The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 7 The barriers begin to fall
- 3 years ago
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Abby paused her touching for a moment, drawing out the pleasure, waiting for another good scene. She wished now that she had inadvertently put on one of the soft core movies when she changed episodes. With the way everyone was sighing and moving around in the room, she was pretty sure no one would have said a thing. Reaching up, she held on to her small breasts in each hand, idly rubbing her nipples with her thumbs as she leaned back against her mother’s side, feeling her shake a bit behind her. “Oh ... mmm, sorry?” she said, turning to look at her, seeing her eyes stuck on the chair where Alex and Izzy were sitting. She looked, curious, not able to see very well, but by the way her sister was now playing with her nipple through her pajamas, she was certain that she was probably also playing with herself, right there on Alex’s lap! He had to be horny too, she’d seen him before ... she assumed Izzy knew that, or could feel that. Pinching herself, she felt her nipples send twin tingles of energy down her body, almost as if there was a direct line to her clit, or something.
Riki felt Abby turning as she stopped her masturbating fingers for a moment. Blushing for no reason, other than she was surrounded by too many sensual sights, she simply stared at Alex’s hand, watching it part Izzy’s sex, his fingers touching her daughter the way she wished to be touched right now! “S’ok” she said softly, leaning over to kiss her daughter’s forehead. “Why don’t you just lay down ... you can put your head on my lap if you want”. She thought it might be best if Abby did not see what the others were doing, though the incongruity of that thought combined with the vision of Abby playing with her body, was lost on the aroused older woman. Gwen’s slow recovery from her private orgasm had done nothing to lessen the raging inferno of desire that seemed to be coursing through her. The longer she touched herself, the less she cared, and as she returned her hand between her legs, not content with one orgasm, she again lifted her shirt, exposing herself to the room, though no one could see unless they turned around almost completely. Still, the thrill was working, and she eventually simply lifted and removed her sleep shirt, sitting there in the chair, cross legged, her bra the only thing keeping her from being completely naked in public. Well, familial public. She had stripped off some while changing clothes, but that had been very brief. She continued to play with herself, slowly, increasing her thoughts of daring, until she threw her sleepwear behind her recliner and a bit of daring, forcing herself to stay naked, or mostly naked, until she got up from the chair.
This was almost too much for Alex, having most of Riki’s attention and her obvious arousal, since she was playing with breasts in front of them, plus the sensation of having Izzy squirming against his hand, and likewise against his cock he was damn near ready to explode all over Izzy’s back. He knew without a doubt that his own sexual tension was nearing a cliff, and he didn’t mean an orgasm. He needed a new goal, else he was liable to masturbate as well right now. As it was he was a little jealous of the women in the room. While all three girls were masturbating or exposing themselves, the act was a moderately subtle affair. If he were to pull out his cock and fap, it would be noticeable and evident, destroying the mood of the room. Guys just didn’t masturbate without it being so overtly obvious.
A breaking point was being reached though. His entire day had already been titillating enough. His cock ached and needed some release, even if that just meant toying even more with his sister.
As Abby caught Riki’s attention, he actually had a moment to react. With her looking directly at him he didn’t dare do something even more crazy. But with her distracted now, it was a perfect opportunity to surprise her, after all every other one of her kids had fapped in front of her.
Pushing gently, but not actually removing his hand, Alex moved Izzy onto her side facing their step mother. The chair, which was almost a love seat, let them slowly lay back. The reclined position gave him and Izzy a place to lay back against each other, but still allowed them to see the screen and the show they weren’t really paying attention to.
II also allowed Alex to free his dick, so as Izzy moved Alex got one hand down between them and pulled his member free above the waistband of his shorts. As he spooned Izzy with his hand still on her pussy, which made movement a bit awkward, he guided it between her thighs sliding his hot member up against his sister’s slick slit. The moment it touched Izzy he felt her stiffen in surprise, but that didn’t last long as she pushed back against him, letting it slide against her cunt, panting softly.
As the seat moved backwards and she rolled onto her side, Izzy could feel him moving behind her, his body against her bare buttocks, now presented directly towards him as she lay on her side, ostensibly watching the show, but really just waiting for his touch. She felt his cock ... naked and free touching her and sliding between her thighs, she stopped, shocked. ‘Was he really going to?! No... ‘ she thought as he simply let it rub against her. Still, the feeling was intense, and as his hand came back to toy with her clit, she was soon moving freely against his body, her climb towards that elusive orgasm consuming her mind and body.
The moment Riki turned back to watch them, he could tell she knew something had changed. As she watched, Izzy begin to grind against both his hand and his bare cock. Being bold, Alex took his hand away for a moment which made Izzy protest but let Riki see his large erect dick sticking from between Izzy’s thighs before he covered her pussy once more teasing her mercilessly with the promise of an orgasm.
About to just let him fuck her right there in the room with her mother watching, Izzy stopped grinding, bringing herself back from the brink she so desired. She just could not ... though her body was screaming at her to just raise her leg and slide him inside. She had to ... do something. Reaching behind her, she felt for the base of his cock, and slowly slid her fingers around his throbbing shaft. As he stopped moving behind her for a moment, she pulled away slightly, getting more of her hand around his shaft. Slowly, she began to move her hand against him, though she could not get much motion, and the angle was more than a little awkward. Sliding her hips away from him, she lay on her back for a moment, his cock now free in her hand, as she slowly jacked his staff, keeping it low against his body. At least at first. The more she touched it, the more she wanted to look at it, and watch. Rolling onto her side, facing him, her bare ass exposed to her mother’s gaze, she looked down, watching the head of his prick swell as she slowly stroked him.
It wasn’t really what he wanted, but the moment Alex felt Izzy’s hand close around his shaft he was lost. Teasing everyone else throughout the day, and being tempted in return had left Alex with very little will power left. So as Izzy turned to face him, he knew he was going to let her jack him off. I wonder if it was to tease me in return? he thought as he looked into Izzy’s eager face. It didn’t really matter he needed the orgasm as well. Groaning softly, he gave in and allowed Izzy to do his work. His attention shifting from Izzy to his step mother.
“Fuck...” he said softly “I can’t wait to get you alone sister mine” As pent up as he was he couldn’t stop looking over Izzy’s shoulder. Shifting he turned on his back slightly so his shaft stood straight up, “God I want you.” he said to his sister but really, he meant both Riki and Izzy.
Stroking him a bit more rapidly, watching his shaft quiver as she held it, Izzy marveled at how hot it was, how rigid. She was no innocent, but she had rarely taken the time to simply play with a cock. Jake had often moved on very quickly to her mouth or her pussy, no time for foreplay with that jerk. She was lost in her discovery, and as he turned and lay back, his cock rising tall and proud, she moved her hand even more easily along his length. Rubbing a bit of his slick release across the crown of his cock, she rubbed her hand lower, feeling the lubricating liquid coating her hand as she made repeated trips up and over the head.]
Alex was too far gone himself to really care that by turning over and letting his cock stand tall he was obvious to anyone who glanced their way, but he was far too horny to resist Izzy’s attentions. Up and down her hand went, slick with precum, he could feel how she touched his entire length. He wasn’t done with her yet though. Threading his arm around her, he put his hand down her back to cup her ass, and pull Izzy against him tight. He wanted to feel his sister close and he felt her spread her legs so she could push her sex against his thigh.
Gwen was beside herself. The thrill of taking her shirt off and tossing it away had filled her with an exhibitory delight she had never quite realized before. It made every move, every touch that much more intense, that much more effective at driving her towards her peak. The heat that was rushing through her, whether from the show, or her actions she did not care, seemed to make every touch set off a tiny little explosion below her skin. She began to sense how Abby must have felt during dinner last night, it was like something had been unlocked inside of her, and she wanted to just revel in her newfound freedom. She watched her little sister tonight, as she lay down with her head in their mother’s lap, holding onto her breasts as she idly played with her nipples. A moment later, as she leaned into herself, reaching down to slide a couple fingers inside, deep, she felt the chair shift backwards. Laying back, letting her body fall into the now reclined chair, she surrendered to her building passion, beginning to make little noises of pleasure thankfully covered up by the sound of the television.
Abby surreptitiously felt for the remote while she lay on her mother’s lap, waiting for a quiet pause in the show to search for something steamy. She could hear her mother’s labored breathing behind her, and she wondered if she felt anything like she did right now. Squeezing her small breast with her free hand, she hit the back button at an appropriate moment, and began to quickly go to the movie she had seen on a recently watched list.
Riki turned, looking at the television when she heard the noise stop. “What?”
“Oh, I hit a button, I’ll get it going again, one sec...” Abby said from her reclined position, waiting until a moment passed before swiftly moving in on the movie she wanted, and hit play, turning the sound down. She could clearly hear her sister’s low moans from behind her, the silence in the room suddenly exposing what was previously secret. A slow slick stroking could be heard from Izzy’s chair as well. As the new show began, Abby once again began to masturbate, her earlier eagerness returning with insistence, her sister’s actions reinforcing her budding addiction to self pleasure.
Riki had turned, and seeing Alex’s cock now standing tall, her daughter’s hand stroking, stopped worrying about the show, and her daughter’s self pleasure, and simply watched, entranced, as Izzy’s small hand pleasured her brother’s staff.
Izzy felt him pull her tight as she continued to stroke him, marveling at his length. She was well aware of what happened when you stroked a cock, and if they had been alone, she might have wanted to do more, perhaps suck him off to prevent him making a mess, but she could not bring herself to be that brazen ... though with everything that was going on, it really might not be that big of a deal. Still, she knew he was close, and she kept her eyes on the head, waiting, watching. She felt his hand on her bare backside, and as she slid her leg up and over his, she pressed her wetness against his thigh, rubbing herself lightly against the firm muscles of his leg.
The room now was anything but silent. Sure the television still played, murmuring drifted over the speakers, but there was now a rising sound of a rhythmic climax starting to rise from Gwen’s chair that was quickly giving into groans of pleasure, and even Abby was no longer quiet herself while she wasn’t making any noise there was the wet sounds of pleasure coming from the other side of their mother, and it was even active enough to make Riki’s frame shake a little bit as little Abby frigged herself with youthful abandoned.
Alex was torn. He wasn’t sure who he enjoyed watching more, Izzy, or Riki. Riki was now staring at the pair in the recliner, her face torn between propriety, and a need for carnal release herself. Alex wasn’t sure Riki was even aware that she was groping her own breasts, and that her nipples were erect and poking outward and plain to see. What was plain to see was that Riki was losing the battle. More than once she had to pull her hand back as it crept into her lap of its own accord. Then once in awhile she was wetting her lips, her tongue darting out as if she might taste Alex’s scent in the air.
For his own part, Alex had added some soft groaning to Gwen’s and Abby’s sound. As Izzy’s hand stroked him, sliding with the help of wet pre-cum, and the wetness from her own pussy. Alex was already racing toward a climax, and he had one more Riki thing he wanted to get done, “Izzy,” he said groaning, as he nodded toward Riki, “Mom’s watching you,” he told her, “She’s fascinated by what you’re doing. I think she’s getting excited watching us. I think she’s turned on watching how sexy we look together.”
Watching her hand travel up and down his staff, Izzy looked at Alex like he was crazy. “She is not!” she whispered, stopping her movements, and pulling his cock lower, out of sight. As he kept telling her that she was watching, even getting turned on, Izzy slowly resumed her actions, once again letting his cock stand tall, showing it off to her mother. Showing her mother that she had a nice thick cock in her hand and Riki did not. She was not sure why that entered her mind, but it did, and she suddenly wanted to flaunt her ability to touch her brother, safely enclosed within the confines of the recliner. “Are you going to ... you know ... cum while she watches?” she asked very low, continuing to almost display his cock for her mother to see.
“If you keep that up I will,” Alex replied with a soft groan. He was trying to keep this on the down low still. While he was turned on by the idea of Gwen seeing this, he wasn’t sure about Abby, even if she did constantly masturbate publicly. He suspected she liked being watched, but, it also was his little sister. “I’m almost there,” Alex told Izzy as she sped up her pace, and positioned him so Riki could get a better view.
Soft squelching noises and the chair squeaked only a little as his sister tugged on his cock, and he saw her glance at Riki, though she seemed embarrassed to look at their step mother full on, even if she had moved so Riki could watch her, and she likely had a clear view of Izzy grinding herself on her brother’s leg.
It was all getting to be a bit much for Riki, and she was about to put a stop to her eldest daughter’s casual display of her brother’s cock, when she glanced at the screen, and saw that Outlander was somehow over, and a very sensual, if not graphic, sex scene was playing. She felt a sense of shock as she saw the man’s hips piston into the starlet’s body, hiding his cock, but making it obvious that he was really fucking her, and it was just the camera angle hiding it. Looking at her youngest daughter, embarrassed that she was seeing this, she watched as Abby’s hips bucked up into her hands. She felt the rocking of her daughter’s body against hers as she lay there, eyes glued to the screen and pleasured herself as if she was alone. This ... it’s not ... right...” she thought weakly, fighting against the urge to reach down and join her daughter in self pleasure. Hearing even more noises behind her, she turned, spying Gwen acting just as licentious, her fingers sliding in and out of her cunt as she held one knee high and wide, spreading herself as if to get her fingers in deeper. “Gwen? Ohmygod, Gwen is ... she’s acting like Abby?
“I have to ... um” she said, stuttering, standing up, her whole body quivering and quaking. She could feel her nipples, two hard points aching to be touched, rubbing against her bra as she moved. Her new vantage point made the exact extent of Gwen’s change even more apparent. She had lost her shirt, and her bra was barely hanging on as she seemingly flaunted what she was doing, wanting to get caught, her hips almost at the edge of the recliner. But that was nothing compared to the raw sensuality that was happening in the other chair. As she stood there. looming, she could see Izzy’s hand speeding up, faster and faster, and as Alex closed his eyes, she knew that he was going to cum. He was going to cum all over the two of them. Izzy’s naked leg was thrown over his body, the top of her thigh almost reaching to his testicles as Alex’s hand grasped and pulled her hard against his body. Moaning, unable to take the multiple sensations, Riki cried in frustration “I ... I...” and stood frozen as if unable to move.
Izzy looked back at her mother standing there, and kept up her movements, squeezing him, taunting with her actions. She even moved her leg up and off of his thighs, showing how her bare sex was pressed against his body. She was lost in her lust, and she wanted her mother to know just what it was she was missing. It was obvious she was entranced by Alex’s nicely hard cock.
It was about the time that Riki started saying “I” that Alex began to cum, and it was messy. The first time his cock jerked, cum shot out of its head and it landed on Izzy’s shirt, the second time it spattered on her cheek, which brought her attention away from flashing her mother, and back to her brother’s cum. Alex knew he couldn’t cry out, but god did he want to, so he stifled it, and it came out in a guttural low groan. He might have said “I’m cumming” but it was so faint, and it was so animalistic he was not sure if he had even spoken. All day he had been teasing Izzy, Gwen, and Riki, and the entire affair had him so worked up mentally he was just centered on his orgasm.
Maybe it was the sight of Riki standing there stunned, or mesmerized by his cock and his sister together in taboo union. Maybe it was the sight of Izzy showing off like the little minx she had become, a new chapter in her rebellious nature that was so wanton it even involved her showing off to her own mother. In any case, he was lost, shooting his seed into the air with abandon.
The rest of his cum fountained out over Izzy’s hand, like a champagne bottle that had just popped its cork, and bless Izzy, she knew not to stop. Instead she kept going, a hungry look on her face as she finished off her brother.
Her mother’s abrupt dumping of Abby’s head on the couch had stopped the young girl’s drive towards orgasm, and as she looked up irritated, she saw her mother standing still, shocked, as if unable to move. Following her parent’s gaze, she saw Alex’s penis, spurting white cream all over Izzy’s hand that continued to stroke him. ‘Oh fucking wow! she thought, ‘That’s so intense ... I have to tell Kaylie about this somehow, she will never believe me! The frozen tableau in the room was just as exciting as the movie, and as she drove her hand faster between her legs, watching her brother’s penis spitting white cream, she began to moan in her own delightful way. Just like yesterday, she became lost in the sensation, laying back down, eyes closed as she bucked her hips rhythmically up into her circling fingers.
Riki turned, saw her daughter orgasming, and broke free of her stasis. Leaving the room with a final glance at her son’s amazingly large, hard cock, she retreated to her room, closing the door, and sitting on the edge of her bed, panting in frustrated denial and mock anger. ‘The nerve ... doing that ... in front of everyone ... how could they... The fact that she was aroused, and so turned on did not register at first, though the longer she sat there, upset, the more her body was pounding at her mind to relieve the tension. With a heavy sigh of frustration, she went into her bathroom and started another shower. Maybe it would help. Maybe.
The sounds of her mother leaving and little Abby finding her peak accompanied the soft guttural enjoyable noises still coming from Alex’s thrust as Izzy squeezed the last drops from his spent prick. Holding up her hand, looking at the mess on her fingers, she smirked. I don’t suppose you have some paper towels or... ?” She asked her brother, fairly certain that he, like all males she had known, had not really planned on coming all over themselves ... and their partner.
“What?” Alex asked with a small smirk, “Don’t you like my cream? Cause a moment ago you seemed pretty interested in it” Being that it was a little late to pretend that nothing happened, and because Izzy was right, he hadn’t thought of that. He looked at his youngest sister, and asked “Abby, mind passing Izzy some napkins, help a brother out?”
As it was it seemed that movie night was over, mom had retreated upstairs, and it looked like Abby was finished as well. As Abby handed them napkins, Alex glanced at the door Riki had left through wondering if he had indeed pushed it too far. He would have to catch up with his step-mother, but he was going to let her simmer down some.
Also, first things first, before Izzy could escape completely, he caught her by the arm and pulled her to him. He wasn’t worried that Gwen or Abby was seeing them together, damage was already done there. So he pulled Izzy to him, and kissed her. Keeping it brief, but appreciative, Alex asked her just loud enough for her to hear, “You need a reward, and I’m going to take care of you later.” He told her, just to let Izzy know she was getting his full attention, and it was still to come. “I’ll see you shortly after everyone is asleep, and,” he told her with a small smile, “Put your outfit back on. I want to take it off this time.”
His kiss surprised her. They had done a lot of things, but that was the first time he just kissed her like a girlfriend or something. “You sure it’s ok?” she asked, pleased that he still wanted more, she had been worried, a little. Sometimes guys ... after ... were like ... well, like Jake. “Um, my PJ’s like tonight? Or ... earlier...” she asked, not sure what outfit he meant.
With a quirky grin, “I’m sure it’s ok,” he told Izzy, “at least for us.” Alex ran his hands down her side his fingers running over her now bare hips. While he was temporarily sated, he still needed Izzy something fierce. He wanted to be inside of her, he wanted to pin her to the mattress and feel his sister pressed against him so badly it made him ache. “The pair that you wore for me down in the laundry room, that set,” he clarified, “I didn’t get a good chance to see them and now I want the chance to take them off you.”
Extricating herself, Izzy sat up, pulling at her pajama top, tsking at the stain. “Oh, ok, I will ... um... ‘later’” she said, ending the last with a whisper as she saw her sister’s begin to clean up. “I’m gonna go ... clean up and ... will see you...” She added, nodding in silent communication.
Unable to really stop touching Izzy, or just building up enough tactile contact to last him until they could be close again, Alex ran his hand over Izzy’s leg, fingers gliding over smooth soft skin, and even far enough up he ran over her bottom briefly. A couple of hours never seemed so long to wait. “Do you still want me?” he asked, fairly sure that Iz did, that she still wanted her big brother badly. “Cause I still want you.” he told her in a soft needy growl that wouldn’t be overheard.
As she got out of the chair, feeling the touch of his hand on her bare bottom, Izzy could still feel her eager need flowing through her. “Y-y-yes” she answered quietly, not used to speaking so plainly about sexual things. She did not mind when he just did things ... made her do things. Making her say things was so much harder, more intense kinda.
Getting up after Izzy, he pulled her in against him with one arm around her waist, his hand casually resting on her bare thigh like it was the most natural thing in the world, and it was. He wasn’t sure exactly why but he and Izzy like this felt that perfect, that good. He noted it, but moved on, “Shall we help clean up? Work now, play later,” he told her with a wink, before letting her go and picking up some of the discarded dishes and trash.
Pulling herself back into reality, the waves of pleasure subsiding, though the warmth that emanated from between her legs still radiated through her body, Abby lifted her head, realizing that Alex had asked for some napkins. “Oh! Yeah, wow, messy! Sitting up, still a bit spacy from her orgasm, she blinked stupidly, looking at the end table, before spotting a couple napkins, and grabbing them. Standing, a bit weak in the knees, she went over to the recliner and held out the napkins for Izzy. She took a long look, just looking, at how his penis was softening and laying against his stomach, and noting just how far and wide his stuff had gone. ‘That’s ... kinda weird... Leaving them to their cleanup, she went over to Gwen, running her hand gently along her knee and upper leg, “Um ... help me clean up? Mom, uh, left...”. Ever dutiful, and a bit energized after her cum, she thought she’d do the picking up ... Alex had done the cooking and stuff...
Gwen had been laying there, feeling the aftereffects of her first public orgasm, and the lingering tingle had worked on her mind, making her want to keep her head back, eyes closed, but forcing her knees to stay apart ... as if she wanted to be looked at, even if it scared her. The odd secret pleasure she got every time she thought someone was looking at her had been so intense, and as she came down from her high, before the reality sunk in of what she had done, she was luxuriating in the naughtiness of it all. Feeling her sister’s touch, she looked up, flushing at the way she was lying, and quickly closed her legs, sitting up and hiding herself away, though she still wore only a bra, nothing else. “Sure, I’ll help...”. Moving slowly, as if drawing it out, she took her time getting out of her chair and rescuing her sleep shirt, putting it back on with a shiver and a sigh.
The shower had not worked, other than to delay Riki’s confrontation with her needs. As she dried off, she could feel her nipples aching to be touched, and a dampness between her legs that would not go away. Every touch of the towel on her bare body seemed to send renewed signals to her sexual organs. Looking at herself in the mirror, her face a tad flushed and her eyes shining, she shook her head. “You are out of control!” she said out loud, as if she could somehow chastise herself. Moving to her bed, and getting under the covers, she tried to read her book and put this all behind her. She had no idea what she was going to say or do tomorrow, the raw sexuality of the movie night had to be dealt with, she knew that, she was just not sure how.
After fifteen frustrating minutes of trying to read and finding her mind continually drawn back to sex, and her body, and the things she was feeling, Riki gave up, put her book down, and opened the drawer in her nightstand, retrieving her massager. Telling herself that she just needed to take the edge off, she began to run the vibrating device over her sensitive skin. “Just a quick one...
A little over an hour later, the sweat was damp against the back of her neck as Riki bucked hard against the vibrating massager. Over and over she had come, each one more delicious than the last. She felt like she could cum all night. And maybe she could.
Abby had been a little distracted as her and Gwen cleaned up the snacks, watching her sister walk away, followed shortly after by Alex, who’d since covered his penis back up. She wondered if it was always like that, or was it somehow special because Izzy had been there. She wanted to talk to Gwen about it, but was not sure how to bring it up. She settled for smiling at her, shivering in memory of her orgasm, sharing the memory with her sister, making her blush just a little. “That was pretty, um, intense ... glad you, ah ... tried it out too...” she said speaking carefully, trying hard to not make her get all weird and shut down.
“Oh, um, ya ... it was ... intense...” Gwen agreed, remembering, remembering quite well how she had felt, how the slow tease of lifting her shirt and then tossing it away had made everything that more daring, that much more exciting. Intense is a good word for it!.
As they put the food away, and rinsed the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher, the slight awkwardness between them faded, as Gwen realized that Abby was really just that comfortable with herself, and her body, and she’d never make fun of Gwen for being the same, or being different. Once, when Gwen was bent over putting the plates on the bottom rack, Abby had walked by, lifted up Gwen’s sleepshirt, and patted her behind, singsonging “Gwen ain’t got no panties, Gwen ain’t got no panties!” A fair amount of chasing and teasing and smacking of bare behinds ensued, before a sense of normalcy returned as they calmed down and finished their task.
Gwen’s cunt was dripping as she lay in her bed still holding the book over her face. Laying like that, door open, she knew that anyone could walk by, even Alex, and her mind had continuously worked herself up into a tizzy. When her mother had popped in, she thought she would cum just from the excitement, and it was all she could do to say hello back, all the while keeping her face hidden, increasing her arousal. Ever since Abby had practically forced her to expose herself at breakfast, she...
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“Going to show off a bit again, Gwen?” he asked pulling Izzy’s hand before she could entirely get away and drew downward thinking to pull her down on the bed beside him. “I’d like to see more of you,” he encouraged her, his eyes as hungry to watch her as they were to watch Izzy. Standing up, she moved nervously to her dresser and turned back around. “Um, I don’t have anything like that ... I mean, I got another top ... and” she paused, her mind reviewing just what else they had bought that...
The heated water sent pleasant steam all through the enclosed shower, as well as filling the confines of the communal bathroom. Abby was lost in memory, the pressure of the water jets as she sprayed between her legs adding to her imagined picture of Kaylie, once again touching her, and ... even more. She was thinking such naughty thoughts, of Kaylie on her knees, touching, and kissing her ... there. Gasping, she felt her clit throb. To answer that need, she ran the water over and over in a...
Everything went so fast and furious from there. With Riki’s heaving chest partially exposed, he was eager to get even more of her revealed, for so long had he fantasized about a moment just like this. He needed to take in as much of it as possible. Drunk on the excitement, John was having difficulty undoing the rest of Riki’s shirt. He pulled her button off and it clattered to the floor. The small room echoed with their moans, and as he pulled at her clothing, Riki aided him, eager to have...
Abby was excited to go swimming, and to see Kaylie. Not sure she could explain her new home life activities, she nevertheless was curious to see her friend, and maybe have some more fun ... though simply thinking about that made her feel a bit funny. Maybe she would laugh or not be wanting to, ya know, now that she’d gone on a real date and everything. Lost in her own world, she did not pay much attention to her brother, other than to be aware that he was driving. She’d found her swimsuit...
Getting ready for school the next morning, Abby walked to the bathroom without bothering to put on any clothes. She just did not see the point. It’s not like she was in public where someone could get upset, or there were laws. She was in her house, and everyone had seen her at one time or another. Besides, she was seriously considering asking her mother to take her to that Red White and Blue beach she had heard about. Everyone seemed to be ok with being naked there, and it was not one of...
Rachel returned to the small lunch room and led the four girls to the sauna room. There were towels piled up on a small ledge and hooks for their robes. After showing them the buzzers, both inside and out, that would call an attendant if they needed one, Rachel closed the door behind her, telling her she’d be back in 45 minutes. Gwen ditched her robe and hung it up, not even thinking much about it. It had been years since they had been forced to endure PE, and the communal showers at school,...
Sitting at one of the myriad of small tables, Izzy waited for Jake to arrive, and Paul as well. Nibbling on a fry, she remembered Alex’s taste enhancer, and giving herself a quick spray, she tucked into the fries with renewed gusto. They tasted like the most potato-ee, crispy, salty treat in the world! Izzy was becoming increasingly bored with Jake. He’d shown up a few minutes after 12. Late. And then immediately acted as if there was nothing wrong. The undercurrent of tingling anticipation...
Seeing his stepmother descending into full-on slut mode with her daughter was all it took for Alex to decide the time was right. Pushing Izzy back and off of his now slick shaft, he stood up and moved around behind Gwen, spanking her ass slightly as he lifted her hips up a bit and put his knees between hers, parting her thighs, and opening her sex to him. Gwen was already sopping wet, he could see her sex glistening and her excitement making her baby smooth pussy shine in the dining room...
It was a dark and cold Halloween night and Lydia was walking in an alley outside of her apartment. She was your typical Goth with the white pale skin, black lipstick, and dark mascara. She wore a low-cut black sheer shirt with a red bra underneath that cupped her perky C-cup breasts, and black skinny jeans hugging her every curve. A 21-year-old senior in college and knockout to all straight guys and some lesbian girls, however, she was depressed and alone. Every relationship she had been in...
FantasyJohn Doe was a successful agent in Hollywood. He'd been that for years, and enjoyed the job, although that was mostly due to his client being a sexy female celebrity. He remembered when he first got her and made her a success, and he got no thanks for it. He had a huge crush on her as well, but was rejected time and time again, and after that, well, his client chose to be as bitchy as possible to him. That was about to change, however. He was walking through the woods one day and found a...
Mind ControlThis fantasy of mine started building stronger and strong in my mind, and I was unable to bear it any more so I decided to speak upon it to my wife. I knew that she will never agree if I approach I tried several things as role playing while sex showing her all sort of porn’s, which she liked. Once while making love I told her what I was thinking off. She slapped on my face and started crying she said she will die but will not give her body to another male other than me. So everything stopped...
She looked up when she heard the sound of the door open. A middle aged man walked into the shop, carrying a large cardboard box. Clara walked over to greet him. She helped him set the box on the counter and smiled. “Hi! Are you looking to sell?” The man smiled kindly. “Yeah. My mother recently passed away and I was looking to get rid of some old books. No room for them,” he explained, glancing around the shop interestedly. He turned back to Clara. “Sure, we’ll look at these tonight. You can...
A notebook has fallen to planet earth with the ability to change reality. Whatever is written inside changes reality. You can travel through time, change people's fetishes, change laws and rules, change societal norms. Anything you want to become reality can become so. Who will be the lucky person to find this notebook? What will they use it for? They can fulfill their wildest fantasies by just writing in a notebook. They can relive any moment in their life the way they want to live it. The...
Morning came a lot quicker than she thought it would. Riki really had been thankful when she used her own private shower, and she didn’t have to face her kids again that night. She had washed up alone, and fell into bed exhausted mentally and physically though she couldn’t deny that she was also sexually very satisfied. Riki woke up to her alarm well rested. She had slept deeply that night despite the fact that she had erotic dreams all night long as if her body was telling her she still...
While Gwen wriggled her bottom as she surreptitiously slid her swimsuit bottom off, her actions hid by the churning water, Izzy froze a bit in shock. She was laying back in the lounger section, her body covered by the bubbles, but only just barely. Gwen’s action had gotten her thinking about taking her own top off, enjoying the way that Alex’s eyes seemed to linger on her wet body. When Alex spoke up, and suggested, no, ordered her to take her suit off, she looked at him and her mother,...
Gwen’s soft contralto rang out. “Fine, I will! Just to shut you up!”. Pushing back her chair, and standing next to the table, Gwen began to unbutton her blouse. As she pulled the two sides apart, already she could feel her nipples swelling to hard little points, and her panties becoming sticky with her free flowing evidence of desire. Flushed now, unable to stop now that the thrill of exposing herself, if only to her sisters, took firm control of her mind, Gwen unhooked her skirt, letting it...
A loud gasp forced Alex to turn and see his mother standing, clutching her chest, taking in the naked tableau. Pausing his attentions on Abby, he pulled out and stood up, his cock slick with her juices, quivering in hardness. Walking over to his mother, he took her hand and led her back to the foyer. “New rule after you left, no clothes for you lovelies. I put a basket here for you. Slip those off and come sit out on the couch, Abby and Kaylie are being punished for spying.” “Spying?” Riki...
“I was ordered to not wear any today.” Hearing her words, Paul’s hand stopped for a moment, then continued to explore her compliant body. “I see, well I’m happy to report you are following orders at least.” Kicking at the inside of her calf he told her “Move your feet apart”, sliding his hand along the back of her right thigh as she moved as he asked. “What else were you told to do, I wonder?” he said, his hand running up the inside of her thigh, almost, but not quite, touching her aching...
“Where is Mom?” Izzy asked. Come to think of it, this much noise in the kitchen should have drawn their mother, but she had never appeared. “Is she out?” Still laying on the floor, holding her older sister’s head, Abby replied dreamily in her post orgasmic bliss,, “She’s still out in the hot tub I think. Alex’s fault,” she said finally letting Gwen go, though she trapped her older sister with her legs in kind of a leggy hug to hold her close. “Alex was fucking her good. So? Maybe she is...
Inviting Riki in, Alex took her by her mane of blonde hair using it to guide her wanting mouth, onto his hard cock while his sisters looked on. Izzy was frigging herself like mad as she watched. Abby was rolling her hips against Gwen’s mouth but she was glued to the erotic sight and even Gwen who was eating her younger sister out, was taking breaks to peer over at her very cock hungry mother. Riki, in turn, was giving quite a show as she devoured Alex’s dick like she was in heat. A dam had...
Riki hadn’t noticed him as he entered the bathroom quietly, but she sure as hell noticed as John’s hands closed over her breasts, and it was completely unfair. She should have shoved him off her, she should have yelled for help, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a deep needy moan, and her body further betrayed her by pushing her ass back into his larger body. “John, no, we can’t do this,” she gasped to him as her own hands covered his own, encouraging him to squeeze her tits....
Darkness fell. Rick sat at his laptop reading student essays. He heard a rap at his door. "Brenda?" "Rick -- have you seen Roger today?" "Yes ... earlier." "He didn't come home for dinner." "He hasn't left for his conference, yet -- has he?" "Conference?" Brenda asked. "What conference?" Rick sighed. "An economics conference in Philadelphia. Didn't he tell you?" "No but he always waits 'til the last minute to break news like that. He knows it upsets me to think...
Call the Doctor“Since our three-way session last week my husband has been a man possessed,” I explained to Dr. Clark over the phone. “He wants to get into my pants, feel me up, and fuck me every day, Doctor.”Dr. Don Clark chuckled, “Isn’t that why you came to see me, Molly, to get more sex back into your marriage?”“Well, yes,” I responded, “but I didn’t imagine that his inner teen-age beast would be unleashed.”The doctor laughed at my description, before he replied, “Don’t worry, Molly. Rodney...
Group SexI opened up Dad’s notebook to the first page. There was no heading, just the date written across the top in slightly bigger letters Peter Stone, Wednesday April 5, 10pm I’d found the book in among a whole pile of notebooks full of Dad’s circuit diagrams and calculations. It had sat forgotten in a box up in our roof since we’d arrived from England. The year scrawled on the cover meant it was written in the year we left England. This book could be a clue about why we’d moved out of...
You stare at the writing in the back of your old notebook. Obviously this had to be a prank, right? Things don’t just become reality because you write them in a notebook. Still, it does interest you that you’ve never used the notebook before. Maybe I should try it, just to check, you think, turning back to the first page. Walking back to your office to grab a pen, book still open, you think about what your “check” note should be.
FetishJames had always been extremely awkward in social situations. Being painfully shy, he struggled to keep conversations going with anyone. At the age of eighteen, he was in his final year of sixth form (further education in England) and he knew that in a few months he would be venturing out into the big, scary world of university life. He was quite average in most aspects of his life. He wasn’t too tall or too short and not too overweight, but not exactly the poster boy for physical health. He...
SupernaturalLast week I flew to Tucson upon hearing of my father's death. He'd lived a good life, had been a school-teacher, and had been married for fifty-three years and raised three k**s. Our mother had died six years earlier and he'd continued living in their little duplex in Green Valley, Arizona, surrounded by his books and extensive classical music collection. As neither of my younger brothers could stick around after the funeral, it fell to me to go through and dispose of his possessions and get...
Doctor Who: The Doctors Pet’s Part 1 Rose Tyler M/F, Voyeur, MC. Story takes place immediately after The Christmas Invasion. Rose said goodbye once again to her mum. The World was safe again and the Doctor was not willing to stick around. They boarded the TARDIS and it faded away. “so were too” the Doctor asked, Rose just shrugged. “Before anything else I need a shower”. Rose left the main control room heading to the shower, as soon as she left the control room The Doctor went to the centre...
Mind ControlPrescient Telephone CallOur first visit to the Couples Counselor ended fairly abruptly after my husband, Rodney, and I had oral sex related orgasms. Rodney wanted to leave quickly because he had come in his pants - a lot. Not that I blamed him after the way Dr. Clark had aroused and over stimulated him during the session.At Rodney’s insistence, I had dressed quickly and we rushed out before I had time to properly thank Dr. Clark and inquire about a next appointment.It was now Saturday, and my...
Group SexThe young woman walked around the corner and willed herself visible, before walking back to her father. This time he looked at her. “I could’ve sworn you were right in front of me,” he said with a smile. “What’s up, Honey?” “Oh, I just forgot to say hi to you… so hi,” Clara said awkwardly. “Okay,” he said, looking confused. “Hi.” Clara nodded and went back to her room. She closed the door and leaned against it, trying to slow her heart. She had a magic notebook. She could do anything....
James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 15, 2010) Chapter 26 - What's Wrong With Me, Doctor? I had just sat down to eat dinner with my family when my phone started to ring. I got up from my seat and quickly walked over to the table where I had set my purse. Digging...
Hi this is Rahul. I am from Gujarat. This story is about my love story. I am a doctor. I will not bore u by describing me. Just would let my female readers know that my height is 6 feet 1 inch, moderate built, wheatish. Most imp part of my profile is that m a doctor. Lolz. I use to love a girl named Nishtha. She was my classmate in M.B.B.S. We were in immense love with each other but even after 6 months of relationship had not touched each other. We were having excessive desires which we used...
This is my doctor fantasy:I just turned 13 and I am at the doctors with my mom she waits outside in the waiting room. Only one doctor, female Ms.Brooke Sanders, 22, 5ft7in, 110lbs, brunette,new doctor.She asked me to go into the room and she asked my mom to stay in the wating room, inside the room was a cushioned bed/booth covered in paper. She weighed me and measured my height. Then she asked me to sit on the edge and asked me to open my shirt so she could check my lungs and heart. Her fingers...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
So about the experience….. I started masturbating from early ages i.e., I used to masturbate daily twice or thrice coz I used to watch blue films a lot when I started to know about the pleasure. This incident happened when I was 18, as I used to masturbate daily, after masturbating I used to feel pain in my penis was unable to know why it was paining and I was unable to tell anyone. I was unable to contact any doctor in our area coz they all know my family well, so I used to suffer like...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
I think I’ve said before that all my stories have at least some elements of fact, either my own experiences or those of friends who have told me of theirs. This story, however, is all fact, and I still get wet just thinking about it!I share a room in a flat with some friends, one of whom is Anna. She and I have got very close over the last year, and we even enjoy masturbating together when we can’t see our boyfriends. Yes, we are that close!A few days ago, Anna blushed and asked me if I would...
ExhibitionismIt was a Thursday night my BBF call me told me to come with her to the movies. I was bored so I put on my cute little skirt my v-neck sweater and a short demin jacket and met up with her by her house. We smoked a joint in the car. She told me she had a surprise for me...when we arrived I was shocked it was a XXX rated movie theatre. It was dark and it had a popcorn and bleach odor. I held on to Lori she told me to sit one chair away from her. As my eyes adjusted I could see one couple and...
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