Pride and Prejudice
- 4 years ago
- 23
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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography.
Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.
Part 7 – The Widow Athena Jones (continued)
Previously, in the Iron Crowbar series… (specifically, ‘Sting of the Scorpion, Ch. 5’)…
‘BINGO!’ yelled out Mrs. Parker in the Fellowship Hall of the Catholic Church. The other old ladies groaned.
‘Well,’ said one old woman, getting up, ‘I must be off. It’s getting late. Thank you for such a lovely evening, Father Francisco.’
‘Ah, my pleasure, madam.’ said Father Francisco, smiling benignly. ‘I hope we’ll be seeing you next Wednesday night.’
‘I do, too.’ said the old woman. ‘Goodnight ladies. I’ll see you at the Community Center. Goodnight Mrs. Boddiker.’ she said, touching her friend’s shoulder on her way out. Among the chorus of salutations, Mrs. Boddiker said goodnight to her and promptly went back to her bingo cards.
Once out of the Fellowship Hall and beyond the eyes of anyone, the old woman scurried up the passageway towards the back of the building. If caught, she’d say she was looking for a restroom. She was not caught.
Exiting by a back door, she moved past the living quarters of the priests that were at the back of the Church grounds. The gate was open and she moved along the sidewalk, almost to the street. She stopped in the darkness and listened intently, watching along the street for any sign of anyone watching her.
Seeing none, she stepped out onto the sidewalk of the street and walked as swiftly as she was able in a westerly direction. She turned between two buildings, stopping and waiting to see if she was being watched or followed. She then went up that alleyway and between buildings, in what would’ve been called mews in the days of horses and carriages.
Coming out on another street, she repeated this pattern until she was just south of Courthouse Square. Entering a door that led to a small apartment upstairs above the shops, she let herself in with her key. Closing the door and locking it, she flicked on the light switch, which turned on one lamp on the chair-side table… and saw the woman sitting in the chair, waiting for her.
‘Oh my heavens!’ the old woman said. ‘You startled me. And why are you here, at this hour?’
‘Why, I came to see you.’ said Captain Cindy Ross of the Town & County Police, getting up out of the chair. ‘The Widow Athena Jones, I presume?’
* * * * *
Phyllis Troy took off her shawl and wig. ‘Yes, it’s me. I am the Widow Athena Jones.’
‘Why are you doing this?’ Cindy asked. Phyllis sat down in the other chair, motioning for Cindy to sit back down, as well.
‘Cindy, my son is in great danger. Incredible danger. What he is doing is noble, is valiant, but he cannot do this alone. He needs help if he is going to win against this Shadow Man.’
‘Do you know who he is?’ Cindy asked.
‘Yes.’ Phyllis said. ‘And it would shock you if I told you.’
‘So what’s with the ‘Athena Jones’ thing?’ asked Cindy. ‘Why the disguise?’
‘Oh, he would know who I am by sight.’ Phyllis said. ‘But my estranged daughter’s ability at disguises was inherited. I am also good at them. But I cannot do it alone against this foul beast of man, either. So I’ve enlisted help.’
‘Ohhh… all the Senior Citizens.’ Cindy said, suddenly seeing the light.
‘Yes, your intuition serves you well.’ Phyllis said. ‘The only thing I must ask you is that you never reveal this to Don. If he finds out, so be it, and I’ll step up and take the blame. But the Shadow Man must never find out… I fear what he would do. Not to me, but to others…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back in present time, Thursday May 19th, in my office…
My mother’s eyes were twinkling as she stared right back at me, not giving an inch.
‘So, Mom.’ I said. ‘Why don’t you tell me what I already know half of, fill in the blanks, yes?’
‘We are trying to keep you alive, son.’ my mother said. ‘I have lost my husband. My daughter is a rogue smuggler and testimony to my disastrous raising of her, as well as her rejection of the Scriptures. You are all I have left, and while your work to take down the Consultant of Crime is noble, it won’t do me any good if I have to bury you for your efforts.’
I finally sat back down. ‘And having the Senior Citizens of this County be your watch patrol?’ I asked.
‘Oh come on, son.’ my mother said. ‘They’re old. They only have Death to look forward to. They haven’t had so much fun in their lives, and they know they’re doing something important. They knew and know the risks, and were willing to keep watch against this foul bastard. And they want to clean this County up of the filth infesting it as much as you do, if not more.’
‘And it was them blowing the whistles that night I was confronting Bryce… because you thought the Consultant had the drop on me.’ I said.
‘He did have the drop on you, son.’ said my mother. ‘You expose yourself much too freely. I very much fear whatever your ‘hair-brained scheme’ is to take the Consultant down.’
‘Don’t worry about that.’ I said. ‘And speaking of hair-brained schemes… ‘ I was shaking my head. ‘Fortunately, Cindy recognized the smell of the explosives and got you all out in time.’
‘Yes, she was very brilliant and decisive in that.’ said Phyllis. I looked over at Cindy.
‘How long have you known?’ she asked. Nice deflection, there, I thought to myself.
‘For a long time.’ I said. I reached over to my bookshelf, and pulled out the Sherlock Holmes Canon that had been put on my desk, the ‘they set fire to our rooms last night’ passage highlighted.
‘Let’s see here…’ I said, turning through the early pages of the tome. ‘Hmmm… ‘The Sign of Four’… ah, ‘Detective Athelny Jones’. Interesting name, there, don’t you think?’ My mother’s eyes twinkled even more as she grinned.
I was not grinning as I continued: ‘And of course… ‘Athena’ is a Goddess, and she’s the ‘Pallas Athene’ of the Trojan Temple where Cassandra was raped by Ajax, all parts of the story of the Trojan War… a war which is being newly waged against us Troys by the Consultant of Crime, as this painting and matchstick Trojan Horse attests to. I assume you looked at the capsule inside, Mom?’
My mother nodded. ‘Yes, I did. I had to know. Anyway, you caught on to my disguise. I should have known… you never asked what I was doing all these days and nights for all these months.’ she said with perfect 20/20 hindsight.
‘But it was Captain Ross who did find you.’ I said, then looked at Cindy and said darkly: ‘Went to visit her, you did. Told your boss, you did not.’
‘No I didn’t. I kept the secret.’ Cindy said, with both defiance and pride in her voice. ‘Her plan was dangerous, but if it helped keep you alive and able to beat the son of a bitch, it was worth doing.’
Just then Helena buzzed me. ‘Sir, there are twelve senior citizens out here who want to speak with you.’
‘Your defense team is here to rescue you from me.’ I said. ‘Helena, please escort them to Classroom ‘J’. I’ll be right down.’ I got up. ‘Okay, let’s go tell them.’
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘This was our doing.’ said Mrs. Veasley, leading the defense. ‘We proudly volunteered to help your mother and Captain Ross watch for mischief in our Town.’ There was a chorus of agreement.
‘Yes, and you’ve done a very good job, all of you.’ I said. ‘I very much
appreciate the work you have done all these months helping us. But it should be obvious that your cover is blown, and our Enemy knows what you are doing. He tried to kill you once already. So I am going to have to ask you to stop.’
‘Not so fast, young man!’ said Old Mrs. Boddiker, rising and shaking her umbrella at me. ‘I was born in this County, I have lived in this County all my life, and I will die in this County by the Grace of God. And until that happens, I want to help you get rid of this filth in my County!’
There was another loud chorus of agreement. I saw Mr. Davis, who’d parachuted behind enemy lines on D-Day. I saw Mrs. Williams and the others, and the determination in their eyes. And Mrs. Boddiker… I’d rather fight Cindy in the Police Boxing Matches than tangle with that determined woman. How could I tell them ‘no’?
‘All right.’ I said. ‘But do me this favor. Just keep your heads down until July 4th, okay? By then, all will be well.’
Part 8 – Racial Divides
‘The FBI is involved in the bombing now.’ said Sheriff Daniel Allgood as we sat in the Main Conference Room thirty minutes after my meeting with the Senior Citizens. The Sheriff had come into that meeting and stated his relief that none of them were hurt, and was inundated with well-deserved praise for Cindy Ross.
The Senior Citizens were now getting a full tour of Police Headquarters. I figured the jail and the underground areas like the Shooting Range would excite them the most. Turns out their favorite place to see… was the Iron Crowbar’s office.
The Sheriff continued: ‘The Fire Department’s Arson Squad is also working on the case. The SBI’s Bureau of Firearms and Explosives (BFE) have been explicitly denied entry to the scene, and their help specifically and explicitly rejected.’
‘Think the FBI will find anything?’ asked Chief Moynahan. He was looking at me when he asked.
‘No.’ I said. ‘Zoe Singer and her team found the detonator. It was set off by a timer device. The FBI will run tests on the plastique traces they found, but this seems like uniquely made stuff that they don’t have an ID for.’ Batches of plastic explosives can have unique signatures when run through a mass spectrometer, gas chromatograph, and liquid chromatography methods.
‘No one smelled anything before today,’ I continued, ‘so it’s likely this was done last night. The Mouseketeers have already analyzed all the street cameras in the area. They went down around 1:00am, started whacking out with horizontal lines, then went blank.’
‘They were jammed, in other words.’ said Sheriff Allgood. I just nodded, not saying that someone on the Enemy team had a video-killer similar to mine and Cindy’s.
‘And whoever did that knew that cameras were there, where they were, and what to do about them.’ continued the Sheriff. I nodded.
‘Well,’ said the Chief, ‘our friends in the Fire Department and FBI will handle all that. My concern is the murders of two firemen… black firemen. I’ve already been called by Councilman Reginald B.F. Lewis, and the Reverend Joseph E. Williams of the A.M.E. Church. They are already hearing rumblings amongst their people.’
‘I have Officers talking to all the Station 2 Firemen.’ I said. ‘They will also interview friends of the deceased that they can find. I talked to the Station 2 Superintendent just before the Community Center explosion, and he told me that he was not aware of any threats to the Station nor any Firemen, much less those two men. In addition, neither Chief Quinlin nor any of the Battalion Chiefs nor Fire Marshal Singer had received any information of a threat to any Firemen. The TCPD also had nothing in advance that would suggest this attack was coming.’
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘Nothing, sir.’ said Detective Theo Washington, who was the lead Detective on the murder case. ‘All the Firemen were pretty much in shock about it. They said they knew of no specific threats to either one of the guys, nor any Fire Department personnel. They also said that Johnny Jackson was pretty quiet and never went drinking at bars, he was mostly at the Chess Club. DeSean Malcolm, however, regularly went to bars or clubs in the Tenderloin District, but never overdid it with the drinking, and never got into fights that they were aware of.’
‘Does the Fire Department have a place like our Cop Bar?’ I asked. We were in my office. Cindy was sitting on the sofa, as usual, while the Detectives were in the ‘hot chairs’.
‘Well, the Firemen in the northern half of the County come to the same Cop Bar.’ said Teddy Parker, who was working with Theo on the case. ‘Neither of these guys came all the way up to it, though. Our Precinct Two goes to the ‘Jefferson Tavern’, a watering hole not far from the Old Mill, which sits on the River on the south side of Jefferson Avenue. Some Fire Station 5 guys go there, as well, but again.. neither of these guys went there very often if ever.’
‘Okay. Good work.’ I said. ‘Anything else of interest?’
‘Uh…’ said Parker. Theo looked at him, then caught me peering.
‘Spill it.’ I said.
‘We were debating whether we should even bring this up, sir.’ Parker said. ‘Several of the black Firemen asked if we thought these guys were targeted because they were black. They couched it as questions, but I got the idea they were doing that to ‘suggest’, or plant the idea in our minds. And nearly every white Fireman we talked to asked if the former EMTs were behind the murders. A couple even outright said they suspected it was EMTs.’
‘That’s definitely something to bring up to me.’ I said. ‘Did either of you guys get the idea that there are racial problems in the Firehouses? Theo?’
‘Not really, sir.’ said Theo. ‘I should tell you this, though: a lot of people in the black community don’t like black firemen nor black policemen. Not all of them, but some, say that we’ve sold out to The Man, that we’re betraying our race by working for the Government in any way. Now some of these people are just jealous, they’d kill for a good job like mine or a Fireman’s. But some genuinely see it as a betrayal, especially by people like me who go to work for the cops.’
‘Yes, I’ve heard a few rumors like that.’ I said. ‘And it’s unfortunate. Having said that, did you get any vibe at all of racial tension inside the Firehouse?’
‘No sir.’ said Theo. ‘They have to depend on each other too much. That’s why Malcolm was told to tone it down by more senior black Firemen, including Jackson.’
‘Okay.’ I said. ‘Captain, lets get the word put out to all Fire Stations for their guys to watch each other’s backs and try to stay in groups, even when off duty. I suspect these guys were targeted partly because they were lone wolves that didn’t stick with the pack, so they were easier prey.’
‘Wilco, sir.’ said Cindy, making a note on her pad.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As a gesture of goodwill, Cindy and I went with Sheriff Allgood to the Fire Department Headquarters, to report on the murder case. Present were Fire Chief Quinlin, Fire Marshal Zoe Singer, Battalion Chief Carlson and Battalion Chief Tucker, both longtime veterans of the Fire Department.
We laid out what we knew, which was little so far. Zoe added what she could about the explosives and the device used. We asked them to disseminate through their ranks the warnings to stick together and be careful.
‘So,’ said Battalion Chief Tucker, ‘do you think the former EMTs had anything to do with this?’
‘No.’ I said. ‘There are no EMTs left in this County that I am aware of.’ I said… then made a point to say ‘If you know of any EMTs still here, please let me know so that I can evacuate them.’
‘Is it true,’ said Battalion Chief Carlson, ‘that you helped those filthy EMTs out, helped them get jobs?’ I could see that this was a pre-planned ambush attempt.
‘You damn straight it is.’ I said, looking the man dead in the eye. ‘I did everything I could to hel
p them, as did P. Harvey Eckhart of ‘The Vision’.’
‘That fucking son of a bitch.’ breathed Tucker. The reaction I hoped for did indeed happen: Cindy stood up, the blue crowbar ready to go.
‘Watch your language, asshole.’ she said. ‘That’s my father you’re talking about.’ There were plenty of stunned looks to go around, and one of exasperation from a Sheriff trying to keep order and peace.
‘You can’t talk to me that way, Captain.’ said Tucker, standing up himself.
‘I can.’ I said, quietly but levelly. ‘And Eckhart is my blood kin, too. Now sit down.’
‘Okay, guys,’ said Sheriff Allgood, ‘let’s just move past this shit. The EMS no longer exists in this County. The Police are trying to solve the murder of two Firemen here. Have a seat, Chief Tucker.’
‘If they want to solve this, then they should start considering that it might be EMTs that murdered our guys.’ said Carlson.
‘All right, guys.’ said Chief Quinlin, finally bringing his people into line. He then said ‘But they have a point, Sheriff… if not EMTs, who would want to kill two Firemen like that?’
‘They may not have been killed because they were firemen.’ I said. ‘They may have been killed because they were black. And the racial angle is the one I’ve been trying to confirm or dispel all day.’
‘We haven’t had any racial problems in the Fire Department for years.’ said Tucker.
‘I don’t think it’s internal.’ I said.
‘But to what end?’ asked Quinlin.
‘I’m not sure yet.’ I said. ‘So… you’re having a memorial service on Saturday?’
‘Yes.’ said Chief Quinlin. ‘At the A.M.E. Church. Two o’clock. All off-duty personnel will be invited to attend, and we’ll have skeleton crews at Stations 2 and 5. Some of the people there will be on-call, and called out of the service if needed.’
‘You think someone is going to burn or bomb a building at that time?’ asked Sheriff Allgood. ‘Maybe the Community Center was a prequel to it? Practice for it?
Hmmm, pretty astute he is, I thought to myself. ‘I don’t know.’ I replied. ‘I don’t think the Community Center bombing is related to these killings at all. As to what might happen, and when?’ I shrugged my shoulders.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
‘Well, you stirred the pot again.’ Cindy said as we drove back to Police Headquarters. ‘Of course, I did too… ‘
‘Yes, we learned some things from that, too.’ I said.
‘Think they’ll come after me for insubordination?’ Cindy asked.
‘No.’ I said. ‘As you know, Captains and above enjoy a certain immunity from that, at least as demonstrated with Brownlee and with those old farts. Don’t worry about it, they know they crossed the line when they insulted our blood kin that way.’
After a pause, I continued: ‘But it was instructive. I guess you’ve noticed they’d really like to blame an EMT for this. Sort of like the Media always immediately tries to blame a Conservative TEA Party member for school shootings or theater shootings, then it turns out the Media was lying. As usual.’
‘I just don’t get the hatred.’ said Cindy. ‘The EMTs are gone, yet they wanted to kill you right there for telling them you helped the EMTs get jobs. I could see it in their eyes, they really wanted to come up against you for that. And I hope that doesn’t come back to haunt us, the Police. Some people in the Fire Department are still pissed that we busted those firemen raping that girl.’
‘Yep.’ I said. ‘And that’s something else now out in the open. Those Battalion Chiefs pre-planned that little attack on me.’
‘Maybe the Fire Chief will rip them one.’
‘Oh hell no.’ I said. ‘Quinlin has played it straight in public, and he’s pretty much done the right things. But the first thing he said upon learning about this was to ask if EMTs did it. He keeps things in line, but he’s no friend of the EMTs. So… what do you think about these murders?’
Cindy replied ‘I’ve learned over time to observe you and deduce from your questions and statements what you think is going on. You were very interested in that memorial service for Saturday. You think something about that is important. If it’s not setting a fire elsewhere at that time, then maybe you think something will happen at the service itself.’
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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Chapter 9: Marriage? While the last thirty-six hours had been agonizingly slow, Katie couldn’t remember the details. She remembered cancelling her meetings yesterday and today. The psychiatrist had told herself that doing so would allow her to recover from her sexual mauling at Alistair’s hands. She remembered drinking—most of Election Day had been spent with a glass of wine in her hand. And here she was, the day after, in a rough bar in the East End of London. Drinking again. Any other...
Chapter 2: The Charity bash Thomas failed dismally to disguise the yawn. ‘Sorry, Sally, no offence.’ The petite redhead grinned. ‘That’s okay, we’ve been at it since six this morning. That makes it a long day. And with tonight’s charity bash, it’ll get a lot longer before we’re home in our beds.’ The fair-haired man nodded. In the week since he’d been working for Alistair Brinkley-Jones, they’d all been long days. Today had been no different, ten hours of slog, understanding everything he...
Chapter 3: The Plot Thickens Erika Johansson smiled at her reflection in the bedroom mirror. Had Alistair not already left for his early morning meeting with Thomas and Sally, he would undoubtedly have approved. She held the compact mobile phone away for a moment, and shook out the silken locks she’d styled into golden waves. They bounced on her shoulders, flirting with the delicate red strap of her low cut bra. Accompanied by her plunge-thong and nude stockings with their lacy red tops, she...
Chapter 5: Rebecca submits ‘God, you look rough,’ Sally murmured. ‘Want me to hold the taxi when it arrives? Won’t take you long to freshen up…’ ‘Didn’t get much sleep,’ Thomas grumpily offered by way of explanation. What else could he say? Erika fucked me all night? That woman was insatiable. It must have been around five o’clock before she allowed him to return to his room. That meant an hour’s nap, a quick shower, and a room service breakfast while he made the call to Jack Murphy. They...
Chapter 4: Resisting temptation The tension between Erika and Alistair had been palpable throughout the flight. Thomas had tried to ignore it, but Sally’s constant nudges in his ribs and her darting eyes in their direction made that impossible. Even the taxi ride to the Belfast City Hall had been awkward, so much so it had been a relief when Alistair and Erika separated to attend to individual matters that somehow had mysteriously appeared from nowhere. ‘What the hell is all that about?’...
Chapter 7: The race resumes The excitement in the afternoon air crackled like electricity. Erika nudged her raven-haired friend. ‘What do you think?’ Becky glanced at the blonde. What did she think? Other than not having seen much of Thomas lately, she thought that life was pretty much perfect. And she had Erika to thank. It was the blonde who’d found the gym. She’d negotiated the purchase on Becky’s behalf. They’d got it at a rock bottom price due to the Polish owner going bankrupt. It...
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Life is good. I’m not making tons of money or creating the most challenging projects, and that is okay, but my marriage is good, although the sex is marital sex. That means I have sex, but it isn’t wild and dangerous, passionate, frequent enough, nor do we do it with as much experimentation or variety as I want. But we still do it, and there is lot’s of it. We have read Open Marriage and talked about some of the possibilities of bringing another person into our sex life. I wonder a lot about...
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Political Suicide ******************* The thought of what had I done to myself had kept circulating in my head for the last year. I, Ken Tyler, had been the most successful conservative politician on the circuit, and had even been offered an invitation to run for the presidency for my party. Now looking down at myself, I only embody a transgendered liberal pushing for extreme social change. I no longer resemble the once cocky and powerful conservative that I once was, instead...
?Councilman Herb Snell spent the morning peering through a crack in the blinds of his office window watching cars pull in and out of the strip mall parking lot where his insurance agency was located. The appointment wasn?t until eleven but Herb wanted a jump on things.?Right on schedule, a silver Land Rover with two child safety seats in the back pulled into the lot. That would be her.?Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, Herb adjusted his toupee. He turned one way and then...
Polite and Respectful NephewBy: Londebaaz Chohan Felix was over-joyed to get his Driver’s License in the first attempt. He was about to be promoted as a senior in the high school. As promised, his parents put some money in for him to his savings and now Felix had his own car with the down payments and other fees and charges, the car dealers add on for their own living. In less than a week or two, the school closed and Felix decided to go visit his cousin Roger. They were related by way of their...
Nicole slowly opened her eyes and looked around the sparsely furnished room, sighed and wondered one more time if she had made the right decision. She scooted up in the old rickety wooden slated bed, leaning back against the headboard her back supported only by a single dingy yellow pillowcase. The movement to sit up caused the stiffly starched yellow-white sheet to slide down her body revealing her smallish breasts to the morning light that was streaming in through the broken Venetian blinds....
Wendy walked around my desk to stand next to me. She reached down started rubbing my cock. I told her, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” I felt myself getting hard as she kept rubbing me. Then she looked up at me and asked, “Just how big are you?” I have to admit, I have always felt that I was well endowed, being just a little over nine inches long and real thick, almost as thick as a ball bat. I replied to her, “Let me show you,” and I pulled my pants down slightly and pulled my...
I detest Family Politics. It’s like living in a soap opera that you can’t escape. But there are times when the pressures of the family can have some benefits if you look at it right. Madeline is the matriarch of my wife’s family. The old bird is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and a little more rich than William Randolph Hearst. She kept the purse strings pulled tight, dangling them over the heads of her children from the time they were born and always threatening to remove them from...
I detest Family Politics. It's like living in a soap opera that you can't escape. But there are times when the pressures of the family can have some benefits if you look at it right.Madeline is the matriarch of my wife's family. The old bird is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and a little more rich than William Randolph Hearst. She kept the purse strings pulled tight, dangling them over the heads of her children from the time they were born and always threatening to remove them from her...
AnalIn her job she has to wear certain clothes – white blouse and black skirt mid thigh together with black heels. So everyday I'm dressed exactly like that. Her company's office is in the very heart of New York but she is living on the outskirts of the city because She likes fresher air than it is in the centre. She has a car – BMW in colour of champagne in which she drives to her job everyday. One cloudy Friday morning she woke up and did her usual morning things – went to shower, ate...
Thanks to the knee doctor for editing assistance. It was lunchtime on Friday at the Peanut Bar. The Idiots Club meets here, once a week to share our miseries. The membership is not very impressive, just four middle age guys with one thing in common: our wives are each cheating on us. Bradley Cook, Ray Timmons, Karl Marshall, and myself, John Terrell, all went to high school together. We all married our high school sweethearts, and we all remained friends these past twenty years. Between the...
“You wish?” she said, as I saw a smile come to her face for the first time since this thing started. “Since you’ve left ‘shitforbrains, ‘ are you keeping his name or what?” I asked. She laughed so hard at my moniker for her ex, she had to pull over. “Yeah, for now – it’s a lot of trouble changing your name back, so I guess I’m Elizabeth Mendenhall for the short term. Thanks again for coming to get me, Ken – I owe you one!” “More than one, I think, sis!” I said. Back in Springfield, it...
“What did you just say?” Liz asked. “I asked you to marry me, that’s what?” I said, cumming inside her at that exact moment. “So, you think you can sink that bad boy inside me and just ask me to marry you?” “That’s called deflection, answer the question, Elizabeth?” I followed up. “Oh, god yes – I’ve loved you for so long, I couldn’t be happier even if I was filled to the brim with my brothers cum!” she said. “You are filled to the brim!” I said. “Couldn’t be happier – wanna go again,...
It was at the next meeting; Jeff Graham’s true colors appeared. The semi-rotund, self-effacing likeable guy became a mean-spirited person. “So, Jeff we got the list of things we’re dealing with, what do you want to talk about first?” I asked. “First, David – You can get off your soap-box about reducing taxes, and giving a raise to the police and teachers. We don’t have the money to give any raises unless we up the city sales tax by at least 25%?” Jeff said. “My wife Elizabeth, looked over...
The next morning, I went off to work at one of my consulting firms. My cell rang. “Hey honey, what’s up?” It was Liz. “You know that I gave you back all of those city ledgers a while back?” “Yeah, so?” “Well, I took pictures of the pages before I gave them back to you?” she said, sounding worried. “And?” “I found something really odd, when you come home later; I’ll explain it all OK?” she said confidently. “I love you!” I said. “I love you more, Davey!” she said sounding...
I went to one of my consultants for the day and the next couple of weeks went by without too much consternation. About a month later, at our day-before meeting, I brought up a new subject to Jeff. “Jennie Lee tells me that you are her Uncle!” I disclosed. “Yeah, I am – So what?” he responded curtly. “Whoa there, Jeff, I’m just trying to get to know you a little better, you don’t have to cut my head off?” I replied. “Sorry, David – Daniel, her father was a real SOB, including slapping her...
We met Jeff and his wife, Mary, who looked suspiciously like an older version of Jennie Lee, except a brunette, at the Sizzler Restaurant. During the course of the dinner, Lizzie accidentally knocked Mary’s plastic tumbler off the table, necessitating a new one. As surreptitiously as possible, Liz grabbed the tumbler, and placed it into her oversized purse. I’ve had her take that purse with us before to restaurants, so we could fill it with the bread you get, to save some money at home. That...
I've been reading stories on this site for a long time. I'm a bisexual male who would like share my first time experience. I was spending the summer at my uncles, helping out around his small farm as he was gone alot because his regular job was as an over the road trucker. I enjoyed the freedom I enjoyed staying with him. I lived in a small trailer with my mom and sister and it was crowded, not a lot of privacy. I enjoyed the guy time. Up to this time I had limited sexual activity. I had...
It involves (as the title should make clear) homelessness, so some de***********ions are purposely “gross” to set the scene. I feel it need warning. But I hope you see this as a story about love and instant connection as that is what happened. For them that like to read sex scenes scroll down, a bit of background at the beginning that I know isn’t everyone’s thing, but part two will be more focused on this. ********************** The rain rattled down against the windows of my workplace,...
The next day, we had an all day yacht cruise down the coast, basically to nowhere and back. I told the Captain when we boarded that we would be having massive amounts of sex while we were on board. He just asked us to keep out of the pilothouse and the engine room. In between enjoying some stunning views of the French Riviera and the Mediterranean Sea, I fucked Bunny, Baby, Greedy and Sweetcakes. I let Bunny fuck me. Baby and I napped together after lunch. Greedy sucked me, and the others,...
I read a new story called "Brand New Whores" a couple weeks ago. It was written by Softly. If you haven't found and read it, do so. I think you can enjoy this story without it, but reading it would make it more understandable. Briefly, a plant closes in a small North Carolina town, throwing everyone in town out of work. One family, Dad, Mom, their three daughters and their husbands, and the mother of one of the husbands are all out of work. They decide to start their own business, so they...
JASON Morning time. Again. Mornings haven’t been good to me lately and today was the worst. My bed felt nice and warm and my pillow extra comfy. It was a good consolation however my body was sore. I didn’t want to get out bed but the sun was coming in through the window and woke me up. I could feel Gracie’s presence here in my room. I could feel the warmth of her massive, to me, body. I was still laying down with my eyes closed. “Are we late for the play, Gracie?” I mumbled. “That was...
Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets tackled and raped The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where am i? he says. All of a sudden a sting...
Standing together my lips touch the top of your head, feeling the soft curls of your beautiful dark hair. Your curls tickle my nose as the smell of your hair engulfs my senses. My hand moves up your back and my fingers lightly touch the muscles at the top of your neck, thumb and forefinger moving up the back of your head I hold you to me. Your body surrenders to my touch, I feel you relax and you softly melt into my body; fully feeling you, so satisfying so comfortable, like being wrapped in a...
AnalWhile we haven't been too bold, we have gone out to dinner and movies and other recreational activities, but we generally stay close to home. Neither of us wants to take the chance of her getting caught or me being arrested. (Remember...Courtney is underaged and a runaway) I purchased several textbooks in hopes of learning just where Courtney's education level was and found her almost where she should be at her age. Now seventeen, Courtney would most likely be a high school junior...
Once we were back in the room, the girls insisted that Keith and I shower and change as they sat in the sitting area and talked. So with a shrug we each did that. I put on a pair of swim shorts I had and a tank top, and rejoined the girls. The girls had showered earlier, so Linda, Peggy, and Mandy all went into our bedroom together to get changed, and as soon as Keith returned in a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, Holly went off to do the same. I got the champagne out and set up the glasses...
It had been about a year that my affair with Emily, my black sexy girl ended. We lost track of each other but I always remembered how she was the sexiest woman I ever had. Emily called me out of the blue one night and asked if I was free that weekend as she had won a weekend at an upscale local hotel. It just so happened that my wife was going to be away so of course I said yes and told her I would see her around 6:00 Friday. I arrived at the room and knocked on the door. Emily opened it...
So that night at the party, everyone came, (as expected), including my girlfriend, Samantha. Now the only reason I am dating her is because of what happened that faithful day on the bus at the last day of school. I was in a really bad mood. By the time my friend Spencer got off the bus, I just wanted to get home. Right at that moment, Samantha moved and sat down right next to me. “What are you doing?” I asked. “I wanted to sit next to you.” She replied. “Why” I asked...
"Fuck you, Joshua! Don't you have any better sense than that?" Ertha cursed. She clasped the telephone in her hand restraining herself from cursing further. "Hey, don't get hot with me, Ertha! I can't help it he took her to a hotel." "The poor chick is in a nervous state. And it's your fault! Christ, now I don't know what to do with her!" She took the phone and walked down the hallway to the massage room, putting her ear to the door. Loud wet sounds emanated from...
Hold on, let me get this cork out of this champagne bottle! God, that’s a great sound, isn’t it? Here, give me your champagne flute. Nice. I love how that bubbles up to the top of the glass like that. Small bubbles is a sign of superior champagne, so they say. Alright. There we go. Hey Baby! Let’s raise our glasses of champagne together and toast the end of another year. Can you believe it? So many good things happened this year. We had a lot of fun. Like what? You mean the trip to Key West...
Lady Emogen stood in the accused's box facing the Judicator. Her chin was held high, but her eyes betrayed the anger and resentment she felt. The Praetor sat in the high throne, watching the proceedings, not speaking. His eyes ever moved over the assembled crowd. They were here to witness the trial, to see a noble brought low. Such was great entertainment for the commoners. Even if that noble was one very popular with most folk, always some few wished to see someone else's...
The following is a work of erotic fiction and includes scenes of sexual activity. It includes characters that are copyrighted by DC Comics. This story is intended for the non-commercial enjoyment of fans and should be considered a parody. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit will be made from the distribution of this story. It had been just over two years since the chorus had first echoed through the canyons of the city. Twenty-six months during which the simple four sentence...
Camille was a valuable general for Dai Shi. The possessor of the chameleon spirit, Camille served Dai Shi with her life. She had various sexy powers like shapeshifting, camouflaging into a wall like a chameleon, a poisonous tongue that could stretch out to some distance. She could transform into a green chameleon warrior suit that gave her two sais as weapons. The power rangers were a powerful force against the army of Dai Shi. They were always able to defeat the various monsters that were...
THE MIRROR OF FATE By M. L. Powers As I reflect on this story I find it hard to believe that it could ever be possible. However, I am living proof that it was in fact possible. My name is Tommy Gardener. Well more to the point, it was my name. It all began 7 years ago, one night when I was unable to sleep. I had these nights on occasion and usually ended up watching TV or reading in attempt to fall asleep. This night however, I figured I'd install the new CD pinball game...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am Anderson at the age of 18 a widow Mrs.chawla 34. My profession is painting. My mom loved my profession and I too loved her along with my interest in seeing her naked. I had interest in painting people with a good body shape. I have even drawn award winning paintings portraying the natural beauties of ladies and infact I am a specialist in this section. I could draw people’s body perfect and make them look like a photograph. For many years I have a...