Enemies free porn video

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“Here she comes boys,” he shouts, waggling his eyebrows at me as I walk through the classroom door. My eyes focus on him, and am amused to see that he is practically drooling as he watched me saunter the ten feet to where he stood with his jock friends.

“Jared Casey, you are so full of shit.”

His grin widened, “I knew you were hot for me, babe. Come on, Adia, let’s ditch this class and find a quiet room to do a little studying up on our Biology?”

“The key word there being, ‘little?’” Students for our American History class filed into the auditorium-like classroom in droves, each watching the insults fly with unsuppressed glee.

“You’re such a bitch.”

“Fuck you.”

“Anytime, Adia.” His eyes were flashing with a feral light. Suddenly, I felt a slight twist of panic accompanied by a bright spark of unexpected lust.

Pretending indifference, I swept past him, heading up to the last row of tiny, built-in desks where I usually sat. With deliberate nonchalance, I pulled my textbook from by bag and let the pages fall open somewhere near the middle. Rereading the same sentence four times, I tried to ignore Jared as he trudged up the steps, past where he and his cronies usually sat, to my row.

He was standing in the aisle beside my seat, silently contemplating me. “Excuse me,” he said, graciousness dripping like saccharine sarcasm from each syllable. I thought about ignoring him, but knew that he would take greater pleasure in forcing his way by me. Without looking up at him, I slid my legs aside, allowing him passage.

I could feel his eyes on me as he moved slowly by, and settled, like the cat that had the cream and the canary, into the seat next to mine. Still pretending to ignore him, I shifted my legs away, but was startled when I felt his hand gently caress my thigh. I let out a cat-like hiss, and he merely chuckled.

Just then, the teacher breezed in, dropping books on the table with such thunderous bangs and crashes that would make a librarian faint. Happy for the distraction, I sat up a little straighter in my chair, pen and notebook at the ready. Never usually this diligent, I determinedly ignored Jared’s raised eyebrow.


Damn, if that girl wasn’t something that stepped right out of a horny frat boy's wet dream; walking in with that sweet little black skirt, and her silk, black tank top that showed off a glint of her bellybutton ring. Combined with those clunky, knee-high boots, and short cap of black hair that curled around her dark green eyes, Jared couldn’t help but razz her. It was that, or fuck her until she was screaming, right there on the teacher’s table.

Jared regretfully opted for the lesser of two evils. Although, he did love watching her emerald eyes spit fire at him.

He had wanted to run his tongue up and down her body from the moment she walked in their History class two months previously. He had settled, instead, for flinging insults and barely concealed innuendos. But he couldn’t take it anymore.

Now, watching as she feigned being studious, he couldn’t help but think about how cute she looked: eyes focused on the teacher, pen at the ready, her back as stiff as his cock. This was going to be one of the longest fifty-six minutes of his life.

Finally, the teacher’s voice penetrated through his lust haze when he heard: “Last of the Mohicans”

“We will be watching the movie for the next two days. No notes are necessary, as I’ll be spending this time grading your essays. But pay attention! If I’m nice, I may give you an extra credit question about the movie during your next exam.” With that, the professor pushed play on the DVD machine and switched off the lights.

Jared really did try to concentrate on the movie, and it should have been easy as he liked it. But Adia’s subtle scent was wrapping its way around his brain, clogging it of anything not related to her.

Sitting not two inches away from her, he could feel the heat of her body next to his. Despite the loud whooping coming from the speakers suspended directly behind them, Jared could hear each breath Adia took. He could see the gleam of her white legs teasing him in the darkness, begging him to touch. It was torturous.

It was, he suddenly realized, the perfect moment. He glanced around the half full classroom, noting that most everyone was now seated closer to the front in anticipation of watching the movie. Sitting at the back of the classroom, they were shrouded in a gloom that protected them from any bored, wandering eyes.

Slowly, never taking his eyes from the movie, Jared slipped his hand back on Adia’s satin smooth thigh. His heart skipped a beat at her quick intake of breath and then began galloping in overtime when she didn’t remove his hand.


His hand was sliding up my thigh, inching along achingly slow, until he hit the hem of my skirt. It fleetingly crossed my mind that perhaps wearing the mini skirt wasn’t the smartest thing I had done today. The thought was then wiped from my mind as his fingers continued on their quest upward. Already, a tingling had begun in the pit of my stomach and was steadily growing into a small flame of desire.

I held my breath as Jared’s hand slid down between my thighs. Without warning, his hand slipped pass the barrier of my panties. My small flame burst into a smoldering fire as he sifted his fingers through my carefully shaved and trimmed thatch of dark, curly hair.

He seemed so detached, watching the movie with, what seemed to be, his complete attention. But I knew differently. Those clever fingers of his were working on my clit, expertly rubbing and fondling it. My breath was coming in quick gasps, my vision of the now forgotten movie blurring as my eyelids drooped.

Then, they popped back open as Jared pushed a finger into me, then a second. They slid in with ease, lubricated by the wet heat that pulsed just for him.


He was burning for Adia. All he wanted to do was bury his face in between those sweet thighs, and suck and lap at her. But he couldn’t, not here.

Instead, he imagined that he was tonguing that sweet clit as he worked it between his fingers. He dipped into her moist well and nearly groaned at how ready she was for him, how hot she was. He penetrated her as deep as his two fingers could go, and could feel her straining against his hand, begging for more. Her hips were slightly lifted off the seat, pulsating in a rhythm his body begged for.

When he began to pull away, intending on paying a bit more attention to that lovely little nub that made her gasp so sweetly, Adia’s hand grabbed his and held it still as she grinded herself against his palm. While he was distracted with her, she had made quick work on his zipper. While one hand worked herself into a silent frenzy, the other delved into his pants. Unhesitating, she grabbed his cock and began to stroke it.

Jared was momentarily stunned by her sudden abandon, and then was thrilled. When he finally got her alone, she would be untamed and wanton. Crazy with passion, and beautifully shameless. When he saw the sharp gleam in her eye, he knew she would be a lot wicked and slightly debauched.

He could see her, in his mind, crawling naked on the floor towards him, her breasts swaying gently with each movement. Adia would take his dick and suck it, pulling him deep into the warmth of her throat. She would tongue the tip of him, teasing him with scarcely a touch of her, before plunging faster and faster. Her hands, he could almost feel, would cradle his balls, massage them with sweet tenderness. Then she would suck them; the heat of her mouth, the wetness of Adia’s tongue driving him...


I sensed his impending orgasm by the sudden tightening of his spine and the white-knuckled grip he hand on the armrest, and abruptly stopped touching him. I pulled my hands from his pants and pushed his hands from me. My body was humming, the sensations pent up inside, violent to be free. But I ruthlessly controlled it, wanting a more secluded spot to scream while I was ripped apart by the intensity of my desire.

Like a man drugged, Jared looked at me from silted eyes, demanding an answer for stopping. Instead, I smiled a slow sensuous smile, and ran my tongue lightly over my lips. His eyes following every movement like a hungry animal looking at his prey.

“I think I’m going to get some fresh air,” I whispered. At that, I stood, collected my belongings and left class.

I love college. No reasons, no excuses needed to up and leave, even in the middle of the most boring lecture.

Knowing he would quickly follow, I racked my brain for a place where we could finish what we started. My apartment was just too far away, and my car too small for what I had in mind.

As he burst from the double doors, Jared cast his eyes about wildly before locating me at the end of the hall. Stalked by a bloodthirsty hunter, I slipped into a deserted media room, and he quickly followed.

The door closed with an ominous click. We eyed each other warily for a moment, and then launched into each other’s arms. Our mouths fused and our tongues battled, slipping and sliding dexterously around nipping teeth. His impatient hands pushed down the top of my tank and bra, baring a large perky breast for our mutual pleasure.

He twisted my nipple between those wondrous fingers, pinching and rubbing until I was hot for the feel of his mouth on me. I push him back against a wall, attacking his mouth briefly before pulling his head down to my breast. I sighed as his lips closed over my nipple, moaned as he began to lick it with the tip of his tongue, then cried out in dark delight as he bit down on it.

“Oh god! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I chanted it over and over, until he replied in a low growl, “Soon.”

A thrill raced through my body. He would fuck me. Hard and fast. But first...


Jared couldn’t believe his luck. Sexy Adia Jennings - the one girl all of the guys in American History loved to fantasize about - was in his arms, begging him to fuck her. Her scent was intoxicating. Her body was perfection. Her voice purred as she whispered dirty things in his ear. His ear. He could die happy, just as soon as he had his fill.

When she reached for his pants, he watched as she unbuckled his belt and pulled it away. A little mischievous smile lit her face as she held the belt before him, like she was going to tie him up with it. But then she tossed it aside in favor of pulling at the button and zipper of his pants. She dropped to her knees before him, yanking his pants and boxers down along with her.

She wasn’t naked, crawling on the ground before him, but she was now sucking his dick, and it was more heavenly than he had imagined. Her tongue swirled deliciously over his length. After making her way up, she worked the small grove at the tip with her tongue while she stroked him with her hands.

From the corner of one eye, he watched her suck and lick his cock; pumping him faster and faster. When her small hands moved over the inside of his legs to cup his balls, he just about came. His breath was ragged and uneven, and his hands were delved into her short crop of curls. For a second, he pushed his dick further into her mouth. He felt it slide down her throat, and her lips tickled the hair at the base. Then he pushed her back, not wanting to waste the time he had with her on this one moment of selfishness.

He planned on having several moments of selfishness before he came, deep inside her body.


I looked up at him, my breath coming out in short, ragged gasps. A sense of sweet satisfaction washed over me when I saw him struggling for control.

Jared hauled me to my feet -- his need barely restrained -- and crushed his lips against mine in a bruising kiss. He plundered deep in my mouth with his tongue, branding my soul with his searing passion. My arms wrap instinctively around his neck. When he lifts me, my legs wrap around him so that he was tied up in my long limbs. My skirt slid up my hips, and I could feel his length of steel pressed hard against me.

Unable to go far, he merely turned and slammed me against the wall, knocking my breath from me. I was lost in the urgency of his mouth, lost in how his rough hands seem to touch everywhere. When he ground his hardness against me, my mind filled with a dull roar as the heat builds intolerably.

He tugged at my shirt, desperate to feel more. Not quite mindless enough to allow him to tear it off, I pulled it up over my head. One breast hung out of my bra and he devoured it with his mouth; yanking and tugging on it with his lips and teeth hard enough to make me cry out in painful pleasure. Thrilled by his force, the uncontrolled passion he had for me, I pull down the other strap of my bra and offered myself to him. The feast revealed, he satisfied his hunger with me; laving my tender breasts with his sinful tongue, giving both equal attentions. His lips trailed down between my aching peaks, and he carefully lowered me to the floor so that the trail of open-mouthed kisses could descend ever lower.

“Smooth,” he mumbled, rubbing his cheek against my flat stomach. That tender caress sparked something wild in me, and, with an impatient moan, I pushed him to his knees. He lifted my leg over his shoulder, and, starting at my knee, ran a line of kisses up the inside of my leg. I could feel the ball of heat in my stomach burning for more; to touch me more; to make me feel more.

And then he was there, running that delicious tongue between the lips of my femininity, to find the little nub that demanded his attention. When he took it between his lips, I screamed. When Jared suckled, I felt like I was going to die from the sensations that battered me.


Her flavor was like honey, and it dripped through him like an aphrodisiac. Delving into her heat with his mouth; sucking and pulling on her until she was thrusting her hips in an unmistakable rhythm that demanded more. As he worked her throbbing clit between his teeth and tongue, Jared thrust a finger into her moist well.

One of her hands was clenched painfully in his hair, the other fondled a breast. Jared watched as she rubbed herself with a palm, and when she took her nipple between her fingers to pinch and twist, he closed his eyes, groaning.

Ever since that first sarcastic comment she threw at him, Jared had wanted her. And now that she was here - the sexiest woman he had ever seen sprawled all but naked against a wall, touching herself as he knelt at her feet, begging him to fuck her - all Jared could think about was pounding that stubborn craving into oblivion.

As she pants harder and harder from his relentless assault on her senses, he can feel his own desire mounting, yet he holds it still in check. He pounds his fingers deeper into her instead.

Adia screams as her first orgasm hits, and he can feel her body clench around his fingers as her body shudders. She sags against the wall, drained of the painful heat that he stirred in her.

Instead of letting her drop to the floor, he holds her up. He slips his tongue delicately around her too sensitive nub, careful not to touch it. Her moans begin again as his hands slip in erotic, mindless trails up and down her long, slender legs, and up to her tight ass where he squeezes it gently. Using his hands and his mouth, Jared slowly worked her again into a frenzy. When her hands begin to clench impatiently into his shoulder muscles, he pushes her leg down and glares up at her beautiful, flushed face.

“Do you want more?” he asks. She nods, and he demands, “What do you want.”

Her hips move slightly, showing him what she wants, but he ignores it. “I want you,” she states, pushing herself off the wall, “inside of me. Everywhere. Hard and fast. Now.”


His growl sent shivers up my spine.

Hard and fast. Now.

I asked, and by the look on his face, I was going to get exactly what I wanted. Slowly, he stood, pants on but undone, his large cock jutting out at a proud, arrogant angle.

He glances around the room, taking in the electronic systems, broken DVD players, and wires that veined the walls. There are no tables or chairs anywhere, and the idea of screwing each other’s brains out on the concrete floor is a little daunting for both of us. Instead, he grabs me roughly by the arm, and turns me to face the wall.

He takes my hands and places them on the wall, “Do not move them, or I’ll stop. Understand?” When I nod, he maneuvers my body to suit him: bent over far enough to have my bare ass thrusting eagerly out to him. With a foot, he spreads my legs wide. “Ready?”


Her sweet ass shines in the poor lighting, beckoning for him to push himself between the lovely curves. The position, and what he would do to her, was purposefully demeaning. It excites him to cow this stubborn woman.

With her eyes fastened on the wall in front of her, he takes his dick in his hand, stroking it as she had done earlier.

Jared could tell she knew what he was doing. Her hips and ass moved as if to enchant him closer; sexy little moans escape her throat, begging for him. He moved in behind her, placing the tip of his thick head in the middle of her wet folds, rubbing its honey all over him as he continued to pump. She was becoming desperate, he could tell by the rigid set of her shoulders that kept her from turning around.

For a moment, the thought of teasing her a little longer crosses Jared’s mind, but then, with a quick and brutal thrust, he pushed his way in. Her warmth enveloped him, then suddenly, clenched tightly around his dick as an orgasm ripped through her body.

Riding the waves of her pleasure, he began to drive ruthlessly into her soft body. His hands gripped her hips, and he pulled her back to meet each thrust with a resounding smack! Harder and faster he rode her, his balls bouncing off the back of her thighs.

“Yes, yes! Harder,” she screamed, “harder!”

Again and again he pummeled his cock deep in her body; knowing that he was hurting her, and also knowing that she wanted it. Knowing that she desired to have her luscious back end bruised by his need. Then suddenly he staggered, beaten down under the weight of his release. He felt her body tighten around his again, and he exploded as her wet heat milked him. He jerked as her aftershocks pushed him over the edge again, pleasure surging through his body and into hers.


Jared laid his head against my back as I leaned against the wall. We were both dripping with sweat and his cum, and little shivers swept though me as my body remembered the breathtakingly sinful act we had just committed.

His hand tightened on my hips for a moment, then dropped. But he still didn’t move, and I was completely happy to have the wall hold us up.

Then he spoke, “Mmm... Christ, Adia, you are one fucking great fuck!

When I laugh, he groans from the tightening of my muscles. “What now,” I asked.

His head dropped, resting with a soft thunk against the wall. With a groan that didn’t speak of pleasure, he reminds me: “Statistics class starts at twelve.”

His voice, low and harsh, sends my nerves into a new tumult of desire. I grind my ass against his body, and delight as I feel his softening cock instantly harden. “Screw statistics. I’d much rather have a biology lesson anyway.”

Jared shuddered at my not so subtle suggestion. His fingers dug into my hips as he pulled me closer, “Your house or mine?”

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Me And My Son Part 9

Sam and I had a long lie-in on Sunday morning. We’d been up doing naughty things with Dawn and Jacob until just after two that morning and we didn’t need to do much but relax, eat, and laze about. Not that this was going to be a normal Sunday.About eleven, I had a shower and headed downstairs to start preparing and cooking dinner. The smell of cooking seemed to rouse Sam. Just after noon, he was up and in the shower.Next thing I knew, Sam was sitting in the garden. I’d been having all manner of...

1 year ago
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Adventures of DonnaPart 3 Drinking juice

Adventures of Donna--Part 3 (Drinking juice)"Hello Eric. I should have recognized you from your slab of cock," Donna said as she massaged the huge, slimy log with her two hands. She bent down and gently licked the streams of cum off his rod; rolling the heft across her cheeks and mouth. In fact, Eric was probably the one who was responsible for her big dick fixation. She remembered baby sitting for him when he was 7 years ago, and she was 18. He would ask her to help him pee since he...

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The Offer I Couldnrsquot Refuse Episode I

I knocked at the door. The door opened against the chain.“Just a second,” she said.The door closed, chain sounds, then opened. She was about five and a half feet tall, fine honey brown hair, styled in a short bob. Had a nice figure. My best guess was she was in her early forties, but I’m not good at guessing ladies’ ages. She was wearing a red shirt-dress that buttoned down the front, tied off with a black patent belt. The dress ended just above her knees. She was wearing hose and black patent...

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GangbangCreampie Lydia Black G269

Lydia begins her gangbang feeling right at home, surrounded by SIX COCKSMEN ready to please her in any and every way she desires. Her tight little outfit doesn’t last too long before Chris strips off the bottom half to lick Lydia into a frenzy. She keeps her mouth busy sucking on two more dicks in her face while Chris starts stretching her out with his shaft, eventually giving Lydia her first of many orgasms. Remember it’s always clear when Lydia gets her bell rung because every...

3 years ago
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We Needed Madison part three

My neighbor, Madison, had done me a major good deed. First, she gave me the best loving of my life. Then, she brought out the real side of my wife, Natalie. All of this effort brought rewards to Madison, too. She was getting all the sex she could handle from both me and Natalie. She was one happy young lady of twenty-three, and she showed it as much as possible in as many ways as possible that involved acts of sex and lust.Natalie still had to go to work everyday. She was a major corporate...

Group Sex
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PurgatoryX Annabel Redd Violet Myers Trim And A Shave Episode 2

Annabel (Annabel Redd) tells her coworker (Violet Myers) about the adventure with her sexy client. When Violet hears Annabel’s story, she has trouble believing it. Annabel sets out to prove it to her and suggests that Violet hide and watch what happens with the next handsome customer. Sure enough, a sexy young stud (Michael Vegas) comes in for a trim and a shave. Annabel covers his face with a hot towel and goes to work. Violet becomes aroused as she watches her horny coworker sucking on a big...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and Queen Dianna of the fairies 2

Put it in me love…I want you to take my bottom now,” Dianna huskily purred into Harry’s ear as he slid his prick slick with her nectar between the cheeks of her bum and pressed the tip against her anus. The Queen bit down on her man’s neck flesh gently as his prick pierced her back passage. The couple hovered several thousand feet in the air over the fairy’s forest realm. Dianna groaned deeply as her bowels were split open to accommodate the thick cock probing her depths. She crooned...

3 years ago
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One Night Only

One Night Only Hi, guys. Been ages since I last wrote for you (I seem to always say that, don't I?) but still I refuse to abandon this wonderful little world. So, this time I'm trying something new - it's neither strictly magic nor sci-fi but does involve a change. How? It's something I came up with I call 'soft sci-fi' in that it may realistically be possible somewhere within the next few decades (I put a lot of thought into this). Obviously it's a change from what I usually write,...

2 years ago
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Stranded Part Two

They let me walk upstairs without any resistance, and I kept thinking about what I would say to her. I didn’t want to confront her with all these guys that I didn’t know. I felt small and weak, and there was nothing I could do to stop these boys from having their way with my wife. If anything, I would just be here for support, and make sure she was safe. Whatever feelings I had about a monogamous marriage, were gone, and I had resigned to see my wife used by other men.There were three doors...

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My Sisters Feet

I hated my sister and she hated me. It has always been that way. Growing up Naomi resented getting stuck with me and I wasn’t any happy having her as a babysitter. When we were very young fights always with us trading insults but they ended with biting, scratching, and slapping. Thankfully, we grew out of that by the time we were in high school together, but we never got along. So why was I moving into her apartment in the city? Well you can thank our mom and dad for that. I had just graduated...

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Babysitting brothers Daughters

My older brother called and said he needed a big favor. His company was sending him on a business trip overseas and he will be gone for the next couple of months. He could take his daughters with him but Cat, short for Cathy, will be graduating from high school in a month and she didn’t want to leave and miss it. Mel, short for Melody, is a star pitcher for the school’s softball team and they stand a good chance of going to the playoffs and she doesn’t want to miss our either.He wanted to know...

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An Accidental Delight 8211 Part 1

I’m Akash, a 19-year-old boy who got lucky to experience such an unexpected reverse gang bang to my surprise. I have a well built athletic body with fair complexion studying in the first year of college. I live in a 2BHK apartment ‘Yes a typical city guy’ in the midst of a busy city ‘The capital – Delhi’. Our building has around ten apartments and all the families are friendly to each other. The ladies of our building often arrange kitty parties in any one of their homes to while off the time...

4 years ago
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Sex Date With My Sexy Maid

I am Bobby from Jaipur and was on official tour for 5 days to Chennai last month and I arranged my stay in a guest house just near to my friend’s house. He insisted to stay with him but I preferred to stay in a guest house in view of the freeness and I would be having in the guest house. Reluctantly my friend agreed for my stay in the guest house but asked her maid Sumati to daily visit my room in the guest house and see if the things are properly managed and clean my clothes as no laundry...

3 years ago
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A Seaside meeting

Ever since I was a boy I have loved visiting the seaside, the excitement of seeing such an expanse of water, the fun in the penny arcades and the taste of fish and chips. But when I visited recently it proved to be a very special visit one like no others and my excitement was found in a completely new sea side activity. I have written the story that follows because it helps me relive the passion, allows me to revisit my pleasure and my dreams come alive once more in the sights, sounds and...

2 years ago
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Peyton Finds Her Place

CHAPTER 1 The sky was dark with an approaching rain dump and Annalee Roach-Simpson’s face reflected the mood of the weather as she went with jaw-set into the dayroom to confront the embarrassment of her family, her unmarried 30-year old daughter Peyton. ‘Hi mom.’ ‘We need to talk.’ ‘Shoot.’ ‘What on earth does that mean?’ Peyton put down the lurid magazine, ‘Males Bare It All’. Carefully she tucked it away from her mother’s searching eyes. ‘What kind of magazine is that?’ ‘Nothing.’ ...

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Waiting and Watching

She stares intently at the screen, scrutinizing the data displayed before her. A few keystrokes, jotted down notes of changes made, and those that would need to be made. She looks from the screen to the stack of papers on her desk and thumbs quickly through the many pages. Scribbling some words along the margins to pass along to coworkers. She reaches one hand absent mindedly out to her cup of coffee and takes a slow drink before returning to her pressing work. After a couple of hours she takes...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Long Time Crush Ankita

Hi friends, I am new to this Indian sex stories site . Myself ayush and I m studying in medical profession. I am not so handsome but I have one that thing which can satisfy any girl or aunty. Any unsatisfied girls, aunties can contact me on I will not show of my size but it can satisfy and last long enough. So coming to the story, it was my first day of college when I saw ankita.. She was sexiest girl I have ever seen till date. She was in her red salwar and a white apron whose buttons were...

2 years ago
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Loving my Girlfriends Moms Ass

I'm working on a story for every category. Here is my submission for the Anal category. Let me know what you think.The first girl that I ever had sex with was also my first girlfriend. We were together for our last 2 years of highschool and I was pretty sure that I loved her. We were both virgins when we first started having sex and we had no idea what we were doing. We eventually got pretty good at it, learning how to get each other off and I loved making her cum 2 or 3 times a night. She was...

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The Last Week of School,this is the week right after (PROM NIGHT)but before a few days before Graduation.Some was taking last minute tests,others where signing up for SUMMER SCHOOL.I on the other hand was cleaning out my locker to turn in my books. All of a sudden I felt this pinch on my ass.I turned around very quickly to find my little sister (not my real sister,no kin,no bloodline)standing there giggling like school girl.I said watch it girl dont start nothing you cant finish.she yea I want...

3 years ago
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Akshat Aur Anupriya Ki Pehli Chudai Karwayi Maine

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise Anamika ke husband Akshat Malhotra (25 years) aur maine (25 years) Shashank Chopra (27 years) ki wife Anupriya Chopra (25 years) ke sath sex kiya. Meri last kahani mein Shashank ne apne Sharjah wale ghar mein meri help se Anamika ke sath sex kiya tha. Sharjah se aane ke baad next day jab mere mobile par Anupriya ka call aaya. Maine uska call receive kiya jiska...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 29 Life goes on

This is a good place to mention the horny Kyle Skully who paid Z and Fran $14,000 for a few days as live in sex partners. Once Mel Brand and his company looked at the loan documents Kyle’s $120 million deal with the developers did not go as he expected. As it was explained to me, Mel’s experienced finance people recognized barely legal fraud. Brand Inc. renegotiated a much better deal with the developers. Kyle’s ten-year 5% of the profits after the loan was repaid started barely a week after...

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Sex With A Divorcee

I was in Bengaluru airport after finishing my friend’s marriage on Tuesday. I reached the airport two hours earlier to the airport. I went to CCD and ordered a coffee. A woman in her early 30s stood beside me to give her orders. She was wearing light grey colour skirt that ran up to her knees matched with a white colour shirt and grey colour blazer. Her blazer buttons were open and that allowed me to look her 34C boobs tightly hold and pushed up by her bra. She was wheatish brown, healthily...

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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 18 Reunion

They had scarcely spoken offstage since Thursday night. Judith wasn’t avoiding him and kissed him warmly when she saw him, but each time he suggested they get together, she gave him a gentle shove and suggested that “Rebecca needed him.” He couldn’t figure it out. Judith had been ... well, a little jealous of his relationship with Rebecca, but now she was pushing him toward her. It didn’t make sense. Rebecca rejoined the cast for their last performance at Ambleside on Sunday night, which...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Jane Rogers Kylie Le Beau Swap Family Values

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Jane Rogers enjoys acting up. She wears short skirts and lets them hike up to reveal her panties. She eats provocative foods. She dresses in skanky clothes. She goes out of her way to tease her swap brother, Rion King. Eventually, Jane’s swap parents, Steve Holmes and Kylie Le Beau, try to sit Jane down for a swap family discussion about her behavior. Jane reacts by...

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Revenge Inc at Golden GrottoChapter 17

"Damn it, Foole! Why the fuck did you have to Taser me?" I bellowed while punching my fist in livid rage into his upper arm. "Well you did have a gun in your hand and were about to shoot me, not knowing it was me of course!" He replied in an all-too calm and excessively reasonable voice. I didn't want to hear reason right now! I'd been taken nearly completely by surprise by a semi-retired master thief who 'didn't use guns'. Any Watters two-bit gunsel behind that door could have done...

3 years ago
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“And you too baby,” she smiles as she puts on her dress, then her heels. “I want us to be the center of attention. Is my dress too short, does my ass look big?” “Yes and yes, but I love both,” I respond. “And I want you to wear tight trousers so that your more than average cock is obvious to the men and women,” she tells me. We are a professional couple in our early forties. Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little...

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BangBrosClips Synthia Fixx Horny Realtor Gets Her Asshole Stretched

Johnny Castle and his wife are looking for a new house. However, with their new realtor, Synthia Foxx, he’s getting more than just a new house. While his wife wasn’t paying attention, Synthia decided to go for his cock. Time after time, she seduced him, until eventually she pulled his cock out and began to choking on it as his wife was in the other room. After the house tour continued. Johnny’s wife walked out to answer her phone. This gave them the window to fuck. Synthia’s pussy and asshole...

2 years ago
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A Vacation turned cuckold with Big Black Cock for

My wife and I were on vacation. Vacations usually mean drinking bouts for both of us as we hardly ever drink otherwise. So the third night, after we were dead drunk we decided to go to the Jacuzzi. I know they all say that after having alcohol it is not a very good idea to go in Jacuzzi but hey, like I mentioned we were dead drunk and not thinking straight. We were also dressed for cocktails and not for a soak in the Jacuzzi. It was past midnight and there was no one around in the resort. The...

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The Androgyne

It was--I cannot say for sure-- In Egypt, Greece, or Rome, maybe, That the tale was first told to me; Retelling it, I'll keep it pure, For its theme is almost perfect, If you are another, like me, Who champions sweet androgyny, A member of the elect sect Who worships Hermaphroditus, In whose form both male and female Are joined, androgyny unveiled, And strength is made more beauteous. In this land, whichever it was, A column of smooth marble stood So flawless that the monarch...

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Meet and Greet

The fans pile in to the conference room. Theres 90 people in the room, all men. They vary from skinny to muscular to chubby. Most of them are dressed in casual clothes. There are a few that have costumes on. They're in the room to do a meet and great with an actress. This actress is the star of a franchise. To most of the fans, they have jerked off to the actress in her costume. It is their dream to meet the actress. They're doing a meet and greet. They have merchandise that they are going to...

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Take me to church

I write these as stories because they're easier to edit but they are the stories of my life.This happened when I was between 35 - 40 and revolved around my good deeds visiting my gran who lift in a sheltered housing complex. All the residents knew each others business and my gran had it in for another resident who we shall call Dorothy. She was an ex school teacher in her late 50s whose husband had died around 5 years previously. They both went to the church and she had a bit of a reputation...

1 year ago
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Shalu Aunty

Shalu is the youngest of 7 c***dren and her eldest sister is mom. If you have not got it yet, this is an i****t story about me involving my young aunt who is aged the same as I. She is more naughty at forty than me. Since we both were of the same age we use to share jokes, sms each other and there was nothing taboo between us. Shalu’s husband was a business man and they both had a fantastic life filled with sex. Shalu though at 40, was still the cynosure of all eyes at any gathering. She was...

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A First for Both

A First for Both We had met online on a site for those interested in BDSM, etc. There had already been many emails and phone conversations as well as a meet and greet for lunch. We were both about to embark on a new journey for both of us. She as a sub and me as a dom. We had made arrangements for a Friday evening meeting at a restaurant. At my instruction she was supposed to select a nice seafood restaurant. To my disappointment, she selected a very casual, family style seafood joint. Wooden...

3 years ago
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My Strange Neighbor

My next door neighbor is strange. I mean she is the girl's PE teacher at my school. She also coaches several of the girl's sports. She looks manly and the boys will joke about her being a lesbian. I really do like her as I find her funny when she is away from school. She does have a husband. Her name is Mrs. Milner. She will drop by our house all the time like she is family, you know, just walk in. That is what makes her strange, and the way she talks, like a guy. Anyway my parents had gone out...

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