Politics Ch. 06 free porn video

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Chapter 6: From the sublime to the ridiculous

Thomas was frustrated. Boy, was he frustrated!!

With the General Election only three days away, he was now working sixteen-hour days. That meant that he and Becky hadn’t made love for over a week. Not since she’d practically sexually assaulted him the day he’d arrived home following his night with Erika. It was making him irritable, affecting his demeanour, and his judgement, too.

Becky must be feeling the same way, but she was putting in similar hours in an effort to get her exercise studio up and running. Erika had found her the prime position and helped negotiate the lease. It wouldn’t take much to have it exactly as she wanted. The formal opening was right on schedule. Only two days away.

Opening so close to the election was an ironic coincidence. Both of them were working ceaselessly towards a common timeframe, yet such different objectives.

Her total concentration on that project was overshadowing everything else in her life, including him. Not that he was complaining. It was such a wonderful opportunity for her and one she deserved. The next time he spoke to Guus Kessen, he’d have to thank him for so generously financing his girlfriend.

The lack of sex wasn’t his only frustration, of course. It’s just that it was making it more difficult to concentrate on the political campaign. They were in a mess, and if they were unable to find a way forward, Alistair’s chances of becoming the first black British Prime Minister were all but buried.

For a couple of days, after the Northern Ireland debate, they were flying high. Some polls even had then five percentage points ahead of Labour. But now that Jack Murphy had broken the Mary O’Leary story—despite all the threats Thomas could come up with—the percentage lead had reversed. Five points behind with three days to go!!

Things had gone from the sublime to the ridiculous!

It didn’t matter that there wasn’t a single shred of evidence, nor that they’d denied every single allegation made and threatened to sue, the tabloids and the Labour broadsheets had picked up the story and were all running with it.

Nor did it help that Alistair was so short-tempered. The negative impact on his chances of winning had hit him hard, though Thomas had a feeling there was more to his constant irritability than that. Although the atmosphere had improved between the politician and Erika, there were some underlying currents that didn’t quite add up.

Nor had any donation from Brian Sterling been forthcoming as far as he could tell. He’d caught Alistair trying the businessman’s office a few times but it appeared they weren’t taking his calls. That reminded the Campaign Manger—Guus Kessen’s donation hadn’t arrived yet, either. With the Dutchman backing Becky financially, he hadn’t wanted to chase him for the money.

But they needed that million…

Despite their depressing poll ratings, it was impossible to fault the politician for effort. When he wasn’t attending to other matters, he was out on the streets, canvassing, wearing out his shoe leather and putting the hours in. If the Election were judged on effort alone, he’d be the clear winner. Hell, if it were based on policies, he’d walk away with it too.

But it wasn’t. It appeared to be simply based on the Mary O’Leary story!

That disclosure had fucked them and the public seemed to believe he was guilty by implication. Not only that, there were already internal rumbles of discontent, though it was too late for the Party to do anything other than close ranks and support their leader. Still, one or two of those on the backbenches weren’t helping with the leakages to the tabloid press!

And Alistair’s decision to ignore that particular section of the media was self-defeating. Okay, it stopped him from having to face the same banal questions over and over again. But some people were seeing it as an admission of guilt. The whole thrust of their campaign had changed. It had stopped being about politics, or the people, and instead focused on his battle with the media. And on this fucking story, of course… or should that be, a story about fucking?

There had to be a way forward. They were dead otherwise. But what?


‘Guus!’ Erika checked her face in the mirror as she spoke, running a hand through her wavy blonde hair.

‘Hello, my dear,’ the Dutchman warmly murmured. ‘I do look forward to our regular chats.’

‘Me too,’ Erika murmured, flicking her tongue across her glossy red lips.

It had become her morning routine over the past week, the only way to deal with Alistair and the mess of the election. Call Guus. She’d made a point of having a daily conversation with the Dutchman, despite his stay in Monte Carlo being extended.

But now he was back in London, it was time to up the ante.

What had become known in the tabloid press as the ‘Mary O’Leary affair’ was destroying their hopes of an election victory. And if that happened, there was no doubt that Alistair would be outed as the Conservative Party leader.

In disgrace!

Unbeknown to others, it wasn’t just his career that would be in tatters. Although he’s attempted to keep it from her, his parents were very unhappy with the situation, too. Irrespective of whether there was any element of truth, they saw their son as dragging the family name through the mud. If there wasn’t an immediate resolution, he could say goodbye to his inheritance.

If that wasn’t bad enough, it wasn’t the only thing he was keeping from her. The poor bastard was mooning around like a lovesick dog. After their chat in his office, he’d been more open with, even going so far as to confess he had ‘some feelings’ for this Katie.

Some feelings? What the fuck did that mean? And did he expect her to listen patiently to him and sympathise? Allow him to humiliate her by signalling he was on the verge of dropping her for this bitch of a shrink?

She had listened patiently, of course. It was important to her plan that he thought she was on his side. Inside, of course, she was seething. Irrespective of the General Election result, it was over between them. If he lost the election and his inheritance, it was over between them. Why would she stay with a loser?

And if by some miracle things worked out, she had no intention of remaining with someone who was so flagrantly dishonouring her. The photographs she had in her possession would find their way to the press. What better time than after he’d been voted into power? Revenge would be so sweet.

And then there was the revenge she wanted on this woman. It appeared that Katie was refusing to return his calls, and he was handling the rejection badly. It was pathetic. But if they did get back together, she knew exactly how she’d deal with the two of them. It made her mouth water…

All of this led to one thing as far as Erika was concerned. A need to cultivate Guus Kessen! With money like his, who cared how overweight he was? He’d be the perfect short-term replacement until she advanced to her next victim. Victim! What a wonderful description. It fit perfectly.


‘Yes, Guus, I’m here,’ she responded, pulling herself out of her thoughts. ‘I was just thinking, now you’re back in England, how good it would be for the two of us to meet up sometime during the next week. It’s been too long, don’t you think?’

The sigh of approval at the other end of the line suggested she’d surprised but pleased him. ‘That sounds wonderful, my dear.’

‘I mean,’ she continued, lowering her tone to what she regarded as her seductive Scandinavian lilt, ‘we seem to make such a good team, don’t you think. After all, you helped with Rebecca, and gained your—shall we say—reward? I feel as if I owe you something. Don’t you?’

‘I see,’ the Dutchman slowly responded, his change in tone telling him that realisation was dawning. ‘And Alistai

‘Well, Thomas doesn’t know anything about your… er… arrangement with Rebecca. Why should Alistair need to know anything about our arrangement? Besides, I’ve wanted to get to know you better for some time…’

‘I see,’ came the studied response. ‘And tell me, Erika. Do you see our arrangement containing the same sort of benefits I enjoyed with Rebecca?’

‘Well, Guus,’ she purred, putting even emphasis on her sultry Scandinavian accent. ‘I’d say that anything is possible, wouldn’t you?’


‘What is it?’ Alistair Brinkley-Jones asked as he joined Thomas and Sally in the conference room. He was sick of the sight of those bloody walls. ‘I have a few things to tidy up before I take to the streets of London again. The great unwashed gave me a right ear bashing yesterday, but I’m fucked if I know what else to do.’

Sally glanced across at Thomas. It wasn’t just the words. The strain on the black politician’s face was plain enough. She had no idea how he’d react to Thomas’s suggestion. She wasn’t even sure how she felt about it.

‘Doesn’t anyone ever tidy this place?’ Alistair grumpily asked, pulling a chair out and wearily plonking himself down. There were papers spread across the glass table—faxes, newspapers, campaign literature, even some spoiled fruit, half eaten food and empty cans.

‘Look, I don’t have much time, he continued, picking up a bottle of water and downing half of it in one go. ‘Can we make this quick and painless?’

The door burst open just as Thomas started to respond. ‘Sorry I’m late,’ Erika smiled, looking as composed as ever. ‘Phone call. Have we started?’

‘No,’ the Campaign Manager advised, pushing back his golden farmer boy hair. Her timing was ideal. He needed Erika’s opinion on the idea he was going to float. He glanced at the three faces staring in his direction. ‘But Alistair’s in a hurry so let me get right to the point…’

He paused, grateful for Sally’s warm nod of encouragement.

‘Our ratings have stalled over the last week,’ he continued. ‘No, that’s wrong. They’ve gone backwards at a rate of knots. And it’s not because of anything that Paul Collinson or George Blair are doing. It’s all down to this one story.’

‘Tell me something else that’s new…’ the politician irritably growled.

‘A story that you were supposed to be controlling…’ Erika added.

‘That’s unfair!’ It was Sally who cut in. As loyal to her employers as she was, the diminutive redhead wasn’t going to see Thomas blamed.

‘That’s okay,’ he smiled at her. ‘This story has us all at our wit’s end. But we can’t go on like this. We aren’t going to make up five points in three days by doing the same thing. We’ve gone into our shell, cutting contact with the less salubrious sections of the press, staying out of the firing line. We need something drastic. A change of direction.’

‘Such as?’ Erika asked, crossing her arms over her full breasts as she leant back against the conference room door.

‘We go on the offensive.’

‘Offensive?’ Alistair snorted. ‘Which means exactly what?’

Thomas turned a seat around and sat down, leaning forward on the back of the chair. ‘Which means instead of hiding away from publicity, we go looking for it. Instead of ignoring questions on Mary O’Leary, we answer them. Instead of looking guilty, we take the higher ground.’

‘It won’t work—’ Alistair began.

Sally cut in. ‘It’s got to be better than what’s happening now. We’ve effectively lost eight percentage points in a week. We’re heading for earth in flames and we’ve got to get ourselves out of this nosedive.’

‘Flying a fucking airplane, are we?’ Alistair ungraciously said. ‘Look—’

‘She’s right,’ Thomas interrupted. ‘Basically, we’re fucked. We’ve just been denying that. You might not see it this way, Alistair, but the way you’ve reacted is the way of a guilty man. If there’s any chance of winning this, we need to dramatically change people’s perceptions. Overnight!’

For a few minutes, no one spoke. It was Erika who broke the silence. If they were crashing and burning, that was fine by her. So was getting Alistair back in the spotlight. Make the bastard suffer. ‘It makes sense, darling,’ she said, smiling sweetly at the black politician. ‘You have such charisma. If anyone can turn this round, you can.’

Brinkley-Jones didn’t speak at first. His eyes were rolling around his head, his face creased in thought. He bit down on his lower lip. ‘Isn’t it all too late?’ he said with a sigh, his shoulders sinking into a resigned shrug.

‘Possibly,’ Thomas admitted. ‘Probably, even, if we’re honest with ourselves. But I don’t want to go down without a fight.’

‘You think I’m not fighting?’

‘Of course you are, Alistair. We all are! But effort alone is no good, and especially if it’s misplaced. If we’re going to lose, let’s go down in a blaze of glory.’

‘Which means?’ Alistair and Erika chorused in union.

‘I rang Larry Paxman this morning. Offered him an exclusive appearance on tonight’s Newsnight show.’

It was as if a cold wind blew through the room. ‘You’ve what?’ Alistair confrontationally asked. ‘How fucking stupid—’

‘Wait,’ Erika interrupted, thinking it through. He was right—it was fucking stupid. Larry Paxman was a rottweiler and would tear Alistair limb from limb. What a delicious thought! ‘It makes sense,’ she added, her heart leaping at the embarrassment it might cause. ‘Shows that you’re not frightened to face him, face the country. I think you should do it!’

‘It’s a risk,’ Sally interjected. ‘But in our situation, we need to take a risk. It’s our only chance.’

‘Think about it,’ Thomas urged, leaning forward in his chair so that the back legs rose from the floor. ‘The programme gives you two opportunities. Refuting everything about the woman, and then getting your policies across. And the fact it’s live let’s you control it better, Alistair. When you’re in full flow, there’s not a more impressive sight.’

The black politician grunted, his lack of objection indicating he was coming around to Thomas’s way of thinking.

‘Let Paxman ask what he wants’ the fair-haired Campaign Manager continued. ‘Then it’s all about how you respond. Answer everything truthfully. Then when the time is right, hit him with, Larry, I know why you’re asking the question, but should someone as experienced as you be indulging this rubbish? Why are you dignifying such ludicrous accusations? There… is… no… truth… in… the… story! Period!’

The room quietened again, but this time it was a warmer silence. Thomas’s enthusiastic words had taken them all by surprise. The young man pressed his point home.

‘The crucial variable in all of this isn’t Mary O’Leary. It’s you, Alistair. People don’t know you well enough yet. The Belfast debate began that process, but we’ve backed off. However painful the questions, we need to let the public see the real you again. What you believe in. Show that you care.’

‘What have you got to lose?’ Sally cut in. ‘We’re dead otherwise. ‘

Thomas jumped up from his chair, as if standing would emphasise his point. ‘We only have the final appearance in Scotland between you and the Election,’ he rasped. ‘If the Paxman appearance goes well, and you wow them in Glasgow, we might just have an outside chance.’

The black politician rose from his chair and slowly headed across to the conference room door. As Erika stepped to one side and held it open for him, he glanced back at the fair-haired Campaign Manager. ‘If this goes badly, I’m fucked, and you’re fucking fired…’


‘So, I’ll be sacked soon,’ Thomas murmured, as Erika followed Alistair out of the door. He swung back to look at Sally. ‘Fuck me!’

The petite redhead smiled and tipped her head to one side. She’d do exactly that soon enough. ‘Why thank you for the offer, sweetheart. After a tough meeting like that, sex is often a
good stress reliever.’

‘Very funny,’ he uncomfortably said, his eyes sliding to the v-shaped red blouse. Her breasts were perky rather than big and he couldn’t help but notice her sexy black bra that he could see through the thin material. Hell, even during his discussion with Alistair and Erika, he’d been aware of it.

Sally sat on the edge of the table, seemingly oblivious to the way her short, black skirt rode up her thigh, revealing a flash of lightly tanned skin above her nude coloured stockings. She always wore stockings, he’d noticed. Very sexy.

‘Not funny,’ she told him. ‘True. And the thing is, with the hours we’ve both been working—neither of us has had much time at home. You’ve been more and more irritable as the week has progressed. So’ve I. You know what that’s a sign of?’

Thomas cleared his throat, but didn’t answer. He knew only too well. Sally raised an eyebrow, telling him she was waiting for his reply.

‘It’s only for another few days,’ he grunted with a shrug.

‘Maybe?’ the petite redhead sexily murmured. ‘But tell me the truth, Thomas. You have imagined us together haven’t you? I know you have.’

He felt his cock stir. This discussion wasn’t good for his blood pressure. With each conversation, she seemed to be a little bolder, as if turning the screw. ‘You’re married,’ he lamely replied, as if that would end the subject.

Sally flicked a hand through her coppery bob and allowed herself a low laugh. ‘What? You think that would worry me? Thomas, you’re such an innocent. What Jeremy doesn’t know, doesn’t hurt!’

She swivelled around on the table, deliberately crossing her legs to allow him a sight of the suspenders holding her stockings up.

Thomas pulled his eyes away, but knew he was too late. She’d seen his glance. And his blush was a dead giveaway, too. ‘And I have Becky,’ he added. ‘I’m all but married.’

‘Becky?’ she said with another of those child-like laughs. ‘Thoughts of Becky didn’t stop you from fucking Erika in Belfast, did it?’

His pale blush turned deep red.

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ she told him. ‘You’re secret’s safe with me.’

‘I… I was coerced,’ he mumbled.

This time, Sally’s laugh was full blooded. ‘Oh, that’s it? You like your women to force you? Then have no fear, buster, I’m just the girl.’

Thomas frowned. He couldn’t help the way his body reacted to her sexual teasing. But he wasn’t going to betray Becky again. Ever. Not with Sally, Erika, or any woman.

‘Sally…’ he began, but the diminutive redhead was already swinging her body from the glass table as a couple of party workers headed across to the conference room.

‘Don’t worry,’ she whispered as the two elderly workers paused at the door, unsure whether to disturb them. They’d booked the room out for a meeting that was already late. ‘I can tell from your eyes that you want me,’ the redhead told him, seconds before she pulled open the door. ‘And just so you know, the feeling is mutual…’


Katie Nichols was in turmoil. Over the man she was beginning to develop feelings for. That thought frightened her.

She was, or had been, Alistair Brinkley-Jones’ psychiatrist. And she’d betrayed that bond. Brian Sterling was her boss, and she’d defied his instructions. The Conservative Party leader had a girlfriend, and she’d ignored that fact. They were all considerations that were weighing heavily on her mind.

Yet despite them, she willingly allowed him to fuck her. In a public restaurant. Anyone could have walked in. Anyone could have heard. And it would have destroyed Alistair’s reputation for good. Things were bad enough with the lies about him and the Irish girl that were plastered all over the media.

Then there was Brian. He’d go apeshit if he knew what they’d done. What they’d done? Her laughter floated into the empty air of her office. She’d fucked a client, the biggest sin that there was in her world. Hell, she could have embezzled millions from the firm and the news wouldn’t be received as badly.

If she allowed the relationship to go any further, she’d have to tell Brian, of course. And that could cost her job.

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Aston spent most of the remaining night assisting in the lining up of teams of horses for the wagons and carriages. Harnessing them in the dark was slow work until something unexpected happened. Glowing disk’s of some material rose up into the air, spreading out to give the yard a near daylight brightness. The departure preparations sped up dramatically after that. He did manage to nap for an hour before the first call went out. He had his team set and ready, though they did grumble quite a...

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If I Told Her to Take Her Clothes Off She Just WouldChapter 7

She called me on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, which was all she could do because of my edict that I do NOT see any of my girls more than twice a week, apart from in classes. It’s risky enough as it is. Luckily that happened to fit in with the showoff hottie Sylvie Janner wanting her little sister Chloe to make a start. I still found I was thinking about Faye a lot though, even after one stunning slender sister had watched in fascination, in bra and panties, while I had sex with the...

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Honey I Did It for Us

After five years together, three of them married, my wife was caught straying. Not very far. To redress the balance, I gave myself a free pass. Not very far. We’ve found that two wrongs can make a right. Well, it seems to be working out just fine for us. Dad and I had been spending our Saturday replacing the worst of the rotted siding on my grandparents’ house. It was coming up to two o’clock and we were thinking about stopping for something to eat, when Mom called my cell to tell me that my...

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All for 1 and 2 for Kimberly

I didn't even bother knocking on my sisters door anymore. Considering the recent developments between us, I doubt modesty was still an issue. "Stephanie?" I called out as I walked around the queen sized bed that she used to punish me and bring me to the greatest squirting orgasm of my life just two days ago. She had me and Sara, my best friend and part-time Bi-sexual lover, right where she wanted us. Cuffed and naked. Our bare asses at her devious mercy. She spanked me with her thick, hard...

Group Sex
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A Broader Pallette Chapters 1 and 2

A Broader Palate By Becky Chapter 1 -- A Bland Dish "Honey, I really wish I could stay," Stacy cooed, giving her boyfriend her best puppy-dog-eyes look. "But I promised Brendan I'd meet him for dinner tonight." With that, she kissed him on the cheek, turned on her heel and disappeared into the elevator. Jim raised his hand to the spot where her lips had touched his skin. "I'm gonna run across the street to grab a bite to eat," Jim's secretary Sarah announced. He turned...

4 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 17 The White Witch of Walden Prelude III

Remember back in the first part of this story when I related my conversation with Menlo, and I told you that bad guys always try to justify their actions. Well, in keeping with that tradition, here I go... First of all, I NEVER suggested to ANYBODY that Dee should call me "Master." She just seemed to slip right into the habit, and when I didn't immediately reject the moniker, it became a permanent part of her vocabulary. When I voiced my discomfort with the title to Brenda, she told me...

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Sherrys Story

God, I could not believe I was doing this. What was I doing on this airplane on my way to Tennessee? Planning to get my brains screwed out, I hoped.These last four months had been a nightmare and this was the first time it had started to brighten up. Those first two weeks I thought the world had ended, and it pretty much had for me. My wife of forty-three years finally got to the point where she didn't recognize me and the kids, and I had to find a facility for her.I sat around thinking of...

Group Sex
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How i Learnt The Pleasure of Anal

How I learned the pleasures of analThis narrative is the journey that lead up to my first experience with anal sex. The details I have here are as accurate as I can recall and any dialog is essentially the best of what I can remember now. It of course gets more sexually explicit and graphic towards the end...I was born and grew up in what many would probably call an average small suburb. In my early years, while starting puberty I began to explore sex the way I assume many boys across the world...

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Dirty Girl and Guitar Guy

I don’t know what happened! I just showed up to see my friend’s band play and just so happen to find out that he would be there, that his band would be there. I didn’t have anything else to do that day so I stayed and watched his band, his long, curly, dark hair that framed his gorgeous face and haunting green eyes so perfectly, his toned, lean arms that led to his heavenly fingers that played every beautiful note so effortlessly on his electric guitar.     Sure I was flattered when his singer...

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StunningButts Amaranta Hank My insatiable neighbour

In his first day in the neighborhood, Rob will already have to ask a neighbor for a favor because he forgot to buy milk and eggs for breakfast. He’s lucky enough to bump into the statuesque Colombian babe who smiles at him when she opens the door of her apartment downstairs. Her name is Amaranta Hank and she’s pure leaving and breathing lust: with her gorgeous plump body and all the resources she has to bag and consume her current prey. You better watch out because she’s gonna...

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The AcademyChapter 68

Mark: Monday morning I bounded out of bed at the sound of the alarm, squeezing a handful of Graciela's plush ass, and went off to shower and prepare for the day. Life was good -- I had more sex from hot women than I knew what to do with and things were starting to turn on the couples front. Javier met me in the main room for coffee, also looking chipper; there was some kind of an issue between him and his mother, but sex with Grandma Estrella was just fine ... I suspected it was merely the...

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It was just after six in the morning and Sarah stood naked, peering through the glass panels of her front door. It was the middle of the week and people were getting up and starting their day. Although it was September, the temperature was at seventy-two and expected to climb into the low eighties. The sky was cloudfree and the sun shown bright on the street outside Sarah’s house. After yesterday’s adventure, she felt more alive and excited than she had ever felt before. She had exposed herself...

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Triptych InterviewsTony

Saturday, July 2 (Before Chapter 1 of Triptych) aroslav: Hey, Tony, thanks for taking time to talk to me while you are traveling. TONY: Sure. It's not like we don't talk every day. aroslav: Yeah. I really appreciate that. TONY: What's up? aroslav: Where are you now? TONY: Camped at Indiana Dunes State Park. We'll get to Nebraska tomorrow. aroslav: Well, I've got this new idea and I wanted to run it by you. TONY: Who is she? aroslav: Hey, I'm not just in the business of throwing...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Maa Aur Uski Jethani 8211 Part I

This is sandy .. Age 22 hai me mumbai me rehata hu aur mba kar raha hu mene iss ki sari kahaniya padi hai aaj me aap ko mere ek kahani sunane jaa raha hu.. Ye kahani aaj se 3 mahine purani hai kaise mene apne dost ki maa aur unki jethani ko choda age apko pasand aaito pls commnent karnaa…. Mera ek dost hai santosh hum dono ache dost hai uske gharme uski mummy daddy aur uski chachi rahati haiii.. Uki mummy ka naam sunita hai aur chachi kaa naam sandhya hai uski mummy ki umar 35-38 hogi aur...

2 years ago
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A new year and a new adventure with Mary 3

It can be weird how things go when you on a whim just get out and do it.That is how I met a young girl Mary, at the bar. If you have read the first 2 stories about a new year you would know that I am bisexual.Mary is also bisexual and so was Rick,a friend of mine who also has a bisexual girlfriend. He also has a child and one on the way.When the ball dropped Mary and Rick came home with me and we welcomed the new year naked in my bed. So now to start where we left off , Mary and I took...

3 years ago
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End Of Day One At The Seminar

We finished day one of our seminar and decided to hit a watering hole in the French Quarter. Kitty and Red hadn’t brought club clothes but man these woman could work with what god gave them. Kitty donned a low cut blouse and her ample bosom was exploding out. She added some glittery powder and her chest sparkled when light hit it. Red, on the other hand, hiked her skirt up and rolled the waist band shortening her skirt until her shapely legs popped. Damn I wanted them, but they had plans, they...

4 years ago
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IKEA Girls

"Would you two stop giggling and get out of the car?" Miranda called as she got out of the drivers seat of the mini van. The two she was referring to were her daughter Leslie and her friend Sarah. The two high school girls had spent the entire car ride huddled together on the back seat whispering and giggling. "Coming mom," Leslie called back as she opened the sliding door. The two girls hopped out, looking more like sisters than friends. They were both five and a half feet...

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I always looked young for my age. I swear even at 22 people thought that I was 12! It was great for going to the movies, c***dren’s tickets cost less, but it made dating and going clubbing with my friends epically difficult. I usually ended up providing multiple forms of ID before I could even get into a bar, and that was with my friends vouching for me. So I was grateful for my friends who didn’t mind alternatives like drinking at home or hanging out at the bowling alley. Tonight we chose...

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OHGirl Velvet Real Porn Stars

Two weeks had passed and my 19th birthday had arrived. I had been working as an escort for the last year and had fucked nearly 500 different guys during that time, something which I had craved in my sex addicted state, but for the last two weeks I had focused on my school work and coming home each night to spend with Mikey. He had raised me as his daughter and I recently learned that he was not my biological father. He had shared the information with me, but no one else knew. My mind had been...

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Lap Dance

"Nora, get dressed. We're going out." Nora was lounging naked on her sheepskin rug on the floor of the living room reading a novel on her tablet when he spoke up. He was seated in his easy chair and had just finished going through the mail and paying the bills. She quickly put down her tablet and stood up, placing her arms behind her back. "Yes, sir. What would you like me to wear?" "Short skirt, T shirt, no bra or panties, no shoes." She blinked. Their dynamic really didn't include public...

1 year ago
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FosterTapes Summer Hart Ember Snow Foster Mother Sternly Teaches Proper Etiquette

Ginger MILF Summer Hart knows that her new foster daughter, Ember Snow, is nervous about making a good impression on them. But when the clumsy girl spills a glass of water all over her husband, the MILF decides to teach her a lesson on proper etiquette. She commands the cute girl to get down on her knees and suck her foster dads big chocolate dick. The interracial play gets hotter as Summer enjoys every second of the family fucking action. The ginger MILF gets hornier and hornier as the...

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Power Failure

Note to the reader: Hi. My name is Angie, better known as Tasty Little Pop Tart to my readers. The condo in this story will be easily recognizable to a select few. Maybe more, depending upon my actual readership. It appeared in my short story Apparition, though with a different cast of characters. This story is similar, in that Matthew has a weekend alone with a sex toy and his mom's lingerie. It is totally different in that Matthew doesn't make it through the night as a boy. He gets high...

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Asian wife 2

It was a late Friday night and The work day just wouldn't end. I finally got off and headed home to find my wife Lyn already sleeping. I was still wired from work so I started looking at some porn and my mind started to get going. I had been waiting for a month with no new action about my wife's affair with Tony. I didn't believe the affair had stopped and I was suspicious they thought maybe I knew and were hiding it better. I had to find out more details but how. The cameras were a bust so...

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MS Mum helps son through his breakup

"Ryan!""What!""RYAN!""WHAT!""Don't you what me young man! Come out for dinner please!"Ryan rolled his eyes and jumped off his bed. He'd been sexting his girlfriend, of 3 months, Sarah.… "Ryan!""What!""RYAN!""WHAT!""Don't you what me young man! Come out for dinner please!"Ryan rolled his eyes and jumped off his bed. He'd been sexting his girlfriend, of 3 months, Sarah. He tucked his phone into his pocket and rubbed his dick through his shorts to try and hide his throbbing boner."Yes my...

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DarkFyre Chapter Three

Master Edwin IronWing’s study smelled of oak and wood polish, and leather and old vellum. It was a spacious, open room. A huge window took up the north-facing wall, staring out over the planting fields to the north. In the distance the DrakeSpine Mountains set a breathtaking backdrop, with the crags stretching higher and higher, huge and ancient and enduring. Sitting at the foot of the window was a large lacquered desk of solid oak. The surface was cleaned and lovingly polished until it...

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Sex Ed in Miss Kinnys Class Chpt IV

This one is a bit longer. “Good morning class, today we have a fun day” said Miss Kinny, the 21-year old Aphrodite of our school. “Good morning Miss Kinny” we all said in unison. I am Adam. I am a high school kid with somewhat decent marks and a fairly good body build, but my main feature, and my best I like to think is my think 9 in. cock, which, like my girlfriend Therisa says, is fair more interesting than my conversation. Ah yes, Therisa, that hidden hotty, that buxom beauty that no one...

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Joined By The NightChapter 2

"No," she moaned, her head twisting against the satin covered pillow. "Please, let me go. I don't want this," she keened, her voice rising as panic and fear twisted inside of her. "I don't want you." "Hush, my darling," he breathed, coming to sit down next to her on the soft pallet, his fingers tickling across the white silk that covered her sumptuous figure. "You will want me, you will beg to be with me before we're through," he said softly. She felt the light pressure of his...

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Driving in Snow Ch 12

Driving in Snow is an exploration of spiritually based sexuality and the power of synchronicity. This story is hard to characterize. It clearly fits in Mature, Erotic Couplings, First Time – several times over. Romance and even a unique form of Group Sex. There is enough nudity to add Exhibitionists and voyeurs and even some anal. It is long so I put it in Novels. What I hope is that it will inspire enough other writers to write spiritually based stories that we can add a new category of...

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 17

Xi Pegasi Mining Station One September 7, 2057 “The search for Roger Evans goes on. His teammates have vowed to not quit until they find him.” “Damn, what a mess,” Keith Davies shook his head as he and Kimmi watched Shanna’s ‘evening’ news broadcast. “Leave it to a man to get the girl pregnant, and then go get himself lost.” Kimmi playfully bumped his shoulder. Keith laughed softly. “It’s an old tradition. Love ‘em and leave ‘em.” He twisted in midair as Kimmi grabbed his ribs. He rolled...

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SisterInLaw part 2

My name’s Carla Jean, and I’m in my mid-forties(exact age: closely-guarded secret!) I’ve had a pretty carefree life, always made better by my pursuit of sexual pleasures. I love oral sex most of all, and I have to say that I’m pretty talented in giving it, and never grow tired of receiving. I think my preoccupation with sex goes back to when my older sister got married to a terrific guy named Bill. He was such a gentleman to me from the day I met him, but I also noticed that when my sister...

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My Beautiful Ponygirl

 It was a warm summer morning when I went down to the barn and found my graceful pony waiting anxiously in her stall on all fours.The micro bikini she had on was my preferred color, nude. It stood out against her tanned, toned skin. She was already veiled in a fine sheen of sweat from carefully sweeping out the barn and putting fresh hay in the three stalls. The two empty stalls were for the magnificent horses we were getting at the end of the week. Hers, a magnificent Quarter horse and mine,...

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Saving Amy Part 6 The Cage

SAVING AMY PART 6: THE CAGE Tiffany wanted to scream, but knew she couldn't. Not properly anyway, with a ring gag in her mouth that held it open, gaping obscenely. All the same, she let out a whimper as she felt yet another pulse from her trapped cock. She wasn't sure exactly what was in the pill that she had been forced to take, but she knew all too well what it had done. It had sent her into a state of frantic arousal, every nerve in her body aflame with desire. Her sensitive...

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SongbirdsChapter 3

"Kellie doesn't want to do your songs," Greg told me later that evening. "I thought that one was just a good story. Is it about her, too?" I shrugged. "If Kellie doesn't want to do them, we won't do them," I said. "It was what I worried about from the very beginning. There are things I wrote that only I know about. But there are other things that others may recognize." Greg looked at me. "Did she really lie to you to go out with some other guy?" he wondered. "That doesn't...

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RedemptionChapter 18

Dex sat almost sideways in the back seat and leaned into the corner. He much preferred driving to riding, but the women had insisted they do their share, and beside, it was Margo's car. It was the last weekend in September and Margo, Karen, and Dex were headed on their way to see Rick play and to see Donna. It was late Friday afternoon, and they were almost halfway through the six hour drive. Dex would drive the last three hours after the women split the first three. Jenny did not have a...

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Our encounter with submissive female

It all began when I was searching the internet for a female playmate, usually it was easy to find a man online to persuade to have sex with, but a female is a totally different breed. Being accustomed to the lifestyle of swinging and experience as a dominatrix I’ve learned what I’m comfortable with (sexually) and what I liked that turned me on. My bisexual experiences with men and women created earlier in my life shaped the sexual creature I am today. Having a high sex drive compiled with risky...

3 years ago
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Please Angelica

I’m laying in a dark, silent room. My wrists are bound above my head to a rope attached to the ceiling. I am on my knees on the carpeted floor below me. I can feel the nakedness of my body, nothing is covering me. Suddenly, I hear a bang, a door in the distance. I look up to the door in front of me, leading who knows where, and I wait for someone to enter. I squeeze my thighs together and shake all of my hair forward to cover my exposed breasts. Finally, the doorknob turns and a man walks in....

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My wife with Bill

One night, she arrived home a little after 11:00 p.m. with a guy that she introduced as her friend Bill. She said that she met Bill in the motel bar after work. She brought him home, because he belonged to a local group that was into wife swapping and she wanted to know more about it. They both came in and sat on the sofa. I got drinks for Terry and Bill and we sat down in the living room to talk. Terry took her shoes off and sat between Bill and me. Bill said that there was a group in town...

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