Innocents Pt. 02 free porn video

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Luke woke the next morning when his room was still dark. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was a little after six. At first, he thought he needed to be at work, but then yesterday came back to him in a sickening rush. Closing his eyes, he remembered holding Chelsea’s hand in the ICU.

Luke sat up and squinted at his half-open door. He saw light drifting down the hall from the kitchen, and he could hear Doreen walking around. It was strange having someone else in the house after so many years. Strange, but not unwelcome, he realized.

Luke climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before heading to the kitchen. He found Doreen sitting at the table, a plate of casserole before her. She looked up at him and waved her fork in greeting.

He grimaced. ‘Little early for that, ain’t it? I got cereal, or you could scramble some eggs.’

Doreen shrugged. ‘It’s been a while since I’ve had home-cooked food.’

Luke frowned. Doreen was eating what looked like a broccoli and cheese concoction. ‘Did you even heat that up in the microwave?’

‘I didn’t want to wake you up. I don’t mind it cold.’

Without a word, Luke strode over to the table and picked up the plate. After placing it in the microwave and making his best guess as to how long to heat it, he turned back to Doreen. ‘We gotta go through this again? You’re not a guest. You live here now.’

Doreen took a sip of cranberry juice. ‘It doesn’t hurt to be considerate.’ She wore a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Her socks had been white at one time but were now a dingy gray.

The microwave beeped, and Luke took the plate from it and set it back on the table. ‘Now try that and see if it’s better,’ he told Doreen. She took a bite of food and nodded. ‘How are you feeling?’

She picked up a pill from the table and swallowed it with some juice. ‘I feel a little better. I think the antibiotic’s starting to work.’

‘Good.’ Luke shuffled to the counter and began making a fresh pot of coffee.

‘Tell your friend Mack that his wife is a good cook,’ Doreen said.

Luke smiled and gazed out the window above the sink. ‘It’s supposed to be sunny today, not as cold.’ He glanced over his shoulder at Doreen. ‘I need to go to the funeral home and make arrangements for Chelsea’s cremation. You want to go with me?’

Doreen hesitated. ‘May as well,’ she finally said.

‘And then we have to go by the school and update your address and get you on a different bus route.’ Luke poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down across from Doreen. ‘We also need to go to the store and buy you some new shoes.’

‘My shoes are okay.’

Luke shook his head. ‘Those sneakers are falling apart, Doreen.’ He took the first sip of coffee and let out a satisfied sigh. ‘And then we’ll go to the bank.’

Doreen scraped at the last bits of casserole on her plate. ‘I’d like to take out a couple hundred dollars from the account, so I can buy things I need.’

‘I’d prefer it if you left that money alone,’ Luke said.

She frowned at him. ‘You said it’s mine.’

He held up a hand. ‘It is yours, but if you need money, I can give you some.’

‘You’ve given me more than enough.’ Doreen stood and took her plate to the sink, where she washed it and then placed it in the dish drainer to dry. ‘Ain’t you going to eat something?’ she asked.

‘Nah,’ Luke said. ‘I never have much of an appetite in the mornings.’ He finished his cup of coffee and stretched, releasing a groan. ‘I’m going to take a shower. Help yourself to some coffee.’

Doreen shook her head. ‘Never liked the stuff.’

Luke laughed and climbed to his feet. ‘You don’t know what you’re missing.’ She stood before him, and without thinking, he reached out and ruffled her hair. Doreen flinched, and Luke started to apologize, but then she gave him a quick smile before heading to her room.

Later that morning, they drove to the school in Starkwood. Fog hovered low on the mountains, but Luke knew the sun would soon burn it away. He pulled into the school parking lot, staring at the drab brick building. He didn’t remember it looking so dismal when he was a student there. Of course, that was over twenty years ago, when the town was struggling but had more life in it. These days, those who could leave this place got on out.

‘I’d rather not go in there,’ Doreen said. Luke looked at his niece and saw the unmistakable dread on her face. ‘Do I have to go with you?’

‘No, you just stay here. I won’t be long.’ He got out of the truck and headed for the front entrance. Stepping inside, he found the halls quiet, since classes had already begun. Luke remembered where the office was, in his hell-raising days as a teenager, he’d spent enough time there sitting before the principal. Taking a deep breath, he detected the odor of mildew, similar to the way books smelled when they got wet.

As soon as Luke explained to the office staff that he was Doreen’s uncle, they grew quiet and somber. Doreen wasn’t the first student to lose a parent to a drug overdose, but in a town of this small size, each untimely death rippled through the community. Luke filled out some forms and learned where Doreen would need to catch the bus to school. It was just a short walk from his house. Luke had already decided that he’d drive her to and from school when his work schedule allowed it.

The school nurse, principal, and secretary huddled around Luke before he left, offering their condolences. He thanked them even as he squirmed under their scrutiny, and now he understood why Doreen wanted to wait outside.

As he approached his truck, Luke saw her staring out at him with wide eyes. He gave her a reassuring smile, then opened the door and climbed into the driver’s seat. ‘That’s taken care of,’ he told her.

The funeral home was just a few blocks away. It had actually been converted from a dwelling, and it now had a well-maintained exterior and good landscaping. The place looked cheerier than the school, Luke realized.

They went inside where the funeral home director, Mr. Fowler, was expecting them. Luke looked around and noted the tasteful furniture and plush carpet, the paintings of peaceful nature scenes hanging on the walls. He remembered being in this building after his father died, and again when his mother passed. In his mind, the place had a residue of grief clinging to it.

Mr. Fowler ushered them into his office. Doreen chose a chair closest to the corner, as if she could sit there unnoticed.

Luke sat before Mr. Fowler’s desk. ‘I mentioned to you yesterday that I don’t have a lot of money,’ he said. ‘We don’t plan on having a service. We just want a simple cremation.’

Mr. Fowler’s sympathetic smile didn’t waver as he nodded. Then he looked at Doreen. ‘You’re named after your grandmother,’ he said, and she raised her eyebrows in surprise. ‘She and I went to school together,’ Mr. Fowler explained. ‘I always liked and respected her a great deal, and I know there are many others in this town who mourned her loss.’ He turned back to Luke. ‘Tell you what. I won’t charge you more than cost for your sister’s cremation. This isn’t something I normally do, of course, or I’d be out of business, and I’d appreciate it if you kept this arrangement between us, but your family’s had more than its fair share of loss.’

Luke’s shoulders slumped in relief as a rush of air escaped his lungs. ‘Thank you, Mr. Fowler. I sure appreciate that.’

They went over the details of the cremation, and several times Luke glanced at Doreen to see her reaction, especially when it was decided that a casket for Chelsea was unnecessary, so she’d be placed in a cheap cardboard container before being cremated. When it came time to pick out an urn, Luke turned to Doreen for her opinion, Chelsea was the girl’s mother, after all, and Doreen would be given her ashes.

Doreen shrugged. ‘Whatever’s cheapest
,’ she said.

When Luke and Mr. Fowler settled on a total, Luke was relieved to find that he could write a check and pay for everything outright rather than being forced to set up a payment plan to cover the expense.

Mr. Fowler shook Luke’s hand. ‘Again, I’m so sorry for your loss,’ he said to Doreen.

‘Thank you,’ she replied, stepping closer to Luke. He slipped an arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into him, letting him lead her back outside to the truck.

He sat behind the wheel, hesitating before he slipped the key into the ignition. A tremor coursed through his shoulders, as though a huge weight rested on them.

‘You okay?’ Doreen asked, her voice sounding small and faraway.

He swallowed hard and nodded. ‘I know this is a hell of a thing for a kid your age to go through.’

‘This isn’t just about me,’ she said. ‘She was your sister, and you had a lot more good years with her than I did.’

Luke winced at Doreen’s words, but he couldn’t dispute them.

They rode in silence to the bank, and once they were inside and sitting before another large desk, Luke was taken aback at just how much red tape was involved in opening an account these days. Doreen produced her identification and answered all of the bank employee’s questions, and at one point when the woman got up to retrieve yet another form for Doreen to fill out, Luke’s niece made a funny face at him. ‘Now I know why some people choose to hide all their money in their damn mattress,’ she muttered, and Luke burst out laughing.

When Doreen’s account was finally set up and Luke requested the transfer of five thousand dollars from his account to hers, he watched the girl’s face brighten with excitement and felt he’d finally done something worthwhile for her. Doreen made her first withdrawal, and as the woman counted out two hundred dollars, Luke frowned. He knew just how fast that money could disappear.

After they left the bank, Doreen thrust the cash at him. ‘It ain’t a good idea for me to be carrying this kind of money at school, and I don’t want to leave it just lying around your house. Will you keep it for me?’

Luke stopped and stared at his niece. ‘You sure?’ he asked, and she nodded. ‘Well, okay. I don’t mind holding onto it for you.’ He put the money in his wallet and patted her shoulder. ‘I promise I won’t spend it all in one place.’

‘Very funny,’ Doreen said, but she smiled.

It was almost noon when they headed toward Fairview, a small city thirty miles east of Starkwood. It had a few big retail stores and some sit-down restaurants. ‘I ain’t been to Fairview since I was a little kid,’ Doreen said.

Luke slipped on a pair of sunglasses. The fog had completely dissipated, and sunlight warmed the truck’s interior. ‘Well, I generally try to avoid the place. Last I heard, Kayla was living with a man in Fairview and working as a nurse’s aide at the hospital there.’

‘We don’t have to go to Fairview,’ Doreen said hurriedly. ‘I can buy shoes somewhere else.’

‘Doreen, it’s fine,’ he said, giving her an easy smile. ‘I seriously doubt we’ll run into my ex-wife today.’

Fifteen minutes later, Luke pulled into the parking lot of one of the big box stores, and after they got out of the truck, he had to hustle to keep up with Doreen. As soon as they were inside, she made a beeline for the shoes section. ‘Don’t you want to look around?’ Luke asked.

‘Nah. All I need is a new pair of shoes,’ she said.

Luke couldn’t help but laugh. The girl had certainly inherited her grandmother’s frugality. He kept close to Doreen, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans and waiting patiently as she browsed the shoes. Finally she settled on a pair of black boots and sat down to try them on. ‘Doreen, it will be summer before you know it. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have another pair of sneakers?’ he asked.

Doreen walked up and down the aisle while wearing the boots, seeing how they felt on her feet. ‘A good pair of boots will last a lot longer.’ She sat back down and took off the boots, holding them up for closer inspection. ‘These will do,’ she said to Luke.

By this point, he knew not to question her, when the girl’s mind was made up, there was no changing it. She used her own money to pay for the boots, and once she was sitting in his truck again, she immediately put them on. ‘You may as well throw those old sneakers away,’ Luke said.

Doreen shook her head. ‘They still got some use.’

He took her to lunch at a steakhouse, where she studied the menu for a good five minutes before deciding on a burger and fries. ‘I’m paying for lunch,’ she told him.

‘Oh, no you ain’t,’ he said. ‘I invited you. My treat.’ Luke chose the ribeye steak and a baked potato. After they placed their orders, he rested his arms on the table and leaned toward her. ‘I’d say it’s been a productive day, girlie.’

Doreen nodded and took several swallows of her ice water. ‘I can’t believe how much things have changed in just a day.’ She picked up her straw wrapper and began folding it between her fingers.

Luke sighed and stared out the window. ‘Seems like the biggest changes come from out of nowhere.’

As they ate their lunch, Luke watched Doreen take small bites of her burger and chew slowly. ‘This is really good,’ she said.

‘Save room for dessert,’ he told her. At first she protested, but it didn’t take much to convince her to order a chocolate brownie with ice cream. The waitress brought two spoons, and Luke took a few bites before letting his niece have the rest.

On the way back to Belmont, Doreen grew quiet, and when Luke looked over at her, he found that she’d fallen asleep, her head resting against the window. A rush of tenderness flooded his insides at the sight of her dozing peacefully. She looked like a little girl, her lips slightly parted and her deep breaths audible.

Doreen didn’t wake until Luke pulled into his driveway. She raised her head and then gave him a sheepish smile. ‘I didn’t know I was so tired,’ she said, rubbing her eyes.

‘You need the rest,’ he told her. ‘You’ve been through a lot.’

As they climbed the porch steps, Luke saw several dishes placed neatly in front of his door. Some of them had cards taped to the foil covering the plates.

‘What’s all this?’ Doreen asked.

‘I guess the neighbors have left some food for us. Looks like we won’t have to cook for a while.’

They carried the dishes into the house and set them on the kitchen counter. ‘Wow,’ Doreen said. ‘There’s another casserole, and some ham biscuits, and this looks like a strawberry pie.’

Luke opened the sympathy cards and read over them. ‘What did I tell you, girlie?’ he said, holding up the cards for Doreen to see. ‘Word travels fast around here. All the same, it’s a nice gesture.’ He nodded to the dishes. ‘We got to make sure to get those containers back to their owners.’

Doreen examined the pie plate, lifting it above her head. ‘This one has a piece of masking tape on the bottom with ‘Morris’ written on it.”

‘They live two houses down.’ Luke closed his eyes as he rubbed his temples. ‘I feel a headache coming on, so I think I’m gonna lie down for a bit.’

Doreen moved the dishes into the refrigerator. ‘You want me to get you some aspirin?’

‘Nah, I’ll be okay. Feel free to watch some television. There’s a nice breeze outside if you want to sit on the porch—just don’t wander off,’ Luke said, and she nodded. He studied her a moment, at a loss, feeling like he shouldn’t leave her by herself. A girl like her thought too much when she had time on her hands. ‘You all right, Doreen?’ he asked.

She gave him a quizzical look. ‘I’m fine. Why?’

‘Just making sure.’


Doreen sat out on the porch and watched leaden clouds settle over the mountains. New green leaves on the trees provided a colorful contrast to the gray sky. The wind strengthened, wh
ipping her hair against her face. She knew she should go inside and get her coat, but she didn’t want to be running in and out of the house while Luke was trying to sleep. He looked tired, as if the past day had taken a heavy toll on him.

Sitting back in the chair, Doreen considered her own state of mind and wondered why she wasn’t more distraught. She didn’t figure many people could blame her for not missing her mother, but Doreen had her own reasons to feel guilty about Chelsea’s passing. And yet she didn’t. She didn’t know what that said about her as a person, and she found she didn’t much care.

A car eased down the road, slowing as it passed Luke’s house. Doreen didn’t smile, but she raised her hand in greeting, and the elderly man behind the wheel waved back. She wondered if his wife had prepared one of those dishes left on Luke’s porch. Maybe the strawberry pie.

Doreen stayed outside until a steady rain began to fall and the cold made her fingernails turn blue. Luke was still sleeping, and she crept by his room, wincing as the floorboards creaked beneath her weight. In her own room, she rifled through her cardboard box and took out a novel she’d been reading. It was one she’d read many times before, but she didn’t have many books of her own, so she had to make do.

Doreen heard Luke get up a little after five, and when she left her room, she found him in the kitchen, hunched over the sink as he stared out the window at the rain still falling. ‘Did you sleep well?’ she asked.

He turned to face her. ‘Too well. Now I’ll never get back to sleep tonight.’

She heated up some casserole and a few ham biscuits for their dinner. Afterward, they both had a slice of strawberry pie, and Luke moaned his appreciation when he took the first bite. ‘You need to keep this away from me,’ he told Doreen. ‘I’m liable to eat it all.’

Later that night, she sat with him in the front room. He lounged in his recliner while she stretched out on the sofa, feeling like a kid again, drowsy and safe. Luke asked her if she’d like to watch anything in particular, but she said she didn’t care, so he settled on some action movie.

‘Luke, would you mind seeing if the college library has some books on astronomy you can check out for me?’ Doreen asked.

He looked over at her. ‘I’m sure it does. Anything specific you’re looking for?’

She sat up and shrugged. ‘I like learning about the stars, and right now, I’m trying to memorize all the constellations. Our school library has a few science books that one of the teachers donated, but I’ve read them already. I’d also like to read more about cosmology, even though I don’t understand a lot of it,’ she said. ‘But who does, really? How can we think we know anything if we still don’t understand how the universe works? And what if there’s an infinite number of us in parallel universes? What happens when we die in one of those universes? If we’re living an infinite number of lives, in an infinite number of universes, then aren’t we dying every minute—every second, even?’ Doreen realized she was rambling and fell silent, suddenly embarrassed.

Luke stared at her in surprise, and then he smiled and slowly shook his head. ‘Those are some deep thoughts, girlie. Far too deep for my brain.’ He furrowed his brow. ‘But wait, if we’re dying every second, ain’t we also being born every second, too?’

Doreen considered his words and then grimaced. ‘Well, that’s a depressing thought.’


The weekend passed quietly, with Luke and Doreen staying at the house. A couple of neighbors dropped by with yet more food, and Luke thanked them politely but didn’t invite them inside. Doreen stayed out of sight, not feeling up to meeting new people.

Luke seemed antsy as Saturday melded into Sunday, and Doreen realized he wasn’t used to having several days off work at a time. Though she was dreading going back to school on Monday, Doreen knew Luke was ready to return to work. It seemed they were isolated in their grieving, shut away from the world, waiting an appropriate time before they could go back to their normal routines.

Luke woke her early on Monday morning. ‘You want me to drive you to school?’ he asked, flipping on her bedroom light.

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Hello friends this is Kunal again ( or )…from BHOPAl (m.p).. my previous story was GREAT BIRTHDAY ..I m 20. Well build and from a very good family. For photos of this story write me. This story is especially for my bhopali people! I hope it will seduce u…especially to aunts and to my bhopali sisters..!! Please write your comments after reading this… I used to stay alone in a house which had 2 floors. I was alone in my room and there was a family staying in the ground floor with husband wife...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 55

Now this is the way to start a week. School first thing Wednesday morning. We should do this more often, get Monday past that blah reputation. I knew Kenny had come back, but he wasn't at the bus stop, so I didn't have to deal with him. Everyone was pretty subdued about starting school again, everyone but Mikee and Kelly. They were pumped and ready to go. Behind Kelly's back, Mikee pointed at her sister and flashed me a high sign. I guessed that Kelly was becoming more her old self. The...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Kitty Catherine Sadie Pop Daughterly Displacement

Kitty Catherine and Sadie Pop are two millennial daughters who are addicted to video games! They barely spend time on their homework and haven’t been outside in months. Sadies father has had enough, and calls Kitty’s dad to explain the situation. These girls brains are going to turn to mush if they don’t do something quick. The fathers agree that there’s only one thing that will straighten these girls out, and thats some good old fashioned corn fed american cock. If they...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Anna Clarke

It was Adam’s third week at his new college and had just turned 18. He was studying biology and mathematics. He found it hard to settle in, after all he started the courses later than everyone else so he had a lot of work to catch up on. The fact that he enjoyed all of this clearly made him stand out as a stereotypical nerd. Adam did prefer to work hard than socialise which didn’t help. He didn’t care how he looked, always seemed to ware black clothes that combined with his glasses,long greasy...

2 years ago
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Fun night

Another extract from the story about the time when I was seeing Kath, the married lady. By now Kath had become quite friendly with Lin, and when it was our shift's annual Xmas piss-up, Kath, who was invited to the do, suggested that Lin could come and meet up with us.The piss-up went as so many do as a trawl around the city centre pubs on Mad Friday. Of course Kath and I had to keep our distance as we were still keeping our affair secret from the lads at work. By ten o’clock we were all...

1 year ago
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Dementia Ch2 Loyalty Turned in on Itself

Authors note: This story came together as a blending of several stories that have been commissioned from me in the past. The first five chapters were for a particularly messed up woman I dated when I was too stupid to know better. NC, MC, V, Snuff, Tort, Xian undertones, Snow, D/s, SM, M/f, f/f, My eyes opened once more and I was now in my office. My floor was carpeted cheaply. The lights were track lighting, and the walls had a strangely unfashionable painting that, ugly though it...

3 years ago
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Please Give me Something to Remember you by greatest generationChapter 6

In the community of Cedar Grove, Iowa they were known as “The Sons of Thunder,” the infamous Cross twins, Jericho and Joshua, sons of Reverend Amos Cross, pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church. Typical of pastor’s children, those of police chiefs and other men of authority in the community Jericho and Joshua Cross were rebels of the first magnitude always in trouble though never felonious. They weren’t identical twins, but the outside world had difficulty telling them apart. Technically...

1 year ago
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The Bosses Secretary

I was 26 and married when I joined the company after coming from a large multi-national manufacturing company, with a good salary, and prospects of promotion. But I was attracted by the advert, and after attending for interview I was offered the job of Works Manager and the promise of a Directorship should I succeed in saving the company from collapse. My first look at the problems that faced me, almost convinced me I should turn around and go back to my old job. But I like a challenge, and I...

Erotic Fiction
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The Making of a Sissy Part 1

It was the summer after graduation, and I was living with my mom who was recently divorced. She had been dating a lot during that period, which was kind of rough for me to deal with. I would usually give her dates a hard time, and to be honest I was completely unsupportive of her decision to be dating. Anyhow, I was up late one night watching something on t.v. when I heard her and her new boyfriend come home from a date. They were apparently somewhat drunk and making a lot of noise, but I...

2 years ago
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Seducing my stepsister

My name is Ryan, and I'm twenty-five. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I have a stepsister named Kate, who is twenty-seven, and she just got divorced. She caught her husband cheating, and she was devastated. She came right to me, because she had no one else to go to. She cried in my arms constantly, and I had no idea what to do or say.We had been close ever since our parents introduced us, so she didn't waste a lot of time asking me if she could move in with me. Sadly, we both lost our...

3 years ago
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Most of the students were females mostly in the 18 to 22 age group. Unlike the United States, since these were private schools and since they wanted to keep the students happy, there were no restrictions on teachers dating students, in fact it was encouraged. My students were all rather similar in that they were cute, mini-skirted, friendly and eager to learn. After a couple of weeks, I asked one of the cuter students who already spoke English fairly well out to dinner. She quickly...

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The Last Escort Part Two Chapters 58

Chapter FiveThe ride to her hotel was thick with sexual tension. But they both managed to keep their hands to themselves.Once inside her suite, Grace asked, “So, would you actually like dessert, or was that a euphemism for sex?”“Do you really need to ask, Gracie?” he grinned provocatively.Grace turned her back to McKinley, “Will you help unzip my dress?”His cock was ready to burst out of his trousers. “I’d be amenable to assisting you,” he said, more formally than he had intended to.Grace’s...

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Honey Trap SpyChapter 2

Weeks went by. Several times Randy or Anne said it might be next week, but then it was called off. Not only did the opposition have to know where Randy was going and where he was staying, but they had to have the means to bug and video the room. We could neither make it too easy, nor make it too hard. So three or four attempts went bad. Finally Randy called me. He was in Paris. He said a key word and then continued, “I need two files—the Alpha II recap and the preliminary Delta report....

2 years ago
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How a Stranger fucked my wife.I left my wife tied to the window. Hands secured above her head. Eyes covered with her shawl securely tied. I slowly opened the door and let him in.I had great fantasy of seeing my wife being fucked by someone else. I had tried to talk her into it but she was adamant. The more I read sex stories, the more determined I became. I began posting my stories online too to make up for my fantasies.Then I got a mail from Babu.He appreciated my stories. I send him a mail...

1 year ago
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My Daddys Cabinet

I always held a deep respect for my daddy. Until the day he and my mom split. I wasn't angry at him personally, but I was angry at my parents in general. I told myself that I was being selfish that they were better off apart. But then I grew up into what most guys call a "babe." I never looked in the mirror and saw anything worth while. Just a nice face I guess. My long years of dancing and running gave my a slim but curvy body. My breasts, average at a 34C. Before puberty hit though, I was an...

1 year ago
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My submission

Season : Rainy Niyol stands for inner energy, passion, fire as told to me by my elders. I am Niyol, a 29 years young, single Indian male who has been brought up in traditional environment until I was 17. Then in a Hostel in my college days, I learnt the competition, the speed, the adulthood of real world. In the quest to know more new things and with the latest fad of Internet, I also learnt the art of chatting, surfing and got introduced to a very sensual different side of the world of kink,...

3 years ago
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Just Good FriendsChapter 3b

Part 2 Sunday Alan stirred. The room was illuminated by the rays of the early morning sun. "Keep your eyes closed for a minute!" he heard Sarah say and he dutifully obeyed her command. "—Okay, you can open them now." Sarah was standing near the bed and she was wearing one of what Alan assumed was one of Ellen's winter nightdresses. It covered practically all of her body from her lower neck to her feet; including her arms down to her wrists. She did a little twirl and the material...

4 years ago
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Riding With Cousin

This all started about 4 years ago when I was a junior in high school and my cousin was a sophomore in high school she was 16 at the time but stayed back in 8th grade. I had been on the outside jobs portion of my vocational major and every day I would see my cousin Crystal in the hallway. She always wore tight jeans or leggings which formed to her perfect ass. She wasn’t the cutest girl but she had the most amazing body. Her tits were perfect not to big but big enough to always be noticeable....

3 years ago
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Author's Note: I promised everyone that I don't like sequels, I don't read serial stories, and I stay away from continuing sagas. So, when Caleb Jones asked publicly for a continuation of the Sci-Fi Detective Body-Swap story "Kalliope", I simply set aside my prejudices and wrote it. This is it. If you haven't read "Kalliope", you can still understand about 95% of this story, but if you read it first, the entire 110% of this tale will be crystal clear. Dedicated to...

2 years ago
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OkChapter 8

John enjoyed the expressions which passed over Carol’s face, but especially the uncertainty and discomfort. Eventually she put the booklet down and looked woebegone and worried at first, then her face changed to the hard glare it had when she arrived. John decided to rub salt into the wound. He pointed to the photo’s on the table. “This picture shows Dannie as we tried to put her dress back on. The second was taken holding her up when I was taking her to her room. The third is obviously...

3 years ago
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The Stepmother

Paul had always been attracted to older proffessional women since a young age, the idea of an encounter with someone much his senior had always been has most focused fantasy and he never had much luck with girls his age in their late teens nor was he particularly attracted to them. When his parents separated he was living with his mother while his father brought his new partner into the original family home, after a few years it was decided that Paul should meet his dads new girlfriend who had...

2 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 11 Fractures

Neil had dim memories of Ruth snuggling with him then heading out for a shower. Waking up with someone was something he'd quickly adjusted to and now it was hard to roll over and find only his cool sheets. Speaking of sheets, Neil noted his were in dire need of laundry and stripped his bed before heading off to the showers. He was late this morning and had to wait for a spot in the showers with all the other late sleepers. So he put his basket in the "dibs" line and sat outside with the...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 33

When Jim got home, Kathy got him to agree to take her to the grocery store, and woke up Megan, as they were about to leave. "Megan, time to get up, your father is home and were going to the store. It's show time, come on baby get ready." Megan sat on the chase lounge as her mother instructed waiting for her parent to get back home. Hearing the car doors shut, she quickly slipped on her head phones, and leaned back, opening her legs a bit to let her father have a good look at her puffy...

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47 ldquoTeaching boggyrdquoAnother Penny and

47. “Teaching boggy.”Another Penny and Ricky [SEE 45-46 FIRST,]Anyway it came a weekend and on the Saturday unusually Ricky had a friend coming to learn to set snares, a weedy tubby youth who he had defended at school on a number of occasions, they having become firm friends. The lad went by the name of Boggy! Not a name to fetch in the girls that one, but his father having had a sense of humour and having heard the Johnny Cash record a `boy named Sue’ thought it may have helped to name him...

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Patty my first

I saw her sitting alone at lunch, a cute blond with curly hair and a nice smile. I asked her if I could sit down, the cafeteria was very busy and I didn’t see any empty tables. She waived her fork at the chair across from her, I took this as a yes. We ate silently for a bit, then she broke the silence. “You’re not in my class are you?” She inquired. “Not sure.” I replied. “I’m a Junior, don’t recall seeing you in any of my classes, but I could be wrong.” “Nope.” She smiled. “I’m a sophomore.”...

4 years ago
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Magdas Journey Part II

Magda woke from a deep sleep and was still drowsy as it slowly came back to her that she was in bed with her new lover, except he wasn’t beside her.“Good morning sleepy head, have some coffee.”The coffee was fresh ground and quite strong and very tasty. Magda drunk it with pleasure but was somewhat distracted by Alasdair gently stroking her body. At first whilst sensual it wasn’t sexual however having given her a chance to drink the fragrant beverage Alasdair then moved his caresses to her...

4 years ago
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I can still see you part 67

The following morning was almost a replay of the one before. I woke fairly early and drove over to Mom's hotel, letting myself into her room with the spare key, again. The d****s were not drawn shut as they had been yesterday, but stood open allowing the faint light of dawn to softly light the room.Mom rolled over and watched me entering the room. She said nothing. I moved to the bed and leaned down and kissed her mouth gently. Still no words. Standing, I began to remove my clothes. She looked...

1 year ago
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Poolside Towels 2

Mark was sitting at the kitchen table, along with his sister in the skimpy white bikini. "Hey, mom," he asked taking a bite of his sandwich, "Can Ben come over?" Natalie smiled at him and nodded. "Thanks, mom, I'll call him!" Mark jumped up. "Hey," Kim moaned, "that's not fair. I'm calling Tammy when he'sthrough." Natalie sat down at the table, and propping up her head, asked, "Say, Kim, how would you like some real fun?" Kim had that puzzled look in her eye, and asked, "What do you mean, mom?"...

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The last part of watching my neighbor jerk off

I don't know who was fucking the hardest or the fastest now. Both of us were really going at it! Our bodies had taken over now and they were both moving us towards another fantastic . I told her: "I want to change positions baby" She smiled and told me: "Fuck me anyway you want Mr. B. , just keep on fucking me! I love your cock!" I pulled out of her wonderful pussy again and moved her around getting her to keel and get on all fours! I moved behind her and for a second I wanted to put my cock in...

1 year ago
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Stolen Virginity

As I lay in the back of Brad's Jeep feeling used, I looked back on the events that led up to this moment...* It really all goes back to when I was a child playing with Barbies. My favorite one was in a prom dress and I remember thinking how I couldn't wait for prom. While most little girls were pretending to be a bride or a princess, all I ever wanted was to be at the prom in a pretty dress with a handsome boy. I was a sophomore, still two years away from prom which at my high school was only...

First Time
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Home alone

So here I was, sitting home alone in my bed room. Bored to death, hoping to come across something on the internet, to keep my mind of the fact I was alone. Funny enough I told you I would be home alone this weekend, but sadly there was no real response on that. I ignored the fact you weren't online. Guess you were out or so, who knew. I'm browsing a bit on the internet, and kind of feel like playing with myself. I put on a nice porn clip and start playing with my breasts. I grab one of my...

2 years ago
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Kevin transferred to our school from California in the Venice/Santa Monica area. The first thing I noticed about him was how he had those chiseled good looks that made me think of Keanu Reeves a lot. He was more buffed than most of the guys in our school and filled the tee shirt well enough that you just knew he was the guy you wanted on your team. He had the muscles of a light heavy weight wrestler or a dedicated swimmer. Not that our guys were a bunch of pantywaists. I mean, in a town...

4 years ago
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first time horselover

A lady fantasizes about a horse cock and then gets the real thing. *** I am a 38 year old woman who was raised on a farm in the deep south. Ever since I saw one of our horses fucking a mare, I have fantasized about a horse fucking me. I am married and my husband has no idea of my cravings for a horse cock. I love to masturbate and do several times a week. At night when my husband is fucking me, I let my mind wonder to my secret fantasy, me being fucked by a huge horses'...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Bunny Colby Alex Coal Are UFO Real

Bunny Colby and her wife, Jezabel Vessir, are busy tidying up in the kitchen. When Jezabel looks out their window, she’s shocked as she claims that there’s a U.F.O. in their neighbor’s yard! But Bunny doesn’t believe her at first until she comes to the window and sees it for their own eyes. Oh no, they HAVE to warn their eccentric but lovable neighbor, Alex Coal! They rush to their front door to head out but when they open the door, Alex is already standing there. She is...

1 year ago
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Cindy Gets Black Maled

Hello, everyone. This story is for Wife #23 in the "Your Wife's Lovers." I hope the couple likes it. ****************************************** Cindy Gets Black Maled By Carol Collins I had finally gotten the kids to bed and was luxuriating in the warm sudsy bath water. It had been a hectic day helping Susan get everything ready for the party that Bob, her husband and Don's boss, had scheduled for tomorrow night. Some of the food was to be prepared there. Some would be bought....

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 15

"Thank you for welcome. I like all you people. I look forward to see new cave where I live." She went to Dana, knelt down so as to not tower over her, and she hugged her close. Dana brought her hands up and held Miya's face. She searched her eyes and then pulled Miya to her. She kissed Miya with the same type passionate kiss I'd given her. Miya hands were fondling Dana's butt cheeks and Dana moved her legs apart a little bit. This allowed Miya's fingers to explore Dana's crack, all the...

2 years ago
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Babs english

12 years agoI've known Babs for 12 years. Well, to be honest i don't know her at all. However, every once in a while she pops up into my life and has been doing so for 12 years. We've once met each other through mutual friends i ques.My first recollection of Babs took place in the afternoon. At her parents house, straight out of high school. If you were looking for ways to communicate with a hot girl from school 12 years ago, you would turn to MSN or SMS. After some chat sessions filled with...

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