Eternal Darkness Chapter Two
- 4 years ago
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When I came to, I could see again, although the place was so dark that it might be hard to call it seeing. Rather, I was coherent enough to know I could see if given the opportunity. After the fuzzy feeling of unconsciousness melted away, flecks of ebony sky became visible through the cracked glass pattern of the dense mass of vacillating tree branches and leaves above me. Stars were missing, suggesting that thick clouds had finally rolled in. I was lying on my back and I closed my fists against the ground, finding rich soil that came up easily.
What the hell had happened? Where ... Where had she gone? Slowly, I sat up. I was alone, and a quick feel-about revealed a pile of clothes nearby. A tree-filtered flash of lightning finally gave me a snapshot of the scene. I was sitting between two bonfires that were ashen, the rings of which were still warm. So I was naked. Was that encounter with the spirit not a dream, then? Surely it was a whiskey-infused bender that had put me into this peculiar position. It was not the first time I had awoken in a strange place under strange circumstances with still stranger memories. I pulled the silver flask from my overalls, but found it almost completely full. I let out out a laugh. Well, if the drink had not put me in this situation, the drink would surely be necessary to get out of it. I took a long slug, and a second.
I have to find her... With surprising lucidity, I found myself rapidly donning my shoes and overalls, not wasting time with the rest of the getup. Then I was hurrying down the path through the woods, until I emerged into that God-forsaken maze again. I grunted in frustration. Hours of tedious walking through what sounded like imminent rain was going to be rather anti-climactic.
Ah, but there was an ear of corn on the ground! I examined it closer, as it seemed to be phosphorescent in the low light. It was pointing left, the way I had come from earlier when I had found the secret path. I didn't remember setting this one as part of my scheme of crumbs. Perhaps it was just a fallen, wayward ear. I set off in that direction anyway, knowing I could use my marking system to follow the butt ends of any single ears to trace the way out. Well, not quite, but certainly closer to the entrance than I would get by going the other way.
A funny feeling began to take shape in my thoughts as I reached intersection after intersection, finding all the corn ears I had so carefully placed now removed, save for one. These solitary stragglers were pointing forward. I didn't even question them after the first few forks seemed to be correct. Whether it was for my benefit or not, someone had marked the pathway for me.
Within ten minutes and spattered by spitting rain, I had emerged into the Jeffersons' open field again, taking a deep breath of air as the oppression of the maze started to dissipate. A riot of dragonflies was startled by my untoward appearance and noisily rallied around me for a moment before zipping away to take shelter. There was a final ear of corn lying on the worn patch of grass that had all day been hammered by the impatient stomping of maze goers forced to wait in place as young Jeremiah staggered their entry to avoid clogging. The ear pointed the only place it could.
I hurried across the field as the rain began to fall in earnest. The storm had not held off long enough, and by the time I reached the doors of the barn the massive water bombs had completely soaked me through. With a noisy heave, I had the door open and I slipped into the warm dry interior, shutting out the elements with a grateful bang. Standing a moment to catch my breath, my first instinct was to reach for the flashlight but I decided against it. Last time it had been my undoing.
"I'm here," I said, quietly but also a bit nervous that there would be no reply.
"Hi, James." Again her voice was up in the loft.
"I promise I won't turn on the light this time. Just don't run away again, please?"
"I didn't run away," she replied.
"Who are you?"
"I'm surprised to hear you say this."
"I'm sorry, but this is all very strange. Interesting, yes, but I wonder if I'm not the butt of a prank."
"Why did you come back here, then?" she asked. "You could have just gone home."
"I came to find you. You must have set out the corn arrows, so I figured that you wanted me to come."
"And now that you've found me?"
"I want to see you. To know you," I pleaded.
"I already gave myself fully to you. Earlier."
I froze as her words hit me. "In the ring of fire?" I asked slowly. "You mean that was you? That was real?"
"As real as could be, James. So what else could you want, now that you've had me so completely?"
Her confirmation was astonishing. What person would do this? Why me? What crazy ritual had I stumbled on?
"That ... That was so intense, but not nearly enough!"
"It was magical," she agreed softly. "But nothing might ever be as magical again."
"Why not?"
"Best to remember tonight, revel in it, and go forward with our lives. A chance meeting for a few hours, and nothing more."
I had to fight off the urge to reach for the light as she spoke.
"Who are you?" I asked again. "Do I know you?"
There was a pause. "You've seen me before."
I cast about, trying to remember everything that had happened this day, this month, my whole life.
"Were you at the sorority party?"
A slight hesitation, but the answer came firmly. "Yes."
I narrowed the parameters of my search, but could not pin the voice to anyone I had seen there. If only I'd been more observant and less critical earlier, I might have had a sense of what was happening now.
"Why are we here, then?" I finally asked.
"We always end up here. I've..."
I heard a sigh, and I waited patiently.
"I've been watching you play in here for years. And you me, if you really remember. I was standing right where I am now, the last time you saw me."
My heart started pounding as I began to see those old glimpses of ghosts in the barn. The flash of a dress hem, a wisp of hair ... Those corner-of-the-eye moments were all so similar. And other memories came back. Twin fiddles played in my ear. A beautiful girl standing by the upper window, open, inviting ... Mr. Jefferson, entering with a gun...
"Where are you?" I managed to ask.
"I'm in the loft, of course."
"Where, exactly?" I pressed.
"By the window."
"And what are you wearing?"
"A long white dress, with a flowered hem. It w-was your favorite." Her voice was tangled up with emotion now.
I felt my legs trembling, and I stepped back to brace myself against the doors. It was simply not possible. I tried to speak, but no words came. Fear gripped my heart as crazy thoughts mused about the onset of insanity. Was this how it began? A ghost ... Was this a haunted barn? One big dream? When would I wake up?
"Do you remember, James?" she whispered.
I still could not speak. My rational brain fought to regain control, and finally it started to win. It was nonsense, of course. This was a joke, a cruel trick played on me by Jeremy, for leaving the party early and generally being a boring old introvert. Someone had clearly been told of past events that I thought were buried away, and now they were trying to use it against me as a nasty Halloween prank.
"Did Jeremy put you up to this?" I cried.
"I think you know who I am."
"Stop! I don't believe you!"
"Do you not believe in ghosts?" she asked.
"No! And this has to be the cruelest joke." Madness, to be accurate. "I don't think you understand what you are doing! Whatever trick you are playing, it is not without pain!"
"I know. So ask me the questions you know will satisfy you," she challenged.
I knew what I could ask, but now I was afraid to hear the answer. What if she could answer them correctly? Then the world would get even weirder. I swallowed hard, and went straight to the heart of it.
"What did you give me that day?"
The answer came immediately, without hesitation and with obvious and deep meaning. "An ebony violin tuning pin, with the button carved into a heart shape and a mother-of-pearl star on the end."
Oh God...
"And what did I give you?" I whispered hoarsely.
"Maybe you should grab the flashlight," she urged, her voice tight.
I blindly made my way over towards the wall where I'd earlier left the flashlight standing and felt around on the narrow beam. My fingers found something small instead, and I picked it up carefully, my hands quivering. Despite being able to see absolutely nothing in the pitch black, the shape was unmistakable in my hands. It was a tuning pin and through the string hole was threaded the plain silver necklace I had once given to her. A roaring sound filled my ears as the barn seemed to press closer and then further, like an accordion box out of control.
"But ... B-but how?" I stammered. "This can't be happening!"
It was impossible! I had secretly buried the tuning pin at the foot of her gravestone long ago, with the hopes that the necklace was also there, resting peacefully a few feet below. The closest that they would ever come to being together, I figured. And now, they were intertwined here in my hand. No one knew where that pin was buried, deep within the world, nor its connection with the necklace...
No! This was someone who was playing an evil hoax on me. It was beyond what Jeremy was capable of. Some darker devil had concocted the blackness, the tomfoolery to make me believe. Was Jakob extracting his final revenge for his daughter's death? Was it her sister Jenny up there in the aerie? The voice was familiar, after all.
I felt the pin again. Was it heart-shaped? My fingers played tricks on me and I started to doubt. There were lots of heart-shaped pins in the world. The necklace could be a piece of polished rawhide for all I could steady my shaky hands.
"This can't be real!"
Suddenly, a yellow light illuminated the necklace, and I almost dropped it in fright. My eyes shot up to the loft where the flashlight had clicked on like a focused spotlight, but I could see nothing beyond, against the glare of it.
"You still have doubts, James?"
I looked back at the pin, in spite of the twisted feeling that was building within me. There was no doubt that our sacred pair of gifts had been impossibly rejoined. She was back. Whether alive or dead, I did not know, but it was her.
"Katie..." I whispered.
"So you do remember."
I spluttered. "Of course I remember! My God, but I don't understand! Are you a ghost?"
There was a small laugh. "You just said you didn't believe in them."
"I don't know what to believe, now that I have our necklace in my hand!" I cried.
"Maybe a little more quiet would serve us well, James. Remember the last time we were too noisy in this barn. It didn't end up so well for us."
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the fraying edges of my nerves. I fingered the pin, sliding the chain back and forth through it, as the rain continued to pelt the roof.
"Is it really you, Katie? The same Katie I loved back then?"
I heard a gasp. "I ... I don't know," she answered, surprise in her voice.
"What do you mean by that? State it plainly now: Are you Katie Jefferson?" I demanded.
"Yes..." she finally whispered.
The world shook as thunder cratered the air, and I found it impossible to inflate my lungs. I staggered around for a moment, wondering if I was to suffocate. At last, my head stopped spinning enough that I was able to find the vertical again, and my constriction eased slightly.
"If it's really you, then why are you here now, after so many years?"
"I couldn't wait any longer."
"I don't understand! Your parents, they said you ... you were in an accident. Where have you been?"
"I've been right here, watching you and your marvelous instrument grow. I know you played for me often after I left, at least until you stopped coming here."
Yes, it was true. I had always thought of her when I practiced in the old barn. It was impossible not to. Of course, this was the main reason I had decided to give up this space and take to the small studios at the conservatory. I'd thought that the past was holding me down. Now it was all coming back, and how! I wiped tears from my cheek.
"But why the maze, and the forest, and the..." I shuddered, the memory of our ecstatic episode, still fresh in my body. Had I really just been with Katie in that way? "Why the ring of fire? Was that whole ritual something you put together just to be with me?"
"No. That was a very old festival we visited tonight. Running for more years than the daytime Autumn Festival has, even. No, I just ... I used it as a way to get to you as best I could. Tonight is the only night when no one questions the costumes we always wear. I can come out of hiding and my mask will be nothing out of the ordinary. Ghosts like me are expected on Halloween. The rest of the year, not so much ... But mostly..." There was a period of silence. "Mostly I wanted to know what it was like to be with you, James. After all these years, you're still all I've thought of."
My insides were a knotted mess at her words. "Oh, Katie! But if you've been here all along, why haven't you shown yourself? Why did you hide from me for so many years? What did I do wrong? Did I break your heart?"
"No, James ... You saved it. And I am sorry for everything. But even now, I can't face you, which is why I seduced you in such a strange manner, and why you are still blind to me. After I leave tonight, I hope you'll just know me as a ghost, a beautiful ghost you shared an undying moment with. It doesn't even matter if I am real. Hold on to it forever, my love, but let go of everything else."
"You're leaving?" I cried, still staring at the blinding light, trying desperately to make out something behind it that would tell me she was real. Something to confirm that this was not in my head. "Why do you have to leave? I don't understand!"
"Some things are meant to be, and others are not."
"Don't say that!"
"Goodbye, James." Her voice was strangled. "I will always love you, but I will let you go now."
The light switched off, and I could see nothing but the bright echo of it, seared into my retinas.
"No!" I screamed. "Katie, wait!"
I stumbled around blindly but could not find the ladder. I soon realized she had probably moved it. The woody clanking sound of a plank falling against metal came from somewhere above me and echoed in the space. The window! I had to get out before she escaped through the pane and disappeared into the night again. I jammed my hand into the wall in my haste, and then slid along until I found the door, grasped the handle and heaved.
Nothing. After several attempts, I knew I had been locked in. She must have slid a beam into the track. I cursed in frustration. By the time I could have found a way up to the loft to dislodge the post, she'd be in the next county. I was sure that the side door would also be jammed. Escape was hopeless now, so I ran to the center of the barn.
"Katie! If you are still here, please stop! If you love me, if you have ever loved me, please! You don't owe me anything, but tell me the truth, and then you can go if you have to. I won't stop you then, I promise. Please... ! I promise you anything, just, don't go. Don't go..."
The only sound was of the rain, and my ragged breathing. I strained to hear something, anything that would tell me she had not already made her exit. A long time passed, and then I heard the faintest creak. She's not gone, I repeated fervently and silently to myself. There was a long pause, and then ... a breath. A breath!
Then she started to speak, her flat, disembodied voice haltingly unraveling the story of the past four years.
"After my dad sent me away to that school, my life was so desolate. I was incredibly miserable. To be ripped out of my home, my farm, and most of all away from my best friend and musical hero was a burden beyond what I can describe. The school was not foul, no, but there was no hope of contacting you. I don't fault anyone there. I was even managing to make some friends, against my desires to do so. But I missed ... everything so much. But mostly you, James. Mostly you."
How I longed to leap up to the loft and comfort her with my arms! I dared not move, though, except to caress the still-clutched violin pin with my thumb.
"But the school was not the worst of it," she continued, her voice drawing inwards even further as she approached some terrible milestone. "I would have settled for this new life for a few more years. I could wait out the suspension, bide my time until I was freed from the prison of my age and found my way back to you, if you were still to be found. I was ready to do that, and I decided that I had to get word to you, so you could also know that you had the choice to wait for me to return. My new friends arranged for my escape for a short time, just enough to make a run for the mailbox and back. So I did..."
The next morning, things were deceptively normal, other than a last-minute discussion of timing over breakfast. Priya, and most of the Craxill in Clan Phoenix would be in attendance at the ceremony; Jessica, Nadiya, and Nilwint would be riding herd on the children, assisted by those of Linda's friends whose school schedules permitted. Kirnwan would be present, but not part of the 'procession.' Instead, he would be part of the 'audience, ' which would give him the chance to sample the...
Now that that is out of the way, I'm reposting this series because I truly loved it and it can no longer be found unless you have the right sources. I want everyone to be able to enjoy it and read it so I am sharing it again. If you have any authors from this sight that cannot be found anymore, I might be able to find their work and repost it. I plan to do Captius' Eternal series, and his defiance/divided, I also plan to repost most of the original work of Ka Hmnd. Without further wait, I...
Disclaimer: The story Hope Springs Eternal is a work of fiction as are the characters. Any semblance to persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Hope Springs Eternal Nobody in this world is perfect, least of all, me. I have done things in the past I should not have done and done things I regret. If I could go back in time, there are things I would have done differently. I am a non-judgemental person and I wonder how people will judge me as I tell a portion of my life. When I...
Incest________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sidenote: I finished my rewriting of chapter six, and was going to post it. Per usual I checked into what my fans had said and noticed one talking about ED6 being called EA6. While I already knew this, the date I was using in the way back machine kept saying it did not have that page recorded. After some messing around I was able to find the date where ED6 was able to be accessed from. I apologize...
___________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey everyone! Rate and comment! This is a bit longer of a chapter for all of you so I hope you enjoy! Chapter Four: Rumble in the Jungle and the Bell of the Ball 'What did you just say?' Richard demanded and tightened his grip on Dark Star. May shifted slightly in the large saddle on the red dragons back and regarded him thoughtfully before answering. 'I said that people didn't...
To those asking why I'm reposting this. 1. This is the original, the one being posted in Wattpad is changed. He says so on his main page. 2. It introduces Captius to a larger group of people which is something want for him. His work is amazing and that is why I always make sure to credit him. 3. The very original copy can only be found on one site, and that site is a pain in the ass to go through plus not well known. Now with that out of the way, I give you Eternal Awakening...
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The next morning, I was just finishing breakfast when Jessica wandered in, looking radiant. She kissed Priya on the cheek, and whispered in her ear, then glanced at me significantly. I raised an eyebrow, but she didn't speak. Suspecting what she wanted, I pushed back from the table, and offered her my lap with a glance. Jessica settled down in my lap, and I put my arms around her. "It's too early for a pregnancy test," she told me, "But the ovulation test was positive this morning, so...
Despite the late hours, I woke early the next morning, well before my normal time. I considered waking Priya for a little marital playtime, but rejected the idea. She was still running a bit behind on sleep, even with Jessica and Nadiya and the rest of the staff to help keep track of the babies, and she needed her rest. Besides, I'd just remembered that I needed to read the notes that Ambassador Monrill had given me. I got up and went downstairs to my office, where I retrieved my datapouch...
Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the Underworld Franchise and am in no way making profit from this piece of Fiction AN: This story is dedicated to my Good friend Kayleigh in celebration of her 18th Birthday. Eternal Kiss ‘Who started the War?’ Michael finally asked, breaking the uneasy silence that he and the Vampiress had been sharing for little over an hour as he looked from the silver plated torture instruments that rested on the tray beside him. An almost forgotten warmth begging to...
________________________________________________________________________________ As always please rate and comment. This is the sequel to the Eternal Awakening story, and for those who feared that the story had ended, think again! All the characters are coming back as Richard's journey continues! Eternal Darkness Chapter One: Unannounced Visitors Richard stood out in the cold snow at an intersection, the Do Not Walk sign staring him in the face. Traffic slogged...
So just a few things I would like to bring to your attention. The first item would be that yes, I am Mishikail; the co-author of the Eternal Series that captius wrote. This is my private account on this site and I thought I would just let people know that. Even though this account is not named Mishikail, I am still her. I chose the username Oblivionthree for a reason; mostly because I think it sounds kind of cool. So some of you may not believe I am who I am claiming to be, but oh well....
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____________________________________________________________________________ I'm am sorry to say this my dear fans. This is the final chapter written by captius during his original posting of this series. Please enjoy and remember you can read his new form of this series on just search for Eternal Awakening or Captius. I will be posting City Guardsman by Ka Hmnd next. Remember if you have suggestions you can PM me or post them in the comments, I will try to find your author and...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the third chapter of Eternal Awakening. Don't forget to rate and comment and be aware that this chapter is part of a double post so once you are done with this one you will also find chapter four posted as well. Chapter Three: Chaos Week Richard's first week as a personal attendant to Lythia had crawled by at an excruciating pace. He...
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I woke with Priya in my arms, her hair tickling my nose, while her gentle breathing ruffled the (scant) hairs on my chest. My left arm was pinned beneath her, but my right was free, and I used it to gently brush her hair back, then began to stroke her side, moving down her flank to her hip, then around to her ass. I toyed with her asshole, then moved down her taint to the base of her pussy, which I began to stroke. She began to moisten, and I spread her fluids around her lower lips, until...
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you haven't read the prologue yet I suggest you go and do that quickly. It's fairly small so it shouldn't take long. Chapter One: Worst Fears A heavy and steady rain pounded outside the double and reinforced windows that lined the large high school Richard attended in the heart of a major metropolitan center. The dim fluorescent...
The unseen barrier that separates the living from the dead is deteriorating. Evil is walking amongst the human race.The preacher in the small country church that's pounding on the Bible on Sunday morning is feeding the host incubus and succubus that's living inside of him. Every night the twins are filling his dreams with lustful, wanting desires, torturing his soul with heated cravings. Every night he's transported into his deepest, darkest, sexual fantasy he's ever thought about but never...
Fantasy & Sci-FiCHAPTER 14 I had proposed to Marie, my four months pregnant lover, at the beach on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I had a little help—an advertising banner--pulled by a plane--that said in large red capitals, “MARIE WILL YOU MARRY ME?” Marie looked at the banner for almost thirty seconds before turning to look at me. Then she looked back at the banner and when she turned back to me again I was on one knee in the time-honored proposal pose. When Marie kissed me I produced a box...
______________________________________________________________________________________ Here is chapter five. Sorry this one was published later than usual, I've had some problems. It's hard to get comfortable with a broken rib. But I pushed through it and got this chapter out. I'm not sure it will be that great as I am strung out on painkillers right now, but I did the best I could. As always, please rate and comment. If you want to know when the next one will be published or you have a...
As always please leave a comment and don't forget to rate. We hope you enjoy. Chapter Five: Placement and A Visitor in the Night Daiya helped Richard sit down gently on a wooden bench in the waiting room under the arena, the noise of the crowd buzzing over them as they began to leave in confusion. Richard couldn't blame them for being confused though. They had been told that he had won the duel but then he declined the win saying that it was Daiya who had won instead....
Come Monday, I rode with the moving truck to the girls' house that afternoon. All except Erica were at work, so she and I waited until the movers had stowed my boxes in the storage room in the basement. Erica and I then went up to the master bathroom. "Take off your clothes and slide in there," she said pointing to the bench jutting from the hole in the wall in the toilet alcove. I wondered what was in the toolbox on the floor. I hesitated for a split second about getting naked in front...
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Seven: The Darkness Erupts Richard awoke the next morning alone in his bed. Pale sunlight was streaming in through the windows and the fire in the fireplace crackled lazily as it burned what little remained of the log. Sitting up, Richard looked around the room for Daiya but couldn't find her anywhere. The room was totally empty except for himself and the furniture. The air was cool as...
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Here is the first chapter of the third installment to this series. To everyone who has been waiting a long time for this, I would like to extend my most sincere apologies for the very long wait. There was a very serious personal problem that prevented this from being posted until now. I won't get into too much detail, but the main reason is that there was a death in Mishikail's family. She recently...
____________________________________________________________________________________________ As always, please rate and comment. Last chapter someone asked if I knew what sleep was.... yes... yeah I know what sleep is. Real question is do I miss it? Hell yes! lol no.... but really, I can manage to get 8-10 hours of sleep, write/edit/brainstorm, read, play some VGs, and even do some house cleaning before the day is over lol. NOTE: for those of you feeling confused by the fact there...
__________________________________________________________________________________ As always don't forget to rate and comment. And thanks to whoever commented on the last chapter that this was better than defiance. That made Mishikail insufferable and nearly impossible to deal with haha. No, but really, you made her whole year so far (even thought we're a couple of weeks into it). Chapter Six: Retribution and Engagement Over the course of the next four weeks things went...
______________________________________________________________________________ Rate and comment and please enjoy the read :) Chapter Seven: The Winter Festival and Tragedy By the time Monday arrived the word of Richard's engagement had travelled to every inch of the academy and it was all anyone could talk about. For the most part during the weekend, Richard had secluded himself in his room where only staff and other male students could come and find him. He didn't...
by VoreandMore21 This story starts like any other story about regular people. Kyle, a young boy with sandy blonde hair with a developing surf build and manhood. He lived with his dad and two brothers, his older brother James and his younger brother Sam. Currently they were enjoying their vacation off a deserted sandy beach they heard rumors about from a tackle box shop when they usually get their gear for fishing. Being near the coast of Cali, it wasn't uncommon to hear about...
WAKE UP YOU WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!! "fuck" i thought to my self. it was only a dream, "im coming im comjng hold your horses ma" i yelled back. so today was just like anyother day. get up eat breakfast, use bathroom, shower, dress, and walk out the dorr dressed in carhartts chipewas and a carhartt winter jacket, oh ywah i forgot to mention im a fat kid in northern Vermont, not popular and a social outcast. anyways as i wss walking to school i noticed Courtney walkig about 75 yards...
WAKE UP YOU WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!! "fuck" i thought to my self. it was only a dream, "im coming im comjng hold your horses ma" i yelled back. so today was just like anyother day. get up eat breakfast, use bathroom, shower, dress, and walk out the dorr dressed in carhartts chipewas and a carhartt winter jacket, oh ywah i forgot to mention im a fat kid in northern Vermont, not popular and a social outcast. anyways as i wss walking to school i noticed Courtney walkig about 75 yards...
WAKE UP YOU WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!!!!! "fuck" i thought to my self. it was only a dream, "im coming im comjng hold your horses ma" i yelled back. so today was just like anyother day. get up eat breakfast, use bathroom, shower, dress, and walk out the dorr dressed in carhartts chipewas and a carhartt winter jacket, oh ywah i forgot to mention im a fat kid in northern Vermont, not popular and a social outcast. anyways as i wss walking to school i noticed Courtney walkig about 75 yards...
After breakfast, we ended up all going home, Victoria gave me a kiss before she left, infront of everyone else, which meant them all screaming, and asking if we were going out, Victoria cut in, from the door, and said yes, and then eventually, my ride got here. Fast forward two weeks, we hadn't seen each other much, we had talked online, and saw each other once at the shops, but she was only able to give me a hug and a quick kiss on the lips, neither of us had much time then, but we...
My name is Daniel, I am about 6 1/2 inches, also a bit chubby, Black hair, dark green eyes, a bit taller than average, I was 16 too. I was sleeping over at my friend's house one night, she had a few friends over, I knew most of them, except for one, my friend pointed her out when I asked, even she could see the lust in my eyes, she was use to it, I had dated so many of her friends, never went anywhere more than hugs and kisses, but back to that night. As all the girls were getting...
With the same, wickedly sharp blade her clothes are also savagely cut from her, not without a few more nicks over her tender nubile body, which only serve to enhance the sight of her standing there with hands bound behind her, tears streaming, her sobs hard and catching in her throat. With the blade he traces over her soft, trembling breasts and nearly nude mound. Her eyes widen in terror as she watches, afraid to move in her fear, her soft whimpers now sobs as her fear rises, and she begs him...
Kylie rushed inside the Hôtel Ritz Paris, a mob of fans trying to grab her. ‘Oh, I hate it when that happens.’ She took her coat off as she stepped inside the hotel elevator. She noticed a man standing in the lobby. She stared at his short, sandy blonde, Val Kilmer-during-Batman-Forever style hair, and his blue eyes, yes she could see them from so far away. Then she noticed his round muscular buttocks, large muscular arms and the outline of his pecks under his black silk shirt. ‘Oh my…’ she...
Once outside she led them down the street and to a small, family owned ice cream shop. Inside she placed her order, then gave Stephan his. Walking outside, Stephan began eating his ice cream and looked over at Kylie. ‘Mmm, this is really good,’ he said to her, devouring the sweet treat. She grinned at him. ‘I told you it would be worth your while.’ ‘I’ve never had ice cream that tasted so good, how’d you find this place?’ ‘When I first got to Paris I happened up on this little shop and had...
She always knew that it would come to this. Stephan had been talking about it for the last two years, he wanted to go to Paris to pursue his dream as an artist. Now he’s seeing it through. She had hoped that he would find what he wanted here, but deep down she knew that he had to go. That is why Kylie Smith stood next to the gate for the flight to Paris, saying good-bye to her best friend and childhood playmate. She was overcome with tears, her long golden brown hair a mess. She had been...
I just got home from the office and I set my things down: Heavy briefcase, umbrella, and a coffee mug that says, ‘Greatest Boss.’ I look around and realize that a two story house is too big for one person. There are so many places to be, but nowhere to escape. Everywhere is the same: Somber. He’s gone. It’s been two months since I received the letter. A car pulled up and a tall man in uniform walked up to my door. How dare he! How dare he hand me that. How dare he! I cry. I’m crying...
Introduction: this is a somewharmt true story based on me, a redneck living in small vermont town and lovin a girl, i have changed a lot from the truth so it is more fiction than reality i was walking my girl friend home from highschool. i was in my carhartts and work boots, and she was wearing a nice pair of tight blue jeans and a white tee shirt. as we were walkin along up the street i stopped at the corner to turn down Orchard off Main and when i started to go down she wasnt moving. lets go...
Introduction: this is a somewharmt true story based on me, a redneck living in small vermont town and lovin a girl, i have changed a lot from the truth so it is more fiction than reality i was walking my girl friend home from highschool. i was in my carhartts and work boots, and she was wearing a nice pair of tight blue jeans and a white tee shirt. as we were walkin along up the street i stopped at the corner to turn down Orchard off Main and when i started to go down she wasnt moving. lets go...
The room was dark. Vaguely, she remembered that the last time her eyes were open they saw light. How long had she been here? The floor was uncomfortable yet she had managed to find a position that minimised her discomfort. Suddenly aware of her body, she felt a twinge of pain in her shoulder joints. Her automatic reaction to move her arms failed. Amidst her waking confusion, panic took hold of her for a brief moment before the realisation and the memory of her position struck her. She lay on...