Garage Sales
- 3 years ago
- 39
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I don't know what it is about garage sales but they seem to have a calming influence on me. It's not as though I am out looking for bargains and I don't go out looking for antiques. I am not sure that I would recognize an authentic antique if saw one anyway; I just like rummaging through old tools and household items. I like to browse and occasionally buy something that interests me. When I am feeling stressed out or angry, I find that getting up early on Saturday morning and going to a few garage sales helps me unwind and that is what I was trying to do on that particular Saturday morning.
By 8:30 that morning, I was already at my third sale of the day. It was a multi-family sale with lots of interesting stuff. They had old record albums, eight track tapes, car parts, furniture and lots of old tools and household gadgets. Next to the driveway, behind a stack of old lampshades, I had discovered a box full of odds and ends with a price tag for two dollars for the whole box. I was sifting through the contents and came across several interesting if not valuable items. There was an old tobacco can full of marbles, three old pulleys, a vacuum cleaner motor, a spool of wire, a broken Dick Tracy cap gun, a jack knife, a couple of sheets of decals of some kind and several other items. I had just pulled out one of the sheets of decals when I heard someone ask me, "Find something interesting?"
I turned to find a young man dressed in torn jeans and a faded Alan Jackson tee shirt standing next to me. Using my superior negotiating skills, I said, "Would you take $1.50 for this box?"
"Yeah, sure."
I was interested in the box because I thought I might have a use for the vacuum cleaner motor and I just wanted the marbles. I also thought that I might have a use for the spool of wire. I figured I would just throw the rest of the stuff out. I held up the sheet of decals that had been in the box and asked, "What do you use these for?"
The young man pointed to the back of his Ford 350 pick up truck parked next to the garage. At first glance, it looked as if there were several bullet holes in the tailgate and a couple more in the rear window. It took a few seconds before I realized that he was showing me that the bullet holes were actually decals that had come from the sheet I was holding. I wondered why anyone would want their truck to look like it had bullet holes in it.
I paid the guy for the box and carried it over to my car. As I dropped the box in the trunk, my thoughts flashed back to the reason that I was so agitated that morning.
Things had been a little strained between my wife Dee and myself for a while. It had started six weeks earlier when I stopped at Cody's Tap Room for drinks with friends from work. My friends and I stop for drinks about once a month and I would normally call Dee and tell her that I'd be home late but for some reason I forgot to call that night.
I used to ask Dee to join us but she doesn't like going to Cody's. It's kind of a dump and it is located in a bad neighborhood. I liked it when Dee came with me because she kept me out of trouble. I have a tendency to drink more than I should when I am out with my friends. I usually end up having to take a taxi home and often in the morning I can't remember how I got home.
That Friday night was a typical night at Cody's for me. I got so drunk that I had to take a cab home at 1:00 AM and Dee was pissed. It wasn't bad enough that I had forgotten to call her, I was so hung over most of Saturday morning that I didn't accomplish any of my normal chores and when Dee asked me what I had done the night before I couldn't remember much past ten o'clock. Dee let me know that she was getting tired of my coming home so drunk after going out with my friends. I wasn't too worried though; I knew that by Sunday everything would be back to normal.
That night we went to a party that was attended by several of the guys I had been out drinking with the night before. They all seemed to think it was funny that I got so drunk that I couldn't remember a lot of what went on that night so they began to tease me by making innuendos that I might have done something improper with Kate, one of the barmaids at Cody's Tap Room. Kate is a hot looking blond with big breasts and a great ass but she didn't have much else going for her. I knew that drunk or sober I would never make a play for Kate.
Kate was nice to look at but she didn't interest me in any other way and besides, I loved Dee too much to risk my marriage for a few minutes of illicit sex. Even though I didn't remember much, I knew that I would never have done what they were hinting at so I just laughed at their silly jokes. The problem was that Dee didn't know they were joking. None of the guys was stupid enough to say anything to me in front of Dee but she overheard some of the things they said. She heard Jack Stone say that he saw me follow the barmaid into the lady's room around midnight and that we didn't come out for at least twenty minutes.
Apparently Dee stewed over this for a couple of days before she confronted me. She actually accused me of having sex with Kate. Nothing I could say would convince her otherwise. I had Jack Stone call Dee and explain that it was just a joke but she didn't believe him. The fact that I had already told Dee that I couldn't remember much about that night didn't help in my defense.
I decided that I would have to wait till Dee calmed down a little and then try to talk this out with her. I was sure that in time she would realize that Jack and the other guys were just joking with me. Well, she didn't calm down.
I am a buyer for a chain of sporting goods stores so I often get different items of sporting equipment "to sample." These are supposedly given to me to help me with my buying decisions. I always have several baseball bats and gloves, sets of golf clubs and some sports apparel stored in my garage. There is too much stuff for me to use but I can't sell because it would be unethical for me to profit from these gifts. So, when the garage is full I usually donate a lot of the stuff to local schools or colleges. This makes the recipients happy and keeps me out of trouble.
One night at dinner Dee started talking to me about one of her girlfriends at work. I was so happy that she was talking to me about something other that my supposed dalliance that I listen to her with great interest.
"My friend, Sharon, was telling me that her son wants to try out for the golf team at school but he doesn't have a set of clubs of his own to use. Sharon is a single mother and just can't afford to buy him a good set of clubs," Dee said.
"Have they tried our store?" I said, "We do sell a lot of second hand equipment. They might be able to find something he likes."
"She said they haven't had any luck finding anything in their price range."
"What's their price range?"
"Two hundred dollars."
"Good luck finding anything in that price range," I said.
"I was just thinking, couldn't you sell them a set of the clubs you have in the garage? You usually just give them away."
I guess I should have seen that coming. Dee never really understood why I wouldn't sell the stuff my vendors gave me. I felt it was unethical to accept these items and then turn around and sell them. That's why I always donated them to a school. But Dee was presenting me with a chance to get back on her good side so I took it.
"I can't sell the clubs to her but I'll let you give them to her and say that we are donating them to a worthy cause. Just make it clear to your friend that she can never tell anyone where she got the clubs."
Dee actually got out of her chair and came over and kissed me on the cheek.
"Thanks, honey," is all she said and then left the room.
After dinner, I went out to the garage to see what I had. I had five different sets of Calloway clubs but I had already promised to give those to the golf coach at the local college. The only other set I had was a full set of Taylor Made clubs with a bag. The bag was a special addition copy of the American Ryder Cup team's bag. The clubs and bag were worth more than $1500. I thought that was a bit much to give this kid but I didn't have any other sets available. I could probably get another set of clubs if this kid was willing to wait another week. Then I figured, 'what the hell?' I wasn't going to use them. I would just store them in the garage and eventually give them to one of the schools on my list so I decided to let Dee give the clubs to her friend's son.
I put the clubs into the trunk of Dee's car and went back into the house where I found Dee watching television.
"I put a set clubs in your trunk. You can give them to your friend tomorrow."
"I hope you aren't just pawning off some junk on him," she said.
I didn't like the tone of her comment.
"It happens to be a top of the line set of clubs but, if you are going to take that attitude with me, I might just as well keep them for myself."
"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean it to sound that way. I was just hoping that you could give him something nice. Something he can be proud of."
"Believe me, this kid will wet his pants when he see these clubs."
Dee smiled at me and said thanks. There was no more conversation after that but it was the first night since my night out with the guys that we didn't get into an argument over my supposed behavior that night.
After that night, things seemed to be getting better between us. By Friday night, I felt that we might even get back to having sex. After that, I planned to do whatever was necessary to convince Dee that I had never had sex with the barmaid at Cody's.
At 5:30 that Friday afternoon, I was getting ready to go home and thought that maybe I could get Dee to go out to dinner with me so I called her office. After seven rings, her phone was answered by a woman's voice that I didn't recognize.
"Diane Wilson's phone. Can I help you?"
"Is Diane around?"
"No, you just missed her. She just left with a group from the office to go over to the Brass Rail for drinks."
I thanked her and hung up.
I found that unusual. I couldn't remember a time that Dee went out for drinks with her work associates that she didn't call me and tell me to join them. I had been to so many of their gatherings at the Brass Rail some of her associates thought I was another employee of their company.
I double-checked my office phone and then my cell phone to make sure I didn't miss a message from her but there were no messages. I decided that it must have been an oversight on her part and that she would probably expect me to be there and, even if she didn't, I was going to be there anyway.
The Brass Rail is actually closer to my office than Dee's so I got there before she and her group and I was sitting at the bar with a beer when she and her friends walked in. Dee saw me immediately and walked straight over to me. I wondered if she even realized that she forgotten to call me. I was about to find out.
"What are you doing here?" Dee asked.
I couldn't believe it. She didn't want me there.
"I just stopped in for a beer," I said.
"Did I call you and tell you to join us here?"
"Then why would you think I wanted you to come here tonight? I let you go out with your friends and I didn't interfere so why can't you give me the same courtesy?"
I couldn't believe the way she was acting. I was ready to rip into her when I noticed that all of her friends were watching us. I decided to back off and deal with her later.
"I didn't come here to ruin your evening," I said. "I didn't even know you were coming here tonight. I just stopped for a beer on my way home. I was as surprised to see you here as you were to see me. Go ahead and join your friends. I'll sit here and finish my drink and go home."
I watched Dee and her friends go into the back room while I sat at the bar doing a slow burn. I was so angry that my hand was shaking. I needed to calm down so I did what I always do to calm myself, I ordered a double bourbon. I had finished my second double bourbon and had put away a half of my third beer when I decided it was time to head home.
As I walked toward the door, I peeked into the back room. Some of Dee's work associates were seated around a few tables they had pulled together and some were on the dance floor. Dee was among those on the dance floor. I didn't know the guy she was dancing with but I did know they were dancing way too close together for my comfort. The guy she was dancing with was tall, over six feet, maybe 180 pounds. I guess women might consider him to be handsome; me, I considered him an asshole. He was putting the move on a married woman, which makes him an asshole in my book.
Logically I knew that this guy wasn't my problem. Dee was my problem but that didn't change the fact that I wanted to go into the back room and kick his ass. Prudence being the better part of valor, I decided to get out of there and go home before I really messed things up.
Just as I was about to head out the door, two young women came in. One of them looked into the back room and said, "There they are."
I didn't know either of these women so I guessed that they must be new employees. I stopped them before they went into the back room.
"Do you know those people in there?" I asked.
Both girls said that they did.
"That tall guy on the dance floor. Is his name Gary Benson?" I asked.
"No, his name is Carl Wentworth," one of the girls replied.
"Good thing I asked before I went in there and made a fool of myself," I said. "Thanks."
I stepped out of the way and let the girls pass and I headed out the door.
Dee came home at 11:00 PM that night. She seemed quite sober considering how long she had been out. I wanted to rip into her about the way she acted toward me when she came into the bar but decided to wait until we were both completely sober. Like I said, Dee appeared to be sober, but I wasn't. I may have left a half beer on the bar when I left the Brass Rail but that didn't mean I was done drinking for the night. I knocked off three more beers and a large Scotch when I got home.
I slept till nearly ten the next morning. When I got down to the kitchen, there was no coffee in the pot. I was just starting to make a pot when Dee walked into the kitchen. She obviously had already showered and was dress to go out somewhere.
"Why didn't you make coffee this morning?" I asked.
"I did but since you were dead to the world I only made enough for me."
I had the feeling that she was ready for a fight so I backed off.
"I am making a pot now. Would you like some?"
"No. I have to go. I have to work on a presentation I have to give next week. I'll be gone most of the day. I'll stop on my way home to pick up some groceries. What do you want for dinner tonight?"
"How about you?"
She almost smiled. "I am not on the menu. Pick something else."
"Okay, I'll have chicken then."
Dee picked up her car keys and started for the door and then stopped.
"What are you going to do today?" she asked.
"I don't know. I hadn't planned anything yet. I was thinking about going to some garage sales but I think I got up too late. Why?"
"I just thought that today might be a good day for you to start cleaning out the attic."
"I'll think about it."
"Well, don't just sit around all day drinking beer and watching ball games. Try to do something productive."
I had to smile as she walked out the door. That was the Dee I knew. Always trying to get me to accomplish something on the weekends. Well, since I was trying to get back into her good graces, I decided to start cleaning out the attic.
The house we lived in I had inherited from my grandfather on my mother's side. He died shortly after Dee and I married and left me his house. The house was about a mile outside of the city and was located on twenty-five acres of wooded land. In the middle of the woods, a few hundred yards behind the house, there was a pond I used to fish in when I was a kid. I spent a lot of time at my grandfather's house when I was growing up and I was very close to him. He knew I loved the place so he left it to me in his will.
My grandfather always kept his house neat and always took care of any needed repairs but he was a bit of a pack rat and the attic was full of boxes of things my grandfather couldn't seem to part with.
Dee and I had been living in the house for almost five years and I had yet to start going through the stuff in the attic. I guess the time had finally come.
After I drank my coffee and had some breakfast, I went up to the attic. I started right at the top of the stairs with the first box I could reach. It was full of old clothes that smelled of years of dust. So I took the whole box down stairs and put it in the trash and went back up. In two hours, I got rid of twenty boxes. As I got farther from the stairs, I started finding some interesting things. I started to visualize the garage sale I would have.
By 3:30, I had cleaned out about half of the attic. I was tired, my back hurt from so many trips downstairs carrying heavy boxes and I had inhaled about as much dust as a man can handle in one day. I decided to look in one more box and then call it a day. As I started to open the box, the side split and the contents spilled out. The box was full of old detective novels. As I was restacking the books that had fallen out of the box, I found a small wooden box that was about the size of one of the larger books. Inside the box, I found a thirty-eight-caliber pistol. It was the kind you always hear referred to as a snub nose .38 because of the short barrel.
I never knew that my grandfather had this gun. He had a rifle and a shotgun that Dee made me sell as soon as we moved into the house. Dee hated guns and I had no use for them so I sold them to a dealer in town. The .38 had been packed in grease so I put the gun back into its box and carried it downstairs and out to my workshop. I cleaned all of the grease off the gun and out of the barrel and then I examined the weapon carefully. I don't know much about guns but as far as I could tell everything seemed to work properly.
I debated what I should do with it but in the end I knew that Dee would never allow a gun in the house so I planned to ask a friend that collected guns how much he thought the gun would be worth. I guessed that it might be old enough to qualify as an antique but I wasn't sure. I locked the gun in my tool cabinet and went back into the house.
With my work for the day completed, I went to get a beer but there weren't any. That was something I was going to have to remedy. I got my keys and headed into town to buy beer. As I was driving, I was thinking about the gun and wondering if it still worked so I took a little detour and drove across town to one of our sporting goods stores and went back to the hunting section. I asked Al Banister, the department manager if the store stocked ammo for a .38.
"No. We don't carry any hand guns or ammo for hand guns at this store. Sorry."
"No problem. I found an old .38 of my grandfather's that I want to sell. I just wanted to find out if it works first."
"If that's all you want to do, I can fix you up," Al said. "I have a .38 that I carry in my car. We can slip out to my car and I can give you a few rounds so that you can test your weapon."
Al gave me six rounds from a full box of ammo that he had under the seat of his car. I thanked him but made a mental note to keep an eye on him.
On the way back across town, I passed Dee's office building. It was 4:30 PM and there was no sign of her car in the parking lot. I guessed that she was probably at the grocery store so I decided to save myself a trip and have Dee pick up some beer so I called her cell phone.
"What do you want, John?"
"Can you pick up some beer while you are at the store?"
"I'll add it to my list and I'll bring some home but I won't be done here for at least another hour. So if you can't wait till I get home you'll have to go get some yourself."
"Oh? You're still working?"
"Yes and I have to get back to work now. I'll see you when I get home."
I made a quick turn and swung back around the block and passed Dee's office building again. The only car in their parking lot belonged to the security company that protects that property.
This was a new wrinkle. Dee had just lied to me about where she was. I was going to have to do some serious thinking about this. Now I was definitely going to have to stop and buy some beer.
By the time, I had finished my forth beer I had figured out what was going on. Dee was having an affair. I didn't know who her lover was but my leading suspect was one Carl Wentworth. I had no proof of anything, only the lie she had told me about being at her office and the way I had seen her dancing with Wentworth the night before.
Dee finally came home at 6:30 that evening and immediately started to fix dinner. I was so pissed that I wanted to go out and start screaming at her about what a slut she was but I decided I needed to exercise self control to keep things cool around the house until I could prove what I already knew. To help me stay under control, I poured myself a large Scotch and drank it down in two large gulps.
As I felt the Scotch working its wonders on my brain, I went into the kitchen to try and make small talk with the wife.
"So, did you get enough sex today?" I said.
So much for keep things cool around the house.
"What did you say to me?"
"I asked you if you got enough sex today. I just wanted to make sure you were satisfied. If you're not maybe, I can help you out by giving you a little jump after dinner."
"What are you trying to say?"
"What I am saying is that you lied to me about where you were today. I was looking at the parking lot at your office when I called you and you said you were still working. Your car was not in the lot."
I could have sworn that I saw a smirk cross Dee's face. It lasted only a second but it was there.
"I said I was working. I never said I was in my office," Dee countered.
"Then where were you?"
"I was at Carol's house working on the presentation I have to give next week?"
"Good. So if I call Carol she will back up your story?"
"She would if she was home. The reason I had to work with her today was that she and her husband were leaving to go to Europe tonight. They are on their way to New York right now to catch their flight to Rome. She'll be gone two weeks but you can talk to her when she gets back."
That round went to Dee. I knew she was lying but I couldn't prove anything. I did say I wanted to keep things cool. Well, I certainly succeeded. Things were not only cool; they were positively frigid in our house for the next two weeks.
That brings us back to the night before my garage sale adventure. It was another Friday night and, as I getting ready to leave work, Dee called me.
"I am stopping at the Brass Rail with my friends tonight," she said.
"Do you want me to meet you there?" I asked hopefully.
"No. I just wanted to tell you so that you wouldn't come there and bother me. Don't wait up for me either. I will probably be quite late getting home tonight."
I didn't respond. I just put the phone down. I spent the next hour and a half just sitting in my office trying to decide what to do. Should I go see what she is up to and confront her? How would that work? Make a scene in front of her friends and coworkers? That would never help my cause. Maybe I should sit outside the Brass Rail in my car and wait for her to come out and follow her to see where she goes.
In the end I decided to just go to the Brass Rail and peek in the back room to see if she was with Wentworth. If she were, that would be all I needed to know.
When I got to the Brass Rail I stood near the doorway to the back room trying to peek in without being seen. Most of her crowd was sitting around the tables. Dee wasn't sitting next to Carl Wentworth but I wasn't sure if that meant she wasn't with him or not. I was leaning into the room trying to get a better look when Dee suddenly looked in my direction. I jumped back as quickly as I could and stayed out of view for a minute and then peek into the room again. It appeared that Dee had not seen me. I watched as she stood up and took Mr. Wentworthless by the hand and dragged him out to the dance floor.
That was all I needed to see. I knew that our marriage was probably over but I didn't know what to do about it. I ended up going home and drinking myself to sleep."
I have no idea what time Dee came home that night but I know what time she got up. Dee got out of bed at 7:00 AM and went to take a shower. I thought about going back to sleep but felt the sudden urge to get up and go to some garage sales.
I was on my second cup of coffee when Dee came downstairs.
"You look like shit," she said.
"Gee, thanks. Just what every guy wants to hear from his wife."
"What are you going to do today?" she asked in a tone that sounded almost friendly.
"I thought I might take in some garage sales."
"Jesus, garage sales? Again? Don't bring home any more crap that we don't need," Dee said while laughing.
I wondered if Dee was suddenly trying to play up to me? Did she know that I saw her with her boyfriend the previous evening?
Dee looked like she was dressed to go out again and I wondered if she was planning on spending another day with her lover.
"Looks like you are planning to go out somewhere today. Are you planning to go see your boyfriend, Carl Wentworth, again today?"
I noticed the momentary look of worry on Dee's face when I mentioned her boyfriend's name.
"I do not have a boyfriend. Carl is just a work associate," Dee said.
"I saw the two of you together last night. You two looked like more than just friends when I saw you."
Dee was smiling now. "So, you spied on me last night. Well, I danced with Carl a few times but we are not even friends. He is just someone I work with. Besides he's married."
"So he's married. What does his being married have to do with anything? You're married and it doesn't stop you from messing around," I said.
"Listen to who's talking. We know that you have been putting your dick where it doesn't belong so I don't think you should be accusing me of anything."
"You only think you know that. I didn't touch that barmaid. I would never cheat on you and besides, I was too drunk to do anything that night."
"That's what you always say."
"You still didn't answer my question. Are you going to see Carl?"
"No. I am going over to my mother's. If you feel the need to checkup on me, you can call me there. I should be home around two o'clock this afternoon. Maybe we can go out to dinner tonight."
"Sure. Dinner tonight. Fine," I said.
Dee gave me another smile and then left. What the hell was she up to? She never lost her temper during that conversation. She had done nothing but bitch at me for the last six weeks and suddenly she is trying to make peace with me. I sensed that she is up to something.
I left the garage sale with my box of goodies and went looking for another sale. I drove past about five sales that didn't seem to have anything interesting and was about to head home when I spotted another sale that looked promising. I walked up the driveway looking at all of the boxes of stuff they had laid out. I didn't see anything that really interested me until I got to the garage door. There sitting in the middle of the garage was an item with a price tag of $500. It was a brand new set of Taylor Made golf clubs in a special addition copy of the American Ryder Cup team's golf bag.
I actual felt as if my blood was going to boil. I gave those clubs to Dee to give to her friend's son so that he would have a nice set of clubs when he tried out for the golf team. I didn't give them the clubs so they could sell them.
I looked around to see who was running the sale and spotted an attractive blond talking to an older couple that was asking questions about a chair that was for sale. I walked over to where they were talking and waited until the couple moved off.
"Do you have a question about something?" she asked me.
"Are you Sharon?"
"No. My name is Trudy."
Trudy? Who the hell is Trudy? Another twist. Dee said she was giving the clubs to a woman named Sharon.
"Are you selling those golf clubs?"
"Yes. Are you interested?"
"Can I ask you where you got those clubs?"
Trudy looked a little embarrassed by the question. "Some woman that my husband works with gave them to him?"
"They're brand new. Why are you selling them?"
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Garage TherapyBy Denuded Man-berriesI have been living with my girlfriend for 20 years and we have always had a great sex life. Every now and then we like to spice things up to get out of the routines we fall into.We have been thinking more outercourse would be called for so when the time came to get busy, we went to the bedroom. Once on the bed, I gently guided her smooth feet in the air, rocked her sensuous body back by the shanks, and made my way between her lush, peach-pink thighs; French...
Found on literotica...Garage Gang ****bySlut4Use©"Friday, finally" I said to my friend Lisa at work that morning. "I thought this week would never end!""I know what you mean Claire, it's this heat, it makes everything go so slowly" She pushed her fringe back from her forehead for perhaps the twentieth time that day.And it had been unbearably hot too – we weren't exaggerating. In fact it was so hot; I had opted to go without underwear for most of the week, hoping that it wouldn't be too obvious...
"Friday, finally" I said to my friend Lisa at work that morning. "I thought this week would never end!""I know what you mean Claire, it's this heat, it makes everything go so slowly" She pushed her fringe back from her forehead for perhaps the twentieth time that day.And it had been unbearably hot too – we weren't exaggerating. In fact it was so hot; I had opted to go without underwear for most of the week, hoping that it wouldn't be too obvious beneath my short skirt suits.We worked slowly for...
When the daily précis of local news was put on her desk, Sharon was surprised to see that the top item was the news that a businessman had gone bankrupt, and that his business and personal belongings were to be sold by public auction. She sent for her advisor on local affairs. "Why is this considered the most important item of local news?" she demanded. "Because it is so unusual, ma'am," he replied, "I don't recall it happening before in my time here. That is largely because the Emir...
Trixi took me to see the herds nearest herds to town, which were was sick. I explained my methods of overcoming the sickness to the people she introduced me to. I healed the worst animals and informed them that feeding the mash with the extra salt should get the rest back into good health along with checking that the hay didn’t have the tell-tale mould that seemed to be partially responsible. They had the mould on all three properties, and I told them of my better storage methods for the...
Hi dear readers, Hope you are fine. Thanks for your mail & of course your nasty comments on Priya’s cunt. I think my last story (Priya on trip) created a mix reaction in you. I received lot of criticize this time. I understand you do have always a great expectation from Priya like me. Trust me even I was confused how to handle the situation when my wife was behaving like pros. It took my sense away. I was not in a mood to write this but trust me that was the worst night in my life & I thought I...
The church was empty save my father, mother, sister and, of course, me. In the front of us, sitting on two trestles was a plain coffin holding the body of my great uncle Ted. After the short service I said my goodbyes to my family and headed for the solicitor's office. "I expect he's left you his apartment," my mother said. "You always were his favourite." He was my favourite uncle, too, not that he had much competition. He always brought my sister and I a present whenever he called...
You exit the elevator and step onto the concrete deck of the parking garage. All around you it is cold, dark. You shiver, wrapping your arms around yourself. If you remember correctly, you parked close to the elevator, under one of the few working lights. However, you can't be sure. Peering first left then right, both directions seem equally unfamiliar.
The Saleswoman Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a cap by Commentator] The sound of a phone ringing turned Portia Dawn's head. She reached for the phone and picked it up as she saw her secretary's name appear on the caller identification panel. "Yes, Maria," Portia answered. The woman on the other end hesitated before she replied, "Jeff just stepped into his office." "Thank you, Maria," Portia replied while she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she hung up...
There's a killer on the loose in your town, and you're the local insurance agent. You've suddenly been getting raises and bonuses and new jobs and work so much that your head could explode. You get back from a hard day of work and start the shower running. Once in the shower, you begin to wash yourself but your mind wanders. You lube up your shaft with some silky shampoo and begin to stroke. Up and down your hand goes, thoughts run through your head about your secretary, your ex-girlfriend,...
I busied herself with my morning choirs, dusting, vacuuming, ironing, everything usual for a Tuesday. I brushed my hair; it had dried in to its normal bouncy curls. As I filled the kettle my decision of the day was trying to decide whether to take off my skirt and wash it, it was a little dirty and there were two buttons that needed replacing and my strapy top had some marks on it, I mussed on this monumental problem as I plugged in the kettle and got my cup ready, as I thought to myself do I...
Thursday, June 6th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – South Hill, WA Mary and I exited the Heavenly Creature's Salon, arm's wrapped around each other's waist. "Where's your car?" Mary asked, peering curiously around the parking lot. "I got rid of that P.O.S.," I told her, leading her to my new, silver Mustang. The original owner decided to be an asshole to me, so I swapped cars with him and sent his wife into an orgy to punish him. "Here's my new ride, Mare." Mary raised her eyebrows at...
THE SALESPERSON by The Professor Chapter One - The Big Sale I pushed the contract across the desk in front of my customer's face and said, "Just okay this and we can get started." He hadn't agreed to my contract; at least not in so many words. But I had been selling for my entire adult life, and I knew what to do. I had gotten him to agree to key parts of my presentation. When I sensed any reluctance, I drew back...
Hi, all this is your Shreya- the lesbian girl is back with a new sex story. First of all, a nice boobs shake and a sweet pussy lick to all girl with a long smooch. I’m here to narrate what happened with me a few days back. But before that meet me introduce myself and my twin sis Shivani(Boobie). I’m Shreya (titty) get my new sizes which are because of my and boobies daily sex encounters.My sizes now are 36-28-40. And same for boobie. We have got nice big ass which we love to spank. Now coming...
LesbianReal quick: this is my 1st story, and yes it is true. Enjoy.A couple of days ago, I was horny as fuck. My fiance was at work, so I had to make due with rubbing my pussy on the edges of dressers and sinks. He always likes to call and check in on me so when he finally did, I made the mistake of telling him that I had made myself cum 4 times that day. He chuckled and told me I would pay for it later that night. I couldn't understand why he'd want to punish me. I told him that I had been a good...
"Honey, have you seen my jacket?" Bill yelled out, searching the lounge of their beautiful home."It's hanging on the chair in the kitchen, where you last put it!" a female voice bellowed back from upstairs, Bill's wife, Angie.Bill, in his forties with a slight balding complexion, smoothly shaven, stepped into the kitchen. Retrieving his jacket, he slid it on his thin frame. Bill was a reasonably handsome man, glasses gave him a more geeky, brainy appearance. Grabbing his leather black briefcase...
CheatingThe line outside the mall entrance was half a block long, and full of guys from teenage to grandpas. They were all lined up at the little table set up outside the south doors, where the Girl Scouts had their cookie stand. Penny waved when she saw me walking up. She was wearing the new uniform with only the bottom button on the vest done up. Even on her small B-cup chest the effect was very naughty, pushing her little boobs up and leaving her tits uncovered under the white, see-thru...
The Door to Door Stocking Salesman By Michele Nylons In 1959 Brian Macklin was in his mid forties and was making just enough money to get along; his dreams of affluence were ruined when his marriage failed. He used to be a sales executive for an affluent London based firm but all of that came to an end when his wife left him; his father- in-law owned the firm where he worked; say no more. To make matters worse his father-in-law was a vengeful bastard and poisoned the well; none of...
Well I have always had a fantasy of a saleswoman coming to my door, wearing high heels, sexy stockings, a tight skirt and low cut blouse. She knocks at the door and I invite here in. I let her start her pitch but soon interrupt her by asking "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" for which I get a smile. I the ask "If I told you that you had a great body, would you hold it against me?" at which she laughs some more. I then say "nice outfit, it would look even better on my bedroom floor". The...
Door to Door Saleswoman Susanna says: - This story, along with the tale of the Handyman and the Blind date, were three of my earliest stories and were focussed more on gratification and lesson character, but I like them as it shows my journey as a writer. Here is a story that is always just around the corner for many T-girls and TVs, it also takes some courage to make a spur of the moment decision like the one in the story and not all of us have had that courage when...
Here's the info I can think of ?????????????????????????????????? RAPE OF THE SALESWOMAN Kim is a very hard-nosed saleswoman. She may be small in frame, but she is tough as nails when it comes to getting what she wants. She has been working at the same large company on the east coast for over 10 years. Over that time, she has gained a well-deserved reputation as a bit of a bitch. That said, it has served her well professionally as she heads the sales department now after starting as a...
I walking over the shop and looking for new clothes. I take some t-shirts and jeans to check later are fit on me.When I collect new clothes salesman look at me from time to time. At the begining I thought that the is thinking that I am a thief or sth but when I walk next to him he proposed jeans for me from promotion newsletter. He smiles to me and said: You will good look like at these oneWhen he turned off to me, I just look on him. He was older, maybe 45-50, grey hairs, maybe 185cm high and...
Al Grover was good at selling new cars, a proven fact as he had been the top salesman in the L.A. midtown dealership for the past year. Over the years, he had come to learn just who to cater to, giving them an extremely good deal, especially if that person could bring in future business. With popularity of SUV's increasing dramatically over the past few years, Al enjoyed seeing his commissions increase substantially in size. But what Al enjoyed most with the upswing in the SUV's popularity...
Teenage girl has sex with a customerDan answered the door, and there stood the neighborhoods most persistent salesperson. Opening it wide, he invited her inside, "Well hello, come in." The 18 year old did as asked, "And to what do I owe this pleasant visit?"Carolyn knew that Dan would insist on her giving the entire sales pitch, but she also knew he would buy whatever it was. The two had been doing this since she was old enough to go door to door. "Good morning sir, I represent Taylor High...
I’d been and had my car serviced but unfortunately, they were running late and rang me to tell me to pick my car up at 6pm. I arrived at 5:55 and was ushered into a waiting area. I stood around only for a minute or so and suddenly a young man spoke to me. As we talked, I found out he was Justin, 27, a qualified mechanic, single, still lived at home with his parents, and more to the point I fancied him. As we conversed another younger man asked me if I wanted a coffee, I acknowledged that I...
If this story isn't for you by reason of age or inclination, cope appropriately please. Salesgirl by Vickie Tern That time of year rolled round again, the fabulous Midwinter Clearance Sale at Lordly's, the largest and finest women's store in town. Wonderful! $400 all-wool business suits with flirty skirts reduced to $35 or less! The most gorgeous silk blouses, shirred and gathered at the wrists and waist, with...
Indore- a city which satisfied my hunger Paragraph 1 & 2 are just introduction Climax is from para 3 I’m AMAN, this is my first story hope u like it. I’m 5’6 tall and 8 inched hard. The girl is about 28 yrs but looks mature at least 32 yrs figure 35-29-33(approx.). I was on a one day tour to Indore(MP) from a near by town and was roaming in a mall. As I entered a electronics store I saw a salesgirl and suddenly a thought of having fun with her hit my dirty mind. She was there in the mobile...
Hi everyone, I had written my experience with my aunt many months back and thanks for your wonderful reply… This is an experience that i just had a few days back..I thought i should allow others too to read and enjoy the experience i had.. I’ll just tell u a little bit about myself… I’m a 25yrs guy from Kolkata, now in Delhi for an competitive exam. I’m 5’10,with a 6and half inch long dick. I Have taken a PG and stay alone here and the whole day i spend with my books… In the evening i go out...
IncestKathy stood by the front door of Cox Shoe Store waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o’clock and she had a lot to do before Mark picked her up to go to the movies, but as luck would have, at five to five another customer walked through the door. Kathy groaned to herself, “Why me?!?” She looked to see if either of the other salesgirls were free, but no such luck, they were both still showing shoes to the two ladies still seated in the try on...
Kathy stood by the front door of Cox Shoe Store waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o'clock and she had a lot to do before Mark picked her up to go to the movies, but as luck would have, at five to five another customer walked through the door. Kathy groaned to herself, "Why me?!?" She looked to see if either of the other salesgirls were free, but no such luck, they were both still showing shoes to the two ladies still seated in the try on chairs. Kathy moved...
EroticBrian's divorce was finalized a couple of years earlier, and while his ex got half of the company, she had no interest in getting involved with it. He just bought her out a few months ago and was finally starting to see light. This day started out like every other workday. He was sitting in his office going over the monthly numbers and liked what he was seeing. Salespeople drop in to see him all the time and this afternoon was no exception. Around 4:00 his assistant Julie came into his office...
ReluctanceKim is a very hard-nosed saleswoman. She may be small in frame, but she is tough as nails when it comes to getting what she wants. She has been working at the same large company on the east coast for over 10 years. Over that time, she has gained a well-deserved reputation as a bit of a bitch. That said, it has served her well professionally as she heads the sales department now after starting as a junior executive a decade ago. Today, Kim was preparing for another of her business trips to...
Last January Sally had to go to Minneapolis on a business trip. "Minneapolis is beautiful in the summer," I told her, "but during the winter it's pretty cold. I doubt that you'll get out of your meeting hotel much. What will you do during your spare time." "I don't know,' she replied, "maybe I'll take in a movie. Or just hang out in the hotel bar." With this last line, she gave me a smile and her eyes brightened. I thought I knew what she was thinking but I had to ask. "What are you thinking of...
Group SexMary and the door-to-door salesman For the past five years, I've been married to a beautiful woman, several years younger than myself. Mary has the kind of face and figure men dream about. She is now thirty-six years old, stands five feet five inches, and weighs about 135 pounds. Her measurements are a stunning 37-28-38. Her tits are firm and full, with very large nipples and she has wide well-rounded hips that have a seductive sway when she walks. Mary is a perfect lady, well dressed and well...
The art of the sale is overrated; selling truly is being in the right spot at the right time. I have spun the cleverest sales pitches, sold water and bumped into someone at a local cricket game and sold them a complete line of replica watches, a shirt, and perfumes by just telling them that I'm a salesman.It was Wednesday evening on April 21st, I was sucking air and was in the wrong place at the wrongtime. I'm 36 years old and about 5-11. I was dressed in my usual marketing suit. I had knocked...
I was a door-to-door insurance salesman once for about 20 minutes. It was another of my many failed careers. Dante was wrong. The deepest circle in hell doesn't belong to the traitors to kin and country, there's a level even deeper. The Tenth circle is reserved for door-to-door salesmen. Because that's a living hell on earth, and THEN you die. I took the insurance job after being fired from my trainee position at the heavy equipment company. I just fucked up too much for them, I guess. I...
I once shared a house with a guy called Mike who was a salesman.One day it was Mike's birthday. A cause to celebrate and often such celebrations got a bit boisterous.So to celebrate his birthday Mike went out with some mates of his leaving me by myself in the house. Mike and one of the mates he'd gone out with returned in the small hours in high spirits with a couple of women (sluts as they called them) they had picked up. I heard Mike demand "Where's Emma" (me). I was still up sitting...
It was summer afternoon last year. I had ordered a Home Theatre system over the weekend and was waiting for the salesman for the demonstration. I had already installed the system and was playing a few cds but it was not fully integrated with my TV yet. The salesperson was supposed to help me with it. The bell rang around 2.00pm. I answered the door. A very handsome good looking guy stood in the door greeting with a sexy smile. “Hello Sir, Congratulations for buying a nice home theatre system. I...
Gay MaleI decided to purchase a new pair of trousers for my birthday and decided to go for shopping after I finished my work at office. I entered a newly opened Mens only showroom near my office. There I was greeted by a handsome and sexy Salesman aged around 25 years. He was looking sexy with his thick moustache, tall and well built physique. The shop was almost empty as the time was around 9.00 pm and all the sales men except this boy left. He was about to close the shop when I entered the shop for...
LesbianWorking in a department store as a salesclerk can be a boring job. While I like meeting people, finding size 16-1/2 in a stack of shirts for a customer or ringing up returns doesn’t hold a lot of excitement. But I was a freshman in college and needed the money. So I worked the late shift at our suburban mall, in the Men’s department. Women’s clothes were across the center aisle, and I was friendly with my counterpart there, Alice.We were both working on a slow Monday evening when Alice got...
OccupationsThere is a knock at your door, it’s early in the morning and you’re still only wearing a robe, as you have just hopped out of the shower… It’s a door-to-door salesman whom you find attractive. He introduces himself as Mike and asks if he can come in and show you some of his products and you agree… You both sit at your dining room table, he opens his brief case and shows you a display of sex toys… Your pussy becomes wet at the thought of the toys and him having some fun… You take hold of a few...
We were looking for a new car and knew what we wanted. We went to the salesroom and we were seen by a tall salesman called Rian. I wondered if he had changed the spelling to stand out, who knows. I thought he was a bit smarmy but Eileen thought he was gorgeous. I suppose if your into tall , dark, handsome, fit guys he was, but, whatever.He brought us for a test drive. Eileen drove, as the car was more for her than me, her short skirt riding up showing plenty of tanned leg. Rian sat in the...
At one point in September, 1983, I was tasked with opening an office in Houston, Texas for my company. They rented me an apartment in Southwest and I moved out to be there for September 1st. At the time we worked on several computer systems and were leveraging sales on all of them due to our popular application. During one of my presentations to a local sales office, I met Judy, a lovely married woman who was involved in several of my accounts. Judy was 5’8” tall, had dark brown hair and eyes...
Group SexLately I’ve been shopping for a new vehicle. One of my favourite salesman is a 40 year old stud, I’ll call him Cam. He is 5’9”, 200 hundred pounds, muscular, heavily tattooed and a real cutie. I’ve seen him half a dozen times and he’s never questioned my impatience. Some sales people would get tired of me returning time after time. We were getting down to the short strokes of negotiating the dollar difference. I figured he had no more wiggle room but what the hay, I blurted out anyway, “Who do...
My brother Mark is sixteen years older than I. That is a story in itself. He is a great salesman, he owns a car lot and has plenty of money. Mark is the kind of guy that could sell ice to an Eskimo. And he is very successful with the ladies, he always has a different hot girl with him every time I see him. It was summer time and I get to go with Mark to the auto auctions to buy cars for his lot. It is fun because it is just he and I and we get to stay in a hotel and eat out and stuff. As we...
I was busy cleaning the house. It was raining heavily and was quite dark at half past 5 in the evening. The little murky light showing up in the sky from what’s left of the day added to the romantic effect of the whole setting. Together, the sound of the rain and the beautiful old song playing in the radio reminded me of my husband.I stopped cleaning the hall for a moment, walked over to the window and gazed out. Two more days were to go before my husband returned. He had gone on a business...
She sipped her coffee by the window and watched the people pass by, contained in their own busyness. Then, from out of nowhere, she spotted a smart looking stranger coming up her driveway carrying a small case. "Oh Lord, I hope it isn't another one of those Jehovah's," she mumbled to herself. "I'm not up to that this early in the morning." Despite the prayer , she saw him approach her door and ring the bell. She considered not answering it and even hiding, but after taking another look at...
ToysThere is a knock at your door, it's early in the morning and you're still only wearing a robe, as you have just hopped out of the shower... It's a door-to-door salesman whom you find attractive. He introduces himself as Mike and asks if he can come in and show you some of his products and you agree... You both sit at your dining room table, he opens his brief case and shows you a display of sex toys... Your pussy becomes wet at the thought of the toys and him having some fun... You take hold of...
ToysDebbie succumbs to charm of the shoe salesmanWe are Alan and Debbie, happily married for many years. A while ago we were in Devon on a touring holiday and one day drove into Cornwall . We lunched in a small village pub, then went walking and looking at the few shops there. Late in the afternoon we came across a small shoe shop. My wife had been looking for some open sandals for a while. On entering the shop we were met by a gentleman of around mid-50's. My wife would have been 53. Another...
The Used Car Salesman If you told me 3 years ago that I would be a multi- millionaire, I would have laughed in your face. Back then, I was a 44 year old mother with 3 children, working as a bank teller. To make extra money I took in college students, and preformed magic at a few local clubs. I was known as Katherine the Great. Most of my audience thought I was just doing simple "tricks," however I was very good at doing real magic, but the book of spells I inherited from my Great...
Well I was looking through some of the fantastic pic's on this site when I came across a cople of pictures that reminded me of some ladies I knew several years ago! They where all mature married women.This is how I got to fuck one of them one day and I must explain that I was working for a wholesale food companyas the Warehouse manager when the Sales man quit his job and left the company with out anyone to sell the products,so the boss asked me if I could do the sales work for a couple of weeks...