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Chapter 7: The race resumes
The excitement in the afternoon air crackled like electricity. Erika nudged her raven-haired friend. ‘What do you think?’
Becky glanced at the blonde. What did she think? Other than not having seen much of Thomas lately, she thought that life was pretty much perfect. And she had Erika to thank.
It was the blonde who’d found the gym. She’d negotiated the purchase on Becky’s behalf. They’d got it at a rock bottom price due to the Polish owner going bankrupt. It was perfect for Becky’s needs, with very little work required other than a complete repainting, some cosmetic changes to the layout, and the purchase of some state of the art gym equipment.
Even the idea to combine an aerobics studio with a gym had been Erika’s brainwave. So was the girl the blonde had recommended as Manager for the gym side. And as Lucille was working for a small percentage of the gym profits, she wasn’t costing Rebecca a single penny.
The formal opening was scheduled for next Monday. The rest of the gym equipment would arrive by then. But the ‘staged’ opening today provided the media and the BBC TV London News Channel with a sneak preview of what was on offer. And it was superb publicity for the new studio.
Again, thanks to Erika’s contacts.
Inside the studio, Rebecca’s regulars were scattered across the wooden workout floor, grateful for the invitation and delighted for their chance to be seen on television. Just about every single one of them had pledged to follow her to her new base and today provided concrete evidence of their commitment.
In keeping with the occasion, the variety of gym wear usually on show had been replaced with new, sexy, leotards specially purchased for their TV appearance. Even the scruffiest of her clientele had made an extra effort today. It bode well for the future!
‘It’s so exciting,’ the Brazilian woman answered, crossing her arms over her chest as if hugging herself in congratulation. Her eyes focused on the large sign hanging so impressively over the entrance lobby.
It was simple. It was perfect!
Two o’clock wasn’t the best time to force a sandwich down his throat, but it was Alistair’s first chance to eat since his arrival this morning. His six thirty start had been even earlier than usual.
The morning of press interviews had gone well. Putting a different spin on the same points over and over again was a skill all good politicians had. Alistair was just a little better at it than others. He’d made sure he seemed sympathetic to Mary O’Leary accusations, despite the constant attempts to provoke a more severe reaction.
The bottom line was that he was back in the race and now, his thoughts were focused on Glasgow.
Once he’d completed a couple of television interviews, he’d meet Katie for their early evening flight. It was a relief that Erika was catching a later flight. The last thing he wanted was for her to make uncomfortable Katie by bombarding with questions. Though his ex-girlfriend really was being exceptionally understanding about all this. Hell, she’d even booked a suite for him and Katie!!
Hmmm, something didn’t feel quite right, though he couldn’t put his finger on it. Nor did he have time to think about it.
He’d just put the phone down following his call to Brian Sterling. The conversation had been surprisingly tense. It seemed clear that Sterling didn’t approve of him taking Katie away to Glasgow, no matter how much he tried to justify what he was doing.
Still, that conversation was behind him now. He’d thanked Brian for all his support, and now he could move forward.
Thomas’s suggestion that they ‘blow’ the whole million that Guus Kessen was donating on television ads made a lot of sense. Okay, the money hadn’t arrived yet, but he’d asked Thomas to chase the multi-millionaire immediately after the Election.
They’d flood the television stations with ads over the next two days. Newspapers, too. On the back of withdrawal of the Mary O’Leary accusations, the carefully focused ads would help attract as many of the ‘undecideds’ as they could.
‘You’ll get indigestion, eating that quickly,’ Sally told him with a smile, breaking his thoughts as she bustled into his office.
The black politician nodded, wiping his mouth with a paper serviette. ‘True, but right now I don’t care,’ he told her, with a huge grin. ‘Got any chocolate?’
The redhead laughed. ‘Alistair, do you think any girl’s going to be willing to share her chocolate? I do love you, but not that much!’
He smiled back. ‘I’ve just been through these ads,’ he said, nodding at the papers on his desk. ‘It’s a great idea to back up the TV commercials with newspaper ads. Especially those.’
Sally grinned. ‘You like?’
He didn’t just like. He loved! The ‘attack’ on Labour seemed like anything but, and clearly got the message over that there was only one party to be trusted. But it was his positioning that hit the spot. It was sublime, making him appear to have the same presence, wisdom and charisma of an early-elected Tony Blair, or dare one say a Barrack Obama. They’d pulled out all the stops!
‘Perfect. Almost.’ He gave another one of those smiles, his white teeth gleaming. ‘I’ve marked a couple of changes, otherwise let’s get going with them. Every second counts.’
That was it, decision made. Guus Kessen had donated a million. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.
Deborah Barr had led the way, the tall brunette one of the most recognisable TV presenters in the City. The mobile television crew had been half an hour late, but at least they were here now. The slim presenter had been all business from the moment they’d arrived. She’d ensured her people had set themselves up properly, and briefed Becky on what was required from the interview.
‘The leotard-clad women will provide the perfect background,’ she murmured as she ushered everyone into position. ‘The cameras will devour those bodies. If the male viewers enjoy this sight as much as the newspaper hacks here, we may have the highest viewing figures for some time. There tongues are hanging out!’
Rebecca laughed. It was true. Just about every male newspaper reporter had made a point of picking out a couple of women to obtain a few quotes and, in a couple of instances, telephone numbers also.
‘Want to make a deal?’ Deborah asked.
‘A deal?’
‘Mmm-hmm. You give me free membership for a year, and I’ll make sure you get prime position in the programme tonight. I’ll also tell viewers that I’ve joined. That’ll get the men and women of London clamouring to sign up. They love their TV personalities.’
The surprised Brazilian woman instantly took the proffered hand. ‘It’s a deal,’ Becky said, meeting broad smile with broad smile.
‘Okay, tell me again where everything is going,’ Deborah murmured, grinning in satisfaction with their arrangement. She glanced around. ‘It certainly looks fantastic.’
It did, too! Rebecca’s eyes took in the pristine looking polished wood aerobics floor, not yet scuffed by the soon-to-be assault of hundreds of pounding trainers.
‘Okay, we have something of everything here already,’ she enthusiastically explained, pointing at the small amount of bicep and triceps machines, rowing machines, bicycles and weights on the far side. ‘But we’ll have quadrupled the numbers by the time we open on Monday. They’ll all occupy their own space in strict scientific order. That means we’ll cater in turn for each of the body’s muscle groups.’
‘Sounds good,’ Deborah smiled, nodding at the cameraman. They were about to roll. ‘Talk me through it on camera.’
Rebecca did, soon recovering from her early nervousness to cover just about everything Erika had coached her. Deborah nodded encouragingly with each point, providing the new Brazilian owner with the confidence to emphasise
key areas.
‘One of the differences between my studio and others is that its part gym, part aerobics. And the Nautilus machines are wonderful. Anyone can complete a quick circuit inside half an hour. It’s ideal for a lunch break, or early evening. And you only need to use it three times a week.’
‘And your aerobics?’ Deborah prompted, smiling into the camera. ‘I’m told that you’re the best instructor in London. Is that really true?’
‘I don’t know,’ Becky coyly smiled. ‘I love my work, and I love my clients. I like to think that we make a good team together. To begin with, I’ll spend personal time with anyone who joins. Then we’ll soon have them feeling part of the team.’
‘Sounds good,’ grinned Deborah, holding an off camera hand up to indicate she was wrapping up the broadcast. ‘So there you have it,’ she smiled into the lens. ‘A new state of the art gym and aerobics studio. Would you like a figure like this?’
Becky felt herself blushing as the camera flicked across her body.
‘Remember the name. Becky’s! It’s the newest studio in London and from what I can tell… it’s the best! Want to finish by saying anything else, Becky?’
The Brazilian woman picked up on the cue, smiling into the camera. Deborah had already briefed her on the final question and even given her a pat answer. ‘Exercising like this changed my life,’ she said. ‘If you want to change yours, get in touch!’
Katie Nichols paused in her packing. From what Alistair had told her, he’d be pretty busy in Glasgow and therefore she’d have some free time. Hence the papers she was clearing from her desk and resting on top of her briefcase. She’d long ago learnt to take every opportunity when studying patient’s cases.
But it wasn’t the free time that was on her mind. Alistair had told her they’d be spending every spare minute he could eke together. Getting to know one another. And fucking, of course! That was the bit that worried her.
Not the act itself. Right now, she sprawl him across her desk if he was here and fuck his lights out. The thought of that black cock inside her had her drooling. But curiously enough, that’s where her worries started. She’d done a lot of thinking since they’d fucked in her office. Maybe too much?
What she realised was that, as much as she lusted after the black Conservative Party leader, she wanted—needed—much more than that. If it was just sex, then she could satisfy herself by finding a stranger somewhere. Or maybe, pay Eduardo another visit? That had been hot.
She was the more conservative one, with all this inner passion. And that description fit Alistair to a tee, until Erika had entered his life. In her position as a psychiatrist, she was supposed to help him, restore the confused man to his former self. Yet her worst fear was that it was working the other way around. That he was having more of an influence on her!
He’d said he was addicted to sex! Is that what this was—part of his addiction? Was she being drawn into his games? Or was he genuinely interested in her as a person. If not, she could be on a path to self-destruction.
Whatever else, Glasgow would provide the answer. Or it would give all the signs that she’d need to work it out for herself.
She wanted a relationship, not a fuckbuddy—especially one who simply saw her as the next on his long list of woman. He’d made some pretty damming statements about Erika, and how she was the one to blame for all this. Corrupting him. Well, it remained a possibility that he was corrupting her. Opening the dark side that she kept hidden.
She’d soon find out.
‘You’ll have to get moving.’ Brian Sterling’s voiced made her jump.
She looked up, surprised to see him in the door to her office. Hadn’t he been due for a Board meeting today? She smiled at him as she held up a couple of files before stuffing them in her briefcase. ‘Homework for when I’m away,’ she told him with a mischievous grin. ‘Don’t worry, Brian, even when I’m taking a couple of days holiday, I have the firm’s best interests at heart.’
‘You’re going away to work?’
‘No,’ she empathically said. ‘You know that, Brian. But I have two early appointments as soon as I return and I’ll be fully prepared for them.’
The Senior Partner smiled. It was a rueful smile. ‘Your commitment isn’t in doubt, Katie,’ he told her. ‘Nor is your judgement. At least, I’ve never known it to be. Maybe until now?’
Straightening up, she turned to face the Scot, crossing her arms over her chest. She’d been expecting this ever since she’d told him. He hadn’t exactly been enthusiastic about her plans. But then, she was fully aware of what his reaction would be. Still, this was her life! One eyebrow arched. ‘Meaning?’
He smoothed a hand through his thin, grey hair. Clearly, this wasn’t the easiest conversation for him, either. ‘Meaning I wonder whether I made a mistake in introducing the two of you. In passing Alistair to you as a client?’
‘He was never really a client, Brian, was he?’ Katie asked, holding his gaze. ‘He was simply someone who needed some help, someone to talk to.’
‘And that conversation has led you to going away with him?’ the Scot asked, though it was a rhetorical question.
‘You object?’
‘He’s in a relationship.’
‘No, Brian, he isn’t,’ Katie insisted. ‘He was in a relationship.’
‘Until he met you.’
The sexy psychiatrist sighed and sat back on the edge of her desk, quickly smoothing her skirt over her thighs. She wasn’t in the mood to flirt. What the hell! She didn’t need this, and especially not right now.
‘The relationship was on its last legs,’ she told him, wishing she didn’t have to explain. She swung away and pulled the final pieces of her packing together, wondering why she was attempting to justify herself. ‘And anyway, his girlfriend… ex-girlfriend,’ damn, there was a Freudian slip if ever there was one, ‘is happy with me going. She wants to get to know me.’
‘Get to know you?’
Katie ignored the irony in his voice. ‘Exactly. When you talk to Alistair—’
‘I have.’
His words stopped her in her tracks. Katie paused, biting down on her lower lip as she picked up her briefcase and closed the zip on her other bag. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of asking about that conversation.
‘Ready to go?’ he asked, those disapproving eyes boring into hers.
Damn. Despite herself she couldn’t resist. ‘Yes. What did Alistair say?’
‘Much the same as you,’ he told her.
‘Well then,’ she snorted, as if those two words covered everything.
‘Well then?’ he repeated. ‘Look, Katie, you know I have your best interests as heart. But if you ask me, appearing in public is quite a first step.’
‘After the interests of the firm,’ she snapped, her normally calm eyes blazing. She wasn’t stupid. The look in his eyes told her she was sailing close to the mark. Blushing, she retreated. ‘Anyway, we’re not appearing in public.’
The Scot shrugged his shoulders and stepped to one side. The conversation was over. It was an invitation for her to leave. ‘I hope you two know exactly what you are doing,’ he calmly said, as she walked past him without a backward look.
‘What do you think?’ Sally asked Thomas, shuffling in her seat so that she sat facing him as their taxi raced them to the airport.
Normally, they would have travelled with Erika and Alistair. But with the Scandinavian woman flying later tonight, and their boss heading across London to meet this Katie woman, it was just the two of them.
‘About what?’ he asked, coughing slightly as their knees made contact. She made no attempt to adjust her skirt and the clear view of her stocking tops made his cock twitch.
‘You nervous?’ she murmured, smiling into his anxious eyes.
‘You always make me nervous,’ he told her, with a wry grin. ‘It’s what you’re good at.’
‘I’ll ta
ke that as a compliment,’ she said with a laugh, sexily sliding a hand through her coppery bob. ‘Sex on your mind?’
His deep sigh may have answered for him. Sex was always on his mind. But only because he knew it was on the redhead’s. Her constant references were in his psyche now. When they had a private moment, he’d have to tell her how uncomfortable her teasing was making him.
‘Anyway, tell me,’ she murmured, leaning her head back against the plush interior wall. ‘What do you think?’
‘About what?’ he asked again.
She laughed that little girl laugh of hers. ‘What do you think? About Katie Nichols, of course.’
‘Who? Oh, yes. I… I don’t know…’
‘I do,’ she answered, running a hand across his knee. ‘I have it all worked out.’
He shifted slightly in his seat. Each touch made him grow another inch.
‘And what’s your conclusion?’ he asked, partly out of interest but also to keep his mind away from any other thoughts…
The way her driver shifted his head warned her they might be overheard. She lowered her voice. It was well known—or should that be rumoured—that the chauffeurs in both parties knew more about what was going on than anyone else. All through listening in on conversations such as these.
‘Okay, think of this,’ she whispered, pushing closed the glass divider between front and back to give more privacy. ‘Why do you think there’s been so much tension between Alistair and Erika?’ Her fingertips teasingly dug in through his trousers. ‘Why do you think Alistair has been so grumpy? Why do you think he made up the story about Brian Sterling and a donation?’
‘Made up?’
‘Fuck, Thomas,’ she laughed, sliding her hand up his thigh. ‘For someone so bright, you can be incredibly obtuse. Let me explain. The tension between them has partly been because of the election, I’ll give you that. And this Mary—fucking—O’Leary woman’s accusation, of course. But it started before that. He’s been caught shagging this woman.’
‘Mary O’L—’
‘No stupid,’ she impatiently spat, her eyes rolling into the top of her head. ‘Katie Nichols! Erika’s caught the two of them at it!’
Thomas blinked as his brain computed the information. Women were so much better at this sort of thing than men. ‘That’s why Erika cornered me?’ he quizzically asked. ‘To get revenge?’
‘Cornered you?’ Sally asked, bursting out into laughter. She lowered her voice again when she caught the chauffeur’s glance in the driving mirror. ‘Is that what they call it? I doubt it. That’s the way she’s made. What she wants, she gets.’
Thomas caught and held her hand on his thigh. The movement of her fingers was getting just a little too personal. Hell, he was already getting hard.
Sally laughed at his discomfort, but pulled her hand away. Erika wasn’t the only woman who got what she wanted. And the petite redhead wanted this intelligent yet often naïve Campaign Manager. She’d have him, too, but no need to scare him off right now.
‘But let me tell you something strange about Erika and Alistair,’ she continued, drawing him into her theory. ‘Women like her don’t forgive easily. He’s been caught out and yet have you seen how sweet she is with him? Something’s up, believe me.’
‘Like what?’
She leant forward again, allowing his eyes to dip into her small cleavage. ‘I don’t know. Haven’t worked that out yet. But let’s both keep an eye on what’s happening and compare notes. Okay?’
Erika had told Becky to call out to her house around seven. That would give her an opportunity to take care of a few items, pack, and still allow a couple of hours with the young Brazilian woman before her airport car arrived.
‘A chance for us to relax after a wonderful day’, the Swedish woman had told her.
She cursed herself for not having arranged to fly to Glasgow in the morning. That would have given her the night to seduce Becky. But it was too important not to reach Glasgow on time. Morning fog would play havoc with her intention to take care of Alistair’s slut. Besides, Guus hadn’t been available this evening. And the Dutchman was an integral part of her plan…
Instead, she’d use their time together tonight to sow the seeds. Take things between them one step further than she’d done so far. And when she returned from Scotland in two days—well, the woman would be hers…
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As quitting time finally came, I was actually somewhat disappointed that Erica was not at my office ready to use me once more. I mentally review the day, how I had allowed myself to become Erica’s slave and sex toy. How she so expertly used me both in my office and in the ladies room earlier. She had told me that I was to be here at night, so I naturally thought she would come fetch me once the work day was done. But here I am, siting in my office, alone. After waiting fifteen minutes, I...
It was a cold morning. As the forecast had said, the morning would turn into a fine sunny day and a cloudy thundering night followed by a light shower. I was shivering. The cold wind was doing me no good and there was no sign of her. She knew the bus would be departing at 8 am. It was already 7:52 am. I felt tense and uneasy. I could see all the unfamiliar faces around me, loving hugging and kissing loved ones good bye, ‘til we meet again. I was there by myself standing near my bus Firefly,...
A story of revenge and punishment.Dear Super Stud,You seduced my Caroline too and you did write me a letter explaining what you did together. So thoughtful of you. It is not the first letter you wrote to men you considered as wimps, is it? I hope you will enjoy your time with Caroline today. I saw to it she is well prepared. I put what I thought she should wear on her bed, the thin white semi transparent silk blouse, a short black skirt and a pair of high heels. I am sorry to say; just before...
Today is going to be a fun one because Mariana Lopez is here to show just what she is made of. The fit Latina goddess cannot wait to strip down and expose her toned abs, her rocking titties, and her juicy ass. She hangs out with our stud for a bit before heading back to the apartment where they dive into some crazy sexual action. He grabs her and pulls her close to him, sliding his dick inside her while she wails in delight. Then, he works in her pussy, stroking until she cums multiple times....
xmoviesforyouMy name is Kyle. I'm eighteen and just graduated from high school and looking forward to summer. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I work out a lot, so I'm in good shape. I have a seven inch dick that is of pretty good width. My best friend is Steve. His mom is a MILF. She is thirty-nine. She has brown hair with blond highlights in it that goes down to her shoulders. Her eyes are blue. She has a good rack, about 34DD. Her name is Sarah. Steve's dad died about ten years ago and left enough money...
EroticHi, this is Gwen. If you read the first story, you read about me telling my husband about fucking my son while we fucked. I knew my husband had always wanted to watch me fuck another man, but I've always been reluctant to do it. Not because I didn't want to fuck other men, but I didn't want him to feel different about me afterwards. I do love cock and love to fuck, so fucking other men, although I'd never done it since being married until I fucked my son, wasn't the issue for me. I really am a...
“I think she’d look good in that, Laura.” I’d been lost somewhere between sexual bliss and frustration, having just been made to cum in front of a roomful of guys by two girls dressed as sexy cops and yet, somehow, I was left wanting, eager to fulfill their every whim, even if it meant being gang-banged, something Officer Laura, my new owner, had just hinted a after stroking my pussy into a raging fire and leaving me hanging. Despite my taste for pussy rather than cock, if it meant I’d get to...
BDSMOver the past year on at least 2 days a week we have had an Indian man (Imran) of around 55-60 selling The Big Issue outside our Tesco store. Do looks very good for his age and at some time was I'm sure a very handsome guy. Over the months I have stopped to buy a copy of TBI from him and we have chatted. He told me that he had been thrown out of the family home after his wife caught him chatting online to a young girl and that he now lived in a one room flat alone.. I did notice that all the...
I drove us to the diner Tuesday morning. I could tell that Rosie was antsy. She told me of her feelings as I drove into the diner’s parking lot. “I’m nervous, Steven. What if I’m not pregnant?” “I don’t know how you couldn’t be. You haven’t had your period in almost two months, but even if you’re not we’ll just keep trying until you are. Then we’ll try some more.” I was grinning wildly as we exited the car. We had our usual breakfasts. By now I think Mona could get them in her...
*English is not my mother tongue.*Please understand if the grammar is wrong or the transmission power is weak.Anatomically unlike men, a woman's body is an open structure.In other words, women have a body that is inherently vulnerable to bacterial diseases.In addition, pregnancy is a blessing and a curse for women.It is said that labor pains when a woman gives birth to a baby cannot be known unless she has experienced it as a woman.It's not just it.Once in Europe, doctors had no concept of...
But one year was special. The first day's hike was just as normal as it always is. Trails and such already show you where to go. During the later part of the day I took some great pictures of a little waterfall a stream had made in the side of a rock face. The second day was just as calming as the first. Taking out the digital cam here and there taking pictures of anything and everything interesting. The third night was when things started to get strange. It was getting dark so I found a...
A strange family of bacteria has infected humanity during the 1850's. The bacterium(later call Femrite50) was mostly has a positive effect on humans better immunity, metabolism, and more durable so the people of the world thought as a blessing from their respective Gods that was until the kids came in the world. The bacteria amazingly ingrained itself into humanity makeup with easily with children born with it. It effect each race differently mostly regarding the sexes with a feminine...
InterracialCHAPTER 19: BOUND BY TRUSTWhile talking on the way back to the harbor, we were congregated on the bridge with Strong. I had spent days training with these guys wearing nothing but this tiny bikini, although it had been both pieces. This last day, though, was spent completely naked with the intention of drawing attention to myself for an additional surprise effect on the target’s guards. It had worked well and for the rest of the mission and immediately afterwards, I forgot all about it. Now,...
As we were on our way to a four day romantic getaway at one of our areas five star hotels I couldn’t help but smile at my loving husband. It was our twentieth wedding anniversary and we were going to the same hotel we honeymooned years earlier and in the same wedding night suite as well. What a husband! Twenty years of marriage, wow it seemed like yesterday that I was marrying my high school sweetheart. There was David grinning from ear to ear as he watched me coming down the isle in my...
Cuckold------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While they cry, we fight... That's just the way it is, that's the way it's always been. My father told me it was because they are weak, that they don't have the strength to face death, but I know the truth. We may have the three-inch fangs and razor sharp claws, but they blend in. They have time to mourne their dead, we must always fight. We...
Chapter Two: Cassandra's Futa Problem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at my new cock sprouting from where my clit used, the folds of my pussy wrapped about its base. It was still wet and shiny with Mrs. Teller's hot pussy. The MILF, mother of my best friend, had rode me so hard, so eager to cum on my dick. I thought, finally, that I had her. After lusting after her for years, I had the MILF in my arms. Yes, I didn't imagine I would grow a cock at...
I was in his apartment. He was older than me by a few years and I suspected he was at least bi-sexual but he was a nice guy and it was just to watch the game on his big-screen, so no big deal.Had a few beers and the game ended.film"OK, sure. "I was pretty comfortable but I'd only watched a porno with other guys once, at a stag party when there loads of other people there. The conversation then was bravado and bluster. This would be different.More different than I realized when the film turned...
The Transformation (Why High School English Sucks) Willy Mays Hayes 7/14/09 "What is this?" I cried out. "What do you think it is, it's payback for all of the suffering you have caused me!" cackled my evil english teacher. "What are you doing to me!" I screamed as I struggled to free myself for the chair I was strapped to. "Let me go, what are you doing!!" "It's simple really, you see you've made a mockery of my class, you and all of the other boys and since your parents...
Karen and Keith agreed to arrange their respective dates with Rick and Abby for the same evening. Rick planned to take Karen out for dinner, so Karen suggested that Abby and Keith hang out at home, order pizza and do whatever they wanted to, assuming somewhere in there, they would fuck each other blind. All Karen asked of them was that they not fuck in her bed, in case Rick assumed it would be okay to come back to her house and fuck her blind.Rick dropped off Abby and picked up Karen,...
Part 7 Not long after Adanna's mother had been placed in full time care do to the fact that her condition had been getting worse she was no longer able to get around by herself. Her faculties though had been diminished little. She had turned to members of the trust for guidance, and they had put all of the things needed together in the event that if something should happened to her the girls would be well taken care...
Strange how things happen when you least expect it, isn't it? Like with Bob and I. Married twenty years, no kids, his fault, not mine, the doctors tell us, but we don't mind ... not now. Oh, we're settled into a routine of long standing – well we were, until that one particular night. Bob would come home from work, have his martini, sometimes two, and settle down in front of the television to watch the news and then some porn. I didn't like that at first, I mean, what was I chopped...
Jesus, I was horny! Mom and Dad had gone at it hot and heavy the night before and I couldn’t sleep for listening to them. I was wondering what I could use for a dildo when I heard the lawnmower stop. I knew George, my younger brother, couldn’t be done already, so I peeked out my window to see what he was up to. Probably peeking through the fence at the woman next door who sunbathed in a skimpy bikini. But he was in some bushes peeing, and the sight of his prick made me even hornier. Damn!! I...
IncestI lay in bed late one night, at my best friend's house, watching the television in their spare bedroom. Mike and I had been close friends since childhood and having seen his daughter, Sam, grow up over time, was quite close to her, too.I had traveled there for Sam's 18th birthday barbeque. The weather at the time was hot, really hot and tonight I just couldn't sleep, so I switched the television on in my room and was watching some late night soft-porn.Just when I was tempted to start touching...
Oral SexEarly last month i got a visit from the new housing officer,she's in her late 30's dark hair great legs and even better boobs, any way she came to do a tenant review , It was the first time i had met her and she was a stunner ,she came in sat down and started to ask questions .Well i was sat facing her and every now and then she would cross ,uncross her legs by the 3rd time i had a semi so i asked her if she wanted a cup of coffee but she said she did not have time .She then asked me a question...
The slave was naked but for black stiletto heels, black leather cuffs holding her wrists tightly together behind her back and her leather choker collar with its shining silver letters. Miss Kitty turned up the slave’s chin with one fingernail so the girl looked her in the eye. “What does your collar say girl?” The slaves deep blue eyes were wide. She was nervous and aroused. “Fuck me.” Miss Kitty smiled and slapped the girl hard across her upturned buttocks making the girl wince and...
Alice found herself in a terrible State. She'd tried, to sleep but just couldn't doze off. For a long time she stared at the ceiling, wondering, wishing things that were against everything she knew was right. If only Mitch had at least kissed her before saying goodnight. But he'd been so drunk. The skinny dipping party had gotten crazy. Everybody running around naked and all had just been a big game. A lot of teasing and not much pleasing. And though she sensed that the girls were the ones...
Hello everyone, I’m Karthik from Bangalore and I’m 24 years old. I am a Software Engineer by profession and this story is about a real incident where I got to have sex with a hot girl on a Tinder Date. So it had been quite long since I had sex with someone and like any other guy would do I decided to give Tinder (Mobile Application) a try. I uploaded my photos with a good bio and started right swiping a lot of girls. For the initial 3-4 days I was out of luck as I didn’t get any match. Finally...
This is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched and took pictures & video before joining in...
Vernita and Shirl were the best of friends. They had known each other for years. Vernita was a gorgeous light skinned black woman with luminous eyes and a full figure topped with breasts that drew the eyes of men and women alike. Shirl was also attractive, but in a quieter way. She was dark skinned, fairly petite, but with a fully formed figure, just one on a smaller scale than Vernita’s. Vernita was engaged to be married and was very much in love. One night when she and her fiancée, Derrick,...
It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host had told of a birthday orgy involving a current top film star, the Theatre Company Manager of her oral exploits with a famous actor and the Director of how the ‘wife of Bath’, with her daughter, had seduced a whole management...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 18: Let the Competition Begin Kim called Connie on the way home, and fortunately she did not pick up. "Connie, I know you are excited about all this, but I need to pack and do some other things, so please don't show up until after lunch. I've got too many things to get done. I think we should leave for Boston around two. I know that will get us into rush hour a little, but they will all be going north on the Tobin bridge while we are going south, so it will be...
Früher Nachmittag, Simone war gerade nach Hause gekommen. Die 38jährige Mutter warf ihren Mantel über einen Stuhl und machte sich auf den Weg ins Badezimmer als sie ein Geräusch hörte. War das nicht ein Stöhnen gewesen, aus dem Zimmer ihrer Tochter Sarah? Sie blieb stehen und horchte, machte ein paar Schritte auf die Tür zu. Ganz deutlich hörte sie jetzt Sarahs Stimme "Neiin, nicht da rein... mein Arschloch ist zu eng", gefolgt von einem unterdrückten Aufschrei. Simone blieb erschrocken...
I had only turned 18 a couple of weeks before hand, I had only had sex a couple of times before this so my experience was incredibly limited to say the least. This story begins with me walking home from university, the walk to the car was about 15 minutes as you can't park close at all. As I was walking down the street I noticed a girl I used to work with. We got along but never really talked to much, she was cute. I had always found chubby girls quite attractive. Her name was Sophia, she said...