Politics Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 2: The Charity bash

Thomas failed dismally to disguise the yawn. ‘Sorry, Sally, no offence.’

The petite redhead grinned. ‘That’s okay, we’ve been at it since six this morning. That makes it a long day. And with tonight’s charity bash, it’ll get a lot longer before we’re home in our beds.’

The fair-haired man nodded. In the week since he’d been working for Alistair Brinkley-Jones, they’d all been long days. Today had been no different, ten hours of slog, understanding everything he needed to understand.

He was grateful for the way Sally Howitt had shown him the ropes. The thirty-two year old PR Manager had worked for the Conservative Party leader for three years, and today’s final briefing brought him fully up-to-date with everything there was to know.

Sally had given her time willingly, grateful herself for some support in the final weeks of the election campaign. The redhead seemed to know everything there was to know, and she was also about the only person on the team who wasn’t in awe of Erika Johansson.

‘You’ve noticed that, have you?’ she laughed, as she and Thomas retired to the conference room for a break. The smiling woman unscrewed a bottle of Diet Coke. ‘Yes, Erika does have this thing about her. She rules Alistair’s diary with an iron fist, and woe betide anyone who gets on the wrong side of her. But at the same time, she’s fun to be around, and is as sexy as hell.’

As sexy as hell? Was that a phrase that women used to describe one another?

‘Knows her stuff, too,’ the PR Officer told her puzzled colleague, before he could ponder further. She pulled her chin-length red hair onto the top of her head with one hand, allowing it to fall back again as she took a swig of the drink. ‘And is astute as they come. My advice is not to get on the wrong side of her. Whatever it takes, stay in tune with Erika. Life will be a lot easier, I promise!’

‘You know she wants to see me?’ Thomas asked. Her week out of the country had delayed their introduction until this afternoon. Any time now, in fact.

Sally laughed that little girl laugh of hers. ‘Of course, she does. Likes to run the rule over anyone new. Look, Thomas, don’t think of her as Alistair’s girlfriend. Nor as his PA. Think of her as the woman with the most influence around here. That way, you won’t go far wrong.’

The new Campaign Manager nodded thoughtfully, tossing a hand through his golden, farmboy hair. ‘You’ve been spot on with everything so far,’ he told the redhead, ‘but this advice sounds like the best of all. I’ll tread on eggshells around Erika, I promise.’

‘No, don’t do that,’ Sally shook her head. ‘Treat her as an equal, it’s the only way. Just… keep what I’ve told you at the back of your mind. What time’s your meeting with her?’

Thomas watched the redhead take a sip from the coke and grabbed one for himself from the end of the table. ‘Five minutes ago,’ he winced, glancing at the round clock on the wall above their heads.

Sally’s eyes followed his. ‘There’s only an hour until Guus Kessen arrives. How the hell did you set that one up so quickly?’

‘Contacts,’ Thomas replied with a grin, swigging back another mouthful. ‘I’ve got it all set up.’

‘Shouldn’t you be involved?’

‘Possibly,’ he answered, screwing his face up in indecision. ‘But I explained to Guus that I’d let him speak to the main man without any influence from me. But I’m pretty confident that if Alistair plays his cards like I’ve briefed him, that’ll be another million donation in the coffers.’

Sally’s knowing laugh put him on the back foot for a second. ‘I’m sorry,’ she apologised, sliding her hand across her mouth to hide the grin that creased her glossy, red lips. ‘But if you’ve briefed Alistair, he’ll perform even better than you could imagine. That man’s a dream!’


‘So good,’ the panting blonde grunted, her sexy Scandinavian accent filling the room. ‘So good!’

Erika Johansson’s hands gripped her boyfriend’s hair, urging him on. The sight of his head working between her legs never failed to excite her, though not quite as much as the feel of his talented tongue.

Her gaze fell on the blouse she had pulled up round her neck, then onto the tits she’d yanked out from the bra. They gently bounced in time with the thrust of her hips into his face. The trousers of her fashionable black suit were pushed down to her ankles, along with the sexy black boy shorts.

Getting Alistair to give her head in the chestnut coloured leather chair beside his desk had been a sudden whim. Particularly as she was meeting the ‘new boy’ any moment. But it was an urge the Scandinavian beauty couldn’t resist.

‘Yes, yes, yes, like that! Just there… just there…’ she gasped through gritted teeth

Raising her hips, she threaded her fingers through Alistair’s natural, wavy black hair. He’d need to comb it again before they met the millionaire and secured another donation. Thomas was off to a good start, much better than either she or her boyfriend had expected.

Maybe he’d be as good in bed as he was at his job?

With each moan Erika gave, Alistair became bolder. She’d trained him well. She hadn’t locked the door, and knew the danger fuelled his excitement. Feeling his tongue harden, the blonde beauty yanked his head away from her clit. Gratifyingly, he began to tongue fuck her just the way she’d taught him.

‘Oh, yes,’ she croaked, pulling on his hair in delirious delight. Her legs widened until she could take no more. ‘My clit,’ she moaned, ‘back to my clit…’

Alistair grunted as he obeyed her urgings. His mouth sought out the slippery clitoris and took it inside. Erika smiled to herself, enjoying the power she was exerting almost as much the pleasure. Twisting slightly, her hands went to her tanned swells, pulling on the high, dark nipples that pointed skywards.

Letting out a series of grunts, the Scandinavian woman’s hips began to thrust back in rhythm with the flicking tongue. Wave after wave of arousal raced directly to the pleasure centres of her brain.

‘Nearly there,’ she groaned, a thin film of perspiration glossing her skin as her body began to quiver. ‘Don’t stop, Alistair, don’t stop, don’t stop—’

Her voice was hoarse. Unsteady. She felt feverish. What would the media give for a picture of them right now? What would anyone of their staff say if they burst into the room? Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, oh fuck…

Her body stiffened. She began to pant. Short, sharp breathes. She began to shake, at first barely noticeable. It grew. Faster and faster, it grew. She jerked up, forcing more of her sex into the black face. ‘Ohhh… fuuuuuuck………’


‘Tell me about the dinner tonight,’ Thomas asked as he glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time in the last five minutes. Erika was quarter of an hour late now, and Kessen was due there in forty-five minutes.

‘A charity bash,’ Sally grinned. ‘Big event. George Blair and his lot will be there. So will Paul Collinson and his cronies, not that we’re bothered too much about them.’

‘We’re bothered about everyone,’ Thomas told her, though he knew as much as anyone that the Liberal Party were a spent force. Still, Paul Collinson was a good guy, and could do them damage if they underestimated him.

‘True,’ Sally responded, with that child-like grin. ‘But it’s Blair who we need to knock back. He’s been gathering some momentum in recent days.’

The golden haired man nodded. Quite how the controversial Labour Party leader had done it, he wasn’t sure, but this morning’s poll had a three-point difference between the parties. Not good.

‘Anyway,’ Sally added, slipping up from her chair as she stared over his shoulder and out of the glass Conference office screen. ‘The moment of truth has arrived…’

‘Thomas,’ Erika Johansson murmured as she entered the Conference room before he had time to even swing
his head round. ‘So sorry, but Alistair and I had something to finish off.’

‘I’ll be going,’ Sally smiled, ‘but don’t forget that Guus Kessen is due in—’

‘Forty minutes!’ The young Swede chuckled as she finished the sentence for the redhead.

‘Okay, okay,’ Sally said with a grin, pushing her way through the open door. ‘I should have known better than to think you’d forgotten.’

Erika watched her go, and then swung back to the watching man. ‘Hey, Thomas,’ she said, holding out her hand. ‘We meet at last.’

Thomas took the proffered hand, but instead of shaking it, the blonde used her grip to pull him closer and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. He blushed instantly. The unexpected kiss and waft of perfume caused an instant twitch between his legs.

God, how long was it that a woman had given him an instant reaction, other than Becky, of course?

But then the Scandinavian beauty had swung away again, taking a seat across from him. Her adorable pale blue eyes indicated that Thomas should sit opposite. That way she could keep an eye on the activities in the office beyond the glass screen, as well as observe the fair-haired Campaign Manager.

‘So…’ she began, putting an extra growl into that Scandinavian accent.

Thomas waited for her to continue, before realising she was expecting him to speak. So? What did ‘so’ mean? He shifted slightly on his chair. He was being tested, without much to go on. For someone so young—twenty-five, Sally had intimated—she certainly had a presence about her.

When she adjusted her position slightly, he realised a button was open on her blouse, allowing him the undeniably sexy sight of her lacy black bra. Another test? Should he tell her, or respectfully ignore it?

Shit, the blonde stunner had only been in the room for two minutes and already he was second-guessing himself.

‘You up for this?’ he heard her suddenly ask, as if she was taking pity on his confusion.

‘I am, Erika.’ His reply was confident, decisive.

Erika nodded, stretching one arm along the back of the chair. The gap in her blouse widened. ‘Good start,’ she smiled. ‘Long days, so you’re not a slacker. And Kessen’s a pretty good introduction, if everything I’ve heard about this self made millionaire is true.’

Thomas smiled. ‘Multi millionaire, Erika. And it’ll be a good day’s work to get Guus Kessen on board. Not just for the money, as welcome as it is. He’ll be a powerful ally, too.’

She nodded thoughtfully. ‘How did you convince him to support us?’

His smile widened. ‘I worked with him at Barnardo’s. He sponsored the project I was heavily involved with and we spoke about many things, including his political beliefs.’

‘I thought he was Dutch?’

‘He is,’ Thomas acknowledged, leaning forward as he warmed to the conversation. ‘But he’s lived in England a long time and this is where he made his money. Like most people, he realises the country is in trouble. And I know for a fact that the recent problems with MP expenses have sickened him. I called him after I first met Alistair last week, and told him I’d met someone I believed in. Someone who could change the political climate for the better.’

Erika nodded. She’d heard all of this from Alistair, but it did no harm to double check that the new recruit was telling them both the same thing.

Thomas was only too well aware her eyes hadn’t left him throughout his explanation, and he finished the half drunk bottle of coke to ease his dry throat. Why did the young woman make him so nervous?

‘Alistair is brilliant,’ she simply said, as if that explained everything. He could have responded, but it wasn’t a statement that seemed to call for one. It was simply a declaration of the obvious. ‘He’s going to win.’

That was an interesting follow up. Not we’re going to win. Or the Conservative Party is going to win. He’s going to win!

‘It’ll be very close,’ he calmly told the stunning blonde. He didn’t know her well enough yet… and there wasn’t any room for complacency.

‘I know,’ she agreed, feeding him that beaming smile. ‘But Alistair will find a way. He has good instincts. He has a good team. And he has fate on his side.’


The beautiful Swede laughed. Her self-confidence was astonishing in someone of her age. Was she really only twenty-five? ‘I believe in fate. I believe in Alistair. And now you’re here, Thomas. I believe in you.’

He sat up proudly. It was a bit like a teacher telling a child he’d done well. Her endorsement made him feel good. Shit, he was ten years older than this woman, and yet she had him feeling like a little puppy, wagging his tail at her approval.

‘Sally is wonderful,’ Erika continued. ‘A Godsend. But Alistair and I need more support. We have a great team, but I need someone we can trust, someone on a similar intellectual level. I need someone to support me in looking after him. You’re that man.’

The change in emphasis from ‘we’ to ‘I’ wasn’t lost on Thomas, but despite the way she was establishing control, he wasn’t going to ask the obvious question as to whom he was working for. Think of her as the woman with the most influence around here, Sally had said. That way, you won’t go far wrong.

‘Looks like your man is here,’ she lazily told him before he could carry the conversation back to her. He followed her intense blue eyes as they flicked over his shoulder, swinging around to follow her gaze.

‘That’s him,’ he confirmed, rising from his seat. ‘I’ll go and say, hello.’

‘I’ll get him,’ she contradicted him, gracefully easing herself up from her seat. ‘Was it your or Guus’s decision not to involve you in the meeting?’

Another test? ‘I told Guus I wouldn’t,’ Thomas explained, refusing to bite. ‘That way he can make up his own mind without fear of influence. I promised him that.’

Erika nodded. ‘Very sensible, too. Why don’t you and Sally head home to get changed? You’ve both had a long week, from what I hear. I’ll brief you on the result of the meeting at tonight’s dinner.’

‘Okay,’ Thomas quickly agreed. Becky had been pretty pissed with him when he left at five this morning. This morning? Every morning since he’d taken on the job. An earlier finish might help, and would give him time to collect some flowers on the way home. He badly needed the brownie points.

‘By the way,’ he added, pausing at the door and then nodding at her blouse. ‘Just to warn you, a button seems to have come undone.’

‘I know,’ she told him, in a matter of fact way. ‘Thanks for telling me, but it took you long enough. Very naughty, Thomas…’


Rebecca de Santos pushed her class harder. ‘And more, ladies! One, two, three, four… Come on, push it, go that extra mile… work those bodies.’

In truth, she’d pushed the class a little too hard. She always did when she was this frustrated. Not that they objected. It was good for them. Her too. Forced her irritations out of her hard, athletic body.

And there were plenty of those to force out.

Thomas hadn’t had time to fuck her that morning. His new job was taking up more of his time than even he’d anticipated. Did he really have to leave home that early every morning? What about her sex drive?

Telephoning every bank she could think of in an attempt to secure funds for her desire to buy her own aerobics studio hadn’t helped her mood. ‘Get a business plan,’ they’d told her. Then they might deign to give her an appointment. But the sort of money she was looking for was out of the question. They all said the same.

And if that wasn’t enough, Thomas was heading out to one of London’s biggest charity dinners tonight, and hadn’t manoeuvred her an invite. It would have been a nice treat to get all dressed up and spend the night on his arm. But one thing she’d learned about him was that unless you were a client, Thomas could be pretty thick at times. Maybe when she made her success
with her business, she could hire him for the express purpose of servicing her.

And with those thoughts, her frustrations returned.

She reacted in the only way she knew how: she pushed her class even more.

In front of her, the tortured bodies twisted and strained as they fought for physical release. She had a spectrum of women, all intermingled. Boring gym-ware mixed with designer leotards, grubby sneakers working alongside expensive trainers, cheap haircuts and glamorous hairstyles both gone unkempt and sweat stained.

They were all beautiful to Rebecca. Beautiful in the grunts and grimaces.

Of course, some were more beautiful than others, she thought with a blush. The slackers formed themselves at the back. The triers were confident enough to take middle positions. And the confident ones—the sexiest ones—invariably positioned themselves in the front row.

Sammi, the blonde cutie from Essex, gave her that look again. That ‘Sammi look.’ The one that said, I’m part of the first completely bi generation and I’d fuck you given half a chance. The young woman’s blonde hair danced on her freckled shoulders, those wonderfully thick nipples tantalisingly on show as they pressed against the front of her sweat-stained leotard.

And then there was Brooke, a dark haired model with the most alluringly tight body. She had been coming to the class for a few weeks now and was like a ball of energy. There were times when even Rebecca felt it hard to keep up with her.

Her eyes swept across to Julian, who stood out to her not only because he was the only male in her class, but that he was also devastatingly beautiful. He always wore tight fitting micro fibre shirts that showed off his thick arms and toned upper body. At first, she’d assumed he was gay, but after she’d caught him looking at her ass more than a few times, she’d quickly dispelled that notion.

It was moments like this when Rebecca felt at her weakest, frustration circling around her body, pent up sexual arousal flowing through her veins. If she ever were to stray, fuck someone other than her boyfriend, it would be during a moment like this. The sexual morality of the English always amused her – after all, it was only sex! In Brazil, no one made it that big a deal.

Her focus returned to the class again as she pulled back from her thoughts. Sammi was smiling coyly at her, her tongue playfully darting along her lips. After sending a non-committal smile in her direction, the raven-haired beauty turned her attention away from the blonde hottie and concentrated on the end of the routine.

It wouldn’t take much effort to drive herself to orgasm. She’d start to feel much better after that.


‘Alistair,’ the overweight man said, firmly grasping the Conservative leader’s hand. ‘I’ve enjoyed meeting you. You too, Erika,’ he smiled, swinging around to kiss the blonde on both cheeks. ‘You have my support.’

‘I’m very grateful,’ Brinkley-Jones grinned, sliding his arm across the large man’s broad shoulder. ‘Thomas told me what an impressive man you are, but I think he understated the fact!’

The businessman was nobody’s fool. ‘Now, Alistair, you have my support. Let’s not overdo things. But let me tell you one thing,’ he added, looking from one of them to the other. ‘I was told you believe in employing the best. You’ve hit the jackpot with Thomas. He’s an impressive young man.’

‘Young man?’ Brinkley-Jones joked, as he held the clear glass conference door open. ‘I’ll tell him that, Guus.’

Erika joined in the laughter. ‘Don’t forget you’ve got to make that call,’ she reminded Alistair. ‘Guus and I will finish our coffee before he goes. I hope that’s okay?’ she added, her pale blue eyes sparkling at the Dutchman.

‘Most certainly,’ the big man answered, the last word coming out as shertainly as his clipped Dutch accent kicked in.

‘Of course,’ the politician beamed, wondering what Erika was up to. There was no call to be made, but if she wanted time alone with the Dutchman, he knew there’d be a good reason.

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In the following months I entertained many guests at Mistress Pickles’ house and my First Lady was a regular visitor. She sometimes liked to take both Maria, to whom I had become exceeding close, and me to her room and we would entertain her together. Mistress Pickles’ salon had become well known amongst ladies of class and, of course, a certain inclination. One evening we were in the salon, playing charades as I recall, when the Mistress arrived with Jenkins and asked us all to sit and pay...

3 years ago
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Vickers and Nylon Tarts

Si my boyfriend had been looking forward to this Saturday night, it was Mike's stag do and this meant it was going to be something with a twist. Well with Mike it always is and this instance it was a joint stag and hen. These 2 were so in love and we all had the same group of friends so made sense. The only thing holding Si back was the theme. As usual every stag & hen needs a theme and this was Vickers and Tarts. Yep the girls as Vickers and the boys as Tarts. Si had been trying to ignore...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 188 Getting Ready to Go to the Chengs

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) Walking downstairs, we could hear the noise of several conversations coming from various directions. We started with the kitchen, because that's where the most important people tend to congregate - a joke that is unfair to Prof. After seeing him in action in Vegas, and with that scheme having worked so fantastically, my respect for him has leaped even higher. Sure enough, the cooks were all there: Mom, Vanessa and Katie West. Also Ava and Sophia. We...

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DDFBusty Anissa Kate Stepsons Dick Goes Deep

Get ready for some epic Hardcore fucking! Grab your boner and watch Anissa Kate seduce her stepson Michael Swayze for some DDF Network XXX bangarang action in the living room. The curvy goddess puts on some straps and hot lingerie before sitting down right next to him on the couch. He gets a peek of her big natural tits and imagines fucking that glamour porn star’s wet pussy day in day out. And then that teenager’s dream comes true! Anissa Kate asks him if he wants to fuck her...

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Dave His Mom And The Zombies

By Docker5000 Five weeks ago a secret under-ground government research laboratory had a catastrophic explosion. The virus’s that were stored there were released into the town’s water supply. Over the next couple of days strange things started to happen to the people of this small town. The town’s women started to act very oddly. They would at the drop of a hat drag their husbands or boyfriends or total strangers into their houses for wild sex. This was one of the side effects of...

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40SomethingMag Kayla Gordon Having cum several times bigtitted Kayla gets real cock

This scene opens where Kayla Gordon’s last one ended. She’s lying in bed, having just made herself cum over and over with her toy and her fingers. But she’s still horny. She’s insatiable. Fortunately for her, there’s a guy nearby, and she calls him over and sucks his cock, which is already rock-hard because he’s been watching Kayla play with her cunt. Oh, and did we mention that Kayla has big tits? Well, she does, and that only adds to the visual stimulation...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 4 I Think I Love You

Suddenly, as the door slammed open, Mike Kelley stepped inside the room. He gasped in horror at the scene in front of him. Dirk quickly stepped around and brought his ever-ready camcorder into play. He caught the large gut, the much smaller than average penis and the look of angry surprise on the cop's face. The look of despair on the young man's face needed no interpreting. The pictures taken spoke the proverbial thousand words. The cop rolled his obese body off the bed and landed heavily...

3 years ago
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Ashley Mature Meth Queen Part 6

Ashley (real name Wanda) texted me..."I got a room with a hot tub. Do you want to come over and join me in it?" Yes, yes I did! I arrived a short time later and texted Wanda from the parking lot. When I got to her room at the La Quinta Inn in Dublin, I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it...my cock was already hard in anticipation of seeing Wanda. The door was opening slowly, I could see wet footprints on the floor, Wanda leaned out and let me in. She was naked and dripping with...

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Just Like Starting Over

Just Like Starting Over By Kellie Cliffe It had been one of those days. Everything that could have gone wrong had gone wrong. I had been late in to work and had been told off by my boss. I am 23, just out of college and desperate to land a permanent contract. This didn't seem to be the best way to go about it. However, despite spilling coffee down myself and almost erasing an important file, I made it through the day. It was with a great sense of relief that I made it to the...

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My name is Raj. This story is being told by Tina, my beautiful wife, who has a colorful past which she can best describe in her own words. She is at present typing the words while I am playing with her beautiful round big boobs, well rounded and firm (not hanging at all), fingering her large dark aerolas and peach like nipples. The nipples are darkish red and every time I see that I can’t stop myself from sucking it. Her flat stomach and deep navel leading to her shaved pussy – choot is really...

2 years ago
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Best Birthday Gift Ever

I hope you guys liked the previous experience I shared with you”Fucking a Virgin”. Now I’m willing to share another one of my recent experiences with my neighbor. I am Ashish, 18 years old living in Delhi, have an athletic body and a 7”cock.My neighbors name is Tanya she is 20 fair with a figure of about 34-26-32 (that’s my best guess) and really huge boobs. I had on a crush for a very long time, I guess from the time I hit puberty and always dreamed of having sex with her. Our families are...

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MageChapter 17

I stood next to Roxanne and Kate on the surface of Nansack as we watched a Higher Power approach. “Greetings,” we all said politely as it observed us when it came to a halt. “Greetings to you, Mages.” “We wish to speak to you of the Akhhlognuisi and the desire of several thousand to return to this, their home world,” Roxanne carefully stated. “The children of this planet will always be welcome here.” “What of the Yr’ch? Can you keep them from here now?” “We can. This Earth is now immune...

1 year ago
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Playing the BluesChapter 2

Jenny woke rested and feeling good, for a few minutes she just lay in bed. The music from last night still running through her head, it felt fantastic to be playing again. She reached out her hand to the cold empty space where Pat used to lie. Sadness filled her heart and she could feel the sharp sting of tears in her eyes. Lying in bed Jenny bawled her eyed out, the mournful cry of the albatross filling her soul. Eventually she pulled herself out of bed and made for the shower. Standing...

2 years ago
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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 8

"Sergeant Baker, you and Sergeant Tweed see me immediately after we all check in!" the Major said in a strained voice when he had recovered from the sight of Suenee and Phesila standing outside the hotel with our children. Captain Tamusarit had already walked over to Suenee and greeted her and Phesila with a traditional Thai greeting. "Sawat Dee krup," he said with a smile, as he waied. "Sawat Dee ka," both women replied with a wai and a smile. "It is good to see you again, Suenee...

4 years ago
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My Young Flower 3

“Oh god Brandon. Have a good dream about yesterday? Your as hard as a rock!” she squeezed my dicks shaft. “You know that its not because of my dream…. although I did have a good one” I winked at rose after saying it. “Maybe you should tell me what it is and I can make it happen” she had a lust in her voice and winked back at me as she crawled on top of me after pulling my pants and boxers down. “Now’s not a good time sis. You look like shit….” I pointed out her hair and she gasped at...

1 year ago
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She Had it All

The war referenced in this story is fabricated in order to make the ages and time-lines work. At thirty she had it all, didn’t she? Five years earlier her appearance on a television reality show had quickly brought her worldwide attention and fame. As cheesy as the experience had been, it had opened many doors for her. It hadn’t hurt that she was beautiful…sexy. While she had always struggled with her weight, she was one of those lucky women with the height to carry a few extra pounds. She...

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How i made a young black males 2 dream

We met a young black married male on line about a year ago now. After speaking to him several time’s on line and getting to know him some. On Saturday evening we decided to invite him to our home to meet him in person. When he arrived that night and i got my first chance to see him in person,i must say i was impressed. A good looking young man, with a fantastic body. As we sat in the living room talking my eye’s kept on his crotch, even with his cloth’s on i knew he was big as thier was a very...

2 years ago
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Under the desk

I sit in the darkness, knowing you will be in soon. I hide under your desk, kneeling, my neck bent, and not thinking about the cramped space I’ve squeezed my 6ft 3 frame into. I’m not here for my comfort, I’m here for your secret pleasure. Just before eight I hear voices from somewhere in the office. I squeeze back against the up stand of the desk as a pair of sexy heels pull the leather chair back from the desk. They stop, your voice becoming clearer as you sit down and pull yourself in. ...

Oral Sex
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100 Rated R Stratusfaction

This story is written by both Dice Casden and Kristi as part of the D&K Universe<, ****** In late February 2006, the WWE’s RAW brand is on a short four-day tour of the Philippines where they will be holding shows at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City, Manilla. Because the length of the tour, the WWE’s front office made the arrangements for hotel accommodations for everyone, but placed the Superstars with fellow Superstars and the Divas with fellow Divas. Inside of one hotel room, former...

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RolyPoly Johnny

Roly-Poly JohnnyThe young teen slid a slender dildo into his ass with one chubby hand. His little body jiggled and shook as he stroked; sending the dildo in and out. He moaned and groaned… interrupted by several short bursts of giggling. He peeked at his laptop; his secret boyfriend was watching intently, eyes wide.He opened his chubby thighs so his neighbor could see him better. The teen hoped his neighbor could see how wide the dildo opened him. As the dildo went deeper, it nearly...

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BangingBeauties Sailor Luna Pumping Muscles and Pumping Pussy

Tall Rebecca Vangaurd loves mature men and big uncut dick, so when Maestro Claudio takes her under his wings to show her around PervCity, the small tits babe jumps. She arrives looking like a studious librarian, but the girl in glasses is already well-versed in making love, and teases the Maestro with a handjob and blowjob. The Italian director goes down on the ingenue, and the pussy-licking lights her hairy bush on fire. Desperate for his pulsing cock, the big tits brunette licks his balls and...

3 years ago
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Loving The Closest A Son And Mother Part 8211 6

Hello all, I am glad for your shower of love over me for these stories. I hope to get much more love on this piece. I hope you all are going to like it, especially those who love their mothers. Please write your fantasies, desires, stories, comment, and suggestions on ‘” In last you the part you read the development of a new relation between me and mother. But as I said, night was not over on that note only. My mother took time in the bathroom and here outside in the bedroom I was imagining...

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Nice by Vickie Tern At first it seemed an utter disaster. I heard the door slam and something glass smash in the hallway, and before I could call out asking what it was there stood Helen in the doorway of my study, an avenging angel, livid, her body one huge clenched fist, eyes glaring out of her head. "Is something wrong?" I asked. I already knew the answer. She had finally found out. Nearly a year ago. I'd never altogether forgotten it, though I'd tried to bury it...

4 years ago
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A Sissy Story

You always were a normal boy growing up, weren't you? Played some sports, although not to an extent where you stood out anywhere or made any teams. You had a normal friend group, as far as you knew atleast. You liked girls, like most of the boys around you, although you lacked the curage to talk to them. Well not to talk to girls in general but in a romantic manner. You know what I mean. When it boiled down to it, you looked pretty similar to most other boys your age too, although you had a...

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The Best Coffee Shop in the World

"Espresso for one," I asked the young lady with a cheeky smile and adjusted my shirt as the black-haired maid tapped my order into her faded and outdated till. It fitted in with the rest of the little café perfectly, with its tired maroon décor and outdated menu, but it was my favourite café in the town. The twenty-something server glanced up at me as my eyes stole a glimpse at her cleavage, poking out seductively from her maid's outfit. "Can I get you anything else?" Her twinkling blue...

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Rock and Water Chapter 9

Master. Such a loaded word. In the most basic terms, it defines one person’s authority over another; but in the context of my relationship with Patrick, the use of the word goes so much deeper, and brings such pleasure to us both. It’s a word I’d never considered using, even as my interest in bdsm burgeoned. It felt contrived, as if the use of it only confirmed that bedroom games were being played. I still primarily call him Sir, but there are times during our sexual adventures, that nothing...

3 years ago
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The Question

Edited with my thanks by Barney R. Messed with by me. All mistakes are mine. My mind conjured up all kinds of terrible things that that question could be about. We were sitting in the living room, listening to classical music on the stereo. I was reading ‘Romeo and Juliet’. I had read it many times, so I was only half concentrating on the book. Annette, my wife of 6 years, was sitting across from me and she too was reading. The first CD finished and the changer was bringing up the next...

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FAQs about The Mens Enhancement Clinic

Our clinic has been operating for over 25 years with a staff of world renowned doctors and experts dedicated to one thing: giving men maximum sexual power, strength and orgasmic ability. We primarily cater to heterosexual men and our services are based on tried and proven the****utic outcomes. Founded in 1995 by Dr. Carlson who saw homosexual men experiencing multiple orgasms a night, turgid long lasting erections and the ability to ejaculate from anal stimulation. Dr. Carson and his team made...

3 years ago
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For you bartybabe II

Self-made Photo SessionThe day was so hot and humid, it felt like been in a greasy chicken soup. She was anxious to get home and have a long shower. Thinking of cold water running down her back helped her through the last half an hour of extremely boring meeting.When she was finally at home, under the shower, a naughty thought went through her mind: how about making pictures for her chat buddy he keeps asking for? Thought of him immediately harden her nipples and made her pussy sensitive to...

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Sexy Little Neighbor

For months I had been waiting to find out who was going to move into the house caddy corner to mine. I had always hoped it to be some sexy coed or something. Over the last month, a lot of interested buyers had gone through the house and left with out offering anything. I was disappointed by the interested buyers until I saw Jenna… I was pulling up to my house in my 65 mustang, when I glanced over at the house and saw this gorgeous little fox. From my view she looked to be around 5`5 and maybe...

2 years ago
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The Danish Salior

1.Just the head lines and my thoughtsThis story is from the real life. It went on in 1975/76 in Newark Port, USA I saw Jim as the story is about 5/6 times more in the time after this first meeting. And every time with great pleasure for both of us I know Among other things, once, where one mentioned Swedes, last in history. was with Jim and I on one of our "shopping trip" It was also the time before AIDS and therefore there is no mention of condoms, since I / we did not use them I have not seen...

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The Fan ClubChapter 8

“Welcome to Victoria’s Secret. I’m Victoria and this is my secret,” the saleswoman with a dirty blonde pageboy hairdo and slightly too much blush told me. She was of average height, but very slender and graceful, with baby blue eyes and a rather charming “social butterfly” ethos to her. Even her jest seemed more like self-deprecating humor and awareness of the weirdness of the coincidence of names than anything else. She looked at my female companions, and then at me, before she dared to...

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The Journey Ch 07

Rabbit ran, cursing the weight of the girl the entire time. He had to find his way down to the core, and that meant passing the hydroponics facility. The place gave him the creeps, even worse than the floor where the geezer ran the show. Prometheus (or Johnny, Rabbit reminded himself, not willing to credit the bastard with his choice of title) had woken up the hospital wing, the terminal patients, and had them working their final days in slave labour, in order to feed his cronies. Many of them...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 4 from Peachers Daughter Se

Pam pulled into the doughnut shop as ordered and went in, she looked at my car. I followed her and stood behind her in line, I pressed against her and she tensed. What is someone saw? I told her to buy doughnuts and coffee. Buy enough for the Sunday school class. I told her to put them in her car then drive across the street to the parking lot of a closed store and wait. Unlock your car doors and wait for me.I ordered coffee and drove across the street parking nest to her.I wondered if...

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My First Fuck Buddy

After lunch we went to the bunk house, and as soon as we got inside Howard said, 'Lets strip and proceeded to take off his cloths. With out a word I began to undressed too, then we stepped out of our shorts we looked up at each other, stopped cold seeing each naked. It was if we were each looking into a mirror, except his hair was blonde and mine was red. MY FIRST FUCK BUDDY

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Joy of Their YouthChapter 13

Chuck, Cindy, Tim and Sue had vigorously continued their lusty family sex affair through the next few months as both Cindy and Sue became very visibly pregnant. Of course, they'd both BEEN pregnant but the reality of their "mother to be" status had become readily apparent to everyone -- themselves and those they met out in public. Of course, no one but the foursome knew that Tim had knocked his mother Sue up and Chuck had gotten Cindy with child. That was their secret and they intended to...

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