Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen
- 2 years ago
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"Oh God, Julie, let's knock it off. If we take one more trip around the mall, I'm going to soooo wet my new panties from laughing!" giggled Lisa as she held on to her friend's arm to keep herself steady. "Mee-heee-heee toooo!!!!" shrieked Julie, tears of laughter rolling down her reddened face and leaning against Lisa for much-needed support. "Did you... pfffrrtt hahaha... see the look on that boy's face?... bwwaaahahaha..." Lisa almost choked. Julie sniggered and pretended to sniff the air "hihih... eeeew, what's that smell?... Wuhahahaha". Laughing and giggling all the way the two 13-year olds exited the mall and half-ran to Lisa's house, a mere 300 yards down the road, leaving a trail of crushed hopes, broken dreams and impossible desires in their wake.
Girls. Sometimes you can only hate them, even if they are the most exquisite pair of young, nubile flesh a man could feast his eyes upon. Lisa and Julie, fully aware of the attractions their blossoming womanhood exerted upon the male population at large and the ever-horny hyper-testosteroned teenage males in particular, had planned their game yesterday and spent all morning in giddy and giggling preparation. Suitably advised by their parents and school teachers about the dangers of perverts and armed with a can of pepper-spray for tight corners, they'd elected the local mall, so conveniently close to Lisa's house, to go 'strutting'. Plenty of cameras, open spaces and burly security guards made this a fairly safe place to reel in horny teenage boys, only to crush their hopes with an utter look of contempt when their sappy-looking, salivating prey approached too close.
The season was late spring and this year's fashion dictated short skirts and tight tops in bright colors, leaving quite a bit of tummy bare, and open shoes with a bit of heel. Yesterday afternoon, both the girls had bought a set each. A sky-blue one for Lisa, a half-Asian, half Caucasian girl with big black almond shaped eyes and long, luscious black hair that reached just above her buttocks, and an apple-green one for Julie, pale-skinned and grey-eyed with dark blonde, shoulder-length hair that descended in wide sweeping curls. They'd tried them on at Lisa's room who was the proud owner of a full-length dress mirror in her wardrobe's door. They'd even paraded them in front of the other girl, walking like a fashion model on a catwalk.
Things had gotten a little fuzzy when first Julie had commented that she could see Lisa's small bra underneath the top at which time Lisa had laughed, removed her top and bra and then put the top back on, thus flashing her small, budding breasts to Julie. Julie had felt an odd tingle then, captivated by the big dark brown aureole set on top of a mere palmful of booby. "Sexy!" she had commented when the top was back on again and Lisa had strutted in front of her, chest forward, Lisa's nipples visibly flush underneath the smooth material of the top. Giggling, Lisa had then dared Julie to model her set without panties on, which Julie, much to her own surprise, had done.
Neither Lisa nor Julie could remember later who had first come up with idea, but somehow they had both decided that it would be soooo cool (teehee) to really dress up good tomorrow and show how good and sexy they looked in them to the local boys (teehee, teehee). Not a month ago, boys, particularly boys in their class, had been creatures from another planet, alien, despicable and generally shunned. But since that month, some of the boys had acquired a strange appeal and the conversation topics in their gaggle of girlfriends had frequently zoomed in on the kiss-ability of lips or the dreaminess of eyes. Neither Julie nor Lisa had offered to tell at that stage that they thought girl's lips appeared eminently more kiss-able to them than boy's lips. I mean, that would be have been soooo weird! Heather, the big-boobed (for a 13-year old) leader of their gang, who, it was reputed, had already french-kissed several boys, would be sure to give them the boot.
When Julie showed up at Lisa's house the next morning she was carrying a bag of stuff. She had taken a long bath that very morning and 'borrowed' her mother's depilatory cream to remove her body hair, just as Lisa had done and as they had agreed to do the day before. Wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans on going out (her parents might have stopped her leaving in that apple-green outfit), she found the fabric of the T-shirt and the denim coarse on her smooth skin. Lisa, on the other hand, had no such problems, because she wasn't yet dressed at all, except in a big white fluffy bathrobe! Upon arriving in Lisa's room, Julie quickly shed her jeans and shirt and the next three hours were happily spent trying out all sorts of make-up combinations and fussing with each other's hair, Julie clad only in her bra and panties and Lisa in her bathrobe. They also tried out smoldering looks on each other, which was good for plenty of giggles.
Maybe it was the proximity of a near naked girl or the intimacy involved with fussing with each other, but both girls were more than a little excited when it came to donning their sexy outfits. With unspoken agreement both girls decided to go bra-less underneath their tops. Lisa's small breasts certainly didn't require them and neither did Julie's, even though Julie's breasts were perhaps double in volume compared to Lisa. It was a strange moment when Lisa, her back turned to Julie, removed her bathrobe, while Julie unclasped her small bra. For Lisa could see Julie's breasts in the reflection of the dress mirror and marvelled at her friend's slightly puffy and pink aureole, crowned by a tiny nipple while Julie had only eyes for Lisa's soft buttocks before they were obscured from view by Lisa's fuchsia bikini panty.
Fully, yet scantily clothed, the girls finalized their make-up and chose some matching accessories, such as rings, earrings (big silver rings for Julie, small white button-like clips for Lisa) and a small purse for keeping some loose change, emergency make-up and a cannister of pepper-spray in. They giggled when they looked each other over, each thinking the other girl was the sexiest, hottest girl they'd ever seen, but afraid to say it aloud, except in a joking sort of way. When they locked the front door behind them, the girls locked their arms into each other and walked towards the mall, hips swaying, chest forward, shoulders back, feeling wonderfully alive and vibrant.
Upon entering the mall, they got their first stare from the security guard posted at the entrance and could hardly contain their laughter as his eyes followed their every footstep. Although he tried to put up his sternest face, the widening of his eyes and the concentration of his gaze on their small breasts and loins gave him away, giving the girls quite a buzz, which in turn caused their nipples to harden just a little. This was an exciting game! If they had this effect on an adult male already, then imagine what effect it would have on the object of their hunt!
More stares were received as they strutted in the shop-lined corridor towards the 'circuit', the carre shaped central structure of the small local mall, where they knew the boys and some of their girlfriends would hang out, passing the time in utter boredom and seemingly random and pointless conversations. Older men, younger men, adolescent men, almost all male eyes lingered on them, even if only briefly. Particularly priceless was the vacant and open mouthed stare given by a middle-aged father, accompanied by 2 boys around 8 and 10 years old and his portly wife. When said wife followed his gaze towards the objects of his desire, he was yanked somewhat violently from his daydreams, his wife's lips a thin, angry stripe. At the very least, it was good for the first bout of girlish giggles, of which there were many more to follow.
Somewhat more unnerving however where the looks they got from the women in the mall. Quite a few simply ignored them, but a sizable percentage gave them scornful looks. One could almost see the venom dripping from imaginary cats claws. But most unnerving of all were the appreciative and/or smouldering looks, the ones they had themselves practiced on each other this very morning! More than once, either Lisa or Julie, had stared into the eyes of an older woman who eyed them with such hunger that it made them feel naked and vulnerable and, most unnerving of all, without a suitable reaction.
Still, our heroines had fun most of the time, getting quite a buzz from the admiring stares. When they passed their targets, feigning window shopping and recognizing their peers only with dainty wave of their hand and a most alluring smile, they were greeted with several cautious wolf-whistles and the jaw-dropping of Heather, up to that point the most popular girl in class amongst the boys. Not wanting to alienate Heather they had managed to stifle their giggles until they had dropped out of sight by rounding a corner. Lisa and Julie had to hold each other for a whole five minutes, they were shaking so bad with laughter.
On the second tour of the circuit, a photographer hailed them "Girls, girls! Can I take a picture of you both?". The man was clearly a professional, brandishing a huge digital camera and accompanied by a somewhat surly looking girl in her early twenties. They'd seen him taking pictures of the mall and the people in it on their first tour. Besides, having your picture taken might be fun, especially when they guy explained "My name is Bob, I run the photo-studio down that corridor, and this is my lovely assistant Nancy. We're doing some pictures of the mall that we might use for the mall's next door-to-door flyer and we were wondering if you could pose for us for a minute. It will only take 5 minutes or so and you can get printouts of the pictures we've taken for you tomorrow?"
Hey, what pretty girl minds if their picture is taken and published, if only in the mall's next door-to-door flyer? Certainly not Lisa and Julie. He had them stand against the railing overlooking the rock garden in the center of the circuit, illuminated by the mall's central skylight, facing each other. "A little closer together girls, that's right, yes. If you put your hand on her hip, honey, it looks more natural, now smile, yes. Nancy! We need some props for them to hold, I can see their breasts too much, we can't possibly print that. Give the dark one that champagne rose, what's your name, sweetie? Lisa, huh? Lovely name. And the other one, Julie is it? Give her that white gerbera. Now make it look you are smelling each other's flower girls, hold your underarm before your breasts, yes, that's right, now smile, great. Can you look into each other's eyes for me?"
They were like putty in his hands and when asked to look into each other's eyes they did. Julie was half a head taller then Lisa and so Lisa had to look up into Julie's pale grey eyes, while Julie looked down in Lisa's black pools. Gosh, Lisa is really pretty, Julie thought, and her lips with that red gloss look so kiss-able, if only I dared. And Lisa looked up, her heart thumping in her chest, thinking very much the same thing about Julie. The moment was electric, the camera almost forgotten, until Lisa closed her eyes and turned away, blushing slightly.
"Good gracious, girls, are you in love or something?" said the photographer "Here Nance, take a look. Really good shots those, but unsuitable for printing.". Julie and Lisa burst into a fit of giggles, not knowing quite how to react to Bob's last remark. Nancy smiled when she reviewed the pictures "Oh very nice. I like the last ones best, but you are right Bob, they aren't suitable for printing. But the one before that is, where they are smelling each other's flower and smiling, that's a real pretty one. Come girls, have a look. You have to sign this form and you have to get your parents to sign it too. Just hand it in to us when you come collect the printouts, okay?"
Nancy showed them the pictures on the small screen at the back of the camera and, even though the screen was small, the girls could see that the pictures had come out excellent. "Well, girls" said Bob, shaking their hand "Thank you for your cooperation. We will have to see how the pictures work out in print, but I think they'll be fine. You two sure are pretty and you'd make quite good models when you are a little older, I mean that." Then he lowered his voice a little "But if you are serious about modelling, take my advice, I'd tone down the dress a little, it attracts the wrong kind of photographer." Then he laughed "Seriously, come and see us in the shop some time and have a chat with Nancy, apart from being my wife and assistant, she's also a make-up artist."
If you are showered with compliments like that, what else can you be but giddy and as high as a kite? During the completion of their second tour nothing could shake Lisa and Julie, not even when instead of locking their arms in each other, as they had done up to then, they just held hands, their fingers entwined. They didn't even cast tempting looks at the boys when they passed them for the second time, despite the wolf-whistles being considerably more audacious this time.
Nothing could shake them, that is, until they found themselves window shopping in front of the mall's most exclusive lingerie boutique. The mall featured 3 lingerie shops, 2 of them your basic formula shop. But this shop was quite out of place in this local mall, as it sold only the most exclusive brands of undergarments, including some under it's own label. The boutique itself was usually quite empty, the population that frequented the mall generally not being in the income class that could afford such luxuries, except as a very special treat. Looking at the window displays of things you can't really afford does have it merits, of course, and so the girls were gawking at the exclusive underwear, until Lisa peered behind the display further into the shop.
Lisa nudged Julie and whispered "Julie, Julie, sssh, there, those two women are kissing!" And sure enough, near the cash register, two young women, possibly the shop assistants, were locked in a loving embrace and a kiss that seemed to last forever. "Wow" said Julie, feeling tingles all over "You... you think those are... lesbians?". Lisa snorted "Du-huh! Wow, I wish I could kiss like that!" There was an awkward silence as Julie and Lisa contemplated on what Lisa had just said.
"Next time you go strutting like that, girls, you might want to consider wearing a string, instead of a bikini panty. Your panty lines are showing" said an alto woman's voice behind them. A soft hand was placed on either shoulder. "Whoa!" exclaimed Julie, "Eeek!" cringed Lisa as she turned around on her heels. A soft laugh "Didn't mean to startle you girls, I'm sorry.", then a grunt "Oh God, they're at it again, I can't count the number of times that I've told them not to do that in plain view."
"Who are you?" asked Julie shrilly. "Why, I run this shop. Come inside, please, I have something to give to you. After I've dealt with those two there." Lisa blinked "A... something to give to us? I don't understand?" The woman laughed "Consider it a free sample for future customers, now won't you come in?". She removed her hands from the girls shoulders and walked to the boutiques door. Lisa looked at Julie and Julie looked at Lisa. They both shrugged, why not?
As the old-fashioned shop bell rang when the door was opened, the two shop assistants scrambled from their embrace, one of them hastily trying to remove the lipstick smears from her mouth. The proprietress just grumped "Girls, how many times have I told you? No necking in the front room, if you must, do it out of sight in the back room, you are scaring away the customers. Now get me the panties from rack 6, the invisible ones from La Perla, 2 times size small. Move it, move it, Gladys". As one of the two shop assistant scooted to her assigned task, the proprietress turned and winked "They aren't really invisible, you know, they just don't show any lines underneath clothing, that's why they are called invisible."
The confusion on Julie's and Lisa's face must have been visible from a mile away and the proprietress laughed "Let me explain, I have been seeing you two girls off and on for at least the last half hour, flaunting your bodies and flirting, giggling when you know someone has been watching you, holding hands and so on and so on. Now, I have played that game too, it's fun, but if you play it, you play it properly and that means, no visible panty-line. And that means, either no panty which makes the game even more fun, or... one that doesn't show. I doubt whether you two girls are old enough yet for the no panty variant, so I am presenting you with a panty that doesn't show. Consider it a gift from an old pro."
"Thanks, Gladys" the proprietress said as she took the two garments from the shop assistant, accepting a kiss on the cheek. Lisa and Julie both blushed, they'd been caught red-handed in their little act. "Come on love, what's your names? I'm Nicole." "Julie" said on our heroines meekly, "Lisa" said the other girl softly. "Lisa and Julie, eh? Nice names." the proprietress said "I hope you aren't too embarrassed about seeing Diane and Gladys here kissing, some people seem to be offended by it?". Lisa and Julie blushed and giggled, but Lisa was the first to reply "Nooo, miss, it looked real cool and sweet.".
The proprietress winked as her hand brushed briefly over Gladys buttocks when she held out one of the garments for the girls with her other hand. They very much looked like your basic high cut white thong, except that there was no ornamentation whatsoever, but rather more importantly no waist- or leg-bands. "Here, feel the fabric, it's a special fabric that can stretch quite easily and it feels quite nice too." said the proprietress. "Ooohh" said Julie as she felt it between her thumb and index finger "So smooth and velvety, feels nice!". The proprietress chuckled "Yes, almost like skin. That's what it's called, by the way, Second Skin. Diane? Would you ring these up in the cash register and put them in one of our little bags? You can try them on at home, dears, unless you want to use our changing rooms?"
The other shop assistant approached and Julie quickly made up her mind "Can... can I use your changing room?" Lisa didn't want to be outdone "Me too, please?". Gladys smiled and briefly licked her lower lip "Sure, girls, follow me. There's two cubicles, one for each of you. And there is no need to wear them over your regular panties, like we normally ask our customers. For one, it would be pointless, and secondly, they are yours anyway." Lisa felt really weird in the cubicle, taking her panty off in a public place, but no one could see her, so there really wasn't any harm done, was there? When she tried on the thong she was amazed how snugly it fit and how smooth it felt. She liked the thong part too, admiring how the thin strip of fabric seemed to fill up the crack of her butt, almost like it was sprayed on it. Facing the front, she just had to giggle. The fabric fit so snugly that a camel toe was clearly visible. In the cubicle next to her Julie simply uttered an amazed "Wow. It's almost like being naked!"
"Come out, girls" said the proprietress "Let's have a look.". When the girls stepped out, the older woman stood them before a mirror and busied themselves fussing with their skirts, pulling them tight over their buttocks "See? No panty lines!". The girls giggled and the proprietress winked "Want to keep these on or change back to your regulars?". Julie blushed "I... I want to keep these on. They make me feel real... sexy!" Lisa giggled and nodded agreement. "Better hand over your old panties then, we'll put them in a bag for you." the older woman said.
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Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Massive shout out to my editor Neuroparenthetical, who has not only corrected my many mistakes in grammar but also points out glaring plot holes and suggests how they might be filled. Obviously, I can’t resist tinkering after he sends it back, so any errors you find are a deliberate ploy to give you something to complain about. For early access to chapters – check out my patreon Anyway – on with the show Caleb 10 – At the Mall I woke to a feeling of misery and...
This is the story of my girlfriend Gina and I. We have gone together for several months and occasionally, we get into some very erotic discussion about doing things a little on the edge. She was telling me about a video that she had seen that really turned her on. It was a video that showed a beautiful gal exposing herself at a local mall in such a way that she was only giving a show to her boyfriend. After some coaxing she talked me into giving it a try. Gina is a very beautiful black woman...
Meeting at the Mall Let me start by describing what I look like. I am 5'11", athletic build, black hair and brown eyes. I live in rural Utah, USA, so it makes it difficult to get out much. I do most of my outings when I travel on business. I was raised in a very religious family with four sisters. Being the youngest, I had a large variety of clothing to choose from, when I started my dressing experiments, which was around 8. I thought that my mother, although a beautiful woman, was...
Breakfast was comprised of Belgian waffles, real whipped cream, and fruit ... The waffles were easy, fruit just needed to be sliced, and the cream just needed a good whipping as well as a dose of E’s formula. Alex was taking pains to be thoughtful as well as devious, feeding everyone delicious food, while continuing to increase the amount of formula they were consuming. The changes kept increasing, and his plans continued to work out well, very well. He had snuck out of Izzy’s room early...
I was a couple of years on the force before I got a new assignment. They said I had the knack for knowing when something was going down or finding people or evidence. I carried my duty bag through the stone arch and into what almost looked like an alley. I could feel something and knew that was not what it was. One moment I had been looking at a dirty alley and another moment I stared at colorful displays. Strange animals were everywhere and things floated in the air and I shook myself as I...
Where else can a teenager go to hang out, without being harassed by her parents or other adults? The mall was it, if you were over sixteen but not yet eighteen. After that, you were able to go to bars, and other fun places. And especially if you were a teen who had blossomed early, and already had a firm set of tits, and a nice round ass to attract attention. There were always lots of other teens to hang with, and some cute guys, and even some older guys, with cars and money.Christina loved to...
TeenYou get your gear and head to the mall to fish for new talent. The local mall was always crawling with possibilities, you have your van all set up with a mattress, bindings, and it has been completely soundproofed. Earlier in the week, you scouted the parking garage and found an area away from the cameras that was secluded enough for your plan. As you arrive at the mall, the talent around is amazing, and that's just in the garage and entering/exiting the mall doors! You enter through a big...
When you publish a story on here, you have certain categories you can label your story with. One I rarely use in interracial. But a woman recently asked me to write a fantasy for her of a mature woman taking on 2 young black cocks. The story turned out well, and she asked for another one.It got me thinking. How would a MILF, a mature white woman go about finding a young black stud to anonymously fuck?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tina knew she looked obscene. That was the whole fucking point. ...
It started with a dare challenge. I am always corresponding via email and chatting with my best friend Angelina in Goa. The readers must be aware that she is my sex guru and we both have played many lesbian sex games between us since I had my first sex which was lesbian with her when I was 14 and she was 15. Still, whenever I go to Goa, I make it sure to meet Angelina and we create an opportunity to play with each other’s nude body. Though, as you all are aware, I am not a lesbian but I always...
“He what?!” I didn’t even try to hide my confusion; she just wasn’t making any sense.“Aaron totally has the hots for you Lily. I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.” Marcy’s head nodded with excitement. She was always looking for the next piece of gossip, but I felt like she sometimes stretched the truth a little too far.Aaron and I had been friends for about a year or so. Despite becoming friends for not very long we talked to each other about everything. I couldn’t help it, I felt so...
SeductionMy Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
The red Miata sped down the line of parked cars until it reached the handicapped spot at the end of the row. The driver turned the car into the spot to park. She looked around real quick to see if any cops were around, then she hung the handicapped tag from her mirror and jumped out. She dashed across the street into the mall entrance before anyone spotted her. Tati smiled to herself. She had been pulling this little parking trick for about a month, ever since she had swiped a handicapped tag...
The red Miata sped down the line of parked cars until it reached the handicapped spot at the end of the row. The driver turned the car into the spot to park. She looked around real quick to see if any cops were around, then she hung the handicapped tag from her mirror and jumped out. She dashed across the street into the mall entrance before anyone spotted her.Tati smiled to herself. She had been pulling this little parking trick for about a month, ever since she had swiped a handicapped tag...
Introduction: Chapter 11 from my on going life story. John and I have fun at the mall but there is trouble brewing. Hi, everyone hope you have been enjoying my story so far. September soon turned to October. A lot happened during this month. John and his college team were sitting in second place in their division, they were at eight and one. He only had three more games to play, one in October and two in November. They were going to have to win all of their remaining games to have a chance at...
A trip to the mall By Princess Pantyboy Author's note: I will be continuing my other stories soon but I wanted to share this little adventure that happen to me the other day. Thanks for all the sweet comments and lovely emails with words of encouragement you have been sending me. The other day my boyfriend and I are just walking in the mall like we do a lot, but this time we are looking for Christmas gifts. We are holding hands when I notice a mother and child going into Macy's....
My boys woke me at 6:30 hungry. I nursed them until they fell back asleep. I pumped my breasts and filled a couple more bottles for later use. The twins nurse or bottle feed with no problems; they are happy just to have full tummies. I fell back asleep knowing our live-in nanny was here to take over if the twins wake up. I woke up about 8:15, refreshed and ready to tackle my day. I didn't have that much to do today except I wanted to do some shopping at the mall. I jumped in the shower and...
InterracialRunning my son to the mall My son just turned 18 a couple weeks ago, i promised i would take him to the mall so he could spend his birthday money.I just turned 50 this year and im feeling it.Dont get me wrong i still can make the boys go crazy, i have to pay attention to what i wear to certain places these days as i try not to wear much these days (just lazy).So we arrive at the mall and i drop my son off at the foodcourt telling him to be back here at 830 sharp, its 630 now so that will be...
IncestWriter's note: Long time no see, so this part will take place in a mall and I am aiming for 3 parts, a lot more story than I thought I would have in this part, in fact, the changes might be much fewer in this part than even I was expecting, I go the direction the story takes me, and that has been a lot more plot, a lot less transformations, sorry about that. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Part One: Dissent "A mall just seems kind of girly." Kim was not all that excited to be going...
Your name is John Doe. You wake up one day and looking at your clock, you realize it is 5:00 AM. Suddenly, you remember you needed to buy a gift for your girlfriend, and you rush to the mall. As you walk to the entrance of the mall, you remember that only females come to the mall this early, so, you'll have lots of eye candy. Walking through the entrance to Nordstrom, you decide where to go to buy her gift. In the end, you decide to buy her some lingerie. You rush the the Women's Apparel and...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
“Oh God, I love riding you like this!” My beautiful fiance Isabella was seated on top of me, grinding her clit on my groin. Her big, beautiful brown eyes were boring into me. She was sitting up, rocking back and forth and up and down, covering me with her wetness. “Am I wet enough for you baby?” I have the greatest woman in the world. And she’s all mine. “God, yes.” I did love how wet she got for me. She wasn’t a squirter, like you see in pornos, but she did gush when she came. ...
This is Amit and I’m back with another escapade. Your responses couldn’t stop me from sharing another experience of mine. For newcomers, I’m from Mumbai, 37, tall, good looking and well built, having a high drive and am a fun to be with, adventurous guy. This incident happened during one of my visits to Delhi. I had to stay there a week long for work and was booked in a 4 star hotel in one of the posh areas of South Delhi. My first few days were very busy as I had a lot of work on hand, later...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
I was still spending all my weekends at John’s apartment but now I was driving as I just had gotten my driver licenses. My dad took me down to John’s dad’s car lot not only did he get me a car but also I got myself a job while I was down there. My dad had told me while we were there that he would make my payments until I found myself a job. John’s dad (Albert) over heard that. “Janet why don’t you just come to work here,” “After all you are part of the family,” John’s dad said. “I will...
"It's wonderful, Bobby!" Henry squealed delightedly. "Now, I stick out in all the right places!" As her twelve year old son looked on, the former man stood before the mirror and examined her newly feminized form. It was truly an impressive body. Clad in only a t-shirt and shorts that strained to contain her ample female flesh, Henry delightedly twisted and turned to view her voluptuous figure from every possible angle. The nipples on the pretty brunette's blimp shaped bosoms stood...
Lauren was a pretty 35 year old mother of three who delighted in all facets of parenting and child rearing. In fact she was the type of woman who enjoyed being pregnant, feeling like a complete woman when her tummy was full with a child. In addition to her love of being pregnant, Lauren also found great pleasure in breast feeding, feeling a bond with her child that no man could ever truly understand. The idea of bottle feeding her child seemed foreign to Lauren and she resorted to such methods...
“Jimmy has an idea that we think you will love.” Bobby said. “Are you interested?” “Well, it depends on what the idea is.” “Can’t tell you but if you are willing, we’ll show you and if you don’t like it, you can leave? I think you’ll love it and should really do this.” “I guess if you think I’ll like it. What do I need to do?” “Tonight about 8:30 we are going to be at the mall. You have to make sure you wear a bra and panties. Don’t leave home without them.” “That’s no fun...