Politics & Prejudice Ch. 01 free porn video

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The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

Part 1 – Prologue

Tuesday, May 17th. It was a second straight beautiful Spring day: cool in the morning, warm but not too hot in the afternoon, sunshine with just a few clouds in the sky. At 9:30am, I was driving to the University campus in my Police SUV, having just come out of a meeting with John Colby and Dagmar Schoen, both of the Town & County Council.

‘They’re going to do it tonight.’ said Colby, as we met in his business office on the north side of Town. ‘They’re going to use eminent domain to condemn the Junction Station Depot, then sell it to Thomas P. Cook’s company so he can put a hotel on the property.’

‘We’ve gone to the Press.’ said Schoen, ‘and they openly told us they won’t cover the story, nor anything that might hurt Thomas P. Cook politically. I can understand KSTD doing that, but not KXTC.’

‘Did you talk to the owner of KXTC, one Todd Burke?’ I asked.

‘Yes, I did.’ said Colby. ‘Todd was polite, but he said he didn’t want to dictate to KXTC what news to cover and not cover. Right now the Federal Government is really throwing their weight around, pushing against news outlets and trying to dictate what the Media can and cannot cover. To an extent, they can’t stop the Media completely, but when you watch how the Media, even Fox Cable, won’t cover certain scandals, won’t ask certain very obvious questions publicly, and do this for both political parties that are in bed with each other, you see what the issue is. They tried to shut down The Drudge Report, and that was the Establishment Republicans doing it. So I can understand Mr. Burke’s reticence to get involved.’

‘I see. The usual suspects at work, here.’ I said. ‘Okay, I’ll see if I can unleash the nuclear bomb against Thomas P. Cook, at least about the Junction Station Depot.’

As I drove down College Avenue, the dispatcher on Police radio said something about vandals at First Baptist Church. I headed on over.

First Baptist Church’s main front doors face south and face College Avenue. The building then stretches north, the old Chapel part facing north and Elm Street, which becomes the northern line of the Courthouse Square (College Avenue is the southern line, and Riverside Drive the western border). I came up along Elm towards the Bus Station, seeing a Police cruiser already parked in the Church’s back parking lot.

‘Well, hello, Commander.’ said Sergeant Rudistan with great joviality. He and Sr. Patrolman Morton had just apprehended two ten year old boys, Davie Marsdon, and Timmy Austin. Davie was something of a troublemaker, and Timmy was a follower. ‘We just found these two boys trying to get under First Baptist Church.’

‘I’d say you caught them coming out, from the looks of the dirt on their pants.’ I said. the boys grew wide-eyed as they realized who they were now dealing with. ‘And I see that Davie Marsdon is one of the boys.’

‘The usual suspect in a case like this.’ said Rudistan jovially. He’d ‘handled’ cases involving Marsdon a few times before.

‘Okay, guys,’ I said, ‘I’ll handle this one. Y’all can hang loose in your car while I talk with these guys on this bench here.’ I had the boys sit down on a bench on the church lawn.

‘Okay, boys,’ I said, ‘less than one week out of school, and you’re already in trouble with me. So why are you prowling around inside a church? It’s a good thing Pastor Westboro is out of Town. God Himself might be watching you, though.’

‘We weren’t going to hurt anything, Mr. Crowbar. Honest!’ said Davie Marsdon. ‘We weren’t going to steal anything, either.’

‘So why were you in there?’ I asked.

‘We were just looking around, exploring.’ said Timmy Austin. He had blonde hair, sort of ash-blonde like Henry Wargrave’s hair had been. No facial resemblance, though.

‘So how did you get in there?’ I asked.

‘There’s a secret passage.’ said Davie in a conspiratorial voice.

‘Okay, show me.’ I said. We went to the west side wall of the church, where the Fellowship Hall was the 2nd floor, and offices underneath. Davie showed me where what looked like a panel of the foundational wall was really a concealed door. The plank moved back enough to let them through.

I peered inside with my flashlight and saw where some ground was dug out. Just above was the floor with pipes coming through.

‘Okay, I see what this is.’ I said. ‘The main heating unit is just above there. They used this door to get to it when they installed it, and left it in case they had to go under there and fix it.’

‘Yes sir.’ said Timmy. ‘There’s a hole that we climbed through, up into the Utility Room. Then we just went out the door to the hallway.’

‘Okay.’ I said. ‘Boys, I want you to do me two favors. First, promise me you will not trespass this way into the church again. If you make that promise, I won’t have to say anything to your parents.’ The boys promised.

‘Second,’ I said, ‘don’t tell anyone else about this… unless I ask you to. Okay?’

‘Yes sir.’ both boys said simultaneously.

‘Okay, you two move along, and don’t give my officers any more trouble, y’hear?’ The boys got out of there as fast as their legs would carry them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My next stop was the office of my favorite University Professor, and the most beautiful woman in the world, at least to my biased opinion. I had called ahead, and Laura was expecting me. The kids were in the back room.

I explained the situation with the Junction Station Depot. ‘I think I have an idea how to stop Thomas P. Cook cold on that one.’ I said. ‘That is, if you wouldn’t mind pulling a few strings really hard for me.’

‘Oh, that will be no problem, Darling.’ Laura said. She made a few phone calls…

Part 2 – First Salvo

The public session of the Town & County Council meeting was going on at City Hall, with Pastor Westboro’s absence excused. First the lawsuits against the County were served and processed, this was usually just a formality. Then citizens would address the Council on certain issues. Then the Council would take up certain bills, with some debate. Everyone who was anyone knew that the real debates had already occurred.

So when a very tall redheaded man in a suit and tie approached the podium to address the Council publicly, there was more than a few surprised people.

‘My name is Donald Troy.’ I said. ‘I am here–‘

‘With respect, Commander Troy,’ said the Mayor, ‘as the Police Commander, you hardly need to approach the Council this way. I would gladly have taken your phone call…’

‘Thank you, Mr. Mayor.’ I said. ‘I am here simply as a Citizen today, and also as a representative of the Town & County Historical Society, as Mrs. Myrtle James’s stand-in. Unfortunately, Mrs. James is feeling a bit under the weather.

‘We’re sorry to hear that.’ said Jack Colby. ‘So what do you have for us, Commander?’

I said ‘ I am here to formally serve this notice from the National Park Service of the Federal Government. They are formally considering placing the Junction Station Depot on the National Register of Historic Places. As such, it will have to be preserved, and so any plans to sell it, or condemn it under eminent domain would be met with a Federal Court issuing a stay enjoining such action, until the Park Service has made its determination.’ The formal paper was served.
I could see out of the corner of my eye that Thomas P. Cook and Kelly Carnes were both looking at me with faces that betrayed their pure hatred. By way of contrast, Dagmar Schoen could hardly keep from laughing, and she could not hide a huge grin.

‘Well, that’s very interesting.’ said the Mayor, also with something of a grin on his face. ‘It would be of great historical import for our County if the Depot were indeed so honored. Thank you for bringing this to us, Commander.’

With that, I left. Interestingly enough, the scheduled vote on the Junction Station Depot was not brought up.

‘Let us retire now into executive session,’ said the Mayor, ‘to hear other business involving County personnel…’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘How in the world…’ he said as he sipped his drink.

‘Sir?’ asked the lovely Sinon, also sipping the rare and expensive sherry that he had shared with her.

‘How in the world was that man able to not only find out about the takeover of the Depot, but to stop it that quickly by having the Federal Government put it on the National Register of Historic Places?’

‘They’re just considering it, sir.’

‘No, no, they’re pretending to take time with it, but I happen to know it’s going to happen.’ he said. He shook his head. ‘He’s starting to get ahead of us now, to anticipate us. That’s very, very bad.’

‘Maybe he was just lucky this time.’ the lovely Sinon said. ‘Colby and Schoen told him about it, he has plenty of contacts in the Federal Government, including the one he sleeps with every night, so he stops us in our tracks before we could move on it.’

‘Maybe.’ he said. ‘And then there’s what happened to Sharples. My God, what a brilliantly neat trap. Sharples headed to possible execution, Dick Ferrell needing my help to avoid being prosecuted himself, and Jack Lewis on the verge of being annihilated in the Election in November.’

‘You won’t hear me complaining about that one. About Sharples, that is.’ said the lovely Sinon.

‘No, he was a fat buffoon, and it’s good he’s out of our way.’ he said.

‘Do you not fear what Sharples might say about you?’ she asked.

‘Harrumph.’ he said. ‘Sharples knows little. He can’t harm me. In fact, it would almost be better if he did say something. Then all of the work done by the Iron Crowbar to put me in the dock… will be for nothing. I’ll slip out of his nets, and *POOF!* be gone…’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that night, my personal cellphone rang. Bowser barked angrily, despite my reassurances that it was not an intruder alert at the Cabin.

‘Troy.’ I said as I answered it.

‘This is Jack Colby.’ said Colby. ‘I wanted to give you a heads-up. The Junction Station Depot might’ve been a feint. They pulled a surprise on us in the executive session… they voted to sell the property the Community Center is on…’

Part 3 – Pushback

‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!’ shouted the lovely reporter from in front of City Hall at 7:00am, Wednesday, May 18th. ‘Channel Two News has learned that a plan by the Town & County Council to condemn the historic Junction Station Depot by eminent domain, and sell it to Northwest Properties Development Corporation, was stymied when the National Park Service served notice that the Depot is a candidate to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places. With that knowledge, the Council took no action last night. However, they did vote to consider selling the Community Center property.’

‘In other news, our competitor KSTD filed a lawsuit against the Police Department after their credentials were pulled and they were denied access to Police Headquarters and all Police properties. Legal experts are evenly divided on who will prevail in this matter.’

‘And in political news,’ said Bettina, her smile fading somewhat, ‘with the news of the attempted murder of a Police Officer by SBI Agent ‘Sergeant’ Sharples, the overall trust of the People in the SBI has fallen to a low of 27%, according to Karl Frazier of Public Policy Polling. This is beginning to affect the race for Governor, as Val Jared has taken a 50-42 lead over SBI Director Jack Lewis. In local races, District Attorney Gil Krasney holds a 51-47 lead over challenger Jenna Stiles.’

‘Wow,’ said Cindy as she and I headed back to my office after the newscast, ‘an SBI Agent tries to murder you, and Jack Lewis is still even alive in this race?’

‘I’ll make a prediction.’ I said. ‘As people forget about this in the next month, Lewis’s numbers will go back up. He may even win the race.’

‘Well,’ Cindy said, ‘at least Jenna is still holding on, so far.’ Her eyes showed that she was mentally far away from here.

‘Have you seen her or talked to her lately?’ I asked. Cindy shook her head ‘no’.

‘She’s either in her campaign office, or meeting with potential donors, or giving speeches.’ Cindy said. ‘I took her some of your mom’s medicinal soup, as she looked like she was not eating well. I think it helped, her next speech was pretty fiery. But we didn’t get to talk… and I don’t think she really wanted to.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As Dagmar Schoen walked across Courthouse Square, she saw Thomas P. Cook coming seemingly out of nowhere and essentially chase her down.

‘I want to talk to you.’ Cook snarled.

‘Make an appointment with my office.’ said Schoen. She attempted to walk around Cook, but he moved to block her path.

‘I’m going to tell you something, bitch.’ he said. ‘You keep fucking with my plans, and something ugly is going to happen to you.’

‘Is that a threat?’ Dagmar asked.

‘You damn straight it is.’ Cook said, his face ugly, his voice filled with menace. ‘I’m tired of little whores like you trying to stop my good and legal business ventures. You think you’re playing it straight, you think you’re playing it high and mighty like the Iron Crowbar, but you’re going to find out what’s real.’

‘We’re done here.’ Schoen said, again trying to move past Cook. He again blocked her path, and all but pushed her back.

‘We’re done when *I* say we’re done, you little whore.’ Cook hissed. ‘Let me tell you something, I’ve got the goods on you and Colby. All the neat pictures of you and him fucking around on your spouses. Now you better start behaving, or your husband will get a copy of those pictures…’

Dagmar tried again to move around Cook. When he moved to block her, she yelled at the top of her lungs ‘GET OUT OF MY WAY! THIS MAN IS BLOCKING MY PATH! CALL THE POLICE!’

‘You fucking idiot bitch—‘ Cook started, but he noticed that twelve old people had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and were beginning to surround him and Dagmar.

‘Is there a problem here, Mrs. Schoen?’ asked Mrs. Williams.

‘Yes, this man is accosting me and won’t let me through.’ said Schoen.

‘I would suggest, Mr. Cook, that you stop harassing Mrs. Schoen,’ ordered Mrs. Veasley, wheeling up at high speed in her wheelchair, ‘or there will be serious trouble.’

‘And what are you going to do from that wheelchair, you old bitch?’ snarled Cook. He seemed ready for physical violence.

Suddenly everything seemed to get quiet. Cook turned around to see someone who was not wheelchair-bound, was well-armed with a red crowbar, and had a badge to back it up.

‘Is there a problem here, Colonel Veasley?’ I asked, using Mrs. Veasley’s old Army rank, she’d had to retire as a Lieutenant Colonel with her war wounds.

‘No, there’s no problem here, Troy.’ said Cook, trying to wrest control of the situation away from me. ‘Shouldn’t you be at work catching criminals instead of hanging around the Square with these old farts?’

‘I *am* at work, catching one criminal right now.’ I said. ‘Physically assaulting Ms. Schoen is bad enough. Using your Council seat and eminent domain to get sweetheart deals to enrich your own pockets… that’s corru
ption, and really bad. I don’t like corrupt politicians, Mr. Cook.’

‘You tell him, Iron Crowbar!’ shouted one old man that had come up in a wheelchair. He was a war veteran, and he looked like he could use that cane of his as a weapon as formidable as a crowbar.

‘Are you accusing me of a crime?’ growled Cook. ‘You better have some damn solid proof of that, or I will barbecue your ass!’

‘Believe me, Mr. Cook.’ I said. ‘Your day of reckoning is near. And if I hear even a whisper of something happening to Ms. Schoen, then I’m going to beat you down with this crowbar and ask questions about it later. Ohhhhh, I almost forgot… yesssss… there’s that little trick you pulled in executive session, voting to put up the Community Center property for sale.’

‘What?!?!’ came a chorus of old people.

‘Oh yeah, tell them about that, Cook.’ I said. ‘And how you tried to do it secretly, too. Ms. Schoen voted against it, but you pushed it hard and the others voted for it.’

‘If you know about that, you and someone have broken the law.’ said Cook. ‘What’s in executive session is secret.’

‘Bullshit.’ said Dagmar Schoen. ‘It’s part of the public record, only personnel names are redacted. And that should not have been in executive session, anyway.’

‘We’ll see.’ said Cook. ‘As for you, Troy, you mind your own fucking business, or you won’t be employed here any longer.’

‘Is that a promise for me to hold you to, or a threat to be ignored?’ I asked. The red crowbar was tapping in my hand. Cook was stymied, and he walked away from me, towards City Hall. The old people were laughing as Dagmar thanked me.

‘Keep your eyes peeled and your head on a swivel.’ I told her. ‘Tell Colby that, too, Cook is like a cornered, wounded tiger. There is no telling what he will permit himself to do.’

‘And thank you, ladies and gentlemen.’ said Dagmar.

‘Think nothing of it.’ said Mrs. Veasley. ‘We are always ready to help young ladies from bad men. But is it true about the Community Center property?’

‘Yes.’ I said. ‘But don’t worry, I have ideas for stopping that. And I do think you for standing up for Councilwoman Schoen.’ I was looking at the old man who had wheeled, up, seeing his American Legion hat.

‘Mr. Davis,’ I said to the ancient man in the wheelchair, ‘weren’t you one of the Paratroopers that jumped behind the lines on D-Day?’

‘Aw, that’s nothing.’ he growled dismissively. ‘I’ve forgotten about all that stuff.’

‘I haven’t.’ I said. I brought my hand up to the brim of my hat in a crisp salute. ‘All the way and then some, Paratrooper Davis!’

The parakeets fluttered as Mr. Davis returned the salute. ‘Airborne, Paratrooper Troy!’ he said. ‘I can tell you are a man who respects what soldiers do.’ He then extended his hand and I shook it.

‘I was one, once. ‘ I said. ‘Didn’t have to do what you did, though. Why don’t we go to the Community Center. I want to hear about that day.’

‘Well, I’ll tell you about it.’ said Mr. Davis. We went to the Community Center, Dagmar Schoen making sure to come and hear this, as well as all of Mr. Davis’s elderly friends. He never talked about his war experiences, but for the next two hours we listened with avid attention to some serious history from the perspective of one of its participants…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘There sure are a lot of old people out there.’ he said as he finished his salad at a bistro on the south side of Courthouse Square.

‘Yes, there are.’ said Katherine Woodburn, sitting with him, looking through the glass of the shop. ‘The weather’s getting better, so they come out of their little Community Center and hang out on the Square.’

‘There were a lot this morning, too.’ he said. ‘Sprang out of nowhere at the first sign of an altercation, had it surrounded in no time. Do you not find that interesting, Senator?’

‘I was more interested in knowing that the Iron Crowbar showed up with amazing speed.’ said Katherine. ‘Seemed to be very ready to start some trouble, too.’

‘Yezzzz…’ he said. ‘Well, I shall take even greater delight in kicking their ancient arses out of the Community Center, and selling that property for a lot of money… or developing it for even more money.’

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Politics of ControlChapter 3

Finally, she pulled back, her lips wet and shiny with her saliva and my pre-come. Her eyes were afire with fresh lust as she sat up and kissed me deeply. I could taste myself on her lips, and no matter how much I might have wanted to come in her mouth, I knew that her pussy would be much more enjoyable, for both of us. Kate continued to stroke my erection as I looked for my jeans. She saw me looking around and nodded towards the door to the laundry room. "It's over there," she said. I...

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Political Correctness

Political Correctness The Politics The political context of this story is important and increasingly real. Depending on your proclivities it may offer hope or despair or perhaps fantasy will become reality. I will leave you to judge. The UK Government seemed to be attracting more and more politicians who wanted to impose theoretical principles and social engineering techniques on its unsuspecting population. It was doing this whilst disregarding issues of infrastructure, good...

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Political Necessity

Politically Necessity By Trish. There are many ways to annoy the authorities with out breaking the law. Demonstrations, petitions, newspaper letter campaigns, asking MP's awkward questions in public, the list is endless but Rabbit inadvertently went too far and now everyone wanted him. The opposition wanted to parade him as the hero who hacked Number 10 and made public the proof that the government colluded in ballot fraud during the EU referendum. The law were after him because the...

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Polite Society

Sociology students take at least one course in social deviance, I took that course as well. Now, many years later, I am a social deviant writing sexually explicit stories, and you, dear readers, are being socially deviant as well. You see, what we do on explicit web sites is still outside the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. Even though the boundaries are much more broad in contemporary society, the content of these stories is the imaginative fantasy of the writer and most often a...

3 years ago
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Political Suicide Part 1

Political Suicide ******************* The thought of what had I done to myself had kept circulating in my head for the last year. I, Ken Tyler, had been the most successful conservative politician on the circuit, and had even been offered an invitation to run for the presidency for my party. Now looking down at myself, I only embody a transgendered liberal pushing for extreme social change. I no longer resemble the once cocky and powerful conservative that I once was, instead...

4 years ago
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Political Fortune

?Councilman Herb Snell spent the morning peering through a crack in the blinds of his office window watching cars pull in and out of the strip mall parking lot where his insurance agency was located. The appointment wasn?t until eleven but Herb wanted a jump on things.?Right on schedule, a silver Land Rover with two child safety seats in the back pulled into the lot. That would be her.?Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, Herb adjusted his toupee. He turned one way and then...

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Polite and Respectful Nephew

Polite and Respectful NephewBy: Londebaaz Chohan Felix was over-joyed to get his Driver’s License in the first attempt. He was about to be promoted as a senior in the high school. As promised, his parents put some money in for him to his savings and now Felix had his own car with the down payments and other fees and charges, the car dealers add on for their own living. In less than a week or two, the school closed and Felix decided to go visit his cousin Roger. They were related by way of their...

2 years ago
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Political Aspirations

Nicole slowly opened her eyes and looked around the sparsely furnished room, sighed and wondered one more time if she had made the right decision. She scooted up in the old rickety wooden slated bed, leaning back against the headboard her back supported only by a single dingy yellow pillowcase. The movement to sit up caused the stiffly starched yellow-white sheet to slide down her body revealing her smallish breasts to the morning light that was streaming in through the broken Venetian blinds....

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Political ReElection

Wendy walked around my desk to stand next to me. She reached down started rubbing my cock. I told her, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” I felt myself getting hard as she kept rubbing me. Then she looked up at me and asked, “Just how big are you?” I have to admit, I have always felt that I was well endowed, being just a little over nine inches long and real thick, almost as thick as a ball bat. I replied to her, “Let me show you,” and I pulled my pants down slightly and pulled my...

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Political Maneuvers

I detest Family Politics. It’s like living in a soap opera that you can’t escape. But there are times when the pressures of the family can have some benefits if you look at it right. Madeline is the matriarch of my wife’s family. The old bird is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and a little more rich than William Randolph Hearst. She kept the purse strings pulled tight, dangling them over the heads of her children from the time they were born and always threatening to remove them from...

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Political Maneuvers

I detest Family Politics. It's like living in a soap opera that you can't escape. But there are times when the pressures of the family can have some benefits if you look at it right.Madeline is the matriarch of my wife's family. The old bird is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun and a little more rich than William Randolph Hearst. She kept the purse strings pulled tight, dangling them over the heads of her children from the time they were born and always threatening to remove them from her...

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Political Journalist

In her job she has to wear certain clothes – white blouse and black skirt mid thigh together with black heels. So everyday I'm dressed exactly like that. Her company's office is in the very heart of New York but she is living on the outskirts of the city because She likes fresher air than it is in the centre. She has a car – BMW in colour of champagne in which she drives to her job everyday. One cloudy Friday morning she woke up and did her usual morning things – went to shower, ate...

1 year ago
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Political Affiliation

Thanks to the knee doctor for editing assistance. It was lunchtime on Friday at the Peanut Bar. The Idiots Club meets here, once a week to share our miseries. The membership is not very impressive, just four middle age guys with one thing in common: our wives are each cheating on us. Bradley Cook, Ray Timmons, Karl Marshall, and myself, John Terrell, all went to high school together. We all married our high school sweethearts, and we all remained friends these past twenty years. Between the...

3 years ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 2

“You wish?” she said, as I saw a smile come to her face for the first time since this thing started. “Since you’ve left ‘shitforbrains, ‘ are you keeping his name or what?” I asked. She laughed so hard at my moniker for her ex, she had to pull over. “Yeah, for now – it’s a lot of trouble changing your name back, so I guess I’m Elizabeth Mendenhall for the short term. Thanks again for coming to get me, Ken – I owe you one!” “More than one, I think, sis!” I said. Back in Springfield, it...

1 year ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 3

“What did you just say?” Liz asked. “I asked you to marry me, that’s what?” I said, cumming inside her at that exact moment. “So, you think you can sink that bad boy inside me and just ask me to marry you?” “That’s called deflection, answer the question, Elizabeth?” I followed up. “Oh, god yes – I’ve loved you for so long, I couldn’t be happier even if I was filled to the brim with my brothers cum!” she said. “You are filled to the brim!” I said. “Couldn’t be happier – wanna go again,...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 4

It was at the next meeting; Jeff Graham’s true colors appeared. The semi-rotund, self-effacing likeable guy became a mean-spirited person. “So, Jeff we got the list of things we’re dealing with, what do you want to talk about first?” I asked. “First, David – You can get off your soap-box about reducing taxes, and giving a raise to the police and teachers. We don’t have the money to give any raises unless we up the city sales tax by at least 25%?” Jeff said. “My wife Elizabeth, looked over...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 5

The next morning, I went off to work at one of my consulting firms. My cell rang. “Hey honey, what’s up?” It was Liz. “You know that I gave you back all of those city ledgers a while back?” “Yeah, so?” “Well, I took pictures of the pages before I gave them back to you?” she said, sounding worried. “And?” “I found something really odd, when you come home later; I’ll explain it all OK?” she said confidently. “I love you!” I said. “I love you more, Davey!” she said sounding...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 6

I went to one of my consultants for the day and the next couple of weeks went by without too much consternation. About a month later, at our day-before meeting, I brought up a new subject to Jeff. “Jennie Lee tells me that you are her Uncle!” I disclosed. “Yeah, I am – So what?” he responded curtly. “Whoa there, Jeff, I’m just trying to get to know you a little better, you don’t have to cut my head off?” I replied. “Sorry, David – Daniel, her father was a real SOB, including slapping her...

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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 7

We met Jeff and his wife, Mary, who looked suspiciously like an older version of Jennie Lee, except a brunette, at the Sizzler Restaurant. During the course of the dinner, Lizzie accidentally knocked Mary’s plastic tumbler off the table, necessitating a new one. As surreptitiously as possible, Liz grabbed the tumbler, and placed it into her oversized purse. I’ve had her take that purse with us before to restaurants, so we could fill it with the bread you get, to save some money at home. That...

4 years ago
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The Device Explains it All

Writer's note: I am very sorry about how long it has been since the last part of the story. I had to concentrate elsewhere and am just now able to look at this again. I also started writing stuff that is not specifically TG fiction. If you want to read it I have a deviant art now at mac006.deviantart.com. I hope you enjoy this part of the story, I hopefully answered all your questions. If I didn't, I don't know, make a message board page asking questions, I will check it to see if there...

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The Pool GirlChapter 8

My alarm wasn’t set for the weekends but I woke a few minutes after six and the summer sun was already bright through the window. Usually, I got up right away, seeing no reason to lie around. This morning I was delighted to see Melissa’s hair spread around her sleeping face. I grabbed my phone and moved the camera to exclude any of her nudity but took a picture of her face and hair. I felt a little weird taking one when she was asleep but she was too beautiful to not capture it. It had woken...

2 years ago
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The Sight of Her Legs

He saw the brown-haired girl sitting at the front. She was the only girl in the room wearing shorts, and her legs were perfect. Her skin appeared so soft and smooth that he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the long shining limbs of perfection. She had on a blue sweater above it, a sweater with a gold zipper drawing a beeline to her bright red lips. He wondered what it would be like to kiss those bright red lips, gaze into those shining blue eyes, stroke those legs, caress that...

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Cinema aftermath pt7

With my hand on her inner thigh I now reached the hem of her skirt. I leaned across to risk another look at her husband. He was totally gone, his mouth wide open. I just hoped he wouldn't start snoring. I looked at Anne. Even though she was still looking at the screen I wasn't sure how much of the film she was seeing as her eyes appeared to be glazed over.I slipped my hand higher, hooking her skirt with my thumb and taking it up with me. And then I gasped. I had just touched a suspender belt...

3 years ago
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Sex With Named Preeti Sinha 8211 Part II

Hello Friends, I am Krrishna again With my Very new Real Story with a Beautiful woman named Preeti, Preeti Sinha, She is also a ISS Reader, I Got Lots Of My Mails Regarding My Last Story “Sex Act with Mamta Rawat”, I Am So Happy To Getting Your Lovely and Sexy Response, Main Aap Sabhi Ka Tahe Dil Se Shukriya Ada Karna Chahta Hoon Jo Aapne Meri Story Padhi Aur Mujhe Mail Kiya.Thanks thanks thanksss Thank you very Very Much! On 30th August 2010, Monday Main Rozana Ki Tarah apne E-Mails Check Kar...

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My New Car Drunkard Friend And Someone

It was 12:00 am. I was waiting anxiously for my friends and parents to come and wish me. I was acting as if I was asleep, as I always liked the surprise which I used to get for my birthdays. This being my 21st birthday it was really special for me. Heard my mom trying to wake me up. “Keerthi beta, Keerthi beta, please get up, we have a surprise for you”. I, acting as if I just got up from sleep, rubbed my eyes and asked my mom why she woke me up at this time of the night. She immediately kissed...

1 year ago
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Rodney Rules part 2

I reached out for your hand, and you helped me out of the car. The pull toward you is undeniable, irrefutable. I am going to see this through and not because I merely want to. It is more a need, a screaming from my soul. I have to see this through, to determine what this craving is all about. You led me up the two steps and we entered a very nice ranch styled home. It is definitely male décor with lots of oversized leather furniture. You grabbed me by the nape of my neck and pulled me...

4 years ago
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Bodyshifters Universe the Audition

Carmen sneered. "Amateurs!" She muttered as she surveyed the competition. She was standing on the doorstep of a cozy, suburban middle-class house that had recently seen massive and expansive renovation to add new rooms. A sure fire clue that the competition would be fierce. "And what makes YOU so special?" snarled one of her competitors, a midnight-haired, tattooed beauty in a red string bikini. A tattoo of two lovers embracing on her taut abs seemed to move as she spoke, the inked lovers...

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Andy TaylorChapter 4

The doorbell rang at eight-thirty the next morning and Kelly went to answer it. Opening the door, she saw two beautiful young women, one with brown hair and the other with the most gorgeous auburn hair she had ever seen. The redhead extended her hand and said, "Kelly? I'm Ginger Conrad and this is Sandy Harris. We've been sent out from Los Angeles to help with a couple of things." When Kelly shook hands, she was very pleasantly surprised at the strength in the two women's grips. Just...

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My Roommate is a Slut

Katie is a slut; that's not a judgement, just an objective observation. If you asked her if she was she'd admit it, after she pulled whomever's genitals were in her mouth out first of course. I wasn't exactly aware of the depth of her slutiness when we first met months ago and agreed to move in together, but it wasn't long before I started getting a good idea. She was bringing home different people every night it seemed like. She occasionally got into relationships but they didn't seem to last...

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BOATING FUN chapter 10

Laying in my arms, Diane was sleeping peacefully. I fondled her pussy and tits gently and almost absently. Slowly running my fingers into her hot hole, I felt her stir and rub against me tighter. Soon she was very wet and my hand started to slip up into her. Although her cunt was naturally tight, I knew that it could take an amazingly large object without causing her discomfort. In fact, I had double fucked her with several different men, filled her with cum, licked it clean and even put my...

1 year ago
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Nick travels to Europe

My buddy Nick has been the centerpeice of the majority of my postings. There is a reason for this, the kid is not like the rest of us. He is one of those people, guy or girl, who seems to live for lack of a better phrase a "charmed life". He is smart, charming and great looking. That description doesn't even do him justice but I will try to add to it as I describe this encounter. As I've mentioned in the past, Nick has it all. He's 6'-2" tall, natrually dark skin (he's Italian), great teeth and...

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Skittish Kitten

This story may not be copied to or posted on any site without my express permission. —000— The townhouse I was living in had a large kitchen window opening out onto a large grassy area, with a few trees for shade. There was another townhouse just across the grassy area that had been sold a couple of weeks earlier. I had seen a very pretty woman moving in the previous weekend, with a lot of help from several men and women. I didn’t intrude at the time, as I thought that there was enough...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 09

IX ‘If someone could give you a pill’ By the time Wendy came home my batteries were thoroughly recharged and we headed straight upstairs for the usual mindblowing fuck. Later on, when she finally made it to the front room, she looked dismayed at the horrible mark on the carpet. (I had tried to do something about it before she came back, but with only limited success.) I told her I had spilt something. ‘What on earth was it?’ she asked. I decided to try the power of FUCK once more. ‘Don’t...

3 years ago
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All in Poke Her

All-In Poke-HerHe sat watching her through his dark sunglasses, acting as if he was trying to get a read out of the woman who was across from him. After the flop had fallen, she had immediately moved all in when the two aces fell. As she did so, she leaned forward to stare him down as the only other player in the hand. When she had leaned forward, her arms squeezed her massive breasts together, causing them to swell over the top of her low cut shirt. This easily garnered the attention of...

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Hot Sister Fulfilled Brother8217s Fantasy

I always had an incestuous feeling about my own younger sister. She’s really beautiful. Fair complexioned, a figure to starve for, tall (5′10″) which even make her figure to die for, proper distribution of weight in her body at right places. Everything that any man could wish for his dream girl. I was having incestuous feeling but more than that I had cuckold feeling (though cuckold word is used for the wife. I don’t have any other word to use) for her. This is my real sex story. I always...

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RookiesChapter 19

With Shiggie three-fourths of the way out of the closet, life in the locker room became difficult. Pitchers are, at best, something of a breed apart in the professional baseball clubhouse. The everyday players tend to hold them a little at arm's length, as if they're not really fully included in the concept of "team". Shiggie, with his language barrier to carry around, had always been something of an outsider anyway. There were many Latin ballplayers on the club, and language was...

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A warm bath of love

Summer is petite and thin, quite tall, with long, long legs, and black, curly hair that messily shakes around her beautiful features, her smile, and amber eyes. She smiles, biting her lover's ear, joyously biting him, moaning, breathing heavy, her breath on her lover's face. She smiles, gripping his short hair in her hand, pumping back and forth, and moaning loudly, with smiles and joy. "I love you, baby," she says, "ahh, ahh, ahh," she moans into his ear, wet with her kisses and biting. She...


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