Politics Ch. 08 free porn video

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Chapter Eight: Entrapment

‘Here, sit beside me,’ Erika invited Katie as the dark haired woman and Alistair came down for breakfast. Both looked showered and refreshed, but Erika knew better. When it came to sex, she had a keen eye, and these two had been up most of the night. Inside, she burned. Outwardly, though, she kept her face smooth, offering a pleasant smile. ‘The others have updated me on what’s happened since yesterday, so I promise not to talk politics.’

The psychiatrist returned the pleasantry nervously, slipping into the offered seat next to the stunning blonde. Thomas and Sally exchanged glances, even Alistair looked wary, but no one said anything.

Despite all that she knew about the blonde, Katie’s first impression was a good one. The young woman was intimidating beautiful, her strong blue eyes possessing more confidence than many of the executives in her firm, but she couldn’t help but want to like her.

‘What are your early impressions?’ Erika asked as Thomas poured coffee for the newly arrived diners. The blonde turned in her chair to face Katie, ignoring her ex-boyfriend to her right.

‘Impressions…?’ Katie asked, halting the flush that was threatening to crawl up her pale and slender neck. Her night with Alistair had left her mind tired, yet her body was invigorated. So much so that she’d joined Alistair in the shower and let him take her against the cool tile. Shifting, she felt her soreness—a reminder of what they’d done. It only stoked the fire that burned between her legs. She wanted—needed—more. Tonight couldn’t come soon enough for her.

‘Impressions of what? The psychiatrist felt dizzy with uncertainty. Impressions of fucking in the bathroom? The living room? The floor? Their bed?

‘Yes, you know,’ Erika said sweetly. ‘The campaign. We’ve burst into life again after this O’Leary woman’s lies were exposed. But that means everything is hurtling along at two hundred miles an hour. Hardly time to think. But with only another day before the election, every second is vital.’

‘I thought you weren’t going to talk politics,’ Alistair dryly murmured.

Erika swung around to face him, her beaming smile not touching her eyes. ‘I’m not,’ she softly said, then turned back to Katie. ‘I’m simply asking how you’re finding things. I know what a pain it can be to find yourself on the outside when everything’s going on around you.’

Katie nodded her understanding, wondering if there was a double meaning there. Her patients often took a more roundabout way when speaking to her and she couldn’t help but analyse the blonde like one of them. Was Erika feeling like the woman on the outside now?

‘No pain at all, really,’ she fibbed just a bit. She’d been feeling a little abandoned last night, but after their frantic fucking, she was much better. Since she’d awoken, she’d been dreading this meeting. Yet as Erika put her at ease with her sparkling blue eyes, she began to think she had nothing to worry about. ‘I had a good dinner with Thomas and Sally last night. Alistair was so busy that I didn’t see him at all until quite late. But then I know how busy—’

‘It’ll be the same today,’ Erika interrupted, flashing a sympathetic smile. ‘I tried to create some time for the two of you after his appearance when I reviewed the itinerary. But with the success of the Newsnight interview, everyone wants to talk to Alistair. And it could make all the difference to the campaign.’

‘I know,’ Katie answered, sending a smile of support in Alistair’s direction, when all she wanted to do was drag him back upstairs and lock him in. The thought of a full day mostly on her own, followed by another long evening like last night, wasn’t an enticing prospect.

‘Still,’ Erika said, waving a hand imperiously into the air. ‘I have something in mind for later that might save your sanity.’

Katie’s right eyebrow arched and her luminous brown eyes flickered. ‘Really…?’

‘What?’ Alistair asked, half leaning across her to make his voice heard. He didn’t trust Erika an inch and was going to keep Katie as close to him as he could.

‘Nothing you need to be concerned about,’ Erika told him, her body pulling away from his. She sent a wink at Katie. ‘Girl’s stuff, that’s all!’


It had been a long time since Becky had given herself the luxury of a lie in. Today, she gave in to the need. Despite the hectic recent pace, it wasn’t so much her body that needed a rest. It was her mind.

With her head nestled into one pillow, she pulled the other across and snuggled it against her as she organized her thoughts. First and foremost, there was her new business. Since the TV news piece last night, she’d been inundated with calls. People who were wishing her good luck. Friends promising to introduce other friends to the studio. Other media, wanting more information.

If this pace kept up, she’d need her own PA to help run the business!

The early signs were brilliant. She’d have to call her parents later. Bring them up-to-date. They were already so excited for her.

Then there was Guus Kessen. In some ways, what she’d done with the Dutchman seemed a lifetime ago. It was surreal. A dream. Had she really sucked him off? Allowed the overweight millionaire to tit fuck her? The knowledge horrified her…

So why was there a growing warmth growing between her legs? He’d said he’d write the debt off if she let him fuck her. If that thought sickened her as much as she told herself it did, why did her heart skip a beat every time it came into her mind?

Thirty thousand was a lot of money. Even with the wonderful reaction to her opening, it would take a long time to repay. She could wipe it out with one, simple act…

She raised her head and then banged it back down on the soft pillow. ‘Argh!’ she groaned into the empty room. It wasn’t just the thought of fucking the businessman that appalled her. It was the fact she was considering it. The thought of being coerced into giving him her body was turning her on. What the fuck is wrong with you? she asked herself in Portuguese.

One hand found its way down between her thighs. Her heated skin was slippery to the touch. Balmy, like the hottest of days back home in Brazil. Where the fuck was her loyalty to Thomas? He didn’t deserve this.

But Guus Kessen wasn’t her only problem. What the hell had she allowed Pixie to do to her? Another woman!! If she closed her eyes, she could still feel the pink haired woman’s hands on her. And not just the masseuse’s. Erika’s too.

Where the hell was that relationship going?

Becky giggled hysterically. She knew exactly where it was going. Erika was her good friend and she owed the Swedish woman so much. She wanted to give herself to her new friend. Pixie had lit the fire, but it was burning for the Swedish beauty. If she closed her eyes, she could feel the blonde’s hands cupping her tits. Tweaking her nipples. Sliding down to…

God, when Erika had fingerfucked her, she’d cum so hard—

Once Thomas returned, she’d need a good talk with him. Not about what had happened with Erika, of course. Or what was going to happen between her and the Swede. That would have to remain her secret forever. But she needed to talk about them. For the last couple of weeks, they’d hardly seen one another.

He hadn’t said anything about another job after the election, but when he’d accepted this post, they’d agreed it was short term. That was how it had been with Tony Blair, he’d said. It may have been, but his commitment to this Brinkley-Jones was hurting their relationship. If he found another position, it would have to be somewhere where they had time for one another.

It wasn’t just him, of course.

She’d have to shape her time at the studio so that she could give him the attention she deserved. She’d call him tonight, at his Glasgow hotel, just to talk to him. Or maybe she should wait until he returne

For now, she needed some relief. Her hand had been involuntarily softly stroking her wet lips throughout her thoughts. Her thighs tightened and relaxed. Her vulva ached with desire. Guus… Pixie… Erika…

Her body was burning. Her mind felt on fire. So very hot! When she felt like this in Brazil, she’d just go out and select a man to sate her needs. Here, it was completely different. Wasn’t it? She had Thomas.

She pushed the pillow downwards, trapping it between her thighs. One hand pushed it into her sex. The other slid to her breasts, her bullet hard dark nipples rising to meet it. She savoured the firmness of her right bud as she pulled on it. Except in her imagination… they were Erika’s slim fingers again, not hers.

Her other hand pushed the pillow more firmly around her. Her legs wrapped around it, trapping it like a man between her thighs. Or a woman? Oh, God!!

She could see Erika’s eyes, the way they were at the Jacuzzi, staring into hers as she finger fucked her to orgasm. Her hips pushed up into the pillow. Her hand pressed it tighter. She could feel the soft material against her wet lips. Against her clit. She rubbed her curvy body against it, spreading her slick juices against the white cotton. She trapped it, held it. Her hips pumped upwards. She rocked faster.

‘Yes… yes… yes…’

She pushed off the sheets, her naked body arching up from the bed. Her hands and her thoughts sent spears of fire through her body. Her moans danced across the room. Her hips rocked faster. Sweat formed on her brow. Her head jerked back and forth with her upward thrusts.

‘Make me cum again…’ she told the Erika in her mind, though she had no idea whether she was speaking in English or Portuguese. ‘Make me cum…’

She stiffened as the sexy blonde woman obeyed. The Swedish beauty smiled at her behind her eyelids, those playful, glimmering blue irises. Becky’s dark brown eyes began to lose focus. They rolled upwards. Her body jerked.

When she came on the pillow, her mind soared like a straw in the wind.


Erika smiled at Alistair’s attempts to keep Katie close. She knew him so well. It wasn’t that he wanted her with him during the session. He just wanted to keep his new girlfriend out of Erika’s clutches.

He was destined to fail.

The shoebox shaped City Hall in Candlelriggs was the home of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra. The stage was large enough to accommodate a ninety strong orchestra, and the auditorium flexible enough to seat between one and two thousand guests. Two days ago, it seemed a ridiculous venue. Now, it was perfect to host the throngs wanting to hear the Conservative Party leader.

Erika waited until he’d personally ushered Katie into a seat at the front and returned to the stage. With perfect timing, she made her way along the aisle and seated herself next to the attractive psychiatrist. His look of horror when he turned to see her sitting there made her laugh. She gave him an arrogant wave.

‘Handsome beggar, isn’t he?’ she asked Katie, nudging her arm.

The chestnut haired woman smiled. She seemed embarrassed at the comment, unsure how to respond.

‘And cute, too. It was so nice of him to come to my room last night.’

Katie’s eyes shot wide. The flicker of shock on her face was impossible to disguise. ‘Your room…?’

‘Yes, didn’t he say?’

The dazed woman shook her head. ‘N… no…’

Erika laughed and playfully punched Katie on the arm. ‘Oh, don’t worry,’ she told Katie, her voice soft and comforting. ‘I just gave him the kiss he wanted and then sent him on his way.’

‘Kiss…’ It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t even a statement. It was just a stunned reaction from the confused psychiatrist.

‘Yes,’ she softly murmured, dropping her hand to Katie’s leg and running her fingertips along her thigh. It was a friendly gesture. Not sexual. Not yet. Katie had dressed conservatively, as if unsure what was required. Still, she wore her blue pinstripe power suit well. The long skirt was slit generously to mid thigh. It pulled against her shapely legs as she sat, revealing a hint of darkened stocking tops.

The sight made her tingle. Demure on the outside, sexy on the inside. Very promising.

‘Oh, Katie,’ she continued with a knowing look. ‘You must know what he’s like by now. He’s such an outrageous flirt.’

The dark haired woman was lost for words, struggling to take in what Erika was telling her. The Swede could read the thoughts going through her mind. So that was why he was late coming back to their suite. That was why he was so horny. After all he’d said about his ex-girlfriend, he’d gone to her first. To her room.

‘He doesn’t really mean anything by it,’ Erika explained, laying her hand flat on the woman’s thigh as she turned further into her prey. She could feel the lace of her stocking tops. ‘Well, not unless he’s had too much to drink. God knows how you stop him then. But listen, Katie, between us girls, he’s yours now and I wouldn’t do anything to interfere with that.’

Erika loved the feeling of being fully in control. After the session, there’d be a round of formal press interviews, then photographs, immediately followed by a formal lunch. Alistair wouldn’t get any sort of break. Her scheduling had seen to that. It left her plenty of opportunity to execute the second part of her plan. God, she was on form! Some days she felt invincible. This was one of them.

‘I promise,’ she continued, applying the mental pressure. The older woman fell for it so easily. And this woman was a highly regarded psychiatrist? It was laughable. ‘Whatever he might try, Katie, you can trust me…’


Becky was luxuriating in the aftermath of her orgasm when her mobile rang. She’d ignored several calls already while she’d lain in bed. How lazy! But she had a rare free day today. Make the most of it, she’d told herself. Relax. Unwind.

She languidly reached out, her sweat covered breasts falling free from the bedclothes as she pulled the phone from the bedside table. Her heart stopped when she saw the caller ID. What should she do?

For some reason that she wouldn’t admit, the Brazilian woman wanted to take the call.

She apprehensively raised the phone to her ear. Her chest heaved. Her breath quickened. Her recently satisfied sex began to tingle again. ‘Yes…’

‘Rebecca, my dear,’ came the voice. The Dutch accent was unmistakeable. ‘How are you?’

‘I’m… good… Guus…’ she softly answered, drawing the sheet to her neck, as if he’d be able to see her uncovered breasts otherwise. She realised with a start that her nipples were pushing hard against the thin cotton.

Surely not simply as a result of hearing his voice?

‘Pleased to hear it,’ the heavily accented voice murmured. ‘I heard about yesterday’s opening. And I caught the piece on television. It seems that you’re off to a wonderful start.’

‘Th… thankyou,’ she answered, idly brushing her fingers across her hard stomach. The pressure between her legs made her widen them again. What was wrong with her?

‘So my money has been put to good use. You know you couldn’t have achieved this without me?’

‘And I paid you the way you wanted,’ she spat back, the light touch of her fingertips coming to a sudden halt on her soft skin.

‘Yes, indeed,’ he answered without the trace of any embarrassment. ‘And as I recall, you carried out your duties extremely eagerly.’

Deus! Was he ringing to gloat? The tingling between her legs increased. ‘Guus…’

She heard his soft laugh. ‘It’s true,’ the pronounced Dutch accent drawled. ‘I mean, you were the one who sucked my cock at the end. Wanted my seed. You can’t deny it, my dear…’

She should have been outraged. But whatever exasperation ran through her body, the excitement his words provoked outweighed it. Her fingers ran down her body and she began to stroke hersel
f again. God, she was so wet!

‘Guus,’ she hesitantly said. ‘I don’t want this sort of conversation.’

‘No, I understand,’ he confidently murmured. ‘Even if your voice tells me something else. So let me get to the point…’

Yes, she thought, rubbing herself harder at the memory of their session together in his office. Please get to the point!

‘My final offer. It won’t last forever. Have you considered it?’

‘Final offer?’ The shockwaves hit her. One finger slid inside her labial lips. Then a second. They curled inside her, her thumb flicking her slippery button. It hardened and grew under her touch. Oh, God, her orgasm was beginning to bubble. She wasn’t doing this. Was she? Masturbating to the sound of Guus Kessen’s voice on the other end of the line?

His laugh was louder and longer this time. Self-confident. Arrogant. Patronising. It was as if Guus knew he wasn’t saying anything she hadn’t thought since then. She just hadn’t wanted to admit to those thoughts. She hadn’t betrayed her husband… she’d been coerced! Her blush increased. Her fingers took her closer.

‘You know only too well,’ he responded. ‘A way to wipe out your debt.’

Becky could hardly speak. Her breaths came in short gasps. The image of the Dutchman—inside her, fucking her—filled her mind. She began to breathe more heavily. Her middle finger rubbed up and down her wet opening. She tried to cling on to what Guus was saying but right at that moment she was preoccupied with the slippery bud of her clit.

‘I need your answer,’ he told her. ‘By tonight.’

The Brazilian woman couldn’t disguise her gasp. ‘Tonight?’

Kessen’s voice was firm. It was the tone he used for closing business deals when he held all the Aces. ‘Tonight. Or the offer is past its sell by date.’

The phone clicked into silence. Becky’s heart was beating so fast it threatened to burst through her chest. The enormity of Kessen’s take-it-or-leave-it declaration seeped into her mind. Recollections of the Dutchman’s cock as he titfucked her filled her mind. They were replaced by images of the overweight millionaire fucking her. She began to sweat at the thought.

Her legs widened. Her fingers began to move again. Harder, faster. She couldn’t hold back. Her head thrashed as she fell off the cliff. Her perfectly sculptured ass cheeks lifted from the bed as her whimpering scream pierced the room.


Alistair had slowly risen to his feet, smiling confidently out into the auditorium as he ran a hand through his long hair. Taking his time, he removed his jacket and threw it onto the chair behind him. He pulled on his blue tie and unfastened the top button of his shirt.

‘Get on with it!’ came a Scottish accent from somewhere near the back of the hall.

Alistair waited until the laughter died down. ‘I’ll do that,’ he said with a smile. And first, let me thank everyone who’s taken the trouble to come along today. I know how hard people work up here, and how difficult times are.’

‘Aye, they are,’ came a shout to his left. ‘Bloody hard!’

Alistair nodded, silent for a moment while he thought.

‘Lost for words?’ someone else shouted, bringing another peal of laughter.

‘No,’ the black politician responded with a smile. ‘It just seems to me that you’d rather exchange views than listen to a prepared speech. So why don’t we do that? You ask whatever you want, and I’ll try my best to answer.’

The cheers and round of applause that ran around the large theatre told him it was a brave decision. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

‘A lot of us canna work hard reet now, because we’ve lost out jobs,’ the first question came from the front of the room. The bearded Scot stood on his feet to shout out his point. ‘So what are you gonna do about it?’

‘Great question,’ Alistair immediately responded, nodding at the man before glancing around the room. ‘Put your hands up, how many people here have lost their jobs in recent times?’ he asked, unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling the white shirtsleeves up his powerful black forearms.

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We had been staring at each other all night. The looks were driving me insane. He was tall, tanned and had the nicest smile I had ever seen. I was in my favourite bar with some of the ladies from work as we normally did on a Friday night, and I had seen him a few times but for some reason this one was different. The waitress brought over our drinks and placed them on the table. She handed me a napkin and told me that it was from the gentleman at the bar, Him. I looked at the napkin and it read...

Love Stories
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Does Your Girl Clean Your Cock

Standing in the doorway to my apartment with Becs, I think back to meeting her for the first time. I'd been playing pool with Brian, my at-the-time and current roommate, in our dorm's community room, which looked like a huge living room furnished with the same aqua blue tables and chairs we had in our rooms, a flat screen TV, couches everywhere, and a ratty old pool table. I'd gotten a game in pretty much every day that year, our freshman year, and was getting to be okay. Becs, or Rebecca as...

4 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 5

The Sahara Desert - 3723 C.E. There was much about the Solar System that was new to Vashti. She'd already made several significant accidental errors since she'd penetrated interdimensional spacetime and materialised in the continuum in which the Anomaly's presence was most concentrated. Her primary error, of course, had been not to understand sexuality and gender. The blueprints on which she'd based her physical form were an unfortunate mix of both male and female characteristics. It...

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Celeb bots

We provided top notch Sex Dolls for years and now have gotten provision from several comic book companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite television series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your lover in any way you see fit.

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Aphrodites KissChapter 17

“Wait, how are we all fitting in this house?” I asked Mom as she rode Freddie, having planted kisses on the butts of every woman on my list. “Magic, of course! I bent the laws of physics, just as I’m about to do now!” Mom winked as she teleported us all to a local church, “you won’t get to carry out all of your church humping plans, I know, but you can still hold an orgy in this one. After that, the adult boutique. Or rather, I’ll bring the boutique and all of its occupants here for now ......

2 years ago
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Hard TimeChapter 5

Calveen said, "My father would like you to move to our guest house to live and join us in our meals. I think he finds the house lonely since my mother died and my sister moved away upon her mating." "I would be honored to join you. I will take my girls, gather my belongings and move as quickly as I can." "That's good," Calveen said. "Jordy, go with him and guide him to our house so he may set up in the guest house." Jordy bowed slightly in acknowledgment and followed me off the...

2 years ago
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She got more than she bargained for

            Sarah moved slowly around her room lighting candles in various places, on her dresser…on her nightstand, and by the window. She had just turned 18 and a couple months ago had moved out of her parents house and into her own home. She had been working two jobs since she was 15 and hadnt spent a penny of it. The result of her hard labor was a spacious 4 room home, with a big kitchen, fully furnished, basement and two car garage with a lexus (a present from her father) that overlooked...

2 years ago
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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 1

Joseph Solomon was a tall good looking dirty blond and blue eyed kid with an angular but balanced face, a long straight nose and large expressive blue/gray eyes, and he was smart and clever. He would have everything going for him except for a touch of shyness and the fact that he knew his peers only through high school. Being an only child and therefore being the sole target of his parents' affection towards an offspring he was coddled and cooed over and comforted until he developed the...

3 years ago
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Santa Will Find UsChapter 2

Rachel Adams smiled and stretched like a cat under the feather comforter in the big comfortable hotel bed. She was wearing a dark blue silk pajama top loaned to her by Marcus. She couldn’t remember when she had had such a good night’s sleep. She had awakened in the midst of a mildly erotic dream – she and Marcus were sitting on the rug in front of a fireplace in some kind of lodge and the way he looked at her made her body tingle with the promise of erotic delights. As she became aware of...

1 year ago
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Trying on Sallys new sundress

I watched Sally wiggle her skirt to the floor. She had already removed her top to expose a cute black bra. I was treated to a nice view of her decolletage as she bent over to push down her skirt. My cock began to harden in my jeans as I examined how the pale skin of her breasts met the top of her bra. Her covered breasts hung and jiggled enticingly as she bent over. I shifted my stance as my groin started to become tight and uncomfortable. Sally stood up and stepped out of her skirt, she...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 7

I talked to a bunch of people who came into Hardee's, while I drank from the endless coffee cup. As far as I was concerned I had closed the Wilbur Owens case. He had committed suicide and I didn't give a damn what the medical examiner's opinion was. After all was a fucking butcher. I laughed at that last. It was almost lunch time but I wasn't hungry. I think the thought of Liam as an old man scared the hell out of me. When he was an old man, me being an old woman wasn't far behind. I...

2 years ago
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The Stepsister Part 19

~~Start of Part 19~~ We get up the next morning and the girls have to head into work, so we go through our normal morning routine and they head out the door. Becky and I are just sitting there, and I figure it is good to let her just keep figuring this out on her own, she will talk to me if she needs anything. Becky finally looks over at me and asks, “So, what do you think I should do with the house?” I think about that for minute and then tell her, “If it was me, I think I would just have the...

2 years ago
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Cat Fight 11 Chase

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill's Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill's body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill's body...

3 years ago
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Gaand ki deewanian

Dostoo aur auntiou aap sab ko mera salam, namastay. Main pakistan kay shaher peshawar ka rehnay wala hoon meri umer 35 saal hay aur mera import ka karoobar hay.jo story main aap ko sunanay jaa raha hoon wo sun kar aap ka dimagh mauf ho ja ga aur aap sochain gay aisi aurtain bhi hain jo sex main pagal ho jati hain.to chaliyay story ki taraf. Mujhay maray cousin( ashraf) in phone kiya kay hum saray ghar walay us kay susral karachi shaadi kay silsilay main ja rahay hain to aap hanaray ghar main aa...

2 years ago
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Immer diese jungen Hhner

Dies ist eine kleine Geschichtensammlung über meine kleine Tochter und ihre viel zu geilen Freundinnen, die es mir ab und zu verdammt schwer machen nicht noch irgendwann hinter gittern zu landen... Ich selber heisse Ralph, bin 54 Jahre alt und lebe mit meiner 18-jährigen blonden Tochter Nicole zusammen in unserer geräumigen Bude in Frankfurt. Schon früher fiel mir auf wie die Gören heutzutage aussehen, wie sie mittlerweile bereits so früh wie möglich ins Fitnesstudio gehen um ihre jungen Körper...

2 years ago
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Lemon Drizzle Cake

By helping the old lady next door put boxes in her attic I’m rewarded with a slice of cake and a bigger slice of life. From an early age I was attracted to older women and lucky enough to be seduced by the widowed mum of my sibling’s best friend. That theme continued with Aunt Joan, Jean the wife of the landlord whose house we rented in my first year at Uni and later, several others. In my second year at Uni there was an old widow living next door to our rented house, I was 20 and she was 70....

4 years ago
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VACATIONArriving at the cabin, Master turned to me and said, "Ok, my Slave, you may pull down your skirt, but the small toy and vibrator inside you are staying for now." I did as ordered and got out of the car, being careful not to trip over the hobble chain attached to my ankles. Without a word, Master pulled my arms behind me, cuffing them together and then attaching my collar and leash. Now I understood why he had picked up the keys early and then drove around picking up supplies and...

4 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 8 Some Serious Photography

When we had pulled in the night before, I noticed there was a car rental company right across the road from the campground. Not wanting to drive the motor home into the capital with the heavy traffic and lack of parking, I went over and rented a small SUV for our trip into the thick of things. I drove it back to our campsite where we loaded up my photo gear and we were off to the big city. Grace had not been to the capital in many years and Kim had never been there so that was going to be an...

1 year ago
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My girlfriend and her other friend wearing the exa

I recently had an exciting experience at an event. My girlfriend wore a new pair of heels, nude colour 5 inch platform peep toe with small cut out holes all the way around the shoe. Walking into the event she said 'Hang on, I can't walk fast in these...they slip off my feet if I do.' Secretly wishing she'd walk faster so I could see the heelpop I slowed down for her.Inside she spotted a friend of hers and began talking. Another friend in that group said 'Hey, you two are wearing the same...

1 year ago
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 4

“It’s your job to know where she is, Joey. How goddamned hard can it be to keep track of a librarian?” “She’s somewhere in California,” Yousef answered. The imposing frame of his former brother-in-law towered over him and it made him nervous. “She’s my sister. She doesn’t tell me everything.” “And you couldn’t follow her?” “I figured I could track her cell phone later, but she’s off the grid. She must have shut it off for the flight and never turned it back on. You know how she is.” Yousef...

2 years ago
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A horny female can be dangerous

I tell you the reader a story of deception, something I did, which merits the title I choose for this sad escapade.At the time I was so carried away with what I was doing, I never gave a second thought of the consequenses of my actions.At school we were a group and a gang all rolled into one. As such we all dressed similar and apart from hair colour, there was little too differentiate one from the other.Of course being Scandinavian girls we were closer in appearance, tall, slim, athletic, small...

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Ted WhoChapter 9

Some pitchers are better at baffling particular hitters than others. On the other hand, sometimes a very ordinary, .245-hitting reserve infielder is, for reasons unknown to Man, able to hit the league's premier pitcher like he owned him. Match ups are part of the fun of the game. I was looking forward to the next game in the series against the Royals, because they had Alphonso Cardenez scheduled to pitch, and I owned the guy. Cardenez was a damned good pitcher. You had to be good to win...

3 years ago
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Marys story Part 46

Rachel rang the bell, and the Mayor opened the door to them. “Come in Mary, we have been waiting for you to wake up. Would you like a drink, or something to eat? You need to keep your strength up. Mike is expecting us to keep an eye on you whilst he is away. There’s only kosher food available though, the twins are running the kitchen; Hazel is otherwise engaged.” Mary realised that she was hungry. “Thank you,” she said, “I’ll get myself something; I don’t want to be a bother.”“Let me take your...

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Ankitas Journey To Become A Bitch 8211 Part I

Hi friends. This is Ankita here. I am a regular reader of this site. I love the stories though some of them are fake. But one thing I really appreciate that people in India like sex adventures like gang band, incest. These types of stories inspires me a lot and make me feel like live my life in my own way. With freedom and attitude. Here after a long time of reading stories now I want to share my experiences with you. I may not able to tell each and every experience but I will try to cover the...

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The Love Impaired

At just twenty years of age I felt old, the bes part of my life had been mostly spent with her. I had friends sure, I even had some that I would call brothers, but in the end it had always been me and her. Angel and me. My parents were fans of the TV show Buffy, and rather than name my sister after the title character, they went with the male vampire character. Weird I know, but they figured she had the face of an Angel and that was that. I guess it beats being called Spike, which in the...

1 year ago
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The room next door

Last summer I was translating for my boss on an international business meeting in Okinawa. We stayed at one of those fancy resort hotels with a great view over the ocean. Of course we had a double suite room, because we make love every night, but one evening he had a meeting with some old friends, and I wasn’t invited. So I did what a girl would do. Take a swim in the hotel pool and check out a few boys on the beach. But there weren’t any. So I went to our suite room, sat in the chair at the...

4 years ago
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The Lips of My Soldier

Blond hair flowed messily around my face. My tender sky blue eyes were fixed on his every movement. My lips were soft and plump, at a loss for words. I sat there across from him at a small table. A sleeveless dress relaxed on my round breasts, the red color shimmering brightly by candle light. In his eyes I was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.His short brown hair always made his ocean blue eyes stick out. The way his 5 o'clock shadow grew on his face always turned me on a little. His...

Love Stories
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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 4 Dusk

We were a little family for six months. Yvette and I opened a joint bank account to save for the wedding and a house. I likely could have paid for them outright - and certainly, the family could have - but Yvette wanted our lives together to start on our joint footing. I couldn't argue the logic. I was wrestling with my own inner demons as I realize slowly that while I did want to move back to Reedville when I graduated, I didn't want to work for the fishery. The problem was that I didn't...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 14

The universe had its own agenda which it never shared with me. My experience with the universe was that it pushed, shoved and dropped me wherever and whenever my services might be needed and then it arranged for me to die. Stuck in a hospital bed in Orlando, Florida in nineteen eighty-four was novel, but typical of the perverse nature of the universe. Jane and Cassandra were comforting as I waited out the infection that tormented my damaged lung. Andrea and Janet headed home to Dallas...

2 years ago
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boss fuck his engaged secretary Part A

Please note that any non-consensual sex - in reality - is not ok. Your comments are welcome. She was working in the company more than 10 years. She was 34 but looked a lot younger. She looked 10 years younger. Most of her co-workers made her no more than 22. She was working as secretary for her boss. Her boss was a man of gym. He liked to go to gym. He was a fit man. She liked gym, too. She was fit. She was not very tall about 1.64cm. But she was very beautiful. She had very beautiful...

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Year One

Chapter 1 - Discoveries ? -Him- ? Once again I was waiting for him.? Naked, except for the leather cuffs on my ankles and wrists, and the thick leather collar encircling my neck.? Hard in anticipation of the punishment that would soon be visited upon me, kneeling before the front door, legs spread.? He had warned me that in our next session would be particularly hard on me, a test to see if I was worthy of continuing in his service.? He was to bring a selection of his new "toys" from his...

3 years ago
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Jayalakshmi First Love

This is my true non-erotic recollection, just names have been changed. Locations are described accurately, but anonymously. All feelings, events and expressions are accurate. ***** The first damsel who kindled the flame of love in me was Jayalakshmi, my school mate of Class VI and VII. It was one of the better co-ed English Medium schools, with kids from the better circles, usually Govt and Defence officers’ families. I had joined in the sixth standard, and she halfway thru. We were just...

2 years ago
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Security Is On The Job

“Phil, Phil.. Here she comes!” “Dwayne keep your pants on. I got her.”Phil punched a few buttons on the control panel and the bank of screens changed in front of them. The woman in black knee high boots and long black coat, who had been on the far left hand screen was now on the big center screen. Phil pulled out a clipboard and noted down the female visitor, as he did for all visitors to the high class high rise.5'5” 220 lbs female long brown hair at 1:05am“She is a little later than normal,”...

Group Sex
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 10

The crude, gurgling sound accompanied by loud swallowing noises was followed by a pair of lips smacking together and a pleased hiss of air as Macario emptied the bottle. Setting it down on the table with a loud clunk, he glared, bleary-eyed, over at Jake, sitting on the couch across from him. Haley was curled up on the couch next to Macario, her tousled hair covering her face and most of Macario’s thigh where she slept. “You gotta learn to... brrraaappp! To let ‘er go, man,” Macario told...

1 year ago
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Oh No Not Dorothy 15 the final chapter

Chapter 15 After waking Ricky out of his day dream and hearing what he said, Lynn got this funny look on her face. She turned and looked over at the large cribs, changing table, and then at the two dresses, that Loretta and Ann had in their hands. Once again she looked back at Ricky, who was still kind of day dreaming. That's when she knew just what Ricky was thinking, and made a point to bring it up later, when they were alone. They had been in the nursery for a good half hour,...

1 year ago
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The Temp

I work in a graphic design company and sometimes we need to get temporary workers in to help us on special projects. We can’t go to any agency; we need to go to a special agency and often get girls with very creative minds.As a leader of a team of about ten people I must make sure that I get a temp I like. I get ahold of his or her details and then ask the agency to send me the same person. Or I could give the details to the higher ups and they see if they can hire him or her outright. I have...


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