WarbandChapter 2: Captive free porn video

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He awoke to vibrations, the sound of cartwheels, clanking metal and snorting horses. He raised his head gingerly and saw that he was lying down in some kind of metal cage strewn with straw. All of his armor had been removed, leaving him wearing only his gambeson and leggings. He was on a cart, and it was moving, the trees to either side of the road passing him by at a snail’s pace. His head pounded, and he cradled it in his hands, shutting his eyes against the lingering pain.

He started as a metallic clang rang through the cage, jumping out of his skin. An Orc ran its machete across the bars, laughing at him as it kept pace with the cart. Where were they going? Why had they not killed him? Anger and indignation flared, why had he been denied his glorious death?

“Good mornin’ sleepyhead.” The big Orc was walking alongside the cart, a smirk on her face as she looked him over. “Ye get a good night’s rest?”

He scowled at her, rubbing his head.

“What do you want with me, creature?” he spat. “Trying to recoup some of your losses by selling me to pirates?”

“Nah, I got other plans in store for ye.”

She leered menacingly, and Bevan recoiled a little. Were they going to torture him? Eat him? Use his pure blood in some evil ritual? His fate uncertain, he rested his arms on his knees and stared out past the bars of his cage at the passing scenery. They had traveled a ways from the village, that much was sure, and his order would assume he had been slain along with his brothers. There was no help coming for him now. He would have to formulate his own escape plan. Orcs were stupid, that much was known to mankind. Eventually, they would make a mistake that he might take advantage of. It was just a matter of biding his time and waiting for the perfect moment.

“Well don’t go all quiet on me, boy,” the Orc chided. “Keep talkin’ yer Paladin shit, it’ll make this walk less borin’ for me.”

“Paladin shit?” he replied sarcastically.

“Aye, Paladin shit. Oh, I’m a big strong Paladin and I ain’t afraid of ye! I say, ‘ave at ye, en garde and so forth! Brings me no end of joy to watch ye fall over yerself, ye little idiot. How old are ye anyway? Ye don’t look to be more than a boy.”

“I’m not a boy, I’m a Paladin. As soon as I turned seventeen, I joined the order to do my duty and slay monsters like you.”

“Aye, and how long ago was that then?”

“If you must know, about a year.”

“So ye are a bloody kid then?” She smirked as his face turned red and he started to fume.

“Well a kid slew at least ten of yours, so what does that say about Orcs?”

“That ye ain’t as smart as ye think ye are. I had that town scoped out before ye even arrived. I knew that if I threw enough Orcs at ye, ye’d retreat into the town square. All I had to do was make sure that we killed enough of ye before that happened so that ye couldn’t cover all the streets. So what happened, brave little Paladin? Ye got overrun, ye were fucked from the moment ye set out.”

That startled him, and he stared at his bare feet. Orcs were not supposed to be strategists, all of the books in the library back at the monastery described them as thoughtless beasts who roamed in hordes and attacked targets of opportunity. Rather than simply being overwhelmed by violent animals, the Paladins had been outmaneuvered. It didn’t make sense.

“Don’t look so glum, boy. Why dwell on the past when ye have so much to look forward to?” He shot her a dirty look, and she laughed at him, exposing her serrated tusks. “I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun together, Paladin. What’s yer name, anyway?”

“You may call me Paladin, or Sir Knight, Orc.”

She grinned, wiping her discolored lips with the back of her hand.

“I think I’ll just keep callin’ ye boy, seen as you like it so much.”

Bevan lay back in the straw and watched the clouds pass overhead, trying to ignore the Orc’s taunting. He closed his eyes and started to sing a hymn, a plea of divine protection in the old tongue. The Orc listened in silence for a while, perhaps enjoying the tune as she walked, her armor clanking and rustling. The other Orcs seemed indifferent, uncommunicative, they marched in no recognizable formation and paid no attention to the conversation or the songs. After a while his captor interrupted him, breaking his meditation.

“So what does that song mean? Is it a prayer?”

“Yes, the twelfth sermon of divine mercy. It’s a call for protection against evil and a blessing of purification.”

“Ye say that as if I should be concerned. Are yer Gods going to strike me down where I walk?”

“The Gods do as they will, mortal men cannot command them, nor beg favors. I merely purify my soul in preparation for whatever their plans for me may be. I accept my fate, whatever they have chosen. Clearly, my trials are not yet over, and I have more to accomplish before I can meet my brothers in Paradise.”

The Orc glanced at him, less snark now and more ... pity?

“Why are ye so quick to throw yer life away? How can ye be ready to die if ye haven’t lived yet?”

“This world is fleeting, Orc, though I wouldn’t expect an evil creature like you to understand the divine. Materialism is an illusion, a distraction. You cannot buy your way into heaven with the gold you steal from these poor villagers, and you cannot bribe the Gods for their favor. Your body will die one day, but your soul will live forever.”

“Aye, I’ll die one day, but isn’t that all the more reason to enjoy meself while I can?”

“The pleasures of this world are base and ephemeral.”

“Says the boy who hasn’t spent a day outside his monastery since he came of age.”

“That’s not true,” he snapped, annoyed. “I’ve traveled plenty, I’ve seen much of the kingdom, and what I haven’t seen I’ve read of in the library.”

“Have ye ever lain with a woman? Gotten drunk in a tavern and fought yer friends? Done anythin’ for yerself that yer parents or yer Paladins didn’t arrange for ye?”

Bevan reddened and turned away, staring out at the withered trees as they passed by the cart.

“Aye, I thought as much. I pity ye religious types, yer Gods give ye a whole world to play in, going by yer scriptures there’s nothin’ here they didn’t invent. Have ye considered they made loose wenches and tall mugs of frothin’ mead for yer own benefit? Hell, they gave ye a cock and two hands, then told ye not to play with ‘em. It’s like givin’ ye flint and kindling and tellin’ ye not to make a fire.”

Bevan’s face burned, and he began to sing another hymn in order to block out her obscenities. The Orc shrugged, her heavy boots sinking into the muddy road.

“Ye can’t just block out things ye don’t want to hear, kid.”

They marched for hours, their destination unknown to Bevan as the cart trundled through mud and potholes, bouncing and shuddering. The sun began to get low in the sky, and there was still no settlement in sight. They had nowhere to take shelter, nothing but empty fields and patches of woodland. At least the previous night’s rain had passed them by, but it had left the earth wet and slippery, even the horse struggled through the uneven terrain.

The big Orc called out to her soldiers in their crude language, and they turned off the road and into one of the islands of forest that dotted the farmland. The canopy blotted out the waning light of the sun, casting him into darkness inside his cage. The twisted trunks of the gnarled old trees passed by the cart as they reached a clearing and came to a halt. Were they stopping here for the night? Camping out in the open air? He prayed that they wouldn’t just leave him exposed to the cold wind overnight, but to expect mercy from these beasts was folly.

He watched as the Orcs unloaded heavy packs and rolls of fabric, and after maybe a half hour of activity they had erected a small village of tents, a roaring fire crackling in the center upon which metal pots and pans brewed unfamiliar stews and soups. He hoped that he would not become one of the dishes.

The big Orc walked to the back of the cart and withdrew a large, iron key from a pouch on her belt. She unlocked the door of his cage with a mechanical clunk, and Bevan scurried away to the far end. She rolled her eyes and beckoned to him, her black fingernails pointed like claws.

“Come on, boy. Ye ain’t going anywhere with no shoes, and we ain’t gonna eat ye.”

Bevan inched towards her warily.

“Man flesh tastes like shit anyway, I prefer pork,” she added with a toothy grin. She laughed as he recoiled. “I’m jokin’ ye big baby, now come out here so I can feed ye. A dead slave is of no use to anyone.”

It didn’t look like he had much of a choice. He scooted over to her, refusing to take her hand as he dropped unsteadily from the cart and into the cold, wet mud. He felt the dirt between his toes and pulled a disgusted face. The Orc laughed at him again, her hands on her wide hips.

“This way, Sir Knight. Get some stew in ye while it’s hot.”

She was right, there was no way that he could make a break for it in these conditions without any shoes, he’d be too cut and bloody to walk by the time he got out of the forest. Where was his gear? Did they intend to sell it? His stomach gurgled audibly, and suddenly the idea of stew didn’t sound so bad. He followed her to the campfire and sat down gingerly, still sore and bruised from the beating that she had meted out in the village.

There were a few other Orcs milling around the fire, stirring the food as it boiled and chatting in their odd language. Most had removed their armor, and with a start, Bevan realized that they were all female. He couldn’t see a single male among them.

“Where are the men?” he asked, looking up at the tall Orc. “Did we kill them all?”

She put a hand to her mouth, chuckling at his confused expression.

“Nah, we had no men. Ye think too highly of yer Paladins, boy.”

Bevan scowled and watched the flames dance in the glowing embers.

“This here is my warband. If ye think female Orcs are violent, ye ain’t seen males before. Practically fuckin’ feral. I don’t like dealin’ with ‘em, except when the mood takes me, if you know what I mean.”

She laughed at his disgusted expression.

“Why am I alive?” he blurted abruptly. She was taken aback, and waited for him to elaborate. “I killed at least a dozen of yours, you killed the rest of my brothers, why spare me? Don’t you hate me?”

“I don’t hate ye, boy. War is business. We attacked ye, ye fought us, that’s the way it goes. If we wanna take what ain’t ours by right, then we gotta expect to lose a few soldiers in the process.”

“It’s not business to us,” Bevan snapped, indignation in his tone. “You attack innocent people who have done you no wrong and who can’t defend themselves. You kill them, steal everything they own, sell their families into slavery. You’re evil, abhorrent. I hate you, and I’ll kill you the first opportunity I get.”

“Now that’s just impolite, do ye want to go back in yer cage?”

He shook his head, crossing his arms and seething.

“It’s just business kid, it ain’t personal. Not like an Orc could get honest work round these parts with yer bloody Paladins marching around tellin’ all and sundry that we’re demons.”

“Are you not?”

The Orc shook her head in exasperation, leaning towards the campfire in order to spoon soup into a wooden bowl, then she handed the steaming brew to him. He took it reluctantly, putting it to his mouth and sipping the hot liquid warily.

“I didn’t kill ye kid, because yer brave, and ye fought me good and fair. If there’s one thing Orcs respect, it’s bein’ a brazen little shit and trying to punch above yer weight. Yer only little, and ye weren’t any real threat to me. Don’t make that face, it’s not an insult. Most men woulda begged, and I woulda killed ‘em for it, but ye were good and ready to gut me. I guess that amused me. Orcs have children too ye know, I’m not about to kill a young man when I could just as easily take him as a slave.”

“Is that my fate then? Slavery?”

She drank deeply from her own bowl, pausing to chew a floating vegetable.

“We’ll see. Dunno how much a scrawny kid like ye would be worth to pirates. Can’t picture ye climbing rigging and swabbing decks. Where the fuck did ye come from anyway? Ye act like ye never seen mud and grime before.”

“A noble house, and I won’t tell you which. I gave up my inheritance and my title when I joined the Paladins, so you won’t get any ransom money for me. I hold no value to my family.”

“Alright, alright, point taken. Now why the fuck would a highborn like yerself give up a life of luxury and leisure to join an order of warrior monks with staves shoved so far up their arses they shit splinters?”

Bevan sipped again, the brew warming his belly and taking the edge off his anger. He allowed himself to relax a little. He was in no immediate danger, not right now. Might as well eat while there was food going, and the conversation could be worse if he looked past the Orc’s vulgarity.

“I took an interest in the scripture and came to the conclusion that a comfortable, safe life would hinder my admission into heaven. I took a vow to live and die in the service of the Gods in this life so that I might enjoy their rewards in the next.”

“How noble of ye,” she said sarcastically. “Most people in this world spend their time wishin’ they had a few moments of comfort and safety, but ye were born into it, and ye squandered it.”

“There’s no nobility in a life of luxury,” he snapped.

“And do ye think there’s nobility in war? Look where ye are, boy. Bloody kids think ye know everythin’ don’t ye?”

Bevan took another drink from his bowl, sulking as she lectured him.

“Ye should consider yerself lucky to be alive, lucky to have come across me and not some ugly cunt who’d kill ye for the sport of it. I didn’t put ye in that battle, that was yer own doin’. Maybe yer Gods are lookin’ out for ye after all.”

“You should have just killed me...”

“I could kill ye right now if that’s what ye want.”

He shook his head, and picked up a twig, prodding at the orange embers as the flames crackled around the cooking pots.

“I liked ye more when ye were talkin’ shit. Yer no fun when yer sulking. Only kids sulk ye know.”

“That’s not true,” he mumbled.

“Oh aye, little kids.”

“I’m not a little kid, I’m a man. I’ve fought in battles.”

“Battles don’t make ye a man, I’ve been in plenty of battles, and I didn’t grow no fuckin’ beard. Only one thing’ll do that for ye, and ye ain’t done it yet.”

His face reddened, and he turned to look away, a knowing smile spreading across the Orc’s lips as she leaned closer to whisper in his ear.

“If ye ain’t been with a woman, ye ain’t no man.”

“Ridiculous, all Paladins are celibate. It’s part of the vow we take in service of the Gods. There is no force on this earth more corrupting and more likely to lead a noble man astray than ... that.”

“That may be, but there ain’t no force on this earth more likely to change yer perspective on base, earthly matters than a good lay.”

Bevan rose to his feet, placing the bowl down on the ground.

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Female POW3 Afghan captivity

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Female POW 3:?? Afghan? Captivity?????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? by [email protected]   DISCLAIMERS:? This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental. This story includes fictional descriptions of rape, torture, and bondage. If these descriptions are likely to offend you, DO NOT READ THIS STORY.? If you are under twenty-one...

3 years ago
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Cuchilla Captivity

Cuchilla Captivityby [email protected] 1Jane looked down from the window in her room to the courtyard below.  She had come to view this as her room even though it was more like a prison cell.  It was comfortable enough.  Actually, it was almost opulent in its elegance.  She had a spacious private bath, a sitting room and a bedroom with a luxurious four-poster king size bed.  She even had a walk-in closet.But it was more of a prison cell than a room.  The closet was devoid of...

2 years ago
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Ashleys Spring Break Captivity

As long as she kept reminding herself that it was a joke, she was fine ????????  As long as she kept remembering that it was all a joke, she was fine; she was just another girl on stage in shorts and a tee-shirt. But it was getting harder to treat it as a joke when all these other people were telling them what to do and where to go; how to stand and how to walk, and smile, smile, smile. It was they started taking it seriously that she got nervous.?Because? it was a joke, and it had been...

2 years ago
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Barbarian Queen in Captivity

Titus Severus, Imperial Legate and Commander of the XXVII Legion, sat on a stool under an awning listening to the reports of his sub-commanders and smiling tightly. There was no question that he had won a mighty victory, his legion routing the ferocious but over-matched and disorganised Celts after he finally trapped them and forced them to battle. The enemy dead littered the battlefield, and reports of fleeing bands being chased down and slaughtered were coming in with every new dispatch...

4 years ago
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Captivated by ariel emmsHer still bright eyes looked around the room, meeting the vacant stares of the others.  How long, she thought, till that is me. ........... Ariel had been captivated by Callista from the very start.  Tall, blonde, striking, Callista carried herself with a confidence and vivaciousness it would have been hard for anyone not to find engaging.  Certainly Ariel saw in her the kind of person who just swept up other people and carried them away in her wake.  Being more...

4 years ago
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Familys Captivity

"That’s enough, Diego. You can give your arm a break for a moment." Joquan shook his head sadly at the father and then glanced over at the captive's two young daughters sitting on the couch across from them. "You shouldn't have stiffed me, man. I loan you money, I expect to get a return on my investment. You've had 12 months to pay up, and what do you give me? Not a DIME!" The tall, Hispanic gang leader glanced at his two lieutenants, Diego and Gurrero. "What you think,...

4 years ago
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Butterfly Beach XIV Captivity

A mockery of a woman, most decidedly feminine in feature, stood before me appraising me in silence.  In return, I examined her as well, more curious, at the moment, than afraid, although I wasn’t entirely without fear.  She would have once been regarded as beautiful, I surmised, despite that her features were somehow alien in cast – her single eye slanted and overly large, a lavender pupil filling the entirety and her features somewhat sharper than any human I had ever encountered.  And her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Ariel knew he’d been watching her; he had to have been, all the way from the garage on that stretch of country road when she’d turned off the main motorway in search of a full tank. It had been her own fault not filling up at the start of her journey but she was impatient and hadn’t wanted to queue. She was almost half way back to college when the car started to protest, the needle showing her petrol tank was almost empty. The cop on the motorbike had pulled her over as soon as she hit seventy...

4 years ago
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Bred in Captivity

Bred in Captivity By Razor7826 (Copyright 2008)        He awoke in an unfamiliar bed.  It was king size, far larger than the one in his house, and he was laid out atop the sheets wearing nothing but loose fitting pajama bottoms.  He was naked underneath.  Light shone in from behind the curtains.         What did he do the previous night?  He couldn’t remember.  All that came to mind were the end of the work day. He got into his car and was on his way home to his siblings when? yes, that was...

3 years ago
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The bedsprings creaked. Will spun around and positioned himself beside Heather and in front of Sam. Anticipation swelled within Sam. He drew himself up close to the edge of the bed and Will inched his feet further apart. His mighty rod stood tall dead center.“It seems like I don’t have to tell you to watch closely,” Heather said as she crawled toward Will’s lap. “I’m kind of disappointed I don’t have to force you, but this is also pretty great.”“I just—”“Little Sammy just wants to be a part of...

3 years ago
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Rogues Story Part Two Captivated

Rebecca stands on the raised platform in the ball room, wearing the electric blue silk dress her husband bought her as a gift from his last trip to India. The material clung to her small waist, and down over her curvaceous hips, it glided down her long legs to her ankle with a suggestive slit up to her thighs. Her long brown hair is pinned back exposing her neck, and her cheeks were flushed pink not just with the make-up she was wearing, but from the heat burning deep inside, that she had...

2 years ago
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Honey was blond, with hair the colour of her name. Long and straight, it caressed her delicate features as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom. The foam of the toothpaste whitened her lips as she went through the listless motions of brushing. The activities of her limb as it manipulated the brushing of her teeth caused the soft swell of her breasts to jiggle restlessly. Nude, she paused to gaze at herself in the long mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Her soft blue eyes, falling...

3 years ago
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Week Long Captivity

Wait a minute, before anything else happens... Are you Roland Bates? Gender: Male Age: 25 Height: 5'11 Penis Size: 6 and 1/2 inches Hair: Messy and bushy brown hair Eye Color: Green Skin Color: Pale White Sexuality: Straight Or are you Rani Delmont? Gender: Female Age: 23 Height: 5'4 Breast Size: BB Cup Hair: Straight and brushed black hair Eye Color: Hazel Skin Color: Tanned Brown Sexuality: Bi-Sexual Now that the pawns have been placed, please answer the following question. Who are you?

4 years ago
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Honey was blond, with hair the colour of her name. Long and straight, it caressed her delicate features as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom. The foam of the toothpaste whitened her lips as she went through the listless motions of brushing. The activities of her limb as it manipulated the brushing of her teeth caused the soft swell of her breasts to jiggle restlessly.Nude, she paused to gaze at herself in the long mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Her soft blue eyes, falling...

2 years ago
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Jewish Mother Fucked Jewish Daughter Captivated

Among the traumas of my early life (and there are many for a Jewish girl) was the fact that my dad never displayed any sexual interest in me whatsoever. The only meat he was interested in was the stuff he cut and sliced at his deli. My mom was equally neglected, which led to my first lesson about sex.I came home from school one windy autumn day, and immediately heard two things emanating from upstairs: Male grunts and female gasps. I had long suspected Mom had taken a lover to get the kind of...

2 years ago
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Rogues Story Part Two Captivated

Rebecca stands on the raised platform in the ball room, wearing the electric blue silk dress her husband bought her as a gift from his last trip to India. The material clung to her small waist, and down over her curvaceous hips, it glided down her long legs to her ankle with a suggestive slit up to her thighs. Her long brown hair is pinned back exposing her neck, and her cheeks were flushed pink not just with the make-up she was wearing, but from the heat burning deep inside, that she had not...

4 years ago
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?Feeling better after your shower? he asks, handing her a cup of tea ?Feeling better after your shower? he asks, handing her a cup of tea. ?Much!? Carrie smiles, wrapped in a towel, her damp hair framing her smiling face. ?Its so good to be here at last! Our new home! I wish I could have moved down here last month, when you did.?He smiles and sips his tea. ?All a cunning plot to get out of doing the unpacking, if you ask me? he teases. They chatter some more about her flight, her last...

3 years ago
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Wickeds Captivation

You awaken from sleep... sensing something different... you try to move... and your met with resistance... you see that your arms and legs have been tied to the bedposts... silken ties have you bound... you feel my presence... turning your head... you see my stretched out along side of you... one arm propped up.as i gaze down at you... a small sensual smile on my lips... gazing into my eyes... you see the fires of my desire for you burning bright... i lean close to you... you feel my warm...

3 years ago
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Connie in Captivity

It looked like an ordinary check point, one more in a series of small military outposts manned by various feuding factions, but when her Lebanese driver got down and handed over their papers to the soldier in fatigues, the officer beside him drew a pistol and shot the startled little man in the forehead. He tossed Connie's passport and travel documents aside, opened the door of the Jeep and pulled her out onto the sandy roadside. She landed n her hands and knees, rolled over and scrambled to...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 133 Captivated

The fight began about as expected – with flights of arrows. The soldiers deflected the missiles with their shields, but one or two of the archers got lucky, and the first soldier fell, an arrow protruding from his neck. The emissary began casting – some sort of lightning spell, from the feel of it – and I wrenched its mana away before it could do any damage. Faren engaged with a number of hurlocks, swinging his longswords in arcs, cleaving indiscriminately, and a few of the soldiers went...

4 years ago
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Twin Marcus strikes back for more

Twin Marcus strikes back for moreTwo days after the good sex session with the twins Clifton and Marcus, my loving husband was still out of town.In the afternoon Marcus called me, telling he was extremely horny and wishing to take me again…I said him he could come for me that same night…Marcus took me to the same cheap motel we had fucked the first time.He was alone, but he told me his twin Clifton was arranging a meeting with some of their black mates… and I would be the cherry on that...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 128 Party

I decided to throw a party. As soon as I made that decision, I went to ask my parents' permission. That's the thing about being fifteen. You can make all the decisions in your life you want as long as you get permission. My parents had almost eclipsed my amazing weekend with four girlfriends when they gave me a Macintosh computer for my birthday. I wanted one, yes. I'd told them I was saving money to buy one. I'd answered their questions about why I wanted a computer and if that was the...

4 years ago
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How i fuck

After my dad passed away in june’08 my mother insist me to stay at home. Because after completing my b.tech in 2006 i left home and was staying in noida for my job. So for my mom i have to leave my job and stay at home, my father was a business man so after him i started to look after my family business. As i told earlier that i was staying at a small town still we have every facility in our home. Our home is an old structured but it is well furnished from inside. We don’t have water supply...

3 years ago
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A Night to Remember

You come home from work, tired but glad to be finished another week of long day shifts. As you walk in the door you see a note on the dining room table. My Dearest, There will be a limo here at 5 to pick you up. Just worry about getting yourself ready; everything else has been taken care of. Dress however you feel for a sexy weekend. Pack for 2 nights (although if I have my way you won’t need many clothes!) When you get to the hotel, just tell them who you are and they will fix your...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 42

The beds at the cabin were smaller than the one at the apartment but Phil didn’t mind. It just meant Hailey had to snuggle closer to him – which she didn’t mind in the slightest. She reveled in the closeness as she felt Phil come awake. His erection was pressed between her butt cheeks and his hand nestled between her bountiful breasts. She felt his warm breath on her neck and it caused her to shiver. “You OK?” Phil wondered. “I’m great,” Hailey said. She wasn’t joking. She felt wonderful,...

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Sex With Jaipur Girlfriend

The story is about how I seduced my girlfriend and fucked her like anything She was beautiful and was very attractive , I was and am always single as I don’t believe in long term relationship and moreover very much fond of sex and money Hi , this is Karan from Jaipur aged 26 with an average athletic body figure with a good size of cock which can satisfy anyone like aunties girls married lonely woman , etc. Etc.. If anyone like my story or want to have a private relationship can mail me at I...

4 years ago
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Seoul Bound

SEOUL BOUND PART ONE I didn't realize at the time but we had a very gifted basketball coach in our grade school principal. One of his secrets that added to his success was having the whole team pass medicine balls back and forth for five uninterrupted minutes. Young players can't handle a basket-ball if they have no arm strength. A second stroke was each player needed to sink eight out of ten free throws before they could join the scheduled practice. The third was zone playing and...

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Annas Life

God, it's so hot. You roll over in bed and groan, closing your eyes as your hands grasp the sheets tightly. Your thin t-shirt is stuck to your body with sweat, clinging to you as you toss and turn in your small bed. Opening your eyes you roll to one side, checking the alarm clock. 7:45. It's pretty early. Elsewhere in the house you can hear your mother beginning to make breakfast. Slowly you sit up, a hand going up to run through your long black hair. Idly you trace the curves of your large...

4 years ago
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Costume Gun Goth Girl to Soccer Mom

Costume Gun: Goth Girl to Soccer Mom By Heather St. Claire Today is a big milestone in my life. But my wonderful husband, my three darling children and my beloved mother will never know about it. It may seem like an ordinary day in the life of a very ordinary 29 (soon to be 30) year old. But there is something really special about it because beginning today, this average yet oh-so-wonderful day, I will have spent more days of my life as a female than a male. I'm not much to look...

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