Peeking On Mom
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The following Monday, after a lengthy conversation with Borman, Dippy Gallagher sent for Tiffany. He was on the phone when she went into his office, a tiny leprechaun of a man, completely bald, intensely nervous, perpetually scowling, almost hidden by a huge desk cluttered with stacks of glossy photos portraying both male and female nudes in various provocative poses and obscene acts, most of them covered with a fine film of dust and cigar ashes.
"What!" he was screaming into the phone in a high-pitched anguished voice. "She shaved what... ! Her pussy! So she gets a merkin - a pussy wig! Whaddaya mean they don't make pussy wigs? Shit yes, they do, oh hell! Then get another broad. Throw the dumb cunt out on the street."
He slammed down the receiver and stared ferociously at Tiffany. "In the year of our Lord nineteen seventy-three," he intoned dramatically, "the decade of Hair! She goes and shaves her pussy. Who does she think she is, Dolly Dimple? I swear to God if my mother wasn't Jewish I wouldn't be alive today. Show biz! Do me a favor. Go tell it to the East River. Siddown, kid."
He popped a pill into his shark-like mouth, washed it down with a swig from a bottle of vodka he kept stashed in his desk, and leaned back with his hands clasped behind his head to survey Tiffany with his beady little eyes.
Tiffany avoided his gaze. The office with its shabby dingy walls, plastered with more obscene photographs, and its odor of stale cigar smoke and... she sometimes imagined... stale cum... depressed her beyond words.
To begin with it hadn't been so bad. In fact, the first time she went there in answer to the ad for girls with acting experience the atmosphere of corruption and decadence, even evil, which pervaded the office and the enormous loft upstairs where most of the films were shot had perversely excited her. She had had it up to here with the neat orderly life at home in Maryland, her constantly complaining father and her sister June's prudish domineering ways, so she plunged enthusiastically into her new life as an actress in blue movies. She was getting paid pretty good money for doing what she had loved to do since she was fourteen - fucking and sucking... and as a whole the actors she performed with were handsome virile studs with big potent cocks, even though a lot of them were strung out on drugs, mostly amphetamines, because needle marks were hard to hide even with the best of make-up creams. Then there was always the hope of Hollywood shimmering in the future, the hope cleverly planted and nourished by Dippy Gallagher that any day a talent scout would see one of their films and sign her up for the Big Time.
But Tiffany was getting discouraged. Already three movies in two months and not the slightest nibble. The glamour in the business, what little she had ever thought there was, had faded and that afternoon she was feeling particularly down. She had just finished a scene where she was anally raped by a satyr, complete with plastic horns and hooves, against a backdrop of an idyllic glen deep in the ferny woods of ancient Greece, painted by a bombed-out character from Houston, Texas, by way of the East Village. Anyway, the horsehair or whatever they made the satyr's costume out of had rubbed her tender ass-cheeks and inner thighs raw and she couldn't wait to get home and hop into a hot bath.
Gallagher saw the sulky pouting expression on Tiffany's rather wan heart-shaped face and decided he knew exactly what she needed... A little jolt in the tookus.
"Let's see your tits, kid," he snarled. "C'mere."
"God, haven't you seen them enough," Tiffany protested sullenly, getting up nevertheless and going around the desk toward him. She knew she had to... anyway Dippy had never been known to screw around with any of the members of his "Troupe." One rumor had it that he was completely impotent, another that he had a two- hundred pound wife ensconced in a mansion on a big estate on Long Island somewhere. Nobody knew anything for sure about Dippy except that after work he disappeared into the canyons of New York like a rabbit up a magician's sleeve... and was never known to screw around with his actresses. Tiffany obediently unbuttoned her dress and pulled it down so that her girlish but shapely breasts swung free, rising in comely succulent arcs from her smooth-skinned torso.
"Ice 'em!" Dippy snapped.
"Wh - at? Wha'd you say?" Tiffany stammered, taken completely off guard. She stared down at her breasts as if she had never seen them before.
"Put ice on 'em," Dippy spat at her. "They're sagging already. Get some ice packs. Freeze 'em the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. You wanna stay away from silicone, right, kid? Nobody knows the long run effects. But the show's gotta go on, and the tits gotta be firm. So... ice packs! And another thing!" he yammered before Tiffany could get her wits together. "Humpty-Dumpty's gotta go!"
Tiffany's heart sank. Humpty-Dumpty was Gallagher's derisive nickname for Cliff Farrow. "He - he didn't come back here, did he?" she faltered. "He promised me he never would again."
"Humpty-Dumpty," Dippy recited, "took a great fall. He's downstairs right now, puking in the hall."
"Oh goddd," Tiffany groaned. Ever since Cliff had found out what she was really doing he had been impossible. Impossible! Following her around all the time, making terrible drunken scenes in public places. "Listen, Mr. Gallagher," she put as much persuasion as she could into her voice. "He'll never come back again, I swear he won't. I'll tell him I'll never see him again."
"Nix, baby, you already tried that," Dippy reminded her irritably. "And it didn't work. We don't want sloppy drunks hanging around our Stage Door Entrance. It gives the studio a bad name. Uh-uh! The next time he shows, you're out! And that would be a shame. Because you got talent, kid. You got what it takes. You still wanna go west, don'cha?"
"You know I do, Mr. Gallagher," Tiffany wailed as pathetically as she could. "I enjoy working for you and all that but..."
"Yeah, yeah," he muttered gruffly. "Spare the act. I bring 'em up from Nowheresville, give 'em exposure, and overnight they're million dollar stars. Out in Hollywood. Rome. Paris. The whole world over. But they don't forget old Dippy, kid," he added milkily. "You know why? Because old Dippy don't forget what he knows about them. Which brings me to June."
"Huh... ?" Tiffany was caught off balance again.
"Yeah, June!" Dippy yapped at her. "Not April, May or September. June! Big sister June. Humpty-Dumpty's ex-fee-ann- say. The one who caught Humpty humping you that afternoon last summer back in Laketon."
"How did you know that?" Tiffany gasped. She had been super- careful never to breathe a word about where she came from to anybody in the troupe. Of course, there was that letter from June she thought might have been missing from her purse; she couldn't be sure she hadn't thrown it away after showing it to Cliff. But, anyway, there had just been the letter, no envelope or address. So how did he know where she came from? Actually her home was four miles from Laketon but he was too close for comfort.
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Dippy Gallagher was in his element. He loved breaking new broads into show biz, particularly when there was no risk involved, and Borman had assured him that with this big gorgeous brunette, June Wright, there would be no risk whatsoever. Also, the kind of people who were filling up the theater he had improvised in the loft upstairs were a double guarantee. They were strictly class, well-heeled and top-drawer, old chap... Friends of Borman and the society guy Jock Richmond. No sweat about...
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Love StoriesMaking One of My wife's many Fantasy's Come True! My wife has had numerous fantasy's and this was one she had as a young girl around the age of 11 or 12! That on several occasions I have made come true and this time I thought for sure she was going to get fucked by someone else besides me! She had numerous fantasy's and this one was about a young girl innocently accepting a ride with an older man and instead of being taken home she is taken to a lovers lane. The first thing she...
You open your eyes looking around to see where you were. Ah. "That's right...", you murmur to yourself, you recall a high-speed velocity baseball that flew at your face while you were walking to class and that was the last thing you remembered. You assume that it likely knocked you out, which is the reason why you are at home right now. You groggily got up and went outside your room to check what was going on, in the corner of your eye, you notice your mom checking herself in the mirror inside...
Mind ControlThrough the smoky haze of the bar, a handsome man sat with two women, both on either side of him. Their husky voices whispering in his ears and their fingers lingering everywhere on his body. He was irresistible to them, a god in their eyes. His dark brown hair curled in waves around his finely lined jaw and his green eyes lulled women in with its dark gaze. Christan was a lady-killer and he knew it. Christan smirked while drinking his glass of beer. These two particular women had been...
I always had a better girls figure than a boys, and all through school I got teased, razed, picked on, heard guys say they would like to see me naked. I can’t count the times I got stripped by older boys just to see if I had a pussy, I didn’t have very much in the male line, but no pussy, although for as long as I can remember I wished that I did. Starting my freshman year in high school I got a job working evenings and weekends for this 60 year old guy cleaning up around in his hardware...
No one wish can be granted freely. However, this easy-to-use phone app, Monkey Paw Interactive™, has made wish-granting possible with a clever workaround, allowing its users to fulfill each other's desires, by adding their own clever, creative, and exciting twists! Some words from the makers: "This magical phone app allows one's every wish to be fulfilled. Changing your own fate has never been so simple! It requires you to complete only a handful of easy steps. First, open the app on your...
FetishA THURSDAY MEAL Eating supper on Thursday night – their “together meal” night – Mary and John talked of the possibilities for another Saturday night by themselves, or maybe with friends. It was Sexy-Outfit night. Mary brought home the Colonel’s big bucket, with mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, cole slaw, and the delicious Original. Butter spread liberally over the rolls and potatoes. Greasy and slimy. John wore only gym shorts, a “brief” departure from his usual natty style at...