delicate layers of dust ripped from its surface. I stare up at her through filmed pupils, her every deliberate and considered action unfolding before me in slow motion, my vision blurred as if viewing...
Put on a nightie. The chastity device remains on the slave. Instruct the slave to retrieve the cock/dildo and lube. The Mistress needs to get a pair of panties for the slave. “I know it must be hard to have your dick locked up, but it is for your own good. You have to realize that all you will be is my personal slave. Now come caress my breasts.” You look down at the slave’s dick, “Your dick is so small it does not even fill the chastity device. For this reason the chastity device is remaining...
When I arrived at my home, a small town in Southern Maryland, I was coolly greeted by my parents. I’m sure they were hoping I would stay at school and not bother them. While they never have said that they disapprove of my feminine ways and life style, it was painfully obvious to me that they did. Never the less, I was home and back in my old room. While in high school I was always the odd guy. No real friends to speak of. A virgin when I left to go to the Boarding School. Most call it college...
Gay MaleI remember slipping out of Mr. and Mrs. L’s bed that morning after the Christmas Party, getting dressed and going downstairs. No one was awake yet so I found my panties, jeans and pullover in the room off the kitchen. I got my coat and gloves from the hall closet and quietly left the Dean’s home. As I walked home I was trying to understand just who I was. Am I still the sissy I love being or am I bisexual now that I've fucked a women? The rest of the winter passed with me being called to the...
Gay MaleChristmas break at the Boarding School. It was December 15th, the dorm was empty and I was alone in my room. My parents sent me away to an all-male College/Boarding School in the Northeast, USA. They suspected I was Bi or Gay and wanted me out of sight and out of their way. They informed me I would be in school until the summer break. My name is Timmy. I am eighteen years old. I am green eyed, five foot ten, one hundred forty pounds, quite skinny, very feminine looking and not well endowed with...
BisexualI was summoned back to the Head Master’s office of the Board School where I was just starting my freshman year of college. I was to report at 8pm, long after everyone had left the building. I entered Mr. L’s office and he said in a stern voice, “Close and lock the door Timmy and remove all your clothing.” I quickly complied with his request. I closed and locked the door. Then I decided to tease him and try to take command of the situation. I stood in front of Mr. L’s desk and pulled my shirt...
Gay MaleAs I entered the dorm building, I couldn’t help thinking what just happened to me. I was sent to the Head Master, Mr. L., for punishment for missing a drill and not paying attention in class. He spanked me then made me suck his cock. Then he sucked mine and also fucked me. I was no longer an eighteen-year-old virgin geek. I was his to do with as he pleased. His last words were for me to report for another spanking tomorrow. I couldn’t wait. I went up to my dorm room and stripped down. I grabbed...
Gay Male