Peeking SisterChapter 7 free porn video

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Dippy Gallagher was in his element. He loved breaking new broads into show biz, particularly when there was no risk involved, and Borman had assured him that with this big gorgeous brunette, June Wright, there would be no risk whatsoever. Also, the kind of people who were filling up the theater he had improvised in the loft upstairs were a double guarantee. They were strictly class, well-heeled and top-drawer, old chap... Friends of Borman and the society guy Jock Richmond. No sweat about them being discrete. He'd given everybody in the troupe the day off except Mike, the cameraman, who was going to film whatever happened for closed-circuit TV, and, of course, Tiffany. She was sitting on a chair in his office, looking pale and discouraged.

Dippy puffed on his cigar and spun around a couple of times in his swivel chair, letting her sweat a little before he followed through with the rest of Borman's instructions. He was beginning to get the drift of what the crafty stock-broker was trying to bring off and he had to admit that for an amateur the big bastard was pretty sharp.

"How's Humpty?" he barked out suddenly. "Is he sober. Can he get it up?"

"I don't know," Tiffany answered dejectedly. "I mean, he's pretty sober, but I don't know if he can get it up or not. Anyway, June won't let him near her."

"I tole ya to let me worry about the details, kid," Dippy snarled. "June's not only gonna let him get near her, she's gonna suck his cock."

"You're crazy!" Tiffany blurted out before she could catch herself. "Excuse me, Mr. Gallagher, but she wouldn't do that in a million years."

"She's gonna do it for you, kid." Gallagher gummed a cynical grin at her. "She thinks you're the prisoner of some gangsters who put on live sex shows and the only way she can buy your freedom is to take your place."

"Wh-at... ? You told her that?" Tiffany stammered weakly.

"Not me, but the guy who's running this show," Dippy grunted scornfully. "And she believed it. At least," he added ambiguously, "she pretended to believe it."

"Ooooohh, poor June..." Tiffany wailed tearfully. "She's really going to... do that for me? I can't let her, I just can't."

"That's show biz, kid," Dippy shrugged, darting a sharp appraising glance at the young girl. "And maybe she won't mind as much as you think. Maybe you're all wrong about big sister June, kid. I happen to know that she made it with a married couple last night, and got buggered by a delivery man in the kitchen of their apartment this morning. Also..." He paused, waiting for all that to sink in before he planted the last seed of suspicion in the bewildered adolescent's mind. "Also, there's gonna be a coupl'a big Hollywood agents in the audience tonight."

"Oh..." Tiffany laughed uncertainly. "It's all so hard to believe. I mean, about June doing those things." She frowned theatrically, remembering how when she had been a little girl she had been awakened night after night by June's hot breath panting in her face as the older girl feverishly masturbated with her eyes tightly shut and her full sensual lips bared back over her teeth, pretending hypocritically to be asleep. Maybe she had been completely wrong about June, Tiffany mused. Cliff claimed she was cold as a fish, but maybe he'd been lying. Maybe he just didn't measure up to June's idea of what a lover should be... Maybe she'd just made that scene on the back porch for an excuse to break off the engagement.

"What did you say about an audience... and the Hollywood agents?" she asked, trying to make sense of all this new information in her confused mind.

"June thinks you're doing live sex shows, kid, so I knocked together a little theater in the loft upstairs and this fella who's innerested in her... he's a big banker... backs a lot of Broadway shows... he's bringing some friends in to be the audience. At least two of 'em are Hollywood agents on the lookout for new talent. I ain't allowed to divulge their names, get it, but it sure would be a shame if your sister upstaged you at the last minute after all the work you've put in. Right?"

"Damn!" Tiffany exclaimed petulantly, clenching her pouting lower lip with small even white teeth. "And she has the juicy role... Sacrificing herself for me!"

"Yeah, but you got the technique, kid. You're an actress!" Dippy breezily pointed out. "You could turn the tables on her just like that!" He snapped his stubby tobacco-stained fingers. "All you got to do is say, 'No, no, dear sister, I can't let you do such a horrible thing for me... ' You're both prisoners, in this little skit, see, and the idea is one of you seduces the guard - that's Cliff - while the other escapes, get it? You can ad-lib it good, and she won't know what to do. So you steal the show, kid. She has to sneak off-stage and there you are!"

Tiffany's eyes were sparkling with enthusiasm now and the color had returned to her youthful heart-shaped face. "Oh, Mr. Gallagher!" she bubbled happily. "That's a wonderful idea! How can I ever thank you enough?"

"Oh, just send me a postcard from time to time, kid," Dippy said blandly, slipping down from his chair on his runty legs and starting toward the door. From Nowheresville, you dumb cunt, he added to himself. "Be upstairs backstage in ten minutes. Mike'll show you what to do."

When the horrid bald little man with the beady eyes and cruel thin-lipped mouth finally came in, June had no idea how long she had been cooped up in the tiny room Pimple Face had brought her to. When they left the Bormans' apartment shortly after eleven o'clock, he had made her put on what looked like a pair of ordinary dark glasses but, in fact, the lenses were completely opaque. She couldn't see a thing except out the sides, and when they had driven off a ways he had stopped the car and stuffed cotton between the frames and her cheeks, so that she was completely blinded... It was awful, being deprived of your sight. She didn't see how blind people stood it.

When she protested, Pimple Face just told her to shut up. "Anybody gets curious, babe, you just had an eye operation," he told her curtly.

So she hadn't the slightest idea of where she was either. They had driven around for what seemed like a long time before they had left the car and come to this place, with him steering her by the arm. It was up four flights of stairs and smelled musty, that's all she knew for sure. Boards had resounded under their feet, and she had had a feeling of space around her, as if she might be on the stage of a theater, just before she was put into this windowless little cubicle. She took it to be an actor's dressing room, although it certainly wasn't what you would call glamorous... just a table with a mirror and a few pots of makeup on it, a rickety chair, a wash basin and a cot with a plastic chamber pot under it.

There was no lock on the door, but before he left her alone Pimple Face warned her there was a guard on the only exit, so not to get any bright ideas about running away. She hadn't intended to anyhow, or she wouldn't have accompanied him in the first place. She was certain she had figured out a way to get both Tiffany and herself out of the jam they were in.

About an hour later Pimple Face had returned with a Coke and hamburger for her and had gone over with her the few pitiful lines she was supposed to speak in her grand debut as an actress. It was just a one-act curtain raiser, he said, a very simple situation based on the real-life one she was actually in, so all she had to do was be herself. The main part obviously was making love to the guard. June had protested when she heard that Tiffany was to play with her, but Pimple Face had sworn it would be her last performance. It certainly would be, June mused to herself, if her plan worked. And it would be the last time for quite a while that Pimple Face would be pushing people around. Of course, she hadn't bothered to memorize her lines. She had no intention whatsoever of speaking them.

When Pimple Face left the second time, she had dozed off on the cot, completely exhausted by all the incredible things that had happened to her since her arrival in the city. When she woke up, her watch had stopped, and she had no way of knowing how long she had slept. Her stomach told her it must be late though. She was hungry again and had to urinate terribly. She was just trying to get up the courage to use the chamber pot when the offensive little man barged in without even knocking and started barking orders at her.

"Stand up and strip!"

As she began to slowly undress, he sat down on the chair, making unpleasant sucking noises with his tongue against his teeth and continuously raking her body over with those piercing little gimlet eyes. She had expected this, of course... to be treated like an animal at the market place... but the vicious satisfaction the evil little creature obviously derived from her embarrassment made her blood boil.

"Whaddaya standing like that for?" he rasped at her when finally she stood voluptuously naked in front of him.

"I have to go to the bathroom," she answered primly.

"Piss in that pot," he sneered, indicating the chamber pot under the cot. "It's not really all that big a deal, kid," he added when she hesitated, "compared to what you're gonna be doing in a little while. Did the guy tell ya what ya have to do?"

"He said... seduce the guard," June answered. Finally the urgency of her need to urinate overcame her modesty and she squatted down on the pot sidewise to him. Somehow his hearing the loud frothing sound of her water gushing into the plastic container was even more humiliating than his watching her. He would pay for this, she vowed grimly to herself. The sadistic little wretch!

"The script calls for you to suck his cock!" Dippy snapped. "You ever suck a cock?"

"N-no-o..." June faltered, but then in fear that he would make her practice on him she quickly added, "But I know how. I saw it done once."

"You saw it!" Dippy exclaimed, simulating shock with a sly grin. "Whadda ya, a voyeur or somepin?" His eyes sparkled maliciously when he saw her blush bright red from head to toe. Borman was right! She was too much, this broad was, with a cock- stiffening body like that and all these hang-ups. Something hadda break. "C'mere!" he ordered peremptorily. "Spread those pussy lips. Come on, goddamnit!" he yelled furiously when she hesitated again. "I gotta make sure you're healthy, kid. I got my other actors to think about to, for chrissake!"

She approached him and, with hands trembling from both shame and rage, parted the sparsely haired outer flanges of her cunt, exposing to his lewd gaze the slick pink flesh of the moist furrow and the shrinking little bud of her clitoris.

He whipped the cigar from his mouth and leaned forward, sniffing loudly. "Pretty funky," he commented dryly. "Wha'd ya take on last night? A goddamn bull... ? Wash it up, for godsake. Curtain call in five minutes." With that he clamped the cigar back into his cruel little mouth and strutted out, leaving the dark-haired girl's face flaming and her body trembling in outrage.

"Just you wait," she muttered. "Just wait!"

When Gallagher pushed her out onto the stage, instead of falling to the floor sobbing and then running to Tiffany as she had been instructed to do, June strode firmly across the rough planks toward the footlights and stood there commandingly in her proud naked beauty with arms upraised. There was a prolonged burst of applause mixed with whistles and wolf calls, but she stood there unflinchingly until the noise subsided. Half-blinded by the spot projectors above and the row of lights below, she could only see the faces in the audience as vague blurs, but she was sure that out there somewhere there must be at least one person who had a spark of humanity left in him, sick as he must be to come to a show like this. When the theater was completely silent, she began the brief speech that she had rehearsed to herself that afternoon.

"Please help us!" she cried out in a vibrant compelling voice. "My sister and I are prisoners here. We're not doing this of our own free will. We're treated like slaves. You must help us! Get up and leave. Then call the police. That's all you have to do!"

There was a moment of puzzled silence, then somewhere someone snickered, someone else began to frankly laugh and in a second the whole hall was roaring with laughter. People were clapping and drumming their feet on the floor. There were even a couple of Bravos!

God, they thought it was part of the act, June realized. Her beautiful face flamed with anger and despair. She stretched out her hands pleadingly and screamed in a powerful voice that cut like a knife through the din. "It's true! I'm telling you the truth. We're prisoners of a gang. You've got to help us!"

The applause turned to jeering hoots and catcalls. "Cut the crap, sister!" someone yelled at her and another voice called out, "Quit talking and start sucking!"

"Yeah, suck! Suck! Suck!" They all took up the chant and June realized that there were women in the audience too. She had thought it would be exclusively made up of men, but no, there were women out there too... women so depraved and perverted they wouldn't even help one of their own sex. Tears welled into her magnificent brown eyes and she turned her back on the audience just in time to see Tiffany, also stark naked, advancing toward her with exaggeratedly mincing little steps.

"Poor dear sister!" the young blonde exclaimed in an artificial flute-like voice when the noise died down again. "You don't have to worry. I shall seduce the guard, and while he's busy soiling me with his filthy sperm, you can slip out of this horrible dungeon and alert the police."

"They're paid off!" someone in the audience yelled and the crowd broke into laughter again.

Unabashed, Tiffany went on with her stilted dialogue, stagily encircling June's supple waist with her slender arm and leading her toward a spot behind the bed where she would be practically invisible to the audience. "Now you lie down here, darling sister," she cooed to June soothingly, "and pretend that you've fainted. I shall call the evil guard and whilst I am seducing him on the bed, you can sneak out the door."

"She'd rather stick around and watch!" somebody heckled from the rear of the hall to another chorus of guffaws and titters.

June stopped in mid-stride and stared bewilderedly at her sister, "What do you mean... while you seduce him?" She realized confusedly that Tiffany was carrying on with the skit and supposed that under the circumstances it was the only thing to do. But surely both Pimple Face and that horrid little man had both said very clearly that it was June who was to do the seducing. The failure of her appeal to the audience had left her in a state of semi-shock, and she gazed dazedly around her, vaguely aware that the stage set crudely depicted a sort of medieval dungeon with various instruments of torture hanging from the walls.

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Hello readers kaise ho aap sab. Main apni last story cam sex exp ka age ka part apko sunnane jaa rha hoon jinhone meri purani story nhi padhi unke liye link de rha hoon on top Es link ko copy paste kre or janne ku or kaise hua ok.. Ab main story per ata hoon.. Jaisa ki maine ap logo ko bataya tha ki wo or main us din ka wait kr rhe the ki kab sab kuch freely ho kab main uski choot me apna lund gussa saku.. But wo din mil hi nhi rha tha hum dono daily chhat per subeh 5 baje mila krte the and...

1 year ago
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Seductive Housewife Ch 03

WEDNESDAY AND A NEW THERAPIST Clara rolled over, looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly 10:00 AM. She stretched her lovely body in the bed and let out a deep sigh. Henry had already left for his meetings and she was in no hurry to get out of bed. She opted to call for room service and have brunch in her room. Clara took a quick shower and then donned shorts and a tee shirt as she waited for her food. Thirty minutes later there was a knock at the door and a good looking young man was...

3 years ago
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forbidden love part 3

please read forbidden love part one and 2 before reading this thanks. ….screams with excitement as she had never(and hopfully still hasnt) had a dick in her luciouse pussy lips that could split her if it went all in at once, as i start to slowly make love to this goddess of love and beauty i am thinking we are like one and cause of that she starts to say ″this is pure ectasy ~, and i believe as our lips form to make 1 being of life we have one of the greatest and still is the greatest kiss of...

1 year ago
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TeenCreeper Brooke Haze E16

Truant Gets Trained Wannabe bad girl Brooke Haze is cutting class and smoking outside. Later, she’s picked up by her tough-guy boyfriend Bruno and whisked away to a less-than scennic make out spot, things quickly sour from there and soon she’s taken home. She dances around in her little naughty schoolgirl outfit briefly then receives a call from a mysterious Creeper telling her how she needs to be punished for being a slutty teen delinquent. Naive young Brooke doesn’t take him...

2 years ago
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Sudden Losses

Chapter 1 It was early December and in a rare bit of bad weather around Boston as the snow was falling hard. The night was the worst night you could pick to travel. Up to four inches of snow was expected to fall overnight. That wasn't the real problem, the problem was that it was near whiteout conditions in Boston at times. Despite the bad weather there were some hearty travelers braving the storm to get to where they needed to go. In the Tip O'Neill Tunnel things were going smoothly...

3 years ago
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Sex With Another Reader 8211 Isha Gupta

Hi Friends!!! First of all, I would like to thank all my reader for their mails for my previous story – Sex With My Reader Nisha. I am back again with another real life story which happen this Saturday. Another reader – Isha Gupta. Isha is 26 years old girl with figure (32 – 28 – 34). She mail me her number stating that, please contact me asap. I contacted her and found that she wanted to spend time with me. I accepted her proposal and she told me to come to her flat. She was living with her...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Rebecca Volpetti Shalina Devine Valentine8217s Day Threesome With Lesbo Lover

Stunning blonde Shalina Devine is getting ready to celebrate the Venice carnival when her friend, Rebecca Volpetti arrives. Things turn sexual very quickly and these gorgeous girls strip down to their lingerie. They take turns licking and fingering each other’s pussies before breaking out a glass dildo! They get dressed quickly with Shalina helping Rebecca into her masquerade mask right before Shalina’s husband, Erik arrives home. She has a surprise up her sleeve for him and soon...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 97 Hopes and Dreams

John stood by his chair at the head of the long Briefing Room table and waited for the girls to take their seats before sitting himself. “Alright then, ladies, bring me up to speed; what have you been up to for the last couple of days?” “While you were balls-deep inside those sexy blue babes, enjoying your non-stop impregnathon you mean?” Dana asked, an innocent expression on her face. He couldn’t help flushing, the reddening of his cheeks enough to get all the girls laughing. Raising his...

3 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 15

I woke up before dawn, seeing from Julie's alarm clock that it was almost seven o'clock. I slipped out of bed quietly so as not to wake Julie and Vee, and threw on some clothes, using the glow of the streetlights through the curtains to find everything. By the time I was dressed, Julie had rolled over - still fast asleep - and was cuddling Vee for warmth and company. I presumed that her period - now in its third day - was still making her feel uncomfortable, and considered making her a...

2 years ago
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The Institution

When Charlie volunteered to do community work he never thought it would be in one of the mental institutions, but that was where he now was. He had taken it on mainly to please his wife who was continuously on his back because she was involved in the council's social calendar. Such community work led to lunches and dinners, in which he had to go to; she had told him that she felt embarrassed as other husbands were also involved in community and social work. The hind was that to make her more...

3 years ago
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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 13

“Filming?” “You don’t imagine we’re going to leave the dormitories unmonitored do you?” “But the age range is thirteen to eighteen?” Surely... “I’ve found an outlet,” she smiled conspiratorially. “They guarantee they can only be seen in the Middle East and you would not believe what they’ll pay!” “But the girls will be being exploited then,” I had to object, “underage, and they won’t even know...” “Oh they have to know, if they’re sexy.” “Blackmail?” I gasped. “Exactly Carl, I knew...

1 year ago
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A Womans Touch true story

New years Day was the first day withour rain for a week. It was a beatiful cold Winters day so we decided to go for a drive in the van.We headed for a nature reserve about 15 miles away. We go there often as there are plenty of secluded lanes in the woodland area to park up and have sex.Mrs V wore a black "wrap" dress, black hold ups, no pants and a pair of stilletos. The dress is Mrs V's favourite flashing dress as she can open the wrap to reveal a stocking top and bare thigh. As we drove...

2 years ago
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Wifes Colleague Radika Was Deflowered In Her Tight Salwar 8211 Part 3

Story Continuation ….. Please email me at with comments and suggestions She was seated on the commode cleaning her juices off her sexy thighs and love hole. She smiled and pulled me closer by holding the panty which was still on me forcing me to move closer to her. She then held my penis which was soft and of very small size. The moment she held, it started growing again but of just a normal size. She took water from tap and rinsed my penis with her hands and started cleaning it. She pulled...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 5 Ye Olde England

Josie Maxwell stretched her long legs, giving in to a yawn. She was one of the last people in the Business Class to have her reading light on in the otherwise darkened cabin. The letters of the report in her lap began to blur before her eyes, but she was almost finished. The Maxistores were experiencing a very tentative comeback. They would be able to post a black zero for the last quarter, mostly due to a windfall in pre-Christmas sales of iPods and related merchandise. Also, the five...

2 years ago
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SurprisedChapter 5

I awoke from my nap a couple of hours later. I slipped off the bed so I wouldn't awaken the two big and beautiful women still asleep. I laid out two robes for them and went to relief myself in the second bathroom of Sandy's and my home then put on a tee shirt and shorts and with a glass of water sat in my recliner to think. My sweet wife Sandy had surprised me a few months back when she asked me to tell her about my fantasies. Having promised to always be truthful and to not keep secrets...

3 years ago
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My Second Julie Experience

The timeframe is Spring of 1986... about two months since Suzanne's cousin got in trouble. It had been a long time since I had seen Julie. I was expecting anything to be different this weekend. The guy that shared the house with me was gone for the weekend and I was just trying to decide whether to make a drive to the city... or just stay home and watch television. My mind was to be made up very soon... as I heard a knock on the door. It was Julie. I was totally surprised, and as...

3 years ago
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Christmas At Mrs Bs

Mrs B , this was a little out of character for her but then most of the time her teenagers were up and about, so anything sex related was usually done in the bedroom. Christmas morning had arrived and my 2 had been dispatched back to the Ex's and I'd made my way round to Mrs B to have a bit of time with her before her family descended in the afternoon. I'd jumped into the kitchen helping get the veg ready when her son popped his head in the door and told us that his dad was there to pick them...

1 year ago
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Teen Fun with Lianne Pt3

And so we finally get to my last encounter with the lovely, hot & sexy Lianne....Now you will have to appreciate that the details are hazy because it was more than 30years ago & more alcohol than usual had been consumed, so my account of what happened is a little bit sketchy......It was an odd night (the following Friday after part two) & I ventured back to her town & met up in a pub, before going to a sub-level pub/club/disco place on the sea front. It happened to be a fairly...

4 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 14

I gave Jess the cooks tour of the mess hall and cook house, then I showed her the offsiders room. I pointed out that the bathroom adjoined to my room and she would need to knock before entering as would I. She wrinkled her nose at it. "Jesus, why do I have to stop in this God forsaken dump? I've got to leave all my friends to come and live in the sticks just because HE won't get a job nearer to home. It's just not fair and I've got to stay in this stinking hovel." I was starting to...

2 years ago
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The history of a life long cuckold

PrefaceHello everyone. I decided to write about the experiences that I’ve had over my life as I feel they are as good or better than a lot of the stuff I read online. In my stories, you will read about only 3 women; My first wife, My girlfriend after my wife and I broke up in 1986 and my present wife of 26 years whom I met after breaking up with my girlfriend in 1989. The reason for this is because these stories are all 100%...

3 years ago
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Wife get Even

We had moved away to California in our early 20's and Luke had settled into a steady job for a national company, getting fairly regular promotions, but nothing for a year or two and he was starting to get frustrated about this. Anyway, about a year ago Luke came home one night and said we had been invited by his MD, Chris to a home warming party at his new house to celebrate his recent divorce from his fifth wife! I had met Chris many times before and he had even been to a swimming party at our...

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KittyChapter 12 Senior year

To my relief, Janet and Berry didn't come home at the end of the summer. Janet wrote that they were planning to come for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and that they were both looking forward to seeing us again. As we were entering our senior year, a number of changes were taking place. In addition to two new ninth graders needing rides to school, Mr. Perryman had convinced a couple to reopen the only remaining motel in town. But those were minor compared to the biggest change. Ben had hired a...

2 years ago
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Making Her Wild Fantasies Come True

Hi ISS readers. My name is Yash. I am 25 years old male from Bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. Once again I am going to narrate a real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much ISS for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome. This incident happened when I was 21 while I was dating a girl from my college. We were madly in love with each other. I always...

3 years ago
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Latino lover turns country girl into his sex slave

I remember being terrified and the pain, he had no right to do what he did. My life was never the same. I finally worked up the courage to tell my Pastor and he never did anything about it. I told my mom and she said it would bring shame to the family if she went to the police. And my rapist went around bragging to anyone that would listen that I was having sex with him. So, living in a small town, everyone believed him and all of my boyfriends thought I was "easy" and that is the...

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Me My mom and My Aunt

This is part III of my storyThey didnt want to sleep next to each other because it would be weird. So i was in the middle of them Cherly who was asleep when my aunt D came into the room and wispered “ Allasay? Dan? are you awake?” Allasay said “Yes mom what is it?” She said she needed us in the living room for a min. It was dark when i came down the steps so allasay clung to my bare back. We got down the steps. There was a light coming from the bathroom, I knock it was my mom. She said aunt D...

3 years ago
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A New Taste Part 5

I spent hours that day watching Harrison. He went about his day in his briefs at my request and hilariously in socks at his. While he made lunch I knelt behind him and oggled his shapely little bum in the tight undies. I kissed each cheek. He chatted away as I thought to myself ‘I have fucked this boy! I have licked his asshole!’. We seemed comfortable in each others company as the hours passed. We were strangers really. Strangers exploring new territory together. We shared a sense of humour...

4 years ago
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Pretty Tiny Tits And Pissing

Pretty, Tiny Tits, And Pissing My daughter was having one of her infamous sleepovers. She knew that I didn’t mind if she and her girlfriends had a little to drink. However, it was escalating. They were drinking more and more and it had gone from just three girls to seven girls. My daughter was fourteen but she had thirteen-year-old and fifteen-year-old friends. One girl was even sixteen. They spent the whole weekend and they never went home drunk so I figured what to hell. That all...

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