SoundsErotica Ch 01
- 2 years ago
- 21
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Larry stopped dribbling the ball and looked up at the truck that rolled down the street. "Looks like the Wilson's house finally sold. Maybe there will be some decent folks instead of the two old busybodies."
I glanced in the direction that he had indicated. I had to agree with him. The Wilsons had been an elderly couple who had been the bane of every child's existence in the cul-de-sac for years. They would watch us like hawks and report any infraction to our parents. When we were younger and had gone trick-or-treating, the only things we had ever gotten from them were some religious comic book things. We avoided their house after that.
We called a halt to the game in favor of watching our new neighbors move in. This was what you might call a middle class neighborhood. The houses were custom but not anywhere near the mansions they had on the north side of the town.
"David, do you want some of this lemonade I made? You and Larry look like you could use it." That was my mom for you. She worked part time, but liked to be a mother when she got the chance. In her late 30's, she was still a beautiful lady. Larry had a big crush on her. Looking in the direction we were facing, "Looks like we are getting new neighbors."
We followed her in and grabbed the two cold glasses that were offered. I also fished out some peanut butter cookies from the cupboard. With the famous words of every mother, "Don't ruin your dinner", we went out under the elm tree to cool down and watch the proceedings.
It seemed to us that there was nothing really unusual about the family. The husband and wife was a typical couple from where we were sitting. He was kind of tall with slightly gray hair. His wife was what I would call barely pudgy and shorter than he was by several inches. The wife seemed to be directing the movers as they carried the furniture and boxes from the van and in through the front door. The man was looking the house over on the outside as if he was making a list of things that needed to be done...
Finishing his snack, Larry stood and announced that he had to get home and change for a date with Lisa tonight. Once we both had our driver's licenses, we had been enjoying the freedom to date. Rather Larry had. I had broken up with the airhead I had been dating at the end of the school year. The breakup was rather nasty and I found out just how nasty and vengeful she actually was. So, I had decided not to rush back into that scene again. I actually hadn't had much time to date this summer anyway. I bought an old Toyota Celica and worked all summer as a general hand/lifeguard for the water park in town to fix it up. I picked it up from the paint shop last week and with a month to go before school started back up, I could use the time to put the finishing touches on it.
I continued to sit and watch as the movers emptied the van and filled the house. It looked like the furniture was nice but nothing too expensive. Then I saw a bedroom set being carried in that could only have belonged to a girl, a white four-poster bedstead with a canopy frame, matching dresser and desk. This got me interested enough to pay closer attention. I looked around their house and sure enough, I saw a pretty face surrounded by dark blonde hair looking out the living room window. She looked to be around my age, but other than that, I could see little else. She seemed to be looking in my direction, but I couldn't be sure.
My musings were interrupted when I heard my father's truck come up the street. It was one of those big dual-wheel jobs that he normally used to haul our trailer, but since his car was in the shop, he was driving it. I got up from under the tree and headed in to wash up for dinner.
A week later, I was coming home from the water park when I first got a good look at our new neighbor. I had guessed right - she was about my age. She was sitting on the front steps enjoying the late afternoon sun. She looked up when I pulled into the driveway so I smiled and waved as I got out of the car. She gave a smile and half waved back. 'She must be shy, ' I thought as I grabbed my gear from the passenger seat. I didn't have time to wonder about her much more than that since I was starving and supper was probably on the table.
After dinner, I went out for a walk. It was a warm evening and I felt too confined to just sit and watch TV. I started up the street towards the main road thinking that I would grab a can of Pepsi at the little store there. On the way back, I saw the new girl outside again, this time standing by a tree. I gave a shout of Hello, but she didn't acknowledge it. I didn't know if she was stuck up or just didn't notice me. I passed on by their house and thought I felt someone looking at me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw her watching. I again said hello and raised my hand. She smiled and waved back, then ducked her head and went inside. I decided that she was just very shy and she would just need time. After all, just moving into a new place would be hard.
But from what I had seen, I was definitely interested in getting to know her. She was taller than her mother, probably just a few inches shorter than me. Her blonde hair reached to the middle of her back and it framed her pretty face well. She wasn't heavy, but had what looked like nice curves.
I spent the next few days watching for her. She would come outside often, sometimes reading a book, other times just looking around the neighborhood. But when the other teens and children were out, she would go back inside. This was strange and I decided see if I could figure it out.
I started watching her closely and I began to notice a few things. When she was reading, she didn't notice anything going on around her. She would watch the younger children play in the street but when someone started in her direction, she would move into the house. It finally dawned on me a couple of days later what at least part of the problem was. She was reading a book when a car backfired up the street. It was enough to make me jump; yet she didn't move. Now that I had an answer, I got up from our porch and walked up to her.
My shadow alerted her to my presence, but by then I was too close for her to run inside. Moving my hands in a pattern that would have been strange to most folk, I told her, "Hi. My name is Dave. What's yours?"
She was startled and almost afraid. She then brought her hands up and signed back, "Karen."
"That is a pretty name. Nice to finally meet you"
Her movements became more fluid. "Nice to meet you too."
"How do you like the neighborhood?"
"Okay I guess. Lots of people. I like watching the other kids play."
"We have been here for a long time, ever since I was a baby. When you get used to it, I think you will like it."
About that time, Karen's mother came out looking for her. She got an angry look on her face and walked up tapping Karen on the shoulder. Karen jumped at the touch and turned to see who it was. Then she dropped her eyes to the ground.
Not knowing what was happening, but hoping to make a good impression, I tried to introduce myself. Holding out my hand I said, "Hi, I am Dave Dawson from the house over there."
Her reply stunned me. "I don't care who you are. You are just here to try and take advantage of our little girl. I won't allow any sinner to be around this house. Now you know that she is handicapped... You probably think it will be easy to take liberties with her. Well, that isn't gonna happen. She doesn't know how sinful the world is and you aren't going to use that against her. Now just get out of here."
Karen had been watching her mother's face closely. I figured out that she could read lips since she looked horrified at what her mother had said. She then tried to sign that it wasn't like that at all; her mom grabbed her hands and pushed her toward the house. She then followed Karen into the house, turning back to give me one more withering look before slamming the door.
I went back to my own house very confused. All I had done was to try and talk to Karen. Why would her mother act like I was trying to get in her pants? I really didn't understand this at all.
Mom called me in to dinner as I was coming across the front lawn. I went in and washed up, then went in to my brother's room to let him know that dinner was on the table.
After dinner, I went back outside and sat under the elm tree. I was still pondering what Karen's mom had said to me when I looked up to see who I thought was Karen's father coming up the sidewalk.
He smiled and offered his hand. "I'm George Peterson, Karen's father. I think I need to apologize for my wife's behavior this afternoon. From what Karen said, you were just trying to be friendly."
"Well sir, I wondered what I had done. I had just told her that she would come to like the neighborhood and it was like I was trying to do something to her."
"It's Dave, isn't it? Well Dave, there are some things that you don't know about Karen. But I want her to be happy here, so if you want to talk to her, I think it would be good for her. Just be careful."
"I understand, Mr. Peterson. When we talked - signed I mean- she seemed to be very nice, but also very shy. Maybe we could sit out front and talk a bit so Mrs. Peterson could see I mean no harm."
He shook my hand again. "I think that would be a good idea. Karen could use someone her age to talk to." He went back to his house and I went inside to think about the mystery surrounding this girl.
It was a few days later when I got a chance to see Karen again. I had two shifts at the water park where I worked during the summer and on weekends. I enjoyed the job. The pay wasn't the best, but it had great benefits. I could enjoy the rides during my breaks and the girls in their almost non-existent bikinis certainly gave me something to watch. The park had hosted a Christian Youth group and I could not believe the amount of flesh that these girls had been showing. I had enough fantasy material to last for a long time.
I was outside working on my car when I decided to take a break. As I started to go in the house, I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. Karen was waving at me. I smiled and waved back. I changed course and went over to her front yard. She took a seat on the front steps and I leaned against the tree that shaded the porch.
"I'm sorry about how Mom acted. Daddy had a talk with her and she agreed to let me talk to you."
"I'm glad. I would like to get to know you a little bit." I saw the book that was sitting on the step behind her. "What are you reading?" This opened up the gates and we were soon signing back and forth, telling each other about ourselves.
My arms were starting to get tired. "I know that you can read lips. Do you speak as well?"
"Not very good. I don't want you to laugh at me." She bowed her head so I got up and walked over to her. I put my finger under her chin, forcing her to look at me.
"I would never laugh at you. Something you don't know is that my little brother has been deaf since birth. That is why I can sign. And I know that you may have trouble with some words, so don't worry about it."
"Okay. I can use the practice anyway." The words came out haltingly but her voice was beautiful.
"See? I have no problem understanding. And you have a beautiful voice. Kinda reminds me of a sultry, spring day."
This made her blush all the way down her neck, but it also put a huge smile on her face. We continued to talk until I heard my mom yell my name calling me in for dinner. As I stood to leave, I turned so she could see my face. "I really had a good time talking to you. You think we could do it again sometime?"
She dropped her head, but I could still see her smile. "I would like that too."
After dinner, I sat looking at the TV with my little brother but I was not paying attention to what was on the screen. My thoughts were on Karen. She seemed to be a really nice person; she had a sharp wit and caught most of jokes I told her. Her laugh was contagious. She was very pretty as well, her dark blonde hair that fell past her shoulders and cascaded down her back. When not in a pony tail, it made a beautiful frame for her delicate features... Her deep blue eyes startled you with their intensity at first but seemed to draw you straight to her.
Of course being a normal, constantly horny sixteen-year-old boy, I noticed her body as well. She had been wearing a cream-colored knit top that showed the size and shape of her breasts well. Her tight jeans revealed a nicely shaped ass and a nice shape to her thighs. All told, she was twice the woman that my ex-girlfriend had been. I went to sleep with Karen on my mind.
We talked a few more times in the next week. When she asked where I went four days a week, I realized that she had been watching me. She must have realized what she had said because she got embarrassed and tried to apologize. "I didn't mean it to sound like I was keeping an eye on you. It's just that I see you leave sometimes and then come back in the afternoon. I figured you had a job somewhere, and just wondered what you did."
I covered her hand with mine, feeling the strength in her thigh where my fingers overlapped hers. "Don't worry about it. I look over here when I get ready to leave. Wave to me and I'll wave back if I can see you. As to where I go, I am a lifeguard and general hand at the Wave World water park."
"That sounds like a lot of fun. Where we used to live, we would go to the beach once in a while. I always enjoyed going there and playing in the waves. Daddy taught me to swim, but Mom didn't like me to because she was afraid I might get lustful thoughts from all the shirtless men. And she thought the bikinis were outright heresy."
She looked down where my hand was covering hers. She must have realized just where my hand was on her leg as I continued to cover hers. She gave a quiet intake of breath, but didn't move away. Instead, she moved our hands a tiny bit closer to the inside of her thigh. I could then feel the warm, smooth skin there. My cock started to twitch from the thought and I gently removed my hand from hers in order to keep from getting a full-blown erection right on her front porch steps. She almost seemed disappointed when I leaned back.
Thinking as fast as my sex-filled mind would allow, I thought of her last words and decided that this was an opening that I was not going to miss. The park was going to "winter hours" once the schools in the area started back. That meant that they would only be open on the weekends. The Friday before, the park would be closed so the employees could have free run. We all had to take a turn at our jobs for a couple of hours, but the rest of the time we could do what we want. The owners of the park provided lunch and dinner. It would make for a great date if Karen wanted to go.
"Karen, this Friday is the annual employee party at the park. Would you like to go with me?"
"You... You're asking me for a DATE?!?"
"Well, yeah. But if you don't want to go, I understand." Inside, I was praying that she wouldn't say no.
"No... I mean yes... I mean..." She stopped to collect her thoughts. "Dave, I have never been on a date in my life. I have never even been asked. If my parents will let me, I'd love to go with you!"
She was grinning like a maniac when Mr. Peterson came home. Getting out of his car, he saw her good mood. "What are you so happy about, Babygirl?"
"Dave just asked me to go with him to an employee day where he works at the water park. Can I go, please Daddy?"
"I have no problem with you going. It would be good for you to get out and enjoy yourself, and Dave seems like a good guy from the way you keep talking about him."
"DADDY!!" Karen's face got very red, but I pretended that I didn't hear the last part. Then, Karen's mood did a complete change. "I just realized that Mom won't let me go. She would figure that I might see or do something sinful."
"Don't worry about your mother. I'll talk to her. You are old enough to be going out. Just because her beliefs are strict is no reason for you to be kept locked up."
"Thanks Daddy. I love you."
We made plans then for me to pick her up at nine on Friday. And not to forget her suit and sunscreen. I went on home to eat and get a little work done on the car.
It seemed to take forever for Friday to come. Karen was on my mind most of the time, and my father noticed it. He found me working on changing the plugs on my car and asked about what was on my mind. I had always been able to talk to Dad about anything so I told him about Karen, and how her mom was.
He thought for a minute then said, "I think you are falling for this girl. You have talked about her quite a bit lately, but I didn't know that this was the first date she had ever been out on. Only advice I can give you is to take it slow and see how she reacts. Let her take the lead."
I thanked him for the advice. He clasped my shoulder and then proceeded to help me finish the tune up.
I was up early Friday morning. I showered and shaved and went down to grab some breakfast. I was toasting some frozen waffles when Mike, my little brother came in.
"Make me some too. Please?"
"Mike you know that you are supposed to speak, not sign."
"Not until I have something to eat."
I sighed and put two more waffles in to toast. Mike was a typical little brother, a real pain sometimes but usually we got along well. Being deaf from birth, he had struggled for years trying to learn to speak and his therapist wanted us to make him talk when possible. Today, I didn't press the issue though. I think he had hoped that I would take him to the employee picnic, but he took it well enough when I told him that I was taking Karen. As I was leaving, he signed to me, "Have fun with your girlfriend. Dave is in L-O-V-E"
I threatened to toss his waffles into the sink then laughed at his reaction and waved goodbye. I started the car and pulled into Karen's driveway. I had not even had a chance to knock on her door before it opened and Mrs. Peterson was standing there. She let me know that Karen would be right down. Then, she proceeded to grill me on where we were going, what we would be doing, how many people would be there, and several other things. "Don't let her out of your sight. She's never been out in a crowd without me so she doesn't know a lot of things you take for granted. And you better not touch..."
She shut up only because she heard Karen come down the stairs. She was smiling, and stood waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I went over and took her hand and we headed out the door.
I took the small bag she was carrying and put it with mine in the back of my car. I opened the door for her and checked her out as she sat down in the seat. She had on a tank top and shorts with sandals on her feet. Damn, this girl even had cute feet! I closed the door and got into the driver's door.
I got ready to start up and noticed she was having trouble with the seat belt. Unless you held the button a certain way while you pushed the buckle in, it would not catch. That was on my list to replace, but since it was the passenger side and anyone who normally rides there knows the secret to locking it, I had left it alone.
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IncestOver the next four months, Erin, and her husband Joe, continued to have parties at their house. I never really figured out why, but they did. Anyway, every time they had a party, I made sure I was there. I had sex with Erin, Shawna and Billy quite a few times, and it was hot. Somehow, Erin's husband never found out. I could never figure that out, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world though. After a while, it became mostly Erin. I even came over during the week, and fucked Erin's brains...
LesbianI just had sex with two young adults, and it was amazing. One thing that I always went by is, I wanted things to find me. Rather than me trying to finds things like this. Erin asked if she could join us, and I just froze. Although, Billy and Shawna were not frozen. They went over to Erin, and they both laid smooches on her face. I was a little out of it still, but I was wondering about Billy kissing his mom. Those were not mother/son smooches, none whatsoever. I just couldn't take my eyes off...
IncestI did have to do laundry today as well as get some things ready for school. I spent the morning doing these chores as well as cutting the grass and cleaning out under the deck. By then, I had just enough time to wash the car and get a shower. Six o'clock found me standing at the Peterson's front door. Mr. Peterson opened the door for me and asked me to come in. "Karen will be down in a few minutes." "That's fine sir. I don't mind." We sat down in the living room, Mr. Peterson took...
Things did take time to adjust. Karen and I became more familiar with each other. We found that since we were together all the time, we didn't have to rush sex. We spent many nights together just cuddling. Though our sex life didn't suffer. She was a tigress in bed, always wanting to try new positions or different ways of doing things. Many nights we would bring each other to fantastic climaxes before dropping off to sleep. Prom was a fantastic experience for Karen. Mom took her shopping...
Everyone in the room was naked, and Erin just asked me a very important question. To me, it was the question that literally makes or breaks any relationship forever. I knew how I felt about her, but on the other hand, she hadn’t given us any real details. What went on with Joe and her? They talked to each other for at least twenty minutes, so obviously they talked about something big. I needed to know, before I could possibly consider answering that important question. She began sparking a few...
Over the next four months, Erin, and her husband Joe, continued to have parties at their house. I never really figured out why, but they did. Anyway, every time they had a party, I made sure I was there. I had sex with Erin, Shawna and Billy quite a few times, and it was hot. Somehow, Erin’s husband never found out. I could never figure that out, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world though. After a while, it became mostly Erin. I even came over during the week, and fucked Erin’s brains...
I was in a somewhat unfamiliar house, with two young adults in front of me, and one of them asked me a interesting question. ‘Gillian, you look like you are about to explode,’ Shawna let me know. They put their lips together for a moment, and I watched. My panties had become wet yet again, and they seemed to be getting off. I didn’t know what to say to them, I just stood there pretty frozen for a minute. They continued to make out for a minute, but eventually they stopped. ‘You know, Gillian....
Right in that moment, Erin was grinning over at her husband. I had no idea what was going on between them, but I imagined a lot more yelling. I looked down towards his pants, and he had a major hard on. He liked the idea of what he saw, but it was still his wife cheating on him. He came towards us, and we still heard his friends going nuts. ‘Just what the hell is going on here?’ Joe asked. ‘Well, I just found someone that can sexually satisfy me,’ Erin simply let him know. She got up, as she...
I’m Gillian, and I’m 42. I’m a brunette with have c-cup boobs and I like to go to parties, it’s just my thing I guess. I often go to house parties, and usually have a good time. Although, at one party, I had a really good time. There were drinks, and had music playing too. I certainly liked it, but there was one thing in particular I liked. I went upstairs to find a bathroom. It was a house I had never been to. It was a friend of a friend’s party. I just never turn down an invitation to a...
Right in that moment, Erin was grinning over at her husband. I had no idea what was going on between them, but I imagined a lot more yelling. I looked down towards his pants, and he had a major hard on. He liked the idea of what he saw, but it was still his wife cheating on him. He came towards us, and we still heard his friends going nuts."Just what the hell is going on here?" Joe asked."Well, I just found someone that can sexually satisfy me," Erin simply let him know.She got up, as she was...
NovelsI was in a somewhat unfamiliar house, with two young adults in front of me, and one of them asked me a interesting question."Gillian, you look like you are about to explode," Shawna let me know.They put their lips together for a moment, and I watched. My panties had become wet yet again, and they seemed to be getting off. I didn't know what to say to them, I just stood there pretty frozen for a minute. They continued to make out for a minute, but eventually they stopped."You know, Gillian....
NovelsThe holiday season was approaching rapidly. Classes ended almost two weeks before Christmas and would not start up again until the fifth of January. We were both happy that finals were over with. Karen's grades were actually higher than mine by a quarter of a point. She held it over my head for a week or so and I had no problem with that at all. I had made a 3.6 so I was very happy with that. We did use the 'down' time to full advantage, sleeping in and making love on the mornings that...
I knew it wasn't me. She was the only person I'd been with in months and we'd used a condom. She had just broken up with a boyfriend a few weeks before we got together. One night when she was drunk she called me since we'd hooked up in the past -- she wanted to get laid, didn't want to call her ex and didn't want to just find some random guy at a bar. We had become decent friends at the time. Like I said, I hadn't been laid in months, she was pretty hot and we'd had sex a few times...
How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even...
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I had just walked into the house after a busy and tiring Friday at the store. “I’m home, Gail.” She walked out of the kitchen in response, wearing an apron over her tee and jeans. I leaned forward to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last second and my lips found her cheek instead. “Go into the bedroom. Get cleaned up and change your clothes. We’re having company tonight.” “Oh?” That was news to me, but—then again—maybe not. I’d been expecting Gail to start trying her hand...
-1- How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even though...
FetishIt was late afternoon before we were back home. We stopped by the store, both to check out how things had gone in our absence and to see the progress on our new building. It was amazing how quickly the construction had progressed. Once the footings and concrete floor had been poured it was only a matter of weeks before the concrete block walls were up. The architect had suggested several cost-cutting and time saving steps, including using standard in-stock steel roof joists. Already, the...
Sound Sleeper I have always been a very sound sleeper. It has been great and it has been devastating too. For instance it was great when I would not get up for school and Mom would have to shake me and shake me to get me up. She would even have to help me into the bathroom and to get dressed occasionally. I am not a morning person and my alarm clocks doesn’t disturb me either, I can sleep through anything. There in lies the devastating part. Over the years my sister Ashley has been...
Copyright 2009 by PostScriptor * It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn’t be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that...
Introduction: Joyce is at it again SOUND SLEEPER 2: The Awakening THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER, JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line, she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept&hellip,in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the...
THIS IS THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF WHAT, I HOPE, WILL BE A RUNNING SERIES FEATURING THE HORNY SINGLE MOTHER; JOYCE. Joyce had crossed a line; she had engaged in sexual relations with her unwitting, 10 year old son while he slept…in the same room as his younger sister! The clear image of what she had done had burned a mental picture in her mind, the nights passed as she pleasured herself to the lewd image of her riding the hairless cock like a savage in lust. Lately she had...
I had never intended on things happening the way they did. My name is joyce and I’m a 38 year old mother of two, my daughter is 8 and my son 10. I’ve been told that I’m the spitting image of racheal ray. I’m average height and weight (not an ounce of fat, I may add) with long dark hair and a smile that makes me appear 10 years younger. Plus, in my opinion, I have bigger breasts! My looks not withstanding I don’t understand why my husband left me for a woman 10 years younger then me. I’ve...
Kevin honestly hadn't planned for it to happen. It just had. And all because his sister fell asleep in front of the TV with no panties on. He had just gotten home from seeing a late movie with some of his high-school buddies. It was around one, and as he walked through the living room he noticed his younger sister Katie sitting zonked out in their father's recliner. It looked like she had fallen asleep while watching some old movie. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt that she liked to lounge...
It was around 6:00 PM when I walked into the house to the smell of dinner cooking. Nothing fancy, I suspected, but tasty — one of those 5-bone pot roasts, cooked for hours in the slow-cooker with potatoes, onions and carrots. Wouldn't be surprised if Audrey had picked up one of those salads from the store with all of the fixings including pieces of cheese, corn, taco pieces — the little add-ons that make a salad unique — as well as the dressing. Not that labor intensive cooking was normal...
I’m usually an early riser, but I’m not accustomed to falling asleep after three in the morning. I was awakened around 9:30 by the ringing phone. Twisting away from Sheila I reached for the phone on the night table. It was Joanne telling me that Sheila’s car was in the lot, but she hadn’t come in to work and wasn’t answering her phone. “I drove her home last night and told her to stay in bed all day today. I’m pretty sure she’ll be in on Monday. Just work as best you can. If there are...
When you hear the phrase “Naughty Ads”, what do you immediately envision? I actually think of two separate categories of adult-oriented advertisements, one a blessing and the other a curse. If you’re a regular internet masturbator, you’ve no doubt grown accustomed to the onslaught of spam you get from the free sites even if you’re running a good adblocker plugin for your browser. Those arguably suck, even if they do occasionally nudge you toward some high-quality fap fodder you’ve never...
Escort SitesThe Gift by Brad Miller Hey, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be someone else? It was never something I really thought about until a couple years ago when my father told me about my very special gift. A gift that is passed from every male in the Edward's family to another. I inherited it from my father. And I am forever grateful for it. ---------- "Dammit Sean! Would you turn that fucking music down?", my sister, Alicia screamed. "Hell no! I'm trying to...
Growing up my parents have always viewed me as the model child. Good grades, going to the right schools and having to right attitude towards unpleasant things. But what they didnt know is that once I hit puberty I was juggling my developing sex life and this untrue view. Not to brag but in high school I was the girl others wanted to be. I was drop dead gorgeous. I knew this and showed this off whenever possible. I would wear my long thick wavy brown hair down as much as possible. And small...
I pushed my body forward, gliding over the ice at a faster speed than I was used to, weaving in and out of the thin crowd of people who were at the rink. Eddie was in front of me, towering over just about everyone on the ice in his gray t-shirt and casual jeans, grinning back over his shoulder at me because he was winning our race. I just shook my head at him, wondering if he knew how nervous he was making those who were half his size as he skated around them at fast speeds. It was...
Evening Star died before they reached home. Doug was inconsolable. His wives tried to get him to face the fact that Evening Star was better off now than she had been when she was wracked with pain. Doug just nodded and retired back into his fog of emotional pain. When they landed, Doug disappeared into his apartment and left the funeral details to his wives. He did come out for the funeral and the lighting of the pyre, but went back to his hidey-hole and refused to come out for days. After...
IntroductionSince writing this episode, Ellie has confirmed that Anna Dominatrix and posh-slut are not currently living together, so although the characters are real, the events are just my fantasy. HampshireIt’s a surprisingly hot day in mid April, puss has ‘retired’ from submission and returned home to look after her cats. Mistress is inspecting slut for any permanent damage after being loaned out to a Dom for a week and worm is nursing his bruises and flayed skin in slut’s cage.“Come on you...
Kara was looking forward to an afternoon swim with Tommy and his cousin Bill. She was pretty sure Bill would like her to be naked, but she was equally sure Tommy wasn’t ready for that. She didn’t think she was either – maybe topless, but not all the way. She would wear the yellow string thing she had bought to wear in France. Then if Tommy was okay with it, and she had the nerve for it, she might lose the top. Unfortunately, the sky clouded over and a light rain began around noon. Although...
Even after all this time, he still wasn't sure what he should call himself. He'd had quite a shock when he realized what he was, and he'd been a bit unsteady for quite a while afterwards. That was his excuse, anyway, when he tried to justify some of the things he'd done immediately after his discovery. At least nothing had been damaged permanently; though that was only by the barest of margins. If he'd been capable of it, he would have shuddered at the thought of how close he'd come to...
Voluptuous real estate agent Sofia Lee closes the deal of a lifetime when she uses her big tits as a bargaining tool to get the asking price she wants from Max Fonda. The busty brunette knows that seduction is the key to success, so when she meets Max at the estate in a very racy black minidress and lacy stockings, she’s going into this meeting with the upper hand. Her big natural tits, gorgeous face, and curvy ass all make her an appealing agent, but what really seals the deal is when...
xmoviesforyouI’m working as an executive in a private Bank. We have received news that we are getting a lady as our manager in the general transfers. Her name is Seema. I being a sexholic, dreamt about my new manager even before she comes. I used to fantasize about her while fucking my colleague (Radhika). I’m 28 year bachelor, 6″, fair, slim, with athletic body attracts many a girls. I have been fucking Radhika, the cute unmarried clerk since last six months. I told Radhika that I’m going to fuck Seema....
For the intervening week before the next meeting, Michelle was very excited. She was an exhibitionist at heart, and after picking ‘Lapdance’ as their activity she fully expected to be giving one to Brian, and that thought made her wet and excited. At the meeting, Brian explained the plan.“I’ll pick you up on Wednesday night. We’ll be staying away overnight, and on Wednesday night we shall be going out somewhere very posh and expensive, so you’ll need to dress up. An evening gown sort of dress,...
The rest of the evening was uneventful as my sister returned to make dinner i helped her. Dinner was awkward as i tried to sit properly but very uncomfortably as i had just been anally ****d so to speak by her husband earlier. After dinner they retired to their room and soon i could hear moaning, seems our earlier activities got derrick excited as i could tell by my sisters moans and cries he was having his way with her ass. It was kinda funny know i had seduced her faithful husband. I awoke...
Hello everyone my nickname is Wild Red, I'm construction65's Hotwife. This is what happened on my first overnight hotwife weekend. I hope you enjoy.My date was with Marcus was with one of the studs that my piercer and tattoo artist, Angelina, hooked me up with from a previous story. I meet him at a very upscale club that I arranged for but made hubby pay for the room.When I walked in he was waiting for me, wearing a very nice three-piece suit. He stood up and gave me a very passionate full...
Wife LoversHi friends, mera nam arohi he or me 22 sal ki ladki hu from patna I am hot and sexy 32 28 34 but mere bare me bad me email pe privately bataungi. I am new here agar kuch galti ho jaye to maf kar dena . Ye bat karib 5 sal purani he meri maa ki death hue kafi sal ho gaye the or papa akele hi apni life kat rahe the wo bahut hi smart or muscular man he . Ham ek rent ke house me rehte he ja upar 5 log or rehte he usme ek couple unka bacha or unke parents he . Hamare unse bahut ache relations the...
Thank you for calling Toon Robosluts. We are the top selling robotic company of our class. We provided top natch Robotic sex dolls for over 8 years and now have gotten provision from several animation companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite cartoon series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your robotic lover in any way you see fit. (If character is underage, it will be made 18 or...
I and my girlfriend Bhawna have been living together in a rented flat in Gurgaon. Our life was going great and our love sessions were awesome as always. Staying together helped us to know each other better. It was a 1BHK and we had our romantic sessions in each room and corner of our flat. Bhawna has a younger sister, Maya. She is 25 and her stats are 34 30 34. I had lust for her since the day I saw her around 6 years back. She was beautiful, cute, hot and sexy. She is walking epitome of beauty...
“Yes, Mister Secretary. Thank you, sir,” Jules said as he stood before the monitor. He was inside one of the vidphone booths that could be found around the torus, the constant noise of the crowds muffled, rendered almost inaudible by its sound-proof walls. The inhabitants of the station passed him by beyond the glass barriers, the panes rendered temporarily opaque while the booth was in use. It wasn’t much larger than a shower cubicle, but it could be used to make calls in relative privacy....
Dangers of Ironing A Newfie had two red ears, and so went to the doctor. The doctor asked the Newfie what happened to the ears? 'Well, I was ironing me shirt and the phone rang ... and instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up me iron and ... stuck it to me ear.' "Oh Dear!" The doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But ... that doesn't explain the other red ear. What happened to your other ear?" The son-of-a-bitch called back. This one is compliments of Dorset My...
I would like your thoughts to if it's ok for me to do this or not. Please comment below. I have back pains all my adult life, which required me to get massage therapy on regular basis. Hence, I have acquired a good sense of how muscles are structured and best ways to massage them. Of course great deal of my own research has been a part of it as well. Now, my wife thinks I give great massages. When ever she has pain in her shoulders or any muscular tension, she asks me for a massage and feels...
“So let me get this straight. You’re telling me this girl made you masturbate in front of her and rode your face like a fucking horse BEFORE you even got her name? And on top of that, you haven’t seen her since?!” Cris’s best friend, Erica, could barely contain her giddiness as she spoke, her cheeks were getting red from trying to hold back laughter. “Yes that’s what I’m saying to you. I cannot believe this shit.” It was the second Monday of November and the two of them always met up for lunch...
LesbianAs we walk down the pine scented path through the woods I glance over at you. You seem a little pale and nervous, a slight smile plays on your lips. ‘You don’t have to be nervous,’ I tell you smiling. ‘Here we are!’ I say as we arrive in a small clearing with a gazebo standing in the middle. The gazebo is draped in gauzy airy curtains that when closed give the occupants complete and total privacy. There are huge jewel toned pillows tossed all over the floor, and comfy looking mattresses...
I was actually excited with my new job prospects as what more could you want than getting paid for doing something that you love and are addicted to. I was pleased how the interview went but couldn’t make my mind up with regards to Amanda and Bens relationship, yes they were married but she was certainly the boss so it would be interesting to see how it all pans out. After they left I took a shower and put my short robe on as I wasn’t planning anything else for the day and Lisa wasn’t due back...