Politics Of ControlChapter 2 free porn video

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I felt Kate's lips leave my cock and I looked down at her. She was smiling smugly and I couldn't help but grin in reply. She kissed the tip of my deflated manhood and then looked at me seriously.

"Now are you ready to do things my way?" she asked.

I nodded mutely and she delicately tucked my penis back into my boxers. She retrieved her discarded blazer and put it on before she stood. I stood as well, and buttoned my jeans. All the while, Julie was watching us, the flush of desire coloring her face, neck, and chest. I smiled at her and she grinned shyly in reply. Kate noticed the exchange and turned to the girl.

She walked over, blazer still gaping open deliciously, and pushed Julie against the door with her body. As they kissed, Julie responded a lot more eagerly than I thought she would have. I knew she must have been able to taste my semen on Kate's lips, and the thought thrilled me.

Kate insinuated a long leg between Julie's own and began grinding her hips against Julie. Then she reached up to rub Julie's small breasts, and they kissed for a long time.

"Thank you," Kate whispered to Julie.

Julie merely nodded and bit her lip shyly.

When Kate finally turned, she looked at me drunkenly. "Take me home," she said.

Julie stared at us open-mouthed, completely stunned. I grinned at her and she recovered enough composure to close her mouth. Kate began buttoning her blazer as I bent to recover her purse and shoes. She took them both when I handed them to her, slipping her shoes on without bothering to buckle them. When she reached into her purse, the sheer blouse, which she had stuffed in there earlier, threatened to escape. I quickly realized that she was reaching for her wallet, and held up my hand.

When I reached into my pocket, she stopped, smiled gratefully at me, and closed her purse. I pulled out my cash and started doing math in my head, adding up the cost for dinner and everything else. I erred on the side of a very generous tip--it's not every server who'll guard the door while your dinner date gives you a blowjob--and peeled off three hundred-dollar bills.

Julie watched as I set the money on the table and then swallowed hard when she looked back up at me. Her breathing was quick and shallow, and she was still flushed with desire. I smiled at her and she slowly recovered enough composure to grin shyly.

"Thanks," I said simply.

She nodded in reply and looked down, her blush deepening.

Kate looked up as I spoke, and then turned to Julie. Kate stepped close to the younger woman. I couldn't hear the exchange, or see anything more than Julie's face, but I could imagine what Kate had said, simply by Julie's reaction. Julie flushed, blinked rapidly, and then nodded hesitantly. Kate kissed her again, softly, on the lips, and she smiled. I felt the stirrings of a new erection as I watched the two of them.

When Kate looked back at me with smoldering eyes, I extended my arm to her and she hooked hers through it. Julie opened the door for us and I let Kate precede me out of the room. We walked back towards the bar, around the corner, and then down the stairs towards the front door. Once downstairs, I retrieved both of our coats from the cloakroom and helped Kate into hers.

The hostess grinned at me conspiratorially and then winked. I smiled in reply and donned my own coat. I held the front door for Kate and then followed her out, into the bracing December air. Just as I turned to her to discuss the logistics of where we were going, and how, she opened her purse.

"Here," she said as she reached around the wadded blouse and retrieved her car keys. "You drive."

It's not that I minded leaving the Rover in the Jazz Club parking lot; I knew it would be safe. Even though there was a tremendous chemistry between Kate and me, I didn't like the idea of being stranded at a new woman's house. What if things, for some inexplicable reason, didn't work out? The look Kate gave me as she pressed her luscious body against me, however, quickly eroded my doubt. I know I was thinking with the little head, but he hadn't gotten me into too much trouble lately. So I took the proffered keys and let her lead me to her car.

She was parked on the side of the restaurant, near the front, and I wondered how I'd missed seeing her car on my race to reach the front door. As we approached it, I fumbled with the key fob and eventually found the button to unlock the car. I pushed it once, then twice, and was rewarded with the satisfying thunk of all the doors unlocking. I held the door for Kate and then shut it when she levered her legs into the car, smiling at me.

When I opened the driver's side door, I looked for the seat controls before getting in. While Kate was tall, she wasn't close to my 6'3", and I didn't want to shoe-horn myself into the car only to have to fumble for the controls to give myself some leg room. I spotted them quickly and began moving the seat down and back. When it reached the end of its travel, I slid into the car. A few quick adjustments for comfort, and I put the keys in the ignition and shut the door.

Before I put on my seatbelt, I leaned over and kissed Kate. She twined one hand in my hair and pulled me close, darting her tongue against my own. When we broke the kiss, she captured my lower lip with her teeth and gently pulled. With a wicked smile, she released me, and I reluctantly pulled back.

"More later," she said softly, her eyes full of promises.

As I buckled my seatbelt, she gave me directions.

"Take Ebenezer until it dead-ends at Northshore. Turn right at the light and drive about six miles. I live in Northshore Terrace." She gave the directions with crisp efficiency, and I smiled to myself at the change in her manner when she used her surgeon voice. "You know the subdivision?"

I nodded. I knew where it was. It was a gated, upscale community, with moderately large, zero-lot-line houses that yuppie-type professionals favored. I'd looked at the subdivision when I was looking for a new house a year before, but had decided that I wanted a yard and a bit more space. Most of the houses in Northshore Terrace did have great views of the lake, though, and there was a private dock for residents. The neighborhood was nice, but it had more cachet than actual appeal, as far as I was concerned. I kept my thoughts to myself, however, as I pulled out of the parking lot and headed south on Ebenezer.

We were barely out of the parking lot when Kate shifted in her seat, unbuckled her seatbelt, and began to remove her coat.

"Are you hot?" I asked, trying to keep the incredulity out of my voice. The Lexus had a nice heater, but it was still very cold in the car.

"No. You just drive," she said mysteriously.

So I drove. And I watched her out of the corner of my eye as she shed her coat, her blazer, and finally, her skirt. She slipped out of her shoes, and clad only in her white knee-socks, she climbed onto her seat and leaned towards me. When she nipped my ear and began to softly kiss my neck, I nearly swerved off the road. While I drove with my left hand, I put my right arm around her and tried to gently pull her off me. I wanted to survive to reach her house.

Kate completely ignored my gentle pressure and kissed around my neck and then up the line of my jaw. I sucked in my breath and tried to watch the road, over her head. My hand still on the small of her back--her warm, long, beautiful back--I concentrated on staying in the proper lane. She kissed down my neck and I felt my penis stiffen as her hand reached lower and rested on the lump in my jeans.

For the third time that night, she stripped open my belt and tugged at my jeans. The buttons popped when she pulled my fly open, and she stopped kissing my neck. I thought she would relent and let me concentrate on driving, but she had other ideas.

"Mmmmm," she breathed as she reached into my jeans. "The first time was good, but it was too fast." She extracted my rapidly hardening member and stroked it gently. "I want to enjoy it this time."

With that, she lowered her head to my groin and engulfed my erection. I ran my hand up her spine and rested it on top of her head, luxuriating in the feelings of her silky hair under my fingers and her supple lips on my cock. I wanted to pay attention to the gentle suction she was applying to my member, but reluctantly decided that the road was where my attention needed to be.

When we approached the light at Ebenezer and Northshore, I slowed down. Finally, the light turned yellow and I pulled to a stop. I closed my eyes and focused on Kate, and her mouth. She was bobbing up and down slowly, running her lips and tongue over my exposed length, bathing my cock with warmth and wetness. I groaned softly as she sucked just the glans into her mouth and flicked her tongue against the slit.

I've had some incredible blowjobs in my life, but Kate certainly knew what she was doing, and would easily rank in the top two or three. If she kept going, I knew she would make me come, and that was the last thing that I wanted. I think she sensed that as well, and she slowed her pace to one that would keep me aroused, but not push me over the edge. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and checked for oncoming traffic. When I saw none, I turned right, onto Northshore.

The two-lane road wound along the North shore of the lake, hence its name, and I had to concentrate on my driving. Kate's lips and tongue were never far from the front of my brain, however, and I drove as fast as I could. It wasn't fast enough, as far as I was concerned, but it was the best I could do.

On the final straightaway before her subdivision, I relaxed and let my mind pay attention to the sensations in my groin. Kate had taken me as far into her throat as my jeans and the awkward position would allow, and I quickly lost myself in the luxurious feeling as she wrapped her lips around my shaft and slowly lifted her head. The lights of oncoming traffic snapped me out of my dangerous reverie, however, and I swerved back into the right lane, firmly resolving to pay attention to the road until we got to her house.

Northshore Terrace loomed ahead and I slowed to turn into the subdivision. Kate felt the motion of the car and released my cock from her mouth with a wet plop. She looked up, captured my attention with her eyes, and then pointed to the console above the rear-view mirror, on the roof of the car.

"The first button is the gate, the middle button is the garage door. Take the second street on the right, drive around to the first cul-de-sac, and I'm the house at the end. Number 108,"

Without waiting for my reply, she wrapped her lips around my straining erection and resumed sucking me. I pulled up to the gate and slowed to a stop. The guard house was empty, but the lights were on, and I silently thanked providence that I wouldn't have to pass the scrutiny of the security guard. I pressed the first button, and the gate started moving aside. When it was open far enough to accommodate the Lexus, I drove through, my hand once again resting comfortably on the back of Kate's slowly bobbing head.

I followed her directions and pulled into the driveway of her house a few minutes later. I pressed the middle button on the overhead console, and the garage door began to open, spilling light onto the driveway. When the door retracted fully, I was surprised to see a Jeep Cherokee occupying the left bay. As I slowly pulled into the garage, I wondered if Kate had a roommate (the leggy blonde?).

I stopped the car and had to reach around Kate to put it into Park. I cupped her firm breast for a moment, delighting at the feeling of her hard nipple as it pressed into my palm. Reluctantly, I pulled my hand away and pushed the button that controlled the garage door. The door started closing and I shut off the car.

Kate kept her lip-lock on my erection, obviously enjoying herself, and I leaned back into the comfortable leather seat and finally got to concentrate on the pleasurable sensations, without the fear of losing my life. The car pinged as it cooled, but the sound quickly faded into the background as she began running her lips along my length in earnest.

As much as I enjoyed the sensation, I knew I had to stop her. While I could still come several times over the course of the night, I wasn't a teenager any longer, and I didn't want to come in her mouth again so soon (much as I enjoyed the thought). With gentle pressure from my left hand, I pulled her off my swollen manhood.

She lifted her head and I brought my lips down on hers, forcing them open, tasting myself as she sucked on my tongue. I let my right hand roam over her chest, tweaking her nipples and lightly cupping her left breast. She moaned into my mouth and I let my hand drift lower.

When she felt my fingers sliding over her slippery channel, Kate broke the kiss. She was breathing hard and her eyes were unfocused. I chuckled silently at the sight. Strong, tanned fingers wrapped around my wrist and stopped my hand before I could do more than rub the exposed bud of her clit.

"Inside," she said insistently.

I nodded, helped her sit up, and unbuckled my seatbelt. Kate gathered her purse and her coat, leaving the rest of her clothing where she'd tossed it, in the back seat. I opened my door and paused for a moment to admire her lithe figure as the car's overhead light came on. She simply opened her door and got out, so I quickly followed suit.

I came around the front of the car, my erection leading the way, just as she reached the door into the house. She turned on the doorstep and I wrapped my arms around her. Her lips searched for mine and found them in the dark. The step was just high enough that her breasts brushed against the top of my chest, her diamond-hard nipples against the exposed flesh of my neck.

I kissed her hard, running my tongue over her lips, her teeth, and against her own searching tongue. I ran my hands down her back and cupped her perfectly toned ass cheeks, pulling her to me. Incredibly, our kiss heated further as she ground her pelvis against my stomach. Without breaking our connection, she dropped her purse and coat, ran her hands over my shoulders, and started to push my coat off. She got it down over my arms, and when I realized what she was trying to do, I grudgingly relinquished my hold on her ass to let the coat slip down over my hands.

Our lips still locked together, I returned my hands to her delectable ass and pulled her against me. Kate, however, had other ideas. She ran her hands down my back and began pulling at my sweater, lifting and scrunching it up my torso. When she had it bunched under my armpits, she broke the kiss and looked at me expectantly. I lifted my arms and let her pull the woolen sweater over my head, and then off me completely.

In the cool air of the garage, I felt my nipples harden. I pulled her to me again and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her body was incredibly warm and inviting against my own. She brought her lips down on mine again, and I reached behind her to grope for the doorknob. When I found it and turned, we nearly tumbled into the house. I lifted her easily and pushed her inside. Her nipples dragged over my chest as I stepped up and followed her. I broke the kiss and quickly surveyed our surroundings.

We were in the laundry room, with a doorway to the right, leading to the kitchen. I spotted her breakfast table, with only a little clutter on it, and began pushing her towards it as my lips sought hers. I was just about to kick the door to the garage shut with my foot when she broke the kiss and pulled back, breathless.

"Oh, Ethan," she breathed as I began kissing down the line of her neck and pushing her back at the same time.

My cock was straining, and bouncing uncomfortably where it was constricted by my boxers and the fly of my jeans. Kate's ass backed against the breakfast table and I forced myself away from her throat long enough to clear the table with one sweep of my arm. The clatter of things hitting the floor didn't deter me for a moment. I leaned forward, my cock pressing against the slippery junction of her legs, and she moaned. I was just reaching for my pocket, and the condoms I had shoved there before I'd left home, when she put both strong hands on my chest and pushed me back.

I stood, mildly confused, and watched her slide off the table and run to the door to the garage. She practically lunged through it and came back a moment later with her purse. She reached into the purse, quickly pulled out the wad of her blouse, and then rummaged through the remaining contents. When she withdrew her hand, containing a foil packet, she tossed the purse aside and looked at me. Her expression was so full of lust that my cock swelled and jerked in anticipation.

I pulled my hand from my pocket, my own condom easily forgotten, as Kate ripped open the packet and fell to her knees before me. Strong hands tugged at the waistband of my jeans and boxers, pulling them down to my knees in one motion. I watched, fascinated, as she slipped the condom in her mouth and then pressed her lips over the tip of my slowly bobbing dick.

With an act of sheer willpower, I kept myself from coming as she unrolled the condom over my length, using only her lips, tongue, and teeth. She took me entirely into her mouth, unrolling the condom completely and sucking gently on my girth. I groaned as she slowly began to withdraw, dragging her lips over my shaft.

"Mmmmm," she said softly, kissing the tip of my cock. "Strawberry."

I lifted her and brought my lips down on hers. She came into my arms willingly and I did indeed taste the strawberry of the condom. I turned her and once again pressed her against the edge of the table. During the car ride from the Jazz Club, she had worked me into a near frenzy, and I was afraid that if I didn't sink my cock into her soon, I was going to lose control completely.

I ran my hands down her torso, feeling the ripple and play of her muscles as I lifted her onto the table. She broke the kiss and hissed as her hot skin came into contact with the cold wood of the table. There was nothing I could do about it though, so I simply pushed my hips between her thighs, spreading her legs as I did.

I pushed her back onto the table and she gasped again when more of her skin made contact with the wood. With my right hand, I reached down and grasped the base of my dick. I looked up at Kate and was rewarded with her smoldering, lust-filled expression.

"Oh, God. Put it in me," she hissed.

I ran the latex-encased glans over her slick channel. Her outer lips were engorged and spread easily when I pressed against them with my erection. I lifted my cock and brushed it against her exposed clit, causing her to shudder. As I pushed the head between her labia, Kate moaned again and her belly rippled.

I sank into her, luxuriating in the feeling, and then suddenly encountered a lot more resistance than I'd expected. I found myself pushing hard. Kate bit her lip, grinned at me, and then relaxed her muscles. With the resistance gone, I slipped inside her easily, and my hips slammed against her with the force of my entry. Her pussy was naturally tight, but I quickly discovered that she had excellent muscle control.

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Political Journalist

In her job she has to wear certain clothes – white blouse and black skirt mid thigh together with black heels. So everyday I'm dressed exactly like that. Her company's office is in the very heart of New York but she is living on the outskirts of the city because She likes fresher air than it is in the centre. She has a car – BMW in colour of champagne in which she drives to her job everyday. One cloudy Friday morning she woke up and did her usual morning things – went to shower, ate...

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Political Affiliation

Thanks to the knee doctor for editing assistance. It was lunchtime on Friday at the Peanut Bar. The Idiots Club meets here, once a week to share our miseries. The membership is not very impressive, just four middle age guys with one thing in common: our wives are each cheating on us. Bradley Cook, Ray Timmons, Karl Marshall, and myself, John Terrell, all went to high school together. We all married our high school sweethearts, and we all remained friends these past twenty years. Between the...

3 years ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 2

“You wish?” she said, as I saw a smile come to her face for the first time since this thing started. “Since you’ve left ‘shitforbrains, ‘ are you keeping his name or what?” I asked. She laughed so hard at my moniker for her ex, she had to pull over. “Yeah, for now – it’s a lot of trouble changing your name back, so I guess I’m Elizabeth Mendenhall for the short term. Thanks again for coming to get me, Ken – I owe you one!” “More than one, I think, sis!” I said. Back in Springfield, it...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 3

“What did you just say?” Liz asked. “I asked you to marry me, that’s what?” I said, cumming inside her at that exact moment. “So, you think you can sink that bad boy inside me and just ask me to marry you?” “That’s called deflection, answer the question, Elizabeth?” I followed up. “Oh, god yes – I’ve loved you for so long, I couldn’t be happier even if I was filled to the brim with my brothers cum!” she said. “You are filled to the brim!” I said. “Couldn’t be happier – wanna go again,...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 4

It was at the next meeting; Jeff Graham’s true colors appeared. The semi-rotund, self-effacing likeable guy became a mean-spirited person. “So, Jeff we got the list of things we’re dealing with, what do you want to talk about first?” I asked. “First, David – You can get off your soap-box about reducing taxes, and giving a raise to the police and teachers. We don’t have the money to give any raises unless we up the city sales tax by at least 25%?” Jeff said. “My wife Elizabeth, looked over...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 5

The next morning, I went off to work at one of my consulting firms. My cell rang. “Hey honey, what’s up?” It was Liz. “You know that I gave you back all of those city ledgers a while back?” “Yeah, so?” “Well, I took pictures of the pages before I gave them back to you?” she said, sounding worried. “And?” “I found something really odd, when you come home later; I’ll explain it all OK?” she said confidently. “I love you!” I said. “I love you more, Davey!” she said sounding...

3 years ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 6

I went to one of my consultants for the day and the next couple of weeks went by without too much consternation. About a month later, at our day-before meeting, I brought up a new subject to Jeff. “Jennie Lee tells me that you are her Uncle!” I disclosed. “Yeah, I am – So what?” he responded curtly. “Whoa there, Jeff, I’m just trying to get to know you a little better, you don’t have to cut my head off?” I replied. “Sorry, David – Daniel, her father was a real SOB, including slapping her...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 7

We met Jeff and his wife, Mary, who looked suspiciously like an older version of Jennie Lee, except a brunette, at the Sizzler Restaurant. During the course of the dinner, Lizzie accidentally knocked Mary’s plastic tumbler off the table, necessitating a new one. As surreptitiously as possible, Liz grabbed the tumbler, and placed it into her oversized purse. I’ve had her take that purse with us before to restaurants, so we could fill it with the bread you get, to save some money at home. That...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Miracle Steve 1

Our story starts with Steve on vacation, sunning at the beach during his summer vacation, there is a party atmosphere in the air as the most of the students that have come to the beach on their summer break is there to do only one thing, party. Normally this early in the mornings most of the students was sleeping off the effects of their heavy partying the previous evening. This was the time that Steve and obviously the other inhabitants of the town chose to do their visit to the beach, the...

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Fucked During Detention

Hey everyone! I am Sadaf from Pakistan currently settled in America. My father is a rich and successful businessman and is highly respected in the society. I am enjoying my life to its peak. I am very fair in complexion and don’t even look like Asian that’s mostly because of my Pukhtoon background. My figure is 34-26-33. I am a regular runner and workout 4 times a week in my own personal gym. My height is 5’8″. My age is 20 and the story that I am going to narrate here is 4 years old so u can...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 75 Empress Anna

Thoughts I've always loved having my breasts rubbed. And I'm not the only 'bot who feels this way. And not just my nipples, which seem to always be begging for more attention, but my entire boob. Not only am I so pleased that I was programmed this way from the beginning, but I'm convinced that such programming was — and is — essential to both my Fourth Law, and my self-will. Everything that gives me satisfaction also gives me a reason to want to exist — and serve — which brings about...

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My first UMW slut

I met slut Charlene on the campus of UMW two years ago. She was a psych major and I was a poly-sci major. I was old enough to be her father but it did not seem to matter to the slut. We chatted a few times in the library late at night while studying at the individual booths. She always had that glow on her face. One night we were leaving the library at the same time, around two in the morning, it was in May towards finals. We were talking about stress so I asked her if she had a boyfriend and...

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The Librarian was a Virgin

We were sitting at the long table, awaiting the speaker to offer grace. A young woman, looking to be about 25 to 30 years old, came to our table and asked if all the seats were taken. We told her no, sit down. She smiled shyly, and sat down with her tray of food. She was about 5'7" tall, and weighed about 120 pounds, if I was estimating correctly. She was wearing drab clothing, and had not applied any make-up. She wore thick glasses, and continually flipped her mud-brown bangs from...

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Facial Forum! The best reward you can give a horny girl is a splash on the face with all of your delicious seeds. Well, that is what facialforum.net also likes to discuss, and you have the chance to explore it. I am sure that you will enjoy everything facialforum.net has to offer, but for those who were actually expecting porn or whatever, I have a couple of shits to mention.From the very start, I think it should be pretty obvious what kind of shit facialforum.net has to offer. Start with...

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Hot Afternoons With CumGuzzling Mumbai MILF Neighbour

Hi all, this is Raj from Mumbai, sharing the experience that I had with my hot neighbour, Nandini over the course of two afternoons. About myself, I am a 28-year-old professional working and living in Mumbai, 6 feet tall with a normal physique and a 7-inch dick that can satisfy any woman. Coming back to the story, across from where I was staying, stayed the heroine of this story, Nandini. Nandini was this bombshell MILF. She was 45 years old, about 5 feet 5 tall, with a beautiful face, big,...

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Lets Take This Outside

The final bell rang away another boring, useless day of school. I pushed my way out into the hall, along with everyone else in a hurry to get the hell out of here. Everything was jam-fucking packed as people crowded together gossiping about whatever stupid bullshit. It was hard to get anywhere without running into a packed crowd. A lot of people bitched about it, but only because they were a bunch of wimps. I loved it. There’s nothing like a crowded hall when it comes to throwing your weight...

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Dannys Cleavage Part 6 of 6

Danny's Cleavage - part 6 of 6 In which Cindy gets turned on my Danny's breasts and they begin having sex, Danny exposes himself to a teacher, goes to the Prom with Cindy, finds out that Cindy is pregnant, gets expelled from school, has sex with his mother, finds out that he'll be a father a second time, and then reunites with Cindy. I guess things go in cycles. When I didn't have breasts, I got turned on by wearing a bra stuffed with tissue paper and pretending that I wasn't flat...

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A Summer To Remeber Part 2

Read also A Summer To Remember : Part 1. What wonderful eyes she had.What big breast she had.What a curvy body she had and what a shame it is that I can't fuck her.I was standing across the room from her and I couldn't stop stareing at her. "Yo,man snap outta of it.Whats wrong with you?" Jordan yelled at me. "That girl is beutiful" I told him,pointing at her. "Oh,thats just Keri.She comes here every year" "Are you two friends?" I asked him. "Well yeah.We shared a room for one night and thats...

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Woman of Old Vintage Ch 02

As I asked Mashimoni how she developed attraction for women, she started telling me about her past. I shall narrate this in mashimoni’s version – My mom was a good looking woman. With me she was quite free & frank. She was the one, who told me all about birds & bees. She was very easy with her nudity in presence of other women. She never hesitated to completely undress in my presence. I also never felt uneasy to be fully naked in her presence. I sometimes saw mom undress in presence of other...

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Homage to Cynthia

This is written in honor of Cynthia @cair4.com Unfortunately, she has disappeared from the web, but she left me with a good feeling about her, and also about me. I was driving from Leadville to Aspen through Independence Pass in a rented black Mercedes Benz. The top was down, and I was enjoying the crisp fall air as the narrow road climbed and twisted toward the summit of the pass. In the valley below me was a chain of beaver ponds that sparkled like an emerald necklace. The leaves of...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 32 Nov 1942 US Invasion of North Africa

“A man must know his destiny ... if he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder ... if he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, if he has the guts, he will take it.” ― George S. Patton Jr. In the closing days of 1942, the United States was faced with a decision as to where to begin hostilities against the...

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Today, we're paying a visit to Meta Porn! I hope you’ve got some sick time saved up, or at least a boss who doesn’t mind if the desk gets really sticky. Today we’re going to dive into what appears to be an endlessly deep ocean of hardcore pornography of all varieties. Meta Porn is an old site, having managed to stick around in some form or another since 2000, and they’re still getting a few million views a month. Not bad for a porn site with absolutely no content of its own.This Is Another Tube...

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Kidnapped Sissy Chapter 2

Kidnapped Sissy Chapter 2 After Pervis raped me, I cried myself to sleep, wondering if I'll ever get away from him, and that crazy girlfriend of his. The next morning, I was awakened by Olivia. Olivia: Well, ready for your first day as a sissy maid? Jenny: ULP! Olivia: All you gotta do is do as we say. If I want you for something, I'll call you. If Master Pervis wants you, he'll call you. Jenny: He raped me. Olivia: I thought you enjoyed it, dear. I thought you enjoyed...

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BangBus Sydney Paige The Accountant Knows Her Money

We got really lucky today, we got a sexy business women to stop and talk to us. This girl is an accountant, so she really knows her bucks! We paid her some money and it didn’t take much to get her to show us her beautiful tits. Once we saw those honkers, we knew we needed her to step inside. She gets on the bus for the real fun. We make it fucking rain with cash and she gets naked and horny. Our boy Tyler whips out his huge dick and she can’t keep her hands off of it. She starts to...

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The Great Shift Kiyomis Tale

The Great Shift: Kiyomi's Tale Mariko Everyone remembers where they were when the Great Shift happened. How can you not? Unless you were one of the lucky 7%, you wound up in the body of a stranger. You were younger, or older, or shorter, or fatter, or a different race or sex. Even those not directly affected had to deal with a world suddenly turned on its head. Most were horrified, but to me, it was a gift from heaven. One second, I'm lying in my bed at the Shorecrest Retirement...

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Seducing a friend

"Hey!" she said, as she strolled in."Oh, hi!" I replied, my cock already beginning to throb."So, how's it going?""Pretty good thanks. How's things with you?""Alright.""You look nice today," I said."Ha! No I don't. I'm tired and tense from working all day."My eyes lit up, but I stayed calm."Well you could've fooled me. You look great."There was a pause. An uncomfortable one. Had I gone too far?"Would you like a tea? Or coffee?" I said, breaking the silence."I'd kill for a coffe. Black. Thanks,"...

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A night of naughty pleasure

As Sasha lowered herself onto the huge black cock, another man's fingers were probing her anal cavity. She trembled in orgasm, as she knew those fingers would soon be replaced with another large cock. Then the door opened and she had an idea that soon her mouth would also be busy. If you like sex, days don't get much better than this.She felt the trickle of lubrication run from her ass crack and onto the shaft that was fucking her pussy. The lubed head of the man behind her was pushing against...

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Supers Boy

It was an unusually warm spring day in Pittsburgh, temperature in the mid seventies and a touch of humidity. Richie was sitting out on the locking dock in the rear of the apartment building where he lived and worked. He was tired and sweaty, his blue Dickie’s work clothes felt like they were glued to him. He wiped his face again with a grimy paint stained towel he had draped around his neck. Then he raised the can of beer in his right hand to his lips and chugged the last of his liquid lunch....

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Alex at a conference

When we arrived, we quickly learned we had one king size bed. She called the front desk and they explained they did not have any other rooms available, but the couch pulled out into a sofa bed. We decided to just roll with it and just head to the bar. In the bar we started drinking and chatting. She was married but said it was more of a roommate thing and they only stayed together for the kids. I am single and we talked about dating in the world today. I admitted that I was bisexual and...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 16 How the Free Saxons Leave Rome and Return to German Lands

By the end of their second week in Rome, Thorben and Katherine, with fifty of their men, met with the emissaries of their prisoners' families outside the city walls and received the ransom payment. Shortly after, under strong protection, the prisoners were guided out of the city and into the care of their families. In spite of the hefty ransom, more than one of the released prisoners expressed their gratitude to their captors, for they were all released without hurt and the women and girls...

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BellesaFilms Jane Wilde No More Mr Nice Guy

After a night out, Jane and Alex are both going home alone. Of course, being the nice guy that Alex is, he makes sure his good friend Jane gets home safely first. But things get awkward when they reach her doorstep and Jane goes on a little too long about just how much of a nice guy Alex is… The tension of their mutual attraction is palpable – Jane really wants Alex to take the hint already but Alex is waiting for her to ask him for what she wants. When Jane finally opens the door and...

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Bracelet submissionThe punishment

She saw the shoes that she wanted to purchase but wasn't prepared for the shopping for she had her panties on and so her punishment was to submit again at a time when I would decide. A deal is a deal and it was that to buy these special shoes she would wear no panties or be punished. She decided on being punished at a time and place of my choosing. We were on holiday and she had shaved her pussy and was looking very sexy and tanned. She had a temporary tattoo on her left breast and one just...


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