Politics Ch. 07 free porn video

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Chapter 7: The race resumes

The excitement in the afternoon air crackled like electricity. Erika nudged her raven-haired friend. ‘What do you think?’

Becky glanced at the blonde. What did she think? Other than not having seen much of Thomas lately, she thought that life was pretty much perfect. And she had Erika to thank.

It was the blonde who’d found the gym. She’d negotiated the purchase on Becky’s behalf. They’d got it at a rock bottom price due to the Polish owner going bankrupt. It was perfect for Becky’s needs, with very little work required other than a complete repainting, some cosmetic changes to the layout, and the purchase of some state of the art gym equipment.

Even the idea to combine an aerobics studio with a gym had been Erika’s brainwave. So was the girl the blonde had recommended as Manager for the gym side. And as Lucille was working for a small percentage of the gym profits, she wasn’t costing Rebecca a single penny.

The formal opening was scheduled for next Monday. The rest of the gym equipment would arrive by then. But the ‘staged’ opening today provided the media and the BBC TV London News Channel with a sneak preview of what was on offer. And it was superb publicity for the new studio.

Again, thanks to Erika’s contacts.

Inside the studio, Rebecca’s regulars were scattered across the wooden workout floor, grateful for the invitation and delighted for their chance to be seen on television. Just about every single one of them had pledged to follow her to her new base and today provided concrete evidence of their commitment.

In keeping with the occasion, the variety of gym wear usually on show had been replaced with new, sexy, leotards specially purchased for their TV appearance. Even the scruffiest of her clientele had made an extra effort today. It bode well for the future!

‘It’s so exciting,’ the Brazilian woman answered, crossing her arms over her chest as if hugging herself in congratulation. Her eyes focused on the large sign hanging so impressively over the entrance lobby.


It was simple. It was perfect!


Two o’clock wasn’t the best time to force a sandwich down his throat, but it was Alistair’s first chance to eat since his arrival this morning. His six thirty start had been even earlier than usual.

The morning of press interviews had gone well. Putting a different spin on the same points over and over again was a skill all good politicians had. Alistair was just a little better at it than others. He’d made sure he seemed sympathetic to Mary O’Leary accusations, despite the constant attempts to provoke a more severe reaction.

The bottom line was that he was back in the race and now, his thoughts were focused on Glasgow.

Once he’d completed a couple of television interviews, he’d meet Katie for their early evening flight. It was a relief that Erika was catching a later flight. The last thing he wanted was for her to make uncomfortable Katie by bombarding with questions. Though his ex-girlfriend really was being exceptionally understanding about all this. Hell, she’d even booked a suite for him and Katie!!

Hmmm, something didn’t feel quite right, though he couldn’t put his finger on it. Nor did he have time to think about it.

He’d just put the phone down following his call to Brian Sterling. The conversation had been surprisingly tense. It seemed clear that Sterling didn’t approve of him taking Katie away to Glasgow, no matter how much he tried to justify what he was doing.

Still, that conversation was behind him now. He’d thanked Brian for all his support, and now he could move forward.

Thomas’s suggestion that they ‘blow’ the whole million that Guus Kessen was donating on television ads made a lot of sense. Okay, the money hadn’t arrived yet, but he’d asked Thomas to chase the multi-millionaire immediately after the Election.

They’d flood the television stations with ads over the next two days. Newspapers, too. On the back of withdrawal of the Mary O’Leary accusations, the carefully focused ads would help attract as many of the ‘undecideds’ as they could.

‘You’ll get indigestion, eating that quickly,’ Sally told him with a smile, breaking his thoughts as she bustled into his office.

The black politician nodded, wiping his mouth with a paper serviette. ‘True, but right now I don’t care,’ he told her, with a huge grin. ‘Got any chocolate?’

The redhead laughed. ‘Alistair, do you think any girl’s going to be willing to share her chocolate? I do love you, but not that much!’

He smiled back. ‘I’ve just been through these ads,’ he said, nodding at the papers on his desk. ‘It’s a great idea to back up the TV commercials with newspaper ads. Especially those.’

Sally grinned. ‘You like?’

He didn’t just like. He loved! The ‘attack’ on Labour seemed like anything but, and clearly got the message over that there was only one party to be trusted. But it was his positioning that hit the spot. It was sublime, making him appear to have the same presence, wisdom and charisma of an early-elected Tony Blair, or dare one say a Barrack Obama. They’d pulled out all the stops!

‘Perfect. Almost.’ He gave another one of those smiles, his white teeth gleaming. ‘I’ve marked a couple of changes, otherwise let’s get going with them. Every second counts.’

That was it, decision made. Guus Kessen had donated a million. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.


Deborah Barr had led the way, the tall brunette one of the most recognisable TV presenters in the City. The mobile television crew had been half an hour late, but at least they were here now. The slim presenter had been all business from the moment they’d arrived. She’d ensured her people had set themselves up properly, and briefed Becky on what was required from the interview.

‘The leotard-clad women will provide the perfect background,’ she murmured as she ushered everyone into position. ‘The cameras will devour those bodies. If the male viewers enjoy this sight as much as the newspaper hacks here, we may have the highest viewing figures for some time. There tongues are hanging out!’

Rebecca laughed. It was true. Just about every male newspaper reporter had made a point of picking out a couple of women to obtain a few quotes and, in a couple of instances, telephone numbers also.

‘Want to make a deal?’ Deborah asked.

‘A deal?’

‘Mmm-hmm. You give me free membership for a year, and I’ll make sure you get prime position in the programme tonight. I’ll also tell viewers that I’ve joined. That’ll get the men and women of London clamouring to sign up. They love their TV personalities.’

The surprised Brazilian woman instantly took the proffered hand. ‘It’s a deal,’ Becky said, meeting broad smile with broad smile.

‘Okay, tell me again where everything is going,’ Deborah murmured, grinning in satisfaction with their arrangement. She glanced around. ‘It certainly looks fantastic.’

It did, too! Rebecca’s eyes took in the pristine looking polished wood aerobics floor, not yet scuffed by the soon-to-be assault of hundreds of pounding trainers.

‘Okay, we have something of everything here already,’ she enthusiastically explained, pointing at the small amount of bicep and triceps machines, rowing machines, bicycles and weights on the far side. ‘But we’ll have quadrupled the numbers by the time we open on Monday. They’ll all occupy their own space in strict scientific order. That means we’ll cater in turn for each of the body’s muscle groups.’

‘Sounds good,’ Deborah smiled, nodding at the cameraman. They were about to roll. ‘Talk me through it on camera.’

Rebecca did, soon recovering from her early nervousness to cover just about everything Erika had coached her. Deborah nodded encouragingly with each point, providing the new Brazilian owner with the confidence to emphasise
key areas.

‘One of the differences between my studio and others is that its part gym, part aerobics. And the Nautilus machines are wonderful. Anyone can complete a quick circuit inside half an hour. It’s ideal for a lunch break, or early evening. And you only need to use it three times a week.’

‘And your aerobics?’ Deborah prompted, smiling into the camera. ‘I’m told that you’re the best instructor in London. Is that really true?’

‘I don’t know,’ Becky coyly smiled. ‘I love my work, and I love my clients. I like to think that we make a good team together. To begin with, I’ll spend personal time with anyone who joins. Then we’ll soon have them feeling part of the team.’

‘Sounds good,’ grinned Deborah, holding an off camera hand up to indicate she was wrapping up the broadcast. ‘So there you have it,’ she smiled into the lens. ‘A new state of the art gym and aerobics studio. Would you like a figure like this?’

Becky felt herself blushing as the camera flicked across her body.

‘Remember the name. Becky’s! It’s the newest studio in London and from what I can tell… it’s the best! Want to finish by saying anything else, Becky?’

The Brazilian woman picked up on the cue, smiling into the camera. Deborah had already briefed her on the final question and even given her a pat answer. ‘Exercising like this changed my life,’ she said. ‘If you want to change yours, get in touch!’


Katie Nichols paused in her packing. From what Alistair had told her, he’d be pretty busy in Glasgow and therefore she’d have some free time. Hence the papers she was clearing from her desk and resting on top of her briefcase. She’d long ago learnt to take every opportunity when studying patient’s cases.

But it wasn’t the free time that was on her mind. Alistair had told her they’d be spending every spare minute he could eke together. Getting to know one another. And fucking, of course! That was the bit that worried her.

Not the act itself. Right now, she sprawl him across her desk if he was here and fuck his lights out. The thought of that black cock inside her had her drooling. But curiously enough, that’s where her worries started. She’d done a lot of thinking since they’d fucked in her office. Maybe too much?

What she realised was that, as much as she lusted after the black Conservative Party leader, she wanted—needed—much more than that. If it was just sex, then she could satisfy herself by finding a stranger somewhere. Or maybe, pay Eduardo another visit? That had been hot.

She was the more conservative one, with all this inner passion. And that description fit Alistair to a tee, until Erika had entered his life. In her position as a psychiatrist, she was supposed to help him, restore the confused man to his former self. Yet her worst fear was that it was working the other way around. That he was having more of an influence on her!

He’d said he was addicted to sex! Is that what this was—part of his addiction? Was she being drawn into his games? Or was he genuinely interested in her as a person. If not, she could be on a path to self-destruction.

Whatever else, Glasgow would provide the answer. Or it would give all the signs that she’d need to work it out for herself.

She wanted a relationship, not a fuckbuddy—especially one who simply saw her as the next on his long list of woman. He’d made some pretty damming statements about Erika, and how she was the one to blame for all this. Corrupting him. Well, it remained a possibility that he was corrupting her. Opening the dark side that she kept hidden.

She’d soon find out.

‘You’ll have to get moving.’ Brian Sterling’s voiced made her jump.

She looked up, surprised to see him in the door to her office. Hadn’t he been due for a Board meeting today? She smiled at him as she held up a couple of files before stuffing them in her briefcase. ‘Homework for when I’m away,’ she told him with a mischievous grin. ‘Don’t worry, Brian, even when I’m taking a couple of days holiday, I have the firm’s best interests at heart.’

‘You’re going away to work?’

‘No,’ she empathically said. ‘You know that, Brian. But I have two early appointments as soon as I return and I’ll be fully prepared for them.’

The Senior Partner smiled. It was a rueful smile. ‘Your commitment isn’t in doubt, Katie,’ he told her. ‘Nor is your judgement. At least, I’ve never known it to be. Maybe until now?’

Straightening up, she turned to face the Scot, crossing her arms over her chest. She’d been expecting this ever since she’d told him. He hadn’t exactly been enthusiastic about her plans. But then, she was fully aware of what his reaction would be. Still, this was her life! One eyebrow arched. ‘Meaning?’

He smoothed a hand through his thin, grey hair. Clearly, this wasn’t the easiest conversation for him, either. ‘Meaning I wonder whether I made a mistake in introducing the two of you. In passing Alistair to you as a client?’

‘He was never really a client, Brian, was he?’ Katie asked, holding his gaze. ‘He was simply someone who needed some help, someone to talk to.’

‘And that conversation has led you to going away with him?’ the Scot asked, though it was a rhetorical question.

‘You object?’

‘He’s in a relationship.’

‘No, Brian, he isn’t,’ Katie insisted. ‘He was in a relationship.’

‘Until he met you.’

The sexy psychiatrist sighed and sat back on the edge of her desk, quickly smoothing her skirt over her thighs. She wasn’t in the mood to flirt. What the hell! She didn’t need this, and especially not right now.

‘The relationship was on its last legs,’ she told him, wishing she didn’t have to explain. She swung away and pulled the final pieces of her packing together, wondering why she was attempting to justify herself. ‘And anyway, his girlfriend… ex-girlfriend,’ damn, there was a Freudian slip if ever there was one, ‘is happy with me going. She wants to get to know me.’

‘Get to know you?’

Katie ignored the irony in his voice. ‘Exactly. When you talk to Alistair—’

‘I have.’

His words stopped her in her tracks. Katie paused, biting down on her lower lip as she picked up her briefcase and closed the zip on her other bag. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of asking about that conversation.

‘Ready to go?’ he asked, those disapproving eyes boring into hers.

Damn. Despite herself she couldn’t resist. ‘Yes. What did Alistair say?’

‘Much the same as you,’ he told her.

‘Well then,’ she snorted, as if those two words covered everything.

‘Well then?’ he repeated. ‘Look, Katie, you know I have your best interests as heart. But if you ask me, appearing in public is quite a first step.’

‘After the interests of the firm,’ she snapped, her normally calm eyes blazing. She wasn’t stupid. The look in his eyes told her she was sailing close to the mark. Blushing, she retreated. ‘Anyway, we’re not appearing in public.’

The Scot shrugged his shoulders and stepped to one side. The conversation was over. It was an invitation for her to leave. ‘I hope you two know exactly what you are doing,’ he calmly said, as she walked past him without a backward look.


‘What do you think?’ Sally asked Thomas, shuffling in her seat so that she sat facing him as their taxi raced them to the airport.

Normally, they would have travelled with Erika and Alistair. But with the Scandinavian woman flying later tonight, and their boss heading across London to meet this Katie woman, it was just the two of them.

‘About what?’ he asked, coughing slightly as their knees made contact. She made no attempt to adjust her skirt and the clear view of her stocking tops made his cock twitch.

‘You nervous?’ she murmured, smiling into his anxious eyes.

‘You always make me nervous,’ he told her, with a wry grin. ‘It’s what you’re good at.’

‘I’ll ta
ke that as a compliment,’ she said with a laugh, sexily sliding a hand through her coppery bob. ‘Sex on your mind?’

His deep sigh may have answered for him. Sex was always on his mind. But only because he knew it was on the redhead’s. Her constant references were in his psyche now. When they had a private moment, he’d have to tell her how uncomfortable her teasing was making him.

‘Anyway, tell me,’ she murmured, leaning her head back against the plush interior wall. ‘What do you think?’

‘About what?’ he asked again.

She laughed that little girl laugh of hers. ‘What do you think? About Katie Nichols, of course.’

‘Who? Oh, yes. I… I don’t know…’

‘I do,’ she answered, running a hand across his knee. ‘I have it all worked out.’

He shifted slightly in his seat. Each touch made him grow another inch.

‘And what’s your conclusion?’ he asked, partly out of interest but also to keep his mind away from any other thoughts…

The way her driver shifted his head warned her they might be overheard. She lowered her voice. It was well known—or should that be rumoured—that the chauffeurs in both parties knew more about what was going on than anyone else. All through listening in on conversations such as these.

‘Okay, think of this,’ she whispered, pushing closed the glass divider between front and back to give more privacy. ‘Why do you think there’s been so much tension between Alistair and Erika?’ Her fingertips teasingly dug in through his trousers. ‘Why do you think Alistair has been so grumpy? Why do you think he made up the story about Brian Sterling and a donation?’

‘Made up?’

‘Fuck, Thomas,’ she laughed, sliding her hand up his thigh. ‘For someone so bright, you can be incredibly obtuse. Let me explain. The tension between them has partly been because of the election, I’ll give you that. And this Mary—fucking—O’Leary woman’s accusation, of course. But it started before that. He’s been caught shagging this woman.’

‘Mary O’L—’

‘No stupid,’ she impatiently spat, her eyes rolling into the top of her head. ‘Katie Nichols! Erika’s caught the two of them at it!’

Thomas blinked as his brain computed the information. Women were so much better at this sort of thing than men. ‘That’s why Erika cornered me?’ he quizzically asked. ‘To get revenge?’

‘Cornered you?’ Sally asked, bursting out into laughter. She lowered her voice again when she caught the chauffeur’s glance in the driving mirror. ‘Is that what they call it? I doubt it. That’s the way she’s made. What she wants, she gets.’

Thomas caught and held her hand on his thigh. The movement of her fingers was getting just a little too personal. Hell, he was already getting hard.

Sally laughed at his discomfort, but pulled her hand away. Erika wasn’t the only woman who got what she wanted. And the petite redhead wanted this intelligent yet often naïve Campaign Manager. She’d have him, too, but no need to scare him off right now.

‘But let me tell you something strange about Erika and Alistair,’ she continued, drawing him into her theory. ‘Women like her don’t forgive easily. He’s been caught out and yet have you seen how sweet she is with him? Something’s up, believe me.’

‘Like what?’

She leant forward again, allowing his eyes to dip into her small cleavage. ‘I don’t know. Haven’t worked that out yet. But let’s both keep an eye on what’s happening and compare notes. Okay?’


Erika had told Becky to call out to her house around seven. That would give her an opportunity to take care of a few items, pack, and still allow a couple of hours with the young Brazilian woman before her airport car arrived.

‘A chance for us to relax after a wonderful day’, the Swedish woman had told her.

She cursed herself for not having arranged to fly to Glasgow in the morning. That would have given her the night to seduce Becky. But it was too important not to reach Glasgow on time. Morning fog would play havoc with her intention to take care of Alistair’s slut. Besides, Guus hadn’t been available this evening. And the Dutchman was an integral part of her plan…

Instead, she’d use their time together tonight to sow the seeds. Take things between them one step further than she’d done so far. And when she returned from Scotland in two days—well, the woman would be hers…

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It was a warm summer night and we just had a wonderful nighton the town. Nice dinner, a few games of pool, and a lot ofdancing close all night. Teasing each other with soft kissesas we dance close and enjoy eachothers touch. Walking backto our car at the top level of the parking garage you put yourarm around me and keep me close. Once we get to the car, youunlock my door first. Before you open it, you push me up againstthe car and plant a long wet soft kiss on my lips. Then as youpull away to...

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Kims home coming

Coming back from the airport Kim's mom told her everything that have been going on while she was away. When she mentioned Rebecca Kim's ears perked up. What's going on with aunt Rebecca, Kim asked. Well, her mom said. She divorced her husband last month.Closing her eyes Kim thought back. Rebecca and her mom was in the same sorority back in college. After landing a good job, she moved across the street from her mom. After Kim came along, Rebecca would watch her from time to time when her mom...

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RuneswardChapter 32 A World Apart

She sat cross-legged, her back hunched down, huddled into the shadows of one of the rocky outcroppings. The sky was overcast – it seemed to always be overcast – which made the shadows darker and her hiding place more complete. Air moved around her, but she couldn’t call it a breeze. What little wind there was around her moaned rather than whistled. As usual, it was just hot air moving through stifling air. In it, she could smell the acrid odor of dust and dirt. The slight cavern was high up...

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Tim and Abbie 27 Abbies matchmaking works

Not wanting to separate after that second kiss, Phoebe notices the time and has to pull herself away.  “Les, would you like another drink while I close up the bar?  It will only take a few minutes,” Phoebe asks her.Les hesitates and replies she is not sure she would be safe to drive if she has more.  Phoebe shyly tells her, “You could stay here tonight up in my apartment.  I would like that.”  With such an invitation, Les agrees.  Both women feel themselves dripping in anticipation of what is...

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Pleasing together

We are two little faggot shy boy humping down on our big black cock toy training for the big dayThis weekend daddy and his cousin are coming over to use us, little white boys turned sissy sluts ''ahhh ahhh fuck i love big black cock , i love big black cock, ohhh daddy i want you here right now''on cam together sit on our pillow in panty caged up looking at daddy bbc getting all wet in and out the glesh light toy''daddy will stretch those cute pink hole all weekend long my sluts''''oh daddy...

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Going GoingChapter 23

"I guess we've settled on Tuesday as our regular meeting day," said John to the group. "Tribune Brian Quincy of the Confederacy Civil Service, I would like you to meet Jim Beatty, the town attorney, and Reverend Andy Evans. I think you already know my wife Debbie, Coach Dave Franklin, Sarah Edwards and Michael Martin?" "I'm pleased to meet you," said Brian with a smile. "I hope I can be helpful to you." The group spent some time on updates for the many aspects of the Program. Bob...

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Dipakl8217s 8211 My Sexy Neighbor 8211 Part III

I am Dipak now settled in Mumbai narrating the story how I introduced to adultery and sexual intercourse. I was brought up in dharwar, near hubli. Mine was a middle class family which encouraged me to work in neighborhood family. My neighbor family consist of husband , wife and a daughters and a son. I use tp call the lady aunty and her hubby uncle. I was 18 and feeling the sexually turn in my life chupke chipke mai auntyka sexual body ka observation karata tha aur raatame mai muth marata tha....

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My First Ever Gay Sex Encounter

This story is true and it was and still a hotter than hot true story too.I'll write the long version one of these days but not today. This is is the short, abridged version.MY FIRST EVER GAY SEX ENCOUNTER WAS WITH: My best friendAGES OF BOTH PARTNERS: He was 18 about years and four months old. I was exactly 20 years old - it happened on my birthday!!!WHO INITIATED IT: It was my idea and I...

1 year ago
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One Night Stand In The Bathroom

End of the year is fast approaching, school finished, the weather is warming up and party season has well and truly started. Sometimes it's for a birthday but usually, it's just because we can.A group of us have been playing basketball all afternoon and have taken a break to discuss what's up for tonight when Johnno dropped by.A chorus from us all: "Hey Johnno!""I'm just dropping past to invite you all to my party tonight.""What's the occasion?" "My folks are going away for the...

3 years ago
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A Chairished Adventure

The carpet is rough against my knees. I struggle to keep my body open and presented for his pleasure with my back arched and my breasts out, my knees apart and open, and my hands behind my back. My arousal is given away by my hard nipples and what I am sure is a visible wet spot on my panties. I'm sure he loves the sight of his slut holding her position of obedience for his pleasure, knowing she's enjoying every second of it. The moisture between my legs deepens as my thoughts wander to what he...

4 years ago
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Who Do You Want

As soon as I met Donna at a party, I knew I wanted to be with her. I'm pretty tall, six-five, and she was five-eight, so we are at least in the same part of the stratosphere. She was bubbly and fun with wavy blond hair down just past her shoulders and her body, well, she's slender and curvy with beautiful long legs and a nice figure. Really she's got great boobs and likes guys to notice them. Well, the night of the party, I certainly did and I left with her phone number and email address and a...

4 years ago
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The FavorChapter 14 The Discovery

"It looks like you had a fun night," I heard as I woke up. My mind was fuzzy, and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Then I opened my eyes and I saw my mother standing over me with a grim expression on her face. I glanced down at myself and realized what she was seeing. I was naked, my chest, neck and thighs covered in dried cum and I had two fingers buried in my cunt. When I realized what my mother was seeing I shrieked and pulled the covers over me, curling into a ball under...

3 years ago
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Transexual Brothel

While I was on vacation, I went to a famous brothel. It was a large place with several different bars, a room with stripers, a video bar. etc. I wondered around for a while taking it all in. I settled down in a little quiet bar with a classic old black-and-white porno movie playing on the TV. I was propositioned by several women, but they didn't really turn me on so I turned them down. I nice-looking woman set down at the bar across from me. She was a little older than me, probably in her...

2 years ago
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Scent Of A Woman

I’m Raj, 41, US of A. Not a bad looking, married man, well read and great sense of humor. This is a story thats about 4 years old during a trip to NYC. I had already been married over 5 years and one kid at that time. I think life is about enjoying all it has to offer. This is a true story and hope you guys like it. I had already been chatting with a much more mature lady (around 46) at that time. She was Indian and was in a private firm supposedly in a senior position. What I understood from...

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On the Sunday one of the first questions she asked on the way from the airport was, “Do you still like being licked and teased?” “Yes I do, more than ever. Though I did promise my man I wouldn’t fuck any men while I was away this time. That still leaves some scope though,” I teased with a big smile. “He wants me to email him every few days to update him and tell him about you.” “Tell me about your current man and I will tell you about mine. I have arranged for you to meet him on Saturday,”...

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The Picnic

It was July seventeenth and the day of our group’s annual picnic.Ever since we’d graduated from college ten years ago we’d had a summer picnic. The first one had been to blow off steam the weekend after we’d learned that we’d passed our exams and would be graduating.We had started out as twelve but, as some moved to other cities, our numbers had decreased. This year besides me, Janet and her husband Greg, Jim and his wife Karen, Tricia, and Jane had confirmed.I saw Jane and Tricia as I arrived...

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"I enjoyed your sermon," Bob told Rev. Stanton. "I enjoyed having you folks here," the minister answered. Jeanette Brennan could tell that the "you folks" was to include her. Bob was nearly always in church on a Sunday. "Bob tells me this is a special day for you," he said to her. "Our anniversary," she said. "Four years Thursday. As Bob works six days a week, we're celebrating today." "Four years? I'd have thought that you were still on your honeymoon." A few people in the...

1 year ago
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Strange Encounter

My name is Tony Marsh I am a fit healthy 26 year old red blooded male sitting in a café at Euston railway station London on a dark November evening, in a wet raincoat feeling sorry for myself. It had been a pig of a week. My girlfriend Monica of three years had left me without a good reason for another man, and I also had major staffing problems at the office. I was using the excuse that I was waiting for the evening rush to die down, in reality I was not looking forward to going back to a cold e...

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When no better word than profane language applies

When I was 22 and a senior in college I had the great fortune to go out with an 18 year old named high school senior named Julie. Julie was tall, 5'7', and buxom. She had at least C-cup breasts with a nice, curvy ass in perfect proportion. The most memorable thing about Julie, however, was not her height, age, or Amazonian build, but her labia minora. I have always avoided the use of this term as it is really too profane for polite company, but here on xhamster, I will tell you that these...

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The Gyrating Flamenco

It was a hot, sultry night in Havana. Rosita just arrived for her much needed vacation. Rosita was born in Brazil, but later emigrated to the States with her mother, father and younger sister. She was always considered bellisima, even as a little girl. With puberty came full, succulent, heaving breasts, perfectly aligned cleavage, round butt cheeks to match, connected by a slender, yet athletic midsection. Her legs continued forever. . .upon grazing her thigh and moving ever so slightly...

3 years ago
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Twice LuckyChapter 24

Jake woke up Friday morning with his hard-on wedged in Melissa’s delightfully full ass, her right breast cupped in his hand. She had one of her hands over his on her tit and the other between her legs. That is what had awakened him -- her gentle rhythm as she played with her pussy. He released her breast and slid his hand down to where she was playing with herself. She stiffened in his arms. “Naughty, naughty,” he said as he pulled her finger out of her slit. He replaced her finger with his...

2 years ago
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The Writers Workshop Part 3 Nudist Colony

Lisa and I spent all of Wednesday night together, exploring and enjoying each other. Joining the Writers Workshop that Lisa ran was the single best decision I had ever made. We got to know each other at our second meeting and my life changed. Her mind is perfect for me, challenging me when I need it and playing with me when I do not. Her body is perfect for me, creating new dreams and opening a new heaven to me. Mine must be perfect for her too because she can seldom keep her hands, and other...

Straight Sex
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Gaias ChampionChapter 13

Everyone had piled into Luke’s van, eager to go find Jason and the girls. Luke did not understand what sort of trouble Jason had gotten himself into, but the fact that it involved fairies, magic and such?!? He had a lot of explaining to do when he found him, if he didn’t strangle the man first! “Any idea where we’re supposed to go?” Luke asked as he started the engine. “I can give you a direction of where he is, but I can’t be any more specific until we get closer,” Phalmina told...

4 years ago
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Truth or Dare

Sandy looked around with a smirk on her face, ‘Truth…or dare?’ There were sniggers and someone threw a piece of popcorn at her.  ‘Cut the dramatics, Sandy,’ Cassy chuckled, ‘and pick.’ ‘All right, dare,’ Sandy finally said.  Cassy thought about it.  ‘Drink from the toilet,’ she said.  ‘Gross! No way!’ Sandy complained.  Cassy shrugged and gestured to Sandy.  ‘Fine. Your shirt it is then.’ Sandy sighed and stripped off her shirt to the obvious delight of Dylan and Sterling.  They were...

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Super Superheroes

Super SuperheroesWe had been invited to Paul’s bosses 50th Birthday party and it was superheroes and villains fancy dress, so after many months of thinking what the hell we could go as we decided on wonder woman and batman, we had arranged to go to the party with friends who lived near, Paul and Devon worked together, Paul had come home late from work so I was already dressed as wonder woman in my tight blue shorts with white stars red top and red boots and of course wonder woman head band...

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The Archangel Files

Permission is given to do whatever you want with this story, I'm not picky. Fair warning before reading, when I write stories I'm a writer, and a bad one at that. I am not a businessman, lawyer, doctor, theologian or hair care expert. Though I do have a working knowledge of many of these fields, I am an amateur not a professional. So, there is probably a whole bunch of factual errors in this piece. I did what research I could, but the primary goal was to tell a story, not write a...

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The McMurray Chronicles

Hello my name is Aaron McMurray; I am 19 years old and fairly fit. My Messed up weekend begins on Saturday morning. I wake up and like usual my mother made breakfast and was hurrying out the door with my dad to the store. My twin sisters were still asleep, they are 16 years old. They are Alright in looks from a brother’s point of view. A bonus I have realized over the years about having younger sisters is that they have smoking hot friends. Like there friend Claire, she was 17 teen years old...

2 years ago
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CynthiaChapter 11 Cynthias View

Four unhappy women climbed into the van to head back to Raleigh. Although it would be a long day, it would be nothing compared to Charles' trip. In the mirror, I noticed Alyssa crying quietly. I said, "Alyssa, are you having a hard time?" "Yes. I didn't want him to go. I'm scared." "We all are, sweetheart. It's okay to cry. I certainly have and I think your mother is still a little damp." "What are we going to do? He did everything around the house. We can't even go bike...

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Cab Fare

I wasn't sure of what I had taken that night. Actually I knew some of what I had taken that night to be more accurate. I was high — High as a kite they say. I was tipsy as well. The combination of the drugs and alcohol made me unsteady on my feet. I have always had 'balance issues', they were just exasperated by the toxins in my body. I was swaying as I walked down the street with my red and gold high heeled shoes swinging in my left hand. The soles of my feet were black from traipsing...

2 years ago
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Under the KnifeChapter 3

I sat on the sofa to think. I pondered for about half an hour. Then I knew what I had to do. A glance out the front door revealed Mae still standing under a streetlamp by the bus stop sign. It was dark and the wind was picking up. I sprinted out the door and called to her. “Mae!” I shouted. “Come back inside. We need to talk this through.” I met her halfway and we trotted back into the house. She was shivering and her legs were pink. “You must be frozen,” I said. “I’ll make some hot...

1 year ago
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Community FourEverChapter 32

Mimi’s turn: This place DOES weddings. Seriously. Allow me to expound. (See?!? Going back to school – college, actually, -- has caused me to start using a vocabulary) Previous peer groups I’ve known had all manner of pairings. And unpairings. Couples formed and broke up like waves on a pond. Babies showed up frequently, stuck with a single mom in some cases, in other cases being raised by grandparents. This place? I’m the community baby-herder – JW, Elise, Kathy, Stoneykins, and now,...

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MILF Blow job in a car

I saw a lot of women come into the paint store where I worked, but I could tell that Anna was interested in me after only a few minutes talking to her about the color she wanted to paint a hallway. Still, I was 19 and she had to be at least 30 (37 I found out later) and that whole MILF thing hadn't started yet.She came back a few days later and was less than suttle with me. After a few minutes of chatter she asked what time I got off work. When I told her 3:00pm she said she would meet me in...

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Birthday Surprise

Greg looked around Tampa International Airport as he waited for his phone to turn on. His heart raced, finally, he was in America after years of talking and planning. Greg's mind was brought back to reality by his phone buzzing. Greg smiled as he looked at the notifications, he sent a quick message to his family saying he had arrived safely. He blushed when he read the message from the woman he was going to see. He locked his phone before he broke and gave in to the temptation to message her...

Straight Sex
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Keeping Guard Ch 03

I got my answer almost immediately: yes, John was very good at kneading. As soon as I threw the ingredients together I put him to work on the early steps of baking bread. His strong hands turned the stiff dough with ease, and he was able to finish in half the time it would have taken me. Unfortunately, I was quick to discover that John was not very good at much else in the kitchen. ‘Great, now we leave that down by the oven to rise,’ I said once he had finished with the bread dough. ‘Now we...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 14 Moving Forward Part I

February/March 1983, Chicago, Illinois On Monday after history class I went to the clinic and picked up the results of my tests, which were, as expected, negative. I tucked the form into my bag and headed to meet Stephie for lunch. The rest of the day was routine, and I hoped that the next two weeks before Spring Break would be uneventful. I needed two weeks of calm routine at this point, but I suspected life would not cooperate, since it rarely ever did. On Tuesday afternoon I headed to...

4 years ago
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All For Charity

The charity event my wife runs started about two months ago. It’s not a normal charity event. My wife, Maggie, and her few friends; there’s about five of them that are real close, occasionally get together for a night out. One night, they all arrived back at our place and Maggie announced, out of the blue I may add, that one of them was going to have sex with me for charity. They had worked it all out; they all put around ten pounds into a pot and they would pull out some straws from a...

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Stephanies Back Door

I gestured helplessly at the stubborn portal as I brushed my long blonde hair back over my ear. “My back door is too tight,” I complained, turning in the direction of the voice. A handsome young man grinned at me from across the fence of my small back yard. “It looks just fine from where I’m standing, but I’d have a take a much closer look to know for sure,” he replied with a smile. “Hi, by the way. I’ve seen you around, but we haven’t met. I’m Jack.” he said, extending a...

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