Texting My Bhabhi To Sex 8211 Part II
- 2 years ago
- 32
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Noah roused and glanced at the ceiling. The last evening twilight was filtering through the skylight. He reached for Rachel, eased her against himself and held her under his left arm. She snuggled to him and opened her eyes. "What time is it?"
"Nine," he replied.
"Did we sleep all night?"
"We slept for a couple of hours."
"Oh..." She stretched. "It felt like all night."
"Would you like a late-night snack?" he asked.
"You are becoming a mind-reader."
"I have some microwave popcorn. I could prepare a bag."
"Oh! Popcorn would be perfect."
Noah hopped out of bed and headed toward the stairs. "Would you like a Sharps or soda?" he called to her.
"Water is fine."
He placed a bag of popcorn into his microwave oven, set the timer and pressed start. Then he filled a large tumbler with ice from his freezer and topped it with water from his tap.
The microwave beeped and shut off. Noah dumped the popcorn into a bowl and carried it upstairs. He set the water glass on his nightstand and the bowl beside Rachel; then he slid between the sheets next to her.
"I could smell it while it was popping," she said. "It made my mouth water." She ate a handful. "This is just right -- an excellent suggestion. I was in the mood for something crunchy and salty."
Together they emptied the bowl. Noah handed her the water glass and she sipped from it. "Do you need water?" she asked and handed him the glass. Noah drank from it. "I think I'd better use the bathroom. That's another thing about being pregnant -- you're peeing for two."
"As well as having someone standing on your bladder."
He set the bowl on the floor. Rachel returned from the bathroom and joined him in bed. She rolled over and lay with her back to him. He put his arm around her waist and pressed his hand under her left ribcage. "Will you be all right for the rest of the night with a tummy full of popcorn?" He kissed her shoulder.
She caressed the back of his hand. "I should be." Noah moved his hand to cup it over her breast. "Your hand is warm," she said.
He flexed his hand and her nipple began to protrude between his fingers. Noah worked his fingers back and forth to caress it and he could feel her breathing begin to deepen. "That feels good," she whispered. "Can you do both sides like that?" Noah worked his left hand under her and cupped it over her right breast. "I like the way you have both arms around me ... It feels like you want me."
"I do want you." Noah nuzzled her neck as he flexed his fingers to massage her nipples.
"This feels really good, Noah." Rachel's breathing grew heavy and she parted her lips. She placed her hand on his right wrist and guided his hand to her mons. Then, she rolled her hips to open her thighs. He slipped his finger into her slit and began stroking her clitoral shaft.
Noah kept his left hand on her right breast and rolled her nipple between his fingers. Rachel's breathing became panting. "In the center, now," she said and he complied, stroking directly on her glans. "I'm getting close." He could feel her heart begin to race.
Rachel arched her back and moaned. "You can stop," she panted.
"Was it good?" he asked.
"It was a sweet, little one," she replied. "Just what I wanted."
Noah lay on his back and she wrapped her fingers around his erection. Then, she lay atop him, lifting her hips so he could guide his shaft into her vagina.
Noah held her around the small of her back and across her shoulder blades; and he locked his legs with hers. "Mmm," she said. "I just love feeling you inside me."
"That's quite a coincidence," he replied. "I just love feeling me inside you." He stroked her buttocks as she began rocking and thrusting her hips, working up a rhythm. "You're gentle tonight," he remarked. "No drunken monkey humping."
"Not this time," she replied. "I'm savoring feeling you inside me. It's such a satisfying sensation." She began to increase the cadence of her thrusting. "It's taking you longer to finish this time," she remarked.
"Yes, it usually does take longer the second time. Are you complaining?"
"Oh, no ... This feels so good."
Noah felt his climax was near so he rotated his hips to help it along. Soon he felt himself approaching the point of no return. "I'm coming, Rachel," he said. "I'm coming..." Grasping both of her buttocks he pressed into her and grunted as he ejaculated.
Rachel relaxed atop him. "I feel you still inside me," she said.
"I won't be for long." He stroked her cheek. "No tears this time?"
"I must've used them all up the first time," she replied. "Don't worry -- I'll make more."
Noah's erection subsided and he popped out of her. "Cuddle," he said and Rachel slid under his arm again.
"It still feels good," she said. "It still feels like you're inside me. I'll have no trouble falling asleep. Good night, Noah."
When Noah opened his eyes, he could see blue sky through the skylight. He turned and kissed Rachel on her cheek. "Good morning."
"Mmmph..." She rolled onto her back and stretched. "Good morning."
"About last night," he said. "It was the best sex I've ever experienced."
"Mmm ... I feel like I'm still glowing from it."
"Do you feel like more?" he asked.
"I don't need more. I'm satisfied from last night. Do you want more?"
He shook his head. "I don't need more, either."
"Besides, I need to go to work."
"Oh yeah. When do you have to be there?"
"Sunday hours are eleven to five. I need to be there by ten forty-five or so."
"Did you bring your Hubbard's outfit?" he asked.
"No. I'll need to go back to my place and change. What time is it?"
"A little after eight. Are you hungry?" he asked. "Or, is that a stupid question?"
"I am always hungry..." She rolled against him and hugged him.
"Let's see what we can find for breakfast."
They held hands and descended the stairs. She opened his refrigerator. "No eggs? I should've taken inventory yesterday before we went grocery shopping."
"I usually don't bother with breakfast," Noah replied. "Monday through Friday I have lunch at the office. I pop something in the oven for dinner and have noodle bowls for lunch on the weekends. Anything fresh wouldn't stay that way. It'll just go bad." He looked through his cabinets. "I have some bread and peanut butter ... and some jelly. I could make toast."
"All right."
"I have a coffee maker that's nearly foolproof." He dumped coffee into the filter, filled the pitcher and started it brewing. "How many slices? One or two?"
She gave him a guilty look. "Could I have four -- two with peanut butter and two with jelly?"
"My toaster only handles two at a time." He slipped slices of bread into his toaster and pushed down the lever.
"I can spread them," she said. "Are you having any?"
"I'll have one to be social."
Rachel sipped her coffee and finished her last slice of toast. "This is good coffee," she remarked.
"Yeah -- that coffee maker hasn't burned it yet. I can't believe how you can pack it in."
"I am blessed with a rapid metabolism. Actually, even with all the eating I don't think I've gained too much. I don't feel fat -- just pregnant."
"You are taking care of your health -- aren't you?"
"Yes, Noah. I'll go to the clinic this week for a checkup." She pushed back from the table, stood and embraced him. He held her and caressed her bare back and buttocks. "If it weren't for you, I'd have had the abortion. I was trying to get hold of S.O.W. so he'd pay for it." She kissed his lips. "Don't worry. You guided me to the right decision. I'll go take a shower."
Noah drove toward her apartment. "How do you usually get to work?" he asked.
"I have a car."
"I was going to offer to drive you."
"I can get there on my own. I do every other day."
"If I drove you then I'd have to pick you up and we could spend more time together. Maybe we could go somewhere for dinner. Do you know Ricardo's Pizza?"
"I've been past it. I've never been in it."
"They make authentic, hand-thrown pizza in a coal-fired oven."
"It sounds too good to pass up," she replied.
"Then, it's a deal."
He parked the car by her apartment building. "Come on up," she said.
Noah sat on her sofa. She stepped from her bedroom in her black skirt and white blouse. "It was a struggle getting this fastened," she said, running her hands along her stomach. "Do I look too gross?"
"It does look a little ... tight."
"I'll have no choice but to sneak down to the maternity department and pick up something with a little give ... and maybe a couple of white smocks I can wear outside the skirt. I've seen other pregnant ladies there wearing outfits like that."
"What to the pregnant men wear?" he asked.
"Silly ... Well, I'm ready to go."
"Shall I drive you or not?" he asked.
She regarded him. "All right -- drive me. It's more time we'll be together."
Noah loitered by Hubbard's employee entrance, watching the staff file out. He saw Rachel carrying a shopping bag. He intercepted her and held her hand. "Are those your maternity togs?"
"Yes ... Two black skirts, two white smocks and some casual wear. One of the other salesgirls from upstairs spotted me and put two and two together. I'm sure it'll be all over the store on Monday."
"You knew it would happen sooner or later."
"I know."
Noah popped his trunk and she set the bag inside. Rachel sat in the passenger seat and he started his motor. He drove to the strip mall where Ricardo's was located and parked in the lot.
They sat across from each other in a booth awaiting their order. "Rachel ... I've been thinking. Maybe you should move in with me."
"Move in with you?"
"Yeah ... How much do you pay in rent?"
"Eight hundred a month."
"For that dinky place?"
"Why? How much do you pay?"
"Nothing. I own the place."
"Don't you have a mortgage?" she asked.
He shook his head. "No -- I paid cash for it. I had some investments that did fairly well and I decided to invest in real estate. It's an investment you can live in. You can't live in a bond portfolio. I can sell it and duck the capital gains taxes. My only carrying charges are property taxes and the condo fee ... it amounts to about four hundred bucks a month."
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"Everything is in the car," Noah said. "Did you make your call yet?" Rachel picked up the telephone handset, punched in a number and then hung it up again. "I'm too nervous. I'm a rotten liar, Noah." "Do you want me to make the call?" "Would you?" He picked up the handset. Rachel recited the number to him and he punched it in. "Ask for Suzanne -- she's my immediate supervisor." He heard it ringing. Men's came an answer. "Is Suzanne there?" Just a moment... Noah...
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MatureI keep getting asked for another story so I though I would share what happened recently with someone I met on here! A couple of months back I was chatting to a friend on here who happens to live near by. As usual we had been flirting and swapping a few pics. After we’d both made each other cum we got back to normal chatting. It turned out we were both going to be in Town the following weekend. He was pushing to meet up but I thought that would be dangerous. So I agreed to check on here to see...
Luckily for me, I had come home early from my office.At three o’clock I was waiting for my wife to come home from work; but I kept waiting for her until six and then I started to feel worry…No phone calls from Anita… it was something very strange.I sent her some messages, but she did not reply…Past seven I finally rang her office and the security guard said that all the staff had left, including my wife. He was sure Ana had left four hours ago…I was thinking to whom I could call to ask where to...
Kenshin: Aoshi... (They stare each other down.) You've changed... You've changed so much I would hardly have thought you were Shinomori Aoshi. Aoshi: So I've changed. (unsheathing his swords) To defeat you and win the title of the strongest, I'd change anything. Sanosuke (thinking): Two kodachis! Aoshi: Draw, Battousai. (Kenshin pulls his sword out of its sheath a little, then clicks it loudly back into place.) Sanosuke: Kenshin... Aoshi: What was that. Do you intend to break your...
WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. Melinda Puff,...
Dave noted that Nikky and Amanda were talking together. He’d aimed Amanda at Nikky because she was the only other person that he knew who had been abducted. In Amanda’s case it had been worse, because some minor gangster named Dom and one his henchmen had stripped her bare, had the threat of white slavery hanging over her head, and she was only an hour or two away from a planned gangbang to induct her into being a two-bit whore for the small time thug. Karen was sitting with the two women as...
You have become infatuated with a truly lovely woman named Candy LaRouge at the office. Her lovely face makes every day at the office something to look forward to. You often find yourself admiring her ample breasts and firm, round ass. Unfortunately she is an aloof, proud beauty who obviously thinks no man deserves her. Little did you suspect that she was a latent exhibitionist. True, she obviously enjoyed the constant male attention that she garnered everywhere she went. But secretly she...
This part is a continuation of the 1st part, so, if you have not read that please go through it. This, just like the 1st part, is also a narration of another such real incident. So it will have dialogues in Bengali, as and how they took place. For your convenience, I will give the English translations side by side. It was 6 months post this incident and Mimi had planned another visit t,o Siliguri on her birthday. Meanwhile, we had discussed the incident many times between us and every time...
We stuck around for two more days but it was increasingly evident that Simonov had slipped through the dragnet and was probably already back in the Ukraine. I made sure to get the contact information for the various teams involved. There might come a time when I need the support again and they would know I was good for the charges too. Luis was glad to hear that things had turned out well and reported that he hadn’t seen even the smallest sign that there was danger down there in the keys. He...
Big-eyed, big-assed brunette Gia Derza teases, flaunting her thrilling anatomy for director Jonni Darkko’s camera. The long-haired libertine primes her butthole with a glass dildo. Supremely hung porn cocksmen Damion Dayski and Rob Piper spit-roast the sexually feral beauty, skewering her mouth and asshole with their big Black cocks. Gia strokes and sucks Damion’s thick 12-incher while Rob reams her rectum. ‘Fuck me like a whore!’ brays the young adventuress as she...
xmoviesforyou“Ladies and gentleman! It’s an honour and great pleasure to be able to welcome you to the first, one and only The Supermodel Slave Sale!” The audience clapped enthusiastically. “My name is Heidi Klum and with me on the stage is Naomi Campbell.” “We’re happy to host this unique event for you” added Naomi “I hope that we’ll all have as much fun as the girls who’ll soon walk on this stage.” Not only the show was unique, so was the audience; obviously it was purely adult, but also significantly...
FetishJack, who had his sixty-ninth birthday this year, suffered a serious accident and was rendered limp from the neck down. His prognosis didn’t seem very promising. Jack was unconscious in the hospital for about a month. Once he regained consciousness, he was prepared to be shifted to his home.Jack’s elder son lived across the country but his younger son lived in the city. Jack’s house was located in a nice suburban locality just outside the city. So, Jack’s younger son decided to move in with his...
IncestPart IV, please, criticism welcome. I want to improve my writing! Oh, and reading Steven's other lessons will certainly make this more enjoyable. For the last six months, Mom has been coming to visit me at college once or twice a month. I hadn't had any 'lessons' with her from that time, but I can be patient. She was becoming fast friends with my girlfriend Kate. Kate wanted to go into the medical field, and my Mom was a trauma ward nurse so they had plenty to talk about. On Saturdays,...
IncestI chanced on him one day again And eventually he became my friend Secrets shared and dreams we knew Through the years our friendship grew Then on Friday of the second week my Biology teacher called me aside. She said that she had noticed I seemed to be a little ahead of most of the students, that I was picking up things pretty quickly. She wondered if I would like to change in a slightly more advanced section. Ms Green's section had mostly more advanced students and would probably move a...
At 354 Hanover Lane, they were received by the lady of the house, Mrs. Warner. The house belonged to Mr. Albert Warner, a grain trader of obvious means. Jim introduced himself and Ned. "Madam, I am Major James Tremayne, and this is Mr. Ned Thrush. We call on you to ask whether Alison O'Hare is in your employ." Mrs. Warner was alarmed. "Yes, indeed. She is a good girl." "I shall never doubt your word on that, Madam. The reason we came, is that with your permission, we'd like to...
Quelques jours après sa fête de 18 ans, les parents de Joanie lui apprenaient qu’ils divorçaient. Elle prit la nouvelle avec un grain de sel, après tout, elle s’y attendait depuis un bon moment. L’atmosphère entre ses parents n’était pas des plus merveilleux et entre les chicanes et les absences, Joanie s’était retrouvée seule trop souvent. Joanie décida de ne pas rester avec ni l’un ni l’autre et de partir seule de son côté. Ils furent vraiment surpris, mais eux aussi convinrent que sa...