Not Even Rags To Riches Conclusion
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Life is harder than a young girl thought Ann is a character who was introduced in Olivias Summer Discovery, in June 2010. Please read that selection first, to better understand and appreciate this dynamic woman.
For reasons of my own, I no longer allow public comments on my stories, nor do I make them. Please feel free to drop me a pm and give me your critique.
The next morning, and the rest of the mornings until Olivia returned to Pennsylvania, we would wake in each others arms. For someone who was so inexperienced, so timid to try anything new, she became a very willing lover. I knew this was just experimentation for her, but I didnt care. All good things must come to an end, sometime.
What did surprise me was Olivia taking the initiative one evening. We were on the balcony bed, lying in just our robes, sipping a very good Pinot Noir, and listening to some Clapton Unplugged. Olivia had been running her fingers through my hair, when she leaned over and kissed me. This, in itself, was not unusual. It was when I felt her hand pull the belt on my robe that I think I stopped breathing for a minute. It was probably the one time that I chose to stay silent and let what was going to happen, happen.
She didnt speak, she didnt look into my eyes, she just continued to kiss me, playfully tickling the roof of my mouth with her tongue. Of course, I kissed her back, but I was going to take a back seat tonight. I wasnt disappointed. Olivia pulled away from my mouth, but kept kissing me, moving lower. She kissed down the middle of my chest, stopping to pay some attention to my nipples. The first night we were together, she told me they tasted sweet like sugar. Her nickname for me was Sugar Nipples.
Im not sure if she knew that her sucking and massaging my breasts made me a little horny. Well, more than a little, and it was everything I could do not to grab her or put my hand between my legs. God, my clit was throbbing. But I decided to be patient. Patience is a virtue, you know. Good things come to those who wait. And they did.
I almost wasnt sure she was moving, but she was lower, and lower. I felt her tongue first. It was like she was drawing a straight line down my belly. I didnt have to open my legs because her hand was there, gently pulling them apart. It was with a very soft touch when I felt her hand just brush over my pussy. I know I exhaled a quiet moan. I wanted this so badly and I was not going to do anything to ruin it. Her touch became more like a massage. She was moving her hand up one thigh, over my pussy, down the other and back again. I couldnt lie there like a lump, but I didnt want to pressure or scare her. I just started running my hand up and down her back, over her robe.
Her head, which had been resting on my belly, rose up a bit and then lowered. I could feel her breath on my bare pussy, right before she lowered her lips and kissed my mound. She kissed, and kissed, and kissed, and then something I never dreamed she would do. She licked me. I wanted to cheer, but I kept my big mouth shut, closed my eyes, and continued to enjoy her exploration.
For someone who had never gone down on another woman, she did a hell of a good job. She was so tender when her fingers opened my lips and she licked me for the first time. I dont know if Olivia realized she sent chills up my spine and that I broke out in goose bumps, especially when she licked me from hole to clit. She would push her tongue deep inside me and then would run her tongue up to my clit and suckle. It was slow and deliberate, not the hot, frenzied sex I was sort of used to.
She kept this up until on one of her journeys up to my clit, she pushed her finger into my dripping hole. Yes, dripping. She did that to me. Ms. Conservative Pennsylvania had my juices flowing to the point I could feel them drip down my ass. I felt myself open my legs further and my hips started to move. While she was twirling her tongue around my clit, I felt her slip a second finger inside me, and curl up to massage my G-spot. How the hell did she figure that out?
I didnt think it was possible Im the one whos in control. Im the one that calls the shots. But tonight, I surrendered to Olivia and her lovemaking.
Dear God, I moaned. I was breathing hard and I felt like my heart was going to beat its way out of my chest.
She never stopped. Her lips clamped around my throbbing pearl and her fingers massaged my spongy membrane a little more firmly until my legs became tense and my hips came up off the bed. I felt myself squirt into Olivias hand, while the electricity of my orgasm shot through my body. My hands gripped the bedding and it was all I could do to not scream into the night.
Olivia stayed between my legs, cleaning up my cum, and placing little kisses in my valley. She finally raised her head and looked at me. She had such a smile on her face. I held my arms out and she came into them. I kissed her, and then she pulled back and giggled.
I did it, she said proudly. I made love to you. And you know what? I loved it.
So did I, Liv, so did I.
Saying good-bye to her was more difficult than I thought it would be. Im the one that doesnt allow emotional attachments, and here I was wishing she wouldnt go. I knew she had to, and I also knew that someday she would fall in love with a man who would appreciate the sensual woman she had become. I had a feeling that although we probably wouldnt see much of each other after that, we would still always be friends.
My life returned to normal well, normal for me. I promoted a very successful showing of a new artist in my Naples gallery and was dating a very nice guy, while sleeping with the bartender at my favorite club. Carla was a busty brunette who enjoyed a little bondage play when we got together. She also had a Sybian that she shared with me. The downside was adjusting to the hours a bartender works.
The house telephone rang at about 6:30 one morning. I turned away from Carlas amazing breasts to take the call. I think bile came up in my throat when I heard her voice.
Annie, honey? You best come home now, my Mom said. You need to say good-bye to him.
Fuck! I did not fucking need to hear this. Home was the last place I ever wanted to go, but I knew I had no choice. It had been ten years since I was home, but I would always be Annie and I would always try to please my parents. Even after everything that had happened and the person I had become, I was still the skinny, yellow-haired, pigtailed girl from Culleoka, Tennessee.
I made up my mind to drive home. I didnt want to get there any faster than necessary. One thing was certain, there was no way I was going to drive the Porsche or the Mercedes SUV. After a long, relaxing soak in the tub with Carla, I asked if she would drop me at a used car lot. I found a red 2008 Kia Sportage that was priced less than $17,000, took it out for a test-drive, cut a deal, wrote a check, and was out of there in less than an hour.
Packing was going to be another ordeal. I certainly couldnt take my Louis Vuitton luggage. I made a quick stop at Macys and picked up some inexpensive Samsonite, along with some jeans and cotton slacks. I figured I could donate all of these upon my return to Florida. I called the Naples gallery while I drove over to my Fort Lauderdale location. I had great staff working for me and with only some brief instructions, I knew I could leave and not worry about my businesses.
When I got home I changed into a pair of white slacks and a white tank. Screw the bra, Id put one on when I got closer to home. I brushed my blonde hair until it shone and pulled it back into a pony-tail. Im not bragging when I tell you I look damn good for a woman in her early forties. The formerly skinny kid now had the figure of a model, except I could eat whatever I wanted. I didnt work out, but going to clubs and dancing certainly helped. My legs were strong, but very feminine. Where most women would complain about the size of their breasts, I loved my small tits with their perfect nipples. I turned around and looked back over my shoulder. Damn, if my ass wasnt still tight. From the back I looked like a teenager with a killer butt.
I threw the luggage in the back and put a small cooler in the seat next to mine. I didnt want to stop every time I needed a bottle of water. I also grabbed fruit from the kitchen that would probably go bad while I was away. There were also a couple of bottles of wine at the very bottom of the cooler. It wasnt going to get me through the entire visit, but it would help.
Culleoka, or East Bumfuck, is located about an hour south of Nashville. It was going to take me more than fourteen hours to make the drive, if I stuck to the recommended speed limit. I drove most of the day and decided to stop when I hit Alabama. I had been arguing with myself that I should have flown home, but I was not in any hurry. If he died before I got there, he died. My presence was not going to delay that and the only reason I was going home was because of my mother.
I was never really close to my parents. They were now well into their eighties and had adopted me very late in life. I dont think they really thought the whole child raising process through. They didnt play with me or read me childrens books, they read me the Bible. I learned nothing about the real world from them. If it wasnt for the kids who lived next door, a quarter of a mile away, I wouldnt have had any playmates. Their mom, Ginger, was the one who I went to with questions. I remember seeing their dogs mating when I was about ten. Ginger sat us all down and explained what was happening and then told us about the birds and the bees. I will always be grateful for the little knowledge she gave us. It prepared me for life.
Life ha! When I was sixteen, I realized I was never going to look curvy, like the other girls. I was always going to be skinny with small tits. My legs were my biggest attribute. My father would come and sit next to me on the sofa rubbing his hand up and down them, while we watched television. I didnt think much about that, but I saw the look my mother gave me when he did it. She looked like she hated me. I began to understand why, when my father came to my room to say good-night.
I was surprised the first time he showed up at my door. I was laying on top of my bed in my nightgown, reading an assignment for English when he knocked. Of course, I had no choice, my parents entered my room whether I answered them or not. He had an odd look on his face when he sat down. He started rubbing my legs like he always did, but his hand was sliding under my nightgown as he did it.
Pa, dont do that, I said trying to push his hand and move away from him on the bed.
His hand gripped my leg like a vice. Youre my daughter, you belong to me, he said, in a tone of voice I had never heard.
Pa, please&hellip,.
Hush, Annie, he growled. Dont let your Ma hear you.
Now I knew this was wrong. No wonder she looked at me the way she did. I tried to push his hand away again, but it didnt work. He turned and knelt over me on the bed, looking like he was going to lie down on me, until the knock at the door. Before the door swung open, he was standing at the foot of the bed.
Whats going on in here, Annie? Ma questioned as she came into my room.
The girls reading her book, Ma, Pa answered for me.
Then you best leave her alone, Pa. We cant have her doing bad in school, now can we? she replied to him.
Neither one of them acknowledged me while they left the room. I crawled into bed, under the covers and shook. I was a country girl, but I wasnt stupid. I knew what my father wanted. Ginger had explained to us girls what boys would try to do, if they were allowed. What she told us made me afraid of my father. I knew it was a matter of time before he tried it again and I was not going to let that happen.
I became my mothers shadow, rarely leaving her side. I kept my bedroom door open and when my father came at night and tried to close it, I very loudly said, Hi Pa, what are you doing here? Ma would appear in no time.
It was spring and almost the end of the school year when Ma got a call that her cousin needed help after coming out of the hospital. I begged to go to Memphis and help her, but she insisted I had to finish school. Ma would leave the next day, before I returned home. That changed everything. I couldnt be alone with Pa.
While the house slept, I packed my meager belongings into a small suitcase and went to the kitchen. On top of the refrigerator sat my mothers cookie jar. There were never any cookies in it, only the money Ma saved from her weekly allowance. I knew that stealing was wrong, but so was what my father was going to do. I took most of the bills without counting them and left a note for my mother telling her I was sorry. I looked around the small house one last time, and then crept out into the night.
Columbia was the closest city with a bus station, almost twelve miles away. I managed to get to a main road and flag down a car for a ride. I was thankful it wasnt anyone who knew my family. He dropped me off, and I went straight to the ticket counter. The next bus out of there was going to Detroit. I had enough money to get there, with a little left over. I didnt have a plan, just a reason to escape.
I was on the bus for over twelve hours, with several stops along the way. When I reached Detroit I had no idea where to go. I found myself in a coffee shop, in a not so great part of town. I ordered the cheapest sandwich on the menu and a coke. I had to make what little money I had last a while. I needed to find a place to sleep and a job. I knew from playing make-up with Gingers daughters that I could look older than I was. I hoped that I could get a job in a small store or work as a waitress.
That was all easier said than done. The cashier at the coffee shop told me how to get to the YWCA, for a cheap place to sleep. I had just enough money for a bed for the week, if I kept to one meal a day. I took a shower and slept until late the next day. I dressed in the navy skirt I normally wore to church, a white blouse and my black patent flats. I thought if I put my hair in a bun, I would look a little older. I had a tube of mascara and some pink lipstick that my mother never knew about. I thought I looked very mature and went out to see if I could find a job.
It never occurred to me to check a newspaper for Want Ads, and I didnt realize that the Y was not in the nicest neighborhood. Each store I went into was more depressing than the last. The diners where I inquired about work were disgusting and my shoes stuck to the floor. I spent three days walking the streets of the city, not having any luck at all. I didnt want to admit that I may have to call my parents and go back home.
I stopped in front of a building with blacked out windows, but displaying a sign Dancers Wanted. I could dance, at least in my mind I could dance. The front door was unlocked and I entered the dark club. I was greeted by a big guy in a black t-shirt that exaggerated the muscles in his arms. When I asked about applying for the job, he laughed at me, but then turned to get the owner of the club.
A man with greasy black hair came up to me and introduced himself as Pauly, the owner of Deja Vu. Even his handshake felt greasy. Kid, how old are you? There are laws about hiring minors here, he said as he looked me up and down.
I felt like a piece of meat, but I also knew that I had to be at least eighteen to work. Im nineteen, I lied in the most grown-up voice I could manage.
Nineteen. Right. And you can dance? Do you have experience being a cage dancer?
Well, I can dance, I gulped, but no, I dont have any experience dancing in a cage. If youd just give me a chance to show you….
Get up there. But I better see some real good moves, or Im sending you back to grade school, do you understand? Pauly ordered.
I nodded and climbed the stairs to the cage. I clumsily started to move, not really knowing if what I was doing was what he wanted to see, when suddenly music blasted out in the empty club. At least I could get a rhythm going.
Fucking give me some moves! he yelled. Show me something.
I remembered watching the movie Gypsy with Ma and thought about some of the moves the dancers used. I wasnt stripping, but I had a feeling he needed to see me bump and grind a bit. As afraid as I was, I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was in the movie, until he yelled again.
Fine, get your ass down here!
I stood as he sat at one of the tables.
Heres the deal. I dont believe youre nineteen, and Im going to need proof. You got any? he asked.
I had forgotten all about that. I have a social security number, I began. Um, but I sort of lost my wallet and my ID.
Yeah, right. See Mario at the door. Hell give the address of a guy who can hook you up. Be back here at seven tonight and one of the girls will get you something to wear. You got any tits under that blouse?
I knew I was beet red at that point and all I could do was nod my head. He waved me away without a second glance. I had a job! I didnt know how much it paid, but at least I was going to be working.
I was back at the club by seven oclock with my new license in my hand. I didnt know how to drive, but at least I had an ID proving I was nineteen years old. Mario took me to a small dressing room in the back and introduced me to Sharla, a stunningly beautiful black woman.
Theres not much to you, is there hun, she smiled. Thats okay though because we dont wear a lot here. Now, I know I have&hellip,.yes, here it is.
Sharla held up the smallest red bikini I had ever seen, even though I hadnt seen a lot of them. The top was two very tiny triangles of shiny fabric. I silently thanked God that I wasnt so well endowed. The bottom wasnt much bigger and was held on by ties at my hips. After I was dressed, Sharla loosened my hair and then went to work on my make-up. I was totally transformed.
Mmmm, girl, you have the best legs Ive seen in a long time. Youd make more money with bigger titties, but a youngun like you should do more than all right. Men like women who look like little girls. I guess its not too much of a stretch for you. You do know youre working for minimum wage and tips, right?
No, I didnt know that. I didnt really talk to Pauly about getting paid. He just sent me off to get an ID, I said, honestly.
ID? Oh, that cant be good. Look sweetie, dont tell me nothin, okay? I dont want to know. If you have any questions about this place, just ask me. With that Sharla started to remove her clothes. I watched her as she slipped on blue bikini bottoms and a sheer sarong and then stuck star-shaped stickers to the prominent nipples on her large mocha-colored breasts. I knew I was staring with my jaw opened when she caught me.
Im guessing youve never seen an exotic dancer, have you? she asked. Just where are you from with your little southern accent?
Culleoka, Tennessee, I answered. Exotic dancer?
Stripper, sweetie. I take my clothes off for the men who come here. I work mostly for tips and side jobs, like parties. Its nothing you have to worry about. Now, are you ready?
Other girls were starting to arrive, so we made our way out to the stage. Pauly leered at me when I walked by, but gave thumbs up to Sharla. Sharla talked to me about how long I would be dancing, who would relieve me and how long my break would be. At nine oclock, the doors opened, and the music came on – Duran Durans Hungry Like A Wolf, and I started to dance. I tried to think of the video and the way the girls in it moved. The hardest part was dancing in the high heels but I lost myself in the music and in the movements.
I feel like I got a lifetime of education that night. I watched as women danced and took off their clothes. I saw the effect they had on the men. I also saw how much money the men were throwing at them, and putting inside their G-strings. At the end of the night, Sharla was nowhere to be found. One of the girls told me she went to do a private dance. I got my tip money together and went back to my room. It wasnt a lot of money, but it was something. I knew I would at least be able to afford a room for a while and eat on a regular basis.
I danced every night, Tuesday through Saturday. The club was closed Sunday and Monday. Even though I was with people, it was a lonely existence. I got done dancing at two in the morning, changed into my street clothes and went back to my room. I normally slept until noon, made sure I ate, washed my clothes when I had to, showered and went back to the club. I found out that I had to supply my own bikinis, too, so there was an expense I hadnt expected. It certainly wasnt what I had imagined life would be.
I didnt see a lot of Sharla when the club closed. It seemed like she was always giving private dances. I did see the amount of money the strippers got for their dancing, and I was jealous. Dancing in a cage is okay, but it wasnt going to get me out of the YWCA. When I watched the women on stage, they didnt seem to be doing anything I couldnt. The only difference was that they ended up in only a G-string and had to deal with men touching them. Still, they seemed to get a lot of tips. I began wondering if I could take my clothes off, too. I got my answer a month later.
Sharla and another girl shared a spot on the stage. It was a very sensuous dance where the girls concentrated on each other instead of performing for the men. I loved to watch them from the cage. It was one of the most beautiful things I had seen. They even kissed, which made me uncomfortable at first, but then it just seemed a natural part of the performance.
It was going to be a packed Saturday night, including a mans stag party in the private room. Sharla came into the dressing room mad as hell. Cindy decided to up and quit that day, no notice, just left the building. That stuck Sharla without a partner for their performance, plus working the private party on her own. While she was throwing things around, I heard words that sounded like they were my voice.
Sharla, I could dance with you, I shocked myself, but didnt back down.
Are you kidding me? You? Take off your clothes?
I dont know where all this confidence came from, but I asked, Why not? I watch you and Cindy every night so I know the moves. Besides, is taking off my clothes that much of a jump from dancing in these little bikinis?
Sharla walked over to me and looked me straight in the eyes. Do you understand what this means? Do you really? Men might try to touch you. They might want to push money into your G-string, near your pussy. Do you want that? Better yet, can you handle that?
I didnt back down, but I did stop and think before I spoke. Sharla, I can do this.
Pauly really didnt take much convincing. As long as the almighty buck was coming in, he couldnt have cared less. Sharla took me up on the stage and had them start her music, Donna Summers Love To Love You Baby.
Come on sweetie, strip down to your bra and panties and lets see if you can do this, Sharla dared.
There wasnt anyone in the club, so I felt okay about it being her and me practicing. The club was always dark, so I wasnt really aware of anyone watching us. The dance started with us at each end of the runway. We locked eyes on each other and never strayed not until we touched. I did the best I could to imitate Cindys moves. I made sure that I extended my legs, to draw attention there. When we met in the middle, my right hand went to Sharlas waist and hers cupped my cheek, before trailing down my chest.
It really was a beautiful dance. Sharla was very gentle with me, and her touching me didnt seem strange at all. When she removed my bra, the cool air caused my nipples to immediately harden. She flicked them with her long, red fingernails and then placed a light kiss on each one. Her kiss made me tingle in a place that never had before. Then I stood behind her and moved my hands down her shoulders and over her full, round globes. Her nipples were much larger than mine and the color of fudge. I moved down her belly and carefully untied her costume. Both of us were practically nude near the end of the song. It was then that Sharla cupped my face and kissed me. I held my breath so long I almost stopped passed out.
The dance ended and I became aware of the staff clapping their hands. Pauly was making his way to the stage so I quickly grabbed my discarded clothes to cover myself.
That was great! he exclaimed, with a strange smile on his face. I didnt think you had it in you Ann! If this goes as well as I think, you wont be a cage dancer anymore.
Pauly, shes not ready to strip. Shes just an innocent kid, Sharla explained.
Pauly frowned and spoke with an edge in his voice that silenced her. A kid? Shes nineteen and she can prove it. I run Deja Vu, remember? Me. And if people want to work here, theyll do what I tell them to no matter what it is. Any questions?
I just shook my head no and Sharla turned to walk away. Pauly reached out and grabbed her arm, leaving a red mark as I heard him growl, Shell be ready when I say shes ready. Do not interfere.
I did my normal cage dancing until it was time for me to change. I used one of my bikinis and Sharla loaned me a sheer sarong and helped me apply the pasties. Our performance went off without a hitch. The men werent able to touch me, but still we made a couple hundred dollars, which we shared. I was amazed that with one little dance I could earn that kind of money. Hell, with money like that five nights a week, I could get a real studio apartment. Maybe I could start doing some things for myself.
I didnt take home a hundred dollars every night, but I did well, well enough to move out of the Y. Sharla helped me find a small apartment that wasnt a total slum. She helped me find some used furniture and suddenly I had my own home. I moved in on my seventeenth birthday and celebrated with a cake, all by myself.
I really enjoyed dancing with Sharla and began to watch her solo routines. I didnt think she would mind when I asked her if she would teach me to strip. Pauly told me he thought I was ready and could make a lot more money. He said if I was really good, hed consider me for some private parties. From what the other girls said, thats where the real money was made.
Are you insane? Sharla asked with a shrill in her voice. What the hell do you want to do that for? Do you think itll be like when we dance? These men are going to put their hands on you, dirty, sticky, wet hands on your body. Stay where you are, Ann.
But Pauly said&hellip,.
Pauly? I should have known. You understand that you dont have a choice. You have to do this whether you want to or not. Pauly decided. You do what he says or youre gone. Or worse.
What do you mean worse? I know I have to do this. I heard what he said. But he thinks I can do it, so I want to try. Sharla, will you teach me or not?
Sharla frowned, but she also knew that she was the best hope I had for making it. All right, but not here. You come to my house in the afternoons and well practice there. Did Pauly tell you when he wanted you to audition?
No, but I think soon. Thanks, Sharla, I mean it. Ill make you proud of me, I said, looking like the sweet, young, innocent girl I was. That was all going to change.
I was very clumsy, at first. Dancing on a runway was going to be very different than moving around in a cage. Before Sharla showed me anything, we went through her collection of music to find a song that would be my own. She knew I liked Duran Duran, so we chose Rio and Hungry Like A Wolf as my second song. Sharla also suggested that I use Rio as my stage name.
When we first started, she had me dance like I would normally. Based on those moves, she taught me how to walk up and down, gyrate at the right time, and how to look seductive. That was probably the hardest part. I mean, at seventeen, how seductive could I be? Well, I was also a fast learner. No one would mistake me for a high school student.
We spent a week working on routines and then we went shopping. My Rio outfit was still a bikini but I added a skirt that looked like it came from Brazil. It fastened in front, was slit from floor to waist, and had ruffles in a kaleidoscope of colors. It was beautiful. For my other song, we found a grey bikini and a sheer kimono. I even bought matching pasties. Sharla was so artistic and created different looks for my makeup, for each dance. The time had come to practice at the club, and work with the pole.
On the pole I wasnt clumsy. I grew up running in the fields and climbing trees. I had great upper body strength and I knew my legs allowed me to hold myself in very difficult positions. Sharla hugged me when I finally got through both my routines without a single mistake. A lone person was clapping in the darkness at the rear of the room. The sound got louder as he walked into the light. It was Pauly.
Youre going to start next week. Well work up a change in the schedule. Sharla, you help with that. You did a good job teaching her to dance. I think shell be good at the parties, too, Pauly said, with a strange grin on his face.
Sharla tried not to speak, but failed. Soon, Pauly. Shes not ready right now, but with some training shell be fine.
Dont take too long, Sharla. I mean it. A couple weeks tops. Then I expect her to work the back room with the others. A young one like her will bring in a good buck.
Pauly turned and walked away. Sharla looked like she was shaking, but turned and went into the back, leaving me alone on the stage.
Tuesday night I was dressed and waiting backstage while another girl was dancing. My stomach was doing flip-flops and I thought for sure I was going to be sick. There was a ringing going on inside my head and my hands were cold I was cold. Sharla came up and put her arm around my shoulder.
I felt her breath on my neck when she whispered, Youre going to be fine. Just dance like you danced for me. Ill be here when youre done.
With that she kissed my cheek and then my lips before pushing me towards the stage.
And now, Club Deja Vus newest dancer Rio!
I heard the music but for a brief moment, I couldnt move. I looked directly into the spotlight and stayed frozen in one place. It was the harsh voice of the stage manager that got my feet moving.
I did my best to ignore the sexual remarks coming from the audience of leering men. I moved to the rhythm of the music. I swayed, tossed my hair, and ran my hands over my body. When I got to the center of the runway stage, near the pole, I took off the skirt and threw it to the back. I worked the pole as if I had been dancing for years. I threw my legs up and hung upside down, untying my top and letting it fall. I slithered down the pole like a snake.
I also tried to block out the touch of the mens hands on my body as I crawled on the runway. They pawed at my bikini, and then my G-string, slipping dirty dollar bills inside. I swallowed the bile that came up in my throat when one hand slid over my ass after pushing money into my crack. When the music stopped, I didnt even bother to collect the money that had been thrown at me. I grabbed my clothes and ran off the stage.
Sharla caught me in her arms when I almost ran her over. She held me as I cried. I didnt know it would be that hard. I didnt know I would feel so dirty. She led me back to the dressing room and forced me to swallow a shot of whiskey. I thought I would cough up a lung trying to force the hot amber liquid into my stomach. It helped though, and stopped me from crying. Sharla just held on to me until I had calmed down.
I told you, baby. I told you that it would be hard, but you wouldnt listen. You got through it, sweetie, and you will get through the next dance because you have to. Youre a strong girl, Annie dont you forget it.
Pauly came barging into the room yelling, What the hell is going on here? Rio, youre supposed to work the club when youre done dancing. Now get your ass out there!
Pauly, leave her alone! Let her fix her make-up and Ill take her out there, for Christs sake! Sharla screamed back at him, pushing him through the door and slamming it behind him.
She got me to settle down, made me swallow some more whiskey, and then took me out into the club. Sharla never left my side and showed me how to get the men to buy us drinks. The waitresses knew to serve us colored water, but charge the men for a real drink. Although they tried to get me involved in conversations, I was pretty quiet. I knew that Sharla wouldnt always be with me and the thought of that scared me to death.
At the end of the night I was still shaken. Sharla helped me gather my tips and then took me home to her place. She tucked me into her bed, crawled in next to me, and held me all night. In the morning I woke realizing that we had slept naked together, but I was fine with that. It felt natural. That morning Sharla made love to me, very much the way I first made love to Olivia.
She was gentle and moved very slowly so as not to scare me. She started with a kiss and when her hand touched my breast I wanted it. This woman, who was my best friend, woke the female parts of my body. To this day, I remember how soft her lips were when she sucked on my nipples and kissed my body. I had never touched myself like that, so everything she did was brand new. I knew about tampons and where they were inserted, but I never dreamed anyone would touch a person there, let alone another woman.
As she touched me, she whispered and kissed me. I wasnt scared at all, even when she spread my legs and licked me the first time. When she put the first finger inside me, I held my breath, but I wasnt afraid. She told me what I would feel and she never hurt me. It was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. When I had my first orgasm, she held me until I relaxed and told me how beautiful I was. I loved her.
That week was like a blur, or maybe I just tried to block out a lot of it. The first three nights were just the prelude to the real test the weekend. I already knew how busy the club got on Friday and Saturday. I peeked out from behind the curtain to look at the crowd. It never bothered me before, but it was different now. Before I was pretty much ignored in my cage, now I danced on the stage in front of everyone. There were just so many men that I couldnt shake my uneasiness.
It seemed like the audience was much bolder. Sure, I made more money, but not without a price. I felt like there were hands everywhere. Friday was the first night I had to go out into the club by myself. I tried to find the friendliest, safest man I could, and it worked. I met with him after both my dances and got him to buy a bottle of champagne. When I got home that night I stood in the shower under water that was as hot as I could take it. Even though I scrubbed my skin raw I wasnt sure I would ever feel clean after that night. How innocent I was.
On Saturday night, one of the girls called in sick. Sharla and I had to do an extra performance. We started with our normal number, then I did Rio, and finally we improvised to Madonnas Like A Virgin. We each dressed in white bikinis and danced very un-virgin-like. I remember kissing her and finding myself pushing my tongue into her mouth. I didnt realize that would get the crowd going as much as it did, until I danced to Wolf.
The crowd had pressed close to the stage. When I got to the point where I was crawling on my hands and knees, hands reached out to stuff dollar bills in my G-string. But the hands got grabby and at one point my ass was slapped very hard. I couldnt wait to get off the stage but then realized I would have to go out and mingle. I changed back into my white outfit and stepped out into the masses.
When I entered the club, I was immediately surrounded. One big, burly guy picked me up and claimed me as his prize. I tried to push him away but he wouldnt listen. He kept calling me little lady and pulled me onto his lap as he sat down. I prayed Mario would come and help me out, but he was nowhere to be seen. He started rubbing his hand on my leg the way my father did and I panicked. I started fighting against him, but he didnt get it. I just wanted to leave and he wouldnt let me up. Tears began to stain my cheeks and I could hear myself wail. Why couldnt anyone else?
The next thing I knew I was on my feet with someones arm around my waist, holding me up. The big guy was picking himself up off the floor and I could hear this rich baritone voice come from my rescuer.
Sorry bud, but the lady has been promised to me, I heard. I paid good money for my private party. Now, if youll excuse us&hellip,.
I looked into the blue eyes of a man who was probably as old as my father. His hair was silver and he smelled like cologne. He was tall, slender, and wore a black trench coat. He spoke with an authority about him even the big guy didnt object.
Blue-eyes led me through the crowd to Pauly, who walked us over to the other side of the club. I hadnt seen the inside of the private rooms and Sharla never told me what she did when she worked a private party. Pauly stopped me before I entered.
You treat this guy nice, you hear me? Hes paying me to be with you, he snarled. You can keep the tip he gives you. You do everything he tells you to do. He told me he wants you to dance nice for him. After that, its between you two.
I nodded and let Pauly push me inside the room as I heard him say to Blue-eyes, Like a virgin.
It was a small, narrow room. To the left of the door there was a sink and a small bar set up. There was a red sofa, a couple of chairs, and a coffee table at the end of the room. Blue-eyes went to the bar and poured two drinks, which I think were whiskey. I could barely hold on to the glass when he handed to me, my hands were shaking so much.
Here, drink this, he said in a soft but deep voice, walking toward the sofa. Itll help you calm down a little. Why dont you come over here and sit down?
I took a big gulp of the liquor but it didnt take away the cold I felt. Blue-eyes was seated in one of the chairs so I moved to the sofa. I was scared and confused, even though he was being very nice to me.
Whats your name, sweetheart? he asked.
Rio. Look, I dont know what to do. Ive never had a private party before. Im really sorry. Maybe I can get one of the other girls to come in and dance for you. Maybe Pauly will give you your money back.
Dont worry, I know exactly what you have to do. Ive seen lots of girls dance, Rio, and youre very good at it. Thats why I wanted a private dance. Youre going to move like you do on stage only youre dancing just for me. You can dance closer and even sit on my lap. If youre real good, therell be a nice tip for you. Drink your drink, Rio. How does this all sound to you?
I was getting lost in his blue eyes. Um, okay I guess.
I was starting to feel warmer with each swallow of the drink. Blue-eyes shot me a dazzling smile and then reached over to flip a switch on the wall. Tainted Love by Soft Cell soon filled the room. He leaned back in his chair and gave me a wink and a nod.
Come on Rio, dance for me.
Okay, just dance I can do that. I was dressed in one of my bikinis with a sarong tied around my waist. It was sort of my standard uniform. I didnt mind being naked, so I actually felt fully clothed like this. I stood in front of the sofa and started to move. I wasnt sure what I should do there wasnt a pole for me to use so I guess I fell into my cage dancing style.
Drop the scarf, Rio, I heard him say.
That brought me back to why I was there. To strip&hellip,.for him. I looked him in the eye and slowly pulled at the tie, loosening it, and then opening the chiffon fabric. I walked past him, trailing the scarf behind me over his lap, before dropping it.
I wasnt very experienced so I made things up as I went along. I learned from watching the other girls to turn my back to him and bend over, looking at him from around my legs. His eyes were glued to my ass. I turned back to face him and walked forward very slowly, moving my hips from left to right. I stopped and dropped down into a squat, running my hands down my thighs then up my body. I heard him exhale.
Come here, little girl, he patted his lap. Sit here and dance for me.
I dont know how, I began.
Just sit here and move like you were standing and dancing. Its called a lap-dance. Youll know what to do, and Ill guide you.
I knew the rules in the club were no touching except when tipping, of course. I had heard the girls talk about letting men touch them during private dances. If I was dancing on his lap, it was sort of like dancing with Sharla. At least that was my reasoning.
Blue-eyes motioned for me to turn around and then sit. I tried to keep moving and swaying, but I was afraid I would fall. His hands were still on the arms of the chair, but he was moving at least I felt his body moving against my ass. I heard his breathing get louder and faster the more I sat and rubbed against him.
I heard him moan, Take your top off and lean back against me.
It was weird because he couldnt see my front, but he wanted my top off, so I did. After all, he said he paid for me to dance. With me leaning back, he could see me over my shoulder. I could feel his silk shirt against my back and his hot breath on my shoulder. I watched his hands clench the arms of the chair harder before he released it and put them on my legs.
I tried to block out memories of my father when he ran his hands up and down my legs. I concentrated on my movements, but his hands were all I could think about. Up and down, then up higher. I felt them as they moved to my belly and then up, up higher again. My nipples were as hard as diamonds when his hands reached them. It was nothing Sharla hadnt done, but it was also so different.
He held my body closer while massaging my chest, belly and legs. I didnt like Blue-eyes touching me like that, but I also remember him saying he paid good money to be with me. His breathing seemed to get louder and he was grinding back at my body at the same time that I tried to dance for him. His hands seemed to be more demanding as he touched my tits, pulling at my nipples, and it hurt. I also didnt realize that while he moved his hands over me, he untied the strings on the bottom of my bikini.
Please stop, I said when he pulled a little too hard. That hurts.
Oh baby, Blue-eyes whispered in a harsh voice. This feels so good. Youre going to feel so good.
There was a desperation creeping into his voice. I tried to pull away, but couldnt. He started kissing my back as I struggled against his vise-like hold. Panic was starting to take over. I wanted to be a good girl, but this was feeling very, very wrong.
I would have fallen when he pushed me up, if he hadnt stood up with me. He turned me around, pulled me into his arms, and tried to kiss me. I didnt care now, I wanted to run and hide. The more I tried to get away, the more he pawed at me. When I leaned back hoping to break his hold, he lowered his mouth to my nipple and started sucking and chewing on it. I cried out in pain, but it didnt seem to matter. He didnt stop until he pushed me down on the sofa.
I fell on my back with my legs and arms opened. Blue-eyes threw himself on top of me, between my legs. I could hear myself begging him to stop why couldnt he hear me? I couldnt understand why he was adjusting his clothes while I laid naked beneath him. Why didnt he let me up? Then I felt it, something I had never felt before, prodding, pushing at my pussy.
No, no, no! Stop! Let me up! I cried.
He backed away and then lunged, leading with his cock. I screamed as pain ripped through me like a knife. I had light flashing in my eyes and bells going off inside of my head. He never stopped, he kept pushing in and out of me. When I opened my eyes, he was looking down at me with the face of a person possessed. His hands gripped my breasts and he moved like a machine. He had turned red and sweat was dripping on me. The whole time I pleaded with him to stop.
I dont know how long this took. I remember looking up at the ceiling and seeing a stain, like from a water leak. He was so forceful with his last push into me my head was shoved up against the arm of the sofa. He stayed like that for a minute and then slowly withdrew. I didnt know he had just pumped me full of his seed.
I continued to lie there as Blue-eyes went over to the bar sink, washed up a bit, and straightened his clothes. When he walked toward me again, I curled up in a ball, hoping he wouldnt touch me. He dropped some money on the coffee table and turned to walk out of the room.
Before he closed the door he said, That was worth every penny.
The tears came full-force when I closed my eyes. I heard Gloria Gaynor singing I Will Survive.
I blocked out a lot of what happened after that. I know that Sharla and one of the other girls cleaned me up and took me home. They both stayed the night in my little apartment and then tried to get me to a doctor the next day. I refused. I didnt want to think about what happened. I didnt want to think about it but couldnt put the picture of those blue eyes out of my mind. I never saw him come into the club after that night.
Pauly steered clear of me. Just once I saw him coming toward me, but Sharla put herself between us. I couldnt understand her words, but I did understand the tone of her voice as I walked away. It didnt last forever, but it did give me time to heal. Sharla finally convinced me to see her doctor, get checked out for any diseases, and then get a prescription for the pill. It was a long time before I did a private party, but I was asked to do other parties with other girls, outside of work. What Pauly didnt know, didnt hurt him.
Working a party as a team was a whole lot different. Sharla told me that she and the others sometimes worked stag parties, birthday parties, etc. She asked me if I would be interested in making some extra money that way. Now that I was pulling in some great tips, I could have afforded to move into a much nicer place, but I had plans for my money, and it didnt involve staying at Deja Vu for the rest of my life. It was an idea that I kept to myself, but I was going to need some money. I trusted Sharla and I knew she wouldnt steer me wrong.
Sometimes it was just Sharla and me who provided the entertainment. Other times a couple other women I didnt know would be there, but they gave private dances. I was still very naive to think that all that was going on were lap dances. Very naive. I was very lucky that Sharla kept me shielded from that part of the entertainment for a long time. I pride myself with being a strong person and to say I had no effects from the rape would be wrong. The thing is, those effects were buried very deep. I had to work very hard to get rid of them, after I reached adulthood.
The first party I did with her was at a corporate retreat somewhere around Saginaw. I was told we were invited for a buffet I didnt realize we WERE the buffet. Sharla and I were laid out on a couple of tables that were lined with plastic. We each had a team of four dressing us. I had never heard of such a thing. We kept on our smallest bikini bottoms, but that was it. They very carefully laid fruits and vegetables all over our bodies. My legs were covered with cheeses and meats, my crotch was covered by lettuce and other vegetables and from the waist up there was fruit. I had cherries on my nipples, for Gods sake. It was really bad when I got the giggles. When Sharla got to laughing too there was fruit flying everywhere.
Considering the amount of touching that was done by the guests they were a pretty polite group of men. The atmosphere was totally different than at the club. All Sharla and I had to do was lay there and let the men undress us, so to speak. I heard one of the men ask Sharla if he could have her cherry and she agreed. He leaned over and took it and the whipped cream it was nesting in with his mouth. That was all one of my diners needed to see, and a couple vied for my approval. I selected the youngest, most innocent looking ones, and that was fine.
Sharla next asked if I might like to do some other entertainment at a private party.
What kind of other entertainment? I asked, trying not to be suspicious of my friend.
Look, Im not going to let anything happen to you, I promise. We could lap dance, but I dont think youre up for that right now. Depending on the party, some of the guys get pretty drunk and I dont want you to have to fight them off.
Now I was very confused. Then what are you talking about?
Sharla sat me down and tried to make everything sound very normal. Men like to watch. You know that from working at the club. And when they cant touch, they like to watch even more. They like to watch two girls together.
Oh, you mean like the dances you and I do, I interrupted. Im fine with that.
No sweetie, they like to watch a whole lot more. Im talking about what you and I have done in private, Sharla said softly. It would be just you and me, but men would watch. It also means a whole lot more money. Do you think you could do that?
Youre joking, right? Men really dont want to watch two girls together, do they?
Sharla just nodded and waited for me to speak. All I could say was, Damn, they sure do some strange things here in the big city.
Sharla and I had discussed our attraction to each other. She had a boyfriend that she saw on a regular basis, but she was also attracted to women. At this point in my life I had never even kissed a boy, if you dont count behind church when I was in grade school. My only experience with a man was one that I tried very hard to put out of my mind. With Sharla everything was soft and non-threatening. The whole sex thing was still really new to me, so I stayed with what I was comfortable. Does that mean that when I saw a cute guy I wasnt attracted to him? Absolutely not. It was the beginning of my realizing that anyone can be attracted to anyone no matter what gender. Wow, worldly views at age seventeen.
Sharla had booked a bachelor party. She and I would dance and two other women would be in another room. We pored through tons of music before Sharla pulled out an old Marvin Gaye album. Lets Get It On seemed to be a natural choice. She explained that we would start out dancing and stripping, then after that the music wouldnt matter because we would be having sex. I wore a silver bikini and Sharla wore gold, not that it mattered they didnt stay on that long. We had rubbed some oil on our bodies so that we glistened.
We danced, rubbed against each other and very slowly undressed. I stood behind Sharla and untied her top, easing the cups of the bikini down, exposing her large, round globes. After dropping the flimsy piece of fabric I put my hands on her flat belly and moved them up, cupping her gorgeous bounty. There was a decidedly loud gasp when I rolled her nipples and then pulled on them a little. Of all the girls, Sharla had the largest nipples and you could hear the comments of what these men would do, if they had the chance. Tough luck for them, I got to run my hands all over her chocolate body.
When she turned around, I started to lower myself into a squat. I stopped at each tit and sucked on those nipples until they were rock hard before moving lower. I grabbed the ties on her bikini in each hand and pulled. Sharla spread her legs so that the gold fabric fell away from her body. I tossed it to the groom, who held it to his nose and breathed in her scent. When I saw that, I wondered if she could smell mine, because I was getting very turned on by being watched. As I dropped into my squat, I pushed my nose forward and inhaled. Then I turned to the groom, gave him a wink and turned to place a kiss on her pussy. I thought he was going to fall out of his chair.
Sharla knew I wasnt as comfortable being the driver, so she had me move over to the passengers seat and took control. While I was balanced on my toes, giving her pussy a lick, she lightly pulled my hair so I would look her. She smiled and gave me a little push, setting me on my ass. She was such a tease. She walked over, straddled me and then bent over to untie my top. Her crotch was so near, but when I leaned toward her, she quickly stepped back, taking my top with her and teasing me. She bent at the waist, her breasts dangling before me, lifted my chin and kissed me. It was a kiss that told me everything would be all right.
While we kissed, Sharla lowered herself with her knees on either side of my hips. I put my arms around her neck and pulled her to lie down on me. Our tongues played joyfully as our bodies molded to one another. We were absolute opposites the curvaceous black woman and the pale blonde who looked so very young. She broke our kiss and began sliding down my body. My tits were very small, but were extremely sensitive. When she took one in her mouth, I moaned and put my hands in her hair, holding her to my chest.
She rolled a bit and the put her knee between my legs. Sharla pushed against my clit, which was already throbbing with excitement. She had my hips rocking and I looked like I was fucking her leg. By now I had tuned out all the comments being made. I saw no one, heard no one I was solely concentrating on Sharlas touch. She moved from one nipple to the other, and I felt my juices start to flow. I began to push at her head, wanting her tongue in me.
When Sharla moved her mouth down my belly, she pinched my nipples and held onto them. Rolling and pinching my nipples, I cried out, Oh God, yesssssss&hellip,.
Once she reached my waist, my legs were fully open for her. She kissed from one hip to the other, untying my bikini with her teeth. God, I needed her to move lower. My pale blonde fluff was growing wetter and curlier. The fragrance of my sex was strong and I almost came when she released one of my nipples and pressed her palm against my pussy. Sharla was between my legs, and I bent my knees and raised my hips, silently begging for more. I watched her watching my pussy as she ran her hand over it. She glanced at me and smiled when she lowered her mouth.
Lying on her stomach between my legs, I felt Sharla open my lips. The cool air against my heat felt like a separate touch. She began to toy with me, running her tongue up and down, never quite touching my clit or my hole. When I tried to touch myself, she playfully slapped my hand away and kept licking.
Please, please, put your finger in me, I begged. That was the only time I heard the rest of the room pleading for the same.
Sharla lifted her head and very gently pushed her finger inside of me. My body trembled from the welcomed intrusion. I could feel myself dripping, wetness running down to my ass, while she moved her finger in and out. My hips kept time with her movements and I found myself reaching to play with my nipples. When a second finger found its way inside, I whimpered and pulled on my nipples a little harder. I knew it was a matter of time before I came. I just didnt realize it would be that fast.
Her mouth finally moved to my clit, and Sharla started sucking on it. At the same time she curled her fingers toward my pubic bone, starting a sensation I never had before. It felt like electric currents were running through me starting at my clit, but from another place deep inside I felt like an avalanche was going to fall. She moved faster and faster until I couldnt take anymore. I was trying to hold onto something but there was nothing to grab. I held my breasts while the lower half of my body rose completely off the floor, and I finally stopped holding my breath.
Oh, God! I screamed, feeling like I was being swallowed up by the storm of my orgasm.
I could feel my juices pouring out of my body and Sharla lapping them up with her tongue. The men in the room were cheering and giving each other slaps on the back and high-fives. Sharla moved up and scooped me into her arms. She held me and gave me soft kisses, whispering how good I tasted. That was probably the best party I ever worked, most likely because it was my first, when I was still somewhat of an innocent. Two girls together pulled in a lot more money than dancers or the women giving blow-jobs in the other room. Yes, I eventually found out what they were doing, and how to properly give the best bj a man would ever have.
I worked at Deja Vu for several years. Sharla convinced me to take the GED exam so I could say I graduated from high school. I made a lot of money in very few years, but also spent very little. One of the regulars took a fatherly interest in me so on my days off he introduced me to museums and art galleries. It rekindled my interest in reading and drawing. I was never really very good, but I bought a sketch pad and drew some portraits of the girls at the club. I still have the one I drew of Sharla. He also suggested that I take some art classes at the local college.
I enjoyed the academic life and being around people closer to my own age. I was always a smart kid, and I found out my grades were good enough to get me accepted as a student there. He was also the one to advise me to pursue a degree in business, something that I use today. He helped me manage my money and helped me make some very wise investments. The payout was huge, and I put it to good use when I left dancing.
I loved Sharla, she was my best friend, my protector. I dont think theres anything I wouldnt have done for her. Unfortunately, her life was cut short by drunk with a knife, during a private dance. I walked away from the club that night and never went back. I packed my bags, got my money out of the bank and headed for Florida. I had heard that Fort Lauderdale was the most popular place for young people, so thats where I landed and stayed.
I lost track of how long I had been driving without taking a break. I finally saw the big, green sign Welcome to Alabama the Beautiful – and knew it was time to stop for the night. I found a motel, grabbed my bag and a bottle of wine from my cooler and proceeded to drink myself to sleep.
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Ann Alder put her viola in its case with a sigh.. “Oh am I bushed,” she thought. “Won’t it feel great when I get to my massueuse in 20 minutes’ drive? This rehearsal has been super and we’re certainly ready for the big concert tomorrown night, but the concentration has tightened me up phenomen-ally; only Dr. Davies’ trained fingers will be able to bring me back to my normal relaxed happy state!” Norman Dalley, Arnold Steinam and Michael Arbor,...
It was now spring 1970 and Clare had just moved to a new home in the small rural town of Dunghill where she was the assistant manager in an agricultural machinery firm selling tractors and other items to farmers and servicing them. One day she went out to a farm nearby to drop of a brochure for combine harvesters. At the farm she pulled up in her blue Mini and watched a farmhand carry a freshly slaughtered Southdown ewe to an outbuilding to be butchered. Clare was met by Ann who was standing by...
One spring day in 1922 Ann closed up the shop where she worked. She was keen to run her own shop but it would be a several years before a legacy from an aged aunt would allow her to do this. For the time being, aged just 20, she continued to learn the ropes from Mr and Mrs Hunter.The next day she was closing up again but this time Mr and Mr Hunter were present. They called Ann to the storeroom at the back of the shop.Ann entered and closed the door.“Now, Ann, last night you forgot to lock the...
Recovering from my accident took a long time. It was frustrating because I’ve always made a point of keeping fit and here I was barely able to move. I spent many hours with the physiotherapist. She seemed to take an almost sadistic pleasure in making me find the re-use of my body. But eventually my sessions with her were over. She only had some parting advice to give me, namely that I should enroll in a dance or stretching class to continue to improve my flexibility. She gave me the...
he Meeting"Ummmm, Mark.....?""Yes, Becca?""Before you meet my mother there is something that you need to know...""....and that is?...""She is not your average person.""Well, neither am I!"We both laughed at my big cock joke."No...I mean it. My mother a...well, she...""Cat got your tongue, almost wife?""Not cat but you are close. Pussy is more like it.""There is only one pussy that I am concerned about this evening, Becca." and I gave her upper thigh a squeeze then watched my fiancee...
Ann and the looking glass. ©Hitchhiker 2002.Ann had found the mirror at the second hand shop. She had moved house, and needed a long mirror to put in her new bedroom.The mirror had been hidden at the back of the second hand store behind three old wardrobes; it was covered in dust and cobwebs. Why she had looked that far back in the store, she couldn’t understand, but there it stood nearly 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide supported in a frame of near black Mahogany. The...
Chapter 1. Discovery I spend a lot of time on the Internet watching porn and viewing naked photos of wives posted by their husbands. Some, however, are posted by the women themselves, which I always find a bit more arousing, to know there are women out there who enjoy showing the world their naked bodies and who post their own photos for all of us dirty old men to see. So I spend a lot of time looking at porn on the Net and jerking off to it. I also post my wife’s photos in a few...
Incest“Mum! MUM!”Ann looked round. Jess was waving at her from the far side of the barrier. There weren’t many people at the airport and Ann smiled as she saw her and headed towards the girl, her suitcase wheels sending out a gentle hum on the smooth airport floor. “Jess!” she said and they embraced.“Jeff’s just gone to get the car and he’ll meet us outside,” the girl said as the two women headed towards the doors of the terminal. “How was the flight?”“Uncomfortable,” Ann said with a smile. “I...
Ann and Will were an older couple that enjoyed sex and exploring their fantasies. Since meeting on Lush several years ago, they had gone from cyber-lovers to physical lovers. As they became physically connected, they had found many ways to enjoy each other. They never failed to try something new in their relationship if one or the other wanted to try it. This had broadened their sexual appetites in many ways and found them always stretching the boundaries of what each other would do. Today was...
SpankingNineteen year old Ann Hetherington was fat and blond. She tried every diet she could find but nothing worked. Maybe that's why boys weren't interested in dating her. Ann found her own way to satisfy herself. She went to her bedroom and played with her pussy. Then she looked around the room for something to stick in it. She was tired of using her fingers. She found a hair brush with a long rubber handle. Ann smeared some cold cream on it and shoved in her cunt. It was wonderful! It was the size...
First TimeAnn arrived about ten thirty, she had taken her car to work. (Parking was not bad on Saturday mornings ) When I heard her blow her horn I opened the door to an empty slot in the garage downstairs. She drove in and I closed the door behind her as soon as I was sure she was inside. She came on up the stairs and walked in to my garage apartment. Ann has to dress nice at her work place. She was drop dead gorgeous in a woman's suit. She wore stockings and medium heels. Her skirt hem was just...
Ann went to the kitchen for some paper towels. I was still catching my breath, enjoying the aftermath of my own orgasm, and leaking cum out of my limp cock. I watched as she walked, her tits swaying, and all that cum on her arms and chest. She was attractive, sexy and erotic. When she returned she cleaned herself, then me, then the floor and couch. “Can you cum again?” she asked. The answer, of course, is yes. But then I had to admit that we might have to wait a few minutes before I would...
HardcoreIt is the final part of the events happened. For a better read, the readers are advised to go through the previous stories. And for a short prelude, here is the brief history of all events happened. Please send your feedback to I have written a few stories in Indian sex stories and a mallu couple based at Chennai messaged me for their service. The couple -Ann and Steve – wanted my service. Steve was a businessman, 27 or 28 years old and Ann was 26. Steve has a small dick and that is why the...
Ann’s ordeal-Part one.Police constable Ann V. was sweating under her uniform.The whole day the sun had been shining down on the city mercilessly, like it had been doing the whole week.She felt the sweat slowly trickling between her heaving breasts, and down her massive buttocks.Her bob of red hair was stuck sweatily under her regulation policewoman’s hat, and she had her big, green eyes half closed to keep the sunlight from blinding her.She silently cursed herself for not keeping the promise...
Ann and I (Randy) would throw a halloween party every year and 2019 was no exception. Traditionally it always had been a fairly typical costume party. As we started to plan the event Ann looked at me and sighed so I asked what the matter was.Ann rolled her eyes then said “can we do something different this year? Too, you know, mix things up a bit!” “OK” I replied “what do you have in mind?” She smiled slyly and said “do you remember that movie ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ ?” I immediately knew where she...
Ann had kept her promise to do whatever I wanted and two months later we were quietly married and I brought her home for an evening of sucking and fucking. For the next several months we played out different scenarios of sex and she became more willing to do even more than she had ever tried before. It was one day at work that she had to show up and bring me some stuff from home when my friend Ed saw her and commented on great she looked. I knew Ann had thoroughly enjoyed the black man she had...
When I checked my mailbox on the adult dating site, there was a short message from a woman named Ann. She was 30, living in Cambridge, MA, just across the Charles River from Boston, new to the adult site, and would be interested in chatting. I acknowledging her email, indicated that it was nice to meet her, and asked her about herself; at least whatever information she was willing to share at this early time. She wrote the next day. She was originally from Seattle, was single, worked in...
Straight SexOkay, here I am writing the continuation of my previous story. Here is a brief recap of the last story if you haven’t read it. Feedbacks to Steve, an impotent and useless husband called me on demand of his wife, Ann and wanted my service. Upon their request, Steve, me and Ann met and I had a quick session with An inside the car. Read from here Feedbacks to Steve came back with a top and leggings. Me and Ann were still inside the car, drenched in each other’s sweat. She had just given me a...
The company I work for had just opened a new "Office Managers Position" and had hired an attractive woman in her early 50's to fill the job. Her name was Ann she seemed to be a pleasant woman about 5' 5", and a very nice body for a woman about my age. She was well dressed daily always wearing woman's professional business attire such as matching skirts and jackets and well fitting pants and blouses, from the size of her breast it was easy to tell she wore a bra every day to work, but it was...
Casey looked over all those Polaroid pictures, and chose twenty four. I counted because I wanted to be sure I got them all back. I got Casey and I another beer, Ann did not want more wine. Ann told us that the pictures were good enough to turn Casey's wife on. Some were of just Ann, some were of just me, all were taken in the nude. Most of the pictures were of she and I in some pose having either oral or vaginal sex. Several were taken that day and showed her face as she was having a...
Hi. This is Karthik again with another scintillating story, only this time it is too special and real. I never thought writing stories on ISS would help me to encounter a real incident, but it happened last week. I am writing this story with the consent of the people involved in it, but have changed their names for the obvious reason. Feel free to message me at After my last story, I got a few emails, but most of them were deprived guys who wanted contact numbers of the ladies I described...
Ann had found the mirror at the second hand shop. She had moved house, and needed a long mirror to put in her new bedroom. The mirror had been hidden at the back of the second hand store behind three old wardrobes; it was covered in dust and cobwebs. Why she had looked that far back in the store, she couldn’t understand, but there it stood nearly 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide supported in a frame of near black Mahogany. The carving on the frame was almost sensual with long curves and sweeps of...
EroticJames was away on a business trip. He was due back tomorrow. Ann missed him terribly while he was gone. The weather was cold and rainy and rather than turn the heat on, Ann decided to go to bed and snuggle under the blankets; she always slept better in a cold room. She read for a while but she was tired and it was cozy in the big bed so she quickly fell asleep.James was exhausted but he had been able to finish his business a day early. He caught a late flight. It was almost midnight by the...
Ann complained while her mother was on the phone, I don't need a sitter she argued. Her mother said, I don't care, you're not staying by yourself, and that's final.Hanging up the phone her mother told her to take her bath.While Ann was bathing she got ready for her date.Finishing her bath Ann put on her nightgown and clean panties.Coming out front, her mother was talking to Mary. She explained how she was. Mary smiled and sad no problem.Mary asked Ann what she liked doing. Movie and video...
Laying between Mary's legs Ann studied her pussy. Tracing her fingers around her putter lips and admiring the wrinkled inner lips Ann said, I wish mine looked like yours. Her words adding to her excitement Mary said, I love you'res. It looks like a tasty wet pink apricot. Giggling Ann asked, does it taste like one. Sweeter, she answered.Feeling her fingers run down her labium majus, Mary watched Ann her young lover. With her fingers passing under her lips Ann said, you're so wet. Mary began to...
Hi, my name is Alan and my wife’s name is Ann and this is part one of what could be a long series of our experiences with Indians. When this started I was 40 years old and she was 37 and I was her second husband. When I first met Ann and we had been going together for three or four weeks she told me that when she started to divorce her first husband she had decided to get revenge on him by fucking just about every guy she met and also more than once she had been fucked by three guys at the same...
After dressing for bed Mary and Ann put a movie in. Half way through Ann laid down, resting her head on Mary's lap. Mrs Stuart retrieved a blanket for the closet and covered Ann. Wriggling she got comfortable. Heading to her room Mrs Stuart told Mary to keep it down, and don't stay up to late.Mary was shocked when Ann handed her her panties. Pushing under her leg, Mary waited to hear the bedroom door close. Hearing it, they both giggled. What are you trying to do, Mary asked. Get us...
his continues from Ann getting married soon but lets me fuck her in hNext time I arranged to meet Ann I waited for her outside her work at lunch time. Ann came out wrapped up in a heavy overcoat against the cold.Did I tell you her fiance worked int he same place, so I was anxious he or someone elase would see us. Ann wasn't bothered.When she got into the car she said "Will you take me to my house?" "Ofcourse I will. Do you want to fuck me in your bed like we talked about on POF?" "No I want to...
My hot little redhead, Ann, and I have fucked in some of the most unusual places. The woman is generally insatiable when it comes to her sexual appetite and she certainly doesn’t get it sated at home. Her executive husband never has time to take care of his wife’s needs but she also figures that he’s fucking his secretary anyway. He certainly has made life convenient and “satisfying” for me. The sight of those perky, firm little tits, those overly sensitive hard nipples and that...
ExhibitionismHer nightgown clearing her head Ann pulled her hands to her chest, then to her side. Looking at each other they sat in silence. With a look of fear Ann said, I've never done this before. Placing her hand on Ann's shoulder Mary said, me either. Slowly Ann leaned towards Mary. Moving her hand down to Ann's back, Mary met her half way. Closing her eyes Ann kissed Mary's lips softly. Returning her kiss Mary parted her lips. Kissing her, she slid the tip of her tongue over Ann's lips. They sat...
AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...
Online Sex Toys Shops(This story is the continuation of "Ann – At The Beach – 1. A New Bikini". Please do read that first!) girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers and Alex's younger sister Ann had just arrived at the beach on a gorgeous, sunny day during the summer holidays. Alex asked me to turn over so she could apply sunscreen to my back, and then asked me to return the favor. To my surprise, she'd brought sun oil instead of the typical sunscreen...
Leigh had been introduced to me by Casey when they had arrived. I introduced Ann to them both when she came in. Both ladies were dressed in short cocktail dresses, hose and medium heels. They were "drop dead" beautiful. Ann and Leigh started talking and I had to interrupt to ask Ann what she would have to drink. Ann asked for wine and Leigh gave me her empty glass to fill again. I only put a small amount of 190 proof in Leigh's. I wanted her sober through our meal. I heard Ann telling...
Breaking their kiss Mary asked, you sure your mom doesn't know you're here. Sliding off her Ann rubbed Mary's tit. Poking her areloa she said, yes. I told her I was going to a friends house a few blocks away.With any evil grin Mary slid down kissing Ann's belly. Ann's heart beat quicker feeling her lips on her skin. She giggled when Mary tongued her bellybutton. She gasped feeling Mary stroke her public hair. Nervously she let Mary lift her leg. Kissing her thigh, Mary ran her hand down Ann's...
Having Ann hold her legs, her ass raised exposing Mary's target of desire. Pushing her fingers in and out of her pussy, Mary lapped at Ann's asshole. Stopping only to rub Ann's juices over her pink bud, Mary slapped her palm against Ann's pussy. Ann's face covered in Mary's pussy juices, spread her lips apart. Bunching her fingers together, Ann probed Mary's pussy. Slowly she pushed her fingers in. With Mary's orgasm in full force her hips began bucking.Slowly Ann's hand made its way into...
Mary's eyes were glued to Ann's pussy. Her pubic hair coated with her vaginal fluids was all bunched together, adding to her lust. Having Ann lay on the floor, she laid between her legs. Taking cushions from the couch Ann propped herself up. Excited and nervous she watched as Mary lowered down. Then, jumped when she felt Mary's tongue press against her labia. Mary's mind exploded. The sent, the taste, the idea of licking someone's pussy. Running her tongue up her folds, Ann's loud moans excited...
Ann's protests diminished with Mary's fingers in her pussy while licking her ass. Nervous at first, soon Mary was probing her rose bud with her tongue while licking her. Spreading her ass as much as she could Mary buried her face between Ann's cheeks. Her anus mussels relaxing, Mary's tongue penetrated her. Mary was like a wild woman with this new experience. Ann's pleas turned to moans with her. She lost count of the orgams she's had today. Her pussy hurt from the stretching but she no longer...
My now ex-wife and I met in college in the early 1970’s. Her name was Ann and she was beautiful: about 5’3”, long dark hair, nice tits that rode high on her chest. She had a way of looking at me that totally melted my heart and tickled my cock. She oozed sexuality.We quickly became a couple. After our first sexual episode she was in love with my cock and I was in love with her slutty attitude and lack of sexual boundaries. She didn’t dress slutty, acted very innocent; but when the right...
CheatingAnn 2After the episode with Fred things seemed to take off sexually. We both thought it was exciting and something to do again.Bearing in mind it was the early eighties and before the use of computers. I don’t know if Anne Summers is a universal shop, but here in the UK it is a well used store nowadays but in those days the lasses used to have Anne Summers parties where an agent would go to someone’s house with samples of what you could buy, vibrators, toys or lingerie etc. Together, plenty of...
Standing in front of her dresser Ann took her panties off. Reaching between her legs she wiped her pussy with her hand. Bringing it up she wondered what it was, It didn't feel like pee. Putting clean panties on she tossed the damp pair in the laundry basket and went to bed.Walking home the events ran over and over in her head. She never thought about other girls before, why now.Laying in bed Mary thought about how it felt when her tits and nipples were touched by Ann. Taking her pajamas off...
Copyright© 2003 (Read My Neighbour Hazel) One morning as I was returning from Joan and Mary's home, Hazel met me and we went back into my home where she had emerged. "I thought you were back you usually are by this time and I called to see you. I had a telephone call from a woman not connected with the LBG (Ladies Bridge Group), but who is a dear friend of one of our members. The member told me that I would be contacted by her, her name is Hattie. Her daughter is twenty-one years old and...
I sat at my desk, thoughts of my recent encounter with Lena in the toilet running through my mind. I'd had to lock my office door and change my liner, as I hadn't had my bag with me in the toilet. Now as I sat at my desk, the image and feel of Lena's wonderful clit was dominating my thinking. There was a loud knock at the door and the handle rattled, I'd forgotten to unlock it. I opened it to find a slightly flustered Barbara standing there. " Where've you been Ann, I've got Mr. and...
Her first experience.So I have decided to tell the true story of how my wife was persuaded to fuck another guy.It was September and I was working freelance as an equipment demonstrater for catering equipment at Trade Shows throughout UK. At the show in question I took her with me for the 3 day event in Cornwall.Arriving at the hotel which had been organised for us by the company I was working for, we were introduced to the other staff I would be working with for the 3 day event, with the...
A true story A Bag of rags part one: Big brother's laugh There are many stories on this site, some fantastical, some obvious wishes, or fantasies, and some no doubt based on what the writer has experienced., this story is a factual telling of some of the times that I found myself dressing as the opposite gender. I haven't used names, because I don't want to embarrass anyone, particularly me. If I'm honest about it, after the initial incident, I didn't try to hard, not to be made...
Further adventures with Ann Next Door: on a dead-end street, headlights through your windows are going to get your attention. On this particular Saturday early evening, it was Ann Next Door's car leaving the neighborhood; likely they're off to a bar or running some errands. Another boring Saturday night.Then again, living on a dead-end street next door to Ann, anything is possible. A notification on my phone chimes. The phone vibrates in...
Sam Egland didn't have much on his mind as he rode into Julesburg that day. He was just glad to escape the homestead and the continual nagging from his father to "make something of himself" by starting his own homestead. There was no question that, at 18 years of age and 6 feet tall, he was too old and too big to be living on his parents farm. His black hair, last cut poorly by his mother, and his short, black beard made him look like the proverbial "wild man." He was covered with the dust...
It had been a long time coming. He looked as though he belonged anywhere, but with her. Then again, he wasn’t exactly hers either. He was tall - boy was he tall. It didn’t take much as she was just over five foot. She had never seen this man in jeans, always dressed for success, or to kill. That’s a matter of opinion. Ann’s? Well she couldn’t think straight around him. He had a lopsided smile. You know the one. The one that makes your insides flutter. He was lean and just looked like he knew...
Straight SexThe first aid course wasn't going too well. I was having fun of course, feeling up Evie and she touching me up. But that was the problem. I wasn't taking in enough of the information. I was sure I wouldn't pass the fairly tough exam at the end of the week. I was beginning to think that I might have to bribe George the instructor in to giving me a pass. Not money of course. Even though George looked in his fifties, I reckoned I could persuade him to pass me if I offered him shag. I'd have...
Note : This story is completely fictional! "I said no bra and no panties" "But I'll look like a whore""If you want seduce your probation officer that's what you have to do""He doesn't know I'm alive he just checks to see if I'm still using dope" cried Ann."If you get him in the sack he'll end your probation" said Barbara."I hope so, I'm tired of being treated like a naughty kid for using marijuana""God Ann you had fifteen ounces of that stuff""I wasn't going to sell it mom""The cops thought you...
IncestIt all started one beautiful day during the summer holidays. The early morning already promised great temperatures, and when we left for the beach, the sun was shining pleasantly warm on our skin. When my girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers, her younger sister Ann and me arrived at the beach, it was already pretty crowded.After finding ourselves a nice spot, we began settling, spreading out our towels and changing into our swimwear which we had already put on at home. Until then I had never taken...
I spent about twenty minutes in the kitchen making us some thick tomato soup and some garlic bread. I also filtered some fresh coffee to go with it. I got rid of the sweaty clothes, throwing them straight in the washing machine. I brushed out my hair, and wiped a soapy face cloth over my body, to get rid of most of the sweat. Naked, I took a tray of the food up to the bedroom. Lena was no longer dozing. Now she was on her back again, and was gently trying to insert the dildo in to her arse....
I got in to work over an hour late. My boss Brian, pretended to be annoyed but later, alone in his office, he said I could stay late and 'make it up to him'. This turned out to be a handjob in his office when everyone else had gone home. I just let him stick his hand up my skirt and have a fiddle in my undies while I squeezed his tiny cock. It only took a few moments before streams of cum flew across his lap and landed on the carpet under his desk. As he's my boss, I felt it my duty to...
AnnChapter 1 – Introductions“She was like a gift from heaven - just what I needed.”John Sheffield was a lonely man.I was in his early 60s, tall, with all his hair and in good shape, for his age. Strong arms and large, with a little paunch around the waist, like many men his age. His hair was starting to go a little gray, as was his mustache which he wore down the sides, a cross between ‘fu-manchu’ and cowboy style. He was also very well off, having started a number of tech startups in the early...
Ann sat on the corner of the bed waiting for Tom to enter the room and give the inevitable order to strip and lay across the bed for her spanking. She could hear the sound of the strap landing across her Jennifer's rear and the accompanying cries of pain and promises to be a good girl. As she sat listening she remembered one of the many spankings she had received from her father many years ago. She had been sixteen and, she figured, too old to be spanked anymore. Ann's father had just started...
This story is true.I was 27yrs old and a Policeman when I met Ann. She was 19yrs old, short bobbed dark brown hair, attractive and very quiet, she too, was a policewoman but in a different town. We started going out with each other and found we had birthdays on the same day. We just seemed to have the same interests and got on like a house on fire. In the bedroom she was far from quiet, noisy was never scared of telling me what she was in the mood for and loved sex....all of it, oral, anal,...
We didn't bother to finish our tea, we just got out of that café in a hell of a hurry and headed for the bus stop.No one we knew was around now so it didn't matter if we were seen together. We stood in the queue, both in a state of heightened sexual arousal, in fact I was hornier than I'd felt in a long time. I stood behind Lena allowing her to gently rock back and forth, pressing her lovely big fat round arse against my crotch. I pushed myself against her, slowly rubbing my aching...