Sister Needle and Brother Hammer
- 3 years ago
- 28
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The line at the ship’s store wasn’t that long today. After all, it was the only place that most of the crew had to spend their money. The store was a closet sized niche directly across from the ship’s post office and sickbay. Most of the people in line were buying toiletries, stationary, and underwear. My purpose was slightly different. The big, shiny new boom box with the dual cassette players was what I was after. I had just been promoted to Seaman, and the extra sixty dollars per month was already burning a hole in my pocket.
When I stepped up to the window, I already knew what I wanted, the stereo, and six “D” cell batteries. I counted out six twenty-dollar bills, and waited for my new toy. The ship’s serviceman that was working in the store that day handed me the articles, and the change. I thanked him and headed for the ship’s fantail where I could check out my new stereo.
As I walked outside on the fantail I felt like a changed man. The world of steel walls and artificial lights was left behind, and I had entered a world of incredibly blue sunny skies, and beautiful seascapes. There was a gentle swell as the ship slowly moved towards its destination. I took a seat on a tool storage box and began to unwrap my prize. The thought of reading the directions briefly crossed my mind, but was rejected as I cast the empty box and wrappings over the side of the ship. The batteries slipped inside in an instant, and I was ready to give her a try. I moved the switch from the “tape” to the “radio” position. I turned up the volume, and turned the tuning dial, hoping to pick up a distant radio station. After sweeping back and forth across the tuning rang, I realized that we were too far out to sea to receive a station. No problem, I took out a cassette tape and popped it into the player. As soon as I pushed the play button the music poured out from the box, and I knew that I was in business.
For the next couple of weeks, I took my boom box everywhere. I listened in my bunk, when I was working in the galley, and when I would set out on the fantail after I was done with work. My boss, the lead cook, did not mind my playing the box when we were preparing for a meal, but he made me shut it off during the meal hour. I thought that was fair enough. It was especially nice at night when we were cleaning up after the evening meal. There is nothing like scrubbing the floor to Ted Nugent.
My duty in the galley was just temporary. All crewmembers had to do 3 months of “mess-cooking”, when they first came onboard. I was looking forward to the day that I could leave the galley behind, and start learning my real trade as a Torpedoman’s Mate.
The leading Torpedoman on the ship was a crusty old Petty Officer Third Class named, Arthur (Junkyard) Williams. Everyone called Petty Officer Williams J.Y, or Junk, short for Junkyard. The reason he was nicknamed junkyard, was that he had a junkyard full of shrapnel in his body from his service over in Viet Nam. He was widely respected around the ship, and that had nothing to do with the fact that he walked around the ship carrying a three-pound sledgehammer. Now Junkyard was a man of few words. Most of the time he would just swing his hammer and talk to himself. Junk even slept with that hammer. Believe me, it was a bad move to go to his bunk and shake him awake.
When I finished my tour of duty in the ship’s galley, I was released to go to my division, AS Division and start my OJT. AS, stood for Anti-Submarine, and I couldn’t wait to start work on my submarine hunting torpedoes. I soon found out that as a new trainee, my job was mostly removing and applying grease, and chipping and applying paint. I decided to help combat the drudgery of these jobs, that I would bring my boom box to work, and listen to some good old rock and roll while I labored.
The first day I brought the stereo to work I was painting outside of the ship. My main concern was flinging paint onto to my new boom box. The next day I was assigned to do some maintenance on the Torpedo Tubes. When I went into the Torpedo Room with the boom box blasting, Junk told me to shut it off. I just assumed he didn’t like the kind of music I was listening to. He gave me my assignment and I asked him if I could listen to my radio quietly while I worked. He told me absolutely not, and then told me about H.E.R.O., which stands for Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance. Junk told me that my stereo transmitted electromagnetic radiation that could set off all those torpedoes in the room. I remembered that we had learned of these phenomena in my technical school, but I believed that it applied only to radio transmitters, not receivers. I decided that it would not be a good idea to argue with Junk about this, so I went to my task and had a good day of work.
When it was time to knock off I still had a couple of hours work to do to complete the job, so I asked Junk if I could finish after dinner. He told me it was no problem, and game me an extra key to the torpedo room.
After an outstanding supper of Pork Adobo and rice, I went down to my berthing compartment to clean up a little bit. Without thinking about it, I grabbed my boom box out of my locker, and headed back to the fantail for a smoke before going back to work. After smoking a couple of cigarettes, and shooting the breeze for a while, I headed up the ladder to towards the torpedo room. Before I could get back to my assignment, I had to get my tools and materials out of the storage locker. After about two hours of work, I finished the job, and put my tools back in the toolbox. I went over to the desk in the corner of the room to record the maintenance in the shop maintenance log. I guess I reached over and flicked on the power to the stereo, and before I knew it, I was kicked back in Junkyard’s chair, rocking to the sounds of the Silver Bullet Band.
When the watertight door to the torpedo room opened, it made one helluva noise. This night it was no different. My division officer, Ensign Beatie, stuck his head in the door. He asked me what was going on, and I explained to him that I had just finished a job, and would be locking up in a few minutes. He nodded to acknowledge and closed the door. I assumed he was just making the nightly rounds of his division’s spaces. I had no idea my boom box was being heard one deck below in the wardroom.
The next time the watertight door opened that night I was drifting off to sleep. I guess the long workday, and full belly had the usual effect on me and I got drowsier, and drowsier. I awoke with a start to see someone standing over me. He was wearing a long black coat and had his hand held high over his head, holding a gleaming hammer. The hammer sliced down from the overhead with the speed of Thor’s lightning and struck my boom box with a mighty WHACK! It all seemed to happen in slow motion. There were pieces of plastic turning summersaults in the air above the desk, and some whizzed by my head with the velocity of an automatic machine gun, and a strand of cassette tape seemed to be suspended in mid air, and sparks floated toward the floor as if they were lightning bugs. Before most of the thousands of plastic shards hit the floor, he had turned and started to walk toward the watertight door. He opened the door and kind of half turned and looked at me. I could see then it was my boss Junkyard. There was a moment of silence, in fact it was so quiet I could of heard my heart beating, if it had been. Junkyard just grinned a little in one corner of his mouth and said, “By the way kid, good job getting the maintenance done tonight.”
After a few minutes I began to recover from the shock of what had just happened. I looked around and saw pieces of the stereo everywhere. No chunk was any larger than a man’s fist. It looked as if there was a bomb inside the stereo and it had gone off. I grabbed a garbage bag and began picking up the pieces that were nearby. When I finished I realized that I was holdi
ng a garbage bag with over a hundred dollars worth of junk. In those days, that was equivalent to about three days pay! Strangely, I was not mad at Junkyard, after all, he had told me not to play the radio in the torpedo room.
Over two years later, when I was the leading Torpedoman with a couple of young knuckleheads working for me, I found a piece of the stereo while cleaning the room for a big inspection. I definitely got a chuckle out of this find, as it reminded me of the day that Junkyard’s silver hammer came down upon my boom box.
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Introduction: This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, dont read it, its that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you...
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MasturbationMy wife Jenny and I recently moved from the South West to the Midlands to a small village. We have been married for just over a year, Jenny is 29 and I am 32. She is quite attractive with a curvy figure but doesn't tend to show herself off much. She has great tits but likes to keep them covered!. We have a great sex life but Jenny is generally quite shy and very innocent. I have asked her many times about her exes and past exploits but she doesn't like to say much and tends to get...
For the last few years, I've been harassing my wife to fuck someone else for me so I can enjoy her sloppy wet pussy. You see Linda and I have been married for 15 years now and though she has kept herself in very good shape, our sex life has not been real exciting. I started reading stories about men that share their wives a few years ago and it sounded really erotic. I told Linda about it and we started reading the stories together. Even though she found them exciting, she didn't really want to...
Do Unto Others ? Part I Do Unto Others ? Part I It had been a few weeks since Lisa and Sharon had gone through their grueling punishment session at Lisa?s house after being caught smoking at school.? The pain and the marks from those spankings had subsided fairly quickly but the humiliation of their ordeal that night left a much longer impression on the two teens.? As such, their behavior had improved markedly as they both vowed never to be put through that type of punishment again.?...
How I got myself into this situation I do not know but I don’t want to stop.Hi my name is Amy I’m married with two lovely boys one 6 and one 4,I have been married for 15 years to a wonderful man and have a great marriage Sex is so good and I love him so much I just wish he were at home more his job takes him away for weeks on end,My only escape while he’s away is going out with the girls every week for a meal and then onto a club to dance the night away,I’m very lucky, as my husband let’s me go...
At the time of this story Desiree’s husband was in the middle of a two week training course 1,000 miles away. I along with my wife and a few friends were helping Desiree move the last few loads into their new house. They had bought a nice house in suburbia with a half acre of ground and a nice in-ground pool surrounded by a privacy fence. John’s mother had the kids for the weekend so that Desiree could finish moving in. We were packing their shoes into boxes when I notice that they...
One pleasant afternoon a beautiful yet sexy woman was walking down the trail near the in the woods.Heading to her relatives few acres away from her home.To pay a visit.Whom she hasn't meet for ages.Her name is Isabel.She is very pretty at 27,smart and most of all sexy.With her stature,no one would think she is still a virgin. Isabel paused for a while,taking her time off admiring the beauty of nature. The blooms of the wildflowers.Gasping, she touched the blooms and eagerly nudged her...
Chapter Nine: Futanari Fucks Her Bully By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Will this work?” my Ōjo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai...
7 years before Pam encountered the sandwich. I got home from school at the usual time. It was the cook's day off and nobody was home. I went up stairs to my room and stripped off my school uniform. "Could this be any more old fashioned?" I thought. I went to Cranston Hall, the best prep school in the city. Also it was the most traditional one. The uniform was a white blouse; wrap-around plaid skirt with the big safety pin to make sure it stayed closed, tie, white knee socks and black...