Politics Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 3: The Plot Thickens

Erika Johansson smiled at her reflection in the bedroom mirror. Had Alistair not already left for his early morning meeting with Thomas and Sally, he would undoubtedly have approved.

She held the compact mobile phone away for a moment, and shook out the silken locks she’d styled into golden waves. They bounced on her shoulders, flirting with the delicate red strap of her low cut bra. Accompanied by her plunge-thong and nude stockings with their lacy red tops, she was the perfect, blonde temptress.

Yet maybe Alistair wouldn’t even notice, she pouted. He hadn’t been himself over the past week, less inclined to take advantage of the ‘opportunities’ she was suggesting. Or even fucking her! Either his libido was on the wane, or the pressures of the looming General Election were finally getting to him. With a quick glance at into the mirror, she decided that must be the case.

‘Hello?’ the familiar Dutch voice answered. The blonde wondered what Guus Kessen would say if he could actually see her now! He’d certainly ‘appreciate’ her.

The call was necessary on two counts, of course. She was never just flirting. Because of Alistair’s recent behaviour, the Dutchman was an ‘option’ she was keen to cultivate. A girl always had to have one eye on the future, after all!

He was also essential if her plan concerning Rebecca de Santos was to work…

‘Guus,’ she sexily murmured, only too aware there was no mistaking her sexy Scandinavian accent. ‘How good to hear your voice.’

‘You, too, Erika,’ the multi millionaire retorted. Even down the line, Erika could discern the warmth in his voice. ‘You said you’d stay in touch,’ he continued, ‘but I didn’t expect to hear from you quite so quickly. And especially as early in the morning as this.’

Early morning? Yes, seven thirty was early, but the Dutchman had confided his working day began at six.

‘You’re disappointed?’ she asked.

The Dutchman’s laughter floated into her ear. ‘On the contrary, Erika. I’m delighted. And wondering whether it’s simply a social call?’

The Swedish woman’s seductive laughter mingled in with his. She’d only met the multi millionaire once, but had quickly realised he wasn’t one for beating around the bush. ‘Both,’ she cagily answered. ‘You told me you’re an early riser, so I knew I’d get you. And while speaking to you is always a pleasure, I do have a business proposition that I think will appeal.’

‘Really?’ the clipped Dutch accent responded. ‘I’m always interested in making money.’

Erika’s laugh was softer this time. ‘Oh, this is much better than merely making money,’ she told him, wondering if her assessment of the businessman would prove to be correct. It could be embarrassing if not, but the twenty-five-year-old had always been able to read people.

‘Better? I’m intrigued! Do tell.’

‘There’s someone I know…’ she began, then hesitated. ‘More accurately, I don’t know her yet. We’re meeting today. The point is, this woman is looking to start a business. An aerobics business. From what I understand, all she needs is thirty thousand to make it happen, but the banks aren’t interested.’

‘And you think I would be, Erika? Tut tut! I don’t do business deals for such tiny amounts of money, it’s just not worth my time. My investments make thirty grand a minute without me needing to lift a finger. I thought you were much smarter than that?’

Erika gave a soft laugh. Men continually underestimated her. The Dutchman’s flirtatious ways at Conservative Party Headquarters had told her all she needed to know about his attitude to women. All she had to do was reel him in.

‘Oh, I am, Guus,’ she softly replied, thickening her accent to its sexiest. ‘Believe me, I am. It’s because it’s what the English call pocket money that I know you’ll be interested. That… and the chance to have a beautiful woman in your debt.’

‘You know I’ll be interested?’ the clipped Dutch accent retorted. ‘Erika, with my money, I’ve no problem attracting all the beautiful women I want. Another makes no difference to me. Unless it’s you…’

‘Guus…’ she pretended to giggle, raising her eyes to the ceiling as she pulled her hair onto the top of her head. So easy… ‘Unless it’s me? What are you suggesting?’

‘I think you know,’ the Dutchman answered without a hint of embarrassment.

Erika smiled at her reflection in the mirror. He’d be easy enough to wrap around her finger when the time was right.

‘Well, Guus… I’m very flattered! But I think you’ll be excited when I tell you the name of the woman in question.’

‘Really? And why is that?’

‘Because it’s Rebecca de Santos,’ the Swedish beauty gleefully said, playing her trump card. She remembered the look in his eyes when he’d talked about Thomas’s girlfriend. ‘I think this might be an attractive proposition for you, Guus. Am I right?’

‘Erika,’ the overweight Dutchman murmured, after a brief pause. ‘Remind me never to underestimate you again. Tell me more—’


Since Thomas had told Becky of Erika’s offer to help, the couple seemed to be in a much better place. The early starts and late evenings during his first week had stretched their relationship to breaking point, and if anything, the Conservative Party’s Campaign Manager was working even longer now. Yet the possibility of achieving her dream had completely changed the picture.

While their sex life was still suffering from his long hours, that was a short-term issue, and both of them could now see that. It was only a few short weeks to the General Election, and with them both immersing themselves in their different objectives, they could temporarily put up with their sexual deprivation.

Or could they? God knew Thomas was feeling the ‘need’ right now! As for Becky, sex was everything. Knowing his Brazilian girlfriend, he had no doubt that her vibrator would be working overtime!

Not this morning, though.

Her meeting with Erika would be on her mind, and the need to go over all the finer points of her proposal with a view to finalising the business plan. At Erika’s insistence, Becky had provided Thomas with as much background detail as she could. When he’d passed it on, the Scandinavian beauty had told him she’d read it all, and that she was lining up a financial backer.

Shit, with Becky’s hopes raised as much as they were, he hoped it worked out!

‘Okay, guys,’ Alistair said, breezing through the glass conference door and dropping his file of papers onto the long glass table ‘Pour me a coffee, Sally, would you?’ he asked, sitting down beside them. It was his preferred seat, back to the window. No distractions.

The redhead smiled. ‘Want one?’ she asked Thomas, pouring two cups when he nodded. ‘Coasters,’ she said, taking the cups to the table.

‘Tiffany or Conservative Party crest?’ Thomas asked with a grin. The two options had become a running joke between them. He’d noticed she’d become flirtier with him as they got to know one another. Not that he encouraged it, of course. Still, it helped the days pass a little more quickly.

‘Let’s go Tiffany this morning,’ she laughed, plonking down the mugs before pouring herself a tea. She hated coffee.

‘Okay,’ Alistair started, taking the coffee and pulling a face as he took a sip. ‘God, that’s strong. Have you guys seen the breaking Daily Telegraph story on expenses? This whole bloody thing is going to blow up in our faces if we’re not careful.’

‘It looks like it’s the government on the receiving end…’ Sally began.

‘For now,’ Thomas said. ‘It’ll come our way, too.’

‘That’s right,’ Brinkley-Jones agreed. ‘I’ve sent some stuff to both of you, just make sure you get up to speed. Right now, I really don’t have long,’ he continued. ‘I have a shit of a day ahead.’

‘Okay. You want to start without Erika?’

‘Where is she?’

Thomas looked at
Sally and shrugged his shoulders. She pulled a face. ‘Want me to find her?’

The black politician waved a hand in the air. ‘No, let’s wait. You guys are sure this debate is a good idea?’

Sally and Thomas surreptitiously exchanged glances as Alistair rummaged through his papers. The party political debate had been set up for a while now. Hell, they were flying to Belfast tomorrow morning.

‘It’s a good idea,’ Thomas carefully began. ‘We’re still a couple of points down in most opinion polls. We need the extra push. Besides, you’ll be great at this face-to-face stuff—’

‘It always dances around the real issues,’ Alistair interjected. ‘Becomes more personal, less about what’s important. I can get my points over much better in a solo session or an interview…’

Thomas glanced at Sally again. This was unlike the confident politician. Something was troubling him. Maybe there was more to this Daily Telegraph story than he’d thought?

‘Alistair,’ Thomas said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the glass table. His tone brooked no argument. ‘You’re made for this. You’re a better public speaker than either Blair or Collinson. More charismatic. Your views and ideas are much superior, and you bring a freshness that people love. The public will get a feel for how passionate you can be, and they’ll understand how much you believe in what you’re doing. How much you believe in Britain.’

‘You think so?’

‘Absolutely,’ he answered, ‘Televised public appearances like these can make all the difference. We get the maximum audience. With the forthcoming Newsnight interview and the televised appearance in Scotland, we’re building up nicely.’

‘Okay,’ the politician conceded, rising to his feet. ‘Look, I have a few calls to make. Find Erika and we’ll go through what to expect. I don’t want to walk into tomorrow morning’s debate without being fully briefed. Back in here in half an hour. Okay?’

Sally stared after him as he left and then turned her gaze back on Thomas. ‘Geez, I’ve never seen him in that mood before,’ she sighed.

‘Something’s on his mind,’ Thomas muttered. ‘We’d better check our in trays and get up to speed on that expenses story.’

Sally eased herself up from her chair and bent forward to kiss him on the top of his head. ‘And I haven’t seen that side of you, either, Thomas. Very persuasive. I’m impressed!’

Thomas felt his cock twitch as the redhead slid her pert breasts against his shoulder. Damn. He really had to create some quality time with Becky…


At seven thirty in the morning, Eduardo Dias glanced out of the paned front windows as he opened his small café. He was late. Katie had sat in her car for a good ten minutes, trying to convince herself not to go through with this.

In the end, she couldn’t stop herself.

She’d sucked three cocks in her masturbatory fantasy that had lasted most of last night. They belonged to Brian Sterling, Alistair Brinkley-Jones, and the sixty-year-old café owner.

The first two were out of bounds. Eduardo wasn’t…

It took her only a few seconds to lock her car, and then hurry across the road. There was no turning back. That destructive force inside her needed this like she needed food and drink. Her body wouldn’t operate without it.

‘Miss Katie!’ the surprised South American greeted her as she quickly entered and leant back against the closed door. ‘Where have you been? I no see you for a week now! You always say when you on holiday!’

She ran a hand through her chestnut coloured hair, trying to control the breath that came in short pants. ‘I haven’t been on holiday, Eduardo,’ she breathlessly told him. ‘I… I can’t get breakfast here anymore. My… my employers… they prepare breakfast for me now.’

The small, South American owner paused. The cappuccino machine could wait. His brow creased in pain, as if she’d slapped him across the face. ‘I no see Miss Katie again?’

‘I… I came to thank you,’ she answered, unable to move. She leaned back against door, needing the support.

‘Thank me?’ He looked close to tears.

‘For all you’ve done,’ she explained, knowing from the way his eyes dropped to her tits that her thick nipples were hard and fully on display against her cream blouse. ‘I wanted to… thank you…’

The sixty-year-old man nodded, his mind appraising the situation and her words. That was twice she’d said that. She’d left her suit jacket in the car and her thin, pale arms were laid bare by the sleeveless blouse. Resting against the door like that, she looked lost. And incredibly sexy.

The sudden gleam in his eyes told Katie that the penny had dropped. She’d thought this was going to be difficult. Wondered if she could go through with it, even. The light in his dark eyes was as frightening as it was reassuring.

He picked up a grubby white towel and slowly wiped his hands on it before dropping it back onto the worktop. Leaving the confines of the counter area, he slowly walked around to her position by the door. ‘How you thank me?’ he asked. ‘How you thank me, Miss Katie?’

The psychiatrist didn’t reply. Her heart was thumping like a jackhammer on concrete. She couldn’t find her voice over the noise. The café owner took her non-response as approval. He nodded and with a single movement, reached behind her and clicked the lock.

Keeping his small eyes on her apprehensive face, he took her hand, pulling her with him into the small stockroom at the rear of the café.

His movements changed as they entered the tiny room, like a lion realizing he’d stumbled upon a helpless gazelle. He could feel her hand shake in his grip. Feel her palms grow clammy. This beautiful woman was hot for him. He had no idea why, but as he watched her long, dark lashes bat nervously up at him, he knew his instincts were true.

And besides, he didn’t care why she felt that way. It was enough that she did.

With one swift motion, he grabbed her slim wrists and forced them above her head, as if worried she might have a sudden change of mind. With a snarl of arousal, he pushed her back against the grubby wall and jammed his lips against her voluptuous mouth. Raising a foot, he kicked the door beside them half closed, the sound of it rattling against the frame as it rebounded.

His searching mouth didn’t ease until she was grasping for breath. His hands released her wrists and attacked her blouse, yanking it from her dark grey skirt. Disappearing under the garment, he roughly dragged up the cups of her bra and cupped her jutting swells.

Katie closed her eyes as his cold fingers teased her breasts. It was his cock she wanted, but his eagerness felt so good that she was willing to wait. He pushed her blouse up higher, exposing the fullness of her creamy tits. The small South American dipped his head to suck in a hard nipple. She let out a gasp of joy, which quickly turned to a grunt as his hands roamed under her skirt.

Her body arched into his touch. She spread her thighs, giving his callused fingers access to the treasure between her legs.

The panting man’s lips switched nipples. ‘Ngh!’ The moan that tore from her throat sounded almost painful. He was sucking so hard that she buried her hands in his greasy black hair and pulled him closer.

She adored the moment when a man succumbed to the need for her body that first time. Was it the power that overwhelmed her? The delight she took in his frenzy when he was completely unable to contain himself?

The moment had come. She wanted his hardness, wanted it in her mouth.

But… the way his hand had dragged her thong to one side… the way he rubbed his fingers along her wetness! God, it was proving too much. Wait, she insisted to herself. Don’t do this. I’m the one in control. I’m the one who wants to devour your ‘snake,’ feed on your salty seed!

Katie couldn’t stop him. Didn’t want to stop him. She so needed this…

is fingers found her swollen button, nestled in the bed of her dark curls. That was all it took. He didn’t even need to penetrate her to make her cum like a fountain being turned on for the first time, after a winter of rest. For a moment she clung tightly to him, using his small, slender body to stay on her feet as the orgasm ran through her body. Her knees buckled. She groaned. She savoured the violent orgasm, allowing it to consume her.

Then she was sliding to her knees…

He’d already released himself from the confines of his blue jeans. He was smaller than she expected—and not as thick—but she didn’t care. Her mouth took him inside with an urgency that had been missing for too long. When his hands dug into her soft hair, she began to mouth-fuck him.

She could feel his shaft push against the sides of her throat as she slid her pink lips all the way down to the base and back up again. When the café owner grunted as she worked on him, another orgasm began to brew inside her. Katie didn’t care about the niceties, she wanted that seed. Her eyes danced upwards into his, revelling at the contorted look on his face. A look that she, an eminent psychiatrist, was creating!

‘Stop, Miss Katie,’ he grunted, gripping her hair more tightly. ‘Please… stop…’

She knew why. The old bastard wanted to fuck her. That was one pleasure she wouldn’t allow! His hands gripped her hair more tightly, trying to pull her head away. They were in their own private battle, Katie racing him towards his orgasm, Eduardo desperately trying to resist.

Her large brown eyes stared up into his again. He had no chance! With just the crown of his cock in her wet embrace, she swirled her tongue across the hypersensitive ridge. He groaned, releasing her. She plunged her mouth back onto his ramrod stiffness, deep-throating him again. He was throbbing. He was there now. There was no escape.

She paused and raised her head one final time, a string of saliva dangling between her lips and the tip of the glistening mushroom-shaped head. She stroked his shaft, masturbating him with her hands. Short jerking movements. He began to pulsate.

It was enough.

Eduardo’s body jerked. As his snake prepared to spit its venom, she jammed her mouth back on him. Just in time. His creamy seed surged between her greedy lips, her mouth sucking in everything he could offer. She swallowed like it was manna from heaven, gratefully taking every last burst. Her hands continued to pump his shaft until he had nothing left to give.

As the sixty-year-old crumpled back against the wall, eyes closed, knees bent, the beautiful psychiatrist began to regain her senses. Oh, God!

Eduardo heard rather than saw the door to the stockroom open. When he somehow squinted through cum-fuelled eyes, all he saw was Miss Katie pushing through the outer door and rushing into the street.

She didn’t look back. She didn’t dare. The fuel of arousal was still reverberating through her body. Catching her reflection in a shop window, she realised why passers-by had been glancing at her. Stopping in an as yet unopened shop doorway, she adjusted her state of undress as best she could.

She’d tell them she’d tripped and fallen when she reached her office.

Looking down to see a small blob of cum on one of the buttons of her blouse, she took it on her fingertip and fed it between her full lips. One day, her secret could destroy her career. But a stranger’s creamy cum tasted so good, so thrilling, she feared that she’d never be able stop.


Alistair gulped down the last of his lunchtime sandwich and took a couple of minutes to reflect. His hour-long telephone conversation with Brian Sterling earlier that morning had been a tough one. So was the Scot’s suggestion. But his mind certainly felt more settled for having had the discussion.

Erika had been intrigued when he’d told her to create a gap in his diary that afternoon. It meant he was putting off Tom Broadhurst again. The Deputy Secretary for the Environment was frothing at the mouth at the need to discuss his strategy for cleaning up the riverbanks.

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My wife and I have been swinging for several years now. Lately we've been talking about trying new and different things. Our k**s are older and out of the house for the most part so that starts to open up new avenues. We've always been together when we were swinging, we enjoy seeing each other have fun. Ocasionally we've been in separate rooms but not often, and never far away. Anyway we decided to try something totally different...meet up with a new couple and trade spouses for 24 hours....

1 year ago
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I asked is this bigger than ur hubby8217s

Hello dear..sexy friends of indiansexstiries.. I have read your lovely story which made me to give you my personal good comments as myself also have good sex apetite and being blessed with giant cock, i have been experiencing a lot of sex game, where my first priority is to give maximum pleasure to my female partners and enjoy alongwith them. Hence i have written many stories on my personal true incidents of horny ladies with full satisfaction with my 9″ long and 3″ wide cock(my joy...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 8: CONTROLGoran’s cock softened and slowly inched from Cat’s flexing pussy walls. She lay purring on his body. As much as she loved the feeling of his hard, throbbing cock filling her pussy, the feel of it naturally deflating and crawling out of her like an escaping snake was somehow special in its own way. Both of them seemed to lay breathlessly, trying to not move, instead each trying to hold onto the feeling after their shared coupling and climax.Goran lightly stroked his fingertips...

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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Kissa Sins Cum On My Tattoo

The star of her own reality show, Kissa Sins gets antsy while waiting for her man to show up and cum on her tattoo for the first time, besides, she really needs to get fucked! Noticing the hot sound guy Ramon Nomar, she wondered if she could just get HIS jizz all over her tattoo. Ramon was a little apprehensive at first, but no one can say no to that face, and that perfect ass! If Princess Kissa wants dick, she gets dick! And if Kissa wants more cum, she gets more cum! I always keep the talent...

3 years ago
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My Lilyxxx Part 2

I lay Lily on the bed face up and admired her curves and spectacular bust with my hands, stroking and massaging every inch. She lay there moaning, arms spread wide, totally relaxed. My cock was still semi erect and growing, my balls ached recovering from the huge load I shot over her ass a few minutes before. I was so horny for her, I didn’t care, the pleasure was far greater than the sensitive pain I was in. I reached under the pillow next to her and pulled out a blindfold. I kissed her and...

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Panvel Me Mili Ek Sexy Bhabhi Pt 3 Chudayi

Mujhe aisalaga ke hamare bich mein jo ho raha hai woh sahi nahi tha. Ab main uske messages aur calls ka koi jawab nahi de raha tha. Uske har sabah 5 calls aa rahe the aur messages continue kar rahi thi par main is raastein jana nahi chahta tha. Ye dono ke liye accha nahi tha. Aisehi 1 week chala gaya. Main mere routine kaam me busy tha. Ek din subah 8.15 baje hamesha ki tarah main ghar se nikal gaya. Sidhiya utar hi raha tha to Seema bhabhi waha gusse se aankhein laal karke khadi thi. Maine...

3 years ago
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Jessies story

Jessie?s story- Pt Jessie?s story- Pt. 1 Tuesday,8 November 2005 It had been another long day. Jessie screwed her tired eyes shut, fingers still resting on the keyboard. She had an idea for another story in the back of her mind, but had been too busy to write one word. It was well past her usual finishing time & her work was almost done. There was no one left in the office- the coast was finally clear. Opening her secret folder, she brought up a new document & started typing. The cares...

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Best Served Warmer Part 2

   Sequel 3 to "Best Served Cold"  I suppose I should have been more anxious about Linda's party, but by then I had been inoculated against much worse horrors than her admitted attraction to Michael. I did find her relationship with him laced with eroticism, and their long friendship and Linda's evidence of his honorable character were a calming influence on the stories I wove about them in my head.I made a pizza, drank some beer, and watched TV to pass the time. I wasn't tempted to 'jerk off',...

Wife Lovers
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A porn star experience

The darkness of the night had just set in to its fullest extent. Markus yawned as he removed himself from Andrea's nethers after another long sex session while Jeanne watched a TV show. "Oh! Oh! I have a fun idea! I've been saving this one up and I want to do it!" His wife, already covered in cum, stood up and began to clean herself up. "Alright, I'll bite. What are you going to do now?" Mark asked with a tired, dismissive tone. "Don't be so negative, it's going to be fun!" Andrea...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 30 Sometimes Things Need to be Explained

[I tried to figure out what Greg might be so emotional about, but, I realized that I didn’t have a clue!] “Hey girls, when we get home, would you mind if Greg and I went to the bar for a drink?” Mary, always in sync with me, smiled. “Sure, I think you boys need some ‘guy’ time.” I knew that she was flashing Linda and Jamie. “We’re gonna go see ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!’ None of us have seen it yet. So NO INTERRUPTIONS, please? I chuckled, “No problem, have... ‘fun’. Thanks.” After they...

2 years ago
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Shit Town 8211 The Contest 8211 Part 1

There was an announcement “two mistresses are in need of the best shit slaves in our village, so they will keep a contest so that everyone start to apply for it, only the first ten will be selected for the contest. I rushed to the office and I Applied for it. I am 21 years old boy with Average body and an hunger for shit and my aim is to be a shit slave and about my village, it ia a small decent town. The people living there will run their family, by being slaves to rich men and women either...

1 year ago
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Hot Diver and Jenna

As she swam laps in the university pool, Jenna couldn't help but admire the dive team practicing at their art. Each time she took a rest, she was inspired by the incredible acrobatics the divers could accomplish with just seconds in the air. There was one diver in particular she enjoyed watching, morning after morning as she trained in the pool. Unlike the other members of the team, he was broad and muscular, tall and dark-skinned. Somehow he was just as graceful as the other divers as he...

2 years ago
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Best Interests at Heart

I got a feedback, it told me to try and not be alone tonight. This is New Year’s Eve. My late husband, Ted (You read his work as magichands) and I never went out on New Year’s eve. I asked him once, ‘Why Not!’ he told me he wanted to be just with me to start a New Year over again. I am a woman, stuff like that melts the heart, but then everything that man ever did melted my heart! Ted was a street reject when we met, in the depths of depression, he had lost a wife in a tragic freak...

1 year ago
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Daughter inlaw needs help

Note : THis story is completely fictional! It was a sat. Night about 11pm and I was just drifting off to sleep when the phone rang. I slipped out of bed and went to the phone in the dinning room not to wake my wife. “John its Lisa my car will not start again”. It was am sons ex girl friend. She had car problems earlier in the week. “I told you that this would happen again and you needed to get it fixed. Where are you?” “I am on 12th the 500 block on the left you can see the car” I notice as...

1 year ago
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The Dildo Board Game

Loosely based on a dream I once had "Shawna and Jake are coming over right?" Felix asked his sister. Felix was a man of average height and build with short blonde hair. 'Yeah, tonight is game night after all," his sister, Jenna, responded. Jenna was a pretty redhead with C cup breasts. "What do you want to play?" Felix asks. "I don't know, any suggestions?" Jenna asks back. "Not really, whatever works for me," Felix says, "Hey you think Jake will ever confess to...

2 years ago
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Graces Hard Lessons II

========= GRACE?S VERY HARD LESSONS ================By Dark Avenger. Copyright 2006. Email comments to darkavenger at tokyo.com** PROLOGUE : 7 days ago: ASKING FOR PERMISSION TO CUM?Sir, may I cum now please?? said Grace politely, over the phone. Her lips were pursed, and her eyes half-closed, as she struggled to maintain her composure, with the insane vibrations hammering her pussy non-stop for the last ten minutes, the twelfth time that day since she stepped into the office. She felt like...

3 years ago
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A Gods Reign

War and chaos have a ravaged a world of once peace and harmony. Today its just raid, pillage and rape. But one night across a village being raided by invaders, a family have luckily been able to escape. Yet up the sky l, a bluish cosmic comet had rain down in the village. As it had crash near the vicinity of the village, it have knocked out unconscious the family of one daugther and the parents. It had been hours since then as the land has been covered by mist. The father/husband was the first...

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Forbidden Dream 8211 Part 2 Dream Came True

I wanted Ayushi so desperately that I was hugging her and fondling her, thinking she was unconscious. Suddenly she yelled with joy, “Ma’am,” and hugged me tightly. I was shocked and felt embarrassed at the same time. But there was no turning back from here. So I held her face in my hands and asked how? How come you are awake? She smiled with a mischievous grin. She said that she got pricked but didn’t inject herself with that drug. She told, “Ma’am I always had a big crush on you, I always...

1 year ago
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The Spirit of AgonyChapter 1

Saturday 2 October 2005, 1729hrs I tried to ring a dozen times in the previous half hour, as soon as I left the built-up area around Aston Villa and got on the motorway. Normally, on the rare occasions that Gina didn’t attend the matches with me, our season ticket seats were next to each other, I would’ve expected her to answer. Now that every businessman or businesswoman carried a mobile phone and was ready to answer even if they were in the middle of shopping, I increasingly feared the...

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Kimberly Woods Stars in a Dirty Task Needs DoingChapter 6

My shoulder smashed into Dr. Chaos’ forearms and we rebounded off one another as the entire bridge went from chaos to pure insanity. Alarms wailed. Female goons started to kick towards airlock doors – to arms lockers, to any random direction that they wanted to go. The rest of my friends, still chained to the pillar in the center of the bridge, wriggled and tried to get free. But my whole world was focused on one simple objective. Break. My. Stupid. Father’s. Fucking. Face. I hit a far...

4 years ago
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Maggies Hard Day

What a day it had been. I was wore out from the stress of another day at the office. It seems that the days just get longer and longer. Anyway it feels good to be driving home at last. First I guess I should tell you my name is Maggie and I live just outside the city because I need to get away from the rush and craziness of the city. It is a longer drive this way but that’s means I can unwind a little before I get home so I don’t snap on my boyfriend. As I pull into the drive I see the Mike...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 32

Waking Sunday morning after the win was one of the joys of coaching. Jared only wished Meg had felt better the night before. She wondered if she had eaten something bad at the game, but was unable to pin it down. Jared had fallen asleep massaging her troubled belly hoping to calm it enough for her to fade away herself. As his eyes adjusted to the room he realized he was alone in the bed and the clock read 10:10. He heard the din of the TV and knew Declan had gotten up and probably woke his...

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MelindaMerm My 1st Big Cock

So I decide to write an ad on Craig’s List. The ad went something like this: First off, I am new to this. About me: I am a 30 year old female. I am 5’ 3” 120 lbs brown hair and blue eyes. Guys hit on me a lot so I guess fairly attractive,lol. So why am I posting here? I have been having a fantasy that I want to act on. I have never been with a well endowed man. I have a steady boyfriend so I am only looking for some no strings attached fun. This would be a “one- time only” fling for me...

4 years ago
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humiliation on a long weekend

All through school I hung out with a group of four other girls, we had all started on the same day, all played on the same team together, and basically were all inseparable. From our first year in school we had a tradition, that during the last school break before the summer term, we all went away together, with one of our families. We were now in our final year, all getting ready to head off to college I the following September, so this would be our last holiday together before our final...

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The First EntryChapter 12

January 1, 2013 Mom had been at work for hours while I sat on my bed and stared at a spot on the wall, counting every minute that took him further from me. I still hadn't slept when the doorbell rang. Pulling my robe closed, I quickly tied it and made my way down the hallway, stepping over the clothes he'd torn from my body. When I opened the door, I found Jules standing on the front porch, still wearing the black suede skirt and jacket from the night before. She smelled of cigarette...

2 years ago
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Sarah and The babysitter

Grandpa always said I was too mature for my age but I didn’t know what he meant by that. He was a handsome man with gray hair in his sixties and I got a little bit jealous when I saw women hitting on him, as he was my best friend. One day coming home from school with my friend Jillian who was my occasional babysitter and who was 16. She asked me if I had ever seen him naked. I giggled, -No! I wouldn’t want to see him all sagging. She giggled too and whispered, -I would love to see...

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Yuis Awakening Part 4

On her return from Thailand, Yui contacted Ayaka to tell her all about her exploits there. Of course Ayaka was not at all surprised about Sana, she knew that Sana had played with girls before many times, and in fact her and Sana had once had a brief relationship, mostly around sex."I want you to tell me all about it," purred Ayaka, as she settled onto the sofa next to Yui with a glass of red wine."Well, the beach was beautiful, and it was so hot, and ...""No, tell me about the cute Thai girls...

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MyPervyFamily Nia Nacci Midnight Love From Sis

I was ready to bring in the New Year with a hot date, I was so ready to fuck in the New Year in… but of course I was stood up and watched the ball drop on my phone by myself as I heard my family cheering as they brought in the New Year. I wanted nothing to do with the party, my sister Nia came to check on me. I can tell she feels bad for me and wants to cheer me up. I wasn’t really in the mood, I should be fucking a hot girl right now but instead, I am home in my room alone. Nia has...

4 years ago
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© 2005 All rights reserved. In a discussion of story ratings, Mr. Freeze wrote:"That said, I do think there is a certain bias out there towards certain types of stories. Anything involving teenagers or incest or both tends to do really well. Throw in some science fiction and you are pretty well guaranteed a decent score. Romance does well to a point, but rarely reaches the heights of a good sci fi/incest/teen story." That quote inspired the following short parody. Note...

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The Nipples

I went to a wedding last weekend in Central London. It was at a hall near London Bridge. I went alone as I am single, and the new couple put me at a table that had a couple of single women. Neither of them really caught my eye, but I chatted politely, as you do.You know how sometimes, you see a person, and then keep crossing paths with them over the nest few hours? For me, it often happens in airports. Show up at the check in desk, notice someone, then an hour or so later, they're just in front...

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I Walked Away With a RedheadChapter 8

We went out to the car and left for the square. We arrived and I parked. I went around to hold the door and hand Morgan out. She let her skirt ride up to show an incredible expanse of leg! No one else could have seen because of where I was standing. Once she was standing, she smoothed her dress. Hand in hand, we walked around the square looking at storefronts. Morgan was stopping traffic with people staring at her. After all, a tall, slender redhead wearing a minidress was an uncommon...

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Cruel Wife part 2Humilation in front of her frien

Cruel Wife – Humilation in front of her friend Sissy GeorgeEnjoy.Would a woman really do this to the husband she loves?I’ve prepared her a small breakfast and served it to her in bed. I made the bed and tidied up the bedroom while she was in the shower, and then I cleaned the bathroom when she was done with her shower. I was now kneeling before her massaging her feet while she was putting the finishing touches on her hair at her vanity when we heard the doorbell ring. I hated these...

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The return of Gina part 4

Gina and I head out to meet with Sharon and John the couple that saw Gina giving me a blowjob on the way to her house after she picked me up at the airport. We followed them to their cabin about about a mile of the highway, a private road. We played with them briefly and promised to come back again and now here we go. As we get tot the end of the road to their cabin they were sitting on the porch naked. Gina and I looked at each other with disbelief. As we walk up to the house, we wave and say...

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Hotel T

Your black sedan pulls up to a tall building whose sign is simply a flaming scarlet T. You give the driver a generous tip and step out the car. A bellboy immediately is at your service, loading your luggage onto a cart and shadowing you as you enter the lobby. It is beyond opulent. You cross the marble floor to the front desk, which is staffed by some of the most beautiful women you have ever seen. You check in and tell the bellhop to take your bags to your suite. You've been planning this...

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NubilesPorn Chloe Cherry How I Survived A Crime Lord

Chloe Cherry has had her dream trip to Mexico turn into a nightmare. She got drunk and got lost, but she met someone who offered her some cash to go pick something up for him from his buddy’s house. Chloe was in a bind, so she went ahead to Bambino’s place. She was already involved in drug smuggling and had drugs on her from a rival gang, so when Bambino found out her secret she did what she had to do to keep herself safe and get back home. Her only currency is sex, so she put...

2 years ago
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First BBC

I'm a married 37 year old mother of 2, I'm 5.6 long black hair and thick around the middle from having k**s. Wouldn't say I'm fat but plump with a belly and nice chunky ass. I work as a customer service rep in an office with about 15 other people. The story really starts one Friday after work a few of my co workers and I decided to go out for drinks after work at a near by pub. After a couple hours I decided it was time to get home. As I was getting up to leave one of my co workers named...

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