The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 7 The barriers begin to fall
- 3 years ago
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Breakfast was comprised of Belgian waffles, real whipped cream, and fruit ... The waffles were easy, fruit just needed to be sliced, and the cream just needed a good whipping as well as a dose of E’s formula. Alex was taking pains to be thoughtful as well as devious, feeding everyone delicious food, while continuing to increase the amount of formula they were consuming. The changes kept increasing, and his plans continued to work out well, very well.
He had snuck out of Izzy’s room early that morning after repaying Izzy for the hot tub. That hadn’t been part of Alex’s plan, but after Izzy had come up on him from behind him as he did the dishes last night, giving him a hug then nipping at his ear, he had made it part of his plan.
They hadn’t screwed, Alex was saving up for that, he liked keeping Izzy a bit desperate. But he had given her fine repayment by throwing her down on her own bed and sucking on her clit until she begged him to orgasm. Then she had repaid that repayment in kind.
His step mother had been absent all morning until halfway through breakfast, but when she had shown up he had a plate ready for her which just happened to include a double dose of E’s formula in her whipped cream ---just a bit of fortification for going with him to the mall.
He made it apparent he expected her to eat it by pulling out her chair for her, and setting the plate down in her spot, “Hurry up Mom, we gotta get going if we are going to beat everyone else. Don’t want to get caught in a rush right?”
As she sat down, Alex kissed her cheek, pushed her chair in, and then left to clean up.
Troubled sleep and disturbing, erotic dreams had kept Riki up ½ the night. She was not really crazy about going out in public this morning, but seeing her son’s earnest face, and the lengths to which he had gone to prepare breakfast, she decided to just suck it up and go. Besides, she would like something newer than that old suit she wore yesterday ... she was not comparing herself against her daughters, not really, but she wouldn’t mind NOT being a complete fuddy duddy.
Abby kept looking at her mom across the table, and smiling distractedly. Last night, after everyone had gone to bed, her and Gwen had stayed up for a while talking, reliving the hot tub, Gwen sharing how she had felt walking around completely naked. Abby told her that she did not feel quite the same. For her it was just more natural, but she told Gwen that the way Gwen felt about being naked, was similar to how Abby felt when someone watched her play with herself ... and then proceeded to demonstrate. Before too long, both of them were leaned up against the wall, next to each other, each playing with their pussies and enjoying the thrill of being naughty. Abby had noticed an increased heat ever since the hot tub and lack of shame had kept Gwen on edge, keeping her from withdrawing back into her shell. She had gotten up that morning, and felt a bit cold, the temperature having dropped quite a bit outside the previous night. Pulling one of Gwen’s silk robes over her body, she had gone downstairs and discovered the prepared waffles.
It hadn’t been enough that Alex had dosed Riki’s whip cream for her waffles, but as he had gotten in the car with Riki, he had put a travel mug in her mug holder, “This is for you mom, you look good this morning, but you also look tired. Here’s something to perk you up.” Which Riki did, she did look tired, but the real reason was Alex. He was determined to get Riki again and not be interrupted. After all, they were headed to the mall and it was going to be a beautiful warm day, perfect for a bikini. He had no intention of letting the opportunity escape him. Bound and determined he was going to get Riki naked today even if he had to keep her dosage high all day.
The trip over went pretty easy, they chatted about his school and his projects, and Riki even put off work when John called and Riki ignored it. Even better, Alex was delighted when they finally pulled into the mall parking lot, and it was just an early morning lite crowd. Most people were home still, just crawling out of bed, or still in church so the mall just had the early risers, folks getting some breakfast or mall walkers which boded well to start. Plans were going according to plan.
So as they exited the car, Alex broached the subject, “So? Where do you want to go? I was thinking, AMI, that’s where we went for Izzy and Gwen. It was really attractive, and they had stuff you’d be into to,” he told her, as he came around the car to her to meet her so they could walk together to the entrance. He was being low key, he didn’t just want to jump right into flirting with her so he kept it to just snagging her hand to hold it as they walked.
It felt only slightly odd when Alex grabbed her hand. They had never really bonded like that when she moved in. He was never the little boy that needed or wanted his hand held. Now though, it was something different, she knew that. But the warm sunshine, or the prospect of shopping, had her feeling quite warm and friendly, and she agreed easily to shop wherever he wanted, she had no real idea which places were all that good anymore - she’d gotten into a bit of a rut, returning over and over to the big department stores she was familiar with.
With his fingers laced in Riki’s hand he hauled her with him making for the side entrance and avoided the big department stores which carried clothes which were suited more to the middle aged shopper and less for a woman looking to show off skin. Granted, Riki was technically middle aged, but she had the body of a woman just in her late twenties.
At AMI they squeezed through the door, crowded with displays and racks that the clerks hadn’t yet pushed out into the main mall. Alex took it up a notch and slipped his arm around Riki’s waist, intimate and familiar but he didn’t try and do anything like grab her ass. He was looking to win this war through small increments, and till he knew how his formula was doing he didn’t want to push things too far, too fast. After all, if he played it right, this could be the heaviest amount of flirting he could get away with. It offered the best chance of getting her off with Riki unable to make a scene, and if that happened he could likely leverage that fact later.
“Good Morning! I’m Leean!” A little brunette about Gwen’s age chirped at them good naturedly when she spotted them. “What can I help you both with?”
Without missing a beat, Alex cued up before Riki could get embarrassed or try to get them out of there, “Bikini’s? She needs a new one.”
If the girl thought that there was something wrong with a middle aged woman, with a guy holding her on his waist that was easily young enough to be her son, she didn’t show it. “In the back on the right! Today is the start of our end of summer sale too! So good luck! Should be some great deals back there. Especially on the thong bikinis, I found a great one yesterday after I lost mine at a party last weekend!”
Leeann didn’t even blush and stated it so matter of factly Alex couldn’t help laugh, “Thanks, we should be all good.”
“Great! “ Leeann bubbled back, “Listen, I still have to move the racks out, and finishing opening up today. My co worker called in sick, so you might need to come find me if you need anything, it’s hard to hear anything from the back.”
“Sounds good, thanks again,” Alex told her leading Riki towards the back.
As the neared the back towards the racks of swimsuits Alex untangled himself from Riki, and went to a rack with blue strapless bikinis. “So? What do you think about a blue strapless?” Alex asked before Riki could go selecting something from the one piece racks.
“Oh? You are being silly, those are much to, you know, young for me, don’t you think? I think something a bit more traditional is called for.” Riki tried to move away, but with Alex blocking her escape, she resigned to at least looking at a few. “I swear, I don’t think any of these will do ... they are rather, brief you know!”
Riki was tempted though, her mind seemed to be in the gutter all morning, and Alex’s casual way of staying close, and the girl’s offhand comment about thong bottoms made her a bit, excited is not the exact word, but close enough.
After vainly putting up a fight, she agreed to try a couple on, just to shut him up, and as she picked out a couple that were not horrible, she headed towards the back dressing room.
Letting Riki retreat, Alex stayed behind to pick out a couple more bikini’s himself. He was after suits that were not “risqué”, but were obviously sexy. After all the idea was to get her relaxed and feeling sexy not to scare her off. So Alex found another blue one that would go with her eyes, but he also found a thong bikini that would show off her ass, as well as a traditional polka dot bikini. Between the three he figured that he’d have at least one hit, and it gave him a bit more ammo.
Checking to make sure that no one was still in the store, which there wasn’t since the main clientele didn’t show until at least after lunch. Alex wandered directly into the women’s changing area and found the door that had Riki’s feet in it.
“I’ve got three more for you to try on,” he told her holding the bikini’s over the top of the dressing room door. “One for your eyes, one that would show off your ass, and a polka dot bikini just because they just never go out of style. How is the first one looking? Ready to come out and model?” he asked, “there is no one out in the store, I checked.”
Fishing out his phone Alex got ready to take a few pictures. He had a good plan. Each one he’d snap a shot of and then text it to his three sisters to get a vote. Dealing with pressure from his sisters, he figured she would have a harder time refusing him, and the general idea would be that he would buy the two highest priced bikinis. His second goal gave him some pictures of his sexy mom, and if Riki continued to play hard to get he wasn’t above forwarding some of these pics on to someone like John to blackmail his mom into submission and go with the flow.
Abby was savoring the last of her waffle, her small frame still ½ covered in a robe ... Happy, she made small talk with her mother before Alex dragged her off to the mall to buy a new swimsuit. Izzy had come in a moment or two before, and was just spreading the whipped cream over her waffle when she caught Abby looking at her.
“What’s it like?” Abby asked abruptly, looking at her older sister with a curious combination of interest and casualness.
Pausing to take a full bit before answering, Izzy licked a little stray cream from the corner of her mouth as she replied “What’s what like?” Playing dumb, but guessing that she was asking about what Izzy had done to their brother in the hot tub the day before.
Abby’s felt a small flush redden her cheeks as she retorted “You know what I mean ... playing with Alex’s thing ... his penis ... like you did in the hot tub ... and the night before, I saw you”. Shifting a bit around in her seat, she felt that familiar warmth flowing through her, and she began to consider touching herself again, the thrill of doing that in unusual places becoming a bit of a fun game for her.
“Oh, that...” Izzy said, drawing out her answer, teasing Abby a little bit. Taking another bite, stopping to moan in delight at the food, she eventually got back to her sister’s question. “Mmmmm, god these are good. But, I guess, well, it’s quite fun. Quite. And Alex has a very nice long cock, so it’s even more fun. You will find that not all boys are such ... not that it’s bad ... it’s just ... nice when it’s so long. And hard.”
“I don’t know how they walk around with it like that, it would be so awkward!”
“Hmm, yeah, well, I think it is, that’s why they are always running off to the ‘bathroom’, I think, though at school, you sometimes see them having to hide their groin area with their books. Makes me wonder just what they were thinking about in class!” Izzy giggled, then stopped, shaking her head. She was not a giggly type, what the fuck? She did not tell Abby the real way it made her feel. To please Alex’s cock seemed to hit something in her brain, making her feel complete, like she had a purpose. He had come to her room again, and after he had made her cum so deliciously, she had taken her time, and really worshipped his cock. And not with her hand. Her mouth was a little sore from being so wide open for so long, but she did not care. When he had come in her mouth, she had felt a rush of arousal hit her, then she came from just another touch or two of her clit as she continued to suck on his spurting prick, holding on until he stopped moving.
“Oh. Maybe, um, maybe that’s kind of like your thing. You know, how um, I like to play with myself around others. At first it was just that clothes were so uncomfortable and itchy all of a sudden, but going around naked just felt normal ... like that was how things should be, at least for me. It wasn’t until that time at the dinner table that I found out what really got me going. It was you guys seeing me. Now, it’s like, the best feeling I can imagine.” Abby looked down as she finished, suddenly nervous that perhaps she had overshared.
“Hey, don’t worry, I kinda thought maybe. I mean, you realize it was pretty hot ... for everyone ... so don’t feel embarrassed, you’re free to be you around here. Alex said something about it, and Mom did not bat an eye when you had fun watching tv, did she?”
“No, she didn’t ... wow, she didn’t, did she? Can you imagine her not saying anything? Maybe ... no, I dunno, maybe I started something and we are all changing, even Gwen...” Not realizing that they had been dosed with Doctor E’s formula, over and over, Abby tried to rationalize to herself, and to Izzy, why things were so different lately.
“Gwen’s what?” Gwen said as she came down to breakfast. She had taken a shower and dried her hair and looked ready to go out. She was dressed in a solid blue top with a mock school skirt, black and white plaid, around her waist, and long stockings, more like long socks, completing her look.
“Um, I was talking about what Izzy did, and thinking that was maybe her way of feeling like I do when, you know, I get off in front of you guys ... and, was saying that even you are changed!”
“I, um, I’m the same” Gwen insisted, taking a bit of her waffle, the sweet treat unusual for her and breakfast. There was just something so decadent and alluring about it though, she had to have some. As the first bite hit her mouth, she began to almost salivate, and began to eat eagerly, inhaling the food much like Alex would.
“Really? Abby said, staring at her sister, almost daring her to deny it again.
“Yeah, uh, why...” Gwen finally said, having finished over ½ her waffle already.
“Hmm, well, let’s prove it then. Mom and Alex aren’t here, it’s just us sisters. Stand up, and take off your clothes. If I’m right, you will be wet before you last stocking comes off. If you are not, then I will never say another word. “You see, sister dear, Gwen told me that just being seen, or the possibility of being seen naked makes her wet. As wet as I got when I made myself cum at the dinner table. She doesn’t even have to touch herself. Though she does like to do that, don’t you?
Pushing, teasing, pressing her stepsister had not been Abby’s plan, she was simply trying to make everyone relax and be themselves as she was starting to. The warm heat running through her veins had nothing to do with why she was pushing to get her sister naked and posing, nothing at all. Taking another bite, sucking the whipped cream off of her fork, she watched Gwen, sitting there like a frightened rabbit.
“Come on, it’s ok, like she said, it’s just us. And besides ... if it’s true, it’s kinda, you know, hot” Izzy said, chiming in as she finished off her waffle. Izzy shook her head in wonder at her youngest sister - the girl had no tact, and seemed to love to just push push push at things.
Gwen could not believe her sister. She was so blunt, and telling all of her secrets, or pushing her to share them. She felt trapped. She also felt insanely aroused all of a sudden. It was as if the thought of being naked, just the thought of it, was enough to get her motor going. She knew that if she did as her sister said, they would know for sure that Gwen was an exhibitionist, as she could already feel herself getting damp as she wriggled nervously in her seat. The longer her two sisters, well, step sisters, looked at her the more she was forced to think about it. And that just made her want to do it more and more, though she could just not let them think that.
Riki was looking herself over, still feeling that these styles were more appropriate for someone younger, she nevertheless loved the way she was looking in the suit she had first grabbed. As she pulled up the side of her bikini for the millionth time, she heard Alex outside her door, handing her more suits to try on.
He was being very attentive, and she could not deny that she was flattered, and her mind kept returning to their previous encounters, replaying them in her mind, picturing and remembering. Taking the suits, she sat them down, and, taking another look at herself, decided to let him have a look. As she opened the door to the dressing cubicle, she felt a waft of cooler air rush over her, making her nipples hard. Or so she assumed that was why she her body was betraying her.
Riki looked amazing, “Wow Mom, that’s hot,” Alex blurted before he even thought that through. Normally he avoided using Mom to address Riki afraid it would remind her to much of her parental-ness, but he was so shocked by how good she looked, all long legs, flat tummy, and breasts, with nice hard nipples; it showed Riki off in a way that went to his head immediately.
“You look, really, really good!” He continued moving along as fast as he could from the loaded Mom word before it really sunk in. “Come here, come here,” he told her pulling her into the hallway gently, but firmly by the arm. “Take a look at yourself in this mirror.”
Hearing the front door open, Alex paused the TV and turned his head to see who has come home first. He’d had enough free time to finish making up a few more spray bottles of the formula, and he’d been a bit fidgety waiting for someone to come home. The pictures he’d gotten from each of his sisters had been exactly what he had wanted, and he looked forward to continuing their education and training. Izzy stepped into the room, still dressed, and Alex found himself forced to intervene. “Rules,...
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Gwen’s soft contralto rang out. “Fine, I will! Just to shut you up!”. Pushing back her chair, and standing next to the table, Gwen began to unbutton her blouse. As she pulled the two sides apart, already she could feel her nipples swelling to hard little points, and her panties becoming sticky with her free flowing evidence of desire. Flushed now, unable to stop now that the thrill of exposing herself, if only to her sisters, took firm control of her mind, Gwen unhooked her skirt, letting it...
A loud gasp forced Alex to turn and see his mother standing, clutching her chest, taking in the naked tableau. Pausing his attentions on Abby, he pulled out and stood up, his cock slick with her juices, quivering in hardness. Walking over to his mother, he took her hand and led her back to the foyer. “New rule after you left, no clothes for you lovelies. I put a basket here for you. Slip those off and come sit out on the couch, Abby and Kaylie are being punished for spying.” “Spying?” Riki...
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Group SexI opened up Dad’s notebook to the first page. There was no heading, just the date written across the top in slightly bigger letters Peter Stone, Wednesday April 5, 10pm I’d found the book in among a whole pile of notebooks full of Dad’s circuit diagrams and calculations. It had sat forgotten in a box up in our roof since we’d arrived from England. The year scrawled on the cover meant it was written in the year we left England. This book could be a clue about why we’d moved out of...
You stare at the writing in the back of your old notebook. Obviously this had to be a prank, right? Things don’t just become reality because you write them in a notebook. Still, it does interest you that you’ve never used the notebook before. Maybe I should try it, just to check, you think, turning back to the first page. Walking back to your office to grab a pen, book still open, you think about what your “check” note should be.
FetishJames had always been extremely awkward in social situations. Being painfully shy, he struggled to keep conversations going with anyone. At the age of eighteen, he was in his final year of sixth form (further education in England) and he knew that in a few months he would be venturing out into the big, scary world of university life. He was quite average in most aspects of his life. He wasn’t too tall or too short and not too overweight, but not exactly the poster boy for physical health. He...
SupernaturalLast week I flew to Tucson upon hearing of my father's death. He'd lived a good life, had been a school-teacher, and had been married for fifty-three years and raised three k**s. Our mother had died six years earlier and he'd continued living in their little duplex in Green Valley, Arizona, surrounded by his books and extensive classical music collection. As neither of my younger brothers could stick around after the funeral, it fell to me to go through and dispose of his possessions and get...
Doctor Who: The Doctors Pet’s Part 1 Rose Tyler M/F, Voyeur, MC. Story takes place immediately after The Christmas Invasion. Rose said goodbye once again to her mum. The World was safe again and the Doctor was not willing to stick around. They boarded the TARDIS and it faded away. “so were too” the Doctor asked, Rose just shrugged. “Before anything else I need a shower”. Rose left the main control room heading to the shower, as soon as she left the control room The Doctor went to the centre...
Mind ControlEven by Hazelwood High’s rumor mill standards, this one was dumb. A lot of students liked to talk about it, but very few actually believed it. Still, when your high school is located in a sleepy suburban-at-best town where so little happens that a broken taillight could make the newspaper’s front page, you’re all-too-happy to share local news, even if it’s news from the next town over. “What, the Lakeview mall?” Zoe asked in between bites of her lunch. Tyler enthusiastically nodded....
Hello folks, this is Maddy (name changed) with a personal experience that happened lately in Pune. I am a huge fan of this site and keep on reading the amazing stories here and wondered if they were true till I actually experienced one. I was a virgin till this incident happened to me. Everyone must have experienced how it is to be horny and virgin. I was at my peak and wanted someone real badly to have sex with me. One weekend I was busy watching porn and reading stories on this website and...
Prescient Telephone CallOur first visit to the Couples Counselor ended fairly abruptly after my husband, Rodney, and I had oral sex related orgasms. Rodney wanted to leave quickly because he had come in his pants - a lot. Not that I blamed him after the way Dr. Clark had aroused and over stimulated him during the session.At Rodney’s insistence, I had dressed quickly and we rushed out before I had time to properly thank Dr. Clark and inquire about a next appointment.It was now Saturday, and my...
Group SexClarissa was a spoiled brat. Always had been. The only child of the richest man and woman in the town, Clarissa had what she wanted when she wanted it. But it was not enough for her. No, Clarissa decided that buying stuff was not enough. She decided to steal anything she wanted. It started small, with packs of gum or candy bars. Slowly it escalated to clothing and shoes. Over the year, she had been caught nearly 25 times, stealing items totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars. But, until...
Looking back at two nights of bliss with two young, beautiful ladies, I remembered it had all started with an ad. The advertisement had not caught my eye until I saw the magic words. Super King Size Sheets, on sale. It was hard enough to find a store that had super king size, let alone a sale, I read more with interest, could it be... , YES, Egyptian cotton, with a high tread count. I looked for the store name and my heart missed a beat. It was in the Mall. I HATE THE MALL, and, it was...
SATURDAY 'Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.' Brandi woke up at the sound of her alarm. Sleepily, Brandi reached over and turned it off. Looking at the clock, Brandi wondered why she had set her alarm, as she normally didn't set an alarm on Saturday. Throwing off the covers, Brandi got out of bed. She left her room, heading toward the bathroom. After using the toilet, Brandi got into the shower. After her shower, still naked, Brandi headed back to her room, but decided to just go downstairs. She found her...
This is one of those stories that just didn't want to go where I had planned it to go. It also grew to be a lot longer than I had at first anticipated. It's only nominally an SRU story - the wizard and Dannie appear only in part 1 - which should explain why I didn't tag it as such. It's also one of the those stories that will be difficult to classify according to transformation type. As usual, those sites freely archiving stories, may do so. A Day at the Mall by Bill Hart That...
Debbie couldn’t help smiling to herself as she cooked breakfast for the kids. This morning when her two nieces awoke and her family had made it’s way out the door, she would reclaim her independence. She felt a deep sense of relief while also feeling ashamed of the things she had done the past few days. Just as her mind started to wander over the events of last evening Brett came rushing into the kitchen. “Hi sweetness, I have an early morning meeting so I have to run. Let’s plan on getting...
The young woman walked around the corner and willed herself visible, before walking back to her father. This time he looked at her. “I could’ve sworn you were right in front of me,” he said with a smile. “What’s up, Honey?” “Oh, I just forgot to say hi to you… so hi,” Clara said awkwardly. “Okay,” he said, looking confused. “Hi.” Clara nodded and went back to her room. She closed the door and leaned against it, trying to slow her heart. She had a magic notebook. She could do anything....
a) Scenes from A Mall While their classmates were buzzing around the lunchroom, 13 Carson High students, the school librarian and the mother of one of the students, Laura Sharpe, waited nervously near the loading dock area where Tanner and Kaitlyn made their escape a short time earlier. They talked in whispers, but were mostly silent as they awaited instructions from the freshman girl they were now all pledged to, body and soul. But it was just a few minutes after they all had gathered,...
James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
Cassandra was mad. She didn't like that she had to chauffeur her little brother around town. After all it was his fault their parents had been forced to drop him from their insurance. If he had been a more responsible adult then that fender bender would never have happened. Not bothering to park Cassandra pulled right up to the curve. Showing his typical mannerism her brother threw the car door open without looking. Nearly hitting a woman on the sidewalk. "Thanks sis. I'll text you when I'm...
Mind ControlI went to bed dreamy and happy. When I woke, I could feel the heaviness of the makeup on my eyes. I had pulled off the dress but still had on the tights, panties and bra. The evidence was there. It had to have been a dream, but it wasn't. WHAT HAVE I DONE! Oh, and Mom had seen me! She must have heard me stirring and I can imagine she couldn't wait to talk to me and find out what in the world I was doing dressed like that last night. Before I could get out of bed, Mom knocked twice...
Copyright© 2005, Amnesia "Oh God, Julie, let's knock it off. If we take one more trip around the mall, I'm going to soooo wet my new panties from laughing!" giggled Lisa as she held on to her friend's arm to keep herself steady. "Mee-heee-heee toooo!!!!" shrieked Julie, tears of laughter rolling down her reddened face and leaning against Lisa for much-needed support. "Did you... pfffrrtt hahaha... see the look on that boy's face?... bwwaaahahaha..." Lisa almost choked. Julie...
The Great Switch: Christmas Shopping At the Mall By Caleb Jones Written 12-22-00; rewritten 6-5-1 My sister Jack and I drove into the parking lot at the Buena Vista Mall. We locked up the car and made our way into the main entrance. He held the door open for me as we went inside. Considering the holiday, there were very few people around the mall compared to last year. But that was before the Switch. You remember the Great Switch, of course. Who can't? For those in future...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 17, 2011) Chapter 25 - Just Another Day at the Mall When I awoke on Thursday morning, I couldn't contain the excitement level that started to rise within me. Not only was I going to get the chance to sing and interact with...
SRU: The Big Mall Edmonton isnt the first place you think of when you think "tourist destination" But there is one site that brings people from all over the world to see it - The Big Mall. Its real name is West Edmonton Mall, but nobody calls it that. Its always just been - The Big Mall. At one time, it was the biggest in the world, and I think its still in the top three. I'm not sure if words do it justice, but the place is ... HUGE. It has a rollercoaster, an enormous wave pool, ...
Walking through the mall last Friday, I thought of you. I thought of how much fun it would be to go shopping with you out of town, as a friend. As a fellow shopper. I thought of how much fun it would be on a day when you can get away without time constraints. On a day when I will play hooky from work - because I can. And because I would. And because I will. A promise. To go shopping with you. To leave early - and to be able to spend the day in Target, and in the mall, and then to share some...
TabooIntroduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Mall By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over...
Walking through the mall last Friday, I thought of you. I thought of how much fun it would be to go shopping with you out of town, as a friend. As a fellow shopper. I thought of how much fun it would be on a day when you can get away without time constraints. On a day when I will play hooky from work – because I can. And because I would. And because I will. A promise. To go shopping with you. To leave early – and to be able to spend the day in Target, and in the mall, and then to share some...
My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The MallMy last story was a detailed account of the day my favorite Milf Sarah, and her Friend Lisa, went to the beach. They chose a distant, and fairly private spot to put down their towels. After enjoying the sun for a while, they became hungry. The remote section of beach they settled on was almost a half mile from the concession area, but the girls, (actually I should say women, because they are both over 50 years old) didn’t mind the walk down to the...
One Strange Day at The Mall A Story by Rugburn This story originally written for Alexander091988 who won my Kiriban contest on Deviantart. Dave Cheskey and Simon his son were quite a long way from home. They had been driving nearly non-stop for days, pulling over infrequently to sleep overnight in the car and once at an actual hotel. Dave made sure to keep to the speed limit; He did not wish to be pulled over. Being on the road for such a distance was taking its toll on Dave...
That year I was visiting my aunt in Canada. She was living in a high rise condominium located near the main intersection of Dundas Street and Dixie in Mississauga; the part of the Greater Toronto area. There I met Soumi a very good girl. We soon became closest friends. My aunt was working in the IT industry and she was out at work all day; sometimes she was out of town even on weekends. I was on my own all day and had all-time access to the internet. That is when I chatted with many people...
Tips 'n Toes: To the Mall by CCSondra I have to admit, when I closed the last part of this story I thought: "Same old, same" However, this is not a "formula" story; these things, to the best of my recollection, really happened to me, and they are what helped to make me the submissive sissy I am today. As I've said already, I was from Brooklyn, NY, and unlike today there weren't any mega-malls around. In fact, while I could be wrong,...